Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, December 27, 1889, Image 2

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The lone Highwayman who li!Ut I nvìi
Rol ibi ng Stsgv« In Sonthern Oregon HUÜ
Xnrthern lahlornla Captured tn Mn
The new Northwestern Club, of
which Senator Stewart is president
and Representative Curler seeretary,
lias »»vnreil a handsome clubhouse on
Seventeenth street, which will be oc­
cupied as anon as the club's organisa­
tion is completed. It has been de­
cided to take into the club all mem-
ix-re from the States west of the Mia-
sisappi, thus greatly increasing the vot­
ing ami social strength. It is designed
to make th«- clubhouse a general head­
quarters for Western people visiting
the capital.
Congress has already outgrown the
Capitol building. What it will do af­
ter th-next census it is impossible to
say. The l,.test proposition is for the
Senate to take the Supreme Court
chambers and use them as committee
rooms, which nre very much needed.
This cannot lie done without a special
act. and what will become of the conrt
is not stated. It is very possible that
something will lie done this session
looking to the erection of a separate
court building.
The Republicans have decided to
pursue a different policy in making a
tariff bill from that followed by llie
Ways and Means Committee of the
last bouse. All measures wid lie con­
sidered in the full committee. There
will Is- no Republican caucus on the
tariff measure.
Senator Vest has introduced a bill
to h-cate the world’s fair of 1892 at St.
I shiis , and create a corporation to car­
ry on the same.
Since Secretary Windom announced
Ills policy of general withdrawal of
public funds on «liqmsit with National
banks the amount so held lias lieeu re-
luced to a little over $38,1 W.IW, and
the available surplus in the treasury
has been reduced $24.0<li),UlM>.
Nevada had tliis week the heaviest
snow storm fur the pant fnnrtoeo years,
A deteiraliuu of fifty Sioux Iieliaus
visitasl the President in Washington
A San Francisco dispatch of the one day last week.
Henry W. Grady, of Georgia. who 2t)tti gave the following: A man giv-
Nlalietoa Iris been proclaimed King
died last Monday, had lieen talked of mg the name of Charlie Williams WHS of Samoa anil has lavn formally rec­
by tlie consuls.
as a candidate for the Vice Presidency. tives. He is lielieved to tie the man
tre*a9 will lie planted
Representative Hermanu has Is en who, at different times during the iu ftoutbern California this season
past few weeks, has auccvMifally than in any year up to date.
given a pin«*« in the committee on rubbed four stages in the northern
nvers and liarlmrs— the committee in part ot California. The methods pur­
Chicago polioenseu who are kuown
which he Iteli* vea h»* can do the most sued in tbe robliery indicate that tbe to lie members of tile Clan un Gael are
rubber in each ease was identical. lieiug removed from the force.
for Oregon’s mtere ts.
In his sudden flight after robbing the
American residents in London will
Bsj'liug stage last mouth be left a
Congressman Samuel .1. Randall blanket behind him. A merchant here give H. M. Stanley a dinner soon after
is said to be suffering from a fatal to-day identified Williams as tbe mau bls arrival in Loudon. Miuister Lin­
coln will preside, aud there will be
malady, and is nut expected to ever to whom he sold tbe blanket. It has about 260 guests.
take his seat in the House of Rep-
Sixteeu school girls, rehearsing for
robbery a man answering bis dincrip-
resentatives again.
tion baa registered here at a hotel a cantata, bad their clotbiug iguited nt
a ball ¡u Detroit, Mich., ou the 18tb,
un«ier tbe uame uf C. W. Moore.
The influenza appears to lie grow­
Tbecaptureof Williams was made and all were burned more or less.
ing serious in Europe. People are by officer Thomas Ryan, bailiff of one Two have died from their injuries.
suffering greatly with it in some [ilaces it the police courts here. Ever siuce
Rumors are atLsit of mutiny anmng
the big rewaid of over »6000 has
and there have been some deaths oven offered for tbe arrest of tins the soldiers, and of other troubles for
from it, the «lisea»- having assumed noted robber, detectives aud police the new government of Brazil. Dorn
Pedro is reported as of the opinion
a type allied to that of typhoid fever. officials have been collecting all possi­ that the resolution was premature,
ble information regarding him. un<i and he has hope of lieiug recalled. It
Th. we people who think the re­ holding themselves ou tbe alert in ex­ is said.
pectation of his appearance ou the
cently developed London scandals streets here »Miner or later. This af­
William O'Brien, who served a two
will make a republic of England at ternoon Ryan bad the good fortune to months term of imprisonment in Gal-
once rre about as excessively san­ sight his man on Kearney street. He wHy jail for hohliug a nationalist meet­
guine as the politicians who calculate ipproached him und ngtuaged to get ing which bad ia-en proclaimed, was
1 into conversation with \nm without released last Friday. He addressed a
every fourth year upon Virginia be­ i «'xciting bis suspicions. Ryan finally large meeting of his sympathizers aud
ing carried by the Republicans.
prop«ieed that tlie, two should repair was received with great enthusiasm.
io one of the |Miiice*e<«rts, where, he
The police have discovered that Sll-
Senator Mitchell lias introduced a said, they would hkeiK he ir some 0 >tt, the absconding treasurer of the
bib looking to the ejection of United spicy testimony in a i«rtaiiFS£‘B,*i an,I sergeaut-at-arme, office of the Uuitel
live minutes later th-y were iNhVorL
States senators by direct vote of the ably seated iu Judge Joucb.msedF Slates house of representatives, nc-
cou<puned by his puranioiir Herminie
people. Tuw may be tlie only way to
J im L so UVÌU« llelUS.
Ryan was "ciirefill To sea*, 'fiimsejf • TiiilwnU, arnveil nt Moiibreni «m
redeem the senate from the disreput­
Saturday, the 7th inst. The woman
able opulence luto which it is fall­
ileeerted him a few days afterward
M ish Laura Cardwell, who ha« l»een
' made acquaintance l-egan to get in­
ing, but it will be rough on the terested iu tbe court proceedings he
Au Examiner special from Wash­ visiting relatives at Tacoma for some
Payn«. t and Brices and Hearst».
motioned to a fellow-office aud in­ ington says: Senator Stanford will time. leturned home lust wt«-k.
structed him to burry dowu-stmrs and soon mt -odiiiv a bill piovniing for the
Fletcher ai.ti Gu«>rge Linn. Evan
European monarchs are uneasy bring Chief of Detectives Lees. A erectiou of a postoffi -e in «-very town livatnee
and K. wprr Kul h, siudwib
about the effect of the peaceful rev- [ew uiomeuts later tbe caplaiu up- where for three years past -be receipts of the Stake Umve s t}, retnimu h<»me
to spend t'm holiday Vaca
olntion in Brazil, and
uf tbe court proc -edings was lnter- buildings to cost from ¿1,'iJMAI to 511,- Hon.
finds that Portugal isn't mourning rujited by an invitation to accompany t«AI.
Emus Moten was M-nt* n.ed to one
very seriously over his dethronement. that official to his office.
It. is reported that the Portuguese
There the prisoner, who gave bis government ia anxious for Dam Pedro year in the peuitrij'.iuiy by Jn.ige
Some political prophets say all En­
as Charles Williams, was ideu- to leave Portugal. Tue cdmiivsa with L Ii. Webster and was laL *u t > ba
rol* will lie republican within a few came
titicd liy Su|i. rinteudent Barstow, of which the People of Brazil accepts«! j iu by Six raff Birdcwy uud J ames
'»Veils, Fargo A Co., sod a number the overthrow of ibe empire aud Hie Cionvuiilki Sunday « veLii.g.
of niorebanis who have sold bnu ar­ estabbstiinent of a republic encourages
Dr. Robins«m, who hi s just rt c o ■
Jem Smitb.of England, was whip|>ed ticles which have long beeu ill the the radicals of Li-lou to believe that
er»’d from a u Vetv spell ot lever, b ii
last Monday by Slavin, of Australia, [lossessiou of detec-tives. The man ex­ ihey are eventually toaebi vs a qui t, loi Sm Fratu isco 'ihurfday to spend
at Bruges, Germany, but the “toughs” actly answered tbe dt’seription sent I i I. kk I h . ss revolution in Portugal.
the winter in CaUforma.
from Siiasta county to the Luit»-I
who backet! Smith compelled the States postoffi,ie msfieetor here. Ib­
Iu the three w-eks end 'd Saturday
Peter Britt and <b ughu r, .Miss
referee to decide the mateb a “draw.” is about 25 years old, tall, slightly the President had sent to the Senate Mollie, are visiting i.t H..n Fb.neiscu
The fatal result of the Montana built, and has a brown mustache, 1 fcf.) messages containing nominations, an«! will probably remain some time.
including army and navy ap(K>int-
tight ought to diseou-igu the brutal which he bus dyed black.
Eugene Armatroi’g re? nt nt d home
Several officials around the slieiifTs meuts, iu nil about ltkil persons. this wec\, <»□ a vid.t tofneu U. H
“sport” iu America.
office stated to-night their belief lliat When the Semite adjourned on Sat­ is taking a cuurs«< at the Poith.n l
tins is the man wanted in Oregon, urday there h .d been made public the
(hie <>f the prominent features of instead of I’iutareh L -wis: that Wii- confirmation of about likXl of these L’lislliua.-» C< lag«’
Ex Sheriff ..A. S Jac »I h and Miss
the afMWsament law of Oregon in shown l.amsistbe man who, on Noverulier nominations, the great majority of
them ¡lost masters.
Mary, the county seat Monday.
in the following from the I! »«f Side: 13 last, “held up” a stage running lie-
t wi-eti Ros« burg. Or., ami (A mis bay,
A Texas desperado called "Kettle
Our Kclasds are Ltkiug a two \ve*’kt»’
While over one million dollars w ex­ securing »¡Hill from tue United States
Jack." with a band of kindred spirits, vacation.
empted for indebtedness in Polk mail bag; that he is also the same had entrenched himself in a mountain
Judge Prim bus itiuiued from a
county only half a million is given in mau who on the 18lh. five days l iter, stronghold from winch he terrorized
buMuvHs visit I«» S b in.
as ••money, notes and accounts.” Du roblwd the Ager aud I.inkvilie stage, and practically rilled the four hundred
and Oil tlie 2S’.h, Tbauksglving day,
Judge and Mr.-. L. II. Wehsi<*i huv*
you not see how far our credits have t led to stop tbe regular stage Is-tween people of Big Horn Valley, Wyoming.
The piHiple navutly plueked up cour­ got»»- i«» Asii.und to t|>ci.d (Lriciiunb
crept into the assess went?
Weaverville and Redding. Ou this age enough to attack and dear, out Willi irieiius.
occasion be met with a hot reception, the “robbers' nsist," hanging eleveD
Mrs W. J. PI vium U return»^ from
The appointments to federal offices ;.s the stage company was exp«*oting of the gang and shoot mg a nuutlier uf
l’or l.»ibi itivsday.
in Oregon recommended by the Con­ him and had sent along a number of others.
with the driver.
gressional delegation don’t seem to men
A dispatch of the 23d from Sin
Williams rushed into the road from
The Postal Telegraph.
please some of the Democratic pap­ the clump of bushes and ordered a Francisco says: It is thought here
The bill iii’iodncvki by St-ualor Col-
ers of the state. They shouldn't lie ' halt. Tbe driver refiLseii to (XMoply, that Wi llama's capture will probably I- mu to ••st.ibiibh the limited p<»6ial
r lilt m the discharge of Pint ireb
too demonstrative in their dissatis­ ! aud the robber tired a shot from his Ia-wis, who was arrested on a charge I alegraph servi<*« aiVhoriZM the P«wt-
at the stage. Thereupon the men
mastei-General to contract for five
faction, however. They made enough ' gun
composing tbe guard jumped to the of robbing the stage nmuing from
fuss in their kicking about Cleve­ ground aud had almost nurroonded Roseburg to Empire City. Or The years with any existingtel“graph com­
pany for ttl-» »>«•• of its hm* for the
land's appointments to last for two Williams when the latter became reeembl luce between Iiewi- and Wil­ transmif-Mon of ¡»natal mops s I jc -
fiigliteued, nnd dropping his shotgun liams is remarkable, aud the arrest of tween f roe-deli very offices, the Post­
or three administrations.
and a number of other articles, took the former may have resulted froiu master General having authority to
mistaken identity.
Col. Robert A. Miller, of this coun­ to the brush. Some of these articles,
deteimine between wb<d points the
the gnu among them, are identified by
One of the most shocking eases of hue siiaii run.
ty, is mentioned as a prominent can­ local dealers as bavmg been sold to self
mutilation" and suicide ever re­
The inut-aagesarw to I** prepaid with
didate for the Democratic congres­ the man now under arrest.
ported occurred at a hospital tn Sun RftJDps. ot rates to bo fixed by the
Tbe Mariposa stage was tbe next Francisco on Wednesday of last week Postmn«-t»-r-Gviiend, and are to be de­
sional nomination next June. Mil­
crazed livered hv letter-carriers on th»? first
ler’s friends say this will be a great to which Williams directed his atten­ A man name«! — ----
tion. It was robbed on the 21 of the by the pain of a fatal bowel trouble, i«miI delivery after Huy sre rvCvived.
help to Gov. l’ennoyer in tbe can­ present month and yielded to the nsai cut
open bis alxlomen with a knife, and at such other tinu- is the Post-
vass. lAtxt’if.b ^;-rM««nu4L. r.
.ulLbg -iireirt riiM —MbrWy1
cutting and tearing out hie rnast r ^ h r'-ral »n; v direct. Before
talk be can depend on the Colonel to the lltb inst., the For
and throwing them ation'' io a k 11 > «FTTiu eon U .•
tlie room wheu attendants secured
• pin out Democratic platitudes sod
company the Postmaster-Gen­
who took the ouly registered letter him. He lived for several hours af­ giapb
untl-poverty beatitudes till tbe an- in tjie mail bag. and l.-jst Bunday lre> terward. Surgeons -say the trouble eral shall advertise for proposals. The
dieilce gives in and promises t«( vole s'sge running from Nevada City l.i was a "telescoping” of the bowel, aud contract »shall require the telegraph
to furnish other wires in
Downieville was atoppral by tbe earse that a surgical operation similar m company
for tbe governor, anyhow.
the lines leased shall !>ecome dis­
man. Both these robberies are sn> character to the cuttiug the man did case
tsieed to have lieen committed by Wil­ might have saved his life if properly able« 1 through storms or accidents.
The Oregon C«mgressional delega­ liams.
performed before inflammation ha.I
The Country’s Wealth.
tion have the great load of the federal
When tbe case shall have been made set iu.
appointment recommendations off
New York dispatch: A New York
The coal barons have liegun their
annual repression of the production paper has obtained from the Treas­
their shoulders at last, whether they ' Shasta for trial.
of the mines, in order to keep up the urer of each State the value of the
have secured much peace of minu
The Barlow Case.
prices and k‘-ep down the miners. A pro|»erty assessed for taxation. The
through their agreed choice from
dispatch ot l>ec. 19th from Sehuylkili i cusus Office in 1SSC» made a report
Jacksonville, Or.. Dec. 23, 18S9.
among the many applicants, or not-
The trial of A. J. Barlow, of Gohl Haven, Pa., is as follows: I'he news of inquiry info the proportions exist­
The Congressmen earn their salaries Hill, ou the charge of mayhem, re­ has just reached here that 25.t«>0 coni ing in each Shite !>etween the taxed
and the actual wealth, which
by tbe sweat of their travail over the sulted iu his acquittal after fifteen miners and mine lalsirers throughout property
tin- Schuylkill regions who are now nt ranged betw« cn 25 ¡»er cent m Illi­
conflicting claims of their many
Mr. B.irlow has been for several work have ls-en ordered on tbre.—quar­ nois and 68 in Wyomiug. The re­
"friends” for office, eveu if they don't years a resident of Gold Hill ami ia ter time on and after next Monday. port shows tlait the im-re.ise in tax
do at ything else during their whole an Oregon pioneer, liaviug coms to In the Sliamokiu district thousands ot able pnqierty is dti,'.h*3.B0 \onl, a »d
the increase of actual we<i h, S1S-
term. Mighty unpleasant jol. this this country with his father, who ti­ men are out of employ ment and there i?»x,oi'o.mio
sincu ISM). I'he total
is no knowing when they will be re­
Congressional service, especially to­ mother ia the eldest (laughter of Gen. employed. Between Trevi titon and wealth is
1.4593MX»/W exclusive of
ward the close of a term when there uud Mrs. Line and there are few- who M >imt Carmel it is est'inaled that public property, and §3.093? WJMiO
are decisions that must be made be­ know Mr. Barlow who would be will­ there are 7<NN> m»n nnd boys idle. In is investe i in pr«»periy abroad. I’he
ing to believe him capable of a cow­ dividn il collieries are shutting dowu weahh of the Unite I States now ex-
tween bitter rivals for place.
ardly act or one that would be likely m all directions, and th“ operatives, c»*e Is the total w< a th * f Hie whole
to compromise him. He has always having no money ahead, are in a stale world at any tun«- previous to the
The Salem Statesman is having a lieeu distinguished for umluunted of mind verging on deep nr.
middle of the eighteenth century,
am! the amount invtgied abroad is
bard tim«* over the position of “farmer” bravery and big-hearted generosity,
Secretary Windom has issued pre alone equal to the national weal'.h of
at the Chemawa Indian school. It having been for a long time W. F. A [eis ils calling for bids for the privi­
Portugal and Denmark.
was so sick «»ver the incumbency of Co.’» express messenger, selected es lege of taking fur seals upon the is
lu-cially lieeause of his qualifications h.nds of St. George and St. Paul,
J. S. McCain that it contained a daily for the work: nnd the fact that several
Perilap« the readers of the T idings
Alaska. The huts will ls> ogsmed
editorial on the suliject for a long persons have lieen indicted in Gold Jau.
23 1. next, nnd are for the ex.du would hkc i«> know iu what reHi»ect
;lam's Iiuh Liernnty is better
time, and when McClain was removed
s:ve right to take fur seals on lie
ihan any o tier. W«> will tell you. When
it was in n transport of triumph and ’ ulticant charges indicates that there is islands for a term of twenty yeirs this itemedy is taken as directed, as
a I och I feeling of jealousy and ill-will
ecstasy. But the trouble has com­ I recalling there entirely unjust to from May 1, 1891. Iu addition to the h <» ouus a cold has been contracted, and
requirements of the statutes on the be tore it has become H-ttl-d in the sys­
menced again. Sunday s Stutestnan many of its liest citizens and detri­ subject,
the successful bidder will be tem, it win counteract tue effect of the
says: “C A. lived haslieen ap|>ointed mental to the fui nre interests of the required to erect a .«ehool building on end and great iy lessen its severity, if
u.'Tectual y • io* thee • d. i«i two ays
farmer at theChemawa Indian school.
each island and m lintam pul lie nor
time and it is the only remedy that will
these troubles that considerable bad
Mr. Reed need to live in Salem, and feeling exists there and much of it is schisils there. Tlie successful tn.Ider io this, it acts in ¡>erfect harmony
will be pi rini'ted to catch tkl.lltM) si al-
is pretty well known here. He never directly traceable to the fishery a f..r skins the first year of the contra« t. witn nature and aids nature in reiiwicg
rhe lungs, opening the secretions, lique
amounted to much for anything else short distance above. It would seem but afier that the secretary of the tying the mucus and causing its expul­
from the air ceils of the lune* and
may be he will mak<* a good farmer. and all concerned, to abandon the secretary of the treasury will fix the
‘ restoring th«- system to a strong and
If he accepts, the Ingun boys uill all fishery altogether, rather thau suffer number.
beaithy condition. No other remedy in
Senator Stewart of Nevada, ha« the market po.-r»»*ss s these rtmarkab;«-
want to wear stove-pipe hats nnd it to lie the source of bitter animos­
propel tn a. No other will cure a cold
white vests to plow in when they get
st intlv come to the surface in charges the civil service law. Tbe Nevada sen­ as quxckly or leave the systjm in as
back t«> the reservation.”
> Kimi a condition.
rent and one
ami counter charges anil finally find ator in expressing his views on tbe doliar f >r sale by Chitwood Bros.
tleirway into the courts for 6«ttle- subject said: " I'he whole theory ujhiu
which the civil service system is based
The question ns to whether or not meut.
In congratulating Mr. Barlow upon is false. I'he history of the world
the Democratic minority or the Re­
entire vindication we can only furnish.‘H no example of where tlie law
publican majority »hall control tile his
hope that in the future that pence and anthoriz n sw^reey and reli.M ujiou the
legislation of the present session of good will may prevul in the beauti­ innate honesty of a mau for a good
Congress remains as yet undeter­ ful little town that L rapidly spread­ udiumist ration. It must be conci-ded
I ml a<uuii'«?d bv a.j. Among
mined. Under the rules vvL.cii have ing on! along the oanks of Rogue that disboneat men cm exercise im-
iay liest l»e done to
river and that is already the home of limited partiality and favoritism iu the
e'tihauce personal
beea adopted by the House from time many of Jackson oounty’s liest citi­ examination of applicants. Favoritism
iwautv ih the daily
to time it is ¡Mjssible for the minority zens.
can be informed in advance of th.
• >e oi Ayer's Hail
qui'Htions to lie priqsaitMl in any ex­
by tire filibustering exfxslivnt to de­
mor. No matter
A new stock of cigars has just been amination. Favorites cau lie marked
ls y or di>feat auy legislative action of
l»n’ the color ut
high aud accepted, and unfortiinates.
.¡»r, this | iepa-
the majority upon which they may
leading and liest brands. Call in ami however competent, can lie rejected.
iTtliou gives it a lus­
concentrate their opposition, and try one.
There is uo redress for this, after the
tre aud pliancy that
examination four names are to lie se­
wbeu the majority is so slender as
adds greatly to its
Orders <>f any kind for finished limi­
that of the Republicaua in the pres­ tier or shop work will be received now lected by the examiners wheuever th.
« harm. Should the
appointing) power has a pin.’« for one.
ent coiiRreea, the fate of any impor­ at the Gilroy planing mill, and Unworthy names may lie selected, and
hair be thin. Iiarsh,
«it v. nr tutnin^ gray,
tant measure is really in the hands of promptly title«!.
the action of t he Imard is not subject
to review. Or an understanding may
Ayer’s Hair Vigor
the minority. This is wrong in prin­
hud with the offi -er who desiriw to
„ will restore the
ciple. and inimical to the public in­
The sparsely settled portions of tie
make tbs appointment, that some
color, bring out a
terest« in practice. The majority the country, in which the niggardly favorite shall lie included in the lucky
new growth, and
should be given full scope for the parsimony of the Cleveland adminis­ four. Besides, sijecial examinations renter the old »oft snd shiny. For
legislation for which it is understood tration cut down the mail service on may be, and it is alleged often are, keeping the scalp < l.'Bn. cool, and
held to railroad favorites into place. hen ¡,(. there •’ no ‘■citer preparation
to be elected, and then upon it will star routes to a point far below the Tlie
preteuded examinations can in the
be the responsibility of the effects of actual needs of the people, will have nature of tilings have but little r.-fer hi ih»* market.
I im free fo co-ifes« that a trial-of
such legislstion. If they lie Rood, better treatment at tbe hands of the ence to the fitues of the applicant for Av---
Ha r Vi.-ir has mnvimed me
its policy will be endorsed at the postal department under Harrison. the discharge of tbe required duties. t'l.i- it . a geii'i*ne article It« o«e lias
polls—if bad, a change should and The Congressmen from the "far west­ the civil service is that it is, an irre- llnl .i. v , >«e,i tip* i.iiir ot my W'lfe and
t-1 he
would be made. The Republicans ern” states are determined to see sjionsihle aeciet service.”
desire to adopt rules that will secure their constituents have fair play in
to the majority this power, while this matter, and while "free delivery
The Influenza.
• ».it it Isa-' given mv rather stunted mns*
still affording the minority its due. in small towns and one-cent letter
New York. December 20.— Recent tacbe a respectable length and appear-
u ’ — R Brithjn. Oakian«l, Ohio.
Their majority is no small, however, postage” are being discussed, they advices indicate that the intinenz i now
'• Mv biiir W4s coming out (without
is of A*i Pic ori­
that they hesitate to attempt the pre­ prop is», to see that the frontier set­ prevalent in Europe
¡m <tan e from mv wife, either).
gin, am! that li reached Russia over any
sentation of such rules, and therefore tlements are not cheated of th«ir the caravan rolltea, ns did a similar I tn -1 Ayer * Hair V gor, using only
1 1 now lia\»» as flue a
there have I hsu no rules adopt.d. rights to a »emi-montbly or tri week- epidemic m IHM ]t is known in hea I of hair an
.0» auy '»tie coni.I wish for.”
Speaker Reed has decided that there ]y mail service, even if it does cost IlusHUi as a Chinese malady und in —I! T Schmittou. Dickson, Tenn.
. ... . In
are no fixed rules for the House, and more per capita thin service on m ex­ Germany as the R is-nun . catarrh.
•• I have iKod Aver’8 Hair Vigor in tax
St. Petersburg the epidemic was c*>iu- f i o'I v for a n t 'uh»*r of years, and ie-
the proceedings are in accordance press train in New York.
cideut with heavy clouds, semi-dark gar 1 it %.-* th«* h.Mt hair preparation I
with general parliamentary usages.
boss and bad weather. The victims n* ¿n ov of It keeps the scalp «dean, the
□air *oh and lively, and preserves the
This gives the speaker much more
Henry W Gradv, editor of the .Af- the malady are tekeu suddenly. On origin
i! • o'nt My wife has use I it for
power than he would have under the lanta Constitution, the ablest editor the firs? day the symptoms are m-ntal a ‘>i, • i.r* w-rh in »st satisfactorv re-
feverish coll and gastric a t n — B n -1'1101 M. Johnson. M D.,
old rules, or under any set of rules of the south, and by many people re­ depression,
• list uri Mt bees, followetl o the nex
that may lie adopted, and it 1« infer­ garded as the most brilliant man in four days by so uu<»b*nc>. The latt-r T.cua* H.:i Mo.
•’ M v '¡air w as bemming harsh and dry,
esting to speculate upon tile prefer America, died at his h.m.s in Atlanta, characteristic disap< am on the fourth ¡•'it attt.i t.s 1.4 ka>f a bottle of Ayer’s
Hv,: Vigor u grew hl v k and glossy. I
ence of the Democrats Will they Georgia, last Monday from au attack
vomiting. After this the patient re , 4 ¡ > xpress tl:»» ov an I gratitude I
submit to have such a parlinmen of pneumonia, winch came up ,n him covers
M ibel C. Hardy. Delavan, III.
rapi !» eu nigh. Men nnd am- (a.
tarian as Reed rule the house under io Boston. while effet ding the ban­ mab ar- at lack»-«! by the «iisea*% b i
the flexible usages of the parliamen­ quet there at w hich he delivered One few women have l>een nfFected by it.
tary law os generally accepted, or wil of his eloquent orations upon the po­ U lf of the Hussiaij Government ha-
razi-AKED sv
beeu disable! by the Aofi.ieuzi.
they prefer to allow the Republicans litical problems of the south. Mr.
Or. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, M ses
to adopt a set of rules that will give Grady wasone of the youngest of the
ABC block« from lUeu up at
ths majority the power it should hats? snunsut of ths country.
Abundant and Glossy
Smith & Dodge
Carry the largest and best »elected
NtlM’k of
In Southern Oregon. Also,
We sell
THE Davis Sewing Machine,
The Lest heuiug niMchiue made
see it and t>e t«»nvin<vd
hk J
Saddle and Harness
Xmas Presents
Keep» coustantly on hanrt n full
•upply of vwrythin« in ubovv
line, which will be boh! at prices
as low a.’ can be offered anyw here.
.fill he made to <lve entire <*atisfa< tion
Repairing Neatly Done
allow rate», and all work done promptly
Good Substantial Goods
Where you get a ticket with every
dollar’s worth of goods.
Having one of the best skylights ill Or­
egon, and knowing how to use it,
t ai ARAsrvH oooo work .
(Each ticket is worth 12|c.)
O rbuon .
Children’s Fancy Handkerchiefs, 5c up.
Ladies Fancy Handkerchiefs. 5c up.
Children’s Scarlet Knit Vests. 50c up.
Children’s Merino Knit Vests, 25c up
Infant’s All wool Hose, 12’e up.
Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Hose, 10c. up.
Ladies’ Heavy Merino Vests, 50c. up
Boys’ Suits, check and stripe, $2.00 up.
Boys’ I’ants, check and strijie, 50c up.
75c up.
Men’s Bants
4 «
$5.00 up.
Men’s Suits.
Boys’ and Men's Overcoats—a fine new stock.
White and Colored Blankets, $1.25 to $10 pair.
Colored Quilts, 85c to $2.50 each.
A fine line of Zephyrs, Saxony and German Yarns.
Muslins, Sheetings, Calicoes and
Canton Flannels at factory prices.
A .Job Lot of Corsets, your choice for 50c; worth from
$1.00 to $1.50.
Ladies’ and Children's Gossamars at 50c each.
A fine line of Window Curtains. 50c up
Another great reduction in Wraps,
Newmarkets, Walking «Jackets, etc.
MireF» Rlock.e*«! aide Main street.
His Work Speaks
for Itself.
Opposite Od-l rellow
Fresh Bread and Pies Daily.
Choice Cake« of every variety kept enu
iHLlly ou baud
Or«1er» for parlies promptly executed aud
bperial price» giveu
AU kinds of ornamental work neatly dune
Wedding Cake« n apeclalty.
Don't borget the Place.
Bread Delivered Daily at
Your Door.
Prices always reasonable.
L-W* Bread bill» mu«t l>e »eHled v ery month.
Opp. I’ostoflice. Ashland. Oregon.
r-jrSr iMM&ï,.Ar -.r ir ir ir ir. ir ,v ,irti
Men's Overcoats for
Men’s Overcoats, grey, for
Men's Overcoats, hantlsomi
Men’s Overcoats, brown
Men’s Overcoats, brown dr*
Men’s Overcoats, fine chint
Men’s Overcoats, good
Men’s Overcoats, brown
Boy < >vercoats
Men’s Heavy Odd Vest
Men’s Suits
Men’s Suits
Men’s Suits
Men's Suits
Men's Suits
Men’s Suits
Men's Suits, fine dress
Men's Lined Duck ('oats
Men's Lined Duck I lsters
Men's Lined 1 »lick \ ests
Men's Shoes from
Men’s Boots from
Men’s Rubber Boots from
Men’s Working Gloves front
Men’s Grey Underwear front
Men’s Fine White Underwear
Men’s Fine Wool Striped U wear
Men’s Overshirts, from
Men’s Wool O'shirts. navy blue
Men's Fine White Shirts
Men'sC ittonade Fants
Men’s Press Fants
Men's Hats
Bov Hats
Boy Underwear, from
Men’s Fancy Scarfs, from
Men's Nobby Mufflers, from
Men’s Silk Handkerchiefs, from
Men's Rubber Clothing at
Low Prices
Men’s < til Clothing
Wav I'own
W e are offering all goods in our line at
The Lowest Prices Cash Can Procure
And will only be pleased to show you through the
Y ours T ruly ,
Ayer’s Hair Vigor,
kshlautl. Or
Clothier & TIalter