Will Exhibit ill Assignee’s Notice. Notice in hereby given that the tin dersigm*xl has been duly ap|H>inted Assignee of Win. M. Gilroy, of Ash land, Oregon. All (ternoi s having claims against Win. M. Gilroy, As­ signor, are notified that said claims must t»e presented to me. properly verified, at my office at tl.e Gilroy planing mill tn Ashland, within W days from the date of this notice, as provided by the statutes of Oregon. All bersona owing Win. M. Gilroy, Assignor, are reriiiane«-s. 2 anil •* |> in. A. G-Xt.A.CTX> Olympian Festival! «»F ■*ti(‘h SjH’ciiil Ejection by |»osting in three conspicuous public places wit hili the City, certified »-opus of this < )r. M ilton B ekkv . R»voriiite«l as Jiltlges of the al«»ve Special Eh-4-tioii. I’. Dunn, Govan I lik'h. I* Lyttlelon. Clerks Levi \\ diets and G. F Me Connell. sheep for Sale. lee « reais t! DO !T NOW Baby Portraits* H' ~ ■ 0»-z> r N It Is All Right. "It is all right:” is what Mr. (!«■<>. I'. Henry, a Burlington. Iowa.druggist savs of I liamb, rlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Henry ought t > know, as lie lias sol«) «.ver HIM) «>f the remedy during the past win It- r. * oiighs. colds. < ro.q> amt w hoop­ ing cough ar«* spe1 skai eruptions. and j oh tiveiy cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to tfive is-rivet satisfac­ tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cent.«» ’»»•r box. For sale by Chitwcxxl Bros. Ili Self.made SIXTY-FIVE NEW AND EXCLUSIVE ACTS- Tiie Finest and moat Aeeomplished Now Equostriaa Features That evt-r thrilled an audience i rhe « «alluni, I» tri ng and « hivalrou» Hide of JOCUND AND JOLLY CLOWNS! The be*t hi the proft‘s*ion Unrivaled and Daring Gymnastic Ex­ ploits By the bent worhi. and larg>‘«l Troupe iu the THRILLING and ELECTRIFYING AE­ RIAL ACTS! By Iincpnl«! l-vh alnl (lent leuwii Artists. Largest and Boat Monacano tiny DLDEF í Ever «howji limit r < anv a*. 3 SPACIOUS CIRCUS RiNCS — Q BHILIIAHT CIRCUS 0RCAHIZATI0NSW astotxoixc , Btwiiocsiac ano ihxxpu CABLE METEORIC SUPRISES. T’.ie best ami most impressive froa ' T““ Sheriff’s Sale. QtrOftf Piirarlp Oiled 131 dUC people* ilelitflite-i the Trst ever The <:||ll.l>KKS's PltEAM i»K Kill; Y l.\NI>. an-’ujo'sl»!e episode >»f the Grand t'r-e ion. Lraiiiii» Tirus I’rkhritifs frani Fiw Ton . linsnk ... , , •' »Him iieskhving TDK TI 1 i t- The lUo»t complete and thor«»ughly or- | ganizen«l«»H* «'«»llcction. Larger Tents and Rail Road Trains than were exei Is-for»- jseo'ss,it ra oi»* inauagem-at “Prodigious Overshadowing, and Enormous" ‘’tiX.'dJc'’ n" THE GREATEST CORPS OF S€€R ' THE LBSOLFTE ANI» ONLY EUREKA OF CANVAS ENTERTAINMENTS! DISTINGUISHED PERFORMERS EVER ASSEMBLED. The most imiM»r1atit union «>f GREAT RAILROAD SHOWS WOKU) HA* 1 \ I i Hll Gigantic. **weeping and Brilliant ten tradzatiou «»f k\«.\\ N Sterling and World-endorsed Entertainments. Fully a Century in Advance Of Ail Coteniporaries. BIGGER END BETTER m vx Petries*. Princely, Poetic. Pa­ ge x « nt » Kntrnia-iittf Young and old All Other Shews Combíne i. PHENOMENAL STACE SENSATIONS ANO UNPRECEDENTED SPECIAL FEATUR 8. WRESTLERS. BOXERS Aud Gladiatorial Combatant.':, in friendly rivalry. Newly Planned Elevated Stages For Van«!« ' illeand N«»vH Filler ahum «1» Chariot Races, Roman Standi: {■ Races, Flat Races and Jocky F i- ces, l«y expert and ilarin¡¿ ln.lv arai ^4-iitleiii4*ii .La-keys an.l Chari.») Wisdom's Rjbertine, I eadiiiR ladies of ««»ciety aud promi- nt t p.ofrssi iia! stars haw teatitled to its » vcedrncv in tiie moat emphatic terms f'unrute.d harmless and nuitch- !e**. (’bit-wood Bros., drur.. sell it nt 50 cfs. per ladtle and uive ,. i».‘«TUtitul card to every purchase»’. hailv ForlBruises and Burns /re«h. Strong, Convincing Fact«. »♦•t Keaulta. lutPrarlAtaea. B. !.. Whi’g tu th« employ of th« Barotow Itero C«, Mpli«4 yoor It Ja«-otw OU te many bai bora« U ilo moafdoro aad always with boot reoulte «10 W BORTOV. Spectacular Street PROCESSION. 1 i of N W 14 Ser. 3, Tp -*) >, R 2 we-t (-ontain- ini’ in all 120 acre*. nj»on which tin tax due i* IM. And on Saturday. June 22d, lss».‘, al the Court Hoii*e door iu Jark*«>m ille, nt _• o' clEH« E, « Ro.«Ent eg . Oregyn May 27, I.HM!». t Notice is hcK’by iriven that tlie following uanieii settler ha* tiled notice «.f hi* inten­ tion to make final proof in *ur»j»ort of hi* «laim. and that said proof will l»e made Iw fore the Judge, or in hi* al»*em e, l»eforr the • lerk of the countv court <«f .’ackson county, <>r.at ,’a«ksonville, or, on Monday, July 1 »th. lx*!», viz Warr« ti <• Holme* preemtioii n. s No :*«? : for E'2 of N U . A - \K 4 of N \\ '4 *ee :H), Tn :>S, s R t east, W M. lie name* tne following witnesses to prove hi* continuous residence Ilfsand etiltiva • ion of, *ai«i land, si/ Win. Addison, H A. (Hithell, J. KK Barlier, Jaeol» Sifcrd, ail of Ashland. .1« k*on county Oreg.ui \nv person whode*ire* t«> protest against the allow atice « f su< h proof, or who know* • »fain substantial rt a*>n, umiei the law and the rt'gulatious of the ’nieriv 1»C| a»tim-nf, v hy s’ich pro<>f should not be allowed, will twuixcn an opportunity a: the ab.ive men (b in d time ami place to < •»** examine I lie witnesses of *aid claimant, and to otter i deuce in rebuttal of that submitted bx claim ail!. Clll* W. JoHN'sToN, •1-tit Kegiaicr. Timber l«aud Notire I’sirED state * L and offd f . R onebi f . g , «irvgon. May It», lss?». ( Notice is hereby given that in complianee w ith the pro\ ision* of the act of < ongr«-*.» of June ;’», I.s7b, entitle«! "An act for the sale of limtn r land* in the statt« of ‘ alifornix. < >re gon. Nevada, am! Wa«hingtnn Territory." Alice Spaulding, nt U ihm II hii «!, county of Yolo, state of < alifornia, ha.* this day tiled in this ortire her »worn statement for the purchase of the s W 1 . of section No. 2»». in Township No. ;*.i. 5 east, ami w ill offer pr«M»f to show that lhe land sought is more valuable for its titWier «>r stone than for agricultural purpo*es. an«! to e*tat»lisb her claim to sai l laml before the Rcgi.*ter and R« « < iver«.f this otliee it Roseburg, orc gon. on Saturday, the 27th «lav of July H sm . She name* a* witnvs*es; <» H»dling* wotth. E < Wvekoll. < M. Caller. Gilbert < olliiK, all of \V...... hand. • alifortna Anvandail persons claiming adversely the above ad lnmls arc r«*0-ll>t Ih'gister >, fl No. MARK MAK HI.ES> HERD OF MARVELOUSLY EDUCATED Notice of Delinquent Tax. Notice i* bervbt given that the delinquent school tax ;i*t of Ashland School lustrici. Ja« k*on County, Oregon, ha* l»een placed in my hand* f«»r iinnie«lintc collection Prompt i ay im-nt <«f »aid dr li m| tient ‘>ax will *»'» ex- I rm*r to the in ¿payer* deling tient R of . ekt T aylor , Heptity Sheri tl Kshland. Or., April 10. Js.*1.». ELEPHANTS! Fa » i. « < ; r« atv't. 4>ran«i«*<( an«i M«»tt «* Ganiari’s Orchestra, i TENTED EXHIBITION lt.HHiv.li> Heal. Grain hay for aale at Eagle Mills. Delivered anywhere in Ahland at Siti l»er ton. \ n< w.-quip« r in < >hi > r«v<‘n’.!y hr mglit suit ag iirist forty-thr«« umn who .vi.uld mil pm 11 «»lr subscript ions :ind olitnin 1 jmigumi.t m e:i< li ckkc for tii“ ronoiiut of .-ach claim. < >f th.ne twen'v-i i ;bl mad« affidavit that they nwi.e.1 II.I more Ilian the law alloweil; thus preventing nttaeliment. Th»'U •imi’T the dix'iRioti of the Supreme Conri. they «v-re arn etrsl for |»ctty Inr- vi ii.» ; :» t Ixirnd ovi r in the sum of sditi «¡.ch. All but six gave iitind wtiil -r.ix «ent Io j.iil. Th“ new ¡Mistal law makes it laiceny to take a [>ap«*r (,n I refuel* to pal’ for it. Tokslo Bind-». :!.')HHKSESB1 ISlMilEEylESTKlAS Call at Lndernian’s and see ili»» Newhall's Sons A C.x's »»lid whool The ««lily lA’via’i.H’i Pair «»Í nhoea. They are made of solid leatlw-r thnHijrbout. 1 • r - o »'- a»i--t'<•-< v. n- >t plain toe. All rips at».'tears repaired Stellili J TTQpiCCCiCHtOd free .»f charge. ATTRACTIONS! Nicely furnished rooma to let at the residen.* of Mrs. fl. lliil| h on Mam street near husmeen part of town. [13 “ Knottier womb rfnl discovery ha? been made and that too by a ladv in this country. Disease fast« tu*d its vlutclies upoiv/ier and for seven yearn she u it list ood its severest tests, but ln-r vital organs werenndrnuined and death seemed imminent. F»»r three months she coui/ht'd ineessimt iy and could n »t sleep. She bought of use. botih of br. Kino s New Dbcoverv for (’-•nsumption and w.isso much relieved on taking first dos. th:it she aiept all lii^ht and with ohu bottle has been miracxilously cured. Her name is Mr-. Luthei Lutz. Thus write K\.(’. Hamrick Cakes Hihl rb<»»*•♦» confectionery nt tit*» L 1\LI . lowest living rHteN. [•v cream parlón» “ The Children ’ s Dream of fairy Land ’ oj»cn every evening untill bi (A-loch. A «IHightfiil epi^atv of mir W m . M r • !«M. Propr. Srli»M»l Sl»or>. lien. Mr. Andrew Burnett uupplieH milk to Newtou, Mass, and the fact is inci­ dentally mentioned that occasional delegations of ins cuHlomers particu­ larly women visit Ilia premises to sat­ isfy themselves that «very thing a’.iout them ih in proper sanitary condition a »vise precaution for dairy patrons elsewhere, notably those who h ive to f««e«i infants from the step-motberly bottle. Oil this place is a novel s>>eei- men of the liovine tribe, referred to as follows by the N. E. Former: "Mr. Burnett is a lwliever in liorn- l«rea*m irknbly gentle «iispo- sitioti. but Very timid ami easily «lis- ttlilied in th. pre- *u ••» oi strangers." W lien I was your age I had to work for my living, said the h ad of a proa- peroiiH establishment to Ids son, when the young m in leached the office two hours i.fler the father bad settled down to work. "I iumm I to get up at 4o'««lock in tti«« morning, ami went to bed like a -.etiedde man at «iaik. We didn't have fads m tiio-i days h I mhi I young men’s cllio.-. Cot ill->U at; I s:i *h notl-ense. We tramped iiehtn i a plow all «lay, or chopped w«K>d from th« time we got up till we w«ut to b.»i. What do you su| |H»;e my fatli rr would have saiil to me it 1 lord got;«' to wink at 111 o'clock in the morning*? II«« us«»l to work riftlit alongside of u-. an 1 kept up with thels'et of ns, t.s>. When I .’am., to «■uaril tgaln-t the strike. New York to tight my own way h»* w.,s And always have a bottle of Aker's ■ >.i years old. and lie was as strong ami English llctuedy in the house. You can­ well as when lie was 21. not tell how mam uroup uiav strik- your "What kimi of men do you think little one. or a oiid orcotigli may fasten you ami your fneilds will make ' Ont itself npm von. One dos*, i.s a preven­ every night to some frivolous «»titer- tive ami a few doses a positive cure All laimnent ami up lutein th«» morning. throat and lung troubles yield lo its nr. The retie dv gunriliitevd By Thank goodness I was born in tl.e t oeatnu good old «lays w tieu a man wasn't 'bitwood Bros. afraid to see the sun raise, or take hold Wood Notice. of woik. or to get his hands cold.’’ And then the angry father got up There i> h well storked wood > ard lrj IB-hieh *tovv wood and I* started down stairs to Ins carriage. «line and 2(>-in wood for sale in large or*uiall ing because bis employ« r had to step or hits, w ill do well to call at the othep of < \\ out into the street to get into tie- <'ar- A \ ers at the also e corner riage. When he pulls«! up at a fash­ ionable house on Fifth avenue the self- made mull wanted to know if he couldn't drive along the street «‘with­ out shaking th«* life out of ii man.** By virtue of a »arrant issued out of the <»uut» <’ourt of the State of ’ »regoti for the “Having got into th«» house, the • counts of .!acks<»n,/jo me directed, le\y on (beguml-» aud « imt twelve hours a day wan assisted into tie* of the de)in«|uent taxpayer* named on deliuipient tax ndl for said county f«?r hl« slippeis hu j»c:i> a* set papers ami then ate a «linner pri*|ian<«l forth and de*eri!»cd in the ^aid «lelimpienl roll, or so much tin'ieof a«* shall satisfy by a French <«<»*k, whoe«» salary was tax the amount of ta <•' 23; lot • of .* •«. 23: all stairs and waking him up. Then lie the HW aim the SW *-4 of N W , • u -«■ . • of NE 1 .. tI k «*E \ went iirouml to liis club, an I while the NK ‘4 of SE lot* 1, l 2 and 41 of ^ee. the >\\ < f finishing up a bottle of Burgundy af- ami SE '.i ami SE '4 of ‘. of Sec. 2s; the SU ' ter a HiipisT that added 3 per c. lit to of SE '4 Se. T2: thv>W ^of NW , >e. ,| his doctor’s bill, lie niuseii over the t he N 1.. of N E 1 , Se<- .»•'), ami W ' , of NW 14 ‘J-, all in township-fc'» S. R 2 west. Also, young men • *f to-day as compared to >ec. the N 1., of NE *4, >ec. Tp::»i<. R 2 west, eon himself mid Ins generation, when to hiiirin<4’altogether !u93 ' • acre*. ttp«m which the tax due is |4(>. split a cord of wimm ! iu an ufterniHin l.aml of Henry M Ha**ftt. mm resident was child's [liny. | Ex. The \E of SW i,; NW I, of .hlaiii|. lee I renlu : 'VN* one CAW DYE Fame’s Ceiery Compound L he iin.len.ii,'i>ed. having mon* shc-p than lie can care for on bin ranch, of­ fers for sale One Thousand Head of fine stock sheep. Apply nt once to J. S. H kkkix . Ashland. Oregon I'd give the »-»rid.” he siithili«: sai.'. And closer drew Ins chair, *'T<> know the tiioiitfht that fills your She tossed her tflowunr hair: |head. "You would,"sheanswere.1,"really now, Your offer makes me latu-h. For I was thinking how l’»l lf Intfllectual and lù-tinnd Amusement, llicli and a* the Feasts of the I'aMed niil City may y prts-eed in aci-oid!> ASHLAND .1» oiotioH to tlo‘ Ifaool» of the Ctty, oiol le'Ciotr uwHi'y thereon for the /inriioM' of e»tolili»h!ny a nuxtetn of H ofei' HoriCx. l’lie P«*ople of the City of Ashland do Ordain as follows : S ki TI on 1. That at a s|ie.-ial elec tion of the legal voters of the City of .Ashland, to l»e h.-ld as hereinafter sjas'itied, the billowing priqs—itioli shall la- and is hereby submitted, to lie vott-d ujs»n by the electors of the said ( ity, that is to say : •PROPOSITION,' Shall th»- Common Council of the City of Ashland, in the County of .lacks<>ii of the State of Oregon, for the pur|a»se of supplying and estab­ lishing a system of Water Works for the Use of the City, issue the negotia­ ble la.lids <»f the City to the amount in the aggregate of Fifty Tlioiisand Dollars, or so much thereof a* may la- rvi|iiiie the purcha»u-r or hearer therei f not less than ten, nor more than twenty years after their date, the principal thereof bearing interest after date at th»- rate of six ¡a-r cent, per annum, pryable semi-annually. Ami shall tl.e Common Council of »»lid City lairrow money on such lamds by selling or ilis|»<>sing of the same as th»- Council may provide, and appro­ priate the proceeds thereof and ex- ¡a nd thesa.-'ie in provitling.construct­ ing and »'stablisl.ing a system <>f Wu terwurks and furnishing a supply of water h>r the Use of the City and its iiihabitauts. And shall the C»»iumoli Council of the said City of Ashland and their siicc»sse»>rs in office, levy and »•< >ll«-« t an annual tax upon the taxable pn»- |»erty within said City, from year to year, sufficient in amount to pay the interest oil such Ixtuda as the same shall la'Coine dll»' and payable, and also provide a sinking fund to tm-et the payment of the principal thereof at maturity, l’roviiled, however, that no tax shall lie levied for such pur unless the water rent or reve- nne d-.-rived by the City from such Waterworks or water supply shall lx- insufficient to pay the interest and principal of such bonds as the same same shall IsM-onie due and payable. Sir. 2. The system of Waterworks and water supply for the establish­ ment ami construction of which the money derived from the sale of the bonds of the saitl City as af«»resaid may Is- expended, sliail la» so located, »•stablished ami constructed as to fitnush t!.<> inlinbitnnts of the City with a supply of pure water from Mid creek, taken out of said creek al some point south of the section line lx- twe» n Sections Sixteen anil Twenty- one, in Township Thirty nine South, of Range one F-ast of the Willamette Meridian, in Jacksoil County, Oregon Viid such system of Waterworks shall tie furnished with at least two main pij»es; one extending from the source of the water supply to, over, upon and along the Western bonudary line of the t.'ity, and one from the source of the water supply to, over, u|«»n mid along the Southern boiimlary line of said City or as near to such Ixniliilnrv lines as the Common Council shall de--m most pnu-tii-able, with such lat­ eral pi]»-s i-onneeted therewith and extending from such mains through­ out the Citv ils the Council shall d«-»‘tn a-b'quat»- to -npply the wants of the City and its inhabitants. Sec. 3. A S]x-eial Election of th»- electors of said City is hereby called .-uni aplsnnted to Is-held on Tuesdav, th.' 11th day of June. Isw«. at tlx- usual place of holding City Elis-tions Tor th«' purpose of votingon th«- fore­ going prop»«iti<»n. All-I / ‘ all ISTsm- - • ■ “ voting thereat in fav»»r of * the above pnqxisition shall have written or print- «•»Ion their ballots the words "For Ronds and Tax for Waterworks;" and all persons voting thereat against th«- LEGAL TIDINGS _______ _______ _______________ Herls rt Spencer, the English philo­ FRIDAY....... Final Notice to Delin­ Jt'NE 7 law sopher, w ho has publishisi many essaya quent Taxpayers. on a variety of subjects, writes to a ■ I» lien bk gr.cti bat the d. ¡in .«raatiir Steafuixl's Xew far friend hi Chicago that the railway • rueut ’a\ ii»l "i Ja< k*«*ii ««milt). <»reg«m. morals and the railway policy of the f-.»i i*** has b'-eil türm «1 o\ i lo me. w 1« I« ;» Sun Francisco. May .’1". The rail­ warrant from the ihm. < ««uuty <‘o»« I;.«-- colic« i< »'.: A p<’!»«»D* w in» to thus«* of England, lie thinks that Company at Sacramento have just :»rv «»ii -a: ‘ li.>t u ill plcuM- <- «! at my <»l«i« <• the interstate law is an evolution of turned out a remarkably fine specimen in Jacksonville and -»•it!-- without futlln «¡•■lay. ;i* I will be il pelle«! »«> 1«; vv upon the parliainentiy laws regulating of California workmanship tn th«, form •; « ; of ?’ «• *:»• • «I« !hiqimuf». i i or trains. He asserts that the history of of a private car for Seuator Stanford. di I |o«i.'«r « I tom* nt of »*1111 tax, if n*«i Euglish railways since 1445 shows an The ear, which is calle«! the '-Stmifor I." I ;«««i ut «m» < A pr«»mpt « *«iii ¡«iiaiice with the law wiil*a»c ftilth« !'«'«>*1 » elatiorate system of taclics by which is Ik) feet in length over the end sills My «i 1» »(i. s ani iM’gin ndiug and mak I ’l.AZ \( <11u lietraycd into and und has a width of 9.11 feet over ing h \i* s oti six-wheel J V». • » B> liDsi \ . oberili .Hid fax ■ «die« t*»rof Ln k-ou e.mfity. few at the isist of many. CMtoriam to well adapted to children that I Caatoria cures Colle, Constipation, trucks, with paper wLtads thirty-three « »» • gr« '..)ii. Ma I . I**« » Lmlerueath the ear are refrigerators, railways lieeame public highways, lie water tanks, tool chests, etc. N.■:•( <• i> h 'rb gi ■ cu dia* in e««mpi .tin .. ilh Hie provi’ion* «»f lhe a t ».i < '.»ux:e** '»! says that to-day there are over IX) The outside painting is said to be June i'<7s, entitle«! "All »»>1 for tl.e »ale • f memliers of parliament who are sim the finest piece of workmanship in the timber lam!* hi the *’.•:*f 1 liliforma. <»r - ply the agent« of railways ami similar line ever turned out on the coast, th«« gon. N« . adì», and \\ n hi i./i« n Tm il«»ry ». W . il* 1 d ug* *vorl ii « 1 Woo«iiaiid. count; «■! cor [Mirations. Mist of these are bar­ groundwork living yellow, relieve«! SCwIHS ho i'HIHl. Kt.r.LtS V«»lo, Slate >1 < aiifori.la. Im* Gii da« rib «I io risters, who owe tl.eir election to the with carmine and drab, and ornament­ Axil ; u ;»' h :» thi.' «dìiec Ju*-.worn *iah'meut f«»i lhe pm liifiuen<*v of the roads they serve. ed with gold. . ).i e of lb«- \ U , . f *ec'lon No 24, il. I .. No ». R N.« « I . ami v. dl .»dvr j io..f !.. Thea«.paill.:ineu!«ry lawyer«serve their As regards the interior: At one end *!:ow limi lhe lami »ought 1* m«> vanialm- masters and supporters of new pro­ of the car is the [>arlor, a room 12xH tor it* iimb«'i <*i stone than i»u agricultural jects make no sub-roea atutement of feet, finished in Mexican and Brazil­ j.uri««»*« -, umì loeGn «ìi*h in • ;,Hm lo *atd \> ¡I*i »h t most r-’liablo A Dress, or a '.jvt. | fi r,y Ce ¡Oí .and itefon* l In R« gi»i« am! ct i «er of ti.i the number of v»»t«w they can com- ian rosewood, ami supplitsl with fur­ inrillelnr— Paine s Celery • »»ti« • a Ru»vl» i g, thegoii. on Eri«:,i th« mand in the house, but priM'laim it niture of exquisite quality. Next to Ribbons,Feat,‘¡ers. Foa Foa c«>»ii|K»Htbl. it j »ti ri th*«« tue Ribbons,Feathers. 2« th da . of July .I* Proscription C p:-. .»i ent. openly. Members of lx»!h houses are this is a double lietlroom. and Hext the lie im.'o*.» as v. Hu< ■ r* < . M < rt*l< ». i' « . bi t» I. « urrx » •oust tp «Hort, Yarns, Rags, etc. I io cents M > ’ kolt, I ». *|»a.ih! icg. Gilbet! 4 «dim* all cunvauied openly, and any railway leg­ dinilig room, a I leant I f u I apartment and regulate* the liver a nd uv'iu m «nv *'hvi • SAVE Moucy. •-»« ot \\ oouiaml. « alii «ri. .a islation involves an enormous outlay'. alMiiit 8x13 feet in dimension«, finished k id i je v s.ef I e« I ua lly r hn» ’ is- tl. look like NI W. Io ».* ! _ DIAMOND \ny a'.d m ! ! pct *« ii cla'minv a I »er*cly th- In past years it lias lieen shown that in mahogany aud black walnut, and ii.ewo . -a-.y, simple. 4-aivk ; al»oi «• «It *eril«e<| ia:id* no* r«*.|ii*,»'t« ! to tile ing i h«* *iV*trtn of nli iv*i»te« DYES. BEST - ASTES i ’beli • laiill» ill III'« Olii« <■ Oil Ot ’••'lo: »aid parliamentary expenses have varied «»[nipped witlisnperbfurniture. Clou­ :il !■ t tier. DIAMOND DYES and take no other .'di* d«x 01 Jul\ iv. from ÿ30C> to Slo.IHM) per mile, the ets are provided for silverware, china, < HK M I «l x- I.IN. F< ■ Gliding or Brer, -ng 1-i-r^y A*t'-!es USE largest projs>rti<»n ot which have gone etc. Adjoining the dining room is a into the pockets of the parliamentary room for the porter, and the far eml of DIAMOND PAINTS. i í oi !»•• » L uik I \«»f ire. lawyers. The legal and parliamentary the car is a kitchen, furniatmd with a Gold, Silvet. Bror t 'n:-.* J.tNi < < H i for the past ton years over S2»5<», known to the kitchen, including ap­ Id»*« SI 1- i'«. !*'« » « ».<••-•>»D, , y.ik •• I hut«- ta*cti in» :«:«,!f' r U.< « v »• * 'A ■: it. \..: :». j, fit*,, i, per annum. Hetlnnks that th«« Union paratus for hot aud coi’ir.pii;j:r c r»i?npH<‘.tli«- • of din -ii? • x Alt« r I ■ y i! •» li.v p:o\ i«i. «D* rat lira- .a» : «»f » «»t»u.v-« «•( \ !’••• y/io of b* au!nul iby ju. <-i lid i «X IVO’. l’tieiti.- scandal of the Garfield peruxl The car contains, in addition, lava­ r* l’bin tur » í >«m Ii'«-. printed oi« hi J tl.«' . ! «.’>. » Ira Í ii« 1 "AH .act for the *>»!<• «•! . » « . ............. i» »und f.*n ’ when Oaks Ames's note book con­ tories, closets an«l the appurtenances r* »i . ui«-1 .-• ; i.gtp. : tiiiHHT I h :»«J x in r h« *. h I« • ot < aliforiiia. « li” p’paper b’ p;»G I) p:> tain«-«! the uatu»u of Janies Brooks, of a residence. The dining room, i:«»l- gm « » s:p '*• sen! tr.('l* au t I « .in frv •L.’J:'« i «'.Lin'.. ,» f any Raby b««rn wlU.ti, i \\ '-.«‘i.J ) l,«..HIlt «!>..!.». ijchny 1er Colfax ami others who had rooms ami parlor ti«M>ra are ««overed feel ?k-' » I»«' Diati I -» a - • J r Mother .' *■•»»'« raí » nil «<•' .1!In. 11.'« *■ ibi «la. '. «••! in «hi* I II • «• ' .1« * d I«- I I«« Ii ’-* |fi W«*l -JU«'*' received stock, would liav«« I mmui re­ with Wilton carpet«,and the upholstery .l«ld tu« sr pi. tui'CH.Hend ««i ««!'!)('« lì *t • *ih * «i : > ih < ut (iti tht* puf« ha • h Hr o»li«m -* - I »al I i t ««* ( olitlio’ii) ( gained as a [lerfectly légitimât«« trans­ is of the finest quality throughout. < • • . * \X , . f .■»•«■.î«G» .'»•> .4. in :«« a i -Lip < Jive Baby’s mime an II)'-.’ ..r» M wr-x T« I« hvli;.', Vi !• *. R Ñ «. *< < m . a: <1 w tll «»tiri p•>»«»! lo action in England. ÎL««». s’v f‘«.« * an«i e* a «li«!i hi* « HI Iti lo *ai«l !a ¡4 •« I >r« ; I r lii«'tri*;« i mi <1 Rei'.'iicr •! ibi* Editor of th** Timses: — Please an ­ reform in Great Britain, where the to­ ' he «.¡tire a! ih» «. b'P u. <»n*2«iu . .»Il « h il'«1u nounce ill the eolunins of your valuable tal capital invesied ill companies ex- 27lh «1:»' .«f Jul . i -K.'. I hat we are sole agents for St. Pat­ ci eds ?l,à) H U M M ),l M >0. Considering pa|H*r M. « M i. . | < . il.' U. Ut«'- .1 .. tlnc**e« < rick's Pills, the most [M-rfect cathartic V. ». .-.r. »k * 1 llin^-.»«.»ti!«. 1 " -, a ll. 1 that much of this vast sum is held by and liver pills m the market, they not •»2. Ull * . W. • ' Mirai. < Hilf <>t nta. persons with no income but that de- only physic, but cleanse the whoie sxs «<•!• «•■ ■ 1 hv A 'K m U«! all JT , «.in* « l-.iini rived from it. it has become important tern: purify the blood ami regul.it« ti.< Kra..w .l,-«'!|b -J (mi«!« .-.r«' . •• ,IH •'« «1 t«» I ra iìi.v <*U or ÌH I.. «- -Mid >fi • » ' > 1 a 1 1 11 * ; ; ¡ i In» that rail road property should I m « placed liver ami bowels: they are vigorous but ., i«.a . «d .. « « ■. i - . on a «««cure footing. Isimls put to un­ gentlv m their action ami can alwsvs be ! li A *. ’.\ .!«.». V*,.«N. Hr Pirrr»’*. > iv«»ri(«* P -ct • • a warranted extentions, ami intrigues depended ii|Km. l'orsalebv T. h. Bol­ t.’ie «.-it/r« wt!., or r»> tii, « ; .’ ■ ; ton. TO M A K T preventeil between lawyers, engineers, \ .«.nittt»lr exp* » ;«•!.» • i . r . I«' : . • 1 1 ' * . , . i • Í íip I hi ’ Land ."ofice contractors and others. -A - A t urion« t ew i I «1.M who huv<’ I .U-.l it jl; t City Ordinance No 65 ii«>ti«*e ASHLAND Railwuyr ftaruK LEGAL Al)VERTISE.MENTS. Of Ashland, Or« gi>i), (Into of < A* J«itet Ill . May H IBM. Dialo* »ted thoaldtr J year« mo , eon ft 2 cd ft weed« te Ao««e lite paia waa cared by St. Jacoba 0U aad bane bad ae retara ef it J 0 BRO VB Dislocation. AI-SO EXHIBITS |x Yreka. Friday, June 14, Eugene City, Monday, June 17 Hwrae-klck, Oaarb 0 Jaseftft. IMS. tnBered 4 weak« Own Ue tick of a borea, bad to ate eane, two botUoo St. Jacoba Oil cured Be r C &ÂRTM AT DRl’OOtrni AMD DEALERS. TNI CHARLES R VOGELER CO . »*ltl>««»fv. M< Krc now prepared to furnish the best of n'i*ie for puhli« or private Parties. Balls. Pit nit *. Ai' . at any jM>iut on the coast. All the new popular music is played by hi* Orchestra, Having employed a larg< number of mu- 4 iaus. we are able to furuhh any numl>cr •)f bands. Any instrument or a caller fur- uished to other band*. All orders bv mail >r telegraph promptly atteuded to. Term* tlway* reasonable. Address! 12-1 Prof. Caniartl, Ashland. Or t? .«»«i.- ! . ,n ». . i Xal«’«l un\« !' t-» i;. • i •-.• r« .'ic«’y rvuT ’ h w man s |»ecu.Lxf id.a;« . • OeRcloos Biscuit i < i AJc yourGrx « r t r COW BEANO SODA X SA5 FWS- t»»-WfiTi.’. hm »; .r: . a i»., «. - m i^>'Jlll.» : j I Li’’ t •«»: r * 4 t. rv < ; i. I -, Í /i.J)‘lt*r .’u I« r Timber Land Notice M»> I tlt>lie i ! .M O r- : . ■ .«* • \ ■ |«r. Mnu .-n, J tc * Jua. î.* I H'lt U J M 11Í fuI ' ' w lull. It l!t«i . . • I i 4* mt I a »( «I I I’NITED STATE* l.\M- UHK F. R o * eui ’ hg , Or, May 4, Nori«-c i* hv;eby gi\en that in compilait'«' with I he p rox i*ion* of lhe a«t of < fug « ** of June ''"x, en’itjet! " \n a- t f »i lhe «ale <»l ttmla r land* in the -on - * f ’ a!if* rt.ia. (ire <•>!*, Noxada, and Wa hiugoin Territory." R. G. Law*tHi,o! Woodbind, < oiinty « i S’o lo, »(ate of l H'ifxu nia. ha* tin* «lay l’|e«l in ttil* ot!i«'c hi* *w«»; n *tao nicnf tor the pur cha*e of the N E ■ , ot »ection N< .2, in Tp. No .^.« S Range N«< • E, ami will otli r pr«»of lo show that the land sought i* more valua­ ble for it* timber or »tom* than (or agricul turnl pui |H)s<‘s, and to establish hi* «daim to Mlid land I m ’Î oi ' c t he R« gi*ter mt«! K« • •••! •• of thi* oîht •• a’ R«»*eburg. Oregon, « hi Thurs­ day the i-sth da1, of July, I'S « He nam« * a* w i m- i. Hoi’.’iic« w <» th. \\ W illiam K no\ » r«»nd. J 1. Simpson, all of Woodland, ( fornia. An and I all per*«.t.* claiming ad\e: »t ly the ’ami* are rr«| i«**trd !o tile al>«»\ e-de*« •ribed ‘ iheir claim in ibi» <«flice on ««r Iwforc • -aid 1sth day of Juh . I < u \ - \\ J. ir«*iox, Regish r. H 10! T iiii I h ’I* Lami X k ? itf. . ■ . «•1 1 u.»«l A . hl .»•! t *♦- «li*«.r.l«-’' « i t‘: t ! J . : ’. » • t bo < 4.at«'!« of I! i I W. I all d dt Xoli . ! ax **rH<’1‘!d r !:-t'«*!r. • «• .’Hi-*«-' i- .i v. i h !»««• t.*« ' t t . i'. t • ■ • * ’. a t I X ; I Ft. Sf \ ! »•> L i M» out it L. K ‘om tm. Ou «.!». Muy h . I*x‘*.v No’i,-r i* he r by given tira: iu . .-ci|.lt.ii.ee with i h> prov i*i«>n • «»f t h< a- » ■ d t ou- - : «•*•. . í Ji i. • , 1*7*. tu li’ « o ' \u \« . í- .Gir a . . i I i ml ar land* in 1h<* «t i?e* < 1 c¡¡ ii f.(- n.a >' go -, Nr \ mìa au . >■» phia Holiing*w<»> th. ot \\ «»odi.¡nd. com: .1 S’.«»«-, sta «- of a ifo-'iuh La* i .1 i* da • nL'd in this olle r, her « .vorn stalem« )'! f«> tlu- pr; t ha*v of (!»«• > E 1 . of *«•»■:i.m -2. tow jis.iip ■ south, of rung« « ea ’. :• i«l w ill •> !« r |*ioof »bow t!.a’ the lau«! *ou d t. i- m--.«- • .t’.'i-il*’,> f.«i it* timla-i o¡- *t«»!tc, tha’i f» r ag i«- 'ibm; pur|M»«e*. a id «“tat« i*!t tier « I dm t > -.»id laud l»t-f ,?e the Register and Rt ■ ••h «•: of thi* oilier at R-• idii’rg, t »regoli, on ■*;<' urda» . t 27th «lay « f July, lx*-.' .•»hr Dame« a* w i i nr*-« • F. • Wy«*k«»L '!. Cader, f. K. smith. Gilbert « «»Ilin-, all W•»<«! an«!. < <1 f»’’ dim . Ami any and all |»rr«on» Haiming adver Iv ili.-a’»ovr «h*«« rih«*«l htndsart rui!v«!e«! nl«* their Haim» in this ortice un «« ¡«ri«< >ald 27th day of July. !*>’.». < »! A* U J«»ll.X*1.«X, ‘.»F 10! Register rioil»ri ' I* a rruulatu»' r"ii*«!«. ui : .«« |v»l Ihoifft t«« v itllli* of Ju I i ill !>< I* I .«i nd X «d it < •!»•»» 1« : t- It t* * un» *'îi-»n nt« I fu r I u> « I »ill • • . !r ■ •' . ; w ot pro v v« a w thi tin » 1« a «o «»! . » • : tu « v « « . ■ tu «-v will »•«• n t-.-v •« i»rit«lHd « a the I. .t • u r. j«. . i. . d • u.t f-t'.t • «rn« «• out f»-r t*:u. \ \.uf*. Lunte f>»\« r«.! m - l -' t« : i « VUL* iu btniuj)*. A : ut *. iorid’s D-spensiry Heiixal issocts!::3n M>3 Mtin M HI n un \ A I ho Notice i MTFf» >TATF» L » M» Or FH ». |{ .*i : ft:«., o g.ui, Ma« 1 I Notice i» h r«d«' • i « ¡i that me*, I NITI.D > 1 A l 11* L a M» 1 »I- I I. h v. ith th« pro\ i«i.»n* .»!' the A« :«•(•■ Roseburg Oregon M ik I ’)**■« i i i ’ i)»- : i*>. « .i h 1« d • \u a * ’ r 1 Notice is her* l»y giv. i that in • omplian« « timi» r land* in the >:a'. * of < *»: 1 :f• >i W ith the pl «vision* ««f lhe a« t ot ( ««ligi < •* gon. Nc»ada. ami W«*hiiigt«>ii I oi Jun«' : ,*?s. i-iilided ' \na« ( l«*r I .he «..!«• Annie E (lolling* W OI »11 of Uoodl.’i <>f timbri Linds in ihr Xulrs of < adí««rhi i. i' of Yoh», -’Hiv ci • a’iforum, ha* Oregon, Neva«la »«lid :i*hiiigtou I'ei ti • «led iu this «»fli< «* her » aoih * lhi tory. ' John Powci*. of Woodland, «•«»iiniy tile p>4!« :ta-t «H the N ’2 «»f :« E • I a’ of Solo, >t.i!«' of • .ilif*»riiiH, ha* this «lay tiled in thi* otti« •• «hi* *woin »tn'emmi for ! S W 1 j of »r« tioil 34 tow H*hip -?.». *<>u ; in- pn i • !ci*«’ of X. I i . ‘ . i No 36, 7» < a*«. a i.«i will olle" proof t.» «bovi h<”d sought i* m«»re v aliiahle f>»r its ■'«•.I ' lb. 1H T« - b ' h I I' x • N ' I.. 'Hl'l will olici' pro« ' to 1 » *how that the hind stoiie G an foi ag'icultural purp«»*« e*tnl>li»ii her claim io *ai«l sought is moie vniuablr tor it* timber or Regi*tvraud Receiver of th »(one than for agricultural purp«i*r*. and burg, » »regoli, ou Sat urda >. to e*t il«ii*h hl* « l.iim to »nid I in»! btfor«' I uh. ix*.« the R.'gister and Rv« ic\« r of thi* «-thee a! sh«- name* a* wit liesse* I > "pan «ling. Ro*>-burg. < •regoli, oti Friday, the l'(th lay F » W vrk.HI, i M « ad- . ».¡Hu i! < ««Ilin*. of July. Is*» all «>f Wooiiiaii'i « ilifoinia île name* a* wittie**c‘ Wm K'i««\. J. And anv mi l all pt *ou* claiming a«i . er*« I. Simi«*on. c 1. Il«»lling*'.’.oitn and U K ly lhe al«»v<• <1c»«'tit«c.1 lauti*, are re«pjc»t**«i Pomi, all of W oo Ilan I, < aliforuia to ni.' t ht ir cuti hi * in thi* oìlice oil «>r before Any and all prr*«»ti* « lai"iing a<1 vet-- 1 v the above d( s< ribed lami* arc r« «pu *!• <1 to «ai«! J7l h tiny ot I uly. I * 4. « H V* \S Joli X -T* X. tib-their claim* in th.* ollb-«'on or be: «r«' Register. ..»-1.»» *ai«l T»! h day of I uly . is*'. Cha* W luhn*toii Registe r i X ITI.D Si \ IJ * I, V M« (»11 i' F . < RosEHt'1.«., ttH'goli, Ma. I‘ . |XS‘ I Timber Land Notice I’VITEIi SriTr.’ |.(XPOlll‘F. » K <*V«II• 1.«., < «■ . Mav I, I*'1' ♦ N.»li«'v :* h' 'Hr :i \ • b tba: in « oiiij b.itii • w il h I hr pro v i si on* of it)'' ;• • •» "I ( •.•ngi'v** < I .Ilin«* !. 1*7*. entitled ‘ \u a« t for the *dc « 1 tilillPI hind* in the ■*(Hi«'* ««f Caiil !iia «»rr gon, Nvva«!a, am! \\ a*hiiigl«'n l<-i!iu*i W R. I’.m»!, .»( W(H*dlan«!. ( ouniy of ¥■.!.», state of California, ha« thi* «lay filed in this otfiee hiJ» »worn statement, for tin- pur chase of th«' N \\ 11 of *«*< ti««u NO. -I, iu i p. :?.» S Range No. • E, and will ofier proof i«i show that the land sought i* more vacinb’c for it* limls-r or • -ione than f« agricull in al purpo»t *, ami t«. r•itahlish hi.» claim to -aid land Iwfor«’ the Register and Rcceher of 1 hi* «»flier al Lo < b'li r. < »re gon. on Th m *«la' the 1.*th day of July. 1* '• Hr tiamr* a- w if «»<• *••<•* ii . it R (« Lnw*o'i. William Ktiox. .1 I 'imp-ob. all of Woodland. < alii "H.a Ain an«! all p« r«- : - «¡liming a«L«*rv)> I he a!»o\»• «ie*crit • «1 I h ’ i 'I* are rr«|iir*trd to file their ( iaims in thi* ofiicc oti «•! In for« »aid i*th day «»i July, L**J C ii v* W J ohn *««is, Reglsti !' 101 Notice i* hereby giv-'iitha! iu • «»mpli'i i«*- •.« H h ! hr pr«»\ i ion* of ' lie a**t of C.mg-♦•** «• June 1*7*. rntiileti "Au Act for ih«- -aL «1 timlaT land • in tii«’ ■ g««n, Nc'.nda and W a ■ hi iigtoii Tel. ii. >r » I S spnitiding <1 W-.o«i’an«l, e«»uu) ■ «4 Yol . siate «if < a’.ihi: nm. Inolili* «¡a lì -*«! iu thi* «»Hice hi* >worn statement f«»r the p'Dcba*«- • -f th'- E ' . of sect! -li N. . j-I, in f• «.■• u*hip No. sautli lang«- N.« ««a I. mid wil'«ilT< r proof to •how that the lami -uight i.* mon* v al "ah’" for if* ! i in I mm «« i *toti«' I l'.au f-c .igei c i it u: a I porp«» . a «id !•» c*ia «Ü*!» hi* Haim to -a.«I lami l«< f*«:«■ the Rrgi'trr ami R»* n rim«»1 ATI * I VM» <11 ! • i I R«»»l I » KG. • »1. . May 22. 1 **«■.• Ì N is her« by g1 v m that in compliau' ICC with the prov is ion* ot thè a« I of Cofigrtss of Jun« 1*7*. < iititie«! ‘ An act for the sale of late* of ( alif(»rnia. timbri lands in the Oregon. Nrviubi and M Akhingtou T« rritory." latirlo J. **ehlbi ■vdv. ot R«‘*< burg, couniv of bon glas, »tate ««t Oregon, ha* this «lay tile«! her »worn *tatvm» iit tor th« ìli Ibi* o ittice ’ Ito* N \\ 1, »ection N«» 14. in purchase <«f f Ihv tp. No. 4 ’ b R .» *> E. and w ill otter pi«« f lo »tight i* more valuable »how that the lau t for it» I :mb«T or I *ne than tor agrien limai purpose», mid t«» establish her <'hii»n t o said of ¡and In-lore the Register and Receiver I this «»hice at Ro*«‘burg. • »r.. ou v\ ednesday. the 7th «lay ot Aug;i»l. 1** • Sic nan»« * a* witm **<•*: J. Ilio*. Mayhew . i>. < kgl-r. I. E \ -h’a i't, .'a* l.«oii « oiinty. Otego A!i\ p< r-ons « .aiming ads • rsc' •< *« i i'i* d land» «»« r. ««¡i« »led • elai'.i:* in lid* «'fin e ou •>! !«r|«*C(* *.•» 'lav o| \»i *ii*i. I**'«. < u.«» J. ip * I IU K< g¡ i N'oli« » is ht’eby given that ill r««lll| liiliice with the pr«ui*i*>n* of the a* < of < oiigre-* of June l*7s. entitled "An act for th« «tile of timber ! a ml* in the S»ate* of < ,i iif.» ilia. On* gon. N vada. and Wadiiiignm Territory, s \\ Boyer, of Grand Island, • oiinty ««i < olu*a. *;atc of • 'aliforuia. ha this da;, til'd in thi* oilier hi* sworn statement for the S W 1 , of section No ., In Tp No 4*'. s Range No. > E. ami w 111 «»ilrr pi oof to *how that the ’and sought i* more \ a Liable for its tltnla*ror »tone titan for »»•/'icultural pur do « c *, and to establish hi* ; laim to »aid laud Iwforr th»* Register and Receiver of thisottiee nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday the l“th day of July. i**u. He name* a- wiine»*«-* K. i! B« amei, E. S. Sp'Hgur, II B IN'mh ga-t, K W. i'en lc ga*t, all of W «hxi and California. Any person* claiming adversely th« a!*»\«' d«**erib<*«| land* ate lopiest»*«! to file their claim* in thi* ««flu-e on or ltef«>rc »aid I'.'th day of July. I hx ««. ch a * W JoH N*r«)S, Register. \’ < >’ ut* t - fiti«-!*. g i \ <• 11 I La I d c« «m} ' :a «1« « w ith ti.«* c *.. i i.-.i- • f th - a. t of « . ng:« .*f J’tuc .. ’x7-. «*u: i l«d "Alia.: fur the • a :*• «.f limi»' lami-in iti « a’«« «t • f !. f.»: n,,«. « >r« go l. Nevada ami V» • -huietou 1 • i-- Gtmtgr ¡» »rri*. of Eng "ic < i’y, c.unity <»f Lane. >‘aT«* of o.vg«m, ha« thi.« «la filed ut Ibis otti«-“ hi- « a orti «tate ment f.»r the purcha*«* oí tío * W • , oí »«•« tiou N«. Pl. in tp N ». .» R No . 1 am! w ill «»»’er pr«»«»f »«» *h«»w that the l.«iid sought i* more \ ai« abl-'ftu ils timls-r < ’ • um iliali for ag’ieiiltiiral parpo*«*«, au«! io c* at«h*h hi« Haim to *ai«i lami l»riori' tlm Regi*u ; and R“< «dv« r of this o !’««••’ at R«.*' '>’rg. « » . on W«'dm*«day. th« I’.'th day of June, 1*". H«* name-a- wiinr»*e* Jame» Turk. J «hti F Givau«, Phil F Bower, all of \«T«»iia. » laîM-p « o’iiity . < »,,. ami lli.-ma* Ma hew, of Ashhin«!, Ja« ks»m county. Or. \ny and all !«•■; «<•!>- Haiming adv er*ely ’he nl»«»\r de*« rilwd lami« are rc«pir«ted lo tile thrir claim* in thi* «»flier on «>r Itefoie «aiti l‘»th day of June.lw. < Il D. W. JoH X-iTo.X, Regi’•ter. 41 IIH Timber Land Notice E xited sito. L vndofide , * R o * e »» .. Or. May 4. |s*?.i Notile i* brrrb;. given that in compítam e w ith the prov l*ioii* of th«* a« * of • .*ugr. ** of June 3, 1*7*. enti! led ‘ An ml f. r the sale of timlier land* in the State* of < aliforuia, • >re gon, Nevada and Washington Territ*»rv ( I. Hollingsworth, of W »xlbi , I. • o.intv «.f Yolo, state of < alii«)»nia, ha* thi* «lav ti j-d in this oilice hi* *vv.»rii »tatemriii, for the pur chañe of the s W ‘ 4 of »♦• lion N«« 22, in Tp >'S Range No. ’ Epi nd v. ill «»th r pro Í to -h.»w that the hind sought i* mor«' vahinblr for ii* tim . I mt or stone than for agrien!»mal ptiqio-s*«*, and to rstdbli*h hi* c I mhii to *ai«l »and l»e- fore The Register and Re her «»! thi-oilier at K«>*vbiirg, Oregon, on Thnrsda' the l^:h day of July. I**" He name» a* vitii«»*c U It IN.mi, William Kmi.x.Jobn r« n«l(ga*t, R •». lain son, all of W.HHiiand. • alif«»r)»ia Any «nd all per*oii» claiming adversely the al>ovr-de*< ni*’«! land* a“” rr<4u«'*iv*’ to file their claim* in thi' ortie» ««n or l»**f*»re said 1Mb da;. of Jul », 1 ■*»•.« ■ J V W . Jo» X-oTON, Register. 4* l»»t JurkMini ille to Hrtlfortl. Patroniie the <>Diy that eon* necte with every trail), rain or »lune, anti carries the U. 8. mail anti Wells, Farsro i v .* k . Driver. \ ¡If?-long atudy. ! warra ? 1 . .'ITS the m «»rst rase:, !; í .. iu ;<« ¿t .tiivl ;« t»«! reason for not now r<-*- •‘n*1 at once for a treatise unti,t it.*» »f nt\ lx: ai .!. irli : K» • ei « v <> ta«i !‘<,-t <)rti«a ft <■»»"!• .ou «¡ » nul. and it will cure y««j.’ .-. ij;- •f.C.ROOY .H.C., I87PEU t’MlTEI' -r 1. VXD (»1 l l( i . ' R o - f . h h «.. O... \pril I. I-S Notice 1» bcicbv given that iii • •ompl.:u«- w ith the pro\ i*i*»n ■ f the n< » of «'..litre - < f June 3. 1*7*. vntil.' * f ’ a State of Oregon, ba thi* da t»l«'*l it, th'* « . f ilrr hi* s.v«>tn » a « ?n«’t«’ for ih«- pmeha-«' f Ihr N W ’4 of *rc!i m N.«. ill. iu Tp > E N '• E. aud will otter pr«»of to *!». ". ’E h ! ’hr land »ought 1* mt» «* valuable it» timix r or stone than f«>r h 'ficuhural pii; ;•,>•<•*, a d to establish hi« claim to *ai«i laud brf.ir«* • •««• Register ar «1 !:••<•« .»«• *t thI* o:‘<« « -t’ R.■*«• burg. Or., on W«'«ine>'1a > the 1'th da «>f June, lx*’.». Hr name* a- v.?ir‘«*«-* Jainc* Turk. • f A*toria, • dfC-nip» .»«inty. Or . .I«»hn T »«i u*. «»f \sf«»ria •'latMip rotinty. Or . Gv«>. \ •« r »is. of EUtfviiv < it v, I .a I«*« «at tit v. Or . Th*i a* Mtybru , of \* hlaad. Jackson (*oii!ity. or. \nv ami all pri*on« Haiming a lo*i-«d. t be almv r de»«’; tin d hi )«!« ate rt*|Ur**« d !«» tllr I heir Haun* in this «iffice on or l»**f*«rr •aid i'.«th «’.ay of .lii ie. |xs<». if «». w J.»HS»ToN ............ K.gistrr. 14 lie I < A Bargain Bll>i!i»**i> boilKe it IMO TUOIDfM HUtl lot. for HriUx hour t be depot. < hie room rented ut 12 per cent. j»er annum on amount naked for property, inquire of Felta X .lohUHou. * / ; . OF PURE COD LIVER OIL ■AJffD HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk No dinguthtd that it ran tabrn ilfc».»it<4, m ml ngaluUlatad hylhe mo»i ani tthr utomaih, w hen the plaltt ol; annot b< loltralrd; tnd by the cona* blnailou of the oil with the hypo. |>Uo3phlie*M lb tout ii Buurc ei!lTT S l.MUi»SlGN is A*:kDowh*dg*Mi 1-» Physician« to bo t‘ ■ Fines* an«! Best j r«-pa. * .ion xu the world fur the r« li. f and cur« .1 iE« I v s d < »rr i» r . o. V« || I. Is* ' f S1TF ST X I E* f.A S 1« •»! I 1« I . R o * eh ( li'i, Or . Ma; 4, ’.xs « t AVhen T say CrRE I do rot n io|» them lor a time, an«! th«-n i ,c » » i urn lucani i MEAN A K \1»U.AL < L .G 1 hake made the dD*eu¿»c of .ih .)n,> Timber Land Notice b J«»nx»i.»x. Register CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINC DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. H 'I iiiiLi'i- l.;inil 7/ie qreat nmfdy ffir (v ifliu* «>f th«' a« ! of < ««ligie*» ««f June 3. 1*Tx, entiilcd "Ar. a« t f ii Territory." Alice A I'a kc .of K.••»«», «-omity of Klam aUi, --a t ««I <»rg«ui. i. i* Ibi* «la. liedin this olii« « tier *\.«»rn •tatcim iil for the put < ) ik *«‘ «-Í «b« HW * «»t -e«i.«-D .’•. In Tp *. R No E. and a ill <»?'• r proof to show that ’be land -ought i» moie valuable for it* limtn r or • tom- ’han for agri« ulttiral put|»o*«-*., aud to '•* a«li*h lier H m . iii .osai«! laud b*'fo;<- tiie Register ami li« « t i\«r of thi« «-fiicc a Rex burg. *>r . ••«> W« dm «day . the 7lh «lay of V'giist. i**‘. >h«‘ Imin« • a- wi’»«c‘*< - 1» c \gl«*r, I E M*>e, \ 'I ’«¡'. 1«',J \\ R«»g< 'all of \«b lami. Ja« k*oti c.miity, O.cgoti Any ami all p«- <>n* « laiming mlvm-Hy llir alta>\«' «leset lin'd lull«!* Hi*' r«'«4 .»C-te.| to fii« their « ¡aim- in thi- of! re *m or l»cf«»rr -aid 7th da. «>f \ug»i*t.:J*x'.' < H \ **•• -- W lo¡!N*10X, I JOt K»*gi»tcr, i X » I M« sT ITI * J. v.M« Ot I K l * B<»»i m i:G, • »: \’ti' 22 1*'" I Noti« « í» le reby giv. n that in « «»mpliauee with the provisiot.* of th«- a» I of • «»ngr«-»* ot June I. 1*7* «;itit!«'l An :»« t forili«- * h ; c «»( timlMT I h . h I s ill tile »tules of < rtlilornu«. or»'R««n, Neva«!« mrl U h «! i ii'gl«"i Territory ........ .................... L. E. M«’1 Hppt- tile sell ' Í s . yvk II. clcranily Mr;”r r»‘.Ttvd •. r«| * uwy ’»HHlh’U. S*»VI »1« ry -.nh r*1. Iu *‘ltltnrMntin.i ff.- th* i ti.’tt, lluaif- H «»7. vA«./« c>t>! - -r.Yj oom’* irUf frat fr^ an nppli* ttt 'fji*»