157^ . r ' V- j i: >.;v ‘'’H'!?’? A ■-V Mt ,t< IM 4< Float Proof Nolle. Al'l IBEXT 0.' THE 0. A C R. R. an U gly discovery . Vtettiag Southern Oregon. DEEDS RECORDED. j ». II. ATK1N.OX, r.H. CASTRI R. V. CASTS, l¡ PERSONAL. H*» Ous buudred hoard of agency cattle connl) «iu geu- sonville last Monday, to prove np on tisement. Alban«. The sonth-bonnd express, part of the slate (except to pus., sen » «ituRtuJ In the city of tshlaud, coa.. j er down at Grant's Paso. entry No . for the Ikol X » , »1,4 W M bs . F. G. Srav.xae, .Ashland Or. omuautUie Magruder to Mngruder Bro«., ple, mercury was fonnd In a!I but two, while liehind time, was just getting up a . eight years, and was warmly greeted — < lot« s of N E »4. Sec. M. Ti». K. S E 2 tail, w M. Tbe county bridge across Boar creek Willing Workers of th«- Babtiet chtireb 4. 5, fi, 7 and of lot M, bk No. 15, John L. Pelton has been down with big speed after leaving Albany when by his many old friends here. Sen Central Point, con., <150. ; arsenic exlrted in Ux of the tcu brand«. Not He naiaue the foilowlttg wliue«re» to H lieal Estate Sales at the Songer place needs a new found­ ut Granite hull la»t Friday eveuing wi.s prove bl. coutlnuou. realdencc upon sal remittent fever, but is improving now. it reached tbe switch, anti the train {titor Mitchell has always kept himt elf Charle« Nickell to Jacob John-on—lot S bk one brand wa« thep”»-** R 'V. John Rice bas sold lots 13. 14, ation. and it will probably lie plsoed an excellent one. and hiid nittuy pleas­ cultivation ot Mid land «U George W 5 and s. Medford, cun , |50. ___ ___ _____ / reporter took thu above clipping to F. W. ant feature» which were highly enjoyed I Nichol., Nimrod X Charley, Jo«. E. .Mii' Dr. H. D. R •b?rtson, of Yreka, spent ! was brought to a halt in u terribh* I thoroughly informed regarding the V». Iti an 1 17. bl.iek B. in railroad ad­ ou stoue walls. Isaac Constant to Jesse Hinkle— west U 2 of oi i Toy, Jo?, the ii:u manufacturer inanufa; nirer of Joy Joy ’» s Vegetable Y'TvtaMc Sar- .Sar- manner. The engine was ditched and int erests of Southern Oregon, nod lias J. H. Terrill, all ot Lake Creek JsckM«~ i by the audience. There was a fair nt- dili >u to As >1 nid, to George Myers, of ............... Tbe whitest, worst I. »king hair, re- 1 ' tendance, lull the excellent program i last Friday nnd Saturday iu Ashland. badly wrecked, and the brst car be- been ever ready to reajxmd promptly k»t 4 in Constant tract addition to lent »tral ’ 1 j «aphrilla. 1 couuty Oregon. Mr. Joy exhibited no «nrprUa. lie Spokane F. He: considération, $1500. C hai . W. J ohn «?.»« Bivnea its youthful beanty and softu«w»s draierveil a crowds»! house. The Misees Newell, of Ashland, are ; hinil tbe tender wtts thrown crosswise ; to any call njs>n him for special at- Point, con., IW. ■aid dragwlate km w !L He «aid he l-m* ago »-it; Lackey A Co. report tbe following by usiug Hall's Vegetable Sicilian k'-ri»mrs Constant to Mary Anna Mee—east ? j ■ •aw the cryiug need for a eafe and absolutely spending some time at Wagner's Soda <>f the track. Both the mail and ex­ {tention or lalsir on behalf of his coo- lot Isaac I 4. Constant ’ m addition to Central Point, site: Anno Willits to James 11. Bar­ i tf air Renewer. Try it. Span ot good horses, 1159 lb«., fin Springs. Pinal Praaf Matteo pure vegetable preparation of LsirsapazL]«, press cars were Iwdly daiuagtnl, one con., föü. a'otueucy in thia pari of the su«t •. num, h»iie> and lol ou Al moud street. Paid Up Capital, $50,000.00 aud six years for sale. Apply al George N. Anderson to L. Marliu and O. H. hence hi« was named Joy’» vtgdJbU «ar>apa- J. H. Stewart is having 4'XX) feet i Bank of AaldanJ. L and O fficx at Roeaarau Oregon.» Fred T. Downing, of Central Point, PuilmHn coach was derailed, but the ! The leading Republicans of Southern Blouut Asbbuid; consideration, $1000. [«if. — lots 17 and IS, block P, railroa>l ad ­ rllla, because it cor.rained nothing bur pure other cars were left on the track, July 24. 1»B. 4 Oregon have always ls-<‘ti numbered dition to Ashland, eon.; 4700. more of tiling hauled to hia fruit farm came np Wednesday to visit relatives Notice i» hereby given that the following eyrup of sarsaparilla, combined with the pure Engineer Jack Miller and fireman State xchoel rund M. B. Rankin, of tbe Klamath River in Ashland. d >wn tbe valley from Close Bros, brick among his warmest sujiporters in his Ore. and Trans. Co. to O. H. Bion nt—- lot named »ettler ha« filed notice of hit inten ­ Quint Outline were both terribly Contests within and without thepaity 11*. ok P, railrva 1 a iditiou to A-hland. cun t , in!f»e£ of Cal! fomU’svt«ceULle alterative«. Un- ' Improvement ami Lumliering Co., has Tbe ap| ortionment of tbe Interest yard. tion to make final proof in support of bia ■ >»V |> n-u z..ra>|«irui.i«, it »... n-o« t>*.t lort-clin- Mr. and Mrs. C. B. St mo returned Kcakled by steam from the shattered l.«1«lt'»»a f n Piii.i.k a .1 I«* » . . _ - . « * - ’ •126. cl aim and that »aid proof will be made be- • •n the penn nrltl<» fore the Judge or iu hi« abeeno before the varimi» secretivo organs, there! . corit-cllne was tna.le by Ihr oHi lals st Salem thia < lerk of the county court of J ack bo u < ouutx. tbe drug store nt Central Point to bis and 24, bk C, railroad addition to Ashland, ' fuaertonat of N U u and seriously hurt, but all escaped serious last. Berries and Fruit. Ne«c<8Tji.Bae.».Tp.lT. a It :\ht, b> divtde was >130J!77.2(). Tb»South- B. F. Reeser's horse and cart took of 55 to 6*1 uieu now at work framing spring«. S. -irah A. Bateman to Ida Bateman—lots 7 j injury except the eugimer and fire­ I State Senator W alter Sinclair, of and 8, bk 18, Medford, cou.. |dU0. I e-n Oregon conuties fxre as follows: an independent spin around the mill the heavy timbers and preparing to i Berrien . arc now ready ...________ _ and ouming Mr:1. Dean nnd daughter, Eva, re- man. A tramp, riding tbe *-blind Co.»», Curry und Joseplnn., Gen. A|e Hr u.me. tbe fuHowln, Mu«« toprvv. J. K. Helman to Baptiste Chegar—cor­ Jackson oounty, 4.171 cbiklren. 85,843.- yard Friday morning aud damagwl the raise the main structure of the saw hl« eontiuuou. miiteuor uuou aud culUvs- fast—will not last as long as last 41); Josephine, 1.473 cblldren. $2,062.20; cart a little, but didn't hurt the horse. mill. The order to ship the machinery , tuned home Ibis week from tbeir trip i baggage" platform, was squeezed be- I*' gate, Hon. N. Laugell, County rected deed. lion of Mid land, vU Ueor<« W No-Sel. . year — so that all wishing them should , iw « h - ii the cars, but not battly injured. Clerk Muller, and others met Senator Ore A Trans. Co. to F.. B. Mutt-lot 26. bk from Chicago was not tlispntched till to Glendale and Creecent City. w rn. Courtney. J. H Terrill. Jo«. Kemoldn Khimath, 911 childred, «.275.40: Ixike. A; Iota 22 and 23, bk E; lots z5 and 2 r bk K, «end in their orders at once. Price Just received at Hunsaker's a nice this week, und the rout«, is around by on«-tton. mtiie at all acceaaihlc point, op «11 ot lake Creek. J.ckwn >ouniy. Conductor Cotim'r was iu charge of 788 childreu, $1,1(020. Mitchell in Ashland, and. together ad road addition to Ashland, con., $14d. Mr. L. E. Payne weut over to Manis­ ! favorable terms. ISA«. W. Jos .-To.’ assortment of fa'd-spreads. X S P. R. R, so thut it will not arrive tee Wednteday, to work on the null of tbe train and did all that could be with a nnmia'r of ladies, and gentle- George Crowson to Edaard Albright— land 25 cents tier gallon. Cipes und caus Hight •»xuhxngt and telegraphic transfer« Il-*»1 ________ KegiMer. furnished to ship lx>rrien in when they Land Ofllre Bulletin. Portland. Fraud ar u and Nt* York. done for the wounded men and for u .'n of this place, diu.d with him at in Ashland, 10 acres, con., |2U j 0. A new brick hospital building for till the frame of tbe null is put np, uutl tile Klamath City Lumbering Co. Final |*ree< Katire Our Washington correspond ?n I Siskiyou county is to be built at Yreka, ready to receive it. Mr. Rankin thinks the oomfort of the passengers. Tin-! Toe Oregou al 4:3.) Tuesday aftr i'­ T. B Blanton to E. E. XI net—«atisf action will be returned. Also peaches anil other fruit in season. Boxes and of bond, cun., paX) F. T. SboppnrJ, former editor of the track was torn up for ssTeral hundred ll. »>n. farumhes us the following information au»l bids for the contract rre to be tbe mill will be ready to begin opera­ Csivaa S tat » L aw » Orno, , Dave I*Äyue to William Addison—land in : p iper on hand for sale. For further Grant's Pass Courier, has gone out to feet, and tbe scene made those wbo ’ •>( patents issued and c.tses decided in opened to-day. The building will »rM, Oregon. July 23, INk ( information address, I Modoc comity. Cal., with hia family. t is Lakeview and R »«eburg «lixtriota, I prolwbly fidiilO to $5000. witnesae«! it wonder that there were Kotler 1, hereby rlvt-u that thr n-Uovla, AuaniRM IbrtMMl. Paul Chartland to Paul Montague, lot 7 • Max Brentauo, landlord of tbe Grand J. W. H ockeksmith , thia Stat >. , named wilier ha. filed notlea of hia Inlan- andM, bk 26, Medford, eon., Mr. L. Coleman arrived nt Phoenix ’ not more mriouiiresults to the lives A Crater Lake party composed of Central hotel ut Medford, was found Ashland, Oregon. ' lion to make final proof In .upport ot bl« LAKEV1F.W DISTRICT. ■ of thorn» on the train. A wrecking : Tbo following reuiarkablr picture Ore. Truiii. < o. to Mrs. .iatilda Hanget— ’ Tu»s»lHy eveuing from Sau Frain'inoo i < la:m. ann county appe-treu iu, a A drive in lady ’ » summer dree» Noa. 9, 15. 16, IS, 20. 29, 30, 31, 33. ory. William and Ardley Fox, David miles south of Ashland in a semt-con- I to look after bis farms in this country. I train was s--ut up from Portland, and lore the Judge, or In bl. atsvnce betore th. ' of the East Oretjoutati, u Geo. W. Renfro to William Abbott—land K< m > Is for ten days at McCall’« - «tnel­ Clerk of the County coortof Jarkion Co.. Or., , the track cleared and train continued • n cent For fine hand mirrors, hair brushes 34. 36 to 40 iucluaive, 42, 43, 45 to 4rt R dph, Willie Sonuicbseu nnd Charley hcioiis condition last Monthly aftor- Mi. and Mrs. David Jackson are at Ion its way soiilhwurd iu about 141 ir“ii (lacioiib journal, published at in to 8 K 2 E. HO a res; con., «I Jacksonville, Oregon. Tueedat, sept. Ml ly for cash. * in 'luatvf. desert lands. ' law. viz: George W. an-n-i. 'o- -noitrai A. P. Talent to Laura M. Abbott--lot 3 and • and combs call at Chitwood's. Judge, started the first of the week, go- diou by Mr. Pankey, who came to to»-n tbeir borne at tbe Eagle Mills farm tiours. There is difference of opinion Peod'etoa, Umatilla county. Tii<'»e No«. 139. :ili2, 412, 423,482, 437, 447. Iing tbe Dead Iudiau road. entry No. t'JM. for the 8 E '• of a M u and 4, bk D, Talent, con-, |<> and, nes-tiug Sheriff Birdsey, with >»iuee returniug from their wedding >is to the cause of the aocidenL Home w:ra i otbiutf in the paper to intimub* N E L of S W C Sac. S and N E *4 ut X W W 481.491. 496. 497, 496, 532, 629. 6il2, Win. Ablioit to Corbett A Mackay—• land in whom be was acquainted, tohl him trip. Sec, TTp.S7.Sk 2 Ease W. M ‘ ~ U» tbe rodder uh * ha.s kuowu id >thi 14 railroad men think the automatic tp 39, S R 2 E, cun. MM) A. H. Biotbby, wbo has been run­ attout it. Bir»l»ey and C. W. I»gun nt 711, !<3, 776, 8 ll, 8)4,810, *58,870, 918, He uamea tho following aimtaaM to ning the sawmill al Deekins, np ou once starlet! out Hfter Brentano, at d Iumrn M. Abbott to Corbett «fc Macleay— I 962, 954, 968 and 969. Mr. and Mrs. Cbtis. Holbnrg have switch failed to work properly after of Jack»« n comity that the thing !■* prove hl. continuous rv.ldea.-e upon and R >gne river, was in towu the first of after much labor etiooeedtsi iu geitinv ' lociiie»l at Port Townsend, W. T., ami the Lebanou train bad passed out, ir.tei. led as a jok«», and some p»-op!e lots 3 and 4, bk D, Talent; con., |KM). I cultivation of «aid lare. vU: W». Exchiage Y.,ar ’whaal B >vlu. Mary I.. Packard to Nathan Russell—land in Couituer, J. H Terrill. Joafti yuràd.. Nim­ ibe wsek. He reports that Central him from tbe railrimd across the fields Mr. Hoibnrg baa goue into business and Bupt. Brandt says ihe switch bud may oe mialed into suppemiog it to L< tp 3k, 8 R 1 W, 10 acres; con., rod N < barley, all ot Lake A reek. Jaekaot^ CoinmaneinT August 10th, ant end­ Point has bought al»oul 100,000 feet of I lieen tampered with by tramp’s. »♦ given as boleuin f «cL iteHid.MiU < * there. county, Oregon to tbe nearest point where they « nmi I o Or»*. *< Tran-. Co. U» Sanil. R. Follett, et al ing Oe oiier 31sL we will exchange lumber from the mill this summer. ^outliera Oregon will app< »ciute yp The injured men were taken to tbe Case, w -lots 1. 7, a, 9, 10, n and 12, bk 93, Medford, I take their wagon, whence they brongbt sell >ol books of all gr idea, giving tbe Miss Florence M. Reed, formerly of hospital at Portland, where Miller’s ladicHMuneM of the yarn. The mat con., »-Ct t-W Fred Hausen, wbo returned a day or him to town. Breutano «.Multi give no Ashland, was married last week to Mr. new -series of books adopted by tbe sufferings were ended by dsath Mon­ tAjr for gr< atesl wouder is that Wage Ore. A Brans. Co to D. T I.aw ton— lot 10, sUit->. and takiug in exelmuge the olsl I two Hgo from bis ranch on Rogue over, cleur acconut of bn trouble. Ha said A. L. Leavitt, county clerk of Klamath day afternoon at 4:3(1 o’clock. Tbe n. sn’t formulated a bill providing f< bk 2, Medford; con., |100. b-xtks now going out of use. Readers reports grain tnruiug out well in that be sL-irled to walk up the track, ft 11 county. excision of «noh pernicious terri­ A. C. Helm to Sarah Ann Rogers—land in , Stutexman says of him: to lx excli luge. I »von. bojk for book p irt of the county. Crepe were never and burl himaelf ami lay out all Suu- •1 “Jack Miller was familiarly know tory troiu the great und glorious n I hu tp39, S R 1 E, 20 70100 acres, cun., J30JO. Mrs. Mary Rice amj daughter, Mist- Amy L. Wiley to James Thornton—land in ’ of tbo a iin» grade. On ail other booke better iu Sams Valley, and the grain | day uigbt ami till almnt 10 o’clock of <>r» g »u: 1 IjVl^ I Monday moruing. Hi» valuable gold Lillie, left last Friday evening for s ill along the road in Oregon as “Big Ashland, 92 1-1Ö0 vres; con., $1. 1 r a sm ill difference to bi pud. Daring is plump and heavy. Mr. an» Mrs. ML L. Fix and (.’» id D v visit of several weeks at Albany and Jack." He has haudled engines on State of Oregon to Jarno* C. Tolman- school : I watch ami a few dollars be had in hi» that time we will al»i sell tbe new At Aa«ir<>ee'it Sale. ! this line 19 years, or ever since it was ! who left for JackHou county abon? »> land in tp 40 b R 2 E, 160 acres; con . 1200. Tbe party composed of Dr. Caldwell, t> > >ks at m’.r > 11 >ry prir »s will-ill are i Fred Waguer, C. C. Chitwood, Frank i pockets were goue, anti be said h" had Yaqmna. finished., and wtts recognized us afirst year auu, after reading in Cmatiau a . M. Ruddick to James E. Smith—land in I The r.lualJe property kno*n w> th* Youl» lese than one-half til» regular retail Lennart, aud J. H. Hicks, reached lost them. He couldu’t walk nor even Phil'ip Mullen came over this week class engineer, one in whom the oom- Guiiuty riiiiOu ii»dU, have leturned to Ashland; run., P<00. eet- pany and his follow workmen had • G"d’s c ¡’.u‘ry.” They #tre Sarah B Rockfvllow to Baptiste ( begar— uet'b »ale Itcon«i«i»of about 1^ «era« at unfed at their home near Vinson, which lanred »ulficiently to Im tuken down county, aud reports dry times almost bis duty a dead sure thing, aud weut and Mrs. Fix expto* themaelve« delivht« d turning lathe, rip and cut-ofi ** uf . tbe pow- for it thar and then," and there is beyond measure Mt "gel tine out of the wilder- 32. blk. ‘*M. railroad addition to town of a Portland dealer, who had just re­ people having impure blood. For all to Medford ou the train. He bad everywhere. Ashland; con. fvo. m-N ’ i ” into the laud of peace and plenty. t r i- an unfailing »apply of ua’. r from a many n sincere mourner for tbe cool turned to the city after having taken a such (and they constitute the majorityX come up by Snnday morning’s tram, Mio*capped mountain, and hat a S24aM W. H. Wickman to Mary F. Blanton: land a E. Gilliert, the Yreka contractor aud trusty throttle holder. His re­ I’nuullti county, They give Jackson county a‘ black eye. head upuu a 16U inch La ffel ahed a «Ute- good view of the fmit crop through­ tbe tx, hui M. P Phillip« to A. A S. Childer«, lot 20. fair couxhleruig the exceedingly dry ; , tbe system. ami for sale Mr. Breulno whs improving at last found it impuasible. there Iteing no range, blk. 27, town of Medford: con. 42.260. This is a good property and 'otumisd« a M. A. Johnson returned Friday from At lust report fireman Guthrie was 1 and w->itiior. A large portion ot the report, but was uot entirely himself. uu grass if there had been. Mr. and Mrs. k < xm 1 i>urinc»a in Southern Oregon and That distention of tbe stomach M. P. Phifflps to Spencer Childers, K. W. Shovel creek springs, leuviug Charley still alive nnd his prospects for re­ Fix are iiidustnuus and thrifty, as every unt peaches, particurlarly lbw early varie­ His missing watch has not yet bets Northern California Addres* ofSec. 30, Tp ÜÜ S., K. J W . 20 acres , con ties. are small and not ot as grxxi which many p«N>ple feel after eating, fonnd. It has his name engraved up­ there. Mr. Johnson aud wife have covery were improving, though he was knows tin in, but they b«d hard work u MOO. J amkb » R x.taa, make both ends meet during (heir Mav, and Ashland Oregon. A»«.gu«a. since apent a day or two at Cole’s. terribly hurt. quality as ig^ght be expected. The may be due to improper masticatiou on iL A P. Talent to M. Mansfield and wife, land ! had a ven limited acquaiDtauct» with coin of the food; but iu most cn.Hes, it in- j u See. 7, Tp 3S 8., R. 1 W , 20« acres; con ‘ prime crop will lie altoul oue-Uulf The In test item of interest in the of tbe realm. They »a\ the country will not ■ Tbe party composed of E. V. (.tarter Sheriff Btrdsey was in town Mon­ that of last year. A few orchards arc dieates a weakness of tbs digestive or-: ami wifts, E. V. Mills sud wife, M. L. day on oOs'ial business, anti went over matter nas re|sirtee raised on the "dry hill ranch Rev. J. Rns» cants up from Evans dicated that the switch which wre»'ke«i es usual growth of melons about five days ing work on tbeir hotel contract at storivs ever heard in this modest Nannie Barr to E. J. Montagne, lot .3, blk. 3 ” of t'lnatilla than tn J.« k«on countv: it Rare Business Opening. earlier than last year. Yreka with a gixxl force of men. They ectmg the outlook at Hood obtain«»! the lumber at tbe Little brought home the bead ami tail of an Tbe iiDdrrfcifutd iindenlruvd oflVr>B «•!« th« oldtwt Thr offer* ilia is far in the had. dk. 2rf, town of Ashland: con. >1. river and at Tbe Dillea nothing defi­ Shasta and the Greenhorn mills, and 18-lb. rainbow trout which be caught ••till prospecting tbeir gravel mining After fully recovering conciousness he t mat eetablieli«.! hardware .tore ___ e»tabhhbe<) nd ___ tiuihap _ la ’ Mr. Fix had twenty-two head of hor»«s Beeson to O. Coolidge, lot 8. Sec. 6 A th land — stock io »tore and complete outfit w«n charged with complicity in the amt eighty head of i i.ltlv ou leaving. He re Ip. Welborn nite is yet known. Dealers arc doing the brick at Hornbrook. Harry Bar- with an or liuary trout line ami rod claim. L C __ r ll * 39*,, It. 1 E., Abhlaml previmt; cun. >). uf of tool* tool, and fixture* io to the »bop .hop v inrue ! with only twenty of the former and matter and was told that ba bad Ixieii ' a larger business than evsr before in Iwiur is iu charge of the work. and small tly book iu Williainsou O. Coolidge to Welborn Beeson, lot4.See. 5 i John L. Sellers and wife, of Texas, « A .■il.Iaetoey and profitable trade t -lghty-fivc of the latter, although nearly hi» talking about it. He tbeu admitted thia city; aud the Northwest is show­ *Abß1 D Helman to 8. 1». Van Dyke, laud ir. Clinreb, baa made ap pointiuents as whole trip. He aud'the fish had a past week. Mr. Sellers is n nephew of on his information thr«« were arrested which is iatnl to horses, while cattle either Yshland, 5 *x lfM) uvm > bl. oitentlua. Will either rent creased orders they receive. desperate coubet for uearly four hours C. Mingus, and they bad not met for the buildtux too freely on cbapparal bush and are O. Coolidge to Ashland school district No The markets are well stocked with follows for Southern Oregon: Ashland —the fish oo the tiy end of the hue, 46 years. aud held for trial. XVhat obj«»ct they dine Apple at premix* on Malt, etreet,.. .•utsohed.'or mire down deep into the »oii X land iu Ashland, 1 aere; con.sfi. aud Medford, Aug. '25th; Grant's Pass. bad iu view, unless it was robbery 01 nil kluda of California fruits, aud re­ duriug llie “ sticky ” sea-on in the spring and B. T RE down in tbe laughing water of William­ J. O. c. Wimer to Ashland school district 1 Mrs. C. J. Tolman and infant sou, pure lualioe, is not disclosed. perish. Many art- lost in ways tou numerous I A>hl«nd. Oregon ceipts here are at the rate of seven car­ Aug. 'Jtith. Rev. F. T. TickDor. of son river, aud Mr. Eddings at the No. 6, land in Ashland. MtslforJ, will bold services in tbo Bap ­ to ineiition loads a week, not inciii.hug three car­ other end of tbe line, balancing him­ and her sister, Miss Dora Auderson, <)eca*ionally you will find something in Haskel Amv to Oliver Harbaugh, lots 2. 8. loads that come up on the steamers tist church. Ashland, next Suuday, I self upon a log over tbe water, tiu»i in will leave for Kodiac, Alaska, some­ Jackson county which thrives all too freely blk 2. Amv A llarlsjugh s addition to town Aug. 4th, at 3 p. m. Medford Items. time early in September, going by way ■av Mr. and Mrs. Fix. Woodticks, form »f Central Point; ecu. |175. every four days. coustaut danger of being pulled in— stance, an so thick that you must grease a Tue potato market is weak, owing to Tbe committee of arrangements for ! He never expected to sec Ashland of Port TownsemL horse tip to tail to keep him alive. large receipts from California. Some the annual reunion of the Pioneer So again, but the fish finally gave a great I (hau. has. Strangs Strang's new dwelling on! Jackson countv. they say i> a fever and Mr. A. H. Maegly is stopping with time ago the local dealers made a com­ ciety of Southern Oregou, to be held gulp of despair and died of exhanatioa his family at Wagner's Soda Springs, south "C" street is fast nearing com ague country, and the people have a yellow . mheahhy look. When a party of healthy bined . ff.irt to prop np the urirhol to in Ashland next mouth. (Capt Tims. and tbe wear aud tear of tbe hook it ¡»on anil Miss----- Levy came up from Jack- pletfon. j ■<»bust look ing people get off at the station —oo— ■* give tbe Oregon growers a lienefic, but Smith, Gen. McCall and Metiers. Wag­ its liver, where Eddings's skillful cast sonriUe Wnineeday to join them there. natives will pQitit to them an l «ay ••Tho»< R. R. Street, toot of 1st Aretine, The new M. E. church is nearly ■«re immigrants from Eastern Oregon.' ra soon as the California product was ner, Luckey and Beeson.) have selected had fasteued it. Then Mr. Eddings car­ Deinan-is prompt treatuiont. The re­ ready for the plastering. It is to l>- J. Watson and wife, of Jacksonville, ASHLAND, OREGON. withdrawn tbe Qregoc producers - as orator of the day George W. Dunn, ried the fish to camp and all the boast­ sults of neglect may lx» serious. Avoi<) M IKKlLII. boomed prices to 1‘4 cents a pound. of Ashland precinct. George will do ful fishermen who bail been telling who have lieen visitiug their ol«i home well finishe«! throughout, and when all harsh and drastic purgatives, the completed will lie a great credit to C. W. 6uivi Proprietor iu Maine for a year past, are expected Tbe dealers bad agaiu to resort to the justice to the occasion. ELDREDGE-HOW Alili- \t tbe re'Meneeo tendency of which is to weaken the about 8 aud ltl-lb. trout breaking tbeir Mr. an«l Mr-. II. B. i.iilll-, la Yrcka. ot California market, and now they are lines and eecapiug turned green with back here agaiu sometime this month. the town. Jack Miller, tbe Southern Pacific Mondar, Jutv awh. by Rev. T. S. Waili- bowels. Th© best remedy is Ayer’s buying potatoes landed here at from 1 I Mr. John B. Eldredie to .Ml-x Martha 11 Pills. Th’ing purely vegetable, then envy. This is Eddiug ’ s story. E. V. Miao Carrie and Master Ford Roper A Mr. Hazel, late of Minnesota, has list ms leased tbe abmrs Heuw sad engineer, wbo died from tbe effect of to 1.U5 ivuts a pound. Howard, txiih of Quartz Valley, Ihorousuly renovated andteSttad tbe awae. Carter and T. E. Godfrey say tbe fish left Suuday morning for Sau Fran- leased the Grand Central hotel ana action is prompt and their effect always tbe scalding received in Sunday night ’ s Oregou apples of good early varieties I am now prepared to oasr Brat < »•» so had Eddings entirely won out -had took charge yesterday. COLEMAN-RICHARDF-At the l'atholl ci»«!, to attend schoil. The latter beneficial. They are an adimrabh- i commodauona to ths IrawdiM pabiir are scarce and jobbers are readily pay­ wreck, was one of the beet-known en­ dragged mm off tbe Jog and was just goes to the military school at San ehtiw-h, Yreka, July 27lh.lSHV.bv Fath ■ Abe New Mauasenientailll apart no pain* The brick work on the opera liouse McGrath, Mr. <’ha*. Coleman, of smith Liver and After-.lailoaajji PHILUPB-BARNTM-At St Mark'« Ejd« ialljT spoken of by the people s I myui full particulars of 7b/ blo^ly affray Sud Fatal AceldruL framing the crosses for the roof. pared for families. the Civil war and spent eighteen I cosai t-httreh. Yreka. J'tlv 25 h. l-t-.t, l> here. I make daily use of them in m\ Meals .................................. I rio Kvv. T II alberi. Mr J. X. Fhlllip«, ot Richard Hargrave, who lived in months in Andersonville prison. The foundation of the Webb A Ad­ Minneaota, att-l Mi«« Jennie Bariuitn, ol practice.” — Dr. I. E. Fowler. Bridge Ualslut ■ ao-ordinc u> room »►• k Me port. Conn. Waguer creek valley about three miles kins new building is nearly completed Ashland, Oregon. places. J. W. Hookersmith returned Mon­ southwest of Taleut, met with a fatal •• I can recommend Ayer's Pilis above aud the brick work will begin Mon­ PERSONAL. all others, having lung proved tlieii asx'ideul io a well at bis place last day from bis trip to Portland and ___ Misses Nettie and Neva Wintere, day. Fruii Buxes. value as a cathartic for myself anti Hot or C«H Stlpbir Waler Bills 2a Ok Saturday morning. He and Johu Seattle, iu tbe iuterest of biz fruit I • H. W. Walbridge an.l wife, of Si«- daughter« of tbe well known horse Henry Griffis, of Gohl Hil], was in 1i We are preparisi lo furnish box» family.” — J. T. Hess, Leithm ¡lie. Pa. Suarua bad been digging tbe well j trade. He reports a good demand for son, were in town Wednesday night. ra’ser of that name at Washoe, Nevada, Bulb, at any time from 7 e'rlork. a st. town Wednesday. He reports doing Imadeof dry material for e'.ther green “ For several years Ayer’s Pills 1 ave and bad excavated it to a depth of Ashland peaches, notwithstanding until 10 o'clock p m. One bait rosas IS Mr. S. Sberman. of Talent, returned JT*“?W** S"“*" a good business with his new saw mill. or dned fruii. Pricee quole.1 upo.. been used in my family. We liu>ont where the water there is abundance of fruit in tbe borne from Klamath county last Sun- ,U toWU “ few J«?8 tbl8 w<*k' application. Small orders fiiled by an waa baginning to iiow. Considerable I market Mr. Hockeramith has been The new grist mill steamed up for day. Mrs. F. Newman, who has been J. \V. Ho-kersmitb, Ashland. blasting hasl been done, aud Stearns, shipping this week a large quantity of 8. C. r. 'mer and Mr. Oliver and ^siting her parents, Mr. sod Mrs. Wm. the first time on Tuesday. They will Sugar Pine Door A Lu ubar Co. who was in the well most, was troubled early Crawford peacbee- ome of tbe begin grinding the first of next week. UUllin.rx VU»O V1CZW7 BIUGU »IWNL wiuwr, tbeir farnii., “ « are camping at Harris of this place since last winter, -Z. Grruil's Pass, Or. much t>y tbe foul air. Saturday morn- floret and largest of th .. variety ever for constipation and indigestion, and Mo»ltord can now tx>ast of the finest started Tuesday evening to rejoin her ! sent oat of Soatben. Oregon. voleetin. are never without them in the licitM*.“ iug Mr. Stearns did not feel well roller mill in Southern Oregon. Fiue teas and coff.aw a sp^ialty nt husband at his new station in the — Moses Grenier, Lowell, Mass. enough to go down, snd Mr. Hargrave Tbe annual m jting of tbe stock- j Prof. Sweet will start for C< kw Bay * D. L. M inkler A S on ' s . “I have used Ayers Pills, for liver went dowu in bis plaoe. He aooo holders of Ashb ud Woolen Mills was on the 10th. to lecture l>efure the signal office at Bismarck, Dakota. If you want life insurance in th. troubles aud indigestion, during many found tie coulsi not slay there and sent held last Satnr jay, and tbe following teaaher’« institute at JL* mdou. Ex-Justice Strong, of tbe U. S. Su­ Jacksonville Brevities. years, and have always found th* m up tbe tools, telling Stearns to burry board of direr iors was elected: J a iuee preme Court, ncoorapanied by his bext Insurance Company in the world prompt and efficient in their action.” — Mr. D. V. McBride, of Grant’« Pass, daughter, went throggb Asblaud north­ aud let dowu tbe bucket aud take him Thornton, J. M. McCsIl, E. K. An­ and lowest rap's, call ou Billing», L. N. Smith, Vtica. N. V A; P. Hammond whs iu Jacksonville resilient agent. [3-m out also. The bucket was hastily let derson, Thor. Smith, W. H. Atkinson. waa in town yesterday, enroute for ward one day- last week, and spent ! MRTISTIG ” I suffered from constipation which 1 dowu. aud H irgrHVe stepped into it, Tbe directors met the same day and Nevada, te be gone a mouth or two. sometiiuein Portland. JustioeStroug on business several days this week. assumed such an obstinate form that I Izegal blanks of all kinds for sale al but when some leu or fifteen feet from re-elected tbe following officers: Pres­ letlixl from tho supreme bench at tbe Miss Josie Orth has returned home feared it would cause a stoppage of the Robt. Taylor and family were over T idinos office. the bottom be became asphyxiated and ident, James Tbo'uton; Vice Pres., E. at Guleetin Snnrse. x Miss. Ruth Matthews and Mina geueee, W. T., a preelreteriitn minister Jacksonville from a short visit to Col«s was uot able to draw up the weight of Carter. I have used Ayer’s Pills for the past Fruit cans and Mason glass jars, at thirty years stm. Gillingham, » tow» l»»t >nday The Yreka Journal ot this w«w>k has Ashland, the gurete ..f Miss Hattie valuable family medicine. I know of tbiug 1» do was for her to run to the I John Wiutjen, who has been travel ­ Hn‘* Satur“!l7 on h'9 return from tbe ueigblior'e (tg mile awayj tor help. tbe following, which, however, if it be Thornton Fifty dollars buys a first-class bnck- no better remedy for liver troubles, Atlantic states - his first visit here ing in Europe for two years past, re­ and have always found them a prompt Tbe neigblsir. J. W. Ab!»tt oame an iu consideration at all by the railroad Iwiard of E ldmgB A Morse. The ni««e»t: cure lumed hottie last Thursday. A numlier of Midford people, in- since leaving in 1868. He was warmly for dyspepsia.”—James Quiun, ‘.O quickly as possible, went down tbe well company, doubtless applies only to tbe eluding Mrs. Vaw er, Mrs. Goldsmith - greeted by many old friends, thing to ride iu yon ever saw. * Middle st., Hartford, Conu. long lines across the continent: “ The Misses Mamie Linn aud Mamie und suec.-edel in taking out the insen­ Mr Q w Pn.nti(^ the Croneuuller have each bail a spell of ' Gotocorner Main and Granite streets I , “Having been troublefl with costive­ sible form of Hargrave. Dr. Newman, Southern Pacific R. R. Oo., are consid­ aud others, wer'. up to Cole's yester- You hnven’t? Well let us tell you that by buying ness. which seems inevitable with per­ of AaliiHud, was called and found the ering the matter ot dispensing with meuto car shops, who has been spend- relapsing fever, but tiotb, we are glad for paiuta, oils, varnishes, brush««, sons of sedentary habits, I have tried eating bou*-a en tbeir overland roads, to say are recovering. art late’ materials, and wall and build ’ Ayer’s Pills, hoping for relief. I ain a cheap article in leather you are throwing away M- Liddell and family, of Dakota, tng a month or more at tbe White wounded man badly hurt—the well was rucky and rough, and bis head whs the Union Pacific being tbe mover in who have been at The Oregou for eev- Hulpbiis Springs House, left Tuesday Marshal Helms was called from Cin­ ing papers. Estimates m ijft on paint­ glad to say that they haw served me this matter as a connecting line on ent aud bruised and there were evi­ eral months, left this week for home, moruing for Sisson's on his way south- nabar to attend bis sister's funeral ing, paper hanging, interior decora- J better thaa any other medicine. I your money. Now to overcome this trouble, arrive at this conclusion only after a dences of luternal bodily injurv. Tbe their Ceutral Pacific route. We sup­ but will stop at several places en ward. Prentice is tbe "nephew of C. last Friilay. He has since returned to tious, etc. faithful trial of their merits.“ — Samuel E vans A H rvnk , Ashland, Or. injured man never regained oonscious- pose this m«»ans that meals will be sup­ rente. P. Huntington” who worries himself that place for a short vacation from of­ T Jones, Oak st., Boston, M&u. nesq, aud breatbed hie l ist Snnday at plied by restaurant ears attached to into n skeleton because be can't travel Choice perfnmee in bulk at Chit- ' ficial duty. Mr. R. O. Smith, of Lakeport, Cal., 1 oelock a. m. Death resulted, tbe tbe train, the same as on tbe Northern stopped in town Wednesday with his incog. wood’s, ♦ Wm. Hanley is convalescing from a doctor says, from injury of tbe brain Pacific road. It it should be adopts»!, cousin, J. W. Alnutt, on Ins return B. L. Meeeeuger is prepared to fill Mr. Sam. Lowenstein. Pres, of the five week's aeige of typhoid fever. Dr. 9 aud internal injuries. The funeral was tbe company may follow tbe same rule home from a tnp to the East. He was F ■' . ' ■ — M PRBPABED BT Oregon Funiture Mauufsctnring Co., Pryce, of M«slford. whs the attending promptly all orders for fruit boxes of on Monday, aud was largely attended on all tbeir roads." every kind. Orders left at mill on pleased with Ashland., arrived Wednesday morning, for a stay Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowtll, Mats. physician, ami many friends congratu ­ bv the friends and neighbors of the The effect of the unprecedented dry Granite street, Ashland, will be at­ Sold U, all Dealer. In M«dlctea. Judge Thon. M. Cooley, chairman, at Wagner's mala springs. Mr. Lowen­ late Mr. Hunley on hie return to good tend«»! Pi at once and fill«*! at lowest family. weather upon grain crops in the npper stein recently returned from tbe hot health. _ _____ of the interstate «»tnmeroe commission, part of Bear creek valley may be soou • I i prices. springs in Idaho, and will complete Richard Haruravo waa born iu Nova in a comparison of tbe threshing th“!::=g accompanied . . by . his wife, was on yes- Ins annual recreation and rejuvenation J. II. Otter, of Medford, waa brought H. «. KMKRY. Confirmed. --- a morning a train, !- going --'-jto’Fnsoo We have a complete line of Doug­ Sootu. Nov. 2, 1845. conaeqneutly was recon! of this year and last. Last year I. terday nt the Soda Springs, from the virtnes before Judge Neil, aud pronounced in­ lass aud Rntusey pump«, and guaran- i Port! in 11»< 45th year of hia oire. He mar. tbe machine owned by Messrs. Trne, from an official vu.it at Portland. The favorable iiuprenaion produced on of which he has benefited for a number sane by Dr. Sotnera. He was taken j tee every one. Killing Eliding A Morse. * the first appearauoe of the agreeable ned Mins Mary Buell, Jan. 4, 1867, Walker, Grubb A Neil threshed 25,852 to tbe asylum by Deputy Sheriff Dsn- 1 Mr. M. B. Rankin, of tbe Klamath of years past liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figa a few an 1 lived one year in Carry, Pa., bushels of grain--125148 bushels of lumbering company, ncoompanie«] by iff aud Wm. L. Plyinale this evening, E. B. Hunsaker has decided to dis- years ago has been more than confirmed Iheoea moved to Adair coauty, Iowa wb«*at; 9.228 bushels ot oats and 3,375 bis two daughters, arrived Wednesday Sunset Cox arrived in Portland to­ , continue tbe boot and shoe tine, and by the pleasaut experience of all who D. P. Barnes and daughter hnve re- iu 1X68, tbonoe moved to Mea>le cotin- bushels of barley. This season U. S. morning from Portland, and will go 911 day from the Sound, where he has will sell at net cost everything in this have used it, and the success of the ty, JCniMMur, in 1886, and from there to Jouiw, wbo had charge of the machine, fat tbe Klamath river today. lieeu shown great attention. He will lurnetl from a pleasant visit to Rose­ j line, or will close out the entire lot to f»roprietoTK and manufacturers the Cal. Jackeon county, Oreooti, overlamialnr- reports that it threshed, all told, only be the guest of Senator Mitchell, and burg. Mr. B. secured an abstract of , tbe trade at liberal diHoounU A gixxl «‘ig »Syrup Company. Mr. T. H. Cone returned home yes­ will give Sol. Hirsh an opportunity the deeds to bis property in tbe old ' bargain for somebody. intc tbe atimmer of 1888, aud bought 4114 bnstiels of grain in tbe same ter­ x 10 ocrea of fruit land autl bad a fine ritory -1899 bushels of wheat; 1343 terday morning after an unfortunate to gather pointers concerning tbe du­ town of Winchester, where au English There is stili rtxun for one, two, three | To close out our stock of summer syndicate expected to build a large- borne; aud after a life spent in boneat bushels of oats and 881 bushels of vacation trip. He ouly went as far as ties, tbe thorns and tbe roses of bis gotal bonnes on Boulevard in Hausak- i gtxxls, we have marked down our best And we will give you first-class goods for manufacturing city. I Albany, where he was thrown from a ___ r _____ _______ „ toil ami nt net integrity betweeu bnn- barley. new position—Minister to Turkey— ! Freucb sateens to 25 eta per yard from I er’s addition. Prines and terms rea­ 4 buggy, and bad bin left arm broken, not long H1UVV since filled Cox. aelf, Sia Gull and I im fellow men, be .n, > A » .. 1___ 1 •___ *"»»»/• >«>iv n.», W1U»«U. U.»U lull« Uliru by OJ Mr. HZT. «JOB. sonable. Apply to E.B. Hunsaker. * Miss Lillie V. Helms wbo was re- 35 eta; Verona sateens, now HI eta from The 600-pound fire bell ordered for This turned him homeward. u T, „ ..... , your money, and sell them to you met with death in thia unfortunate evening» Poet master D. H. Miller and wife (Mirted dangerously ill last week, died price 14 eta; Coptxxi sateens 12yds. for I Rain wagons from $90 up, at Ash­ ami sad m.ioner. Mr. Hargrave waa the city arrived by Monday evening's Ht 1 o'clock a. m., aud waa buried al 4 n> unoou freight from Portland, and has been Mr. aud Mrs. E. H. Center, of Minne- and Mrs. Miller ’ s brother, Chas. SI; G rner A Co. ’ s Batiste goods, 35 | land Mills. * Portland» baa yet in the prime of early manhood, <*l ,,P temporarily npon a scaffold apolis, spent two days in Ashland this Bruns, went ont to Dead Indian last o’clock tbe same day; sbe waa aged 18 inches wide, 10 cts—former price 15; fead lived a lite strictly in coni*i>h»no«> < years, and her sister Birilie, wbo died Manchester Chamberays, plum and « built •«•»«I as . t the I. a zkl.l noir f tree s«a»A nuns t the lixx week, viRitini/ Mr. and Mrs. (1. (L R<1. ' ' Hnnfinv with .Tnhn R B. Qriffin tz% arxuvxzl First class pasture at tbe farm of . z under old oak near visiting Mr. aud Mrs. G. C. Ed- Hnndav with John Griffiu, to spend - FOR THK BB8T - with the Iowa of health: ronaeqneDtly ten days liefore, was 16 years. Tbe John L. Grubb, south of Ashlaud at- be enjoyed perfect health. There was calaboose. It is tbe inteution to build dings. Mr. Center is secretary of the several weeks. Among the o' tiers family have abont recovered. The striped 10 cts - former price, 15 cte. 50 eta. per week per head. (l-4t. I New g.xxls just received a new line camped out there are Mrs. M. E. hardly another man in the knowledge a tower in tbe plaxa abont the site of Minneapolis Street Railway Co. * disease was Malignant Typhoid fever, i Tin, Sheet-Iron and Ceoparware, C. W. Wolter», of Medford came np Beatty and her mother, Mrs. Morris, Dre. Parson of Ashland and Pryce of of brnssels nnd tapeetrv carpets. Lumber of all kinds for sale at very | of tbe writer who could endure more the calnbtKMe, and tbe council has l,.il’ v Henry Cranfleld and wife, Isaac Wolf, ' Pricee the lowest. D. R. E. V. lowest prices at the Youle A Gilroy hard labor. When otir country was been informally discussing tbe advis­ Sunday with bin wife and E..' Mtslford were «wiled in consultation Milla x OsUsi Wil-' an.l others from Meilford. threatened with dissolution and our ability of building in connection with daughter, who, with Mr». L. F. ---- planing mill in Ashland, where all with tbeattending physician, Dr. Som­ Choice ten at Van Sant's grocery bills will be filled in short order. * noble President (Lincoln) called for tbe foundation of the tower a room for lite, are viaiting the family of Amo« • Rev. F. G. Strayer, of Salem, _____ „ ers; but skill availed not to etop tbe i ♦ voluuleftra for war, Richnrtl Hargrave, a book and ladder wagon aud hose Willito and other fneuda iu Ashland, j who baa brought from tbe Fastern tide of disease. Deep and sincere store at 30 cts. per. lb. Tbe Helman farm in the city of Ash­ tho’ but 16 years of age, joined tbe carts, and also a room in which tbe : States a number of immigration Buy your flour and fe»xl at tbe Ash ­ sympathy is extended the afflicted may meet. •----- Tbe pro- ' Mr. J. N. Phillipa, the genial attor-i parties that have added to tbe desira­ :Mth Maso.iclim«eout completed, i rimonial heading this week. he will return and examine the Bogue large portion of your time in study­ mill nt now rnnniug ou full time and D. Helman. Dr. Geary of Medford, was in town River Valley more fully in 1867, and served for many years as and Aiwmor Cbdder» and his amiRt- Particular Attention to Job Work, ing dry theories and rules, but at the we can fill orders for lumber et the commander of poata and orgauizer iu antearenow engaged in putting tbe thia week, visiting some patients who When Baby waa nick. very outset you receive yonr cash rate of 20,000 feet per day. Write for .. H . _ __ _ Gen. E. L. Applegate came up from Xanana and at the time of his death paper» m shape for submission to tbe needed special optical treatment. Mrs. AND We gave her («torts. has _____ been ______ dowu in the i hi« h»« J«*ephine J’^epbrne county oounty ranch tbm this week. capital and go into actual business, | particulars and prices. waa Seu. Vice Commander of Burnside couuty cummiasioner»’ court. The Geary, who __ bnving, selling and corresponding. S ugar P ine D oor A L umber C o , ■ Willamette on an extended visit, he Hwoinpaiiying Senator Mitcbeil from Poat Non for Ban Francisco, to futber Mooday morutng, started for Klamath There is a vast gulf between the old | Poet, G. A. R.. will mrt neglect Com­ pte <»f thia country that it is superior to aud tbe new. A cordial invitation is ' etc., at Wexler’s bakery. • | proaeente her atudie*. rade Hargrave’s family. cwnuly, for a trip out through Klamath, extended to all interested to visit our, all other preparations for blotxi diseases. A COMRADK. I It is a positive cure for syphilitic pois­ People going to Jacksonville wil» ■ A delegation of locomotive engiueets Lake and Modoc. Mr. Newlands has rooms nt the Normal building. Cor- i tn I irge or small qnanutlcs. Call on II oning, ubera, eruptions and pimples. find Plymale’a coach awaiting every from Sacramento were visiting Ash­ the chief management of the large ee- respondence inntod. Address, Fan! >>f Tteaaks It pmifio« tbe whole system and thor­ T. P. BOYD, J r „ train at Medford. Ask for the best I laud last Tuesday, having come up to tate left by Sharon. He is a genial, J. a S weet , Principal, oughly builds np the oon.titntiun. Obit- Dunsmuir to organize a division of pleasant gentleman, as well as a keen To the many friends who so kindly coach Ply mate - At Kyht's l'.e»i (Cstate Oflke. Ashland. Or. wood Bros. » x J^-Ordere by mail promptly attended to. ____ Ashland. Oregon. tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive En- and sutmeesfiil lawyer. Mr. Herriu assisted us tn the a cknevs, death and giueers at that place. Tbeir names started Tueeday on bis return to Sau burial of our dear departed one, we were Wm. Scott, B. Lightner, Fred Francisco, leaving hia wife and little An experienced shoemaker at the store, who makes a Will be our SpecW^ WWM rs . M E. H argrave axp F amilt . Hollia, D. H. McDonald, J. A. Baker, daughters for a visit of a month or specialty of fine work, will repair all rips or defects off I J. T. Keamey and M. Olmstead. more yet with his father’s family here. Jaleut,Or.,July 6U I ASHLAND BREVITIES. TIDINOS ¡ TheBankof Ashland ASHLAND OGN f 1 D I 1 Ì il Schober à Mitchell Shoes, Bradlev à Metcalf's Boots and Shoes, - Waverly School Shoes. Lilly, Brackett Now is the Time I à Co.’s Men’s Fine Shoes. I These goods are bought for spot cash and prices are mark- ed in plain figures. White Sulphur Spi Constipation ÍZ*. HOTEL. D. R. & E. V. MILLS. Ï Effective Remedy I WHAT IT COSTS! .» T : Ài His Work Speaks for Itself. « Ayer’s Pi Come and See U s i F/ È klfj The next time you want BOOTS AND SHOES jt ‘ ■ I FUNERAL DIRECTOR, ASHLAND, OREGON. B. F. Reeser’s We make BOOTS & SHOES NEW TIN SHOP WARRANT EVERY PAIR Prices That Defy cempetitioe The Ashland Shoe Store MONEY TO LOAN V At old stand of J. D. Fountain, BUOA&Ï. GILBKBT Sujfar Pine Ceiling and RdstiÄ| Odd Fellow’s Block. Yellow Pine Flooring, CWeBCrjkfitcfceft Caloria Chilârea Cry frPitcàer’i Castani 1 j Qülâra Cry ^Pitcher’s Casio i S': 1 CMliraCrifcPlîcliff’iCaWiria stock »old by us free of charge Í-Í'*' i I .. - I -Ci