FLY" J. M. MCCALL’S MONGOLIAN. How He Got the Nickel He Claimed from the “L” Ticket Agent. A Mongolian, who had evidently not long been a sojourner among the western bar barians, got into an altercation with a ticket seller at ouo of the elevated railroad stations the other day He had purchased a ticket, but was under the impression that he had paid the agent a dime and that therefore five cents was still due him. The agent was firmly convinced that tho Chinaman had given him only five cents, and therefore had no right to demand any change. The Chinaman's knowledge of English was exceedingly limited, but he was en«low«xl with all the persistency that characterizes his race. He continually used the phrase “Cheese it.” evidently in tho faith that the words were l»ai luiric “cuss words” of marvelous potency “1 tell you, John.” said the agent, siK)th ingly. “vou gave me only a nickel, you've got your tiuk«*t ami it’s all right.” e me five cents.” yelled the IOMG wr U’iS TNf wsrwiMwiS in«» five «•••nts Summe ng t hat it Im.» 1l Inna ^OOtJ s An old man iown a dime nd a ta ke! I man turn k it iq> ti'om t trout of la ■ t.*•! was the Chinaman's < L after a m«»u>e m* d.u abbed the mck< I ‘Come here, yon thi»*v ing back that nickel.” sb ::geut. w tide tue old man w i*d speechless witti astouHii “Chees«» it.” v. ned th»* t!» lie rushed through ltie op five cents, you heap «lam f« He hopped on l»oard a t« am ua-l was ear ri»sl aw*ay, whde tn • agent, after giving ilh obi mau another nickel, thussoiihxpaizevi “Talk ulMXit t»viug fi . T hem < biii iimm can t»eat tiie‘L'vil ll th«*y are allows! to mine here an bon st w hi;«s man wou't hav«* any show to make a 1 \ n g I’n; «lead against importing’em.”—New York Herald Successor to Youle & Gilroy I I I »I AI I R IX — Sash. Doors, Mouldings, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, And various builders’ material. ;» > •_ Send or call for prices. ot Helman street. Warehouse at R. R.track, toot w M. <; I E1TOV. AT COST ! J IB001 I Genth,u«rn’s l>re*a I’ffty Year* Ago. Fifty six years ago American gentiem. i*»n worn bln .* broad ■it.** with high rolling it liiltlOUs und long «liars, si. tails, w ithk skirt ut uwiiv over th? hips ' • r\ short, un i Hail Their wawteoata pantaloons—there w-cru uo ‘’p;mt* ' or trou I sers in tin - *o days u -i e very long und tight Yellow nankeen w ; l * the m ileriul of the former, drab or buff moie skin of tiio L.ib i It was a |>vrpetuai mystery how u man got into his |>autuh>>iis. an«l «»nee in bow bo got out. They cam«* d«»wn to the very tiottom ot his hoe! ami buttom'd l»om*atli his instep, giv ing him an unvomi* i taoh« si raj>«»'>.! up up fsarame 111* collar was of the big “ m J u t*>ar<i” type ami ni.*» cravat was either an enormous stock of black Mitin »ir a <*oup!v of yards of white lawn w rapped hi ample folds a lx »ut his threat light sl »ev<*s to his coat, with turned twick cull’s, a heavy cane, an enormous white twaver hat an I a clean >ha ven face, rnisl»* up In.** ensemble Nob «dy wore mustache,** then, and a mail with whis kers was follow« i in the streets by a crowd —- 1‘ittsburg Bulletin. Furnishing Goods and Hats. M. L ALFORD, I h I S. SHERMAN, Public, TALENT, Ashland OR. Oregon, <!.*•». bKAl.EFt IX All kinds Repairing and New Work. N«*w Wind Mill* and iron f»-uriiie furnish»*«! SAW GUMMING A Specialty. Farm Implements. SEEDS & FRUITS H. SCHERRER. ’:7 w in. A. Grow House. Sion and Decorative V I Ashland, Or.. Special Attention to Graining and Paper-Hanging. Business ! ■’’111 ! NhERSlf.NEB would annoum » 1 t»» in** old »-iistoiners. ami the public K**Ticral!y thi»t In* is again in the transfer bu>in»-»s. ,m I is prepare«! to alterni to all • all- promptly at LOWEST PRICES. Passengers to atol from each tram J. H. McBBIDE. I ???FH HFIH — THE CHEAPEST PLACE In Ashland tr biiy your GKOCERI ES ----- Is AT----- J. K. VanSant s r«a eri»«« a y part of the c J. K. VanSant His Work Speaks for Itself PHOTOGRAPHY Having «»ne of the Iwst skylights in ( h egon. it ad knuti'i Ht] hoir to use it, l (il’ARANTEE GOOD WORK. M. E. TYLER. A shland , S< tC I ET I ES. Masonic Directory, Ashland. SOME DIMINUTIVE MEN AND WOMEN WHO ACHIEVED FAME. Southern Pacific Company’s Line. A l>wart Who Killed Hi* Mau hi a Duel. (he THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. “Matron in Miniature*’—tluldah Bump. Time beaten Ashland ami San Franeiseo, A Short Pole Title—Our with a Own Ou n Tom Long Name and Tlmiub ami 23 HOURS. Sir Ge»)i!T’ey Hudson is used for the genesis of this article, not t»»*<,uu*e lie w a» the smallest of tbe long list of inidgrU who have np|**ared U|K»n tiie stage of action during tbe pa>t .‘»uu years, but tor tbe I’easou that tie is the earliest >f which authentic record bus been preserved, lie was tsirn m the year KI19. at Oakham, Kutiandsbtre. England He first attracted the attention ot tbe Duke of Buckingham in l(»X tie tieing then U years old un i but eight een inebe* high Little Geoffrey, or Jeffrey, as it is some time* wriit» u. remained in llie service of the duke until . In* lline of the tour ot < hark*s 1, king ot En Ian I through the different bhires att< i marriage w itb Maria Hunrietta. Win n tuo tiio kit king and ill- new bride visited Buckingham, ham. m in order to serve thvir majesties with a unique surprise Geoffrey, the dwarf, x»ld pie ami served nt was incased in a igtil of t be ruyal vis I inner. much to LUMBER OF ALL KiNDS Portland. A n h hi nd, Ashland. '<1*111» iiktT < u*l• Hiirr. ggtst froir. awukentid night 1*41. ”1 ;<>ric.” replied •i my store at gone, ex customer '* ‘•Gracious three or foui I H>k at your <Urectory.”— Yellow Pine Flooring, Will be our Specialties. I M. M M. M. San 1 Unit i*.ei XX I I > NN Di It I.MU ALPHA CH LPT1 i: Stated me <*M< h month M IBS K A l E < Local Pas’gr Train Daily<Except Sunday» \'ll LANI» LODGE N . 3:4'» r. M. llOl’SC Gambetta and Hector. I.O. o 1 pullman BUFFL1 SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. KING COLE- ¡»(‘st SI Volli’ )<!«* IH vi*i«»n BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS «tul 1 iiiu I»a i «y r ««•|»t Sunti I X. . 1.1 < »ne 111 ilr April 11h. Is8<) A CALIFORNIA It -i'i Presi The Sank of Ashlar««! ASHLAND Paid Up Capital, OGN G. A. R $50,000.00 id li! J •t A ASHLAND. OREGON ARCHITECTS. Ayers, Barbour & Elviap, Contractors & Builders. \*n c w.. VXD Till MU F.*i 1 .mat« * nn h mi I'I mii * Does a General Bankin¡ Mabel.” ssud Henry, and tn spita of bis ef fort to control huuself tbe voice was tremu lous, and tie spot« with tho air of timid des peration which marks tbe elocution of a nan about to a-k for tho loan of £5; "Mabel, 1 do not kneel at your feet" land be wasn’t—lie was sitting bolt upright on a eofai "to plead for myself. I come here only to beg you to think of my brother George. He—ho loves you dearly, Mabel, and should you retuse his plea 1 tremble for the consequences. He b alone in tho world, and be wants a sister-in- law. Oh. will you not be one to hirnT'—Lon don Tid Bits. ■ ; ; 1 ’olleclions made at all accessible ta\ orablv t»*nns. sight t-xuhangu mid I« Ivgraphi» Portland, San Fra*'' is<-o ami N\ u York ; ^uhl hnnqht at stanJurd /»/»■•/'. « I ! OYSTER PARLORS. A Fine Stock Ranch ASHLAND, OREGON w k - I". U’<<1 ill Colestin Soda Springs B. BEACH, HOTEL 'OXTRACTOR ft Blli.DER Will lx.* «»pen 'fay l*t f«--r tli<- a< < ■ >nnn«>«’:: li«»n «»f a limited nunib»*rof guest,*. Board and lodgine. p< r w«*< k “ <iay 150 Head of Well-bred Horses. maud. |10 00 1 .*» /J •«! to sat I. cuts pvr ARTHUR LANGELL. FOR SALE! BYRON COLE, Proprietor 4<;¡ Viliiahlr Flouring Mill. A Hue Stork liitin'li. And Wfll-hred Cattle ! Th»* iiiidvrsizned »»t'ers f«»r *al<* hi* * h I iih l»l<* tl<»uri:iu mill p’-ii.HTt» with 10 a«—»** »»f lami on Rogm* ri\»r. (»old III! R R ’»lati.m. This mill Im* a fin»* I*»« atioii f«»r business lieimr r«»n.enimt to a large area of the best gram lami in Southern <>ivu«»n. It ha*» a never failing wa’vr power lilt* finest in Southern Oregon. The mill ha** just I h * vii fitted np in ko ‘»«1 shape throiurhnnt. v. ith new inavhinety Term* rea<oiia'olv. Will also sell a O r U ill fumi-h plaii* for aux and a’’ kind«* o: building** and * ujm ■rint<*hd the construction of the same wh» n deMred otl’.i »■ mi the u»**t >nic of The pla/a with Luckey A. < <n 1.-12 /s Board per w» < k $l am! :M A sh la \ i >, NOCKS. />. P. Snyder, Propr. 80 Head of Graded Durham Cattle Price «T hors» >. * «0 round <*aitl»* For further parti« nUr*-. addr»**s Architect and Superintendent Mu-, J/Æ.//..S' A T ALL Ayers, Barbour & El»iage. JAMES NOBBIS, First-flass iu Every Rrsptd. • >»M > \ nil. > Klainuili county, <>r**g«»u. nciirl.v all under fence fencing rail* p!«st* and u ir»* an«l plank 2«MH) ai res of this land is gooff grain land 1.4)0 acres nulural hav laud. The ranch takes in fine fir, pin»- am! cedar timber on the w»*sl si<h* «if the valley, an»! opens on the vast side of the \ alley ilit* hunch grass range. cowre<l with tering junipet> Ther»* are three h<*w« «l log dwelling bous es. om* frame barn InUxts) feet, and a num tier of other l»uilding< Price of laud p r a< ¡<- ami a uond tit!»* gua rantved. N\ ill also *. 11 rtlui sp«‘i Irti« * t mod* rn rtU'i fainir h*. d w e un rum hes. •i.-r-itan t our b mid not !«■ ■ satisfar- If V«»U lion. mg any thing, from « : 1, rull OU us nt our olii* < argadim* *ls.. A-hlami. < ■ can »io NN « 1« for \ ou npply <»( in:it«TÌ»i. « : ail Ì kinds for biiiblitiK purpose« ami < Mil hilih! your hoiis** without any un ne» ♦* -sary <!.■.;« ay. <»utMde orders for plan* and sp». limai. ions **olieil<-d ah<l prompt at tentii»>n giwu to them. We invite inspec >rk ami < an give rvfer»*n<-es when* n t^iir. 1:W1 t’nd»*r Masonic T-inpl**. FOR SALE’ THE ASHLAND ! LIVERY AND FEED S’EABLES H. S. EMERY Die old stables on Main stioet near the bridge, and the new stables on Oak street, are now under the pi opr le to rali ip and management of ASH LAX I), OR HU IX GEO. W. STEPHENSON* Stock Ranch of 1200 acres on Roirue river: all f«*n« » <1: ion a* res alrvad' in alfalfa I’ri»-«*.»s.’im». linieon a part of tin* prii e if ib sireii. huj . j .I v of coffins. casket robes of all sizes, gloves. crapes, etc., etc. Who is now prepared to offer the public better accommodations than ever before afforded in Southern Oregon in the liv ery business. Will als.) sell w ith the ranch or wpiirahdy IOO head of stock, including 11 number of full blood Durham mid ih*r«*f«»rd yearlings, bull** and heifer** These are tin»* young cattle,and ¡»ersous who may w ant young bulls or heifer*, oneor more, would do well to **ee them. Address o i, \M \R|>. 41 Ashland, < »r. Horses Boarded and Fed. Smith & Dodge At reasonable rates. < arry the !arg***i ami !»••*! *<*l»*« te»l 'KM k of FURNITURE ! New and handsome turnouts, tellable and safe buggy t/ams, and good saddle horses always to be had at these stables. In *»oiith»Tn Oregon. WALL PAPER, I » Saddle and Harness \ *.» FRAMES AND M0ULO1NCS, CHILDREN'S WAC0»<S, Will Buy and Sell horses BABV CARRIACES, ETC, ETC !•« l! GEO. W. STEPHENSON THE Davis Sewing Machine, >CWÍll . machine made d l*e con vince»!. M \XI FACTURER, « al’ an i ¡W Foli THE REST — ASHLAND, OREGON -OREGON* Tin, Sheet-Iron and Connerware Call at ALL ORDERED URINARY^RIDNEY TROUBLES. B. F. Reeser’s WORK will be made to give entire NEW TIN SHOP Repairing Neatly Done UAN u ^ a N at low rates, and all work done promptly. An luiipeeled Way of Putting It. am! a* I.on <•-! Pr ASH I.ANI» IsODGE NO. 2., A Stated communi« ation on the 'I or before the full moon BETWEEN I’llllTLANII 1 SAN FHANIW) n K A ( ri «•d w it h Un» pranks as uii>jw«*d to take S*M>n alter this L<> grow rapidly ui»d w » oii shut . u calamity which be vharac v »-nunivd was tine to royal trailing ?>tiu he rvtam«'«i in.- | m » siiiqu us court dwarf ■.-tivv name of l.*»r«l Minimus •.Hx |«r n ad stat«• <M»i’a>iuiis an«i knew he afimrs of the govern s ministers themselves, 'ruii't» to bring un atteud be l;emg a n.i’iveut that ant li »n this errand, thinking •misideiat»le inqxirtance !*•* formed ! itaiiee of Mr Crofts, a young man uii standing ami posi o teaxsl the p.»or little tn»n in Fr dwarf lieve uinds of reason Being a courtier wn»*n nt inane lie naturally resented : he treatment of y«»ung Crofts, which finally ki-Kine un h *.-i rat du. resulting in a challenge from tin 1 w arf U hen i ••it** m l his friends appeared at oi i»ijtb zvous Crofts was armed w p ii u squirt gun !ille<i w ith muddy water I’nis enraged tne tittle Englishman to tbe ex tent Hint u r»*al »1 lei Billowed. Hie partivi pants tn ing mounli'don horseback, w hich put til» in more on a level Crofts t ell dead at tbe first tire. The remainder ot the adventurous life of Hmis.»n rends fi «• ii romance He was tor e in 1» •iharv. uf ter wards, » England, a rajxain m the In difil he .i(*(*oiiit>uni<»d tlie : l»* Fruii» c, but after the I m .*- ii i* ro\:*.j rovai honor ujMjn bun he t prison»*» M>ner to Gntvlmuse. W.*.*»t Hi:« n_ l*** n siisp’ctcd of lading pi ivy pil l He«ii<sl nt me Gateiio kid year BO!t »W!.ASKI SbKIYOI' CHAPTER N’> 21, R A Regular connotations ou the Thursday next after the full moon. W II A tkinson II E B Myer, Sec < aiiforui:« l.xpr«*** Trains Run l»nilv i • imt Joseph Itorowlaski was« Pole iHirn m :;« • \ »r ITk'j. hr «-timeof a fam i v oi si % • . lidreu. ot whi.-fi every other one were dwarf** Tin* first <>l the family wasa mhi i t«**. t and i in* h».*s hign limn came an other w ho wa»<» f****t in Lis st.x-kings after lie had atiHinmi man ■* •■"tale. n»*xt came Joseph, the subj-vt of lids sketch, who wa> but 27 inches high on hi* twenty first birthday, of the three that iollowr«! JiMorpli the hrst aud last w» re ot ordinary prop»rtions, tho middle uno tiemg .« dw,arfesw, who di«*d at the age of 22. Iieiiig then but 23 uiclu*s lull Joseph t»erame <vh*hrate»l for bis romarkable ion gevity as well a* tor the I »rwity of his stature, be hv lug to tue advanced age of After I bid tour through England be \ isit««d his ua lie ui-irkablr Hr *t oral ion. live land, bui returned two years later to the A remarkable story cornea from Cardiff. British l*l»*s married a lady of ordinary size, Wales. A colder names David Davies, of raised a large family and died at Bank's cot Treherbert. was a sufferer by a great expk> tage, near I nn bum. in IS37 lion that occurred m IWU For four year* Alxiut live yearsait«*r the death of Borow after he was continod to hn bed He then iu-ski, in l‘M2. Totn Thumb, the most cele gradually got atanjt, but remained deaf and brat'd dwarf of modem times, although not dumb from the shock A duct« r udvsed him the small «.»st by any meaus. l»egan his trium to try a ahoek somewhat similar to that which phant inarch under tho auspices of Ills patron had causiwl his infirmity A little while age saint. I’ T Burnum Tom's real name was he placd ¡imiM-lf near where six shots wert Charles Stratton. He was born m I Ski, and to be fired in the Bute Pit, aud strange t< was therefore but 4 v«*ars of uge when put on say. at the sixth shot his hearing returned U exhibition at IWmiui's museum. New York him. Still I m * wus dumb, but on a subsequent city He weighed twelve p>umts when first Sunday the Rev E. Row land, missionary to exhibited, *>on became famous, aud made hi* the deaf mules, said something to Daviet first trip to England in IK4-I, 1 believe, but it which put him m a pussion, and he involun may have been a year or two latei He grew tardy or instinctively made an attempt t< hut very little until after the end of his til express Lis anger To his amazement th« teen th year then grew until he was 23 At power of speech came back, and he now talks the age of Bo he iM*gan to “fill out,” and dur I freely El \ however, says that sjwiking mg his last trip west in 1SSJ, he stated hi* rnakt»» his throat sore, anti ins tongue is made weight to I m » seventy p»unds' Not much «'f a 6uro by his teeth. - Chicago Tribune. ‘midget.” »u’re He died <«t his summer resi deuce, mat Middleboru, Mas.- July 15, 1x53. ngecl «5 A rickpockwt Trick. Tt K WAUREN SISTER.*. What 1 silsjk *» t as a new pickpocket Ilici Mrs Tom Thumb, the wife of tbe subject was tried on me night before last, w hile going homo on t ie Benton Bellefontaine Street Cai of the foregoing, was, beforegiioattracted the liue. Directly next to the scut occupied by attention of Imr husband's patron saint. I.ttle When put on exhibition i»e me a Lady sat Wo were crowded pretty Betsy Bump cloeely, a.* the cur was | ki < keti with passengers. I sale her future im*-l>aii<i at th«.* New York After the car Lad gone at»out a mile I felt a mu.'-euni. she adopbxi l^avina Warren a> a hand moving very cautiously in tho aide stage name She was man ad to the little pocket of my overvi mt 1 was astonished to see general at Grace church. New York city, in that it was th»? hand of the fair lady who sat ItMsi. and was. therefore, just twenty years« next to mo. As s»»on a» she saw that 1 had wife Mrs. Stratton, when young, weighed any detected her Laud she drew it out of my pocket, ami Liusbingly said “Excuse me, where from filteen to thirty |*>und* As age sir, but we set so close together that 1 thought advancer! she l»v<*amu <|uit»« p«»rtly. and 1 was putting my hand into tho pocket of my weighed, w hen she ninth* the last trip wes1 cloak You can see that 1 have a pocket on not less than filly | m ) u nds. Bobust health, tho outside of my cloak, on the same side that general portliness rombiued with a natural rotund figure, gave her quite a motherly ap the pocket is on vour coat It wras an em barrassmg mistake, but oue 1 coujd not pearance, which earned lor tier the sobriquet avoid.” I excused her. and after riding about ulktht» “Mutton m Miniature.” After mourning tbe death.of the renowned two blocks further she left the car.—St. Louis Tom for a year and nine months, Mrs Strut G lobe- Democrat ton tried abbreviated matrimony a ttecond time by a muon w ith Count Primo Magri, l ive Wait to Cure a Cold. April 6, I'he count is but thirty-two I. Bathe th« feet mi hoc water and drink n inches in height an l weighs less than his min pint of hot lemonade. Then sjronge with salt iaturo bride Like her first marriage, this water and remain in a warm room. second one was al* » performed in New York 2 Batiie the face in very bot water every city at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Rev five minuhs for an hour Dr Watkins officiating 3 Snuff up the nostrils hot salt water every Since her second marriage the late Mrs three hours Thumb has settled down to the enjoyment of 4. Inhale ammonia or menthol. an enviable reputation, but fi w Inklings ot 5 Take four hours' active exorcise in tna her evt iyday blear»* given to Hie public. open air Minnie Warn n was another celebrated Medical News, which recommends tijf dwarfess. .‘ In* v as a sister to Mrs. Tom above, says that summer colds are the worst Thumb, an»t L n re living put on exhibition of ad colds oftentimes, as it is then very diffi beside her -*i.-t«*r was plain Huldab Bump cult to protect one's self properly. A ten Minnie was some t»*n years younger than gram dose of quinine will usually break up a Mrs. Thumb ami weighed 42 poun<Ls She cohl in the iieginning. Anything that wiU wa* l»orn on the Bump homestead, two miles set the hlo-xl actively in circulation wiU do it. out from Middleloro Center, Mass., ami whether it l»e drugs or the use of a bucksaw early began tim show business She wasmar ri»s| to Maj Newell in 1H— and died July 23, l>TS, eight hours after tbe birth of a girl E«hiration in South Wales. babv weighing <> pounds one seventh the In N«*w South Wales th*» regulan «ns pr» Itie baby lived vide for tlm establishment of a public m h*»ol weight of th»« little niotbei Mother and baby were in any locality where a neniar ntteii hinrc of but a few hours twenty cbiidre i between th»» ag**> of »> and buried in the same coffin -John VV ÍV right 14 can I h .» giml'aiit»‘ed. Free lailwav jta-^es in St Louis Republic grant».*»! to children living m country dis- Bmieticonue is a running stream, if cash t ln*m «chool* tlow* out < ! a gmxl man s po<*ii»»l it will al ys ar* Just as :alit*vf uiiht miraculously ffow m ogam It rhtl- water i nsbi * mio a channel wticwe waters ted in i.a .•»* to g •>!« oni Many a good man 8 pur*e i each, arrange- is like a siphon, tin very emptying of which m>ur»n I..* r«*tuiuig —Arthur Eld wants ii>*h SpH’i *sl« < »KE.ÌON Mjer'a Bl.M'k.eiiHt eitle Main street. CELEBRATED MIDGETS. ¡<»-48 A ppetizer . In Keeper's Blocs. Ashland, Ful stock on hand and made to ordei. H. .11 DOE CURES INDIGESTION. Particular Attention to Job Work, FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES. Will be open for customers Prices That Defy competition I**» PORTLAd^OR.. MEALS - ALL HOURS AND SHAPES. I Sherman Sisters. Prop’r’s. I B. F REESER. I Sold by T. K. Bolton 4 A