TIDINGS. ASHLAND SUPPL ES ME ÄTT. ASHLAND. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1889. VOL. XIII. Now is the Time! I GEXEIUL NEUS. I Life in Oklahoma. AEH.IIIMIR1M* COIATIES. NO, 50 Importuni lo Fruit t.rowrr*. Sams Valley. Jackson Co.. Or. i The new cemetery south of town is i A young German, who threatened to meeting with general favor. KI.AMATH COCNTY. May 17, 1W«». i MORE THAN ' h I km / i Henry Villard, has been arrested ' There will la* a faro game and a Sun H on . J. D. W hitman : 'Linkville Star. Ma) 17 • at Albany. D kak S iu Your favor of the 11th ■ day sehiHil running in this towu to SEVEN HUNDRED I Edgar Ball, of Butte creek valley, at hand. Am much obliged for th«* , Rare Business Opening. l’rof. Cook of the University of Cali- ' morrow. All are invit«*d. Siskiyou county, reeeutly sold his different style« and differ If any reader of th«. Btsimer sees horn«* ranch to parties whose names information sent, but as you did not, fonila has Invìi elected to a professor- lhe umi»TMgm*(i ofl'er* for ***!•• th»* oldest . ship at Yale. anything that hi* do«*su't like in this we did not learn for n consideration of send the formula for the summer wash ! »•wtrtbllxheil hrtF»IWrtl,* *>torv ami tin^hop iu ent kinds of Stoves for paper we will gladly take it buck in ${S,t)(M). It is probably one of the 1 write again for it. \*>hlHiul—*•!♦>« k in »tor«-aiul complet»* outfit 1 After four months' suspension, all our next issue. It will mnk«* no difference to us if of tooU am! fixtur» *■ in the -hoj» Heating and Cooking ls*st ranches iu that portion of Cah- art) \ *ati*fa«t»,r) ami profitable tra«l<* i»* I»» mg the collieries m the Pittsburgh, Pa. burns ail the leaves off if it will only We learn that the seven new towns formn. • I»» id * K.' kmhi for M-iiiiot -out*»«h- altair'i region resumed work last week, giv Tbe World’s uunufact^j kill t he scale lice. start«l west of this place overlap one prevent the proprietor from gi\ lug the bu-t the The different s)H*'les of iish ill Till« i We want toslopany further increase . an*>ther very seriously. < >ne man from ihi* aUe’iti o ;. VS ill • ither rent or ’»•‘11 ing employment to ll),i«M) men. trade th.- building ¡.raue marik Thu N ew Y ohk , .May 17. The Washing Illinois lives iu thr«*e of the towns and lake have Iss'oiiie so numerous that on our premises ami we can only do 1 they are dying by th.» thousands. In it by thorough work now and during . ton corres|»>ndent of the 7 ribnn«’says is running for mayor of all of them. Coroner Go«»iefelter is so far behind numerable birds sea gulls, pelicans, the summer. VhUml Oregon i that Colonel Elliott F. Shepard of the if we wait until winter it will be so I Mini it rl E.rpn >s is talked of for the in his work that he re*{ii«*Hts us to in herons and others of carnivorous habits arlaad" l[ne V<>' but Ct«i bs form Ins patrons that he is doing the infest till* waters of the lake to feast spread on th«* forest timlier and every Piissimi Mission. licet hi* can. His friends will oblige on them. If it were not so, dead tisb bush and plant, also on stones, feuc-J Th.* town of Sauveur, a suburb of him by not making efforts to increase would impregnate the atmosphere in ing, etc., that it can never Is* got nd, of fra«dulen, Quels**. Canada, was burned last bls business at this time. that vicinity with a stench probably of. ¡v°e tie iruae Thursday, causing a loss of S?S0<>,000 beyond the endurance of the inhabi .Iim Triggers called 011 A few days ago. happening to ob- i . y0U the ,e-“arl£' ■>- £*aai. and several lives, and making a thou- day and trad«l us a niekeTplat«*l der tants. serve a scale louse on a stone. 1 el .Institute. ringer foi ¡1 y ears m T.»>* iqpt i.»u t.» lhe There is a proposition in view to amiti«*! it with a microscope and found 1 Washington, May IS. During the B-ximer. He got the derringer from a build a sawmill on the divide lielweeli the crevices of th«* Stone tilled with past wwli the Treasury Deparluieut man who di« 1 suddenly after ( idling l’oe valley and Title lake. 'The pro the nits and lice. A further examin- 1 disbursed #1 l.lssi.tMl on account of Jinia horsethief. Como again, Jim prietors are II. C. Rogers and a gen ation show«*l most of the ston«*s to I** Rafe 'Thimburgger paid us a pk*as- tleman by thename of McCoy, Newt, in th«* same condition and pi«*'es of i pensions, thereby exhausting the ap propriation for the current fiscal year nnt visit yesterday, and told us that l’ratt has the contract to furnish th«» boards, sticks ¡¡mi fence r;ii!s also. if the cr.-vic. s Isid not «*mtained lie had just won a tine quarter section mill with 5oo,(MI0 f«*et of timlier. amounting to $S1,750,(KM I. the nits tor empty scal«*si, showing , at a shooting match with a tenderfoot. Washington, May 17. The Er< 17/ He paid lhe funeral ex|a*ns>*H lumself. that the insects had wintered and i Eeining to-day confirms the rumored Rafe is , a gentleman. [Oklahoma LAKE <’-OI \ I'Y. hatch«l ther.', we might have thought engagement of ex-Secretary Bayard to B(*»mer. LaUcxirw Examiner. Muy that the lie, had come from the trees. | Miss Clymer, daughter of Dr. Clymer, Me had thought that the lie«* could ! | l’n'piinitiou« arc Is-ing made to cel- KEEPS GARLAND STOVES. 1 . S. N . of Washington. I'll«* wed U lint Eggs «.'an Ik*. | ebrate tb<* counug 4thof July iu grand not form their scales on auything but ding will occur early 111 the summer. the living bark. Now we have the The yok«* made into a batter with btvI.* in Lakeview. A company of The .Manufacturers liecord of Bal honey and tiour. of ii I hiu I the simiu ; regular soldiers ar«* exp«*'t(*d from Bid- proof that they can winter as «.■!! on A big carload of stove;-and ranges just received. The timore. Md„ reports great activity in «insistency *>f mustard paste. gtv«*s well. two big bust, ball games are ston«*s ami rails as on lhe living lr«-s. tinei-t line in the conntv. (’all and see and believe it. cotton-mill building throughout the spitslv relief to one afflict«! with ls*ils. ■ booked, and other parts of the program Now what hope have we to ever gel i South. In the last three weeks about l he white used as a coating for scalds i | will not lie negl«.*t«*I. Over S5iM> has rid of them unless the summer wash tift«n companies have lieeu organized aud burns, excludes the air, which so i : already been subscrilied to make the will prevent any further iucrease this to build cotton mills. aggravates the sufferings of a blunt ! celebration a siu*'ess. ntid we are con summer, not only on this place, but fident that nothing will be left unilotie every inf«*t«l place m the county. The state of New York has made person. It is softer than collodion, to make this the grandest turnout I t would be I>et ter to have t he it*aves therefore lietter, and is always al hand; contracts for the electric dynamos, by Lakeview has ever witn«*ss«*l. It is burned from every tree m the county it is more cooling than the one«* popu which criminals will hereafter lie exe probable that two days will be de- than to let lhe p««st go unmolest«l I cuted instead of hanging. One will lar sweet oil and cotton. Th«* white . ' voted to the program, with a base ball this summer. — and — lie provided at each of the state pris lieaten with sugar, is valuabl«* in bron-1 j game on Besides, th«* mfest«l orchards'will day. Everybody is in- ons, at Sing Sing. Auburn and Clin chlal affections, esp«*eially in hoarse- ' j vited to each come, aud more «sepeeially liear no fruit any way, for the fruit is Ashland, Oregon. ton. Death will ensue inside of thirty riess, when a little lemon juice may lie i Fort Bidwell so plaster«! with scales that it can ¡s»ople. seconds, and will be alieolulely pain added with good r«'sults. Cider vine not I m » uh «1. We have dug up about I gar may be substituted for the lemon ! Lofftus Bros., at Crane Lake, are less. juice, when the latter is not available. ' raisiug a line lot of mules and horses 2(10 trws, which is a very heavy loss to New York, Muy 1(5. Mrs. E. S. Choice Cakes of very variety kept con Leather chair seats may lie reviv«l by i ! this year. They find it pays to have us. as it takes about all our ln'ariug I stnutly MEDFORD. OREGON on liH!i<L Bishop, mother of the »lead nnnd- rubbing them with well-lsM«ten white ■ at least the sire a good animal. They tr«*«, but we want to save the young 13-H Order* for parti» « promptly executed and reader, has written this letter to the of eggs. Leather bindings of books' have four jacks, two lieing import«*l. trees. Very Resjiectfully. s|»<?cial price# given A. W. S hipley . President of the Board of Coroners: may h I h «> lie cleaned by this methisl; and two tine large stallious. the Mor- i |Sign«l| All kin«!- of ornamental work neatly done “I »in of the belief, front my know but white Roman bindings should l*e ! r gau st.H'k pr«loinmating in th«* latter's To the C itizens of the T hird H ok - TKTLTVHAL DlsTKKT: ledge of previous attacks that my son wasb«l with a soft liauuel saturated ' mixture of blood. One g.asi jack has Wedding • akea a specialty• I leave this evening for Salem to has suffered, that the autopsy per in soapsuds (Detroet Tribune. l>«*eu suo«*w«*fully bred and rais«i at attend a meeting of the Board. Upon Bread Delivered Daily at Hansen's Table Kock Farm on Bogue ; formed by Drs. Irwin and Ferguson i this place. my return I will devote my entire Your Door. River is now offered for sale m subdi whs unwarranted. I therefore demand How h Thh • visions to suit purchasers, on easy terms. . that a further examination be made.” Mrs. W. A. Wilshire left for the time to the destroying of this p«*t by He was an earnest preacher of the ; Willamette valley. Saturday, whereshe requiring the application of a wash Prices always reasonable. The funeral, which was to have taken A 20 acre Apple Orchard. $2000. gospel, and intensely devoted to the will visit relatives aud friends for a few that will surely kill the pent, which 40 acres level Fruit or Alfalfa laud, place to-morrow, has been postponed, (Mr Bread bilk mUfit be netfle«! every month. niust I m * done, ev« u at th«* expense of and an autopsy will be had to-morrow. idea that his parishioners should faith- I w«*eks. $2000. fully fulfil every worldly obligation Is*-1 the foliage. J. D. W hitman . «0 acres Grain. Fruit. <>r Grass Land. JOHN WEXLER. We hear it rumored that a Denio- New York dispatch: The Tribune’» tweeu each other. With the purpose Commissioner Third District. $2000. Proprietor i 1 Washington special says: Iu well-in in view of impressing this duty upon ! cratic paper will lie started in Lake- No. 1. SI MMER WASH. 160 acres Grain. Fruit or Grass Land formed circles it is accepted as a fact, : view this summer. If the KOO voters the minds of his congregation he call«l lugr«lients for one barrel of fifty <4000. that the President's intention is to till upon all who had freely paid all debts in Lake county can and will sup|M*rt 200 acres Grain. Fruit or Grass Land. the existing vacancy on the beueb of , two newspapers, it is time another was (measure) gallons. Weight, ulioiit 45Ò to arise. The whole audience, with $5000. the Supreme Court by the apiaiint- the exception of a forlorn «litor, rose. eHtublishe,!. But we think, owing to to 500 pounds. Call on or address Teu pounds caustic «sin, per — small ........... populat —•------ . ion — in so large an Is FltED HANSEN. Ashland. Or. inent of Attorney-General Miller. A fervent "Thank God" fell from the I i the OPPOSITE POsToFFI! E. Those in a position to know assert lips of theileeply moved minister. The urea, that the field will I m > * more than cent; ten pounds potash; forty pouuds tallow; forty pounds rosin. ASHLAND, OREGON. j occupied, ami that one or the other of that the President will not announce «litor arose and said that it pam«l * * " A Bargain. First Dissolve the potash and soda the appointment until next fall, after him very much to lie compelltal to con ' the papers will|m>tbe vastly remunera Mr Wm. Mill». Proprietor of the star Ba- in teu gallons «if water. \Vln*n dis kcry. Business house (two rooms» and lot, there-assembling of the court. Sec- fess that lie bad not paid all bis debts tive. «ft» r K«'V»‘i: niontb** >i< kn«‘H»» so far solved, place the whole amount iu the »•< (»% » refl Ms t<> bt* able to open up his for sale, near the depot. Oue room . rotaries Tracy and Noble are sjaiken aud the only excuse he had to offer I QThe pamphlet deseirptive of Lake barrel to be us«]. rented at 12 per cent, per annum on 1 of for the Attorney-Generalship, but for Ills dereliction of duty was that Sta’ond Dissolve the tallow ami amount asked for property. Inquire whether either is to la« transferred a nearly all th«» mem!s*rs of the congre view has gone to the printers, and will nsidv for distribution in a couple of rosin together. When dissolvi*! add again tn the public, wl.« n* he w ill be pleaded of Felts 4 Johnson. vacancy will certainly have to be tilled gation present were in arrears on stili- l>e the same to tin* potash and soda in to serve his<»ld friends and patrons with his in the Cabinet, and the name most ecriptiou and he was then fore unable weeks. prominently heard in connection with to pay his little debts.- | Ex. The stage far« <>u the lumfrom Link the barrel, ami stir well for five min ‘‘Premium Bread," Pies, Cakes, Choice Lands For Salt“, the vacancy 1« the name of the First — and — Ville to Ager has not Imen permim- utes or ho . Leave standing for about I I - . Assistant Postmaster-General Clark- ently cut from$Hto$5. But when the two hours; then fill up with water, Department Commander McElroy < *»>ni< ‘ «*t i«»n<»i*y. stirring well, as every bucket of water farm Inn*’in tin. xa»’.ry ip »mi for fruit or ' son. has lieen in correspon.len«**» with va 1 stage company cun take a passenger g<x*s in. Use th.* following day, oue grain away from Capt. Ferree ’ s line to Ash Two ! six b ;n<ir«->i a« r» * !(H»t-hill Buffalo, N. V May 17. The death rious railroad compaui«*e relative to land they haul a traveler for whatever pollini to the gallon of water. Apply let Cream Every Day. ' "r;,m m an«l mountain *i<t- land. go«»«! for fruit. freight rates for car-loads of fruit to warm. P t (’ream p* r <!i«h, !-'• cents. • lairyiug an*! -t«»« k raiding Ini* trait of warrant of William Kemler, the first they can get. aiul I ih « »» . , r >e\en miles <>i f* m i tig. «iw«*!L man convicted under the electrical ex tie earned to the National Eueamp- “ “ »jiiart - - - ;'»u For Sale at Lowest Rates at No. 2. SALT AMI LIME REMEDY. gallon. |J.UU ituT h'l'Usr. a »I"1 k shi ti Ni.x •'» i»-< t. ami ecution law, lias been signed, and he ment G. A. R., to lie held at Milwau I li.'1'oinmended by I. 11. Thomas. > slierp for Suh*. plenty of lx v mg water. kee during the last week in August. lie 1 >^* h tiu»- 't»»ck of ice cream t»ap»T will l>e taken to th«' Auburn state pris < all *»n or Hiblrt-s-. I * fU.kHix Twenty-five pounds of lune ( un Lu* k» ts. fr»»in ’*, pint to I «fiart. f»o that it on iu a few days. L'lio warrant is di- The Northern I’acitie Railway anti the \shlaml o . Oregon 1 be uihl»*rsiKfii^i. having more slieep si. ick«li: twenty pounds of sulphur: will not be neeevsnry lo bring «ny pitchers rtsted to the warden of the Auburn Wisconsin Central have agreed to car than he can rare for on his raueb, of tift«'U pounds of sail ; sixty gallons of tn I m ’ s •• cream home to the family Give me 1 prison, and provides that the sentence ry the Oregon exhibit consisting of fers for k ; i 1 h (>ne Thousand Head of water. Stock Kanrli toi Sale. tie executed upon some day in the fruits aud grains free of charge. This fine Htoek sbeep. Apply at onoe to To mix the above, take ten pounds k is an important item ami will be prac J. S. H ekhin . The nn<ler*ign»-<l offers for sa!» t.i* >t*»< k week commencing with Monday, the of lime, twenty pounds of sulphur and 47 Proprietor tically a gift of from iifttvn toeigliteen 25th of June, 1:1 the year 1NN9, and Ashland, Oregon. ranch of ’•*•»> rtcr»-* situate«! on I ule Lake. l.U'l twenty gallons of water. Boil until Klamath numb or., an A . rum h f*»r *t«>« k 1 within the walls of the Auburn state hundred dollars, as th«* usual freight the sulphur is thoroughly dissolved. purpo*«-s Wil! put up l’«0 tons of hay «ill ' prison, within the yard or enclosure rates on gr«*en fruit from Portland to Can you imagine any ailment that Take tin* remainder fifteen jxiunds the place Be-t range in Klamath county i. .» «si> h r k . Will* s»-n stock an l farming impo incut” | adjoining thereto, by then and there t tie East equals from five to six bun will make a goial nature*! [lereon so of lime and tifiis-n pounds of salt Il V HI* K* dr«*«! dollars per car. This a matter of with the ram h. if «lesirr<l. F««r further in causing to pass through the boilv of pei vi.sh, dissatisfied, ill temper«*! and slack, and add enough of water to formation apply to R A Hur, hin *<> n the said William Kemler a current of vast importance to (Iregon ami its p«s>- cranky as bilbousu.ws? There is no make th** whole sixty gallons. Strain Title Lake. or.. Jan 9. 1**7 electricity of sufficient intensity to ple should sis* t hat the exhibit of its reason, whatever, why anyone should and spray on the tr«-s milk warm or I cause death, and that the application fruits aud other products b<* made in suffer from indigestion. *iys|H*psia. tor warmer. This can Is* applied when • of stu ll current of electricity lie con- such a manner ns will convey tn the pid liver and loss of appetite, when Dr. the foliagi* is off' the tr<**, and will S Ik 1 { I N < i S . I tinned until said William Kemler is Eastern liebolder a partial id«*a of the Henley's 1 fandelion Tonic, which every have no injurious effect on the fruit U>< ab-d on the Helman I. hip J, a!»out half« country ’ s capabilities. l ’ he oppor | dead. on** knows is a certain cure, bt* so easi buds or tree whatever. mile north uf the IMaza -----Ill the town of----- tunity is an excellent one and should ly obtain«**]. Plow floods. be seiz«*d for all there is in it. The N iisi .I Ciitarrh is probably one of the Used for Medical Purposes for 30 Years. Burcklialter A- Hasty keep 111 stock most disagns'iiblemlmenls that a [***r- Plow Goods. Pekin, Illinois. Iieats generosity of the Northern Pacific in \< < GiniiDHlation* uw'« r an\ t»m the world on plow gmsls. Their "Black carrying the exhibit free.will tie kindly Harman's pure rubber shield for p«*n- son ('an lie afflicted with. If Dotard's Bathing IH-raturc d**«*irf <i N h I uia I temperature * > Siskiyou co., Cal., holders aud pencils. It strengthens S|S'«'itic is used with a douche or even Land" Plows stand without a rivul. remember«!. | Statesman. degree’,. the grip on the penholder ami eas«*s snuff«! up the nose, according to di- Parallel Beam, four or five shovel For Sale on Easy Terms. ! Their To Drink, the Water is a Tonic, th«* fingers from cramp aud fatigue rections, morning and evening, a radi adjustable cultivator for orchard work, Aol ice. and protects the fingers from the ink.* cal .'uro can ill most cas«*s Is* eff«*cte«l. Bring Sulphuric and Mkalinc. it »•ra«iicatc* New Home, : we think is the most perfect cultivator All persons indebted to me by note fungi ami animal« <iLi . and, neutralizing ami Sold bv T. K. Bolton. | made. These goods are carried in r»,rn*rtlng all »»« ¡»iitie«», it proniiite*- n normal One-fourth down, balance within six, or acsiunt are r«|uest«l to pay th«» The Davis vertical f«**l sewing ma Helpmate, 1 st<s'k by E ddings 4 M ouse , merchants twelve an<l eighteen months There is a fin.* line of lea ! pencils nt ami berthhf111 «-«»ndition in rv,’ry patt of the ! who can recommend ami guarantee sameby June 1st, Ihb'.l. B. F. R efsfk chine in fancy styles at Smith A- Bur.'khalter,V Hasty’s, including Eagle w) -t» in. New York, Ashland, May 15th, lKX'.l. See map nt the R*ul’'»a»i Depot for grade«! Dislges. Call and see them, Try them swimmix ; KINK I them. * prices, etc . or address ♦ Pencil Co.'s color«*.! crayons in differ Inclosed and <•«»\err-!, the same inedi« al uh aud you will buy them. —————— Domestic. D II. HASKELL. Jacksonville to Medford. ent shiuies for archit«**!'« use; Auto ter, al w h > * clean, for the sp' mgs run h hrav y Rock Candy Dnpe Syrup, »si censt I Town Site Agent I'. Il K . -an Fr»n«i».«>, volume more than I2UU gallons p« r hour. matic drop pencils, A. W. Faber's tine Bal«l hay deliver«! in any part of Regular price IK) cents, at per gallon, Patronize the only wagon that con- California. I13-.» into dive ami swim, and haxu more town by bale or ton at G5c per hundred. grade pencils. Carpenter's cedar pen fun Y»»u than an\ I hh I y ‘—coinc out a» ‘ !im a* j nects with every traiu, rain or shine, the Red Hous«*. Inquire at Ashland Mills. x cils, and h large assortment of [leucils •»ilk" ami white a> w » h »1" rrjuvenatc«i ami Sole Agency for Jackaou County of the and carries the U. S. mail and Wells, Brociule diagonal and plaid dress for school use. * happy From 9 .'to a in. until late in the j Fargo 4 Co.'s express. Satisfaction goods, HI eta. per yard at M. L. Al-1 Ten acres of choice land near town r\ruing every da). a I can yet Is* bad of E. B. Hunsaker at guaranteed. J ohn D yaii , Driver. Bargains in Ladies mid Childrens X ford's. Free Carriage reasonable prices. * hats. In order to dispose of the large John Wexler, of the U. 8. Bakery Room- to Krnt. stock of hats that I have on hand, will from the Springs to th»* Hotels, the Pla/a, One pound can of baking powder s«*ll them at greatly r«*luc«l prices, ami principal biiMnrRs point» in the city, keepsa choice stock of confectionery Three g«s*l lodging rooms to rent in and — and two Jiipanese mush Ixiwls for 5(>c, everyone invited to call and see for ami return without d»*la\ i i the Myer house on Helman street, op- x I at the R>*1 House. themselves. No charge for trimming The Original Ashland Medical ^Springs. The nicest stock of Books an i Sta- Th ím SjHiee Referred fot I posite the Woolen mill. Impure at tionery in town at Minkler 4 Son. ♦ i You can get those Oliver chill«! from this on. and no trouble to show I’acd for more than Thirty Years—the best. PATTERNS. j premises. Miss. B oynton . j»t»BMbly, ever found. Come am! aer. M. L. McCALL. I plows with slip share«, at Ashland goods. Gimlets, gouges, tw«w*zen>. pliers, Mills. * Rig Drive in Real Estate. The Helman farm in the city of Ash **A b I i 1 hii <1 White Sulphur Nprlnga*’ A Htipply kept constantly on hand. l’ots and kettles, paua and friers, Reni Extate Agent and Surveyoi At the Euro|>ean Restaurant you can land bus lieen sub-divid«l ami is now Printed on ei!h»*raid,* of the carriage. ixa»k Several big bargains in outside lands All tilings for all sorts of buyers get Ixiard by the week at reasonable offer«! in small tracts at very r«<iu«>na- out for it every bout of the day Patrons dr A shland , - - O regon . for the next thirty days. Apply at At hardware store of H. C. Myer's.* the carriage to , all for them will picas»* prices. ♦ ble prices. If you want a pleasant siring once to A. T. Kyle. i leave ord, ra on our bulletin board in the If you want life insurance in the ■ home or a good investment in a good P >st«>t!ice. Agency for all kinds of bent Inxurance Company in the world | Elegant embroidered suits at cost part of Ashland, don't fail to see this Wood Notice. • GRANT and 0. 0. HELMAN, and low«*st rates, call on Billings. I at M. L. Alford's. tract. For sale by G. F. Billings or A. Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts. [3-m | There b a well stockeil wood yard bn- k of resident agent. D. Helman. * Proprietors. the Novelty block, corner Main and Harga CHURCH DIRECTORY At Burckhalter 4 Hasty's you can j Harness. dine .treetx Dry lS-ineh stove wood and is Go to corner .Main and Granite st n»et8 audio-inch heater w,M>d, delivered on short find the finest line of writing tablets, | for paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, ASHLAND STATE notici anywhere In town nf-Jgr=»IH NKARD < Hi K< II. GRANITE artists' materials, and wall and build I N. B: All parties hauling wood to town note and letter pap«*r, of all grndeej UgÌEi street. Ashland pocket meniorandum i Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Preaching every ing papers. Estuiiates made on paint NORMAL •: SCHOOL or having an> wissi for sal*' In large orsmall time IsMika. ! lot«, will do well t«> »ail at th«* oltiee of * ’. W. bixiks, memorandum blocks, note and I Also. Agencv of th»« 1 Ayers at the above corner. 'Xi ! receipt blanks, «cratch Isioks, bill TjSpM Emi l« H -H I* SAT< HWEI.I., ing, paper hanging, interior dwora- tions, etc. « . » I’uMor. S» t \ i< SaLbttt li Sch»>»»!, a». IsNiks, pens, luks and pencils to lie Pn-Hchiug E vans 4 B bvnk , Ashland, Or. Rooms to Rent. 8t 10 A. M., aii'l 7 I’, M Emycr STAGE LINE. Vancouver Nurseries, found iu the city. meeting Thursday evening nt 7 P. M ljeeeons in painting and drawing i Nicely furnished rooms to let at the J S 'WEFT. l*RKMr»KNT. W B GRUBB. D. J FERREE, 1 r«*sidence of Mrs. H. Ralph <m Main Boots aud shoes at cost at O. H. rfrJepFIRST PRESBYTERIAN < HCRi II. will lie giveu by C. M. Oslsirn, at his MathamaticN. P.^yi hology, S<-I hm «1 E< <>n»»in> West side *>f Main street, next d**or * I street near business part of town. [13 Blount’s. Proprietors. A m I i I hiu I, Or»’gon Rev. F. G.Strange, r«»eidence on the Bid«tiill above the JVLA M. GOODYEAR. to E. M. Miller's grocery, Aabland, Or. normal school. [ 13 l autor. Sabbath service». Pri’achiug morn Bain wagons fronj ?!(<> up. at Ash English Grammar. Rhetoric, and Latin 45 I ltig and evening. Sabbath »chooi at 9 .k) a. Ice ( ream I lee Cream !! Stages leave Ashland every Monday G. F. BillingH is agent for leading land Mills. * in Young jH*ople’* meeting at X p. in. Gen C. F NESSE. and lhursdav at 7 A. M. eral prayer meeting Thursday evening. Fire Insurance. Insure with a ioca At the Star Bakery opposite post- Penmanship and Executive Work 1 aiave Linkville every Monday and Some new school satchels at Burck agent. Get lowest rates and know you I office, where you can get delicious ice MRS LOTTIE I) WILLARD. Thursday at 6 A. M. halter 4 Hasty’s. * r*--SS=»TIIF. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL are insured. Voice Culture |3-m j church of Ashland. Rev. G. J. Web Roste via Soda Springs.|Sbake and Keno. I cream at 15c per dish or 5tk“ per *|t; al- Fine white and colored shirts at cost ster, pa*»tor, corner of Main street mi«! KATE P CALVIN, : so “Premium Br«‘a*i,” six loav«*s 25c. A fresh invoice of ladies' and gentle- | Instrumental Mu-ic. FARE : * Kixkiyou avenue Morning hour. 10,30; even j Cakes ami choice confectionery at the at (>. H. Blount's. men's siio«*H, just arriv«l from Boston | ing hour, 7 30; Sunday srho»»l, 12 in.; prayer EMMA TOLMAN. Ashland to Linkville, - - $6 00 : lowest liviug rates. Ice cream parlors Drauing and I’amting meeiiug, Thur-day evening at 7 H) All are and Chicago, at McCall's. * The blacksmith «hop on B atreet, be A dollar sav«l is a dollar mad«* Buy *, “ Keuo, 5 00 j open every evening untill 10 o'clix’k. onliallv invited tube nre-ent. AM \NDA M GOODYEAR. tu»-eii 4th »V 5th. in Kailroad addition to your goods at tLe R«i House. X ! Eipressage through to Linkville, 2c to Grain hay for sale at Eagle Mills. W m . M ills , Propr. Critic Teacher in Training S4*h»M>i per pound. Deliver«! any where in Ahland at 310 shoe n iati V o^- — s=»FII!ST BAPTIST < Ill'll« II, of \-t* The B .1 is the best ADDITIONAL TEACHERS. ♦ ASHLAND, OFFICE iu Ashland, at The Oregon. land, < orner <»f < hurch and High I>er ton. Member* of the senior Cla*- * Every pair guarant«*«l. For •ale at street».. Res Pumps t Pumps 1 ! Pumps !!! . F K VanTasscl. Pawlor. Sun McCall's. haa Ixcn re-op« ned. and the proprietor da\ Senires Sundav School, 9 4» A M Everything at cost at M. L. Alford's. Light and force, for hand or wiud Scholarship one year |:«i hing, 11 A M and7 :»P M Christian At Alford’s this means exactly what it in prepared to do promptly all work iu Planet Jr., cultivator and garden PrcHf 1 null, put up by Eddings 4 Morse, and Endeavor Society, ♦* ■ • P. M l’raver meet Coin merci al «'ourse 42.'* * t«M>ls, at Ashlaud Mills. ing Thursday e\»*ning at 7 Covenant says. ; guaranteed. EDDINGS Training Sch.x.l per year 41» Minting Saturday Ndore third Sunday in Every Branch of the Business. Tobacco and cigars at cost at O. H. ! ♦ • •«( h month at J 00 P M Ladie*' Social on At a Bargain. 1 Red House ahead. * second Tue«»day evening of each mouth. Blouut's. * * MORSE. Satisfaction insured in all work dons First term N-irinninff Sept. 3, lsss For for A full-bl.xhl Hereford bull fol Hide liter Information sd.lreM, at a bargain at the old Clayton place, HARDWARE Horse Shoeing a Specialty. J B.S wxkt . President, six miles south of Ashland. Owucris 45; E R E. (11—6 ASHLAND. OREG going out of the st<«*k business. i Ashland. Oregon. Farming. Frinì ani Vegetable 11. C* Myer, Ashland, Oregon STOCK RANCHES City Ih’operly. Fresh Bread and Pies Daily. Bargains in Land. STAR BAKERY! WAGONS ! Mowers, Reapers, Binders, Cultivators, Harrows, Hay Rakes, Aod all kinds of BA K 121? V AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WM. MILLS, 1 ASHLAND TOTE SULPHUR TOWN - LOTS ANDREWS CHICKS. MONTAGUE, ASHLAND and LINKVILLE BLACKSMITHING. CliilirenCryferPitclier’sCastoria ChilOrenCryforPitciier’sCastoria ClûlàreiiCryforPitclier’sCastoria