GENERAL AEWB. ASHLAND I TIDINGS LEGAL aia ERTIHEMENTO. LEGAL ADA ENTICEMENTS. --- ,------ -— " s—; —- Timber I unci Notice. Ban Francis«», July 5.—The Central Stockholders Meeting Timber Land Notice. Timber Land Notice JULY IH. ¡N» Pacific Railroad Company to-day re­ FRIDAY U nited S tate .« L am office , i U nited S tate « L and O ffd k , / corded the issue of sixteeu thousand K«»« ebi u«i, Oregon, Maj- 1«>. i * m . i Th* antjiial meeting of the «tockholdcnt of R. scncit.;,Or., June 24. til« I'l.bti-1 W«M«i*n M.llw tor the «'lection ilOOU bonds, maturing in fifty years, Notiie 1« hereby given iLa- in «•«.mi lium < STATE AND COAST. j« hereby given ihax in compliance «•1 .»fiu t i-«>f the j’wwiNity will l»e held in the with thepruvkit ir* of the tt< i uf < ou^.-e».«« <»f v\ N«>Hee and lieanng interest at 5 per ceut., I 1 ith tiie provisions of »he a« I <»i < ungrv«» of ««fib • ot th«-company. Ashland. Oregon. <»n Juue 3. is?», entitle I “An u-r for ihe««ieuf payable semi-annually. ¿The paymeut Monday, Julv 29. isvj hi which time there thnlM-r lauus in the >taun «»f « ahfurnw, < »re June3, l ForlBruises and Burns. of New York, for «16.000.lMJO. The ob­ \v H A tkinson , tiee. thia office hii« >.M«rn s atenieul tor the pur- <«lfi< «.* her *iii«‘Ut. tor the purchuse of the ject is to concentrate all of its debt Ashland, Or., Jul; 12, 1W*9. (*bnM*«>t tilt- N \\ !4 «if «••t itoll Nw. 21, ill ! There ia a fair prospect of the erec- I s W ■ , .«f .«e< . No ; . It. N .. No. 31». s. R No. 5 E, ami wiHotlVr y.ooim ffrewh. Strong, Convincing Fact*. luto the hands of one house and pay tion of a larjje and commodious union | «how that the laud M>nght i» mure valuabt- 5 E., ami mil offer proof to «how Cu»l the all of it* small indebtedness. depot at Seattle. for Ils liintM i or stone than lor airr.« i.Uuial bind .«otigiit is nior« valuable fur its timber i.iiriioaes. and to vMabli.di In claim t«> tm«i or stone than ior agricultural puri«o-4->. and R ichmond , Va., July 10. — The widow Tbe taxable property in Albany is lam! before the RrgGtcrand Ru tivc. f i .i- to v«taiilUli her claim to «aid laud liuforv the Register «ml Receiver «>f thi-<>fii«*e ut Rose­ ot Ex-President Tyler died here this assessed at ^l,6KI,l»MI. At the 7-mill Helpmate, 4 office at Roseburg, Oregon, ou Frida., tii burg, Oregon, on Monday, tnv l«dli «lav <>( 2(itb day of July, i ,«!•. eveuiug, from a congestive chill, aged rate this will yield a fund of $8148. “CaHorU maoweU adapted toehUdrea that I Carterta «rana Colle. CoaaUpation. September. I«»*.«. Sh«* name.« a« vvitne^se-s: He names a* v. itu. n -<-8 < M. « asler. F < New York, 1 recommend It aa .upmor to pnacripttM I pXòtea dl- sixty years. îu P»IF Wyrkt»tl, T. s. Spaulding, Giliiert i ulJiu«. uli >«iuir«- 1’ark* r. of Kvno, Klama’h «•«»nnty. Tbe first exhibition of tbe Eastern j tìwwu < On.-coB and John Kiiulx-rlin, 'I h«». Mayhew, •ad to me " H. A. A bcii «®, M. D., I <***• Biecp’ p of Woodland, ( filltornui S an F rancisco , July 10.—The in­ Oregon District Agricultural Society Domestic Any ami all |<*r»«tn.« < la:miL .■ adve.-sclj ?l.e ami John F. i.ivijU-, <1 A-niumi, Ja« k-oii IU So. Oxford 84., B toq U/ b , m . Y. | WMbOut tajuiiou® mad trattori county. Orvuon. surance journal, the Coast Review, will be held at Baker City from above described land« are request« «! to lilt Any ami all in r.-on« claiming advcr-.-ly their claim's in this office *V on or be tote .-ai . published yesterday the losses or the October 8th until 13th. Fifteen hun­ Txx C entaum C ompany . 77 Murray Street. N Y r the h I kiv v t«rd to 26th day of July, 1S89. insurance companies by the Ellensburg til«* limit t iahus in' this oflic«* on ur laiforc dred dollars will be offered iu premi­ 8oi* Agmicy for Jackson Count; of the CHAH. w JoHN«T*»N, <11 «aid 16th «lav of S* pteMilxT. IK«-!». W. T-, and Bakerefield fires. Their ums. 50-10! Kigi-te | tr chas W , J ohn « ton , lose by the former was «275,015, and by 3 Register. Prepatations are being made for tbe Timber Land Notice. the latter *324,650. erection of a SKI.IMM) sash, door, blind Regíate r. *» lût r»fii Timber Land Notice U nited S tates L and O ffice . / It is known to be practicable to dis­ and woodenware manufactory at Port till R oseki eg . Oregon. May p., I m « il> ill tribute from one central station all the Townsend, by Messrs. Wheeler, Os­ Timber Land Notice i nt. J Notice is herebv given that in comiGinn < light and mechanical power used in any good A Co., formerly of Des Moines, ,IFok with tike pro\ ision« of the act of < oi; • .........f united S tates L and O ffk f . i city. Not only this, the light and la. The factory will be iu operation B» June 3, 1N76, entitled “Au act f«>rthe «ale oi R usebck < k Or., July H, lxsu.i power can be delivered to any point in by next fall. timber lands in the States of California, «»re Notice is heieby given that in compliance oil. gon, Nevada, ami oa.-diingtoii 1» rriior* the city; and more important still, it with the provision« of th«* act uf Cougre*.- of I, u M ith that moat reliable A Dress, or a Coat, ) Cc/or Gilbert Collins, of Woodland, county of Y, Jun<*3. 1K7». entitled “Au act fur the sal«; oi The volcanoes of Western Washing- cau be divided and delivered in any State of California, ha» this duj i: > d in rhl.« me* 1 me —Paine a Celery timtier lands m the Siatcsof California, Ore i ng ton have been in action so recently, quantity needed. , A supply kept oonstantly on hand. office his sworn atateuient for the purchn«« Ribbons,Feathers, gon, Nevada, ami Wa«hLugt«m Teiiitury, ’ niooons,rcciirmrs. ,• FOR Ar Davaonn »» d D uum . < < «mpouDd. 11 pu rifle® the that it is a question whether Baker, of tbe S W ‘Aof section No. 21. in low u^iiij» < I Wa.Lot Dvbktns, county uf Jackson, bl. < d, « uro» Const^atlon, Yams, Rags, etc. I 10 cents The statement has l»een frequently Rainier and others are to be classed as No. 39 .*», K No. 5 east, ami will off« r proof io TM CHARLE* A. VOGELER CO.. BaHtawre. M. »fate of Oregon, ba* this day lil«-«J tliMt the land sought is nion- valuabi« and r ’ gul iteh the liver and made that during the administration of extinct or active volcanoes. East of inihtsottice his sworn statement, for the In for the Pre« im i of and In many ether wav» SAVE Money, and »uaks show for its timber or -tone than for agricultural purchase of the S W of S W l4 ami N s2 n ksou. >tate of Ore- 1; I • l;CyS,« ’ . hN f ua ’ . Iy rleRT.4- thing* look like NEW, by using DIAMOND President Hayes no wine was ever the Cascades, arouud Lake Chelan and purnoses, aud to vslabli»h hi« claim t«j >«iutc <>f Oregon—Y«»u Any and all pcrsoiiN claiming adversely tie I uh Thursday, the 2'«tli «lay uf September P04L reby n-tuir«-1 to ®p)»e®r before the ance in regard to the facts of the case “The state domestic animal commission couV’lncs true nerve tonic and strengthening Gold, Silver, Bronze, Ccpper. Only io Cents. aitovv described lauds are requested to til«- ife names a- witnesses Th«min* F. Kah -ijiii-d, a Juul. <»f th»- l’ea«e. for the In Southern Oregon. Also. has t>eeu shown. Wine was served at are doing all in their (Miwer to stamp qu. .. .•« reviving ?h*» e‘n-rgt?3 aud gpirtti. their claims in thif office <»r before said ler. uf In «kin-. Wilder Free!, of 1 tua, G R «•; -¡Li«:, on the I m ! day of Au- 27th «lay of July, WAU. FAFCX, FIAMES AND the White House on several occasions out the malady which for the past few *• i have ii *en trvnhi«‘dturw of lira ti.ul baby rd- 50-Wt remcdl« a, aiul not finding relict. I tried Register. Siskiyou county, California. r’-einct. G» HiiMwer the above-named foreign ministers who were not conver­ jury to tbe horses in the state, aud r!"4. prime ! on <»n It it ■ turns from life, printed Film ’.««• leryi ompound. Before tn king one ifi iu » rivil acth-n. BABY CABNIAGIS, KTO., ITC. Any ami all person» claiming adversely which but for the rigid enforcement of full bottle th«* lung troublesome symptom» be­ plate paper by paten< ph te sant with American views in regard to Timber Land Notice. bc.’t'Dtlunt will take notice that if he the a»sMu-dc.«« rHA*d lands are requested to We seil pcoc«‘bs, sent Tree to Mulhej to sulfide, and 1 can truly » hy now, that I Vancouver N urserics. temperance, would have been apt to strict measures of quarantine, would gan o answer the <’«*iapUint herein the file their claims iu this office on or before of any Baby l»»rn wp.hln . Fe«*l like a new I ilgastlon has Unproved, Timber band Notice. lie epidemic throughout the state. L'p U nited S tates L and O fh « e . i iff will take Ju ig.nent ngainM him said 26ih dav of September, lt«9. THE Davis Sewing Machine, consider ths lack of wine as an intend­ cw year.’ M«»rber war«f& and 1 h«■ v gained ten pouti-.lstn weight, since t R oheborg , Oreg«)n, May 1". I«*.» i k I m soi ! and delivered to you C ham . W. J ohnston , to thia time County stock inspector Al. ! Í have coinrne ««I taking t:-e Compound.“ these picture», send at on« U nited S tates L and O ffi « e , | ed insult. — (Ex. ots and diabume- Register. 5 IVt WAt sidy of Main street, next door Give Bav>y*sr.;>rne and ;>c Notice is hereby giv< n that in cunipiiaive H on * rrs S t , « kn «. Feichvtlle, Vt. Herren has tieen ordered to kill seven R oseburg , Or., May 31. la*». ♦ n under my hand with the provisions of the u« t of < ougrt -« of I’.try grocery, Ashland. Or. I WELLS. RIOKARD$r:XC $1.00. six fi r $.'.0). At. Druggists, Notice is her« by given that in coinpllan«*«- horses in Marion county. After being June 3 I»7M, entitle«! Au n«*t for th« .«ale «»f are You Heard? with th«- p>«»\ l'iin« of the act of Coag re»» BURLINGTON. V? W ell ; . K ichaudson A C o .. Burlington. Vt. M ilton B erry . quarantined they were killed and their timber laud» id the .«tates of ( aliforniu. < »:«■ of June 3, I»7». entitled ‘Au act fur the sale Timber Land Notice tf the Peace. Have von heard what Mr. G. I). Weast boJiee burned. Several eases are being gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory. J of timber lands tn the stati-s of < nlifurnia. K Smith ot Wtiodlaii«!. « ouuty of Yolo, -i.«t« Oregon. Nr*. *«la. and Washington Terri­ U nited state ? L and O ffi « e . of Cambridge City, Ind., says of Chaiu- guarded and more horses may have lo of California, has this day tin. «1 in this <«fii v R okehurg , Or , Inly 5, 1889 lierlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea tory.’ B E. Ilian .«•( Kirkville. County of bis sworn statement fur the purchas«- of the «iiiitcr. State « i California, ha« tills «lay filed T Notice is hereby given that in «-«»nipliance lUpiedy? If not, here it is: “During be killed soon.’' S E *4 of b« rtion No. 12. in town-liip No »»', in tbi - oith'«* hl« «worn atalenicut for the wi ll th«* pruv i«ion? «if the act of c.>ngr<--> of last Mummer 1 was troubled very much Captain VV. Young, of the United 8. range No. ea.-t. and will olh r pr-n-t !■• ; un ha«e«»f the N E «. of Section No, 10. hi June fi, lK7h, entitled “An a«'t tor the «ale of L and office , i with severe pains in the stomach ana States engineers, who lately sent a nt- ’■J.lMfl.i show that the iau«i sought i> m««re yut'iabi« Ti'wnship 3’.« S«»u'h. Kn'ig«* Nu 5 Ea-t, ami timber lands in ibe S'atrs of California, < »:«*• txiwels. and was induced by a friend to for its limber or stout than for agri« uliural will offer proof t«i bh«»w that th«- laud sought U’«.’i, Nevada, and Wu-hingtOB Terri'.. » In euiupliauca man down to superintend the expendi ­ purpose», MU'i lo « «labli-h hi« < 'aim to fui«t i«- more VMluabb.- fur it> timH-r ur stoii* Jan.«*- S. R*«grr«. <»f Ashland, county of Ja- k- .( < migre«» uf try this Remedy. I took one dose, a» NEAR DEPOT. land before tbe Register an and 50 cent hot qua river and deepening the channel (>pene«l acaiu for He name« as witnesses. Juhu Hollings­ hnrjj. (>:*-g iu. on Tnuraday, the 15th «lay of Rauge No. 5 E, and will offer proof to >*bow of bi*kivou ties for sale by T. K. Bolton. there, bits been instructed by tbe chief worth, Davi«i Wallace. < M < a- cr. A. M A«ign«t. 1«*'J. «lay filed iu that the laud »«»ugiit i« m«»re valuable for it? All kinds Repairing and New Work. Elston, all ot I. < .uiforoia for tbe piir- TO MAKE engineer to have made a survey of the timber or stone than tor agru ultural pur- IL.- offer« ns vVitne-HO«: Any and all persous < ¡aiming ttdv» i « *iv : I d Tp. and to e*tsl»li«l) his claim to said i, \5. Griffin. Jas wyrkofl. A wikstnnn Marriage is a Failure. river with a view of submitting a pro­ New Wind Mill« and iron (encing —A — d will offer proof the above «ivs' tibui lands are rt-qm -t« «1 to au«i M. 11. lorram ♦*, aliuf woodland, Yolo land before tb« Register and Receiver «»! furnished. ject for improving it from Scottsburg flit is more valua- tile their claims in this «»th e ou or beiorc this office at Rotecb.irg. Oregon, on Munday When either party marriee for couutv, ’ nln'oruia. ihati for aeri« ul- Delicious Blsouit sai«i 27lh day of July, C ha Is«*.» to the mouth. Mr. G. A. Lyele will Ans'and ail persons claiming adversely ¡he ¿.><1 du of September, 1»*^. .«. W. JonNsToN. blitfii his claim to SAW GUMMING A Specialty. money. He nam«*« a« witue««e* - John F. Givans th. -1« - iibvhlaud, Ja« k*on « 0.. Oregon. COW BRAND Bld* 14h «lay of Align'■t. IN“' for cigars than hi» better half does for now in hand at Siuslaw, and if his re- Any per«oub claiming adversely the above uh as . w. J ohnston , hosiery, boots and bouueta. Timber Land Notice. Register. described land»« a e requested to file the m When one of tbe parties engages in a l port is favorable there will probably c I m I ddm in thi? <»ffi«*c on or before said *. limber Land Notice ReJutety Pure. da* of September. lw"»9. a business that is nut approved by tbe , be a Uuudred or two thousands of dol­ U nited S tates L am « O ffk e , < lar* spent there within tbe next few C ha ?. W. J ohn - ton . R usebi 1.«.. • >R , .*um 11. :«•• » other. Register r»-iot Nuti«*e is here!«) givvu ihar in > ■« When both parlies persist in argu­ years. I with lhe act uf Uf*:ii"< • ««f ' -i.' ■«,•.*•!. ing over a subject upon which they I John E. Shepard, representative of tilled “An act for tbe -nk- <• tim **‘ . h ..-I« in ihvSiate« of C<«h:« :- ^* N • a never have and never can think alike, tbe Oregon immigration board at San Timber Land Notice VV JoBNSTMN, ami Washington Territory A - 4« !• >< . When neither husband nor wife Francisco, is in the city on a brief visit, Register. ridge, uf Kirksville, <-«»un ’ . - oi-i: r. - ai- HanuR- one ot the liest skylights in O> takes a vacation. says the Oregonian. “Immigration at O! < dliioruia. boe till« dav Sub <; .11 Hi:- ! • 54,000 Bartlett Pear, egou, and Knou'my hoir to use it, tii« sworn -.tap im nt fur !h< pur«-;.a . < When the vacations are taken by present, though steady,” he said,“is not N W k ul See toil in ip I * - R N > I 15,000 Winter Nelis Pear, I OCAKANIEB OÖOD WORK. one side of the Louse only. very heavy. Tbe indications, however. and will offer proof to «L«»w that t .<; . ■ i When a man attempts to tell his are that immigration will be very large [•5,000 Beurre d Anjou Pear‘ olitomi sought is iu«Hv valuable forks tiuil««-i or M. E. TYLER, wife whet style of a bonnet Bhe must again this fall. At present from Ml to «tone than for agri«*ultura! purp«»«-- i to y> 25,000 ^oyal Ann Cherry. establish hi«e lai in to ««id 1 ad «I U f< ; tin wear. 600 immigrants bouud for Oregon and 10,000 Black Tartarian Cherry, Register and Re«-civvr of thi- .4h.•«• at !;•»«<•- O be . ion . A shlaxd , When a man'» Christmas presents to Washington territory leave San Fran- burg, Oregon, on Monday, th«* 2«>th «iaj <»f 15,000 Black Repuh'L-an Cherry, his wife consists of bootjack, shirts cisco each week, Most of them come August. I««? • Myer'« Block-oast side Main street. lie names a> witnesses- < . H. Ervi Wm. 30,000 EsopuswSpitzenberg Apple. from the East over tbe Union Pacific, and gloves for himself. 11 of S. Williams, •’ F Ki llj John M ill When the watchword is, “Each for but a great many also come from South­ 30,000 YeL N/wtown Pippin “ Woodland. Yolo county. < al 1 winb to inform the public, that 1 have himself. ’ ern California. There is scarcely any Any and all p< t-ou« claiming a When dinner is not ready at dinner immigration to Southern California ami Patehen. that I will make the s<-a«on tile their claim»-in thi« ofliceon <»r U-i *k Pippin Apple- and things are pretty dull there. In time. of IS»!», in Rogue River Valley, making iny said 26th day uf Augu«t, I*«*. x> Northern Spy Apple, stands at Ashland, Medford, and Central When “he” snores his loudest while Los Angeles and Pasadena, as in our < has . W. J ohnston Next ses«i««n fM.-gins ou Monday, the 16th of Point, will stop at Phoenix on my way Ke X) Early Crawford Peaches. cities,* the largest hotels are dosed. In “she” kindles the fire. laza orner tore September, LKit). down. l also coming back The under­ “When father” takes half of the my opinion the next few years will wit Free scholarships from every county in signed, will, if addressed at either place, State. Apply to your county Superin- pie and leaves the other half for tbe Utas an immigration to Oregon and Other Kiads of Fruit ii Proportion.- - - - - - the come to the resilience of any one who wish­ Timber Land Notice. tewient. F ree tuition after J anuary 1. es the use of his horses, if not living too far one that made it and her eight child­ Washington territory that will surprise away. 'Alw, Nut, Shade, Ornamental and Ever- 1N90. U nited S tates L and O ffh t, * people.” Four Course«- < in-«i« aL x irntifie. IJtrr- ren. Anyone wishing pedigree of horses, can Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges Timber Land Notice R ohrrurg , Or . May 22. Is-? » Arv and a short English Course in which g-eeo Tree»—Viner and Shrubbery. When the children are given tbe have'them by addressing R Notice is hereby given that in « ompliuin ,- Governor Pennoyer has received a there is n«« Latin. Greek. French or German. neck and back of the chicken. with the provisioBS of the act of Congress Trusses, Toilet Articles. The English i- pre-eminently a Ru«iness N. C. BOYNTON, tend for eaUdc this «lay filed in AFTER APRIL FIRST, a book goes for what only oue side of pleasure r mission has Bucceedecl in securing for this offu v hi» sworn statement for the pur tbe house knows anything about. Woodburn, Oregon. Will leave Ashland « very Monday morn­ chase of the N E 1of section No iu me tbe highest social recognition alike SEWIKC MACHINE NEEDLES When there is too much latchkey. ing for Medfor«!; will be in Medford Mon­ tp. No.40, S R N<>. • E, am! will off« ; j »««of 11ST ALO SUTFLIES. When politeness, tine manners and from American», French and English. day evening and Tuesaav: in Central Point Wednesday morning: in Ashland Tliurt»- to show that the land sought is more vaiua There is no exhibit here from any dny. Friday and Saturday,' until further notice. ble» timber or Hoste than for agri« Ht kindly attentions are reserved for com­ state; whatever is here is from the Un­ ural purposes, and to establish hi« < ’.aim to ARTISTS’ - MATERIALS pany or visits abroad.-[Springfield ited States of America. The exhibit is sai«.! land before the Register an«! Recriv« r of this offi« e at Rosebtirg, Or.. Wchicsday, V nion. only fair but there are many novel the 7th day of August, I««’.1. . lie nano » m witnesses I things among the machinery depart­ Remember Thi«. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. L. E. Moe, J W. Rogers, all of Ashlaml. Ja« k LEG A L ADV ERTI SE M EN TS. ment. Acting as office!?, or guards, of Prescription Department rpnE UNDERShiNED wonld announce son county, Oregon. andC. \ -eiilt» de, «>f If you are sick Sinmons’ Liver Regu­ tbe American department is a detach­ JI to hi? ol«i ••iistomer’«. ami the public Roseburg. Douglas «-«»nnty.«»r«-g..n 13-15) generaliy. that h«* ia again in the transfer lator will surely aid nature in making ment from the United States marine Any and all persons claimingselvcj selv the ’•» B. G r R b B, D. J. FERREE, Timber kind Notice. Timber Land Notice Lusin* ss. am! i» prepared lo attend to all you well. If you are costive or dyspep­ corps, numbering about thirty men above described lands are re«jnested to tile / ‘ Proprietors. « alb« promptly at tic or are suffering from any other or the their claim- in this office on or befor^ said U nited S tate « L and O ffice , t U nited S tate * L and office .) They seem to have numerous diseases of the Liver. Stomach and two officers. 7th day of August, Iss'.». R o « krvrg . Oregon. May 16, ltW9.1 R omehi rg . O r .. June 14. is»«» i C has . 7» entitled An act for the sale oi June 3. 1X7». entitled “An Act for the «ale «>( timber luml.« tn the «tat« « <4 California, Or­ timber land« in the state« of California. Ore­ plaints. Thursday at < A. M. grounds. egon, Nevada ami Washington Territory.” gon. Nevada ami Washington Territory,“ 12-111 J. H. McBBIDE. Route via Soda Spring®, Shake and Ke no. I can assure you that since I left C. A. Miller, of Wootlland. C«»uuty of Yolo, Genoa Pond of Woodland, county of Yol«>. A trvr Trade Country- U nited S tates L and O fj k » ♦ Portland, April 19. I hate worked and state «>f California, ha- this «lav filed in this Mate of California, has this «lay filed iu thi« FARE: hi« -worn statement No. — f«»r the pur- office her «worn statement for the purchase RohEHVRG, Or., May 22, ) n >.' i Timber Lami Notiee. Fair Trade, an English publication, talked as best I could or know bow for office . - |6 (Hi Ashland to Liakville, of the s E. 't of Section No. 2t» in of the S W ' | of section 32, township 3!» south, Notice is hereby gm ii that in < - THE ASHLAND quotes the following from a speech the interests of our state, and I will Township No 40 South, Range No.5 East, ami of range 5 east, an<1 will offer proof to show with the provision» of the act of <'«»ugL> •« of 5 (M) •. “ Kano. Timber Land Notice made by John Morley to the Amal­ continue doing so until my return will offer proof to slmw that the laud «ought that the land sought, is more xaluable for its June 3, 1M7». entitled ‘ An a« t for tlx sale of Expresaage through to Linxviile, 2c to OF PURE COD LIVER OIL i- more Valuable for it« tiinlwr or stone than timlier or atone than for agricultural pn.-ix*- timber lands in the sta'.« # « f < a-ifotnia gamated Society of Engineers at New­ home. I per pound. United State? Land < >fli A.KD f««r agricultural purpose«, and to establish e>. and to establish her claim to said ¡an«f be­ Oregoa. Nevadaand u aahington 1 • rritorj Roxcburg. Or., June 29, it castle, about the beginning of May ­ his claim to said lam! before the Register fore tiie Register aud Receiver of this office lantlie J. Sehlhrede. of Roseburg, county “f Y OFFLCE in Ashland, at The Oreg« *n. HYPOPHOSPHITES is hereby gn«-n that in c«»in) mid Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Ore- at Roseburg. Oregon, on Saturday, the 27th last. Douglas, state of Oregon, ha« this «lay file«! ; n Advice to Mothers. ■ provision« of th«- a«‘t of Coni! g«»n. on Monday, the 26th «lay of Augu«t, day of July. 1RX9. in this office her sworn statenn-nt for the 1 “It is an awful fact—it is really not Almost as Palatable as Milk l»78, entitled “An act for th She names as uitnesse«; J. K Smith. F. C. purchase of the N W ' 4 of section No. 14. in ~ Mr». Winnlow'» Soothing Syrup, fo VW’. r land- in the Slates of short of awful that in this country, lie name« as witnesse*; Win. s Williiyn«, Wyckoff, C. M. easier, T S. Spaulding, all of tp. No. 40 s R 5 E. ami will ««tier pie<.i t<» - ■ So disguised that it can be taken children teething, is the preemption o Win. •n. Nevada on«l W »«hington Wallace, W. G. Ervin, G. E. Gregg, all \\«M>dland, California. with all its vast resources, all its power, one snow that the lan«J sought is more xaluahiv I ligesird.and aH«tmtlat<-d by the moat of the bust female nurses and phy of Woodlaud, Yolo county. < al. •s < oflinau. of Yn?ka,county, WINDOW and DOOR And any and all p« rsons claiming adverse­ for its timber or stone than lor agrii-ultutal establish her claim to said cannot be tolerated; and by tbe con* his «worn Ftatotnent, tor th the bridge, and the new »tables on Oak half—of the persons who reach the been used for forty years with never the aiMive tile their claims in this office on or liefore land before the Register and Receiver of 7». it 1-: k > ss» btnution of the oil vrfth the hypo- oi the N E '4. «>( Sec No 4. in T| street, are now under the proprietorship age of Go are or have lx*eu paupers. I failing succi’SH by millions of mothers tile t heir claim« in this office on or before said 27th day oi July, 1«S9. this office nt Roseburg Or., on Wednesday, piioaphltca la much more cftU aciuna Range No. 5 £.. and will ofl 1 m >‘.». < has . W. J ohnston , ■aitati rdcr »nd Atted. »I m > and management of th«* 7th day oi August. I’ssy say that it is a most tremendous fact, fur thiir children. During the proc?»» «aid 26th day of August, that th«* land «sought i* mor chas . W. J ohnston , CeDiarkskta as a llri-b predanr. Register. 50-I0t She names a« witnes'c«: J. W. timiicror atone than to ami I cannot conceive of any subject of teething its value ia incalculable. It Register. Tho«. Mayhew. I). (’. Agb r, L. E Mot I’crsmxs pais rapid!) white taklnz it. iM.-e*, and to «•tal»ll«h h more worthy of the attention of the relieves the child from pain, cures dys­ Ashland.' Jackson < ouuty, Oregon betore the Register uu and diarrhea, griping in the 8C -TT> KMULSION fs ^-ksowiMs-d b, Any person« claiming adversely the ubov< legislature, more worthy of the atten­ entery Timber Land Notice Timber Land Notice. office at R«v*eburg. Or«*go lK»wels. and wind-oolic. By giving health PhyBlciaLsTto be the Pineal aud Beat prepara • lescribe«i lands are requested to tile th 21«t day oi September, 1»»9. He i.a»m don in the world fur the relief and cure of W ho is now prepared to offer the public tion of ns all.” to the child it rests the mother. Price elaims in this office on or befor«' said U nited S tates L and O ffice J t »hort Mio-. Lrave?. chas . U . J ohn « ton ' A Judson Collar David Ream. J«»l>n P*-i. R o « ebl kg . Or., June 14, IS»'.«. | I or al W - !•‘irniturr «o.“< I CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. R osebl rg . O r ., Juue 14, lSRy.i 51-10 Re afforded in Southern Oregon in the liv­ is very high in bisowu country, «mse- Notice I n hereby given tint hi compliance buru. and Kot»« rt Rankin, nil «•! Yreka, -.eki Notice is hereby given TljHt tn compliance CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINC ery bUrilDvHfl. with tbe provision« «>f the act of Congre«» of J. L. DOWNING. quently we may accept his statement (Ocouutv, < alifornia. Talking Through a Ian. with the provisions of . the aet of Congress Anv an ! ali per-.»n« l.T ehi’ming ahir-h Juue3,1»7», entitled “An act for the »ale of of June 3, 1«7K, entitled “An act for the sale DISEASES, EMACIATION, as not being overcolored. It shows a Timber Land Not tee healmvedercnbed land« are r<-qi.«--t«-*l u COLP? and CHRONIC COUCHA One of those things which occasion­ tirnlw 1 ad «1 k in the Staten of California, Ore­ uf timber Ini)in the States of California. condition of affairs in Great Britain gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” Cregon. Nevada and Washington Territory,' w. J ohn :* -their «■ ii •■•!« Hl till- < ffi* ■■ on or 1xtor< Ti« rtmtily fr Connmeptian, uni a I 21-t day of S.*pt« nH»rr, I ks -.* which gives the lie to the professions ally happen» to paralyze tbe ordinary Wm, Wallace, <»f Wocxlland, County of Yolo. G.E. Gregg, of Woodland, count) of Yolo, R« U nited S tate » L lnd O f » I’H.A j » \V. JO’IN-K>N. Rt’^EfVRG. <>i . y Horses Boarded and Fed. Wasi’ieji^CMldren. Sold by all bruppists, of the free traders.who would have the reporter.accuBtomed as ho is to strange Slate of t ai . ha« this day tiled in this of­ State of Cai, ha« this day riled iu this office » Receiver Timber Lami Nolte« fice hh sworn statem«?nt for the purcha«e of Notice in he rb, iivru t! h : world believe that the workingman is phenomena, iu the court and out of it. tbe SW of section No. 22, in Tp *0 S K No his sworn statement for the purchase of tbe W of section No. 21 in tp. N ». 4'J >. R with the proviaioUh of the ' At reasonable rates. prosperous in Enghiud. No country, occurred m tins office the other day 5 E, anti will offer proof to ahuw iba« the S No. Timber Land Notice. June », 18/8, entitled “An 5 E. and will offer proof to show that half of whose population, at one time when the intelligent lineman of the land sought is more \aluable fur it« timber tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber laud- tn the Stales , f New and handxmne turnouts, leliahle or another, eudures the miseries of Victoria telephone company came in to or stone than (or agricultural purpose», and timber or »tour than for agricultural pur­ gun, Nevridfl. ami \>a-himr to e«:abli«h his flaim to «aid and before the and safe bugu.v tsauiH. and good »addle pauperism, can put forth such a claim make »light repairs to tbe instrument. Register aDd Receiver of thl«office at Rose­ poses, and to establish his claim to said Marie'.a K ic, <>f A-L anil. ( land before the Register and Receiver of M»>n, S’a'e of Oreg Southern Pacific Company’s Line. horaeti al whva to be had at the«e «table». and successfully maintain it.—[S. F There was something wrong with the burg. or., ««ii Monday, the 26th day of this office at R«»seburg, Oregon, on Munday tin« office her »w tomia. < » wires which were pulled up and the August, VW9. cba.^e of the N W the 26th day of August 1880. Chronicle. I'llLltlld He name« a« witnesses John Mull, of He name» a« witnesses: W. G. Ervin, C in Townehip Nuinh ordinary connection with the system Woodlau«!, Yu «» cotlicy, ('al. J. F. Kelley, A.JMiller, J. F Kelly, Wm. Wallace, al! of D E, and will «>f! thereby cut «»ff for the t ime being. The of Woodland, Yolocouiity,' al., J. Lt barles Woodland, Caution to Mothers ¡and Mouvht i« m»»n Yolo county, cal. reporter intimate«! that he wanted to of Woodland, Yuiocount), < al . F. L Thayer, A dv and all persons claiming adversely or atone ¡han for a? GEO. W. STEPHENSON Every mother is cautioned against giv­ Tat bet» et# Ashland ami Sa# Francise», of Kirksville, ¿utter count«, < al. to establish her ■ •hi above-described land« are requested to call up a party as soon as things were I #-42 ing her child laudanum or paregoric : it Any and all persons claiming adversely file their claims in this office ou or be(«»re th«* Register ami I S3 HOURS. creates an unnatural craving for stimu­ in order for it. “Go abend,” said the the above •’vscriiwd lands an* requested to said 26tb day of August. IAN!». Roseburg, Or., on \\c«iu lants which kill» tbe mind of the child. liueman, grasping the en«l of one of the i file their claim« in this office ou or before August, lX’-V ( has . w. J ohnston . California Kxpre.. Twain« Kun Dully si n? names as wltno»«« Acker’s Baby Soother is specially pre­ wires with one band and a gas pipe said 2vth «lay of August. 1SX9. Register. iVbrn I ,av (’ the I do not mean mer-ly t C has . W. J ohnston Kein», KJaniath couul>. p tlx m for a time, and then have them rt pared to benefit children and cure their with the other, “riug him up.” BETWEEN' PORTLAND i SAN FRANCISCO And M lût Register. M« h *, I). < . \glvr ami Th . i* . l .o' 1 MUN A I; thicM. CX1U.. paius. It is harmlesM and contain» no sure enough he was rung up and for .NORTH. »OUTX. Ashland, Jacks««« count Timber Idinrf Notice I have made the disease ot opium or morphine. Sold by Chitwood two minute» the r^airter and the man Any and all person* Timber Land Notice 4 00 P. X. Le. Portland, Ar -. 10.45 a . M Bro». the ab«>vc-d» Hcribe'l la»• I >- no reason for not nawrreeemng aziur- . 1 >' X Portland« Ar. 1 timber land* in the State« of California. Ore­ timber 8.W A. X. I You Cannot Afford gon. N ’ evndn. aud Washington Territory, ” patch from Tegucigalfa, Honduras, n l at <»n< e fur a treatise and a J he ». B o TTL I Le. Ar. 11:35 A/M. Albany, gon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory, ’ ’ 12 40 r. M. Timber Lami Notiee Auule E. Hollingsworth uf Woodland, «xiitit- inv JSFAIJ.IBLE iiEMBDY. Give Expr#*# Lv. 11 9:00 r. M. from A. J. Miller, which oomes via New 2 40 F X. I 1 Ar. Sagene. G. Ervin, «»( Wood lau* I, County ty At this season of the year to be with­ W of Yolo, Stale of CaHfornf». has this day :nff i'o-t (HTi< c. It costs you lot­ of Yolo, Mate «»f < al . ha« this «lay Orleans. He nays; “It waa not until out a good reliable diarrhoea biilaam in filed in this office h«-r sworu statement for U nited S tates L and O fh « fj rial. »rd it will cure you. AddreM filed in tfy« office his sworn state­ the purchase of the N 1 j of s E FINAL PROOF NOTICE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. an«! N ’¿of now t bat I was at hlierty to inform yon the houne. as cramp», colic, diarrhoea ment R omkrvrg , Or., May 22. IKN uj Tlmh r Lami Notice. for the purchase of the N E l4 of S W *4 of sectiou 34 township.’», south, range H.C. ROOT, M.C., 183® url C t ..Hr»Y.; lame that I had made a discovery of a bnriod and all intlaniation of the stomach and section No. 24, in tp No. 40. S R N«>. 5 E, and 5ea-t.aml will otter proof to titoO tha’ tfi« Notice 1» hereby given ’ha! in « with tbe provisions «if (he a«*t of Congr«-'« «•! TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, city hitherto nnkuowu to the civilized bowels are exceedingly dangerous if nut w ill offer proof to show that the laud »ought land sought is more \ aluable for its timber «ir June 3, 1»/N, entitled “Au act for the «a.e of to at once. One liottle of Is more v aluable fol it« timber or «tone than stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to R«»«eburg. or , June 2J. l*x« i FOB ACtOMMOBATlOM OF »ICOMD CLASS TAS- wmld, it lieiuv necessary to take pre­ attended timber lands in th«* .«late« of California, Ore­ Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam will do more for agricultural pur|M»ses, ami to establish Notiee i- herabj given that to eompHance her claim to said land before tho gon, Nevada, ami Wa-hington ierrin*rv.' WKMUKR», ATT A CH ID TO KXFBXSS TBA19». cautions against others robbing me of good in case of this kind thnu any hi« claim to «ai«i land before the Register estahUsb wi-h the provision« of th«* Art *»f l ongr«-. -* of Register an«1 Receiver of this «»flice at Rose­ A lice A. Parker, of K«-m», cenuty oi Klam­ June 3. 1*7», « ntii!»*d An act for the «ale of the fruits of the field. The discov­ other medicine on earth. We guarantee and Reccivt r of this »»ffice at Roseburg, Or , burg. Oregon, ou Saturday, th«» 27th day of ath, Blate of Oregon, has this da;, filed in p Ce.’• Ferry makes connection timber lands in tho stato» of t'alitorniM, Or on Monday, the 24th day uf August. Iw9. ery of the city was made during our so­ it. Chitwood Bro», druggist. w*1 this office her sw«»rn statement for th«- pur le regular train» on the East bide H«* names as witnesses- J. K Charles J. F. JWy, «•gun, Nevada and WH-hiiigtmi Territory." She names as witnesses- T. S. SpaUiding, journ in Olaucho. alxiut a month since, /•«ot of F St.. Portland. A. Ju«1«‘Mi foliar, «if Vrek .. «••»un;v ct Si-’k; Kelly, Wm. Wallace, <». E. Gregg, all of F C. Wyckoff. C M < a«ler, Gilbert Collins, chase of the SW’ . of section N«> 2\ in Tp No. 39 S, R No > E. ami will offer proof n> Woodland, county «if Yolo, < al. y«»n. Slate of California, ha- thi»* day bird iu To Abolish Poverty. and I have just obtained from the all of Woodland California. show that the land sought is more valuable West Aide Dlvlmlon Any an«! all petson« claiming adversely the thi- offici’ hi« Fvvori! stat«*im nt. tor th«* pur And any ami all pesons claiming adverse for it» timber or »tone than fur ngri«-uliural Honduras government the exclusive ch.'M.of the N ‘.of <«*« .u in Ip N«. In the North American Review for ftliove-(iescribe«l lands art requested to file BETTEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS the above des« ribed lands, are requested purposes, and to establish her « laitn to Miid rights of excavutiou. The ruins are lo­ July, the Rev. James B, Wasson sug­ their claims in this office on or before said ly 40 S., Range No. 5 E . ami will offer pi«« «; to to file their claims iu this office on or before land bi fore the Reg - ■ ■ and R< e< h er ol — anti — shoa tiiat the land sought is mon* vuiuabh- 2»>th day of August, is»'.’. cated in the new department of Mos ­ »ald27tb day of July, iW, gests to Dr. McGlynn and Henry Mail Trata Daily (Kacept Munday) thteoffieeat Roseburg, Or , on W< «Ine- a; , h C har . W. J ohnston , f«»r its iim'icr x»r st««ne than tor tigrirultural cha H. w . J ohnston . • quito, alxmt 150 miles from the mouth George a method of abolishing poverty the 7th day of August, Register. pu« ivoscs. and to <*«tab!i«h hi? «-laim I«» «aid 44 lOt wfever Register. 7 » a . X. I Lv. Portland, 50-10t She names as witnesses It. C. \glrr, L. of the Patko river, and ten miles from in alxiut two centuries and a half, by ;amt 's-for*.* the R«*gi«irr and R«-reiver of UiS 12 25 F. X. I A t . C«TV»lli<. E Mee, A r K] J. v 1:. • offici- at K" rbiirk, Oregon, «»n .Salnnlaj. the Timber Land Notice. the mouth of the Gunipoo. one of its the simple device of investing «10,000, Timber Land Notice. lam!. Jackson county, Oreg« a. 21st day <»f -M-ptemls.‘; ISV?. H«' lOilnr« a* At Albany and Corvallis connect with main tributaries. They are approached and letting it go on increasing at com­ Anv and all perMms claiming adv« ■ « ;• u trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. U nited state « L and O ffice , | only by rivers, no path or trail passing pound interest for that length of time. the abovc-describclv«*rM.dy June 3. ls7s, entitled “An Act for the sale of with the provision« of the act of Congress of Why Is It 8:0» F. « I Ar. M< Min ville. Lv | 5:4.5 a . m Register. the r Ì mìvì * .tvM*ril«*d lands arc rvqm -tod ’«» pound interest, the principal doubles timber lands in the States of California, Ore­ June 3.1K7K. entitled "An *ct for the sale ot 51 10î fih* their claim*- in thi* office »n <»r beton That people linger along always com­ every fifteen years - no very extrava­ gon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory.” T. timber lands in the states of California. <»re Through Tickets to all pointa sai«i 2i«t «lav of s*pteinb«*r. law. Timlwr Land Notici1 plaining alxiut that continual tired feel­ gant assumption the «1O.0IIU invested « Spaulding of Woodland, countv of Yolo, gon. Nevada, and Wa-hlnzton Territory." ( HA< w . john < h » n . state of < a Li for ni a. has this day filed in thia Alice Spauldlne, of Woodland, county of ing? One bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifi ­ South and East Rainer. 5 I’M office his sworn statement for the purchase Yolo, State of i alifornia. has this dav filed in 1620 would to-day amount to the in ­ F ntted S tates L ani » Orri« f » er aud Blood Maker will entirely re Cleanses the Nasal Passages • »f the S E * * of sectii.u No. 24, in township tn this office her sworn statement for the — VIA — conceivably enormous sum of «184,207, - R o .- ebckg , or., May 22. !««>. i move this feeling, give them a good ap­ No. 39. south rang«* No. 5 ea«t. and will offer purchase of the s W of section No. X. In Allays Inflammation. Heals the Noti«*e is hereby given that in compliance :160,000. And this sum. invesU-d lit the Timber Land Notice Thi« popular remedy »ever fail« petite and regal ate digestion. Chit ­ proof to show that the land »ought Is more Township No. 39, S, It No. 5 east, aud will with the provisions of tbe a« t of Congr« «s CALIFORNIA. Sores, Restores the Senses of toeffeetualIjr cure rate of 4 per cent, wonld yield an an­ v aluable for its timber or stone than for Agri­ offer proof to show that the land sought is of wood Bros, druggist®. For full information regarding rate», 8, 1H7S entitled “An act f«>r th- •«!.• U nited state « L ind offkej raste. Smell and Hearing. cultural purposes, and to establish his claim more valuable for its timber or stone than of June map«, etc, apply to company’« agent al Ash nual income of «7,368,226.400. which timber lands in the states of California. R<»«<.!»urg, Or., Jun« 2U. !*-•.♦. « Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick to -aid land before the Register and Receiver purposes, and to establish Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory land. j sum, be it remembered, would lx* avail­ of this office at R«>seburg, Oregon, on Satnr* iorasrteultnral Ni'tiuci« hervby giv«*u that in «•omplÌRue« v*. W illiam Svlph. defendant. her claim to said laud before the Kcgistcr I L. E. Moe, of Ashland, county of Jackson, A partirte ■> spj.léd lato aarh rnutrii sari b ft KOEHLBR. E P. ROGIRÄ. Headache, Biliousness able every year in prepetuity for the «lay. the 27th day of July. lMM. aud Receiver of this office at Kosehnrg Ore­ I)Y virtue of a writ of ex rutton issued out with the provi«i«»r«->f thr act <»f < «»ngr- •« oi unreihte. Prire BOr. st Prrg»f»tw or p, -«¡i Managwr. Aast Q. F. A Basa. Agent. He name« as witnesses G. W Hollingr- gon. on Saturday, the 27th day of July 1*9. office his »worn «Utenn nt forth«* pun ha-- ii ofthea1«1- '-initl«-«l «*oi i t in ’ii* >«'««'• J «in«* 3.1X7». ••’itit!<«t ■ Aliati f«»r the -ak* <>t OA- BHuTHLks, tr, w « t u 5&. A »ew ïTr*' And all di*»cane® artoinif from a noble but misty objects of the Anti­ wortb. timln-r iaud« in th«- st«;« — of < Hlitoruiu E.u. Wyckoff, Gilbert f'ollins, <’. ai. She names a, witnesses: G. W. Hollings­ j of the fe W >4 of section 20, in tp. No. 4(* s. entitled eiuiM . I am « timuian < >ric i< for Infant» and Children SPBAGOE RUG MACHINES Cleanse the System PATTERNS ANY ONE CAN DYE kJsfc.- DÒÌ.* Smith SUMMONS now ! Dodge FURNITURE ! Baby Portraits« NORTHWEST! H. SCHERRER. SODA PHOTOGRAPHY. SALERATUS. Cl I 1T\\ OOD Horsemen and Breeders! University of Oregon, EUGENE CH Y, OR. C P J. H. SETTLEMIER- ASHLAND ai LÏNK.VILLE STÀGE LINE. , S All Standard Patent Medicines Transfer Business ! SCOTTS EMULSION LIVERY AND FEED STABLES Ughi Scroll Sawingand Fancy icrallSawingand Fancv Shaping GEO. W. STEPHENSON. THE NT. SHASTA ROUTE Will Buy and Sell horses ££¡53 -32 Wrisley & Co., CATARRH COLD STOCK RANCHES IN HEAD City Pn > pert y Tutt’s Pills Ely’s Cream Balm Sheriff's Sale FOR SALE! The natnral réunit 4« good appe­ tite and »*ell«l fle**h. iHMte small, elegantly MUgnr eoated and eaajr to «»wallow. Bold everywhere. *• reformation for the t arns, hold. II urkithop st ml N ekroom*9 tcUl bo 9csst jrrtfon Opposite Odd Fellow a Hall, Ashlaml. Oreiron. Fresh Bread and Pies Daily. Chole* r»k»» O< »wy variety k»pt con •tently <>• *•«>'« Order« furp*rti<*. prompt’., executed «nd ■peeJal price, given. AU kind, of ornamental work neatly .lone Weddine cake« a «peetalty. Sraad Delivered Daily at Your Door. BAD TITLES! Tbe uixtamaacd offer, for rale hi, valna ble flouring mill property with 40 acres of land, on R«>gue river, near Gold Hill R R station Thi« mill ha« a fine location for buidnew, being convenient to a large area of the best graiu land in Southern Oregon. It ha- a never failing water power—the finest in Southern Oregon. The mill ha« just been fitted npin gonlshape throughout, with new machinery- Term« reasonable. Will also sell a One third nt the real estate in Jackin county i* held dnder lefea TIVK title. Get nu ahstra« t to the title of y<»ur propertv and M t* if y . u «re adl right, the only reliable AMtrarta made In Jaek«on county come froin \uNtiii - Hammond’» Law and Alu»- Stock Ranch of 1200 acres Mruct Office, Ashland, Oregon. I 1328 I on Rogue river: all fenced; 100 acres already in alfalfa. Price. |x.«M)»>. timeun a part of the price if desired. Choice Lands For Sale. For sale. ’..Oldacre*of land: 419 acre« of farm land in the valley, g«xxl for fruit or I Two thousand «ìx hundred acres foot-hill sn«l mountain-*i I- land, good for fruit, •iairying and st«x k mining This trato ot every mouth. land ha.« over ?»*v« n mil« .«uf fenciug. dwell­ ing ì.-.uxe, a sto. shed MzMS feet and plenty of living water. Call ou or addrrs* J. 8 IlrRRIN, Proprietor. Ashland, Jacksou Co., Oregon. I Prices always reasonable, bills mast be*««tiled JOHN WEXLER. Ugg LOOK OUT FOR Valuable Flourinr Mill. A Fine Sleek Ranch. Aod Well-bred Cattle ! Will also sell with the ranch or separately IOO head of stock, including a number of full-blood Durham and Hereford yearling«, bulls and heifers These a.e tine vuung cattle,and persons who may want young bull* or heifers, oneormore, would do well to see them. Address O. GANIA RD. Ashland, Or. «I Any aud all persons claiming adversely the aliove described lands ate requested to file their claims in this office on or before said That prodnees that beautifully soft 27th day of July, 18K9. C has . W. J«»ifNsTON, complexion and leave» neither trace» of 50-10t R egister . its application nor injurious effects? The answer. Wisdom's Kobertine accom­ Timber Land Notice. plishes ail this, aud is pronounced by U nited » tatis L and O ffice , t ladie» of taste and refinement to be the R ose bur «;. Or.. May 31. lsh‘.».v most delightful toilet article ever pro­ Notiee is hereby given that in «-«»rnpiiance duced. Warranted harmless and match­ with the provision»of the a«*t of Congress less. Sold bv Chitwood Bro»., Ashland of June 3, 1X7», entitle«l “An act for the «ale of timber lands in the »tates of < alifornia, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Terri- Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. toiy.” A. Wikutrom. of Woodland, County The beat salve in the world for cuts, of Yolo, Slate of California, has this day bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever filed in thi? office hi? sworn statement for «ores, tetter, ehapped hands, chilblains, I he piirchubc of the 8 E ’4 of 8rcti«»n No. 6, coma, and all akin eruption», and posi­ in Township No. 39»outh. Range no . 5 east, tively cure« piles, or no pay required. It aud will offer pnxjf to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ stone than f r agricultural purposes, aud tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents to establish hi«« laim to «aid lan«i before the n*r box. Fur sale by Chitwood Bro®. Register and Receiver of thi*office at Rnae- burg. Oregon, on Thursday, the 15th «lay of August. 1KS9. A < hild Killed He names as witnesses: Anoher child killed by the use of opi­ C L. McPhetridgr J. Z Groff Jas. Wyc­ ate» given in the form or Soothing syrup. koff and John L. fepoug, all uf Wood I aud, Why mothers give their children such Yolo county, ('alifornia. (ny an«i all persons claiming adversely deadly poison is surprising when they above-dew-ribe«i lands are requested to can relieve the child oi its peculiar trou­ the (¡J* th« ir < Iahus >n this office on ur before bles by the use of Aker's Baby Soother. sai l 15th -lay of August, 1*9. It contains n<> opium or morophine. C ha « W. J obnstom , Sold by Chitwood Bre». Register. What Is It ? Collins, all of W(Midland. California. Any and all per»«»ns claiming adversely the above described land? are requested to flla their claims in this office «»n nr before said 27th day of July. 18W». UH A«. W. JOHN«T«»N, a0-10t Register. V nitro S tate » L and O ffice . * R osebl ’BO, Oregon, May 16. lx»», i Kotlov i» ) • ’h»’ in c.unpliance Wttb the prmidon» of the *< t of ( ougrv«« of June <, 1»7», entitled ’ An Act for the »ale of timber lands in the states of California. Ore- goo, Kevadaand Washington Territory, So ph1a Hoi 11 nr*worth, of Woodland, county of Yok), State of ('»lifuruia. has this dav filed in thia office, her sworn statement for the pur­ chase «if the 8 E ’ 4 of section 32. township 3U, tenth, of range 5 east, and will offer pn»of to ihpw that the land -»ought, is more valuable (M its timber or »tone, than for agricultural BarpoM*' and to establish herclalm to #ai«i land bef >ie the Regi-ter and Recelverof this office at Roaebftrg, Oregon, on Saturday, tbe 27tb day of July, laM» « She namesaa witnesses: F. C. " vekoff.C. X. easier, J. K Smith. Gilbert Collin«, all of Woodiand, California. And any and all peraona claiming adverM- Iv the above described land-are requested to file their claim»» in this office ou or before »aid 27tb day of July. 18*. C hau . W. J obwwtox , Ragntar ( . ' R No. 5 E. hii 'I will offer pr«x>f to «how ih.-c the land sought is more valuable f«»r iu timber «>r «toue than for agricultural pur «w«». Kises*. and to establish bh< claim w v> tue.d .nd before th- Regislei ■ I L. elver bf this office at Roseburg, Gr.. on Wv«iu<-Mlay, the 7th day of August, 1W. He name« as witnc»-« « C. A. Hehlbr« d<*. of Roseburg, Douglas county. Oregon, <» wk n, ami nn«i •’ a>l J. W. Rogeru. Thus. Maybew, D. < . \gler. of Ashland, Jackson county. Oregon. Any an«l all perhona claiming adversely the atM»ve-dr.«cri»H*<4 lands arc requested to file klieir claims in thi« «'ffice on or before said 7th day of August, IN®. C has . W. J oknkton . 51 10< Register. Cölestin Soda Springs HOTEL Will be open May 1st, forth« a« *>mmoda- tion of a* «! number of guests. Board and lodgiag. per w eek tlO no ......................................... lay 1 50 “ per «lay 1 0*J 50 Single meals Camping privilege» will be 50 ’ -»nt» per week for each individual. 46] BYRON COLE, Proprietor. rr« d iu- h .-I i i M.n 11 hi favor <»( \. > Moon, plaintiff, an«! WHlian r-¡pii ; ntiaut foi $172 ut’ 11nt«-re*t upon the .nn»e at » i»er «« nt per annum from ««<«! date; also F2i».2y cost«, and the cost« and an-ruiug eo«ts of . hi ! nyou thi^ writ. W h«*r« I ! May, 1NWL levy upou. and will offer for sal«-to the highest bidder for CH«h in ha'Bl. at the Court House door, in Jacksonville, Or., on a Saturday, July 2f), 1889, RoU-rt Rankin.of r« U h .« «»nitty of si«kiy<»n Stak* uf < aliforttin ha> thi-day filed in Ibi.« oftVv hi*, sworn ftHtenwut, tor th«? ptirriiMM «»fth«. N U >4 of No. I. in Tp No. 41 S Runge No, 5 E . «i»«l will off. r proof lo »Ji«»u th «' Ibc* laud M-mgbt i- more vnluabh* tor it‘ timber or Mone than 1«»r agri' immcm . and to cntablUh his < land Itrtore the IG gi«t» r atui R« • »fli«v at RoHehurg. Oregon, on 21-4 day of Sept» biìn r, )»»’.». witne^se»: Jam« * < oftrmin. A. Judson < oliar, John r&ahburg. and David Ream, «¡1 of YrcU, si«kiyoti « ounty, <'alifornia. Anv wn«i all i»erM>nw clrtinilng a-lvurs« h th«-ftUive ffoiTlU-«! Inn«!« nr«* rt»que»t«* file their clahn* in thi? «»ffi<-<- on or beton- •a!«1 2l?l day oi H«q»toni!«er, 1W9. U ha «. W .ton'• • ton , 5 1(M Rect i ver. At 2 o’clock p. m. of «aid day. to satisfy said :migmcnt oi A. fe. Moon, plaintiff, against W m. skdph, «leieudant for »172. ami interesf. f.6.21.« coMs. and accruing corts, a * afure*nid, nil the right, title aud Interest of WHItam Selph. dciendant. In »nd to the following dc- H-rib. «1 property, to wit: Beginning at a «take on ««vtion line 11 rods w«--t froiti thi .« E corner of ih« s W of the '*• F rn-c. .’in in Tp. 35 f- R 2 W. Nudruuiiing ri thence due North 34 rods to a »take, them*« due west M n»d‘. 6 feet and Siuche* to a stake, thence dm. sou* h 34 tod» to a stake on t he --• tion line :>». thence ea«t on »aid aection line V rod«. 6 f* --1 and 3 inches to the place of Will be open for ciudoiners beginn ug, couta nine j «v :- - of '¡ar-d, to ceiher with the tern'ments and appnrfen- iLneo* thf-'cnn’o tM-longing; apd the N F. ■ -r ■ • W . : ■ r o ' I Tp. 5*> R hl T<* 2 W containing 4-3 acre»; all iu Jack- MEALS - ALL HOURS AND SHAPES «on coviity, Oregon. ” J A*«» G. BliibHKY. Sheriff of Ja«*k«ou County, Or Jacksonville. Or., June 20. ¡7“-ORÉGON - KIDNEY TEÀ U KI NARY h 2KIDNEY TROUBLE^ Kàxw A ppetizer CURES /ND! G ES TION. S pecif ^. FOR AU SKIN.DISEASES. On and After June i6. Sherau Sisters, Prop ri . I Sold by T. K. Bolton,