NOTES Wh NEWS. ASHLAND TIDINGS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT* '1 Im toe r I «mi > olire. In Kentucky pr yhibition is known iiR a hydrant headtoi monster. The Hartford < '••tn»tut has enter* <1 upon the one humin I and sixty-sixth year of publication. -I \*»l Wh M kill s. D’lritK» th»» last eiirbt'S'ii month« th*- Russian gowrnmrot bas exp»*’! •«! :r».iMi.h‘w* from th» empire. LEGAI. »DVERT1SEMEN li Titulier I.and N«»tic*- I MTid* S t . vie - L and <*ni«r. t i:«»** burg. Ur., « >n- gon. Ne.ada. and Washington Territorv.’ Drtiil<-I W. E'i-'-n. *»1 <« nit**n. Y«»l«> *-oui:. ‘ al., ha- i!.is«ia.' fi!« d in l!ii* *r!i« hi- sv.orn «laiemcnt fi»r tb«- pur* l..-i- ■ • *f th«- SE*, «»> m < »ion 2 in *«»w listili» :*«• li -«im!t. rang, ñ m-r. ami wi I oth-r j ro<»f to -how Un:’ lb*- Im *1 ►ought i- more vabinhk n.i it* timlwr «»r «loue • han for agrictillural i*ur|»oM-- ami to establish hi-« hem 1«» .-aid lami iM-fiji.,- tlm I« gist« r All*! r-.-river oi this «»’li- at Ro-* l*c.rp, < »regon, <»11 Wr«1m-s«lHV. th«* lâih lav <*i January, He names a-w ilm --«■- John W Fi'zGibtam .«?. 1 Jame- H R.* j « . . ««f VX «HMÌ I.iiid uml William c. 1 ¡am-ami Xlx amivi L. --.lowball, »»f Gratton. «I! '■«.niity. < aiiiorniH. \ n\ ami all p«-r«*»n . »-laiming a*!' ♦•r'.ely the abov»' crt B»*uber b a purchased the ^rent turct*-yrnr-<»lnivetallcaret. .here are 214,tNM>. Yet last year3,. nh 0,- which are «o* Ill So. Oxford SA, Brooklyn, N T a rtb ita vre*ght la gold, *•0 b*>h»ds of apples were imported dence to-ni^ht and said: “1 have pat*I Without usurious medication. for the cure by the mother country at a c<*t of for Stinol the highest price I »*ver of ner v •- T hs ('wxT*ra C ompany . T7 Murray Street. N Y paid for a hors«». I will not tell the pain*, and illustrate* exact price at present. I will any this Tbe I ’ aru bennty ,h<>w berins with how won- «• »ent’a’ e!«*menta thirty oan liibitoH. luelu.lintf t v<> Eng- much, however: 1 lion^ht Maud S. Rarus 1 I* tuil reek out the I ih I i . or:.xitiH, from Vanderbilt, for \«*t ÍC' I. I <1 X.» i< • «-rvo, d«.vply im- purchased for Dexter for SV>.- r * «-«>nrrvre and two from the United States, Two Rus- 0 )0, ami Pocah ontas for $.*15,014), but U nited S tates ,I am » »hin e . b it «r.rvlv, siaui*, two Hungarian», five French H osebi k >:, (u«-gon, «a t. Oti 1 imto«*r L*an*l 1 gave more for Sunol than for any Noth t- is hereby giv«-li tha. tn «-uinpliauc»- and four Orientate. with th«- provisions »»f lhe m t oi Congress «»I one of th»w. Whether I paid one - 1. June 3, 1'7*. riitlth- th a' W. J. Sewell, of New Jeraey, were the public will have to gmw for the X*»n, Nevada, ami Washington Teirib.r' ’ *t«> « f at rwlgia la fn-'c duck bunting down in Maryland sev­ present, nix I I am not ut lit«erty to lk-Mji-inonn A. Foisman, of Grufton, county ÍS^ iVr* Jac» i*a Of! r.'n f*»r th of Yolo, stilt«- »»f C hj i f«u ha-> I tiis east, ami will James M« \f • , o tor Leland Stanford of California for *(ah’ <•! ( ulil*». iii offer j*r«»*»i l«>-»how that the land *«»ngh ’ i- Sam Houston, of Texas, son of tbe the purchase of Sunol last winter, more valuable f»«r its timber «»rsUm»- than i*»r »»tftvv ili* sa «»ri» * Hgricultura! purpo*« s ami <«» r-!abli*h her of thè * E 4"f • FOR SALE RE\L E-T a TE fnmons General Houston, called upon when she made that wonderful n-cord I have claim l»> saui lanf Y»>lo <-«mmy. Ihisoff*«« at R oh cerning her this summer. He is a IMW t!»c i.»ih «tay «•( Ja ( alif «ruin. William B. Denney, the defaulting gentleman whose word 1 would take Hu nutii«-* a* • Any ami all persons claiming adversely the M» acre* of lan«I within one mile of A*h v\ 1-diiu B«x>ueviile, was sm >- as soon as that of any on«» ] know. al»ov«- »t«-*»«-iibe«i lands an* r<‘q'i«*-t<-«l ?•* til*- «»ibbon. land ritr limit-. 10 acre- -b ared and three P**itniH9’t‘r \ .»»»rii«'«-- J hig »- » thrii claim* in 1I1I1 «»ili* «• on or lH.f*»r«- at«i hundre»! fruit trees *ct out this prtn». . »n t fenced last week to fitteen months' He iuforme»! me that he had tuned \ ol<» rounty, • itlifornia l.»th dav of January. I n *. « o about fifty bearing tree». part r* «l land an»i imprisonment and a tine of A>..a«lt). tbe Sunol for a ruile and that she trotted Anv and all |.«-r*ons rbiiiuing adver C ham . W J ohn - ton . part gTanlt«* B) a wry smah rxpen-e v, ater ‘nil amount of Ins stealings 1 Hi» aboved-de, •iitasl land« ar»- «equ» rie con the last quart«»r m 3>lq seeou Is, which R e »; ist er 21-10t enough conidia» had t»i irrigate f-ora 1’» t*>’.i' file theirclafm* in thi orine *»n *»r b» i a* res. Terms ea«y ; will «♦< » ’• or will di fessed that the money was lost iu is a 2:05 gait. I also learned that said ÍSih h, O«-i<*b«-r 11’h, I**’1 timber land* in tli«» states of California, Nut *•< i- hereby given tl h ’ in roinpb For -.le, v a ,<-.ey !*nu Novemlh-r 21 stating that my of­ t ,11 hnmlred *.-re. foot hill vacancies txxmr. < aliD'i nia Two thou« office bi- sworn sta!ein«-ui f«»r tn« pnt'cha.** tunb<*r Itimi)» iu Hi»» -tad - fer had b»»«-n accepted. Last Satur­ Ne\nrta ami W .-i)iuu?**u lvruu and mount : 'iilr lan.l. good for fruit, of lhe R W of serton N’*». 2. in l«*wn-hip » T<»n. g Ubaunoey M. Depew in not Ht day I received tins dispatch from the T Eiumer«, of Ii'iunivuH' •; '."«•k raising Thi» Tt.U tract c of •lalrying a: No 4« south, range No 5 Fa t. n id will oiler Michael '* «cveo mile?» «•f fencing, dwell- all afruid that this country will Is- Senator: ‘•Sunol land has O' proof to show that tbe lain! «»night is nwre Y*»lo. statu of Ca.ii .rtiia. lia-* itiHrt ij trotte»! to-day in thl* oil!« »-hif »wtirn stH ’ .»?m«-rj' f--r • • *Äx ‘ . »U fevt. ami mg house H 5?iH-k j»he*i valuable for its tinHter or stone than f**r hh overcrowded through the rush of 1111- 2:101,. 1 am iliHhpjM •mto»l in the plenty ot . .v• ug water, ricuiural purposes, and toes»alish hi* »‘laim ihaM-of ih«- N E 4 of m -< t .»« i > N- i mik'rntion. He says that “ tbe area of J s H erein fi»u uship No 1 1. - -ui h, ? a: ■ ■_•*■ \ • ■ • .t - !, Leland Stanford. ’ fraction. r u ’ Mres-* Call on »«»“tti'l bind b« fore the Register and Receiv­ Awb.lrtit«! Jack.-on ( o., Oregon. arable acre« in th« Unite«! States is 2'» er of this office ai Roseburg, (‘regon on will offer proof to -how That the !-«ii»l --u, “I see no jxood tvp . hi ’ d why Snnol is more \aluabl»* for it* timi»- ’ «»r -•«•!.■«• i I. hi Wednesday the Ifilh day of Jauumy. la90. ¡»er cent larger than that of China, shouldn’t beat Maud S.’s record, hut ll He names a- uitueases Alexander I.. for agrleuituiHl pun*«*» -. atei to e-'al.’;-: 1 autUMirte a population of nearly I think Maud S. likely to boat it tirst. his »-¡aim t«« Hi-i hind bvf«*.»- th»- R*- l .* i *- Snowball, of Graft»»n, Yolo county, Cal., THE I ’’ William (.'. Craue, «»f Grnfton, \«»1<> »-«»unty. riltrt R<*-ive of till's olii ent ll**-«'l*it * g, <»r* I shall let Sunol rein un in C I’.forni i ( al William 11 Wih-ox. «»( Orlaud. i‘olu-a g«>n, **n r»iv*«»H.., th«» lit*» *iit•• <•( January WinnH»eff, Nov. 12. Buffalo Jones, this winter until next season to give county ' al . M i * ! ih "i T Emineri, of Dunni- Is'Mi. • her trainer, Marvin, a chance to low ­ names a* alines-. w in gau, Yolo » ounty. Cal He name*a* - .\lfr- «IF Vi —— In the t<»w i» of----- of Garden City, Kansas« has secured a sou, of «»f Bbnk. Bfii»-k, ^ Volo Any persons «laiming adversely i’n* abov«1 -on. »»!«»«• ¡i’'. • li «»rnia er her record. Lt tieem» a pity to take twenty full grown buffalt*», which limn II II. Wi Wir CAI A dv.scrib« »Hands arc r quest« *! to til«- their limn ’ . a n or I*. f».r«-- »id 1.'ii ' » iloru; and W . a - : «» x «- dcM-ril«*«! lands ur«* reqUe-te* exciting chase. There are said to be cold weather sets in. Timber l^and Notice. “Next s«'ason I lutend to let her and file their claims in this <»fli« r on or lx For Sale on Easy Terms. e*<*P‘««»n»‘iy ««’<- *«i-o*nens. U nited S tates I. and () ffi < k ,| said 14th day «»f January. 1*9*». Maud S. trot a mile as fast as they K osebckg . Or., Oct. 10, 1 m *‘ j . 1 « H A.*. W JoHNST’i Twenty years ago there roamed over can go. and to use a sporting »•xpres- Notice 1« hereby given that iu compliance L E« î A L AI > V EI ; TIS E M E X TS plains and mountains of the west siou, may the lies! win. Maud S. will LEGAL \DVERTISEMENTS with the provi«iuus of tlx? act of (‘ongreNs Timber Land Notice. To-day trot here and Sunol m California. of June 3. l*7H entitle«! An act fi»r the ml«- (>ne-fourth «l*>»vn. buinuce within *ix. nearly B.iMkMMII) buffaloes. of timber lun»!s in the *- i ? h *- n of California. there are less than 5Ho head in exist- I d»> not intend to let either M nid S. twelve an«i righ’c« n n.«.ntiis I'Niifi» S tair * I mni » <> ffh f . * Or»-gou. Nevada hid ! Washington Territory. Timber Lami Notice. R o * f . h '. K'i, Oregon, i »< bf • ongr* - < f in this otfi» c his -’.v«»rn -latvment for lhe J an«! about 210 under the protectectiun Kood horses without gambling with *> n haskli . l . Koseburg. Orcioli. Ort 3lst, ISM. i huv 3. 1ST-, entitle*! An H t f- r th. ; Notier is hereby given that in eomplianeu pnn bn-e of the S E !a * f st the act ... of Congress »»I . *1 South Range No. ’• East, an*! will <*ff*-r gon. N vada. ami W,i-hing«»»n T» rrit**ry. Thv .indvrMkii‘.-d»>hvriir of Jackson v *un park. for th»- sal»' oi pr«»of to show that the lan»l sought is more • 's. h . »*f Black, « »»uno <*f S ■ \ <)r* g<»n. or hi- Pt-putx. will niwt the Iax- June .1. 1*7*. entitle«! ‘ Au »i* t L.r R;- valuable for it-thnbei »*i sione th in for ng Alfred F. of An«l» \ <>ooiigh Nyr*i|». < alihirnia. ha> tlii* ai«.i land befor»- the Register an«! «•ha*«of llm - u *4 * f • lion N . ■ 10 ill Taxes for 1889, Re« river of thi* office a’. Roseburg. Oregon, Township considers the cold figures. Less than careful about as seh-ctin^ a coni'll syrup. < >n the i»»n**wing «lay«, in their re*p»-»-tive Douglas, suit»- of Oregon, ba* thi* day tiled in on N>* 41 ><*uih. range No ■> »a*:, Honda? . the 1 ;th ihi* office her *wotu statement for the Beggs ’ Cherry Cottyh Syrup < ’ »ists nc» and will ott ’ er proof to -how that t!««- inti I Nixty years ago the United States did pre«- n* t-. at their usual pin«-«-- of voting. He names ¡o nv i11*» --*• - Win V... r'-. more than the cheap and inferior nos an«l w, remain iu each precinct from ? purcha.*»-*«f the N ’ g «»f the NWl4 the .*W4 Jame-MeAfee. Jam* - B Roger*. John W >onght i* more '.nhinM»’ for it* rimlx-r •; not have a single foot of railroad. Her of NW. an«l the N \V l 4 of the SW 1 1 of *ecti««n Hone than f«*r agri-.-ullural perp«»--- :<» truuis thrown on the market, lhe In-st .* cl«v«'k. a in until I «»«-Io* k I» p. in m . «»f each No. ¡0. In ’«»unship No. 40 s»»util, rnngv No Filz (.fibbou. al! of WiMMilaud Y«»lo « «»u:ity . -tHblish hi- claim io oud laud brio arid • lls popnlati« »n then whs estimated Ht is none too e»>od. be sure and tiet Beg'/*’ «lav. t««-wit 5 «-..-I. ami will otter t»r»H»f t*i ahow that the California. Kegi-h r and R»*» ei ver of thia ofti* »■ at Ko*v November I To-duy she has )65,*MMt Cherry Cough Syrup. We keep it oi; l'XiNMMMO. Anv hü «1 *11 person* » laiming a«iwr*ely burg Oregou on Willow Spring-. lan«I sought is more ' al liable for its timixtr t14th 1 entral i'oint miles of railroad and a population of hand at all times. Chitwuud Bros , or-ton* than for igrieultural i»urpo*-•*, and lhe above-deMTibed land* nre rrqm-u-d t<- January. I*?» file tludr claim* iu thi* offi« ** on or is forv Roeg Point to establish her claim to «aid inml bef«>rt drni' He uarie* a* witnessv* Mi« lia« i F ?.**)• tiiMOD,t)no. said l.*th day of Januarx . is-»«» Foot« < rwk ’h»* Register an«! Receiver of this ofti« v at inert, of Iiunuiean Yolo «»untv, «alii»» ilia. < ha *. \V. J ohnston , W.HMlvi’h Roseburg. Oregon, on Wednesday, tbv 12th *1. < < ‘oltisa William I! Wii«o\ *»f Ori.oei. <»1 umi conn « The Century Publishing company Register. rica-ant ( reek 21- lût Ad N Ire to 11 «»th» r« day *>f February. 1*1*0 on. of Giafton, lv » ahfornia. i‘ani<*l W. I d-«*n Gia cot sutnes nearly 2(0 tons of paper a Fhmnce Rock She name* a.- wiim***e« John M. R*‘<>t. ,i«i Washiugton • Yolo county. < alifornia. an Timber 1.1*11«! .Notice mouth, and their pap-^r bill amounts to Mrs. Winsiow’s Soothing Syrup, to Trail Creek W . lt.T I Root, of Bia* k station, Gwen Hol ___ ... ¥• » co., < alifurnia. Gw iui:. of _____ XS «»«Mlland. M«»a«low» is the o lingsworth,of vVmMlland. all of YoloCounty about $3*M)_*****'. HarfK-r Brothers, for children teething, -•*> “ preemption ..................... » t’NITKI» hTATEH I.AM» OmcK. 1 * w is » laiming a*!v« r-« ly Anv ami all person »» if X Table Ro« k California, nnd ( A Sehlbrcd»-.of RoteRiirit, K osebcuu , <>r . oet. 10. 1***.’ i Hr«» :*q iv-t«d ' the abovz »• «h-«* ’ -ribe«! :* ‘ lami« ’ their illustrated papers and maK»ziuee, one of the best female nurses and pby Little Butte I'o’iglH* C*»rnty. Oregon. Notice i* hereby given that iu vompiiam-i fib- their < lainis in ti sicians in the United States, and has office »»n .tMlii reams, be- been u.sttl for forty years with never Any and ail pcr-on* claiiniiig ad» , r-> Anv «nd pvi-«*:.- rlu..... with the provision- of tliv act of Congress ¡mid 11th Mas of Jamv . iv.«o Chimuev Rock the *iG»w «ItMcrilH-tl land*, »ire request»«! to of June 3. 1M7*. entitled An art for the .-air w j ( ihn < t <*. n <1! \ sid' B vast quantities ot lss>k pai>er for failing success by millions of mothers Mnlford tii»? th* *r clHim* in tin* oibce on or ’»ef* r< of timber land- in th< states of California. Register. other pnblioationa. The Arkelis ase for thiir children. During the process Eden ««id r.’.’h dav of February, !«!*) Oregon, Nevada and W ashington Territory.” Nov. 22 and Ashland d*>,i»»l reams annually for Judge aud of teething its v>*lue is incalculable. It • II v« w J ohnson . \> iliiam Vtsirhm. •>! WAxwllaud. < n’int\ of Timber I> h »*’2 of N A • ,v «<•«• no 2 Tp no R o .-EBI RG, »U-.E j «'N. Octolx-I 11th, lk.*? i buweis, and wind*oohc. By giving healtl- Timber I.:«ml Notice. StcrlingviHe 41 south, rang* no • » m - i . Mini will oiler Notice I* hereby giv»-n tha* in «-oiupliance On reaching a depth of 4-V* feet I lie to the child it rests the mother. Price Jacksonville proof to show that lhe land nought is more with the provision* of t!»e act of Congre*- «*f I NIThb Sf.VlK- L and <> ffu E { emtractora on an artesian well at Cor 25c a bottle. r'UT“ It h ast one half mu-t be paid in « ash valuable for its timber ot '•tone than f*»r ng June . , 1S7H, entitled ‘ An A* : for tiiv -a.»- of R.>- burg, Oregon, Oct 3l«t, I nsh » rirultural purpo-t-s. and to establish his timl»er lamls in the statvi* of California. Ore dele. Iowa, struck what was seemingly 1 i\ : a\« r*will pl- iue pay their tax«-- a’ Noti»-v is herein giv« u that in « omphanr. claim to said land the rt gi.-terand re­ 1. Nevada am! Wa*liingt«>n Territory," . | ■ mea 11 e law !■ a stratum of quicksand. Leaving li»' « ith the p «»v isioim of the act of C*»ngr« >- ceiver of this othre. at Ko-eburg. Oregon, on go SIATE ANI» (OASI. William H. Wil.-ox, ol Orland. c<»uuty of Co­ lurthh- for its t to theircoll«»eti*»ii will tie »tiictly enforced of Jun«- 3, |*7 m . ruuUvd “ Au a« i f»«r the sab MEDFORD, OREGON. pipes in the well over night, they Monday, «he 13th »lay of January. lb?0. lie lusa, -late of California, has this !ile«l in ilturui purp»»x- J. C. RlRDsF.Y. of tiiidwt lauds ill the State- oi CaliforniH. names n> w itnesses James McAfee, John \l 13-14 this office id* sworn statement f«»r th«- pur found I hem heavily charged with mag­ anni hind bef.»n» tir sberifTand Tax Collector of Jackson county. Oregon. Nrvu«ia.and Wa-hingtou Territory. FiizUf »»Um, W aHlonxton • ».uiitn Hixt Jam«** th»- N W of section Number ii. in ila «»m< F* Ida*. K>»-eburt(. «»•«••<< Mrs. Leland Stanford has tcstifl'Ni netism the next morning. The mag­ Elizabeth A i'arrott, «•* ' Ros» <*urg, Cuuutj B. Rog* :s. all of Woodland. Yolo ronuty, rhawof tov. nship Number 41. south rang'* aiuubcr •1st dav of F *ai of Douglas, Stale of Oregon, ha* thl- day to her approval of the project for pur ­ netic current is so strong that tbe California. ..... . .......... . , ..... . '», east, and will offer pr«x>f to show that lhe r nan»«-- a • » Administrator** Salo of Kcal tiled in ihisorti» »- her *w »ru statement for any and all pe rson* claiming advers«dy the «..imh’ i” m*»; r ' aluah! ................................. 2 . 7)1? for It« timber of 11 . E«lw <1 H power of the engine, together with all chasing at. 1 re*tonng Sutter’« fort th» purchase of the N‘? of the N F.\ th* above described lanJs ure request» «! u» tile «»r-tone than for agrit-ultural purp«is« -, and Yvt«i k, of Y the pries they have been able to put subscribing $5(W for that purpose. Estat<‘. *W! | <*f N E’ * and tie Sh‘4 of the NW-» their claims in this office on or befor»' sai<1 to estiiblish his» Inim to *ai»i land lx Î.*r«»îli» Al: 1 all section N” 10, in township No. 40 south, I ub dav on. will not draw it from the well. * oi lauuary. l«eeeii discovered less than three miles Register. January, I -1 21 lot in probate. timb*»r -t«»m- than for agricultural vm southwest of Eugene. At a depth of He name* a* witness»-* Barkley G. I ’ , ait, Sitka. Oetolier 12th. from Behring 77) m ö ’/ akv Rf .sr rrcd /< » In the matter of th<* «-state *f F M. po*cs. uml to establish her claim to Mid land 'limber Land Notice Daniel". Edaon, Al»«!er L Suoulmll, Hatton, e(orv the Register nn«! Receiver *»f t«ii- William« < ranc. all »if Grai’on. V»*lo coun­ ... In pur-uan»**' r... _____ ______ of «n ______ Thursday M L. McCALL row. where a relief station was estab­ wine is five feet thick and from 15 t»* of it e ty. < alifurnia. I tmb i Land C nitei » S tatt .« L im » «»ru- f . < court, th • un*!er*ien«-«!. mhninistrator o: tlu- ! ’ . »0 t : •;> « ¡aiming «»Iversc- Ami any ami _*1 all person* lished. after winch tbe Thetis steamed 20 feet wide. The expense of minin^ tin- aiorv-a! ! ♦•«t;*tv. will <»ib r f»>r sale t«» RosKHi ’ tsi. O ’ -rg ( iu, NfL ’ ember 17, iss-? > she name* a* wiiu*-ss»»s. John M Ih*>»f . ' m rilx 1 »! lami-aru teqii» r befiiru her»-iiiaf;«-r *!»•«• ribc'l »»n GrauiC*: street Hng'Worth, of U o * s R hu «1. al! of Yolo C»»uni\ McKenahe river, and on August 25th on Eugene, says ther. June I. 1'7*. ............... entitled ‘ ......... An Ari . forth. • ale of *ni«l 14th «ta of January, 1- »v Ash!an*l. (>rcg«»u. «*n A shland , - * n,if.»rnirt and t . A. sehlbrc«le, Dougla C h »-. W . J-*H*’fA‘. timber land ’ s in the State* «»f < alif*»rnia. < >re reached tbe highest point ever reaclid Fine buil ling stone is now lieing County, Oregon. lU-gist vr. Nevada, and Wa-bingtou Territorv." 21-lot by any vessel. The scarcity of ice was shipped from Albany to The Ddles; Thurs’Uy. the 2»th lay of N -. ’ub<-r. Anv and all verson* claiming .'utvers- b gon. Edwin W. Clark, of \b< rdr, n. countv of r la? \t one *• ' * • ■ k F M all the r. San inti rcst »»f tii- *iii«t F M'Ration h > tli«- h!v their »*laim* tn tin* office ou or before Thetis believed he could have made Francisco. day tiled In this «*tfi« e 1* - «worn statement u f h « Die »lay has ¡Missed when tune «•flu- «hath in mid to the follow in;.' -aid 13th day of February, 1*9»! U nited S tates L and «I ffp r , for th«* purrhaM- <»f tin- N F. :4 of Se» .t» in tbe northwest passage. He will make Oregon sent to California or some­ i!*-'.*rib<,'l rca! property. <’HA* w J<»HN-»T'1k. R *-?.»! lei. Oreg -ii. Octola r 11. IS** Tn N" 40s»mth. Hauge No. ■’» ea«t. aud will A i-arccl «»1 bib ! * niuinp?.- :i£ a ’ th*- Register. an effort to attempt the passage next where else for something she nee«lv-«■!?’■•• v ' • 1 • R No. ♦ I aud t») « -tabl'.Ci Jun«- 1*7*. « ir " • ■! ' \ •. \c ♦•*■ ’ ■.* «*7 : Timber Land Notice for agricultural purpose*, a be had. < ah «■ * R**. kfr.litw. -nid N W c..rner b< for sale and Iota of it. [Oregonian. lilt* claim to said land bet* f*»re lh«- R« aistcr titnlwr lun«i- in th«* -iHte- **f * a ifornia, j ri a tr-vvu' i fingx-turii t «wiv»» t gon. on Monday, the ifithday *»f De < tuber, Florence Mae For-m« ». of Grafbin, * «»iu»ty Ros«»l»urg. Oregon, Ort. |o>-i’«s (a< r«»’S Grauitv -tn «-t the nviti* henn members of oongresa will vote in lhe Vn hIlq Chicago ..f Yoh» -'.<« •• *•: * *; ••■.. «. b*- i*;- dav V--- .;on - w > A vk - Notice is hereby given that in voiuplianc« is» .'r’u-r «•( '«»t three « . bh»« k vitfht * . fi'.ed In tliis <>ßl<*«* her - a *rn -mt« im-’it fi* Ht names as wtinvs«--e< JOSEPHINE COUNTY ! the caucus on the speakership ques­ Northwestern railroads, the latter roa*l in ihet<»wn <»f A*hla:»d; them e along th«- with ttx pr*»visions <»f the uvt of ' ■*ngr»-1 Wallace '»»• purcha-e of thc E *-2 "f N \\ • t m* i E : Hog-r*. John F (iivan-. Dioma« th* tion shown what is expected of those ls*gan this week running a Jimitod line of -nil aUev I d an «n«U»rlv direction .»f Jun«. ", 1»7K. entitle»! “An act for th,* -ai- S\V of «ertiou No. 32. in t" m *-1*'1* N-> .■i-ht«,-fn'ir •*'. fc»-t then«»* along a Hue of timber ianua iu the Statea of California Mnvhew. John Powers, al! *>f Ashland. Ja* k of l.ncal Arent for T* wa-ltc Property, from the Pacific coa^t. DeHaven. M>- fast mail train I 4 >. **o»iih. ratigv No £ » a-t. and will oit«- ween (’Lie: go nnd p»*..«IA-1 with Granite sticet li* a -outherlv »it. k’«*n N«-vH'tH.amt Washington Territory, sou countv. Oregon. proof to-ti<>w that ihe -ought I- niorv »I. B Miller A t “. A*bl!tb»n and Railroad K» nna and Morrow, of < ’ahfornia, will the Pacific coms L lb-» trains will carry .iir* rtb»n forty fi»ur (II i'*vt. then« e nh»ng • >< u» \ n-u» .* .*helton, of W ilbur. Couniy cl Ami anv ami ah peson- claimiug adverse A'iditon vote for K»*»»d. Van« lever, of the saa«' through sleepers, and make thetitn«» h i u. pHr.iih‘l with-aid alley In h westerly I«<(i;glH-. *tat«-«»f oreg»»n, has this «lay file«: ly the above deserilnj»! lands, are reqi.e-tc«i valuable f»»r its tlnib »r or -tom* timn for aiz Money Loaned n * v* - < » ir • u real e* ri< uhuml purp«)*e-. and to c*’nblfsh her state, for Cannon. Hermann, of Ore­ lietween Chu’ngo an«i I’«»rtl.»:i»i * i !ity-f»»ur i*t fe» t to the » a*t in this office her sworn *tH’« ni» ?r f > th* to tile their claim« iu this offi- *- *>n or la’fore « liti'n to said htu-i brfor«- ’h»- R»-ui- • an»! tale security In «um- of I »"»i and upward* u ’*, t . i** . •«ranHe *tr< ♦ t; then« • in a northerly pui via *.» •»« tlu *-1 * of tb»» W : t an«i *G <» said l»»th «lav of D<- CHAH. Receiver <*f thi-offn e m 1. -c’*'rk- <»-r • Call or write- lnf«.r ««Hoti « b*.-erfülly gon. for lL*ed. Wilson, of Washington, hours and Chicago and Sau Francisco «)*!• . «*f W. JOHKHTON, lion i’.«»ng Hi- -"’i’ll side of Grauit«- sE^vf ‘-.-rtion N«». 10, In town-hip No. lo Register. on Tucwlai thc U'.h day of January, furnished * . IV 10t for Burrows and B irtine, of Nevada, in 85 hours. •tre* • fort: i‘»«r (II! feet to the place *f range No » cast, and will otter i»r»*»*f to sh»»v. £h<» nauies a« wie *«-*•■* Barklev <«. Arthur Conklin, ¡i. uiiin i* ■ -i:'ia!«“i in the town of Ashland. that ’h*- lati’i sought is more valuable for it for Cannon. The second choice of Peart and Daniel vv Editmi, of (»t fton.Yoi«) timber »»i -tone iban foi agricultural i*u. Timber I find Notice. I i mt«*!' I a n SMITH a - < oNKI.JN. Mr. E. D. Sloan, of Klam ith agen­ • .nt) «»f J »* k*vti. *’»ii»-of Oregon countv. » aliforuiH. an ! John W 1 iiz Gji3 • n these several members is as follows w. and to eatab'ush her » lauu to «si»i im* and William V\M»rhee»\ <»f W*>o*llani! ■ ¡•efor* th»* R« gislt- and Rvi vivvr «*( th! REAL ESTATE AGENT, < r McKenna. Morrow, Barline and Her cy, foun - 1: th «lax »f FrbruHry. is v Noth-v !- hereby given that in ■■«•mpli.-u. •; Notice ¡* I. i • h < * ?’--! Wilson for Cannon, and Vaudev* r for vation a Harrison badge of the cam­ She iiHir.t - a- wit *v*stB Walt«.) I. Root with the provision- t»| th«» ftci «»( < ongrv** of ly the al»v«'»1« * k lb- d hu *!-, a.r reqite.<«'d with tiir ix t oí • "ligie'- ’-i June ¡ 1 paign of 1841. The “h»g cabin” and John M Roof, «»f Bliwk station. < « - W. 1 t bese 1 n - R«‘gisler. Holzhny ( Black Bart), on trial for the ’¡‘n e pi’DtHy. 21-lût burg. Dougla- < ounty. Oivg**i». Al«■ «nmicr 1. Snowball, of Giftfton, «-omity of h h iiatli c.l * .'.Hiir.v < : - kivo . (renerai J. An\ and all i»er**»n« claiming a.iverscl of Y«do, State of California, has thi- «lay fih-d ■ ahiomia, La- .lus «la . kd >.; loi niunier of. Banker Fleichhein, of JiaiK got the badg«» from Timber Laud Notice. the above de*cril«-»i lands are re»ju» -ted t* in ibis office hi- *w«»rn atutvmcnf. f«»r the C. Fremont’s party when they trav ¡:i- *W««tn -talcmvl.-l D’I !.,*■ pi.'* !..t>* Til HFN T 1X1» FUK SALI. . 1' hereby giv.-i, (bat thè under Belleville, Ills., and lhe robbery of th«1 file ih«*ir claims in thi- «»fficv on or b< f«»i I NI! ED Si ATE- 1. *ND OF» < F. 1 of . Ixvt» 1 am! 2. ami the >• N \\ *4 ... S, îi .1. No - : i «•• his through that country. Uguril, -dmini-t’Htor Ih»- estate of PrU r •aid 13th 'la) of February, DW. Rt'sHKl IC«. OP. . < •* 1. i. . r>;* » of the N I l4. Section No -2. Hl ip Gogr?bic atag*\ took th»* stand tn 1..^ >, R îi . i ,-*- N.», i, E»*-’. ftiul v. ,i •; ■ • Keel- ion* of the m < t oi < '.*ngr, '.- torils i«mn I* rrit >. • • •f U.k i.fti. «• h ! .: v ’);• e montha ago. hehi up the Wisconsin open air, says tbe Stat^tunun. His ; ' I : nf l-• . » • ! • • k A M *H -H’, i Wii-mtiii i mile, <*f »*! h :1*» i «. V<* > • ■ ui«y. »lav. the 2ôth oi F« '-; •. t; nfficv at Roseburg. Or-c<*n. on I'm-sdux . the 1 sited S tates I. ani * O fho « Central train at Ca*iett. Win., a month vines are still in blossom and he ba» •bo , a • 1 b- t i me l*»r hearing objections t«> Crtliivrnla. ha« tiled in this «»tip . hjs s-,\.»ru 14th »lav of Jatiuarv l*J0. He * ■ FINE RAtslN later aud way-hud the Gobebi. statf«» a few berries in all th»» stag«*, som«- -aid t‘i t’ aceonut an 1 thè seulement thvr»- Roseburg. Oregon. Oct. 31M. 1.N-* 1 H* nam* - >w w inn Barkley <«. F»-art. siatvimuH ior th»- p .r< »«'■• •*! lb»- N L , ■ f p im- Gus’av Ha -« h a. b- t Alfalfa an I Noli* IS hereby given that iu coinplinm « f \ I heir... cr* !ino * in t«» a n-uip no. li * ■u’.ii. rung« nini N J Caufmnu. a i *>i a sugar B«.et Land, vri’l . at er for in igni ion an»! shot Bank« r Fietchbein. Holzhay ereeu and others are ab«»nt matured. t* ¡«-! -d iti -a «i siate are hereby notifie»! t*> with tin- provisions of the act of ’ ongr, ss « Grafton, Y««l*» voutity , < aliforniM. «ml " 11 U<> 1 «-a-i und will «»rt\ r ¡*.<»- I t«* sh * 1 ihai • MlifoTlliH 1*7*. viititied "All a«-t tor the sale < tor sale iu tracts of fr » .1 2'1 i*-.i», to larg- rlaim,*d that several years n^o he was The ripe onrs were delirious an l an- «pj-ear on or befor« -aid lime ap|M»intvd f< r June liam H . W ilcox. 01 Orland. < olusa «*»unty. the iami sought >«* more vab*a >1* fol ii* Um \n» and pi r ‘ ■ • lands in the Staten of ( aliforui. tra. ta «ultahl«* fi* purpose* ber or >*t«»ue Ulan i»u ugriciili.uml j.urp*»* - lliv a»».«ve bjt ' i«'»i- tlici *‘to, lf any they ha \ •* N r Oregon Nevada, and Washington Ten F»*r particular* apj . mid to «-stubli-h l’.i« viH’.m 1<«* h '.<1 lami b« «• tile their • hilui- m .1 ■ «•‘b* « \nvnmiall ver-ons claiming a l\er-ely that time has ÍH'«*n subjeiff to “spells” Oregon’s climate, .hist think of straw- t.» an> pifticiiiar itt-m ih. **of, Kpei-ifying tory,' Waiter J- Root, of Black *’nt)ot al*ov. rj-Um < «unity <*f Yolo, state •»( Caiifurnia. ha* th 1 lhe 7 i i •» <>f -m h «ibjc«-tions .innne which be di»i not know wbal lorries au*l Thaiik.-giviug turkeys rtp- ih*- • Rosrhuig. Ur«'gon. <»n Wvdti' s»i*iy. th« i UT2 K*artiv «t san Fian» iw ( H vs. W Jo.l s.-TO • lav tiled in thia office hi* sworn statemen, file their » laim-in thi* office on or b« f.»r« «la.-, <». <;».*. , of Jauuai H* iiam was d«»ing* entng together. -ai»l 14th «lav of January. la'JO for th»- pincha-e of the lots 1 ami 2 and •* ’ 3 ’ Adtniui- 4. m township No t Th«-re will lie a new international Eugene R-tfister flegi.-ter Mr. W. K. Mi- l’varl, »*f Grafton, U a*hing1on 1 . < iwinii an-1 south, range N«>. 3 t a*’. and will otter pr«» Jainc* B R»*g*T ’ », ««f W «• «II hu «I. ad of Yoi»> ti-heries «hspnte pretty soon if British Cornaek’s little b»>v, Aged atioiit three to show that the land sought i* mot«1 vain county. ( niijorulii Timber Land Notice. able for its timber or «tone than for agricui salmon fishers »io net keep out of years, met with a |s<*t«*rv ■ ■f till* offi«-» at Roseburg, (»regon. on Thur- N*,(i«-e is hereby given that in compliant.»' R*)*«’1 urg, 1 »reg»»D. Ort. :.Oth. 1**-'. 1 N«»t1< «- 1* hereby given that iu compliame «lay, th»-13th dav otFebiuary l*‘.«0. that there is a 4»< nh I deal of tins mild h I h » u I the house one morning an«i wot. w ilh the pr«»v isi«»n* of th»- act «’f < ’ ngr*-*- <*t smd I -til «lav of Jannarv. l-v**i. CUV* W J- HN>i"N Ik- iiHiiii'1 a- witm-sne-. Greeu Holling Jun»-:.. IH/S. entitlcl Au at t ior lhe-a!«» of form of piracy and tha th«» American running around with a piece of a par- with ti»«- provision* of Hie act of Congress worth. Register 21-B« A«»o«ilami. J«»hn M. Root. •»( Bln tiinlaT bin*!* in tin- States 01 < alif«»rnin. < l’J im' .’. iNfs. «-»Titled An art for tb*- -ale . custom« b»ccv is quite inadequate to aso] h ualh1. on which was a tatioi), boiti «»i Yolo < ounty. <‘alifi»rni Oregou, N*-m*l:i au I \\ >i-himq«m Terri-on Timber I.Mini Nolice prevent it. As the deprrdaliotis of the siz* »i knob, in Ins mouth. Hr f» 11 Oregon. Nevada, ami Washington Terri- c \. ougla.* ( ount.. Fria« Bitzer of Woodland, < »untv < f ‘i oh*. Sial*- of < aUi'Tiii.i. ha- ihi* «t?iv ’ i «! i»»iy. ‘ ».u«tav Haberiavh. of Klamath City, (begun, D. D. Il Y« a-’» r. of XMolund, Jac. British are c irrie«l on in little fishing «town and forced the knob down In I'.MTil* Mill.’ i.lND«*»U*l. of the w f ( «»untv **f Siskiyou, Slab- »»t ( aiiiorniH, ha* son County, Oregon in ibis ofib »• hi* «worn -»latyinent for inc . .. <»r«g«>u. Oct. lo. i**? i »b-ri«'S, it is just possible that the ves- throat. He was unable to mak»A r. thi- «¡Ay fi’r«i iu thi- ottire his -worn Mat»*- No south. iai Any and ail peis.-ns (-¡aiming adverse! 1 Surcbase of the NF , of-■,•«-. N*» 11, in Ip N.* H. S. ¿MERY Noti'.-»- i* hefi-by giv* n that ir, •-«Jinpliam . • south, r.ti:-,'« No • «!i*t. and wo! • »1 * r w ith th»- pr«»i isi«»n* ol the act oi < *>t<„r«'-** of t«> -h.*u ha» ' seis <»f the old Atneru’ in navy might noise, and when f«>un»l by his mother in« «.! mi ’!•«• put 'i i-«-<*fthr NE'^rf svrtmn the a! ovv-dvscribcd land* are rvque-trd 1 vm I' oì N c for *: tile their claims in this «»tfi-c on or befo* p-o«.f t»» show that the. Iami sought is nn*r» She nicked ' ■ ' In **■*■ i ->-i*l.. «’■ > I h - able to k» cp them in check. Ib re vras alm«*st stranglni. June 3 1*7*. vntili«-»! All •»* 1 f<»r th»- ->i»l* "i will «»ffer i«’ «-stahlish hi- g«»n. Nevada, and a*iiitict«>n T<-."r!t»*ry.’ Register. •f ti;- It won hl afford practice for the sea- knob out of his throat, but the handle mr Hgrlcultural purja»-»*« an»! to rMabli*h claim to -ai 1 land before the It*•■-■i-u-r and John W . Fil/Gibl’Oti, «*i V* *■••*lhuid. \ **l*>. « •» Ke» R«'« »MVcr of this office at R«»>el»urg, Or»‘p*»n. < uliiornia. has thi- «lay filed iu tin- <*ffi hi- oil Mt onda, . the men and woiildn’l I h * very risky f«»r came out an»I left the knob in ther**. hi*, unit«» said land before th«- Regist* r I 1 li* mou» « - a- and Rv-elver «U this office at Roseburg, (he- onlThnr*»ta\ the 13th »lay •»! ’ F».-!*ruiirv . ’ m »'1 sworn -tut« Tueut tor the pt.r* ha-»- of the Titillici- (.and Notice the warship*«. |Oregon!an. Dr McCorna- k. who lives just aero* * «¿on. *•«» Tuesday, tin- Jkh day of February, in- iitinies a* witness«-* ( harle- S F«»w l« r. SE’, of -e» tion m». 1". tow n hip in». H south, J. < auhiGi.i, J m -, . the stre»»t, was imux*»¡lately c.dl d, is-«*. (»recti H«*llingsw»»rth. of Woodland. Yob* range •*» vasi, amt will»»»h-r i»r«»of 1r»»gon, t >< t. 31st, 1**9 » Pull supply ot colfius casket*, gate the Pacific ra*»lr<»ads arrived at ceeded 1« «. Edward Williams, J«VM-ph Go«>drvau. N. . K»-ii«>. Klamath county, Oregon. D 1». H. la-r or stone timn for agricultural pnipt»M *. the aiM»v« »I I* m rile ving th*» ol*tacle. Th« J. 1 .-.uinuin,-*f Khmiath 4 itv, California. Not it e i- hereby given that in cotnplian« Öle H.» ir ci ¡aims ill i! Y«-ag«»r,of A-hlan ! J. « k-»n < <*untv. Or» ‘ g.»n Kansas City Nov. 13th. In an inter and I*» (--tabli-li hi« »-laim 1<> -Mid ami Ix-for«- robes of all sizes, gloves, »•bild would have strangled in a few Anv hii on- « bunting H«»ve *t< — »•rine«l land- ar«' reque-te«! to crapes, etc., etc. ininut»s more. Rivscburg. Or»-g*»n, on Momlay. the J.'ih da things had been »letermined upon by I.!«- .'■*•!. ■ bi:m•- in thl* office on or before of timber laibls i .1 lhe States of Califurni«. tilt- their « laiin* in Ihi* <«111«-»- ou or la-forc of Ji.iiGsrv l’-.ri. He name» ee wltnc aea Oregnu, Nevada, amt Washington Terr, suid l .th «lay of February. I*' ” sai«1 J'»th da> of February. 1x90. th» 1 investigati«»u. First, »hr govern ­ Ufi!»-« an i war-T.M» n* at railroad » rowing William V«M*rhc*'* uml Jam«-- It R»»m••*• • i tory. John M Root, of Black Stall»»:- IlHppiii»«- Mn«i Contentment CHVs W . JOHNsT.iN. C ha * W J ohnston . Timber l.ami Not ie wHand Mexander L snoutb*H and Wil of str* «.t ment's security for the «irbt of the < aunty of Yolo. J*tatt <»f Calif«>mia. hit-« th RcgiMrr. Register. ■ liam 1 ’. c. anv, of» ¡»ifn.u all of Yolo county, »lay tiled in this oiliee his uworn siatcmv’ Cannot go hand in hand if we look on P.v lie fo;<«l- u• s ample; second, th»» < adfornia for the pur« base «»I the NE ‘ 4 of SE'£ S* w ■ U nited st at k < and < > r » < Timber J and Notice. lói-in» of the roa*is indicated that i,r^ ___ V* **f »very little olntacle. Any am! ail persons «-laiming :i«lvci*» ly Timber Lnnd ’ ntlca *f?4 and *E‘ | of .*W 4 of bccllon No. J. «■• R om * u T k ‘. Or. c * »> the aiiov«- «!«— rib«**» land* ar»* rvqm - «-d t<* th»» debts could I* p«i«i if a reasonable Nothing will so darken life and make it township No. tn-oiiih range No. 4 cast, an • Noti 1 I> hereby t-. * n tns1 a • • ¡ i burden »s Dy spepsia. \ck»n Disprp I'NiTKi» S tates L and O ffd f ., file their claims in thi* «»fl* *• oti or bi forv WHü tile pl.«’.’;* «.'is of th, a ' of <■«» will offer pr«.**f to show tha ’ . the la* . extension were given by the govern­ sla tablet* will < ure the worst f »rm C sitiu * S tate - I.-. nd office Kos<-burg, Oregon. < »« t 291 h. I**'.« I ►aid i:uh dav of January. i **. m ■»ought i« ia»»rv valunble for it- timber • June -i, l*7J.v!.i<' *• 1 ’ kn s f. «■ » Ir_-, <>r« £*.D. <)< ! 29th, 1*H9 1 Notice i* hvo-hy given that in «-ompliam-c ment. Il was probable, therefore,that. <»f Dyspepsia. ......... • ik - w J ohnston , Consumption and lndtg< s- than f«»r ngi it iilturnl purpose«. ni*d limiter l*»n<1- m th»- - «* ■ • that in c»»mpl am-e slone w ith the pi.>visions of th«* a l Oi < <*ugrv<* of Register. ' gvi* the committer wouhl rrcummend an th»n. and make e-tablisl» his » laiin to said land Indore th .....k. life a biippiness and .»••.th ’he pi«*-, ist Neva«!® w • w«- of the art «»f (’»mgresfi Kegi-tcr Mud ilect iver «if this office Al l<*.*-. Jane '■ l*7s, ri'titl*-«! An a« I f. 1 th«- sal»» of N 2 ! H«ifi*.Hu . Kh extension «>f finir, say fifty years, dur- pleasure, Sold at 25 and 50 c» nt* a hot . e by an­ i..-ia- t it n« «-t's: Walter I.. R- ' ■ th»- piit«-baM- r*i Mi- - Mary Neville of B«»gn*. Couri’v *tate <>f CMii’»*rnja. ba« tlv - ir. filed in thi _____________ It is evident from the report* from ’ ... It h -k stniio’» Vrias Bitzer Charle- ot the NW 4 ot *«-in.-», U nited - i ate * L « np • « fi ■» i. nual payments baae«l ______________ on n certain p* r- ARTISTIC ' ' a .»*i. -:»»;•• f < aliforii H. has thi-’ d iv of otftc»? ii«-r sworu statement f*»r the pur<-h v-v Fow !< r '«!«>• ’ ! HoUingsworth. of Wooiiiaml Ro«-eb ’ iTii. (iree u. uct m 'U'. ’ * **■? ' • w.o i*, ran«» >.» i e *► »•vnt.ige’ of the net earnings of the China that the horrors of th»- Y»‘llow ; ì m in - «.*!’! • h* r -w«»rn *ta’eiuent t'.r of th*1 jot« » H’nt fi and rlu» E .oft hr -W •, of allot Yolo <‘»utity. t aiifornia. Noùce i; hcr» b', viver thic in e* - -, ,s-irc to -!»ou ti.a* i he I* ’.»1 section N" in Tp .*<«*. 11 -*uth. in’i.'v No. w ill» river IL mx I h will la« repeated along the rii- j - •• .n«* • f the XV G .>1 i h» NW t a id Ug roads. An ami all per-on* claiming adirt-c! the provi -ion* »-f « be a» ». of < «-ng ■ ’ * of <-t!<»D ! i * »«»•* .• d« «. rtbed lands are request***! ’ »*"*. «-n’itl- -1 ‘Au n- ; '■ - »he ab- * : tur. I pur|* *•« ! ea-i, and will off« r t file land «ought is moi«» vah dide f heir claim-in thia office ou or her*» ’ ’ n in« * a • •.- <»f i a. '««rn-.a. < ire wM; .4 * ».I. » 1- pr ■ ; i<> ..u ti at th*- :.»nd -«night I- more <»r »»tom» than for a^ricultnial ¡.»irjaise«. ami t-,»n. N'*-va!t. ai.-i \\ .-nil.r«-ri;iory, tnt» on«« « . r • « o- the leading j <»st mast vis of t le country rise with phenomenal n.pblily, and ’ .»bl ‘ I«* :< * ita iimhvr nr *tnn<- than fur • aid l.tli nav of February, 1S90. tocsuihli h her < !nim to -aid land b<-f«»re vv iliiam •- 'iivj. «'f K1 hui *« iu « it). < •* ili!} of < HAS W . JOMf ! > < di. r «t !m.■ ?•. ir A ’;«.«. .. K’ have said: ‘ I am not a u ugwump in e tv like Wenchow is given «♦ fr. ‘ bun- on F*. It’fty, the 2l*i dav «if F* bruiry. l-'*v Hh<» na* icr n« w * Edward H. S* o '• p N«> .ft’saut!», rau^»-4 east und will «*•!<• Tinilwr Land Notice. -bp ri-»' - i* wiiji F T. F ra leu g. any sense of the word, gentlemen, but field. Maria I -< . ’i»-!*1. of Yr» ka E I F«« With n* i < ;1 ,........................ , . i A Unsi *r,s* families. tai’iiiicr*. min then int ’i n* ■ ; fntal- r«.i u- ■ f «•*-how r!:.»i the bin t *ough» 1* n*«»'v E*l"t*rd II *«*•!.el I. i.iixl« d ni.nrgh. of Henly. Mary N«-' ilk . «>; Boju*. pr« a dy»*d-iu -the-wool rbq-n> dmu . an i I (he Chinóse ar»* doliti nothing to « f H l , a-'.ab!«- f-»r H* -im<*er <.r mi hi .» J;* s . í 1 hi- "k. Yet a F.m-L. -f Yreka <. ah forno*. all «»I < alifnrnia. I sirco «TATI« 1.4X0 O.TK C agri« ultu; :»ì piu p >» - , An ! I.« < -r* hi» pmpi*** to benefit the p««et;«l *M*rviee repair tn«' damage or to drain the A i' i hü pv’*.*n« < Hi ning a«lv»-r-»-ly Any and all per-• .*• cicimiug ad - r«vl> _______ It'»., Bl Ki- ___ UB., ________ 31, ___ ISS* t to ‘B’*t I 'nd I m .'Ï. tv ih«- Erg --ter *.i l by every menus that lie» tn my p«>wer. Hooded lamie, the above-de«< ribtd land-» are rcqc.e-tcd to CiaiHi Suttee is lurebv given that in rom plia t he for-ign m» *i >u- c .• .,!»...«• d. ttlH-d lands u e rctL • «î Ro-.'' ” Dg, ni< m thi.- o ” *• <»!i or before w ith lhe ptovi-ion* of the act of t «mgr« *- • t file their claim* in thi* offi -r m . or l*ef«»r« on Monday, the 24th iy <*f Ft-bmar'. :<»• Still. pohtb'H will have no « fleet iude- airies will WI1I mR „, lie na r-, . «ion*nb ........ ’itions. t :»-’:.. - soon «Per ► aid 21»t day of D bruafv. 1> u June 3, l*7M entitled An art tor the *ab • i.r>iiiMwmv«.iir»';l.iii I »«''’.J" ,‘i'd'mu'(i<. us't.n’h-.' iettsrs de -■.•/.«! 2*st du» >i February, ’-»». île Hames a w itne*r<-- t ln;tl ! MA« W 1 11’ N «TON. C ha « w J ohn -I1 n . t .mber’.amis in the States of Cali/orCJa. • N J. J. nnfm «n, Josepb Goo«lraeu • r.--ier w*v tn yon. l)eib«»crHts Republi­ Rallevar Register. egou. Nevada ami Washington Terri ton pi»Ming tli«» awful sriff«r:: i:s «»f thw W. Fowler Edward V» i." au*>. < * *»la. a' < baric» s. F ob ;< r, < f Woodland, < ouh’ .» cans alike, that lb»-r<- ts a »»»-trspity <»f sturvi’ig thouaHmfa. [Chro’.icl«. City. ( Hliforti a Finnl Troof Notice Yolo, state of Callfornla.has this dai* fih'd - I fatal Proof N »tice. A.ç alci aii ;«-r-*'ui- - 'aim"■ rm lieu I reform in the railway mail mt - this office hi*-Morn statement f«*»r th« j th- a’ ox«: G*< r b-d laii-'- ar*- •«- . «, vice, it matt»-re not to me if a man can L and O ffice at R oseiu ro Oregon, * 1 chase of the NW* 4 <•( No 14. itili '• XVh-Tl a Fot tn i.e ! ant .* O ffice at Rr>«aRrn«c. Oregou. / file th» Ir claim* in thi* « «»u *»r l*ef - Octob r.J *. lN*b I :-?• south, range N . . ea«f, and will otter : ■* tnik aH »lav about cnla* »n«i squar«* < > ■ ■ lier, 29?li. i ► nid 24th «la\ «•! ! » >. H v, -'.«e Notice is hereby giv vu that th»» f>’«l .ng IrtAfi -nd E* .«Iti V. p*;*.riv ski’« F» * Noi< . . g*,« n that the {»»Bowing to snow that the land -ought if more va .-ui (b A-. U .J ohn - ton . r«M*t. th»-»»reni8 in jjeometry and cli­ nam*»1 s»*ttl*r h»- nl»-»l n«»:i«'t *-f hi- I ,f-n ble f«»r its tiujtaT or stone than for M 'u­ nr»1 a ware of the nhort tnn>* it t >kc ♦ f r • a • i -Ç • • t- 1 n«• • f hi* il!t«-l. K.-UÍ-U -. matic «tf»«ds in Africa or Aei.-». so lon^ t!*»n to m«ik-final proof in s-.ipjmrt *f h- nirai pnrpo-e*. and to establish his claim t* • • • ’ . •*! ; -, • rport «*f bi­ a iil-'iTdered liver !•■ »‘ause l»h»tohe« u claim, and that said pr«*- i wii. In- ma«k- -• san! land before the Hrei-tcr and K.* ’ hs he d«MTi not th<*r»»iitfhty know the L , 4Ml „ ci., it 1. «*nd i >at s ’ 1 pi*»of will I»** made !•«.• the tuce, 'md a dark, gte >v • ki¡- (le f.o »K •»! 1 "OH k of th--«' enty e-v’irf of Ja»k*ou ofthife offl •• a' Roseburg, Oregon, on Thur- f'-reth*' Judge <»r 11 hi- ab cm *- l—f»yr*- lhe B. i«M>d t»*rv • h* 1 Having one of the I o= t sky lights in < *r- MC!h»n of unfty through which his |M*ttieof B»gpa* Bio» J 1’nrifier and ‘ “ W • M« a-t >• Clerk of the c»*unty < curt of J •.•.k«ou • -unt’. . • Ja -■•>•,-" Oregon on da' Ti.e 13th day of February, I*.” postal car is rnnning I would sooner Maker will n-oorr this <>-.m to its u 5 q. 1 . I \\ and W 1 ego!», vn ( kncici "i huir to it. Or-gon. at Ja lisunville. Oregon •*- Sat He names as witneaMts: I*ria* Bit- • I* ’» . -th. 1**9 ' I? Vi«iv a M ur«!a\. December 7th. 1 a *» viz . Tn -ina* have a |M»etid clerk who knows even urn! »:i»l healthy at * . eini c ’. phils th»- \ i'4 1 »in-en Hol lug*-vorth. of Woodland. Y • p- .. I* * N ' * It’ fo- ! iirKttAvrr.x * hn » d work . H«* tiB!.**-* II*« fi .‘»ov* !x>ng. Home*read er 'rv N g . t;*92 f«vr tn* E S « «nnty. ’ alito uia William O Farkr . , .. .1 N I . • f -4 U ’4 *• »00k and corner in 111 his Ion district »imine! than bh*»d blood of >f all «dl impa iirpa- !• 1* *u-e-; 4 N- \\ t ol - nook wn»* prove ir* r*»i«; iiiw.i* re*i b-’v » heno, Klamnth < o'»ntv. Oregon D I». '/ of * U ’4 and hW S *»f h E •» *• 14, 1 p I-, Tp As > Î , A,t. VV x( W* gui-i-mte* One tbi d «>f the ;eal c-’nî* in nek -.-- cultivation of atdlanrt. k.7 Ja ■uld teil about won.b-rful Circes aonte theorist wb»> n>t '1. E. T1 LEK. Yeager, of Aahland. Jackson < onntv, <>r«íb * R 1 h.**t W M lie - am * {..liovvln-; wit»)«*«»*** to . a e I» *ttie. « b»tu.»«Mj Bros., Dtuggiiitb COtjfi'.y Is h< Id iUder ¡>. : l < : r. . :. ’-v’ ner. • f Ph«*?* y. J»* k*«>n He names the following w itn«-**eF to j -• e au a bit-ar i to lbr tiilc »>f yunr pr» ?,«»nes and geographical Centers rem He Any and all per^ns «-lanning mix» r pr o« b:* «<* i C ìti ■*"..* r»-i*ì-nee -.«voti and «*’ d . « ar-o« Ja-tribed ¡amis are request* hiacoutinuoua re*i*Jencc uv«n and • uni. a see if a -V arc ah right, fb« *» nlv :ri;a ■. ’.a »n of raid land, viz (Hear D Low front his own »•«.nnlry, and I shall rec- Frau'DiJ. E..’: t, «•- q r ,, r tion of «ai*l land, viz U W Moor« . John Abstracts made in Jaclusou <*.uu* - 1W ; B ' *.ra >;■.» «'»Talent *..■*‘i'i b*^k<«-ucounty. .r h -< n * ' ti ' '. file •*”- th*-i( - ahn- - *••- in this »»»»» office mult on or f« f < >iuu*os. rotnmoini to cawgrrs*1 that the civil •..*• A hh L axi .. Devlin. V w F.rh. M. N. I»ug. uh of Ash­ from Austin s. Hammond « Law and Ab- county, »Arri-i. ami U m. 1 I.ln l »*hda> ot February, 1H90 • * . : • . i la* . 7 F ft - g . __ ' ‘ i^» . . . f H a » A • r ’ CZ B — a *. W service exHtutne’t> ii » h be naxtiticd t<> land, Ja ki*on countv, Oregon *’■ J J ou K s T o ;- of A>1 , ind. H* k«on conniy, Ureaon ■traet ulbse. AshlaaJ. Orsfpm iXM* 21 »t Reg liter .1 fUgH rei 21 6t cba » w J omfkton . Register l«at e-MAt w JöBWaTuN K»^l- «* ! Ll* «Halit.* Myerto Bhxik.easl side Maiu street. ’ «' » Jt'ittr Apo?* • urei FOR NEURALGIA. for Infants and Children ßLV I Oil '■■A h NEHTLI. PROMPTS if K. 1 CURES. « » » Was Awarded the only GRANO PRIZE ! 0 .u. w Call and Examine Them now on Exhibition at Martin & Harris’s ASHLAND, OR. TOWN OHLY PERFECT 5r.y'lHG MECHAR MONTACIT, 1368 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO, FAMILY USE Notice Io Tax-I’ajers ! ffrisley & Co., M. GARRISON, o.-. Í ? STOCK RANCHES I*, o. ß»x.V. »e r» r* at ? ? ? f ? r V IM )C idi I i J. K. Van Sants . Hr< q ieri v GRANTS PASS. . i \i1.. I« -..Ung • and Wiifihiug’on. ¿’S hr«*»-d»»r of • . t- i-.italogiie •: Aditi dr «: Farming Frail and Vegetable Citv ! f • all Smith 3c 3odge < a . the h I-L» • >.’.1 1 lie*» S. l*-r;e«l WALL f’AFtff. IK ror? CS ; Votire of Final Settlement 15,000 Acres -*K Äi/. 100,000 Acres / • jrpfPi ill I ? - ^3 When T ?v C upe I do not mean r-c : • t t p H. m ;- r a Dme, ar.4 i' i Lav«’ th- « rt ion :•<.»«!• I mi an A RADiCAX CLLo-. I h- e made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNFFS \ llfe-bmg I warrant mv r. : K'drt I I ~ I •; ailed is nor. «-onfor not r.awro etvn ^aC’iv -« ui atom « t*»-a trem canda* .’feBcrii . >f :ny I- . aiuble I u ' ri»r. Givo K*p-t« >i it will euro y«» OGV,» ! <3., R •Ù-G r ar r - COLD i » ASHLAND. OREGON His Werk Speaks* for itself PHOTOGRAPHY. BAD TITLES’ I CMimCrjfrPitcfcßr’s Caloria HE/ a D Try ♦he Cure Ely’s Creajn Balm Cleanse« th«* Nass! Pttssagres Allays Infl&mmntton. Heids the I es ol Taste, Smell a i Hearing. ‘ I»r^s‘.|* iLY Id ;■«• . • I ■ ' ! •: -erf y mall. • t, N. .,• York. !g| GF Plb-t COD LIVER OIL EYPOPHOSPHITB8 Almost as Pairtable as Milk Ao «1t«<*if*e*l tt»*u ll <•«« he taken > o1'. ft i*ri i*-,inrt! 'ti (| by lhe n*o»« M-Krfiti'. «' «to .-w >», v hvtj the plain oil nn«*» *>* lot« • a ted ; and toy the mm- ..* r ol the «Gt svlth the hypo* pi «■*•* > ’• <■ is muc h more etficaeloue B-m.-’r *• a fle*h prod»«r. Ff sain n.pidfy while taklac 1». I- TT « I’.irU‘ tON I. b . »Dnvl.4r*l «4 i' y*'i*' .:«» V- I-: i .its1 «' d Best prepara ;; in . .e W'.Hd f'-.t »Le rclhf and cure ci COKSUMPTIOM, SCROFULA. CEhFSAL DEBILITY, WASTINC DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCH*. ?• j -'u/or o*u- IKxsi.ry in .s.M by ail Ifrv/jiit».