Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 12, 1889, Image 4

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    T. O AV»»«».
Neponset, TH.,
May 20, 1>*8.
My mare caught
cold: result : »welled
limbs ; lump between
fore legs and Inflam­
mation. Cured her
with St. Jac« bs Oil.
Wlnsboro, Tex..
June -’O, lWg.
My horse was hurt
on hind leg; »uffi red
10 months; was cared l»y St. Jacobs Oil; cure
ha« remained permanent
New Home
New York
Coast Blood-Horse Aaaociatlon. says: “R ing
familiar with the remarkable efficacy of St.
Jacubs Oil, I cheerfullv and heartily iadoraa
this valuable specific fur painful ailments."
8 de Agency for Jacknon County of the
— and —
Hon. ODEN BOWIE, El Governor of Mary­
land Jockey Club. Prest. City Pass. Railway
Co. say, "In my family and my stable, I
have Used St. Jacobs Oil with -atlsfaclory
result,, and believe it the t*.»i reined., for iho
painful ailment, of man and b< ast,"
A t Dai
A anpply kept constantly on hand.
go ' st «
D ealers .
Smith It Dodge
Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts-
A!» >, Ag-. nev of th.-
Vancouver Nurseries.
W. st side of 5
to E M. Miller
Largest Stock in the
54,000 Bartlett Pear,
15,01x1 Winter Nelis Pear
15,000 Beurre d Anjou Pear'
25,000 A’oyal Ann Cherry.
10,000 Black Tartarian Cherry,
15,000 Black Republican Cherry,
30,000 Esopus Spitzenherg Apple.
30,000 Yel. New town Pippin “
20,000 Baldwin Apple,
15.000 zYed Cheek Pippin Apple-
15,000 Northern Spy Apple,
10,000 Early Crawford Peaches.
Other Kinds of Fruit iu I’rttporliou.- - - - - -
Also, Nut, Shade. Ornamental and Ever­
green Trees Vines and Shrubbery.
»Send for catalogue and price list to
Woodburn, Oregon
world. Eugliih and American cot­
tons have an npiaily close rivalry. How
long will
the contest continue if
American product« must reach the
foreign markets on foreign carriers'?
Their interests must necessarily be
antagonistic to our commerce, it re­
mains a monopoly and by a combina­
tion of charges we can not reach the
markets on e<|ual terms. There should
lie competition iu carriage and then
we do uot fear the result. We <>nce
had the mastery of the high seas, aud
we can have it again. We ouce had
67 per cent, of the tonnage from for­
eign countries and now we have but
21 per cent. We once conveyed on
American vesw Is $!S.3J>6b,24-'t, ami
foreigu veeeels $159,:136,576 while now
American vessels carry in value $227,-
947,5(.<) and foreigu vessels $1,130.636,-
071. This condition is not because
of the change from sail to steam, or
from steam to iron, we have all of
these; and it is uot Ixs-ause Americans
are inferior ou sea, for their superior­
ity is shown here as well as on land.
While our wages are higher our skill
is greater, and we utilize machinery
for more, so the difficulty is notHiere.
It lies iu the fact that while our ship
i owners are dependent ou individual
effort, the foreigu carrier is aided by
his government which aims in this
way to break down and crush out the
American aeameu, aud by so doiug t he
foreigu H ig captures the commerce
of the world, builds up a tiourishiux'
merchant marine, and arms II for na­
tional defense in time ot war!- Let
America do likewise, an is.iou w»shall
have the militia o! tlie seas, recapture
our fading eommvnv, supply m-w
ni.irkels, relieve our oao prodmithm
lei find more for our nil-
limber Land Notice,
JULY 12. 1889
The Bay hotel at En relea. Cal.,
burned last Friday night; loss S25.UÜ0
insurance $3~00.
The state of Oregon will have a
larger representation at the National <
teachers’ Association at Nashville
thau any other Pacific coast state.
for Infants and Children
VV. P. Wright, W. I. Reynolds, J. W.
Crkler, J. F. Groves, and others have
orgauizcl with a joint stock capital of
Slo.tXRt to erreet suitable water works
for Dallas.
Sour Stomach, Iiiarrhcea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, fires sleep, ami promotes <U-
WtC' iajuriMis BMdleatto*.
Tas (Mrrars C ompact , 77 Murray Street. N T
According to the census of March
last there are iiersotis between
the ages of 4 and 2D years in the State
of On-gon, who will draw school money
in the apportionment for this year.
The celebrated trotter .lane L win­
ner of the race against Siphon in Port­
laud a couple of yours ago, has lately
Been sold for $2.000. An eastern man
has also purchased a full sister to the
same auimal for a high price.
I ---------
’ nitbi » ----------
S tate - L and O
efke .
K osebi kg , Oregon, May 16, 1<S9.t
Nothe is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Coi»gres* of
June 3. 1S7M. entitled "An art for th«* sale of
timber lands in the States of ( alifornia, (»rr
gou, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” G
W Hollingsworth of Woodland, countv of
Y«»Io, Slat«* of California, has this da\ lil*Al in
this office his sworn «tatcbient for the pur­
chase of the N W ‘4 of hertton No. 24, in Tp
No. 31», S, R No. 5 E, and w ill offer proof to
“how that the land sought is more Aaluablc
for its timber or slum* than f«»r agricultural
puri»«»scs, ami to establish his claim U» said
land before the Register ami Receiver of this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Fri«lav, the
26th day of July. IXS’.».
He nainea hk witnesses c. M. ( uler, F ( .
Wvekofl’, T. k Spaulding, GilteTt < ollins, nil
of Woodland, California.
Anj and all )a*rsoiis claiming adversely the
above describe«l land« ar«! requestr«! to file
th« ir < laiuis in this «»ffiee on or before said
2f»th »lay of July, ltai»9.
( HAS. W JOllNsTuN,
Timber Land Notice.
Paine's Celery Compound
Purifies the Blood,
Strengthens the Nerves,
Stimulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels,
Gives Life and Vigor to every organ
Horsemen and Breeders!
University of Oregon
Business !
Stage« leave Ashland every Monday
and lhursday at 7 A. M
Leave Linkvilie every Monday and
Thnraday at 6 A. M.
Route via Soda Springs. Shake and Keuo.
Ashland to Linkvilie,
“ Keno,
5 (X)
Expreaaage through to Linkvilie, 2c t«>
2\c per pound.
OFFICE in Ashland, at The Oregon.
SS C’ K 1 7 1 •: X
Mafia to order an>i fltt* d. a!*u
Light Scroll Sawingan l l am
Done at abort n Tice. Leave o de-i at Reel-
deuco, ur at U il-« u s Furui’u e ste»ie.
Almost as Palatable as Milk
So <1lagul,«d that tt taa b.* taken
ll«Mte«l. and aaalmllatrd by the mo,i
Mnaltlve iloinwh, nhrn th, plain oil
raaaot be tolerate«!; and by tbe root-
binatlom ot the oil with the hypo-
phosphite, 1, tnneh more eOlraclona
a flesh producer.
PersHLi ?aln rapidly while takiac K.
SCOTT’S EMULSION is acknowledged by
Physicians to be the i ineat and Beat j re para
fion in the world for the relief and cure of
1 Th» /¡rrat remedy ftnr Ctmswnptian, <mc
VFiMtinj in Children, Scitl by all ih-n,jgists,
When I say C ure I do not mean merely t
top them fur a time, and then have them rt
urn ngtuu 1 mean A RADI l AL Lli-L.
1 have made tbe diaeaae of
\ life-long atudy. I warrant ray remedy t
ckk the worst”'cases. Because others bar
ailed is no reason for not now- receiving acu
'end ut once ter a treatise und a F kee IJon :
>f my infalliblb R emedy
Give Exp»
md ro-t Ortice. It costs you n«»thiiij
naL «nd it will cure you. Addr»?83
H. C. ROOT, 1 A.C., 183Pt*”- S t .. r.
the Cure
Ely’s Cream Balm
Cleanses the Nasal Passages
Allays Inflammation. Heals the
Sores, Restores the Senses oi
Paste, Smell and Hearing.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and 1«
twreeable. Price bOc- at Drunrlst« or by mail
SLY BROTREBR. 56 Warren Street, New York
Will Buy and Sell horses
KID ney
A ppetizer .
?.<■ PqRTlAÑgQR,.
Sold by '1'. K. Bidtoli,
Tutt’s Pills
Thin popnlar rrmwdy never fail«
to el teetuully cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
Anil all «lineane* ari.iii^ fmin a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
The natural rewtilt ìm <oo<l appi*
tit? ami stolid fieni*. lk>*»e Minali,
eie gì* 11» ly «ttitfar coated and eawy
tosMulloH. Mold everywhere.
*• F h formo Unii for thr Kurin,
holt/, H nrkxhop tori *irler&O99^^, tcillbe
tt nt fri ■■ on npplicalian»
Timber Land Notice.
The Pride of Women.
A clear yearly transparent «kin is nl-
ways a siun of pare blood, and all per-
ftons troubled with dark greasy, yellow
or blotched «kin can rent aaaureu that
their blood ia »at of order A tew doses
of Beggs* Blood Purifier «t Blood Maker
will remove the cause and the «kin will
become clear and transparent. 'I'ry it,
and if satisfaction i.*t not given it will
cost you nothing. It is folly warranted
Chitwood Bro«, druggist.
Valuable Flouring Mill,
A Fine Stoek Ran h.
And Well-bred Caule !
The ii’.iffersigned
hie ttetiriiig mill j
ii Rogue
ale hi-» val ia
One thi d <-f the real c
»»mtr is held u
an! A «
Stock Ranch of l290acre3
n K- r-r- ri- e-; all f»-n»-»-»!: 1, a«::
in .¡faifa Pri'-c, *.-w. lime on a ; a
car sai«
»acre*of tend; 419 acre* of
farm land in th» valley, good ter fruit or
Tw <> thou sand six hundred acres foot hill
and mouutain side land. go*»d f»»r fruit,
dairying ami stuck raising
This tract of
lami has over seven miles of 6-ncing. dwell­
ing hou*e. a stock shed 86x90 feet, and
plenty uf living water.
Call on or address
J. 8. H errin ,
Ashland, Jackson o , Oregon
with the ranch or «ej a-a‘
IOO head of stock,
Including a number of full-blo«»d Dtrl am
aud Hervi’T*! yearling«, bull* aud heifer*
Ttie*c a e fine ,(nine (utile,and •. • >. q * * ho
may want young bulls ur heifers, uneur mure,
would du well to '«»e them Address
A’h’aad, Or.
Ia t us give the readers of the T idings
a little timely advice. Hot weather is
coming at d with it colic, eboiera mor­
bus, dysentery and dinrrh»ea. The only
«ate way to combat these diseases, is to
keep some re lable remedy at hand, and
nil who have tried Uliamln-rlain’» Colic.
< h lern und l>iarrh«e«< Remedy wid ad­
mit that it is the moat prompt, reliable
and successful medicine knot» n for these
complaints. It costs but 2-’» or 50 cents,
and may be the m«M»n» of saving you or
your family much suffering, if not life
itself, before the Hummer is over, For
sale by 1. K. Bolton.
O ffice .
May 16, 1X99.1
N ■»ti« «• is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress .if
June :’». 1'7*, entitled "An Act ter the sale of
timber lands in the Staies of ¿’alifornia, Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." T.
S •*|»uuhling of WtHidlaml, county of Yolo,
state of California, ha* thi* da< filed iu thia
office hi* sworn statement ter the purchase
of the S E
of aeeti n No. 24. in township
No. 39. suu’h range N«». 5 ea*t, ami will <»ffer
pr«M»f ’«» show that the laud »«»ught i* mure
\ ahiable fur its timber or atone thau for agri­
au<l to establish
-------- r
---- ------
------------ his claim
----- J I
to *a!d
-a d la
d before , the
l‘__ Register
1 ‘ ” Receiver |
of this offbeat Ru*eburg. Oregon, on Satur-
day. th* 27th day of July, 18tW.
He names ms uitn-sse* G. W. Ilolliugr-
w«»rth, F. C. W cKuff, Gilbert Collins, C M.
Advice to Mothers.
( a-ler. all vf Woodland, California
Mra. Wtnsiow’a Soothing Syrup, f.>
An a «1 all (»ersou* cLkiming adversely the
children teething, K the preen pt tun o a’n've des«?rp»e<i 1 «n 1* a e reques:e»1 to file
on? oi the beat tv io ale nurse« and pby their lai s iu thi* office on or before said
bicians in the United States, and nab 27ih «ia uf Julv, 1^*9.
CHA8. w JvHN*T0N.
b« < n UHvd for forty years with nr ver
R egister .
taning success by million* of mothers
for thiir cbiid’eu. During the process
Timber I.ami Seller
uf teething its v*iue is lncaiculabv. it
relieve* the child from paiu, cur«s dys
U nited states L and O ffice , (
entery and diarrhoea, griping in the
R oskbckg . Or., May 31, 1*SM
i* her- by given that iucompl ance !
lowti*, and wind omc. By giving health
t»» the cuiid it rests the mother. i'nue with the t»r».vi*i«.n*•>» th- act «»f Congress
of Jum- 3. 1«7s. eutitled An a<l for the sale
a bottle.
of timber lamis in the states of <’a!if«»rnia.
On,.»n. N»vada, aud Washington Terri­
tory. ' A W tksirom, of Woodland, County
ave You Keai'd?
of Y'd-i *' *t»* of Caiil'oruia, ha? this »lay
r vou heard what Mr. G. D. Weist til* d in thia of u «• hi* sworn statement for
< jtv, Ind., any» of Cha • - ib»* p»»r< base of the S E ’4 of Sv« ti«»n No. 6,
b< l iHiu s « o.ic, < hu.era Htid DiarrLtt t in Township No. 39 south. Range No. 5 vast,
K meuy? if uot, here it is: • Dunn« an 1 wi I offer pr«aif !«• show that the land
soiignt i* mui»* valuable f»»r itslfmbvrnr
l..’*t fwumua r A v ^ hm truubied very much stone than f »r agricultural purp-s.-.*». and
wuh j-evere pa«us in the stuuiacb ano to establish his ej
te said land before the
D.w« ■«. and was induced by a friend to Rvgisi rani Receiver of thi* office at Rose­
try tnis Kriuedy. 1 took one doae, as burg 1 >rv;un, on Thursday, the 15th day of
l»rr direction.**, and it gave me almost August. lH!*'.X
lie names as witnesses
iii-tant relief. 1 cheerfully recommend
c L M< I’hctridg»-, J. Z Groff. Ja«. Wjc-
H to the afflicted.” 25 and 5b cent hot­ koff nnd John L. hpong. all uf Woodland,
ties for sale by 1. K. Bolton.
Yvlo county, ( Alifornia.
*nv aud all persons claiming adversely
the above-dew ribed lands ar? requested to I
• t
- » ■ ? on ur before I
sai l lu’.h day ui August, 1*89.
r»v.« ” ,’r
Ctilàreii Cry forPitclier’s Castori!
nitfd S tates L ind
R os E bfk «», Oregon,
Timber Land Notice.
U nited S tater L and O ffice .
R os EBI'RG. Oregon, May 16, lss'j. i
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of < ongress of
June 3,1878, entitled "An n< t for the sale of
limber lands iu the St;it«*s of ( alifornia. Ore
gon. Nevada, ami Wa-hington Territory,’
Alice Spaulding, of Woodland, county of
Yol«». State of Calif«»rnia. has this dav hied
in this office h«*r sworn statement form«*
purchase of the S U
of section No. 26. in
Township No. 89, 8, K No. 5 east, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stoue than
for agricultural purposes and to establish
her claim to safii land before the Register
aud Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore
gon on Saturday, the 27th dav of July. 1**9,
she nam»*s ms witti»**s» * (»
worth. F C Wyckot!. C. M Ca*h r, Gilbert
Collins, all of Woodland, < alifornia.
Any and all persons rluiming adversely
the ahov«* described land* are r* quested t •
file their < l»»ims in thi- office uu or before
said 27th day of July. 1*89.
< has W JOHNsTOlC,
Timber !.««*<! Native
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,
R oseburg . Oregon, May 16, 18®. i
Notice is he vb> gn«*n thai in «’«»rapliance
uiih the pr«>\ isions «»f the art of Congress of
June 3, 1 m V$, entitled * An Act ter the *a e ot
timb«.~ land- in the stat* a uf California, (»re­
go . Nexadaaod Wa-hiugton Te ritery, So­
phia Hulling-worth, of W«>odland, c<»unt' «»f
S’ulo, s ate uf < a ifo. nia ha* this da filed iu
this uffi< e, her sworn statement for th pur­
chase uf the * E ‘4 ■ f sCr’ten 32, township 3'.».
»«oiitb, of iaiig«.‘ va-t, ami will offer proof to
show j ’ at the laud suughL is more valuable
fur its timb .‘r or stone, than f »r agricultural
purpoaes, a.»4 to establish herclaim to said
land bef »ie th«* Register and Re»-elverof this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on SR’urday, the
•¿7th day of July, 1**9.
She name* as witnesses F. c. Wsckoff, c
M. <'a*ler. j. K. Smith. Gilberl • .¿¡in ail of
Wood aud. California.
Aud atty and all persons claiming adverse­
ly the above described land“ are requested to
file their claims In this office ou or before
said 27th day of July, 1B«9.
C saf . W. J ohnston ,
Timber Land Notice.
legal advertisements .
Timber Land Notice.
Timber Land Notice.
U nited > tais > L ind O ffick . I
R o . sebi kg , Or., Jun«- 24. lAX’i.j
Nuti« «- i- hereby given that in compliance
vv ith the provi-iun* uf the tu t of ('«»ligre** «»f
June 3. 1.N7A, entitle»! "An act ter th« *ale of
timteT tends in th«* Mates of Caliternia,
Oregon. Nevada and Wa-hington Territory,"
Ann« M My re*, of Ivel, county of Douglas.
State of Oregon, h»»-thix day file«! in this
orticr her Matemvut, for the purchaNe «»f the
* \\ 1, of Sc«*. No. 30, in Tp. No. 39 S . R. No.
5 E.. and will offer proof to show that the
tend sought B mor«-valuable for its timber
urMunc than n»i agricultural purpose*, and
to establish her claim to said land te-tere the
Register aud Receiver of thisoflire at Ro.*c-
i»urg. <»regoji, on Monday, the 16lh day of
St ptemte‘1’. 1889. She name* a* wiincRacs*:
-quir«- Parker of Keno, Klamath county,
Oreg«»ii. and John Kiiute*rltn, Tho*. Mayhew,
and John F. (»ivans, of Ashland, Juck*«»u
county, < »regen.
Any and all |»erson* claiming adversely
the h I m » vc de.*<*rite*d tends an* r«*qi»vsti*«l to
tile their claims in this offic«* ou or befor«*
said 16th «lav of Septemte*r. 1*89.
( has . W. J ohnston ,
U nited S t ite * L and O ffk f , #
R«»*Em i:«,, Or., May 4, ; s * mfi
Notice is h«?rvby given that in ««»mpliam »•
with the pr«»\uten* of the a< 1 »f <'ougres* - f
Jun«-.', J<*. entitled An art fot th« • «:■ . f
timber tend* in the >tate* uf ('alifornia, «>r«
gun, Nr\ada and Washington Territory."
v. L. HoUlniniworth, of W’uudlandr< uuntj ol
Yolo, slate of California, has thi* da v fi,< d in
this ottiev his swuru statement, ter the pur
chase of th« s W 1 4 of section No _2. in i p 3 • *
Range No.5 E.aiid will off« r pr«e.f to *huv. that
the tend s<»ught is more valuable f«»r i>* tim
tier or stone thau f«»r agriciihmal pnrpo-.--..
and tu establish his daim tu said .and be­
fore the Register and Rcceixer of thi-otn .
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thur*day th«* 1Mb
day of July. 1M9.
He nam**N a* witness«** W R Pond,
William Knox, John I’«■miega*i. R. «« !,aw
son, all of W«M.d’and, California
Any and all tvr*on* clainiing adversely
the above-described land- arc re pic.-i«-«! ti»
file their claims in thi* office on <>i before
said l-th day of July, 1« nn 9
C h a *. W. J ohnston ,
4X lot
Timber Land Notice
Timber Land Notice
U nited S tate * L and O ffice ,
R o . sebvrg , Oregon, May 16, lh89.|
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the pru>isions of the act of < ongres* of
June 3, 1N7», entitled “An a< t !«»r the sale ol
timber lands iu the States of ( alifornia, ore
gon, Nevada, ami
a*hingtun Territory,”
(iillaTt Collins, of Wuo«ilami, «*ounty of Y«»lo,
Siaieuf < ailfornia, ha* litis da> ri;vd iu this
office his sworn statement for the purciiu*e
of th«* j * W ‘Aof section No. 24, in t<»un.*hip
Nu. 39 S, R No. 5 east, uud will offer proof to
I show that the laud sought is mure \»iluubi<*
fur its limtn?r or stone than fur agricultural
purposes, ami to ts.a »lisli his maim 1,o said
laud before the Register ami Re«*«.*ner of this
«»nice ai Ku«eburg, (begun, on Saiuida», the
27lh da.» uf Jul>, Lbb9.
He name* a* »situe.xses: ('. M. « u^ler, F C.
W\ck<»t1,G. W. H 'lling«worth, T. b. Spauld­
ing, all oi Woo land, < alifo; uiu.
An> ami all person* cl aiming adversely the
abo\v dose. ibi <» l,tnd« Hie iequestetl to til«*
theirT'Jaim-in tho ortice on «>r before said
27ill «la,, ot Jul), lbCJ.
(- has . W. J ohnston ,
At Reno, Nev., last Saturday morn­
ing tire destroyed N. P. .Jaques’ hard­
ware store, A. H. Manning’s tin shop,
.John Sunderland’s shoe shop, the Bap­
tist church, and a number of small ,
Loss $20,000; insurance ¡
Carry the largest nnd best selected
stock of
Harry Perrin, a bri.’klayer from
Eugene, fell from th.-roof of t lie res
id. nee ot C. E. Wolverton this ev- n
In 8<»»ithern Oregon. Also,
mg, where lie w is working, slriktn.-
There's nothing like it.
WUX PAPER, frames and
Use It Now!
tirst the lideouv, then upon th step-
luity fe.-t In-low.
1'wo ribs were tri
“Last wring,being very much run down
-navtng used your Paines Celery Com
laid i i I i ij I'-i -s pul •• • I will.-
BABY C RRIACE4, ETC-. ETC. I ll>‘>r. alal II.- I- r |e l.-e» for tile fallll,
and debilitated, I procured some of Paine’s pound this spring. I can safely recommend It
W- s«- I
i, y pro. i j,il. [ St .l<sin in, .June tl Celery Cumoound. The us»* of two bottles as tbe most powerful ami al the same ttuu-
lb- workshop aud I he oo-h >r.|.
mad»* me feel Uke a new man. As a general most gentle regulator
tt Is a splendid nene
Th« se oli-i»'pf upon ti ll iillr
tonte and spring medicine. 1 du not know toulc, and since taking It 1 have tell like a uew
7HE Davis Sowing Machino,
\n ol I riv r cipt du, who h is navi
>a our s"»* >< u • Uli I I tn <-, ns | o m hi
\\. L G reenleaf ,
Rn vqnal.”
Tbe^'v-' *»• •» u; machine made, (’al an ’ Inline poii»-y m i <>ur »itiiy a- g.t. lull Ilia streams iu tin* iistrn-i
Brigadier (.« neral V. N. G„ Burlington, Vt.
- •• ; a ‘
»uvfi .c*-«t
13 - ; »
-lii.'e ISjO. -ays n. v r In f.ire Ii is li
W ella , R ich a rd * > n A ( \>., I*rup. Burlington, vt.
_- o < h I CHii 111 1" I1. Ill jtl lie aill. ii • X-
--■■> n lie \\ ill ituette : ti I the ('olninln
b-r.ded. Bill 1
nu adroomslu-d Io
so low 111 .lune as Ili- V were.
conclude. L< t iis 111-11 impress up»iu
alwal- Ih-ell c.ill'll! lied llV Hle-llll-lsi'll
our iniuils the sup-rlorily ot our ow n
iii' ti that during the past month then
country to that ot any other. With
would Is- lots ..f water iu the rivers.
all tlie pride and" pageaulry of klilg-
doms HUii pnucipalltles, wC love our
Tlie fulliiwHuf from nu Enstern Ore-
owu laud the liest. We cherish the LToU »-xeliaii^e is a m » * I illustration of
fond hope that lien* free-dotti has lbt> spirit of the age: This week two
fouini a cong-mal dime; that the tree* parlies met here one goim; from Col-
of liberty which was planted here a f.ix, W. I'., to Lower California, the
Opened again ter
twig may grow up in beauty ami oilier gm no from Lower California to
All kinds Repairing and New Work. grandeur until it shall overshadow th», l!olfax. W. T. Each had discouraging
whole earth. But alsive all let us is»t tales Io relate regarding the couutry
New Wind Mill* aud iron fencing
forget that this is the 41 h of July, the they were leaving, but thecouutry to
— A —
anniversary of the greatest nation on which they were journeying was. in
SAW GUMMING A Specialty. the glolie. It has already blessed mil­ their imagination, the promised laud.
lions and will continue to bless count­
The agreement between the citv of
less millions more. For these price­
Roseburg and the Roseburg Water
less bh*esiugs we can well afford to
Company has been signed, and work
rejoice one day in the year and lie
has been commence«! ou the reservoir,
grateful every other Then
ibsolaUh Ture.
and it is expected to have the system
let music swell tlie breeze
complete«! by the 1st of September.
Alni ring from all tlie trees
Roseburg is pushiug to the front in a
Sweet irt-taloin’s song
splendid manner, anil th«> completion
And may that dear starry banner, of this water works system will give it
baptised iu three great wars, and pur- the very host facilities for extinguish­
Having oneot the liest skylightsiu Oi
iiied iu the trials of more than a cen­ ing fires.- |Review.
egon, anti knowing how to une it,
tury, may it, too, continue to float in
Says the Cortallis “Leader:” Mr.
proud triumph as the emblem of the
free and the last refuge of down trod­ Bell of the Roseburg "Review,” was
here this week trylug to persuade th<
den man ou the face of the earth.
Board of Regents of the Agricultural
O reaos . Illi tn» it»l<- ftanni-r! the line of the free
A mi land .
Oh' When-tread* the fis>t that woul,I fal­ College to establish a branch station
of th«» Ex|>erin>ent Station for South­
ter for thee
Myer’s BlocKeast side Main street.
Or 111»- arm- to la- fohleil till triumph is won ern Oregon iu Roseburg. He want«»«l
And the Eagle l,s»k* promt a* of old to the fruit interests taken care of. The
the sun.
Give tears for tlie parting, a murmur of Board decidtal not to establish such a
I wish to inform the public, that I have
branch at present, but intimated, we
two Fine Bred stallion* Hamtdetunian
Then forward, th».- fame »»f our country to lielteve. that in the future such branch
and Patch«*», that I will make the season
«•f 1889, in Rogue Riv«-r Valley, making my
With a welcome to wounding and tom would be established.
stand* at Ashland, Medford, ami Central
Next se-sion begins on Momtev. the 16th of
bat unit -ears
Point, will stop at Phoenix on my way­
September. l.v»9
An attempt is alxiut to lie made to
An»l the glccy «; death for th»- stripe* ami
and also coining back. The under­
rr<*<* '< h>»lar>hips from every county in
the stars.
get water into Harney valley by boring
signed. will, if addressed at either place,
the state. Applj to your < «»unty Sii|»erin-
the residence of any one w ho w ish
t« ndent. F ree ti ition after jam aky 1.
es th«.- use of his horses, if not liv ing too far
The Cantankerous Ohl Woman
to purchase the necessary apparatus.
Four Cour«e* c lassical, K-ivntifi«-, Liter­
The Item says the present dry season
Anyone wishing pedigree of horses, can
ary ami a *h«»rt English <’our*«* in which Described in the nursery ballad, who
have them by addressing
th«*re is no Latin, (.reck French or (¿ennan. ‘lived <p«»n nothin»» but victuals and has settled the fact that artesian wa­
The English i* pre eminently a Business dnuk." and yet "would never be quiet,” ter is indispensable. Water has lie»'ii
(«»arse For ( atal »gues or other information was undoubtedly troubled with chronic secured on all sides of Hartley valley,
Ashland, Or.
tunuy other elderly persons whoso di­ found there by boring. Plenty of wa­
gestive p»»wers Lave become impaired, ter seems to lie the only re»|tiisite
didn’t atrree with her.
ihis was before
lacking to make that valley one of the
Will leave
leav< Ashland « every
very Mnn*
’a\ morn
morn- ­
the era of Hostetter’s Stomach? Butt rs.
ing for Medford; will be In Medford Mon-
or gome one of her numerous friends «nd richest and most productive in East­ «lay evening an«! Tuesday; in Central Point Wednesday
relatives woilld undoubtedly have per­ ern Oregon, as well as one of the most »lay, Friday and Saturday, until further notice.
suaded her to try the great specific for beautiful.
dys[>?psia. constipation and biliousness.
Au exchange alleges that the follow­
I his would have been a measure of self­
protection on their part, for she soon ing letter was received by a physician
would have been cured and ceased to from a man who be knew, practicing
’’IIE UNDERSIGNED would announce disturb them with her clamor. The medieiue and desiring counsel; "Dear
__ to hI" <>l«l vustomers, aud the public
most obstinate cases«»f indigestion, with Dock I have a pashunt whose physical
generally, that he is again in the transfer its attendant heartburn, flatu’ence, con­
l imber Land Notice
Timber Land Notice.
buMiit bS, and is prepare«! to attend to Ail stant uneasiness of tlie stomach and ofi slues show that the wind-pipe lias ul­
calls promptly at
cerated off au»l bis lungs have dropped
the nerves, are completely overcome by
nited S tates L and O ffice ,
nited S tate * L and O ffice ,)
this sovereign remedy, (’hills and fever »lowii into his Htomaek 1 have given
R ohebi rg , Or,, May 4, 1889.1
R osebcrg . Oregon. May 16, 1889.1
Notice t* hereby given that in compliance
and bilious remittent, rheumatism and hym everry thin without efect her
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
kidney troubles are also relieved by it. fotber is welthy honorable and mtiuen- «ith tbe provi*ions of he act uf Congress of w itb the prevision* of the Act of (. uogre** <-f
Passe ligers to and from each train
1878, entitled "An act f«»r the sale of June 3, 1*78, entitled “An Act ter the *ale of
sha) us he is a ineuilierof assembly and Juue3,
timber land* in th»' St a »-suf < alifornia, Ore-
land* in »he state« of California, Ore­
I 2-11]
Evidence nut in thr Brlrfe.
god nose I »lont waut to loos him what g»»n. Neva ia, and Uashnigtun Territory," timber
gon, Nevada aid v\ n-htngton Terri.-ry,”
shall 1 do uus by return nude.
Yours Greene Huiling*wortbt of Wuod.and. county Geuoa I’uud of W«jodland, couutv of Yulu,
The supreme court of Indiana was
• »1 Yolo, stateuf • alifornia, 1»«* thi*day filed State of California ha* thi* dav tiled in this
in this office hi* sworn statement, ter the other her swurn statement fur the pinchase
recently «died upon to review a non­
the N E’4 uf section N«». 34, 111 uf the S W 14 «>f section ■»., t >vvn*hip south,
suit m an action brought to recover
Says the Sfct/e«man of the Ct b : Hon. I purchase«jf
Tp. No. 3?, b Range No. 5 E, ami will offer
damauee tor 1» nu,’ struck down on a W. Liar Hill, forriwiy of Orvu«»n, ami ,»r«>uf r-» show that the land sought i* mure of ange -'cast, and will offer proof to show
that the land »«ought, is »note •• aluable for its
al »able f»»r its timber or stun«* than fur timber or stone than f.»r h lit -ihuuil purpos­
sidewalk by a bicyele ruler. The trial n«»w retmlim; iu \Vasbin/t«m territory,
court bail helii that btcy«"lintf was a has prepared a draft of a const it nt lot. ag>; purpose*, and to ?* ab:i-h his es, and tn v ab'i-h her < laim io *a «1 .ami be­
l tim h» said land bvtere file Register ami
form of petivptrianatinii, au»l that the lor the new state. Tlie con volition Is Kci’ei. e.’ vf 1 bl* u.lirc at Ro*ebnrg, Oregon, fore the R* gi*ter ami R< <*♦ r ?r «»f this office
a: Roseburg, Orvg«,n, on >a uida , the -7th
bicyclers had hs much ri^ht on the m»w in session, ami tbis«iraft will œ oil i?ii -Ua • the Is; ii <la . uf 'niy. 1* '.'.
da^ uf J 11», 1*89.
H name* a wi4ne-**v*. R. L Lawson,
She names a- witneaars; J K. Smith, F. C,
sub walk as any pedei-trian. Tlie ap­ material assistance to I lie inembers n
»Vil lam Kn.»x, W R. Pond, John Powers all W vck.jfl, • . M ( a-ler, T. »'*. 8; a dding, all uf
peal from the non-, nit ««-»s ar«.’ii“»l in th» ir Liteirs. >fr. Hill m retM^niztsI a- »■f W.jodiand, • ali-ornia
Woodland, ‘ alitein:a.
the forenisti. When th»' co»irt ad­ on«* of tho foremost lawyers of the
Au and » 1 persons claiming adversely
Aud a iy ai.d all ner-«»ns claiming nd vers- -
the »»Id stables on Main stieri Dear
theab .vvdc cribed la Is are it*quc*ied tu
the hrnlpr. and the new stables «»n Oak journed for dinner, Jmlires CotT. J atal P icifi • coast, ami his studies as well as ¡I«* 1 neir claim* in ilii* «»¡‘«ire on or before Iv ’the abov r desert b-d ami-, a e requested
to file their claim* iu thi' office ou or bef >ic
str« rt, are now under the propnetorsLii Be'k.tnri start««! to vaik to tin tr ii»>- pi’m’ti«* have b»*rii in the lineufc(»t»- -a d l*ih da.» uf Jab, iw.
said ¿7th day of July. I*»’*'.1
1< 1. am! us tliny «,ei<> paSHin^ out of st it ut tons and laws. He is therefore wr|.
C ha *. W. J >ii n 'TON,
-«nd■■•.gviuent of
(U v*. W. JoHN*ToN,
«> lot
tlie cappol violin it a clumsy bn-)» 1» qualified to fol niUlate such H doCUllH'lit.
rider rau into tlntu. kiux'k<nc lath aud, vvbil»*not a member of the Con­
lioen, an l badly hruisiuir tin» former. vention ass- mbied to draft a cotislttn-
Timber Land Notice,
Timber Land Notice
This practical argument ha<! such a ’ ton, t be ont hm* of on«* l hat be presents-,
Who is now prepared to offer the public
convincing • ff^«t on the minds of the t«»4<*i 1e r wit h Lis acœinpanyini; com­
U nited S tate .- L and O ffd e , i
better accomuio iation.M than ever before
R oseburg , Or.. May 4, 1« n 9.|
U nited R tatbs L ist » O ffice . i
afforded lu Southern Oregon in the lie leaninl jmlneH that they itnin«sliiitely ments aud suggestions, remh rs his -lid I Notice is bviebv given that in compliance
Roseburg. Oregon, May 4. ls-j i
overrule«! their unreml» red decision hilly as effective as though he were with Ihu provisions of she act of Cougress of
ery business.
Notice is hereby given that in «ompliance
and fil»sl an opinion setting forth that Hctnilly present, and th«* convention June 3, 1-7-, enti’ led ••An aci for the -ale of w ith the provisions of the act «>f Congress
a person who "rudely atal recklessly” will do remarkably well if it submits a limber lauds in the S a - of California. Ore­ of June 3 1N7-. entitled “An net fur the sale
gon, Nevada, and Wa-hing on Territory,” Of timber lnmls in the Stales of California.
rides a bicycle nctnnst a man starni* bi tter on«* for the acceptance of the K. G. Law son, «»f Woodland, County of Yo- Oreg«»n, Nevada and Washington Terri­
lo, slate of Ca ifinnia, has this day filed In tory,” John Powers, of Woodland, county
Horses Boarded and Fed
¡his oflirt* his sworn -ia’.«■inent. fur the pur- of Yolo. State of California, has this day
damages for assault and battery.
cha-v of the N E '* of section N<>. 22, in Tp. filed in thi- ortice his sworn statement for
No. ;<9 H Rant,’«* Nu. 5 E, and will ofl’er proof thepurchase of N. L ^4 of Section No. 26.
At reasonable rate*.
You Cannot Afford
A WOmaiTs i
to show that the laml sought is more «alua- in Township No 39 S Range No. 5. E. and
for its timber or .-t«,ne than for agricul- will ofl’er projf t«> show that the land
“Another wonderful discovery .....
New and handsome turnouts, 1* liable
out ft goo«.i reliable diarrhoea balsam in t turai purposes, and to establish his claim to sought is more valuable for its timber or
and safe buggy t?iuns, and good saddle been made and that too by a lady in th«* house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea ■ ai«i land before the Register and Receiver stone than for agricultural purp<»-es, and
Disease fastened its
<»f thi.-ort'ue at Roseburg. Oregon, ou Thurs­ to establish his claim to sai l land before
horses always to be had at these stables. this country.
clutches upon her and for seven years and .ail iiiffarnation of tbe stomach and day the 18th day of July, I ns :».
the Register ami Reciever of this office at
He names as witnesses:
Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday, the 19th day
she withstood its severest tests, but her bowels are vxc*-ediuglv dangerous if uot
July. 1N99
vital organs were undermined and death
He names as witnesses: Wm. Knox. J.
seemed imminent. For three months
I,. Simpson. C. I.. Hollingsworth ami W. R.
she c«»ughed incessautiy and could n«>t good in c ase of this kind than any
Any and all persons claiminga<!v«»rsely the Potui, ull of Woollaii'l, California.
sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. other medicine on earth. We guarantee alwve described lands are requestv«! t«» til«*
Any and ull persons claiming advers«dy
their claims in this ortice on or before said the a)>ove-dt scribed lands are reqtieste«! to
King a New Discovery for ('«>nsumpti<»n it. Chitwood Bron, druggist.
l-th «lay of July, Iss'1.
file their claims in this office on or b«*fore
and was so much relieved on taking first
said 19th «lay of July. I n «9.
dose that she sb pt all night and with
C has . w . J ohnston ,
Lots of J:im for Johnstow n
Chas. W. Johnston
45 lot
on«* l»ottle has been miraculously cared.
Her name is Mr-. Luther Lutz. Thus
write W. C. Hamrick A Co., of Shelby. chanty is sometimes humorous. A fun­
Timber Land Notice
N. C — Get a free trial bottle at < ’hit- ny
tiling alx>ut Johnstown’s hor-
wood Bro’s Drug Store.
U nited S tates L and O ffice , /
ror whs
states L and O ffk e ,
R osekcrg , Or , May 4, 1^9.1
R osebvko , Oregon, May 16, 1«M9. i
and gvuerous heart
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Queen Vi<-tori»'3 Sympathy for of the country yiehltni up jam with the provi*i»»u* of the act uf (’«ingress of
Johnstown So far aS iS known, wa$ for the relief of the sufferers. Meat June 3, 1*78, «‘»titled "An act for the sale of with th«* provision- of the Act of Congrc-s of
June 3. ls7N, entitled ’An Act for the sal«* of
not Spelt Sympathy.
wus scarce, there was rarely any butter. gon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory.” timber lands in the Suites of California, Ore
milk could be got but infrequently, aud W. R. Fund, uf Woodland, county «»f Y«»lo, gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
Annie E Hollingsworth of Woodland, coun
sugar was always lacking when milk state of California, has this day filed in ty
The Verdict ('iiaiiinioiis
«»f Yolo, State of ( 'alifornia. has this day
this ortice hi* sworn *’ah*nirnt, for the pur-
was to lie bad, while fruit was worth its < ha*e “f th<* N W 11 of s!*i tion Nu. ¡1, in Tp. filedin this office her sworn statement fur
W. I). Sult. Druggist. Hippus. In»)., weight in gold, but there was always 39 S Range No. 5 E, uud will ortvr pr«»«»f to the purchase of tin* N 12 of > F. 11 and N L, of
t -Htities: "1 call recconu ml Electric plenty of jam. Bread and jam was the show that the land sought is more valuable s W >4 «>f section 31 tow nship39. -uuth, range
Bitters ns the very best remedy. Every
ter its timber *»r stum* than for agricultural '»«a-t. aud will offer proof to show that the
bottle sold has given relief in every case. staple diet of the great popultition: purposes, ami to establish hi* claim tu said . la»»d nought is more valuable for its timlM.*ror
One num t.s.k six Isittles, and was cured raspberry jam, strawberry jam, black­ ‘nml ta*fore the Register and Receiver of ■ stone than for agricultural purpo-e-, an«i to
her claim to said laiul before tho
of Kheuin-itisiii of 10 years standing.” berry jam, orange jam, apple jam, peach this»»ffh? ut Roseburg. Oreg.»u, on Thursday j i establish
Register an«i Receiver of this ortice at Ro-t*
th»’ Isi'a day of July, ls*9.
Abrahatu Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, jam, cherry jam, every kind of jam ex­
He names «is vitiiv.*s<’*: II. B. PendegaM, ) burg. Oregon, on Saturday. th«* 27th «lay of
affirms: "The best selling medicene 1 cept jim-jatue could lie hail for asking R G. I aw*on. William Knox, J. L Simpson, ■ July, 1NN9.
She names as witnesses: T s spali,.tin?.
have ever handled in my 20 vears ex­ by any sufferer.
It is doubtful if any all of U »Midland, ( alifornia.
perience. is Electric Bitters.’’ Thou­
Air. ami all persons claiming adversely ¡Fc. Wv< kofl. C M Caster, Gilbert Collins,
one man except a jam manufacturer, the
ate»v**-»lrscrn.‘vd lands ate re*|Ue*ted to all of VVo«)dlHinl ' alifuruia.
sands of others have added their tes­
ever saw so many different kindsof j ini file their claims in this office on or la-fore
Ami any ami all j»esons claiming adver-e
timony. so that tlie verdict is unanimous
| ly the abov«* described lands, are requested
FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES. that Elt-crrm- l.itters do cure all dis» uses as was displayed among the Johnstown said i*th da . of July,
to file their claims in this office on or before
( has W. J ohnston ,
of the Liver. Kidneys or Blood, Only relief stores.
said 27th day of July. 1 h «9.
I* 1-t
( has W J oiinst «^ k ,
^tS^R\MEO/CWfc¿ a half dollar a Itottie at Chitwood Bros.
Drug Store.
Timely Advice,
Agency for all kind* of
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,
R »sEB no, Oregon, May 16, J%s9. |
Notice is hereby given that in comp iam e
with (he provisions ut the act of C uì » k T«- s * of
June 3 1*7**, entitled "An <»vt fur the sal«* of
timiM-r land* in the .-tate.* of Culi torn ia. Ore­
gon, N«’vadj.und Washington '1 ••rritury.’ J.
K .*mith ot Woodland, county of Y«»lu. M ite
of California, has this da.» tilvil in this office
his sworn statemi til fur the purehas«* «»f (he
S E *4 of section No. 12, ill township No 49,
»•* range No. 5 east, aud will otter proof to
show that the laud sought 1* mor«* valuable
tor its limber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, ami to establish hi* claim to said
laud before the Register and Receiver uf
this urtile al Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday,
the 27th day of July, 1889.
He names as witnesses: John Hulling.*
worth, David Walla« **, C. M. easier, A. M.
Elston, all of Woodlaud, California
Any aud all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested to
tile their claims in th»* ortev on or before
said 27th day uf July. 1N89.
C has . W J ohnston
Timber Land Notice,
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,(
K -I ri i. < »i- M«j i, iil
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provteious of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for th»- sale of
timber land* in the states of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
’ Boyer, of Grand Island. County of Colusa,
State of ('alifornia, lias this day filed in this
offir«t his sworn statement, for the purchase
of the N E *4 of *«*< lion 12, in Tp. No 40 S
Range No. '• E, and will ortvr pioot to show
that the land sought is mon* valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
looses, ami to establish his claim to said
land before the Register aud Receiver of
this «»flier nt Roseburg, Oregon, <»n Thursday
th«* 18th day of July , 1889.
He name* as witnesses F. S. Sprague, R.
H. Beamer. II. B Pen<lega*t, R. \\. Pend«*
gu*t. all of W«M)dIan<l, (’alifornia
Any and all persons < ¡aiming adversel.
the almvvd-descnbed lands are requested to
file thvirclaims in thi* office ou or befor«.*
said l*th day of July, 1889.
ch i*. W. J ohnston .
4> lot
Timber Land Notice«
I’siTRb S tates L axd O ffk k J
Itos Kill’K<1. or . May 22. tss'.i i
Notice is hereby given Dial in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 1,7s, entitled "All act for (lie sale
of timber lands in tlie state, of California.
Oregon. Sevadaaiid Washington Territory.”
1>. t Agler, of Ashland, county of Jai kson
stale ol Oregon, has this day tiled ill
tin» ottice his sworn statement fèrtile pur
illuse of tin- Nt1, of section No 20, ill
Ip No. 40, S k No. 5 E. and will oiler proof
to show that tlie land sought is more valua­
ble for its timber or stone thau fol agn.-uit-
ural pur|H>st s, and to establish tils claim to
said land la-fore the Register an-l Receiver
of this ortice at Koseburg. Or.. Wednesday,
the 7th day of August, issi*.
He names as witt>e*se< Tho«. Mathew.
I.. E. Moe. J W. Koger*, allot Ashland. Ja- k
son county. Oregon, uud c A Sehtbrede, of
Roseburg, llougia- county, Oregon.
Aliy and ali pe rs.,ns elaiiuingadversely tlie
starve described lands are requested to til.-
their claims in this ofti.-e on or before said
Till day ol August. ls«'J
C has . ft’. J ohnston .
51 10t
Timber I.and Notice
U nited states L and O ff :< e I
R osfbvrg . Or., May 22, 1 n *9 i
Notice is hereby g ven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, l*7v entitled ”An act for th«* sal« of
limber lainls in the states t»f < alifornia,
Oregon, Neva laand Washington Territory. ’
lauiht* J. sehlbrede, of Kuseburg, county of
Douglas, state ot or«*ffon. lias this day filed
in thia office her sworn Maimi»-m for the
purciiase «»f Hu- N \t
of section No. 14. in
tp. N«». 4 j N K 5 E, and uill utter proof t«>
show that the land sought is ui«»re valuable
h»r its timber or stun«* than for agricuUuia)
purpo>« s and to establish her claim t«» *aid
lam! before the Register and Receiver oi
tins offi* «* al Rosebutg. < >r., ou Wednesday,
the 7th day ot August, 1» nn 9.
She names as w ituess».*s: J. W Rogers,
Meyhew, D. < - Aui- ¡. 1. E M e, a.I <-i
Ashland, Jackson county, Uregou
Any pers'-ns claiming .tdvt rsely the above
«•scribed lands are r« quested to file their
claims in this ortice <»n or before said 7tb
dav of August. 13*9. < has . W. J ohnston ,
U nited states L and offk e . j
1:«»SEH( kg . Or., June 24. lKtfJ.f
N»»ticv i» hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of ( <»ngr«*ss of
June 3. 1*; m . entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in th«* States of California.
Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory."
Laura Kimlierlin, of Ashland, county of
Jackson. State of Oregon, ha* this day filed
in this ortic«* her sworn statrim al. for the
purehaM* of the S-E 1 4 uf Sv< . No. 30, in Tp.
No. 39 S., R. No. »5 E. ami will otter pr»»oi tu
show that the land sought i - more valuable
¡or its timber oi stone than for agricultural
purposes, and tn establidi h« r claim to -aid
liimt bcJore the Register au-l Ret <*i\«*r <»f this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Momtev the
16th day «>f September, lfcb'J.
"he mum s as
witnesses Tim*. Mayhew, John Kiint>erlin,
Jobu F. Givans, of A'hland. Jackson county,
Oregon, ami Squire Purkcr, of Keno, Klamath
county, (>reg«»n.
Aiix und all persons claiming adversely
m ai>ovr de-cnl»«-«! lands arc requested to
tile their claims in this office on or before
-aid Itth day <»f September. 1 h *-»9.
R« gisler.
U nited S tate * L and gi fk f , f
R oseblk »;, Or , Ma 4, I k *>.l
Notice is hereby given that in mmpham ••
with the proviaions of the act of Congr»-* «.t
June 3, 1878, entitled " ah act for ill. *al«* ot
timber lands in the 8ia:e* of Calif«»ni'.ii, Or«*
gon. Ncva«la, and Wa*hing:«»n Tedi on,
i. W. Boyer, uf (.¡ami Island, » ounty <.f
Culu-a. state of California, ha* tiii* d.-i iil d
in this orti< •• his awora sfatemenl fui
S W l4 of *c<*lb»n No j, in ]| Nte j-, s
Range No. 5 E. ami u ill offer pr >. f b. sh> x
that the land sought is more« fur it*
timber or stoue than ter agricultural pur
! poses, and to establish his « luim to Mti.i
■land I m -I ut «* tlie Register and Recci w” «>!
! this oflice at Roseburg. Oregon, on Fuday
the 19th da« of July , I*.*;».
He namch as witnesse*- R H Beumer.
F- 8. Spiague, H B. i'emtega-’. R W. I’en ;•
; ga*t, all of W<n».jland, ('aUf«»rnia.
Any |»?rsoii* claiming n«i\«*r*«*iy theai»«»ve
dvscrila*d land« ar«* rc«|Ut sted to file their
claims in thi* office ou'ur l»etere sani 19th
, day of July, lw.*
C has . W. J oh £* t <» n ,
Timber Land Notice.
Timber Land Notice,
U mt » n statks I. and O ffice . (
Ko-FHl kg . Or . May 31. JW>. »
Noti < is hcK-ny Kivc n thatiu compliance
with the provisions of the a» t «»( ('»»ngres-
t»f June 3.
entitled An act for the sale
of timber lands tn the states of California,
Oiegon. Neva»!«, and Washington Terri
tory,” B. U. Hiatt . of Kirkville, County of
Suiter, .'•tiitc of California, has this day tiled
in this otticc hi- »worn statement for the
purchase of the N E • . of Se< ti»»n No. 10, in
Township 39 South. Range No 5 East, an«l
w ill «»I’t-r proof to show that th«* land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural pur|»of<es, ami to es­
tablish his claim to said land before the
Register «»r Re<*eivvrof this ortice at Rose­
burg. Oregon, on Thurs«lay, the 1 »th day of
August, 1NJ9.
He offers io wiine®Fe?i
<• \\. Griffin. Jas. wyckort. A. wikstrom
and M. H. Torrance, all of woodland, Yolo
county, California.
Aiiv and all persons claiming adversely
the above described laud- ar«* requested to
tih th« ir claims in this office on or before
sai»l 15th day of August, 1««9
C ham . W. J ohnston ,
U nited S tate * L and O ffice ./
R osebi iu .. < »it. Jun»- it. 1** < v
Notic«; is hereby given Ilia! in c<»mp1 mn* ••
with the provisions uf the art <»f < onu*»' *- of
June 3, 187s. entitled "Anaci tei tin -ah .»f
timber lands in the >tat* * of » aliterii:.» or
egon, Ncv;vl.*t eml Wu*hii!u**.»»n 'Id ri buy
C. A. Miller. <jf W<M»dlami. < «»uuty <•: Yoh»,
State ot ( alifurnia. has thi-«tey tiled ;:i thi'
office hi* sworn *’.atemeiit No. — ter the put
cha*e of the >. E
,,f ^ectimi No j.ì m
Township N(» 40 .■south. Kung«- N«>.:• lutst, :.* <t
uill offer proof to show that th«- laud *• t _ j » i
is mor« valuable for it* timlsr or slum tian
for agricultural purj»o8e* and to o'afil’.'lt
his claim to said iand Is for»- th»* R» fi*u-r
ami R«*<*riv«*r of thi* <»fle-c at Roteimi«u»-
g«»n, on Monday, the 26<h «lay of \u*.*u*i.
lie name* a* uitne.**« - W - * W lii« Ill
Wm. Wallace, w . • «. i
of W «»odiami. Yolo conni v. ( al.
Any and ull p«r*«»u* claiming ad ver *’y
the above dcM'rite'd land* b qit- -?• •! Io
i tile their ctelm* in thi* <»ffi» e on *»r U f.»:«-
*aid 26th day of Augii*!, is*'»
( has w. J ohnston
Tituber Land Notice
Timber Land Notice
U nitet » S tates L and O fficf .,/
R o * errku . Or.. May 31, 1M9 i
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congrt *s «»f June 3, 187b, t milled "An art
for tlie sale of timber lands in the states of
( alifornia, Oregon. Nevada. an«1 Washing­
ton Territory," E. T. Ijiinpton, of Wood­
land. • uun:y of Yolo, State of California,
ha* this »lay filed in this office his sworu
statement for the purchase of the S E ‘4 of
**«•< tion No. is, in Township No. 39 south,
rai ge No.
en*t. aud will otter proof to
show that the land sought i« more valuable
for it* timber or stone than ter agricultucal and to establish hi* < Ltim to said
faiKi before the Register or Receiver of this
«»flic«- at Roseburg. Oregon, on Thursday,
th«- l»‘>th (lay of August, 1889
He namt * a- wfitnesses
J Z. Groff. Jobu L Spong and G. W.
Griffin, of Woodlaml, Yolo county. Califor­
nia. and B. F Hiatt of Kirksville, cutter
county, ( alifornia.
Any*and all persons claiming adversely
th«- abov«? described land* are requested to
file their daims in this office ou or before
sa.d l'»tb »lay of August. 18*9.
Timber Land Notice.
S tates L and O ffk e /
Ro* E lit ’KG, Or., May 31 1S89.'
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
ance with tbe prov ions of the act of ( on-
gress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for
the -ale uf timber lands in the states of
( alifornia. Oregon. Nevada, and Washing­
ton Territory,’ John L. Spong, of Wood­
land. County of Yolo, state of California
has this day filedin this office his sworn
statement ter the purchase uf the N E '« of
section No. 6, in Township No. 39 .South,
range No .5 East, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver
of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on
Thursday, the 15lh «lay of August, 1»4®.
He namt-b as witness«**.
M H Torrance. A. Wikstroni and E. T
Lampton, all ol Woodland. Y< ’o County.
California, and B F. lHatl of Kirksville.
Sutler County, California
Any an»i all persons claiming adversely
th«* above-described lamm arc n^que^ted
to file their claims in this oflire. ou or be­
fore said 15th day of Augn-t. 1*>»9
Timber Land Notice
Cölestin Soda Springs
Board and lodging, per week
I ID w
1 jo
“ per day
1 0)
Single meals
Camping privileges will be 50 rents per
week for each individual.
( HA*. U . JoHN-ToN
14 lOt
Timber Land Notice
U nited S tate *» L ind O ffk e J
R oseb I’KO, Or . May 31,lNMüd
Nutlf C is hereby given that in c«»mpliancc
with the provisions of the act of Congre«« of
June 3. 1-7N, eutitled “An act for the sale of
limb»*: land- in the States «if Califuruia, Ore­
gon, N«* a la, and Wa-hiugtun Territory,”
Jame* Wvck»»ff,«»f Uoodland.county of Y«)l»»,
sta e of California, ha« this day filed in thi-
office hi- swuru statement for the purchase
•f thebE | «»f section No 10, in Tp No. 39,
S R No. » F, and w ill otter proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its tim­
ber or ston«* than fur agricultutal punmses.
aud tu establish Li- claim to sal«i land before
the Register and Receiver of thi- office at
Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 1 »th da>
of.August 1N-9.
He names as witnesses’ John L. Spong,
J. M. Griffin, E. T. Lampton, of Woodland.
Y«il » county, California, and B. F. Hiatt, of
Kirksville, Sutter county, ( al.
Any and all per-oiu claiming adversely
Timber Lami Notice,
the abtive described lands arc requested to
file their claim- in this office on or before
said 15;h day of August, 1S-9.
xitkd S tatkh L and Omc.
dix- w J ohnston .
R osebi ’K g , Or., May 22, 1889.1
52 10t
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jtine.i, lsTK, entitled "An act ter the >ale of
Timber Land Notice,
timber land-« in the «States of California, Orc
gon, Nevada and \\ a*hington Territory,"
Marietta Kyle, of Ash and. County of Jst k-
U nited jjtates L and O ffk e ,|
son, S’ire of Oregon, ha* this day filed in
R o .- er M u ’, Or., May 31,1W.M
thi* office he- *w»»r»i s’.a’ement for th»1 pur-
Notice is ht’reby given that In compliance
ch ate of the N W ‘-4 ul Section Number 28, with th? provisions of the act of Uongreas uf
in Township Number .’19, S, range number June 3, 1S7N, entitled “Au act for the sale of
5 E, and will offer proof to show that th«* timber lands in th«* States of (’alifornia, Ore
land sought is more \ aluable for its timber gun, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
or stone than fur agricultural purposes, a id 1». A. Motsingner, of Woodlaud. County «»f
to establish her claim to said land lietere Yolo, State of < alifurnia, ha- thia day filed
the Register and Receiver of thi* ortice at in this ortice his sworn statement ter the
Roseburg, Or., on Wednesday, the 7th day of purchase of the
August, 18*9.
6, in Tp N«». 39.
She names as witnesses’ S. A. Parker, of will offer
K«*uo. Klamath county, Oregon, and L. i: land !i«»ught is more \ al liable* furitstiiu
Moe, 1>. C. Agler and Thoa. Mayhew, all of ber or stone thau for agricultural purpose»,
Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon.
and to establish his claim to said laud before
Any and all person* ’claiming adversely the Register and Receiver of this ortice at
the above describe«! lands arc r«*questcd to Roseburg, (>r., on Thursday the 15th day of
tile their claims in this «»flice on «»r before August, lsM9.
said 7th day of August, 1889.
!■«• name* a* u itnesses
M H. Torrance,
C has , w J ohnston .
A. Wikstrom. E. T. Lampton, of Woodlaud.
51 10t
Yolo county, < al ami B F. Hiatt, of Kirk*
ville.. Sutter <*ounty, <’al.
Any Mini all j»er«onH claiming adversely
ahove-deseribe«l lauds are requested to
Timber Lami Notice
file their claims in thi* office on or before
said l»»th day of August, lxs9.
U nited S tates L and O fficej
( ha *. W. J ohnston ,
R oseui ko , Or., May 22. isav.i
52 lOt
Notice is hereby given that m comp ianc c
w ith th«* pro\ isions «>f the h < t «>f C«>ngre-*» <»f
June 3. ls7S, entitled “Au act for the sale of
H iu I mt lands in th«* Mat«-- «»f California. Ore­
gon, N«*vada, and Wasbiughm Territory,”
U nited S t \ te - L am » O ffd r •
Ali«*e A. Parker, of Ketio, county of Klam­
R o > f . bckg , Oregon. June IN. 1**9.'
ath, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed iu
Noli« r is hereby given that the following
this otile»- her sworn statement for the pur­
chase of the S\\l4«»f section No. 2«, iu Tp name«! settler lia- fih’d notice of his inten­
No. 39 S. R No. 5 E, and w ill offer proof to tion to mak<* final proof in support ol his •
show that the land sought is more valuable claim, and that said pi oof will I m * niMde be­
for its timber or stone than f«»r agricultural fore th«* Clerk oi the » onnty court oi Jack«on
purpose-, and to establish her claim to said county. Oregon at Jack-onvill«*, Oregon, on
Warren <•.
laud lM‘fore the Regi-ter and Receiver of Monday. July 29. 1MJ. viz
this «»flic«* at Roseburg, Or . un Wednesday, Holme-. Pre-emption D n N o . 6073. for the E
*«•< So. 1 p
tin* 71h day of August, 1M9.
.-he names a- witnesses: D. C. Agler, L. 3M. N K 3 East. v\ M.
s to prove
E. M»e, A T. Kyle, J W. Rogers, all of Ash­
hi-conHnuous resilience upon and cultiva­
land, Jackson county. Oregon
Auv and all i»ersons claiming a»lverxelv
the al»uve-docrib«*d lands are rv«piested to A. Carlhell, J W Barla r. Ja< «»b Siferd. all
file tlu ir claim’» in thin office on or before of Asblan»l Juck-on county, Oregon.
Auv ]>er-o:i who desires to prnte-t »qxain-t
said 7th day of Augu.-tJlN®,
the allowance of «uch proof, or who knows
C has . w . J ohnston ,
auv Fub-htntjal reason, under the law
51 I0t
and th«1 K gulaiions <»f the Interior Depart­
ment, why such proof should not lx* allowe«!,
will lx* given an «»pj*ort unity at the above
Timlier Lami Notice,
m«*ntioned time ami place to cross-examine
the witnc-M- of said rfaimaut.nnd tooflvrevi­
U nited states L and O ffr rJ
dence in rebuttal of that submitted by «laim-
R«»si BVRO. Or., Mac 22. 1*«9. |
< has . w. J ohnston ,
Notice is h< reby given that in complin»»«*«*
with the provisions of the act of Ctmgress
of June 3. INTs en(itl«*»i ”An act for the »ate
of timber Sauds in the states of California.
Or«*g«>n, Nevada and Washington Territory."
L E. M«»e, of Ashland, county of Jackson,
state of Oregon, has this day filed in this In the Justice’s Court for the Precinct of
office his sworn statement for the purchase
A>*hiaud, County of Ja> kaon, state of Ore­
of th»* * W v4 of section
in tj». No. 40. B,
R No. 5 E. aud w ill offer proof to show that
B. Medicine Co., a Co {»»ration. | iaiutifl,
the land sought is more valuable lor its
vs. G. s. Matney, defendant.
timber or stone than for agricultural pur Action to Recover Money.
poses, and to establish his claim to said
To G. S. Matney, the abovrd named de­
land b* fore the Register and R»*e» iver of fendant:
thia office at Roseburg. Or., on W< duesda.-,
In the name of the Stat«* of Oregon—You
the 7th day ot August, 1K n 9.
hereby required to appear before the
H«* Darnefi as witnesses. C. A. S^hlbn de, arc
nuder-igned. a Justice of the Pear e. for the
of Rowbnrg, Dougia- county, Oregon, and precinct
on the l»*t day of Au­
J W. Rogers, Thus. Maxhew, D. C. Agler. a i gust. l-x*.». aforesaid,
at in o'clock iu th»‘ forenoon oi
of Ashland, Ja *k«<»n county, Oregon.
of said Justice in
Any and all persons claiming adversely
pn*cinct. to answer the above-named
the above-describe«! lamls are requested to aald
fib- their claims in this office on or before I Liintii! in a civil n< ti*>n.
The De'emtant a ill take notice that if he
said 7th daj uf August. IM*.
fail- to answer the complaint herein the
< han . w. J ohnston .
will take judgment against him
51 löt
for F-'iO. for g«)odp soM and delivered to you
at your rruuest, and the coat* and disburse­
ment* of tnls action. Givm under my hand
thte 17lh dsy of June. 1*W9.
M ilton R eeky .
Justice of the Peace.
WiR be open May 1st, for the arcommoda
tion of a limited number of guests.
U nited S tate > L kndofh « f . •
K os EBI RG, < >r., June 14, lssu.«
Notice is hereby ghenthat in <*4»mj I ihid ■
with the provisions of the act <»f Coiigr««-?* of
June.”». 1*7.S, eutitled "Au at for the sale «»f
limber Jamis in the > ate> <»f < a!itemia. Ore­
gon. Nevada, and VVa-bington Tv: i in >< ’•
Wm. NV alia«*«*, <»f Wo«»<tli»n<i. < .;i j>t > < i i < io.
State of < al , h»t<« this da> tiled in thi*
flee his sworn statement for the pu'»-L m *.* of
the > w 1» of >•■» tion No
I i • • - -- N
5 E, aud will offer proof t«» show that the
laud sought is more \aluabk* lot i’* timtn-i
or stone than f«»r agricultural purp»'*c>, ami
to establish hi«claim to said lami Inf.
Register ar;d Rei-eivcr <»f thls<ci.<. at lb»-,
burg. Or., on Monday, the ?«‘ii du? of
August. 1NK9.
Me name> a^ witue**s<
John Mm «
W« hm 1 laud, Yoto county. Cal. J. F. K<
of Woodland, Y«»lucouuty, < al .J 1 .( haih
«•f Woodland, Yolo count y, < al . F.
of Kirksville, ^utter county, < al.
...... a*ber-<*ly
Any and all persous claiming
rvqu^*.'t«*d !<»
the ab»jve-described land* are
file their claims in this office c on or in'fort.-
said 261 h dav of August, 1^-9.
Tlie Talent Restaurant
Will be open for customer*
On and After June i6.
Sliermao Sisters, Prop».
U nited S tates L and O ffu »./
RixiEBt’KG, <>r.. Jun«* 14, I n -*». «
Notice is her«.*by given that in « «»mpltatu c
with the provisions «»f the h < «4 < «.ngre— uf
June 3. 1*7N, entitled “Au Het f«n th« sale •»(
timber teud- in the state* <»f California. Ore
gon. Nev ada. and Washiugtoii i-
< ,, Erv in. <»f Woudlaml,
of Yolo, state of Cai., has this «lay
ortice his »worn Mate-
iu this
meiit for the pun has? uf the N E \ of
section No. 24, in tp No. 49, l, S ’ K • * No. 5 E. and
uill offer proof to ahuw that the land s< ight
Is more laluablef«» its timber or »»n
;.- Uoau
for agricultural purposes, ami to ?*<at»h*h
his claim to said laud lieterc the Register
ami Receiver of this office a! Roseburg. <>r ,
oti Monday, the day of August, ls-9
He names a- witnesses’ J L. Cbarb-s J. F.
Kelly, Wm m alto • . < - I
Woodland, county uf Yol«». ( al
Any and All poison* claiming adversely th«*
aboxe-described lands are iciuv-n 4 to tile
their claims in this offi« «• ou «»r before said
26th day of August, 1SN9.
C has . W. J ohnston .
41 lOt
Timber Land Notice.
U nited states L and <>rn<» <
KosFBCR«., O k .. June 14, is*'.' »
Notice is hereby given that in e<»m| un< t
with the provisions <»f the act of C«»ngrr--
uf June 3, 1*78, entitled "An a< t f »r ihr sale
of timber laa '.* in the -
( rrffon, Nevada and Washington Terril«»:
G.E. Gr« gg. of Woodtand. county «<f ¥«..«.
State of < ai, has this day til« d In this <
his sworn statement f<»r the pnreha-« « lit
S W U uf aecti<»n No. 21 in tp N•. <v . K
No. 5 E. and will offer proof tu s ’ iou
th«* land sought is mor«1 \ ::luih 1? !•
timber ur stone than for agricultural pur-
i»oses, anti tu establish his rteiin 1<> said
land before the Register and R«reiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Munday
the 26th day uf Aug»i*t 1*> *
He name* a- wun« *-. • ’A. <• Ervin. C
A.jMiHer, J. F Kelly. U r Walh
. fi uf
l»«'i.;:t' ' /
Any and all persons claim ng advcr-4-iy
the above-described tends are requestvtl to
file their claims iu this office «>n «»r before
said 2f»th dav of August, lb89.
( IK- W J<*HNsT0N.
Timber Land Notice.
I nitid S tail » L a .- d offde ,«
R useb L' k »«. ok , June 14. Is* » «
Notice is hereby given that in «‘«»mplianre
with th«* act of (.'ongre— of Jum-1*7*, rn
tit!«•<! "An act ter th«* *ah- of tirnl»« i jamte
In th«*state* <«f Uaiiterute <>r«*g«»n. Nevada
and Washinut<ni Territory
A -- Mcphet
ridge, of Kirksvilh*. c,»unty of * I’D r,«*
of ( alifornia. ha* this day iiii»«i in tl.i* «»t1i«-i*
his sworn statement for the pureha'r «»f the
N W l4 of Section -ti in tp. 4‘) - R \<» u E.
nnd will «»fl« r proof to show that the lain!
sought i- more valuable for its timter o-
stone than for agru-uhuml purpo-■•*, and to
establish his*’ lann to '«1»1 I hih ...
I before tl*o
Register and Rce* iv«*r •Í thi-»»ili» •• u! R om -
burg. Oregon, ot* Monday the 26th dav'of
August. 1.889.
He nanirs a* witnesses: < II . Ervin, W m.
S. William-. J F Kelly. .1 t»hu Mull all «»Í
Woodland, Yolo <*<»unty. ( al
Any and all per-«»n- claiming a«iv« r-ely
the ai»ov<* deM-rite-d land- are ropit--ted to
til** th« ir <-iaim* in thi* «»ffi« « on <«r te-forc
-aid 'Jtith day of August, 1889.
(!IAR. U.Jo>tN*T«»N
Timber Land Notice.
U nited > ta . f - L and G ì ri» ». t
R osebvrg . <>&.. J udo li 1SS «
Notic«- jw h<*n*by givcu ii»at in conij»l.ance
v ith thè pr«»visions o( ih»* m t uf ( »■!.■ r»* * <»t
Junv3, 1 n ; m . rntitk-d An act forti»« ai«* of
titnlar lami- in ih* ¡States of (allibima,
Oregon, Ntevada and Washington Teiriton.
J. L Charles, uf \\<M>dÌMud, «*oniih •»< Y»*h».
State »»f t'ulifomia, han thi* «tay filcd il», ibi-
<»ffi«*e hi« suoni statement n»r thè pur* ha*«,
of thè > E ’. <»f Se« ti<m 22 in tp O > lt \<» ó
E. an<ì uill »»(Ter p’«»»»f :<» Uiua (he
lami sought i> more vuluabh* fur its tirniar
or stone tlian f«»r agriculturai pur|»»»M*b. and
tn est a hi Uh hbeiairn
¡aim tu
to “aid lami I h f<» ,• thè
Rvgi.stvr at»«l R« m *«*
ìv » t <4'th
<»f th: ort . . a’ |;.» m *
burg. Oregon, on Munday
he 21»li» day of
Acgn*t. 1KM9
He name* a * witnesses J<»bu Mull. J F.
Kelly Wm. Wallace. U. <». Ervin,
........... ail oi
\Voudlaud. Y«»lo county, ( «1
Any nnd all iH*r*on* claiming ««Hers
the abov?-dcM<*rii>cd land* ar? r»*»pi« *t» 4
file tin ir claim* in thi* «>fli< »• »»u . ; U f<
►aid 3Mh day of AuguM. 16K9.
('ll Ah W. J«1H N-Ti-,%-
Sheriff's Sale
In the Circuit Court, «»i the State
for Ja»'*k*ou county. A S Moor
v- William x l;-li. defendant
DY virtue of a writ <»f execution i**ue«i out
of th«* alxive ?ntiil«*d court in Ihr ahoi«
entitled cause, 1 am commandt-«! tu-rii j iQ
property belonging to «tefcn<lant to salt ty
a judgment recovered in -aid cgi rt May 11
lliM. in favor oi A >. M«-<>n plaintirt, and
against William .sl|»h d«hr. dant,
fwr ki-<
an»i intetest ujon th«* same at s p»*r <i r.i
........ ~ e- from
' ‘ dan-; al
and the <*o»ta and
accrtiing < «fa of
«nd upon this writ
W'!ier«-f»>rv, I did. on
29th day
of May. I ns S, k*\y uf »n, ariti
- ...
will offer for sal«* to the highest E, Ider for
cash in hand, nt the Court H oum door, iu
Jack*©» viHr. Or., on
Sat n rday. J ti ly 2G, 1 n
At2o‘ckM k p. in. of said day. to rati*fy *ai*I
ludgmcnt of A. S Moon. p’ r iilJ.!’ uzu.mrt
W m. St-Iph, detrmtenl. for >17g. amt interest,
<■-■6 29 com * and a< < ruing < o-t*, a* ateo -aid:
all th«* right, title and interest of William
Selnh, defendant, in and to the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
Beginning at a stake on s«-«*tion h11 rote
wc*st from the s E. comer of th* .S W l4 of the
BE’^Sec. 30, in Tp. 35 >, K 2 W , andrunuiug
thenc? due North 31 r«al« tn a stake: tln-nee
due west 9 rods. 6 feet and 3inch«-* i«»a ’ake
thence«iu** south 31 r> h I s to a stake on the
section line 3». thence ra*t on said m *. lion
line 9 rods, 6 tert and 3 intflie* to th« place of
beginning, containing 2 acres of tend, to-
get her with the tenements and appurten­
ance» thereunto belonging: and th«- N E
¿uarferof the N W quarter of Sec t. Tp. 35 s
ange 2 W, containing 40 acres; all in Jack
son county, Oregon.
J ames G. B i * d * ky .
Sheriff of Jackson County. Or
Jacksonville. Or . Juue 2t>. Js«'.'