ASHLAND’ isÿl'ED EVERY I R1D.W MORNING \V. LEEDS. II. Editor «nei Publisher TIDI Terms of idr ertiti ng LIOAL. FRIDAY. JUNE ASHLAND, VOL. XIV. THE WHOLE HVSW.SS FARI (IB Austin 3. Hanxmonà, ATTORNEY AT LAW ('lone upon the beels of Hpphlling news. laft ASHLAND, OREGON. I l.rBClivi* ii all court* oi the Stale. e« ti«>us promptly n»»4® am! reniittc«! !t 4 Morris M. Harkness, AND COUNSELOR. YING- o tn FROM $225 TO $1000 AND St RGEoN, 400.00. House and Lot on Helman street 550.00. Machines Good Farm near town. Chas. E. Beebe, M. D AND SURGEON AMil.ANP. OREGON >« t ial attention given to the treHtiu« i»l hronic female di’*«-.».»» s. c«>u»ultation free whvrr pr«>fej»*i»»ii- ces are not rv«|ijln (i. n Masonic Blo« k. o\»-r Chitwood’* »tore residence on Oak Mfeet Emgs & Morse, Ashland, Or. ASHLAND ANI>EKSON PHYSICIAN AM) STRGEON. Vice !*re**idvnt MF.PFOKL». OltCiioN. Dr. W. Stanfield, Ki'ltit Female 1 talion fr« ii (F" i-H OREGON. Kilis at ’ ite new brick m Mrs. P- M. Webster, M D. A&HIgCW, PHYSICIAN, OBSHON. t£<* CcngrvgHoim«) M 15 I till I II KKS O1 WHITE &C0I.0R1’]) BLANKETS, Plain & Fancy Casshneres,Flannel s. Hosiery, Etc J. S. Walter, M. D. 3., OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING made to ORDER. Will practice hi»profession <-f Dentiatrv —AT— A j » hl 4ND, O regon . ATKIV n OX, Xprr»«tnrr »»»«I G*•»»♦«ml H. Mannv*»*’ Mechanical and Operative Dentist. ASHLAND, OREGON. Closing Out at cost. P. CRADY, Gbiing, Kalsoniining, Wall-tinting, Etc. Main and Hurj;ad!nestrvet*, in rear Avem’ oflkce, \*»lilan It ESSM A KEli. Untting and Fitting a Specalty. Men’' Overalls, reg. price 75c., \\ ill bo closed out at 55c. K. 1 li*il 1 the uru popular uiu*i< ;* pia' 1 )»} Orchvatra. nt llH\ing v’upi'«yu«l a lnnp- dan*. w<- nr»' able t»> fumi of band y inatruinml r band*. AH roTUptlv nitrii ' À.ldrv Prof. lk. I Hagonnl. vu. s2<> M.n’ All l ine < 'utawav Suits. All at Cost Boots Men’ Hats of All Kinds, C In- c|oepre»«lon. No loss o! time, no intorbfrcnce with busineai while raking. F«»r children it is moot in­ nocent and barinloM*. No danger from Care« Colic, L>l- arrtnva, lP»wel Complaiut*, Feverish* neo and Feverish Cold», invalids and delicate per^onn wilt find it the mildest Aperient ami Tuuir they can uac. A little talceu at n'^ht Insures n irai evacuauan r>-: the a e brrRth. twsete A PHksiCIAtCH OPINION. •'I h»v« been I pri medicmt foe twenty years il na tare neve bceti «Lie to rut up a vegetable c compound that would, Ite Simmon. Uw rr Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and a*, the same time aid (instead of weak­ ening i the d.^vsuve ¿nd asMiniUtiv« nowtr^oi the ” 1 M H intom , m d , Wash ngton. Ark. Mark«» of G<«niiin<*ri<*«*>: fxwik fort he red Trade-Mark on fYotif of Wrapper, and the Beal and **ignafur<- of J. !!.Z« ilin ACO m U) red. on Uit Take no other. Eggs for Hatching From W’t/iiiiflttttis, Plymouth Rockt, Light Rrahmtuf, Itu* and Single Comb Rroirn LtghornSg White H’j/- tiudntbs, Paitridgc Cochin^ and Black Wttiorccui A uierica'd best breed«. Xl'iu n< is <>f the highest hon­ ors at all the largest erJiioitiont for the past ele ven years. Egga 83 per setting: two'for #5. Send etaiup for Cutnlogne. Aditre«« .1 M (lAKKlnox. Forest Grove, Oregon. ■’ 1 “ bo’.ei. ’ T warm but f.ot « vv «rm. 1 . ’‘’ ■ contain » r Irenes, a -i dm ‘ populftt ihe next stHtiion is F •'lorence, 280 - from Ululaliielphia i und thirteen h a population of chivtiy wupport- Oregon, Ashland, Breeder and Shipper of Wyandottos. Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahmas, Brown Leghorns n rui run teed. eslieynnd. there w for the man­ ic and gas retort«, isiou of the l'etin- 1 the Couemsugh aequeduct, plain- aiiroad. The ca­ ll abandoned. At a ulee from 1‘hiladel- froti. Jobnetowu, la kolivar. at Mil ago devoted to tie muiiufa >f fire Imick, and hav- ng a p.q.u lation f nl«.iit .'PiO. Twen- I to*'« >f clay are worked il »>r Illi d every year. 1' 1» iust after ■aviug thin atution, i hieb also tig urei lurgeh in rejxirta t rophe that the road en- »r;iT!)»' laugh. The Rhine I-If has mnthmg to eurpass the ex- it y of io mvnery at this, particular in the autumn leavoi have hiwiiiih I the torg.-ona « mt eo dear to the over of nat r«* C Vi eniaugb m < c U<> d is b autiful sd-uery anil ich m Im iss<«'lations of the Srinniehnen’s Huihlimj, opposite Flag ary wi< 1 The old furnace« Conemaugb have ound a pin in y a i t ist "e «ketch H A R N E S S A .-O tip to snbsc Made and Repaired ~ Th.« Hut)£R run atiii J electric ii pnliition of thia tiie- great waves of Austria - Hungary (init of Kossuth to 9. Whatever evi- ility or romance may sur- i>ige of Kossuth blmaelf lint the Hungarian pop- A»lilanregou. wvstern Peimsyivania is f very hard characters, hese there has been at- Ini-town, bv notices art- Choice ('«kes of every variety keot c ctory towns Mautly on head. Orders for partie« prm executed end dedly rough ■gade IriHti- •pevlsl priec» given All kind, of ornamental work neallv done m I Im midland die- In fact, it la not Wedding CakCF a apecfalty. li to say that Bread Delivered Daily at nnsylvimia are Your Door. ie <.ff«i-otinngB hat the Hungarian always reasonable, are not burdened Fresh Bread and Pies Daily JOHN WEXLEB, Proprietor. jD.tiitriH, RD 1‘ftHV evolves kir, and lion un- Combines tv.s juice of the Eiue T - Califon..*, to laxative and nutrb. with tl.e medicinal virtues of plai known to Lc most beneficial to the human system. forming the ON LY PER­ FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the *. “Premium Bread,” Pies, Cakes, let Cream Every Day. ^'^"ocuik’p « Their Btisiness Booming. I’robab’v no one thing has caused ral r.o .vnl of trade at Chil­ drag store as their giving •on'ers of ho many free trial f Dr. King’« New Discovery for >tion. Their trade is simply Naturally follow. Every one is u-ing it rmous in thia very valuable article, and all are del ghted with it. Ask y ,.r n the fact that it always cures and druggist for SY’KI P OF" HGS. Mxnu- owing to tin >-r disappoint«. Coughs, cold«, agencies do f«.. ,urt 1 only Ly the non. bronc hiti«. croup and all .at and lung diseases quickly cured. than they do. a can test it before buying by getting For fine hand n.i: . r-. b nr brushes S ah F. ahclco , C au «■ I a trial bottle free, large aize fl. Every • bottle warranted L ouiwilli . K »> Nxw Yosa. N. Y and comba call at Cbitwood'a. — HO THAT — Clothier and Hatter '» ppostte posTorncE ASHLAND, OREGON to rhe public, w herr- hr will be pleated i on the hj tn serve htx old friend«* and patron« with hl« lax their grasp >n it altogether, ■rce that should — and — id the bitter« to per- mg in ma!«ria-curaed locali- Confect ionery , a certain buckler of defence ch the enemy 1« power’e««. tire, dyspepsia, rheumatism, Icecream perdl.h, - - . 15cent« nd biliou« ailment«. -AbÜ TO — 0. H. BLOUNT, STAR BAKERY! W'u> Mill«. Proprietor of th« Star H« bitt r «»com month« stekn,'«,. i« ,o far red »> to be .Me to open up hi« HA I< KRY Cleanse the System Effectually, Johnson Block, Ashland, Or FOR WHO«« “NE"T M R’ vh .I bi«!« mu«! be nettled every month KIDNEYS, LIVER WD BOWELS ALMOND. WALNUT, and Grape Vine. Currnnta. (looaebernee. Rlnckberrie«, Raspberries, Strawberries, rlgH, Etc.. Etc. Onr trees are x’rownwitbout irngatioD on Red hill Iwtid. and all of known vn- r.etieo that awcceed in Southern Oregon. Those contemplating tree planting »ill do well to Miit our orchard and nnr aerv, ur write uh for price list. Postoffice - Murphy, Josephine oonnty Oregon. R R. atatien. Grant’s Paas It take« tbc place of a Prices at cost. Bovs' C( A.H. CARSON & SON. Prop's. Common ( ivershirts, All at Handkerchiefs, All at No Homs stonli te Without It part from tarns, the river valley ills in the ical luxuri- this point the reatlv con- pbeuds, SO r like that produce Contemplating t í change in my business at an early pe riod, I will offer my entire stock at cost until the same is closed out RESIDES« 1 - Woolen slrcet. Uhland. Ore SO z NOTHING litre it j LIWK IT> » hieb so (the town Retiring From Business ! P A 1 N T E Li . Ita peculiar efficacy !» du« a* much to the proeewa and hUill in r<»m;*ounding a« to the IngretiHitlM tbenifaelve». Tak. it in time. It «•heck* diMaNrs itijho outset, or if they be advanced will provo a potent cure. . E. B. MYER Closing Out at COST. Nitron« Oxide Gan administered for aiul.-w« extraction of teeth. Office over the Bank.—[12 33] (REGULATOR was, 276 i mid 7 h fn>iu 1 iie HilvautagH of a lation at the jiinc- ■k and the (<>ne- e site is coinpit telv broken and carved < hm jiie manner by Settled in 17H1 by M'pli John«, on the Indian tow n called Kick- j «.«in las'ame u on the Uone- of the western tliin poiut by or arks which i river, then C. Myer, Ashiand, Oregon KEEPS GARLAND STOVES. il A. C. Caldwell, Paper-hanging, OREGON, A big carload of stoves and ranges just received, The finest line in the countv. Call and see and believe it. Office atnl Sab.-s Rooms in Masonic Building, 4V. H ddence. Cheap 1 be calamity wh«cb Luu overtaken Tolmstowu snd its suburbs is perfect- lnt-elhgibl* to a person familiar h t'io district. As the train ap­ es Johnstown the banks of the aiiL'h become more and more tLe obstructions in the er (pore and more nnin- passing Viaduel station, t from Philadelphia and Troiu Pittsburg, the cars 11moral Point, a small hamlet liy for the handsome h the crossing of the •r is effected. s of stone, with a span Four nub's further on Couemaugh. t he base >e of the Allegbimy all trains east or pi-cted iH-fure they of the burner fter t Lev have aat. The Petm- pany has large t. and it had be- suburb of Jubila­ tion of lietween MORE THAN SEVEN HUNDRED ili Ha ml ill O i M m tor U» prf»sui t G. F. BILLINGS. E. P. Goary, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC n< • rorilj;! rTo-.i VMt wttfiiA ’nA ifeB ifcn (posSiSue puu. j j dwtX-lv». dwttJu*. hem I bere ! Apply to in Odd Fellow* building, th»or, on Mitin street. ASHLAND, - I 10 Acres of good fruit land near Ashland; $80 per acre. AM4I.A5D, OKKuON PHYSICIAN 285.00. “ Over Two Acres near town O keuos . SURGEON U-1 6 the same si >ty lo- md the uumeruue dams and oth- , er obstaclMSplaced )rt Hie bods of the i ab :o . r~.. Mretmif lot (Vimmerriai purposes have Nearly one Acre near town. If vou want Dr. S. T. Songer, lilid Il\ Seattle, June G. Si.u F raociHco E.ra port of tirò couti ig busiuejs portion ol not lung but smoking RM. some turpetiiiiie caught ti ■ n. Il the basement, of h two-st -ry frag. buiMing ju ’Le »...uuiyeii k>rée<> -■ FroDt e.nd. Jistsarti «i.r^*»a. f4c'- building, which whs owned by Xnk .'iHrgHret J. Poutiiis, and the iirst story of which was leased by th • Se­ attle Shoe Company, th« upper lio ir beiDg occupied for offices, was soon alilaz a. Au alarm was lustautly i iirneo iu and the volunteer fire depai responded promptly, but it possible to make headway iieree Ham*1«. Tins building, like mo its kind in the busiuest not detached, but was th of u row of frame building ^together and of various L< igh latitly did the department t tire, hilt without avail, tor the mgs of 1 miller were au easy pi what within ten minutes fro time it started developed into a tiagration. Adjoining the first biiildiih wholesale liquor store of Diet er. As soon as the tiri' reached i barre)« oi liquor exploited wit! rifle refsirts mid scattered IL timbers far and wide. The Denny block, in which was wholesale confectionery store, G more A t’o.’s real estate office mid s (Onice n»«ar rostumee. end other establishments, including nnmlier of profession some hnlging apartme licked up completely. out one entire spime. ElT->r the Coleman building on l*’r< to the south were the flames leapc>l hi with greedy rapidit different ityles aud diffei- — the Palais' saio. House saloon mid in I cut kindi. of Stoves for minutes another s-piaie ashes, taking m Add Heating 4Ud Cookie eery. Merchant s wb Th,f> World's '‘"uufacured under tbe ery aud fruit store, .1 drug store. John Si» n mean« that there trai,i mid steam tilt mg < Tti.i Graham’s tmlor »1 the cheapest to th 1 °F Stove, pawn shop. from Simisou Bros can he O Donnei ti j barber shop. I Dohuliy a Mari While this I yoa W the ,5***. -bd opera h<>n bailie ^*1 Front str Marion, half way to Si in the upper i one thrt*e-etory brick st 1 ed by Georg Sldo.ikMl, SI pnssible toi went tile S. house of Harris A clot lung s i taking es dry g<»'d.- atid oils establisbu another square. The Kenyon block where I be fire too, not w it list: from the norths lu this bloek w. tablislimeiit of Veueu Vaugh's i tailor bhop. From the opera 1 fire, now fast becoming conflagration, swallowed up the sqim to the south, consisting idi story biuluiugs, the frame by 1.. Lola 's Golden Rule B, California clothing house. Bros.’ large tailoring e Id the Orieutal Bazaar mid Severn big concerns. Notwithstanding the progress flames, the tire department 6ti with tierce determination to m mqst valuable portion of Front to the eoutli lietwis n Columbia and \osier,which was one n row of tine brick buildings < throe store's, where four 1 their’olliees the Bank of Coi Merchants’ National, 1'irst National and Washington Guarant.v mi Association and Savings Bank row consistisi of t he cornei cupied by Toklas, Siugenn gigantic wholesale dry goo porium, the I nion bioek. ine l'orcin building, the San Francisco clothing bouse. Star block, the Arcade build­ ing mid the ùesler block ou Oceid tai square, all I ho telegraph offices mg in the last named. It was generally supposed that the entire water front would go, but it was hoped, if Hnch wn.H inevitable, that t hew buildings could be saved. Tin Safe Deposit Company also Ind a bloek hi Ibis row. Explosions of giant powder were Men’s Red fruitless to prevent the awful spre . 1 of the relentless Gomorrah-like sheets of flame and clouds of blinding, eating smoke. Onward the co tiou went -crackling, roaring, All Kind shrieking. The three-story building to tue rear cost. of Toklas, Singerman .V Co., in winch was Welton A Co.’s sail factory , wig an easy prey to the terrible heat and <•< »st. cinders from the burinug Commercial Mill aud lumber yards. 1’he tire was soon communicat Toklas. Siiigerman .V Co.’s. Tti< ter was giving out and the streams All of them at (*(ist. from the several lines of hos>* only reached the second stories. l’he T ticoma fire department had come over from Tacoma in sixty twi nillintes on t hi* I’uget Sound Shop One Acre—lots 17 and 18, COME EARLY Dr. J. S. Farson. »Mblcnoe “U Main Mirtei. Pre sb} tarimi church. 11- 42 some structures, tin One /Vere—lots 15 and 16, Mytr’s idd. $225.00. On cutting machines this year. pjs of real v’tntto husine««« given eare- .>o-nlion, and Infuriualkui furnished ruing property in the new town. busiu< atones hi^h, were t $5.00 to $25.00 J. S. Howard, AND Friday many of them closi ly built with h; Wc ca save vou from N .tury Public and Coovevanoer MEDFORD, OREGON. PHVSICIXN bustling region of Sixty-five acres of Id I .LING 1 * A SH, Oh EG« >N A siil « m >, th “Queen City of tbo Sound" destroyed by tin where the day I As well as OitiCe in Alili Bulbimti, Front »trc«»T. PHYSICIAN t-d mid sixty-eight miles i and in ti corner of te tije «orges on >f the Alleghauivtì trow li i mia, the b) Lanía railroad Conemaugb >uly uvale»! >y the cati- The iner- I burmn, imber on ¡«•nil the I'limtiy la­ rder line Yirgmia. ‘.cti l lire ’ he lute months abrupt precpi- s of moisture. ■ removed lillitain forests, a« its source in whole busioeHB portion of Seat J. T. Bowditch, SIMMONS Pict fin-oque Spot* ( ¡umili» Which Helped beeil the flood OE TH! tlonl horror in P«« uuh >Ivauia, Attorney and Counaellor at Law C fs k XI " (OVl.MUGH VAI.I.HY. iggrpgMi«* Twrhe Million llollnr«*. « «.Kiplvtv li-t of Ah-trs.-t* víTitb in Ja k*on county rt;ie* examined. THb** pcrfvrtvd, ..r i» corrv» t« «i.