Shipping t'aliforiif.t fruit. I? F. chronicle. The prospects of a goixl fruit season Mr. O. Ganiard is still in poor health. ’Flic following deeds have l>een re­ The Oregon W. C. T. U. is in ses ­ Eli Perkins June 6tb. in the County Clerk’s office at are excellent throughout the slate and F'H ! >A M V Y 21 tv* sion at Salem tins week. J. D. Fountain is ovar at Mott this corded more greeu fruit will lie sent East this Jacksonville, since our last issue: Choice new -crop hay forenlel>y Bish, The Port laud banks eleven of them week. ye..rtl:a:i las’. The green-fruit ship­ C. B. Watson to 8. B. Galey lots the milkman. x are about to form a clearing house. W <»Oi Qlhltrtl Hili'*» Mr. D. Wilson is now at Waguer’s 23 und 24 and part of lote 25 and 26, ments were very encouraging last Bogue River keejis Ingh for this Miners addition to Ashland, con.. 85. spring, and the growers have arranged The Iahst prices for wool «¡noted in He; son of the year. Grant’s Pass starts the city lot ex­ Soda Springs. James Luark to C. B. Watson- laud to reach the East now by special trains. Sm Eranu'Neo market art as follows: cursion business in Southern Oregon. O. H. Blouut and wife, are over at iu Ashland, con.. ¿25U These trains will all ba made up at Va'lev Caldornia. 17 to2‘»r: valley ( Ire- Eli Perkins, the funniest man in Hie Albauy has raised more than a thou­ Sisson this week. F. A. Watte to S. B. Galey 11 67- Sacrameute and specially low freight Kn» .21 t<<22,4<’; Eastern Oregon, 1C. world, at Giatiite ll.dl. Aslihmd. Juue sand dollars for the 4th of July cele­ P. B. Whitney came out from Port­ 100 acres in Ashland precinct, con., rates will lie secured, approximate pas­ to I"* f»»r the liest. 1’4,11. senger time lieing promised. The bulk bration. 8700. land the first of the week. of the fruit forwarded to the East last Sheriff Birdsev has collect 1 this A. C. Helm to F. A. Watte land in t«» Tt^ficlirrs. J. H. Oatman, of Bonanza, has been Mrs. W. K. Reeves, returned Tues­ Ashland, cou., ¿600. year went by the California Fruit year ¿787.111 taxes o'i sheriff's assess­ that commission«! postmaster at day evening from Sacramento. Ai! |*ir-ons desiring situatiotis .'IS ments. M. M. Cooksey to Dr. Jesse Hinkle Union and the Earl Fruit Company place. :e’ii'hi rs m thè Ashland publie schisila E. C. Bnxiks, of Jacksonville, drove — land in Central Point, cou., 8265.60. in conjuctiou with several large sLnp- 'The brick lay ing for the uew Ash­ sfioitld file wntteu application*, to- Work is to be Resumed soon n[H>u up with a span of his fine horses Tues­ The Ore. aud Trans. Co. to A. M. (iers in s|>eeiai trains of ten cars on land House hotel biuldiug will K-giu ; •• J.-r witli ns'ommeml «t lons. with thè the Oregon Pacific R. R. to the eaHt ■ day. Wixxlruff lots 11 and 12. bk 8. R. R. fast time and at reduced rates. This next week. ■ »-rii of sa.J district before J urie ’.'<9. year the California Fruit Union is mak­ ward, it is declared. addition to Ashland, con., 8190. T. W. Barclay made a cayuse trip By order of boaril of Ed. 1». W. Matthews, the »lmggist. form­ The Ore. and Trans. Gi. to L. A ing preparations with the independent The state board of agriculture for out to Sprague river and back last erly of this place, has soi l bis drug WiHxiruff lots 16. 17, 32, 33, IM. bk F. shippers to operate the Golden Gate Southern Oregon will meet at Grant’s week. Sat lee. •tore m Salem. R. R. addition to Ashland, cou., ¿560. fruit train. Th «train will lie open to Pass, on the 31st of this month. A. C. Helm to A. F. Wardlow laud nil growers and shippers of fruits to J. H. Wbipp and wife, of Jackson ­ The ladies of the First Congrega- A considerable amount of rain foil Bix>th ami Barrett were to play in ville. were visiting friends in Ashland in Ashland, con., ¿750. the East, ana the only restriction tional So-i>'y of Ashland will hold out iu the Dead Indian eoi.'itry the Portland about the middle of June, last Saturday. Ore. and Trans. Co. to .Joseph Lach- winch will lai placed upou shipments their regular social at the C< mgrega- tirst of the week. but have canceled the engagement, enal -lote 14 and 15, bk A, R. It ad­ by it is that when fruits are foi warded ’ "1 .1 chur-li ou Wetlnetalay next. J. K. Van started yesterday dition to Ashland, «•ou., ¿160. to jHiiuts where auction sales are held owing to ill health. Secure your re« rvd wits >r Eli ,'ln 2' Supper will be serv«L A morning for li»xi Bluff, to be gone a F.Roper to H. J. Hohnes lotslfiand sneh shipments must Is-sold at auction Perkiu’s lecture at Granite 11 II. June The town of Redding having voted week or ten ilays. invitation extend«! to all. 17, Prai'ht’s addition to Ashland, con., in or ior t j preserve uniformity of sell­ 6th, and avoid the rush. bonds totheextent of S30.060 for sew­ M rs . 8. A. R oofjcs . ing an.I prices. Shippers can select their 81000. J. W. Powers, who is to take the erage ami grading the streets, now ad ­ Pres. A carload of fine hor- -s fr >iu I ’ itig- own agents in the East aud are at lib­ A. P. Hammond to G. F. Billings bar of The Oregon, arrived Tuesday vertises for bids receivable up to the las «iiinty w.-ti’ s-mtliv.ard >n Sitnr- erty to name the destination of their laud in tp 3 k . south of 1 It W, con., from Woodland, Cal. Strawberries ami I'reani. 3d of J une. «lay'a freigiil. I> >und for Stoc,.'" i shipments in carload lots, which will 8875. George E. Youle, who is now repres ­ 1 iie - ■'•iable announced last w<-ek A camp of Sous of Veterans baa The piMipl«« out iti t'u«‘ i>' id I liati M ix Pracht to city of Ashland land be handle-1 on a basis of 5 per cent, to I,.- g ven by th. Young Ladies’ Mis- «uiutry lia t a pleas rit dan«' .1 John Ix-eti organize»! at Grant’s Pass ami enting a commercial house in Portland, in tp 39. SRI E. Saxman's addition including agents' and auctioneers’ has lieeu iu Ashland this week. ■• i (’irci.-nt the Presbyterian church B. Griffin's place la- M.m la. even­ the charter will be kept open for thirty charges. The only other expenses will to Ashland. next We I in-«day evening hi' K s - ii ing. days. Silverton and Newlierg are also b • for loading at Sacramento, freight 11. 1). Maxum to Joseph Lachenal Misses Carrie and Emma Pfeiffer, e nc 1 t > T ie. lay evening. May 2s, aliout to organize similar orders. E ist and telegraphing contents of cars of Albany, arrived this week, to spend land in tp3b. R 1 W. «-ou., ¿1. A ban«! of > i; ; <’■ ■ (: ' luomia wr :i a ) itertahiiMg program of iuu- have been selling II >rs, ali i fiddling de.tine! to auction points. It is M. J. lieest'r to S. P. D. A' L. Co. some time at the Soda Springs. Harry Hamilton, 11 years old, son of -• • • >1 i- duets, c'lorus'e-., i-tc and limes, etc., in town during tlie past lots 44. 45, 52 an«l 20 addition to Ash­ thought that by thns systematizing the T. M Hamilton, of Eugene, who had Mr B. H. Hatch, who returned last arrangements, good prices, quick ser­ • i;v: ry exercises will he r< n.b'red. we-k or two. Ks-ii mt-sing sitiee Saturday morning wt'ek from Glendale, started Wednes- land. con.. ¿569.20. Sira .b' ' an i ice -re.mi .'■■:■',■ 1 .if vice aud wi.b distribution of the Cali- A. 8. M'xin to A. ('. Stauley lot 4, from home, was found droWmx) in the eveuing for Eugene. Benjamin H irv. v.of I’or. st cr< ■ k i -r tin* program. bk 1, tp 35, It 2 W Sam's valley , con.,' foi'-ia products will lie oblain«l. mill ran* there Saturday evening. Ihii «•o'liity. vv is taken to Hit' insane . W. W. Wiilits came iu iron, 11 is S * ‘2 !5. Klamath < ily llmu iisylnin las* vvis'k. bis fourth trip t«> E.\)"ar*H»H le I.rant*' l*:>' . John A. Love, who bought W. G. ranch up Rogue river the first of the Don’t travel without an accident A. 1>. Helman to Elizabeth M. Dean that inslittition. The 1 i • crib or Ix'iit for tin' Klam- Kenney's livery stable in Jacksonville, week, to visit relatives in town. ticket 2!>e perdav for 830u.,Sl. Mrs. J. W. <). Gregory, and her nth nverdam at ('. A (>. R. R. cross­ coutnim*» to run the stage K'tween 13-tn parch i-< r . f the Bo’tni.' towri'it«' at P. Lyttleton adm. estate J. G. Par­ agent. Mr. J. W. Jou«‘s, a gentleman from ham, to R K. Sutton laud in tp 3H. 'lie Joaq iiae county se l, adver'ise yonnu’-'Ht d ■.■K’nter.Hi -rted W«lues)lav ing, was launch«! into the river last that pirns* ami Central Point, meet- Nebraska, is looking at Southern Ore­ R 1 W, 4 84-100 acres, cou.. ¿14.75. et». orsi >n fro h Portland t>> <’s morning for Missouri, for n visit with Thursday, then' K ing some 8 or '.I lli ing all the regular trains. NEW THIS WEEK. gon farms with a view to buying. all. Tiles, cribs are made of heavy I a trim of ten day cachee to rel ittves m t hat stat*'. Mary Parlism to Wm. Patton I 49- Los Angeles is “bh>od«l.” At a lumber naiitsi with spikes. Ix'ing about E P ntland at. 7 a. m. May 31st I>r. F. G. Hearn, lhechief and oldest lOo acres in tp 3s. R 1 W, con., ¿1. Eli Perkins is acki. iwldgvd to lw meeting of its city council last Mon­ I irive at Giant’s Pass 12 hours Delin­ Conrad Mingus to Janet Garrick— Final Notice to •ssfnl th.' most 'll-C'"- r ii I ii im.nisi and ora­ m fist long and 8 feet wide, hud day evening, an ordinance was pass«! piou»*er of Yreka, was visiting friends Tl •• traiti will leave on its re- tor upon the A 'ieri.'. quent Taxpayers. « ti .• ,n a* !"■■ S.n'ure li ngthwis. lip the stre iiu. with shutes pioviibng for the immediate building in Ashland last Saturday and Sunday. lots .1 and 6, bk 75, Medford, con., ¿100. .NJ a; i tv. Jan" 2 1. atid th" (ar.* Gi o. M. Love to Fannii* M. Love your tickets a t ’ 1 I’,mckl. i?'-. a 11 -ty’-. K t w. i n of ah ait •’!’> ••! wi le, for the of a sewer to the ix'eau at a cost of Notice i- hereby wiven that the deiin Count v Jndge J. R. Neil and wife, 53 72-1HO acres in tp 38, 112 W. sec. 15, uuvut water to pass through. I tie cribs are over one million dollars. ro .ml tnp is only ?7.'»> regn- lax ii.-t <»i J h < kson county, Oregon, came tip from Jacksonville last Satur­ eon.. ¿5. Gram fails to io a- well as it shun! I runout on a heavy rojie across the fir ha> been turiu d over to me, w ¡th h ir 1 •. .'--'I'lt. Au out.loor illliner is from the H<»n. County tourt for 'Th»'heaviest earthquake shix'k for day for a visit of a day or two in town. tv i to Hie excursionists by the m many i'ti-lds In tli< e valley the dry stream, guid' d by pulleys nt. I other D. Van Horn to Delphine Goldsmith warrant iu inimi •!iule <• «lb <‘ti'-n. A!'p« rsons who ■ .it I’s 1’ is< S iturday after- weather in April having set it buck ropes up amt down th" riv -i. so that y. rs was felt throughout the central lots 5. 6, 7 und 8, bk 43. Medford, are on -ai ’ iist w ill pUiiM* cal' nt m v oflb e R< v. F. X. Blanchet, formerly of it Ja«'k*)«n\i!l<* and settle without further I. I i " excursion is gotten up by seriously, Othi rti' l ls ¡ r'i asea heavy the. cm bo l«'t down into th. water part of California last Sunday. P«»- Jacksonville, was on Monday morn­ »•on., ¿271. delay, as 1 w ill be compelled to levy upon w in-re need) d Thi'y are imim'dii'lcly pie were much frightened in many ing’s tram, eti route from Marion Co. Ore. and Trans. Co. to ('. ('. Beek- the i T. Flynn A Co., real estate yield. propcrit of ti e Kaid dtliuquenu. in or fill«! with heavy rocks to sink them places, but no serious damage is re­ to Southern California. tsof Portland, and the objet is mau lots 14 and 15. bk 42. Medfonl, dvrioeiifor * pu\m« iitof f*aid tax. if n««* Vincent firmly upon the river I cd, and then ported. paid at ouce \ prompt < <»Lipiian< »• v. Pi; llfir.v:i lots aud "ibnrKin frill’ l‘liysictaii-iu-<’hi"f <> cou., ¿100. will mt . c t’litin r W. E. Dean and family arrived from they are to be built up in a similar A. L. Helmau to tl» public land ill the My Inw S.le.ieli r>-)'*’lllll >'lld - I The K«ly of R iK'rt Stewart, the deputi« s will begin riding aud mak­ Sicilian Hur 11 newer for th»' scalp mininer from the present water level m m who went over the Willamette Glendale Wednestiay morning, having Ashland. ing levies ou and niter May J 4h. III«- 'lontanile "lauri ameni.“ t<> a la ight of 12 feel, an I nqam fill -d tails in .i boat nt Oregon City two be»>n called hither by the dangerous J as . \ H. B. Carter to Roliert G. Heron and hair. ami Tax-Collector of Ju* k'oi. cmiu’y. 19 39-100 acres in lots 17, 18 and 19 sheriff 1 in' A-iiland sport.sinen wiio went A. G. Colvin, of Jacks inville. re­ with reel; to 1 he tup. Win'n til«' cribs weeks ago, was found aKmt ten days illness of Mr. bean’s father. < iregon. ovi r to ai-end tlu grand tonrnament turn«! home la-i Sc unity flou, Call­ are comjileted to the proper height ie- afterward in an eddy about 2 Ht yards Jacksonville, May 15th, j Gilbert Anderson returned to Klam­ Belleview, con., ¿1750. Wm. Angle to Edward F. Mead at Monta ne last week, returmsl h ime form.1. having sol 1 at a price tii«> qnir«l. and t.s k will K> thrown t>elow the falls. ath county this week, taking with him into the river at the head of theshutes. un.iiunio' sly disgusted. 'The arrangi bind of large Wiles he took dowu Stockholder's Meet ing. from Soda Springs his sister, Mrs. Geo. lot 5. bk 1. Cottage addition to M«l- to make a complete dam. so that the The Oregon session laws of 1889 Nickerson, aud her children. ford. «>n.. SltM. ments fiir th»' trap sli this week, for he dl l _ good, faithful th" river from the timKsh«l him by the city. J. M. M c C all , President will also K> gates to let the water off Geo. S. Walton to Frank Gallaway eeived w-tli very little favor, as they Evangelist Hughes, of We learn that G. A. Griggs and an Ed. Ryan, whose father is U. S. at any time during a heavy freshet. other ¡lerson. are e, will be a line bridge free railromi Notice in hereby given that the un­ day, lifherti-e I to take plice the cars. The vein is considered suffi ­ Central Point, Or. I A ; liti iu tin' back oftei Mr. M. Rtiddick, formerly a resident for tnc use of all. to r>i*»ve a great K'ti- ciently thick to pay well for mining dersigned has been duly apfioiuted l ‘a. ni., . - p)>st|xined tilt l'ftertio« n, May 22. 1889. \ compin' it«l disea.'t-s tb it «tit to ti e community in generii). and and we congratulate the owners in of Ashland, who bad I mmui at Healds­ tini' -li litui«, oiit Illuse who weri E ditor T idix . is : I semi a few Assignee of Win M Gilroy, of Ash «In i.way with retrying. | Yreka Jour­ their gixsi fortune. 11>riutl Echo. burg, Cal., four years, returned to this land. Oregon. All persons having <'om|x'lh ! to leavi' 011 ilio uoon ex incurable. Oregon Kidney news items for publication: place Wednesday evening, and may re­ claims against Wm. M. Gilroy, As­ pii'". I ! A -hi nd party sp' Tu«« the tit.'i and prevents the latter. It is nal. The foundation for the new planing S IV s the Albany iLinu Co.) I>eni<>- main. d..y inebt pi as.mtly m Yreka. ami re purely v igct .file ami is warrant«! ami mill is laid, and a large amount of ma­ signor. are notifn-d that said claims "Th«' (»flli-es " ci nt of last week: This is mean weath­ liuaie.I liome Friday. The borse rai-e S.1» I by T. K. Bolton. br. Chas. E. Beelie returned yester ­ chinery has been purchased for the must lie presented to me. projwrl.v verified, Ht my office at the Gilroy wa> 'Aon lo thè (’••ritrai l’ou.t hor»e. 'The new avenue K'gun around the Senator I>"lph was interviewed in er for fall wheat, and reports come day morning from a trip to Portland. null. planing null in Ashland, within ’.*• lull from Wimer street through the Portland, and said h«'will return to from some quarters that the stalks Tacoma and Seattle, whither he went Scott, ttie btirber, from Ashland, has Mio'ilil lie Doni- I lumpily. iixik rusty; but it is true that some place .,f L. Willey and others, to the Eastern states with the Senate to advertise Ashland and its health re­ permanently located at Central Point. days from the date of this notice, as stalks bxik very rusty every year, and provided by the statutes of Oregon. Tliere « »'ousiderable freighting tin-divnl v aKive the Harris A Tanner c iliimittee of which he is a niemlxT. sorts. The townsite of Central Point, com­ All persons owing Wm. M. Gilroy. ID >W betw, eti A'!d:.i.d ami Klam.iH: house cirmm'imls a i magnificent view The 1« ;>ort r asked him “what is the th»' results may not !»• serious. Also ill some places the fall wheat is Ix'ing Mr. Gross, proprietor of the depot prising about 200 acres, is valu«l at Assignor, are requested to make pay­ «•onnty ■ ............. ■ver the ...... ohi .......... Linkvillc rumi, of t he ti >vv n «in 1 vail. y, prospcei of the 1 ederal office,. Ill this lodged, but how badly cun not l>e told hotel. Albany, arrive.! yesterday morn­ jygikHi in the school assessment! Is ment without delay, as collections :i":.! t’n're woiilit lw rnui'li more if th»- Miss Ella Grady ;iv>s notin' that state K ing filled by republicans at yet. ing. aud took the Keuo stage for th»» this likely to meet the ideal of equal must l>e made immediately iim.i were put in goo.l conili! ion. sis is prepared ti lo all work in t he any early «lay Soda Springs, for a visit of recupera­ taxntii m? J ames S. Rooms, Most )>f thev lunch line of .1 Senator Itolph said ‘ The general Running daily papers, even on a in iking, cn'tiug, tit.tmg. Prof. J. W. Merritt, the Jacksonville Assignee prater t fl mi \g»T, etc., hi th» most ■proved sly!« -, Her ltiipr« sion ai'pears to I»1 that I’re-i small scale, is not all jxietry. The tion. Ashland, Or., May 24. ]s*9 lift) I VI ‘ 11 ng this way ri'sulea.-e is on Wi*oi"ll St r*’, in the lien' Harrison will not be disposed to ntr ■iled on the northwestern part of town. make removals f.,r the mere purp >se has tri«l a five column paper ami says: terested in the Klamath City lumber brick store building for himself lu! !•«• should Is- done of ap[>ointiiig republicans, but «ill “ The paper has cost heavily for me. company, was on Tuesday evening’s Central Point. E. P. Gciiy, M. D. Mr. Johnson, w ho Ixsight '.Vin. Wil­ Read til. <. inmii’ii'ation from J. D. exercise sound discretion in making chauical ami editorial laKir. material train, returning from a trip to Klam­ ilurn«- ill Wagner, »u|er- son’s oHl acre farm near ’Table Rock PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. vis. >r «•? .¡ci. tak« s in the Whitman, of tl • State Horticultara! changes, with a view to improving the and dispatch* s. ami the outlay has ath City. on Rogue River, is contemplating r.m.1 thi Klamath county ('onrsise'.iu, recommending a stun­ civil s. nice. Partly for this reason K'en hundreds of dollars in excess of Andrew Huff, of Eugene, camo up MEI>l«>ni>. ).Kt>'.oX large improvements. He will replace far «mt as Kean mer wash for tin' destmeti >n of the the < •regt>11 «lelegation have not yet th" r««'!pts. This will not continue Ime. ret ■r office In Hamlin * K .. k I: -I t • . ... i cr»*ck iii !»■ said to l>e in San Jose pc t. which has m.i'le mad«' ri e inimeudations for some of long. If the people of The 1 >■ coil- it.” ing th « l.i bridgi which has bet li valiev. on a vacation. the tine body of bard-woixl timber for broket! .1 >v, n for a long time is to K- Miss Ella M Grady, 15. 1. ss than half wha woiilii I»' re- upon ilesigns of his own. The ceiling state, and in the future Oregon will day. Crops of all kinds throughout the KE'HTX' I -Wi»f congress in making A. H. Meagley’s stock of hardware, lo the fore part of the week, to spend Point, which for thorough work ami iD'i -timati s that frmu ¿lllll to ¿2«M> ed for this terrible affliction. tla ir recommendations. It is quite etc., having been sold and removed to some time there making improvements cultivation takes the ieml ami sets a woiibl n pair the ba.l places ami put George L. Dean, one of the old resi­ probable that the Oregon delegation Central Point, it is a matter of histor­ ii|iou the Whiting tract, of which he is gd example for other orchards to the r>>: .1 in i« g)»xl condition as it lias dents of this place, an.l recently city will not make further recommenda- ical interest to note that it is the first one of the proprietors now. follow ’The ol.ler, and we are sorry be >n fora long time. The Ashland policemnti, vv .s stricken last Sindi.y lions unless in case of vacnncy until time m thirty-five years of a success­ to say, mostly negl«‘ted. orchards are Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stdilbrede. of l».ard *'f traile should take noti«'of evening wiili «'rebro-spinnl-menin­ after tin ir return to the national capi- ful business career that this house has having a hard time of it and already the i dter. ami »«-e if something can gitis. an«i is lying in a very critical tai.” been clos«i. even temporarily . A long Roseburg, spent several days in Ash­ breaking down with the heavy loads m>t I» done at one«'. Next fidlor next condition. This is th" only case of hue of sterling business men have suc- land this Wieii convenient" will not this disease in this part of the county. ces'ivelv controUed its »lestlilies and the Jenny creek couutry, where each absolutely necessary to save our trees «lo if liny thing is to K'ilone it should maintnined its commercial standing; located a timber land claim. The subscription Kwik of the new and grow large, fine, saleable fruit. Gentb'inen freqnetdly complain of county K done at once. an 1 under its various heads it has agricultural a~awiation was J. W. Hockersmith started last tlu-ir barK'r shaving them too close, ever liven of groat importance in fix'al evening on a trip to Portland, Salem, and the face and n k breaking out in­ openetl 1 st week, and th)' ('entrai enterprise. Ill«' Clrcu» Deeorutiiin Day Exerrl-e». It is a matter of regret Eugene. Albany and other cities at the to small pimpl'-i-. If l>ut .r.l s 'pvciti«' p. >iiit | h * ml»' stole a march u|"m the The first performance of Sells Bros.' t’o arad-'H ani fre-mls of Burnside is applied to the face immediately af­ other towns bv obtaining the K>ok that it should have been ld by T. K. B ilton. ford v i n- undi .’•.■nite id Kith eager Surv 'yor-General Taylor has let a evening from Santa li «sa, where lie finest and most complete show of its '••rv«i on Memorial Day.May 3¡>. fs' i fur tic' ]"i-i'i"ti"f th. fair gr.iumi' The delinquent tax pst reported by within or m ar their ei y limit'. When contract to James P. Curran, of Cot- had liven for two or tline months, He kind ever s«*en in the city. The ani­ The niellila rs of ! lie ¡»ist will hssiiu - 1)1«'promptly at 9 a. in. ’ila» pns'es- the sheriff this y i ar amount «1 to .■s'kl.’il.- Central Point jump. j in and fixed ,ge grove, to make additional surveys sold th» fine span of horses which be mal department has been filled with sion will move promptly at 9:30 a. in. .16. This is a f.-i'l sii'iwing for th" th«' m.liter for I’self by Hulre'ribiug o'i the l.’matilla reservation for allot- drove down from here for S-ibb, wild beasts of every description that )ss>p|e and the tax «"olln tor. Sheriff thrnii .'h i" . Ji.teii' t"r?26io of the men’ purpo.«,'- Th.' first Commission t»> the Grove. Order of »■ xereises: Mr. G. W. Shritier, a brother of Usu­ can lie successfully handled by a trav­ w ho fix«l the bonds of the diminished Bini', y; tortile sum of the dehnqileut 1. Music by tl 1C i»HTni. SKXt i'ti.i’k. Medford <'<>ncllld)-.• • ». L’limr music. lar h i' b.-en Huli'Ci 1K d tii< p’. Jack her»1. l'h»> two brothers thus meet for of the circus. S. F. Journal of Com­ to provide for Hie allotment iil- the OiHi greater th iu year. 4. Kcntlin^ *>rtlers. 'pnville |H'.)|>|)' have 'UbseriK- 1 well, acre' first tune iu more than thirty years. merce, April 27. lo'vedthe Indians. In order to remedy U W. \yers is preparing plans for bill Ashland il •< 'U t take holil at 5. S ÙUUII4 our dea I comra les. tins th" secretary of the interior, under Mr. W. H. Bik“r, wife and daugh­ th** new s.loiMi brick «'hool house to all. A mi'eting t<> perfect organiza­ C. Xiu-sic by the band. Says the San Francisco Chronielr of 7. Addr»‘ss of uelt omv by the I’.»ht l»e bmlt at Montagne. The Montagu«' tion is to li.' held at Jacksonville to authority of an act of «ingress, cbaug«! ter. of Sumner. W. T., arrived in Ash­ the 17th: "There is a general demand land Tuesday, to spend some time the boundaries of the diminished reser ­ seho- >1 ifi'iiiet is to lie lainded in th«' 4 'omth.mder. morrow aftenin. and it is umler- from the traveling public patronizing sum Iran« 1. to timid the s«'!nx>l house. stooil that the asMx'iation is to pre- vation so as to im-lmle the additional here for the benefit of the daughter's the California and Oregon fine that S. Choir mutue. health. 'They are quartered at "The amount of agricultural land r«piired, When the vote was taken the other pa>■ f" f-ui aii - '. u to th*1 ni«'ting of 9. Post «‘Xcrulí'es. 11 st'cond daily ’rain should lie run day ii ; h > ii the q listion not a single tlie di'irict ' H'lety which meets at which audition is to be surveyed by Oregon.’’ 10. Í’rayer. from this city to Portland, the pres­ Mr. Curran. {Oregoniau. ballot was cast agains-t bonding. ij. M um «- l»\ th«* band. Grant s Pass on tin' 3lsi a proposi The Misses Robinson and Carroll ent service being severely taxed ou ac­ 12. Addrebs’by R. v. H. P. Satcb- Certain parties in San Fraucisco i and br. Parent, of Dunsmuir, aud Mr. count of there la-ing so mauy ears 111 'The pri'. ite ear of Slip!. Fillmore tion or bld f >r the holding of the dis *.ll. mid party, of the S. I’., was pull«l in­ triet fair at t ¡e grounds to be selo't- who read our article in last issue of ’ Matherson, of Chico, Cal., came over each tram. By having 11 train to leave 13. Music by the band ‘•America.” to \ i Sutiiiiiy morning with the ed by the county association in this this paper, entitled. “How to Utilize . to Ashland on Saturday evening’s this city in the morning the tax upon 11 Benediction. r«» pas'i-ng.-r. A special engine valhy Grant’s Pass and Roseburg Sawdust,” having liecone interested [ train, ou a visit, returning the next the tram leaving in the evening would !•>. Post wdl re form an I march to took the party south from this plan*. will each put in a proposition, and tn the subject, have writteu to know ■ day. lx. lessen«! very much and tlie rail­ the cemetery and decorate tue Mr. Fillmore was returning to San it is decide.lly uncertain as vet where fnrt her particulars. We were informed I lx. W. Storrer superintendent of the road would lx? Ixmetltted as well as its xr.kVoa of our departed comrades, Francis«» fr . i a six weeks' vacation the district fair grounds will be lo­ by a paper manufacturer in the East Pacific coast division of the Postal patrons.” cate* I. to whom we wrote on the subject, that Telegraph Co., was in Ashland yester­ By order <»f \V. A. P atrick . S. ‘ V. ’■ trit> to th" Eastern s’ates. Commanding Post. it would require a capital of at least day, accompanied by his wife, return­ it. Jj More of the Crew Saved. comstqiieiiee of an attai'hment onnty Jndge J. R. Neil ma u i Slitu.ltiH) to start the enterprise, most ing to San Francisco from a trip to the .Mt “tl: »I. R. C asey . Adjt. E ioese C ity . Or., May 18.—The n property at his planing of which would be expended iu purch­ ■ north. , ■■xamm ■'i i i ■ f t!i>' unfinished Wright t’ir iu . l.i- ^rav-’s «»f b'pa^ mail carrier from Florence, seventy mill by ( ’ . 7 I > >1 ieirhi-1«», which pre- er« ek bniE'' win!" in Yshland 1 «t [ • asing the right to nse certain patented re- <••» ’ uiii •»“ innbttsi. It 1G M rs. Col. Stone, of Yreka, was on miles from here on the coast, brings 'piefetrd that aH donations of Howers Saturday, and it is tinderstiwul that eipita:• 1 titian -ial difficulties. Wm. M. pnx'i'sws, machinery, etc. We have ( . Wwlnesday evening’s train, going to news that eleven of the survivors of Gilroy this vv.ek mmle an asHignmeut the structure will lx* remo-leld and written East to get further informa ­ he at th** Lii’l Ly D oulock. aliti taking >lown the two founda­ forthe benefit, of his creiiitors, James tion on the subject, and Lope to inter­ Josephine county, for a visit at Wilder- the wreck of the Alaskan are now om frieiivlH • ke id! the Howers the> re-built, * tion walls, mid n..iking a solid Clllveit S. Rogers being the assignee. The est capital to start a sawdust paper ville. Her brother aud his wife, from there Their names are unknown. «•¡in to lli»- uvmetvrv. ¡is- m'iliias l.«en doing a good business, pulp manufactory in this vicinity as Ohio, were with her, having come out His account is meager. It is as fol NL iiii.till "■lue U will i*«» p:« n 11 :is r«'oni',nd«l by Str«*’ «>nimis- lows: After leaving the ship they for a view of Oregon. ^g»Fi)|ii •)• the fire which took their ohl early as ¡losaible. | Mott Star. M. !•’. uhu! • i at 2. p. m.. Stindu^^ sn>n> r Patterson in tlie first pin«». tossed in a fearful manner by w'^tnill twoyi'irs iijothe firm, which Mr. M; > 2’». C.imrad *" wiil m****! at Mrs. J. W. Divilhiss, wife of the were \ Raymond A Whit«>mb "Xcirsion great storm, the sea for some Gilroy smx'isxlcl. was under a heavy PEKSONAL. the hall at 2 oclock. editor and publisher of the Montesa­ the party in the Pullman car. “Wanderer,” loa 1. itn 1 some unfortunate happenings breaking over them and con­ W. T., Videttf, arrived in Ashland hours went through Ashlaud northward left him m a bad situation to with- tinually wetting them. They came C.ipt. A. 1). Helman was elected one no. Wtxlntwday morning, for a- visit with Tuesday «veiling. There were three I Ile S) r at. rial Fari». land near (.’ape l’erpetua, aKuit Pullman sleep- rs b- si I..« tins ear in staml a sudden demand and rush. It of the officers of the Grand Encamp­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holburg at the near fourteen miles north of Sinslaw har­ OnSi,’)’rd y ewiiing l:«t a s|x'ei«l the train, thro- or four fast, freight is hoped he will lx» able to make some ment, I. O. O. F. of Oregon at its session upper Dunu farm, south of Ashland. bor, on Thursday, but were unable to tram of tu ■ l’iiilnu n ear' arnvetl in cars, and ttie usu d mimlier of day arrang.-iiu'tit to r.'suine business satis- at McMinnville last week. State Superintendent of Public In­ land their Ixiat on account of the A'hlnnd l. 'iit 7 | in., bearitig thè coach".- and “tourist sleepers,” so the fa.'torily. Mr. li igers will continue W. II. Bryant, Esa., of the Albany struction. E. B. McElroy, arrivtsl from rocky nature of the coast at that for the present ■ (’..».imit’ee . t’• mini) remi Re train can.)'over tlie Siskiyou* iu two to operate theniill -<*■ bar. a brother of T. W. Bryant.has been Salem yesterday morning, to lie pres­ After considering the matter, they lations m:li C;i::., la. Senator Hoar. S-S't lolls. visiting the latter dunngtbe past week. A. F. Shultz submitted to the board ent at the commencement exercises of Concluded to try to swim to the shore. of .Mas'acliusett' i' ehairman of thè Jahn Kerns, of Marion county, arrived Geo. Nutley and s .n lest a valuable of trad«* this vveek a proposition to put with him for a visit with his son Geo. the Ashland State Normal School. All were successful except one poor eieilmittv«'. and thè otio r no :nt.ers are He was to deliver an address at Granite fellow, who, after enduring horrible All.'"II. 1 kilpli. F igli, lini«'. \ .H.rliei ' iio.'.-i' Hie oth> r «lav a tine, gr.i le I’er- inaSJ’kll cannery plant, an I cuter Kerns. suffering for two nightsand three day» Hall last evening. ami Butl ■ . lì,e ì. 't two rei: unetl in clier.m stallion wnieh they h.a I Knight bonds to operate it solely for canning Mrs. Beady, wife of Judge M. I’. purpose«» «luring certain months of on the open ocean, lost his life. tt.e cast. The party oli thè train con l ist year of Jobu L. Grubb for ¿.KI >. each Judge Silas J. Day and wife, and year for five years provided the Deady, of Portland, and her brother During flic time they were out al! <)'ted «>f Senat »rati I Mrs. Hoar. •seri The horse was pl"ket«l out. and K> W. J. Plymale and wife, of Jackson ­ h M»> will give Lima bonus of J. II. Henderson, of McMinnville, spent they had toeat were six cans of peach­ a. rami Mrs. H.ile ami frieud. Mi-.' cam«' tang)«i in the tope, throwing citizens ville, «¡»ent Wednesday in Ashland, lloughton. and''i nators Dolph, Aili- himself lie I’-ii an I vvas held ¿I.K hi . S ibscription pa|x*rs are now several days in Ashland last week. having come up to attend a dinner es. Four of the survivors are at the vvi’h hi* hea l turn«! under his Itody. in cirenlation to pledge the bonus, Th»' latter was convalescing from an given bj Mrs. M. A. Freeland, of tins houses of farmers near the ciqie and xoti uud Fugh. can no doubt be easily raised attack of pneumouia, ami improved are unite ill from drinking salt water, Ile tra.n reiunim «I in Ashland ttiir- Wlien found lie was s' ill alive, but be whieh place, in honor of the 18th wtxbling of which thev were only stopped from U|-.>:i a satisfactory assurance that the rapidly while here. :• niintttes . r more. Senatore Hoar die.I soon afterwanl. They «tusldered business aumversary of Jndge Day and wife. will go through all sqaare drinking unlimited quantities by the j.n.i Fugh ri ni.uni d in thè care S>-n- him wiuth a thousand ■!. liars. Mr. Elw. C. Niendt., a nephew of B. and straight. Mr. .Shull/ Iris capital W. E. Hansen, butcher for Hosley Ar force of the others. j.’oiph, Alllsoii and Itale v. n- Mr. lories, the F«i’’s Cr«'k rocr- enough to make tlie business a success, F. R- i|p i siio .k ìi inds chi'.ut, and anoth t ’u m h id i n »rrow L IS Angeles. Ill ide a trip to Portland with two or tli.-'S' Kepilblierins la re escape from dmwniug i.«t Saturday, and say s I d * is ready to hold up bis eml recently and determined to move to asthma, bad a bad attack last wt'ek. destitute. They ar»' being kindly wiiom l e l.a.l rie :i.i tlien r. .ne i tu Th".v ttempted to er >ss Rogue river of tlie project. »-*«■»»'« that city and start a soap and candle and his daughter, Miss Hausen, came cared for by the fieople of that town. - — from San Francisco to look after The eleventh man is ou his way to i.sik ove» a biineh of 1. *t> rs hi- fonti.1 nt lli'' month of FiHit’s creek, above The Jai’ksonvilla p*'ople w.'re snr- factory there. He was on Saturday’s up awaiting inni fiere. Al!a»"i was m- rhe ferry, iu an ol I crazy-bottom«! pri-«l by attendance at the south tram, returning home to prepare him. She retiirutal to the city by Etlgene and will arrive here Sunday yesterday's train, leaving her father noon trisluced toa nuniKTof |»n|.;< ¡»t ti.e skiff, and the skiff tilld witii water R«l Men'a celebration ami band con- for the move. much improved. «1« |‘ot, and conversi >1 pleasantly with ami left them to • sink or swim, live t)«t at that place last week. 'Tlie |>e<>- Mrs. Baker ami daughter, of La Cha-en Friends. idi <4 tliei.i). Sev«*ral re'idcntsot .Ash or die. survive 1 >r perish.” Fortuuate- ple ti.x'krtl thither m droves till the J. Crit Tolman left Tuesday morn­ Grande, are visiting Ashland, the land km w Inni in lowa many vears ly. they uamag'-l to r-.i -h the ferry town was I'rowilei. it is said, as it nev­ The order of Chosen Friends is a ing for San Fraucisco, en route for his ggo-* «>ue of wlo.Ln was Horace lioot. boat before tic skiff w nt down, and er was K'fore. The ilav was passed guests of Mrs. L. Stacy. Tile lady’s pr. E. I’- Geary, of Medford, who de- pre'sion with all w ho luet Inni ns planation that the bind here lias Ireen years. present, intending to join him some­ 1 last fall t.i leave S mthern Deputy Supreme Councilor, M. P. il l’ie.'iifi’Titial |x>ssib’Jity, Ile ls forili so shaken up recently by loss of tnein- time during the summer. Light, of S m Francisco, with 23 mem­ nate in thè p<«Pession of a tempera­ Oregon i»u«J settle in T.icmi.i,. foumi I hts . ab—'tine of Us leader ami failure Advertising manager S. H. Barrett, E. F. J. J. Ottarson, the Los Ange­ bers. The name is Fidelity Council. meli! whieh nttr.u-ts personal friend- hia interests iu this vail* y to lie so to practice t h it it did not feel tb it it of the coming circus, was in town Mon­ promising that he doubt«! the wi-l an les txx'iner who collected sorns fun is Following are the officers ami mem- shlp. «>ill*l enter the coutest. in justice to day witii his sumptuous private car. in an abilit y an.1 S. O. U. II traveling for a paints and oils house Hughes, M: Mra. Ella Million. W; T. northwn.r.l next morning aKiiil ** o’ Ills skill is a practitioner: and it is a matter of interest to the whole of ••lie' there Eli, ’ Granite Hall. Juno now E. Zoellner, G; D. L. Beever, S, Dr. x'l«x'k. A s, «aal ic'etiug of the S • "i"ty of South-rn Oregon, ns Dr. Geary’s Bargain Hunters to-morrow at 1>. R. 6th. Mr. H. E. Speucer. of Spencer creek. Songer. Me.], Examiner; J \V.«». Greg s,ri.p i Ig- stss-i il study aud .skill us an ocvtihst At E. V. Mills. The important busi- T. E. Zoellner and Mrs J. W. Customer to real estate agent. What Klamath county, was in Ashland the ory, I’risltirni troia th. laxative and nutrì have i.. en of gre;i* value to this part nes.ii ia to tak.> adv mtage of their low fore part of the’ week, after supplies. llockersmitl», tiu«teea; C H. Lnder- is tile best investment yon know of to. turns juice ot California tigs, e iinbiin il of th.' state. He has stuvesslnily da) ' E. E. man ithinkiug of family He rejHKte crop prospects of all kinde man. 1». H. Hawkme. W. M. Sclirayer. with tue medicinal virtues oí plants trented many■ ea.- -s of disc sc of the prie«» on -.hoes. Oj>en meeting. known to he't K a* tic.¡it to tic Lu­ ey.-. and perforiiK'd a number of deli­ matters., Those Bradlev 4- Metcalf to lie first-class in his neighborhood. Mrs. G. 1' Mi'C'iuneli, Mrs. Wm. Pat­ man system, lets ir-ntly ou tin- kidney-,, liOKX school shoes at D. R. Ar E. V. Mills'. ♦ His youngest son, Fred, who was hurt terson. Mrs. 11. C. Ludertnan. Mrs. by a"rock-blast explosion more than a I). L. Beever, Mrs. W. M. Schrayer. liver slid iH.wels, » thetually c!iaiis>ng cate operations upon that organ which Hats ami caps al cost at O. H. vesr ago. has never fully recover«!, The council will meet in Masonic hall the system, disja llmu colds and bind nre not attempted except by thus»' who II V El: —111 \.t Kti.l Mai l-"i to Mr and XI r> Alito 'peni el ■ictus, and curine habitual constipation have m id«' a specialty of the eye. Blount’s. even Momlay evening. and is still disabled for hard work. \SHL AND 1 ’I DINGS BitEA «TIES. Xccruloglcal. Mr®. 1; is» mu Casey, mother of J. R. Ci-ey of the Ashland Woolen Mills, de d at the home of the hitter in Ash­ land hist Friday, May 17th, after a long lilmtu-: aged 74 years, 3 mouths and 11 days. Five years ago she was stricken with paralysis, and since that has ls?en much of the time almost helpless. For some months past she has required J ol rivaling in s. tablie medi, cibi' king» of the country. ::ul va.lou r urn on hiving been ar >un t to lu .«<1 that In l.aa »truck it big. an ioamincr n p«r.iT was d< tailed t" un.-art'i the .-an». . and aft) r rnuTi diHienl*« ■ nr»v)-',*d ' .. l-tiowing «tor« li.-C) . s nit ■ vol: ea sa . ■ a . gli. a l>by»i<'ian. a ,r)-»t »indent of botany. Itxn'ol ir t :: ,ra. 1. v-.a.* .. t ) at. »i'..a:.ù y< 1 *h)- w «, ■ th • * V.i » « t > hi.a altra) l>sl n little attenti)).*!. IL* atu-evn» « nasi to be m the treatment f l.v r a:.d kidnty iltxvbT' and vili:it>-.l Iduo i. 1 i : .<1 1. » ability t • • op" with thr«)* common complain’- wa» marvel, u» H*' » snupl. and so well under bumely ev.ry lav names to every echie.l l*-y a» t«» en­ tirely d.H»i.rate tin- auspiei. n that they ecre tbe active pilncipl '.l:V"i\ed s*. certain, however wa» Mr. Joy that he had diacovered the Heer-1 that In- >mbodied the new element» in a preparation I Hareapanlla t*. di»gm»e 1h*- taste, an.i put it :•■!")" hl«. neVoiuer» under tl.- n. m V «I ua'uc « J >y’e Veg.-tabi* sAmapanll». th., -anr- marvelous »b rie» came ba.-k of >1» »st >ui«t»ing effe. t». and the myeterv w.u> el. :.nd th. t ,1k il ha» 'reale I has »¡rea * a i»"l it t • »tep luto proiuineuce. aud older- i-iur *u daily from all over the cutft and thus another California iu«iu»try hap» .uto existen. e.—s' F. f'rammtr. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson county. Peter Britt, plaintiff, vs. Martha Edy and John Edy, defendants. Whereas, on the 3d day of April, ! 1889. in the above named oourt a I jndgineut was rendered in favor of | the alxjve plaintiff, and against the above named defendants, for ¿1,419.17 with interest thereon from said date i of judgment at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, and ?130 attorney's fee, and the further sum of 837.28 costs, which judgment was enrolled and dix'keted iu the clerk’s office of said court on the 7th day of April. 18S9; therefore By virtue of an execution in fore­ closure issued out of the above en­ title«! court in the glaive named cause on the 13th day of April, 1*X9, I hi-ve levied upon the hereinafter descrilxxl real property of defendants, to satisfy the judgment aforesaid, and the ad­ ditional costs and accruing costs upon this writ: and will offer for sale for cash m hand to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Jacksonville, < Iregon, on Saturday, ? • May 25tli. at 2 o’clock P. M. of said day. all the right, title and interest of said Martha Edy and John Edy, defendants, in and to the said property, to wit ; The N E ‘q of section 7, aud the 8 E ‘4 of section 6, in township 36 S, R 1 west, W. M., situated in Jackson county, Oregon. Witness mv hand at Jacksonville. Or., this lltli day of April. 1889. J ames G. B iedset , Sheriff Is Stylishly dressed until she has a paii of neat fitting Shoes Fit like Laird, Schober & Mitchell’s, and Bradlev & Metcalf's Assignee’s Notice I » ■ In these goods is now complete in all sizes and widths B to EE OUR PRICE Are marked in plain figures. You can buy as cheap as your neighbor. <• D. R. & E. V. MILLS ml * YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by Purchasing from MORAL BROS Main St., opp. Postoffice, Ashland, Oregon. Our stock having been replenished with all seasonable goods, it is complete in all its branches. Dry and Fancy Goods, Ladies’ and Children’s Straw Hats, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets & Window Shades. i Ladies’ Beaded Wraps; very cheap. Lace Curtains at reduced prices. Ladies’ French Kid Shoes at $2,50 a pair Being* connected with a large store in California, we get all goods from first hands and can save you from 15 to 20 percent on all your purchases. We are constantly receiving new goods and can fill any order promptly. Remember the place, MORAL BROS, Main Street, ASHLAND. Opposite the Postoffice OREGON SAMPLES Sent on Application. COUNTRY ORDERS tajlly Jta« t« . I h