Special inducements to cash buyers I Cited to Answer ftir Contempt of Court. y ('oiiiH'il ProcM-ähm*. for the next 30 days oti bedroom and Í The “Valley Record" of last week, Medfvrd'a city election occur» Jan. for it» leading editorial, had a some-, < Ashland City Council met Dec. 17th, qmrlor suites, upholstered rockers aud : Nominating ('oinentìonw The Ver»!id si th»* * what stiiprising philippic against tbr present C'outieiltnen Walter, Colton, •n»y chair» at Bmitti t 1 lodge's. Pnlb. The Total 'ote larger than Ever 7th. Uterini* r b'ritluÿ. "jnrisprmieuce” of Southern Oregrfn, Tliorntou, Hunsaker and Sutton. Before Gimlets, gouges, tweezers, pliers. Car loud of all kind» of fee,! down at Tile billowing sinus were ordered iu which the statement was made that Pots and kettles, pans aud friers. old homely W. 1*. B,e whs read, and a war­ Winter Psalnrage. ing \. P. H :tiiti!'.n*i chnirmun and W. “connected with the management aud rant w as order>st drawn iu her favor I Merry Christmas! to the readers of Giaci winter vaatn» near Ashland. H. l/eeiis, secretary. “manipulation of tbe jurisprudence tor $!kM) for a one-half interest and her Makes many lives miserable, and «»fien lead 8. B. Galey ann«»un<*ed that he un- the T idinim before another issue. Inquire of Wm. N. H'll on Garrett “of Southern Oregon." * The editor dower right in land for location of bead to »elf destruction, bistres» after eating, Abont three feet of snow now on the place east of Bearcreek. or of 11. C. derst«wxl th« re would lx* no c«»nte«t 8t >rv. th:« wording b?iug clipped from Sandy Olds, the Portland gambler then goes on to give a picture of out­ works of city water works, to be de­ sick headache, heartburn, aour ■tomach, Hill in Ashland. |2t»-lm. over th** council, ami therefor he summit of the Dead Indian road. the \eiC3: 1. P —, who lately ar­ convicted of murder, has been granted raged justice that makes Oregou trem­ livered upon execution and delivery of menial depre«»ion, etc., are caused by thia move«! that a committee of five lx» He wants to bond given by her agreeing to epuvey very eoinmou aud lncreasina disease. Have yon »eon those tine white rived here from Wisconsin, went across n : -w trial by order of the supreme ble for her liberties. Chri.tm»» P.nner named by tbe chair to present to lhe know why one man can be convicted remaining oue-half interest iu said Hood's Sarsaparilla tones the »toinach, bl tukets al the Asblaud Woolen Mills B nr creek hn'.it in^ g.»e-»e. He found court. a and a A fine Christmas dinner will be convention six names fur cuuiMailmen. otli'e? of murder on circumstantial evidence pro|>erty to the city withiu six months create» an appetite, promote» ditresrlon, re­ X a mce o meh a i I opened fire ou them. served at th» Ashland H oum ? from After some argument the motion was C. W. Riggs was accidentally shot from this date for $200 additional. aud hanged by tbe neck till he is dead, lieves headache, clears the mind, and cures V i * g • h a sto > I tire with­ Tiie new city officials will assume Kilim4 one 12 M. to 2 1" M, 111 which will lle lost. ami killed bv a boy named Oran Ham­ .lead, dead, aud another man can es- City ordinance No. 74, providing for dyspepsia Toe room iieing too small, the oon- their duties with the new year, under out tiyiug wheretipou he MLook a tum­ mond at S 'blimity, Maiion county, wanting served up for the »«entice a nnmlier precautions ugaiust fires, was adopted. cajie when tbe evidence is just as ble to himself” aud c illad on t he owner In a Terrible Condition. of big, fat turkey«, with all the tixin’s vrDtion then adjourued to McCall’s the preseut charter. Ou account of tbe amount of city “convicting in its circumstautialuees;” and m t 1» a dep wit of six bits and re­ last Snuday. I owe my life to Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla. For hail. Here nominations for mayor »nd accessories to make a choice feast.* Gso. M. Parkiusou L '» moved into turn«! to th* city with bis goon*. The S. P. D. A L. Co., of Granfa why attorneys can offer bribes to funds now on hand, a resolution was two yearn I was tn a terrible condition with were declared in order. J. M. McCall I grand jurors; uud why other things passed raising the amount of tbe dyspepsia. I could eat nothing but soda doratioiiary Contesu. pla«e«l the name of D. K. Mills iu the old batcher shop builjiiig, by the This is ill right as f > n is one of the P ss, has filial supplemental articles “just hb queer, irregular and delicate, bond» of the city treasurer to $50,000. crackers, and my weight fell from 170 to 188 I bridge ou Main street. b >ys and w • wju t give mm a vxy. of incorporation, increasing ita capital Loinmation. C. W. Logan nominated The first of a series of elocutionary Adjourned until Dec. 23d. •’and ‘too numerous to mention”' are pound». Hood'» 8arsaj>arilla helped me at tShows of all kinds are crowding contests will l»e given at the normal H. C. Hili. BaHoliug was begun ami Scrap albuujM, lOcts up at Blount's stork to $125.000. occunng. The statement is made school building this (Friday) evening. the first bali«»t resulted as follows: the dales available at Graulte bail Scrap albums, pbot<>gurph albums, once, and alter using 12 bottles I was en­ >’• xt spting the A. O. U. W. will lA , that: “The practicing condition of M« n’s Hats, 50c up. at O. H. Blouut’s s gui the erection of u JfKi.000 buildin^X" tirely cured. I have gained my usual Hill 6.3. Hill whh declared durian tbe next week or t wo. Til« couteatauta will he Miss-’s Oli­ Miils “jurisprudence in tins section of the plush papetene, aud Xmas cards until weight, 170 pounds, and have had excellent iw^on lhe corner of Secoud ami Taylor Y ver, !X*vlin, and Andr«we. and Messrs. tbe n«>mince of lhe convention. \ Lfe’itl '¡n ui of this pl i-? « w ho wae further orders, at Minkler A Sou’s. ♦ ’ world is as corrupt and criminal in »bip- The Ashland Mills have been health ever since.’’ T. J. W ilcox . 20- A’> 1st Would be unwise if they N«»mibqtions for couucilmen b**ing Sutton. Helms, and Hunter. Every- sun »whit mterested in th* fate of Dr. s’:rets in PortiamL “its niathoiis (in proportion to |a>pula- ■south Street, Salt Lake City Utah. in order, Mr. Galey mov»*d that the ping a large quantity ot wheat fruui C. Le np irt, w iota mysteri-H disap­ get body invited. Admission fr* e. KOKS Not half th» doctors of Oregon wln> “tion, amount aud magnitude of crime Headache —Hot Flash««. members of ibe ok! council be place«! Baker's warehiruse at Me dford. pearance some two years ago was a “ aud puree of criminals) as it is in the a •• entitled by diploma have compli<»l ting prices >n ii«>miuatioD, urging the inadvisabili­ “ I ha«i headache, hot flashes, soreness and The Presbyterian Church will have uine-days wonder, recently sent n de­ —Mr. uud Mrs. F. Roj»er received A. F. i A. M. wi h the law by taking out the necee- "cities where these cases are regularly CARR. ty of a change until after tbe new i an entertainment for the children ot card» recently aunouncinK lhe birth of a swelling across my body, pain in my right “‘handled,’ by the political I hiss who Special eonimnniciiti'in of Ashland water works should be completed. lhe .Sunday Neliool at tbe church ou tailed description of the man to Baker sny license to practice. «ou to their «laughter. Mr* Geo. C. Carr, side, with frequent vomiting I used Hood's City, where Prof. Kugler of Portland ““makes' tbe otlici,ds, ‘fixes’ the jitriea, Dee. 6th. Lodge No. 23. A. F. > A M. Friday, Tim motiou was lost. Samapar ilia with the be-t results. I am io Christmas Eve. reported him to be. and the answer John F. Flynn, the real ret vie “and attends to the case for a large D.-C. 2lHu. at 1:30 p. m. Work lu 1 . C V an H » rn .—In Klamath county, Nov 27, better health than for four years. Hood'» Motion was then made that the cou- That homely man, Benn, «ill have came back from reputable parties that ag-nt, has lost lus suit for jfls.tXMi “sum.” Following this, tbe editor to the wife of William VanHorn of Long Sarsaparilla is safe, reliable, and sura'' J. degree. All lire! tieni in good eU.tiding VeliU<»ti laijoiirm Motion was l«»Ht. lake, a boy. lots of fat turkeys, it’ase ar Monday, Dec. IGtb, and show G. \V. M >rris N. Y. Comedy Co. L and O fficb at R osburg Oregon.# R, we wish to publicly express our highest number of votes should be the to be heard yesterday. ceived a new saw mill last w-ek, direct cause why they should not be pun- December, 14. 188» i will give one of their spteadid eoter- from the mm'ifsctory. It will not be ( isbed for contempt of court. Mr. heartfelt thanks. choice of tbe convention. Tbe ballot Notice is hereby given that the following The lead for filling the jointe of Ciinmenls at Granite Hall on Mon­ M rs M ary M. J effers . resulted: James Thornton 54, G. C. pipes for tiie new water works arrived day eveum*. I)>3. 23!. Tma is one long before William* creek wdl h ive Jacobs is away from home, and Mr. named settler ha* filed notice of his inten t«j make final proof in support of hi* E. F. J effers . .E«idingN, 74, W. B. Colton, 63, L. D. last week, and some of tba irou uia- th« finest c »mpauies that is booked another first class mill in operation. Kaiser appeared in court and asked lion and that said pr«M»f will be made be­ Ashland, Or., Dec. 14, 1SM9. —| Courier. i time to procure counsel. Time was claim, Fuller 3d. E. B. Hunsaker 65. IL K. tenal is beginning to arrive. fore the clerk of the county court of Jackson here this season. We clip this from granted, and ou Tuesday his attorney, count «-.Oregon, nt Jacksonville, Or., on Satur­ . Suttou 78. Geo. Crowson 40, J. S. Wal ­ Articles of incorporation of the 11. K. Hanna, filed his answer to the day.Jan. 2.5. 1K'.*O, vix. John F. Brittsan, Kome- the R Haburg p ip«r: “ Lie celebrated Laek Oat! Still it rains in the valley, and ter 29, I. W. Burriss 21. A. Bish 41, F. Improvement Company of -t«*ad Entry N«> 4557 for the NW4ofNW% For the arrival of a general line of Hansen 12, J. Thompson 38, M. N. snows on ttie moitutains -a model Morris N. Y C >. gave an eutert uu- R Idle meut at Slocum’s hail, this city, just Riddle were tiled last Friday. J. B. citation, aud 9 o'clock a. ni. this morn­ section 8. Tp :w. S It 1 E, W M. ing is the time set for hearing. Notions, Jewelry aud fine line of holi­ L«.)ng 11, J. Wagner 46, J. R. Tozer 11. winter thus far, oouddering tbe needs He names the following witnesses toprove R dole. G. W. Riddle and W.O. Brown Un «a iiy evening to a large an«l well The answer first sets lip that the his c«*ntinii«»us residence upon and cult! day goo«in; coneishng of Albums, Mu- Dr. Stanfield 4. (). H Blouut 4, Col. of the country iu a weather sense. pleased an iienc». Tins company is are lncorfHirators, capital stock, ration of said land, viz John VanHorn. si cal Instruments. Dolls, etc., etc. Norns 2, Kyla, Logan, R »peg* Bright- court has no jurisdiction either of tbe L. M. V anHorn. S. I. Sonnichsvn. Ashland. The homeliest mau and the biggest 0 <>. These goods come from a largo Port­ tn m. each «me. Tmtruton. FNdmgs. fool has settled iu this town. He'll tin« as silk and gave oue of th« liest case or the person of the defendant, ,Ja< kson county. Oregon Nathan Firestone. Eagle Point Jackson county. Oregou. aud then claims that there was no in ­ land »‘ommission bouse, and will bo Colton, Hnt'asker, Sutton, Wagner sell yon beef and pork; «•> sheep if entert uu ujut« th it w j h *ve ever w.t- Three of the most prominent citi­ nes>e 1 in the city.” ♦ 2x C ka * W. J ohnston . Register disposed of at auction, as well as at were declare«! the uomtuees. zens of Seattle, Dr. Minor, Lotus tent Io commit contempt and denies you'll plank the cash right down. Dot private sale, at. bedrock prices. The Get pric -s and examine our com­ Haller an. J. L. Pen­ Sulphur Springs Hotel. farm and 45 acres of the Ihmick place dere«! Mrs. Elon hover ami child, aud than __ _ to remark that, if tbe Record has order of sale bv kh M Court made hu «1 en­ Au -tilain W tlra I 5, J. J. Strait 1. cigar aud ¡>eanut store, and Gi»>. M. business on a larger w de next year which they had )eam*d of him, aud utid John V Hanley. Mary II. Hanley The lecture at Presbyterian church For Street Com mi ¡-stoner, two bal­ Parkinson gives his whole tune to the than ever before. He will put. in 75 would not leave till the lease expired, public a great service by making a tlfL plain statement of the facts. If there George M Love Fannie C Love. A 1. lieu Wednes«lay evening by Dr. M. M. lots w* re taken. William Patterson s.>da water mfg. business. »•res of mdons. lnttajding to ship on­ waa hanged at Empire City, C«a»e is so ba«l a state of affairs existing in •er. T .1. Kenney. J mib '- m Drum !’ E Hagg- Gilmon, of San Frunciec-», waa wed being re-nominat* d as follows, ou the lund, John A ix>ve. Haskell Amy, S. Hig Jackson county as the Record staU-s, gin* and \V D HHiiley. Admr of estate of E. B. Myer h is a pair of $25 turkeys ly the first-class ou»*s, and feed the county, laxt Friday. attended, and is reported as m.»st in­ M*«*<>ud: i’htter.^m 2'J. Strait 17, Gr»*g- rest to the bogs. H * mt *n is, also, to M Hanley, were dcfvndantn^-u hich exe< n we want to know all alxmt it. an«l — ■;» big brmiz i gobbler au I ben winch teresting uud entertaming through­ «»rv 1L Tbe latest rejx?rt from a gentleman ’ion wa* by mu duly >erv.-r City Surveyor. C. W. Root was he received from Illiums by express eatitemplates shippin > them t » Ash­ who haw a rain gauge at Della, ou tb«- f ’‘let no guilty man escape.” If tbe I am comniMiohfi tu Keil the hereinafter de l ist. Saturday. The gobbler is eight tractive o,a lt.wlueh hohlsthe attention nominate«! by acclamation. Sacrametito river, in Sbauta eouuty, Record has th« facta, it ne««l be in no •rribs-d property toratiafy t lie dccre»- of t-aid land for storage, as they keep b«tter fear of any court. If it hasn't th»* court ’bar plaintiff« aforesaid recover from m tilths old and weighs '-’I ltrs. of his au h »ucu without any apparent lhe convention then adjourned. here than it: th »more damp atmos­ annoumvs that the rainfall so far has facts to back its charges it has placet! 'iefendant* ahrre^aid the autn of five thou«- effort on his part, and all who heard reached 54 inches iu that village. Il and. one hundred and s»oenty d liar*, The dwelling boiue of Mrs. M. H. phere along tbe Ri'ue river bottom. him were well pleased. It is to l»e iw$y. at 10 is gixxl for tbe «ountry that such sur­ itself in a bad positiou with regard to with interest thereon from De< Tbe Ix.lting (vnvt ntion nut in the Vining on Spring »treet is having a the public, whether it has with regard percent ¡vraminni and the further mud ol hoped some arrangements may 1».« In making your selection for a plus of ram fulls w here it can do no front additiou built to it this week, the >154 50, attorney« fee*, the cost* and dis to the court or not. If its editor did buraement« ot said suit, aud cu«t.s and made for the organization of a hx»al city council room with J. T. Rogers old building having Iteeu tnrued Christmas present this year you cm gro«it harm.—[Journal. accru­ not mean what he said, be should ing costa of this writ And 1 will therefore lecture bureau through which may l»e as chairman snd S. B. Galey, secretary, around and placed upon u new fonn- find nothing more satisfactory for A meeting of tbe citizens and pro ­ offer fur sale to the highest bidder, for ca«h. study the meaniug of common words giv» n our people more opiH>rtunities and re-nofninat» d tbe old city officers dati< >n. either mother, wife, sister, or sweot- a’, the court house door in Jacksonville. (Jr . to hear able lecturers of local and na­ throughout. beart than one of th«»se nice dress perty holders of Grant’s Pass was held in tbe English language before at­ at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on Me-srs. Wagner and Eddings re­ There are still three butcher »hop« patterns or Sealette jackets to l>e last Friday afternoon in the City Hall, tempting such heavy editorial work. tional celebrity. Saturday, January 18, 1890, for the purpose of organizing a joint To attack an«! expose corruption iu fused to run f< r conncilmen, and tbe in Ashland. W. P. Benn ba» o|»*ue.l fuiiud at Hunsukers. x All tbe right, title and intereat of the above sltx’k company to build a bnck hotel oflh’ial life is part of the duty of jour named An Excellent Dramatic Company. m«ti -s of Geo. W. Crowsou and W. a new shop in the Gillette block, west defendants in and to :he following E. J. Kaiser, of the Record, had an real estat-. ’♦•-wit: Tbe Elleford A Brophy Dramatic W. K t*t,,r were substituted for them side of M un street, ami the shop of unpleasant experience in attempting on lots 7, 8 and 9 of l>l«M»k 67, on tbe nalism, and the fr»-edoin of the press described A part of Donation claim. No 46, in towu- east side of Sixth street, opposite the on the first ticket. in this respect should never lx» snr Xn-boteA Kader, iu frontof tbe bridge, and Ooenedy Company, now playing a diip36. south, of rang*- two. west, beginning to drive from M»»«!for«l to Ashland with shingle factory. Tbe hotel to cost rendered. I'o lightly or maliciously The two ti«\ets were printed as h is Ireeu closed. Ashland, and are again prepared prove at a |»oiut on tin east boundary of said week’s engagement at Granite hall, a livery team I ist M hi lay eVHUIQtf. not less than $10,010 nor more than | impugn tbe integrity of our courts Claim follows: No, <• .. L'y chains north’from the h tve given exo »llaut salisfa ’lion in the Plenty of excitem-mt in the late He was overtaken by JStyj iau darkness $15,000. (But. it was decided to build, of justice is unwise, to say tbe least, south ea*t corner of said claim: thence north citizen ’ s regular ticket . p»rformatH’HH thus far, and the com­ on east t»oundary 24.« 2 chain« to the north city ele-tio i, and lota of v wy n 1 <■ i- an«I got off the road at the railroad after the meeting adjourned, a $15,000 — oo Fur Mayor H. C. Hill. and a good defense of solid facts is east corner t)f said claim them e west ou pany is recognized as being far alx>ve lou* personal and other little - ‘ iseuee** crossing opposite A. P. H unmond’s building.) —Courier. For Cotincilmeu W. B. Colton. desirable to fall back upon when an north boundary rtfi.uo chains to the north tbe average of tb«w of the lietter class debated on the streets, but the florid place this «.ide of Taleut. One of his west corner of same: thence south on west that have visited Southern Oregou. James Thornton. R. K. Sutton, Geo. ami rancid placard literature of a year hors *s got «town and broke the buggy Harry R Smith is wanted at Grant’s issue is made. boundary to the dividing line between land The mauagemeut is good, the plays Crowson. W. W. Kent nor, E. B. Hun- ugo wasn't seen. formerly owned by Mary Dcskiu« and the Paw* for forgery, by which ho ob- ton *ua. an ! finally K us*-r left the ¡and hereto conveyed: 'thence N «1^ de­ SelecieJ are among tbe mott popular saker. t iiu««l from citizens of that towu $300 team in despair and mule for a light grees. E 11 30 chains; thence N >¡6^ degree«, Real Estate Transactions. For Recnrder- Nh It od Berry. No loans w >re made nt the regular of the emotional drama of the «lay, aud and two gold watches. E. E. Moore, E M 70 chains to place of beginning, con­ in a bonve ne.ir, whi«4i h« found to 1» For Treasurer E. V. Carter. meeting of the Ashland Budding ami the players do excellent, work. .Mon­ constable of Grant ’ s Pass, semis out taining 1*) acres, more or ’e-s. Also tbe For Street Commissioner < — Wm. Loan Association last Mondav even­ that of Ernest Carter, faking a Im the following description of hun: N. A. Young to II. C. Ix»wis. the fractional west half of southeast quarter :o: day night “A Planter’s Wife” was pro- tern they went to the scene of the and the south« a«t quarter of the southwest Patterson. right of way for an irrigating ditch ing. At the next mee'ing. third Mon­ duced; Tuewdsy, MHazel Kirke;” Wed­ “Age about 26 years, height atxiut quarter, and lots numbered 4 and 5 of Sec­ trouble and found that both horses For Marshal Wm. Mayfield. through and across the W. portion of day evening io January, there will be nesday, *T*ady Amlley's Secret;” last 16. in township 36, aouth. range one. had kicked loose from the vehicle five f*x»t six inches, weight a!g>nt 145 lunation claim No. 47. and across do­ tion For Surveyor—C. W. R x>t. about Slink) to loan. west, containing 170 acre«. Also, lot 1 of evening “Fun in a Boarding School.” and gone off somewhere. K riser pounds. r«»uiid face, florid complexion, nation claim 48 in tp. $6 of R. 1 W. section 17 and lots 1 and 2 of section 20. and citizen ’ s ticket . This evening (Friday) “East Lynne” The D rl>l an I Walker stage robbery h’Hjfel it to Astil «nd an I Mr. Carter light brown hair ami mustache of con. $1. lots I, v aud 3 of M»ctioii 21. all In township For Mayor- D. R. Mills. will be produced, and to-morrow even­ same color, blue eyes and has gold ’6. south,of range two. west, containing67.21 F»»r Councilmen— W. B. Colton, • •ase was to c roe up for tri d in the if. took a saddle horse .and wont to Med- filling Li some of bis front teeth, has acres, and in all 41*.O6 acres. Also, the ing tbe popular play “A Big Bonanz i,” E E Miner to Sarah Ann Rodgers, northwest S. court at P >rtl in 1 yes’-nliv. A for to report, finding one of the horses quarter of southwest Quarter, will wind up the engagement. For a h ilu s Thornton, R. K. Sutton. J. S I irge number of wd on th*» way dowu. Tbe other horse a somewhat pleasant manner. He left lots no. 9 and 10 iu Miner*» add. to the southwest quarter of northwest quarter, pleasant evening at a tiist-class perfor- . Walter. J. Thompson, E. R- Hunsaker. through Grant’s Pass about lH*c. 6, 1889, going Ashland. Consideration. $500. and lot« 6 and 7 of section 12, and lot 1 of Aslilau 1 from Klamath was taken in iu good condition the For Recorder Mi I ton Berry. section 11. In township 36. south, of range ma ne'e in the legimate «iraina, see this north. Hs bad lieeu employed in a comity this week. next morniug. For Treasurer E. V. Carter. Angle, Plymale A Short, to W. H. three. we«t. containing 206 15 acres, all in company this evening and to-morrow sawmill alxmt one year. He writes a county. oreg«»n. together with the For Street Corommiasrnner Wm. Simmons, lots 1 ami 2 in block 3, in . Jackson The total number of votes cast at evening. appurtenances iwlonuing thereto. Sets of dishes for children, 5cU, at poor baud.” Patters« m. the Cottage add. to Medford. Con­ Witness my han«l at Jacksonville. Otegon. the city elei'tion Tuesday was 387. the Bluuut’s, ♦ Says the Albany Herald; Tbe sideration. $5tMJ. tbi« 13th day of December, 1KS9. The Trains. For Marshal Engine Wslrad. largest ever cast at a municipal elec­ JAMES G HIRDSEY, A tine line of Christmas stationery, speculative tendencies of the past has For Surveyor—C. W. Ibxg. tion. Last year the total vote was The extraordinary high water m the 2hj Sheriff of Jnck«ou county, Oregon. James G. Birdsev to Chas. Nickell, at Minkler A Son’s. * concentrated on Washington prop­ 36L and no trouble wa» »pared to get t^st ramen to valley last week caused E. ‘i of a W. ’4 ami N. W. i4 of S. E. The result of the election was as Why I have Join the band! Sales at the Red erty chiefly, until the past few months, 4 sec. 30, tp. 38, SKI W. Con. $450. an interruption in the regular run­ f«»llows. the btiCvTssful candidates being out every vote at that time. since which time property in goo! Estray * lj/f' |>e<>ple of La Gr.md->. ' House are steadily growing. ning of trains f«»r several «lays, but named first: Oregon towns has attracted much at ­ E. L. Applegate 15 Marietta Doll ar­ since the damages to bridge* and track oyinty. «smsider themselves lucky iri\ Wire baskets, lOcts, at Blount’s. * F or M ayor , tention. When it is oemsidered that il int , jelling their l«>ml issue of at \ mature agricultural, stock and min ­ in Ashland pretinct, Jarkaon county, or. R. 2. Com $1 Q. C. D. H.C. Hill .................................. 215 on time until Tues lay evening, when a I par The bonds are to btnld w iter \ the following des«ribed estray annual, Where ing interests constitute the founda­ I». R. MMta itt T a It is lovely delay was encountered in th«* Siskiyoiis PERSONAL. T. J. Cl«»pton to H. It. Brann. 2 acres which has been posted and will be tu»ld a*- works, ami are identical with the Ash­ tion for future permanent growth in corping to provision of statutes of Oregon —th** first of the season. A large mass F or C ovn « ii . mfn of land in tp. 36 sec. 4 Con. $65. the pattern and style. has over land bonds rnn twenty years at six these Oregon towns, it is only sur ­ One horse about nine year« old; ll ’ a of eartb and rocks ha«i cover*»«! the E. B. Hunsaker. . I percent. Ashland did a little letter high, color, medium’tmy, Rome white > Mrs. Stores anl son starte 1 Monday prising that money has not long since Stiencer Childers, sr. to Spencer hands track in the first cut south of Clawson, R. K. Sun <>n left hind foot branded MR on left flank ' ................... than La Grande, h iving obtained a morning for San Francisco. found lodgment in those growing Chihlers. jr.. S. W. E of the N. E-and on A tnanill» clothes lint wax around bis ueck aud the north bound express rau into W. B. (’■»lion ....................... i small premium on its bonds. of S. E. l4 and lots 4, 5, 6 when found. James Tobin, of Klamath county, states. In less than six months the the N. W. it j 1st as it rounded a curve in th** George Crowson Appraised. Dec II. at |20 bv Milton real activity of the northwest will be sec. 5 tp. 35 S. of IL 1 W. containing i Ktimmage. Gilbert A Co. have »hut bus been in Abb land this week. track. The front engine was derailed, W. W. Kentnor...................... Berry. J. i’ new styles to select and such goods almost wholly in Oregon, and men 160-8 acres. Con. $10. i down their mill neir Grant's Piss for J LOMAS and the cow-catcher broken, but no James Thornton..................... John Van .Sant left Ashland I Hat with means will then wonder why Ashland, Or . Dee 13. IKW. ought to them you tbe present, as the continued rains other damage done. Conductor Kear­ W. H. Barr to Wm. Slinger undivid­ they bad not anticipated the future. have mil.» the groun I so soft that Monday for Tehama couuty. Cal. ney and engineer Mcf'artby, with a J. R Tozer ed 1-5 of lots 5 and 6 in block 19, Med- 1*4 they cannot work to advantage. They Judge Webst *r and wife were visit ­ fiar car aud two crews of sectioo bauds W W. Stanfield The co-operative colony of Scotch ford. Consideration $100. 171 wili start np again as soon as tbe ing friends in Ashland last Sunday. went up from A*hlan«i. and all th*» J. Thompson........................... and Irish who located on tbe banks of ICI U. S. Patent to William Wilkens 160 weath >r permits. other available force within rea«’h was .1. S Walter the Nehalem, about five miles above ................. 15H I. G. Moon and wife, of Grant’s acres in tp. 38 S. R. 2 W. has many with to put at work, but it t«x»k all night to A. Bish .................................. 111 Christ ma» cards in endless variety, Pass, were visiting Ashland Ibis week. Mist post-office, numbers about forty lain town and tbe Rub-board is tak­ clear the track and put the engine ou an«I is in a prosperous condition. They I’. S. Patent, to Claus Kleinhamruer, ing a back-seat. Purchasers and ref­ make a dress handsomely, such at Miukier A Sou's Ornaments, F or R f . ioriier Max. Jacoby, of Klamath City, has have alxuit 1400 acres of fine land in the rails, so that it was 8:3b the next I erences in Ashland: G. W. Morris Commly Co. at Oran­ l>*en at Gold Hi LI an I Jacksonville one body, aud have considerable of it 120 acres in tp. 38 S. R. 2 W. ........... 362 Jets, Plushes, Silks, are morning before the train reached Ash­ .Milton Berry it» Hall next Mou lay eve. By spec ­ Mrn. I) E. Hyde. Mr. ('. N Ganlard. V. S. Patent to Edward Graupner, this week. land. Tbe delayed trains from Cali­ cleared, and are getting teams, sheep, F or T reasures . many every Mre. B. Million, Mr. M. F Blauten. ial request, Mr. J. W Welch, the 80 acres it tp. . ’ 38, S. R. 2 W. fornia reached here in two sections E. A’. Carter................. Mrs R S. Barclay, Mr.. M J Ha:field. 371 great cistern tenor of the comninv, Ed. Miner came up from San Fran­ etc. They are going to have a good Mr» J N Million M r». G. W . < ole, Saturday morning, and went north F or M arshal . cisco for a visit with his parents in sawmill, with a planer, and the Same, to Edward Graupner, 200 acres will sing tbe “ Wreck of the 2<5." Don ’ t Mr*, Ja-'. Norris. Mrs. J E. l'eltou, from here as two trains. Conductor Win. Mayfield......................... machinery is ordered and the dam in tp. 38, S. R. 2 W. Ashland. w Mm. ........ . 11 sawver. Mr® A. S. Barner, 152 tail to bear him. Secure vour tickets built. They lutend to saw a lot of Jamison takiog the extra, with Wait Mm. w c Myer. Mrs. IV B. Colton, Eugene Walrad ............... 1 M in advance at the usual place. Same, to Edward Graupner, ICO Miss Powell, of S attic, started for ti**s for the railroad which is to run tip Mrs ► it. < arter. Mrs E J Kist. as engineer. To Before is through G. W. Smith................... .. 89. Mrs. N A hl.tre in Mr«. ife. H la-eds Red House ahead with a firn- line of S in 4'ranciHco Friday, after a visit of the Nehalem, end can raft tbene down acres in tp. .’18, 8. R. 2 W. Mm. Mrs. A .1 Reach. M invila Tenth Wedding; Anniversary. F or S treet CoMUtsstoNER. s veral days here. tin» nvi*r to points whence they can lx» Christmas goods. M rs. A. Wei... Mrs. A Sprmgstead. .. Mm. F M Royce The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Wm. Patterson Probate Court. A. S. Hau imond, E r » j .. has been at easily placed on the grade. In a few report.«1 that if the offerixK < yearH the members of this colony will Billings, just north of the city, was J. J. Strait ... ........................... Take pains to investigate soon, as 1 Thu followiug has t?een transacted in pro­ ^SaL*m this week, on professional busi­ bonus of $2tl,ikM for a railroad I fr.mi .. .... \" ail !>« comfortably fixed, and the ratl- batecourt for Ja- kM.n count}, J R Nail. shall not l>e in town long. P. 8. —No the scene of a pleasant stt Valley. Sis- '1 ’ ierv. C>me« ruing the T idings ’ s were not satisfied till the bri«le and granted. groom of the occasion were presented s ( w *C' h ¡t. n as t<> whethnr “each mem­ ami around the plaza, and narrowly kivoa conn y. hi-» bx*n visiting her his nose, then dragging him along the turn, the that gathers, Estate F. McHatton. Sale of realty road 390 feet, he l«ft him lying in the missed striking other teams, «t Mon ­ brother, L. L M rri. k, iu A'blan I in character, an«l the bride in costume, ber ot the large staff of the paper’s dav, but w-re tiTilly s' r.rpe 1 wi li ra mml. N**ighbors beard tbe «listur- confirmed. though well must as they stood before th.* Company that correspondence writes tip his w«»ekly having done any storms .lain ,ge. f- Estate J. F. Ragsdale. C. C. R »gs- bmce and went to the scene. Travers witnessed their union a decade l»efore, l»lldg«*t h ! the editorial table in the ter lhe wagon Lad Iron drag.nsl otue going, it is so ta ta, but you Charley Greves came in from his acc«»mpauied them,saying: “Herobbed d »le appointed administrator; bond aud were informed that their frieinis Star «»ttice. or whether the varions distance on its side. $24,060. me and I fixed him. ” Daley died two Butte creek. > Cal. i raueti last S itnrdiiy anything don ’ t to would not lx* cheated of an opjM»rtu- contii!>iji him ir« simply run through Estate Gee Toy. Gin Lin appoint­ Andrew M. Crawford, of C* mm coun­ ind will speu 1 most ot the winter in hours later without recovering con- ed Ad ms. r/e Bonis non. Toy Yin’s nity to off» r congratulations which Pet? r’t% -pi for polish aud spice,” he sciousness. Travers was taken to ty, has beeo a ppoiuteti rec 'ivar of the Ashland. meant more and were just as hearty as a says: North Rlixunfield to have his examina letter« of ad ministration revoked. Th.* f. t of the mat ter is, it is a clear lau 1 off] at Roseburg, to ou ‘—.-.I upon the former occasion. During Mrs. Jane White went to Rick Point tion. Both men were oil residents Estate Hiram Cooksey. Inventory the evening choice refreshments were cast* •/ !r< r iry individuation, Peter C. Jones, who sent iu Ins resignation Friday evening. to visit her son, of that, locality and unmarried, and and appraisement approved. Ashland, served by the ladies of the company, baviiiu'. *’♦ r gn-.!» an I patient effort. some time ago. A new receiver would Charles, who is ill with lnti.iinmutory have bad reputations. They were so­ and each guest was given a tiu plate sticct*ed*» i in making his style identi­ have li-eu appointed Home montus rheumatism. __ ber when tbe quarrel «xjeurred. and cup for use, and to carry away as cal with tiiat of his brilliant corres- ago but for the sharp ronM for the Circuit Court. Misa Carrie and Master Fordy R iper > souvenir of the occasion, while Mr. poudents. who had themselves indi- place tietween Simon Caro and others. arrived from Sin Francisco Sunday State of Oregon vs. Enos Roteu, in- Coltim. <»n behalf of the guests, pre­ Vbluated in their best mole of expand­ TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE. V. S. Deputy Marshal Coi'hran, of evening, to sjiend their holiday vaca­ dieted for robbery. Guilty ascharged, sented Mr. an«i Mrs. Billings with a ing thought. As Dryden sins of the Eugene, paased through Ashland Sun ­ tion at home. set of silver table knives, forks ami temple, Following is the programme of the and recommended to the mercy of the day eveuing with the young mail. I apixmR, us the nearest approach to •‘This temple, less in Dr. U. E. Loomis, special agent of county teachers’ institute to be held Court. Plutarch Lewis, last week charged equal grac«, Fleiachner, Mayer A Co. vs. Ktibli tinware that could be fomul that was with robbery of the Roseburg-Coos the Interior department upon fraud­ at Metlford, beginning Thursday, Dec. satisfactory. Never did the same W s imitative of the first in Thrace." Bay stage. Lewis, who has a wife ami ulent land entries, came in from L ike- 26tb, nt J o’clock P. M., and continu­ A Bolt—action to recover money. So Peter in sn bumbler strain. may Judgment in favor of deft’s. numl»er of guests pass a more pleasant children at Corvallis, says he can easi­ view to Riseliurg the first of the week. ing till Saturday evening, Dec. 28th: Slate of Oregon vs. C. W. Savage— him nil evening npen such an < .>i<»n. say of his style: \f -*r.i >on Seadon, Thursday. ly prove his innocence, (»»chrau Charley Stacy will leave Ashland sharp by half. and it is nemib ss to say that al! who My quill though not I. —1 to 1:30 p m.-Opening Exercises— suffering ami permitting unlawful thinks differently. soon after the holidays for l ’ acoma. gaming. Not guilty. Mode by the Medford Cnoir. were there will long have plea^tnt Is like the style of all the staff. II. —1 :)to2:3o 1*. M.—“Means aud Ext»ed- State of Oregon vs. A. J. Barlow— Invitations and tickets are ont for where he will take a position in F. H. recollect ions of the event. ientw found Helpful in School Work.” Pr«jf ludtetmeut for mayhem. Vining ’ s hardware aud tinware es ­ The Myrtle < reek Mine«. the Phantom Party at Granite Hall. A 1.. Hazletou, of Eagle Point. tablishment. Estate of Wm. Gilroy vs. Times The 9peffiag Hee. III — 2 3) to 3 P. M.—•’ A Di«cu«»ion of Parties from California interested Christmas night, nn.l no doubt it will '„’THphy." Prof. Geo. H. Wan, Principal Publishing Co.- suit for settlement. Mrs. <). Coolidge will start next of the The spelling l»ee «ocial at the M. E. in placer mining, have inspected these prove one of the most pleasant events J a«-kwnvilie Public Sch«M>]s. Acct, of Times Pub. Co. allowed. Church b'st Tuesday evening at­ mines and are satisfied that by proper of t he seas. >n. '1 be management wish Sunday for Sacramento, to sjiend the IV.—3to 4:00 P. M.—Question Box Estate of Wm. M. Gilroy vs. Jeffry tracted a go«xi MUiiietjcc. notwithstand­ m« ans with a e«»mpar.3tiv«*ly small ex- it understood that no one will be ad­ holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Everting Entertainment. —claim allowed. ing the other events of -the evening jx use, these mines may lx» mad«» to mitted to lhe hall masked mask» Ogg, and other relatives m and Uear I —Music by the Choir. the people Estate of Wm. M. Gilroy vs. Syl­ II. —Ad«ircss ••( Welcome—Prof. W J that «hvi«le be for sal- at our general activity in large Imaineaa en- the Phonic Methv«d of Teaching ’ Prof. P >■ terprises in this valley (luring the A «Principal of the Ashland Public sort of ammunition was alxuit ex­ find that by cutting two tunntlalhe monthly sociables. Mrdfnrd'« Water Bondi. For Rates * coining year. >' ho •!'. A haust cd there w»*re L»ur persons stiil .b*t.i:>ee can l»e sbort«»n>n»ptraoy to pK*e«i ditch, aod we learn from par­ Watson th" respondents. For both i»rtl»« »nd rents Every pair su»r«ute< d liri.ie’f Prof. G H Watt, ol Jacksonville kept the matter from being consumma­ >ar« tbe T idin 'n the sub^-ription it tus, in a position to know, that this A gentl-man named R. Mace, riding Agency, and will start tor the Agency Mrs H E Moore Mr» 8. E. Coa Evening Entertainment ted. had offered, withdrew from tiie «•:>- (t.ih'ornia company mean business, in one of tbe tourist cars, was shaken to-day. going as far as Linkville by I — Mode by the rhotr. ASHLAND The council has now made the teat and Mr». JaekwaY w .s declared for, should the mines not pay as large­ np mt lie mii < Men stop at the slide south Grubb's stage. II —l ctnr<’ by Prof H LBenaon. Priori party another offer, which will prolia- winner. [She afterward» anuoiineed ly as .i« Kired the company can utilize of Cl iwsou Til-s lay evening, ami was pal of the Grant*. Pasr Public School, — Rummel Bros, were over from Ante­ The Mm. of Life.’ bly be accepted, whereby the bouda her opinion that Mr. Fal>er and Mr. th * wat* r for Dveyi’.g the v: -t quan­ il.-abl »1 irme.l lest he had re­ lope last Monday and reported about are to hnng the face value and rnu at Butterworth were entitled to the tities of Umber along tbe line of their ceived serious injuries in the back. 18 inches of snow on th*- summit of Reeser*» Block, Main St And sell strictly cash, thereby nty No remedy for blood disorders can 8 per cent. At the next meeting the Miuie as much ae »he. and riajuested «litch t<> Mv rile Creek station on the He sent to town for tbe company's the mountain road. They loaded -ucia»»oF« to Mr» Boyntou and Mrs. Foun­ equal Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Though bonds will probably l>e negotiated. th at tbe paper be sent to each for four Southern P.icifi«» railnwd. aud there surgeon pl meet th« train at the depot, several pack horw«» with provisions to THE LOWEST PRICES. tain.] concentrated aud powerful, this medi­ ooetbs. find a ready market. [Plaindealer. and as Dr. N-wmm was away. Dr. take back with them. cine is perfectly safe, and may be tak­ ¡If the TIDINGS had l>een shrewd it Large New Stock. Embracing all the late»t Nearly all col.is are slight, at firxt, Parson went down to the depot. He. Dr. J. B. Newman, wife »nd daugh­ en by children as well as adults. Phy. hnt their tendency is to ao lower tb<* Call See Me. Satisfaction. would have barred its own ho’iseh«*ld. Fall and Winter Style» Finely bound books worth $1.25 for co ill not discover that the man was sicians recommend it in preference to ter, li ft laat Fn lay morning for 8an anyhow, in that match, fur this gtv«*s UM» a’ Blount's. seriously hurt, • system that the sufferer bexaim a Fine AMortxxent of Material» for Fancy any other. Fries SI. Worth $5 n Francisco. Mrs. Newman and daugh­ it away, sod the public knows now ready victim to any prevalent dis. apv Work—Zephyr*. Arasene. < henille, Etc. Red House has Christmas g»!» Charley have yon been shopping? ter will spend sometime visiting rd»- bottle. who is the speller of the family. The use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, in like which you have never seen Con­ Yes; I got my wife a Xmas proent u>es in tbe city. The Doctor is ex­ Large motto mugs, 1 Gets, at O. H. tbe beginning of a cold, wonld guarj Our molt«) it a qrica »ixraw< e u bettkb sult tbs advertisement. X a »i.k-Luvd wrap at Moral Bios, tor J4 pected iiooie within a few day». Blount's. • TB a N A » low BMllXlKa 14-10 against this danger ASHLAND TIDINGS. < ITY EI.E< TIOS. HR EVITI ES. Fr.if. W J. Daan, of Tnknt, deliv­ er© i an able and interesting lecture al Granite ball laet Bunday afternoon Pendleton report<