Sí L.X.GAL AUVEKTlbEMENlS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sam Houston whs n»»t rerideiw mi enyiesi by hwtirfd unfortnm lv %«*ntur«< Timber Lan d Notice Timber Land Notice ; s to render Into itu^t for utarru-d life, U mitkd S tatf . m LiM« OrncK,»» 1 RS 1.114 11!« ru tl;Ll: fifty r» HD- of UTii'i I xiTEb stats * L ind O ffice , i Kos EE i no, Ur.. July H, lbMM Ko.srjEcRn. Or., June 21, 18SD.I loved hnppiucHs in that rehiit u amply Nuilce is b«-reb? given I lift t in cumpliant-«- Notice is hereby given iliAt In compliance w ith the p:o\ dr*nionr-irgtes. H ■ to? only inarm »1 irections with eacl| ottle isionx of the ac! of < ongre m uf lu pursuance <4 tir* ufan* oi the Oregon Si w ilh 1 be pro', i-ionn ui the act of < ongrexb of Jutie 3, 1K7M, entitk-,1 "A»i act for the »ale «ri after becoming a citizt-u of the re June 3, 1856, entitled “An act fur the sale of timber ‘and» in the Slate« of California, Ore » ’ ahtornia lbiilr*.»anip«uy heretofore fa- limber land* in the btate»> uf t alitunda. gon, Nevada, Mini XXa-hiiigiou Terrilory.” public of foxi'P, but was a devoted FOR BURNS AND SCALDS. *u«d. noli««.-is hereby g.\en that said Com­ Oregon, Nevada and Wawhiugbjn Territory,’’ B M. Gill, uf Henley, ruuiiiy of Siskiy oil, huxbaml and a judicious ¡’nth*r. «lying pany i--now ready to *ell ihe lumfa lying Xt nAture to in the midst of bis Lmiily in 1HG2. Due It to il only on true principles that nature south of Kovebiirg, granted tn it by tin Auna M. Myrvx, of reel, county of l>uugias, slate of « alifornia. l as Hit« (lax filed in Siatc of Oregon, has thib day filed in ILF this office fit* s.vuui siatenieut, for the pur­ helped in ite struggle, and only through ignore Fuite«! Htue-s. S-m. a- Ufa.n Mnv ui »aid ance that pain is luten-ifted or prove» uul of ’iif» ioiim inherited a c*»m-H»‘n«Nv lands M« *1 v irniN n . nvty my - from the oaiee her buiicineut, for lhe purehabc of the chase «ri ihvNXX 4 uf N XX 14 and N U<»( NXV The uiidersiipied offers f»»r »ale Ida valua­ •s-W of Sis-. No. :;o, in Tp. No. 38# S., It. No. 1 * uf free 34, ai'.ri S E *4 uf H XX *4 of Where it could be relieved. share of the Lib *r’s 4tt.niiin t-s and late of this noii'.'c, enter into a régulai con­ ble flouring mill pr«»i»eity with 4» a-re«< ».f tract x» iih the (.’ompany foribc pi m has *: of 5 1'., and u ill otter proof to »how that the fe-ri*tL.n Number 27. in Tp No 3’2 South laud, on Rogue ri»rr, nea- G« j M liib R R tab’DtR. S t J acobs O il C ures P crmancmtlv . Jan«; .-ought ix more valuable for its timber such lami, upun the regulnr terms of sale, ÛW Range N<». 2 E, au-1 will offer j.r«.»»f to s’at ion This mill has a flue |o atiuii f«»r To illustrate Honston’e devotmn to Dally Mlshapa.—8eoreBofp8opied*tty and ut pri« es iixv»l by lhe « ompany, or the urstoue han lor agricultural purposes, und aii«»w that the land auught I k mute valuable buslues.<«, being convenient tu a large n-c»i of jruughv iu c«>iita<-i uith heat, Nietun. boiling his second and real wife, the following I land will fa* -old wi hont any r«-uar«l to their 10 i -iublixli her ebum lu »aid land before the fur its timber ur «tuna than !<>■: agricultuial the best giaiu land iu Southern O k gon. 1» lUglstd and Receiver of this otilee at Kukc pariH»seR. and U) olaMish his claim lu sai«i water and combustibles are hourly injured by ; iDiprovtinenfa tltc-con. has a never-failing wa e«- |»<>c er- the finv-t some mishap iu tbe nature uf a burn or scald, incident i»-luted to the xvriter of ibis •M 'CMtorlBi«,owr!l»d»predtoehndrenth.it I Cwitorl, eun, r^Ue, (Jeo^pMIon. ; Ai! rommunicailoiis musi h» ad«1 resse 1 to burg, Orcgou, on Monday, tne loth day of iau«l before the Register and Receiver of in Southern Oregon. The nd It La» ju>t 1-evn S.’picinber. Snc Uumes as witness»: thisutr.ee ai K«c-.ebutg, Oreg-«n, on Thursday and thousands have been cured of sut-h by by an old WaHhinyhin habit u ■ an.I L recoin 1 he Aciittg Lau ’ l ‘ »geli:. I , «»*i fand. ------------ ---------------- -* ------- I Sonr Stomach, D.arrbœa, EructaUon. mend it as superior to acy prv.-»enpuon fitted up iu good shape thn.uyfiuut, v. ¡th n. a ^pnre Parker, of Kcno, Klan»a:U county, this best kn -wn remedy fur the cure uf pain. juurnidiSt, who knew him w* II dnriiu OlilniriN «L CALIFORNIA E. Il ( O. 26th day « f 6»-j»ienitm, ife'X I Kills Worms, gives sleep, and pruxuote« di- ! maehineiy. Term*« rea-<*t'Ml*le. Wil! al««« ¿oovutoDie." H. A.•A rcher . 21.1)., «'i. i.t’U. tun! John Kimberlin, TTiure Mayhew, tbe I ir. •. t». XN» ’.¿V.-, R) V. A. 1! MlLfa, lie names a. v ituesgc- Tuoinas P. Kah­ .»el I a I gestion. P rom ft lv . P crfcctlv . S urely . his senator-ship 1845—59. I! uston and John F. Givans, of Ashland, J:u kson ler. Ul bo. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. T. I WiUiuut injurious xxMdlcadoQ. Amiti,,' tsi’i.l Ayviii. faim’. Ag<. nt. «ri l'i'Mkitis, XX ilder Frevi, of Ema, G. 1, county , o:« gon. w:;a known to bo intensely fund of ^HOW It Acts.— U acts aa a counter* Fu. l'un I, Oregon. San Frumd.-a.*»«. Cid. i.soiix il.«1, « . F. XXof Stock Ranch of 1200 acroe Any and all |.frsons claiming adversely Mathews, all oi in jul UTiiaiil un tile »ur ace injured, gently drawing amusement,but no frit nd could induce T hk C kntavb C omp any , 77 Murray Street, N Y t Portland' <*•’., June -1, faS3. a ;»m J.u-k*on C«,unlx. Oregon. ou Rogue river: all fenced; 1« m > acre« m -«-nd . the e I» qvv ami all por>unM adver*-*-)*, In «Haifa. ¡•ri<*«*,»i‘,‘ili»: thnraa » | an of tl c SJa Agency for Jackaou County of the soothe« the pain, belj Ing nature in the h< aling file th-*ir cl’dmk 1:1 llii- o‘li< c on yr i.eforc the abovc-rieseiit**»! land» claiming are requested t«> price if de*ire«i. lbiug ndlhd oil hi said bith day of .sept» tuber, iSSU. process an«i a « urn follows It la a specific f.»r public ball. file their' laim« in tlri» office on «»r before pains of thia kind and ahouhi be kept handy ••Puritanism” by Mr. Clay, the oi 1 hero CH as . W. JOHNBTOM, *ai«i 2»i»h uay of September, |sS9. Timber Land Notice where Are xud »u-am are used 3 Register. Uli a * XV. J<» iinst «» n , of San Jacitito quietly re|.lie«l: -I uni Will al«o o-ll tritìi ranch or M-,a-ete:> »«law »OTTLt Cowraiwa A Cuac. '• lOt Register. U nitei » S ta i i» L ini » O ff io:,/ not personally of opinion that »¡.»-re i: IOO head of stock, ho-.Ein eu. Or., Joue 14, !»>* *.$ Timber Land Notice Precaution.— But ata precaution to It» anything wrong iu these reerc :ti«m ; lin ludiug a number uf full biuud DiiTtam Notice is hciebi gisen that in «• •uiiphiiiu-e use where wnous Burn, and w si.l. oernr «ud Timber Land Notice and Herefurd ¿»rarliuu^t hull* and ht lier« with Hie prvvi.»iotis uf the aui of c.n;^, . • » f I siTxu ST.-rr. l.Asr, orrn £. > that suffering m«y not bo Inten.lflr.l tbrnu.-h but my wife is n d* eply rJigi«»n.-, — and — These are fine jocug < ani» ,and | ubo June 3, 1»"', en’C’ed "An «et for lhe sal«* of ‘ R o .’EB« r .;. Or., Juiit*24. lM.^».j Ignore no«, read carefuily Jlrertions for Ire usa woman; sbe is most sircnnonsly op I’ nitcd S tatf ’« L and O ffh e ,» wav want young bulUur heifer«, one orni v-v», limber la>i«i . iu the s«an > »>f calif. • ¡na, t »re- N'oiiev is hereby given that in compliance Accompanying erary boule of st Jacobs OU. R »> ehi P.O. Or., July s, 1 Jx*vd to the theater. ♦ ! «nd tbough wtMild d k»ell iu . ’ .ee them. Addrr-b NeVRdH.au«! Wa hingioii lemtory,” with (!*»• provi. iuiis <»t th«- act uf < oh^H'-.s of Notice is hc.-ehj ginutLai iu compliance she hits never even hinted thuf sb« O G.VMAlîIb lx,re .•irti'.i.-tl "An iG'i lor 11 m -ah- 01 with Er* i:u »»f Woodiaiid, «’uui'ity ; the pruvi-f'j»»« . i. E, and i Ja. K-oii, of Gretjen, hiiM this day filed gun, c. F. Wall, o: l#c«klu*, county of Jackson, «.’I CHARLEI A. VOGELER CO.. B«Hlm«r(. ME pleasure but a small cross for me I kill «»lier proof loshovv Hint lhe land »u»ught ‘ in ilHreuttic. her Rw«»m MHtcinvni. for th«* xia’r of <>'eg«»n, ha- (bis day filed smura valuable io» Rs timber or ntoue than port h;> -of the S-E *4 of Suu. No. W, ill Tp. in thi* utfiee hi< worn statement, for the bear to insure her more perfect happi­ I:. No. ;'» 1... and will «»i!¥r prom io ¡»urruase «»f the S W *4 of H W *4 find N L2 In the Justice*» Court. for the Precir.c’ >•! fur avrieultural purjaMe*, and tv e»i« of Ja- krön. State of <#»e I J* claim to »aid ’and hefov th«* Rcgi-nr i ►in»w that the land sotiglii ifr mure valuable <»i b W *4 am! X E '4 of NW '4 uf »-ee. No 34,tn Ag.ncr for »11 kind, of ■M nati Ret» iver« f ih!» »> lie** a: Ro»eburg, Or., fur its limber orsiune than f«u ngriuuiturul Tp. No. -2. b Range No. 2 E, and will »-tier pur*»« sere, and to u^iablSn her «-laim tu t-aid proof to >huw 1 hut the land nought is mure S. B. MedicineC«».. a Corp..rati.» 1. plaintiff, on Monday, the 2-th «la. »f Aiign»';. ìnn :«. vs. G. S. Mutn«‘v, deferdaut. Consumption Surely Cure 1. ile tînmes a* v. itn- »-••* .! I. Charles J. F. lai.n I m U o *-' the k< gi.-:« r anil K«*« t iver of thi»> valuable for its timber oi stone than for AVOIST ». IV« Iri-lly, XVni. WnllH* O. E. •-.vgg, all «ri ' oiliu» ni Koatburg. Oregon, on Monday, tin* agriciirurai pur|»ow**s, an of 8» ptemb- r I»?, THE I* REM II EXPOSICION. are hereby ruiiuirrd lu appvnr b.-f«>r<* th • timely use Lh«Jiis ‘.nds *»f hopeless c,*st s thelrclHim.» iu tbi» «ci.«-v un or beh-re »ai«! • >r«-gon. und Squire i’arkvr, of Kuuo, Kiaiuaui uacics a* wiUiL •<: Thoma* I*. Kah­ und» reigned, a Justice «»Í the *'c k «. fur ih<- county, Oreg«»n. ? th day uf August, 1NX9. have been permanently cured. 1 stirtli of Deskills. Wilde Heel, of E»na, <». 1.. prerinri afore odd. 011 lhe !»t day of Au The N»*w York llerabl of Anif. lfil l»e u’»Hd to seed two bottles of my re e- Anv amt all persons claiming adversely ler, C hah . W J ohnston , Mathtiv«. H- dy F1;EE to any of your readers xvh!*iut n r» m dir Fear! at. N. Y. t< «ilc and spring medicine. I do d t tunic.and since udjug it; Lavore!» !t!.ea nev said 26ih day of s«-pteiubrr. “The exposition is the greuteet kind of r. A. SLOCUM, ^1. (’., UNITEDSTATEi I AND OFFICRf pirtlntiff n ill take iudgmeut agnióst hin» \v. L. < it : e'UiiJ.-' i'j m4 ’ la E. h h . WruciLowu, D.ikota. Timber lutnd Notice« Ro-kai it«». O k ., June 1‘, i «‘uis. w. J ohn atom . rar f fl fut g.Hidw M.l<| au<: did;v.t-, y..;, a bucobbb , twit it has iieen managed 1 rig U • !»• ral V S Register. Ntriiee i« hereby given itmt in compliant*«* 5 KM Wmf aide of Main street, neit door wonderfully in the interest of the st your request, and the rusts and disbars«.* „ Antidote for Snake Bites. f 1.00. Fix f r A t L’F ’A EL! 3, H1CU AKPSOX Ä Co.,PFUj'.BurUugtun. Vt . U nited S tates L and On ¡« k . » with lhe pruviKions <-f the act of (’uugres* meut* of this a<-tlun. Given under tn y hau»i lo E M. Miller's grocer), Ashland, Or. French. The directors have crumpetl RobEBi h « j . Or., May 31. fav>. i of June 3, 1H78, entitled “Au act for the »ale this 17th day of June, INS’.». C. J. Ironiuouj/^r of Fresno, »n old of'iniber l.nrla in th«; S:a’«*a of Califarnin. i Notice fa hereby given that iu compliance DHKOF'l orr91 -'r -‘ UCTAT£D fcc UT", r M ilton flKp.RV. Timber Land Notice every other nation to the utmost, “Htiako cbBrruer,” claim* to h:ive Cregon, Nevada and XXa^hingtuti Territory,’ with th«* previsrinx of the act of ('-«»ngreaA Justice of the Ibavc. while tbo spare has been ample for bandied Ibouaands of venomous rep­ G, E. Gregg, of XVoudlaud, county of Yolo, Of June 3. Ife7». rnih!e«i “All a« t for lhe *.ile U nited states L amp O ffk k , f of litnfa»r iHiufa tn the alatea of rialiforfim. French exhibitors. The result is that tiles anti to have been bitten 49 times State of Cal, has tfik «lay .tied in ihi««»fib*e R-i-zr« nu. Or .July 5, 1S«‘J.1 hi* *w«»r»i statement fir the purchase of the Oregon. Nevada, ami XVaahlngtou Terri­ as yon see French exhibits everywhere, by rattlers whilecatcbiug them, hau l* Notice S hereby given that in c«»mpHan<*c Timber Lund Xotivv c XX ’4 of «c 'ti n \ i. 2i in tp. No. 40 S* It tory,” H. F. Hlati.of Kirkville. Couniv ui with lb«* prevision* <»f the a-l uf Cungrt*»» of yon open your ey*N* and exclaim: ling them, or preim minx' with them in No. 5 E. mid «11 iri«*r proof to sh«»x* thnl Sutter, State of Califorula. Im*» thlsday filed June* !, Is7s, entitled *’ aii a«*t f«»r 1h»- ah* uf U nited S t » tk - L and g : • n »:, i in this otfice hfa sworn stat«*m ‘ *nt f«»r th«' •What a wonderful nation the Freuch public. A Fresno reporter wholabh the land »ouglit is lucre vahiabhj for it» H hi I mt land« in th«: S’.ates uf ( a!H«»rnia, Ore­ R osfaa ru , or.. Jun - 23,1%- . | tini’atr »»r stone than for u-iricuUDial pur purcbas* of tin- N I. fa ftf Section No, 10, in gon. N<*v«4a, anti XX i.-hlngtun Territ*»ry.” are?* hsk»*d him what renudy he used for Notice is hereby given tha: in i >ua|-hat>«*>' Township 3V South. Range Nu f> East, and ou»» *. und to v*!Hbii«b his vinin» Io sain d> ! for th»* m »| c 04 to pay for fiuonng and decorating its —which we clip from tlio llujntblican". ihi* oili. • at R.»M*i»urg, Oregon, on M«»ti«lay fa more vm I lal'h f«»r its timber or sbnie in this u.ificu hU lO’oru Malemvnt fur the tiDib« r liuvlre in the states ui « alifunuN. than for a rricultural purposes *»u«i t«) « « th»* u.4h «lay of August is«.'. space, and they now have a shrewd XV ’; «>f section No-in Tp. No. 40. c Oregon. Ncxada and Wtu-hingtou T< riiiury. ’ “1 put an otmceofmmnoiiia in a two- lublilh hi-; claim lo *ai«l luml befiire th«* lh- nann> a- w'tne.ssc«: X\ . «• Er "in. < . Rang«*'’N.». E. a.*««1 will offer pr.»uf to »»how scheme on foot to oolar the majority ounce vial; then 1 i»i \ rcka, Couuty « f »■’.»kiyuu reta .* >>l 1 a ifornia, ha- «lay filed la of the premiums. Almost nil the leaves of the mistletoe. The kavee nurg. Oregon, ou Thursday, the 15th day ui \\6odland, Xolo c«»u!.iy. < al. timbet or stone than f«»r agrfault’.ntl pur- this olti< <* Lire » a orn 1 lat« iimut. f. f the |. h - TO MAKE Any an i all pt rs'.ns «lainring adv«*r*«;ly August, fa'‘J. judges are French. 1 lie United States Siam dissolve at;d the liquid becomes iM»»e«, Kini t«» c>lubii‘-h hi- claim to said uha-e uf th« H Eof *c( tl«»n No. 4. in Tj. He offiTV as witn*:*sci«: ih< a ‘ >ove »le* riiH <1 laud« are requ« *te«l to CommiBsioner wi s iuform«»d that he of a reddish color. Put IS or 2 ) drop ■ — A- (• XV. «»riffin. J.i- wyckofl. A. wikttroin ’au«l before lhe Register ami Receiver «ri No. H S Hauge N ». f E, R h -I will «»Ih-r pi«* t tile their «laim*-in this « tin e on or befor* might send in forty names which would of this ¡¡quid into a tumbler hrdf full and M. li Toriauve. ah«»f woodland, Yolo this office at Roaeb.irg, «Jr.-gun, un Monday 1«» aho'V that the land «»mght is imin- »«.ua «aid ;€tl! day of \ugu*t, ex'. the *2.*«! «lax «ri Hepi»*mbvr. IM'.*. blc f.»t If» tirr.la f <».- stum* thau for u : i/-ul- conuty. ('«ilifuriiiiL < HA*. XX’ JOHNSTON. be aaaign<»«>ve dav tiie Jlst day > i S*pi«-n»!»er. l^X». siii l 15th dav of Auaiiat, 18H9. Timber Land Notice. place among these new ‘immortals/ wait 15 or 2D minn;< e, an < ulifornia. Ku tu i K-., ok .. Junell, I* >.. i Timber Land Notice not care to go into a thing in which I the effect of lb<- whisky, drink ho Register. ■fot N.»li«*e is hereby given tlnil in cuiiipHanee Au» and all ]«er»MiBi»claiinlnr adxerM-ly ti e saw beforehand the conclusion was ar­ more, but yon may take aiioth r doae with tue a«*t «ri < òiiii.e.'s of June 3, fa7.\ v-u u!»o»e dv»«-rilH*d land* a e requested to file I’ sited S taten L and <> f . fi « f .,/ their claims iu tin-off:.-.- un ur ts-ivre taul u-lt*d "An ai t for th«* .-ale of tindwr .a»i*t* ranged. R ohf . bkrg . Oc. May31, i of the ammoniacid liquid. 21 m day of September. lSbi». in r.ie fetut«*» of (*>ilifonri:i, Oreg«»u. Nevada Noli« »' i« lu ruby given that iu cumpli- Timber Land Notice. “The United States cut a small Some |>eoplo when bitten by a ennk“ ¡»»»'i XVariihixloii lernt«»:*)." A. - M. Pbct - ehl ' hc , Or.. July 6, hìss’AOru sfatemeli*. f*u thè i.urcha-*« ofriu- < a'.'• ft»rub«. Or -Oil, N . vada hd <1 W.i-bi’.g Nreifcc i> hereby giM-ii iltai in contpUauce erected on the ground, as has Mexico, cases th'» remedy is worse th :n th*» uis- 54,000 Bartlett Pear. \X :4 •! * -etioii .«’> in 'p. -»'J >. R N ». .» E tun Tvr.-.turx, !.. I. Lsruptuu. «4 Woo«! wiitl I lie pruvireiunre uf lheaet of (’ntigFVbS <»f the Argentine Republic au»l other eate.- [Hural Presa. lid W ili ofi«-: proof lo ».h-.u ihtfalhc lari, bind, ( «»uiitj of Y«»lo, s»nt*' oi Culiiorniu, June ... 1'-"*'. eutPled * An act f«»r the sale *>f 15,000 Winter Nelis Pear, South American conntriea. There are ought is more xiiluabfi fin its tin.far «>r has this <1ay filed iu th!» ofli«*e hi*» sworn timber ifti.d* hi the State-uf < uHfurnia. Ore 15,000 Beurre d Anjou Pear' lone than tor ii «»iti. «' nt K«»w rat gf N<». 5 <•«»!. nod will offer proof i«« Ktafe uf «nug.'ii, ha- this light is more valuable lhi»o'fi«e hire Ku«»rn Htatcmeut. for the pur- 10,000 Black Tartarian Cherry, Xr.gUMt, fax« for itbti nber ««r sb»nu than f;-r agri« altura! rhie.f lb- \ W N.».>,lnTi 40 s Ackt r's ¡‘do; d Elixir trill remove 15,000 Black Republican Cherry. I with a structure of its owu. Our ex­ picion. H • iihiiie-iiJ. m ftr. - . • f H. Fr« in, W in I JIV -M», and to tMabh»!« his« laim to *ald B.u'iirc No. • E,an«i will offer |»ru«»f to show that hibit is not on a pur with those of all lLupuritKs and leavt tire e«*.n>pl« \i««n - Willi in.v J F K ii . John ’l..il, nd <»i land i : i'»rt- !» Regimi r «u Receiver of thi» ¡ami iMiit I- more valuuble for it« thn 30,000 Esopus Spiuenberg Apple. ■eooud and third rate countries. smooth and clear. Th» r». is nothing ih.it W.hnH-.iid. Yu!«» «Glint«. ( al. • »ni«-«- • l R om burg, (»n eon, on Thursday, l»c-or ‘¡one 1 bin fur aer**»’it* « 1 dining' arixvrM ly 30,000 Yel. Newtown Pippin “ a: d t<* » -:«;*>• i>h his claim to »-aid iaud be- “We ought.in Ls92. to be able to will so th »roughly build up the oonstitn- I u -h t■' inforni t' c public, that ! have the at?«»ve-i'in file t h* ir «. '.aim*, in this uttirv on ur before outstrip this just as this has outstrip­ -vstem. bold and guaranteed by Chit­ J Z (•roll, John F. spong nini <♦. W a Roreehurg. oreg*.»», on Tuesday the 2<*h d I’wtx 1.' u. that i xvlll make th«* s.ui-' ii «wild *dbll) day .o ped all former exhibitions, for the fas«. Griffin, of Woo •.». 15,000 Red Cheek Pippin Apple- wood Bro». I'-'-o, ¡u Rug;»«? F.i . r Valley, traking my OIAS. V». J«»|(N.-T«»N. ni i. and H F Hiatt of Kirkftviik*. Sutler He ijh ’: i ■ a?. wicn«*«se- Jam» » S. Rug'-r*. world is slowly waking up to a reali­ uid- ;.t Arehlan«!, 'ìcìford. and ('entra; 15,000 Northern Spy Apple, KegisUT Thomm» Maytmw, John Kltnberlin, John F. • ounty, California. I. will “l".> ai l'h<-euix un my way sation of what these international Th Limit uf the Slate Imb-blrdne-s Fix* d. Givam«, h L uf Ashl-'.nd. Jac kson eu.. Oregon Aliy and all pewKMlfl claiming ftdverarly 10,000 Early Crawford Peaches. wit. an I aU;> coming back. The umier- fairs amount to. Any ami hi ! }4*r*-.n.* claiming adversely the «hove «1» >u ri bed hind», ar»- rcque»ie«> !•» Timber Land Notice iwd. vili, if ml«!ri.«->-ed al either place (Oljinpia (W. T.), Dispatch, July "Lj file their claims :r. thisoftice on or lieluie the abovv-dvreeribed lauds are rvqutreied to “There is but one place in the Uni­ nc tot» v n hi< n- »of anyone v»hn wish A nd D ealers tx file their claims in this office on or I m .*I re -. a d 15th «lay «»f Auguri. 1 a >9. ted States for the great fair in 1N92. : he use <»i his hor-t s, if not living t«x» far U nited I. ind O if « e .» A preamble was ».l<>ptej this morn­ edd 21th «lay of S-epuiul»« r. 1>*9 C has . W. J ohn - t «C- j :<»,(»;■., June 14. L-b'1. i uy. C has . W. J qhs - ton , Register Also, Nut, Shade. Ornamental and Ever- and that place is in New York. Be­ ing uh nairn.hxl, revilim.' th.t -We. Notile 1» hc.-cbv g:\uritbM iu u . ìiì | liiiuee ad ne ubhing p»'digreeof horses, can Register. fore I went at.road I thought Wash­ lire people of the State of \V;elniikt ti. 5 lot with thè v.ovi-i .usui ihc a< . .4 ('.»ngru-re ut have them hv addr> ssing green Trees - Vines and Shrubbery. Timber b.tnd Notice ington would bean ideal lo»*ality, bni tbnnkiug U h < Supreme Lieiu^ of th Juncff, cn'itled p»u »alvei H. C. I5QYKTON, thaber lami- in ’he - a • » « a < ulifori'ia. Ore Timber Land Notice. since I have studied the question with uuiverse for our Ilin rtiee, do orth.iu, Send for catalogue and price list to U s ITS n ST A l F.R L a ND O FFIC F. I goti. Nu'ftila. ami Wo hinglvii ferir >r .,’ Ashland, Or. the great exposition lx*fore me, I have etc. RoWEBt ho . Or., May 31. I n M'J. wìu. IV r lau»-. «»f W<»»»«‘i.-O'«L ('••uut' <»f Y«»l<», United NCUr- I an Office,» Nolic* is hereby given that in compli seen reasons to change my mind. To Sta: ■ .>[ f ai . fiareihi- da\ Ilici in ibi» uf Tire report of tbe Committee ou In- Roseburg, or.. Jun«- 2^, IsW. i m e hi»« svvuin »-aifmcu! fur »he purcha u <>i am e with the provions of lhe act uf < on Notice is h< reb> given that in compliance make an exposition a success yon «lebtclnees wiib taken lip, atul th. KFTEK Al RIE FIRST, Is;-» entitled "An ad for with - lie provision« of th** a« t of Congress of thè S W ‘4 of »vu i'.ii N.' 22. in Tp 40 S R N», jr-ssnfJunv must have it at tbo largest city you elan«» iinntitu’ that of the etiito to i v- A»h*»;f 4 »-xvrv Mdi-’wy nmrn- » !.. a’i l wilio ter proof t.» ¡U do -. ri.a*.r rii-* the sale 1.1 timber bind» in lhe states of Juin- 3. is,s. entitled “An act for tin- »ale of 8 EH INC MACHINE N£¿iT.E& < .lliforniH Oregon. Nevada, and Washing­ limlx r land* iu the Ntau« oi California, or can find. It needs a ¡»ermnnent popu­ ?4l»t,(M)tl, was t .^sed. The <1. hts ia:;d svaghi is tn«»ie \al ab!»* fur 4* 1iml to io cilivH, toWDs nu.i e.HMittee end s -I k . o ! ïr* y m.»riuug; iu AMiland ihur»- oratutie than fur a-rtcuhu.al purpu.c-, au<1 ton T< rritory. ' John L. bp«»ng. of W«a»d- eg« n, Nevaila and XVashiiigtou Tcrri’ory," . t liiug «¡.d Tip’May; in !uc--'abJireh Lire« lain» tu -ai4 ami >rf »r*. thè I hi »<1. »’'»»iiiiy of Yolo. State of California, John Hohburg-*'f Yr«kn, <*ouniy of Hisri l’iid. y «ii.d bai'ir'lHk uui furnish the steady stream of sight­ IlstrictB is liniiti.l to 1'_. per <*etit o' inis tbi* dnj ti!> d in thlapfiire his. sworn Kegireier «o «t R.-.-ui>« r « f ihPu'h' .-M’ R«» m - you. stale of C»riifi»riiia, ha* thia oh > filed in seers which makes the receipts sw» l> the assessed value of the property, .** lane. Or., un Monda», thè .t>:a tla\ «»I stab : ch ’ for th»* purchase of the N* E *4 of thi* ofli« «* hl> sv.oiu »tatvm«*nt, for the pur­ -ecii in No fi, iu Township No. 39 South, chase of the S XV *-t of fee«-. Ns». SI. in Tp. No. ÀU’.;'l»t, ìnx - ì . up to satisfactory figures. Not only eept on a tlir.re-Kftb« vote of the p. opl,. He i.anie.» a.- v itnere»«'»' John M»ill. <»f range No 5 East, and will offer proof p. Rife.. Range No 3 E.. and will o icr pr«K»i to has New York the population nettes- A hard tn; lit is beint; niiide ore. tl. special attention ja!d the ” »ppiiH-aa aud Conleiilineatt Wot .llMtuI, . -uiuy. < a’ J. F K» Il y. show that the land sought Is inure valuable show that the hiu-i souglit i> more valuable sary, but it has the railroads, steam­ e M ilon fcrhldd- j; t lie p-rapt iLy t»f \t o.Mlk.U'I, \ ; »«-.Hl’l' . < al., J. i.. < hft • » f<.r :.s timber or stone than for agrloiltural far it* limber or sp»«iu limn for agriculture! snb- Cnnnot go hand ¡11 hand if we look or. .'i ’A «H' ìlàml. Yul »« • mi . ( al . F. !.. ì bay- r. purposes, and to establish his claim to p ir; o**-. and to establish hi« claim to safil Prescription Department ship companies and machinery, so to sidies, and much opp -uioa tv t pre tinrk side »of every little obsViele. ■,f K ì -R hx ilh*. SAI'.*? c.y.uip, < al. -j*i'i land b« fore the Regi-tcr and Itf-cciv. r land b-rio.-u lhe R< gi a-r and Ruc»*i\er of this speak, which are required for such a vails. IX-l.'-t *:-:»g wiil si darken life aud mnke it Ali - au«l all 1*»* •• uki.niing a l er-»-1> <>f this office at Ro»eburg. Oregon. on offi-. a’ Ko v’-*urg «»rejron. on Hal unlay, th«- i fair. thè al. oc 4«, uri*' u l: file tb«*ir claiinre-in thia «ìiì'v»? ou *»r ix-furu “The fair in 1H92 will want at ka»-t l ab’etK v»id cure the worst form w iuu^sv*: f Dr. Kilns’« Proprietors. uid lT «¡»« of Aligli»!., 1» ». M II. Torra’ice. A Wikstrom and E. T. to-day eonride,. I the arttele < n rev­ Miiele on lio'-crl Runki't. Jnnns < 'iTinan. A. Jud-on f D\>■ ■. i t, Cuiianmpti»»11 and India's 2ikM) acres of ground. The ground* at < onsRHiptioii. !ht. Lampton, all of Wood'tnd. Yolo County, • oRa! hhu ih*\id K« ani. all ui Yivka, Siski- « HA.«. »V. J'»KN’'. « a’iiort'ia Staffe» leave Aahland everv Monday it. It exempts all Uni . u States, *•* _s;’ru. Suld nt 2'» and.50 oviils a l>ot Uniicd Autieri uunty, t alii'«rir.a fr. m tbo fact that it Any and all i* r*on* «''»aiming adversely scribed beyond all reason. The fair and 1 horadas at 7 A. M chnrch and pnt. ie property «nd bl.rn- never disappoint*. Any and all persons ( '.aiming adrets» ly tin a't»uvi- d«--.-Iibed land- arc ’■«•qu<*s!vd to tie by <-hitw-Mxl Bros. Lease Linkrille every Monday and would be very popular on the Pacific ri-M. The legislature th.- H.»’.-vp-«I. s ribed lands arc rr«|U«-st»’d file their < labi-.» in (his ofln-e «in or before Timber l ami Noti« e. lür tedisi •:! uro may p p os .. ....... . of August, Rs-O. I egmi of Ashioiifl. • I! Ate XX . J o T!NST< »N, Bouta sìa Soda SprinKA, Shake and Kenn. I Congress fur that is the first step. erty. Mitres art* to Is* tax -d .*u\s,r.lui^- Y> u can test it before buying t y rsirc stvte « L and C ffue .# » HAS. W. J 'HXST.,'.. Regis; f-r. 5 101 i Then the Governors of the state R • r. • i:<. « Junu 11, 1-c •. » F.AKK: R»gi»u«r i .l lire world.’’ he tugiiiugsrii.l, to the value paid t!.- Uu.ted S.nt.^ a trial b »trie fr» c, large oi«» ^1. NoliurJ» hereby ghv'U íhrt! l.i nini/ i;u*«- And ibwr drew hie .-bMr, Aahland to Linkville, • • $8 00 should be communicated with. Every for tli. same. Macluh. ry is -iil»j. , t to h tt;c warrant -d. with the provisions oí :»i«' ;u t of < trngr- s« oi Timber Land Notice. Timbar Land Notico. *. “ Kano, - - - 5 00 state should make an api»roprmtk.D special taxation. Private prof rt • .. ‘•To know the thought tlml fills yonr June \ !b>, entitled "Anaci í««r ib«.- Mil«* «»f hire toesed her glowing hair: |head. ti ni hui lands in ih» s ab- oí i rtliíoitJ-i, Or­ Exprraaaffe through to Linkrille, 2c to afid have its commissioners appointed notto tx> a«>ld for tr'X. s. Ou pyi.'ie United state« Umd Odi *e, « ( ’ siren S tatt - L and (>» n< »,( S uhm »I V»»trd for <’:»*g«:ii. egon, Nevada anti Wa-hb;gto:i Territory." early in the fight. Thou the exhibi­ RoMfhttrg, Or.. Jum- 29, fa-'* I 3Ho per pound. R oslbchg . Or.. May 31.1STOA corporations the limit of u-.xition i* •¥<•0 woiili> regoni.-ui. . OFFICE in Aahland, at The Oregon. State of ( ullf«»rui:i. ha- thi - -a' tiled in ttxi» u irti the pro» i>iuns of ila- act of Cougres* of with the pro*, i »iuii.» of the a**t «ri ( ongr» >» of three nulls. If tbe ires ssed pre,party ¥<>nr off< r inakea mo I bu ^I , be worked up to doing what they ot!i»-u id - »worn slati'im-u! No. — for the pur- June 'S Samuel Snlliv.'th Cox. better known IS Slto.t»M.htto, the tax will be two ¡it).1 :¡, Ks. rnîiîh-d "An u< t fur the ►aloof June 3, fa/S. < ntiilvd "An act for tbe *aìc of uhasv ol the >. E. * of -e Hon No. 2b in A’ .r 1 was thinking how I'd look should. As far as California is con­ i:ulM-r !an«l< In the S'ateM of OH furria. Or» linritvr Innd* in ite Hut«» of ( nUfornia. Rhy the p«»ubrqu«*t oi “ H ul S' L ” C ox , one-half nulls, if over »3t.l0,’»\l.'»l’>. one Township No Id Pou.n. l;:v.m< No.5 1 a-l. an«l gon. lu Logan's photograph.” Nevada, and Wx-hmgtou Territori,” Oregon. \’<'VR'’.i <»ii 1 \X »u-h tic' »n Territory." cerned, you may l»e sore she will not Be 4ta«wta^ 1XM it eaa »• taka» will vtTer pr»«of to «how th»»t th«' land -.«rnght ¿»ained by xvntin^ a gorgeous d«s» up- and a half lutlle on tbe dollar. Jami- \V - ' k 'fT. of Wovd ’ and.cutintyof Yob», Jam« * < «»il».'.ari. *»f Yreka, county of feb kly ou. »••Ma«, «»d Malallat^ by iha * m < lie left in the race. I think nil th»* i« mor-' val:.able f-»r iu u¡!«t«••', i ’ » n«i tu e »ahiuh paper« on the coast will support N» w You Cannot Afford hi* hVK»'n -’at* nu nt for the purchase office bis v.vorn »’a -'«leni, for the p■srehare suns' t, ex-Cnit« I Stat s ruiuksb. r to hi« claim i«» s.«: 3 l*i *1 I** f««r«‘ Ho* K»*gi*n r o • Í ii<-c York's claim to the fair as being the be SE'. uf >• rion N ». I*', in T d N o ;9. of the N I. *4. «»i fece. N<» 4. in 1 p N«». il M.. btaatloa aff tl>«‘ell wlthlk, «typ»- A l*«.aHhy Crowili. ' K ‘ At tbi< . . is. hi of the year to b? with­ ■ Uri i:< ' ■. r Turkey, pohti«unn, an«! one ol New SCREENS R Nu ' E. ;»nd v. ili »»’1er ?»r<»of to .«how iba: Range No. 5 1. nud 'Aiti »»ffer pr*.«»f to *l»<»w pkMpkttM U ■>■«» aor, «meadow, beat place to hold it. We must do ;'«•»>. «»n Moml»»y. (be Jhth day of Augi»*!. i - ho land •Muicht 1* more ialua!»lf* L>r itstiiu- th.-il ih«- In nquxg I ì- more valuable fi»r i’» Acker's blood F.iuir h. s pened a firm Yor k’s :• pn KcDtat ivefi in congress, ar- out a g a-d r«j»ir.ble diarrhoen bnhRtn iu 1-NS -.'. Made to order and fitted, al ho lietter work here than we have done hold on the \ii»ericm people unt is :.c- BaaarkaMe at a tab pradacer. »> .-or stun.-iba.i for agricultural purpoM*v. lim1»cror ».turn* than for ngricuhural pur- I riv« »1 iron» th«' So-vi I y« st. , l «y a.i»l is t .■ li'.t*-«. as ciriupH. colic, diarilb ' i Ill • •■* a • Mitt'« - • Will. - AX * i 1 ». ? *, and poe-. Kiwi to e* :al*lhh Ili» < ¡dii ■ ’•» Miei lai»«! iu Paris, for of all mismanaged things knowiedL»» d to he superior to all < ti:. r tu otablhh Id«- rla'in to -aid latid before Penaaa gate rapMij wklle Uktaff 1«. at tho E-m n«i. H i -n utn! rs z »1, and a:i iiril.ir.Hition of th»? trtomacb an«! XV'ii. X\ ulhi-'c. W. • . Errili, « h E. Giegg. all : i no Rcgí-tiT and Receiver « Í ibi- oth •- at Lefi rc the l’eg' Gr ami I'«- ri»r ot ¡hr* the United Statics exhibit is the pi» pa rat ions, it is a positive cure for bowcis ;;ru exceedingly danger-ms it not of XX «ssi’an-l. V«»lo com SOO 8 KMVL8I0N 1, Bckaowledaal bi spare built u» »?> with an ir*»n-i;ray i’.ti’udi l to at «»o'v. One bottle of I! OrCRui:. »»ti Ti» i',is worst**. all blood and skin dis< flu- utedj. ?t»t «fax <»f s»*pi**»»it»vr, ife’*'*. 11 nei'.?* a*, . f.Augu-t 13 nmsLich** :cid whiskers and wi’l be C5 Be ’gn’ Diarrhoea B h . a . uo wili do more Ihu above tle»crìfM*e 4md j rt »cr.be it lie name»» m - »vitnu«-•*-• John !.. Sj»oujf. v.itn- sxc* : i •■ears old on tin* 21th of ;n»xt mouth. file their c ’ ait®* 1 m thi g«j >d in • :'.i»u of this kind than any A. JudM.n < «l’ilai, bt.vid 1!« ni ». »- he. I* “li .1, 'i. Griftin. F. I I^piptoli, uf \V«K)dia:id. Guaranteed and sold by Chitwood Bros Done at short notice. Leave order« at Resi­ What Is It ? 3 ooaauMPTiON, scrofula When h»' : rrivcd at the bu:»*l a num* _ i ... •.! __ -ii' __________ -tiiu o i vnrth. We gnarnTitee «a.'l %th dav o! Aug‘1 Yu! » count'' ,‘t ndf »rnin and F. F. Hiatt, «-f burg, ami Kob» ri Katikiu, h »I of )•>«•■• , ,*1*.|_. dence, or at Wilson’s Furniture store. yo’i rminty, « a!»fonila. Kirk.-\Lie. suiter <*oui» DISEASES, EMACIATION, itirn a:i-i asked l»rn to : n ¡( eep- complexion anil leaves neither traces of the a!b»\ i-<1e*crÍD<‘d huid» are ie«p;t"4ed to the «bove bex'-i ih.-l Innriw .¡»«, i.-, .»-*U *l io “Is this tbo place where yon -et l:*»?iiu bw honor. He « xpr« »*. .1 re- its application nor injurious»fleets? The file their «daim* in lhR «'fth c »»n $»t before iik* thvir « laim». in tiri» office oa «»r fa fon OOLDSand CMRONIO OOUCWSl Why Is It licensee? ” asked a lonp-haired. re iij •ahi 21* t day «>f September, fa'-:». -a: 1 lâ.h du uf A'.iL.'»'-. > J. answer. Wisdom's Robertine acconi- ;»:*.*I that he xxotihl have to d? ciit.e, ;.s TA« preot remedy for Omtvmntiar^ r.. May 31, lss?.i “A i «retie license. Yon see, the c«b only living man in public hfe who ... -d Hr ><♦ drugq.sts. R u ^ ebc «;*., «»R.. June 11. fa*»’.i N.-Oiv is hcreh'. givmitl.a’ in comp Dance Notfii- I» ht ¡»-I»; given iba! in « tmipliauct' Flab from an 4rtr*»lMn Well. itora have been finding (anil with Diy . voted for the mlmi^io.» ot Or» pen as u ilh the t r<»vl-i.mre . . _ ___ ... the ___ net _________ <.f Cung v-- < ‘f with the previ,i<»ns uf the m t «»f U 1 too awkard and far fetched. I told one t«»r D..wf XL st-.»» fins »ta, vgi ;.s in Mrs. Window’s Soothing Syrnp, . f° g «b, Ne adn. sud V. • biiiffi.»n Tcirki .y." (ht joii. Nex mln «ml XVa hiug'on T« l riîor, On one of tbe C;irr Ar Hrguin of them that that. v. as p<,«tie lie* use,' Anti all diaeaxea arising from a the prec'.ipHtin <» th' lions:» that year, but be did I Lol children tcuthiu:». 1». A. Muisingh • i .d'a i I Lutino uf .1 !.. (. hai!«;«>. ut XXir.rilMm!, «o’lUty «*í Y<>1«> ranebea a few mib s eouth of tow n is a "What d.d !.C .-ay?" a. ba* this da’ filed <*iCv oi < uhi .nil.», bus *his «lax tiled »n lid- Y H. Hu f B.lfi OTfi of ti.p o< -t iemale iinr^es und pliy novel fish pond, in the way of a l..rtio hi- - n. a vDient f i the ofiiuu l»i .» »wo, it »t.deni* nt fi»r the ’■ ir < a*** In P i- »»ft “He said I oirxbt to a'*1' niy lie- ns- . :ia i»i tho United Statuì», atol Lus The tint tirai revolt is app> .•>. c ■ ininu.a c of ihe A , « f st'll'«n vut, which is supplied frt>Q> one of the renew,«]. That's wh it I'm h re for. frf tltv N J. 5, of Sx lio.i 22 hl tp 4ft r- It Ne. 5 I-»- .'us'd for forty y »rs with never lite mid solid ilvsî». iH-se tu-iall, K No. 5 E. nini F. and »vili a, in T|> N«> v.ill uffer offer |»ruof pruni tu to ‘ho v that tie l&r^e artesian wt II h that are found in coated anil <» mm / ni» Kuooess by millions of mothers elegantly f< o hhow tbftt tl.r hmd »i>ne I ’ tiiw- ffottsr» brag it-» v ¡:u i«i liicahuihibd . h The Pi ide of Women. o| leid I nr (hull b »riit-tihutal noticed in lhe wat<»r of thy r set voir, to e’eahlUh hi» » iaim to >MÌ«I la id tH-fure Hi top them for a Uiu«, and then have them rt î.u.f. I’ fvk»t>i>p n h <1 Mrkrww'* will ‘ e ablrih hi.« l»n Iu paid landnvforc Rcgi-lvr h ; i 4 U. <-< i\ur uf tliis ■the e at K« r child from »pain, can s dys- mid no little infertat was awakened io I urn again 1 mean a RADICAL CLUx». A e’enr 1 early trnnap r.i.‘ skin ii •c»f fiXtlQH wl-W'bl* ;'»*i of this oflh’C ai bnrg. t»r»-4«»A, un Moudriy. th.* :s»h «lay ri tbv Kriyixter and K . . . . griming in 1. . urn aot*TN. xuaiH. 1 have made the duteaae of how tboae fiah caiue. Tbe nnmlx-r wr.yii a NiL'n uf pure bi':**d. nnd nil j ■•♦da:. *hc lâîli day ».,f Allusi, t'QiP i:.»eburjr. « ».-, «iu ' íhfit L ’■ ■ : i for th- :■ thii? ’rin «*f Orv- bev ’•«. .'•nd vind-colie. By giving lie .'tb 4 00 F. M I Lv. p.irtfand Ar. tn 45 a . M. Rradually incrvaftetl and several more muuh troubled with dirk g. *as», vol1 Ana■ - , J;> • H«>nn»:» » as wììhcnm **: John Mnh, J F. - tid it rests the mother. Fri« c ft OÜ A M Ar. Abbinivi, i.i»<* while w are tnlki.ig itboat t-> : ,■ r m Lv. lb i I«*- n- M. H. Turane«*. :ùih. «... <♦. Ervin, ail were addeut of order. A leu d < timra h nnnjla r <*o, < rl., mid B E I ¡la t, ot kJ rk*- lain)in" «• l<-eri bai hm«b are r»-«|U»-?t» l :•< i life-long atudy. I warrant my iwmedy t il W.. . b<»t:'. tí t . ,i¡' - Im ,i. m ; Local Pai’gr Train Daily'Except Sunday» cleared of water anti tbe fish remove J. wiil reuiov*the cuus.* and the .»ki:» x KiicMeit’s Ainivii Sulvf. An. ami all p»r-uns (»aiming h «I • dì.' tlmir ( lai'.»- m ili - ofliet* oc. or I h f«»rv ?UKK the worst casoft Because others hat ■i ¡J !;• (•<»!»;«' cle i - »nd iian.-q: trini. I . v th«' ab«»vc «le-« rib 1 lami- are •c«|.iC“.«'4 U» »ahi 2«4h d-iy of Angus!, l‘>0. icio tl iti’W ball o; * t r» - •:»:. :«V- h aile«l is no reason for not now receiving acur It fa'»! halve iu the W'irld for cutx. Lv. Portland, ArTl : *.> r à. but a number of the little lie.-nities ’M» ./»Ti I.vrp«rtiiuii4^ file their el»iu> w in thD office «m or bef re and if Miti^ *b.crion is Lot given it v < H »re. XX . J ohn »TON. »and al once for a treatise and a F i«n t Zjl . -.<* U «0 r. M Lv. Albany, Ar. II:MA. a. w»*re eoou found in tbe vat ajiain. It -ü'd i th r. a si»» . t it« r. *.*h» ’ . pp< d hands, ciii ’ - bbtin«. tbu L.*( !• »niptou coie ii ’ . n Pi4. lb- «lr.iv,- «•‘¡AS. U . JoHX^TOX, end Po«t Office. It costs you nothing fot 1» now known thrfl the fish came fror . Chitu*<>»d BrtMi. un c«.»r-. find, all .< m eruption«, and poli­ Reghicr. c io : ! * . : ■ Fiat and it will eure you. Addirai Tlmh r l.aud Notice the artesiuu well. Ou examination of PULLMAN BUFFE.T_SLEEPERS. Lj.t««-.’b Oregon d. h ; !e. give p rtvoi sntwfue- FINAL PROOF NOTICE. Ifutv Fortunes arc Made. United State*- Land office, i pent, touch to my chi'srin. While 1 are of the earne species as are foivai tt.'j. orb e. v r»* funded Prie." 25 cm Roseburg, Or., June 'J.«, Is*? t w ;* t r j ii'g io cor.iu.le myse lf f.»r th-! A Philadelphia man, win» bin:- I’NITKO STATRf* LkNI» OPF’.CEJ •*• r L'.x. 1 or . : hereby given that fa eomplteure » I FOR ACCOMMODATION OF ftICOND CLASS FA9- with th»- pro-'ireio.m df thu Au: of Congr*>re of P. »>r.i:i «:»•*, Grvfcon, June IN. ISO. ( mountain. This is dawned by those eelf jnade a fortune cleariy on a.Ivor* I« *» m Fon - v.;;y O« uera! Lau« c.ini? .T.:: a j ’ u V u « <- l- SRNQKRA. ATTACH XU TO KXrBXSS TR AINS. June *. 1S7\ euliilud "An act for (I ms »ule of tiding, savH it w«)ul»l p iv La i a dozen np to i; «>• and Notice i» I . r- ¡-y given Hi ll th<* fuHowlng b* i.Jing ov r tue 1:1 th»-..:j I’jiLf..* n tntd »ei:l«T ¡la? iiitu notice of lit* inten liiulier Lin«ls in the states of (’alii mia, Or­ who are acquaiutcd with lhe <¡¿11* rent 1 Child trilled VX Lisp« riti it» lay »•' e r: “3îr. <’«•>*. r - un 9 :.'i ftn-l vol NV xm 'I m c.nd ’.Vn-hltigln;. ierrio.ry," The 8. P. Co « Fen-v make* connectton species of tiab and who b.ave examined papers of big ci. dilation L» Like up At; ó r cid.»! kioeù by the bsO of opi- *' ■’ r >»••;» <*»» valu ; «. ♦.ho DOYI’IIL. lion iu make f.Dai proof in Mip|a»rt ut his egon. with all the regular train« on the East side the ones in quest ion. The fish are any pauper from the - tret {, •• t ibliftb sume yotii «mí b< at. I am h-s ti to I»-- <»i ci-ki- Haim, and lh il >Ri«i piouf W'ill l»u made be­ A. Judsou (’ollar, of Vruioi, «•<• t-a i i n m the tor.iu»f botdhiug ayriip. érti LDL, -, ‘»ich will bo st.nt Upon fore the Clerk uf lhe county court ui Jackson you, fetale *>f <‘»ili»<»ruia, ha- tbo «¡»y flhd in Dtv. from foot o< T St.. Portland. ti FcnatoT xxtth y«»iir to juiniit. Oru* him m ery bu-*es< under tl <• • he , no ala»nt three or four inches in length, Why !•• >'.!)• ya piVÄ their ohildrvn auch | this office tit* » worn »¡a » -« uud :. th*- |»«.r «ounty, (».''.N'D. at . ‘ a k»ui'jvilk-, Or»gon. on ; -i/ 4 lu n iv V .»♦ tge, and are said to be ginxl, though quite matter xvhrdt and tfive him a c»duniu go»),’’ Amid ll’.t» appi-U!tO <«( lhe »I < ,* p •■•o.ii.i surprising whin they Weat Bld« Di«l*l«m J il. 2«, I*«1, viz Warren G. « lia-uíif tbe N W x oí >e • *• » U, in i‘| . *»>i to Iloiti.« », i ’ re-unipuon D •» No. for the E «i it :u v t it child ui ita peoni :ar »roti- i BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS small for cooking. year. Then« lie said, tL»bo’ p. j- i> il, wbi. h I have h< l«l xxtüh* in cou« b:« rt by he iu*o uf Aker’a I m y Souther. f liV! i l Müch'.f: ai -4".’ccui». Chicago. Hl ‘2 Ol N iv md s XV >-4 of N V»’ ‘4 See. 30, Tp. ihuiv that «Jte ¡and sought b n:« ;• ». !•.»»! I»* fur itb timber nr stone than for ,i ;ri ■■ -hur.d 3H. * K 3 End, W. M. would show by a practical object r - h - £?i!-iw, «a Í ..ni tî e ol«l -t nu ntiier p_> it coni?iu-- nt» oxnum or murophim. i Mail Trai* Daily ' Except Munday) He num* • lhe following witnv«sse* to prove parpuM*«.. ami tu establish hi el.uin •< -*wl Caution tn Mutlirr» Huid by < i iJi; *s. fiou to the advertuers the tremen­ the d«"L4H*' .;îie f hiu ui tll ‘ hoUbe.” his «‘ontiiiv.oi’s rc>>:«. -n«'e upon and ccliiva- lami la furc lhe Rrg‘«u-r au«l ilc« vlv»*r of this Portland, Ar. |ti 20 r. m 7:» a. M. I , Lv. _____________ at Ito ••li’irg. Origini, on >atnru«y, th»* !4»n Oi. G.id kinds, Viz. VVm. Aildison, W Every mother is cautioned against giv­ dous effect of advertising, liecuiisc 12.25 r. M. I Ar. Corvallis. Lv 11::« r M, A. < ai,1" ¡1. .1. W. I’a !xJacob Siierd, all 2Ut «lay oi Neptumher. ìmj . Hu name*« mi At Albany and Corvallis connect with ing her -»•) on v. ho 4< - iu |'!ol. •: nu:.'n-t lants which kills the miud of the chiui. ti.u iHlo'.vaije».-oi »iich proof, or who knuus ( oittuan hu 1 Davut Ream, all of Yreka, »i» N«’W Y’ork. July 31 John L. Snlb- Tie imper.-div«» nec«l of burning ■Ciprea« Train Dally (Except Sunday) Acker'a Baby Soother h specially pre­ ki»«Ht co iutv, ( al foinin. of any snim.-ntial reason, under rh«- lau V A» v ;( l 9 fii'faslcri lo nigh! r purtiei- evi-rjtiling that cnnDot buthoroagbly Any and all larson- claiming a Iveiselv E vh :'1 s th«* iulh»»r. — Generili Dealer« in — 4 50 f . m I Lv. K»rtland, Àr. I V ♦ A. M pared to benefit children and cure their an i toe icgiilatiuns uf the interior I’»'part- ! ini’ipg it» lh<* ti jd xvi'.li Ritraili, aud di . t» ' i« I vhich H Hcurlwt-fever pa- in< n . win such proof should not bv a!k*wv«l. the h I/’U' tluM Tib' i land’« are rcq’icwtud l<» B OOF.s I Ar MeMinvilir. Lv | 5:45 A. M pains. It ia harmless and contains no C«disid«T bio «oiritari! v w;.s iiT'Hi 1 h ir.».; U k- 1 *tp fit polie«' h ‘iviquarter«, uiil I«' given an ««i»p<»rt»mity atth< a!»uvp file their claim • In tbh uiBee <*n or before opiem or m<>rphiue. Sold by Chitwxd !• - tis*«i is hi ly ilhu'trnted by m ntto;i'd time an«! place to eros««-exaiiilne Mid 21H «lav of Seplviubcr. I r *J. by the suhnns i«»a I rihoc«>’»-ditiii’ou?.I Bros. Upon hi» return from bia vuoîition th • (o ’..UitiK inch!« nt when that .h» •« coin- lh’3 tiv'mìni’ f In:: pector Byrofw wms . lifcH-ar • w 3 ut'dunbtedly «»mmunii .dKl 5 fot R**glaU*r. d«*nut ill rebuttal oi that submit ted by ilair.i-- ph t»* roimtifiithm. Tiw' au?h »re -ip <»f ant. ( HAS w. J ohnkton . Muvins a Sat ion. Virile*! by S ,.U \e*:rt Childs of Mw- I 1 I- k which Lad been caret oily h’id — VIA — Ib'giM ’ vr. Cleanse« the Nasal PassRp.es tbo iofitrnmetit is thus h » » han;!* I him h re«]’iiAiti«m I f ». 2«] x • T9. The Radon Pwrf says: Timber Land Notice Save a Washington correspondent t be following «hs,, il<- . nf July the 31 >t Allays Innammatlort Heals the H /i ri I V ’ (. (r r »<» .«•’*»r L.i’.v»;» ;iDii nvked J h lPIHs boy or years, the CALIFORNIA. of tire Associated Press: “.Among 'limber Land Notice fri'u. (iniii-i Fork»-» N. 1>: 3ores. Restores the Senses ol C mtf . l * M ite L and offkrj i»»r rie* act* s’ ci Sutli* tn. T n* ins; <•- ire 1' i of tL»* 11 .rialor’« wife, wae For full Information rrmtnliuK r»l<-» R«»»ehnrç. or.. J*u»e*MH. i William Ai. h, r ■ uf .\«*v» York w. map«, ,tc. nppiy to company ■ u>m ai A.h pereons of a scioniitic turn of mind u raste, Smell end Hearing. tor look'd f r S Tirimi id! J «>. Ib* ! ;k- u down with t-obriet fever an»l I’NiTrn states L and offp . s , i Notic i» in*: -hy g:nii hat iu e-'.np.iaucv certain project of interni.tioual im­ tbe author ol the h » c.ilh »! William*’ land. l:< - r.f . or., .M y 31. lsv.i did not ri-tnrn totbe hotel till evening. d;.-.l, Ore of hi« principal a mus. with the ;»r«.vision» «ri lhe act ‘»i « vu .r* «■» oí portant» lore boon diseuawd. It is CoustiltUiOii haii'E <1 in f«,r the <*.t»n- v t*i v h hajt-t>y gfv«'u that in «‘uitipliancc Jane 3, »ft. .*» ■ ntitled •• tu a. » for tJu* *afi* oi R KOKHLER. E. P. ROGERS. UK 111« (luring h i illness bad been with the proti«-Ion» »>f the n« t uf Congre*-* timlurr i-unís iu the .-‘täte«« uf California M«n«cer. A«.t G. F. A P*M. Agent. nothing more or less than the trans­ Ri>- Rtiiutionai Guiventi ¡». W ’ <*f It.- of :ir 4» r Ian 1» in the *h»n - <»f « allf««rnl.i. Robert Lankin,of Yreka,county hotel and ;tnrrerii*io jy i-b« ” :i up fei-kiyuti, L . h ’ b.p, with several Alter i>md, 75,IRM) hoii I h , to the most habita­ Mis - -un. i;> Birli :,h «■ in’\, *i? Or« . «•;», N»va«la. antH'‘^ «ri < ulifot fia, Ims thi» day fil«-4 in this a Ktr-’r-a. Std!ix«lh biniseli op-Ii»»d t'»c- <•! her ti ■ »1! pl .ytliiiq**» W3C picked t«'iv. A U ik«ir>>m. «»f Woodland. ‘ •♦unly ottcc h!s sworn »«tatdnent. for the pun-hn**«* ble part of Alaska. untidM r*ri hinds «> au ».1 by Ac.I;Lx «¡(»oi. A*••»•piibg hi« fri« i» by ii.vb . of Y ", m u .» >.f cnif«'rnia. bxs this day • away in a trunk. Twwily-.-ix years • N a \ i- < • \.. i In I P N«», h •*.. Many of them, it in said, are willing i)«4»-re;ddeiris. CbtR«? paiiptt ftppheii tion, lhe :iiiru statement fur Rung» No, 3 E . au«i will offer pioof to *L«»w ’:<«‘s took ebhire un i later, 1*72, ' the N.pter-in-i iw of the - Mid to mote to a more genial climate, or to Senator Ex arts, who for •*•7 »«) i.^r.*- I rhe purchase «»f th.- r> E ‘4 «»f ^c<‘ti«»u No, fi. that the land lsu'.ight more valuable fi r ils Inlk 1 sociably wi ’ b Mnhbx ni .m l e.bt V t.ok ties trunk with ber on a in Tuwnrehip No. .;•> auuili. Range n «». S ea»t. nt least to a more fruitful territory. U» write a mori<*l eonstitut’»n. ’j he stone than for ft establish hi» « latin to »aid Their idea in not to tn to a region hiDJ-«»xvtier8 r. is«'«l the «anonut, . nd re«>ueut i"» mor»* valuable f «r it« tlnio« r «>r .«nd befar pared himself f«»r :i night in a ci-ll. uii.se b« was lio-a nsidiug. Th* (hi* Regi*’cr an 1 Receiver of Ihri fai:« wholly different, where all the condi­ tbe New Yo.-k Senator, with the as- t7 st-.mt- than for agricultural |«urp .*ea. and ofli.v gt RoM'lairg. Orvwjii, «»u Saturday, the Ti.«*n th*» I ngilist w:i.-* «>*•« it« 1 ♦«» th,* t> link »:>:■ opened the teC.mil day af­ io < Ma hl uh ht«« laim to sal.1 land befnr** the yl tions of life will be reversed, but to a Fietunce of cuotln r N w York jnn«t, day of tfeptcnPx r, He name* a* el n et Mini driv* «I hr - v iu a clueed car­ ter its »nival and the pictnre-t«s>* MEDFORD, ORL .(»X. R« ei»t r snusrilutiou und j * nt it to Opposite Odd Fellow’s Hall, burg. <>r< gull, ou 1 hursday. the IMh day ,»f nage. J* racs < ofllnan, A. JiidM»n í Miar, John wio< taken out and presented to the 13 U The proposition is one of vast im­ Jnd^e AUgUst. iN'i». I Withams’, of Bit-iuart'k. i'/uhburg, and I». lvl J iCrHin, nil ot Yreka, ¡el Half cr. hour lat. r he . J :n t!ie«k- e.|itors two-je.ir-old son. During the He names ss witnc: fortnight the little fellow was at­ ( . I.. M« I’hutridg. . J. Z. Groff. Jas. Wyc­ Any and Rl5)«er^oiiA elaimlue a Iv rwlv so eutire people—an old. renowned dutR nud presented tbe «•» n titnt’on. koff' »nd John I., »pong, all uf Wtxxilan«!. IL? xv«»n*a dark uo.it,u no stantly on band. 5 IDt lUN‘clv»*r. said to-day, hna agree.I to defray the .»aid 15th day uf AoguM, I n *9. Order* fur parties promptly executed and expenses of an Icelandic Minister in have been ii!F.;rio«l at the instnLCe <)♦ the ioFp««ttor told th«* reporter pl out scarlet fever in tn» town’for years. f < « a «, w . J ohnston . the land-ow Deis is the one nil or. ir»«'. bis an >t, ned e.rid he Ln«l nothing t«> x special prices given Rev istc r. CURES INDIGESTION At List it cccttrcd to the editor that making arrangements. The valuable tbe ;ip|»ei.l ft««!»» tbo State 1’ «ni «*f fcny. I nter he ’.'n« taken to a ceil. the pi< tnro-book n ight have trans- All kinds of ornamental work neatly done woode.1 and fertile region on the great Equalisation lo th«» Bnpr* r *•» Onirt Th« ru he xx..s vi.- it». i by Mn’tlre u and lui’trxl the iliM-rM-, tint! the medical Choice Lululs. For Sale, Having one of thob«*t tjkyli<.’bbiti Or­ Yukon river is engg.vted r.s the new This would afford non-rt-snkut« p ilc Wedding Cake* a specialty. habitat of the Icelanders, if the con­ protection, ar.«!, ns oi «'of th-pruptrty- Joints«»]!, who hud follow*.i hiru down n» ti in attendance, on Is ing told the egon, nuit kucirimi lour to orr it, For »»ah- 3.0R* sere % of land: 419 acres of town, il.cy ren . Huri liT» ’ 1 ifter inid- fa •« cotinevled with it, agree.! that it sent of Psrlian.eDt of Icelnid and of liolders said, *«e had rather put in $50 T OVARAKÏKZ GOOD WOKE. farm lan«f in the *»o!ey, r « ju «1 for fruit or Will be open for customer« the Danish Government can la' ob­ apiece au«i get n j /« fh 1 conptitniiou iHgbt. Sullivan will b-j î .k-n to tbe had retained the poixm for 26 J.-ars, «train Court of thMjcr.d »k-fs ior.« for a bear­ mrd communicated it to the child.— Two thousand >ix huodred acres fo»H hill tained/' M. E. TYLER, than leave it to the mercies of a lot of ing tomorrow. ««•I moiiutain-side land. g»>»«l dor fruit, [Paeiflc llnral Preen. dairying an i stock raldug This tract of men who have a special h- bby to Ire k « ba* over >«*vea miles of fencing, dwell­ Gimlets, gongee, tweezers, plier*, <>nt for.” Tbeconstitution was inho- RVBreadbill* must be settled «very month. O regon . l«nd A i - hland . ing boose, a stocli shed feet, am! MEALS - ALL HOURS AND SHAPES. l'ole and kettles, pane and friers. If yon want n real job of printing at dooed by Jud^e Wilharos, who Re­ Yon c-.n gf-l U kw Oliver cbiiled plenty of living water. JOHN WEXLEH, All things tor all eoitrof buyers Call on or address J. fi. H errin . sumed all rvsponsibriil). an«l agn*«-«! to plows with slip oluirea, at Ashland a nsiaoaabie price cine to the T ilings -x J ■ J* _g - ' SheruM Sisters. Propri. I Block,M9 Delicious Bissait Largest Stock in the NORTHWEST ! SODAMSALEHATUS. CI 1 1TW OOI) BROS Horsemen and Breeders! P laza C orner S tore , Other kinds of Fruit iu Proportion.- - - - - - Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges Trusses, Toilet Articles. J. H. SETTLEMIER. All Standard Paient Medicines Woodburn, Oregon. ABTXSTS’ - iXATSXiXALS ASHLAND ad LIHKVILLE STAGE LINE. SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPHO8PHITE8 Almost aa Palatable aa Milk WINDOW and DOOR Light Scroll Sawingand Fancv Shaping . Southern Pacific Company’s Line. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Tiu« between Ashland and Su Francisco. 23 HOURS. I CURE FITS! Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness Torpid l.iverand Bad Digestion. BETWKJi PORTLAND 4 SIX FHANTISl’i) FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, CATARRH ' : il COLD IN HEAD . i ud Through Tickets to all points South and East Try the Cure Ely’s Cream Balm 1 JiTi STOCK RANCHES Ciix I Properl y A I :resh Bread and Pies Daily. Bread Delivered Daily at Your Door. Prices always reasonable. I PHOTOGRAPHY. I I I A ppetizer . D lít /'^D s S pecif K On and Alter June 16. FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES rW?oxriAhl[* or ^ y