ASHLAND TIDINGS F riday BREVITIES. boon the hp 1 dm >1 will ring forth agaiu. P.tMitl of t «philization meet» next Monday at .Jm k* i bouse near Piesiiyie- hue* brought mo*t .di thocumpers borne nan church. Children are admitted from thv vil! igv up Aahtaod Crcok. from three to seven yeiirs of age. Prof. J. S Sweet brought with him The work in the Kindergarten is strictly iu accurdaiM-c with the Frube- frt >m tlm Co:ibt mountains a cute hl tie liau luelboti. Special ullentmu giveu fawn, whi'di he purebred there. U> numuerv, I; ngnage amt cultivation The weather turne»! much cooler of Hie voice. Term» 5lk»ts per week or Sunday and morning tires have not S2.Hl |>er uioDtb. in i.dv. nce. l»een uucomfortable tuuco that time. F annie F ox . Th • Rp cia term of Circuit Court More Hurnrd. op«, oh at Jack-onv’lie next Mouday, k from .\loudny the regu­ Hol Abra ns »Coro at Gi»«nd«ie was ami one bnrne«l last Saturday night with all lar term In ins. ita contents. No real authentic | r- II. C. Mvt.ead Indian country in a tire, ami a woman arrested for the couple of months. deed out dircharg»d fi r the kick «•! fire» have been rngmg m evidence. Thesl«»re :•!<» k were the Timber S’skivooe back of M. jor Barron’.« insured, n is r.q orted, for SNa t) which plat», and (ht Major and Ins ruei» will Ulidnilbtedly Cover th»'io»», though one report s. Ill that th« !<*» was Stkl.4) wer • kept busy fighting fire last week. (irny hair» nrrvenk-l. damlmfT re- more than th«" insurance. moveti, the sculp clvalis**d,and ¡he hair t Jw>ep'une«l aunty Freeh. *. mff»e Milk ■ >i; ke« at tile Soda returning Mou i y. He liieught back Fountain. Also mewing and smok­ with hun a bark«l ot peai'liee from ing tobacco, cigarettes cigars, and trees iu fits young oreuur«! there, lhe the fi’mst candies all fresh. C »;ue |»'a«'lir» were rai«e»d witlmut lrrigatniu, and K*e. * and Willie there have I h - vii l..rg»r Cupp ’ s Laud Bulletin reports the peaches brought into the T idings of­ following butuvstead patents iasned fice this season, the samples Mr. Lau­ f«»r Roseburg distn-’i.: Nos. 13.59, der» left are equal if uot snpenor to 1»•-><;. the 17HH, lKIM, IS7I. IrtbG. ltftll, any in point of liavor. Mr. Lautlele 1920 has forty acres .»I fruit trv»*. principal­ ly prunes, apples and peach.», on the Five C. S. prisoners from Vancouver place and they are nil doing nicely. barracks an I -*♦'•*».«•(> -ed to terms at Al • Vraz pri:«ou for deberiioji passH»l is a Xoalewmi Mau. through on y Htardiv's charge Mr. O. Gauinrd la^t wnk s<'lHUiar«i also Midi Hie gen­ one up to t4»e I ii » in ** s ( th-e last Sat- tleman 50 11" id of s’o 'k with tin* place, urot) tire Monday supposed was lip Monday. land amt -Pt <-ls from county incendiary. C. W. Ayers was over at Y reka N ame <» e D íkthí « t The Oregon Press ■esocMtiou lb to No. again this week. be iu bubsiou at Yaquina to-day and Jilt khoDVillv tl.44.0U Frank Williamson left for lb.» north to-morrow. Eun-rpribe I..« on Wetiti. sdiiy eveuing. ixiglOH a 1.Í..IU Mrs. Sarah Auleurieth, a pioneer iUt.MUlX Sheriff Birilsev was up on legal I idy of Yr<-kH, did at Hint place last •J- A-hUibi Im.... »less last Finlay. fi. Centrul Poinf Sunday, aged 77 years. Ernivnjiii L. L. Merrick is over nt Sisson on a s. Myer '4.'M S|»>kaue Falls uew Opera bouse V. Engie i'vini f«w «lays' business trip. when Completed will rank with the lu. .South i'rairiv 11. Mounmin John Felton is iirouud again after iiut -I iu tue Culled State». 12. Anlvitipe quite a long siege of the fever. The Albany is living high id. < hi inney Ro< k Unloti .-¡»lings G. T. Hershlwrgsr, of Central on timber land notice« now. There 11. IÔ. lDUepuudeacc were aliout fit) iu the last issue. Foi:it. «.'« 111 Ashland Friduy. .<■ Mound 1. GRANTS PASS! < ounty Seal <»f .b»s< plt1ne f’ounty The Largest and Most Progressive City of Its Age in Oregon, port I, Vri»>N IHS4. Ki. >'OI»| I ATKIN ISHII. 4000 No liwiM I’lifts ytt il is Ilit llihirsl ad hMcsl Umitr To»u i* Southern Ortfwi. Busine-» Ixits in the Original 'J’ownsite as shown in the accompanying Map at .<175. X< > HIGHER, Residence Lots from One to Five blocks from the Depot from $35 to $125. NO HIGHER. Aller Aug IMh uli lut* will !•<• adx anced 23 per Cent Jj*|»et'H lip vU. J Cully visit friends there awhile. ■ for bl,, .lass rgalu Sept. 2, Ulticb totli«- Ji Given Mounitun II »rb< rl I'. Beisber. the famed son l iHiit? < r»*tK j<'J oi iimiH-roub iq plict.uih for pnbbc A‘i. »■:• ’ lintjvilie of tils f,illi.»r. w.i.a ,iooar>i the traiu go- tan :s in Northern c.ihforuia. 4 l i «¿upe)V« r ¿.M.IitK) lit i'. .•:» «. received tiv Kogae Elver We im- ‘I ,y and is visiting per pnreuts, the relief comiiir.»t .-»t- ,kane Fail- oi-lciyuu Bro., rebar«» Mr. am! Mrs. 11. K. Bngbttuan. of wl'kih only $« ! » .,. 4 o 11 um » i . br.«lF ■ 1’ >iui Norm .taiir « Va.,4. • Mr. im-l Mis. Col. Jas. Norris went J ’i J. T. Ireland, who fo.merly liv •»! Bui«« ov»r to Sissmi We«ln<»B'lay morning, ill «1 mtieb near Heufiy, was last 4a. South Foierii rvek »■xpe 'tiug Ui In* absent a couple of w< ; 1: neie.l <•! >ape, tti the circiti. 4. Table !l«»« l 1I. r.ud ervek ■lays. entirt I jr Jot. 'phim« «'»«iiuty, nu«l st-n- là. Frontier S!:'‘rm..n Stanley and family, of ter 1 I io 2J yi uia in the i-euileU'tary. I,. Lour Sc lie del ill Liidivilfi-, cam»' in List week on a visit 5 u« Colusa auJ Cinco wli<> 41*. Medford t i relative« ami returmd Monday of fill', becu camp at Sirs»>11 lor a week or ÓU Dvvinger • • tap LitK-rt) this Week. tno.c, retonieil Lome laet Suturilay, ÒÌ. 52. t hupnrr*il Mrs. J. J. Strait and children left *11 dibit up a tin« lime spent then- • k J. ilouud Top eve I rulay eveuing last tar Kosebnrg. wit 1 a big sham battle am! a graU'l 54. i. Nortu '1 rail Creek They will spend awhile in Douglas ba! . ■itì. South Wuglier < ri ck Gold fill! 47 county visiting relatives. 'lb* la';est amount of money ever .«H Sieamb<»ai Pioneer Day Projrrammr. Miss B"lle Ainlersou, r on • telegraph tii««“ilge lb .'41. DcKkiliN So«iu i-priugi- typographical force, is taking a ’aea- th" hletoty of the l’acitie eoaat. wan HO. The following is th«> outline of the »il Gab's Creek lloli, ami Miss Neill.» Riles« II bolds her that of SchwHbaeker Bn«., the "ease'' for a time. i:.e l'a-ncr S K-iety of Boutbcrn Ore­ $6'10 and waa ail order for giaxih. Mmiuoti« J.Kei- gon to I m « held in Aablaud, Thiirwlav, G. S. B'tHer retH'tnsl last w»«'k from Sept 12. IKS«.»; • Two men uamed Jobu L-aa .41.,1 iswlist the ill me millerites H "Begulater'' a tup out to his Klamath county ranch, Meet, ou plaza square nt It) o'cha-k an l brings in the oft repeated story of John L' »'.is. who are lafbeved to la U most inijiurtant organ. Irm r I f a. m.; form aud march Ui grove under tbe in- 11 who robbed the Trinity stage 1» year Liver out of ord« r- 11. .1 1- y.»u. fry wet 'lier out thtffe. dirc4-tion of Geu. J. M. McCall. ou th • ti'ti mat. of $1.» W. W. Fi ller, brother of Mrs. De- resled aud ttirued over to the F. S. feilM«'«-. you lioVv lieaUaehe. f.-« l l-iup .id Brayer by Chaplain, Rev. M. A. Wil­ ilispirtted. iiti'i nervous. m> up; i’eatt of Ashland, was on Frt liy’s intborties. liam.» of Medford. sleep >s troubiud mid uurvfresbin. train for California, going down there R ¡«ding memorials bv Sec. Silas J.i l he Sunil'i/j ll'eleuuu-, which lieu- moil's Liver K< »unitor r to !<><>k for • a new location. Day. ' ally has tbe iuside track on Fortland he.'iitliy net 1011 of tin- Liver. Oratiou by Geo. W. Dunn. F. B Whitney, th** rustler for the .iffaira, says I be re|a»rt that Hearst Iii4rumei.'tal music by < i<*:« B. -. 12.k* i»iuml horse for r »S. P. Line»» in Oregon, hits been sub- «vas going to duplli'.it«» lhe H.riuniner BamL niiling his couuteuance to the inspec­ tn Portland, is probably eutirely with­ well bioken, single or double Following committees were apt ■point- ■g at Bunk. tion of Awhlanders this we-k. out foundation. Al-f ««d: On vivid music, Mrs. M. L. L. .... w ****' tine Euimry ïaril» J. S. Muller, who has been con ­ l iie county advertís««» for pro'iosals bird; «11» grounds, Capt. Thom Smith. Say s a Fresno dispatch of Aug. 1’.» S ■àllllt 11. :t 'Our milers Wlil ph lie" notice Ml 10 build a bridge aero.» Hill creek I. . M. Mdler, J. Wagner: on Banks' fined to his room on nceouut of his t’be late David S. Terry and his wif. • "ail" ot Mi. Mr. .1 M near where the Linkvui* n ad turn« dinner, A. D. Helman, li. F. Mver ami Ahis ies-»» the new "uit" vyes for a mouth past, is out again made their wills, and gave them ilit. * :or f the city, the day liefore Terry»; pre» '.ut summer Mr G. Ims enlarge«; ly enough needl'd. an.l their friends to attend and help -Wed nesday, having accompanied in.« was shot by Deputy Marshal Nagle. ill» yards to d ruble th >r for :. r.-apae- stop-daughter, M ism Ella Brentano. K «lit. N il will Iniilii a Hiibstaulial make the day a pleasant rennuder of ity. ana biMliow, without doubt the There is uo decrei>se iu the nuinla'r formal School. tlie pioneer days of Southern Oregon. thus fur ou her road to Oakland. Cal. of uew residences teiug erected in ni'i-st eetaj/lislunent of its kind on the re.-i lene m. ins ranch in the D» ad lu- y|y order of Commissioners. The A ildaud State Normal S. Iiovl dian tins tall. Mr. Neil bus as tin*« a Eugene. ________ Pacific coast He la nus'.i'g likki chicks 1 here has not l>eeii a time liegius us third year under th»' pres­ > E. O. Potter, of Eugeoe, came out slue«» January 1st when a pers.»t. could tilts year U’ld thinks them the tiin st dairy ranch us one could witu, mid the to Ashlaud last lburs.lay aud is ent matiagenu'ut with the brightest Church Saliera. that he 1; p< r|H» c aupaiiy. I. y at 10 a. m-, R„v. lather N’oolcf- tires • , imits r claims out in tbe Jenny I»« more thin doubled. Prof. C. F. J. B. Ager and wife, of Ager station, who it will be rcuteiuliered, played <* |>,Htli ul Mi». InsFimt. creek and Parker sections is some tieeaUng. Ness»- has returned from Ins California nn«l his broth’T, Mark Ag* r and his « eek iu Ashland in June last, claim Mrs. J. K. Yau Sint «h«d ¡.t her whit er i.» _■■•rated. I'll« fires bmneti t i Lave lost 82KMiu the Spokane Fir«- R«»v. F. B. Tieknor rerpiests the 1 ip - trip and will give instructions in pen- home in .Vblaud last Saturday at 2 the underbrush principally an«l did isos to nntiouiu»» that Bishop Morns, mauebip fri>e of charge to nil who nt- wif**, of San Francj.'wco, came over to though they savetl their wardrobe». As|i!an- Kansas City, Wy indotte and ___ n relative« ,«t her old boure iu R e hanged If you cannot enter at the Is-gin was granted a n»w trial bv the Su­ wonts until death came mid eullid ami cared for. die«] at that pl ice on at T'aleut, Saturday evening aud Sun niug, come as early us possible. I ui- Wt*«in-’ Well to (' * J RejfSiar t hurcli SGrinh!«*«. place. chances who have not paid, will pay i'ertiia sttaehed to thè over) ___r Xx- _ lumi consult with the pres;d»-iit, with whom ♦___________ _________ I’«fore throwing or cirineo will other­ pre.«- eaught tire lie. r Clrema» a b* low In view of the fact that many of our satisfactory arraug« nv uts <»an la- S'hoot Open» Sept. 2d. wise be die|»«»sed with. , S ileni M.unlay. Tie * oar wa.-i switcho'l citizens wonhi bt> glad to uttemi the made. 1 >o not forget th»' date of open­ C«A"W m nretlnrg should inter«« us off onto th-« side track mi 1 tire ludiao __ ing. Sept. 2. 1SH1I. A party of t w< Ive “lioys ¡o'blue” from socials of more than on«« of the -to prevent it, the directors of tbe Asli- stu.leuts given a chance to t st tllelr churches, am] in order to avoid the oe- Vancouver passed south on Weduewlay iland FnWnt Schools expect to have the bre appar itiu, but th« car buri currenc«'of two or more «ueti gather­ « hy ? morning's t ra.n fur Santa Cruz to rep ­ ib«t term annnuuce one w«ek from l’r< ,.i. *rt iiuiii'4 of IUe I’i ili very rapidly un i tbeeuiiru lot o. Il, ings in the same week as now some­ resent the Vancouver companies iu the Why is it a saving of time an 1 next Monday, Hept. 2d. Barents should Central 1! inroad, lis t lii« dir'v-look- one wen» rmtp-d. times happens, t he ministers of the fonr try i« have their cbildnn enter tbe regular prize shoot there. There were ohurcbes m Aalilaml have iigre«« lie p .■ .. 1 Gilmore’s pre .1 New Y’o two Cominisaioned officers among the Hie AsLilaii i Sia'e N ’ o-u.d s-'ho.,,? first eseek as it is not only better for ■nt: thro i.'h Asblaii'i Sunday s .ve ity-two np iub- rs et> I the following division of time, ami do First, las'uus « the insti iictors cacti morning on the regular train. the t"ts»irera ami the school, but makes twelve nun. respeotftilly suggest the same to ail s ilol-ts llicl.idiUg th-- .treat corue it much -¡aster for tire pupils them­ Accidents are liable to happen at couceruwl: The first week iu each teach a special study ami can do more Mr. mi l Mrs. Garrett, of Surprise I lay. rs, B. C. Bent and C 5 rrles Petit work thau when teaeliiug selves. Ths following are the teiu'lrera any time, and it is well tu lie prepared month shall l»e for tbe use, if drwired. ' 1 a numls r of v.»»il t.rlitC. and Gi- valley, Cal., tli» former 1« brother of for the coming year as publish« «1 some for them. Every family should keep of the Presbyterian church -the eec- man;'. Second, the time given to each reci­ Rol.t, Garrett, of tma place, were m more's Bilt-ry of Artillery, «»>mpomn lime ago: Brof B. A. Getz. Hazcltou, a luittie of Dutard's Sp.»*t are complete. Hie length of the Della Gtlrov. Ashland; Miss B«»rtha Sold by T. K. Bolton. land. G. J. W ehatkb , S« h *. Hnpt. J. Brandt, of the S. P. lines of 81,00t> is r t ;i .».1 to have the recitation allowing a full discnssion. Colton, Ashland; Mias Mary Coleuwn, By the l ist apport ionmeut of school Fourth, each teacher having only five iu Oregon, was atioard the train go­ bind perform in a town. I’hoenix. ing south Smi lry morning. He was fuLels. mad«» this w.»>k, Ashlaml dis- PERSONAL recitations per day, has ample time to on Tue N-irthwest Fireman's aaoocia- He* road to H ui Francisco to spend triet receives $1 IM, or $2 p«T capita ou Ilaut! l uatest. prepare outlines, etc. a week or two there 1'1 Deeded rest aud tiou au.l tournament, by a voto of Hie 742 children of school age. This is Fifth, the discussions and explana ­ Jas. H. Gay ami family move down directors held nt Vancouver, will be The management of the District Fair recu | i< m. tions by the students are better than h -Id at Tacoma beginning on Septem­ have offered a prize of S150 tor a bum) more than Medforti ami Jacksonville to Ueutral Point tbu week. districts combined receive, and alm<»t in other schools, the demonstrators Prof. C. F. N<*sse, professor of writ- ber 6th and lasting three days. It Salem Oree«»n ■MO’oet during the fair, the sum being one-fifth ot the mousy apporliom»l to E. J. Stores and wife, and Mrs. usually being teachers of experience. iug and IsHik-keeping in the Ashland will be the greatest event, in the his­ limit d into i"5. -$5o and 825 prizes. Store's sou, <>. E. Marsh, recently from the whole couuty. Sixth, th» ’ surroundings are such as Tin boys of the Ashland Band have California, nrnve<| in Ashland last inspire young people to enlighten.I State Normal S *liool, arrived from tory of lhe as«M'iation, else the fol­ r»t«>wd W> invitation to be present The smoke that h.-ui laten obscuring wci'k nd will locate here, having ideals of manh<»>d and wom:uih<*>daml California Saturday last, to iæ here lowing list of very large prices is uo for the opening of school one Week indication: Wet test—First prize, aud pa Tcipate, but they eay they can't the mountains from view for h <> long moved into »11». Crocker's cottage, tend to broaden their culture an i to from next Monday, 8I(X); second, $2 )0; third, 81(D. Total double the progress that is mad» w snot <"iptiir«»l by the iippear.uiee 81.200. they wouid h ive to be iu attendance - tires and Monday it was ¡dm. »st ti» p .'land Monday, to lay Ins plans be- ly by the pupils of public schools ot C 'li'orma Ht I his +t«;isott ami thiuks f..»e Hi»» < „•« Council. tbe sav that com|>eting Kinds smoky as ever again. An English mechanic, who is a re- The qm-stmu is: which 1* of n > re Sont' .n Gn-gon a pre'ty ¡- hh I place I’REMIl MS must play two lunes each day and be Mrs. Blount, mother of the popular value to tin» student, the price of i yet. ceut arnval iu this city. Bays the Orr- on the immbined merits of the Oregon Kuhiey Tea 1.4 put up HI m, r. i. nit. return 'd to her home in the 1 scholarship or a year’s valuable time ' for agriculture' sfock. ymian, has come to an understanding Oilcred mechanical exhibits, f*»r work» **f an mid tour days work. The Ashland boys air tight tin ts.xe» wj.i.-h pr»s< rve Hi­ Will i.'iiette by Wednetslay evening'» ‘ • I I - • ' Tola ,u nit 1 her «inter, regarding the meaning of a long ami M itriculatiou day, Sept. 21. |s-»H would probably lie willing to work for tact, its pectiHar ni'"Ii ’«, A : l »rs>i i. L«av« to-morrow short haul clause, as applied to freight­ fancy work, and for trials <»( speed glory, if their expenses are-paid, but Full direction« for fin paring Hie tea, ii.'iiini:•_ 1.. Smi Fr.iticia o. ami lifter Mi»s Gran» GillingliHin returns to A ‘• l idlug»- « orri s|>oiiu'ill on 't igiu.l » «pending a v. . k iu tlie city will Hail age aul transportation. He hud he they" don't want that kind of a job and accompmy each package. It is al-o tool chest weighlug perha|>e 'J1*! and NePliei-on for Kodinc, A!. k t. ilio ln*t .«’ncentralern»w evening, afle, a extract. Your druggi«t is anHioriz»f man«' t !■ ,, I., go with thorn on t'-eir land, to Portland. TLe freight charges EACH DAY Timber Claim«. to ref 11 ml tbe money, if Oregon Ki»l- m Asblaud. T idinou repor'.er met C. M grmlei long ;',:;ni.'y. was 81.50. This is the long haul. Here au old time acquatutauoo and promi ­ Aparty;«t about 3i> m«»n from the ney Tea does not do what is claimed John F. Givans returned Wedues- liugrcvcim nt* made in the po- G"'i. H. Gitrny, ot tin« Grin ¡4 in Portland he hired an expressman to nent ettizeu of that pl.ide and eudeav- Willamett“ c vne up to Ashland last for it. Sold by T. K. Bolton. mliia^lirl. dav "Vi ning from Woodlaud. ( '»»ri.i, w..H int.rvi'.wing take his tool chest across the river to K'siucc.i rate« for fare" an I (re , ' " . ored 111 the ¡lersnasive eloquence <>f F. -■ v.vk and went out to tlie Demi In- The expressman Tlie liig cannon that has been al Prof. Harry Lorraine, formerly a 11 persistent ni.xleru repot ter to glean tn. ii .I h in \«bLm t Saturday and East Portland. 1ran»|«ortaUon line» to a»'l from thef.-ir. , «® rouutry 111 search of timber land. m id. ti., Ti:>« oifi. «■ a cill. H ‘ charged him 81.25, ami he has come to \>. '•-• iu fr«.ui there say tiiat they iu- Fort Klamath Bost for many years, resident of Ashland.«but more recently h 11 tb" information from him possibl lia» a ld»'d a rn * Unmpliel! power the conclusion that this is the short Prices of Admission: the »Hind of which at the rising and from It. 1 Norte county. Cai.. 1» iu town us 10 the past, present, and future, of .ar, U 1 all the vacant timber ami haul. In oommeutiug upon the justice day tl.-kei »Ti H 1 u* take claims iu tbe setting of ink h «lay's sun, has been hh this week with his wife. He is the that pu-:uresi|Ue, and thriving to' ij. pr, ..» to tli.» < '."o nv plant, an I will of these charges he has nothing but Men'» Women'« day ticket . •• About th« first question the geutfi mm m ik • «»ther improv, nnmt» also, fl i’ h * ¡iGiber bctwecD Deadwood a signal of safety in that country tiuce same old Harry. "damn" to say, when he refers to the Men » r»ea*<'ll ticket ' a t J' *r-.:>-• Members of tbe the bhiodthirsty Modoc* made their asked whs if the visit had atty fieits- Women » «»'a-oi. tick.'». short haul idause. l’t 'f. »1. ■» ». ¡¡'• i.ii' l Tnewlay stand tiiat. too. Iris followe«! the paper connect ii in. Why Is It Send to the aecretar u »..lent f->r a pre * ' tv t -old 11 is- residents that final fr "i t‘. ■ : n, < < ontity, where li" party D- Ni f«?*han w Mll.blkfau gay (’apt, Caip -uier mid "K " company J t \F.'t |;''>N. JI«« hud I h '. h U i Fortlaud reiNtitly it :», i ••*:> . The ,/owrmt! .«ay that the miners of miani il»t 1 "i.w* at tbeTeacliers' llrit prtiple huger aloiig »,»»>■■• emu and li-.d ini t MeFlareon who tired J T Gregg, .-»'cretary Pr.'-.'l« te they ,«H.'nt.' tbe t«> Vancouver, ami vas brought into Klamath river held a meeting recently plaining ah',nt that colitumal tired feel ­ I ■ II-» »«portfl fftv'i 1 work i 11 uiber tiyltdicaMS y , Asiiluud last week, by t»«; stnmg run the St :iua. I ¡it •!:»■■'. . ...y.ii. ; . . and appointed a committee of three to ing? < h,e bottle of lleggH' Blood Purifi ­ i.i . a . ,.111'11'. by the ineiiMe huuter mill i ^i » » horses, for shipment. er H»d Blood Maker will entirely re we kilo* Me? Wbeu told *« p-ople t lu re, lie willatfa'ud lite inati- examine the dam of the Klamath City that five years »".nd ** move thia feeling, give them n good ap­ knew him, in fact claimol him as our tute at Ros. burg Dext wm'k. Improvement Co. across Khimath river the Dead ludl Ul COUtl. r? «•» td’ As Mrs. I'. W. Isigan and her little to ascertain, if possible, whether or fine I h »1 i « h of timlierout t here lib th- daughter w««redriving up to their camp petite and reputv.v digestion. <’l,it- literary god-father, for had hot his ----- FOR THE W'Xai Broa druggist«. hnl!i.,iit geniilR been the animating, not that dam was the cause of the im Rob rt I’a. bally ami wife, of Clii- er or not th»-» railroad ni-U"rs gave in Ashland Greek Canyon, lust Sun­ and vitalizing force tiiat had stumped cago. who had la i-n visiting the fami­ menae damage to the river miners in FRLL TR7WE. anv nnm»»!iat«* authenticity, »e 1* day, the team was hs Wood Notice every ge>f th'’ Praf- they w»re> «'rowsinif a bridge near The grandest collection of \ou»» ; from the embryo talent «if 8outb«ru claimed that the Improvement Co. There 1» a well «tacked wood yard back of a lU'iuth, li ft Frid,1/ evening last ou ti - ibili: -. of a rout« to that «■ount-y »* : heir etui»i>. Mra. L»>enn, n*«ing the Novelty block, corner Main and Harga Oregon's am bilious penny-a-liners? —he their return, inti-udnig, however, to » hen the storm took place, were afraid fowls ever produced on the r.» »ti- piettv well seltliHi IU the unmk Ol t hat the bursea ani bueklioard 'line «tree to. Ihy ifi-iurh stove wood and 1H was a lib rary diamond embody ing the stop at I’'rilaiid. Seattle. Yellowstone for the safety of their dam and opeued C-wt ih'.se who are acquainted wilbtne were going over, put the little girl out an<12«>-lneh beater wood, delivered ou short ------- 0------ ______ genius of the claaeee permeai«! with Bark and other pl.ic-s eu route ____ _ In the gates, thereby allowing the back­ u heie towu 1.» "f III. land. Am! when it « quickly ami jumped herself just as lhe uot N. ice H. inn Ail Silver Laced Wyandott .4. .... I'srti«» ............ - hsitiing weed to town the eoul of Hie pioneer, Mr. M. per- water for a mile and a bulf to rush Hit...... .. that a railroad built horses and wagon wont down off the or having anv wood „ j. for «ale i-.-i .11 Bmptori|y pnl ajjort our impromptu in large or - small Prof B. A. Getz, the newly chosen through and do much more damage Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahtn - «»ul there woilid have tributary to it bridge t.o the bottom quite a «listance jots, will do well to call at the othve of C. W principal of th« Ashlaud Public than would otherwise have occurred. $8, eulogy, by saying, be di«i not want to Rose and Single Comb Brown L g- lhe finest lady of vacant timlier lan.i U-low. No « further than a big A yors at the above corner. talk to anybiidy that knew McPherson. wlmols, arrived from Hazelton. Ba., However, they h ive examined the mat­ on tbe «vast, as it has l>een i - serte«! scare all ronn«l resulte»! horns, White Leghorns. with his wife last Monday. Brof. ter thoroughly and the Journal was Me had written him up in tbe “ Mur- to lie by th«»"' wtw> should Ifctiow, then Beople going to Jacksonville wil, White Wyandottes. Partridge Co Leroy V. Wells, tbe vice principal to a Ivaied that they feel satisfied tbut the cury ’ on bis Vancouver trip and it wrrtil*] seem plausib!»* enough that A San Francisco man who was trav­ find Blymale’s ooach awaiting every in oliarga of tb«« iuterme«iiata de- dam was not the cause, and that the chins, Black Minorca» and L«; r- this Michigan «».mpany bail lie«-n 'b -Blymah» » x shans. reporters and especially those who Friday before. road through that conntiy »«ad build­ ble i-i'H'ded dogs along with him in Champions at San Fraru'i e . t' ll., Says a San Francisco dispatch of Bnrckhalter A Hast«' keep in stock km w “ Mel'b.tsou. 1 __ _ ..I ....... We kindly asSnred Mr. J. K. Van Hint returned eb.rg' of lhe !>aggage-nia*ter. When ing large mills. Harman's pure rubber shield for pen­ Mr. M. that Ale’s interesting report ol Wednesday evening from Rod Bluff, Aug. IS: The arrest of Justice Field Victoria. B. C- «n l all tl'»‘ I i»i".g tin» train was near Grant's Bass, ouo holders an«l pencils. It strengthens on a criminal charge is said by law­ exhibitions in Oregon »u l W elutii.'i’»u. Young Pucki t Seen. TWELVE YEARS 1. br i-r of of ti«e .logs a big fellow broke Ins the grip on the penholder ami eases their receul meeting that appeare«! where be had I h M'U on Hie sad mission yers to be the first case ou record of a first in the “ .Mercury ” and later in the An Ashlaml genii man who is well fastening .'«. I jump«»! out the baggage the fingers from cramp and fatigue 1'101X014 was ous ot tlie most admir­ of ¡u'eompuny nig the remains of his iirelillrer of ilie Cuited States supreme fatier fowls. Sen I»' mpfor •. acqU'iinteear«d in print, and that his in­ «I.:! . . rn» li"til' with Inin to remain a ,1 i not remember that a United Stilt, s T-west Grov«', Or. I’.'1 . > 1. youville both with the inurdi’red maeter Hi“ benefit of a hUje strong tercut log piou.sT reminisoeu«Ntii deer bunting was «ionn Cherry creek Granite street. Ashbind, will be al­ »».■rues the sunset sea, as the haptiy r«aurn«»l h"ine Terry re.n .rke.i .rked b" tnoUi/ht thought tbe the case ..... \\ . »ui .V c.»srt H. Wevluesday. A t«>'<" low ’ st ’S eUt n getting out of the state as fast as their in ttie e«-«mp toward Klamath, tended to st uu'.a» ui«d fiB»“i al huh vntqallv H»ttleiL The motion >j.»ucy i t'Htjvu M i voices of n. V"r forgotten cbildh.Hid ♦ «würity in ” legs would Carry them. The gentle­ an I of cou.s« ¡but is where the hun­ prices. fs nfor l »u l David Marsh, formerly for a re-beurluR before the supreme tats C*H braaks in m.,gu- spell upon '«he arid write — -It r*aati**n f b« «. rfui ’j or man rvferreil to. a» warn as lie rec«ig- ters went, Townsend among them. Th« finest line of groceries in tb* waat»-s of m‘i»i|mulat:iig years. Ind' d of A• nlaii.l. pi-»' i througii Ashland, court was dvuied cm I ’n biy, and there furniibcd nizeti youug Packet, te! to That swamp is not less than several in another im * * ’ »u ■ ’ ’ « ttio superior D. L. M inklek Sox’s. * w«> nail be» i. e»| «rally invited l«y th« from Oroviifi'. t '.i!., where tfi.-y have Arthur Conklin, ' the proper authorities the facts, aud tuileM tn extent and ilecidedly brushy city at fSuceontr *o *M!1 li ' <.»>» k i.i N ) lbtereeting article IQ queutlon to ti. I I,, . ! at « rk for som ■ time, Tuesday court for the bp»•<»!«•' not.I of a re- informed the Aidilan»! oltie«»r.». While —add to Hi:« tb»« thick Riuokstbnt Fine teas aud coffees a spe«.mdty nt cwiwr, ba«n d ou Ui< petition of Mrs. » ’ . . ng. for Saatt'e or sonic oth»r s.-ek Mr. Magruder iu r«'p. Horial pleat, HEAL ESTATE \<«l A I’, Cor. lie wne wailing for instrueti.nn he de- prevail««! amt "Billy” got lost and * D. L. M inkler & Son's. and herefonii be might pleasantly la. Cling »V. T. town, to work at tln'ir I'erry, iimt tiiv tr*.oU* e»jf tbe Sharou I root * Fifth Stree's Grant'« F.i . < >r ; laved young Bucket i.s much as he war.der«»! around Riming the mnsqui- Choice tea at Van .Sant's grocery a tit nopal« dim na) visits from "a tn ar t . I". I m ir father, L. S. P. Marsh, es’ tie are («pian lenng the property, < could arid walk«»! s- ’er il miles out of los all night ami until tl>« next morn­ * but H H not dTitiupatci that an)thing and afar” from tbe delight« I fraternity m>.» lives in Southern California. Uowo with him. But th»» telegram wiut ing, »vhen he fotiml Ins way back Ui store »t 30 et*. per. ]!>. will co ne oi this last moliou in th** folia» authorities fmle.1 to bring liack camp again. Just received at Hunsaker’s s Ilice who by tlie kindly aid of Me Pliorson Mr. S. T. Hterlitig. editor of the EI-! caae ( had found bun to lie such an admirable 1 auv eatisfai'tory answer, so he con­ assortment of Iwd-spresds. lensbitrgli < W. I'.) Register, sp«t«l s«v-1 and capable source of information. D. M. Simmons, who has lieen tak­ cluded to giva Up the .base and let oral «lays iu Ashlaud last wih A. looking For fresh, fancy Groceries, Candy For Safe Merchant Tailoring. ti,e Douglas cuMUity offie»»r« run the ing can* <«f H. B. Carter’s 4tLacre or­ over til« country. Mr. Sterling was HORN ♦ nuts, go to Minkler A- Sou. ns* of overtaking him where-ever dain! in Hie southern part of town highly pi»'iz -«i with tb* country. Mrs and 1 "Mac, the American Tailor,” who STIl.vNOh -In Ashland, Aug, I.■ Io hml preoodnd her bus they .»onl.l. ns nothing could be doue for three years past, brought into the Fine Riverside Oranges and Sicily by tin-/'ffi< era here without lurtruc- T ipiscm office Weduestlay, a basket of haa the only merchant tailoring estab­ Wife of Rev. F <• strange, a Uaiighter. bi'i.l here Hit 1 Iwmght a piece of prop, Lemon», (’heap at Minkler A- Sou. ♦ [sNictieH, that ought to take a first lishment at Grant's Poss, offers to sell lions. erty, relururat with bun to Elleusbnrgh. Gimlets, gouges, tweezers, pliers, premium at any pencil fair. They out business and stock on reasonable We are prepare11 at v.ct <1«?1 everything iu this very large :«ml had a flavor that would J. W. Hock» rvmiUi, Ashland. C liuss Hun, one of the oldest Demo ­ line, or will «•h*e out the entire lot to satisfy the |“>iate of th« most fastid­ A dnve in lady’s summer dress tvugar I'm.' l> ba- u-t *'■ ■ ’• Legal blanks of all kinds for sale nt of cultivation even if there is no water on the •iteof <1*1 popular •’ H V If you want life insurance in the eveuing from Sisson, where she ha» Wlieu »Ire wiu a Chitl, The U. S, Bakery will deliver bread , upon them. These trees on Mr. Car- T ioinoh office an.J h*« bed! ieaaed » t* the wrlbknoMU und best luturanee Company in tlw world been sojourning for a few weekH, to tticevMftil landlord. pi«M or cike« at your door every day if ler's plm-e are four vaara old ami have She cried fra­ Caatn-U Chloride of lime in bulk at Chit- and lowest rates, call ou Billings, catch a glimpse of Dr.-gon ami Ash­ yz»u wish. Leave ortb ra nt the bakery leru thoroughly cultivated e$cb y«wir. wood’s. * residapl agent [3-tn land. Brof. Ness«, who is a frieml of VThet» «he b^-auie .Mí«a. vu »Jam street. opposite Odd Fellows 1 though uot irrigated, ami this y «ir the young lady'«, happened, ?i over on Baiu wagons from $90 up, at Ash­ She clung to Cantoria. block. * are bearing as choice desirable fruit land Mills. the same train, and tbe newspaper Who «rill conduct the hotel iu fir-idt.“ * folks were expwling a first-class item •tyle. The table will continue to kj - v ui; We ha»« a complete line of Doug as anyoue coulil wish. Give tbe fruit When »tre had Chltdreo, California couib honey at •eeondto none anil Kue«l»* « au I«’ as*Uf‘‘-J , thou 1 trees'plenty of cultivation an«t but were disappointed when Mis« lass and Rinnsey pumps, and guarau the be«t of treatment Term'* reawnab- Str. ,ave thorn < aaluria • D. L. JU nelbb A S on ' s . Green look tbe return train for Colusa ' 8e* every one. F I lings 4 Mor*. * z !'»-''im-lu< nt v miw mili- it rudtH1» of iwviit} and ¿bíp» inore u-.'.i uiHMlRork th,.a an, . hy In ii.-raon <»w»-|>t I'urtland i- . " -«... aiai tri:eui»ii, tn several vther brick «trtictnre* under wa* 1 -« x!.,r<»>. doing ai. Hi-k’r» .ai»' budines» «»f per daj ha-*a h ‘MethodM. Frewbj Icriau. and Melhodúf Vhnn hen o'.’MtilMiloh' !l> •*M ial«d%aiua«¿< * are at»rea»t uitb am tova yard- nre running at full Fpcfd Ini f i.;: • » i • oí * Mithrm < ahiornU. and !a< bat no: h-a-t the b n itrnin fi -ldMVtf On*e<>n. r«**-* h» - aud ship». throi'Ch Fargo a ( <». and other w»urce> over i d i>: »mi wall v Hn^daily :iuni< atlon ui:h (rvrcent lily 1 '• • ' / 1 - ■:f •• it« -• u* ¡i j »ii i '»li e ni«.¡i 14ui «.»f tbe ' *h< owner*» of ihe original ’Orlioii.'- of the taWQKite. iXlUwint- ■ «»i future is I ubk We have an xHug f om i tornada to Alaska, it (:•<» b >e j. a for invoht jien! i(>‘ea h in the origina’, townrdu» arrives. 110.«uo worth of be diMed out withiu »he . ranging in priee from U m ! range iu pH»« from bi k k IS. the lending bote) iu Ba dUt chun h bLn k 2!. Metho Terms, half rí.*¡h. ?ral Agents Townsite Co Portland, Or., or Or. A carload of Milburn Hollow Axle wagons, hacks and buckboards just rec’d! These goods, we take pleasure in saying, are sec­ ond to none in this line. The Milburn Com­ pany are the orginators of the tubular axle which other wagon manufacturies of the country are now imitating, proving this------ superiority of the hallow axle over the thimble skein. This car load of wagons is direct from the factory and comes thro’no other hands to us, enabling us to sell you the One Thousand Chicks! best wagon made at the same price, de­ livered in Ashland, that it would cost an agent in Portland or San Francisco, saving you not only freight, but commission to the middle man. Ranniiii aid Trattina Rices These goods are BOUGHT and not handled COMMISSION. We represent the territory between Rose­ burg and Redding for these goods and carry only the tubular axle which is manufactured e pressly for the Pacific Coast trade. There many points of superiority in the make «. ) oi these wagons and one good look at GRANT S PASS ( lioi««'»t Lol». •' e.a will satisfy you of the truthfulness of this statement. We carry a variety of sizes from 1 in. to Our Net Hacks are a superior article of the s me make, and sell at a proportionately low figure with the wagons and of our $50 Buckboards have but two left. You may ask how we can sell these wagons so cheap, the answer is this—we KNOW when once introduced the Milburn wagon is found to be THE wagon for use on this coast and feel confident after once see­ ing and using them will never buy anything but a Milburn Tubular Axle Wagon. You will save money by buying at once HEADQUARTERS and taking advantage of our introductory Tourists & CHmmerci«dl Men. prices. E. K» Brightman, Prop», Cliíldrei Cry ferPiíciier’s Castoria