AN VGLY DISCOVERY. I JT. H. ATKIXiOM. r. I!. CARTER I V. CARTER probable that he will be accompanied !-. B. Hunsaker lias dt-ciileil to dis- RELH.101'8. PERSONAL. HERE. ' Pretident. Vice-Pres. Ca»hicr A Report That MMooM Bo R.«u H>**» Dr. BecLrist returned to Oakland Sabbath afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Hon. C. B. Wataon has corns all ret.'i>r«tern out Mr-nrarUlauiaclosestheasitoalvliiilZ fact that I tiie trade at liberal di.-e’ount.. Agiaal shop at Grunt’s l’ass. i Services at the Presbyterian church Buy your camping outfit of Eddings bargain for somebody. three grubbiug-hoes and brok- n the The valuaHi property tami thevo ten »imp’.ea of blood purifiers (') c n- Chas. Rolli, of Yreka, is vudting x next Sabbath morning. No evening A Gilroy I'lanins mill. i> offi v-l Ml A Morse. x Brown Bros, will build a new saw services for a month. (Mile of his ax twit® up at his ranch in tallied In tbe a. grezato ilgera different uihi- find of Thank*. Ashland this week. ne»' 1 » nue. 11 <-«u-i*t* of atoui lq » IX.» of Three childreu of Mr. an 1 Mrs. G. ASHLAND OGN. Ashland canyon. He says Gen. Apple­ erels, cl«V' i ol which were active poiaona. land in tbe city of Ashland, Jw k,.., Fruit cans and M isou gb ss jars, at R. Matthew®, are ill with n.nlarial mill at Wilderville. P hoenix . Or.. July 23, 1889. The Congregational Chnreh will ! J. D. Fountain and Ins little son gate may have beeuagreat wood-chop- Iolldeo* pota«li was discovered in every sam­ Ore-Ren ; a good, aiitatautial * Dr. A. F. Hamilton succeeds Dr. give a song servico next Sunday night,; went over to Mott Tuesday. I wish U> publicly express my sense Eliding i Morse's. $50,000.00 (vi, dry lieu»« ItxJl. lumter bolidi fever the youngest, a baby. s< riously. »hv jier ami stump-puller (theoretically) ple, mercury wai found in ail but two, wl.F.a Paid Up Capital, I W. H. Flanagan ut Grant ’ s Pass. of obligation and gratitude to my two-atory «ttb'e and warehiaix ji Jas. H. Gay aud family have moved Mrs. Matthews has takeu the baby at which some choice music will be [ Mr. E. AV. Allen, the Portland seeds­ but it takes a practical man to make a arsenic existed in »1 x of the un brands N t ehlBer}—a 21-iuch planer. Sir neighlxirs and friends, through whose into one of Mrs. Crocker's Crittag. s on w ith her np Ashland creek canyon, I showing in the timber. Watson’s one brand was the pure article.” Mr. L. Waterman is quite sick at rendered. Ixitli instrumental aud vocal. [ meiildliiR machine, a teuouv a heroic exertions in fighting tiro on the Baum street. hoping tbe change ot location wili be bis home southeast of the Tolman Everybody is invited. Services Ix-gin ■ man, was in Ashland yesterday. mortiaer, jiR «aws, »aud pal« r nr friends tbiuk his ardor as a w.ssi-chop­ > reporter took tbe atiovecUpptngtoE. W. ( of benefit to it. morning of the 22d itat. my property Ex-Governor Perkins, of California, lumino lathe, rip and cm-on naw at 8. p. m. per will cool before his clearing ruus Joy, the manutacturerof Joy’s Vegetable: ar* gulch. Sateens must be sold 15 cents per er it an iiniailiuR supply ol wa: h tv in Ptae rix was saved from total was on last Friday ’ s south-bound dow n over the Pacific slope of the coast aay nrillA Mr. Joyexblbiti«!uosurpr ’ e. Ila Mrs. M. B. Rogers, mother of Mrs. snow«-appi«l mountain, and h« yard, will buy them at Hunsaker's. C. A. Nutley is now keeping Imoks train. destruction. F rank T owne . GF.M'.KAL NEWS. brad upon a 1614 Inch Leffel oh< enld drupels'» knew It. Tleaaid hel..n?syo L. Martin, died at the home of the lat­ for 1». Martin at his fruit store in Port- range. irai t of the O. I. K. K.. (H. I‘ mu Fifty dollars buys a first-class buck­ ter in this phu-e last Saturday, iu her Judge Webster and wife went np to Entertainineni Tu-Viglit. Wm. Wilson, formerly of llogue uw tbe crying need for a safo and a1s»oliite‘y Or.R ,n) with rapacity tor five ear ,, __ board of Eddings . Watson, at H astey’s, plaza corner. F. W. Ewiug lost his law library iu Mitchell said he would never return hand there. b'u« Fraavilco ihwaiiner. seed from tbe large acreage ho has iu E. J. Farlow. M. N. Long, I. W. Bur­ the tireakElleusburg a library valued to this country. Good enough. At the rl »M of tbe entertainment urday. nt®, Prof. Price. Win Patterson, Mrs. nt 85000; no insurance. Ab. Giddings and diiughter, Mies this year. there will be 1111 ice cream aud cake New G.sals this week at Hunsaker’s, Million. Mrs. Young, Mrs. G. IL Mat­ Washington, July 22.—It is believed ; Millie, returned Wednesday from Derriea nnd Fruit. •uveal at th« ehureli, next door to the and Iu company with Mr. A. I. Hunt-, more coming. thews. Hawkikis, wist killed Ogle ou the that tbe office of commissioner of the . Klamath couuty. 15 eta. Berries are now ready and coming of Dead Indian, and E. 1. Swope, of Rare Business Opening. street in Salem last May, is convicted general land office will lie filled shortly. Fin® up about the head of Apple­ Many of the smaller lakes in of murder in tho second degree. ■ Mr. L. Nicklesbnrg, a prominent Portland, the T idings editor enjoyed fast- will not last as long as last The two most prominent candidates St»nr-Frrrtsn«l. gate have been making a deus? smoke Klamath count} which have-Aiever year -so that ail w ishing them should a hunting trip out to the old elk head ­ R<1 Bluff merchant, was visiting sre ex-Congressmau Thomas, of Ill- i The uniterdicned offer* fox «ale th- .«ld»-*t The Courier says choice hay is sell­ luoia, aud the present, assistant com­ Ashland last week. quarters Big Elk prairie near Mt. send in their orders at once. Price Mr. C. It. Stone and Mrs. Mary A. over hi that direction during the past been dry since the first settlement o! e«iabh«hed hardware nkww aud tiurhop iu Pitt last week. The trip had some 25 cents per gallon. Cases and cans Dees a General Banking Business. A«hlund— «tuck in More aud lompk-u- outfit the country by the whites are dry ing at $3 a ton oil Sucker creek, missioner, ex-Governor Stone, of Iowa. l''r. el in.l were married at th« residence week. T. E. Miller, of Chicago, the Here­ interesting and picturesque features furnished to ship berries iu when they uf tool* aud fixture* Iu the «bop of the hr. 1« in Ashland, last Wednes­ One dollar buys 2t> yards of lawn this atiiumgr, among them Swan lake. Josephine couuty and iotaot it there. A >«u>iii< tory aod profitable trad- I- bertug ford cattle uian, stopped in town last which should lie written up, bill other will be returned. Also peacbea and Washington, July 20. — Pauucefote The shortage of the bay crops will day at 3 «•’dock. P. M.. Rev. H. P. at Hunsaker's. Reason for wiling—ouisidt altaJrw Sandy Olds, the Portland gambler, made al all acceaafbls pointa ou done. prevent the proprietor frutn giving tiiar buM- thingB have crowded it back this other fruit in season, Boxqe and '«tlloetfon* make the wintering of stock a serious is convicted of murder iu the first de­ who sailed for Enro[ie to-day from 1 Sat urday to see L. Stacy. S itohwe'l. of Hie M. E. Church, offici­ favorable ternis. iivm hi* attention. Will either rent or aeil We can't lie two careful about lire. paper on band for side, For further Sight axehnuge and telegraphic transfers the building Editor The®. Harlan, of the Medford tvc'k. problem if the winter should lai a gree for killing Weber, anolhur gamb­ New York, it is reported, carried a ating. The wed.hug party was coni- Portland. Ban Frapcisco and New York rough draft of an agreement between Mail, was in Ashland Monday after­ information address, p.,s ■ 1 ot only tho family and a few Ashland has been fortunately ex­ rigorous one, and it is probable that ler. A ppi v at pr«*mi*es on M al 11 Mreet. .,r »44 re»* Prof. J. 8. Hweet, Pres, of tbe Ash­ Great ««»V«.« Britain ■■«•» nnd «««> the United OU1U® States ] noon on a business visit. . VJIIV!.«. J W. H ockebsmith , B F. UCKMF.ft, intimate fri-mds of the contr.icting empt from damage by tire f ir a num­ a unrulier of cattle will la1 brought to 7<>/J dint bwyhi at JtfaiuLjrd ¡meet. A camp-meeting is in progress at concerning the Canadian and Behring Ashland. Oregon. land State Normal School, who bail Ashland, Oregon. parties, i'll« bride and groom are ber of years past. Let us see that tlie Rogue river for hay. f 2 »•«» •»♦*-» 4zw n-ii.liii-in »ill A liretiol _ _ a _ 1. 6 is« a . ' 1- Mrs. G. Karewski ami Mrs. A. 11. already taken the degrees of B. S. and Grant's Pass, to coutinae till August good fortuue is continued. sea questions to be submitted to Salis ­ Peaches bought both well nud> kuown in Ash­ A drive in lady's summer drees Wm. Patterson and E. C. Payne did a 5th. Rev. T L. Joni®, of tlie M. E. bury tor consideration. Maegly mid childreu, ot Jacksonville, A. B. at the Wisconsin State Normal land. an I have many fries Is here who Dout fail to read ths new ad of j good job ill The < Iregon this week, nud Church, is in charge. For fine hand mirrors, hair brushes goods for ten days at McCall's strict­ | are at AVagner’s soda springs. School, nt Madison, received this week will off. r good wishes for their future. Moral Bros, this week. , one winch could be doue with wisdom ly for cash. Loudon, July 20.—In view of de­ and combs call at Chitwood's. ♦ Miss Game Roper will return to the documentary evidence that the de­ Among the gnesta registered at The clining health, Queen Victoria is mak- Mr. and Mrs. Stone took the train upon some of tho other large buildings Rufus Cole, who came over the 1 gree of A. M. had been conferred up ­ Wedni sdav evening for H dsey, Linn 1‘nnce O1 of , San Francisco next week, to attend on him. This normal school is oue of about town. They built a system of Oregon this week are \V. W. Powell. lug arrangements for the illucv county. They will be in Ashland again Siskiyous Monday, reportisl timber 1 fire ladders, by winch anyone can as­ of Milwaukee, and J. L. Land and wife, \Val^'to“relieve' her of*’tlie’l’atair of school in the city again. aud brush fires burning extensively oti 1 high rank among th« educational in­ within a w« -k or two. but will probably atate documents. »Should this l>e cend from tbe ground to the naif of of Philadelphia. Maj. IL Hendershott spent several stitutions of the United States, and make their home at the Freeland farm the foot hills between his place and ' the building. iu n few seconds. A Rev. G. M. Irwin, of Eastern Oregon, ■ done, it is said that the prince wishes days iu town this week again, and Byrou Cole's. has students from various Darts of tho Sl’KIXiS. iu Linn County. I •tout rope is kept coiled ou the roof, has be, n apiminted superintendent of ' mlopt the title of Prince Regent, , left yesterday for California. Pacific coast. Prof. Sweet has been M. A. Walker, who camo in from and , Located ou the HvhnatiH-ai.d about half a with it the tire hose can be pullial Hie Iudian training school near Salem. tmye Jbe use of Buckingham Pal- appoiuted ooe ot ‘lie assistant exam­ n turn llank. Bile worth of th»- riara. _ Dead Indian yesterday, reports forest up , in an instant, if it should be needed. Vice Gen. Beadle, resigned. y uce nud Windsor Cnstle, the queen Ba­ Mrs. AV. R Mixire, of Portland, form­ iners of the school, to reside here. A erly Miss Annie Bilger of Jacksonville, tire® burning in a number of plucee out S isson . Cal., July 19. Ì reli re to Osborne and BalmoraL Used for Medical Purpose; fo*‘30 Ywrg. has lieen in Ashland during the week. Counterfeit ten-dollar notes, green­ A twelve-year-old son of ex-riheriff Mr. W. F. Herrin and family, of San Frank Morrill, a young mau from there—north of Dead Indian prairie, Tbe green postage-stamp is to go. backs, have lieen circulating in Cali­ R >ss. of Astoria, died last Sunday Fortlaud. mi ed quite a stir amoug the and south of Grizzly. i George Jolies, of Silver Lake. Lake Fraueisco. arrived in Ashland last Sun­ Bathiiig A< ’ county, spent a few days ill Ashland ‘ ‘ Mr. F. Grady, the painter, who is ¿Bgreta. 1 Merrill walked into a gambling bouse, prepared to do promptly all work iu , north ns Marysville. It may lie-well retrieved while out bunting ten days defiant, as well as tbe warmer, vital recently, visiting the family of J. <>. here. Mr. Herrin has bud of late the color red is to distinguish tlje new for peopl.> here whoaresolncky before. where a faro game was in full blast, bls line iu tbe best style, lias made nr- enough sole management of the interests of To Drink, the Water is a Tonic, C. AVimer. . stamp. The New York Sun is entitled and buying So worth o’ .bit® proceed­ rangemeuts to have orders received for enough to handle as much as ten dol­ tba heirs of the late Senator Sharon Jos. Finery, U. S. Indian agent, Reffiflr Sulpburi*» and Alkaline. it c udJcate» J. M. Lofland nnd wife, of •Jackson- in tho celebrated war of litigation ed to buck th« tiger. He seemed to tie him at Luckey A Co.’s real estate office. lars tn a lump, to scrutinize green­ will retrieve bids until 2 o’clock P. M. to the honor of having achieved u vic­ .. a ulir. »_ au<1. tw*utrt ] ftiDgi Bild nninish tory in this matter. This is not of im­ ville precinct, came up to Ashland yes­ which Sarah Althea Hill Terry lias backs of that denomination which iubi -k. an 1 b«fore long pil«« of chips correcting all acidith**, . it pmuwt pr --------------- ------------------ ’e» «.normal of August 2.1889, for furnishing and and heahbful condition in riv?} ait of th« Don’t miss the entertainment at cauie into their hands. The counterfeits delivering nt Klamath agency about portant concern, to be sure, but the terday, tbe latter to remain for several lieen waging iijion th« estate, and lay in front of him Sun made a hot tight against the green days. — :ou: bear the date 1S75; the jsirtraif of Web­ doubtless feels that bis triumph, in At 3 o’clock M -rill, who was the on­ Granite hall to night. hWIMMING i:i\B ster on them is pnt to go out. when Merrill, next week. happy. From »•*) a m uut.i late iu the Dixlge Bros., of Ashland, who have for 300 miles of new roadfall of winch The North ¡rent Magazine, pnb- a trip over to Sisson, to spend a week goods, wo have marked down our ta®t. evening every’ day, a pointing a pistol at him, said: “I want done so much well-boring nud fur­ will lie local lines in the San Joaquin lislied by E. V. Smalley ut St. Pan), A pleasant entertainment will Im nished so many people with goal valley and in San Lilis Obispo aud Minn., has a lot of fine illustrations at that favorite summer resort, near French sateens to 25 cts |ier yard from that to night.” Free Carriage Mt. Shasta. 35 cts; Verona sateens, now 10 cts from Santa Clara valleys, it is said. The deal-r turued pale dropp si the given this evening at Granite ball. drinking water in Ashland and many "Klamath City”—now Manistee -iu from the Springs to the Hutch the Plata, T. H. Cone started the first of tbe price 14 cts; Copoco sateens 12 yds for keys, mid skipped out. Upon unlock­ The program is an attractive one, and other parts of the county, are prepar­ F. J. King ha.l a stock of over 85,- its issue of the present mouth. One week on a trip to AA’eston, Uma'illa $1; G rner A-Co.’s Batiste goods, 35 aud principal busiue»« |»uiiifb iu the city, ing the drawer, Merrill found only tbe price of admission is nearly nomi­ ing to go into tbe business more ex­ IXXI wortb of goods ill his little store scene giv<® a birdseye view of the and return without delay. inches wide, 1(1 cts- former price 15; 8124. He took that and th.' laix and nal. tensively than ever, and will soon be at Montague, aud only saved about town, including a big mill and mil­ county, for a short visit with rela­ Manchester Cbamberays, plain and The Original Ashland Medicai Springs. tives there. “ease keeper.” and as he walked out more than double th« $500 worth, which be brougb to his lions of feet of lnmber stacked np; The evils resulting from habitual cos- able to t’M»d fur morelhan Thirty Yin .-the beet. s'li.l be would take the table if 11« tiv< tiess are many and serious; but lhe amount of work they can do iu a year, store in Yreka next day after the fire. then the “Klamath City Hotel.” n I Mrs. Max Muller aud daughters, her striped HI cts former price, 15 cts. New goods just received a u«w liue )*o«elbly, ever found. <*unj«' and «ee. Could get It into his grip. use of liarsn, drastic purgatives is quite liesidee doing much that they iiave not . This is quite a heavy loss, as there large three-story structure apparently sou Isaac aud wife, and others from of brnssels nnd tapestry carpets. “Ashland White Sulphur springs** Merrill left for the South this morn- as dangerous. In Ayer’s Pills, however, yet been able to do. They will soon was no insurance on the goods.— containing till to 75 rooms, looms up Jacksonville, ar« up at Colesteiu Prices the lowest. D. IL E. V. in tine style; the railroad depot, “bank this week. Printed on either aide <»f the carriage. the patient has a mild but effective reeieve from the east an apparatus [Journal. Mills. i ont for ft every hour of tbcdw - Patrun« d** and office building,’ handsome S2t>,- aperient, superior to all others, especi­ much heavier than that now in use, «iriuR the ra.-riageto call for t I m * un will please On Thursday the dwelling of J. M. (Hk) residence of Mr. J. E McLaugh­ Circuit Court thicket. P. W. Paulson reached home Sun­ Lumber of all kinds for sale nt very which will enable them to bore four leave order» on our bulieUu board in tbe ally for family use. hundred feet toward China if desired. Hamlin, at Wallula, was burned and lin, (manager of the mill company), day from his California trifi. Mrs. lowest, prices nt the Yonle A Gilroy The following cisu have been dock­ Mary Hamlin, aged 11 years, was ---- and a view of the mill, lioom, etc., de­ Paulson remained for a visit with plauiug mill in Ashland, where all The board of trade doesn't like the This is good news for many who want et, d in tl.e circuit court for J<«ephiue GRANT and 0. 0. hfELMAN, bills will be filled in short order. * dap wells in the valley, mid ought to burned to death in tho flames, says light the eye. All these scenes are friends in Fresno. county, for at the coming August West Shore’s pictures of Ashland. the Milton Eugle. The child use.l yet iu imagination, or in futurity, on­ Proprietors. result in tile finding of flowing wells term; Tbe Ashland Crater lake party, Mr. Pachallv, a Chicago merchnnt, 'coal oil to start a fire in tbe stove; an ly, but they make quite a city, on Choice tea at Van Sant’s grocery Tluamas W. R eal vs. Sarah D. and which includes M>i=srs. Mills. Carter, tn places. arrived in Ashland a day or two ago explosion occurred, and the result was paper. Two acenes from nature-the store at 30 cts. per. lb. G-si. Parks; «mt in equity. Alford and their wive«, and Messrs. for a visit of a week or two with L. II. In the cnse of tbe City of Medford as usual in such cases. old ferry aud “Cooley’s ranch,” make Blakeman, an old friend. D. H. Harkness vs. J. Bonrne, Jr., Eddings, Godfrey and Vaupel, will vs. J. C. Elder, appealed from the Buy your flour and feed at the Ash­ A Santa Cruz. Cal., dispnteh of the u sharp contrast with the other piet­ suit iu equity. reach home tiemorrow evening or recorder’s court of Medford, Judge laud Mills, von cau have it delivered ures. b __________ J. P. Roberts, of Klamath county, ist ns hope all the fine strnct- 28.1 says: Some llaliaus caught an im ­ D. A. L«veus vs. Ruby Rice; to re- Sunday, coming by way of Rogue Welmter last. Saturday reversed the pictured in" the Northwest will wio is iu very poor health this sum­ in any part of town. Very cheap for cover money. river. decision of the lower court. .1. C. El­ mense shark, of the man-eating species, tires * mer. has lieen spending some time cash. materialize soon. the point. It weighed six tons, the off John H. H inleom vs Jasper Chap- There will lie Divine services in the der w ho is doing business m Medford liv«r alone weighed 4»»0 pounds, and with IL T. Baldwin in Ashland. The ladies of the Presbyterian man: suit in equitv. R. R Street, foot of tert Aw as a merchant, refused to pay the license Society Installations. E. grove Sunday July 28lb, commencing required by the city laws. He was ar- yielding 120 gallons of oil. The cap­ L P. Hvde aud W. IL Willis VB. ' J. 11. Stewart, of Me lford precinct, church will give an entertain moot at nt 2 o'clock. Mr. Roper has kindly ASHLAND, OR F. Everitt;suit for injunction. The following officers of Hope_ Re came lip to Ashland yesterday, to con­ Granite Hall Tuesday evening. July rtigut'ti la hire the recorder for viola­ turing of this inouster has caused some L. P. Hyde and W. IL Willis vs. E. consented for us tn use his grove every tion of the city ordinance, convicted fair bathers to shiver. bekah Degree Lislge. No. 14.1. O. O. F. fer with the members of the state ;K)tb. Ice cream and refreshments Sunday for meeting if we desire. All 1 C. W. Guiird, I ’ roprif after tbe entertainment. All cordially F. Eventt; action for eject ment aud sentenced to a term of imprison­ The annual exhibit of the county were installed July 15 by Mrs. J. R. board of horticulture. nvited. C ommittee . Columbus Bennett v.« W. H. Flana­ are invited to come. Casey, D. D. G. M Mrs. J. J. Strait, ment iu the calalat >se. Judge Web ­ clerk shows that tbe expenditures of IL D. S tephenson . Sunset Cox and wife are visiting gan and W. F. Kremer; action for ster reversed the decision of the lower Josephine county during tbe past N. G.; Mrs. A. Bish, E. G ; Mrs. J. Puget Sound. Wh* ther they will above »we mid Having ¡eared ieiM-d the abuVe As it is generally understood that damages. H. C. Messenger received a telegram court upon the ground, chierty, that year were 820.580.14 and the re- May. R. S.:M. N. Ixmg. P. «.; J. J. pass thoroughly ri-nnvBted renovated and refitvxN'he fame, tborougnly through this valley and Califor there is lack of building mat« rial in I amnow am now prepared to offer tinrtV t)r»lv’«K» ar- C. M. Stone vs. J. J. Stone; suit for fron bis sawmill foreman Wtslneeday, the city charter of Medford doesn't cepts 820.98116. Warrants to the Strait, Comd.; John May, I. G.; A. D. tile valley, we give notice that our < iiirnjodation» to the trav« hot public. core«. informing him that tiinlier fires were give authority for imprisoning a man amount of 89.025,31. exclusive of in­ Helman, R. S. N. G.; Mrs. J. R. Casey, nia before returning East is not mill is now running on full time and lhe New Management will «pare no palnr Sophia I. Leonard vs. A. H. Datter. burning close to bis mill on Rogue iu such a case. Possibly the Medford terest, were redeemed. The county L. S. N. G.; D. High, R S. E. S.; Mrs. known here. in making thik one of lhe ir»o«l ronffuriabU we can fill orders for lumber at the and home like hotel* in the place. The administrator of estate of C'. H. Beach, river uear Grant's Pass. Mr. Messen­ authorities will fiud some other man­ still lias a debt of 819,743 86, to which K. Taylor. L.S. E. G. Dr. H. S. Schofield, of Burlington, rate of 20,000 feet per day. Write for tabl« * are »uppiled with the best lhe mar­ deceased; to recover money. ger left for Grant's Pass on the even­ ner of effective legal penalty for the must be added accrued interest. Wis., who is louring on lhe const, particulars and prices. ket afford«. Eiearant accoiuinodatiena pre­ The following officers of Pilot Rock stopped Eugene Cliausse vs. Geo. Congle; to ing train. in Ashland a c J. AV. Sowden, of Central Point Knbli A Bolt vs. John Howell; to D. D. C. P: N. A. Jacolie, N. G., .1. J. digestion and loss of appetite by a good coal in sinking a well on the claim below Deer creek, at. the month the enterprising and successful sewing recover money. Strait. V. S.; John May, K. S. : A. D. Jas. Goodri. li came over from Klam ­ single bottle of Ayer's Sarsaprills. The farm of Mr. Wilson, east of Medford. Joliu Winders vb . laivuia Winders; th>‘ Illinois river. It prospects Helman, P. S.; AV. AV. Kentnor. Tress.; ath ferry Sunday. He nqairled that mat bine man,is now retained as-travel­ use of this medicine, by giving tone The Mail concludes that this is the of ing representative of AA bipp’s Jackson­ suit for divorce. from 5 to 25 cents to I he pan and the J. Hut or Cold 25 Cu. and strength to tlic assimilative organs, C. Durkee. W.: H. C. Mver. P. S. tbe recent freshet in the river badly ville Marble Works, and is taking or­ first strike of coal in tbe county, but A. F. A M. J. Schultz vs. Lucy boys are well pleased with their dis­ N. G.; [ damage 1 the irrigailng ditches on the has mad« innumerable cures of chronic J. H, McBride, L. S, N. G.; Bath» at any time from 7 o'clock, it is mistaken. Good coal baa lieen der» in all parts of the county. AVhipp Tripp, formerly Lucy Blackwood, et al; until 10 o’clock p. m. On. bath ro< D. High, R. S. V. G.; M. N. Long, I. F. Anderson place. dyspepsia. Price 81. Worth 85 a bottM found in various places in Jackson covery. [Grant's l’ass Courier. is supplying more tine marble wotk in to foreclose a mortg ige. served for ladle»' u»e. Sylvester Nichols, the absconding comity in years past, tbe first alsint the cemeteries of Southern < iregon than J. D. Pedgriff went over to Yreka At Red Bluff Tuesday morning Ab Giddings’s ranch on the Klam­ street-railway contractor who jumped twenty years ago, but no prospecting Fire at Ph.s-nlx. Brakeman Jacobson was shot by of consequence has lieen doll«. Judge his contract at Albany, this state, and ath river has good crops this season, Monday, to do the plastering in twol>r all other dealers. A fire alarm -doubly alarming in tramps wrbom he had put off the Ore­ Tolman lias spent some money in skip|>ed out with six horses upon and tbe O. T. Brown place, near Plevns. three new buildings there, and li. A. Immense stock of clothing at cost at these dry times--woke the slumtiering gon express near Vina. The ball en­ prospecting a coal land claim in which he had given a chattel mortage, also bus fine crops, ns a big spring on Paine went with him as helper. Frank O. H. Blount's. * ? citizens of l’hoenix at 2:40 a. m. last tered bis forehead, inflicting a scalp the bait hills east of «fear creek, but was arrested in Blair, Nebraska, aud the land afforded facilities for irriga­ Smith went over Tuesday morning. For fresh, fancy Groceries. Candy Monday morning, an 1 the feed sti.ble wound. He fell on top of the baggage did not prosecute t he Search to a sat­ lias been brought back to Liuu coun­ tion. Henry Herzog, the butcher, formerly and nuts. g<> to Minkler .v Son. * ot Morgan, on th ■ east sale of the main Car, aud his face was terribly bruised. isfactory couelnsion. though tbe pros­ ty for trial. i of Yreka and Ashland, has been at State Board of Horticulture. street in the central part of tbe town Boston brown bread at the U. S. Boise City. Idaho, for some time, but Division Supt. A. F. George had a pects were good. It costs niouey to pr<«- Hon. Binger Hermann delivered the was found to lie m a blaze. Tbe barn difficulty with a brakeman at Duns, peet coal fields in tbiacountry. Tbe.l/iril Tbe Oregon State Board of Horti­ arrived at Shovel creek springs last Bakery fresh every day. oration at Ashland on tbe 4th, and was eisin burned, as did also the saloon muir the other day, and in a scuffle will have to get over the idea that such culture held a session in Ashland, at week, seriously ill with kidney disease. Fine Riverside Oranges and Sicily building aud the dwelling of Morgan bad his countenance considerably bat­ things have never lieen thought of in was a masterly effort as is plainly shown rooms in The Oregon, yesterday. RRTISTIC Dr W. H. Flanagan and wife.of Lemons. Cheap at Minkler A Sou. * by the report in the T idings . Mr. Her ­ adjacent. By hard work the fire was tered by tbe hot-htsided “brskie.” who tliiseountry till this year.or that dis­ There were present l)r. J. A. Card- Grant ’ s Pass, were visiting Ashland mann was treated royally by Ashland's kept, coniine,! to these three buildings, didn't seem tolie mnch i i i’■ ■ of tbe coveries which it happens to hear of Boots and shoes at cost at O. H. well of Portland, chairman, and Messrs. though it I Hiked for a time as if it authority of tbe stipe-iut«.i !< it. 1’i« rec- ntly are nil raw and n«w. It enterprising citizeus, and deserves it. R. 8. Wallace, Salem; Henry E. Doscb, this week. Dr. Flanagan has sold out Blount's. nt Grant ’ s J ’ ase, and will go to look up He does Oregon proud. [Lakeview would epr«ad. A store building direct­ brakeman was arre<;.-4 an > fin dilu made the same mi take in announcing Portland; J. A. Varney. Tbe Dalles; a location on Puget Sound. G. F. Billings is agent for leading ly across the street caught fire more by the justice of tl • • Jas. H. Hendershott, of Union county, th de iviay of “lhe first marble Examiner. Fire Insurance. Insure with a loea than once, but was saved by the vigi- The register of the depot hot«! agent. Get lowest rales and know you Fsiday evening a fire started and J. I). Whitman, of Medford. A A number off nd • • rc -.-.i;"] it 1< Ige 5m i I i:> Southern Oregon'- a on Last liiiiee and activity of the citizens. tho premises of Judge Cowl, of report of the business transacted could shows that the following railroad men are insured. hurt tim- ago; wii ■<• .,« J. H. Russell [3-m the springs oi. i r • • k. al« at Morgan was living alone in bis house. qnarri I out marble iu Josephine McMinnville, aud destroyed a thresh­ not lie had for this issue of tbe T id - have been in town this week: IL S. two miles so uii W.igi. r's S. I.. Coniirmeil. His family had left a short lime before Culverwell, T. J. Davis, Dr. W. B. ing separator, a wagon and between txos. Mnd lamtiti iin-l sawed it, chiseleil it and 12 for a ranch in Klamath county, uear Springs hotel ?!'> '.-s. May, A. D. McMillan and J. W. and 20 acres of shocked grain. The can I H into tombstones herein Ash­ Tbe favorable impression prodnccd on Fort Klamath, t .king the horses and son, Mrs. IL (!. !}> • i.J . Lifilr.n, land t w. rty 1. u : ago. Brown. tbe first appcnraiu'. of the agreeable fire was the result of sparks from the tor Crater Lake. f or ■ M > - liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs n few vehicle«, some furniture and alsiut all of Ashland, i :..l threshing engine and spread with great Mr. S. J. Scott, who has lieen clerk­ years ago has been more than oonfirmed composed of Messrs. Dr. their liedding, etc. The only thing Lawrton, Wet. lie); . B.-owti ..u i rapidity. Tbe outfit was perfectly ne w, A. A C. party Dennison of M I ■:■ !. re among 'Ip ing in Blount ’ s stores m Ashland and Caldwell. H. E. Hicks. F. D. bv tbe pleasant experienoa of all who burned with the barn was about a ton being but the second day at work. Wagner. C. C. Chitwood and Frank Sisson for a year or two past, left Fri­ have used it. and the success of tbe of hay. Most everything of value was number. proprietors and manufacturer^, the Cal. i ■■:« cloud burst on tbe day last for Portland, where he may I One hundred members of the Asm Lennart started Monday for Crater tl. • wing remov. ,1 from the lions« and saloon lie- 1 Luckey A (.'• . nit.un. Iretween Willow ciated Press-—editors and publishers , lake, going by Dead Indi'au. resume work at his profession, that of Fig Syrup Company. fore they burned, and the buildings sale®: Dani. < ■> to I. W. Bur R’ bii . on's gulch, near of the leading newspapers of tbe east surveying. were the chief loss. There was sn in­ rise, lot on Mai’. ' . , ,,r l.ri.lg«; Yesterday morning J. M. Casebeer I great damage to the were to arrive at San Francisco yes­ The Helman farm in the city of Ash­ John Miller, of Jacksonville, re­ surance of $|l«iO upon the property, consideration, a' »•. A H. Wickham ami wife and Rev. H. P. SatcbweU ig the creek, and to tbe terday by special train, and after a turned home last Sunday from San land has lieeti eub-divided and is now which is generally considered to fully to Mrs. T. B. if. i«'.> . )o' <« nnd family started for Crater lake, ¡. d->..n the river. The Klamnth trip through Southern California they Francisco, accompanied by his daugh­ offered in small tracts at very reasona­ oiver the lose, or more. street; cousideriil, '.5. M. A mit:i was < l"V. t«.i about five feet, which is will come to Oregon. They will and G. F. Billings and family and ter, Miss Katy, who Ims been with lier ble price®. If you want a pleasant You hnyen’t? Well let us tell you that by buying Carter to J. E. Hicks, a. re ¡o' on cou-i.l Mrs. Hyde started for Cherry creek red so extensive thxxl even in probably pasa through Ashland dur­ I sister nt the Bay City for some two home or a good investment in a good Wiaileti street; consider on, 8b5il. and Pelican Bay. for a camping ex ­ Brll-Ki-pt .Ippies winter, w it li all the tributaries an.l ing the second week in August. part of Ashland, don’t fail to see this a cheap article in leather you are throwing away years past. perience of a week or two. H. A. Case sold his delivery and ex- til« lake al head pouring in an abund­ t ract. For sale by G. F. Billings or A. For applet» of good keeping quali­ Says a Henley correspondent of the Gen. Cadwallader and wife, a young D. Holman. * ties ns well as good qualities of every press outfit last week to Mr. Chureh- ance of water during a general storm. Journal: Three buildings—two dwell­ your money. Now to overcome this trouble, A Prosperous Scheel. lady friend and Mr. G. G. Kimball, other sort, it is admitted that South­ m in. anil left town, going northward. The old Burgess ranch lielougilig to ing houses and one blacksmith shop - The Asldaud State Normal School of Red Bluff, Cal., spent last Sunday H. 8. EMERY ern Oregon lieats the world. We have He spent a day or two at Graut's Antone Joseph was very badly washed are being built ut Manistee; one or alxiut to enjoy one of the most pros­ 4 nnd Mouday in Ashland, stopping at A lien Baby wiu sick. •o many kinds of choice fruits here Pass, and then pnx'eeiled toward the aud gullied, the water covering to a two more will lie comneuced uext is (. attoria perous years in the history of its ex- ' We gave her Tbe Oregon. Gen. Cadwallader is that little attention is paid to de­ Willamette. His wife and child re­ great extent, and ti'xxling it with de­ week. Tho new road, 40 feet wide istence. Already numerous inquiries veloping keeping qualities, so far as main in Ashland, and Mrs. Case says bris. Other ranchers were also dam­ across Mr. O’Neil’s field to Hornbrook, are being made for lx,arding places. one of the prominent wealthy men of When M»e wok a Child, California. the home supply is conorued, and she dul not know he was going, and aged to a more or less extent, for all wns opened for the public this week; residents about the city should She cried for the winter apples always keep till that she supisises he has deserted of which ye hydraulic miners is not re- this was much needed, for it dispenses The The family of Wm. M itbes, of Eden ASHLAND, OREGON. sjHiUsibie, there Ix-ing no mining in with opening gates and reduced th« try to accommodate students with precinct, they lire -old. anyhow, if they are giv­ ) her. When ah« became Miaa, nre up at the summer sheep board at the very lowest living figures. that hx'ulity. The Klamath was tlie en iks mii<® from iinywliare. The marshal of many place«, especially if it were alioiit th« matter of climate, and are fore. Advance sheets of the Ashland illus­ Guarantee Acker's Blood Elexir for it known that they were not given any leaving Central nnd No itheru Califor­ of th« stuff conning down, aud com­ Chico gained aduilttauce to the hut by special treatment or care for lollg nia for the cooler regions of Oregon menced to raise their wheels, suppos­ appealing to tbe robber for shelter, trations ane description m the July I Mr. R. W. Helm, of East Portland, hss been fully deiuonatrated to tbe p<-o and Puget Sound. They will follow ing a conple of feet would do. They saying he was lost, ¿n the mountains. number of the H ent Shore reached I formerly a resident of Goldendale, W. pte of this country that it is superior to preservat ion. In timer'« Block, Ashland, had hardly made the effort before a Then he covered the robber with a re­ Ashland last Saturday morning, and T., and a representative of Klickitat all other preparations for I. • Bi t ii rnmg to the that he considered the case settled by Go to corner Main and Granite streets Atlantic cuatit iu 1K>2. he again The dry weather makes the fish and that point, which will prevent tbe the recent decision of the supreme out or so imperfectly done that tbe ap­ [ land, aud is eo much plerised with tbe -AND crossed the plaiua to California the amities, and even the squirrels, rab­ owners from resinning work this sea­ court, l’etiuoyer thinks he cau nulli­ pearance of th« seen« suffered greatly, 1 place.tliat lie has decided to make it for paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, following year, driving a band of bits nud birds, do considerable rustling son. Tho Centennial Company be­ fy the action of the supreme court as eotupared with tho showing of the | i ins home. He left yesterday for El- artists' materials, and wall and build­ I lensburg after bis family. ing papers. Estimate® made on paint ­ low Honolulu, los> a pump and about photograph of the same size. A meet- | sius'p nerols a« a business venture, in for drinking water iu many places Now hare ihelr nrw mil), uear Merita, ta Mid the legislature by simply refus­ partnership with a man named Owen. this season. I p on emigrant creek a hundred feet of dam. w hich can be ing to approve the bonds of the com­ ing of the Ixiard of trade was held , A party of Medford people joined ing, paper hanging, interior decora­ operation, aud are r^ady to All .11 ordara for tions. etc. sixiti repaired. Tlie Mott Company Wednealay eventug, aud strong reeol-1 The venture was a profitable one. and the little I.I.Huai.-, of this sort arc seen I the colony of campers np nt Colestiu missioners. E vans A B ri nk . Ashland, Or. uatious were adopted, expressive of the ! Thursday. Among them were Mrs. Baptiste's share of tbe proceeds in unusually large numbers about also loet a pump ami alxult ID feet of dam. l ’ he China Company next l>e- dissatisfactuiin of tbe lioard with the The sudden an.l strange disappear ­ amount'd to over $1*4» 1. This his the p.sils in the creck liere and children are spending sev­ tended to at ouee and filled at lowest *• MeAllUter. Ora. winter atarr. d to death nearly all the prices. * •nd all orders addressed to that office t eral weeks at Soda Springs. cattle iu tta' vailcy. Baptiste's amoug last Momtsy evening, a petition was these claims will !«• started up again, appearance of the man. but they are of Mr». < 11. Veght. a »oll reœivs prompt anmUoa the niuuhrt twelve or fiit.wn presented for two new street lights, the miners lieli-ving.hke old Richelieu, the opinion now that be is dead and There is Btili room for one. two. three Mseerx. G.Nxrge Meyers, of Spokane niEn. years past he Lae Jived in Ashland, one at the corner of M lin an.l U .uer that there is no such word as fail, in th it he was murdered. M<®t, if not al), good boils.® oti Boulevard in Huuaak- Wood Notice. rails, nnd James Chisholm, of Walla cultivating hi« garde« »nd doing such streets, an.l one at lhe corner of Oak reality. Dowu at Happy Camp, the of the settlers of that regmu are of the JACKSON—In Me.lfoM. Wedue«'tay. July Walla, are spending a few days in er's addition. Prices and terms rea- Thw fa a well stoeboff Ulh, Alfred H Jackaou. a iialive «1 Ver­ wors as pleased him Besides his .mil Spring. After dis.’iiasion, the river miuers were a!.« • euff ders by the same opinion. A systematic method Minnble. Apply to E. B. Hunsaker. ♦ the Xovchjr Muck, <*uri>or Malu aud Har» town, stoppiug at the Asli) iu>i Hons«. mont 2 nn HV-lu< h atore arad aüA home, be died possessed id a little council eoiiclu l.«l to try the experi' watery cyclone, which kmx'kdd out of inquiry is now being made as to Bain wagons from 890 up. at Ash­ wheels and dams more forcibly than where be was last seen, who saw him, JfiUNSTON—In Jack»onTtlle. July llth of The former is so well pleased with aud 2U-lucb hrat.r wood, deliren« od »s 1 ’ money at interest, probably 815A'. so ment of a .Vl-camUe-power light at the Sullivan naraly^h. Hugh Johnston, a native of Ashlnnil that he basalread} bargained land Mills. n.dice any where In tows. “*rt * knocked out Kilrain. The where he was going, eta, etc. A that, with h s frugal hfs he was en­ first named corner, ami requeste l the New York. art«l 71 years and 11 month». for some real estate here. >. B All I.wrtt« hauling wood ta tow* electric light company to put up oue . bars and covered banks of the through invcslighlion wili lie male, or hai lay a u) wood for ».I« In la'ga or»nZS tirely independent First class pasture al the farm of OALL—In Saul'» valley. June 29th, of lung lion. Sol llirscb, Colonel Louis let«, w i II well tn rail at th« «Sire of c 2» (ta Inters by mail prdhiptly attended to. Bapttate was an honorable, bouee’ ‘here for trial for a we. k or two. I'.iti- stream, probably to the Pacific delta, winch will require time and patient fever, Virgil Cleveland, youngest »on ot John L Grubb, south of Ashland at Aym at tbe abort cornar. ÎBff ’ Mr. and .Mr-.C C. «»all; aaed S year» and Fleisebner and Mr. J. N. Fleischner man and a gixxl citiz -n. He had lio sideiuble dig.-tission transpired npon were .tr'wel with watermelons, work. If anyone has licen suspected 50 eta. per week per head. [l-4t, washed d >wn from the ranches where — —-—*■— w • ♦ ------ * nailed from Southampton on the 18tb 1 tU'.tith of foul play.’bef.iet has not lieen made irnuiiy, and left no near relatives, »• the prvipoeition to enlarge tbe city mat. for New York. Mr. Hirach has nre limits, and upon s .me other mat­ the cloud burst struck, bat lb