iü : ia mi - Hl Hh «M» 11!E¡¿¡'.. Men'» Unta. Wc up.ut ( >. H. Bhniut'»'. I L*o. IL iy’cr made a trip to R«»se- b'ri Ifitt. A On«» l»L. k h«>»se 1”’loi-^i!.g to !. i?/ this wt** 1*. . ih Í m í ??. / >>’*. ii»sl Bluff M bnil.liiiK n -il-.Hi'; un - Bargains in B-Mite nt Blount’*. 11 . 1 b-« »:»<*o-i-u: ; »»■•!•;■• from th< t-« rii: from Hungry ere« k. Wh I1--OIU. W. T. i» to I a badi?*. per doz-’li. iM.~t T'mirH lre. ev. ning j’« 4 ues! of .\l. .’4«»rris rvlujnod last S.ihir lfty .- nii .O!H) court boti».-. • ; tr. .».’I 1 <;< |«oi. the lion «• M I>. R. am I . V Mills i- • i i »arrei V -it th« V G ;• ry F •*-*M..«d ’ini Hi«.-I ‘ • :o pair.»«! • d the fi» .1 WiijL is. < '.J. Lo make D.i t.jns t«j irmti-b any ilr» n> Ttirsday <«vcn»iT.. It** i ..ir lu.ti's it. of ICI mm U ri.ii. « • : I ■ . ■ ■ i ■ « >*z«-n 2». THml k« Price 2- ’ a d««/••»». W. < i. .Mille who I’ve« m ar tin« . 'A -r:’ - 11.«• pr"‘ • I tDO'F A nier w(H»i «ir. -- 12 y t- for 31 M s»«rv«-d nt. li;«» I)« »on from P2 to 2 wur;h ¿T’)l>, at ’.’.«r d B:««-. Tei» Ulster». Xtleutu.u! l-ur-Lot- wh-> vi elcd Afdilaml last •im»m r ami iu from Kmmalb county Monday. (• '•'«M’k. <’ tro :it «l i»riugy«»iìT frn nds. vliipatoi at <-’o»l at A. I' Bai: hiij.m niimln-r t»f pinimH rephired a I »1. H. Wi« l« v, the M »diord ln« ry- Highest price pai«t for pi « h luce and (irauit- • iw’. Àshl » I. good sulisfmdion, while here, • r| >*nt \V««dm*sday m Asblhnd. X w«Mhi tn trade at Moral F>ros. N«»ti<’p. will visit thi i-; tq;y Hgmn early di !>>•• The proprietors of the Santa Rre? Prof I’ E Smith. <»f (\ ntr.d P »mt, tj¿ ■; i»«« 1 • for nil v.i>rl: in bm The rains Lav«» inG«i.u| B 1 bii.-k- vetiiber, «prepari 1 •» * li’i«!-*is;gne I Le»< by g k. lui -. Mr. Warner Wmmr is one of Ihohest molh ami oiber pesis hav< iujmc«i H.« workmen ou the conj b und ilioroiK'h- rer m»y ¡« hré m.Lss «ty ht in»* tr i ’t«««l by himsdf. G l\ .h i. ■ ty reliable. Save y . nr woik for him. Yr -kiion legal busineKs on«» d;.y r«»- binila. Fair. (’«»me ami see if th- - - »‘«»t tin« . Ashland, < » .. N. V ’.-X ami have il d«>m« ui lì. c«?u • «y. ( bi»*f Ji.sepb, the N< z i*« ree w«eeli Vibllmg P«H14 I»ei, ami h.4.1 ThHiiL^gh ii»;< s»nire<. Bm’kwheiii Hour nt i» L. Mmki«»r A ik K ; !’* •• ililDS '»• I e tHw W.»-k, M iil, wji> in Ashland on a business been shown great utieuauu by G x I Hi • • 'J’hank- :iV;bg S’TVk'vS will le« Son’». Gibb >u, cvtuin mder JA-pu Cobimm.., Ab ek ' s . J. *| McCall ml L V.. vi - M«»ii lay. lad.I ithe F ¡.»¡‘-I church. Vid md. G. F. Bdling», B irr’s.-, .d the iSdor ul«» M i»i»ig (’••». J«»bn L< tTt us an iv< «1 l.fHt Saturday i. a a . H«‘Xt T »1-8 I •} .»’ 11 o’ci-X*’ A. M nod o? M m htlu ikipli W' tji ov. r t » H • nhrool-'. MomLre. ami i r« «>.« vail’ y , lo spemi a fori- It is a./.iin rumored :!. it H,e Li ,j in R F. G Sr un.««, <>f 'I* h. Fr« J »yr wr- notice in this ms» fi-nmi iLc progrei-s «>t -inking I Le pros- mgtil .n Ashland. reservation at the moiith oí K. m.d ■ i it» en ir c. will ite; v«H- th«« h- era» »i. 2«Mi s tcks •h«»t«*e ¡»oTato ’S mid 3 Ü pee? |‘.¿e Dy w« d f'-TiJjg an:••tretue h -» Mrs. Th«»s. Fit h went !<» l\«;tla«id river Hi CaiifuTuia is io D.* thrown open I h « x « k . f tine i.pp’i’F jirel received ax .’low ire,d unsdrsbv <«ry ?ñ d they had by Wvdm-bdi'yLs train, for a s.ay of t«> selUement soon by proclamaiu-u o! I. r«bh. F Ciou m ’ u ’ s i,e«l - «»re. I tie w« »rk mi D« ré d for th»* present, the pn sidetiL r-»-v< r..» w«‘i-ks. ;■ f .1 J tt’O f jy C»i i II«» dr«li V . . down bl *e»-l, in sat'.d D» l miss it-reimg Bloimt’s mam­ •^s a . : « r.n : U >r- William II. Gray, Hie v* nerabl» r« • d « u • « » • . E ■ ‘ Mrs F. If irk-!i»r ;r J children, of .*■ ¡nip ly. S-n : in moth mw ut o.’ lire opp«»-.ite pag*«. ?« bu w» 11 i t«> t bui sj cud M«’ rré r.re?; ’ fol J.rekr « .». •?» ..«q of R u “I ihi £ rd D. K. and ’ .-s. Or. e »un’y w ■ • ?.e l , ■ .iin.i. buhl y \V;!•«»!*, of the Ashland signal \\ human «ml K« a . il. if. SptUulUg l. \ Atlliw, s'txi««»* t-Intion. has b«»« 11 ordered t«« and V ife. w««b. P?..b;udy j-reksnuvdie. ► - » II. Row«* last, we k h «'I a force Shn vep<«:t, I .• oiisiana. A. F. Slinhz. who w is in So (ir- yobr lirkvtM L»r Co. 1)' lh-«rvw -: »• -m mt.-re ng onber- •n • ug.'g’ it m driving lugs d< v. n I >r Is«om s the t p°einI agent of th ter«iay. r« p- • u that Fviis l u.ihksgiv.ng t> ih.mnv <»n ".de. ¡jei»- t ré.rei ■ ■•«•i-: < •' «l.;iL«„-i h . réré - during th»» letupm;»iy ri— f. T. HerGdjerger nnd l’ .ui.il point. I I 'lire I ty •.«%“?« lì/. \ ». •t\ f«»r about mx mih*H. wh< n m:m- n .1, F »;;<« clup-. :.tri Eofl- children. ‘JS h A Im -ion 2-*> ré. • . « ’.J Iren lire t«»n b«.»\td 1- .«.i - sí Mmk» «r A Son s * hug water competed the I' W. H«»gg. of Central P«»int, were in I he H. J ì > .* I» Co. has r«*<‘eiv« d dt «" t welv“ y* «rs of Hge, 1O «” s. Th« :; n l »n .1 ♦ ffo?: to «Irive »■•’.vt: fret Saturday cud Sunday. F . • ir «-««y bu «bnm - al tire F.-i Consi lerutzh» <>t its new wood-v.mkin»; pr«»c -re to «ul the F.»«.»•■. Sui «1 «y river rises ng:»:«. I he wa- N i>. Julien, the Siskiyou county r«>;««. e «ur..i.t re: UianUsgiving sea.»-»i io pareil re:pg ar ■•« „reii. »w n.iw ;: m . ♦ : i«v time List <"tf h rre«;-t. was Jt..>kii:g after pr«»peity macitiiicry sona of winch vviii b d«'. iL-.i- «m («ysL-r» «>d e-»n!s opeiaU*d in the mil! at Ak-rhii ii;:t«i 11:b. r. ¡li i. h . \ ».n .rets in I h’s county I ms ! u«-rk peí di- th«« new Lretoryr budding ol Grai. M ? \\h: ‘ - rL'irts. n s ’ yh-a and W1.1. Lm«k« y . <■" Eugene, the aged i ass is remly 1er use. The L-« ¡i»*-« A A n- . i > k df cigars has just Iw-en prh «*e . fall«« 1 «»! \V. N. Lnek- y, of this place, gieg-iîumal chu r«« iv» «i .1 11 • S'siu Works On account of poor h«*;dth I Lav« Hi the clmrcli It may I m * n«»t down Mf» certain that re visiting the latter in Ashland this concluded to ciu-o out my furuiHir«« lcading and b. -t hrands. (Mil during the ;dr* ri mor»* brick btiihimg» will be pul up ww«I;. try one. bubim-es a« coon i.s ¡KMiMibk’. Anyo.n« ell .Ire. \\ h • ' uext m*RHon :n the busmens part of 1‘r S. T. S iding. n«»w a nsnient of desiring to buy f irnitiue will «io «ull The Soda Springs diréric* School Ashland than in nny year to 11 th«« t»»*w sciltk»! Hie latest brick . building proposed ih Idaho, v..is oa 1 m-sd.«}’ b trail;, en to cull ami g-»« my prices before buy­ will tn* served rout«« for Sat» l’i ancis •«> on a busiuess ing, as J wid s« ll very cheep l«>r cash. homu». wilh Misó Hmrictta ?>!■ «re. as that <>f S. I <’• >'«)•■ • V i y F«- » 4 » M,»riiie. wh*> utvm- trip. I). \Vli.SOX. ti’aiJie**. présents fur y«»m plat»*» •s erecting a t .vo story Brick up«»u Frank How-11. son of Mrs. Kate Two drunken ne», one a (leruian ( »pt. D. J. Ferree, <»( Ken«».ha* l»*«»«n th»' tot next lo the bauk, i»n which hit* Harry liurciiiirdt, and ti-, so unfortunate as to in* compelled to blacksmith shop now st .ude. A new H*.w« 11, eauie in this week Loin Like named ■ Ail mnt» ri.J f«»r s icwalk can I k * fnr- inakeao aesigument i« r t he ben» tit of afreet from the mill c«»rm«r aeroH» county, where be has lM«en for several other an indiau nail) 4 1X1U1-. U y ea i ’ h . locked up in tin* city jail at Ci«.-«-.-i '111 ni.-H -I short notice, «ui! in proper Lib creditor^». Wagner's »’.♦ low to Grauite street i> < ily on Siimiay « 1 List v»e< 1.. and m l»*ng?tre al! r a ly L»r riling t« g th«-r; a not her i tn pr, »ven tent proiMw^d for Sheriff E. M. Croisau. fof Marión There were six mcl.es of Ml« W (»I» that part of town. and als«» lumlrer of all kind-* for build countyj mid his wife arrived from tight in the j