'I VI E XMt « «I\s|. There are in Idaho over tì’.M st par J» irrigating «iilrhoa. with a tidal lruxth of mam In»«- of over 1-SiM) mil» h T he Baker City «Minnrihm u have voteti then.solver' a sniary «>f sixty dol­ lars each for (lie year. Tim Mayor get« the same ASHLAND TIDINGS LEllAt ADN EHTISEMENT8 aa*ws /■'/1«/«///. NOI ES ANU NEUS. I.E« ! A E A D V EKT1SEM EN TS. Timbri I a ud 5 olir*-. Timber l.aud Notice. I Nirm statfs L and offd e . » R.»M*burg, t»r., O t 12, 1**-.» » Noti.e i> h. r«-U. given thaf in couipliauce vx i! h the prov i-i«»:i- of the a -t of < ottgres* of Jum ;. 1*7*. riiiiil.'.t An a«*l f*»r the »aloof linilw-r lands in the .stale* <>f i aliforuia,«»re K*»n. Nevada, hu «! Washington Territorv,'’ Daniel W i-M-on, of <»iai!«»n. Yoh» «-uimiy. t'ul.. lia>lhiH«iaj hle«i in tins<»!?i. «• hi* b.x urn ¡»tutviiH-nt f *r the pur« ha-eof tin. SE'4 of *«•<• ti«'it 2 in lux« u*tiij> no. 41 s«»uth. rang«* .’»<4a.*t. nmi will o:.-i pi.n»f ;«> show that the la id '<»i«gnt 1* mor«- valuable fur its timla-r or -’-»be fhan for .« ri*-ultU’al i-tirj»«»'* -. ami to t--iiil»:i h hl't-xun to 'uxl ¡ami l»ef:»ie til«* i* golri ami i. crivvr of llii* offh*< al Koev burg. Oreg..n, on V. •■•!:<-s«1;i v the L‘»th «lay <.f January. IsfH) He iianu-.-as w itn. *-«-s John W FilzGildMiu ami Jiunc- B Rog»*rs, of W»o«11aii«l. ami WilJIain t . ('taut-amt Alv.x amici I. >*UuW ¡ all. uf <«:a:-«»u. all of Yoh» county. « a’if«»ima. An • ami ail pel '«»¡is < la-.ming adxe. *ely the ¡¡box. «iesiihlx-d lauds are rrque-t«.4«! io fil«- timir Haims in tin- office on or before subi 1-tli day uf January, 1*90. C has 1 10» t nited state - L and O fu « e . / Itoseburg. <>reg<»u, October 10. last* » .Noti<-e i» hereby given that in compliance with the provisions •>( the act of Congress of June 3 :M7>. «-utitled “Au act for the »ale of timber leuds in the Slate» of California. <)reg«>u. Neva«!»» ami WaNbingtuu Terri tory," lame.-H Roger.-,ot IVttodluiMj. county «if Yolo -tale «>t < »diforuia, ha* this «lay ti)«-d in this office his sworn stalemeut for the purchase «»f N' W *4 of beeiion No. 11». in Township No il .-. Range V«.-. 5. E, an«! will «»tier proof to show that the land s«*-»gilt is more valuable for it» timber or hioiie than for agricultural purimscs. an«i t«» e-tnldish hi» claim to said lan«l bcj«»re th« R«-giMer ami Receiver of thia <»tfic» at Ros« burg Oregon, «»u Monday the 13th lay of January. He name* as nitrfis-.es John W. Fitz Gibbon, of Woodland. Vol«» e«»iinly. < alifor ma. Mu*ha« ! l. I initu tl, of bunnigan, S'olo county, California. William \«»orhee-, of Orland < olii'u < «unit}. < alifornia. William « t rane, of Grafn)n, Y«>lo co., California. An\ and ull persons claiming adversely the above des« rib«:d land» ar«- request« «! to file their claim-in this ortirc on or before said L’tii «lay of Jniiuai y IS’.K). 'I <’has W. Johnston Register. Over tuilet» of telegraph wire are in operation in the ( ntie«l \ j it* i .fa.-tory in H»«- \\ iub.r- Slates euougti lu enrirvla (he giob? U !- l*tlU«Lth«lV ib propia*»«! 1«lul ¡S2Ô,* forty timoe. i‘ ► was Hppr<‘prÍHted B»r it l«»t winter. Abouta4ii0 milts of eh-ctric railway The |»r*4s« ru Lt gtslalure will i.u ¡»--ked are u I ready in operation m Die I nited tn double the num. for and S ates, and many m«»re under eon • ■'L ’ I’>. Irwin, one of the pion^r« Htru<*ti«Hi. .*: L s ’« tu Oregon, has discovered one curm Oblle. ConsHpation. More than lTO.Oi-l inilvs of tele­ •‘Caatorla »a so well adapted to children that CMtoria :!1 lt.e richt-vt free-gold prosjiects ever [ recommend it aa superior to any prescription Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructation. : »tin«! in the state, in L’tuoii county. phone wire are m operauou in lim known tu tne • IL A. ▲ bcukh , M 1», The «pi.'Dtity i® large, and the hebt I lilted Slates; over these 111 bo. Oxford bi, Brooklyn, N.Y judges say it i* a free mining com- messages are «eut daily. Kills Worms, gives sleep, *nu prumotBB ol- I t'llioii of at l» ‘ 't*f £100 to the ton in Stitch iu llwck. gestiou. The Gallup tN. M.i Neu.*»-Register Without injurious medication. gohl. Aberdeen, b. T. '-»•pt., 2fi IM, says itu|»ortexi chickens fnau Kansas Suffered several yezra a. ;i chrome Mitch T ee (' bntavr C ompany '' Murray Street, N Y Thr»*e prominent Busin»ns men of have brought chicken choleru of the iu the buck, w.u gh.*n up by d**cu>n. Two butties of st. Jacot e ' ii cu :••«’ i »*. (hihrtb. county, including the mayor w«>rst from to the con st. from that Timber l.«ml Not ico HERMAN m HWAYGF.L. were Mirt-strd hii «1 taken before the place. I>ITED STATE- I.AND (»Eil E. ci:y recorder on the charge of keeping 'b„ LUMBACO IS The latest ‘Mrop-a-mckel-in-the- R o - ______ kri ' k «*. Oregon, — __ ____ Oct. ._ 12. _ ixsr. i Timber Lami Notice their places of biminub»- open Sunday. ’ slot” macbiue is I now on exhibition at Notice i* hru-by given that iu «‘umpliaiir« in violation <»f the city ordinance. Washington. with the pi ox i'b»! is «> f the a*t of < '«u.gres** of 1 It fee« is out postai U nited ktaf » ¡. and offi « k , i Juue 3. 1*7*. viHilk*«l “An Act for th«* sale of They all pleaded guilty, paid their cartia and stamps, aud its owner wants R oseburg or , October 10, 1 sk 9 a timlivr land- iu the sink s of California, orc- tines anti were turned loom?. Notice is hereby given that in compliance the government to adopt it. -..■on. Nevada, amt W »r uingum TerriD.ry.** BCá¿ .. . a l»«*s.l--im»itH A Lot .-man. of Giau«»ii. coi.uty w ith the provisions of the a«-t of Congress of Perhaps onr Oregon fanners who Fitz John Porter has issue*! au <»|>en • f «*ction 32 In town gun. Nevada, ami Washingiou Territory,” • BALT0-MQ ,THECHAS-A-VKU£!!0F will have th»*ir eyes opened by the Hay protesting aguinst thg manner in ship no. «a south, ranee no. • <‘a-t, and will Jam«** McAfee, of Woodland, emtuty uf Y«»l«>, statvmeut that IO i M! car loiula of Ohio which they referred to him iu their mh‘1 proof i«. -how that the ’.ami .'«night is -tat«« «»f California, ha« this day tile«! in this grapes have been shipped west of the < - ntury articles on Abraham Lincoln. more valuable for 1U> thnln*r or stone than f«»r «»ttu-e hi* sworn stafemetit, for the uurchase Rocky M‘ untain®. Will they i» t Huiicultural purjH»'«" am! t«» «-'labli-it her «»f t he s E l4 «»f sc« tiou 32, in Tp. No. 40 S. Ft »ft SALE RE AL ESTA FE _____ Railge Nu. •'» E. and ___ _________ will oflVjr pioof r _ to show The Secretary of the Navy has ad ­ 1 claim to srtid land. beb»re the regiMcr am! ___ Ohio beat them iu their own market i«-<*viv«‘; of this "llice ou W«-dn« -day,tin* Lilli thrtt tilt* laud souglit i- mor«- valuabh' for aud make uo effort.- jlhiyton Herald. vertised for propositions to build the day < i January. 1** ■ -he name* m - wittms-- its timlrt'r or stone than for agricultural pur- hulls and machinery of two steel guu- e Barkley '• l,«*art and Daniel W . E«l*«•(livvs. <»f W «Hxilaml, ail of Y«>!o county. this the 13th day of January. 1*90 Calif rnia. from Sackett’s «ull up Lewis and als will Ize received uulil January 23d. He uames aa witnesses: John W. Fltz- Any an«1 all ih -'- ou - laimiugadver>«dy the so acr.--. f laud within one mile *»f A*h Clark’s, says the . lstorhiu, lies through above «les« nb -d Imd-a c requested to hl«* Gibb«>n, Washington C. Gwinn, William land city limit-. I»)•«• re* ch ared and ihre«4 Ephraim I). Ellsworth, fattier of Voorhees. James B. Rogers, all <»f W<»odlaud, their claim* in ibis u’!i<-e ou «>r before said hundred fruit trees *et <»ut this sprint and a tine r» gion that ha.- never bad a wag­ A ub> county. < alifornia. 15th «la» uf January. 1*90. about fitly l»eariug trees; pail red laud and on roiul, ami that the first thorough­ Colonel Ellsworth, who was kilie«i in Any ami all |rt*rs«»n* claiming a«!versel C has W J ohnston . par’ granit«-. By a v«*n »mult expen«e waler fare to tniper-»*de an elk trail is a ifteel Alexandria, Va.. in 1**»1, while taking the above«! de-« rilrt,«l land- are requested to 21-lOt R eg 1 st » n. ruough eoubi hr ha-l t«» irritfrtte :'r«»m 1"« !•» 2b a rebel Hag from th»» Marshal boils«, file their claims in this office ou or !»efore rail, w» Il ballasted broad guage trans ­ acre* Term» va*y. u 1!I m *I i alt «>r will v. 19. A new ls»s. R ohebtkg . Or.. <>« ’. 12. 1**9 i Timber 1 an«l Notice. «»rganizarnm. representing an inv»-«t- N -th e k he eby g*v»-u that iu «-•»mplianc«- There are 6,Dt36,(MX> bushels of whvnt with ibe provision» of th»* a<-t of (’oiigr«-s* of ed capital *»f over au«l in­ Choice Latiti’» l'or Sale. U nited states ¡. and On ■« i . i June 3, 1M7H. entitled » n h «- i for ’!.«• «nlc r ' I uf water spring owners of the country, against not quite -l.bbojhsi last year al Notice i* hereby given th«’ in «■•»mpliHiic-'» • »rei'ou, N v V u 'I m ami W »«'-liingion Territory. Exhibition at 0: ■ ,|<- H«-t '»f < *u>gl«-" of farm land in the valley * I fur fruit •»r was formed L«-re to-day, its object lx- tin* same season, in I >.ikot«i the larui- Baiko-y «< Pmirt of ' ;raKoti. ••miuty Oi V ’>1«», XX ii 11 the I r<», grain ►f California, ba-thi--lay filed in thi- Julie 1*7**. '-u!i'lrot'hi!': ing to secure prot.»*ction by legislation hi» -w«»ru Kiuieiueut f i the purchase timlrtT land- in tii«' st«’«'* uf UHbf«»rn « Or- and m.' iiit «tn *t'!e land go»«! f »r fruit, fmio for»-igu mnr c.factn:v i mineral tlirestiing to go to li.*‘ polls to xote, - w l4*>: -verni» N". 2. in T«»•.*.ii'h*p • gun. N vvh -I m and W.«-hmgt«*n T«*mi*»ry, ’ dairying .tu t ■■ k raising I h;- tr.«« t *»f wat.-rs. A. M. Jon»* of Waukesha, even though it was th»« first stale elv»- houtu. range No. 5 Ea't. am! will offer Michael T. Emmert, of Dunnigan, roriuty of ■ .o. state oi < aliturnia. ha- tliiaday iil»‘«1 In land ha- uv«*r *vt*n mile- of tern tug. *!w< ;. proof to »huw tomi the lami Nought is mon ln»n. \Vh»'Ut is better than point«**. mg hotis. sb.»ck sh»* H ebk IN .1 - hi •! Irtiul Before th«* Regi-ter au«1 R«*ceiv t**v. D-hip X*» 41. auntb. iMiige N<). 5 « mt. and ideas in breeding trotting horses if he in his new lx*>k contends that the Ashland. Jackson «’u.. Oregon. •i uf ibi' otti« r a» Row-burg, Oregon. c»n xv¡11 off*-r proof tu -hu’.v that th«' tend *<«iight i« more valuable for it* timber ur stone than liest form of govcrntiifiit is a mon ­ W «‘«Im -«lay the LS’h dav of Januaiy. 1*90 come« out tier«. Whatever may I««' lie iiamr* a* witne*.*«*- Alexander L. f.»r ttt*r>c*ili;iral uurposc»«, and I«» establish said of the system practiced at Palo archy. He pre«h»*tH that a Caesar will iu ( ¡aim tu said '.and bef«»re the Rvgixter •i!uwi«H.'l. «•« «»raùuii, Yolo <«*nnty. < al., •• at R««*eb»irg Ore Alto, if it be jn«lgv«l by its fnnts, it is yet ariM* in America unless she “mill­ William « Crane, i»i Grafton. 1 «»Io ««lunly. an«! K«-«‘viv»*r of this I i' iile • un*’ Ma-u «iff c g«»u, <»n I ue-dax. the 14th day of January gates her omnivoiouH «l« inocracy, ’ and < m , W illiam li W i!r<>x of Orlami, Uolu-a m<»r*« siuxvesful than any yet kuown. i' ■!' («mi ' Cui , .Michael T Emmert, of burnii that still more surely will <»ne arise in When a few more FLis’i-m turf w«»n He name'* a- uitncHse* Alfr« «i F Amier- g m \ «.lo « ouuty, < al In the lowu of 1368 Market Street ders I icao l»eeD overcome the horsemen Frautre if the stat»* is d* liv» rvd ov« r A uy person»« <*iaiming udx'rj-cly ibe above -■•n of Blrti'k. Yolo county, < alifornia. Wil to the “ cynical voracity of politicians. ” limn H Wilcox of Orland, ’ olu-a county, dr.M*ribrd lands are requested !«» tilo thvir who now rcj««‘t it wit!, -«•«»rn will !*- CALA. «•¡uli.'H in this office on or b«'fur«* nai*l L7tb > .tliiorni SAN FRANCISCO, i an«! William Voorhees an«! John ruulv to take lesson*, lhey n»«ed W FitzGil.»bou, ixutb of Woirtiland, Yolo d.iv of Jauuarv 1S9<>. C has W J chn - ton . Washington. I). C.. dispatch of Nov. Immility bmlly. ami th«*y hnv»» l»e»n county. < alif'irnia. 21 10 RrglMvi 2’1. £ho ll»‘pre>rntat ivcs-ele«! from Any ami all person.« claiming adversely Siskiyou co., Cai well chasteiie«! this season.—{Sanl ran- the nrejve des(-ril-*d land* are requested t«» the four new States, with the excep­ TimlMT Land Noti»»*. cisco Chrouicie. fib* their claim» in thia office oti ur bc*f«>re tion of (’«»ngreesiuan Giffurd of South U nited state * J ini » O ffi « f » For Sale on Easy Terms. sab! 14th dax of January. i**.ai Astoria, I Or.), Xovtonlier l'J. Al*nit Dakoia, who is ill. at h uncling t«»-d«iy Ro-l.BI rg . Or , Oct. 1". 1**9 I « HAN W JOHNSTON. Register two years ago, young num, who waw d*-cidt* 1 to art as a unit «»n all im*a. - I Notice i- h« reby given that in «‘omplianre ADVERTISEMENTS w Hh ll;»4 provision* of the a«-t «»( Cougr«-** d«»wn on his hi«‘k. enlisted in the regu­ ures affecting their interests, The) Timber Land .Notice ufjiiu«- - ’ 1*7* «'Uliiled ' An act f*»r the >«L* oue-fourth v -’at«-.- of California twalva and efghtver. months I’ ni . ed S tates L and O ffice . / Astoria frequently. He was a model libvral appropriate »ns (or river and or«-g:*u. X vvh I ji and W ashington Territory. Tin- hr» I-;« ml NotI« c. Ro*EBi ro. Oregon, October 11, \*si. >iai«* «its and in 11;i-"rti c hi- -wotn -tRT«-ment f«>r the tvith the provi.-i«»iiH of the a« t of < ongreas<»f D H HA-KFLI I:*-« t«u (»regoli. Oc! 31st, i*S 1 » pur. ba-v of the F ’4 <>f -<•<■ N«> in Tp ,N.. June 3. JK>. enlltled An a«-t for the »«ale of Towu Site Ag*»nt <’ f* K R., -an Fran« i-co son of Lord Chief Justice Charlo protection of farming interests, mclud- »y vi'en that iu rompliaure 41 *<»uth Range No 5 F a *!, and will oflei limb«*! land» lu the States of < alitomia. < >rt* li*Tesfoid of Ireland, ami b«-ir pre- lug sheep-raising, California. ou.*» if the act u! ( '«nigres'* ul I-« »««.f t"-h««w that the land >ough! i- more gou. x'evM«lii, and Wn-hington Territory, ’ sumpflve tu a great fortune. S’ejs ¡tied “All act fur til«- sale uf •.al'iable fur It-« fimlter or *tone than fni ag Allred F. Anderson, of Bia«k, county of \o of War Pr«.»ctor will renew . • «•..,«»-<• nccliural pi:rp»>e», and t«> establish hi- In, Ntatc of « hliiortna. ha- tins dav filed iu were taken to seeure his release, an«I the Secretary recommend a tjon of bis prtxleceH- X \:;.i . ami W a dunk-ton Terrimry. «aim !<• -nid lan-i before the Register am! tbk oftu •-hia buorn atntetni’iit for the pur now word eomeH that he is aix’iit to sors that congress provide f«»r the up- in I llurii •■i. «.f Boo-burg, ( oiiuty <•! • !:«•< • *.\t-r <»f Uii- i.fliiv at Ri‘*e!»nrg. Oregon, cha-<‘of tin- s W ‘4 of -••• tion N’ uiii I m •: 10, in -'U-t«- ■ 'i’< ’r* *on h;v* ihisday f’dt-d in «»n M«»m!av, th«* I '.ih dav <»f Jatimirv. l*:*0 Totvu-iup X<* 41. South, range .X«» • a>t. wed <»ne of the heiresses of Gre:it pii. all of W\»«>«l!au*l Y«»l«> «-ounty st«’Ue than for ugrn ulturnl purj>o*«-.- and to • »■•neral Dealers in Professor Cotnl«»n s discovery of the for his rtH'ummendation, f«»r the bnsi- »hip X" 40-utHh, rang«' No California «•-tablish ids « lain) t<» »ai<1 land tjrfore the fomil remains of horses with cleft neM of the department is very large, v ffer i*r<»of tn show that llu an*! all persom« claiming a*lver«ely Ib-gku-r and Receiver of thia oftic«- al R om * n<»re valuable for it* limlx-r the \ny hoofe. the chffiTent part« forming toes, and whenever the secretary leaves burg, Oregon, on Tuesday, th»- 11th day «d iiimvv «leM-rilx**! laml- are r«-qiiv»te«J to a/ricnltuial pur|rt»M’M, an ! ls.su. has been c**tiin»ente«l upon by a writer Washington the president has to de­ i!i«-ir «‘laims iu thi* office «»n or before .¡anuary, ♦.laiin tu saia land before til*- He names a.-« uitnc--« - Micha«*! T Eiu huid 13th day uf January In ’ .H) in the Neu York 1’veuing l*<»st. who tail an officer of the army to act as I R*-««-iver of this ««ftue at iin-rt of bunntgan. Yolo «niinit. • alifoniia, ( H A< W. J ohnston William H Wih-ox of < »rland, Colu-n mun- say«: “Apr«»po8 of the frequent tlis- secretary. A civilian assistant wuui 1 • ii . ou Wi'iiuevlav, the 12th 21 mt Regi-ter. Ashland, • 1* o ly < alifumia. BanieJ W. EdsI Gwinii. oi \\-»odlund. Volo co.. < aliforula Nothing if» ui«»re coDRpieuotte in tbf Notice of Final Setth inenl U nited S tate * L and ofu « ej called that .lullus Ciesar had such a nd al! ol YoinUoiinty Anv and all peraoii'. claiming advera« lj Ro* i bi R«#, Or. Oct. lo, 1 n *' j i th«- al>ove describe«! land* are r« qu«-Mve? Sueiinus, m bi.-’Life of Canar/ town« along the line of the Cvritril Notice IS her« by given that in compliance tile their claim.* iu thia «»ttie«-«»n or bvfor« »I*. ^r,e r”a‘Js York than sixty *tir»t section, «ays: *Cfvsar made an^ por-oii* « Imming nai«l Mth div <>f JanUHiv. 1*‘JO 1-7-, entitled “An a< t for »he sale < HA- w ;<»HX m ‘ »ngon. Nevadaan«l WashingtonT«Trit«»ry I'h ’ UflrV. IA90. the manner of toes.’ ■|l.e vtoto pas a«Ivantage it offers to farmers to st 11 Wilburn Voorh* e* of W j >t » i • t X on. « »et. I**»» i ricultural purpose*, au«l tu «*siabii»h hi* timber land* in the 'tat«-* of California. Ort4 I t X these factori»**. Is there any industry 1'a‘sar had it reared with the utmost n that in compliance claim to *ai«l land Ijvfore th** registernttd re- g««-. Nexftila ami Washington Territory, ]-rt» v i the a«'t of Congress ccixcr *»f this office at’Ru*ebnrg, or«-g«>n «»n William H U il. «»x. ot’orlan-l. «-«»unty of « •• care, and was the first t«> mount it. in tbit» couutry which ptiys a good pro­ MEDFORD, OREGON. . 1N7X. i t.’cec’ i«»n< 1-.:tt . \ Uui i .. •* >i. «•! R'urt^mrg. • «»ti.uy B. Rogv’*, «11 of W.Hrtllmiu. Yolo <-«»uuty, fox-, u-lup Numla-r 41 south, range n »m*rt-r an image of the horse in front of the General Raum, pension commis­ r -».«••I m > 'o- ; -uorn *l»tvm«'.it f(.r Atty ami aii pt’raon* «¡aimiiur nd'ersclv the ’ . and ................ __ _ f««r it* timber sought is mor« \ ___ akiabl«' this an instance of what evolutionists |>vr II«3 is one one of the three men til»' pllr* a-< ... N » uf til-' XE-4 til«- al».»v <• «1« *■ t ibe«l Ian»!* are requested to hie «>r ........... ¡»tone »han ..... f«»r . agriciiltitral ultitral pui Dose*. «nd -XV . ..| X f 4 v,-i I-F 4 of th«' NW. « f tlvir «laim* iu this otfi< e on or Iwfiire salt! ’<> establish hi* claim I«» *ai«1 la ml Let« »re the call ‘reversion?’” . in •• Washington who are called Shakes­ -.« tii.ii N«-, i -, n toxxn-iup No 4«« -until, Fith day oi J«uuary. l»90. K«'gi*ter ami Receiver «»f thi* offi« <• at R*»*e Timber Land Notice, pearean in their typ«» of head and face, rane«- X » « *.-t*t. ami xx ill o!k*r pr««of to *l.«*4» ’ has W J ohn - ton , burg. Oregon, «»u Tne.-day the llth day of \ Scrap ot 1‘aprr .sax ea her Lite th. 41 th«- iRiiii Minght is more xaluable fur it* Rogtetor. the others being Justice Field an«l .’I lot January. l»90. liiul-e. <»r -t«»n« iti » , lor agrh uitural pur- 11.- iimm'* a* with«'*-« * Barkley G Peart. Thia Space Respired for Of the three It was justau «»rdinarv scrap « f wrap­ (*oDgrt*sinan Reed. u<».*<.'. R’»«! I*» ••'t<*?'»i-li her « laim to sah! lau«! Timber Land Votier Darnel U Edson, Alexander I. SuoxvLalL Noi te betel ping paper, but it saved her life. She Ratlin is th»- handsomest ami looks bein', the Register am! K,«- iv,.- <»f this \\ dJ.tiu < < ran«-, ad • -f ‘*:ai'oii. Yofo «•t»u»i- M L. McCALL • •;!.«*- «i RoM-biirg Un tmn, on Thur**la>. was in the inat stage« of < _ . -r must like tbs portraits of the l».tr»er 17, 1<*« i Am! any and all p«T»*on«« claiming adver**- t«»ld by physicians that she was incura­ Avon. Genearl Ranm has a finehous»* of Jnn»- ’*. K* vi Ihr -t . * *»i ttmtwr la< -I» i - It- I.!* - M- Ul* "* * J««*.' M I. -H faul Ertate Agent and Surveym ble and could live only a short time; she Noth-e i* hereby given that in «‘«»mpliance !v th«- aiMixe desorb**«! land* are requested to in Washington. His wifei.- the happy «»n-goti Ne»a l am! Vn a- \\ h • ! i:«H»t.*». black et»«:i*»!i. Green ll*«l witli the pmv i*i.*n- uf ihe A« t «»f ‘ '«ingress «»f fil«* their « laim* in this orti«-e on or t«**f«»re weighed less than sev« ntv pounds. '.4 C I tory, ’ «*U'' h ' h . r .*« I». * 4 4 1 K ’ f wrapping paper she r» »*d <>f «u-.tx uf -l‘k.x* . -:at«* « n » a i«-ri.u« Mii'i «’ \ Srt*b!t»r*.«!e. I'vugla« tlinh« r laud* in th«- State* of< alifornia. Ore C ha *. W . J ohnston , three are Dr. King's ew »»«««■««« Discovt-rv, ci». nt at u d got k « h a , lera. . Of the latter . , . inarr* . .. «1 th il» day Il!e«l in I - «»du «* hi- > h « «»ii»ity. ur«-g*»ti Register. g.Hi. Neva la, and Washington Territory.” 21-10! Any ii.i-l al! i«*r>otis claiming u Iverwly 1 Ixxin v\ . < birk. uf \berdecn. «•ouuty >>f sample bottle; ti i h»d|H-d ’ ' her. she !»..u„’l>t ‘tnd one 18 a Wbi.iw. General an.I Mr*. in* • ut fór thè pur art • -filo NF. t itli. raí 4 .«•« . ami ÎD -«•ri»rt'«1 lami» are re.ju.--te«! t«» « hehidi*. terril<»ty of Washington, ha* tin* Timbri Lami Votier. a large !s«ttle. it helped her more, (»ought Ratlin are noted for their hospitality. ■t X. • * in Tp X.» ili «»(Ter prnof l 'W that «night til :n*m thi- ot'ii >' ou or trt*f<»re «lay til*-«! in tliis uff« e hr* s\v«»rn statement another ami grew bettor fast, continued m«»re valuabi»* • than I» tim!» of February. 1*«» f**r ’he purchase <>f th 4 X F 4 «>i s»*<* in t sited S tate * L and O ffi « k . Th»» Black Hills r»»gi«»n in S »nth !> i- I- I its use and is n«»w strong, healthy, rosy, fo­ r agricoltura! pi.p I a’lbh «MA' W . J<»MN'TpN, .. Tp N<> 10-«»nth. Rung«* N«». n « a*i. atid will it ■ ____ r bi i: .. . • ' * „ ¿.>1) « tei »ber 11, WfW i I lar d i plump, w -i diing 140 pounds. For inlier k«»ta was p irt»*d with very reluctaotlv hl- n t. th R« g. N«*ti<‘«‘ in her«*by giv.'ti that in ««»mpliance «»Iler pr«»wf t<* -li«»vx that the lam! »«ought is •fii*. II il i’«. » I »articular* «cud stamp to W. H.l'ole. by its original Imhiti owners, on hc - more valuable f«»r it-timber ur stem* than w ith th«* pr«»vi.-iuns uf the A«*t •»( Cungress <»f J h Tn< Jruggist. F««rt Smith. Trial bottl«-* of ! count of the ahuuTincv of g tan* and f<*r agricultural purp.»-*-*. and t«» establish June 3, 1*7*. entitled “ At) Ai t for th«* *irk* of Tin uber Land Nott« r. hi- * laim to said Ian«! h« fore the Register timber laii'i' in th«* slams *»f < alifornia. Ore this wonderful Discovery" free nt Chit­ waler there. Il has all ¿il«»ug bei-ti I S' I! w F ('home*! lot* Acr«- Pr.»perry and >mr*mH". of Graft«»n. county 1 ur.-gon. • »«•» ..1-t. 1-* • I t.f hl nt of Y«»lu. nt at»* of «alifornia. hu- thi* «lay 1*S9. culturally. But n«»w the richest tin x gixeu »bat it* «--iDpiia I A fih-liuthir «»ifice her .-worn statement for !!«• i anv4« ns v hi ;*- « Xtm-rica ’ - Vnstn»-«. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ! •I- of th« art of i .-ug pro mutes m t lie w« »rl«i are l>*ing develop» «1 1 it i ’ # **f N w ¡4 and E s ♦Valbe « Rogers. J »1«Q F Givan« Thoma« Hith •! An a« ‘ t f«»r th*' t II . l< Sotneiakly with a matheniatical there, When they are fully «»¡»eu*-d of * W i, of '«M-tiou No 32. in town-hip No. May h«-w. J««l«n Power*, all of Ashland. Ja« k : I..- . - of Crtli.orniu rii F Lew a! Agent for Towusite F •■»»♦•rty. propensity ti^ured out that the u^- up. the conntry will he« tlie richer By 4 ». s«mth raiiij«' No ."» east, ami will offer s«in coituiy. ureg«-u. .am! ‘ A i. .i -.. I >i ierr t.»r> If. B Miller < o. Addition and Railroad pru«»f t«» sh«»w that the land -ought te more nt. and a'.! p«-**»u-« aiming odve’ t ot WiIt--.tr. • (MIDty *-f ly An«! gr»*krHte territorial extent of tb» na- $2*»,t. M e .«f <>r«'4 • »»i. ha« tbi* «lav ill« t ti» Money Ioan.-«J a’ 3 per« ' tit n real e® tioxifl reprvHt‘iit»xl by visitor« «»f the the tin tniues in Wale« are endeavor­ ii,-iiluital purpe-v'. ami to c-ial>H»h her ill«* theit «-¡aims in this off* «; ou ur befur* i • hti AW- • ru siiib-mcnt for the '«id loth «lay of Decemb* r, tale »c«-urliy in »urn« <»f i.v<‘>«ud Upward- «-¡.-lim tu *aid laud before the Ruglster and 1 hub« r I .anti Notivi American (’«»ngrrss falls but little ing through iigf’.i * in thw cmintry t-> Ii « of tlie *W j ami '-:9 ot Call or writ*—Information cheerfully I.. < «-ixer of tl.i* oflb v at Ro'cbnrg, Oregon, (HA* w Jun N'TON, loti Nu. 1», , in <<»xt n -hip No 49 >. short of twelve millions of **]nare prevent the American mim** from be- fu rnished on rues«!av the 14th day r January. 1*M. Register. i >-10t NJ i t east, ah,I ui oiler proof t<> „how Ug> N inik*s more than three times t the ’... ing developed, it is *:ii«l. She uahie« a- wititt 'V* Barkley G. Arthur Conklin, i i-l -mg’it ii» : ir«* x »1 ¡Mb!** for its 1 ■«•:»rt »n l Daniel W r7*1*<»n, of Grafton, ¥•»!•» area of all Enrop*. ;uid but little leas Timber I.und Votier. Suet e.*.-“’ t<» SMITH X < ON KLIN N ». •t -i.« Hutu f i«.-xricultbral uni h • our. ’ . y California, ami Juhu W Fitz Gibbon The short-hour working day was • t-:ainx t«• ■-ahi bind am! William \’.« »rhev-* «jf Wiajdlaud, \ ol«» REAL ESTATE .VIENT. C r than one-fourth part of the glob«- r m i fi *r vrr ■ I. xnd <>m< r the subject of some remarks by Gen- 1 K Ke'cHytr of this 1 «.•«•unty, < alif«»ruia R tiEHi k . «m. October llth. I** ‘ * t Front.« Fifth Str^-tR. «»rant's Pam, < »r while iu respect to the power of pro erel Master Workmau P«»wderly at th»* I- on Ttiurxiay. the h II And auy and all |»erHons claiming adverse during the artir!«*^ which are e.ssenti d Notir« hereby given that in f the act of ( *»ngrv-sof ly th«* above described laud-, are requested I ! to human life and those which minis­ convention of the Kuights of L'dw»r at A to tile heir claim- iu thi* office ou or before .! :■;« : 1.-7» entitle I * An act for the -;ll«* of *! I;. ■* f I’- .i *n • IL ti ter to hfr’s luxury, they c«»i*stitu‘»j Aaianta, G« l , last w«*« k. Mr. Powd­ timlrt*!'land.- in th»* .*tates of ( aliforuia. «»aid Nth day of January. ' *90 : a -rtii. W-»••«•.i.«;-*|. B.i of y, « <», Register. 21-lût Uiexnml»*r J. Snowball, of Grafton, county X . A h irg, (•»uiity*r< g« «i. world, these great poseesious to-dey n 4 advocate reduction of the hours «»f I 4. of Yolo *tut»» • *f California, hn-tlu-.liiy tiivd V:. n. » m I i per *»i;- claiming «* ■'.♦'• l«;i •* m th. a «»ff« e «»u or 1 m » í «' r ot the N E *4. sre’ion N«» 2 m Tp. KOtilBI-R'i. OR.. Oct. 12. I»*» i as densely as the average of - Europe,- . means to an end. (hi the <>th»*r hand, -•i L.ti-. lay of Fcbr-.uiv. I-*«. X* > 11 * . I: X\*. F . am! w ill offer proof to Notice i« herebv given that iu compliance ’ he . W HFAT ANI» the total Dumber would exceed ■ -al* I 1 'imw that the laud «»light i* more valuable u ith the pr«»\ j-i. li« of the act of < ongres- Register I of Dt1i< . \R BEET LAND iH.MI.iHXI. the idea of an eight-hour day. am I I for its timber or stone than for agri« ‘ uitural of June 3, 1-7-. cutitled An act for lh<* sale I i M f M fax. .n t'.e above counties u ■ •eu’ f«»ra r»Tm *f that nil the reports to the contrary l.nrr»«*»«”,. and to e-!.th!i-h lit* • -l:»im t" -aid <>f timber Inn S in the States of California, 1 IDI years I Imbrr i.Hiid V >1 ic< t Irt’lon the Re_'ist«*r and Receiver of thi- cregon, Nevada and Washington Territory were false. It wtr b»s de»‘p concern H I A <«oo t < ■ ugh syrup offi«’»4 .«! iv'-ehurg. < ¿«m. on Tuesday, the W illiatn C. < Tane. of uiafton. Volo county, in »he m«»vement, he said, which pre- Ju I NirKD SIATE-- L a NS (»»Fl« h. » 1 ti h day of Jauunrv. Cii!ih»rnia. has tiled in Ihis util«■♦• his sworn •I I- Lhere >* nothin«» parent* ah«»vJd be so vented him from sanctioning what be l;« '«-b* ! .. ’ •:• .'- I4. 1 t. .1 I4** • i lb- in•:»»*#- ti* witu«-'<•» Barkley G i’uart. ‘•talemeiu for the purchase of the NE’4 of careful nb«.nu u * *(ducfiui' a cwtiob *yrup. regarde*! as uuwtse <»r f«>-«lliar-ly meth­ mii i- :»• •• »-x ctv. ii tLat it> •-««mi'iiam e bauiel W [- '.'on WiLi -.m < ' »am*, all «>f -ectiou m* >. iu townahtp no 41 smith, range Nil Mugar Beet Fan«!. »■-1- h xx • : ,-i »x uf the «- t •»! « --ugi* uf <. raft.*: . Y- 1.» » •unty. < Ii lurii'i Hud Wil no • east, and will oflei proof to show that B« uu*' Uhwry ('oiiiyh Syrup ci>*ts m* ods in hastening it. He suggest»*«! for -ah- i a fa- i' of fr« i* * «'till!;< «1 •'An «• i for t!«*- -ulr «•( lite i H Wil«-<»\. of brland. U«.»lu.-a county. the land -ought i> more xaluable for its lim in«»re limn the cheap and inferior m * tra« !» suitai-ie for o'* that the order should en hi:.'l* in th«; -!i»G.-' of t Mliforuia. «’alifornia l»er or atone (hau f«>r agricultural puriajses L truins thrown «»n the lu irke! ‘ Die lie*t M r. For particular- apply x vand g a---'n Terri At • »«mi all |rt*r*«niA ■ -laimina adversely and to v-Tabiish hi» « aim losaui ¡ mih I. before W - mine too «*»*>d. hi -are and t»ef IL-u.’s' bring filxMit a reduction of the hours » . . Ujilt.-r I K«'Ot, uf Bl.uk Station. III«.’ above .;*--. i >.!rt*d Lind- are re«|iH-.sted t" the register and recrix* r of this office, at 23-2m t* r Cherry <’ou'_»h Syrup. We keep it <»n of labor m so gradual a way ns not to » <*.ii»iy -’f Yo]". >tM»*- of t anfornirt, h;«-. thi* file t heir claim'» in this olli«-e "U or l»cf«*re llos-bu'g, ’ >r«-gvn. on Wednesday, the 1.4b W2 F hand at all times. Chitwood Bros., disarrange bUBinens or in any way . i.i-•! in ti.!-o !>. hts sworn statement ?Rid 14th day of January . 1*'.»° • lay of Januar-. lst«O li«'name-as witues-- !■ i ■ «*• - y ircoa « «»f .-»e l«-i - ! au*i 2 an«i s1 3 **i drusigts.i* CHA- W J'»HN*1«'N v- xhxandvr I. snowball »mtl Barkley G w«»ik hardship to either side m th«- !• « NL' t ot x«-ctioii No 1, ii; ?«»w ii*hip X«». *<• R<-gi-ter 21 1'« art. of Giaftun. W a-hiugton C. Gw inn ami controversy. One plan winch he rec- -.»nth. ratig«* N«>..’» < H-l. and ho ! ot!-- pi«»«,I 1.0 Fl T RoSMBt Tt'« . < »r< F«. Jumcs R Roger»,, of Wuooiaud, ad of Yulu ommeihi^d should I h * put in practical . .- x 'iidt the land -oug!;’ i.* n;«» ’«* \ h I u - o U t . -J.rth Is*. county, < aliioruia Timber Land Notice. s< H'IE'I lEs. abl«. for iin timber or stun*- U ihu for agri« til- Nub«-** i* hereby given that th« t«»i operation by the order was prop«»s *«l A id and all persons claiming adversely U nited state - L and offk f « i-.in- ami t«» «i-tab’mh hi* « I miih tu ha- o m» ■ • at Clevelan«! in lss»;. Jt <\»nt* melatetl t.uii to i -«--rh-r the above d«-s« iibrd lands are rvipicsfed to R osebck «*. oh ., <»« i ii, 1**9 t *.ii«i Lim! ia foi« the Rcgi-t- r uti-l R«*« viver make futili }■■<•<•( if: -upp*,» »CS Notice 1* hereby given that in c«»mpliam-e tile th«-ir claims iu this office on or before Hie re»im*tion of the working »hi/ by claijti mid »iuit s.-ii«l p--loi w ill he -• I m ' of lb«- »»it. ■«• .if Ku*«:burg. Or* gon. uu Tbur*- -aid ITth day «»f January , ls’.'O with iIn- provisions of the act uf » <»ngre-s «>f Masonic Directory, Ashland half an hour each year until the eight- •.«•r** the «'lerk uf I he <*«i;i;ty c«>iirfof. Huy. th*- 1 ;ih«tny ««f Fvbrua.y. I*'«u. C has , w J ohnston , IL- mi * u- vxitnv**c-: Given Hollirig*»- Jum4 3. Ks, ••ntitled "An act f«»r th»* sal«4 of .lint X , < »: ,-golJ. a’ jH.-k'.tr. id. hour limit should be reached. One of .-< Momtav. 21 -lOt Register. timlrt'r lam!* iu the Shite* of ( alif<»rnia. -rtii Wti.plhni'l. John M Root, of Boule Deeeiuhvi 9th. I*-4' SL-KIYUF i HAFTER. N » .1, K A M the incidents of the Atlanta session \ i-gil. Pre *'iup‘i..' !• - X *ta'iop. «.-»ili oi Y«*lo ( viiuty. California. Oregon, .N.-Xrtdrt am! Wa-hing’on T«*rritory Timber Lund .Notice. I't-ia*- BitZ'-r. of Woodland. ’ .»unty <»f Y«»lo, « A s«-b!bre«ii-. Rr»*vbtirg. Douglas County, W 14 of S E *4 ami X E : •» <»! S Ree’ibtr --«>nv<»t'ttion*< on the Ihursday was the striking from the title of the X I». I». il. Y« a..';.T *»f \-hlaml, Ja< >» stat«- of < 'aliforuia. ha* this dav filed ......... . Tp - S K 1 « ■ . W M I NiTF.n S tates L and O ffi « e . / order of the words “<»f America.*’ Tins I- He next after «he ful! mo‘»u. in this «»'.lice hi- sworn statement A»r the wirnesBcs to :«*u « onuiy, -g-»u names the fiiilowhi Ro-FKt nw. Oreguu, Oct. 1(1. 1**9 i H. S. EMERY W H ATKINSON. H. I’ was d<»ne at the re«pi»‘st of an assembly pr >xe hi- rontinuon- residi-ncv u)*on and Any iin-t al! prrb«>ns claiming adwrseiy purchase uf the NE«, «»f *vc. N.« 14.fn Tp N-- Notice is hereby given that in compliance E R Myer. *ec’y '9-3# »-.» south runge No. » vast, ami w ill uff'et w ith the provision» of the act of t ongr« m < of in Biiminghitm. Eng. euhivati«»u of *ai«i Luu 1, viz » »-« a 1>. Low t hi- »i :.o\«- «lu'i rlt»c«i tamis ar*: r»-«4ne-u-«i to proof 1 [A to *h«»w tha' the laud sought is more June .1 1*7*. entitle«! Au h < t for th«* sale of and w m B * • ray. of Ta tent Jackson county, fi le t the-r clan is in this <»tfi« c vn or l»ef«»re valuable ) G dl fui its ttesber eff Btone than for timber land* in the State- of < alifornia. Or«- said I 1 /ii «lay «t February. i* ’ . H) a i I Win. Lindsay LSI!! AND L<»!» g E N«» 23. A. F A V M it has become proverbial in the legal Oregon, and Ja*. F. M ell agricultural piir’»o*v*. ami t«> establish hi* IL < ma * W J ohn - ton . of \inland. J h k»on C'juiitx, Or»-/'*n Nevada, and \\ a-hingt«»n Territ«»ry. ’ i J J claim to sm :-I bind bef«»re ’lie Regi-ter and gon. State«! « «»m»n»ini«-utiou on the Thursday «>f profusion that great lawyers almost ? Sa»i 'V Je»* * on Kagi»rer John W. Fitzxer «-i Ihis office at Ro-etuirg, Oreg«»n, < aliioruia. ha- this «lay tiled in this offi«-«* liis <«r bc'f«»re th«4 full rauon. always fail in the endeavor to draw o: | hursday th«* 13tb day of Fct»runrv. ’.*«o. sworn statement for the purchase of the E V Mti.i.' w M thvir own wills. According to a decis­ Timbri- Lauti N ot ir» I'iiiibvr Land Notier, He names aa witnesses 1 barlet - row ler. Win RLnxxson Se. rotary of section bo lO.townuiipuo tlaouth, Green I! »Uitigsworth, of Woodland, Yolo -i. ion just rvndere«l By the general term inilj • a-t, and will offer proof to -how-1hat I I MTFl STATE* I.AND OFFKS. ‘ ••unty. California. William G Parker, of the lam! sought is more xaluable for its tim of the New York supreme oonrt the U nited S tates I ini » O ffu e . « A! PH A » HAFTE li No i, o k S '.-ull supply <>! collin', a^kets. K*■■'»•burg. Oregon. o« t. .n-g«»n N«»\ 12th. 1^9 ' bei or Mom* than for agricultural pur|M»se“. late Samuel J Tilden, who, in Ins N-.f*i* her« »v given that in compliance Yeager,of viiiaml. J.-o-k• u < ounty. Oregou »Hid robe- ol all sizes, glove--, stat« *1 ri* »-tii i;* «in l*t and 8«! Tuesday in is hereby gii given that in « «»m|fiiam< J -vuh to e-tahlish his claim to -ai«i land before Noli« e i« t h«- p’.ivis uns nj th«- «• l of ‘ «mgre*« Any ami all pet'on* claiming a«lver*<-ly the rrgi-t« time, was regard«*«! as a lawyer of emi­ w ith •i* h m<»r.th • r nud receiver of I Lis ofli<‘C. at tin- pr*»x teiero «' 4 the a« t of < ongress o ’ j of Ju- ■ 1*7*, • iultl«-«l “An net for the Male th« above *i« '< rll»e«i land- ar«* rrqm-h d to Roseburg. Oregon, on Munday, the I '.th day cr.qx-s. etc., etc nence, has fai le» I to make a valid dis Jun«* 3. K* ridi’l»*d An h -i for the «Mb* <« M i - JI> < rock« r. W M ¡ <»f i imlrt-r luii-L* in the sinh • of California, fil<- their claim- in this office «p,»rty to the • l'il i n ¡'»rvgon. X»tn*!«. »nd Washington lcrri- .'«id 1 '.’li day of F«d*ruitry IN’ii office «nd »ar«-r«x»tu»al rail.'-a William V«M»rhe«-* and James B Rog«*rs of 1 N'** vh «I i . ami W :i«i»iuL,t«»n i' -rnmry.' : «»ry M Root, of Black Station. ‘ H as W J«m*-r«»N. Trust/’ an institution which he in­ gon, of Helman street Woodland. Alexamier L Snowball .-«ml Wil­ I’r* ’-mi* .ei- run-’. * ■>' k K ■ . «u< unii: I- ' • . v ■ • • ; ity ! « «»ui;ty John II - iT .-um.-of California. I ih * th. * 23 Regi-ter AMI L avi » LODGE 45. tended to have incorporateti for the of Si'kiyoH, liam « . « rane. <»f <*r»«fton. all of Yolo county. nil, i-M»i'e .—»»»'•• «»i • i « • rtlifort-in. alifori'ia. Ims h-i* thi- « «Fu­ «Lty fb-d «>f :n Yoh thi*. office hi* .-worn -tat« mont « alifornia. I'stablishment of a fr»*e library ami .»led in thi* «>ffi« »• hi- '■w«»!ii statrnivi»’ foi the -bn'« .!lhcNl? 4 nf Sl' 4 S'¿ of Timber t arci Notici Any ami all pers«»ns claiming «dveisely the pur* li»t*- •»( the N E’ ¡ ot’ **•■ 't«»u -X*». 11 ri , *’E’4 and Si ’ , of s W‘ j of >« * »ion N«* -1. iu rea«ling room tn the city of New York. Tp the aD«»v,’<1esrri!»ed lands are requested to .N«» -C» south, rang«- X" I rn-t. au I v x n-liip Xo i*• -«»uth rang«.- No. 4 • ast. nud U nited state « L and office . « old ngiiinr n’ccting* every Saturday In bis will Mr. Tilden requested bis • ■ j : « f • * - : - I «. tile their claims in this «»flee on or before . i • xvill off« r pr«M*( io 5how that the laud l;««'<-hiirg. Oregon, oct 29th. I4**-’ i ioi*< hail ii! Ashland Brethren executors to obtain from the legisla­ more x »»luah!«f f«»r it* timber «»r -lone ti y nt their ____________________ said 13th da\’ of January. IstlO. 1 -*ughi »' : -.re valuable- for its timber or X«»ti<-<- g h«-rv!»y gix« n that in «'ompllant-o « hh ! standing art- eordially invited tu < has w J ohnston . for agricultural pmi*»**-*, and to v-u»bl suco thn'i fii-ac tciilturai pnrpos«4*. an«! t«» ture tlie incorpt«ration of the “Trust.” lii- « ’aim to *t»-d ami beLir*.- th-* liCu-i- ■ i i of 1 • ■ ■ - ' - - ■ ml X a . J a - • B-* N G. Register. 21-10! • -i.th.i'ii 1, * tu said land before the June 3 137*. entitle«! *An act f«:r tin* *al«* <*f >hn May secretary and authorized them to convey tii*» en­ nmi K«-«-*--, v«-r <»f I hi-••tli*-e Ht R«>'« burg <* 1:* g;-t« ‘ T »»mi !te«-.-i v«.r of tl»ts off er nt Roa« 4 - tim- - r Irtii.i* in th*- .-¡ it«-« <>f t'alifomirt, ore- tire available residue of his ♦•state, g«»n. on Monday, »h«- 17th «lay <»i Mandi. 1’ b'ltg. <»!<•_.>u. «»n Wodueaday. *h° 12th day got». .Nevada, ¡tu I Washington leirit«»ry.' liiiflivr Land Notice, Hr ñame» ■»' vinte*-«-* fL W Bail after the de«luction of certain !*♦» ■-hukc. <>i February 1*90 . Lizzie Fi«»< k «»f Yreka, »'«»unty of Siskiyou. J B ' i ,»*1|',! il ! WI’ u *' Point. II ! Ibn hi*-'.* w t'ne*-«'* Waiter L R*K«t. *tn'*-«>f« .liiiHruiu. ha* this ¡lay filed in this • piests. or such |M»rtinri thorrof itols rt* A'hmnd. ad «»t J»u-k-mi *’«mn U nited S tates I. a nd offk f . i of B ark -tati«.' Urla- Bitier. <. barb's - ortice h«-r sworn statement for tim purehn-c they should «le* in <*xi»v»« L’«m. J. M I' hxi *. K ’mu ‘iti» «.’fix ^i*'.. _______ Roseburg, Oregon, __ _____ Oct 30th. _______ lfi-’V i F.«\ i . «b«-, n H«»lling«worth. of Woodlan«! »f tii - lots • ami *i am! ih-- F.‘a of the S\V *4 .if < • ’ innty , « ’ altforuiH. Notice is her» >»y given that In cumphan«-e trust. The court bolds that tite «!♦ uii oí Yulo’ *»U’*ty, < aliforuia .*e«-ti"ii N«». «. In Tp No. 41 south range No. \ ;i:. i .. tny aud uli p. rs.iti* claiming n«!' er“eíy A .- isf. ¡«ii«! w ill offer proof n> -huw tl,»** the with the provisions of the act of t ougie-s uf vise is voitl for mdefiniteness, and that the n!.«»vr «I- -.Til- -I and' a <■ re.fur.-ird >l t. ’h«-n:*ov«'«lv*i-nbed land- arc ro*pie-ted to lam! soi.ghr i* mo <• ««limbi.- *.»r it» timb.-r June 3. iS7s. entitle«! An a» t for tlie .-ale uf tlie discretionary power v*»st**«i in trus- fib* thvtr «daim* in tl».- office « n • r ‘x-i fib* th» ir claim* m this office *n» or before. «»1 stone than fur agri«-i»lt»i;al purpose*, ami timber lam!*, in the state* of« aliforuia. Ore 'Mb! ITtii day of >!;*rch. |.*9u . •’ai«! 12th lav of February. (•»♦•'tabJish her « lnim t«» -ahi lam! before g..n, N«-xrtd.i. ami Wn'hiugtori Territory,’’ HOPE REBEC' A DEGRE* 1'-L m ,E N o ¡4 tevs is incomputiable with the vxist- < ma *, w J ohn i n . ( HAS W. J >H.*i»T»»N. the K«'gister and Receiver of th.' office at William Storey, of Klamath < ity. < «»unty auee of a trust. If tins decision Regi-ter Register. Meets on th«- 2d uml 4th ¡ -»es tey i» ra*-l Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday the 21st -lay of of Siskiyou, state of ('alifornia. has tliis day should l»e sii.-’itined by the court of iii«-d iu tilia «>tfi« e his sworn statement for month in 'M«! Fellow- - Hail Lsh’and Februarv, IhSF) Mr*. J J "T kait . X «;. appeals a noble provision for the **s- Timber Land Notici She names a« witm «*« « Edward II Sco the purchase of the SEl4 of section No 3”, In Timber I.and Notice I p X«» 39 south, range 4 ra-t. and will offer Mr*. J«;hn May. Se«- y tablisbment of a public horary, ! fl« bl. .Maria L *« «.!;« id. «>f Y-ekrt F T Fra f to -how that the land -«»tight te more U nit » d -GTG I.».Ni» orti- f ¡«mountinu to alami ?4.’ h »». imui , will I«» valuabh- for its timber or »t«»ne than for all of » «¡¡fonila. '• Nil Ko FTATR4 L ind l»»Tl«r ' Rot- burg, <’rvz«m. Nov f-yth. i.*-«'.;. » to New York City, I’p to th»- Any an«! all p «-*-* ot . s c laiming adversely Mgri«* iltural uurp«»s«*s. ami t«» establish his R » KU. “R e «>f tbisotfi« «-at Roseburg. Oregon. Mett* in I »-Igv r> ■ m in Odd F»-H«»w'« ■uj»r*tiie coiut judge»*, before whom June 1*7- euiifi» «! ‘ Au >!• ! f »‘ • :¡>- -1 . j-u.iij «»( Une act «>ngr.'*< of file their claim# tn thia off*-«* ou or iaifore « Hvcciver l.f x«uh ’he n M«*u !, MTif CaHf«*rnin. Or- X J t'aufm.in. Jos- pli Oo«jdracu < he«(er 23 r M All Brethre n iu good stan*liDg are -livi«i» -! upon the question of its valid­ «. w . B ji - v » »f Shake Keglsler ■ *... x»x.*du and Washington territory \V F<»xvirr. Edw.r-l Williams, of K.amath L-oniiailv invitt i to att nd. ... . «f W'.'i«dUnd county - f < I . ity. ’[‘he ju«lge l>efore whom the will .*•;»’«• of t»r.-g..:». has t Citv. Cabfocn.» Final i*rr »f Notice ■HX MAY. M W uf < ^llf.xnift.ba- ibis day filed iu Y i • . m Air am! ai< person» « laimiug adversely first came h* Id the trust provision office Iu* *w‘*ru staten Bradford Rad’*bff. Recorder. i ' • I. . « i n i»’ f"’ tb«' P\5r o! »>,« NW , of Sf >4 «II ♦h.- Mb ne-dcscr.bed lands ate re-«u« tied ’o l.tNT» Orrtre al R osfbcf «.. Oregon.« v sod “D“ of th«* three general . • î '. j * ‘A , - f -« u’-n N- H iu IpNu 4 of *W 4«.f -* * ’t«i file ifi» ir riain ttu* off' «# on or before ’ >«3k* f.nal proof in .-upport of hi- * « r. \ ni ri: i ■ -r -* f . no g aid •< ' ’ F-. .«. A»!. '»re : n. t : . •• *■ ■ »■ , the R«-g>’*‘ ¡»nd R. Jv.-r rlaim. ar.D WOB«. mix. 1 u.s. William G. Parker. *»t I.ong. nom«-n«prt E *- 4 ree IL Tp 31.*. Krtiv KirtLìrt-h «o«.r»tv. Oregon. D. !’ H hrui—s, sort a. ulcer*, salt rheum, fever One third « f »he real e-tata !u Jackeon ’! E. TYLER. i Y« u«*r. »»’ V-hL*« Jack*<>n•.-ounty, Oregon. S K 1 F. am W M. - . ; .1 nd. jn. « ye. sorr4*. tetter, cbnpi’ed hand*, chi blain*«. He n-tuieath«* following witn«'**«** lo prove conntv ja held under defk / tivk title Get \nx un-l all - . er-»n* ur-.nF « « ’ «imi»« -.muug H*bvHM-iy ad verni»' an abstract to the title of >vur property and com«, aud ali s cm eruption.4*, and p«.»-i- * «. ». «»x. -ì«'cn!»d > temi* rt-tuea’ed rn Tc hi* ■untiri'ious residenci» uxx*n and cult iva •er if you are all righT. The osly reliable tivelv cure«» piles, or no p.»y required. It ,(I ;hi* «•":■ '■ • 11 or f*’0 ** tionofsald «and, v z l_ W M ure. John xb'tracta made !n Jackaun county come Olmo». ÀMHLA5D. be' Un W W Erb. M N Long, all o» A»b- » gu.vrautee-d to g' «- perfect satisfac­ •■*:«! 13th « ìhx «*f F* ’ rmvry. from Austin d liamnionu b La* ^od Abw- land. Jacgaon county. Oregon . a«» e JOi***. tion. or money ref and» «1. Frn 25 oeuta atvaai ufcee. Aiaiaad u<«eoa I ¡** J R < a - ev , 21 et C bas M JoubiTON Eagistar B«tet«r 21 «•*r box. For Saia t»y Chitwcwd Br«»e. ‘ \lyer « BlodMKwt «de klun street. Adjutant. For IS Mouths. Litchfield. Kans . N v r. IxSS. I Buffered IR moni! « wi’h pains in t'm rmalÁ of the back; prom um I in ab e l-y phy- atcians. confinfd to I . i t,f the t. u«-. St Ja«*oba oil completely cured me. No re­ tarli of pain in 4 yea;- 1 rvi p man - field . Svxoral Years. Kluora. In*. Aug. 2,1ÄS. 1 »uttered M-vrral years wi’h psln !n the be« k, W h » « und i y '”ne but >« t -i Jar re Oil. have had u-> return. JOHN L CAs. Infants Children I Was Awarded ths only i GRAND PRIZE fW-Aiw! V " new \ fi For Sale at a Bargain ASHLAND, OR TOWN LOTS oflLY P erfect mechanism /’ÄMILY US" MONTACI, ffrisley & Go STOCK RANCHES GRANTS PASS FresnaStMercei Coatti Lotis 75.000 Âcres - 100,000 Acres \ ) I His Work. Speaks for Itself PHOTOGRAPHY. BAD TITLES! i . e <; al ADVERTISEMENTS Timber Land Noti««- l *nn» statu - L a N h O fioe .» R u » ei ;LR« i Oregon. <>«-t W. la--.« i N u I ht i* hi-rvby giv-:i that in «.»mphaiu *• w uh the pioviNio»«- of the M< t <«f ionm«- fc of Julie 3, 1*7*, entitled “All act fur th«- -al«- of lijnlrt*r hind» in the state* «»t Cnlilurnia. Oivgon, Nevada Mini Washington ’J’vrritoiy Josepli Goodreau, uf Klamalh City, « «»unty «4 Siskiyou. *tat«.- of < aiiiuramt it«-, ’his « r. üo. »n Tp o.’. S R 4 L. and w ill utter pr«»««f’«» <»««w i|;m tlie land sought i- mon- valuabL* for its limb« r or »’« hd * than t«»r agricubu-ai pur fxiM's, tun! t*» «Ktablfoh his «' aim »¡ud am! be fu re tlie Regi-ter ami Re«*:.«-r *»f thisoffi«*** at Ru-ebitrg. Or., «»n M *- -1 hx the J4tli ««I February 1*9" H«*name*n• witiie—Chari»-» F«mriuer William S'.ire«, X I. « a ün e- ( Ilaberhu h. oi Klamath • iiy. • :•! Any un«i all p« r**.n* * i.ue-ing adv«*?-*.'»} th»* above d< >rrib«*d laud- ar<- lequvMe»’ to hi«- liivir • iaiitis in thi- otYe-v uii «*r b«?:«>r*' '«id 21th dav of I t bruar . t* *» <11 A- w JOHX-FOX. it-1« Regi-ter Ttii»b«*r Lind Voilet*. LE'. \I. ADVERTISEMENTS Executor's Notier, !n tiir m.itier of ’lie Ehtme of Bapflad** «'h«'grtr, dwvHMvd Nolic«' i> hereby given that the under *iguv«l ha* duh «piHiine*! a- Executor <»f the JjA't Will an«! TeMrtUuqil of BapttetuChegar. d« «'c:t.M-«l Ail jH*r*«»ii* having claim»*again m tii« -ai*i ««late «r«- required !«» preM-ut the -unit’«»inc with the proper voucher* with in six m« «»f Nov i * m »?. I .nilwr Land Not •«■«• I X -1ED *T Xi Es J a No Of» UK. f iD.s« burg Oregon. N«»v. 12ih. 1**9 » N« ’i* • im hereby giwn that in <*-.mpliant** w ith (Itv )«ro\ jsi<«ii* of the act of »'■«ugre--» ui Jun»- 1*7*, ♦•ntith «l “ An a* t for the *ale of timber ’and- in th«* stat« - «»f ('aliforma. Or«4 gon. Nexadii. a»-d Wa-: in»!oti Territory." Gu-t bittuo* k. "f k laii.at ii ettv, < utility of Si-kivou, -t.-it« «d < ttlifiHuiit hu« tlu- day T!c«l in this "ffs* •• In- >u«»ri» stat« meiit for tlie purc!»»i-e <«( th«-s F’4 *»f -• •■lion N’«». 14. in lpN«* .;• M.it’l« rant«- No, i r agriviilrnrrti pur|M»-« -. and t«» t-siablinh his claim to »aid laud !•« f«»r«- th»* Register ab'l lb « vivrr «»f »his «• ’, «■« a! H««« -burg -Ore gon on M"ii'.« « Notice I- hereby given that iu «•»»»npliance with the provl.-iou* of the act of < «»tigre***,uf June 3, 1S7S, eulitled “ \n a< 1 for th«* -ale of timber lam!* in th.- stat«** *»f < nl'ft.riiii». ’>r«* gon. Nevada, and Wu*hii.gtun 'lerritory. ’ Maria L. fk*ottehl. of Yr«*l.a ('«»««utv of Bi*ki y«*u, State uf California l.a* tbi* «lay filed in thisoffi«*e tier wworu Ntati-meut for tin- pur cltase of tlie lot»* 3 an*i 4 au>! *E‘4 ««f NW-4 of section N«». 6. in Tp N«» 41 south rang** No. a ca-t. am! wiil ut1«*r proof to *h*»xv that thc land sought i* th*- is more valuable valuabh t« tor Its limte rur fur stout* -tour th»in than f«.»r for »«uri* agricultural u!liru. pnr- jHI-( ! and kil«1 * t«» otebli-h her < teim 1«»-ai«l him! t»o-us, rwfore th«- trt*fore tit« K« 21 st er fid Kc<«i\«r uf 1« • Timber Lami Xoiirr off«4« at Ro*»-biim. or•••.-.»ti, *•: I rLtey th*- •21-1 day of Februhry. I-'1' United Stale* Iwnd Office, * Sh«? iirtuje- h » witut 'M*“ Fr-d«-rh k T lm*« burg. «»r< .•«.it. N..v 12th 1**' » Frad»*uburgh, u! I «-iiiv. Mrs J.,-, phirn Notice i- h«-r. by gp tl.at in «-omphauce Young, V»-tìM W. Fi<»< k. Lizzi«- Fi«»« k ^r«*-» will» th** pn/vjui'iD- . •f i i<* a«*t «»i UuUgrcN** uf ail uf California. Any «lid all j»«-rM>n* < uiiining a«herM.*ly June 3. 1*7*, eliti’Jed n a I fur tlie -ale of « alifori i«,ore- tlw abox’e «lescriÌM-d land.- »?<* r* *piv-’♦.••! ’*» timber lau«!* in the * tih* their claliD-in this offh-c on <• »*efore g«»n. .Ne\a«!a. ;»nd Wnsnii'Lff oli T.-iriD-ry. ’ J M l»a\i-, oí Kiati-.ath fit. . , Count v of bi»- said .'ht day of February. I- '“ UHA- V» J ohnston . kiyou. > at "f < aliloriii'}. Las tLi- jav tibd 23 Regi-ivr in thi>» otti- v Id* 'W »' ij i >.b«t- in* nt for’ht* ptir- cha.-e ot 'he - : tj of - E 4 and •*»3 of rfU 4 of H*rri«»n N >, z4. m Tp Nr o .-« so uli. range No 4 *- hs \ and « ¡ii off of pr« »» t«» show .hat the lami songiil Is m«»f t* vol mb: mr its timber I nitf . d S tate - F anu O ffice I and atólle that« !«,r Hitricid ural purpoM *, Rosebure, Oregon, O« ■f. ‘29! I». I**? Î alni «O • -tiibllsb hb V laim to mi«» Ian ! ..•««-• N«»fi<*ei‘« her«'hy eben tha in complbmce i< re the R-.*g! 1er mi«! i «■» ixer of tin- office wilh the Provision* of J the a«’t • f < •uigic» uf Ut ll«»ff burg, • «K g**:f. on '!• uday, the 17lh June 3, J-7*. vutitl» «! “A n »»<•’ for the -«!<• of «i«' of March, timber land* in tbv >’a: of <’aliioruia. < h»*- H«- nani« ' a- v. ¡tu* gon, Neva«ia und Wadni, : >n territory A-titmod. J B M.. I1II Edward H Scofi* l«i. ■ I ;n. County ’of B:.i!«--. -. !«. al «.f si«tk1von, Siat<* oi < Aili* L m - this duy g*m. •• i.•: í»ii':c'- L. K til*?d in tlii* Office hi* r Maternent for th»* puri'hnse <»f thc I •:* 2 ami S'2 of NE\ of-ecti«»u N<» o No. 41 south, fange No ;> caat, and .. offer jKH*of to >h«»w !l»af the ’an*! aui'vht h u »r«- x Hiuable for its titulier or stone than fc agricultural pur Him t«» *«.- ' ’ ' iM»*es. and t«> ustu *d*L hi- > « ) -atm I betöre tln- Kegi-ter «ml R«-«-civer ixd ver ■ ( thi- • ff« «• at Ro-cburg, (»r«-g*u . ««n Fiih ti.« 1 imii-i Land N<>:i< < 21-t «iay <»f F«*br ¿ary, j*.-*• Fr« d**ri< k T. Fraden*.- irgb II* ih*y Y«-!’»i Fib*4.. Liz/I«* Fi«»< k, Mmy Nevi.it:, ot *.ku Ui.lt* i St,.;- - L.uul «»I’b v. I: U.- i»r«*g< •>. N**x 12ib. 1**9 » u l of <■ubforniM. .N'»ti<-.- i- ¡««-i. I.y giv. u that iti «-«HtipliaU' <* Anv an*! ail persous « ’’«iming «.t H h-I ‘ All u< f«»s the "th* <*f fite their Claim* in Ibis «»fft dax oi F 'bruary. 1* « * X -«da aud Wa-hington Territory.' t ha - W 1*>HN-r«»N • : W : p.iiii* »*•'.:■■ y of 23 Register '■ * ' • *•; < »r«-g« n, ba* thi* day i’.lrd r-tin-«•»*.-. i.i* -worn statement t«»r the l lmliel l.Htkd Noti« • ■ pun ii«»*« «»f th. *F‘4 «•! M*«*tiun No. 12. in ti *N u . 9 -oiiih. rang»4 N«». 4 east, aud xvill l NITF.D STATE«* L and on j . i «¡.'• ‘-i'pr-H.J !•» *h<-w lli.it the land -ought is Kuwburg, Or«-g«»h. o*-t. 29tl>.lssl‘ i ' '.»«:• • for it* ;iint»vr or stuue ’.han Notice is iicrcb- giv« n that in • • uplii :auce i.inr«- f«»r ilturrtl i r,»<•*«■- and to v*tabli*h with the pr«»vi.-i* •*« - g««n. *>n Monday th<- I7tii day <»f Mnr«-h. 1*90. goii, NeVttdH. hi.d W a-hiti-.-’t4»u T«-rrit<»r, He iirttn* - . - \x lt - «. i-t lutili.M-k, J, Yefta Fi«M k, of ’ Vrcka. *' * < ««uiity «if Slukiyòti, M l'a v i . i< -« i. th cry, st-kiyou County. " HtBteaf 1 aliform«, i . I m ay tih d itl flu- « u'.iú»ri-i;< H M. IC«»irt*r'-. Vshlaud. « Bailey, -hak«, te»th uf Jacksun Conuty. of the SE‘4 of -v«-t.on No «•, In Tp N<«. 4. < »regun south, rang«- No. s ra't ami will orter pr* *-f am! all t»**rs««n* claiming adversely to «how that the lan«i-ought is mur«* vtii ; IU* Any h I h . xc «h ■:::»• I i.n i- .« i*«iu --’«-«! to able for its timber or stone than for agri« nl- : • t.-- i1 >• - - n tM' • rti. ■ - ; .«r u».*fu:«* turai puri«o-es am! t<» ( -tabli-h In r • ¡aim to »aid 17th lax uf Mftiafb, l' AL -aid land l»efore the Ib gKter and ib- civ.-r « ¡¡Ac W JOHNSTON • *f till- office a* R*>x«-buig, oreg«»n. <»n Fri Eagiator • lay. tlie 21fl£ day li i ■ '' .««• ' ; • ■ ■ She nam« - a- w ltn-'-e'. F 1 Fra«!« u Timber Land . otic* burg. Hcnh-y. F.dwani II. *-•-•»:»< 1*1. Mar:« I. S«‘ofield, JoM'piiine Y«»ung, of Yreka, al! of 1 SITED STATE» I.»ND '1 ■!■«.• :■ h .. X**ti«-« i- n«*r« m i*iv«-n that In «■'•mi Lane»* their tlieir « ! hii h .i i i- -in thi* this .•»!, <>!!. *■ • <>n < u ■•« •« h f««r* witii the ¡»r«o i>jon- ol !hv act <>f ( oiigrcM «»f Jun« .. 1*7», «*11’1!I« d "An act for th«1 »ale -aid 21*t day of F«d»ruary lVMI, *»f timlrt'r !;«ndi- in the -’at«*- of California « it A* W . Jon N-T<*N, < r«-g"L N cvh «« h . ui»«i Washington 'Jerri Register. lory. Mis-Mary Nvxillr, t.f Bugu*. < ouuty Timber land .Votier "f Si-kiyon, State of ’ h !if*»ruin !«;i* this day r.«-d in th»-«jfli-h*-r -■w’-»rn-Irt'ciuent for tl.c pur« Io««. >>f the W «•: th»- NW‘4 «udthe I MTF.I« -TATE* 1. »NJ« «»IF.'F « W’i„ ih* >W 4 of '•« lion N*> ¿2 in Tp No. R«»*« burg, ori-goti, < »• -t 29th. 1**9. » itti. !:.ng< N" > ea-t. ai.«l will offri N»»ti«*e is hereby gixvn ’hm i «ompiiaix v 4' pr««*»! to tha: the land sought i- m«»r«- with Ihv pr«»vi*i«»u* «>f the net of < «mgr« ** uf xaiiirtb)«- *how !«»« its timber or »'.one than f* r Jun«4 <. 1*7*. entitle*! ■ An H«-t mr’lif oi ngt ivultural purp"-*-. aud !•> establish tier timlK*r I h id - in th«- *t«i< - «»l • ali forni u. or* < laim !•» *ai 1 lami I h -I od - ihr Register and gon, Nevada nud Wa*huu;i«m l«urit«»rx R<< riv«-r OÎ this offi* hi I' -«-b ifg. Oregon. Josephine Y«»ung «»f Yreka. • eijiCy *>i *>ki *»n l ri«L-ix, t «• 21st «iay **f February, 1>>». yon. Stale «*f ( aliiuruirt. Im* thi* dax ' • •! in i . h ; . -n-wi?’i>«*. I T. Fia*!enburg. thi* «»fli«-«-her Kwurti't.'it«*meiit for th«- pn.- cf -..« H«*n ’<-’. Fdw.oil J! >«‘oiirld, 1 ir/1u uha*«of th« *V\ !4 of -e«-ti*m X' 4 iu i p 1 oi I . ■ k Yi k« I rti for ma. N«». 41 M«mtij. rang*4 No. 5 cnst and.«ili «*ffcr Aliy amt «1 d <-r*«»:u» • u;miiig adversely proof I«» show- tliHt the land sought 1* more the «Ì h » vv dcsrril«.- I Saud- are reque-ted to valuable for its timber or stone th.«n for agri hie tiieir claim* in ine- «»«lice on or indure cultural pur|H»M". mu <1 t«»vfctabl!*li her c’.aini * to *Hid Inn«! I»* fore the Regist«-r an«i R**cej «. er tux- W JoHsrroM. of tin* office at R«»«*eburg, < begun, on I'rMay *j| kagiaiar fh«*?!*t «lay of 1«-« thmì >. :*•«•» SheTiHmc* a* witnu.**C' 1 I . 1 rM*ieiiburg. of Henley. Fdwmd H. S-«»tivl*l. L:/..'.w Fi<*< k Tetta Fiock, of Yr«-k.i. al'. <4 < luifornm Any :tn*i »«11 i»»*rs«»n* claiming -idxer-t-lv th«- MlM»ve*drsviit»e«l land* hi «1 rv«pi«*sti'd to • arry the Urge»! and bust selceted file their claims in this office «m nr before said 21-t «lay of Fe’»re.ary. 1*-'.“' *1-N, 23 Register Smith Sc Dodge Timber Land Notice FURNITURE ! In Southern Orec.w. Ais«», WALL PAPER. FRAMES AMD I NJTF.D STATE» L à ND < »FU« E. < R ohkbi r «;, On*.. o< t 30, l-*9. * MOULDlHCS, CHILDREN’S WAC0NS, Notirr ih hvieby aiven that iu vompUhi. * B m BV C'RRIACES, ETC, ETC. with the pr<«vifd«»B* of the art of Congrc— *»f June.d, »*7*». rutitlrd ‘An act for the ale Wc *cil of timber land.- iu th«* stat- - «»f < slif«>rriia, Oregon. Ne . ««la ami H a'hington L«-i rilf < aiifot uhi. I h - tbr- d 1H-43 file«l in till.- offi«•«• his >w«,rn 'tatrmrnt f«*r nee il an«l be «•«•uvhmed. the purcha-r of lhe SW -4 <»f >- *ti"U N- * in Tp No 40, s R No 4 I. and will offer pro«»f to show that the land -ought m.trv valuable for it» timber or stone than f«»r agricultural pur|H«-«-' am! to .-«•»«b -h bi* FOR vialni to.>aid lami before the Reui'U-r and Receiver «»f lhi« x»ffi«-e at R »-emmr. ”r . on Tue»«lay the 25th day oi F» hruary. I*9u He name*« as .vitur-.*»-- Gustav Ha-« r lach, Chester w, ?..«•!••*. J-»-« ;.b «;<».-•!:«■»«;•. X J. < aufman. *«f K nnu«t i. • ity < « iE----- Any aud all ih - tm «U' «dannine «iv-, r-< ij the above deficriued lands are reque led tile their claims in this «■ffi<-<* on «»r la tore Mwrt's ('«Itbrakd I'ui-oii On* Rnitily, -aid 25th dav uf Fvbmarv. i- »«> irritation, CHAS W JOHN-TON i Mi« robe* 2a- ii> K givtt r SKIN Diseases ! Timber I nihi l i ice Ì." < t>-. a Boi Votier U nited state * L and offk f . Roseburg, Oregon. October .10. lx-. Notice te h».*ivby given that in • « up ¡dim <*t w ith the a< t of < ougre»'of June :. K*. • n title«! An act fur the sal«- of tnnb r land- n th state-of t’aliforuia. Or«-gou x--vada uuu Washington Territory. ’ h«-*tcr w. I • v. ler. of K¡amath ('¡tv couuiy ul 'i-kiy«»»i. <«:« d < alifornia, hati thia day tiled in this «»tin • his sworn statement for the purviiM'e of th« x W ‘4 of S«*cii«.»n No 8. in 'i‘.»wn*hip X*1 I S, Range No 4. East, and uill offer pr *>f t show that the land sought is more vuhiabl for ita limiter «»r stone than for agri« i¡!tur:d purposes, and to establish hisGaim to s.< i land before tlie Rvgi-t<-i an«i He* er»er -d of thia offi' «- at RoM*b4.iig. <» i «- l : u ! í . on i When 1 Fay C ure I do not mron merely t duy . the ¿»th day «»Í February. He nam- s u- wiiii« -st, ! . a ¡«I Wii top them fur a time, and then have them rt in I mi an a kaihl AL Cl RK. Ham* GUhtax U.K u;!n--i». Joseph <*.:«di- -.i 1 uavc made the disease of and N. J. Ca«ifman. ail of Kiamatli • i’y < aiiforaia fITS, EPILEPSY or Any and all per.-on* < Inii.r.n.’ .«dx« r - the aiiuve described land* ;«f<- repo-r* «! ?• FALLING SICKNESS file their claims in thi» offi« «• on «.r biforr -aid '¿ith day of Febru iry, I*9U. \ Hfe-king utudy I warrant my rested t 23 < HAs. W Ju.iN'ToN, Regi-ler. T he the w«»r-t cRf-Cb Because other* L tv ailc.| m no reni-on i«>r not u«»w receiving accr Timber Lu«»»tie«> »end al once for atreaU*CModa F ree I io T i L >f no infallible R emedy . G i . h Expr*» «nd Po*i Office. It costs you n«»fhn^ fur U nited status L and <»»m l . t xl *L and it will <*ure you. Addreas Rosi buig. (»rvgoti, «»>•!. :«H;. 1*-? * Notice is hereby gn.-n ilia’ in * *■!■>,.Iu.m « H.G. »OCT,».*:.C., I S3 ST. K£ Y T with the provisions of th" a 1 *>1 < «mg; vs- of June 3, 1X7*. entitle«! "An m-l hirthi-su« * g««n, Nevada, and w H-hingie of the lot* 3 ami iutbl the I. a of tin *W \ of M*uU««n .No. io. in Tp .N<>. south, range No 4 va-t. aud will «i.t«-r proof to show that th«* land Nought i- m*»re xaluable for its timber or *t«»m than L»r agricultural purp«»*«-. and u» e-tMbii»h hi* « lain» to *ai«l land !rt*f«>r«* th« Regi-ter an«! Receiver of this «itli« «* nt Ro'cbun:. <>r« g«»n,. on Munday, the J4th «lay of 1 ••!>: :ary I- «' ( He name* as witne*M** Wm *ioi.-y. N J. < aufman. Joseph »••»•»«ir«*uu. <>usta» Hnl> erlrtch, «»i Klamath city. < »iliforioa. \nv aii «1 all ih ' isoii * i laiiiiiiiK >.«!»« r-« iy th«’ alwix<• d«-svril>c«i lam!- an- n <(in s««-d t«> Try fih their claim* in tin* office «m or b« f««r« this 24th «lay **f February. 1*9«» the Cure < JI »’>*. W J'»HNsT«>N 23 Regi-ter. CATARRH COLD IN HEAD Tinihrr Land Notire. Ely’s Cream Balm U nited S tate - L ini offkf , Cleanses the Nasal Passages Roseburg. Oregon oct mth. 1**9.» Allays Inflammation. Heals the Notice i* h«-rvby given Hint ;u « ompnan* c with th«* pros I* on* of ’ he a« t of < «nigi <■— <«f Sores. Restores the Senses ol June 3. 1*7*. entitle*! ‘An «< i f*»r the sale of Taste. Smell and Hearing. timi’«*r lauda in ’h«- * >«•* ' id ■ al nin. «').•* gon. Ne\adH and Wn-fiingt..« lerntory. A partirle k applied Into each noatril «ad I» N J. Caufmau. of Klamath « ity « o-.uty of irrreahk . Price 6<)r. at Ih-urrbl«« or by mail Siskiyou, Stai«-of « ahL»rnia I.a- this «lay ilA* BROTHERS. 5t5 Warr* u Street. Mew York. filed iu tnis office tii- sworn statement fo. th«- piin-hrt-e o| th«- lots 1 ami h . 11««- 1. of the N W *4 of m «’!un N.i .. «:■ ip X«> south, range No. 4 east, and w ill nfier proof to-how that Ilia land sought is mure .«’li­ able for its timlrtT or slum* than for »ure u! turai purpos<*s. an«! to v-tabiisii hi- -¡aim to »aid laud la*fore the Register aud Re« * iv« r of this otti« «? at 11 »-« burg, Or*-gon. on M«m- day the'ZJtbday «»f Fe’• are, l*-». He name* a* witn«s J*.a* ph Good­ reau Wrn. Stor; y. Ch« »’»-r W F«» a !«Ed war«! William*. Klam at I: N 23 It. ei«u r. EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPHOSPHITES Final I'r«>ot Notier. Almost as Palatable as Milk UXITE! STATI - L v ND («Fl *. Bo cli»gut»rd that It raa be taken iijsER’ Ka. Oregon, Ch i . 1 * i ligesird, and aastinflated by the moai Noll*-* i« hereby giv« n tm.i lim f . t_ acnaltiwe stomach, when the plain ol) named M-ttler fi.-»»- nie«i notice of bt* inteii annot be tolerated; and by the com­ tion tu make final pio->f .n - .¡.p stea l Eutrr, N<* 4.^1; for the U kj (,f \ H t and W S 0fS W -4 Mr ... ■ o » s. k 1 W rhy.iciau« to b. lb. Fin««: «nd b. v ix a . ►«■ w B.- i GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINC ncr. of Phoenix, Jarkaoii - -i ’y, Greg-.u. DISEASES, EMACIATION. ami JesM* Adams. Hendib-k G..’ddard and Frau«*!» J. Eliu»lt. ail of Tai-nt. Jarkfun COLDS and CHRONIC COUCH« county. Oregon. 'Du errat martin f -r Gntuwmptiixi and CtfAi. W JuRNFTO!«. H in CMldren. UM bgall UnujqUta. tl ft Baclatar