lamins a Uoneee. •ken ; s . J.) l*.»nar<-h <»‘t. hi Yeoterdny morning wus the scene of u iktsperute fight betw« u It,«» men an
  • rg Prescription Department were adjusted to a collar round tin* lioness' imck aud she was walk«! our|| ,..t« of the cage into the barn, Euch the men had armed himself with iron 'bar. At first the lion«« didn't seetn uotloe that thia training lea« >n was any way different from others, and six behaved herself. Then it dawned upd on her that her legs were all right! The lioness dashed away nobly with her tutors hanging on the ends of be chains, afraid to let go. George, th ' «ilored coachman, was in the race, to< He kept ahead of the lioness and rn be never ran before in his llb| LARGEST STOCK IN THE ; as Suddenly she stopped in the chase f fruit, that, he caught his little iron bar fir:1 »hade, ornamental, nut and ly iu bis right baud aud hammered tf evergreen trees. queen about the bead and should' with it. 1 tn.-l.'also int la-r will: h scraper. The attack in the rear di traet«i her attentrin. and it b«'ati' Thiele's turn to yell. Tbeqneen dart. I from one to the other and would ha' -I Send for catalogue and price list to torn the men to pi«vs if their sense if danger had not given them unusual J. H. Settlemier, Woedbon, Or. strength. At last, as Thiele's streugth was giv­ ing out, the animal m ale a desperate attack on Rieche and dragged the other man after her. The moment was serious. The lioness must be over­ come at once or she would soon be mistress of the situation ami a terrible tragedy would be enact«!. Taking careful aim, Reiche hit her just back of tbe head with his iron bar. She opened her mouth wide, gave one long Hix milee South of Grant a Pass, Jose howl and sank to the ti«>r, dead. Her neck was broken. pbiue county. Oregon. H. C. SHAW PLOW WORKS BROS P V , S C IMPORTERS AM) DEALERS IX for Infants and Children "CMtorfa is so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any preecnpUon luwvru to me ’’ II. A. A rctikr , M D, U1 Ba Oxford bl. Brooklyn, N Y All Standard Patent Medicines 4 ’ “Ì I WOODBURN NURSERY ’•■1 VINES & SHRUBBERY LB. CARSONi SON, Prop’s. -------- Consiatiug of-------- APPLE, PEAR. PEACH. PLUM. PRUNE, CHERRY. APRICOT. NECTARINE. ALMOND, WALNUT, ami Dr. F. D. Larke. of Bogers City. Mich., says the epidemic <>t last yeariu Presque Isle County in which so many persons lust their lives, was oholene dysentv.y instead of cholera as first reported. De used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedyand says it succeeded I where all other remedies failed. Aot a single case was lost in which it was used. This Remedy is the most reliable and most successful medicine known for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery, diar­ rhoea and bloody flux. 25 and 50 cent buttles fur sale by I. K. Bolton. Expense uf L imbs in Washington. Gen. E. S. Oslmrin», Congressman from the Twelfth Peuiisylvama dis­ trict, contributes an interesting article, from which the following extracts are taken: “For a Congressman to live in tbe capital--that is, to make even a very mediocre figure iu society he must Hpemi an amount equal to at least twice bis salary. I shonl«l think 81.\- 000 a year would hardly go far in giv­ ing a man anything like a prestige. 1 mean, of course, tbe average Congress­ man, tbe person who baa neither bril­ liancy nor social standing to commend him, It is a fact, and a regretable one, that a Congressman is measured by the money he spends, not by his ability or merit. Take the average CougresiMnan who endeavors to live within bis modest salary, and he lives in a very unpretentious wav. A cheap boarding-bous«*. sav from to 810 per week (a boarding bouse e*jual to a clerk’s boarding-house in Philadel­ phia 1, is his temporary borne. His social life is a narrow one, as must necessarily be the life of a lteprveent.'i- tive who bits no wealth to squander. He is a fit prey of the lobbyist, an easy subject for shrewd jobbers, for be sees the others living in clover, and knows that it is within bis reach, and the temptation ia not always rpsisUnl. But take it all in all, Congressmen do not all live “high,” not in the elegant style which newspaper correspomlents de­ light to picture them. Very few. if any, of them save any money out of their salary. It is possible for a man to live, but his standing is impaired and bis prospects damaged beyond repair. There is no reason why a man could not live within his means, beyond that of social st niggle.” Shade and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vine, Currants, Gixvu'berries. Blaekberriee, Raapbernea, Strawlierriee, Fi^s. Etc., Etc. Onr tree« «re grown without irrieation on Red hill load, «nd «11 of known va- netiM that aucceed in Southern Oregon. Thoee contemplating tree plnntiim will do well to visit our orchnrd and nur­ sery. or write us for prio« list. Poatoffio«'—Murphy, Josephine oonnty Oregon. K. K. station. Grant's Paas A. H. CARSON & SON. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Choice Landa For Sale. For sale. 3,019 acres of land, 419 acres of farm land in the valley, good for fruit or grain. Two thousand six hundred acres foot-hill and mountain-side land, good for fruit, dairying and stock raising This tract of land has over seven miles of fencing, dwell­ ing house, a stock shed H6x90 feet, and plenty of living water. Call on or address J. 8. R krrin , Ashland. Jackson Co., Oregon. Livery Stables ii Ashland Offered for Sale at a Bargain I On account of my having been crippled in a runaway sometime ago, and not being able to personally Mupervise the business proper­ ly, I have concluded td dispose of my livery stable interests in Ashland, together with all the stock, including horses, wagons, hacks, buggies, hay. oats, etc. Thia is a good chance for some liveryman, aa it ia’lhe only stable in the city, and is good paying property Terms and price furnished on application to the proprietor 14-5 G W. STEPHENSON, Ashland. Oregon. People Everywhere Confirm onr statement when wejwav thal Ecker’ h English Remedy is m every way superior to any and all .other prepara­ tions for the throat and lungs. In whooping oough and croup it is magic aud relieves at once. Remember this remedy is Hold on a positive guarantee, by Chitwood Bros. TOWN - LOTS ---- In the town of----- MONTAGUE, Oregon School Land». Siskiyou co., Cai., WiiflhiD^ton, October 16. Assistant CovnuHMiorier Stone to-day rendered « For Sale on Easy Terms. decision in a case which involved the question of proof in ecbl ideninity Helectious in Oregon. Oregon was One-fourth down; balance within eix. granted every sixteen and tbirty-Hixth twelve and eighteeu months section of land for «4 km >1 pnrpoeea. See map at the Rail’«»a«l Depot for graded The law also provideeen entered under I> H HASKELL. the public land laws prior to the date Town Site AgentC P. R. R , San Franciaeo. of the grant the State should lx* en­ California. 112-5 titled to indemnity therefor, ami might make indemnity « lections from any nnes tho pre­ emptor shall lie re Famiai, Fruii and Venetable STOCK RANCHES Wtadoiu’« Knbertine — and — City Property MEDFORD, OREGON. 13-14 Leading ladies of society and promi­ i nent professional stars have testified to its excellency in the most emphatic terms. Guaranteed harmless and match- leas. (’hitwood Bros., druggists, Ash- tand. Or., w II it at ."<» eta. per tottle and give a beautiful card to every purchaser. t LOUIN or XMIII.AXI» fd give the world.” he sighing said, And closer drew his chair, “To know the thought that fills your She to«»«-d her glowing hair: ¡head. 'You would."she niibw, nil. "really now. Your offer makes me laugh. For I was thinking bow IM look In Logan's photograph." Tllte Space Reeervntl for M. L. McCALL, Real Ertale Agent and Surveyor A b HIUND, - - 01BOOÜ. I Wood Notice. There is a well Mocked wood ■ ard !>a< k • f the Novelty block, corner Ala.a au«t Ha ¿a dine itreel■ f>rj ¡6-inch stove i I U aud2U-lnrh heater wood, delivered on short notice anywhere in town N. B: All parties hauling w«x>d to town or having any wood fur sal- m la'ge <»r-mall lute, will do well to call at the offi -c uf C W Avers at the above corner. GRANTS PASS. Choicest lota. Acre Property and Fanning Property in JOSEPHINE COUNTY I Go to tbeEnropean restaurant under Masonic temple on Mainst, for fresh Eastern oysters by the dish of can. B. F. S nyder . Fruit cans and Mason glass jars, at Edding A M. kmi ' s . Caatoria enrea HoUe, OonMipatmn, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructation. I Killa Worms, gives sleep, aud promotes dh* potion. * Without injurious modicatkn. NOTES ANI» NEWS. Experiment* with Some of the phenomena of fluid fric­ The energy with which the Mormons tion may be beautifully showu by very simple experiments devised by Sir are proselyting in Europe is shown by William Thomson, says the Scientific the report of our Consul at Cln isi lama, American. The materials necessary Norway. He sayB that the Saints have are two eggs one raw aud the other nine^tations in Norway, and propose boiled; two rubber bands of such size to ship a large number of converts the as to clasp an egg firmly when slipped coming year. The Norwegian records ou lengthwise; two thin steel wires, prove that 50i)0 of these hardy and in­ about the size of those sometimes lined dustrious people have goue to Utah as E strings ou guitars, and a mirror in the last thirty-seven years. or large plate, or other smooth sur­ A Montana mau has invented a ma­ face, with a ledge around it to prevent chine for lifting water to any desired th“ egg rolling off. level. It is said to be an improved From a gas fixture or other conven­ imitation of the Archimedian screw. ient Blipport the two wires are hung If this device will accomplish all that and to the lower end of each one is is claimed for it, canals, built at great fastened one of the rubber loops. expense, will be unnecessary. From a Into these loops the eggs are glitq>«l, well or stream 200 feet below the level with their long axes vertical, Grasp­ of bis farm the ranchman can easily tug one egg in the fingers of each couduct water to the higher levels and baud they are gently turned once or through ditches or aqueducts to every twice around aud then let go. The portion of bis laud. Mr. Whiteside, eggs show a surprising difference in the inviv, or, is operating a lime quarry behavior. The boiled egg keet>stwist­ nt Kirkendall, but will shortly place ing to aud fro, after the manner of a the business in other hands and devote tortion pendulum, while the raw one his attention to the solution of the comes almost immediately to rest. The Moutaua water problem. If half tiie explanation is easy. The hard boiled reports are correct, Mr. Whiteside has egg. being rigid throughout, turns as brought forth an invention of iuesti a whole, while the raw egg, being soft mable value to the new state. inside, has only its shell moved by the At Seattle last week, a decision was torsion of the wire, the contents re­ maining stationary, because of their rendered in the land office rejecting --.,.44'1» utveat*» oiiUpIV, With greater inertia. The shell is thus every application made to tile Valen­ faultleHH .taiutiiira»; and Ixitiwe Gui- made to rub to and fro ou its contents, tine and McKee scrip on Seattle or tiey’» gowns are aa exquisitely fine as and being very light is soou brought Tacoma barlsirs. The grouuds of the her verses. deeisiou are that the scrip can Is* tiled to rest. IMPoBTANi E or POISE ANI> CARRIAGE. Sir William Thompson has list'd upon unappropriated, uneurveyed or Women who wieh to preserve the this experiment to illustrate one of the vacant public lauds, but the act of idiiutift'S aud contour of their fiuur«' proofs that the interior of the earth is cities in extending their boundaries must Keirin by learning to stand well. solid. If the earth consisted of a shell over tide lauds withdraws them from This is explained to mean the throw- or crust of hard rocks surrounding a the public domain and renders them mg forward and upward of the chest, fined or pasty nucleus, as has been exempt from entry by such scrip. The the flatU'iiin^' of the back, ami should­ null! recently generally taught, he deeisiou has caused much couaterna- er-blades held in their proper placvs, says that the observed swingiug and tiou among the scrip til« rs. and they and the defiuite eurvintr ill of the swaying motions of the earth's axis in : will immeiliutely appeal to the Laud small of the back, thus tbrowiuR the procession and rotation would la' lin ■ Office at Washington. Any such motion would whole weight of the body U[ h > d the possible. Mat. McCabe, of New BrnnHwick. lib. hips. No other women bold tbem- soon lie stopped by interior friction. Place the eggs on tlie mirror or plate offers to ¡my five dollars to any person selves so well as the aristocratic Eu- troubled with bloody Hux. who will take glish women. Much of their beauty ami try by a sudden twist with the Chamberlain's i’olic Cholera and Diar­ lies in their promt carnage, the e- then spin it. The third experiment is the one printed directi«>ns were followed. For come secomi nature to her, and she sale bv T. K. Bolton. never loses it. This in a great meas­ that occasions greatest surprise. The ure, preserves th«' figure, because it boiled egg is spun on its side on the • keeps the muscles firm and well strung glass, and the palm of the hand is then ami prevent' th*' sinking down of the gently brought down upon it for an tiesh arouud the waist ami hips, so instance. The rotation, of course, I'ominon iu women over IK I, and which stope at onc«>. But when the same it is so easy to escape. Another thing is tried with the raw egg. as soon thing to avoid is a bad habit of going as the hand that stops it -is removed In this upstairs, which most women do. bent its rotation begins again. forward with the chest contracted, ease, when the shell is stopped its w hich as well as au indolent, slouchy tiuiil contents remain iu motion, and manner of walking, is injurious to rubbing sgainrt, set it in mo* ion when ARTISTIC the hand is taken away. It astonishes the heart and lungs. one to find how long the egg may be A Good Cough syrup. held still liefore thia effect stone. There is nothing parents should lw RO careful nbont as selecting a cough syrup. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup costs no more than the cheap and inferior nos­ trums thrown on the market. The best is none too good, be sure aud get Beggs' <'berry Cough Syrup. We keep it on hand at all times. Chitwood Bros., druggists. 1 Coil-lint pt ion Surely < ured. T othk E phor .—Please inform vunr readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely nse thousands of hojxdess cases have been permanently cured, i shall be glad to semi two bottles of my reme­ dy FKEE t<> any of your readers who have consumption if they uill send me their express and post office address. Hew a state i« Mad». KespectfuBv "Now that the constitution is adopt­ T. A. SLOCl-M. M. ( .. 1*1 Pearl st, N. Y. ed, how will the fact that Washington is a state be recognized by the gen The Bogus Collegaa. oral government?” was a question A sensation was caused at Ports­ put to Supreme Justice-elect John P. mouth, New Hampshire, a few weeks Hoyt by a reporter. "It is an interesting question, and «go by the discovery of another active­ the mode of procedure is as follows.” ly maintained Lxtgus college of medi­ replied Justice Hoyt. "The returns cine, similar in management and larger of the various counties, as soon as iu extent than the Druid (’ollege. of they are all in, are canvassed by the Maine, a full expose of which was county auditor, probate judge and made some years ago. Its ramifica­ another county officer, and if fouud tions are as great as those of the fa­ to Is» correct are forwarded to the mous “Dr.” John F. Buchanan, whose Electric Medical College in Philadel­ territorial secretary. "When all the returns are in, the phia furnished diplomas to charlatans secretary of the territory, the gover­ from all parts of the country. “Dr.” nor and chief justice, or any two of Buchanan's college was exposed by them, will proceed to canvass the re­ The Philadelphia Press, and the facts turns. together with a statement brought out made an international of the votes east for the constitution, sensation.' This latest charteret! ____________________ institution is and upon the separate articles thereof. Then it shall be forwarded to Wash­ the Trinity University of Medicine and Surgery, having nominal head­ ington to the president.” "Will it l>e forward«! by messenger quarters at Bennington, Vt. Its meth­ ods of business briefly told are these: or by mail?" "As there is no provision providing Any person desiring to buy a diploma for the payment of a messenger, 1 covering l>oth medicine and surgery, presume that cur constitution will 1 h > if possessing the necessary money, has confided to the care of Uncle Sam’s lieen given his choice of the following mails under the protection of a regis­ institutions, all of which exist merely ter«! package. The president will ex­ on paper: University of Cincinnati, amine the organic law of the state of Montreal .Medical College, New York Washington, and if it is republican in State Medical College. Trenton, N. J., form and if the provisions of the en­ Medical College, University of New abling act have been «implied with Hampshire, Trinity University of Med­ in the formation, the president will icine ami Surgery. The value of sheepskins represent­ lssii“ a priH'lamation announcing the result. Thereupon the state of Wash­ ing the aliove institutions, has varied from SHO to $31)0 each. There is no ington shall lie declared admitted into the Union by congress under doubt but hundreds of them have l>een virtue of the enabling act. It shall purchased throughout the West ami stand on an equal footing with the South, while New England alone has ongiual states from and after the been victimized by scon's. date of the issuance of the proclama­ People in general should know whnt’» tion.” best to do in case of a sudden attack of bowel ooruplaiut. It i» a well eutHb- Children lished fact thal prompt relief may be < tften need some safe cathartic aiui tonic had in any case of colic, cholera mor­ 1 inre't approaching aiebneaa or to re­ bus. dysentery nr diarrhoea by giving lieve colic, bendache, sick stomach, in­ a few doses of ('hamberlain's Uolic, digestion. dysentery and the oomplaints i’liolera and Diarrhoea Itemed v. It incident tochildhood. Let the children arts quickly, can always be dem-ndwl take Siiumon's Liver rtegulator and keep upon and is pleasant tn take. For sale K. Bolton. ................ well. In is purely vegetable, not un­ »>y 1. pleasant to the taste, and safe to tak«' alone or m connection with other medi­ Th. LH'onioti.** EnKiiH*n>. cine. At the annual convention of tho Itii.'lilen*. Arnica sat,.. Brotherhood of Ijoeomotive En»rin"ers The best salve in the world for cuts, at Denver last week, Chief Arthur brnis«'., sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever made an addreoe fiilled with bin iiaual sores, tetter, chnp|Mui hands, chilblains, good «nggestiona and good nenae. He corns, and all skin eruptions, and (.osi- reiternt«i with etnphaaia his former tivelv cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ statement that the organization was tion. or money refunded. I'rice 25 cents law-ahi'linn,ami Raid: “To-day 1 clear­ ly define our poaition toward railway •s*r box. For sale by Chitw.xxl Bros. corporations when I eav that only as a last resort do we sanction a I u - jh - xa on Politics. st nke.” In an interview at Richmond. Va„ In speaking of the growth of the Oct. U», on politico, Chauncey M. De­ order, be wml that the memlierahip is pew was asked: over 2f>,00(1 Rn.l .luring the year just “Ilow does Governor Hill stand in ended it paid out to widows and or­ New York?” phans of disab]«! members SUHi.OOO, “He is the ablest politician in New making a total since the organization York. He is a rnan of remarkable of 5?2.Miifi.lsteein of all gi of irviiliiitut. TeruL« reasonable. 10 T « ASHLAND. OREGON. C. W. Guard, I'roprirtur. MEALS - ALL HOURS AND SHAPES. Cölestin Soda Springs HOTEL BAD TITLES! BYRON COLE, Proprietor, Ki] One third of the real e*tste in Jaekson county is held under df . feutive title. Get sn abstract to the title of vour property anti see if vou are all right 'In.- only reliable Abstraets made in Ja- k-<..T »»»untv u<»nie from Austin S. Hammond's Law and Ab* struct Office, Ashland, Oregon. | l.Tj;: | 1 WAGONS ! Carry the largest and In st selected stock of Also, FRAMES AND Reapers, Binders, Cultivators, MOULDINGS. CHILDREN’S WAGONS, fTC. THE Davis Sewing Machine, < all and l:»-43 Plows, Harrows, Hay Rakes, I V Atd all liais of H. S. EMERY J I diluii, ASHLAND, OREGON. 23 HOURS. L SITED STATE* L ä ND OFF!« E/ K'l-hHCR««. OR.. Lug. 24, lW.i sol TH. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS For Sale at Lowest Rates at A IA j . R«i BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS VNiTEi> S tate * R >-FHl'R'.. < Mi L ank officej Xug. 24. 1SS9 ' Notice is herebj giv«-n that in compliance w ill» th«' provi-inn* ”1 the m t «•! <'«mgres* of »VI Jum-3. I*7x vnti’l .oug’!a*. State of Oregon, ba* this «lay filed iu th:* office his sworn statement for the purcha*«- of theS E l4 <‘f section No 1 k. in 'I i> No 40 * »uth, Range No 1 Ea-1. and ' ill «'tier proof to *now that the land sought is more valua­ ble for it* ti»ut»er or stone than for agtiru.l- tnral ptirp<»*es ami to • siahh“h his « laim to *Mid land 1 adore the Register and Receiver of this offir«« at Roseburg. Or« gon. on Mon- dav the l*th d.t\ of November Is*,« He names a* witnesses: G. L. Guild. <'. L. Tiion.a* Smith Potsnii. T. J. Singleton, all of Roseburg, Pougia.« uoi.nty, Oregon. Any and all person« « iuiinimr adversely the abo;«• «lr*< ril«< d land* are requested lo lilrthrir« aim* in thi* «»ftice on or in-fore suid lhth day uf Nuveml«cr, < has . u J ohnston . Register. trains of Express I: P. m b:Ot> p. m Oregon Pauitk* kailr' .i Train Dally I xerpt Nunda* j Lv. Portland. Ar. . *.• < a I Ar M< Minville. Lv. I 5 4 • a Through Ticket« to all points South and East CALIFORNIA. For full information regarding maps, etc, appiy to company s agent at A-h land. K KOEHLER, E F ROGERS Manager. Asst G. F. A Pass Agent. G. A. R. THE ASHLAND I’ mtei » S tates L and O ffk e . * R oseri rg . Oreimn. September 17, 1*89. i Notice is hereby giwn that in compliance with the pros ision- of the Act of sworn statement for the purchH*e of the N E ’4 of Sec. 26. in Tv No tO south. Range No. • east, and will offer proof to show that lhe land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than fur agri' ultural pur|a>ses and to establish ids < laim to said land before the Register aneste.!>■ < L and O ffk e at R oseburg .. Oregon. f 1 tohixoid - ili'l th* ; *■' 4 s«-pternlM-r. 20th, I snu . again in tin* traits.', r Notice i* herei»y gi\eu that the folloxsing r* rit'rally. ths. h> named settler Las fih*1 notice of her inten business, and I, prepared lo attend to all tion to niak«* final proof in support of her calls promptly at «■laim. ami that said nronf will be mad«- I m - ior<- the jmlge. or in in* al«*ence. before lh«’ LOWEST PRICES. cierk of the « «itinty «•ourt of Jackson county, Pfti«engers to and from each train. Oregon, at Ja« k*oiiville, Oregon, on Satur day N’ovemlsT 2.1**‘.viz Elizabeth Ann Burns, heirat lav. of I ’«eta seott, «heeased. J. H. KcBRIDS. llomestcad entry No. 4024, for the NW ’4 of 2-nl *eetion 21. township :-?9 south, range 2 « ast LL XL She names the f«>lloulng witnesses to prove her « «»ntinuou* r«**id« m e upon and cultivation of said land, \iz George Grow, and Wni. Ii shepherd ««f Barron, Ja«*k*on Co., or . John H Tayl«»ran«1 Wm. R Tftyhir. of Ashland, Jf<« ks«»n < <» . or. 9—27 fit ‘ ha *. W. JoHN*T«)N, liegistcr ASHLAND. OR. Ashland. Or., Aug 9, MW. ---- I> AT---- AM B W Try tho Cure Ely’s Cream Balm Cleanses th* ¡Vasal Pas. Allays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Restores the Senses ol Taste. Smell and Hearing. A partida is Sppi u Into ear > . -»ri’ and b tgreenble. Prke ->Oc -d í¡»r:jt t». ;>r J»; «»ab. SLY BUOTIU JL«. V. rr. u H ■ :. N-w y. . L SCOTT’S EMULSION OF PURE CODnLIVER OIL Orders for building* of every kind prompt­ will be made to give entire satisfaction ly filled I HOCI2K 1 ! At reasonable rates. Moore’s Celebrated I’oison Oak Heinedy, ALL ORDERED I In A.*l laud u- bux \o-;r 'y ( J .CATARRH MANUFACTURER, Shingles. Sash. Doors. Mouidings, Etc. CHEAPEST PLACE STABLE. ---- Main street.----- I MN -THE GEO. W. STEPHENSON, Who is now prepared to offer the public better acoominodationH than ever Def ore afforded in Southern Oregon in the liv­ ery business. Al t* A. T. KYLE’S Saddle and Harness O r . I* I« C nitkd S tate * L and O ffici , < R os KBI RG, Oregon, Sept. 2«. 1K89O Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten­ GEO. W. STEPHENSON tion to make final proof in support of his «•laim. and that said proof will be made be fore the Judge or in his absence before the Clerk <>f the county court of Ja< kson Co..Or., at Jaeksonvilh’. Oregon, mi Saturday. Nov 9. Issu, viz Philip Mullen, Homestead entry N > iW» for the E’.j of the NW »4 and W ’.2 of the NE 1. of *4-< tion 29, Tp as south range When I Rity C tre I do not nPtin m top them fur a tune, Rn«Hh« n have th 1 ue*t. W M urn again I mean A h'AOH.AL. Ci. 1« He names the following witnesses to 1 hat e made the dibenac of prove hi* continuous residenci' upon and cultivation of said lami, viz: E K. Ander­ son. Jess« Adam*. H. Coleman and Elmer FITS, EPILEPSY or Coleman, all of Ploeiux. Jauksou county, Oregon. FALLING SICKNESS C ha * W. J ohnston . A T. Kyle would n-sjHiCtfalb announce \ 1ife-l«»ng atudy. i w akuant myr Register. fit to the people of Ashland and surroui diiie ’ uki : tin- wont cbmi 1 .• - . < ■ country that he ha«had the -t;'!.]« - b;i< k of ailed is no re«t-on for not now rece th.- X.iwlh bio< k fixed up in first cln- >tyh- ■end at once for a treatise and a F FINAL PROOF NOTICE. for the livery btndnes.*, and hn- h line >•>! of >f my I nfallible remedy . < buggies, carriages, etc., amd the best |v«iib. md Po-t office. Jt cods you » I’NiTF.n S tates L and offk e , t rial, and it will cure you. Ad R h - ebi r «», Or«‘gon. Sept 2.'», l*.M»».i CABRIOLET. Notice is hen h> giv« n that (he f«»llowiug 1 have secured among my «dock a fine « ab H.C. ROOT,. C- l> ' «* n iu.K-fi m -ttl'T ha* til« '! notice of his inten rio’et-the finest rig in th-* city—vlr.cb 1 tion to make final proof in *npfH»rt of his will keep for the m-e of ladle s desiring to claim, and that *ni«i proof will i»e ma«l« be­ make call». Term* -SU rents j* r hour ca< h fore the Judge, or tn nls absence before the f(>r two or more iadio Ckrk of trie < ’ounty court of J naturdny. Nov. 2. block, opposite the ♦♦rcgoti. 14 m IN*.*, viz: IL-ra« « I' r«‘ard«»rff. Tn « inpiion !» *. N«>. ■ *«L for the I ’ of lh. N E •, *ve ti-»n 12. Tp •*. * R. : » a*t. W. M He names the following witnesses to prov<- hi* « ontiu'ious residcuc«- upon and ä viiltiviitiou of said land, viz: Willbtm M\» r, M. X. Walker and Henry Jnlow, of Ashland. Jaeksou <'o»int}, Oregon aud Win Addison, of 't alent. Jackson Co . Or. C has W J ohnston , I Register. 9-27 Ct And will continue the business, keep’t.gon hand a general assortment of AsHLAsn, and 3d Sn’.urdH * comrade* cordial!. The old atables on Main atieet n< ar the bridge, and the new atables on Oak street, are now under the proprietorship and management of L m ' ■ Kxiihts - VIA - It kills all inflammation and irnt;i’ on, and is the onlv Mire destroyer ol M’« :••»>«* and other Skin Parn.*itee The unore, north of track in ndlr<»Ad addition Mia» K ate <’ ii (HAS W JohNSTo.N. 1349 I Win R U« . NO« H Ar 10.45 A M. Nolbe is lu ruby givun that in cr the -al«* of 9.00 A. M Lv. Ashland, Tv. 7 (io r M. limber lands in the Stab s ot ( alifornin, 7 ISV M. I Ar. Sau Frauieg««u. Lu* tin* «lav filed SAMI A. M . Lv. r«>rtÌMiid, Ar. I 3 4 . P. M. in thi* office hi« Fworn -tatenient f«»r the 12:40 p. M Ar. 11 A. Lv. Albany, purehRM* of th'* S LV ' 4 *>f ■*♦■<• No 10, iu Tp No Lv * 9:00 P. P« xHitb. Range No. I Ea*L ami will «»Her 2:40 P. M I Ar. Eugene. pr.H.fL. that the lau 1 sought is more PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ka’, table f r it* timlx r or stone than for agricultural i»urpo*< *. am! to e*tal«li*h hi* •laim to sai«l land before th«* Register an«l R« i uiv-r of this ofli« e at R<»*vburg. Oregon, -ii Mond.iy the l«th day of N«»vember lwft» PUR ACCOMM o DATIOM OF SECONb «LA*- LASS P li«- names a* witnesses G. I.. n th« hast - th. ais«ve d -urib. «i land- are rr«|Uvst<-d tu Div. from f«H>t of F st.. Portland. tih their claim* tn th;* offi< on <»r before .'.tbl lsih «lay of NuvendHT 1**9. XV»-st Side Divi-ion Final ¡’roof Notice >LÌ"I Jll Time between Ashland aud Sun Fmeisen, LIVERY! FURNITURE ! Mowers, i b r. M THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Will Buy and Sell horses Smith & Dodge ir Southern Pacific Company’s Line BETWEEN FORTUMI t SAN FRANCISCO Final Proof Notice. I The best sewine machine made see it and be convinced. I i next ap LIVERY AND FEED On and After lune i6. Will be open May 1st. for the accommoda tion of a limited number of guests. O regon . >10 00 Board and lodging, per week .. «• .. 4* 1 10 Myer’« Block.eaet side Main street. 1 00 “ i>er day 'O Single meal* ’ Camping privilege« will be HO c '•ents ¡ter week for each individual. LOOK OCT for ETC., :>Kn oi California Expr»«* Train* Kun Timber Land Notice. Will be opeu for customers A shland CARRIAGES, Notice is hereby given that the partner- *hid heretofore existing in tween ( . W. Ayers, H K Barboui a II I Elvisge, doing business under the tirm name of Ayers, 'B.irlxmr A Eiviage Contractors l « lash nc commodaiitius to the trHveling ptiblh . 1 he New Xlanngem» til will spare uo pains iu making this one of the n»«»>t « «inifortablv and home-likt- hotels in the place. The table* are supplied with the bi-t the mar­ ket affords, i’h tvsaut a«-c««iuuu» iitliou* pre­ pare«! for families. Meals .................. Lodging (according to mom 2.V- Ä « M. E. TYLER We sell lEasonic L.r: I o \\ liuiii it May uoncmi. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, R. R. Street, foot of 1st Aveutte. Having one of the best skylights in ()r- egon, and knowing how to une it, l GUARANTEE GOOD WORK. BABY Ail.ires' ANDREWS $c HICKS, Agents, Ashland, Oregon, or PHOTOGRAPHY. In Southern Oregon ons. 13n<*l<>ai* ss. .J ii in p f*»«-ti t s». t Hul or Cold Sulphur Water Baths, 25 Cis. - ----- Children Cry fcrPitclier’s Castoria Steel Axles BEST WHEELS Baths at any time from 7 o'clock, a m. until 10 o'clock p ni. One bath room re served for ladies’ use. 1333 Local Atent lor Towntile Property. H B Miller 1 Co. Addition aud Rallr.«.I Koon«« te lient Additon. Money Lmned al * per cent v. real re­ Nicely furouUieti rooms to let at í the dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulency and late «ecurity la ,umi o( tvm and upward. Go to McCall's for the latest novel- countipation. Guar.inteed and sold by Call or write—Informaiion cheerfully residence of Mn». H. Halj h on Main 31 J ties in dry gouda. street near business part of town. Chitwood Eros. furnished. (Successor to SMITH A CONKLIN.) But the best of at low rates, and all work done promptly. [9-43 H. JUDGE JustReceivei! JislBtceived! I have just receive-! and have ready for iriM>eetion the finest line of goods for fall ana winter suit« ever brought to Ashland, which I invite any and all u ho may wish any work iu my line to come and see and learn_pricea. employ only first ri&w workmen ano my work is equal to that of any of the city tailors. Give me a trial. Satisfaction and a I’rrfrct Fit Guaranteed. HYPOPHOSPHITES Now have their new mill, near Merlin, in operation, and arc ready to fill all orders for LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, On short notice, and at Ix» west Prices Sugar Pine Ceiling and Rustic — ami — Yellow Pine Flooring Will be our Specialties. Porto® er add res* ¡« McAllister. Oregon, and all order* add reseed to that office will receive prompt attention Almost as Palatable as M ilk So diagnlaed that it can V»«* taken Jlgevtrd. and ami inflated byths moel nniltive «U.nuuh, when the plain oil cannot be tolerated ; an-l by the rom- bination of the oil with the hy po phosphite» is much more efUca< ious KenarkaMr u • l«h pradartr. IVr>«n gala rapidl} ahllc takiae IL HC iTT S BMTLMOS I. acknovlMlaM hj to b, the I'lo'.t at it lint ] p |«ra I Phgucui* Uoa in the world for the relief and mre <4 CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENTRAL DEBILITY, WASTINC DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDSand CHRONIC COUCHS. The