A Big Hla-t. J. M. MCCALL’S Wrisley & Co A tremendous blast is to be made in Utah ou the line of the Fort Douglas and Salt Lake railroad. The whole side of a mountain is to be blown off' by one explosion, with the two-fold object of opening up a saiid-etoue quarry in the mountain and tilling tip ii canyon with the debris. The pre pamtious have occupied many mouths. A tunnel 111 feet deep has been dug into the mountain, with crosscuts tifty- tive and seventy-six feet long extend-( iug right aud left from the inner ter- miuus in the sba|>e of the letter T. The height of the mountain immedi­ ately alxive the cross-cut is Fk The blast will consist of from forty to sixty tons of powder, containing G per cent of nitroglycerine, and will I k « «*xplr his powder, which is worth Or •J Html Ih-aler* iti — I iCÄ' K OS «s :. « M« * •7 •.D* ! 2*. -• i . - * -T. 'Öi, RANCHES STOCK It isestimuti'd that th»* 1‘hts* will re- mov»> cubic yards »»f s.md stone, which W’ill tmike the ma«s of d< bns in t I d * ciitiVou li’i up’.‘«'s >"» c’li t- yards, and will average 118J65 tons.« I’hom-is O N *il oT thisrity, till«*»! th«- krr« al Niagara <*ain«>n hi British Columbia with cubic yar»ls of material blown out with Jo.tMM pounds of po*.v»i»*r ast I d * contract for tin« work. |S. 1*‘. Chrouicle. L• Aj.. wjh-.'Wi W’rf-ccfrsL. /-J 7... ft- - *tr «jt 1 • I 1er rvpcn Goods, Y 1 ,1. •' it - . ' js ’JX’O. ncr«*s (¡rain, Fruit, «»r (.irass Land, X *Jl M M », hit) «en - <¡ram. Fruit or (¡ra>s Land, *: •_W acre-inain. Ftuit or Grass Land. k dL Ju Jk 4L uk JL JV. Ju 'kJ k .’JXN». Call .111 or (ililr.i',. I- KI 1> H VXSt-.X. Ashland. Or. M EX’S < "Boots 7 tons when com­ pleted. When the great wheel is put in place at the copper mines it will be made to revolve slowly by means of enormous cogs on the surface of its circumference. These cogs are Is-mg east in segments ami will weigh many tons in the aggregate. On each side of the mammoth wheel there will be fifty buckets, each of which will hold alxnit one hundred gallons, and these buckets will elevate the washings and dump them into a sluiceway. After i the great wheel Ims lieeu built up and the tiiiishing touches liave lieen put on it will be taken apart amt shipped. Every piece will I m « iiiimltered. so that there will lie no trouble in putting the wheel together, and it will take eight or ten cars to transport it. O 1 •«? jg*< » 11 /*-.// Ent ate Arjen f mill Surveyni A shlam ». Oregon, Ashland < >p«*m*d ag All kinds Repairing and New Work. N«*w Wind MilN ami !r.»ti fem-ing furnish«*«! i * S. SHERMAN, w it: Public, Al 1.. 1: W M SAW GUMMING A Specialty. TALENT, OR. A |.«o, DEALER ! N in the tots u Farm Implements. I SEEDS & FRUITS. - .l-'^l l-H IS k < ->1 ST V hhioi . w .-t i lair; L, ichiov , .'.ur,l; <’.Hllit> .1,1.Ice. V ' ol«lir: one.-, .1. Ilan.eth an.l t‘ II hii -.- ii . K < Inc,-!■ c. -h ' ¡1. M M ims ; 1 \ . .1, :. i. a..- -. \ -■■■.'<>', |- i '. h,,oi - i | h - i mien,l.-nt. W \ Maso»-; ÌP N. siiun; <'.»roi.b-*, l»r DL , w . ■ F « »»CRTS, ET» . i»urt of < «regoli m»*«*t- Mt sh «Uni UTiii.- «-«•iiim»*n<*ing mi the iir-t ■ in Mu'' ami • h lot»«" ireuil ‘ «»art for th«* Fir-i Ju«li» ial [lixtnct -« I .« in J it* k-ou count < « hi t;r-t M- hi In I .y ■* in A p rii, Septum I «er >in«t !>»•<• •ml«er K anrath r h : ii « v on « cc . hd I Momiay in June xud til's! .M«»ii«ia* in Noviniiber. In Luk* »UlltA hi the third Monday in May ami Hit* • •«»ml MolldiO III Ormtier. Ill .1«>-epb111«' unity on tii>t Monday - in March and Au i.-t. F«>* ,i.»< k-oti county th* (’ouuty. I’roLat-» and • ••mmi—i«H)«*r-’ - meet every mouth, comuxHicitig wilii thcfii-i Monday: for J«». uphin«i »ouuty. the tir.-i Monday in jHtiiian, Ap 1!, Juh an»l -eptemlH-r: for l.ake (••nmty, «‘Very' alternat»* month, <*om- meticiug th«* lir-t Monday in January : for Klamath county, the fir-t W«*ilnesday in March. J im*. >«*plcinl«vr and N«»veinhvr. PHOTOGRAPHY. Transfer Myer's Bl.H-k.east sai.- Main street. Other Kinds uf Fruit in Proportion.- - - - - - Send for catalogue and price list to I J. H. SETTLEMIER. Woodburn, Oregon I GUARANTEE GOOD WoKK. A-. hi am ». 15,000 Northern Spy Apple, 10.ocx) Early Crawford Peaches. Also, Nut, Shade, Ornamental and Ever­ green Trees Vines and Shrubbery. HavuiLf one of ; lie best sky lightb 111 Oi egou, and knnirintf hi nr tn us« it. M. F. TYLF.ll. I NORTHWEST! --. ^y/TSI J His Work Speaks for Itself. r I ’111. I xi'l í I.'I l M'J» would annoimi*«» 1 to bi« old (■ u«loin«'r.-. >»i>d th g«*iì» rally, that he is again in th' buxiui -s. and i- pr«*par«*hkm I. Or., G. A. R. $50,000.00 I OREGON. ASHLAND. f. W. liaiiianl. Proprietor. Having leased the above II oiim anti th««rougi.ly rénovât«*»! and refitted the same. I alii Bow p>rpareti to oil* r first ela-s a<*- comni«» to the traveling publie ¡he New Management w ill spare no pains I in making this» one of the most comfortable ami home like hotels in the place. The tables arv supplied with th«* best the mar­ ket affords. 1*1« hsant accommodations pre pared for families. Meat* ....................... Lodging 'according to room timber on ll»e w «*st si»le <»f the valley, and open.- on the east side of the valley upon I th»* bunch gra-s rang»*, covered with >< at- I teriug jumper* Then* are three her. ed big dwelling hoh- e*. one frame barn 1» ju \» h ) feel, and a num her «>f oU>cr building*. Pri< «• of land Utt per a«*r<* and a «<»<»: ■ r»»umi. h»i turthcT particular-, a«i‘ires- ARTHUR LANGELL. :U FOR SALE! Valuable Flourin? Mill, A Fine Stuck llain'b. And Well-bred fallir ! LI d iiD’it r-i_TD»'aii«>ii Thi' mill ha- a fin»* lor atioti for b»i»inex?«. being ronveuirut to •» la; g»* area of •- i the grain lami in Southern <1 i , ha- a n«‘Y«*r failing wa*r: p<>'ter- -the lines! in Southern <>r< g«»n. The mill ha is Jt'.st hern titten a part of th» price if de-ire»i. Will nl-o s»*ll with the raiu h or sepaiate’.y llliti-rai-y Ao E xcum -. A cane has ju«t liccti decided in San Frauciaco aud Justice Miiraakv gave judgment for plaint iff for S'/.Ilt Mon­ day iu the suit of John F. Mullen, as­ signee of the claim of Truman, Hmiker A Co., against Manuel Rose, to revsover 82!K5. The defendant is an illiterate farmer living iu Alameda couuty, and some time ago a friend named J. W. Fleming, who owed him Still, called upon him with a paper, which he re­ quested him to sign. I’nder the im­ pression that lie* pii|»-r had something to do with l he debt, lie placed Ins mark thereto, and several weeks later was pained to find that lie had signed with Fleming a note for SMI for agricultur­ al implements, payable to Trunu.n. Hooker A- Co. Fleming Lad failed in the meantime, and the payment of the note devolved Upon Rose. He re- fits.ti to meet tile obligation, and suit was brought to recover. The Court held that Rose’s illiter­ acy was no excuse; that if Le did not know the character of the paper lie was signing, it was bis Im-tU'-.-s to in­ quire. Amdi« r chiid kilied by the us« of opi- atos given m tin- form <»t Soothing syrup. Why mothers cr.'«* their chilur« n such duHijjy poison is HtirprisinK when tin v c m relieve the child oi its i bles bv th«: It coiit-un Sold Iiv ( i Ballis, OYSTER PARLORS Including a nuinl»vr of full bkaai buiham ami Hereford yeailiiig*. bull- and heifer-. 1 h»*se ar»* tin»* voting i utile, nmi persons who may w a nt \ i • . - • f. • - ¡atrmort», wo ¡Id «io w» :l to ««••■ ih< m. \d«lr •" O. BAM \RI>, Ashhimi, < >r rlt 1 ARCHITECTS. First-Class in Every Ikspri*!. Bl 11.HERS. ETC Contractors & Builders. A>lll AM' Ol’.E'.OX CM A Y EKS. A relut.-«-t E-nmi.t« - made on all kiud-oi b lilding- and all mKt»*rials furnished for th«* sain« Plans and sp«*«*ift<-atious for dwellings of latest modern «1« sign- made at our offi»*« Hud fm ni‘hed fr«-« t«» our potn-n* We un dei-tand our busin»-*- in ab its branches and «lo noi hefiita»«* t»> guarnì.le«* satisfa» lion. if you contemplai» building any­ thing. iron: n fool bridgi* to a hoi« ], ch U » hi 11- at our offkcorner Main and Hargadim* -ts.. A-iilaml. or.. and sc«- u hat w«- «un d»» for vou uve an unlimited supply <»f kind- f«»r building purposes 1- w ithout any un le orders for plans prompt at It«* iflape« r« fer«*n< e- Ayers, Barbour & Elviage. ASHLAND, OREGON. JAMES NOBBIS, Architect and Suiicrintendent. \MiLAM». O i : *4 Cölestin Soda Springs HOTEL B. BEACH. OMR ACTOR ft Will la* open M hv i-t forlhe arcoinmoda tion of u liinite«i numlH-rof gu< BVILHER A shlam », Board and lod/iug. per p«*r »lay single meals * ( amping pri\ii» ge- w »*• k for chi b indivi.ii.a., BYRON COLE, Proprietor iq THE ASHLAND LIVERY AND FEED Si’A BLI :s H. S. EMERY Kbe old atabieft on Main stieet near the bridge, and tile new stables on Oak strict, art' now under tLe proprietorship and management of GEO. W. STEPHENSON. Who is now prepared to offer the public better acooiitniodatiunR than ever before afforded in Southern Oregon m the iiv ery business. IOO head of stock, Horses Boarded and Fed. ASIII.AM), OREGON. Full supple <>f coffins, casket robes < >1 all sizes, g]ov<-s. era] m s , etc., etc. I »tliee aild ’• til of Helman Mrv nt rui1 • >1 « all ami MAM FACTI KER. - OKEt.OX- ASHLAND, OREGON. Tin, Sheet-Iron and Connerware, Call at ALL ORDERED WORK B. F. Reeser’s K idney TEA URINARY^KIDNEY TROUBLES made Repairing Neatly Done lCaiK-h bn Daily K X pi» - « T t;» in 1 >ai ly i j Slock » r.t i »1 A youug gentleman is discovered surround.si by fneuds. who are j.«stiug o with him regarding the attention to.a certain young lady ; hlii >ul|iiiur Waler Youug gentlemen "Boys I'll tell Balha al any I you Low it is. Aou see I care nothing until 10 o'« lo« k for the girl 11 is the old mau’s pocket Does a General Banking Business. served f»»r )rt«iic book I am after." Chorus of Friends ‘-Ha! Hal" ’olleetion- math* at ail av • I' Second scene a parlor. Time. 11 favorable term «• >ight ex«*hang»* and teb graplm* trail u r p. m. Youug lady seated. Youug Portland, >au Frn’D iw*o ami Neu \ «»rk gentleman arises to depart, hesitates, as if bashful, and then slowly remarks: Vo/«/ difjit tutUfjbt «it prirr.< Young geiitleiuau “Miss Matilda, excuse me. but you must lie aware that ii ^ freqiieut visits, my attentious, canuol have been without an object. Young lady “Ah, yes, as 1 have I oder Musoni»* T« tupi heard, and shall only lie too happy to grant your desire. Hakes from the table a paper parcel, and uufolding it, displays i large, old-fashioned and empty moroc<-o pocket book.) "This, > M I " Valle. Klamath .ouit’y. I h ive 1 mm n informed, is that object. • • )•)' /" Permit me to presei.it it to you, and Oregon: nearly all »m«l«*r fenc«* fem nm. t I/ZL//.V J/' .-// ¿ //O¿W.V. congratulate you that you will in fu­ rail- post.*, ami v irv and plank .’tk‘"u» ic- of this laml I-go«>«l grain land. 1'«00 a» r»*s ture have no occasion to renew these nat oral ha\ lntul. ' isite and attentions." Th»* ranch takes iu fine ti *. pine and ee«iar «-i tn MONTAGUE, For Sale on Easy Terms. win A Fine Stock Ranch FOR sali :' I V TOWN - LOTS \ ih K La Ai l’ll \ < H \ I Ilol or (>KEA\ FIIAM'ISfH t.ot Wliat Hi- Has After. This SfMiee liesi rrtd fo> M. L. McCALL, I Time hetuern Lhland and San I’ram-No. Tin- l.ai gc-t lilu-cl hver H.ule lLtiis< n’s Table Kock Fann on K«»uue ltivi-r is imu .«¡h 1« <1 fi r sab in subdi- viHioiis t«» Huit purchasers, on easy terms. \ :*i> acr<* Apple Orchard. s JIX mi 10 ;icr< s level Fruit <»! Alfalfa ind. A! IG THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. '•I. 11 \li 57 \r at S1K I Y < > I Southern Pacific Company’s Line. > t » Bargains in Land r.ir.w*. Masonic Directory, Ashland I! JUDGE NEW TIN SHOP In Keener’s Bloch. Así.land, Ful •ek oil hand and inaile to tirdei. UANUtL an ^ eg ^ t A ppetizer . CURES JNDIGESTION. Particular Attention to Job Work. PECIFI^ rhllbd Ashland Prices That Defy competition Special Attention to Graining and Paper-Hanging. MEALS - ALL HOURS AND SHAPES. =*!.F WE ORI» F Its ar