Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 24, 1889, Image 4

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    l K g a L
Sensattonai Story.
In th« .lu-ti, r’- Court for the Pret-iiu-l of
\-hl.tnd. »,»umy of Ja<*k-on. Stat«* <»f < »re
M Muy» r. plaintiff, v-. E l> i.akv, deft*ii*l !
Action to Recover M«»ney.
i«»E !» Lak«*, the .it-ove name»! «ivfetufuiit:
I ii the name of the State «»f < >r, g»»n—You are
h«-r»'t»y rv«piin «l m appear l»t-f««rv the uinler
'ikjiii.l. h Jii-tii'v of th, l’e»»«'r for th«' pre
» ¡net af»»r» -ni«l. at the office of such J»i«ti«'r
hi -a« h pr»’, i»i< t. »«n the 17th »lay »»f hrtir.
i *••.». at 10 o , ItM-k in th«- forcimoti of »aid «lay
ti»an-\x»r the ala»ve named plaintiff in a
«¡Vi uelioll
Th« ¡h-h-nd.-m w ill take notice, that ii he
fail t*« an-vver lh»’ »-«nnplairit herein. Ho-
“Caatoria is so well adapted to children that
plaintiff w ill iak<-jmlginvnt lUtainM him mr [ recommend it aa superior to any prescription
(he -urn oi * to for «<»«•’.* s«»ld an.I dclix» r**d Uo»u U me ’
H. A. 1K1U M II.,
l»\ plaintiff-lo «lefeudant. and fort he r»»*t»
111 80. Oxford LU., Brwkljru, H. Y
nmi di-l»ur-«-m«‘nts «»* this action. ’I he pub
I»« »lion <>i thi- MiinnuHi* i-f madt* by order
of II.» Jmt«» v of th«- ¡‘» a«'u »If the atjov«* < n
liikd «'oiirt. »fated April _'Uh, !>*•».
Given utnier my han,I thia 24th «lay of
April, l>*!».
insti» v of tin* Peace.
W a r*»»N a M iti id i r..
Attorney«* for Plaintiff.
I Caatorl*
enrra Colie. ConMtpation.
I Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructation,
------ -- --
Without injurious medication.
T hs C sstai k C ohvavv 77 Murray Street, N Y
T íiii I mt Land Notice,
Ashland Woolen Mills
I’MThb ST ATE* I. x X 1> < »Fl h F, i
K»»t-i iivk « . Or.. Mur. 2;», Ksu >
N«»tb i- h»-r»-b> jrixvn I bat in «’»»Hi j»liaiM-e
w nii II»«* |»r«»% i'»i«ni.’« «»f the nd «*f < »»iiiir«*’»* »»I
K-, t utit k-*i “An n> t f»»r th«- mi I»- <»i
. >nb* r lun«l- in I n»- *(«!»•« *»( <'alifomia. «>re
«<»u. Nt-xathi. ami Wa.-hinitb'D Tvrrih>rj,”
« H • '.«»ii-r, <4 **l«>na, (’(Hintx «>f ’ lat*«>p.
- a:»- of Oregon, ha* thi* «lay tiled in Hu*
«>'ti( »• hi- *u»»rn *ta(vinviit for the puri'ba*«'
<»f thv*E'4«»i •♦•«
N*> 34, in T|» N«*
K No l E. atoi v. ill *.ff»-r proof t«> -h»>xv that
the land sought i- i:i.»r«- \ aluablr for its tim-
Iwr or-ton«-i han f«»r agri» »iltnral |»urpo*» -.
ami to • -’abli-ti hi- claim !«> -ai«l lan«i t»ef«>n-
the R»-gi*t«-r and Receiver of thi* «>fli«-e at
Ro.M-burg, • >r., on Tuv*«lax the 11th day uf
He inun« - a- xxitn»---* '
l.a«ren«*v Sulli­
van, Jo-vph Baker, Mark S«-hlu**vl. Win.
Bock, all of \-ioria, dar-op «'ouniy. Or.
Anv and all j* r-.>ns < launing adversely
the ab«>xe «h—» nlM-«! laud* ar»* re»|iir*te«i t«> office on »»r before
*a(«l lllti <iaj of June. K*‘?
Cii V*. W JoilNSTUS.
4_- I***
New York, Mat 17. Them is tpreat
< xciteni. lit in n.-wspap.-r circles over a
report tiiat .1 a nice (lordoil Hennet lias
gone to Knartouiu on an unj.ori mt
inisei'ili. He left Paris thr-v weeks
ago, tla nee to .d irwill.-s, thence to
Alexandria (ind this Week be is m
Cmro. ameablcd in explanation
of tln> singular journey. On., is that
at a eliti, in.filli z in Paris an otli -er
who had w-en Sei vue in the Egyptian
.army said it w
iinpossilil.. for a for­
eigner to enter Khartoum alai depart
alive. Helmet offen d It heavy w.
that lie could do it 111 six llioliths. The
1s t was a, < epb <1, au I H-iuiiet. accom­
panied by a frie'sl. started. The other
story is that P.eimet r.feived a dispatch
from his Cairo c irr.eipondent st i' oig
that lie had a vint from an
envoy of Mahdi with iui|> .rtant n ws
regarding Chin-;e tioid ai; that the
latt. 1 was still alive and kept a close
prisoner; that tii > u -w Mahdi, by rea­
son of his at Keordofan and
liahr at Ch iseale and loss .if the great
province of ll.irfur, was willing to ran­
som Gordon for l.imo.ihM) fi.mcs. In
the next few days Kennel made ali
arrangements for the trip and payment
of tbe vast sum mentioned, and with
a friend s. t out for Egypt.
School Shoo.
('all nt Lilil.Tin;in'n :m<l
> ».
.Xewh.iH’s Sone A
. , h.I sei i.i>l
sli.ns. They arc made of solid l -atln-i
throiij.'liout. standard screw fastened,
and ate guanuite«‘d ns Luo best tittiui'.
l>esl st jle.liest wearing mid moat de-lia­
ble school shoe on tlie l’neiiic coast.
Sprilli In- I. sole leather tappisi mid
plain toe. All l ips mid teats repaired
fna- of charge.
V; - rv
■■ H W>. «? « “ ff ?
âJkî ukli.TT B S’ « U .X
Huy your Hour and fee.1 at
lau.l Mills, you can Isne it
in any part of tow n. Very <
Why Is It
Timber Idind Audit
R o - ebi la., Oregon. May 16, 1SX9 1
N *ti«-u fa hereby given that in cowplianuv
with the prox i*i*.»n- of the Act uf • • nigres.* of
1-7*. »-nlitlvd "An Au«’ for the -ale of
tim’»*-f i-.nd- in :hv -tale- *»f < alifornia, <>re-
g**n. N» a«la ami Wa-hiugton T«*rrit«»ry,”
Gu»i.*a Pond »»f W.».Mllaud. , «»tintv of Yolo.
* a ,.f < Mdfori.’a ha-thi* «lay tiivd in »hi*
• •« Lu -vx«>.:i -(a *-i. ent for the purrha-e
of th s W t *.f
loll 3J. tow u-hlp .ff -Ollth.
• f Hii^v »-a
nn l wiiloffvr proof to *ti »w
that th»' land sought, i- more valuable for it*
timbei • r-i.»i: -than for agricultural purin»*
♦ rtiui !•• < -'a’/!i*h I t claim to -a <i lainl be
(• * [!.<■ Regi-tv ■ ami Receiver «»f thi* office
>»' R *-<-hurg. i»rug.»n. on *alur«iay, the 27th
dax of July 1 *■*'■•.
Shu mini- - a- wi»n -*••-: J K Smith, F c.
W ko’L « M « a-lvr, T *. Spa-ilding, all •>(
.Hidiaud. «'alif iruia.
\ ml a’ix ami all j*cr-’n* claiming adverse-
lv :li»* h ! k » v * d«--< rib»-d ami-, are re«jiie*i»*«l
b» \
: ¡.- < i 1 im- in Ihi- »».ti,-«- on or i»eforv
*.»i*i 27th day uf h»ly. lx’*»
iff I t
Plain & Fancy Cassiineres,Flannels, Hosiery, Etc
(»ttivi- aibi Sale» Roums in Masonic Building.
I 'l'K I X
< » V . *'«»«• r •» t »• r v >• »» <1 <.wut>ri*l
M »• r» *; ,»*• r
For Strains and Sprains.
liiilbrr Land Notice
nitri »
—A —
SiliciOdS Biscai!
Ask y <ur • '*r* «ré r
tttóit-N, Ft«.
D ”.ì
Horsemen and
... u -
ftcknuwkMlged to be the
Largest Seed »man
Ashland, Or.
tire and Priced
For 1889
Will be BAiUd m«
to all applicant«, and
' ust
J customers
^«oering it. 7w ra(»<-
ia exigence
I ahonid m * im 1 for iv Addrvm
D. M»FERRY < CO-, DetroK «Ish.
Aulico öl' I ><•! i iiq :i :n t T¡t\.
Notice i- hcr» by given ic;
SU m kholdvrs of the Bank »»( Ashland You X< h<H»! ÎH X list of A-I:ki ,'i
are hereby noii:h*d that a mccling of the Jack-on Count,. OrvL"**u. ha
st«», kholder* of the Bank of Ashlami has, b;. my hand* f«»r immediati
orde of the b>»ar<i of dirts-mrs, l»ecu culled to ! a? nient of -aid drib
¡nee’ a! the office of (he Bank, June 14, lx-.'j, pc 11 ML to I ll<* !H X | H V
a’ 10 o’, lock a. m , f.»r the purj use of consid­
ering lhe advi-ahiilty of imrensing the
A-hlaml. tir., April K». I-
< iipi:al t<»< k of the Bank, and if d*-cine«l nd
m abieb. a majority of the s(«»< k, toincn-u*«'
th.- a«ne old Hie shares therc«»f («»thcextenl
(hen and there to la* deicrinin,-d iijmiii .
e . v. « an er ,
Ashland, (»reg , May t’. 1*J<4.».
( ashikk .
l'NHEl» S: ta ;Es L am » < > fi h ii,
RosE B TP. : Ott g«»h, April 23, ixx". i
Nolice i* liervh gi\»'ii that Th«- following
i. lumd setih-r ha tilvd notice «»f hii
‘ im iiitcn-
¡.•ii t». miikv rin-i- pr,-of ia supptr
, I 1 uf his
uimi. am! (hat -r I pr< •of ' will ‘ I»»- iniule I*
f*‘iy th * Judge. u> in bis at»sem Ix-forv the
< lerI» uf t hu count- <‘»>nrt of .lack-on <‘«>unty,
< »r , ui .hn-ksuiivil1 *, Or., on Saturday, June
Wh, INH», viz: Lu i «vi;, Tulin, Hotnc-i<-a»! rn
fr» No. 4 l OU, fortl . lols 1 aml J an«! S’2 of N
E '< >, < 4. I p 7. - R 2 en-i. U M.
He ti am es 1 hu f- .»w ing w itnes-e- t<» prove
hi- cmtintioiis r«*- dem«* up,»n und «-ultixa
tion <»f. -uid land, xiz: Heimann **■
Henry l’cck, Fr, »;vrick Dow ning.
Kamlles, all ,»f Luk« ( reck, Jack.M»tt <
Anx person vxh du-irus t«> protyst 1 again-t
tln-ullowanuu of 1 <-h pnaif, orwho » know-
of aiiy siib-tHiitiul 1 ; a*on, undur the I hxx aml
thv 1« gulation* of 1 iu Iniviioi Dc’-ni 1 ment,
wh« such proof hii.uild not l»e alL»w,*(i. will
I m • vixvti an ,»p|K*
at thu al»oxu mv.’i
1 t*«m d 1 imv and plae<- lo uro-s exatnim* thv
x' itue—c- of -aid
¡iinaut. aml to otlvr ex i
• ivn<*e in rcbuHal of hat submitte»l b\ dann
, H X* U JoH N-l -N,
Timber Land Notice
I’ site : - r*TF.s n uni. i.<
R«»s> .• lu-, < >r.. Ma) 4, Jr'K'?. i
Noti,*«* is Lervby ¿ivcii (hat in «din pl :a nee
with thu provision •f 1 he act «»f < '«»ngrv-- oi
1*7*, «-mil!• «1 “An a«‘l f-»i th»* -ab'.»i
tiinb«»r land* in th- '-tate, of ( alifornia. Or.-
gun, Nevada, and \Va-*hin^1oi> Territory /
(i•i*»*nv !l«'llings\ « I i, of Wo,«»Ibiliil. rounly
of Y«»lo, stai»'of « u uurnia, ha- tl»i-«iay tih-«l
in office hii Mttorn MaTvin« nl. tor th«-
ptiruhascu .f the N E 14 <»f-< < tion No. ’I. hi
Tp. No. tftt, ', ” Range No. •> E. an«! uiii o:h >
pr,H»f to *h«»w that the laud .-»Alight i- ni«»r«-
valuable for its limber or -tone tl'aii for
agricultural purposes, and to •laR’i-b- hi-
daim to •ai'i land I m f.»re the RegisH r an«l
Rvuvix e of tbi* ofi’H t- al Ro-eburg. Oregon,
on Tlinr •lay i ii»' l*iii <la\ of hil\. 1- '•
iianitts a wiinv—R. I.
Wil iam Kmix. W. R. R oik I, John I’
of Woodland, * ii 'itornia
Air. aid n I perMOtiM claiiniiiv mixer-
the a*»o\e de ut ibed land* arc rvqib'-b d
file their ( laim- in thi- otiice on or I»«-/«»!»
•aid 1 -th <l¡¡ *1 Jnlx, IKS ».
CHYS. W Jon N .-•(«>
i i mbf- r Land X< >1 i<*<
Jun*.-. 1
h ’ hai !
i.a a i
. stat
I III Illi- etti
in i
Í .. ......
Z v: ry
» Lami. ( alif
«'very •
\t‘X and ail persons
«luwn t b< abov«*
scribed Ian
lutini* for.. misfortiiri«-. ¡I«* th* ir duini- in thi
aid Puh dax of luly.
y <>v li.ippiii' SH in this
k:m it; on«« way t<«
we hiivi' got the ohl
i iimatiz ti iv thank liaaveu that 11 ain’t
Timber Land Notice
t he i .I. I ijotlt.
ih r'lzbiit ¡¡ill.. if any, .••■reaiony
i>• t
i two wiz' mi l:; bn! lx't»««'U a
n that in
»l/.i' in n a:>.| :> ph'.iil <’«'H .noiiy I", th«*
r the act of «
act f.«.
•lily taint' 'hat uiil niak«- a plri>! f«^>l
I- in the Sta e- «>f < alif
re- i-'.'ktabh*.
hi. ami Wa.*bingt«»n T« ti it
I'h.'ilevil iz prob,-J'ly tin-l»- i jiulg«'
. .-i \V,M*dia¡id. ( ,»umy of V«.h
í California, ha- this da' tlh'.l I
ov Inmriii n it nt tin.! « v -r hv«'«l. ami
s'atchumt, for Ihr pm
is' mil:! hav«- is ieav ••! in tlx- 'i 'kiiiii'-
>f th*- N \\ • t of svelimi No. -I. in Ì i
<if total «l« pr.i'iiy or ir* uoiibln’t hav 3‘.» s Range No. « E, and wiil elfer pr.H.f '
-ho»x ’.I ih ’ lilt* lami sought i- inure «Hh.ub!
iimh'rtook tew 1 mp« th««Savior.
fut its timber ,»r sb»!ic than for agri
pm po*c*, a ml »«» r-tH’»li-h hi- claim
1- n*! Irt-forr the Rvyis'er im*I I’,
thisotiicv a. Re-vhurg, <»rug,»11
the txih day uf.iuly, !*X9.
Ht xi.»mi-- .i- will
R «i. i.a«x-«i •. Wiiiiam Km»\. 1 I
all of V «».xlSadd, « ahf •* n 11.
\nx and all t-ti-on- claiming ad
the above «i»-s, • ì I mm I lami
lile th,-ir * iiitia - ni thi
-aid IMh da' ,*/ July» J
I- let
A I •
I 5.< X K »
1 5.< m .» o
2 >, OCX )
10,0 TO
>,< * M >
y>,<x X )
Bartlett Pear,
Winter Ne'is Pear,
Betirre <i Anjou Pear
/«’oval Ann Cherrv.
Black Tartarian Ci.< i V
B'aek Republican Cher:v.
I .sopii-, Spitzi iiln rg Appi *.
X el. Newtown Pippin
lia'ilu ill Appiè.
/veil Check Pippin .' • 1
Northern Spy Apple,
l-. irlv I raw ioni Peaches.
Also, Nut. Shade, Oruanierital and Ever­
green Trees Vines and Shrubbery.
s.-iid f'.r .'»Hi'.ioi. .on! j ri .1 -' :<>
Woodburn, Oregon.
You haven’t? Well let us tell you that by buying
a cheap article in leather you are throwing away
your money. Now to overcome this trouble,
1 . W. < AÌIH..S
t ’
An Expression oi Delight.
’Ab<.(it n Week «'( ’«>." S1VH a Los An
< •. (’airi., urugg* > - ’. a i ’!i> i. aniau caiia'
Ill with a latm *’.• ual. r
I -oid la.u a
ttlc of Chaima r i ini s !’mi Balm an ■
arunteed that it '«'.'i111 curv io:a. lit*
came tn mraio in nich». .'inti ; h soon ¡is
ht got inside ti ,* d'M»r,
h ¿¿an to swiiit;
I ds arms </»• r his . i’c.’-l like an Indian
club sw inger, i -. i: •ught the klani; d fool
bad a fit, but h f ■'; '. \ st!»' ¡»cd 1«»ti.'
rm.ngh to May: *\ Alttli'•iav vt-i’y tine.
velly line: nil? s«um* m 1 •* me feel plenty
got d.” (’iiainbcrlain- ( P.'.in Bairn is
without an «»i»’ il tor »praiiis, rheuma
li.vtU. aehea, p uns or <:»nv IFor
by I . K. !•«» ton.
We « ;« ii
Come and See Us
Si X miles South of Gran*’« I’
pini county. Oregon.
The next time you want
A French fruit
; n l (lo
Guarantee \ckei T Fdo »d I’h xii f*n it
11.-. h been fully dem r»l *i ' : .\t« .i t«> the peo­
ple of this cou-ii < y t. ..i ii is super mr to
.JI oH « r pre:» irr t :.»»;* î*»r h <H»d dis
It isa f { h
> ut’. v ve cnn- tor syphilitic
"U Hif. ulct
ill Ct x * ’3.
3 trnpB«»u.s and pi
Il p-nilh i the whole b/M’.un and
»Highly build« up th court .it ut ton. Chit-
■,«><’*I Br«»s.
liir r«»ni!d>t •
In-, l'illuili'.
grower nays:
And we will give you flr&t-class goods for
your money, and sol! them to you
- VAT)
fhe Ashland Shoe Store
Odd Fellow s Block
You Cannot Alford
Timber Land Notice
A t this -< »sou <»i th»’ y cvr to I,.- w.t h
out a *.> «»d r* i»iii»h diarrhova ba sam in
C NITRI» *1 XU* Lx XI* <»FH« 1
th« bouse, as cramps, colic, cliarrimea
R o - ebi k «». Or . Ma.* 4, 1>
a.¡d ad mil.«ui .ti«»n of the stomach ami
N »tu v is L» *-b. given that itm onipliam-c
bowels aiv « xo edtu _1 v vuiiigvrous if not w ith the prox i- ioti - of 1 he a t of < ’ongru-- of
at lend; d to at once. Oue b«»t tlv of June 3. 1*7*, votiti, «I "‘Au a* t f*»r th»* sale <»f
1'v^gs* 1 >nu*rho«*a l»ais;».t i will do mor«* timber la: :!- in the S'ales of Call lorn ih . Or«-
goo<l in case of this kind than any gon. Nevada, ami W a-hiiizton Terriloty.
•thvr nnuicitic on var.h. W,-guarantee -, W. Koy« r, of Grand l-laud. Conni;- of
«‘»»ln-a. -tate of ( alifornia, ha- ihi- dav iil •<!
it. (’hitwood Bros, druggist.
in thi- »».lice hi- sw.iru Maternent Í »r ihv
* y\
of -c -iion No -2, in Tp. N-* I1'. *
Range No • E. aml will offer pr«M»f’.» show
lot of Storage B tilery Power.
that the laud -ought i- m««re xaluable foi it*
timber or stone than for r.grieultuntl pur-
Tin' following figures are given out i » om *>. and to c-labli.-h his daim to said
by the Julien Electric Traction Coin- land beioie the Register and Recei«.er of
pauy as actual ic.-ults attained on the Ihi- oit'ee nt R*»seimig, Or *goii, on Fridax
the l’ffh da' uf Jul' , l'X'.1.
Fourth Aveu'ies’irf.: road. New York
Hu names a- wi’ne-.-e-' R. H. Beamer,
city, in miming cars with storage bat - F S. Snrague, H. B. i*cmlvgH-l, R. W. Pende
all of \\* nmì and. Cali foni hi
tones. A oqr oriti mil i:i actual work
An;. |rt'r-on* claiming adversely th»* above
inil.vt without recharging. Dur- dcsurilrt-il lau»!- are request»*»! to file their
.”g forty days that the car in .piestnm daim-in thi « the«* on or !»*•(>;•«• -ad P.ffh
has las'll at work noittier b.ittories uor drtj of J tly. lx*'.*.
C h
W. J<* hx > t *»:.’.
motors iiave r<“|ii:red „tteution or e.\- 4* pit
p. Use f<>t repairs or I.-Iiewais.
¡•atteri‘s of one car th it ha I b.s u mu­
lling siuce September 3, lsss, were
Timber Land Notice
< (.mimed on the Siti in-t. for the first
Cxi ! Et* S i ate - L x ni » oi i {« 1
time, and are btati-l to lie in as goo-1
R o - t ... m,, i »r.. Max 4. 1* X
I'onditioti as wlr ii put in. The cue !
Noti* «■ i-herçbv gix*-n tha> in «•;unplnim■»•
. f motive power is calculate I at ¿3.1(1 w ith lhe prox isi. n- of tin- a I of - of
1-7 . emi!h-d An h *- i f« - the ale < f
per ear per d..y of (id miles. That is .him- ■ 3. land!
In tl • H < ■ of < dif .. nl«, 1 »
th, e ist of « nergy at 2e. per horse­ mm. v*'a'Lt an«I Wa-hington r*T'i-«»r.',
power. nt which it is offered to lie < I. lloUi!ig>w«»rih. ot \\oodla-.m. Count'« oi
Yolo, -».ite «<f < al* f«e nia. ha-ihi-da • tiled in by the electric companies, this
office hi--w orn-lateinent, for th** pur
and ,-7'l() p r ainmni for iii.milaiiiatic, • -a- « I lh- - W , of*,- ' i*»i: N«> ..’.in Ip;'*
Range No. • E.and x. ill offer nr.*- Í10 -how ilia:
of batteries and motor.
the lami -■ ligo! i- m »re valimi*’«* f >. it- lim-
i*“r or -tom* than f*»r agticuh 11 *al purpo-c-.
ami to »—tabiish hi-<*hum to -aid .a id Ke
A Coinmumcvi-jn.
fore (be Regl-te.'H'id Remix»-, oí thi*olli¡v
Editor of the I iD.NGs: -Bka »• an- a* Ro-eburc,*»u, on Thm -dax ile I* ¡
. ,»f J ul.x. lx-’.‘.
» ounc - in tn«« cuLiiu : » of y ,ur valuable da H,
iniuu*- a- x»it»ie«<e- W R Pond.
pap' r ♦iiat up are s*»l. a ’viit- for Si Pat­ W illiam K m»X. John l,*-iidcga-t, R (J. I.»ixx
rick*.* Pilis, tim u »st |M-if ct cathartic -on. all **f \V. odi Hibl, < 'a*: for .«in.
\nx and all person- elaiining ad\«-r-«-l>
and iiv r puls in the market. They n- t
«»niy pii; - i«'. I» ;< uk «.ii*<- ’he wb*»»u svs. the »1 Lox c d«*scriKeil lami* hiv r»*.|i;« •»«*.i to
th,--;* claim* in thi- office *<n or before
L tn: panfy the L: hm ¡ ami r» ua! Hu thu
. i*;u
livi-r nnd i»««ud*: lie y a ♦ »i-.;«»r«»us but - »id l-fh da, »»f Jul" CH
W «...IX
gentle in thuir nei. >11 «ol c m aiw-ysLe 4- |«»t
d. p-nd'dupin. F,»r K; ’, by I. K. Bol-
Xol «<•<
t r, • s of my j
• - ot- iiard v,»*ro »'uvur'*d
v iiii
just when commencing to
bu«i. Having « of .seme toniahh’H, the
¡.!ea 'ti'f'ijr» «i !•» •••“ Ihat, by plaeim;
Lil M ( I!
some <»f the kav*
aioimd lie* trunk
vriüt’oi \ :<-i \i; xi
am! Li<tisch«s of ;h.» pt a.41 I fhm . I
mijjit | r» f tv -- th' i.'i fr«»in th«' lay.* of
tht* Min. ’ a iit«’h ar \t ry p*»w»'i'nl. My
Nnrprise was gr« at upon the i'»l!«»uiii;;
<bi-pe \ lh»*.
mts. ( ro. »*-“l»i** rit K, day to fm»l the five* • r.tir» !y free fr«‘in
th« ir *m i !< ? , not »’!:»» :» n imn^ «*x-
Bim-kb* rd* s, Bu.-pla rri*.‘8,
<*upt In're and ther» where a curi, ii
Sl»*pxvÌH‘fri<'«. Figs.
I af prevt n‘»xl th«* tomato from • x r-
Me.. Etc.
leaves t
»•Nhv itN inihi.
in».'-«' le.ivus
< ’
t ? ( s • «•«• ;-r.*’-. n w jb,p]‘ irrigation
«•art fidiy unfolde»!, r’in«“». ,f 1 dp«>n i hen»
on Keil m»! lumi, mm all «»f known va-
• VHK*, with
» .hak »nee, ed in Southern <h-»*g»»n. fi»'sb ones from the tomato
. t I,
u Hit -,.:p¡:it ii;u i e pl. nl ing the remit of luiui.sLinu th»* iii m
ami enabling the ticu to >
■ > ’ tu vint our o ’ a h. r i ami t.ur
us f.:r pr:
inxiir)« !»?«». WiAliihix to carry Hii!
'»I ¡“ '
’ »ré'p.ihio c »mit / further my cxpcrimoiit, I slecpi i Hi
Il»»ppil««-ai- Hilft 4 osl 1<-lit lit* li I
(«- 00' » Fass r : m»» h aves of lib* t«Hi.?:1»>, i.iJ’l
Ii. s’
spnnkbd nith thu. infusion otli»r
f’amiot pohand in band if xxv look on
plantR. rofu'g ami «»n«nu’ h . In two th»-dark . id-1 of »-ve:» hiiie ol>.taele.
darken lit’*- ami make it
diiyn I I ioh ’ Were fr«-«* fn» n ’ h«‘ iiniuti •r- Ndhinu wiil
■* Lu. «i n as i >\.- pep- i t. AckiTrflhspop-
íü.ihri L.’iid Notice.
able iuH«x*t8 winch cowred them.
s/i 'IaL’.i/s wit! »'are the worst form
of PvNpt ' ' *. (
¡on and Indiges­
The Piide of Wo.ttii.
tion, and ii. :k«» life a happinev-i ne,I
;»0 Centn a but*
n,' j'early trunsp.»r* nt skin i*4 al-
w 11 it lite r»r
i* «i síl - u ui pure blood, .'.nd nd per t Ii- by Chit a «»öd Bros.
‘ tr mbh ti with dark ipieasv. v< ¡¡«»u
imiiiilf:.etiir-r ill Dublt.h has
or blotched wkin can r»st
- und that
tin ;r bk» *d ia »ut of ,»rd« r. \ t«.*u duee»» solved tl.e vexed i|tu*etioU "is mar­
\ ..L», s
riage a faiini
to his own e itisfaction
in (bis
wiil r iii.»\e the » ,!•»' . mi the wkm will at least. He I, is given his nn ii notice
’li it all married men will Is- retained
b-' n-'.i.- 'i •
m:d if • i i-facti'-ii i.»'mt
H. \\;d
offer pr«»of m
in ins employment amt that single
»m»Tr v»ihi»«bl<
er or stum» th-xn «■'’-■d x u ; (»tliniL». hi faliv warranted.
men will ls> diHchnrg.-d iiulees they
(••r agri«'u‘Uunti piirp---« - ami (.* c -' hí .I:-ti <’hitx‘.,rt»d ih«»?. drmjg.L-'t-
ii« r «daun to-aid land i»cf«<;* tie Krui-t* r
■mitty within a month. Ihs practical
i.’.cbtirg. Ort
eoiiiinoii sense has l.uighl him that
•i Ju!v. U-
Wisdom’s Roberiinc,
married men can ls> deftended upon
*’ Huilme-
1‘ Hi.o ’atbes of *
and prorni- for work latter than siugle mon.
‘I* r. Gilbei ri
iH'iit prof, ssi..anl st irs have h^ib- d t ,
• a.lverx‘1» it- excellency in the moHt • -u phntic
B»i< kl<*n's Vínica Salic.
r* «i nested to trmw. Guaranteed U.-rudess and fiiau*b-
.mor belo-c >- "■ < hil'v-)«ki Br-. druk’,4’^ '. Ash
I he I test .it... in th.-
>i 111 for eats,
t .nd. Or.. *» !i it nt .*! c ! h . ptr
and bruises sores, ulcers, “ ill rl.ruin. fever
■nv-T .s-
giv»> u ! m aatiia! card to every p ir. bar.t r. sores, tetter, chapped hat Is. chi bli.ins,
l> «i-K-r.
corns, m.d all skin eruptions, mid posi­
A ì! »-ili lit (il <i vx t h.
tively curt s piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give ¡ierf ct satisfac­
Acker*« BI mh I Elisir h < • g.iiiwxl a finn tion. or nion.-v rrfr.o.I. d. Price 25 certta
hoivi on t hè \inerican ]M '>ple and in ac
’»»r box. For sale by Chitwood Bros.
kiio’.vu-dg» d tu Im sti|»ei i‘»r tu ali olili r
p»♦ p ■ ratnms. Il :s a positive cure for
It Is All Right.
* .***>'
al! I i .*«* mì and skin disi ?'.*-.*. I he medi
c.d fraterna’; indorso and pn-scrilMs it
c' X c.
’ It is nil riL’ht:"* In what Mr. Guu. C.
<j'3hrantted ; ud sobi bv < h tvvoud Eros Henry, a Buriiuj'tou, Iowa, druggist an vs
»• ..¿r
of Chmnht rl.itn’H Cough Retnedy. Mr.
Guard xtgf iln*t th«' strike,
G • '
• a
Henry ought t > kn*»u, aa lie han sold
V4 have a
uf Akar's • ver 300 of the remedy during t lie pant
h thin« ly ill tn« h rise. Yui can- w inter. < ougks. eoid-’. « roup ami wh»r»p
¡1 L«r.v h*»on croup uav strike vour mg cough arc ^peediiv cured by h . F«»r
4 v
■ i.-
•:‘t v uii«-, ur a co'd urcuui;!i may fa-h n sale by T . k. Boltoil.
est* '.a
it-s If up «n
Ou*« duse is a preven­
! - ■
bu s«n
ÛU1F. .
tive ithd a f- w d‘?ses a positive
cure, AH
unitive cure.
v rx •
rc-c t
t IO c 'r*: s
? ttr»:«! p.nd l”»ig tr-jx. I* * yield t
P/iG«MTGO’^rW v
Ä* CO. tr - t n« nt. The remedy i v*;uin’ -•«• I by
U l - àaâ
2i.VuiÀMet Lsioiaa&o, IB Chitwood Bros.
.p-io mp i;rrn?r.en-?l Tress.
At old stand of J. D. Fountain,
I.V X 1»
Largest Stock in the
I5.< » )
15. ooo
Notice lo Stociliclflers.
>r ti.i‘
In the world.
D M Fruv A Co's
Illustrated, Deecnp.
R. -:
it«.. (»r.. May I. 1 v<».,
N’«»:ic* is he:*, by given that in compha
with the prox i«i«>ns .,f the a<-t of Congre-
J im* ;, 1-7-, < uii:l**d “Au a t i >r the -ah
(inilrtT land- in the S a - of California, or,-
g >n, Ne a-ia, ami Wa-iiing «>n Tvrrimrv,’
R. c. Law.-«.n, 01 Woodland. County < f S o
I«», sin e « i Ca tfo. inn, ha< tin- «'ay file«! in
ihi-of’.; e hi- sw<>: 11 -laicmvut. for iJ»c |-.i.
i lia c 1 f tin* N E '* of svc’iun N >.
io Tp.
Range No .» E, and will otter proof
to •h <»v tha? the Inmi sought is more ' a!ua-
bh* for ii-umbet o* '■tone than for a 'rivul-
tmal purpose.-, ami to c-tabh-h hi- < ’aim :
-ni<l lnnd before (be Kviri.-tvr ami R«-c(.-ivt
oi 1 lii-o'lii . at Roseburg Un-.’• n, ,<n I hur-
■!;; thi i ••!. u.t of July, I *
He name- as witm-- ,*-:
.l<»-h Billing*- I ltiliis*ipl»y .
xvilham Km»xv< . I. Hollingsworth,
I’«»nd, J L ,-i mpt«on. a I «•!’ Uo-dlsm
Mot t y iz like charity, it kivvi-ra a 1*01 nia.
m »i!Pirn«» ol siiib.
Anv ami a’l per-«.tiselnimiu
M*ribv«l I
\ am/ man, larn tew listen! 1 «k»n’l
nn- in th
kt X ! . 'Ì. .
-f July, I
IT .’ .Illg»
<>ii.' ai-l.l.ik’ |.«-.!iur«. - I li.irre* . .m
ih.'in l.v n.l'!r*'"*i’ir
7 u> A moUr ooms, uid to- j uw
Fcvry’s Seeds
D rvcoi t «
“There is no place like home”
runs tlie < Id song, and we know how-
true it is.
Go w here we will—encounter men
in whatever circunistances we may,—
we shall lie upt to find that a reference
to their homes will iinmed.ately secure
their attention, and will give you favor
in their eyes.
The iiiipiessions made in the home
ure lasting. A mother's wo:<Is never
pass from the mind.
A lather's
i omi'-ei remains frosh s i long as life
lasts. 1 lie last Is'iii diction ot parental
love and With what ten
ui'ity it clings to the memory when
utmost all «-Ise has gone.
How important, tin ret'oie, that the
home tie maintained intact as long as
IKissible—a haven of loving counsel,
of peace and joy to the growing
children, liow sad when death in-
vud«'H, w hen the tire goes out on the
hearth stone and the family is scat­
tered. What the ci ild en lose bv
the death of a patent only those
realize wiio have grown up without
that love and advice which a parent
alone cun Isrstow.
No doubt, lens of thoiisamls of
parents have found premature graves,
w i.o might have lived years of use­
fulness, had they but known what
was sapping their st length, and
slow ly but surely pushing them into
the grave.
There are tens of thousands of
parents to-day in agony of niind
through fear of death from kidney
d sense, who do not know they are
doctoring only symptoms—such as
wakefulness, ne, voilsiiess. u Splendid
feeling one day and an ail-gone one
another, dropsy, weak heart action,
pneumonia, neuralgia, tickle appetite,
etc., while the i cal > rouble is poisoned
blood caused by diseased kidneys.
I'nh'ss purified with Warner’s safe
I'ure they will just as surely die, as
though pois ned with arsenic.
If you . re siifle ing as describe I.
and have been lor any length of time,
you are, unless you get relief right
sjiee.lily tri< ken w ith death, whetlier
y on know it or n< t.
Itistors publicly admit that they
cannot cure advam < <l kidney di: ease ;
they aie too bigote.^ to u-e Waine- ’s
.' afot'u e ts'< an.-e it is Mil advertised
remedy, <onse'juently. unlc.-s you
u «■ vour own g-Hsi judgment, h 'cure
ami ime W i ni r’.- >.ite Cure, a sjiecilic,
which has prove ! itself in tens ol
thousands of cus s to lie all it >s re­
present«'.' your home, through yoi.r
death, will be bioken tip
, am1 ’ y nr
loved ones de rived of that which
nancy cannot ptirciiuHe or triend.-
Already too many loving parents,
nolle, k nd and true, have gone down
lo premature erav« s through Ignor­
ance of their lomtit on, and th«
bigotry ot piivsieia s. It is t.; ■ • to
cry a halt, and we beg «>; you, ’ s the
• ive you bear your home an It lie vity
you owe yoi rse f. to g ve this nr t< r
v.tlr «aief'il and Consctentioti« .oii-
irai purr
In Bed.
Houghton, Mich Mav 22. 1888
About March 3 1 »tr&iued xcy ankh and was tn
bed one week, nztd can« two week« Three appli­
cations a dxy, from three bettlaa of St Jacob» Oil,
cored me Mo return f j am
• III»- i I
> k : c tin
I'iiiiher Lauri Notice.
Timber Lami Notice.
< IM* 1.
l’«*rd Cane.
Houston, Texa». Jun« 22 1888
Sprained my back, h.-d to um cane; «as cure4
by rit Jacob« Oil after 2 month«' «udering
Timber 1 unti Notice.
« HA>
On Crutches. Cambridge. Ohio June 24 38
Two weeks on craubcs from ¿trained ankle used
St Jacobi Oil, cured, no roturn of pain in one
WK -------
5 I. CK X >
I xiTF.I» status I. x \ î > <> ffk e ,
R osaki h«., <>rrg*»n. May 16, 1-îW i
Notice is hereby giveu that in ••ompliam r
w ith the pr<>\ isùûis <»f the a« t of < ongrv*« of
June ; K*. vntiGvd An a< t tor the sale of
timber lamia :n the state» uf » alifornia, < »re
g»»n, N» vail« ami W ashington Territory. J.
K smith «»I W ihn I land. < ou nt y of Yolo, state
of < alitorniu. has this day fiivd in thia
hi* sw»»rn sta:»*in»-nt for the purchase of the
> E 1 | ««i i t;. hi \o. 12, in township Nt*. 4o,
s. range No«) wiil offer proof to
itliow that the land sought i* more valuable
ior its timber or stum? (han for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to -aid
lnn«i before the Register aud Receiver of
! hi* oft)» r at Roseburg, (ircgon. on Saturday .
the 27th «lay of July. i**!».
fié names as witnesses. John Ifolliurs
w«.r|h, David vtnl’io e. < M < osier. A M.
Ei-ipn. all oi W«MHliniid. < aliforuia.
Any ami all pvraons claiming adversely
the above describe«! lands are re«|U» sted to
flic their claims in thl- offre un or before
sai«i 27th »lay of July. 1
XVimhiinfton Ici,I h lurgv, t!i.. i; none,
and it was very red that day. civili:'
nie the iinpr» i-~i >n that he v. . . !!'>t s',
moderate in tbe use <.f liipi irs as tie
was Hiip|H>s<il to b >. I h.und af'.-r-
ward that this «a-a ». lle­
nóse was apt to turn eearict in a cold
wind. He eeenied six f' .-t an ' a half
IH lll i;;lit. Wl'.< Ir'
' '* ns :in [ndian,
.'lini dui m,t. for a ino:n< ut relax frolli a
niitltury attiiu t .
XX'HHliingtou'k « vi. i
• ■ht Was MX
lb- was
f«^ t two inehes in hi « l
then a little Lune fri
striking les
eye wan t>>
kn«M* itj'uinst u «:«••■. !
tfray that it looke<l : liuont white, and
li«1 Inni a ti'.'iibli-.i l" ik oh l ne color-
less face. He had :i p:«M«e ol wxilen
vital ar*» up I iiis thr«»;il. ami u 1K «jnilt'
hoars«'. Perhaps th«4 throat trouble
from which he iiually «b* *1 ha*i iu ori­
gin al Mint th* h .
Washing*ou*s L. jo L s u«-iu , ij .¡run•(•*.
They were No. 1*». Hisordih iiy walk­
ing shoes weic No. IE H ih li;m*E
were Lir«,re ih proportion, an«i be coiilti
not buy a glow to lit him ami had to
have Ins glows made to order. • ills
m*»u’h w; s his tr«»ng h^lur«», the
lips th ing always tightly compressed.
Ihat day they xvc* compiessrd so
tightly as to be p .itiful to look at.
At that time he weigh« i ‘2*H pounds
auddhere Was n*» surplus* ti*“ h i.b«»u*
him. II»» was tremendously muscled
«»nd the fame of hi* great strength was
everywhere. His 1 urge tent,
wrapped up with the p«-hs, was »a*
h»»avy that it re-¡11 ird two m* n to
place it in the c. mp v ag, n. Washing­
ton would lift it with om* hand aud
throw ilintoth«« w ig«»n as u i.*ily as
thotigii it had b“* n a ¡»air <»f saddle­
bags. He could hold a musket with
«a.c baud and shoot with prin’ision at.
easily as other im*n did with a h«»rsv-
pisi«»!. His Hugs wei • Ins weak | <>iiH
H«'was at that tim in i he | rim * <»f
life. Hi han• wm- a
nut brown,
his cheeks were pronnn» :it, and Lis
hva I was r.ol large :n CocUa.-’ to« »« ry
ollpT par’ of bis b-siy, x.biuh s»*um( ,i
larg • am1 l-ony *•' «11 points. His liti-
g< r joints ;«ii«t wiHis we;«* so large as
to I m ’ gen tine • -uri.»sities.
its a! that, period I foiith
that might I m * 111*01«*’.ing. H • \\
ei ortn :us eater, but was c nt- nt.
bread and meat, it h«*
But hunger seemed to pul him in
It was his custom t«» lake a dm
rum «»r whi ky on waking m th* n
Tituber Lund .Nutice.
.-rvrr> L ini » office ,
R »-E.'-.i i
Oregon, May 16. I mvi .1
Noihv is hc:« b» given that in c«»nipliance
XX ith tne proxi-’mns of the act of • »»ngre»* »4
June , I*?*, *i.iit»e»l “Anací mr the sale of
limtM-r lari'i- in the -tate- of < alifornia. Ore
c*»u, Nv’.a«ia. an«l •» a-htligton Terril,>r ».
«fillrt-rt ( <41 in-. «4 Woixilanil, »*,»unty of Y «»Io,
’•ate ,»f « aliforiUrt. La-, this »lay tiled intlii-
oliiev he sw .sm statement for the purvha-e
. f thus* W ‘Auf -v ion N»». _l. in lowmbip
X«< .»9 .*. R No. • « n-t, and will offer pnw.f to
-i»«»vx that the land Miught is more xnluable
f«»r it* tinila-r or *t,»n,- (han for agricultural
purin»*«--, «'nl m r.-tahlish hi- claim to -aid
lami tx-f«»re th«* Kvgialcr and Ke< fixer ,»f (hi-
»»lhec at Ko-ebu.v, Oregon, on Satur»iay. the
_’7th day of Jul «. lsN».
He name- u- \vitnc*-»v- « . M. < a-ler. F. <
Wy, K*»ff-. '• xA H* iliug-xxorih, T *. Spun 1,1
ing. all of .. ......Hand. ’ alif«»ruta.
iuy an«l all per-«>n- ebdtning a» I ver-el}’ the
alnixe de*«-!iL«-d lami- arc rc«¡ur-t,,d m tile
ttieir claim-in thi- ,*f!irc «»u <»r la f.»rr «ai«l
27th «In' .4 JtiB . I nh '
« H k- W JollNs-Iux,
.► 101
ua MIIX i lox.
Terrible Pain. Puinvisw xn ¡day is, issa
I sprained mr tb. tab laat Spring and a terrible
•wsiJutf And pxxasnsuvi To. a » ¡.hcatios» >i£t,
J Ac ob« OU cared me ini tòri» L a Leen ro i «urn
of pnin
I'sni.n statem L and O ffice ,
R omkhi kg , Oregou, May ¡n.
Nwfien U hereby given that in e«>rnplian<*e
uith the pr<»vi»ion* of the a* I of«'oug.-fMS of
June 3, K*. enlitlcf! “Au A< t for the -ah* of
timlx-r land» in the >'« »•* of « alifornia. Ore-
g*»u. Nevada, ami Washington Territory/’ T
.* 'Spaulding of Woodland, comity of Yolo,
State of < alifornia. ha> thia day tiled in this
«.thee hi* "Worn stateineut for the
of the SI', of secti n No. 24, in township
No. . • Motifn range No. 5ca>t. and will offer
i km I to show thai the land untight Is more
xal'iabie f»»r ita tin>la*i or stone than for agri
cultural piirjM>«»d*. and to establish hiseiaim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of tliis office at R«»*eburg. Oregon, on Satur
da\. the 27th day »>f July. ls>’.».
He uanie* a* v iui* --* - <«. W’ Rolling-
worth, F. ‘ W xckotl, GiltaTt «'ollins, <‘. M
‘ a-ler. all of W.Midland. < alifornia.
\nx and m I! persons claiming adversely the
above described buxl* are rv’pieste»i to tile
their claims in thi- office on or before *aid
27th day of luly, las1?.
I llAS. W. JoHS.sTON,
R rgistf . r .
<; eo .
Mt Pleasant, Texas.
Suffered M Yearn.
June to 1838.
Buffered 8 year« with «tratn of back could n«t
walk «traight used two bottle« St Jacob« Oil.
va» cured No pain in 18 months
S tairs L and offh e ,
R -Fi:i ••.«., Or»-goii, May 16, lN*y*. >
N..fice i- hereby gin that in compliance
e Hh the prox i-ton- of the Act of » oiigrcs- of
1*7*. »-milled "An Art for the-ale ,»f
limi«1 ; lamb in the ’»late of ( alif<»rnia. Ore
■-.-• hi . Nevada, ami W u-liingb»n Territ«»ry."
L H«41h:F*worth of W<H>«lland, conn
ix <»f Yob*. Slate ,if « alifornia. ha-» thi-dax
rilt d in this olii, v her -worn statement f«»:
i Io- pi.: • ba-c oi ’«he N 1 of - E ’4 ami N 1 -, of
* xV 1 t of-♦•« i g *r r4 tovx n*hip:».»,-.»uth, ran,e
■ •n-t. anti will «»ih-r pr«a»f t » show mat th»*
!a’’d Nought i- iii < tv valuable f»»r its tiinlier or
-tom- than for u o uhural pur¡»o-v-. ami to
»--tabli-h h-i elaiin m said land before tho
K»-gi-tcr and Re« ,aver of thi-olii«*,* at R,»r-
airg 1 »regon, -*n Sal ii "daj. the-27th da) of
J uh , 1MW»
She name* io witnesses T > >pau>ding,
F < Wv.-koff. r M. < a-lvr, Gilbert Collins,
al! «»f Woudlami • alifornia.
Ami nnj andai! p«-on- claiming adverse
lx the above descrissi lands, are re«piestrd
to tile their claim* in thi* office on or In-fore • lay evening and
lay; m <
-aid 27th day of Jnlx. I- n »,
»lay, Friday and Saturday. until further noli*
• >1 %S W Jon NsT"N,
O -IlJt
R •-£«( p.o. Oregon, May 16. lv*9.1
N*»ti, v is hereby given that in coinpliauve
w ; • h the pruvi-ion- of the a- t of • ingress of
lune ., 1*7*. rioitlcd “Au act f,»r the-ale uf
1 inta-r land- m the State* of • ahfurnia, • >re-
. »ti. Nevada, and Ua-i.inghm Territory.” <i
A H liings-x«*rfh *»f Woodland, ruuutx of
x ol *, state of t a.ii*»ruin. ha-, thi* day tiled in
1 hi- <>t!i(-»* hi--worn - atemeut for the pm
i ,-»■ of (tn- N V\ 14 «»f -rcfmn No. 24, in Tp
No. 3.*, s. R No « E, ami will offer pro«»f to
-how :hat th»- land -.»light is more valuable
f >r it- limber or-ton»' than for agri«*ultural
port o-- h ..*I t *c-'.i »h*h hi- claim to-aid
iKii’i l--fo:e (hr Rcgi-tvraml R»-cvi\erof this
01!.< - 11 R»»-rb-ti-g, o.-»'goii, uu Friday, the
.■St *» «lay «»f .»uiy . 1 *> *
Hr iia n«-- as x i;m-—c- • M ’ a-lvr, F • .
\\ < »•• , i’ s.
»luhling. (iiRa'rl Collin-, all
• :f v\oo«Hand, California.
Au) ami all pvr-uu-claiming a<hersely th»*
;•!>»."»• de-erilM-l ami- ar, rvqiie*tvd to tiIf
tii»*i>-c aim- in this »»tin e > ii or before mai *I
_»*rh »la- <»1 July. 1-a*».
< IIA*. W. J, »HS.-ToN,
*0 1C?
Evidence. Fresh. New, Strong.
I’imbrr l.i»”«l Notice
I • 1 tki » -r«ri - L xxn (» ffu
K »-Ent i-.«;, Oreguii, May 16, l*S !.v
N. tn-e i- hx .eby gixvn tha: in «-oiiipliaiic«*
xv i;h thu |«.-•». i - i . hi - cf thu a«'( uf < <»ii4re— of
J ul .« . 1*7*. eiHP'.vd ’ An Aut for thv ot'v ot
titiiKu: la.'i-l- in (In *tatv* «>f California Ore-
• , N, a«la Mini Wa-hingtoii lern ton, So
h a H > lii>z*v« »»rth. of W «Mailand, countx ««f
.•».*. * atu oi < a ifornm ha* thia «lay tilvd in
; - ■ Tu u, hvr - vorn Kiatemcnt für thu pur-
i;a vuflb« .* E ‘ 4 «.f m »-tion 32, t«»w n.-hij» :B>,
.’Ii, of r»e»v.-<- .» , a-f, and w ill oth-r pr»»of to
-¡iti.v il.Ht :iu- land aought. i* inort- xuluabic
; »r ir- limln r «*r -mnv, thau f»»r agiiuultma!
t ■-i*« -u . a 1 i (•• ' - nba-h her claim t«»-anl
[and N-f »rv th» ¡i**gi.*tvr and Rv* «'ivvruf thi*
it Ro-* ’*urg, «Hegen. • n Satuola' . flic
_7th *ta'. oi Juiy, l.*••?,
*Lu nanu*-a.-w ifn»- -c- F « Wxukoff.C
M « a-lvr. J. K. '-mith. Gilbert < ollin-, all »»f
W • *• ><l and. ( alifitrimi
\ml any a?u! all p-r-.m* • -laiining ndvur*u
lx ihv alM.xe d«.'-eril»v«l lami- are reg liest vd to
tilvthuir ulii'i.i* lu Ihi* offive «*n «»r bef »r«
• ««.*! 27th da ,.f Inh. I*v».
CH 1- W ■ J0HNSI0N,
rtl lût
T’hat people linger :ik»nu ai ways c«»n:
pl.iinuiu’ ubuut th it c<»nt:nual tired ♦,«’-
inu. One l»,»l tie v»f ! h , .' Bi«>«»d Purifi­
er and B’ou 1 ?x«ak»'f will entirely re
move this t •vlinu. ^iv, them r. p> ,1 an
petite and r» jui
st ion.
w«M»d Bros dnigLfi
& ** J
! . til:.
I nub r Lati«
with the pr»>\ »*!
June 3. is;
timber Ian
« Ircgon. N«
Lax» rem e
ClntMop, s
in this »«il
tn. N«>.
-h*»\v Hint Hi
for ita Unii er
purvoæa, and lo
I hiiu tH-fore the :
this ortice «I
lltll ila , ol .luti.' 1
Ke nam, s as
.he. l aker. Ma
of Astoria. I .a!
An v p. t-uii-
>:<—>-rii» >l tan t
< taiins in tin. ,
day of .Inne. I-
Almost as Pa'atablo as Milk
So ill.gui . : that << ran b» tukrn
llg.-ale'l . ,1 n
:n:l:.i,<j l,y |pn u.o.l
r u. ltlvc •(.. .a Ii, w h« .i the p'aln r.ll
mtcTsul t.*. tolrmt. ■; ar 1 t.y 11.«, ,om
I'li.l.Urn ot the nil st ill l hr t*y|H>
mnrh moi e em<« 1 ju <
Reaarkabie a- a Prvli prodsnr.
iViscn gala rapidly while taking it.
V'lmi.i. <
i P
Timber Land ci it*. c
77.e fjrrar
for t'murum^ittan, nnc
Waetir j in Chiiilren. ri ?<f f>yuil Jirwjyirte.
th 3 C
s Crsam Balm
Cìeansnc? th'' b
Allays lr.i!.,v-. .
Timber Latid HoU
I’NII El> STATE- i \ M» «»H I« E. f
R • FBI K*.. < >r . Mar 2 >,!x* ' »
Notii e i -hrrvbx gixciitbnl ill <-« iii plain««'
with The pro\i'i«*n- of the net of < .nigr«--* of
June 3.
••nlitled “All iU‘T f«*r the ‘•ale of
tinilH-r land- in lh« *’«•» - of (’alifornia. Or«
iron, Nevada. an«1 Waidiiiigton Territory.”
F. 1. Dunbar, of A-torni,«<»nnt> of < <»t-on,
Mate «>f Oregon, ha- tta- «lay tiled in thi-
offi< v hi*-worn -lateinent for the pureha-e
d the N E , of -»•« ti<«n No. .»4. in r|* N’«». '.*.
-» R No I E. and will offer iM«>of to-how lhat
the land ¡»ought 1« more valuable for it- tim-
I k 'T or *tone than f*»r agricultural j»urjM»M‘,-,
and to eMablish hi* claim to -aid land l»ef«>rc
th«- Register and Receiver of thi- ortn-«- at
R i-eburg, Oregon, on Moudax the tctti day
of J'I TIC. 1H*9.
H*‘ imine a* with«- -e
H ( <» oi .» t ,
Ijiureii»*»-Sullivan. J«*-. Baker, Mark >< hlu-
,-cl, all of Astoria, Clatsop county. Or.
Any and all irt-r-on- •• aiming adversely
the h I mx •»IcM-rllMd laud* are rt-«pi«--t»-»i t«>
tile their « liiiin- in thi- office on or bidon-
-aid lOlh dux of June, INK».
<’ hak w. J ohnston ,
42 10t
CONSUfUPTIOa, scrofula ,
<«*•- £*
F. nitkï » Sr x i E* L\.X|> »>H H F./
R»i*Km r. .JAH Ma. I. 1-'*•«
Noti, »* is hereby given that in c iiiphan»'«-
w ¡1 h th» p:»»t ,-i«»t-- « f the act of ( >ngrv** «»f
Jun«* 3. 1"7‘*, « miti« I “An a* i for the -«!<• <>f
timber lando in the state« of California, Ore
l '.» u , N'- a.In ami \\ a-hí* i.t«m 'I <-¡ : i mr« ,’
c. B«»y«-r. < f < ¿1 ati'l !• land. Count;, oiioli-a,
S’'it,* of California, la* this dav tilcl in thi*
«•..ii ,* io- -..i.rn sia'« incut, for the p i:
of th»* N E *4 of »V. Hon 12 111 i'p N«» i'S
Kam;»* No • F. and vili offer pi«««.f to -how
that the hind -*»a ’ht i- nmn- xaluabh- for
its timbe: or stone than fur a i< illuial pur
IH-»*-. and lo «••tah-i-h hi* claim ,b> said
t.-*ml b.-foie the I;, gi-tcr an t lb eix, r of
thi - oflic« at R.»-«-b ; g. Oregon, on Thtir««iav
tin !*’h 'hi • *>f Jul **'•'
H** mom - a- wit c-ses F > *>- a 'm-, K
II le arner II B Rend, grt-t. R W I’, mb*
ga-« nil of W rtxlbiml. < aiif.»nia
An« »imi ail pc - «ti* e'aimcig a I » r-.*l
th»- alwivcd dc-' iibi-d kind- are r»-,pl»-t«-d to
tile their claim* in thi* otti«'»* on ,»r Indore
-aid iMh da v of Jill , 1 —
» n x - W .Imi ' -T on .
4* PM
Timber Land Nolic«1
F.Ml LSIiiX it ar-kiiotrltdgi'd b>
Pb( ‘ . :al. Wl
■ , ;
| r'¡<r.
acn in the world tor the mil. : and cure <1
I NlTEb Nf
Ho-: t.i u
Noti«-»- i- liercì» -..i ’ «»n tbat in
with thè p"'< • i-L u- « f C.v :c
Jum-h, l*7s, emit|»-d “Ani.- ’ f. ■
tiinbcr lami- in th*- -•«’<•* ni C mh
goti, N’ex ada. «mi \\a-hing
l’hll. F. Bow»-r,of A-toria. (
State of < »r»*t»‘»n. h
flee hi* si
thè N W •
.’» F, ami
land sutight i- m>»r«* xainabb*
or stono than f»»r agrnniltiinil pu
t*. *--•>«1 »1 i-1» Li- « Niii ) m riid land
Rt-gister ami K* - *-(x< *f thi>.» i <i
burg. Or. on We-lm-day thè l.<"!i
Jnue. l**i
ih* naine* a- \< bn •••••* Jane-
A «dori a. < lai-op • - n ni \ < t . IO
of A-mria, ‘ la* -
■ *<u .■
ti«,uf Eugene< ;ty. I.a:i< <
Max hew . <>f A rìdami, - t
Anv and all |M*r-s»n- «laiinin.
thè aìstvc d»—<-nb-d iand-
file their clnims in thi- orti,
►aid Urth day of Junv. l*wi.
< I! O. U
44 PH
Sores, R
reste. Si
A part
-TA BF.OlliLJ;
tor -
:i Pasr ’p«s
.*. E ... -; the-
ises oi
irli and í»
r I j malt.
c. i U;, « • . . r f nils
lu cl i e-« f nuli, cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
And all «iiwei s. < arisiit|£ Irani u
Torpid Live*’and Bad Digestion.
TL. » :* r:.? » *<:lt ***
tì. as*-» •<»!> 5 : -•.?»
o-c ns»*nil.
ri tra?» ttx -»•
r » . ;-.f d un<|
tv N«..d»»v■ ’• -<i « tvryubvre.
* ht/ ■
i,t j’rr f!tf ■ dtint, lhutnf~-
A- .' /. U 4».7. 'hetp if f'i >■ irti
iti*9 wiil be^