~— { CH 1 1 \\ (X) I) BROS P laza C o r n e r S tor e . D OKALEh* lì* Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponge« Trusses, Toilet Articles. All Standard Patent Medicines STATE AND COAST A few week* thrw* eastern men went <»ut northwest of Roseburg to locate »>me timtjer land, In looking around fur comet», they met a little «awed <»ff oil««, who says to then: are yon fellows ••Wbat in the d (loin# her« ? Get ont <•( this. 1 am ♦»mployvd by Dr. lawiuu.s, gfircial land a^»nt. io guard this land, aud sea that it«» one hi»*« on it.” Tiiethre» never question«*! Lis fliithority. hilt took lot heir beels Iboruu^biy fright* »* imm I, and did not l«M»k back to see whether th»» little mat) was goin^ U> shoot or not. However, they after­ ward a*■•« rtained that the httle niRH aud twi» friendh w»»re there l«x»km,f at th«* I ni l for tbemNelvts, an.I i»—xt lay til» «1 on th»* same iu the lv>M-»*iir«j laud office | I'.xamiuer. SEWING MACHIN* NFEDLKt AhD bUPPUE». ABTXSTS’ - MATERIALS botWiN*n lbe emi of the truck hnd th - SHlIimit. Special attention paid the Proscription Department LV-13; FOR SALE Tbe OrwRou Uacific raillrwid track i« now laid sixty mika e:u»t of AlbttO). ION) men are al work gr.nhuj th»» road toward** tbe tuiuunit. Only fif RE\L ESTATE The pn'sent popnlation <»f Oregon is place*! al ’>•«). HM by thè On^.miau and that «»f Washington ut 275, ih MI L'he «•stiinate® are base«! ou tic* vote- cas* in ()r»“gou in November. 1**SS, and in Washington in November. Issi», ami OD thè Intesi rehlfDS of sebooi popula- lloli 1D Ixilb States. For Sale at a Bargain. *<) acres of land within »me mile of A*h land citv limila, lo ai r» »» < i* are»l and thr» » , hundred frtiii trees *«*l <*ut thia *p«ina. an>i •boot fifty th-uninr Ire-*, part red lami and part granite By a very «.mail exiwit*« aui «-- •nvugh could be liad u» trr.4 *u- fr<»ui 15 I.» .»■ arre*. Term* ea*y ; will sell all or v* ill di vide into 5 or lo arre i »t*. Apply at th» rudim»*ry store oi .Moore A Coe, \*h!and. 11-23 Choice Land- For Sale, For «ale. 3,019 acr»**of laud, 419 acres oi farm land In the valley, good for fruit or grain Twothouarnd six hundred acres foot hi! Mix! uiuiiutain *i«ie lauti. g«l for fruii, dairying an I *teek raising This tract o( ¡anti has over »wen miles of fencing, dwell itig hoUM* a st»»ck shed «6x90 feet, aur plenty of living water. Call <»n or address J. S. II ekrin , Ashland. Jackson co., Oregon. TOWN - LOTS -----In the town of----- MONTACUr, Siskiyou co., Cai. For Sale on Easy Terms. Out*--fourth down, bainnre withiu six. twelve aud eighteen month» ttee map at lha Rat’-oad Depot for graded price«, etc., or address D H HASKELI.. Town Sit»* Agent C. P. R. R.. .»mi Frau< i*»-o. Callforota. H2—» — General Dealer* in — LEGAL ADV ZilTISEMEN’TS ASHLAND TIDINGS Timber 1 and ? olire. F riday. Df ceuiln r » The city council of Eugene hat paw«l nti ordinatus relative to ealane.i to city office re, an follows; Tip* mar- shal*H sabiry has lw*»«n rodticeJ from A5.5 per month to #L5. The olliee of chief fire warden ban Ixeü created, with a salary <»f per annum. His duties are: To look aft»»r th«» atoriug of |M)wd«>r and oil within thecily limit-, to ad as janitor for th»* fire compantea halls, ring fire 1*11« for meetings wn l drills of the «% mi pa n i«re; eleau hose ami fire upparatns aud keep th« same ir. good repair; to test all fire hydrant twice a month; to inspect all dwelling hi >«1 business houses twice a year; to enforce th«* law reqniriug all i*l«M in Lhrwtr» chiirche.4. etc., chair; to re­ port any evasion of the contract with the 'VaterCo.; and such o!h«»rservice* _ as w muy lie entered by the fire and ----- - -------- 1—». The appointments to Is* made I») the mayor. (My at­ torney. to receive the sum of p*«r annum as legal adviser to the city, and for all other s »rvieva. such com­ pensation as the council may deem reasonable. The salary of citv trens- nrer raised from S120 to 812.7 Th' salary of city surveyor to 1> h per day for time actually employ«»«]; chain­ men and nxi-men 82 ¡»er day. in •>f for Infants 3nd Children. "Caatori*:s so well adapted to ehi dren that I C. ______ Attorìa _ rutee Co!!«. __ __ ___ CouMìpatten, — . Ireeuram.na.iMnipenortounypr. ...puon I Kills Worrua, gives bleep, aud pruuiotca di- iKBOwntoiue.” ILA A bîheu , MD., restiou, Ml So. Oxioni bi.. Druuaiyu.. N Y | WUhou. injurious me C i-a b on. T he C zstavr C ompany , 77 Mun ay Street. S Y 1 il» ber E m od .Notier - Bil l - 1 Ù’C l A 1 )C‘l*l c- V MEDFORD, OREGON. 13-U Thia Space Reserved fur M. L. McCALL Reul Estate Ayr nt and Survey™ aS£ST SEEDS D. M.FERRYiCO. O regon . ! ali a Catarrh Cure is tak» n inlet- oally and acts d rtctly upon the blood and ix.uc.ms surfaces «>f th« system. Send f >r teatnmenials, free. E. I « il ENE\ a (.< » . loie lo O. 2 S >ld by Dniggi-tM. 75 c MilkRMfirM F.»w i.»r. Here is a new industry we know verp little about in this e put in freeh at the time Fresno&Merced County Lands o^rZXuXik^Ää Li...... r. i _ i milk will How far _ this pomier»*! answer these objections remain to be seen. One ihiug is certain, the pow­ der would I m * much lieiter for trauspor- tation and nn»re handy to have in the bouse than either plain or condensed in the above countie*, to rent for a term of milk, provided it is a success, says the yaar». Americau Dairyman. It io»»kHKom<- wbat dubious us a sut»stilute for plaiu tuilk, D»»t only on acconut of its n«-ces- flugar Beet Land, with water for irrigutnui. sary expense, but we do Dot find any for *a!c ia traeis »»f from 20 acre« to large kiud of fo«xl capable of being thor­ tracts Muiian'tv fur ««.»¡uny pur}M»«es oughly dried and afterwards made ov« r Fur particulars apply to with water so as to closely resemble 23-2tu E B PERRIN. 402 Kvaruvy st .'an FranciscI’O the original article, and we never ex­ pect to see it done with row’s uulk. Nature has a way of mingling these things that thus far tnau has not l>een able to closely imitate. ' TO RENT ANU FOB SALE. 75,000 Acres 100,000 Acres A few days ago while Mrs. (1. S. Pershin, ol E st Portland, wasdrivin; . along the motor line towards St. Jolue , at a point about opposite the Porllai» I flouring mills, where the road rui s aiM»ut three f» et from a high embank­ ment, her horse kicked over the sha» . This frightened the animal sumewh; , and in trying to get its f»»ot back ov» r the shaft, the carnage aud the horse and the lady rolled to the f»M»t of tl » e ni»aiikni»*nt, u «iteiauve of fully fift y feet. In the descent Mrs. Pershin becan Q imprisoned in the buggy lop, so th t she could not jump, had sue d»«Aired. and the horse was detached from tie buggy au set d two Lotties of m v re«» dy FREE to any of your readers wl, » have consumption if they wilt send no their express and post office add res ». Kes|>ectfull v T. A. SLOCUM. M. Pearl st, N. Y Crc'i-a’ly LofjN. NEW BUICK r HEADQUARTERS l'ourists S ( nnin: n i tl Men This ¡hit uevr hotel in Uree; uivruf ih«- fi im iu« '* pati of ‘ !< .«t te’» n urecì-d on the ‘iivof tue d-t popular X4-'« d ì Ho•;*» u’»<; ba h,cn I cm - d ; *h»’ .»«dì k u'Wii «;Aù fu' laiHÌterd, E. K. Brightman, Prop-, Whowiil coD'lurt file hotel in iir*t <-Li«> st* I»1. The table u ¡I! continue lo Be kvpi uj ‘•e -»»nne-nftli that amount, hl 1 until io«»« h \p ' > m. One hath room t< they are found almost uowhere but in «creed for laugh Syrup. a corner of 'fexas and tu Lbe Yellow. ¡'here is nothing parents should be so .. stone *«..«. *u.’ v ... ..r,,.. has lie« □ r Park. The canl»oii eafeful aboul an «-I. . tuu! a e.,ug!i syrup, hunted nlmort out v ot . . . ..wwwv. xietetioe. l'be Ikggs i hurry ( bags Syrup cuaU u<» I moiintaiu sheep, the inooee, the beav« r more than the cheap and inferior nos aud the antelope are all d¿Happenrun:. I ¡I truins thrown on thu market. The I rest is none too good, be sure and get Beggs' <’berry Cough Syrup. We keen it on A good illustration of how tie ENLARGED AND REFURNISHED. hand at all times, t'hitwoud Bros , world's industries change is giv»»n in Meals 25c. üeds 25c drugg ts. is the whale fisheries trade. It ia nn industry Dow almost extinct. On? Board per week $3 to $5. Johnstown Fnder a Curse. reason is that petroleum and cotton Room* liimbhcd if d« -ir I. JoiiDStowu, December 1J. --The ar» deed oil will answer the aame purp<». * Hot or Cold Sulphur Water Baths, 25 Cb 1 The underhjsgne.l ha* taken the Lumber Yard established hv Row*» A Muore, north of truck in railroad addition A shland , <> k . Aud will continue tire buten»”»-«. keeping un baud a general •wsurtiueut oí ciJeut at the opera bouse last night is an awful ill tut ration of tbe highly nervous condition of a large number of p«»ople in his unfortunate city. Under ordinary • circumstances, aud I »eh »re the H»>ud, there would have l»*»*n no catastrophe. There has been a disposition to draw morbid conclu­ sions from the (''»nvinaugh calamity, Order« for buildiugaof every kind prompt and it !):••* fast-nod its» If upon women, ly tilla«! young folks and many excitable mid­ dle-aged |>eople. It lias 'j lh en ip no » un i.nt-u un- ­ remarks common thiug to bea»* such t___ ____ _____ _ as, 'W» II. I wonder what will happen JAMES TTORBIS, next?” We have hid a flood; now l«»ok out for tin». Johnstown is un­ Ashland. Or.. Aug •». Iv9. der a curse.” Shic*!es. Steh, boors. Motiiilim Etc Imong th»' incidents <»f cbi.’dhpod th *t stand out in bold relief, as \»ur memory revert« to the dcy-» when we ................. vere y viuz. nom* are in _ »re r prominent th tn aevern sickue*,-*. I he y«jung ui<»- tier vividly r» members th ■- i it 7 was t 'b. inibì riain's Cough Keiut-dv cured her ;cr of croup, and in turn administerH it 2° iter own ulfspriug and alw .ys with the best Nuccrss. For sale by < 'hitwood Bros. H. S. EMERY Fif’ supply ol coffins, caskets, robes of al’ sizes. glov«-s, crapes, etc.. etc. office and ware room s st railroa«! cros»dng nf Heimau tercet. Opposite Odd Fclluw'» Hall, Oregon Fresh Bread and Pies Daily. Chntee f ake* of every >artety kept cou «tently <>u han t Onu r* for parties promptly executed and •pecial pnc»-!> given AH kind« >»f ornamental work neatly done WeddiBg Cake* a »pecialty Bread Delivered Dally at Your Door. &ÑF* Mtead bill» mu«t be »«ttled e’ ery month JOHN WEXLEB, ■U whale o,| in «, many plan«., an I are so much cheaper and more easily obtainable that they are largely ue< I instead of that. This has cheapen» I - the price of whale oil so that there .4 no l«»iiger profit id fishing for whahs fur oil. The whale of tbe polar regions, however, is still huuted for in both the Arctic and AntaTric oceans for i s whalebone. This sjiectes <»f cetaceau is called the right whale, and it is t » s*vure it that hardy, brave men tak-» , \ -------- their ‘1Vt* ,n ”‘eir “•®ds and remain in polar seas three seven yei.rs. Twenty-five years ago there Dearly 700 Americ«an whaling vesF.i i on the was constantly. Now ther » are almost note at all. There us-^d to L.v great numbers of whales along th« Atlantic coast ns far south ns Wi:- mingtoo, Del. Now on»' is rarely seen along the short* of the Stat»'«. Cotton seed oil Hiid petroleum were dtecov ered none too soon, perhaps, or tb< whale would have shortly become ex> tincL Adolph Sntro, who haa fur eont»* tiin« i»H8t been traveling in the Old World collwtiDg rar« volnmes for Lis valuable library at. Sniro Higbta, him Crawford 1 Mugías, a prominent em­ returned. It. Ims long been the inten­ ploye of the Amencau Dredging Com- tion of Mr. Sniro to turn his tmtn.qm»' pauy, in an interview on the Panama library, which ut present consists of canal, says: “A ¿roup of Er .¿fish ov-er 200,f a s u beta lilial guarantee, in consider»- world, over to a liojrd of Trustee*« lion of a fixed charge on fbti revenues throw it open tu the general pub- ot the company from ihe time th * can- I«** H’‘ ®1®o pri^poses to erect a build- il » s opened to the termiunrion of its 1DK for «be library at a <*or dJikl.t) M).0 >4). ^n. cumulated lll5,üt of (MX) francs. p»-n su utter H heyenne, W)o . di.patrb. Dec ll.j disregarded for the integrity of those Buffalo Jones, wbow fame on his __________ citizens who had sell led in this vast elx wen Held 18 nnUoiial, was here for westeru ihanain.* ”"'"”* "* VU*<’ ' "',t an hour this mormng. ei> route to _____ __________________ Gartiehl lieacb. 8 >lt Lake, iritli thirty. C to our store, _____ ______ Go « h st __ «hie ... of Plaza, xix bead of buffalo lately inin-haaed of for partita, oil«, varuiat««, hruabea, f (ivorge Benson, It, a of St I a . > , . At. .I.», fa... n n ... . I — 1 II 1 , budd' I . Stony Mountain, artist»'materials, and .»nil and Mauitolia. In tins matti r Junes is ing papers. Estimateamadeonpaint- afp-nl for the syndicate vhich baa l»c- lux. paper Uaugmg. interior decora* come interoHttwi with tbe Uuton Pa- Hous, etc. cific in Vtuti pleasure resorts. Ben- E vans .« B rvnk , Ashland, Or. eoo claims that he bred the herd from New shapes fur ludi««' and cbildreu't- a pair be captured ten years but due assortment Junes doubts tins and savs there >» hats and . .. bonnets, . ------- of surely at bunch of buffalo u. tbe "*• “l tb/ millinery store of Moore A Cue. • blony nioniitHib regn id . anti that Ben- 8oo will un offer another lot for sale. CblonJo of ¡¡tn« in bulk at Clnt Tbe pnee fur lb eta waa ¿500 a bead. wool's. • Llk lLl Slll'l lliail, IT«»PTiCtT 'S —»—«—■ - N KI I W»»ul«i inform the publie »hut (•»• has attain open«*«! a I NJ ASHLAND, paving bought the bnrim «« of S. Snrey, nurt is locateci f«»r the prewuton East Side of Main Street, Where the rmpidar &n«l Ae»-uini>i«rt«*t.n • • iTt«-r Win Harri« i« leady t<> «a't i , »< all old and rvw cu*’.»iuer.s in a «aii«ia- ■ n manner. u ji Panama «'miai Will I m * ihig. ’ New York Dispatch. Dae.li ASHLAND, OREGON Ashland, Pr.pn.iw Timber L hih I Not re, r sited S tat ?.-. Lt 'BOFFICE, / K«»sEni kg , <>reg»i i». Uri. U l*w V Nwtii'O i* hereby given lllMl m C.JHI pìlM'H'C uith thr pruvi*i«»:i> «»f 1! e m i »4 i «mg;v'*«»i Jut»-'3, l -7 a , emitted An A ’ f..i »iw MJ<- of timlier ¡amis in the » lltrs of CuiiforttlM. Ol i’ 4>»n, Nevada, uni V\ u'ul i;tt!oii ief H-r. ” i»•-«Ivimnia A I '.»iM.iaii, of Grafp.n, contiiv »f V»te MU!-- •! < .»lltor. tu, uh « Gas .U , n.e.j in thii oiln r ber « v..rn Mai« nn in ì -r tire t»u « ha ■«■ of lire N E 4 «4 *v< ¡ oh .*2 i’« !«»vv u- ■ihlp no. 1» .-oiith, r ing«- il i. va i, and « il* otter proof to rilow mal lite _____ land *«»U4lit i- mor«' «uitiabk- ter ite unibcr urteonr <»r-t K* limber ’bau for luriciim al i.uipu'v* ail tot abhtei In • urpu'i».*. a i I io « In in to 'Hid Ian !, brfoie th«’ rvgÌ*UT ami • triver uf ihi - office on W« , siw nam. » M' vv line«.* v* Birkl» « G Pt*M'1 mid Haiiiel W V E.I mui , ..| Gtafion, John . FitzGibbou t »»1 Wiiliam \-»»»rhe«> >>f doodlaiid, ail uf Yolu vuun.y, ' nhf roia Am a-i-l all |M»r.*<»n*clairnin’**»’* ■ •’ d - .■• ibed 1 U i« a «■ l«’ 4 - V I t«‘. 1.1« ih«*ir claim« hi this «»dice on <»r before sui»i I >th «la.- A Jn.iutiiy ¡H9o. I ham . W. J uhn * t « in , LI- lût .......... K mh . sie R. ( NITE I, STATES f,AN " < ‘F’-T< E, / R•»*, burg. Oregon, (’<’1 3l«t, l^h’» I N' u ’ k - c i hereby gi\eii tnai in «-oiiipi'aiic«’ with ih-' prov i -ion* of «he act <»i < '«»ii-zr«-** oi Jun«- :i is?* entitled •• \n act fi»r th«- -ale ui timber land* iu the Suites of «'aliforuin, Ore­ gon. N»*vrt»ia, ant Wu-nington Territory,’ - ••’iu I. iiartit.it», of Ro«cl>arg. County «n Jn.11i. ia S ale of«iregoii. ba»« lhi* das tiled in th:« o(b«-e her sworn sintemeii’ ter th«- Says the Eugene JoMHia/: The tan Senator Cullom introduced a hill in pnr I ti-e ui the N 1.. ..f the NW1« the SW 4 ners here tell a hard st»,ry on th«» Ore­ Congress for the disposal uf all public • if NW' and the N W 4 of the SW , uf *« ftioi N«>. 10. In township No. l's«niti». range N<> gon leather bnyeis. They say they lands of the Uuited States in C difor 5 vast, an«t will utter nioo't«> show that the can’t sell a pound of their leather in ma, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada. Wash­ land sought i* more valvable ter its timin'- Oregon, but are obliged to ship it all ington, Montana, North ami South . r s'one (han for agricultural ]»urp»»s««s, and tu < «tubliidi her claim 1«» said land bvfi>r< to California, and it is then sent back Dakota and in states that may be the Keubti-r uml Rcvrivt-r of this ottir»* h ’o Oregon anil tinds a ready market formed out of th»» Territories of Anzo- Roseb’irg. <>r»'g>>u, oil Wednesday, the 12ih n;t. New M’-xico, Utah, Idaho, Wyom­ with freight and charges added. day of February, 1 m -0. She inline* m - w iii »'*«. « Jdhn M. Root, ing and Alaska, ami which have ii»»t State Superintendent Hon. E. B. W Iter L Root, of Black Station, Green Hol oiherwise been dis£»oAed of or reserved lingsworth.of Woudland. all of Vol«»County. McElroy has appoint» d a committet» iiefore the acceptance of this act by i ulitorniu, and C A. SrbibfNde.of Roseburg. Timber Laml Notice*. of live, consisting uf Prof. J. B. Hor­ bonvla.4 Curnt) %<>r» gon. the slates and the rati Oca tiou by Con U nited S tat »-* land off :» f . I ner, of Roseburg. Prof. Frank Bigler, Any ami a I pers,,Ds claiming adversely grew. It provides that those lands Eos« huku or . o\v lexribed’and«, are requested to Oregon City, Miss Ella C. Sabin, cily N «tice is b» '. by g«v«‘ii timl in compliance shall be ceiled to the stales ami event­ tee tlo-ii « laiuis in this otthe uu or tn-for» sn|M*nDten«ie&t of Portland sc I ioo I n , »' iih th«- provisionH «if the m l »if Cougr«;*s of ual states in which the lands lie on WU ther on p’eHsnre b«*nt or buain»-s«. ?aid 12lh day of Februarv, isyj hine3. I*7 a »-litilted “An H»*t for th«- « iN-u! Prof. D. \V. Jarvis, of Athena City, I shou.d take uii every trip a b«»o t f V HAS W . JOHN'ON, condition that the states shall convey iinbvr lands in th<- Muh-«» of « aliforni i Register. Syrup <»f trigs, as it ac*s luo t ’» e s it Hy uui superintendent C. H. Whitney, of i»r.-.’ni». N.- viu I h Hi’d W ¡i«!iitigfon Terril«try not more than eighty acres, suscept 1- an » effectually on the ki Inevs. liver Ba .er county, to secure attendauce Ihirkley G P.-iirt of Gruñón. « <>ni:?v uf Y«<1««, ble to renmnerative irrigation, to any and bow«*!». preventiD’4 fevt-rs, h ■ i I- Ti:nbe Land Notice, , >».uie of <'»•! forma Ha- th»« «lay filed in thi* from Oregon to the National Ed lira one settler. If a state shall el«»ct to Kches and other forms of sicktieas. h r office hh »uorti Materiivut f<»r ’ihe puh -I imm - tionul Association which convenes in V SITED ______ STATES _______ L a ND _ OFFICE. ___ I of the S W l4 uf mm h»n N<» J. in Towmhip sell the lands, the proceeds shall b»» sate ui .■>•.'<•. and f i , rrtl'iie No. 5 En«l, uu«i uill o'!\ : used for the irrigation of such of the ing druggist*. Notice is herulo given that in compl.auec ‘ ■•r<»of to sho-.x that the land -<< iiriif i* inure 189U with ihe provi'i.-ns of the act of «ungi« * lauds as may be made remuneratively \ aluabl.» f«»r it* timber ur »»tone than for a uf June 3, jx?*. entitled “An act fur the «ah James Arnold, who about two weeks productive, if land is given to settlers Then* is nothing that equals Broad­ - : , - ■ a MU io : •»«■ >'■’'< » ot < a'lf.r DIO ricuhiral purpu-es, and lo cs’tilish bi« c I m I iii osaid bind before :hr Kevi.«i« r un«n«l Oi« g«»n. Nev »ol«. and Vxa«hingtun l»-rri er «if this otli. <• at R om 'D ip u. «»reg’-n <»n tury, Gustav Hate’rlrt'h. of Klamath City. A t-dii.--'1a ■ 1 • . • ... i - near Pvudleton, Or., by going through plh'd to irrigation pur|>o8- A te^amir L. th«* train with a pistol in one hand ’ III» .!,< V li ,.-.| Hl ’ -.1« o'Tr,- hi« TU *lu« R« ‘ d H ais»* bis more Christmns *m»v. bail, ui' Grafton, Yolo counts. C m rnd a knife in the other, was brought One of the lateet applications of ment ter the pur* .«a«v «»f the NEte«»i seeimn wiliia'ii < i uui.- <>i Gratton, \ <»}.» <>>inii\ to S hu Francisix) by a deputy Unite»«I electricity w on railroad eoirtnee. gofxIs than all others hence a Ix'tt« r N«» x. iu Tp N«». lc south, rauge i east, ami < »il.. William II \\ ih o.x, of oCaud. » olu»a * will otlvr p’o.4 to show that the laud sough! «■«»iintv Cal . Mi<-hH«d T Eimneit, u( Ji.iuui- States marshal and banded over to where it is made to take t he place of ' selection. is more valuable lur its Umber or stone than sfaii, Yolo «-«.lint». » al. his uncle. Dr. W. P. Gibbon«. He th-onectn li.-p usable sat d-la>x. Acnr- for agri'ultural purpose*, and to establish Any p, r*<»ns • daniiine adversely the p.boi <- hi* < hum t.» *aul ¡ami I m .*fore the R.-gi-n r f»’.«eribv«1 lu»l«ls I«rv r<■q»irst«*d !«» file their was subsequently removed to the r< nt of electricity from a r<* *.-»i«l 1 it passed g’i« of Seedsmen in the world t llA.' VV Joli X«T ’X. years, which will insure a sufficietd tbe cimditlou of the track, than is bt of .hiile ¡5. I'J* <*Ti? itted 1 >. M. F frky &. Co’s 23 Register. present possible. ■ ■f (iiiibrr la id* iu »!«»■ Beautifully Illustrated. Descriptive supply uf water next season to pre­ < »r«-v«»u. N wh hi a!»«l Wi SEED asi /UAL vent the springs and wells from dry­ Tillllnr Land Notice V. .i-h;iiv;..;, « <.*.<».. Kansas has raised the largest crop ing up ami the streams from iMvounng in the history of the state this year, ol Yolo, «»ui«- • f i a'lio.-- illlhl-offi.i Uj- -XV..F! lor 1890 will te mailed FREE toall so low. It is phasing to record that tlm nun.- ; un ha*« of lh<- < E « , < applicants, aud to last season's cus­ bei of marriages has increased pro tomers. It is better than ever. E v- ery person using Garden. Flower portion ally, In all nations, th«» mar S tats or O hio , C ity or T olzdo , » or Field SEEDS should s»-n ' for it, rtage rate is a reliable index to th » L ucas C ovnty , D M. FERRY A CO. F rank J. C hknsy makes oath that b-, prosperity o( the country, rising and DETROIT, MICH ______ is the senior partner of the firm of F. J falltiig with that, it is poi. <>ni <.’ < ’ hi . ney A C o ., doing busiurss in l_ ,b*t place t-» hope that the Kansas divorc (.-ity of Toledo,county and state ..for»- rate will Doi also increase accordiugl) said, and Ibat said firm will pav the -.urn of ONE H C. n DBEI» LM »LEAKS 4 ♦ There are now '2u0.iW tramps in i tor each and every case of Catarrh tlr.t hotels , ¡. t . Ibat the I mi cannot tn» cured by the use of H all ’ s this country. GiMHM) of them Ix.y. > C atalihi Ct uk . This, too, is at a time when ci FRANK .1 CHENEY, school bouses w .11 D»»t accommodai » < it A at K‘»e! ure, I ihiao Sworn to before me and sub*>cribe«i in t.he pupils sent to them, The tw » ! 2’ lOt lay. the I7tn d, my presence, this 6th day of December. facts go well together. IÌ oopis . A. D. lAs«;. A W. GLEASON. Rollt'd Down au l.nl»ankinrnt. 'SEAL• Notary Publio. STOCK RANCHES A-.UL.VND, LEGAL AbVEin ISEMEM’S A Human Magnet. Says a recent, dispatch from Balti- , more. M»i.; T1 aa s<*iei»tt«ta »•onm clcc with the J<4 idh Hopkins University are eugi^itl iu invest ig .tnig the ju dihar powers posse^se»! by tlav* ting ; ere of Louis Hamburger, the t'/onty- one-year-old son of Phillip Hamburg­ er. a well-known merchant of thn city. When the bauds of the young man are thoroughly dried, and touch«'«! ; to any polished object, they bold it j like a magnet. He van thus raise up ■ a quantity of j ins. winch will dangle ' from them, his index fing«*r pos.-*» ss ing the quality more than any »»tlier. He also raise»! up a glass tul»e freight­ ed with a six-ponini weight. Profes­ sor William Sim »u has him in charge, and propuHis to give some s<,i»-nttfir experiments before the Johns Hop­ kin« Scientific A sm s’iation. Choice Msple Cit « \ timber laml> hi t gun, N. a Ju. a h-Ate-_-i vv » Cui., ha* ihi«. a- *»tu’eöi€ui f »r t»-.« tiou J in tewn-hi alte will «Von j fcUtlflH I» more st«»uu ihan fur fi¿.riciiitui c-ht il.sii ..i- r.aihi to a register and receiver m burg. t»regu;i. OH Urdu •' •te ■ ‘ H- ten. W . h z G i I i I miu nod i . W o ..!L hi «1 h .. WilJI.H. an.l.’i L buuw 'Mili. . f ( ( oui'.iy. CMiiínrimi. An» und nil |»u¡<4n atuve de*«1 ¡»*-4 i.iu.l » thuir « 'juins in tin., u¡|.. luth da«' ««f January, I -• HRTISTiC His Work Speaks for Itself. LEGAL WVEIlTiSEMENTs. LE( ; A L AI > VERTI SEM EX TS Tituber í.aüd Noti» limber Lami Notice I SITED ST VIES L1ND OFFl« E, / R««- eih in M’ ,(»«<'«’a:r 10, IsS'-,i Ninne i - here!», gi vi’ tfial in comuhanee i1 h ihe provi*u.ii.* «,f the act of < ougre-s uf • in,1*7«, cuti‘.led “A umi - ter the sal«? of ,i andti in H u - s ' h ' -• - f < «'.¡fon ia.« «, uad tu V'ta'«L*h his claim t-» said iii’id b- : >;c th«- Kegble. and Rciei'- r uf ihi- .,*1i<•« nt Ite't’hiirg, Oregon, uu Monday, (he i3:b ■ av of Jn umry. l«90. H«t rame* «* uiinesse* John Fitx- .. „ . .. <'. Gwinn. William ».t»•!» u. w asbington Voorhees. Jaiuti * B Itogvr.-, all oí W u «dial«!, \ .4«» county, ta! iliforubi Anv and ail ' l»'r*-»ip claiming advcrsel ibcvcd-de c ___ _ req.n-t-tt-d Io ■“ un «»r before til«’ tini -.-Ialina in Ihi* uiliee said 13th day uf January, lt^O. < HAU W JuHNhToN. Register. 21-101 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Timber Laud Mollee I'sni.D state * L and offi « k < Ros-ebnrg, Oregon, October Iv, ism * » N«»ii<. is fier»-by giom that in < umpiiai>>*e •••. Hu th«’ pr«‘vi ii>n« uf the act of «.'oiigrv#* i June I :-7' eniiik-d -Au a. t for ilo- «aie • timber tends in «he st}i«vi ,(f California, - -'-«u X« iand Washingtun Terri- ’. >r . ' J.IH!»•' B. Rug«’!.',uf W«H>dlan: < .. '.niruiu, has this «lay • « « Cion No I'j. ; • I hl. No i. - i. < N« ■> 1. uri • vil! .»¡b r pr.iot (. *¡:..^ that the temi Miiishi is titore V’lu.ab « for its t Im ter or ; S HO th,)’. I«H’ U,"|--ub'ual piirpma-«. mid l » ••.-Oiifii»h his » ■ uni .» srfi'i land l»cu»re k-¿i.-ior ami K.«c»d\«*r ol this otti ■*. ut ■ i ->*• -t»u;w. • f.-« g«»n, mi Monday the Kith day of .teuuury, l> s). H» inn;»-' ¡i» wltn<-s*en John W Fiiz »n. <»f Woodland. Yolo county, t «liter dielitif’i T. Liiiiiu rt. of Dunnigan, Yohr «•mío., California, William \oorhre«, of •ote i < - ’ . .- <•« mH' . ( al t f-«i ote. William ’ nn«-of <»iaf!«>n. Yolo«•<»., t aiifornia. Any aio all j « r*-» n* cteiming ariveraely ! • m •> < . ii: • d tends hi <- r< «pit st» «I l<< tifi ib.-ir <-Mini* io ibi* otti on or befo;« - .id I -»Hi du_. uf Jaiiuar*. I*9u. 21 » has. »\ Johnston 11« gir-tt r. Guardian's Sale. (’ sited S tate « L and Orti» a./ ku.«r.Hi H«,. <‘r« g'iD, < >« t. oc, i- * Notice is hereby give • ih»' iu «uiupham r vrith the provi-iioo* ui lia* u* t of « .»ugr«•-.« » [ J »nv -. •»«>. « ¡ititi. «1 * An .c t b»r ll.c «ai. «»•'timi < i h.n«l- in the rl.’hcs of « Hlitu' iiia OicK.m, Nevada ami W «»laingtun le.ri .o . Jo-cph GiHMhvau. of Klamath < i’y- <’«-iii y ••i Siskiyou s'aie of CiHih rai.i ha ,tl.’»•«.» lik’d ai th»* offiw bi- sworn -l.iO a.-nt. I«’. thr porch,isc « f U»«- N E oj «-<■. •». In I p • s K j I.. an . .1. » a i i:¡m; «... : iv Hrberíarl» ul Klaieathí tu». <’al. Ai.-- .imi all } »_•:*..’o • teiniing adv* nw4y Ite- ali»»«. d'M-ribc»! tend* are r» «p»« « « «1 ti» ri h ifivir vteini* hi ibi« u II' h - c «- h ur t»t-|.,r. ■•aid 2llh u«v of Fct»ruurv, |M>i CH A- W J<»l!N*TôN, 3—lût Rcgisier Notice 1« hereby Kiv.n thdt the under» riguv.L u’.»;ir«ib»u of tlu* coate of «.eurgv R. bin»* } and Anuic l>. Bh.;> y, iniu«»r heir» • ri Kuiv Bi»<|«ey, detr*x i, fix virtiu-of an Herof in» (’ouuly ■ «»uituf Ja k>on <’«»uii- fy. U eg.»» duly Jiuuk and entered oi rec­ ord on 1 hi- »th day »»t -:»i!»er. I**«», will ««• I ;u f* b|i< ,uto the in-du'-l nl bter f<»: * odi in iiKiid. al lb»* <'ub!l ii< .««■ <|< h > p iu ay. Jun. 1 imo . Ju. Uil* a»» i iu- : and tu Ihe f<»t I» ’• • 1" ’hir«i ini» tvH ili all ,«!<«; or pieci’ «.f .and iying i... k «»Hi* ile'. J ki k oli <’»«llilty , d» M-riÌ.rd H - foili Wb » .in« ponti ."u t4-«»t <-3»t front ih « » «•( (Itli Street «bere il in I ,M -! ..1 I . O'< tir»- . . ula- ■ <•( i » gihiiing, i Irei frouiiiig <»n «4i«l < ai- and e xt» n ilo« » a- k lb*9 Notice ia heit-bv given 11.at in < o Hipbath'«* with the provihioUs of the act uft ..ugr. *„.»./ June 3, entitled “An m t f flurt that lb«* land buiigiit is moie tal able for its .limber or ::oio- iban tor agrie »iiiiiai pur- pr»*es, »nd to e 'abii-h iu r t iaiin to *a;d ianre -a.«i d day an i hour. Published by order of H«»n. J. J Jmige uf subi court. C larence F« rnh » iam , A'imiiij-.ja<.r In the ma'ter «»f the Fatate uf Baptist« c bugar, dt-eeaa* «1 N«4ico te iieick £ v« ii that th«* under- A igned bas dui - q I ••ai«!iu.i a* Ex •« ut«»r of (he l.a«' Mili and Te* taiireijt ui Hap!j-teChvgar, timber latid Notice deceased. All pen ■ in» huvinp claim»a/niiite Timber I ami Notice. th. »a.»4 «.’*»«r ate n quirvd iu present the U nited S tates L and O ffice / same ♦< !!•- with the. i '»»¡a : X’uu< hi-r« with- RoM.*burg. Oregon, Oc’. 29’h. thtei I in MX n>oDt! f.i i il»»’ ouu u. ihi* nmice, C nitku sfatl ' L ani » O ffice . f Notice i» hereby given that in ci'mpliauce a< my offieg, i A.«ulaud. J il C asmii ceHiDty, Ruseuurg, Ort ¿on, October 11th, lsR'.'ri Not — i- hereby g;veti that ill compliance w¡th the tu- \ j *!' nnof ’hr u. 1 • f < onyr« -* «4 OtCguH. g t. HiLLlNGe, with provisimi* irti 1 (i. ne pria isten of tin* H' i of , '.uith )th cay <»f N«»v IftN'.i. timber tends in the stau *. uf California, or run. Nevada, ami VV ji'lungioh 1< : ritory," «■‘¿«•n. N'-xada ami W .«-liing’on Tenitory,“ Edwtud H. Scoiit Id, »4 \rek:,i. Cot.ir; (Jf Timber Land Notice. M ua«-l T Emmert, of Dunnigan, <-uunty of *i*ki«ou, State of < teliforuia. ba« thi* day \ olu. «tale of < ahiornia. ha* thisday filu«l in liltd in thi« office tn* «wAirn Mutvineut ter L and Orne». / ihi« »•i1i«v Lis «• u.-»rn sta’emetit ter the pur- ihi* p«ir»-lin«u uf t he i«»t** 1 ami 2 ami b‘a «■! on. Nov. Iith. 1M9 i i-!i-t*v of th»1 N E 1 j of wetiun N«>. id. in N E*4 Of BVrtioil Nu. fi, l.i Tp Nu. 11 »»ui.'lh, u that in compliance t.mii'hip N«>. II, suuih, range No 5 east, and :aiige N<>. '> east, and will oiler pum.f :«> 'h.«u th. act «»f ('«»ngress of will otter pr«H»f :o *how timl the ltnd smighf I hat the iaii'i aought i« inure VMUrahlr lor in* I ’‘Ati a•-! for ih«* «ale uf is mor.- xai’iable f-ir its tinite r or atone than timber or te«»ne il.an ter ilti «-ultural pur- sial» s ui California. Ore- tot agricultu:al jmip.»«■*, and to establish pu-e>, • and to etea»»li*h hi* « hum t«» ^ate land VV a*hiiigt.on Te: rilo-y in* < Lum t * aid laud tehee the Rt zister ’«^««r«- the Regiteer ami Receiver of thi* ... office at Ro*eburg, Oregon, on Friday, th« *. < f h iHUiatli ( itv, Cunuty of uui lte' .-iverof this ufli. c at Roseburg. Ore ite ul » ttiitoiniu, lot* this day g.«n, oil 'lucbduy, the 14th dav of Janunry. 21 te 'lay «»» Fehr. arv. .« «• Fredmirk T. Fradeuburgh. H«-nh y Velta fi > >1 in : id« « Hi-••• hi- sumru « im I» in« ut for ' I a M'. i . . pan I- . -ofUn »G. 4*4 u No. 14. He name*as wiim !*'4’s Alfred F And«T Flo« k Lizzi«-FitM’k. Maty .Nevi.le, of Yreka all of • ttlifotma m Tp No. : th. rati :«’!(.« No. 4 « t.«-!. ami '•■n. of Black, Yulo «uunty. » alfforute, Wil­ r pi Any and ail person*» claiming ait ver«»-ly will >«h.»w Im» the land sought liam H Wih-ox. .»f Orland, Colusa •■<; n»t< fo. ;> t’::ila-r ur »tone than ■ iii: «rnia hu «1 William Vonrlu-vs and John th» above-dc'Cribed laud* a - requested l«» i* more i «I .! pop,« -. Mad to r«tablif>h W FiG.liibh.-n, bulb of Woudlaud. Yolo die their claims In this utter on ur briur«- tlie »1st day of February, I*:» «. • -ai i laud tedure the R»>gi«»t«*r «■«»unty, < a I if.«rnia. i r tini» «rì » •• mi Ro* bu:g. <>ie- L li v* VV . J«yji\'*j"X Any iiik I all |*e»’*« ns claiming adversely Register. udny. tin* ITteduy «4 March IH9J. the ate»'«’«le*cri‘»ed lauds are requ«*st<»d t«» « a- uitno-. s’ J. M. Ha via, file their claim* in this ufltee.ou ur before it«, .«.skiyou ( '«»unty. < «Hfoinia, •aid 14th «la* of Janu.irv, 1 s 9« i . Tliiibtr Lauti Notice. • r'« lsuiaud, g Z VV Bailey, < H As W JOHNSTON. i’.. Stielhiig White Puiut ail of I -egteter. VKITED MATES l.AND OFFI« F. utility. (>?« gun R um burg, Oregon, o» I. 2 , . »ih.ls* 1 Tim be e Ean«l Notice i .cl I «-r«.»iHt « -aiming adversely Noli« e i» hereby giv« n that iu « 'ompliamb «h-. - , b-.d land- «r” 1« q ne*’»-d to with the «-rovisioiib of the a« t <>f < t’NiTKD S tate * L a > d O ff ¡< v . i lii-1'.-s u» ibi* « flic«* on ur before .1 uue 3. 1S71L uuiilh- Au a< t for the »ule u K-.-i.ti Oregon, October 11, IK*9.1 luuds in the Uà '«««fl ulif.'i ni;«, o « \ .(lire is hel’-te given that ill • '»Ulplteuee limber NeVH'lu, II ■ W JotlSsTOX ami Washington l'urr ih«rv with ihe pro\ i«i >ii* of th«- act «4 Cotiar» **«4 gon, Register. S'et ’ a Fi's k. of Yreka, County <4 *»• ..... .. .-kiyoi« bine 3, 157*. «’iimie«| • An u ( ter tbe «ale uf Hate «»f < alifurnia, ha* lire • «luv tii« d iu tiré • i •»,!«luh « in Hu *’ tti-K of t ¡ti i forni a. Ore Timber Land Notice for the puiuiiri*' - n. X. ;;•! . ami Wa hii.gtou I« rnior«. ’ office her swum statement ■lieu su *” II *'. !iiiH. Im- ibi« «la» filed in M»mh, «ought is • \ a 11 R" •« ■<. «if, _.«.«,. .\,,t ¿ib.l-tU *'.v«»rij *.oi»«- treni for the pur- to show that till N laud for it* tint r <».- *!«»ii»' tiian «• u Irer.-by gtte i >Dat il C«»mpi!MUCe • W *4 «>f section Num ter 11», in able piir’Hises. . «lui U» r.’H . nr..\ i* un* ut » re a« l <»1 < oftgr« ** of al South rang«- No ñ «á*i. lural *ai«1 latbl *»el«»r» v tin- H U ltd 1*7.». • «: ;.!« •! ’ Vn •»< 1 for Ih«- * m I<- uf pr«M)f to bhow i ba' the laici «»( Ihi* ««ffie- a. . Il i aie'.« tu ti. *tjb * uf < alltenria. <>r»-- »re valuable f«ir ii* timber or '»« a-iti »¡n i Wn'» ingiuh 1« ,r;i rey,” ir «4« icuitural purpuws. amito «iay. »hr 2i*t «la • U Stic »ia»n« ’ « a i l»n . -, u» Ki.imath t ìiy. < uumy <»f óia- ii t«i *»ai«l biml b« ter«- the H< nicy. I >1ui iy««u, > ai «if < .diluì uh . ita* liti* day fiivd <1 R< te er ef this office hi Rose l»uig. - ..hri.l. ine Y >i ti.i* ■« ’• I:;- «vvo-n r’n!» n.< ni l«ir he pur- Tue*day. the 14lb »lay uf -E*, ».mi *•. uf S\k«4 of !'p No. sui'th. iMug** Nu. ntueo.0 Ml. had T Fm- i r pttMif i«< »iiovv tiiMi thè u \ «• « ■ «»uiiiy. < uiiforuia. m* aud M'Utfhl i' m< e vainabie for il* i un ber «.\ «»f (»! i iiul, <'«ilustt mon uf ii. ou Munday. thè 17lh r on.« eteimilig Adv,-r«- ly N<»( ice • ¡av «-I Mandi. IN be«i lauds ire reqii,-«led I - H« nam> « a- v »H««- H M Roberts in this <.ffi< e oil or bviurc Ashland. J. B. >»• • Lite. V» ,• <• Point. G W. C sited S tate * I.« sd < iff .- ¡ < Bai!« « . Shake. A» • í Ja« K.-«»n Uotiniy. Ore- JVHN>ToN. Ro«« burg. Or- gon. <»« J.»C.. ;•*'.'. i Register. on or lx’ Notice ir ben by gteeii ’hat in <i k KlaniMih City, Mskijruu < ounty. Cairi- ru i a. _ with it«,' |'i«»vi'iuii' of (Ire act of < «»uuru«« Any ami a!ì p *»«ns « teiming cdveraely Timber I ■»••<< Noti, e June iilj’b -l -All a« i Í««r tti. «ui« «.• ■ he ab -'» «!«•• • ri’*« d lumi« »»re reqll« *led tu timber temi* in Im- « au•«.>» • hf'mia.«»., i;'- ti».-ir « miid* tu thi.« «»fliev ou or bifore F i» TE-» i V 1» OFFICE, > gon, Nevada ami Washington Terri «»r\. !.. <> I h llih, l“te* I JO'upbiim » «» ilia, .»f Yrek-«. i «.ur.iy u;' *;-ki «aul 17lh uay <4 Marci;, 1 »*.<■. Timber I »ml Noti«»‘< < H a *. W J >» is « ton . li.M «••»»apliM( i It«- SW te <’f seulioii N«> 4 in I,- ifornia Orc No. 41 son Hi. mike N-«. ' > « a-t ami will «»flu. .-••bv g v»’ii ih«: in compliance rittiuiunu p». .»I leintory,” pto«>f to show that the laa«i Mitighi i» inore go . Nt V N< • M N ¡.-.ion* <«i ihe act «>í < «»ngr«'» - claim i«i *ni«i laiul, u«»unt> «4 < «»■ vatuabie for its timte-ro* >tom H:au for agri v» ill:a*«i II At I. . i. i•rfii!«,«l “An ».cl fur (he *a < » eiv r uf ihi* . Vni’ed '»talc* Lamf Office, ) !'i«rt. *tu ahi. ii.ia. ha* thia dav tiled in uuliural purp«isu*. «nd iue«iabli>h her « I tim 4 < i* in tn 1 vfritorv. ’ ii « i H h . a«wi: N«»ti« ’ u is h» i» Uy gii« n ilmt ii - cu», pl is , «4 «• • i . iii Number a iu • »Í tins otti.-v a: R«»subnrg, <> egon.on Friday, u I’h tip- pr>»vi’-ioii* of the «••( of Congr» ** n<-e . i.a-e.4 thr : x w I' A. tarn I. « Ri^ctiurg, o.unty I-¡’/.’lib'iou. v of P.N'UI mte’r (I MHith. tauge number the 21*1 dav uf F«4»t -arv. Iste). _a>, .-‘’iitv oi o:« ..H., iu»« this (bl- li 'gi r*. a J mu 3. 1*7«. entiilud ‘ An a> i for the sale of », en«'. ami w ill lv-r pt« of to show that ihc she nam««« a - a itne**e* F T Fra«!ciibnrg. timb' r tend* iu (h, *ia « * »»i Caliiornia Oru- tilm.a .-W • 4 .»f N E'4 and tire Si , of ihe N w - 4 «>1 «»<»«••». ■«•-«•i. J B. Mitiiim.’. ‘>f White I'uint, Couuty «.»f to rwiablisii hiscirtiiii tu »«id land bvDirethe Any and all iu *«»n* ci. .'tiling adv. r*c! «»•«!n»¡. N«» o', IU t«'\vii*i.!p Nu ID Auuth. ttreir.claim* k-.'ii. M ite Ot < »T- g«.n, ha* tills « ay tiled R* .1« er ami Revel ver of thi.« office al Rutte the a'xiv.’ .icscribvd land* are reqm «re«1 m Ja< ra’ ge Nu «»cute, and will oner proof to siiov. hi tliia urti.-»’ liis »Morn Stale meni »or G»e burg. Oreiro i <»n T.ir-da- the 14th day of til«* their « ‘ Ininis in till« offi' u ou or before 'hat Lhv lami *umchi i* more valuabk* f«»r it- mirch isv o» ili ■ .-l'te *« ',’i«»’i N« 12. ili Jriuuai v, 1*s-lt. said .1*1 day of February, ixte». 21-lot limber or mud «* than for agricultural pur ì P N«.. ; «.♦ *..uth. rai.tt»’No 4 e»i«t, und will II.• n .m«" a* wilnvsM'» Barkley G. Peart. CH.AS. W . JuH'íFTON, po*>cs, ami t»i c«uil»iiah IrerclMini to*aidlau«i «.nur pr«Mit »<• hiiow tb.it the laud sought in Timber l.tud ‘ otic-. I’liiivl VV. i.d-on, Alexander I. Snowtmll, Register. .-•e. re tire* Kvgite» r and Receiver ol lui* mor« valuable for it* tiiuuer »»r stone Ilian W 4 i.itii « < -anv. all uf Grafiun. Yulu coun­ u i.e«- a’ K«> m t. irtt Oregon, on Tliur»duy ■or agricultural p'lrp«»«« * ami 1.» v«'a'' isU ty, ( alil«»riiia U nited S tates L isi » < »>m t tire i > ii day «»I F« Unary. 1&9U 1 iinbtr Laid! Notice hi* claim 1«» sai-i tend te foie the Register Aud a iy ami all ncr*. n* claiming adverse- R o * eh » iu., Or., optuber llih. ls *i.v ra.i««-.* a* witiiv-«« '. John M. R««oi, ami Recete « r «>f this «.flic«- ut R.»*« bu»g < »re­ h ii'iove «le-i-rilM-’d land-»tie requested to \i>?n is hi g. ;en 1 hai in cornp 'V alter L. Rout of Hhu k -ta iou. Green Hol goli, oli Mon l.nn y, < HA«. W. JoHN'TON. tiiidx-r land« in thè ."¡»uv*. oi < .-¡li» 1 u iniy, Oregon Calituriria II M R«»te*r ’ s. A«h ’ iand. G. W. with t he provision* uf the a< t ul ( «mgr« *■> • f 21-1(M Register. Any »»nd all persons (-'aiming diversely ( »r. »0’1, N-vada aixl W a«hi iuc<»n T« r . Ju ou .’.«1. 1K7«. entitled “Ati a t fur the co!» Haik-y. Shake, bulli uf Jackbuii Cvunty, the ubuvr \lt-xan b-r L. "■»<» '•«? of »• afloii. < ■ »regoli of timber lands in ihu*iatcs <4 (teiiteiDia. I imbei- Land Notice. tile tlrelr (-I mìid * m tin* »»thee on ur befóle of Voi»), Md!c of C alilo, in., lui- t ni- <1.i Any ami all pu sniis cl limine adr.-reely Oregon, N« va• ■ tn»u Nu M w ith ’he proxi*i-«n.« of the Act of C-’Ugrr*« <»! «l»o\v that rhv land «ou^ht i< n»< Rvgisler. in Tp No. 4o. S Ii No 4 i, an«! will other Timber Lami Notice. .1 Hit- '.. 1*7*. vniiue«i “ An A< t for the *uh ‘ of for its timbcr or stonr tlian for umter laii'i« in the *fato« of • adf.»rnia, Orc- proxtf tu show that t»'C iaml sought i< more r urpore*. and toestahlhh hi.» « 1 Timber Lami olire valuable for ii* timber or stone than for I sited S tai ».' L and O ffice f e«»n. Nevada a-d W a-hingt.-n Territory, ” land lx'l<»re thr ltegi«tcr and Re«' K«.«e»»t:rg. Orvgva. Ovi. 31st. ls»'i. I Horenee Mae l or«ina .. of Grafton, county ajriculturH purpo-e«. hii «I r«» eMabhsh !n- •»tti«-e nt Roseburg. Oregon. FMj- u S tate » L and office . # Noti« « i« h< rvby given ib.it in •<>n> plia nee I itb day of Januxry. 1.S91). ■ f Yolo «late -•»' < aliforma. has ibis day < laim t<> *ai«l land before the Kegi*i< r ami R«»«t .rg. Ur.ir O< » L^-ih. 1'811 i wiih ine provision* of the tu t tf «’ongíCJ»? n-«rklev«; F.nrt. tib.-d in »bi-* otti--«• her sworn statement for Receiver uf this ufliee at R«»«»’t»urg, Or., on He na c i- h« !v!»v given 11.al ni CuiHidiatiCe J hi . ... 1'7- • !i:i:i- ■; ’Ai» act for the nh I c I »a n »ri W Ed «mi. W i Ili un C C.auv. all <-f llo- p ir.'liH-e of !he E 1 c of N W ’4 and E 1 , Ti!u*da\ tile ¿»th dav of February, isw. He names a* Aitm-«>e* Gustav Hate r Ihr provision*- «*f H t a« l oi Congress ut timber lands iu ih«- State * of » rtliiorim». ».’■»ifi.»n. Volo «‘ourity. t ali fornte. ami Wil ..f > W *4 ot section NI'. in towu.«hip No. *>rvg««n. Nevadn.aud Wa- inglun Territory,- liain II. VVilcox. of Orlami, . Coluta comi»y. 4 ». so-»',h. rauxv No va«f, and will offer te--h, Cne*tcr W Fow ler. J -u;>h lei »dr« a 1. « f Joue 3, l*7s, euuib d “ An a<*t fur the «-ale ■ •f timoer land« in the stete* of « aliforni«. Gt-n«-\ievg s. Shvliuii. <>x W Hour, < ouniy of i aliiornia pr. f ■ tio-.x t *. h ! th».- ¡ami sought i« more N .1. i. aufmnti. uf K atnath < i’y, < at. Any and a!) p»'is«»n* < teiinmg a lvt rscly «•■«eon. Nevad«, an-; W« hingtuH Tvr*i i’ougla«, state ut orej ■gon, has ibi* day lib d valuable for its firute-ror *tone than for ag Any an«l all p«-r«on> cl.-ùmi in ttu.* office ber su ion» Maivmrnt foe th.- th<- above Uv^Tibe»! land» are ric-iltuial pur;M»*v*-. and to e*tal»li«h her the at»t«ve de'< j'.te'-i ia«ids nie r« qu»'»ied lo t»»ry. Mi** 'Loy NeoiJr uf B uku ». Conuty til«'their claims in ihi« «'ih.e on ur b» l«»re .«f >.-kiyon, .'- ai« ■ f Ceiifornia. hus ihl« day pu « ha-c oi thè «d 4 the >W‘I und (»1 tilr iheir« laim» in ibi* olii«-«- cl.iiu« f«> *ai«l laud la fore the Register and I«*.«*' nie«! iu »hi« »jtltr'’ h--r «w »rn Maternent for *r.‘’4 ut scdiuii Nu. h', iu tow li-hip No. 4o Ife.-pix»*’of this ofhc«» at Roseburg. Or.-gon. said ¿>lh dav «4 Febrwarv .«aid iith day of January. 1 sm <» CHAS VV JOHN ’ I. - pun ite'« th»-W. «il th« NW«4 and the range No i> ea*t and * iii otter prooi to ehou <»»» I nt .-«ia». tliv 14(1» day of January. ls.HI. < HAS W Register. A' <»flb< >U 4 ut se .«-a N,. X. ju Tp No. limi the land »ought i* mure va’ 'uablv for it* >he Haines a- witnesse*. Barkley G. 23 lût iu «uuih. rane«- N»». • ras’, and will otter timber or suine than tur egru i.ituia] nur- Pearl atid I* ¡ntel W E Ison, of (iraftoti. Yolo pr.H-f i«> ►bow l;.aì the lami sought is more |n»'C*. and to establish her (ùaim t<» laid land Timber latiti Notice. < »-.»uf«. < al.f •:n a. and Jobti W Fili Gibbon Timber Land Notice. talmibit* lor it* lini ter or Mone thau for tM’f<«rc li.e • Rtgi»te “ “ ‘ and Kcceiver of ltn> ami William \ -» »ihees. of W«'. iss? And any and all per-on*claiming adverse Ntetice te hvn-l'V given that in » «»mpliam « lv lb ■ h I mw des. ribvi and-, are requested «¡.coauicsa« wii .< x. » Wuln r I liuoi, Notice i« ii«ivt«y given tltei in ««« i . ip U h I k - i ’ R« « -i«’ i of ih;.' «»iì’.ee a’ Io»'« i.uig. Oregon, John M. '.tool, of Bln« k >!iiUon. «»re»* i ilol- with the provision' of flic act of i ungiu«*«»( to file their claim* in this odiee on or before with lb«’ h « i <»t’< ««ligie«* ««f June 3. 1'7«. tu on Friday. Ua 21*1 day uf F«-hriiary. 18&U. > «■ - a« u nu«" * ? T. Fia Irnburg. Hiig'W'.r 1». Wo.xHand. all <•: Vol.» l oirni', Jum* 1*. * «•utitleii An n« t ¡'or tlm -al«’oi said 14th day of January, ¡«90 tilled ’ Au act i««r th«- s>ulv uf tiinu.-r terid« i . < a.iforniu, ami < . A. -■ ¡»¡brulé, uf Ko*c . finite r Ian«!' in the .* ate* of ’ a'.i'.- ruia. ( ha * W. J ohnston , th»’ «laie* of ’ alitertiht i»r«g««n. Nc\a«teamt - f Meni«- . »■ i ».r«l H. ^ofteM, I.ixEte F hm k. Y« ' a ’ i«»« k, « f Yr< ka • a furnia. burg. Hotigla«. < ounty. Or. u. ii, or-t'an. N- va«! » and Wadinigton T«" rinYr\ Register. 21-lot w H'hiiiglon Territory.’ < iic'ier W, I «wk-r, i 1 -d ; i ■•» r«<»i « «• aiming adv« rntiy Aiiv and ad per-tju* c.aiming adversel) Frias Bi’.z« r. Wo »dland, County <»( Yolo. • u K .ante’ll i n « ••«»uuiy u('i>hiy«»u ► are «>i ’ In- «b.»o- »1« MTiit -I Limi« are reque*tt‘<1 Iu the Mt»ove-«i» .« Noti«*e te hereby giveu that in »*ompliance R'*gi«ter. proof tu show 11.ar the laid ««»light is in« r< 23 RegUivr. ihc pro\ isimis of the act of <’uugiv*s Mmw ll>H ili«* ian«l »might i« inure \a iiabh valuable f-r its timiH-r ,»r stone than f«u u uii June.:. 1*7«, entitled “Lu »u t ter the >al< toril«« inn’H-r or »tune iban lur a ¿ri« tuiur.ii agricultural purpo«' s. and te establish hi* <»1 Ì iltibcr Land Notice. timte’r ten te m the « at»-* of» alilurina. u.ir|N»M««, and tu «-«tabli'ii bi'i-.riin i-> - ... 1 i mirer I ami N..ti«*c claim to sai«l lain! before Ihe Register ami uf Limi before the llegi-icr ami K«-« ♦•.,«•! u Nu\a«l.ia'id W a-*hing'.»ii Territory, Receiver of thi* «»flic«- at Ro*ebi- urg. Oreg. n. « W r.-^-m. of this «»flic«- ui Rosei» ü g, Oreg«.U. «ui ’iu»:- ilimm » . Cinne, of Giailuii. Yo!«» county, I SiTKD STATE* LAM U| 1 I l ul Klau.u h • iiy iu ■. ■ e •'!, uii-l will Otter p t«.nv ’tian f-n agricultural purpu««'* O i » l '«» d N< vaua. and Wa-hing Am* and ail i*»rs«»ns |«er*«uis «’telming ft.Ive . - ;.«1 !«• »-'tsiblish hi* claiin Iosani hunt. te‘foru tile above 4es«’ribr«i iau«l' a e tv-p.--.««i I« it lory,- Walter L Ruot. or Bl-« tiimh I bind* are ruque 1 the atem < tile 1 heir « Iaiin » in In»* « : i •• «m or tef.ir. h< r H’id rei'civ : of tins office, al i ‘iijiit.v uf Vote. Stah< •»{ , a.ifunii i tile I tn ir < I (aims m this ufli, e ou or 1;.« m .re, < •: ti n, uu Wud;i<-s«!ay, th»- tetii «uúl 2illi «lay uf i eh; miry, IvM 'lay tiled tu tbls oilict* hi* sw»rn ■sai«.l 1- l h d; ay ..fFcbruan 1« 23 ’ < n«'. W. JoiiS'ToN, ltek’i'tcr. • ¡.iv <>f mm *. «•’-■JO. H’- : auiv-in witue**- fur th«* ¡»nrrhu-c «4 -. lie Io * I and < 11 v- « J ‘ -1 <-« U«x-.!i»h' I. mioui . m II and Barkley G. tire NE‘ , of *t'cti«iu No 4, in v « wii P< a:of < • Ilf.«.:« \\ .’t-hiliilfmi C. G \ inn rt')d l imi er Land N• 1111 e s«»ulh, range No. i« a-t. nml w ill ;tm.•* It. Ih •;< i'. oi Wo .«Land, ail of Yulu i«» «‘¡<*w ihai the himi ■i» i>ib.i i« i county. < 'alituruia. l’N.TEI» Sur«* 1 VXD IHFICK, f a» b‘ for it* timber or «'.>■!«»• ih ui lor ngrh-iil- S< »ClLI íes . Any ami n!i pcr-on.« claiming rtdver*eiy K«i»-.'lliï. i aro.» O< 3”lii, |K*9 » lilial pnrpo?»**, aiid to r«tabh*h his «-¡a;m t * il« luiovt «1. s« ri’.ed lamte :;rc rft’ic'lv«i Ni.ti-e i* henhy gì'.en luit’ «-o..), ’.a «»ii I lau.i t.ffurt tire R« u’lst.-r and lh< «-ivvr Rec-iv :ib-their «-hiims in thia office on or tedoru with tn»' pruvi-M.n* ut !:»'■ a •! «»f < <»ue.-c" <1 thi- ■■■■ »i Rus« » b! j, Ilf« g«.|i ol, i'lliir-- uii'. th«* 1 ith «lay ui H binary «ai’i l.iih «lay of January, !* •«> Jum l*te. » mitk- i “An n ■ i«»r th»- «ter .»n Moi » H AS. W .1 «HNsToN, '. io :a ..«I ; o ¡ ü. - .i..................... ♦ I«- ii lb-iui'«:«- i - vritire**re* G:»*«-n Hollins-- Masonic Directory, Ashland W |:»n Register. N«‘V.-«i;< *nd A h -. mh .-! •!! Î-- 21-lut worth. Woodland, .tehn 4 ii.. r. -.f ida -i. < ;;f M'kiy «>a !*..iir «4 ‘ rti;i".!ii;«, La- î M 1 ’ . V - hlbr°«i« R«>*4’burg. D-»’p, his Cuunty, l:»«.d 111 till* «Hfi< e hié SU..ru « .dv. • •:«-g.in, 1» (> b YtHgt-r, of A'bhind, Ji.cL- I ’ NITE!» STATE* ‘ »Ni> Ui I ICE, I s<»n « «»un’y. < ip-gun. tire purchase ot th< lob* S ami » gn-i 1 tei prtxo t- rlnilb.llg fedvC’R« R. -r te On g.m, (»vT. Ju. 1**? v An; . iki ail ; • ¡>«»n« «-'ainjiiig adversely of the bVV *4 «4 >e«-M«»n N«>. • >, iu Lj' t il- *-« ite ami»« a r r« qiies'«-«! Notice is hen '»y given that in coHipiiauce Eouth. muge No 4 « a«t. and will «> * iht- « lair. * in i!.<* ffi- r uu or telo K H M with the próvisúias’d the h < t of <■«.»iicr« , " of . , t»» «•» slbiw -.u«»»» that i it.,. lie- land ««ni^i file «heir Ciaim* la thix office uii or teioi«' «in.* of Man li. 1«1» . .’um- .. 1S7«, riniti« ■! "An *»< t f..r f inr /■ Mile of va a lìmi««: «»r > i.-- najj f- . h.'i.'l I.«th «lay u! FebruM’-y, I -i"> .... h,h|.|,. .... .t* < H V . VV JvtiX'T 'N. Register. A*H!.AN1> 1 OH .E N'» A. F A A M timber land* in the State« «4 Culiterriia. Orc- agri'-uliurte puipo'c . and to e-tab;i- h hi« CHA* VV JOHX-T'IN. g"H. N« »ada and VVhingtk.n Te rritory.” ■ cimm lo Mini luir! t>ci<oU«i 1, Y«4o, Co. IG ci\oí 1 hré office m ? R« cbtlfx. “ - g »n, ( tatet! <-««iu .luniration vu the Thursday r« »im Morey, N Tiiiilx-r Land Notice eciion ao ltì.tDwnahip no. 41 sovtb, J < uut.’imi Jo.-rph GtMMlrc^u, <»ii«<4 i«» show thal erliu h. ««: K îh ‘a:h City. « lili ■ nia. » .»*• bunr, otug.in N«»\. t.u . lass.i V N1 Í F. I) t « tl * L and « hi d k , t ili«’ laud sought is in«-.’« valaabl«’ for its thn Any «ini .41 |M*r*»>n* claiming *dver»» ly . Noi 1 . «-. • ;* h«-r«-by gi rii thn iu c»>m|»liam'e I f.Mtl 1, Oregon. <>» t 31*». ia*» » te-r «»r siun»’than ter agriculturai pur|»o*c-. thr atxivv «Irscríbeit lami* are rvtrd t. with the provi'i. ii - • f ihc ar t i t < ui«gr<>* of N..I 11< i* Il A giveuthat it» rvmpiutm*” ami » 'h bD ' I mí in t«> -a'»e- ’ uf Ju li » I 7 m . n’lllcd ‘’Au act fi»r Ih«- «al • each month Ko.« 1 tuirg, ur«-:*iu. •» ! Monday, ihr Rtth Mrs J I» < r •« i»e 4. HA.«. VV JuHKSTON, i.»n, N« a’ h , ai.d Un-hi»«ct>i< Ter.Dur« ’* nitt». b'tat«*9 «»f • «’iter»m. • I Jatr.arv, Jsff). Hr na.*i*>* a»witnu««r». Kcgiterr. Il * Prenderla t. of Klamath < itv. < ounty G, lui.i Washington 'Icrn- MIS? K 4TE < IHTWoop, Secreta! y. William Vo. I» a T d Nu X* -mili, rant« N.> I .a«», Hmi Mill ••• «»1 III»’ N F*4 of sl.‘« 'il j of P“ Any ami a») pci' » ur claiming adversely I» r pr. «»/ si*.».«- ti.a' th«- laud sought te »i >1 r I U nited S t « t » L and offh » . f • f -W‘4vf Mrvllun No. 4. ill * • ' h»’ h ’. iov r '!<•*' ribc'i lami* are requesic«! t«» more vab able for its limber or stone ihau Ru.-oburg, Or« g«m, oct. 3bl ’’al "V No. I east and Hold regul inturdat tiic ih« ir « lami» in th.« ofl« « on or before <♦ Aeri« nliural pu |*» m . nnd to e*iabli*h Not'.-,- hi hr»« ’ »j gives that -u ; tn • will I ■uf to shoe that th*» '.aii.l evening at C» ■ 1 y . 1 -90 Brvllirtc. with Hit* provi»* mid * «•( tin- a t «,f < «mgr« »*«>1 bi* « ’aim 1.» -a »I ! »ml Peter.• ihe Register AHIglil Tn e valu »ble f.»r its timber or in guo«1 «imi1 • C ha * W . JoiiXMTOK, ¡1 V r . rf ! June 4, 1N/.S, Chinici "An Ml-; ter the >nle ui ami Heei-jvur of ’hi* offi. • at RO'ebU’g. Ore­ <>>?»> th ha n ! I* agri» ultura! p»ir|o«*4«. and tu at tend. Register. 21-10« - N. (. gon, on Monda., 'he 17. h day of Wairh. l*H0. thn ter l.i ih I* in the S At»-« of < alilo’ n m. or« 1. llih ■»teblbl l.»iiii tu >aid land la i« re the John Ma.-, S. rrt lary He name* m « won« g W. luilev, g«»n. Ne« ada. an-i Wu'liingG-n -erruory.' Ib gisler and Kev»-iver Of thia office at K«»*c WHIG r..iti* H M. Timber Lumi Notice. N .? Citufman. «>f Klamath < ity I'ounty >■ *uuk« . J It. *n. il ' b og. Oregon, un We»lnvsdny. the 12th »lay Rote*rts A*hten-L it 1 -»f J.t> k >-n C.muK, Siskhou, s a •( < .«hivrute ha* tl«i« da • «I February. tela.' PiLol RIM k EM’AMI MEM No I J o o I tl ed in Hits «.Ilice Dia suoni sinl- «i » ut f - '» emm. J. M l.’a-. i-. Khi’..aii> < iiv. SGkiyou 11« fíame* h * uitn--s*es Walter !.. I¡u<»t, U nited S tate .* I. xkd O fficf , > Comity. California. Meet* in Odd F«-llow> - Hail ev, ry 2d an-! the pur» f. h - h <«l »h I«»!« I ilnd 2 a’.i l lin- 1 ■.. ■ t Bak -talion Urias Bitzer, Cha*!«-* >. Ro-ebu r, <»’<■_■ n. oct doth. l8Xt.| Any and al p»rM.n< '-tail ng ««WerM’i <' «•f the NW -4 ,»• m •.ion No .in l p N«». i '■'. !er. Green Ih»iling'*worth, «4 Woodland, its Mandat in < a« h nreuth. M» iiib. r> No’i ♦ i« he»- b> viien ibai in »»í he a 4».«*. shou ti.a! «tic lami ..«»Ughi lx more \nl i ill.- their »da m* in ihl» . flic «'•a «>r tx'fure luiB'l U V i . o R. ( P An - a id all p-r«> n< c laiu»lng atrt’es of« Miiforr»;a,Or»- turni pu.*i«u*c*. ami 1«> es abiioii hi»» « lalrn t« C has W J ilUt-T« N’, lile th« J- < iaiin* in this office on or before ■_■!», Neva hi. and Wa-hL fUon TerriKirj.” >ai«i lami te’torv tbe RegiM. r a «1 tic < ivc li‘ gl*t*T. «aid lull da- of Fvbr- arv, K1 Wiiiiarn i:<«re> uf Klaiiialh < iiy. County uf Ibis otti«'«- mi K >«• *hurg, O-eg.»n, <»u Muli CHA» W J ohnston . .4 si-k. <»u -• !£ ot California, tia-ihi» dax dav lhv.4ih day of February, i**»>. - iillibrr i '.!» «t \’<» 1er. Register. i.!» d m this «.flii-e hi* «w«>rn Maierneni f »r Ile ‘teine«« •»* wilu«*’«' .!•««• ph G<>'-‘ ‘ ’be pu*< im*.e ot tbe -E11 ui xvciion No 3°. in r» au Wni sttirev. ch«str V fowl»-., F«l i;» No .t» « nth rain.« 4 ui** nod will offer «rt d Williams, Eternaih Conni}. Cai rui. Timber Laud Notice pr<> f io •!.•<« that ike land »ongiit js nnne Any »ni all i-».-«'n-< « a-nniis müh -’ m I’ »ui able fur its timber or st > i • than for 1 he rtte.iAi- «le-rerlte 1 temi* a e reptr *««1 » »uricitltur »1 pmpau-«, und t«> eetabli*h bi* Iii»* their • -inhn* in Gii- < ftjc»’ uu or t»»•:-•-< I sited S tates L and O ffice .< < aim u> ra»«l lat'.-i bvf«»re th«- Kcy-?t»’r and •aid 24’b dii;- «>f Ft I•; ,u»rj, >.«>. R »SEMI Rh.» »K . Oct. 31, 1MM9 I Receiver of thi*,»«}«••• at R<»«cbiirg. Oregon Notice i - li.-rebv given thatu» com pliant’«* ('HAM W JOHN'TOK. Meet« in lodge room in Odd Fellow’» on Moi.-'ny, the 24th dny <»f F»;bruary. 1S.0 with thr provision« of the a< (*«'f • ougrex* of R. gi«ter. June •, is-M. vniitlv«l “An act for th»* sale o: I’uli wry »¡RMT and i Hinn We h . *i He name* »».* wiiut^M’«. ‘■:o h month. Present hour of ntcv'aitii 7 o tiitiher land* in the S ates uf California, V J < «.’.in» >n, .kiteph ei;> i» f ¡o -hwu it at ’be Bradford Rad» ¡iff. !<♦ «• .'d» r. t-above «'.ewrib d land«* are requested to ti-i* «-flice hi* suufu «laiemciil for the pur- ■ «Id it« (imte r rha...... t thr N W \ . f section No. 14. in i j N. tile tiu tr < 'a:»io* in ihi* uffi.-e ou ur brfore it« ’ at ; ,;i po-e«. and «aio /U.b day of Febrna y, law». u suiitb, range N .. 5east, and will otter prom a 1 Jani te fur» » ar; the large«! and I h - m •• lv«. **•! !■•> mio - a that ih>- laud Kuught is mure va .a CHA««. W . JoH*ST05. ilia R* ’ gi»»er j VC of ’ hr« office Rt atock of Register. hie for itb umber or i»tune than for ae.icul- tluMhurg. <»o i be 21*. day of t-’-al purpu*e- and t»» ratab’Hh hl* claim t»» ('J RANI IE LODGE. NO Ku ret* --------------- . , j;;. ___ „ ol Febnmrs. l*i i h «1 land litfure the Rvgi-’rr and Ri’v^ivcr V ' Puhi««, Pubis«, Akbtmid. Ash»M!ld. Oregon, : -......... m«c «% ever\ l.«Mn| H. bhe names ¡ A«ifT, .«(« of this «»flier at Ro«« burg, Oregon, on Thur*- F»id* rvetung. Viutiug knight V U gouu LOOK OUT FOR „ fiel«!. Marla I ; .«»(Yreka. F 1 Fra , day the 1-th day of February. IF«». in Southern Gregna Als<-. sinmhiig are curoiail invìi-, d ««» «trend d.nbur.h dlteniy. Mary Nuòce, of Bog«u. He □»«nr« as wi(Qe»>es Vna* Bitzer, < F Mti UN NELL, C. C WALL PAPES, FRAMES AND «H < aiiforma, Green H<»11 Ing»worm, of Woodland, Yol • H T CHITWOOD, R. uf K A ? Ain an' *■! ■,-'.*.;* rtelniüjg adver-ely county. Califorala WtUiam G Far»« MOULDINGS, CHI .OREN'S WA00KS. ! !,e aKn e 'e eril-cd iund* are n-q^i« - t.-d io Kenu. Klamath Count* Oregon. D. D. H. Cue third <>f the real estate in Jackson Ytaaer. of Ashland, »acksoncount* .Oregon. fl A RABY CARRIAGES, ETR., ETC. ii « their claim-in tbte ».fli--e on or befui«» D Burn-ide F -• N ». 2?.. m» ■ - county i* held under dkfkctive title. Get ,ai»t ititi day ui Febrnan, ’• *u. Anv an 1 ail pers’.n» claiming adverse!, **• iu M b -Hiic Ha.l «the We C ha * W. JoHNari 'X. iliv aho\e de>cril>cd lands are requested to andad sa!urdavh«,f rtu-h mouth. Vuniuf an ab-t'MCt to the title of vour propertv «nd «e<-if To« are «il right. The only reliable ¿3 ReU *‘er. >i)e tbrir c aims in this office un or boforw coro.adui cordially weh-, rutd THE Davis Seeing Machine, • X« . V tiu 1 Z» « T Abstract* made in Jackson county Come ta*d ¡Mtb day uf February, 1*90. M a X PRACHT. from Auteiu b. Hamrnuud « Law aDd Abs- M» nV Wh:t* SL’rt*, ail styles atei The best sewine machine made. Call and ISA». W. JOMWiTOM, J. H. C amky , Cuxuiuaudvr a hUagt Uitree. Ahl- laud. U ìmkuu . »•* it Mud bh CUMTlucvd. Le-U Adjoia»L prices at Ü. H Bjouut's. • Ashlaxi Lodge, A. 0 .U. W Smith $c Dodge Knijhta of Fyth.ia3. Having one of the l>*t skylight« in Or •gun, and knotring heir to u»e it, l GUARANTEE GOOD WOKK. M E. TÏLEE, AsmcxD. • Onasox. M/er’, BUuk^úK side Main street. • FURNITURE BAD TITLES! ’