L »’ Fi,her ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND TIDINGS LEEDS Editor and Publisher. Terms of Subscription: One oopy, one year........ •• “ six month«... “ “ three months. I Hub Ratea, eix oopiea for Terina, in advance. no BOÜSECO!« SHOULD BE WITHOUT GRAPE GROWING IN JACKSON TRAVEL AM» TRANSFER COUNTY. EDDINGS & MORSE, Austin S. Hammond, YlelC 07’"'■I? ' V Pi T*TT”*T r — , £ . . — 2 *. * » »-■' x A A i i . • L- 0‘1 Morris M. Hark&oss, «¡¿A A X, m VEHICLES AND IMPLEMENTS. and counselor . a WvAart, Local Pas'gr Train Daily < Encept Sunday1 S DO A M. i 1 \ p..[. .-i...: 4 .» 4'» r M Ar. 1i 11 3.» A. 12 4U F M l.v. Albany, 2 40 p M. i Ar Eugene, I.V 1 V «• r. G rant ' s P ass , O ukoo X. Winner in Ahlf Bnlldins. Front »treet PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPÍRS. Hobart A. Millor, A.ttoi-ney-i»t - I. iiav . 4 VALUABLE Will pf»ctl<-» In .11 Ibe court. of lh. State ftf- ‘'FFICE with W. II Fa ker, apposite Court Hou-». Jack«o>ivlUe, or TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, FOK A» * OMMODATIOS OF SECOND CLASS P nKNOEKS, ATTA* HKD TO EXPRESS TRAINS. The a. F. t.’o.’s Furry aiakuA connection with m H the rt guiar train* on the East 8iu Div. fr<»m foot of E St . Portlaud. J. 5U West S|«le l>lvl*ion. Notary Public and Conveyancer MEDFORD, OREGON. The majority of the ills of the human body arise from a diseased Liver. Sim­ mons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more pople to health and i apj.inrss by givirg them a healthy Liver than any other agency on earth BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS All kinds of real nun biirtnrorr.ru < srr ful .ttentior. an>l infonnatiou runusbed eoat-vrnlng property in th. n.;* town. Dr. J. S. Parson. PHYSICIAN AND AIT A shland , O rbgon . Office at residence on Main fctr-et, next dour to Presbyterian church. ; 11-42 $225 TO $1000 FROM Through Tickets to all points South and East Dr. S. I. Sonjor, 15 and 1C», Myer’s add. $225.00. u < a 255.00. B. One Acre—lots 17 and 18, E. P. Geary, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, c. Nearly one Acre near town. MEDFORD. OREGON. Office iu Uam’iii's Block—Residene* í»_n C street. 13—50 1». Over Two Acres near town. 400.00. E. House anti Lot on Helman street 550.00. Dr. W. Stan.fi.old, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. Has l-2»» OREGON, ASHLAND HOMEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN, ASHLAND, ORElTON. Will Buy and Sell horses (Office near roatoffioe.) 19-4? Off!«*« for the present at the Congregational Parsonage Dr. J. S. Hall, MOKE TEAM SEVEN HUNDRED PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. different styles and differ­ (N'ne Years in Hospiral rrai-tice.) Main Stroet. Ashland, Or. ent kinds of Stoves fr- Hea’uig and Cooking are Th« World’s Be*v “anufactured J. S. Walter, M. D. 3. a^°VS tra^e E1.11B3 that Will practice hisprufeaaion ..f Dentutrj —AT — under ibark. Mechanical and Operative Dentist. ASHLAND. OREGON. Nitrous Oxide Gaa administered fur the painless extraction of teeth. Office over the Bank.—[12-33] AUCTIONEER Is prepared at ail times to »ell live.-tock. household good«, or othe. properly of any kind m Ashland, or will H trnd to call* 10 go ANYWHELE IN THE CULM KY Long experience in the butini1** enable* in« to guarantee »atidartioii. Accrios in A shland every S atvrpat for «ale of stiu k Ashland, Or. E. K BR1OHTMAV Gauiard’s Orchestra, Of Atthlaad, Oregon, late ot Cal Are uow prepared to furnish the best of humic for public or private Parties. Balls. Picnic»». Ac., at any point ou the coa.*t. Al» Bb< new popular mtndc is played hy this Orchestra. Having emplored a large Dumber of mu- airians. we are ab’e to furnish any number of ban »In. Any instrument or a caller fur oi»he, OK self as a substitute for a person under sentence of death. Of course the family of th? substitute is duly recom­ pensed for the sacrifice, ami hi China circles it is considered quite the Cor- The Undersigned wi'l carry passen* rect thing. evr« in the new i»ns tM*tw»vn the Uenot and their It me« in anv part of town for the n z- 1 ulartrain*: al-» ail! a t.*nd promptly t<> al What a Fortune? order« for » nr-yinz ueopte to and from ball« or chnrvhe* in the evening. Leave order* 1« a good healthy, pearly skin, Few at Ashland Huu*e. are aware of the short time it takes for 14 J. H. McBRIDfc. a disordered liver to cause blotches on MANUFACTURER. the face, and a dark, greasy akin. One J»wkM»avlll<- to Mniford. bottle of Beggs’ Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will restore this organ to its nat­ Patronize the only wagon that con­ ural and healthy state, and cleanse the necte with every tram, rain or Miinc. blood of all impolitic«. It is meeting ■nd carries the U. S. mail nml Wells. Keep* constantly on hand a full with wonderful Aucoeas. We guarantee supply of everythin« in above Fareo A Co.’s express. Satisfaction every bottle. Chitwood Bros., Druggist«. Bn»*, w hich will be sol ! at prices ijwrnnteed. J ohn D y \ r . Driver. as low as can be offered anywhere. GREGORY & HICKS, \*IG it opens tite pores of the skin mid leaver the system ir fuch a conditio.) that an other and a much more severe cold :s almost certain to be contracted. Mauv venrs constant use and the experience • *f thousands of |>e»sons of all a^es, has fully dem oust ratd that tin re is noth .ng better for a seve.e cold than Cham­ ber Iain’s Cough Remedy. It acts in perfect harmony with nature, relieves be lungs, liquifies the tough tenacious iu .cus, making it easier to expectorate, and restores the system to a strong amt healthy condition. Fifty cent butue» for sale by Chitwood Bros. wood • W wiun . Col. Albert A. Pope of Boston, in an address recently’, had the follow­ LARGEST STOCK IN THE ing to say regarding public highway^, which with tb» subject of bridges, NORTHWEST ! ought to interest the people of every county and e«|>eciaHy in Oregon, where the roa i Laws aud the r<». is ar« <0 execrable: 1 Nmcty-hiue per cent of every h(.|.; • » by railroad, slr.imboat, or <-X{»r * h ^, ha- J been carried in a w-gon ur truck over a highway. Thus even sleam tr him AH poriation m measurably depeiidch* foi support on the draught-hors»» ami In- load. Tbe prosperity of any city Je- largely upon the surrounding VINES &. SHRUBBERY » pends ‘oiiutry, ami the better the ioa»i t.i rilities the faster tbe country wiil ■‘.•nd for catalogue and price list to grow iu population. This makes th» advantage of good roads mutual to ■I II. Stllleoiier, V.'oodburn, Dr. la>th city au I country. Throughout this State mid the whole country arc farms, eight nr ten miles from the rail road, whose value is a miuimuiu, yet which. Were tile mads inteis»*ct¡ug them of th»‘ first class, would at one»» rise in value were they twice as far from st'-am f ransp.irtatiou. Good roads are a national lieuefit. All Lus- ibess originates m natural product, winch must find its way over a com- mi >u highway la fore it can reach a m irket and attain its full valu«* Smooth, bard rouis, well drained, aud easily traversable through a large part of tbe year, furnish tins outlet, and alone cau furnish it. To uegiect the highways is worse than to ueglecl We have removed our Nur^ri«*?« to Med- fence« ami woodpiles and weeds. f'»’d m here w«* hnve 8e«-nreii new Rnmnd. th»* »oil <>( u liirh i-a Nandv I.»am. eiiabli”u u- v iihout irriira'ioti to grow Iw althy. thrif­ Eecgn' <'h$»iry < ougli Syrup ts frt « -> with h i at»iindaufae »- ri«dre !a iiv- 9fiF“ • • in u > .til. Oft';.- in E. K. LSi-i^ht man F H CARTES WOODBURN CABRIOLET. A. C. Caldwoll, *. H. ATKIMMON. A. T. KYLE’S A T. K a I? would respectfully announce to the people uf Ashland and surrounding eountrv that he 1 hud th*' «rable« burg of ;h“ X.iVehv b,.x k lived up in fits! ula-s st\l for the Even hiislnr“«, an»1 ha* a tine lot of buggies, earring ■*. etc., and the hot teams the Ttij Offlpp a residence. Ffesltient. A. H CARSON & SON. GEO. W. STEPHENSON. STABLE. A8HLAÜI», USUIOS. Î70" Six miles South of Grant’s Pass, Jose phine county, Oregon. G20. W. STEPHENSON. G.... 1 Farm near PHSICIAN Á Sl’RGEON Mrs. P. M. Webstar, M D., CALIFORNIA. For full inforuiatiou n-KKrding rales, limps, etc, appiy to company s agcni at Ash- nd. K KOEHLER. E P ROGERS. Manager. Asst <» F. a P h > s . Agent THE ASHLAND Dr. J- B. Ne^naan, 17-1.». A. H. CAUSON. — VIA - PHYSICIAN AND SURGXON. ASULAXD, OREGOM. Office in Odd Fellow» building, second floor, on Main street. i 11-12 ASHLAND, bLli TUAT YOU GET THE GENUINE. i-.^pr«*»* 1'iain itail.v ICx no p. m I Ar MiMimiilo, I.v | ■'» 15 a , m SURGEON. Four of the lending graj»e grower« in tbe vicinity of Jacksonville have fur­ nished uh with a refsjrt of this year’s yield which, while it is less than halt of the yield uf the same acreage in 1887, is still suffirieudy encouraging to be of interest to those who arc, or pufiRibly will engaged in grape culture. Peter Britt’s vineyard has six acres id vines, three acres of whirl] are bear­ ing. This year there have been made 10AJ0 gallons of wine from thia vine­ yard; in 1887 the same acreage pro­ duced over 2 MX) gallons. Over 4B varieties of grap<*s are growing, but not all bearing, including many of t »e iuest varieties grown In California. France oud (r rinauv. Raphael Moral b isteii acres in vines; yield this year 43,8(M) Iba. from whicL was made 17(M1 gallon-» of wine, aud ¿IM gallons <►( braudy ; balane»» sold in northern markets. Value of yield $129">; one half of yield of 1887. Etud Barlye Las six acr»*s iu vines, made 12b») gallons wine this year, h is wo Varieties “the Miller Mission ’ and •‘White Sweetwater:” considered oue half uf crop of favorable seasons 1» A. Mdtar. who hnu »heuwa ui J. N. T. Miller’« vin» yard, reports wv teen acres in vines; y ield this year 22 tons; from which were made 8«M gal­ lons wine; the ballanee shipi»ed to Portland market; there are twenty- rive varieties of grapes growing in this vineyard; the mo*t being the “Miil»*r Mission” ami “White »Sw**e'water; es minted at less than one bait the yield »1 18N7. In 1888 the late frost damaged the >n»ir- gr-'oe crop of the valley; iu ad di’it oa he acreage report h ! in viu* t .here are ui.iiij. small vineyard« iu th» vicinity of Jacksonville, and the acre­ age 1« constantly increasing. Iri tbe valley \V. T. Leaver, vine yard, south of Willow Springs, ami drs. Straub, north of that place. Dr E. P. Geary, on Griffin creek and J. 11 Srewart, of Phtenix, are successful vmeyardi«ts. Tbe exhibit from th» vineyard last mentioned took premi ims at tbe District Fair. Tins shows conclusively that grafSes can lie grown anywhere m Jackson county, return­ ing a profit fig their culture in this year, (winch is conceded to have b»ei less than half tbe usual yield) of $ltD t»er acre; deduct from that 25 per cent for cultivation, and we have a uet pro­ lit of $75 an acre. This should cer­ tainly l»e sufti lent ibiiuremeDt to quadruple t he acnuige in grapes lb»- coming season. Rtisin grapes are amoug tbe vareities already growing, and 110 doubt we c »uld engage as suc­ cessfully in making raisins as win»-. Los Angeles last year snip|>ed raisins through this valley East, over th» No'tbern Pacific. It would la- au • asy matter for Jacks»»n coiwty t- stop the wheels of tin« traffic, with a good article nearer the market. Passenger Transfer. Saddle and Harness ASHLAND, OREGON. ALL ORDERED WORK will be made to give entire satisfaction TheBankof Ashland Repairing Neatly Done At low rates, «nd all work done promptly. IT. JCDGE. ASHLAND OGN. «Ra 1 . .1 SASH and DOOR One Thousand Chicks! FACTORY. ---- FOR THE---- T J SCkuOtHOWE SHOE Does a General Burking Buxine?* ASHLAND. OREGON PARASOLS, LADIES AND CENTIEMEMS FINE SHOES ANO BOOTS C'lol liino 1 ru sa. t'foil» t lie l-£nwt. Ill .it Prices that I>E’;V COMPETITION. Wood Notice. The-« !.• a well mock' d w.»od »« d back of the N’ovrliv bl.Tk, e.»rner Mai» «’¡<1 Ha uh dine arree1« Drv l^lncb m.»\e wood and | b •n « bere in rown. N. H. Allia.ce« h«»illng w«»od to towr or htvipg an-. u .». hì f<»r «.»le in I«-»re or«n aU. I G, will do »»el! tova’ a. (he vffica of C VV Ajm st ibas abuv« «uroaz. ______ Gl.oRGE McCLVRE. Suffered 4 Year. On Cane. Caldwell, KuH« , Aug. ». IMS. horns. White Leghorns. I suffered 4 ye«ra with »trained lank i used White Wyandotte*, Partridge Co­ Cate . one bott.e st. Jacoba Oil eur' In.«- No JNu. W’.Nl'CE chins, Black Minorcas and Lan,- returnin6month* Cashier Stock Evt...ange Bt.uk. sbars. A>.l(l.«wot W M i.ilr. Spring $c Summer Dress Goods, TR3DF. I. now ranninr an l alt nr.t r. for .»-h d.M.rs He . <.r tor lil-.i.:nn;>-.. ror f r mill Fiyinonth Rocks. Light Brahmai. ti«»iK»'f r ’ iv kin 1 will receive prompt a l« n Rose and Single Comb Brown Leg­ lion. At prfvt s JAMES S. ROGERS, 'olle*'!!»>n< made at al! sei eoaible point« r»u favorable term* bight «xchauge a.i 1 telegraph!*“ transfer» Portland, San Frv ^1*<> au-1 X-.-j» Y- rk STRAINS, SPRAINS. Sprained Dark for three Month». Civil. 1, Ind Aug. 2. Ik-W My bark wa- hurt by shore, suffered 5 moii hs. 3 boules of St. Jacob. Oil cured me permanently, no Giber remedy did me anj Tbe gn»Uii«“t collection of young good. o H awkins . fowls ever producer on th» Pacific Sprained from lifting. Coast. Beils Rive, III , Ausust, 1W. I riff red R >v.ir, h-O with .trailed t>a< k from l:l:i e'.insi l.v st. Jacob« Oil com- Silver Laced Wrtndoftes. pletely. No return of j n t FALL Paid Up Capital. $100,000.00 wuiiriaNSUi 1 aw ««.?* JtóSÍS Ssss - FKDMPTLY a rpERMA^EHTLY I On Crutches 4 Year*. Cli'impic.ns at San Francisco. Ca1., F.u.h Center. Kato.. Aug.,1688. Victoria. B. C. and all the leading on crutche, < year*, with ipramed exhibition« in Oregon and Washington ler I went tie d several bottl< s <>f SL JacoO* ud, rt\ ELA E I EARS a breeder of which uertuaneutly cured me. fancy fow Is. Send stamp f<>r catalogue FRANK JOHNSON. giving full information. Address krDl\dGGI5TS * k £DFAIU\S J. M. GARRISON, Fuzaiit Grove,Ur. P.u. Box 55 TL ì C kas A-V obìur C q -^ aiiq -M d - formi of itfrorfiung: LMAL. V ' 'NO728. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1880 ASHLAND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY TIDINGS ASHLAND SSUKD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING W. H. B-.x 2341 THE KAINS IN CALIFORNIA. BILL NYES HUMOR. quare, first insertion $2 00 Additional insertion. . 1 60 Job Printinq al) descriptions done on short no >. Legal Blanks, Circulars, Busi net»Cards Billheads, letterheads. Bost i«rs, etc., gotten up in good style at living prices. NOTES ANI» NEWS. <'le*n and Kindly. Characteristic of the At New Orleans laat Thnraday, Man's Hume Life. Somerset brokn tbe mooing record for six and one-half furlongs, making Bill Nye, or to use bis proper name it in 1:1214. Edgar W. Nye, lives on Staten island. He owns a large bouBe near St. George Seven million five hundred thou­ landing. It cost its builder S40,UOU sand dollars worth of I a iota and shoes aud it cost its purchaser, Nye, about were destroyed in the late fires at one-third that amount. Nye has a Lynn and Boston. wife and four children—two girls and Mary F. Tyler, concerning whom two boys. He is nearly forty years the nursery rhyme, “Mary had a little old and a native of Maine. After having received a good e-luca lamb," was writteu, died Tuesday, at ti in be started for tbe west in 18711 and Somerville, Mass., aged 83. obtained a position on the old Daily Tbe commission appointed by tbe Sentinel in Laramie City, Wyoming liquidators of tbe Panama Canal Com­ territory, which be held for a year aud pany, to examine into tbe affaire of then became connected with the Boom­ the company, have sailed from Paris erang, which sheet obtained a national tor Aspiuwall. celebrity through his writings. About Tbe appointment of Judge Brewer a year ago Nye and Whitcomb Riley, tbe poet, made their first ap|»earauce gives three of tbe eight associate jus­ tices of tlie supreme court to that part in Cleveland, Ohio. Speaking of Ins early life Nye said: of tbe country-lying west of tbe Miss­ ‘ We moved from Moosebead Jake issippi river. when I was very young, and I lived it> Charles B. Cook, Aroostook county, tbe west among the rattlesnakes aud Me., won the Anieriean Affrtculturut th“ Indians until 1 grew up. I pra<- $5»M* prize for the best acre of pota­ ticed law for at»out a year, but, be toes. with 728 bushels. Alfred Rose, adds, without changing a muscle, ‘‘no­ Penn Yauo, N. Y., took second pnae. body knew much about it; I kept it with 669 bushels. very quiet. I was justice of tbe peac, The laws of Dakota provide that any six years. Yes, I used to tnariy peo- pK ari.uny tbeffi nrtt nn: n lfr n w- -narsnn TfiTUsiU p-oMiin a He is now in receipt of u g«Ml in­ trough beside the highway, snail De come. It is said that Ins lectures last allowed a credit of five dollars a year year nettoi bin» $30,000 aud bis per: on bis ro. l tax. and an additional $10,000. He is not obliged to el retcb tlireo where a bucket and cup is pro- Ins memory much, however, to remem vidid. ber the time that be was paid a dollar Tbe salt mi'istry of Kansas is a column. amassing large propoitions. The salt Most of tbe humorist'-- jien portraits obtained at >Velhii_t<>n is tbe purest represent him as perfectly inuoceul of in the worbi A d< Zen great salt hair. This does a gross injostice to plants are already in operation and in the vegetation with which bis scalp ie a few years most of the salt used for Iriuged. though it is not luxuriant aud ordinary pnrpws west of tbe Mississ­ though truth compels the admission ippi river will probably lie supplied by that the crown is of the billiard trail Kansas. variety. He is loosly built, large Daniel Writer said: “In a coun­ boned, six feet high and straight as a phniiuiet hue. The kinriuese that is try like ours, above all others, this in him seems to find an outlet at every truth will hold ¿rood; if the people pore. It dances in bis eyes, softens i*au obtain fair compensation for their tbe expression of his face aud rings in tabor th»*y mil Lave ^oud bouse«, /ood clothirur. Lr<**l food and tbe every sentence that be utters. The chief character of bis work is fueHUH of educating their families. the unexpectedness of bis statements Labor will l>e cheerful nu*i tbe people Ven Old Timer. and tbe good humor winch prevadee happy. Tbe ^reat interest of thia “Kanaka Frank,” of Cottonwood, all bis writings. He makes himself coanlry is labor.” Siskiyou county, is a dark-skinned Ins own target and tbe reader never There is too much anxiety about the grizzly ‘‘white man.’ as he calls bitn- feels hurt. The latter can apply to -elf. He is eighty years old, be says, himself some of tbe caustic say lugs of ibaudoued farms <>f New England. and expects to live “one hundred the humorist if he so desires, hut he Huppose they are all abandoue*l for a years mu.” can never put down oue of Nye's let­ few years it will do them good. Aud Frank came to th« coast in ’42. from ters without a kindly feeliug toward then when all tbe laud iu the West is taken up, as it »x>n will be, tbe bright Siudwich Is., and was employed by tLe the writer. young men of tbe West are woudering Hudson Bay company. In 1848 the tt isdoni ’ M Robertlne what they will turn their bauds to, company’s trappers, Frank among them, camped at th»* Hot Springs, ou Leading ladiea of society and promi­ they will think of tbeabandoned farms the ground now known as Bnok's nent professional «tarn have teHtified to iu New England aud will at ouce pro­ ranch. Fur animals wi re plentiful its excellency in the moat emphatic ceed to settle ou them.—(N Y. Tribune. then along the lakes and rivers, and terms. Guaranteed harmlea« and uiatcb- During the year of 1888, England the company's men in that section, leBH. Cbilw’ood Bn»«., druggiata. Aah- sent to Brazil goods to the value of Or., sell it at 50 cts. )>er bottle and ■ilxuit l(*l in mimlier. always departed tand. give a beautiful card to every purchaser. 34<),OIM>,0lkt; F'ranee, a little over $21,- from the Hot Springs with eightv tKtO.OOO; Germanv, a little over $13,- cv.»,- iiorses ladenetl with ¡>elts. some <»( The Records Compared. >:(»■ i.tkMI, aud the Uulted Slates a small ■vbieb the costly silver fox, gleamed New York Tribune trifle over S7tOWyOOO. On tbe oilier uke silver miles off as the pack-horse Thousands of appointments to office band, the United States lionght of wound oxer the landscape. have lieeu made since tbe change of Brazil tbe same year g<«»ds to tbe The old fellow says be is the man administration, and a large pro|sjrtiou value of nearly $54,ositiou rangement. •utered that adolie town with the are left almost without ammunition. (draggling remnant of Ins band. They This is a remarkable record. Is it New Y’ork. Dec. 12. A “Woman’s uad liven hungering, and fighting In­ necessary to recall the record of the national potato contest” has recently dians all the way across the R»M*kh* , Cleveland administration iu this re­ taken place. The unique contest was • hi J al Sonoma the brave little ban 1 spect? The Tribnue published it m engaged iu by the wives aud daught­ drove Castello out of the fort. t(x*k full some three years after Mr. Cleve­ ers of farmers in many parte of tbe »¡bod fine mules and prepared a fiue land bad K-eu in office aud tbe accur­ conutry. A synopsis of tlie result supj>er of male steak. acy of its showing, except in a solitary shown that there were 1IW0 contest­ lie was with Capt. Goodall in *51 instance, was never questioned. Leav­ ants and 200 premiums awarded. Tbe and ’32 when fighting the Mmkas ing out of consideratiou appointments first prize was won by Mary Rusk of was the whole business ou Tule lak* . to which objection was made simply Ma lison county. III , with a yield of ‘ Goodall be fight Modocs with 2u» on fitness, the Tribune found that 137 97000 bushels per acre. Tbe rest of men and take 600 Modo* s and they downright criminals bad been appoin­ the prizes were awarded for all yields are gl «l to make peace, hat ba!” ex­ ted to .-fficv. not including ir, this list below 925 and above 300 bushels to claimed the lively old fellow, slapping mon guilty of political crimes, of whom tbe acre. bis knees and loading up «itb pure there were twenty-two, aud that fifty- The next great American work will glee. nine persons directly connected with be the irrigation of arid hinds iu the Kanaka Frank lives at Cottonwood, the criminal classes had also revived where he owns 600 acres of fine tim­ appointments, making a total of more west. It will open millions of acres of the !>est land in the world to cultivation, ber Ian I. and a mine, out of which Le than 203 persons of this stripe who and that means support for millions >De likely to ly conducted by irrigation, thus mak­ ing it independent of rams aud while- plenty every thing!’' exclaimed gratify the patriotic pride of any droughts. A company of eastern the happy old man, amt when Forbes American. capitalists ha'e engaged to irrigate 1,- •ailed him io to take about three 3tW.(W0 acres of laud iu tbe Iho Grande fingers of gin, bis eyes rolled iu sand­ We Tell You Plainly valley. They Lave bought tbe laud wich ecslary. - [Klam ith Star. that Simmon's Liver Regulator will rid __ outright. This irrigation scheme will you of Dy«pepma, Headache. Constipa­ l>e one of the gieati-st industrial works The Verdict Uiiiiiiiinoii*. tion and Buliousness. It will bri nk up of our time. W. I). Sult, Druggist. Bippus, Ind . chills and fever and prevent their re­ In ti e Senate last Thursday Sena­ testifiea: “1 can recuomend Electric turn. and i* a complete antidote for all Bitters aa the very I m ‘ s I rttnedy. Every malaria! poison—yet entirely tree fr m tor Dolpti offered a resolution in- l> >ttle Hold has giv» n relief in every case. quinine and calomel. Try it. and you slrnctiug the the public building com­ One man took six laitties, Hiid was cured wi»l be astonished at the gd results of mittee to inquire into’tbe advisability ■ >f liheiun'itiam of 10 years standing.’’ Simmons Liver Regulator. of the eri ■■ on io Washington <>1,8 \braham Hare, druggist. livBviile. Ohio, memorial b-ot. nt v ’ i h shall be re­ Some Fine Hornes. affirms: “The l»est selling medicene 1 ceived, nd r allied - -ti statues and have ever bundled in my 1S> years ex Tlie Ellensburg Cital. Ims tbe portraits of p-A lie men and eminent p,-rit nce, is Electric ” Thou­ sands of others have added their tes­ following, regarding the importation citiaras of the I mted States aud such timony. so that the verdict is unanimous to Washington of some tint- bulges, by historical paintings and other works that Eh crnc Bitters do cure all diseases a brother of Dr. A. C. Helm, of this of art as mny lie provided by law. The of tin- Liver, Kidneys or Blood, Only place, with whom he was formerly in senator said there was a large collec­ a half dollar a bottle at Chitwood Br- •«. partuerpbip: tion of pictures »nd statues that might Diug Store. Mr. C. 1. Helm returned last week be stored in sneba ball.aod that when from bis eastern trip, bringing with The Stamp Swindle. erected the various states aud societies him five magnificent sj t-cuncns of Marysville has several victims of botsefiesh, winch be exhibited to ad­ would contribute to make it one of the ljHM).(Kk) postage-stamp swindle miring crowds on our streets. The the great eibiliitiotis of tbe country. which was exposed several weeks ago. finest of tbe lot is a French coach vial- He believes that such a memorial hall Thus far two charitably inclined ladies lion, which, in spile of Ins trip of eigh­ will lie built. -♦nd one professional gentleman, who teen days from France to Chicago, was Nicholas Paine Gilman lias made a • lo not care to have tbeir names made in fair condition. He is a |>erfect vidu i‘4e coniriliutiou to literature of public, havetold their frieuds that they lieanty aud cost $3,5:10. He is jei tbe lalxir question iu a K»ik called were duped by the advertisement of black and as trim as a greyhound. “Profit Sharing Is-tween Employer tbe man who pretended that a col­ The other four are Percherona, the and Employe." It illustrates the lection of stamps to tbe extent of a largest weigbiug 2200 pounds. The principle laid down by Professor Jev- million would entitle them to secure a youngest is a yearliug sired by Brilli­ otis tbe last trade union is the un­ home iu an asylum tor an aged man or ant, one of tbe most famous horses iu ion of employer and employe. From woman for life. This swindle was ad­ tins country. Some idea of its won­ government rejsirt» and from informa­ vertised in Europe and throughout derful size may lie bad from the fact tion obtuiued privately laitb from the East’about two years ago, for the that it weighs 1300 pouuds. workmen an 1 manufacturers. Mr. tirat time, and since th^u thousands of The total cost of the five horses was Gilman has gathered a large mass of fa’ople have l*cen industriously making over $10,000. They were bought tn facts throwing light impartially on a collectiou of stamps. It is said that Chicago by Mr. Helm, and will be put this great question. For it is a great many have sent on their million an»i on bis stock farm, for the present, but. question. A jsiwerful movement in that is how the swindle was exposed. ■some of them will lie for sale in the favor of profit sharing bet ween capital The people in this city have an aggre­ spring. aud lalsir has started eimnltaoeoasly gate of over 150,(XM) gathered for the Mr. Helm is entitled to tbe thanks in Great Britain, in the United States, purpoee. Tbe man who originated of all lovers of fiue horses for bis ef­ iu Germany and in France. So that this scheme lives 111 Germany, where forts to lietter tbs breeds iu this sec­ it seems likely we shall find out ere all the stamps were to la* st nt, and tion. His public pint is commendable long just what tbe result of such pro­ upon the rec» ipt of which a notifica­ aud Kates well for t be country. fit shuriug will be. tion wa« to be made to tbe seuder that a chair in the “Old Folks’ Home” Bucklen*« Arnica Salve. A Woman** Discovery. was at tbe latter’s dis|M»sal. It is The best salve in the world for cuts, “Another wonderful discovery has said that the German has grown im­ bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever mensely wealthy in disposing of tbe sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, be« n made and that too by a lady in corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ this country. Disease fastened' its stampts to collector«.—{Appeal. tively cures piles, or no pa; required. It clutches U|x>n her and for seven years is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ she withstood its severest tests, but her Advice to Mother«. tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three month« Mr«. Winslow*« Soothing Syrup, Io •»er box. For 6nle by Chitwood Bros. she coughed incessautlv and could not children teething, i« the preemption . 0 sleep. She bought of us a Ijottle of Dr. one of the best female nurses and phy A Mute M itneiw Their Enemy. King a New Discovery for Consumption sicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never The Northern Pacific Railway com­ and was so much relieved on taking first failing success by million« of mothers pany last Monday in Chicago settled dose that she slept all night and witL one bottle has been miraculously cured. for thiir children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable. It for $11.f the stomach is saved for disaster aud secured the tie which had mauure; the horny portion of the hoofs allowed tbe rails to spred and had 1» go t»» th«* button maker; ibenbiu bones shipped to bis office. It was so rotten »her the oil is taken out are converted that it would scarcely bold together, into handles for various pnrpom»; Hud tbe spikes bolding the rails in other tames are usa ! for boue*black place bad literally fallen out. A or fertilizing pnr[»oees; the waste goes sight of tbe mute witness was afforded to the soap tartler. If the salable tbe lawyers for tbe defense aud they ti» ah will pay ex pen 8» h , the r»fn.*»e dis- desided to settle aud tbe case was du»- ¡>t»rrd ol as above affords a i or prutit. misseti from court. to tbe c-stal»li«bmeuT. A preventive for croup. Th»-re no Uhrtif In It? longer exist« any doubt b it croup can That produces that beautifully soft be prevent« d. True rroLp never ap­ coinpivxiou and leaves neither iraotsa of pear« without n WViuiig, and H < ham- its application nor injurious eff»'ct«? I be (•erlatn't Cough tteuicdy 1« given a« di­ answer. Wisdom’« Kobertme accom­ rect d a« «uon «« th« indieation uf Absolutely Pure. plishes all this, aud is pronounced by croup appear«, it uill mvanublv dispel ladie« of tast* and refinement to be th-* all «y in ptuni« of the disease, i bia can must delightful toilet article ever pro- aiwayH l>e done if it is kept at hand, M yene«t. less Sold bv t'bitwood Bros., Ashland Chitsuud Bros. More ts'onoiniral than the ordinary kinds, «nd cannot be «ohl in competition viih the multitude of tow teat, short weight alucn or phosphate |»owdvrs Hold only in «aL* koyal B akins P owdia C o ., km Wall »treet. N Y A summary of the damages from Hooils iu Sacramento valley Cab, is given in the following San Francisco dispatch uf Dec. 14th: The floods in the Sacramento valley, which a f»'W