BREVITIES. HERE ANI» THERE. Th« Yreka Journal, always one of aur newsiest exchanges, has employed the T idimo « shears upon an utius ually large uundier of interesting items this week. Prof. Wetzell, superintendent of schools iu Multnomah county, has re­ signed his position <>n account of a social scandal brought to light by the application of his wife for a divorce. PERSONAL. Thanksgiving Ball City Connell Proceeding*. Silk Seal Plush I SJ.»n the evening of Thanksgiving At a regular nwtiugof the Ashland , 1'iitireJHy, November 25111, Co. D., I „ „ went over to H city council hmt Monday evening t here O. N. G., will give their second grand i Grant oouuty is putting ou finan­ Just received a fine lot of underwear veB1^rjay. were present Mayor Mills and Conn hall at Granite Hall. Every effort cial airs, "all «am«” Jacksou. It is 7 A. F. Sliultz - cam« up from up from j Friday. November 8, 1*89 at Dean s for men, women and chil­ 36I.928in debt. oilmen Walter, Colton. Thornton, will be made to make tbe uffair a mic- dren. Canyonville Friday. Hunsaker and Hutton. c»»sB and tbe ouinmitteee are at work State Printer Baker has the thanks Four-room cottage on Oak street to A petition was presented to th« making all tbe nucea«ary preparations. Mr. Cbaa. Cole, of Klamath City was LadiM. of the T ioinos for a copy of the Inquire at council asking an investigation of the Good music, fine supper, and a pleas­ rent at 36 per month. in Aahlau»! yesterday. ameude.1 acuooi laws of Oregon. L>. R. an.I E. V. Mill» are prepared Bank. [22 Mr. John F. Given« i« down at charge that Abbey A Houck keep a ant time generally may lie expected. to (nuke buttons to match any dreee in disorderly bouse in their saloon. The The gratifying «mx»e«e of tbe military David Hughes lias been appointed W. W. Felts «old his lot and office Marysville thia week. sue h 24. 3») aud 36 -Pnce 25c a dozen. council considered that the proper ball given by tbe company last Fourth '«nilding on Fourth street lu Conrad poaimaster at Canyonville, Douglas Pasadena, Cal., in the land of un­ Maurice Howell left Ashland Mou ­ county, vice T. W. Denburg. removed. changing Htid unchaugabie climate, - piaoe for such an investigation in in of July 1« in itself awmrance enough i —rruierly lived at Moffit creek, m gallons per second. On September npw winter sty lee of millinery will lx* Ashland city election occurs in with a razor. He bled profusely, but Mr. Geo. E. Auderaon and bride, ot 29tb, at same place, tbe flow was 48 »Swift, Serg’t Bowman. Ed. Sutton. C. Smkiyou county. opened for the inspection of the la- January, under the new charter, in­ will likely recover. Medford, were guueUi at the Oregou gallous pur »«cond; ami measurement B. Judge, C. A Gilnuiaon. Frank Nel- di»M of Ashland aud vicinity al the stead of in November, as .heretofore. Hon. O. D. Cununoiis, J. P. Sayle®, Al. i Wm. H. Watkins, renowue»! in Port­ last Mouday. At Portland last week, O. L. Stan ­ made at same time ou tbe Helman Swift. new store of Miss Josie Strange, first land municipal polities, was found Judge Hanna went out to Linkville The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. ley ami J. R. Hammesly each con farm, below all ditches taking waler d »«r boiitli of Church street, on west Fl,s»r Managers.- Serg’t. Lennart, d»»a»l in Ins room in tbe Gilman house »¡ I.’ of M on. Everyone cordially in- F. A. Watts, formerly of Ashland, died iu that city Momlay morning last. fesaed judgment to the extent ot Sunday to lie iu utteuihuioe upou cir­ tor the use of tbe town, was 11 8-ltl Corporal Cuspman, F. D. Wagner, C. ! recently at their home iu Spokane cuit oourt there. 83.5U0, and Geo. R. Ilammetulv was gallous per eecoml. vitr I to call and inspect the display. ♦ G. Slaoey. He was a pioneer of 1852. Falls. mulcted by the jury tor 81.509, for The followiug ordinances were Dolph Roper, of Jump-off-Joe pro­ Attention. All Mvmhcrv to. D. The R»'d»liug and Beiber stage was cutting governmeut timber iu Lake duct, visited relative« in Ashland a tew passed. Tbe ladies of the Co-operative socie­ Memorial Resolution*' Ordinance No. 69, to prohibit and Every iu *tnber of Co. D., O. N. G., ty will give a “Mush ami Milk" social "belli up” by a loue highwayman ou county; and similar cases are pending day« the past week. H all of A shi . ahd L odok I No 66. A. O. V. W . i wh-> |H»i-ibly can lie th.-re, is eat neatly at the Presbyterian church Tuesday Tbureday uigbl ot last week. He t on hand at the armor) evening, Nov. 12. i»ur midst our esteemed brother. Le- much whs in it tbe public doesn't counter to the U.S. laws, even when nephew, J. A. Ruide. the cHy liquor license law, providing ru Martin, therefore be it at 2 r. M. prompt, on Sunday, Novem­ The TtDixos is nnder obligations to local popular opinion fails to con­ penally for violations. R solved Hut lu his death onr lodge ■ ber 1 >lh. to meet Col. Smith, com- Hon. Biuger Hermann for public d-s’ii- know. Chas. Judge haa gone to Jaeksou- Ordinance No. 71, concerning offen­ bhM Io>»t a v aturd and raruest member—one 1 manding officer of the regiment. A | uients of much value for reference in Tbe parents of the unfortunate lit­ demn the transgression. That is, V illle, where he lake« a pouiliuu ac ch«« hu - for many jear- been influential and doesn't pay unless, in the matter ol ses and disorderly uuiidui't. free attendance required. heartily iut<'iv«ied iu the welfare and the ! tle girl baby boru without eyes re­ a newspaper office. timber, for example, you have money clerk in J. Nuuau'a «tore. A resolution was passed employing j -.v n of th«* Ancient Order of Cmied I G. F. M c C oxncll , cently al Millou, tins state, have The ladies of the Baptist Church Mrs. B. C. Goddard and her aister, S. B. Galey to review the ordinances Wokmen; and th«? community has lust au enough to make a big steal and pay Capt. Com'd'g. Co. aud energetic citizen who has will give a a.Mmi! on Tu-s lay evening. ..greej with F. T. Merrill, the bieyc- large sums of hush money out ot the Misa Myra Wrieley, of Medford, were! passed uuder tbe n««' charter, at an enterptj>)ug By F. D. Wagner, Co. Clerk. ulwu\s labored f-*r its material advancement alist, to let bun ¡»lace tbe hapless little Nov. 12t.ti, at the church. Supper visiting Ashland Mouday. profits. and progress. expense not to exceed 8100, creature ou public exhibition. from 6 to 8. Price 15c. R esolved . That we extend our earnest Attempt at Train Wrecking. The following bills were audited ami Mr. Helm, of Texas, father of Mrs The snakes having retired for the sympathy to the family of our deceased At Redding. Cal., last Friday, season, S if'r .tn.'Uto, (JaL, N »«. A. Alv>n> Tu, ww»nwt«in »,.1«« are again J. R. Neil, was visiting relatives in oriiered paid: brother in their bereavement and sorrow our exchanges down by the Marshal Walrad salary etc I 6} C5 on« o'clock this morning an attempt clothed in verdure, aud the fears ol « iji I Allen tb« two nieu C»u- sen are exercising their skill in IM. Ashland precinct lust week. R esolved , That the charter of our lodge Win. 1‘Btiersoa, sued lab->r, lumber t>e d upea in mourning for a period of thirty w is mile to wreck tbe south bound the stockmen that fall pisture would vieted of perjury m trying to semi yarns, which are always in season. salary as waler works sup'l H. Stillman, master mechanic nt days, in token of the lo»s which the lodge expree-i on the California 4 Oregon be bad, seem to h ive b.-en groundless. Bill Donakhon to priwn for stage lii> following, from the Coquille Her­ Dunsmuir, accompanied by hie wife,; J. U. Audiews. bridge lumber ha« sustained: that a copy of these resolu­ robbery—were sent, m i d to four urn! J. K. I-eabo, night polite Im—, tie ir Live O tk. Cal., by placiug I tions be spread upon the records of the Tbe Aniilaud Junior Bind received two years respectively in Sau Qiidillu. ald. is the latest: "Mrs, Emma Binilb, paid Ashland a visit Tuesday. B. i.. Messenger, stakes for survey lodge, nnd a copy be sent to the family of three bars of railroad iron on the of Norway, has an aquarium. Near Miltuu Berry, recorder's fees their full set of instruments last I'lies- the deceased brother. Meaara. R. B Gneve.ot Jenny creek, track. The engineer observed the ob- I ^ne,r lll‘* B .ar.t of prisoner Bruce Creighton, who was sen», to tbe pier at her cottage she has a W m . P atterson strui-tion. and as the tram was tnov aud 1 will soou be making as much tbe Oregou penitentiary from Mult­ school of tame fish. They consist of ami Fred Spencer, of Spencer creek, stale laws last session w. H. L eeds Com. Geo. Eugle. coal oil have been in town this week. J P. G ilmore nomah county lust we» k for five years, chubs, borti pout a aud fl at fish. They Electric lights Measre. Heury and Win. Carr came s. F. Monue, blacksmithing , iw a uotonous safe cracker ami game meso well train»'»! as to eat Ix-aus out M 1BKIED. ter, aud has given the Pacifi».» coast ot a spoon. She has tlie larger ones over from Klamath City line week aud J. 8. Waller, telegram. lieveii that the deed w»s actuated by from Portlaud weut out over the police a vast d«al of trouble during named Hud can call them to her. Mrs. will probably reside in Ashland. 1294 IM Total ordered paid C a « ebffk W kTT« — At Linkville, Oct. ?7th. Lmkville rea l the first of the week the past tew years. mull.','. Mr. W. C. Yoran, publisher of the Smith has )x'«n f«saliug them for sev­ Adjourned. isHw. bv Judtre S. Moore, Mr Edw. Case looking for Gibbs, but went baekWed- Eugen« Reyieter, was mirned recent ­ eral seasons an470 tiou ,»f that kind. Tlie scope should this article was lieiiig written big of upper Klamath lake, were in Ash­ «6-1IAJ Chas. Kahn came out from Portland E in in a Engle to TbeoAore H F Engle, Go to onr store, east side of Plaza, be in ie enough to include lectures the first of th» week, to make arrange­ land in sec I d , tp 38. s K 1 W, 40 acre*. < uu. Kso KT-Futbtx.—At Medford. Nov. 2d. 1889. for paints, oils, varnish,»«, brushes, burlier ¡ h >1>- b were walking down the laud last week after a load of winter 175 b\ Rev E McLean, Mr. Stephen E Knight by home ami outside speakers, liter­ ments for sbippiug eight carloads of artists'materials, street mid standing themselves in front suppliea. of Sisson, < al., and Miss Bertha Purdin, and wall and build ­ Elizabeth Lavenburg to Engle Bros, land ary ami elocutionary exereis«« of all Klamath county cattle ami sheep of n real «stale office, dry g»xxls signs of Medford Dr. A. C. Caldwell was down at in Fhoeiiix, Jackson county. Or, cuii .82.V j papers. Estimates made on paint­ kinds, deb ites, musical, and even dra­ from Ashland to Portland next week. ing B F. Crouch to E A Carter. It 6, *ec 14. W alkbr W hetstone -At the home of tbe I ing, paper hanging, interior decora­ were adorning the front ot Mikxius. Woodville a day or two the first of tbe tp38, matic entertainment. Such a lyceum S R 1 W. 18 au«l 40 1 «0 acre*, con. I O. salixm signs were grinning in front of week, doiug aouie dental work tor a groom in Ashland. November 6th,bv Elder Mrs. Wliite's cottage at. corner of 1st tions, etc. E. A. Carter to R. K. Sutton. It 6, *• < 11 ¡‘rather. Mr John Walker aud Miss Levina well started would l>e of much l»ene- millinery stores and the streets of the patient there. E vaxs 5- B rcxk . Ashland. Or. , S R 1 W. 18 an«t 40 100 acres, con 11 a ) Whetstone fi' to the community, ami if properly Avenue and Spring street« looks neater city generally bad a miscellaneoils mnt Robert K. Joiltou to T 1! F Engle, rt al, Mr. P. Lyttleton has been at Jack- It 6, *ec ¡4, tp 3», S R 1 W. 18 and 40 10“ acres '»EuiL-.i -< la hr — At the residence of A. D. manage,I its weekly or fortnightly than ever m a fresh coat of ¡Hunt. I)r. J. Milton Bowers, of San Fran- nuwouted apperauce. The signs at Dodson, in Medf.yrd. N’o\. 5th. 1889, by Rev. meetings would call out more crowd- : The photograph gallery of Mrs. Tyler »■isco, who was trie»! tor murder before t he doctors offices read “Coffins amt somille this week, inakiug a final sel- von. |3»>. 40 Responsible ladies wbo have recipes gardens occurred a few days ago. The pay IxM'ause he was snspeeted of hav­ presented l>y the streets of the city Record are making a trip down 3, Henry E Engle to Theodore H. F. Engle, —At the family rewidence in Medford, for making Brews’er's Lalxir Saving viuea were considerably discouraged, ing murdered bis wife for the money. show it tins morning. Overturned through theoeutral aud southern part land in Phoenix. al«o land iu .*♦•«■ li>, tn 3*. E lder Nov Kt. of < oiiMimption. Lawreuff. non of California. S R 1 W, 40 acres, also tlie undivided Soap, ami have made and tested tbe but are still growing timidly iu some of J. c Elder, aged 1* year» and 8 month« smokehouses, change. 1 gates, upturned iIo* follow mg ft 3. I.:t '< and ltsS,4,bl*9, Every thing in the Stationery line at Messrs. L. E. ami E. C. Payne are town Soup say it can be made for shout three gardens. sidewalks, and other small depnxla- of Phoenix, and Its 3, ", of 16, tp 1- aki ow.—At her home, two miles uml, and is far superior to Marion. Or . Tne^dav. Nov 5th,>1880 at 9 turns were committed last night with- Everything will be done to make also ll 6. of sec lf>. tp 3*. SRI W. 18 aud 4- of the mill and lumbering company at o'clock, a. m Mr«. Charles Furlow, aged conmioti bar soap, which owls from Charles Perry, who had followed out uumlier IO j acres, eon, |900 50 year*. Klamath City. t, n to twelve ivnts a ¡».nnd. The tbe grand ball at Granite Hall the Miss Km»x, teacher of tbe Central Hubert E I-aw to Mary E. Davison, land agent selling family rights to manu­ coming Thanksgiving evening a pleas­ ; school in Saletmaince be went to school Ffa»li an»i Game Protection. Dr. Will Jackson came up from ; iu aec 2«, tp 37, S R 2 W,and 8.3-100 acre*. < on. $1. facture will be iu town for a week, or ant affair, aud n large attendance i- i to her in Minnesota, anil bad been NEW THIS WEEK Jacksonville last Friday morning, to (Yreka Journal.; Fred W J. Engle to T. 11 II Engle, itndi re. ipe« can he had a’ Plaza Corner expeeted, not only from Ashland, but once iu the Oregou Insane Asylum, at­ tin some »leutai work and was in town vidvd 'j of It 5, blk 9, and Its 3. I. blk 9. from the siirrouudiug places. The president of State Board of Drug St. t «: )»1 each, l'be soap being town <«f Phoenix; and It* 3, 7, m *« 16, tp:>. tempted to kidnap the schixilma'ani agniu yesterday. S R 1 U , 123 and 76-100 acres, con, $100 partly composed of »'bemicals is made Seventeen head of fine racing horses with tbe object of marrying her one Game amt Fish Commissioner«, who Satnuei Colver to 1 H F. Engl«*, Us 6. 7, 8 Rev. S. P. Wilson, of Eugen»», preen!- with an h»air's work, aud if kept in belonging to Marcus Duly, of Mon­ i morning last week, but was arrested. wu iu town last week, ai'conipnnied ‘ ’»lk 9. town of Phoenix, con, $:u»i li’O by Deputy CoiiirnlHsiouer Bogart, vis­ ing elder of the M. E. Church, arrived c .ns in« direction« on re,-ipe) it will tana, were in J. B. Haggin's horse car Carnuel <-olver U» T H F.» 1,2, Yon can buy flour ami feed of G. W. ited tbe Klanuitb river dam at Klam­ yesterday moniing to bold regular blk 16, town «if phoenix eon,l*-6«i6 f loa.t no weight whatever by evapora­ “Ben All" iu Wednesday evening's 8aintiel Colver to T. II. F. Engle, all that tion. Everybody U.K'S, or should use. train, on their way home from tbe sea­ Orows,in very cheap. Give him a call. ath City, ami foumi the lumber com­ quarterly meeting here. portion of Its 3, 4. in blk 16, tliaf lies in the OF SAN FRAN< IS( Q, The rain storms of two weeks ago in pany of that place anxious ami willing more or less suap. This is a great son's racing down in California. Two sons of Mr. R. Myers, of Sam's , 'tunnel Colver b I. c, « on. $3»), (’aliform:», while of vast lieuefit to th«' to do everything possible for the free I! E. Baker to G H Baker. It« 1 2.3.4 Wnr.’d call the attention of the ladies of laltor saving agent, but coutaius noth­ Valley, with their families, arrived re ­ The San Fraucisco t'.raminer has state.dld much damage iu a few places. run of the migratory fish,and arrange­ bl It 7, and 1T 4, blk 6. Beatty ’s addition to Ashland and vicinity and inform them ing to injure the finest fabric. that «he is opening, at the store just heard of the remains of two seek­ Tbe Ventura. CaL.V'rdeffe says: “Mr. ments haVe Ix-en mmle for success­ cently from Umatilla county, to re­ town of Mcdfwrd. con, |300. Msrtin Hurst to Sarah J. Riley, ¡ami in sc« room in main in Southern Oregon. Religion. Notice«. ers for the lost cabin. Burns and l’ub- Hnn»i lost 22<*I acres of lieans by the fully accomplishing that purpose, ¡4. tp 86, > R 1 W. i j«j a«Tc*, i*on, ♦IT-V) Hrs. Gillette** Building,W. side of Main »t, Mary M. Rice to .Mary R Rice, land in sec Mr. Preecott,h».'ad of the Union Iron II gill ir quarterly meeting of the M. bard. of Linkville, lieing found near late storm. Out of a>!« total of l'liere are to lx» two «Lutes, aixint 30 , 16. tp39, SRI E, Ashland 5 acres,« on. $1. A fine line of F. Church Saturday ami Sunday, Nov. Diamond Lake. This was iu moat of 225,DUD sacks to be thresh«,!, only fin f»H»t in length, oue on each side of the Works, where tbe new cruiaera have Jacob Wagner to Wm. II lA*edh, laud In 9th au,l li'tli. Preaching Saturday at the newspapers of the coast last July. »acks have lieen saved. The loss to river, at tbe eml of which will be an lx»cn built in San Francisco, wns on tp40, S R 2 E. 1 i interest in 221 and 66-10“ acres, con, $17 »3.:« aprou about 18 feet wide, to make a Wednesday's train going southward. 2 u'eloek p. m .. and Sunday at 11 a. 14. There is no more fruitful source of farmers is not less than ?2. patents have been re­ at the new store 22 Shasta county, Cal., their former home, The Presbytery of Southern Oregon body, and if not immediately corrected By the last steamer Hora»'« Gas­ more difficulty for the fish to pace where Mr. Felt« still has property in­ corded; U S. to Mathew Caldwell-N F by the use of Ayer ’ s Sarsaparilla, stum ­ in to hold contentious next week. of *ec 12, tp 40, S R Z E. 80 ac res than through tbe rapids in tbe stream quet receivtxl a fine new six seat cov er or later leads to fatal results. Be V s to Math«« w . . i w Tuesday will Iw, .pir—n to Ashland. wed thoronghbraoe stage coach, to be at many points below and alxiv« the terest«. *5 of S E of sec 12. tp 46, S K 2 I . ltif) acr«'*-. Wednesday to Medford and Thursday warned in time. ii««il on the road between Here ami Jam. The Commissioner also prom­ I*, s. to Mathvw < alduell—-S W ‘4 of N v\ Mrs. W. H. Hightmnn, left Asblaml to Grant's Pass. The convention will Miss Josie Strange, an experienced Waldo. Mr. Gasquet is satisfied that ises tos'ipply 60,1100 rainbow or Dolly Momlay evening with G. R. Wight­ ‘4. of *e*' Z, in i|> !>• ' ti - i' 10 I ■ ' The Undersigned will carry passen- C. S' to Mathew »'aidwell— N W of N E open at 9:31) a. m. with a prayer meet­ milliner from S.m Francisco, has op»u- next spring there will lie an increaae Varden trout (or stocking Shasta riv­ man, brother of her late hnsbaml, for ’ g»‘TM iu the new bus between the depot and l'4t»f sec 11. tp 40. s R 2 E. >0 acres. ing; tbe afternoon will be giveu to the ed a millinery establishment in Mrs. of travel over bis road, ’ anil " tourists er anil send a man with them, pro- l'acoma, where she will reside for tbe • C 8. to Samuel b. Whitmore—W I, of s heir h ines in anv part of town for the re/- ulartrain«: aUo will attend promptly to a’l discussion of Woman's Work; the eve­ Gillette's block on west side of Maiu coming this way will travel iu the vi»le»l the Supervisors have th« ditch»»« present. w U uf *ec 3 ». tp S R 2 E. *<■ acres. V S. tu Jane« « T< Iman E ‘3 uf S E \ of »•. tiers ;or rarrjtnu people to an-, from hall.« ning will I k - occupied with addresses street, one door south of Church street, easiest riding coaches in the State.— on that stream so screened as to pre­ or eburrhe« in the eventug. Ltave order» «er 2, tp 4 “ . ' R 2 1. «0 a r« . * ■ Mr. S. «:. Irving, of Staver & Walk- I’. S. to M.ithvw < ablwell W U. of s, W :4 at Ashland House. vent their extermination, a n«w style The following eerie« of lectures will and invites the ladies to call aud in­ [Cresceut City Record. 14 *r, Portland, has been at Medford and 1 of sec z, to 40 S R E *o »4» loO »icr« - J. H. McBRIDE. of screen tielug proposed that will be 1«< commenced at tbe Presbyterian spect her stock. A new stock of bird cage« just re- ixuu-fii'ial to ditch men ami need no Ashland for a week or two past sr- C. 8 to Ma’hvw (. aidwell—F of > W \ of Church next Sabbath evening: 1. The combination of ingredients ceived at Smith 4 Dodge's. , 1 sec »L ‘ >, tp 3 ‘ . '. S R 2 E, 6 “ “ 0 ¡0.» IHT' «. attention iu keeping clear of drift ranging tbe business of tbe firm be 1‘. S. to Mathew < al4 Messrs. John L. Grubb, Henry Ap­ see 1. tp 41». S R 2 E m » a< :♦ * 4 Solomon the Author; 5. Solomon's For this reason they are the beet Giltner, in the office of tbeSecretari ihis dehcious f«x»d fish weighing a Notice is he-ebv rflven that the ttnder- 1. S to J. S. Howard —W <4 of S E of sec Fall. cine for people of costive habit, as of State, has received one of Edison's . couple ot pounds each, ami it is plegate, ’V. W. Erb aud C. C. Walker ; dniini>t*a’or ■ f the estate of 1’eter 8 - W 8.» 4)10“a«T. ' they restore the natural action of tbe latest improved phonographs. Tie­ ■laimed they always remain in the iiave beeu out at Pelican bay on a ! 35. V. tp;*; Kt. I* -let e:i»o.i, I a» filed his flea! account to H K Blown— N w of N W '.f roller upon which the sensitive need)» stream in which they are placed uu»i hunting and fishing excursion during ’ *e»* 2S S. and Renlflclary Paid. t bowels, without debilitating. 8 w >4 .J se> ¡4. unu s E uf X a* >urh HimliiMaur with the County >'ourt of the b ate of Oregon for Jackson records the vibrations of language or tiatelexi. He also advises that uo cat , tbe past week. E «>f sc«1 1-5. tp 36. s R 1 E. 1A aervs Recorder Radcliffe. of Ashland county, and that the judge of said court ha.« It is reported that the S. P. railroad other disturbance, is turned by an fish or nx-k bass lie iutro»i9, at the h *urof 10 o’elo* k. A M . of said Mrs L. Martin last Monday a check right of way between Ashland au l electric motor, w hich is moved by a i sill deatroy the trout, although there ren starle l Mouday for San Francisco, «Ixy, a the time for hearing objection« to »re n few catfish iu the sloughs now, ry and tired would four-cell Isitterv. This power is als. ’ sec 4, tp 3». > R 1 E, e0 acre* for 82,'s—lots 2 and 3, of t rested in *ai i < sta’e are hereby notified to the order. The death of Mr. Martin aud tbe lucidental damages ■lanueil by Examineonr stockinet English walk­ home is in mm) and minldy water, fore returning home. appear on or before -aid time appointed for Sec 13. tp 36. S R 3 w , 4.8.50 RK) acres. occurred October 15th. and tbe money the owners of tbe animals ed to this ingjackets. D. R. and E. V. Mills. laza orner tore 3 aud 4, of sec «'•id bearing aud final sett’ement, and file l'lie State Commissioner also exam­ Miss I,la Cook, now of Loe Augel»»« 18, V. tp S. ;*>. to s H K D 2 W Harkue*-*-lots was paid to the widow just twenty conclusion. their obje< tiun« thereto, if any they have, or m 7 »1<<| acres. An Albany paper of last Saturday ined tbe hides s»»iZ'd last week, some county. Cal., who with her parents t<> anv particular item thereof, specifying days lift, rw ird. carrying out the record U. S. to Samuel Grubb—N W '< of N W the particulars of such objections. Tbe total rainfall iu Ashland since had the following: Harry Miller, of | 1.500 tu tillmI xt , timiitig plenty ot lived in Asblnndsix or eight years ago, , | of se«' 20. S R 2 W. 4) acres AMP D1ALMM IW of the A. O. U. W. for promptness ami U. G ania RD. to Samuel B. Grubb—N F. ’4 of 8 W *4 reliability. This is the sect.nd 82.000 the fall rains began-Oil. 7th—is Grant's PasaSugar Pine Co. is in the di»'«' liides and even Hie skins of was on Tuesday’s train, returning home »i uf V “ec S. «4, Administrator tp 38. S R 2 E. 40 acre*, Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges Dated Nor. 1.1S«9. policy paid by the onier to a resident 3.26 .nebes. This has been enough to city. He says the factory there will spotted fawns. They were purchased from a trip to Minnesota. U. S to Samuel Grubb—N E '4 of N E of Of a square meal and a , sec 27. tp 39, 8 R 2 E, 4 • acres of Kshland, the first being paid to put tbe ground iu g.nd coudltioo for la* rebuilt nt once. His rompnny also and pat'l for by a San Fr.mciwo firm, Del. Graham went to Portland last Trusses, Toilet Articles. S. to Samuvl Grubb— lots 1, 8 and 12, Mrs. H. Norton some eight years ago. plowing in tbe valley, au l has fur- proposes to establish a jobbing branch who will be amenable to the game Friday to take a position in the rail­ ■ sec C. 18. tp 39. 8 R 2 E, 6 > 40-160 acres good bed, but anyone The Yreka Journal says: Last n shed moisture to start the grass aud factory at Allainy. and er J1S.IIOO, for eight deaths Parkinson 4 Co., who have for a been promised. Judge, wince I a ^ i report in T idings : aao sureuts. If you want a dress in the latest burg Bur, Cal., last Saturday by dep­ sonville, I. B. Williams, of Central t wo <>f whom bad /1.000 additional in long time t»eeii doing a large business In matter of estate of Samuel Carter, dec’d tb» Guarantee F und taeidee tbe /2,000 in tbe manufacture of soda pop, ginger «bailee and colors go to Hunsaker's. * uty Sheriff Clarkson, of Yreka. The Point, D. Sears, ot Medford, and Citation requiring action to file exhibit on lu the above counties, to reut fork term of other citizen» from down the valley, or before Nov. 5th. 1889 AUTISTS’ - MATERIALS of the regular lodge. ale, etc., hav»» added a uew product, The Astoria Building and Loan as­ Journal gives tbe followiug version: were iu town last Saturday. In matter of estate of Thos. CUavner. dec’d. jeers. It IS when the benefits to individ­ which is bonud to have a large sale sociation is a grxxl example of what The colored man arrested was first Citation. — ALSO----- uals iu our own community are seen sod prove popular with those who mutual benefit such a carefully man­ tracked from crossing the Auderaon Mr. E»l. Casebecr and Mrs. Caroline In matter ot estate of R J. M Bird, dec’d Spoeta) attention paid the that the value and beneficence of this want h dnuk containing no alcohol. aged institution can la*. It helps the ferry at Klamath river, from which Watts, of Sprague River, were united Citation. Fruit Alfalfa aud Would be unwise if they In matter of estate of Sarah A. Farnbsm, It is earsa|uirilla aud iron, earbouated txirrower and the lender; it aida in point he journeyed down tbe river, in marriageon the 27th ultimo. They deed Citation. order are appreciated^______ Prescription Department Sugar Beet Land, with water for irrigation, as ordinary s<>d< waler, an 1 put up in building homes; it develop« the indi­ wearing a railroad cap at the time, have the best wishes of many friends In matter of estate of Joseph W Satter for sale iu tract* of from 20 acres to large should buy before get­ Sale of Telegraph Line. field, ( itatiou. tract» auitable for colony purposes be afterwards threw away, secur­ in Klamath oounty and in this valley. Iu matter of estate of J II. (bitwood. Fur particular* apply to The U. S. military telegraph line be- quart bottle«. It is uot only a pleas­ vidual reeoureea and make« it worth I 1 "bleb ting prices a w hite wool hat. but wore a straw deed. Citation. tween Ashland and Fort Klamath, 99 ant dnuk, but a tine tonic as well aud while to save. Th« association has ing E B TERRIN, John Gilman, publisher of a rail ­ In matter of estate of H. P Hanna, dec’d. 32.2m lint when arrested. He stole a boat at highly recommended by the medical 402 Kearney *t. San Francinco. now opened it< sixth series and is one miles. wns sold at public auction last fraternity. Citation. road and hotel advertising flyer printed of the paying financial institutions of Hamburg Ba.-, to go down tbe river, iu Massachusetts, was in town last Iu matter of estate of Km. M. Turner. S curd >y morning. al tbe office in Ash­ which the Indians took away from Citation. land, tn lra C. Johnson, of Linkville, Stock Inspector W. F. S-mger has tbe city.—[Astorinn. CITV Saturday, and called the board of Iu matter of estate of Frank Krause, dee d. Inin, anil then journeyed down to for J)2o-i. There were several other completed this week Ins fall inspection It takes but a little money to buy a Sciud, but returned again to Hamburg trail« together to discus« a scheme for ( itatiou. In matter of estate of Franklin McHatton, l.i Id-re, but th-»y aiw that Mr. John­ of the flocks <>f the county, and reports nice derby wool or fur bat at Dean's. Bar. Taking an Indian and Tom an “Oregon on Wheels” exhibit. deed. Citation son w :is I• termim'd to have the hue, that he finds them iu fair condition. hi matter of cstateot Minerva Elder.dcc'd Sealed ProjM»sals. addressed to J. S Walter, Says a Portland paper of last Fri­ Quigley, well armed, to stand guard Chas. J. Ingalls, a commercial trav­ Citat :.nd considerately left the field to him. He inspected 23,100 sheep, and of Hie on. Chairman of i’oinmittee on Water Works, outside, proceeded to the place. Clark ­ TRANSFER. In matter of estate ol Win. H Simpson, will Iw received until noon. Nov 20th, for Tim bn“ was laaiight by Mr. Johnson, whold uumber he thinks tbeie are not day: It turns out that th»' Oregon son Hsked the Iudiane nt the rancberie eler representing the Douglas Shoe the delivery of mate lais to be used in the Paiwenger coach to every train Freight n.>t as i. personal speculation but in at this time 50o scabby sheep. The Western Railroad, which was incorpor­ if they had a fire inside, stating that Company, who was in Aahland last i Citation. Iu matter of estate of Jasper Houck, dec ’ d. construction of the city water works, from moved about tow:, at rate, lower than suy Iwli.ilf of the interests of the cttiaeus bands in which some disease was ated the other day. is in tbe interest he would like to warm his hands Monday, drumming up business, is a ’ Citation Capital hams and Eastern bacon at one else. Firewood ot all kind, delivered board the ear* at Ashland to and along brother of U. S. Senator, John J. In­ In matter of estate of Mary A Chambers. on of L nkville in I other parts of Klam , found, however, contain 6,780 sheep, of the Southern Pacific. That com­ the routes of the proposed waterworks anywhere In t-.wu at loweat prue, 1421 Minkler A Son's , dec’d. Citation. Length«, sizes and weights of the pipes aa nth county, who have concluded that and before spring, ot couree, the dis­ pany has purchased th«» lines of the which were very cold, and was invited galls. In matter of estate of Peter Keil, dec d to come in. While warming himself, follows- tli -y cannot do without the telegraph ease may be expected to affect more of Oregonian Railway Company, nnd will 210 piece« pipe, 10 inches in diameter. 24 ft. A. N. Towne, of the S. P. i Citation. line. Arrangements will be made for the nuralier than at this time. Tile consolidate them with the Portland be inspected the colored man who sat R. Manager of estate and guardiaiiabip of long, weight 8 lb*- ver foot R., and Senator George Hearst, who : O. Iu R. matter close by, with his bead down and arms Myer. Citation 210 pie< e* pipe. 10 inches iu diameter, 24 ft. op ruling the line lietw-eii Ashland condition of the sheep of the county and Willamette road, which it has hail accompanied the C. P. R. R. debt In matter of estate of Shomaton dec’d long, weight 9‘i Iba. per foot. and Linkville immediately, and the continues to improve, Mr. Songer owned tor two years. It is intended folded, and jerking out a pistol placed Senate committee to Portland, were on ■' Citation. 1J‘¿piece* pipe. 10 inches In »• in the Postal thinks. Iu matter of estate of Wm. Turnham. Pe­ weight 13 lbs. per foot him throw up bis bands, which be , last Friday morning's train, returning tition of sale of realty ordered printed tn long, l.o pieces pipe, 10 Inches in diameter. 20 ft. T.-’iC-r-apb otli-e. file line between A disgraceful affair flgnred in the Vermont maple syrup, and Califor­ held close and tight against his breast. to San Francisco, emocratic Time», and copy served person­ long, weight ¡2*4 lbs. ver foot. Linkville and the Fort will no doubt justice's court in town this w ■ek. In nia strained honey at Minkler 4 Son’s.* ally on heir« as directed by law. 4W piece* pipe, 8 in« he* in diameter, 20 ft. On searching if he had any weapons, a Is-taken down, to save tbe wire. The a row in the Houck 4 Abliey saloon Mr. L. F. Wood ami Miss Edith E. In matter of guardianship of Rosie Bren- weight 8*t lb* per foot. Co). Lloyd Harrison nnd Charles pistol was found in tbe breast pocket Edwards, of Ashland precinct, were tan», a minor Bond approved line is lionght lit a very low figure, about 2 o'clock a . M. Monday, a farm piece« pi im *, 6 inches in diameter, about In matter of guardianship of Thomas F. 16 ft. long, weight 8*3 lbs. j»er ft. an I a f ur tariff rate ought to yield hand named Louis Sehiappen had his Jones, of Tulare, Cal., had bad luck <>f his coat, against winch his arm was 1 married at Jacksonville on Wednesday Bennett, order approving final settlement, 100 pieces pii»r, 4 inches in diameter, about closely press.ul. The prisoner gave revalue enough to pay unxlerate now partly bitteu off by W. L. Town- last week while hunting. The first of last week. They are residing for «nd Jacob Wagner, guardian discharged 16 ft. lung, weight 5 lbs. per fool. In matter of estate of George R. and Annie »»¡■•rating expenses, keep up repairs send. Ou Mouday the latter was ar­ named killed a deer nnd wns ¡lacking Ins name as Bates, and says he was ar- the present at tbe Edwards place east 1*00 pcs. pipe. 2 inches in diameter, about rested lately on charge of killing a Dora Birdsey. Guardian’s bond approved 16 fl. ¡<'iig, Aright 36-10 lba. per foot. and pay interest on the first cost. raigned in Justice Berry's court upon it to camp when his rifle went off nnd man in Texas, which could not lie ‘ of Ashland. and ordered issued to show cause w hy realty 10 ton« lead in pigs, lUOlb* to the pig should not t>e sold. charge of may hem, aud tbe bearing wounded him in Ina left foot, so that r 20 Fire Hydrants weighing about 225 lba ________________________ Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Hosley reached preven. and now asserts that ___ the ____ offi- - A HeAMint Social. In matter of estate of Michael Hanlev each, and o’her articles carrying the total was postponed for two days, Townsend he may lose it. Jones killed a deer cers have captured tbe wrong man. In home last Sunday morning, on their Adm. bond of 36-5,000 approved Alice E. weight to ahotitOHO.OuO lba or ton». On Wednesday of this week the giving 86110 bonds for his appearance. nnd pnt it on a fine horse to carry Ins pockets were found a Southern . return from Illinois. Mr. Hoeley re- Ella E, and Edward B. Hanley sureties. Proposals must I hj per ton The aucceaaful OREGON MEDFORD par mts (mid their families) of the pu­ Beginning Wednesday morning, the home. The hors»' ran away ami was Pacific R. R. gnide.nmi a small amount [>orta that he found on his whole trip In matter of estate of Hiram Cooksey, biddt-r must furuisn good and sufficient ’d. Adm. bouds of flijM*’ approved. tsnids, acceptable to the Water Works ( om- pil« of the Ashland High School were bearitig lasted till yesterday noon, found deaii with the deer's horns of coin, ami from descriptions nt pres­ no town the size of Ashland which dec Charles Nickell, E. Jacobs aud T J. Kenney mlttrr, for the taithful performance of the piercing its vitals. invited to nttend a social on the eve­ when defendant was held in i sureties. ent known, he is believed to be the seemed more prosperous or thrifty. contra« t. In matter of estate of George Black. In­ ning of that -lav at the north school bonds, to appear liefore the uext grand Our Sl.Oii kid glove« are now selltnc right man. The man arrested for com-! Person« desiring to be informed a* to the I wish to inform the people ot Southern Oregon Nathan Burkhalter, of New York, ventory and appraisement order granted for routes aud points of delivery can callat the Louse and the attendance was so jury. like hot cakes, at 75c. D. R. mid E. piicity iu tbe false accusation of rob- «ale of personal property and petition m < ffi'»r of the chairman on Monday, Nov. 18, who has been visiting his son. Road­ , lea«e realty granted. large ns to completely till the high A number of hnntere who spent a V. Milla. that I have opened a at 10 a. m. A man will t«e furnished to go , liery against Donaldson, of Holding, master Burkhalter, at Hornbrook for In matter of estate of Baptiste Chegar, sei "d npaitment«. A pleasant pre week at Fish lake near Mt. Pitt last the route with them Three prisoners at the Oregon pen­ now in jail, thinks he is the right man, i some months, has gone over to Ap­ dec’d. Inventory and appraisement ap­ over The Committer reserve 1 he right to reject grauuae of elocutionary and musical month, took with them a uew gill-net, and claims to know him. If the man proved. any or all proposals eutertaionieut was rendered by the expecting to catch an abundance ot itentiary went to work some time ago arrested as above stated, proves to be plegate this week for a visit with his J R. WALTER. pup'ls. amltlien Pref. Getz, principal the flue trout which are seeu iu the to mi ke a regular Libby prison tun­ the guilty person, the party making brother, one of the pioneers of that Chairman Com. on Water Works. Tescbrre' Inltstnte nel scape, and bad tb» ir tiiiinei all section. Ashland, Or.. Ot 30,1889 of the sell- h ds and teacher of the lake in great abnmiauce in the sum­ mil« ------- OF-------- from und«r th« flr of a ware­ the capture will be entitled to receive The meeting of the T«»» her«' Institute high school, in a brief address, mer time. They didn't see a fish in tbe ^1,3)0 reward offere»!. held last Saturday proved to be an inter.-»t house to th« prison yar.l. where only VVm. Robineon. of Sprague River, stated that he had called the the lake, and concluded they had ail ingone Tne w..rk ronai-ted In the di» (The officer thinks he has the right wns in Ashland this week, after a load < uasi»>n of the first two talk» on geogrephv p ireuts of his pupils together in order gone down Butte creek, which is the a high wall would be iu th« way of of winter anppli«*«. He reported the in Parkgr's Ta'ks on lea» bmg. aud a ,-la»» freedom. Ou« «»»creted himself under in »u and will start with bun to Porl- th it the patrons of the school ami the outlet of tbe lake. Fish lake is a the floor, but bis absence at roll call liccf cattle all sold ami driven out. of exercise iu number, by Mi»s I’ru e ", h lami to-day. | teacher io wh-s-care their children beautiful l>»dy of crystal-clear water, Would Inform the public that he class of her priniarv i iipll. The little In th* building formerly occupied by J Goldimitb. Medford, coudetlng of hia neighborhood, except about a hun­ a people ha? again opened a dId very »le-iksl.a- work, and the are placed might have the advantage blit not so deep but that it may fre< ze one day last w»>ek mused a search dred bead owned by Applegate Bro«., teachers were rnur-h interested b, the of ma iug a mutual acquaintance, solid daring tbe wiuter at its high whi-'h *x»n resulted in bis discovery Thanksgiving Proclamation. who prefer to keep and feed them« emploV-d an t tlielr adapta'lon l.> which might without such opportun­ altitude, so the instinct of the fi-h au l a u of tbe whole plot. the principle- up'n which the dev, l.-ptnenr By tbe governor o( tbe slate ot Ore- through tbe winter. Qvert wo hun Ire I styles and pat. ity l>e p-stponed indefinitely in many causes them to leave before the freeze of numbers In the ebild * mind depeud» ■ The Oriibe »»stem of t, a, him: number- h »» t»-vlis of dress gn«t imagination Neckwear, etc. All the latest utyletln Collar« and Tie* I handle the celebrated in the school which is a necessity, train, going to New York. They ing iuirod»n-e»l with high:»- »stl»fa, lory re­ The two hors« thinves who created numbered mercies. I hereby appoint sad si. assurance of efficiency on the (we might guess who it was) recently astir from Portlmd to R»xlding r»*- rburstlay, tbe 2S b of November, 1S89. spoke English, and tbe mao said h" sults Into the wh, of the < trv bv their »tern the child i- made familiar from the ’8 Double-Welted, Hand-Stwed, GL0VE8, ««nt to a Helena. Montan i, pa|>er, an ¡.in I of those having the schools in cenrly, have both escap'd from jail. •8 a day of thanksgiving, and I would was going to open a store in New fir-t with the fundsmen'al operaUons. For both ladle« and fenle. Every pair guaranteed IN ASHLAND charge. At the c inclusion of his re­ account of an allege I ch ise of “white Th» one who was shot and captured remind the good ¡»eople of tine com­ York City. Tbe costume and aptxsar- combining and separating number«, ami marks, the pupils of the school served wolves" m Klamath county, iu which uear Grant’» Pass was liberated from monwealth that no expressions of aue« of the con pie attracted much at- each number is thoroughly taught with Having bought the hminess of ? Stacy, and reference to a'l the possible combinations the au lienee with refreshments — a big bami of buck elks are »ecu to tlie jol at Roaebiirg laat Saturday gratitude cun l>e more acceptable to tentvjo from the curious ones at tbe which form IL and th»ir appti, ation to is located for the present on saudwiches. coffee, cake, nuts and surround a big pack of six-foot white night by two unknown men. who on heaven than are gifts from their abun­ depot. practical problem«, b, fore the n it is taken wolves and kill all of them but one, up. T»> a» oid the forming of anv Incorrect East Side of Main Street, fruit, and u pleasant social lime was enixl the three di Sira of the jail with dance iu ni l of tbe poor. i idea of number obi»-» ts are need in all rhe enjoyed. The event was. wetrust, the which was wounded by one of the nd- duti'icnt» key«. Two other prisoners ,-«rly training until the child is competent Where the popular and accommodating And sell strictly for cash, thereby insuring my patrons of In testummy wheroof, I hereunto Star Bakery, opposite postoffico. b. giuutug of pleasant and profitable mnt haulers, and nearly “ch two I' . lie refused Ibeir 111»-rtv, ivheu the dixirs sign ‘ to conceive of nurnb'-r wtlhoit their use. cut’er, Wm Harti«, i« ready to wait upon my name and cause the seal of relations between the schools and tbe latter’s arm to a pulp lief ore it was were reLx-kd. No trace Iris been the state to l»e affiled nt the city of Ashland. Oregon is tbe lending bak­ with tlie present Interest and enthusiasm all old and new customer« iu • faUsiactory ¿I by the teachers, these meetings manner. THE LOWEST PRICES people—relations closer «nd more hacked in to mincemeat by th- deadly found nor anyone suspected Tbe Salem, this 4tb day of November, A. ery of Southern Oregon. Established ■ manifested five years. 8 1-lb loave« of premium cannot fail to be of much benefit to them mutually beneficial than have as yet knive« of the other brave hunters. jail cousists of Pauly's patent cells. selves and productive of fruitful results to b. 1KS9. bread. 25cts; 33 1-lb loaves. 81. Cakes, I the city schools Pretty fair yarn— but «nr wtmt like a been m untained. Call and See Me. I Guarantee Satisfaction ylvester P ennotf . r , (lovernor. pie«, confectionery nud ice cream in Tbe time for the regular race,logs «(» Notice of Annual Meeting. “back number'*—it would til the for­ Lost—A child l-iet its father m the By S the governor: ««neon; also sweet cider, by the glass. changed from the 2d and 4th to the 1st and The hiii »< i «I racring of »t»xkhoM«n ot N» w sty lea of RucUmg at D. R. and ests of Russia (letter than Kliuiatb rush at Dean’s for those spring b»el G eo . W. Me B rice , Sec. of State. 5cta or 40 eta per gallon. Furmahed 3d Saturdays of each month the A.lilxnil Ele»-trie Power «nd Light Co. county. shoe«. Price 75 eta. • E. V. Mills. will b»-held •' the »dice of H B Gsley in roima for one perann by the night, Cipe Cod cranberries, Anderson's A _ good cup of coffee is a . joy _ ___ , - forever. ■ Teamsters. Attention! F->nr hor»e We notice that D. L. Minkler 4 Son A‘hUu.1 Or.. Monday,^. New at Hunsaker's tb s «e-k an 25r»ta; by tbe week, 81-50; by tbe minoe «, Saratoga chips, and B'*- Let them blend you some at Minkler whips for «ale at oost at A. P. Bali’s, elegant stock of the celabiated Bioad- month, $5. Give me a oall. Wm. are roreiving large iovoio»'« of «tapie »«c btltod beans at Mmldtr »fc Son's • * Sun's. * Granite street, A able »d • baad dree« goods • au4 laucy gruoarNS. * Ajhland. Or.. Kav l.Utt Milla, ¡pcopdatoa * i \SHLAND TIDINGS. No Cheap Sealettes We have the finest line of Silk Seal Plush Jackets, in English Walking, Modjeskas^ and Half­ length, ever shown in Southern Oregon. These plushes were im ported direct and made up by Mar shall, Field & Co., of Chicago, and contain no shoddy. We also have a full line of Ladies’ Stockinet Jackets. Ladies’ Cloth Newmarkets and Misses’ and Children’s New markets. Prices the Lowest. 0. R. & E V. Mills. Broadhead, Broadhead Broadhead Dress Goods! Has secured the exclusive sale for Ash AN land of these most excellent dress goods, and this week received an elegant stock * in all the latest shades, colors and pat NEW MILLINERY! terns It costs nothing to look and you will always find us willing to show what Passenger Transfer. we have. Respectfully, E. B. HUNSAKER A Mau Hung Be Glad Fresno itati County Laois P C S , All Standard Patent Medicines TO BEST ASP FOR SAIE. 15,000 Acres CHITWOOD BROS To Buy Furniture 100,000 Acres To Teamsters and Hailers. At Wilson’s GREGORY & HICKS, COMPLETE STOCK R. P. 2NTEI1 Gents’ Furnishing Goods, MENS’ FINE SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS I BUY FOR CASH ORRA E. ANGLE, MED^ORD