Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, September 13, 1889, Image 2

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A prominent Portland man returned
home from a trip to Southern Oregou
recently and reported that he was in­
formed in this valley that Ashland was
Washington Territory Republican» losing its grip-that it liad been Ixxnned
say their ticket will be elected by a : too much and was suffering a reaction
I had lo«t five hundred people within a
majority of 5.101
I year, and much more to the same ef-
Sunset Cux died at his home iu New i feck He didn't aay just who told him
Y >rk City Tueadaj evening, after a ' all this, but he heard something of
I m m ( illueaat. Me was in his tiotli year. < the same kiud from more than one
1 source. Tbe old saw: “Go away from
The new cruiser. Charleston, is the home to learn the news" applies very
swiftest and be»t
of the United j well in this case. Here are the peo-
BUt«» navy- a Pseifio coast product. | p|e of Ashland tranquilly purauriug
Jacksonville Brevities.
Linkrille in Ashrs—The Whole Business
Portion ot lite Town Gone.
The President will begin work this ‘
A large numlicr of pioneers of Jack­
sonville will attend the reunion at week on his annual message to Cou-
Tbe wave of this year's disaster from Asblaud Tburaday.
fires has reached Southern Oregou al
The euterptiHiug lummer» up ou the
W. L. Plymale has gone to Salem
last, ami upon Ashland's thriving to reside». His family will remove Bound sis now talking up an eh-ctnc
railway to run from T.-icoma to Seattle,
neighbor across tbe mountains has there next waek
fallen as heavy a stroke of the calum-'
thirty to forty miles long.
Prof. Frtnk Huffer left for Eugene
lty hb was fell by Seattle or Spokane
The Kentucky tbree-y» ar-old “Proc­
Fulls. The whole business. part of C'ty to-night, where he
tor Kuott,’ was sold at ¡..uctioii ; t
tho town, from the bridge to tbe U , his position as tutor uext Mon lay.
Speepahead Rty, N. Y , hist «,<!> for
S. military telegraph office, is in ashes.
W. G. Kinney has returned from SIT.O-Jti, to Mr.’Bco .„un.
Only three store« are left iu lhe place- Portland, bringing bis little daughter
tbe hardware store of Graves A Co, Bessie with him for a tew weeks’ stay
Reports from tt> Big Oregon ex­
and lhe general merchandise stores of with her grandmother.
hibit uow traveling iu eastern stales
Fountaiu aud Sergent.
There is very little sickness iu Jack­ pr<'tiouncs it to bi- the finest in lb«
The fire broke out in the rear ot
eonutrv. The < xi ii it is uow at Buf­
Forbe’s saloon al 2:30 a. m, Sept.fitb, sonville now, ouly one case Mis. John falo. N. Y.
(last Friday) aud in a few minutes the Love, who has been suffering with ty­
phoid feiar tor three Weiks past, but
Peter Jackson, ! u colored Austra­
The worst storm for manv years pre- ! *^e eTen **BOT
their way, all un- whole building and tbe wotsleu row is uow couvalvsceut, we arc glud to lian, and Jem Smith, tin* Eu«ii* ii .log­
of which it is a part, were in flames.
vailed along the Atlantic Comrt Tues fonwious of such a terrible state of sf- Then eastward aud west ward the tire say.
ger, are to meet in au b-iound glove
and it is feared many lives wore rairs. Indeed, as the school census, re­ spread, taking the whole side of the
Mrs. P. P. Prim returned fr< m Port­ contest in New Y’ork for a poria* <>[
lost at sea.
cently taken,showed a larger number street to the end of the thickly built land Sunday morning; she purchased •iikljd, date uot giveu.
section eastward, and buruing to the , a largo stock of the latest style milliu-
Theprefa nt uuuiu.l icviniusof Alas­
----------♦-------------- i of children of school ago than at any
river westward. Ou the opposite side
Tbe farmers of Rogue River Valley time heretofore — more than in any of the street was the immense Liuk- i ery goods for this market and will ka are ¿9,OUOJJIXJ, yet the territory is
also offer tbe name for sale during the practically undeveloped. CaULel cold
should do their best to make tbe dis- > 1<O other districts in the county—they ville hotel pile of wootieti buildings. Fair, ou the grounds.
U is beeu discov.Ncd (here lu large
trict fair to be held this month a grand were congratulating tbemselv.w upon
Mrs. O. S. Pollock, ac i npnnio.1 by quantities, and the mineral resources
success. If it should be “only a race a gradual but steady increase of popu­
are said to be enormous.
egraph office that 6id« of th» street Miss«* Mamie Day atnl Emma Ply-
meeting” it will be lhe fault of the lation; and as there are more build­ was swept clean. Baldwin A Forbes’s male, went to Sal. m last Wednesday
The Globo says of the Joumiil's nd-
ings in couraj of construction than in «tons hardware building, just west of night. Mrs. I’, will 1 ave the young vucaoy of subsi'iic« to build tip tbe
any other town in the conuty, and two where the fire caught, was supposed ladies in school in that city and re­ American carrying t I«: “That’s ths
Tbe famous old Johns H”pkins uni­
sum* her position ns teacher in ibe i high proteutiou id. i exactly.” If tins
brick business blocksnpon which oon- to be tire proof, but it crumbled b - Albany Collegiate Institute.
n a "high prote. nil idea,” the Glob«
versity at Baltimore, which opened i
' tore tbe tierce bent, and the large bri-’k
; straction is just beginning, they were store of Ileiimes, Marlin A Co, luij-i-
with an endowment of four million
Prof. Wm. T. Blackford, who for- ought to how it tiuppeiis that
(■ersuadiug themselves that the town cent succumbed nbout as eas ly. The tnerly held a position in JaeLsonville free-trade England is lb« chief ex­
dollars, is about bankrupt, owing to
was doing nicely for this dry aud dull lissoftbr-e parties in that m-medi- public schools, is paying this place a emplar of it.—«ton Journal.
depreciation of Baltimore. A Ohio R
j se ison. A fiue fruit crop, which has a'e neighborhood Baldwin A Forbes, visit. He made many warm friends. A circular iriti. d by the Oregon A
R stock, in which its funds were i
Reames, Martin A Co, and Judge G.
furnished lhe choicest of the peaches W. Smith—aggregate 81<Nt.('0ri. on here who gave him u cordr 1 welcome, l > inscontiuenial railroad fires Nov.
largely invested.
lie will make bis home in future ill 5; ii as the date for a «; • tai mn-tiug
I used at ail the towns along the rail­ which there is less than S-W.tkK) in- Moutano, where be will pr..ctice law. of tbe stocLliol I. rs at P< >rllund. < >re-
After a cabinet consultation and road, from Ashland to Portlaud, and surnnoe.
The Jacksonville public school will gon, to consider .mi i>«1 upou a quin­
There were no lives lost. Ben Mon­
full discussion of tbe matter last thence northward to Seattle, has at-
under tbe capable management of tiou to be» submit, i io tini directora,
week, the President determined not tracte 1 more attention to Ashland as roe. barkeeper at Forbes’s saloon, was Prof. G. H. Watt, who has bad ch rge whether the capnai of the com puny
bidly burned. He went back into lhe
beliqai’l ted aud i o> out of i xist-
to call a special session of Congress a fruit center this year than ever be- burning building after some valuable«, as principal for the past three years. shall
this fall. Tbe county will no doubt f,re; aud the flourishing gardens, ver­ and the celling fell in on him, setting
N. Y, l et. Thursday,
keep moving just the same as if Gin- j4nt lawns aud blooming door yards his clothing ou tire. Fortunately us Hattie Newliery in lue primary, imn
. Hugt^Pr-fj, auelecuio light liu ■null,
gress should conveue in October.
¡n the older parts of town have made a 1 be darted out of the building he was tbe patrons of tbe school e.m feel as­ ' tell
bout a pole and Caught
met by some one who dssbed h bucket
Governor Pe^r « looking for bright contrast in the eye of the trav- of water over him. He is doing »veil sured that their children's iuleiest are i in.Id of .- a line wire to save
liimtadf. II. bung fifleeu minutes
ward to another nomination, and wdl j‘
the «M‘r0',ed
“cb to-night, and will recover.
Iie.i I d'lwnwi.r I, wiitbiug in agony,
probably be .gain the democratic h“’e ™ ^r privilege, and shown
E iiitcr Ttniscs-—«'oni erutta- the letter of tagore Oeing r «ued. A great crowd
He died
"Justitia” 1 -st week, I can well ail' to ig­ saw the horrible spettaci«*,
candidate for governor, but it will 1«
nore so much oHt aa if ibe nature ef a ovt- 10 a few minutes i alter being taken
losse- mid insurance.
found that his Chinese buocombe will become when the new and com­
twraoual attack. Jaekaouvl.lo hi» tie. n my
Oue hand waa buruid to the
home f->r many years, an.l lhe aomiupUuu
not be worth so much to him as it. prehensive, water-saving system of keeper, 840,tKSt; insurance, 81X000.
.hat i would uiurepiescili or dispara.« it in boue.
Baldwiu A Forbes, hardware, 830,- any way 1* too absurb to require any refuta
was when he ran in 1886 and fasten« d water works shall hive bsen estab­
R. V l>«y, of N«w York, John W.
ti..n It profeaalunal pride I* wouu red or
upon Cornelius the uupardonable sin lished -these things have given Ash­ 000; insurance, Stil Ml.
hr perr-rlticai ;a*l**»us eh-are ti. irrisínlerpret Mackey's private secretary, was lu
Reames, Martin A Co., general mer­ j my
atateinvuta, I can regret it siti...... re­ Port1 n I i fe.v .lavs I said that
of wearing linen washed at a Chinese
chandise, $30.000; insurance, $15,000. creating an iota from the DOaitlou iliat.u.ty
light in the eyes of its owu citizens,
J. Gleim, $111,000; iusurauce, $2''00. ■ a forced construction of tn. terms u-ed can llie Pi -ill • Postal Telegraph company
• - ---- ---- »
any Inncr ura y u liaiever lu my stnte- will sp.-nil four million dollars in Imil J-
and of intelligent visitors from abroad,
Ed. Redtield. $820; insurance, $450. show
meut.while tile l.arseand reckless assentirlo
Corporal Tanner, the commissioner from
II. Kessler, $6500; insurance, $2000. of "Justitia s ’ letter will not b ar compari­ illg 1111«« IU ’ he South Um year. N« x !
that in which it was painted to
year the compmy will build Inns iu
son with the record ot facta iu the case.
of pensions, is one of the best stamp the
F. Egert, $2<MX>; insurance, $000.
Portland man.
L eon .
the int- rior of Oregon and Washing­
The following were uninsured:
speakers in America. He was a brave
Wonder whocould have been giving
ton connecting small towus wit h tile
Forbes saloon. $10,000.
soldier and served his oountry well, him such a grewsome picture T It
large citn s.
R B. Hatton, $2000.
Grants Pass Notes.
but he seems to be in a constant tar­ couldn't have been any of our own
J. Fnez. $10,000.
M my of tho druggists of Portland
moil in his present position. He is a neighbors down the valley—they can't
J. W. Humaker, $1500.
Building still going ou at a rapid have adopted the plan of printing the
antidote of a poison ou the label bear­
born talker, and bis friends admit have anything against Ashland, unless
Dr. Sumner, $2000.
ing its name, which is put on the Kit­
that there is ground for the com­ tbe enterprise of her citizens offends
Paul Breitenstein, $500.
Weather very much cooler tbe last tle coetaiuiug it. Iu cose of tuvid«ut
plaint that he talks too mach for one them. Ashland dosn't spend any time
John Redfield, $150.
few nights.
or overdose, all yon have to do is to
in tbe office he now holds. A Wash­ in efforts to disparage any other place
Mrs. Heidrick, $4000.
Several new families from Nebraska look ut your bottle; see wh it the anti­
dote is and procure it. [i'liis is a sim­
ington dtepatsb of the 5th savB there in the valley.
aud Missouri.
Parker A Cranston, $1500.
ple protection to the public which
is general belief that Tanner will re­
R T. Baldwin. 81500.
Watermelons, apples and peaches go should be m el« oom pl usory upou all
tire, and a rumor was in circulation CONCENTRATING THE TROOPS
I- Lesheard, $1300.
out by every freight.
. who 8«II deadly poisou.
that be bad already written a letter
Klamath Star. $1100.
Virginia has brought out an old
The fxJi.y of abandoning the small
J. Kessler, $t‘>00.
of resignation.
tions and tnnktug mauy loans ou real claim for tbe auro of $123,fMA) borrow«* I
J. Houston, 8150.
military poets on the frontier in order
estate property.
by Gen. Waeliiugtoo from that state
J. Sei mens, $5<l).
Gladstone has been visiting Paris to concentrate tbe army at large gar­
with which to build tbe White House.
daring tbe past week, and at a banquet risons near the cities, where tbe offi­
Thomas Greeuier. $400.
grades are going rapidly ahead. Front * Tbe claim has lieen traUslet nil to the
Mount Vernon Aveuue associu’ion, and
Saturday be said, in referring to the cers and men may have an easy and
Mrs. McTyre, $300.
street is the first to move.
the latter proposes to relinquish the
rapid increase of the population of pleasant time, seems to be so well
Alex Martin, jr., 8000.
The new Methodist church will tin- same to tbo geueral government iu
America: “I wish to recognize under way that there is little likeli­
The blow is a heavy one to ths peo-‘ doubtedly be the finest church edifice consideration thivt congress defray the
America's right to be considered, pro­ hood of the protect of settlers exposed pie
iu Southern Oregon. Work is pro­ «X|H*ns.- of building the proposisl ua-
genuine sympathy of tbe public , gressing very rapidly.
; tioual highway to Mount Vernoo.
spectively at least, and even now to to danger having any effect in staying the
some extent, the great organ of tbe its consummation. This policy, which neigblmrs and friends in Rogue River
On Tnee-lay there arrived iu town n
One of the great dis esters of th« year
powerful English tongue. I wish also leaves people in regions like that just Valley. It is too early to determine party which is tbe foreruuuer of n col­ is th« t ie at Antwerp, which origi
ua’ed ill a cartridge factory last Fri­
how much re-buildiug will be
to indulge in feelings of satisfaction east of us in Klamath county, in peril just
are highly pleased with Grant's Piss, day. B; the territi«explosions and the
on reflecting that no cause on earth, of almost certain trouble from the doue this fall, but courage and enter-- and have written for their party.
rapidly spreadlug tbimes from 2ÜJ to
prise will assert themselves at Lmk-
unless our owu folly, now or hereafter, conflicts of Indians and whites, is set ville in tbe face of lhe appalling disas­
Th« builders ot the Baptist clinrcii. 3U0« lost their lives, and th«
ought to divids ns from one another, forth in the following Washington dis­ ter, aud as “C. C.” says in the (>re- Messrs. Smith A Bea), say they will tower of the famous<mtli«dral, in which
gonian, "Sweet-face I Hope, ‘with eye finish the steeple thi« week, then all are Ihr* WondeiTul chimes and the m is-
or revive those causes ot honorable or patch:
r«r piece of R« ii I m * us . “The D. s««nt
less honorable contention that have
Washington. Septemlier 8th.—The serene,' wave« her bright wings over tbe outside work will be done. Plas­ from the Cross,” is sei lously damaged.
the ruins.”
heretofore prevailed among un,”
John L. Balliv in lias a new rim-
plan adopted by tbe military author­
The introduction of Terry’s snife ities aud acquiesced in by Congress iu
Linkville, Oregou, Sept. 7.—No v
Dedication and installation services , bition. I'll -N w York Sun ot Sept.
1882 of budding large military posts that Linkville's people have recovered were held at the Bethany Presbyterian 7lti. priii'8 a left t from him in wli eti
m svidence in tbe Neagle case has re­
be at er unces his n tcutiou of running
at central points with a view to the
called to the mind of the old residents . concentration of troops and the aboli­ from the sudden calandly thrust upon Church last Siieday. Full attend me, for eiMi_': -‘io*i the d«mo T it’C ticket,
them yesterday, many sad face« are moruing aud evening. Eneas McL-an
of San Joaquin oounty, a few of whom tion of small outlying posts is rapidly seen. The ruins h ive cooled enoug i preached the dedication sermon, as- It ir hw alntion to r '.r»«ient a B is-
were present in tbe court, a little inci­ mater udiziug into what its promoters to allow a search for valuables, but in svitwl bv th« pastor, mid th« It is. ton.listi> ». H,< si e 'hat with hii -’ i
■ tr ies tb it 11« will ii
nearly every mstanoe the search is fu­ WilligrTtf, Sbintck, Black an J Plnpfw. tn<b 'inibit:>>:> b
dent of Terry’s life which has not intended.
future >n
his life what it on p‘it L
Nowhere is this more apparent than tile. ,J. T. Forbes recovered two
ilie city council h ive granted to ti\ I
been published. In April, 1851, Terry in the West, where with large pisis at
doubt his quail
pieces of metal representing tbe eoiu Hrant's Pas Water, Light snd Powt l, lie. Bullivsn tic 's ys, uot
in couelusiou, tba
licniiot'S HS 1>V
•tabbed a man named Joseph Road­ Fort Logan, Colorado; Fort 8’ieridin, which nearly
cost I Ben .UVURW
Monroe Ins II.;
lift', ,
" •■»«I tv»- will biveiiu tioubltt in gelling h
aud silver-twing
allowing then
house in San Joaquin county, I I Illinois, and Fort Riley, Kansas, lhe coin— l
_ m-'k-/«-f
. ...
s to lay pipes and mams and erect iriefi
rv• 'hearing iu e<M»gresj or in making
Tbe sheriff of the county, who I rapidly undergoing construct ion, and ed together. Il is a difficult matter t » light wire« through tbe streets, tdleyR
cm^ressaicn iisun to whut he siivs.
with Fort D. A. Riirsell in Wyoming determine the value.
wss no other than Porter Ashe's and Forts Robinson and Niobrara in
and highway» of tbe to vn of Grant’s
There hat not yet been •!-lsbli*he<l
Mercuan's having safes are opening Pam. The directors aud oili vr» of
father, placed Terry under arrest. He Nebraska practically complete, it will them where possible, mid ml with­
any school or coll,-ye of thulogy in
was tried by a jury and convicted.
Oregou, but the il. E. Gouf.....nee ut
stood tho beat in good shape. Bald­
these p lints with troops uow at out­ win A Forltes’ safe lies among a pile ideut; J. T. Galvin, vav presidentf its l.c-t meelitiK', aft t
ijeting a
The oourt sentenced him to pay a fine
Arthur Conklin, secretary and
h. r .p «ition tn,.ii (lie WilL. ’ae'.tc
lying points.
I ■ -
of oil aud varnish cans, which slid
of $1 and the costs of the prosecution,
General Crook, commanding the burn fiercely. G. W. Smith, th-’ heav­ Cbauelor. tr?at>tir* r. The enterprise if1 veralty, B’h'ptiMi the foilnWIUi? nso-
Geueral Department of Missouri, has iest losers was not at home. He win a good one, and we wi»b them every’ ItiUon: “Resolv. 1, That we rec.tu-
which he readily « did.
e »
success It will surely be a great im­
lie-u directed to assign the troops uow
The steamer Ancon, which was at Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory, overtaken at Helena by telegraph ami provement anti Iwuefit to the people ni<cl to the triis' '«s of sui»i UUiver-
my, to take the ’ni-'SSiry ¡ne.isnr. »
turned back. Grave fears are enter­ of Grant’s Pass.
wrecked at Loring, Alaska, was said Fort Hayes, Kansas, and Fort Lyon, tained that bis lnsuiauee policy lu 1
■'•r the < Bt.ilhi.-:;;ii. at of mcli a i-ch-ol.
to be so weakened with age that site Colorad ', and the larger stations with­ expired aud bad not been renewed,
>y the election of an mi q > .ti> nnni-
h r of pro'es- t - for the hi . ii «, whose
went to pieces with astonishing rap­ in his livision. General Crook was in which event hie loss will tie very
also instructed to seu 1 a regiment of
Neighboring Countihs
Inty it shall ts> t >4>
np-.Hi it ctir-
idity from her own weight, as she infantry from either tbe Department heavy. His policies for $11,003 ex­
rviiiun of Htu iy, , an 1 pr«»c ire I he r< -
pired August 31st ami were ordered
lay fast on the rocks with tbe tide of the i’latte or the Department of the . reuewed, but It is not kuowu whether
quisito material for
f 1 he s «tn •, bo that
recedmg. The disaster revealed the Missouri to th« Departmeut of Texas lhe reissue was made or not.
at the enrltts
lue 8 'htioi e iu boAfin
[Yreka Journal, Sept. 11.;
reusoiiabl» date wf r tbe cotn.n *ucv-
I Baldwin A Forties are among the
fact that she was unsafe-far from
Eighth Cavarly which was sent from heaviest losers, owing to light insur­
Mr. Theobald Young, popularly of the school yea ir.”
“staunch and seaworthy” as the term there to Dakota about a year ago.
ance. This firm recovered four n-w known us “Dave Young” died Ins
Steve Brol.o. thv Ini'lire jumper,
is applied to vessels expected to carry
General Crook will be giveu author­ wagons from Liuk river lo-d-iy which Sunday, soon after noon, aged 4?
p—The owners and inspec­ ity to issue the necessary instructions had beeu run from their large ware­ year», having lieen taken to Ins bed vent over the lior- «ii >.• full, N ig ir.i,
last B'lliird.iy iiiuruing. He took tin
tors who permitted the vessel to risk for putting these changes into effect. house into tue water ami saved. Mr. aliont two weeks ago, although lie ha. precaution to pmi ins Isilv heavily
They will occur during lhe autumn.
Baldwiu feels very sore over bis loss, lieen in very poor health for a couph with cotton fiiiy-two inches »round
tbs lives of thousands of people every
Posts vacated by troops of the but will probably reopen as soou us of years past. He came to this plan,
tbe waist and seventy five inches
year should be brought sharply to > Seventh, Thirteenth and Eighteenth uew quarters cau be obtained and in tbe '50 period.
around the cliest. Over this he placed
account for their cupidity or their - Regiments of infantry will tie aband­ stock secured.
“Dave” Young. who died last Sun i rubber «mt, atnl the l>oiy was pro-
oned and turned over to the Interior
criminal neglect.
day, held an insurance policy iu th- ected with two s:e«i bands. He
miued as to what their future will be, A. O. U. W„ for S2000, and an addi jumped
into the river jiial after day-
It is . proposed
to treat tbe other two but speak cheerfully.
It will not be a long time before
. policy for $1000 in the guar
shot over tbe Horseshoe falls,
the Grand Army of the Republic will «r three company p<«t« in isolated
This calamity could not have oe- anted fund of same order, makum break,
sad disappeared for two minutes, when
partH in
tn the same manner as fast as
, .
. .
oease to be a cause for contention the new
___ __ and large
_ poets are put in curred at a worse time. This has bei-n $3,0(>>, which his bereaved widow wit became to view au.i was pick. I tip in
ail exceedingly dry seasou. consequent­ receive. Diva has been a faithfu m unconscious «on.litioti and t-rkou to
or to worry the fearful-hearted that readiness for the troo[>s.
ly crops are very poor. Tbe farmer
Eventually it is proponed to reduce has been credited by tbe merchants member of the order since organize iheClitUon. He aoon r •covered eon-
ths old soldiers are going to abeot b
tiou of Klamath Lodge No 170 in the eionsoess and w w foivi I to be uot
for the necessaries of life, aud uow
the treasury. In the year 1888 alone
ber. With Indian trouble a thing of tbiugs must come to mi issue, which place, holding tbe position of Reeeivei seriously hurt.
the Grand Army lost by death no the past, there will be no reason for
or Treasurer from its institution in
result in great hardship.
leas than 4,696 members. The next scattering our small army all over th« will
A loss of $3300 to Mrs. M. E. Wil­
year will, of course, show a still country.
IiPtrucl White, an employe of tin
liams on furniture iu the St- Charles
In the opinion of military authori­ Hotel, with no insurance, was not late C. & O. Stage Compauy for many
larger falling before the sickle of the
ties the day is coming when it will be
who had care ot stage stock a’
first reaper, for as the membership the large cities that need protection, reported iu yesterday's items. Mrs. years,
Williams baa just returned from Port­ Anderson's Ferry Hnd also st Laird's,
grows older, tbe rste of mortality not the prairies, and it is therefore laud only to-day to fiud her elf pen­ near Klamath City, died at hospital
must increase, until iu tbe last few considered much more judicious and niless.
last Sunday morning, aged 55 years
The merchants of San Francisco He was an Indus!none, upright aud
years that the veterans are left, they economical. It is as well to have our
25,i)<M) regulars separated in as large
citizen, highly respected by all
will be swept away in vast bodies. detachments as possible, and stationed have shown their generosity in tend­ worthy
ering offers of aid totLe biuiuess mem who knew him. His funeral took
At the utmost, another decade will at convenient railroad centers, whence These messagi-e are cheering to all. place last Monday sfteruuou, 9tbio>:.
see the Grand Army men so reduced theo can be dispatched to tbe scene Beu Mouroe, the ouly persou injured, under the management of his many
friends, nnd Col. Stone, of the Scott
that they will hnve difficulty in rally­ of trouble as rapidly as it is uow pos­ is resting easily to-day.
sible for small detachments to reach
Valley stage, purchased tbe burial lie
ing a few thousand for their annual the scene of an Indian outbreak.
at Evergreen Cemetery.
Medford Items.
Eight large stacks of wheat, piled
It is generally expected, says a
S. A. Owings sold out bis livery up ready for threshing at the old Itiii-
Tbe constitution framed for the new Washington correspondent of the asso­
stable to Mr. Jake Wrisley.
net farm, ou the island, in Scott Vai Who advised her pupil» to strengthen
state of Washington provides that no ciated Pre»8,that Secretary Tracy whl
Mrs. Merriman t, having ar>addilion . ley. now lease I by Janie« Bryan,J were their minds by the use of Ayer’s Sar­
man shall hold any one of the county
recommend to Grngress an appropria­ to her house and will soon take up her destroyed by fire last Thursday even­ saparilla, appreciated the truth that
offices for more than two terms ot two tion of about half a million for put. residence in town.
ing, the fire commencing alsuit H bodily health is essential to mental
vigor. For persons of delicate ami feeble
years each. This is a >iltle rough on
Frank Mingus is to build n neat o'clock and burning all night, whib commit at ion. whether young or old, this
ting shipbuilding plants into the navy
tho hundred or m nv farmers collected
ths professional county politicians,
yards. About’ $100.000 has already-
medicine is remarkably beneticial. Be
town. C. W. Skeels baa the contract were iiuable to do more than keep it sure you get Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
but it msy simply develop versatility
from spreading. It ta t l.e gi neral tie-
been spent in each of the yards at
Althongli their cburidi is not fully
anoog them, and not ruin the business
'• Evjity spring ami fall I take a num­
New York aud Norfolk and a smaller oompleled, the Metboahs'e exfavt to lief that tbe fire was tbe work of in ber
of bottles of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and
iucenduiry, as the threshing ui:<cinn<
as some would suppose. A oounty
sum at Mare Island, California, w> bold their tirst service iu it tn x' Sun­ was n long distance from the .-luck: am greatly benefited.” — Mrs. James 11.
clerk may serve two terms—then take
man, Stoneham. Mass.
that a large share of the amount will
none of the hands sleeping tn ar, ar.
• dsputyship for a rest, and to dull tbe
“ I have taken Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
Mr. J. O. Johnson and family re­ the locality, a mile from the hour» wiili
go to Boaton and Portsmouth. Alxrnt
great benefit to my general health.”
teeth of envy, and then bob up serene,
$150,|MX) is tbe estimate for an effec­ turned from California last Saturday and across the river from the wagoi — Miss Thirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md.
ly as a candidate for assessor. After
and will spend th« winter ou their ■ road, l'he work of threshing hnd j.o
“My daughter, twelve years of age,
tive plant and probably this sum will Table Rx*k farm.
been commenced by the I! iihunir
four years in the assessor’s office and
be speut at each of the New Englmd
nuiebine, and the loss comprises rd ou; has suffered for the past year from
a two years' respite, he may then hs -
yards. If Grngrcss approves the bought a half inti rest iu Frank Wade's 2.‘HUI busbtls worth at l< t.n JUJUMi.
pire to the sheriff's office, and after
remiminenlatiou of the Secretary's coal mine iu Antioch precinct, lie
A few week» ainre, we Began to give
that to the office of sch<M>l suprintend-
I.akerie F .amlncr. S-pt A.l
policy the Navy Department is to was much elite«! at tbe prospect of (Le
her A yer's Bars»put ilia. Iler health lias
aat or coroner. Buch a law iu Oregon
mine.- [News Sept. 11.
The lown council 1 as a| minted r greatly improved.” — Mrs. Harriet H.
have giKsl plant«*avuilable at all the
would be a serious thiug for Joel
i ommittee to neg--tih'e for II Join c Battles. South Chelmsford, Mass.
leading navy y inbseveu though manv
California comb honey at
“About a year ago I began using Ayer's
$ i <n»i I t ten ear», for rue pnrpos« of
Ware, of Lane county, who has held
Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility
of the new cruisers are built in pri­
I). L. M inkler A S ok ' s .
building a town hall, jail, etc.
the county clerk's office from a time
and neuralgia resulting from malarial
vate yards. To have yards under the
Pe er Grwi z, of Montugtie, Tu.« ley exposure in the army. I was in a very
when the memory of man runneth uot
Secretary Whitney, under tbe
direct control of the Government is
bad comlition. but six bottles of the Sar­
to tbe contrary.
considered e’scn’ii.l iu war times, lie- Cleveland Democratic Administra­ 1-1.» for pojiril. He left yi.s-t'-rday fol saparilla. with o<’<‘asi(>nal doses of Ayer’s
Pills, have greatly improved my health.
Tbe Republicans of Washington caitse private contractors cotild not tion. paid an English firm $21JM>> for hritoa, but eipect-s tu return in ibirtj I am now aide to work, and feel that I ■
cannot say too much for vonr excellent
Territory met in convention at Walla lie relied upon to . make repair«, mid a plan for the building nt the iron
remedies? — F. A. Pinkham. South
B- ii. M. Barney and Matth> w Gor­ Moluncua,
Walla last week, and placed in nom­ they would have the Government at war-vessel, Texas, now Ring built
ination tbe following ticket for the their mercy as to price». Mndiinery
“My daughter, sixteen years old, fs
using Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ef-
new state, to be voted upon next used in tb«> manufacture of large war­ ter ?2,.W,nno have been spent on lhe . I h it valley, I lie hre 1« g.-ttuig m dau fect.
” — Rev. S o Graham. United
month: For Governor, ex-Govenr r ships can now be procured in this huge vessel, it is aseerts'i ed that she g oils proximity i<> buildings un i iie.y Brethren Church, Buckhaunon, AV. Va.
E. P. Ferry, of King county; for lieu- country. When Secretary Whitney will not float but will sink with her s neks, and unless a r. iu comes soon to
” I suffered from
put out the fire, it is feared that much
tenant-governor, Chas. E. Laughton, was making his plans four years ago own weight, and work has lieen sus- damage
of Okanogan: for cougreasmiin. John this wa* not tbe case, but a stimulus pended.- |State Journal.
with lame hack ami headache, ami have
Star Bekerv opppoaite pre-toffice, been
L. Wilson, of Spokane; for secretary whs given to iron ship building by
Concerning tbe announced candi­
mm h benefited by the use of Ayer's
of state, Allen Weir, of Jefferson; for the policy of the Government. If h:is dacy of the Hon. John L. Sullivan for Ashland, Oregon. G a d tum' I • p Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years of age.
the price of lined. K loiivee. 25 <•>». ami am Matiafled that my present health
treasurer, A. A- Lindsley, of Clarke;
Congress, Many
democrats inter­ 33 lib loaves, 81. pe ", cake«, ciudi . and prolonged life are due to the use of
for auditor, T. M. Reed, of Thurston: to do the work equal to that of Eu- viewed at Washington last Monday und nuts ut th« lowest market rii’’. Ayer’s S nsajiarilla." — Lu< y Moffitt,
for attorney geueral, W. C. Jones, of ropean foundries.
say it may not prove a laughing mat­ Sweet cider, 5 sis per gl-«.«, 1 quart. Kiiiingly, Coan,
Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 79
10 cts. 1 gallon I'le'.s. W m M ills ,
Spokane; for superintendent of pub­
ter. Sullivan is located iu what is
Prop'r. years old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes :
lic instruction, R B. Bryan, of Che­
“After several weeks’ suffering from
known as “Pat Collins’s” district. It
Go to corner Mam and Granite streets nervous prostration, I procured a bottle
halis; for oommuMioDer of public
has a reliibie democratic majority of for paints, oils, vitnisbes, brushes, of Ayer’s Saisapaiilia, ami l»efore I
Tbe sermon subjects at tbe I’reshy.
lands, W. T. Forest, of Lewis; for
artists'materials, and wall and build had taken half of it my usual health
teriau church, on next Sabbat b, will be 7000 and is control,ed by Irish voters.
supreme court judges, R O. Dunbar, as follows; Mortnng; "Rendering an Those who know the district well say ing papers. Estimates made’ on pain? returned.”
of Klickitat, T. C. Stiles, of Pierce, account.' Evening: “Why I Iwlive in that if Sull, van would only keep sober iug, piper baugiug, interior dextira-
tlous, etc.
T. J. Anders, of Walla Walla, Em- tbe Bible.”
esc ip»the Mississippi peni'enti try ind
E vans i B ocsk , Ashland, Or.
mon Scott, of Gaitield, J.*P. Hoyt,
Tbe finest hue of groceries in tbe cultivate ,-iopularity, he migii’ cap: ire
Bain wagons from $90 up, at Ash­ Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Man.
of King-
city at
D. L. M ink LBN ¿Sow's. * a uouuuation next year.
Prto-tL «UboUlM.«». Wont S4 • bouM.
land Milla.
Free i
A Genuine <'ravon
Portrait tiiven < awav
without anv
Commencing Saturday, Aug 17th, we will give free, to al! per­
sons buying goods to the amount of Fifty Dollars, an or­
der for one of our genuine Crayon Portraits of yourself or any
S10O Reward!
As to the perfvi tion of these portraits in likeness to the photo­
graph from which they are made. We invite a comparison with
the best crayons made by the best artist.
What could be nicer than one of these elegant crayons! We
have also made arangements with a large frame manufactory to
mount and frame these portraits for our patrons in the best
style at one fourth the usual cost of such frames. You can have
either gilt or bronze frames with fint-clast French picture glass
already to hang on the wall. You are, however, not obliged to
purchase a frame at all or you can purchase it at some other
store, this does not matter to us, we give you the picture and sell
you the frame at cost if you wish it.
Many people wonder how we can afford to give away a work of
fine art like this with so small a purchase of goods. We answer
that it is done as a big advertisement. No such inducement
can or will be offered bv any other house in the citv.
Come now and avoid rush that will be sure to take place for
these crayon Portraits. «3T’ Kememlier that you need not pur­
chase $100 worth of goods at one time, but at different times
aggregating the amount.
One of these Tickets given with every Dollar’s worth of goods
you purchase for CASH.
8 Tickets gives you a Silver l’lated Sugar Shell, worth S 1.00
10 Tickets gives you a Butter Knife, worth
12 Tickets gives you a new style Lace Pin, worth
25 Tickets gives you a set of Rogers’ Teaspoons, worth
35 'fickets gives you a set of Rogers' Knives, worth
50 Tickets gives you a set of Rogers Tablespoons, worth 0.00
50 Tickets gives you a Crayon Picture of yourself or any of
your friends, worth
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Carpets, Boots and
Opposite the Postoffice.
Main Street,
\s.J I UA N i).
Smith & Dodge
Carry the largest mid be*» aelucte.l
In Southern Oregon.
We ae!l
THE Davis Sewing Machine,
The be«t sew inc machine made. Cal’ and
•re it a; <1 be couviuceff.
Rare Opportunity.
l.otft for Mal« nt a Barirain.
The tindersignetl offers for ••ah* a: a bar­
gain two choice residence h
in Roper'« ;
addition, each nOx’JT» teet, fronting on low«
street. Both lots planted in fruit of the
chnievNt varieties.
Price, if sold immediately, <200 each. For
further information < a'l a' residence of W.
A. Walker, in Reeser’s addition. or address
by mail nt Ashland. Or. W m A Hi l-soN.
Ashland, Or.. August 3 \ 1SM».
Choice sample Rooms.
ilidi'ii'f ihiid
< )1? KGOX.
A I m »,
Centrally Located.
That wan!" off ol«l age, like
Ponce de Ixxtn’s fabled
in which one could
Will tM- held at
bathe and be young again,
CENTRAL POINT, has enthused and filled with
Jaek-on Counts commencing on
hojie manv who long for
MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23,'89 better days, but, alas, such
And continuing Five I)ajs.
hopes may never be real­
Liberal Picmiums
ized; but there is an elixir
Are offered in every dr; a ’ment, bg regal­
is making better and
ing mot«“ ihau
brighter days, lifting debt
$4,300 IN CASH. from the shoulders of the
There is the best mile rnt-trn^k iu the
S’a e on the ground«, and there will be run oppressed, putting new life
ning uud trotting ra< e.- « a h day.
into the discouraged. It is
Prices of A«tmin«ion:
Slate Ikiaiiii.^i'hiture
Men’s Da\ Ticket
Women's Day Ti<’ket
Men’« Sca-on Ticket
Women’s s« <*«on ticket
Send tv the 8« erda » for Premium list.
GEO. W RIDDLE. President,
ROBERT A. M1LI.F.R, Secular). JacKsvU-
vUle. Oregon.
riieCasliSyshiitDean mi's
Tourists & Commercial Men.
This tine new hotel iu the Ct nt er of the bus
invss j a. t of the cit\ ha* just bo n < re<\cl
on the siteoi the ol*i popular A-hlan-i Hor.«**
a”d ha- ’ e<-n lensed bp the u 11 ku
n and
successful landlord.
Twcut tifrrh «nival exhibition ot
Sa’eni. Oregon,
E. K. Brightman, Prop.,
Who will conduct the hotel iu fir«t-cla*.s
style. The table will con’inue b» L? kep’ up
se< ond to none, and gue-t- can be n-~u « i - f
the Itesi of treatment. Terms rea-unable. 10
C. W Ayers,
H. R. Barbour, Ii.T. Elviage
Ayers, Barbour & Elviaie,
Contractors & Builders,
0. W. AYERS, Architect.
Estimates made on all kinds of buildings
and nil material* furnish-<i forth - same.
Plans and *>peeifi< ations for dwellings of
Iate*t modern drsigua made at our office
and furnished free l<» our patrons We un-
dertitami our business in a'l its braudvs
and do no! hisitau* to guarente«* satisfac-
; tion.
If you c(»ttleinpTntc building HhV
thing, from a foot bridge tu a ho el, eali on
us al our office,«’«truer Main and Ilargadiue
sts,. Ashland. Or., and sc«- what we < an «Io
for you. We have an unlimit* d aupply «•(
material of ali kinds for building piirpos >
' and « «n build your house without any ttu
nec«‘Msary delay. Outside order* for plan*
and specifications suliciit d and prompt et
tent ion giv« n to them We hivito inspec­
tion of our work aud can give references
where required.
Business !
Important Imprownii-D?* rende in the pre
inium li.-’
Reduced rate* f >r far •- and fn -u
transportation Iine"«f . an . f? i th? fa r
r 1 «in: rx roTisiGXEi’ wo««’i
» r «v
1 !•■'.«> «»hl < tiMomcr«. Do »:.• jrtitdb
g«‘iu-iai:y. th»»l !»• is »«gain in »h »« .■
and 1« prvparvd to vtt« cd 1« h i
call* promptly at
Prices of Admis. jon:
Meii's day ticket
Wumcn'u <1 h \ ii- k.-t
wa--on ti •• «1
Women’s season 1 ¡cket
Srud 10 the secretarv at Snlrm f«.r n
minili list,
J T. Ai'i'ERS »X
J. 1. Grvtfg. Secretary
Passenger* to and fr«»«i each train.
A. P. Ball,
J. E.
Now have their nets mili. n»ar
Un. it*
upetation, and u e ready u, 1 ¡1 ali *«rde - f »r
Ayers, fhrbour & Elviage.
Nervous Prostration,
îlieBankof Ashleiid
Ou short notice, and ut l>»w<*«i Price*
Sugar Pint Ceiling and Rustic
— aud —
Paid Up Capita!,
Yellow Fine Flooring,
Will be our Specialties.
f*«>M.»tfire addros« is McAllister, <Rrg.»n.
and all ord vs a«id fessed to that office wfj
receive p,. n»m attuli'irm.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,
S10O Reward!
We will give $100 to any charitable institution of Ashland on
sufficient proof that the portraits we give away are not made
with genuine crayons, or that they are not e pial in every re-
speetin artistic merit and excution t<> any crayon made.
The Teacher
General Debility.
Does a Genera' Banking E-sires«
Colestin Soda Springs
Wffjbeopcti Muy 1st. for the ar<ommo<Ta*
tiou of a limited number of gurstn.
Made and Repaired,
Next door to E. il. Miller'» Grocery
Store, north of bridge.
*<dlect1r«iis tnffde h al' «ceeasibîe |»olnta on
farorabh» term»
Mght exchange a:« , tr egraphi- transfer»
Ff“”*-',«« r.nx< X- w York
rfWd dujfi l.rtìUjjki
ntu tifi ufi
Boar«) and lodging, per week
|10 00
•• ••
•• day
1 S g
•* per day
1 01
Single me Is
Camping prMW^ra will be- 50 cent« pet
week ioreach individuul.