ASHLAND TIDINGS FOTO OF JULY! RESI IMiAM. Jacksonville Brevities. XMI.HHORING COL .VI ILS. RED HOUSE COLUMN. KLAMATH COUNTY. Michael Hanley, a Southern Oregon Mrs. Judge Moore, of Linkville, Bound Virginia paid Jacksonville a visit last Friday. [Linkville Star, June 21., the observance of Independence Day in 1821. At the age of 1 years bis Judge J. W. Parker will deliver the Miss Jessie Lange 11 is visiting in grand style in Ashlend. Th«' rail­ father died, and life’s responsibilities INFORMS THF Ml'tiW I'M PS. in road will give half-rates on its regular were almost his birth-right. The on­ Linkville. and will be alisent all sum­ Fourth of July oratiou at Linkville. trains, and the trains run so that ly son of his widowed mother bis. firs’ mer. The fireworks for the Fourth of To a caller who made acme inquiries people from the northern part of the efforts were to aid in her support, ami Mrs. Jas. A. Wilson and Miss Lulu July liave arrived. The display will of him. First Assistant Postmaster- county can come aud return the same he gave his w iges to that laudable Knbli are going to Colestein Thurs­ be the grandest ever witness«*! in this county. General Clarkson said the other day day. The program includes many purpose w hen he could only earn 10 day. for a several weeks' visit. attractive features. Hou. Biuger cents per day, caring for her with un­ l'he traveling bazaar of Engle Bros., a few words which ought to open the H«-rmann. Oregon’s popular Repre­ stinted generosity uutil a few years Fletcher and George Linn und eyes of bis mugwumpian critics: “It sentative in Congress, will deliver the since when her death occurred, when Kasper Knbli. who have been ut- of Phoenix, baa been in Ibis locality ut (or several days peddling produce of should be remembered," said be, “that oration. The procession will lie large there was retnrnixl to hnu a thousand tending the Stat«' University the that seellou. Eugen«', have returned home for dollars, so far had he anticipated all and imposing. Thx free batbe* ’ iie if President Cleveland had not ap­ summer vacation. her earthly wants. He sja'at several John H. Miller we learn is boring au dinner will uot lx forgotten, and the pointed Democrats in the place of Re­ sbixiting tournament and the races in years of his earlier life in Ohio and Willie Grob died nt the home of •U't«*sian well on tils ranch, atid lias publicans there would be very few the afternoon will be unusually inter­ later in Louisiana, comiu. with the his parents, iu Jacksonville, last Sat­ reached a depth of I’ll» taet with to Califor- urday, of spinal meningitis. He was a eighty feet ot water, wbicu continues Democrats for the present Admidis- esting. Iu the evening the celebra­ gold excitement of bere he mined at Jackson, m blight boy, and his death is a sad af­ to rise. tration to remove in order to make tion will wind up with th*» grand mil­ ma: Amador county, anti aud Nelson crv»k. fliction to his family. They have the itary l>all. to which all are invited. Miss Kale M. Leuiberger, has beeu room for the Republicans now bei UR one of the richest tributaries of Feath­ sincere sympathy of this community. euiploT.-d COMING FROM MEDFORD. itM stenographer during th« appointed. I er river, where be made a ii. lie ¡soils ■ Last Saturd.iv Sb* riiT Birdsey ar- *««*iou of the circuit court, aud bus The Medford Band has been in ­ stake, wnii ’ ti, tie prud*litiv saved. “There is another thing which ÍH not duce«! to come to Ashland forth«' 4th, 1’iruig oí this vix'utiou, he came to resi-d Frank Wait, of C itral I'oi^. proVnl herself an expert. All*s la'iu- generally known, and that is that and a large number of Medfoni peo­ Oregou aud in lu** ¡llalli- and turned him over to S.ieriir E. A. ixuger.we understand,is from .Surprise nearly all the Democratic Pi •»' ■ I him for over a that would compare favorably with who makes the report is u Democrat, carriages are earnestly ri*qiiestc«l b> since retuded. In 1856 he married month since at Medford and informed *.uy iu Olegou. for the very good reason that we have the comruitt**e to join the prix•«■.-*.*ion Miss Martha M. Burnette, daughter th«' [iroper authorities of his where­ The granary at the Linkville Roller in the morning with their buggies or ot Col. John S. Burnette of Douglas abouts. very few Republican inspectors to other vehicles. mills, being too htsiviiy loaded with county. Niue children were born to Owen Conner, who has lieeti a resi­ make reports." them, three daughters dying in child­ dent of this place for many years, ded gram aud Hour tail to the ground this BRING THE TRIMMINGS. Mr. Clarkson add«*! that the men hood, an ii Iff id ion that cast its sancti­ at the county hospital yesterday, and wwk. It contameil 50,1**) pounds ot The refreshment committee will fied shadow over the parents’ life. was buri**l in the Jacksonville ceme- Hour aud 500 bushels of wheat. Nu who are now going out have almost damage outside the building. supply all the lieef and bread for the invariably served four years, and it public dinner, but request our cti- Mr. Hanley was a man of strong tery this afternoon, He was a man of physique and positive mental vigor exemplary character, and respected A. B. Armington and J. L. Roe, seemed that the people, when they zeus to bring their baskets well tilled and with a motive vital temperament. by all who knew him. Many friends swamp land inspectors have been had anything to say lately, had voted with cake, chicken, jellies, pastry, etc., He became at once a prominent fac­ attended th«' funeral services at the among us for several days kxikiug after C om . tor in combining the civil uud social Catholic church, and lovely Howers the interests of th*' people as well as that four years was about the proper to make a tine dinner. The shooting tournament will take elements, that dominated our pionev-r from the hands of sorrowing friends the state. Their investigations in time for a Federal official to hold place at a poiut in Helman's Held in sixriety. Although bora in the south, breathed an incense upon the grave this county only reached lot No. 5. office. Mr. Hanley was lirlependeut in poli­ of the lone old man. that did honor to .A b soon as their labors are over here the northeastern part of town. ties but usually affiliattxi with the Re­ his many good qualities of head and they will go to Haruey valley. publican party, and always declined heart. EDITORIAL HOTES AMD MEWS At (•rant’* P ahs . office, as his stock aud laudexl interests The following is the list of races at required his whole time, and by strict DEEDS RECORDED. The entertainment given by Jack­ Simon Cameron, the great Pennsyl­ the Grant's Pass Driving Park, July sonville amateur* last Saturday night, attention to business he achieved and vania politician. ex-U. S. Senator, and 4th, 188 ' The following deeds have lieen maintained a foremost position among for the benefit of the Cemetery ater Race No. 1 Pouies, 3(X) jrarita— the agriculturists and stoek growers Fund was a decided success and gave pluceil 11 pi ill* the records of Jackson memlier of Lincoln'* cabinet, is dying at his home in Harrisburg. Pa., from purse. 815. Jackson county. Together the fru such entire satisfaction that the man county since report in last issue of the Race No. 2 —Trotting, l minute of gal husband and Ins capable wife had agers have decided to reproduce it al T idings : an attack of paralysis. class. 2 in 3 purse Sift*. V« Helm to lami" M l.unrk — Lami in buildeti a magnificent home, generous Medford this evening, ami at Central Race No. ¡1—Running. (¡<>0 yards iu its proportions The greater The two largest contributors to the and complete in its Point Thursday night and repeat - -purs«' S2ft*. and over it hung the part of the people m this part of the relief funds for the Johnstown suffer­ Race No. 4—Trotting, free for all. appointments, golden cornucopia of plenty, while its county have a personal interest in our ers are the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 3 in 5— purs«> TWl pleasant and inviting hospitality gave cemetery, and no doubt the entertain­ Race No. 5 Running mile and cordial welcome to every guest: but ment will Is- liberally patronized. SAj.imO. and the Cambria Iron Co.. $2.’ WH Both companies lost heavily repeat purse 850. all too sixjn the dread hand of disease Miss Maggie Linn and Mr. J. H. CONDITIONS was laid upon the husband, resulting Hoffman, the capable and energetic by tl ie HocaL In race No. 1. pouies must not in softening of the braiu.and for 8 years projectors of the enterprise, certainly Suffering Johnstown had the dam­ ' weigh over 750 pounds, and run from be has lM»eu a helplivs charge. In are deserving of great credit for their age of a serious conflagration added a standing start. All running races less than two years after Mr. Hanley's successful efforts. to lx* started by tap of drum. En­ to its other terrible calamities this trance fee 10 i « t cent, of the purs«» attack Mrs. Hanley, who was never sickened and heart-broken by Grants Pass Notes. week. Some twenty-five dwelling competed for, 70 per cent, to winner robust, her husband's illness, developed pul­ houses which the Hood had spared and30 per eent. to second horse. In monary disease and after a year uud a Prof. Benson and family are spend­ the 4 minute trotting class the eom- half of patient suffering, dual, an af were destroyed by the fire. nnttee reserves the right to classify diction that Mr. Hanley, mercifully, ing a few days at By bee’s springs. Mrs. H ayes, wife of ex-president the horses. Parties getting up pri­ never realized. The first years of his The lads'S of the Ai l society clean'd vate races must pay 10 jx'r cent, of Hayes, died at her home in Ohio. the money competed for. to the com- illness was th«' fiercely waged warfare 825 at thi-ir laxith last W«*iuesday b«!ld ill mental and physical forces that evening. Tuesday morning, after a short ill­ luitte«'. On disputed points, the rules of fought in fitful frenzy, when the fev­ Mr. Pundy lserei ting a neat cottage ness. aged 57 years. During the four of the Pacific Blixxl Horse A— oeia ered brain could no longer give co­ north 7th street, near the Baptist ■ tion and the rules of the National id in t|. years in which she was mistress of herent direction to the active, willing on Trotting Association shall lx» consid­ hands, but alum! three years sine«' a church. the White House, she won the hearts ered tinal. I Mr. Mi'Autbur has received partial stroke of paralysis laid low the of the people by her kindly sympathy Applications fur p«x>l selling must once strong man and he has b'x-u help­ chiuery, and will soon liegin and generous hospitality, and her ■ be made to th«' ixminiittee bx ID a. in. less ever since. 1'euderiy their cbil- his shingle factory. on the morning of the 4th. Parties ' tiren cared for father and mother, giv­ purity and nobility of character. Mr. Harry Mixrre and wife left last are requestetl to make their nomina- ing to the world a sublime example of nutry, where A Washington press correspondent : tions for the races by 10 a. m. of the patient heroism and tillial iitTeetion w«*'k for tile Patous, as they were called upon nt once to they expect to remain says: There is the ntmost anxiety 4th in order to avoid confusion. , The races will >*■ called at 2 p. JU., us no tober No satisfactory information 1 IV is«' tues's ar* earn«*! to mid tr*>m over th* ir wedd«*i lit*', and who can t lint to r i land was adopted by a vote of 15,113 to the*ie|M>t by th' wagon whleli also tell whether the tried spirit under He M ig. ns Mis. Nt lai desolate pall of utllietion, may not carries the mails. The general law al ­ and Merlin, wi re drn 9,230. On Thursd; y of last week the have held loving comuiuniou wi'li th. p irt of the tur amendment whs voted upon again. lows 111** post master to close the mail -barer ot life's j >ys an I sortows, ax sacks thirty n.inutes la-fore the s.-h«d- Angels minister'll unto bun. June It. mi frighten* d tin the question Iwing to approve or re- iile time of departure of train, but as Incan.* immaiiage 188H. at tí o ’ cbx'k A M.. 'lr. Hanl. y, peal it, and the amendment was re- the train slop* thirty minutes m Ash­ .ip front stre«‘t uh« surrounded by children and grand­ • park, st ruck a st iitnp pealed by a two-tlnrds majority - the land the sacks have Ixt-n close*! in children, US the light heralded the off t he w agon. Boi b vote being 28.449 to 9,853. The in- tins* tos»-nd tbetn to the d*'p**t by the dawn ot another day tti*> happily n wagon as it went to m«‘et th«* train. '.in out but neither ference is that Rhode Island doesn't Tills aild'**l ten minutes or more totbe leasts! spirit of t tie honored plota-er its lieavouiy flight to endles- line constitutional prohibition, after tbiriy fix**! by th-'general rule L *st wiuged reunion with wife and children goue week tlie Record jumped upon th«' a three years' trial of it. Indore and Angels sang tu j lyous not*-- postal depart in* lit ottlie I nit«**i Stat«** th«' Keno Whispers R 4 E glad ti lings. "Altogether lovely with two f«et mnl ititimmvd that Mr. •San Francisco raised about SloOJW Hl th* ir lives. Ill deatti they Were not for chanty in the last two weeks. Wanamaker wasn’t atteniiiug to busi- divided.” Mrs. Ferree, who during the last ten A HOM %X*S WAY. Thia is not bad for what Sam Jones l*ess tn Ashland didn't keep his mouths has I h «- u with her clildreo to Private fuueral services were held B«ltiin?NK Proposition. calls the meanest and wickedest citv pledge to “exp«*iite the service" and at th«' family residence at 7 P. M. the attend to their wants while they were When Mr Fnv. h r. ci "27 Ellin street, fit«» -P- that has cum lx-red the earth since used the old gentleman tip pretty bad­ day before the funeral, .it winch only iiltn-hiM'l in Eugene, return«*! home ly. Ix'siiiee Battening out a large nnm- the relatives mid immediate friends List week with Frankie. Jav Ferree pxl in at it !• aUlngcity druggint’s to a-k wba the days of<>m ami Gomorrah. lier of subordinates Next day the Im- of the family were present. Rev. Mr. w ho has lx*‘n attending the University, i ibfi t “The t 'ulh’omiR Remedy.” Jov’«; V< (S. F. Post. latxiri «1 minions of the servtc«> “cam«' Sarsaparilla, would have in cas«1» <• The people of San Francisco ought to taw" and strictly observed the thirty Ennis, of th«' Presbyterian church, will lx- home this week, and the long table dyspepsia and *kk headaches, -h»* was a'-ur separatisl family will lx» happily re- chose for his text “ The house of many to ask Sam Jones what he has given minute law, first bringing up the mail ?d it would relieve Ixitli. -ht' v. a< «<» inured ” drawing in impressive nuitc*l. lib'Us that tbo druggist gave h* r a lM*nh- to the sufferers from receipts of his from the train, and then taking dow n mansions, pictures, a beiiutiful simile Ixrtween Mart Fraim, the pioni*»r fur-dealer, net t<* In- pai*l for unless it efle* tvd a cure lectures every night, at the rate of the mail going from this office. The our earthly mid heavenly hornee, con­ Record smiletl from pole to pole, but trasting our duties to our parents mid was on the jury last w*«-k and says he * The following is the conviiiuing <••»!»( lusioii 820 per lecture. The gener­ the tired. No wonder. The court bail a reform and triumph didn’t last .-an I al impression is that he has not put long. The superintendent of the Ber­ our duty to the wise mnl loving Fath­ case which must have ta'eti fatigueing D ear S ir : No' t’w ithstanfiinc my mlMTH er who has given ns all earthly gixxl. up a nickel. [Journal. viee iinnu'diately upon learning the Iu the home where a kind and loving to a juror witli a scrupulous regard for ing«. loy * \ ret* nl»b' j*ar*i iparil in lrxtks into the mat­ Di'niocratic p»istal clerks and [xistmas- left lasting impress of their own worth upon the staud to outface and Hank a< I I hav- ter, says the Sacramento Bee, the ter and hotel man are now doing the in the many noble characteristics de­ the helpless justice of the matter. more reason is there for congratula­ smiling. The clerks state that the de­ veloped in their children; and we who The soldier who stood nearest to the Y liiypcrinl.M.mtc i tion that Janies G. Blaine, and not lay in the delivery of the mails from are of more value than many spar­ falling steer heard the shot, but didn’t r m*l> ti nt will • m rows. give to the world the highest Thos. F. Bayard, is Secretary of State. the ears to th«’ Ashland office is not know the st«*'r had fallen. To the prevent ii k li, uu.ii lie* she' From out of the unenviable position caused by the mail wagon waiting for type of human character when we are question “why did you not inquire as known. li."!»-, titilli. cloth**! iu the likcm-ss and image of in the Samoan ditch, to which the hotel pass«'ngers. as the Record pre­ to the cause of that shot, which in a paltering policy of the latter had sumed, but that as this is the end of the Father of all light. Earnest in time of profound peace brok«» the mid­ Christian counsel, and sympathetic in relegated this nation, the firm hands two divisions <>f the railway service night silence of the fort and split the of the former have rescued it. with time is required for interchange of loving admonition, the discourse fell darkness with a Hush of blixxl-red upon the hearts of the bereaved like honor to himself, and credit to his registry receipts, etc.. Ix'tw«>en the lightning?” he replied that in war Two Native Pioneer« country, it is not alone in the United clerks of the two divisions. Thus pearly rain drops in fields of growing time his patro’ism was uncorked and gram, and in < iod ’ s own tune who can Stat«*« that Mr. Blame is given that endeth the first chapter. Tlie future active, imt in time of profound peace Among those who ix'cupied a carriage praise for his firmness and diplomacy will tell whether the Record or th«' foretell th«' harvest. bis natural alT**'tion for Ins coun­ in the Pioneers’ procession yesterday, The funeral procession, numbering which they deserve. The English railway service supenntenih'nt shall try was more or less bottled tip, like many carriages mid pr«*'e*l**l by War cold c.'innister. and besides he thanked says the Oregonian, were Secretary of press are unanimous in aw arding to wear the licit. State George W. McBride and State ren Lixlge, A. F. A A. M. of which the his decision and shrewdness the lien iv.'ti that I:*' never Iwlonged to the Printer Frank C. Baker There is an d** ’ eas*'d had Ix't'n for many years a victory over Bismarck on several ma­ det alarmist crowd, nnvway. interesting coincidence concerning member, was a mute testimonial of the and «•stable LFAEIIU. SEWS. terial and important |*>ints which every hill*' pop heard in this niigh- them that is worth relating. Both high estimation in which Mr. Hanley Bayard had well nigh sacrificed. Audit ty nation didn't excite his appreben- were burn in Oregon in the same y«)ar. was held. The Ixsiutifnl aud im­ must lie remenilx-red, too, that the _____ . sight, lie knew 1851, and yesterday was Mr. Baker’s An association of California piontxTs pressive funeral serviix's of the Mn- sion by a darned Englixh press ilo not like Blaine. having its home in Pittsburg.l’a., num- sonic Order were conduct«*l by P. G. that the country was safe, atnl that 35th birthday. They are the only They have no reason to lx* particular­ IxTing 43 “forty -uiners,” is about to was sufficient for th*' tired, noble ()regon-lx>rn men ever elect«*! to state ly fond of him. His manly, direct get up a pleasure excursion to Sun M. Keanu'S, aud in the grave of the American soldier. The ceutry who offices, and were the recipients of and outspoken ideas upon th«- Irish Francisco. Tilt' party will leave home departe«! brother was d*|H>sited the shot the steer, ha! not been indicted, uuiny congratulations y.'stenlay from laml*-skin apron that the honored and th*'cti.M'Wlis «lismis i*l. Mart ha question, were not certainly to their on July 29th. craftsman had so worthily worn in his a half interest 1:1 the hot springs at friends and acquaintances on being liking, anil they have shown their di* F indlay (O.), Juue 22. -Thirty-one finished an* 1 accepted labora. On the Shovel creek, anil says business is live­ pioueers in this resp«*q ami the hope like of him on more than one promi­ was expressed that they would blnze a nent occasion. Yet he comtnnnils pt'rsons were poisoned to-day by eating grave were placeil many beautiful flor­ ly there. trail which the other hops of Oregon offerings that come like acceptable their admiration, he enforces their corned Ix'ef. Half a dozen physicians al Mr. R. T. P>l:ickw'oo*l is in town look­ would find no difficulty in following from the hands of piont'er words of commendation for bis were kept busy for several hours, and mceuse I Statesman. friends. In Mr. Hanley this commun­ ing around. He is a !in-al d< *<‘endaut of genius. And the German press, too, it is now thought that all will recover. ity t Ii.• great 1 »lack w < * • 1 of magazine fame lias lost an honorable, upright cit ­ The jiersotis poisoned were members of has t*> admit the superiority of the A drive in lady’s summer dress pioneers, a tri«*l and faithful This is a good point for a magazine man. He is a new factor in their twenty different families, and the meat izen; null. Bltiekwool’s magazine concern goods for ten days at McCall’s strict­ friend: brother Masons, a worthy an 1 was eaten for to-day ’ s dinner. gams of diplomacy. After playing acceptable brother, ami his family a was one of ¡ibout 75-barrel capacity, ly for cash. with Bayard as lie did. Bismarck J ohnstown . Pa.. June 22. A num­ di'vottsl fatlzT, w ho ha i proven blit Edinburg can’t hold a candle to found his match in Blaipe. lie can ber of suffers by the tliaxl have com­ loving his own worth by the dutiful affection K* no for water power. There is no no longer play his cards ax he pleases, bined to retain counsel to bring action of his children. May he n-st in jx'ace knowing how many tudiistries may yet while th«» Secretary of State of this for damages against the South Fork until time’s changing seasons bring lx' ereeti*! on our rapid*. A better lo­ great nation stanils humbly by with Fishing club, owners of the fatal dam. th** welcome reunion of tne resurrec­ cality for a stout, healthy magazine hut in hand. He is now dealing witli man can not be found tn the north- Prince and Peasant, the Millionaire and tion morn. L eon . C hicago . June 22. The great Amen- “a foeman worthy of his steel," one wi-st, and it is to lx* ln>pe0 to the who, in the preliminary skirmish lie­ Blackwood may settle here. ties r, nieilv, attCHt the world-wide rep­ Medford Items. tween»1 two diplomats, came out winner, was won to-«lay by Spokane, "Nig," th*' faithful dog that found utation of Ayer's Pills. Leading phy­ first lies’. A universal feeling of re­ the Montana horse, with Sorrento sec­ and saved Nell Sl v’s b iby boy Iasi sicians recommend these pills tor gret swept over the Republican party ond. Retrieve thud. Time 2.11 *4. when Blaine was not nominated for H. B. Ri»*l. the feuce man. is in spring, has tieeti hurt. In chasing a Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive- N ew O rleans . June 22.—It 1.* *• it**l I’resident again. It is doubtful, how­ by tiiose wtio km*« that arrangements. town this week on a business visit. vagrant cow through th*' grexnwixsl Bess. Biliousness, and .Sick Headache ; this w ek, lie somi'li’>w got callgilt in also, for Rheuiuatism, Jaundice, and ever, whether the greatest of living Iiav. !>*•• n made for tin Sullivan K>l- Henry V. Heims, who has lx the branch**« ami t he cow stepped on Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated ; con­ American statesmen is not of more ruiti t’vht and th«’ ground for tb* I».’, the employ of Clllirt. W. Woltc Ills fix»t. tain no calomel . are prompt. Imt mild, benefit to his countr> where he is, tie agr«**i npou. It will be n«ar Al'i’a than he would be in the Freenlentiiil Springs, mi the line of th* F. 1st L uis- th«» pint eight mruti.s, left M T *•• fourth is so near that everybody in operation ; and, therefore, the very for 'Frisco. chair. lit st medicine for Family Use. as well as lana Itiilroad. in St. Tammany parish. i lull of whoop. The work on the Opera House and for Travelers and Tourists. Tin- runway -omp -ny lias offer*-«! to O Lib- rty \merican, Sew S. F.«** In Oregon. «■r* c’^ 11 an pint beater on tlie l>attl*- J. G. Grossriian's tien liuihhug is pro- •' I have derived great relief from •S > young an I giv and bnstlinj Ayer’s Pills. Five years ago I was ground capable of watliig 2H00 people. gr«—smg rapi Uy. [San Francisco («¡»patch. June 24.] K'tn, For you our fathers grasped til« taken so ill with The people of St. Tammany ngn*'that 1’iw A Co. an I (tint I t - A S in o ich An 1 did a heap of rustling The dispatch from Portland last t here shall l>e no interfi-rcric«' and no fiui>-hcd uuruing u I .rge giin if bri ’ k night announcing that the Southern itilpn station, a fail fight and th best Rheumatism i scare and blood, just w,*-k. The dem hi I for brick I* Arrayed in gaping Pacific Company had bought th nur- m in to w in. that I waa unable to do any work. I is an I Hintl.s'ke bringing; Tiieir heart so great that tii*-i will erect uu*:u >r row gauge Une nf the Oregoimm Rail- At death’s front d« >rfor yon they sto si took three Loxes of Ayer's Pills and kllli lit olii-e. way Company inOregou washtii m>d uas entirely cured. Since that time I Hr** ill Vaiiri.uv.T, II. T. And set the hall i«—ll ringing. am never without a box of these pills.” to-day at the general office of the Mrs. O. Damon. whohaslx*en 'Vancouver Dispaich. June -2 Peter Christensen, Sherwood. Wis Southern Pacific Company in this visitiug b*T parents lit Elkton for the And shouted “liberty or death"’ Como forth, one or th«' other! “Ayer's Pills have been in use in inv citv. A fire swept through the bnsiness past two w**eks. is expected home next family upwards of twenty years ami And tael our kisses burning breath. the general understanding here is t»*'tion of Vancouver last tiigbt. des­ Monday morning. Lave completely veritied all that is For we are anxious, rutber! that following this late purchase the troying the principal part of four claimed f«»r them. In attacks of piles, Miss Aman 11 Goodyear, of Ashland, company will bud 1 two important blocks of frame buildings lying east P etek the P oet . from whii h I suffered many years, they branches to complete this lis’al system. and west of Mam street. The total spent several days in town this week afford greater relief than any other the guest of t he Misses l’lymale. One that the officers of the company loss is aloilt S50JH10, possibly medicine I ever tried.”—T F. Adams, City Council Proceedings. IL-liy Springs, Texas. have diactiHM*! for some time past is h on which there is a small percentage The band boys intend giving an ice brunch from Corvallis through Monroe <>f insurance, and a g«xxl portion of cream and necktie festival in the ' I have nst d Ayer’s Pills for a num­ to Junction City. The other branch that in Seattle companies. There Chillers hall this (Friday, «'veiling. Ashland City Council met Monday ber of year«, and have never found any­ will lie nothing else than a line to As- were two fires during the night, both This is the first eutertainMent given evening. June 24th. present Mayor thing equal to them for giving me an amt imparting energy ami tona from Forest Grove. At the com­ undoubtedly of incendiary origin. by th«> band and it should lx» well pat­ Mills and Couneilmeu Walter, Colton. appetite strength to th? system. I always keep pany’s office here no information will Many wild" estimates of the loss are ron 17.1X1. Thornton, Thompson, Hunsaker and them in the house.”—R D. Jackson, lie given concerning the road*, but it made, but very probably it will not ex- Sutton. Wilmington. Del. Jana'S Brandenburg and George is said that it is willing to advance eeed StkUIOU. The losses fall mostly Committee appoint«*! at prior mat­ “ Two boxes of Ayer’s Pills cured me money to the Astoria A South Coast upon the pixirer class of shop-keepers, Isaacs each have their fine n-eidemve ing to revise schedule of business li­ of severe railway to built it. a number of whom lost their all. T here on Sth street nearly com pletai. censes and