Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 09, 1889, Image 2

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The last pub.'io debt statement shows
What Constitutes Swamp Land.
the total national debt August 1st to
be 81,646,777,310; total of credits,
Speaking of tbs case of two youug
.... AUGUST », 188»
cash in treasury, 8508,256,287; total men lately arrested and fined for resist­
ILakerlew Examiner. Aug. 1.1
1 debt, lees cash in treasury. August 1st, ing a deputy Uuited Suites marshal
L. G.
O. Rosa, wife and baby left for
who attempted to eject them from Idaho and eastern Oregon by their
. 81,077.663,983.
claims they bad taken up in the Har­ own conveyance Tuesday.
In the reply wired by the Secretary
ney valley country, a gentleman who
Chicago wants the next world's fair
The weather the past week haa
is well informed in regard to such mat­
of War to Senator Mitchell's inquiry
— the one to celebrate the fourth oen- ters yesterday said:
been the warmest ever known in Lake­
as to the reasons for the summary re­
' tennial of the discovery of America by
"These men pre-empted the land view. The thernometer reached 96 iu
moval of the garrison from Fort Klam­
i Columbus, and her leading ciUsena knowing that it had been conveyed to the shade Monday.
ath, is the significant statement that
by the state as swamp laud.'
1 have takeu step« to make a contest another
a .,
i'i. _ .
—r ~rr~
Unconfirmed rumors reach us from
the order for abandonment of the fort
“UH If fb ”OW f”*."?'''
Oregon Ufar the Idaho hue, to
with New York for the location.
lmgined that the owner» " title to 11
it 1110
tha» cattlemen
«¿utomon are
..c offering
effect that
“was issued upon the report of the
------------ -
oouid not be maintained and
that they their entire herds at 84 each all round,
“poet commander, to the effect that the
The French heirs of Stephen Girard could not bold it ar Mid
t arable
_____ ___
j,, uoj behove the story.
“time has now arrived for the final , are about to bring suit against the There has been a great deal of trouble
Harney Items wants the Lake-
--abandonment of the poet; that the ; city of Philadelphia to recover the
of the state, aud trouble of this kind ; view office investigated for the three
"Indians are well civilized, have schools ; property, 813,060,000 now, left by
is likely to occur for years to come, years last past. He thinks there has
“and churches aud have asked to be Girard for the maintenance of the Where these people who attempt to *>“eu some swamp land crookedness in
“endowed with citizenship; that no I Girard College and the improvement take up such laud make a great mis- thia office.
in thiu
king that because
land ,
“difficulty baa arisen between them and of the city, the police organization, take
P. Avery of Corvallis has sold his
j----- . is -------
stock cattle to James
“t>Mtr white neighbors for years, and j etc. The plaintiffs will allege that the
and that therefore the man who pur- ■ j I oster, of Summer Lake, and bought
“that no apprehension of forage and money haa not been used as stipulated chased it hs swamp laud committed a
Mr. Foster’s flue farm near Corvallis j
“raids from then may be entertained.' in the will. They will uever win the fraud and m not Justly entitled to the j He allows Mr. F. 810,000 for his farm 1
etc. The truth is, the post commander, suit, but may succeed in shaking up ownership of the land and cauuot make , and sells him cattle at the following
good hie title. The fact is that the .
like other officers, wants to be at a more the management of the estate beuefi- swamp land act was passed in 1862 J prices: Cows with calves, 825; two
year olds, 818, and ye arlings $15.
pleasant station. He would like to be cially.
atui the swamp lauds were bought iu '
large tracts by different |ieraone. The i
in a more civilized community, end i
After capturing the Canadian seal question as to whether they were'
ILinkvUle Star, Aug. 2.1
finds life so irksome at this isolated
I ing sch.xmer, "Black Diamond." in guilty of any frauds depends u|xin
It is reported that Mr. Engle, Of
poet that he has said to others than
i Behring sea, and taking from her the whether they were swatnp lands theu Phceuix, will start a big store at Keno t
the Secretary of War that he would
or not, and uot upon what the uature
seal skins found aboard, the com- ’ of the land is at preseut. During the i Mrs. I. D. Applegate, of Dairy, and
leave Fort Klamath whether the poet
mauder of the U. 8. steamer. Rush, ’ twenty-seven years since the passage her sister, Mrs. Chas. Putman, of
were abandoned or not. Now. it is not
have returned from Shovel creek.
I placed one seaman aboard the schoon- of that act great changes have come i Olene,
oonceded that the [xiraonal desires of a
’ er with order^to take the prize to the over the face of the country. The1 Klamath county can give better
military officer who doen't like such
land in many places where it is dry i
. port of Sitka. The captain of the now was theu covered with a rack bargains in cattle and Lora « than can
duty should be accepted aa sufficient
tie found anywhere on the coast.
. "Black Diamond" paid no attention growth of grass and bushes, the soil! With her thousands of tons of wild bay,
evidence upon which to order the I
I to the authority of this one sailor was liaise aud absorbed the raiu and ! besides timothy and clover, she raises
abandonment of the poet. Investiga­
melting snow and allowed it to percol-; horn's and cattle at less expense aud
placed in command, and, instead of ate
gradually. Thus large tracts were j
tion by the War Department will show
going to Sitka, sailed into Victoria. l kept moist and swampy, and lak<-a j trouble than stockmen elsewhere en­
Any price is good enough.
that the people of Southern Oregon are
, j The question will doubtless be spread over a great extent of ground.
apprehensive of trouble in the event of
| brought under negotiation between After the introduction of cattle m I Col. Shanfuer, Adjntant-Geueral of
the Oregon National Guards, informs j
the removal of the troops. 1 While it is
the British aud U. H. government, by these sectious the brush and herbage Lieutenant Howe, of Troop B., of
disappeared, the ground was tramped |
true that the Indiana are, most of them,
the event of seizure, but it is the gen­ hard and the rains, instead of beiug l i Linkvill**, that commissions for the of­
making steady progress toward civil­
eral opinion among public men iu - collected and allowed to slowly perco- ficers fit Troop B will lie issued as
ization, yet they are up to thia time so
both countries that there is not the k4*-e through the soil, ran atouce down soon as the captaia files the necessary
little educated in the authority of the Slight«.» probability of a war overite ^ery slo^- and were carried off by ‘"■•■i. The appropriation for suits,
btreamw. Huan summer came tue accoutremeuta, etc., will come from
civil law aa to make it almost certain
’rouud became dry mid bard, and the the State Miltary Board, but as no
that any trouble between them aud the
akus not being fed continuously, ftiuda for that purpose are aa yet in
whites over stock range matters -a
gradually shrank, nn l the whole faiv ’ the state treasury, they are waiting.
trouble which is inevitable tinder the
<if the country changed. The swamp ’ Troop B mumliera 51, al! in Hue train-
, laud act applied to the lands as they j ing.
conditions of the country alxrat the
Dawes and Stockbridge, of the eena- ' were then, and what they may be now
The Keiioitee are taking poeession
riwervalion and the prospects of the tonal committee to investigate InJiau
baa nothing to do with the ease and
Indiana making individual locations of affairs in Alaska, were interviewed in those who, while crying fraud, attempt of the swamp laud claims iu their
vicinity. Mr. Walker the lively school
land—will reach in a flash dangerous Ctiioago ou their return from that ter- to rob tho swamp land man of what he teacher there lias built a dwelling in
ntory, and Dawe« stated that the
proportions and demand the interven­ atorias of IuJian outrages bad beeu honestly bought, should remember the Stewart-Ramsey field, and iu the
this, aud before attempting to take up same extent of land Mr. Blackwood,
tion of military force. The killing of greatly exaggerated.
land which has been designated as of Soda Springs, authorized by the
an Indian by a white rancher two years
Philadelphia dinpatch July 31:— swamp laud should satisfy themselves Lakeview laud office, has also pitched
ago waa followed by ugly threata from Much surprise has been created by as to the condition of the land when his residence, having brought there
the Indiana, and not loug ago the the announcement that the National the swamp laud act was passed.’'
bis lumber, windows, doors and
carpenters. Mr. Ramsey threatens ar­
Indian agent rubbed the hair of the Bureau of Engraving, oue of the most
extensive lithographing establish­
rest. but the parties take the threat
noble red men the wrong way, and from ments in the country, is in financial
right philosophically and bold fast to
the mntteringa aud complaints and distress. The plant is advertised to
The following deeds have been their faith in Uncle Sam. Mr. Norval
open expreaaions of hoatility it was be sold to satisfy the creditors.
plaeed upon the records of Jackson has takeu a fine, fat piece of land in
feared by men who know the Indians
At the Postoffioe department it is county since last report of the T idings : the swamp laud field claimed by Mills
4 Rider and it is pretty strongly sus­
beat that they would try the old-fash­ learned that since March first, of the George L Mathew* and wife toCharle« F. pected that the “jumping” of thia rich
Wall. X
X E l4 see. at. tp. 32 S, R 2 E: eon.
i land will now lie general.
ion plan of remedy for their trouble— 55.600 fourth-class Postmasters in the *666.«».
United States nearly 13,000 changes
B M. Gill and «life to Charles F. Wall,
killing the agent Had there been no have been made, aud of this number
S. E. % of see. 27, tp. 32 S, K 2 E, 160 acre« .
garrison at the fort it ia hardly possible abont 9,f)00 were removals of Demo­ coo. *1,333.33.
(Yreka Journal, Aug. 7. |
that such trouble could have been cratic officials and the appointment of O. T. Co. to Harriet Holmes, lots 1. 5, 6. 7.
are quite trouble­
The daily Ashland: eon *120.
averted. The safety and security of the Republican successors.
some at h(>ots iu Shasta Valley, and
changes now average »bout 100.
people in that part of our atate, and the
14, 16. 17, IS. 23, 21. blk M. R R addition also iu spots at the lower end of Scott
A statement prepared by the Post­ 14, town
maintenance of peace and good order
Valley, especially at good garden
of Ashland , con. *715.
office Department shows that auunally to O.
T. Co. to W K, Dickinson, lol 10, blk patches.
among the Indians ia certainly of more two billion postage stamps are used in
45 town of Med font. eou. **o.
Large posters are visible around
conaeqcence than the social yearning’s this oountrj. for which the government
Perraella Doneau to Leander A Neil, Q.
C. I), to interest in ’old, bik.3. town of Ash­ •own with view» of Klamath City nt
of two or three commissioned officers,
land; con. «2
C. A O. R. R. crossing of Klamath
and the War Department should be cost the government per 1,000 as fol­ A. F. Talent to Mary Jane Sutton, lot 1, river, also Klamath Hot Springs, rail­
lows: Common variety, a fraction
made to ass it that way. If “coneolida- over 6 cents; special delivery, 18 cents, blk. 6, Ashland: con. *660.
road bridge, aud the old pioneer ferry,
to M. A. Magone, land aud other scenes on
the upi>er
tion" ia demanded, then conaolidato and postal cards 40 cents. As the low­ in F. tp M. 36 Fredenburg
6. R 3 W. 7 acres; con. *230.
the garriaoua of Klatnath and Bidwell est denomination sells for 810 per
A D Helman to Anson W Jacobs, lot 3.
Twai and three carloads of freight
at Fort Klamath, where a poet is need­ 1,000, the government reaps an enorm­ blk. 12, .Ashland: con *100.
ous profit, which goes toward paying
A. S. Jacobs to Philip Mullen, lot 3, blk 12. are hauled to town nearly every day
ed—there ia no need for troopa at Bid- the expeuses of carrying the mails.
Ashland; con. 4107
lately on the Yreka R, R. It would
O. T. Co. to P T Falrehi, lot 5 blk 1, town
lie a goal paying enterprise to extend
Ex-Secretary Whitney has written of Medford: con. *W.
W. Jacobs to A. S. Jacob«, lots, blk i the road into Scot t Valley, and prove
The »iatqment that »peculators are . the following sensible letter to the 12, Anson
great benefit to Yreka also.
Ashland: con. *110.
following life U. 8. irrigating aurvey N. Y. Times: “An item is going the Octavia Julien to Patrick Donegan, land
rounds of the press to the effect that in tp. 3* 8, K. 2. W, VO acres, con. *1.
The Shasta Courier says the lx>b-
parties and taking up valuable water a new weekly newspajier is about to
A. C Holmes to Phillip Mullen, lot I. blk tailed special train between Redding
rights having been sent to Secretary lie established at Washington iu my 16. Ashland; eon *1.
slid Sisson has been hauled off and
Nobls from Idaho, the Secretary, in interest as a candidate for the Presi­ Samuel Colver to Phillip Mullen, land I d the engineer and fireman are glad of
I am not ami shall see. 20, tp. 3« 8, R 1 W 40 acres; con. *1.
it. They hud to run so fast that near­
reply, quote» the provisions of the law not be a candidate for nom-
Slate of Oreron to Alex Blakely, land in ly all the hair was blown off their
provididing for tbs survey now in pro­ , ¡nation for that office nor for any see. 36, tp. 35 8. R I W. 120 Here,; eon. *lu0,
Emery to city ot Ashland, land I d
gress, which, be thinks, coven the other. There are men in the Demo- tp. El»er
36 S, R 1 E, 4 6 1 > a res. eou. 41
The Montagne bonds have been sold
grounds and protects all rights. Among i cratic party much more entitled to
United states to Joseph A. Ilyina, laud In to Tbos. Greeiiwoo-i. of Hawkinsville,
oihsr things, Hus law provides that all the honor than I am, and I expect to sec. 9, ip. 39 8. R 1 E. acres: patcut.
help the best man to win. The item
Joliu May to James H. 'lav, lot 4, blk. 22, it a premium of Still for the lot, 85,000
lands which may hereafter be desig­ is absurd on its face, and I object to ‘ Chit wo st tract, etty of Ashland, eon. iHOO.
in all, bearing 7 per cent, internet per
nated or Mleated by such United State« I lieing thought capable of such non-1 Milo < alen to R-tbort M. Garrett, lot 6, Wk. I annum, payable in leu years. Tbs
I Baily Hili setoxil bonds for 8350, at 8 I
surveys for sites for reservoirs, ditches sense."
E. E. Miner to Oscnr Ganlard, lot 2. city of per ceuU bad no bidders. ’
or canals for irrigation purposes, and
A Washington dispatch of one day Ashland; eon (l.'.Ml.
The bidding for the new county
Francis E. Hill to Oscar Ganlard. 1»M
all lands made susceptible of irriga­ i last week savs: “The committee re­ . 2. Mrs.
hospital was very clow- to'tween four
tion by such reservoirs, ditches or
• to investigate the alleged illegal re­ land in tp. :l-*> A, It I K intere.-t
«t <»f
of the
rhe Ohe.j-I
Obe.i- bidder», not ranging to 8200. Another
canals, are from this time henceforth ratings of pensions by employe« of : chain heirs. S4O a-re« eou. L'Chu.
bidder, however, was S71M lower than
J. <1. Blrdaey, Sheriff, tn A. J Fredenburg. the lowest of the four, and desired to
hereby reserved for sale as property of the bureau has completed the first
lot 7, blk. 20, in town of Medferd. con f I a>. withdraw, but would not tie allowed to
the Uuited States, and shall not be week of its labors. The examination,
Jo so. although let ont by failing to
subject, after the passage of this Act, covering six months, will probably be
The Cen«ns.
provide the necesnry bond. The suc-
completed during the coining week.
to entry, settlement or occupation until | when a report will be made to Secre­
oeeatul bidder was F. C. Beggs, who
Washington Dispatch. Aug 4.;
built the new Episcopal rectory, his
t urtber provided by law, provided the tary Noble. It is learned from parties
Superintendent of t he Census Porter
President, at any time in bis discre­ lielieved to have knowledge that dur­ haa got the primary work of taking figures lieing 84,711, or about 830
lower than the next, aud about 8200
ing Decemlier last, under Commis­
tion by proclamation, may open any sioner Black's administration, there the eleventh census stnrtf*I and will lower than the highest bidder.
portion of the lands reserved by this were found about 1500 reissues of
A Henley correspondent furnishes
the vast territory of tins country,
provision to settlement under the pensions: and during the month of which embraces 3.826,000 square miles, the following items this week:
homestead lawa The Secretary points
and nearly 70,000,0(X) people, over 40,-
Last week Silas Shattnck, while rid­
administration, 1800 reissues. These
out that it is impossible tor speculators 1 reisanes cover all classes and include 000 enumerators will I«' employed, > ing in Huten creeh, four miles north
to acquire '«tie to a single acre of the a'll eases of rerating, which average and about 2,000 clerks will lx* neces- of here, saw the big grizzly known as
sary to complete their returns.
club foot. One of his front feet was
land while this law is in force.
from 3 to 5 per cent of the whole
The last census restricted to a
— • —--------
number of reissues. It is stated that cost of $3.000,000, bnt for the coming ' cut off iu a trap years ago. so there is
This has been a hard year on fire in- the rerating will probably not average one Congress appropriated S6,400,0(M)J no mistaking the track. Mr. Shattuck
surance companies, at least so far m,,re than
,o W ¡*r n‘outh- b,lt the exclusive of tho cost of printing, eu-1 say» ho is as big as a horse. The next
lay the grizzly killed and ate part of a
, arrears in many cases are carried graving and binding.
as the Pacific coast region w concerned, back to the date of the orignal ap-
three year old steer owned by Mr. Fox.
There will be about thirteen volume« ! A party wont out to hunt him, aud it
Tbe heaviest loserain all the great fires plication, some of them as far back as in the eleventh census, instead of
— Seattle, Ellensburg, Spokane Falls,' 1865. It is confidently asserted that twenty two, as in the last, anti it is ' is hoped they will bring him in. for he
has killed many cattle in years past.
have been Eastern companies which the committee has discovered nothing hoped to have all finished inside o'
whatever of a sensational character." five years, which it took for the previ-1 The free bridge across the Klamath,
have been in business long enough to
at Mauistee, was opened to the public
oue ones.
bear ths strain. The younger com­
The Behring Sea Batter.
■ August 1st.
panies of California, Oregon and Wash­
iWtahlngUin Diapateh, AUf.M.j
E. B. Hunsaker bus decided to dis­
Forest fires in the oot ton wood moun­
ington have all had a share of the
a well posted State Department of- continue the to>ot aud shoe line, and tains are assuming serious proportions
kiasee, but their managers were shrewd ficial says in reference to Behring Sea: will sell at- net cost everything in this and are endangering bouses and fences
enough in most instances to prepare There is nothing for the Government line, or will close out the entire lot to on west branch.
»«„i. to do in connection with the Behring the trade at liberal discount. A good
Black woodpeckers are Hocking into
for such events by re-msunng their «fe. maUer bHt
continue to enforce bargain for somebody.
our orchards by thousands, and are
polices in the older companies. In the law, and capture as many piratical
eatiug the fruit as fast as it ripens.
thin way tbs young companies that sealers as they find in our jurisdiction,
The result will be a small crop of sum­
start with little or no capital have a
The bln8ter in Canada does not even
mer aud fall apples, for it is impossible
__ excite interest even m the State or
pretty good chance to establish them- Treasury Depertmente When the
A dispatch from Dakota says
saya the to keep the birds away.
selves on firm ground if they happen to British Government communicatee wheat crop will be 30,1)00,600 bushels
More wells gone dry this week, not
open in a good field and push business with us ou the subject officially it will short
more than halt a dozen in town at
be time enough for the State Depart­
The annual estimate of the Dela­ present that have a good How of water.
ment to take the matter up. There is ware peach crop places it at 2,SDO,4kJU
♦ ♦— —
Fresh California citrus frnit».bauxnaa
Mm. Lon«. Canby, widow of Gen-
the least probability of a war but baskets, against 7,30O j 00O baskets in
' .
if there were it would place England 1866, and 2350,000 baskets iu 1887.
etc., at Wexler's bakery.
eral Canby whose tragic murder by ¡n a wry awkward, not to say danger-
The Mississippi River Commission
Modoc Indian» on April 11,1873, must on» position. The policy being car­
bs cited by historian» as one of very
°”t with regard to these seal estimates that it will take 84.tK>J,OH)
few instances in which a Hag of truce
’«•. "d«Pted only after a very next year to carry on the repairs, etc.,
on the Mississippi from its head to
. , . .
careful inquiry into the matter.
wa» violated, even by savages, died re-
The House committee on the mer- the mouth of the Ohio.
Prince and Peasant, the Millionaire and
cently at Indianapolis. Mrs. Canby chant marine and fisheries last season
It is proposed to celebrate in the
wm beloved by every one who knew her’ made a tbor<>m{h investigation^ of the city of St Louis, April 30, 1,01. the Day Laborer, by their oointuoii use of
the result of which was seen lODtli anniversary of the greatest re.,1 th's remedy, attest the world-wide rep­
because of her many amiable qualities. question,
in the act reaffirming our righto over estate transaction in American history, utation of Ayer’» 1’111». Laading phy-
During the Mexican War, when her thee* waters.
sicians recommend these ptlla for
the purchase of Louisiana.
Stomach and Liver Troubles, Coatir»-
husband was Lieutenant, she became
Before President Harrison issued
Sixty-two carloads of California fruit ness, Biliousness, and Sick Headache ;
known as the “Yankee Angel" from his proclamation of Apnl. this act aud
pertaining to the legal as­ were received in Chicago last week, also, for Rheumatism, Jaundice, and
her devotion to thesiek. It was a com­ everything
pect of the question, wns referred to aud tbo market was overstocked On Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated; con­
mon thing for her at that time to travel he Attorney-General,* and there is a August 31 the Earle Fruit Company tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild,
fifty miles in a day between two hospi­ perfect agreement between the State sold at auction five carloads for a< - in operation ; and. therefore, the very
tals to minister to the wants of the and Treasury Defiaitmento aud the oount of the Golden G ite Fruit As­ best medicine for Family Use, as well as
Department of Justice. Congressman sociation, at the following prove for Travelers and Tourists.
dying soldier».
Farquhar, who was a member of the Bartlett pears, ripe, 81 60; Bar let
“ I have derived great relief from
oommittee in the House that formula­ pears grwn,S2 85; Beurre Hardy pears, Aver’» I'llls. Fivo year» ago I was
It is now accepted as trne among ted the bill, says this country would 81 40 to 81 50; Gros prunes. 80 cento; taken so ill with
the heavy grain dealers and specula­ go right on asserting and maintaining peaches, half boxes, IM) cents to 81 25.
tors that this year's world crop of its jurisdiction over the Behnng Sea
•Vhvn Baby was nick.
that I was unable to do any work. 1
wheat will be under an average. fisheries and England can't aay a word
took three boxes of Ayer’s Pills and
in earnest about the matter.
We gave her Cast orla.
was entirely vureti. Since that time I
India, Russia and Austria, which are
Russia standa ready to make good
am never without a box of these pHh.”
all great wheat producing regions, will our title-deed by purchase from her. When «he was a ChUd,
Peter Christensen. Sherwood. Wis.
Great Britain can't afford to an­
She cried for Castorio.
come nearest to being failures. The
“Ayer’s Pills have*been m use in nn
family upwards of twenty years and
American crop will fur exceed the
When «he became Miss.
Russia and the United States.
have * completely verified all that, h
home demand, and had we to depend
There is no donbt about Russia's
claimed for them. In attack» <»f
She clung to CastorU.
from which I suffered many years, tl«« y
on a domestic market prices would lie disposition in the matter. They guar­
When «lie had Children,
afford grater relief than any «•!?•.< r I
sure to rule very low, but the chancee anteed us in our title and England
medicine I ever tried.” — T. F. Adam*;,
She gare them Castoriw
are that foreign demand will bring can't seriously question that title
Holly Springs, Texas.
without antagonizing Russia. If she
“ I have use<l Ayer’s Pills for a nnm
our grain up to a ver}' fair figure.
went into the fight she would have
As it is generally understood that her of years, and have never found any­
two antagouists^
there is lack of building material in thing equal to them for giving me a«,
Emperor William of Germany, is
This ia all well understood in Eng- the valley, we givo notice that our appetite and imparting ebergy ami
visiting Queen Victoria. Bismarck's land as well as m Russia and Amenea. mill is now running on full time and strength to the system. I always keep
we can fill orders for lumlier at the them in the house.”—R D Jackson.
son is with the imperial party,
Wilmington, Del.
The Ashland TlDrwoe and the San
and it is understood that the Fraucisco Weekly Call, a large eight rate of JitjXMl feet per day. Write for
•• Two boxes of Ayer’s Pills cured
particulars and prn'ee.
visit haa political significance, and page paper giving all the general news
S ugar P ink D oor A L umber C o , of severe
that England is to be found hereafter —both for 82.75 per year, in advance.
J. W. Bowden, cf Central Point
firm with the “triple alliance." The The regnlar price of the T iding -, is the enterprising and Baoecssful sewing
from which I wa» long a »offerer. —
Gear of Russia has quietly snubbed 82.50, and regular pritm of the Call, machine now retained as travel­ Emma Keves. Hubbardston, Moss
81.25- so our offer is a redaction of
Bismarck, it is said, and refuses to ac­ 81 in the price of both. Ttia is for a ing rcpreeeu'ative of Wliipp's Jackson­
‘ Whenever I am troubled with con-
ville. Marble Works, and is taking or- wti pation, or suffer from loss of appetite,
quiesce in the letter's scheme for a limited time only.
ders iu all parts of the county. Wbipp Ayer's Pills »et me right again." — A. J
meeting of the three qpiperurs.
The U. S. Bakery will deliver bread w supplying more Sue marble work in Kiser. Jr . Bock House, Va
pies or cakes at your door every <lny if the cemeteries of S.>uth«!U Oregon than
“Ayer's Pill» are in general demand
Acting Secretary of the Treueury you wish. Leave orders st th« bakery all other dealers.
among our customers Our sales of
Ib. n, exceed those of all other pills com­
Batchelor haa over-ruled the opinion on Mam street. oLp.a'lte Odd Fellows
bined. We have never known them
of Solicitor of the Treasury Hepburn, block.
gans tuuedaud repatrod by a first-class fail to give entire satisfaction.’1 —
There is still room for one, two, three workman, should eon.l word to E. B. Wright A Hannelly, San Diego, Texas.
that Chinese employed as servants on
the U. S. war vessels are seamen and good bouses ou Boulevard in Hunsak­ Hnusaker at once and they will rsoeive
er’s addition. Prices aud terms rea­ prompt attention.
not laborers, and can land in the Uni­ sonable. Apply to E. B. Hunsaker. ♦
rncrAKMD bt
ted States. Batchelor bokls that they
We have a complete liue of Dong-
Or. J. C. Ay»r A Co., LowoH, Maw.
are laborers and not asetnen and can­ lass and Rumsey pumps, anil guaran­
gold by all Dealer, tn Medicine.
not be penm’ted to enter
tee every one. E l.lin^s A Monse. •
Each person buy­
ing a onb-pound
can of
Remnants ! !
M&sonic Directory, Ashlaad.
Regular eonv<x*allou» on the Thurotl»)
next after the full moon.
W. II A tkixsox . H P.
F. R Myer, Hec’y.
Stated coaonuukation on the Thurwiay of
; or before the lull moon.
E. V M ill », W. M
Wm It Itawson, Secretary.
i Stated meeting» on 1st «nd Sd Tuesday In
I each month.
Mr« 1 D Crocker. « . M.
I Mirs K at « CMrrwoou, Secretary.
We have a large stock of
which you can buy at half
prices. Call andlook at them.
in summer wraps.
For $5.00 you can buy a $10
Beaded Wrap.
For $7.50 you can buy a $15
French Broadcloth Appli­
que Wrap.
For $2.50 you can buy a $10
• Scotch Wool Wrap, with or
without Hood. Just the
thing for school wear.
For $1.00 you can buy a $2.50
Embroidered Shoulder
Scarf in all the differ­
ent Shades.
I. O. O. F.,
Hold regular moHlngi evviy Saturday
ev«u,ug al their hall lu Athlana. Brel bren
in good »tandlug are cordially Invited t»
D. HtCM S. G.
W C Roberta, Secretary.
Meet« in Odd Fellow»*« Hall every Al and
I 4th Monday In aacb month. Member» In
* good «landing cordially invited to atteud.
R out T xylo *. u . P.
N A Jacoba. Scribe.
Meet« on the 2d and 4th Tue«d«y In each
: month in Odd Fallow ni Hall. Ashland
M m » A nkie Lova,, N. G.
John May. Sec'y.
Aahlaad Lo&p, A. 0 .V. W
Meet« in lodge room in Odd Fvltow’a
Hall every hmt and T hud Wednc»day In
each month. Prevent hour of meeting 7:<J0
r. m . All Brethren in good »landing are
I cordially invited to attend.
Wr ParrgRaoM, M W.
T. W. L ykcb , Recorder.
Zaighta of Pythiaa.
fjRANITK LODGE. NO «. Knirhu <4
Pythian, Aohlana. Oreruu. meet» even
Fridai evening. Vhrtting Knight« iu good
«landing tre cordially invited to attend.
W. B. MlIJJuN.C. C.
D Barnalde Po*t, No. 2S, meets
iu Masonic Hall ou the 1st
' and 3d Saturday» of each mouth. Vinitlug
; comrade* cordially welcomed
J. R. C asey ,
C.W Ayer», H. R. KarLour. R.T. EUioge
j Ayers, Barbour & Elviaie,
Contractors & Builders.
C. W. AtERH. Architect.
| Ladies’ and Gent’s Dusters from $1.25 to $2.50.
Ladies’ French Kid Shoes for $2.50.
Ladies’ Satin Parasols from $1.25 to $5.00.
Ladies’ trimmed and untrimmed hats at half price.
No extra price for trimming hats.
Eatimateb made ou all kind* of building*
«nd all inateriain furnUhed fur the gg
' Plans and apecHIcatiouK for dwelling» of
latest modern designs made at our offio*
i and furnhhed free to our patrons. We un
' dendand our business in aH its branches,
and do not heNitaLe to guarantee ►atlsfae-
tion. If you contemplate building any ,
thing, from a foot bri<lge (o a lioiel, call on
ur at our office. corner Main and Hargadinc
st»., Abhiand, Or., and see what we ran do
for you. We have au unlimited mi ppi y of
material of all kinds for building purposes
aud can build your hou«e without any un-
nece»»ary delay. Ouulde order« for plan»,
and specifications solicited and prompt at
tention given to them. We invite in »per-
tion of our work and cau give references
where required.
' 1334
Main Street,
Hausen's Table Kock Farm on Rogue
River is now offered for sale in enbdi-
visions to suit purchasers, on easy terms.
A 20-aere Apple Orchard, 82UOU.
40 acres level Fruit or Alfalfa land,
80 acres Grain, Fruit, or Grnas Land.
160 acres Grain, Fruit or Grass Land.
200 acre« Grain, Fruit or Grana ltand.
Call on or »ddrens.
FRED HANSEN, Axhland, Or.
Opposite the Postoffice.
Fiuai Piwwf Notice.
» an » O fhck at R osehcrg . Oregon,/
July 23, 1«W‘.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be­
fore the Judge or in nis absence before the
Clerk of the county court of Jackson county.
Oregon, at Jacksonville, Oregon on Mon­
day, September 9. 1*89. viz: Nimrod N
Charley, Homestead entry No. 397.3 for the S
K l* of 8 W
Sec 28 and N U of N W * i and
N W % of N E ‘4, StN1. 33, Tp. 37. 8 R 2 East,
W. M.
lie name» the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva­
tion of said land, viz: George W. Nichols,
Wm. Cnnrtney, J. H. Terrill, Jos. Reynolds,
all of Lake Creek, Jat kson county, Oregon.
C has . W J ohnston ,
Will be entitled
to a chance in a
afforded in Southern Oregon in the liv
ery business.
CMldrei Cry fcrPitcher’s Castana
The undersigned offer» for Rule hi- ‘lock
ranch of 500 acre» situated on 1 ul« I ake.
Klan.ath county, Or , aa A 1 ranch for stock
purposes. W ill pul up l5o tons cf hay ofl
the place. Ih it range in Klurn.db « ounty.
Will sell Mock and fanetag implements
(hr ranch, if desired. For further tu­
tor »Bliou apply to
R. A. litniHl»uN.
a ulr Lake. Or.. Jail. 9 11*7.
---- In the town of-----
Siskiyou co., Cal.,
For Sale on Easy Terms.
One-fourth down; balance withlu aix,
twelve and eighu-en month*
Depot L«r graded
I Mee map al the
price«, etc-, or add re*«
At reasonable rates.
D. H U A^KEl f..
Site Agent C. I*. R. R. m » i » Frauvirco,
New and handsome turnouts, 1 el table Town
Horses Boarded and Fed.
and safe buggy tsama, and good saddle
horses always to be had at these stables.
Limy Stables in Ashliutl Offrirli for Salt
it i Barpin !
Will Buy and Sell horses
Final Proof N’olice.
University of Oregon,
C nited S tates L and O ffice ,
Rosaauno, Oregou, July 25. 1S89. i
Notice is hereby given that ihe following
naaied settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be-
fore the Judge, or in nis absence before the
Clerk of the County court of Jack*on Co.. Or.,
at Jacksonville, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 10,
¡«89, viz: George W. Nichols, Homestead
entry No. 4208. for the S E of 8 W
N E k of 8 W U, Hee. 6 and N E of N W ‘4
Ser. 7. Tp. »7. 8 R 2 East. W M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and
cultivation of said land.
vir. Wm.
Courtney, J. H. Terrill, Jos. Reynold». Nim­
rod N. ( barley, all of Lake Creek. Jackaon
county, Oregon.
C h a « W J ohnston ,
Next aeaaion begins on Monday, the IGth of
September, 1K89.
Free x hoUrships from every county in
the State. Apply to your County Superin­
tendent. F ree tuition after J anuary 1.
Four Course«: Classical, feientitic, Liter­
ary and a nhort English Course in which
there is no Latin, Greek. French or carman
The English is pre-eminently a Busines»-
Course For catalogin'* or other information
3 2m
On acconnt of my having bre-n crippled In
a ruu«w«y «oiuetimcapu, aud not l*iug abte
to peraoually bupenlw th« taidix-«« proper,
ly. I bare concluded Id dl.poae of my ilvery
•table intere«:»tn A«hl«nd. tovefber »lib *11
the stock, Including hone*, wa^ou«, hack«,
btijtKie«. hay. oat*, etc
Thi. i« a good chance for wnne
a» It i<the only «table in the city, aud 1«
good pajlUK property
Tenn, and pri.-e furnished on application
Io the proprietor
14 5
Ashlatel. Oregon.
---- THE —
In ^Ashland tc buy »our
Rich and Poor,
Ayer’s Pills,
Stock Rancit t'ov Sa’,«-
V nitbd S tat «» L and Ornca.
R oseburg , Oregon, July 25. 1889J
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler ho filed notice of his inten­
tion to make final proof iu support of hl»
claim, aud that said proof will be made be
fore the Judge or in nis absence before the
Clerk of the county court of Jackson Co ,Or.,
at Jaeksonville, Oregon, on Monday, Sept.
9. 1« m 9. viz: William Courtney. Homestead
entry No. 4246, for the E of N W and W
I he old »table» on Main atieet near
Ji of* N E »4. .Ser. 21, Tp. «37, S R 2 East, W. M
the bridge, and the new stable« on Oak
He names the following w I tn esse» to street, are now under tha proprietorahi;
prove his continuous residence upon and and management of
cultivation of said land, viz: George W. I
Nichols. Nimrod Ni. Charley. Jos Reynolds,
J. H Terrill, all of l^tke Creek Jackson
countx. Oregon
( has . W. J ohnston ,
Who is now prepared to offer the public
better Hooonnnodations than ever before ;
Final Proof Notice
Ayers, Barbour A Elviage.
Bargains in Land
at the
One third of the real estate in Jaekxm
---- IX AT----
county 1» held under nzricTivs title. G»t
au abstract to the title of your property and
«ee If voe »re all rtfht. The oxlv reliable
Abstract, m«de In JacltMin county come
trum Au.tln H. Hamuiotid*« law and Ab»-
Mract Office, Ashland, Oreeon.
CASH RTORE. Cholee G roveri e* « «pelai
ty. Good, delivered to any part of ilie eitj
J. K. Van Sant s
J. K. VanSant.
The blacksmith shop on li strevt, be
twMU «th A ftth, in Railroad addition to
Opened again for
All kinds Repairing and New Work.
His Work Speaks
for Itself.
New W’ind Mills and iron fenclug
SAW GUMMING A Specialty.
Business !
tu b»«a re-op< nsd. and tho propri«»tot
is prepared to do promptly all work in
Every Branch of the Business.
Batisfaction inaared in all work dune.
Horae Shoeing a Specialty.
E. B. E.
Smith fc Dodge
Carry the largest and b« M Mderted
stock of
IHE UNDERSIGNED would announce
_ to his old customers, aud the public
generally, that he is again in tho transfer
business, and is prepared to attend to al!
calls promptly at
In Soaiberu Ore»nu. Al«o.
wau. «am,
Y«r<l retabll.hrei by Ko*«- A Moore,
north of tiark In railroad
Passengers to and from each train.
A siilxnd ,
O k .
fumu am
Wr ««11
THE Davis Sewing Machine,
And will roiitiuue the business, keeping on
Th, l<M m « ins marblue m»<te. Csll onO
hand « m-uersl assortment of
•re- H ai d be «-vurlneret.
Wood Notice.
There is a well Hocked wood yard b<rk of
the Novelty bl<H*k, corner Main and Hargn
(line «trertM. Dry 16-incb atore uood and IM
and20-h]<'h heater wood, delivered on «bort t
notice any where iu town.
N, B: All part les hauling wood to town
or having any wood for «ale In large or »mall
h*ts, will d«> well to call at the office of c. W
Ayer« at the above corner.
JaeksMVllle tn Medford.
Patroniz»» the ouly wagon that con­
necta with every train, ruin or shine,
and camee the U. 8. mail and Welle,
Fargo A Co.’» express. Hatisfaction
J ohn D tab , Driver.
Colestin Soda Springs
Will bs opvn M»y IM, for the ai-romauxhi
turn of » litritte<l number of guest«.
Order« tor bulldinoolever> kind prompt­ Hoard aud lutlriuft. per week
410 <«|
ly «lied
“ <*».'
I »
per «lay
) on
t’amplok prirllece, will lx- 5u rents per
week foresrh ln4lvMu«l.