A > Medfor-i Items. ASHLAND TIDINGS. FRIDAY... MAY J4. 1*K* cDlTOHlAL MOTES AMD NEWS The lat«*»t cabinet gossip incident h- Miller's rumored elevation to the supreme bench leaves Tracy at the bead of th«* navy department anil gives the attorney generalship to the Pacific slo|>e, Morri» E»t«»e or possibly John F. Swift. People from the Sound tell us the »treat I mhiiu which has been a repeti tion at Tacoma ami Seattle of the Southern California suburban town lot craze i him flattened out. and prices have dropped materially. The federal c»vil-service e-uniuw- aion, as completed by the appoint ment of Theodore Roosevelt anil Hugh S. Thorn)»*>n as associates of Mr. Lyman, ia better in point of abili ty and more friendly to the reform thau it has ever been under the pres ent law President Harrison deserves credit for putting the direction of this system in the handsof its friends. N.Y World, ¡'.a Jacksonville Brevities Thu gram! lodge ropr-vnintatives, |. <>. O. F. have returue-l home ami re Mrs. EiL Wilkinson >s visiting her port a splendid tlmv Hl tile |>ros|>eroiis city of McMinnville. parents al Jacksonville. Mrs. (’hurl,-. Nickell, the estimable W. H. Leede, of tin- l tiuNos. was Is still in Medford a abort time last Moi: ni.iy. wife of til«' «»lltor of th*' serioiiidy HL ami her many friemls ar«- Joseph Hughes, of Si-kiviai county. l»s-omiug exlretin-lv anxious ns to the Cal., was in town Tile» lay on a i>usi- termination ot tier <ii».-ns«-. nees visit. (’apt. T. B irivs. a S»nth»-rn Work is fust progressing on Jas. Oregon pioneer nn<i Mexican war Rol»-rts uew bouse in tti-' southern veteran, *h»*ti at the rebhivuce ot’ Jam» h part of town. A. Wilson ia>t .S.itnioij . after an 11!- Frank Galloway purchased the Har ! h * m ^ of two anti a half years duration. ris property on C stoat this week. Chris. Ulrich, an enterprising citizen Tiie pins* pan! was j?'2l»»i. of this pla<x\ will ?-> »n h»‘4JTi the man- H. C. Kinney, (teucral manager of ufact¡ire an i exportation of furniture, nnprovtsl the S. P. 1». ,V L. Co., was in town and has purchased the 1 mavhtuery tor planing mill. etc., and this w«s-k on a business visit. ljiui-lcis materud will a^itin l>e ubLuuu- Mr. l!i iggs is opening a Gents fur l»l * in the town of Jacksonville. Sue- nishing estnbllsumeiit ill Jackson *V cet-s to the uew enterpris •. Dam -u’s biiil-liug ou Cstreet. l>r. B. M. (till, a physician of Messrs. L. L. Aug!«* and A B. attainmoDts, who has I rm u a success Brook» have made several trips np to ful practitioner in this place for several Ash)ami within th«- past week or two. \cars. L hs ren»<*\t*d with bis family t«» Jos. Patterson inui Rufus Cox have Klamath City. Siskiy<»n county, ('.»I. each purchased a new “Advance” The l»r. who is a < t A. K. veteran, will tbrudlier of the ageut, Mr. A. Slocum. find warm friends and appreciable patruns wherever Christian worth and l'b«* t.-< w M. E. Church is be.ug ra|>- medical r»kdl are nt a premium, il«* idly pushivl to completion, imd wiil Is* and his most estimable family ar** a ready for iu the near vain iblv acquisition to the most retin*»d future. social circles and we reluctantly part with them. I some' r con Kxliibit ill Th«- M. E. church building is la-ini raiMsi and improved. ASHLAND SATURDAY, JUNE 15 BEAR YE! ». A. Dav, Cleveland. i| the tir»t two uioulhs in l'« HU- lllllld- the executive office, by but an insig nificant twenty in the matter of four- yeurs aj.|>>>intmeiits Y'.'t. acconiing t .the Mugwump organa, Pr.-saL-ut Cleveland Was a Civil Service Befortn er, while President Harrison is not W hat a humbug tin» »o-called R form 1». and what a prts'ious lot of hy)»> erites the Miigwum)« arc. I >111 i. 1111g ■ •I I’ll R. 1‘. Ann mil «iu.u it W in. I • -mil H. Hull. n democratic prt'dei'eeeor, line, it i- aaitl, discovered gigantic frauds in star rout«- contracts that were to have ta ken effect July 1. Th«-se involve in aggregate ov«-r il5i,ism. The chief clerk in the attorney-general’s office is now- m work u|»m the evidt-ne«-, the publication of winch will add new sig niticanc«' to the “stop thief shout of reform which was the watchword, if not the war cry. of th«- I. t adnnni- • tr Aioli. |< iregonian. M.o EVERYTHING m Whisp Mr. I a num' pumps a deep Pis. ,V Co brick m arly kiln turned which are nil rroni Sani-ui. S am F rani tuo. May 20. l’he steam er Rockton arrived to-day fr :u Apii with four h i nd r«»i and wv-nt surviv ora of the S.nnoan liiir ne.me. nielli i illg tW.-U'y-tWo r-t wo olii olli -ejs. .She left A) May 1st and on the following «1 pasta' I a iwn-of-war sii|i|>os«sl to ba iss'iithe A.ert. The Kocktou pro-w ml direct to Mare Island. \ Al.i.EJo, Ca!., May 2H. I’ll«'steamer K>s*ktoii arrivisl st 2 p. m. tixlay. ami was greet«-«* with cheers as she pass.,I the receiving ship Independence. The baud on the ILw'kton playeil in res- I>ouse to t h** cbis-niig, “Home, Sweet Home." The Adams*. Pinto’s, MeAr- tbiir s and Hassler’s men re.s|s>nded in like inanuer. as the llockton )»iss<s| np the stream in or ler to make a landing alongside, the quay. The steamer has on boar-j 2!M» m- n Is'loiiging to the Treutoti, four of rhe Nipsic men, and 141 of the Vamlaiia’s, tieside»21 offic, Tills d,»u not complete the num!>-r wreck«»! men. as about 75 men still main at Apia, l liey wiil arrive on the uext steam.-r. The men report a p! ■.«.»- ant trip up. The men siiil ri-maiuing at Apia are all in tirst-'l.i»a eon tition. the sick persona, uunilieritig «l>>ut 20. having I»»*11 placed on th- It > kton and brought home, and the men will tie qiiarten»i on th«' Iu.ie|M'mleuce. I’hey are in charge ot Capt. Farquhar. l ue officers anil men remaining at Apia be long to the 1’r-uton. All the guns of th«' wreck«»! v««ssels have l»*en sav«»i. V ai . liuo , May 20tb. A numlier of guns sav«»l from the wreck were bmnght here by the IvK'kton. and un- load«*«! at the uavy yar.l. The rescind int'u compl un bitterly of the accoiiimoil.»tiun and food fur nished them during the voyage on lioaril the IwM'ktou. S an F rin < ts « i >. May 20. The fol lowing statement ot affairs at Samoa is made by Captain Farquhar: "The N i | muc is hi port awi.iting the Alert, to l>e couveyeil to Aukland for repairs. The English man-of-war Rapid was al so in Apla. Eighty of the Trenton’s otlii'ers and men wen- left Isduml t« finish wr«»'kmg the •• Ir-hton and Van dalia. All quiet. The native armies are disbanding in «'ous.-queuce ot n proclainatii.u i-*u.»l by Admiral Kim- iierly advising »»'.ice. Al! are anxious ly awaitiug the result of the Berlin con ference. Famtue exists nuioug the ua fives on account of th«' destruction of crops during the rts'ent hurricane. It would l>e charity to send them bread at once. The famine will last alsiilt three inolitl IS. 'dAEi’.tl. NEWS line of the bamiils wii.i ambusli-'-i ami robl>ed pay m ister Wham's party in Arizona has liven captured near Saliifitsvtlle, A. T. It is stated that l,7lill soldiers are uow in the cordon surrounding th. rol »tiers, with twenty ludían »nuts trailing the bmdlts. Lewiston, May 20. The trainmen on the first train over the ('anadian Panties new line through the North ern Maine backwoods bad an exjieri- euce which left them blister,»1. weary and disgust«»). The tram was brought to a .had stop in the w.nsls by millions ofcaterpili rs. winch took a fancy to craw! on the ralis and detted ev> ry de vice essayed for removing them until another l<ss»motive was sent to the re**'m". Moreover. droy«w of hungry moe<)UitiM'S swoo|»si down on the tram men ami drank th*‘ir bh»»i. 1 lie cat erpillars covered t ho rails for eleven miles. Mr< E. (’. P* mother of Mrs. Grover Cleveland. w : im married last Monday ni^ht to Henry E. Perrine of N. Y .. ai Jackson. Mich. Chicago. May I'J. Two gray wolves, a mountain lion mid a panther had a brief spell of Warty, and for ati hour explored the streets of Chicago last night at their will. As the wagons be longing to a circus were crossing the railroad tracks a |>aMehger tram struck one of the vehicles loaded with wild auimals and smashed it to atoms. The atiimela finding themselves hl-rated scattered in all directions. After n long chas.- and a vigorous use of whips and iron bam the animals were finally Captured without anybody being harmed. The injuries of the driver on the wagon were M-rious bill not fatal Washington. May 20. President Harrison has quickly "sat down" upon all suggestions to Sunday conferences at tlit' White House. When lie first took [MstSt-ssiou of the office he now occupies some of his friends. With tile habits of Ins immediate predecessor iu view, and forgetting President Har rison's character. asked to have an in terview ou Sunday. Th.-fpresident ad mitted some of them for intercourse, but wheu they br.>ache<i i-ohtics there was an end to their con vernation. General Harrison has never dis cussed politics or business ou Sun day. and is not inclined to begin it at this time. es|ieei.illy when be lias to live on it six days and nights iu the week. Thos ■ wlio liHVe had the hardi hood to attempt to s|>eak of official matters when they caught him on the streets going to or from church have not mentioned their rebuke to thetr friemls. Quite a number of times politicians have l>evii received at the White House ou Saturday nights to talk polities», but their conference has luvariubly ended with the week day. t egelahle Plants. The undersigned lias for sale a large nutulier of •'abtMige. tomato ami swi-et potato plants grown here, nil thrifty and of g<«id varieties. Apply at resi dence on Almond street, or at store of Minkler .V S >n. next <l-»>r to poatoffii-»*. Ashland. J. H. Stowe. t ni 11 iei ¡se stock of clothing Hl Cost at U. H. Blount's * At Cost Ix'.'ll in M rane Sisk o ti sut r FIVC NEW ÄND EXCLUSIVE ACT? Fcatv DREAM n¡T.r]n¡ la'. Imi. ’íl a JOCUND AND JOLLY CLOWNS! It Wl.l .1 I I »♦* tic Ev I HiULL.NG and ELECT ilFY,NG AE RIAL ACTS! I Mrs. .n.d i lentleii Largest aaà Bast Monagorio tmv mg SPACICUÙ circus rings O BRILLIANT LIRCUS OlICAHIZATIÜNS-J 3 —V ASTOTHdlNC. BEWILDERING ANÙ INEXPLI Crackers 65 cents per box. Other Grocers charge 85 cents Rolled Oats, 17 lbs. for $1. Other grocers give you 13 lbs. King of Soaps, $1.25 per box. Other grocers charge $1.50 per box. Cream Wheat, 20 cents per package. Other grocers charge 35 cts. pkg. Cocoanut 25c per lb. Other grocers charge 40 cts CABLE METEDHiC SUPHISLS Free Street Parade m ••*ntnn H ¡II I TiiEtiM.i IIIPI’O’illihlE «.i F. H. Ko» num. ship)» class lumia' freight. Sinei a little over I sold over ¡O ii . iii »I tina place. TRIPLE CIRCUS R- V. E. Me Lea church, w ill pre; mon next Snuda illg las-n agreed ehu relies. On M will go to < ¡rant" memorial cerei ill UU' Grants Pas- of M.-sere. and i ,. y n niarln b!y i-.fe •like, ; C< HUp-'.l iy. m th** play of "Bn i. th \\ Blip •'Tior in the 1 1 i 9| ; ¡li meni t *> any b.ir.'l-e a^r«'^. ation he h us seen. -ir show t aleut” b e couc* oded. pat run Z<» It, KlVe the b.i 1 ll-h’o| wide b. ■rtli .md k «ep th- money e- ilium mit V, Equestrian and Gynniic Art 111 Fan* from Ash lami t > K.no by A>h latid- L mkville st ■*g«-. í*5; by A .’er , cars S «. mid »t; I Puri;:It THE Co KT. BEASTS. BIRDS and REPTILES Phoenix Items. ,u rs. « 1. N. Ynd-rs iii is s.-riouslly M^ain nine to r»*- ie drug »lore, bav- ill, but port«»! as improving soin... mu a Bcvere ill: a**ss. u hat. Mr. S n-l S.itnniav from b\ .s lieen alt ♦•nd- Stewart l)li<i’tte for se'rcral 1 .. 1 ;vi»e H V an 1 • eff**c(s. Th« G. A. IL an* , n>: ikintt extet ¡sive that *»f preparai ions for hot h memorial and fii< »r.t It« decoruliou services, tiie former will «»>n»i»t of a union of all the churches ig a r-.-M-i n*-.* in rnoenn. hi tin* Belli.my Pr«*lotenan church Born A I 1st. to Mr. I Airs. L. Sunday evening. A .. 11.,».*, a daughter. Howard’s express team rati a-i ly Mesura. 1Uniteli. Phillip M.illm and Saturday an I in the eaiuuig - x 'il- - e.-e Ad Ilins sti-rted last Sunday for metit a tiors-- l»'.-.im*' frighten- I -n i trau.i-- ir ‘'pnnj- iij (he »Siskiyou thri-w its riiier, alitile girl, injuring ioii ’ i : uns , vi i li.-nb'V. to stP iid some her slightly. ô€€R ¡ h THE ABSOt.t'TE ANI» OXI.Y EUREKA OF CANVAS DISTINGUISHED PERFORMERS EVER ASSEMBLED. GREAT RAILROAD SHOWS »I As J.VER Century in CotCnibOrg K X* i\\ X Advance it?8. K-tic. We Hr«* inform«! that J II. Gr will io«*ats Ins new I»>rt.-|bl-' saw i on the ti lt a little ls-i - w tl ins town, th«- pr«*sent. 1 lie se-'tlon boss, Mr. M-Doi I Hi has lately lieen making so merits on the track in G li H citizens hav imr tli»« rtlur Show* on Earth 2 ••i'»ititi«*. <iv<M J4 ng ami Brilliant *-en tmlization *»f Sterling and World-endorsed Entertainments. BIGGER BND BETTER TH \N WRESTLERS, BOXERS k And Gladiatorial Combatants, in friendly rivalry. V , -.N z' ; ■ \ -x; Newly Planned Elevated Stages Chariot Races. Roman Standing Race». Flat Races and Joeky Ra ces, I’.' exjiert and daring lady mid gent leinen Jia-key» and < ’hanoteere. iere lias just be«‘ti coll«s '.«sl I .’.iteil S*at«-s government o nil war elaiuis of Oregon, Fd lin» p iym nt is pi.ict;'.iiiy in full I claims for . ir.ied. liier.' are a su. ill claims yet rmr lining lint e wall ii I mi l»< forwnreded win n >.-r vouchers are ns'eived. Ilústrate the wonderful nmonnt of « un b!i»m«'s;ñ t 11 it 1 had to lie trans- :<»l m r-bitn.•n to > this matter, it may Rt iteti timt duri ing lb«' year 1MN8. - IV-HIV pom ib.i >f official p i)»-rs and í'.iíiient» l>eai on these war claims r** forward«.» I fr rein state il<‘- riment u> W -;sbii Tm'lv S.mi ■ al hat p u. 1 off list of 1’if-ii .»«»rv.ii its 5 in ths All the a> knnuk‘¿¿c.i a- t ......... Champions of the Circu W* IRLI). “Ti e Children’s Dream of fai y Land \ d lightfu: episode <»f ikiilv Spcclacular PROCESSION M VI' HI.»ss HERD OF ELEPHANTSI C hari , km »< And if you don’t see what you want »e une. Hist r< 3torlLig anú Xlapre-aaenUa ATTRACTION ' Grette*!. Gratulen tini M«wt Htu- PeiidiMiK TENTED EXHIBITION ri.i'L-r . If von want innin apply to 1.1’. Boyd of the Pa* i- tttnl Life, Itest in the world. in Elie Oregon. ASK FOR IT ’ i Vamk vilh an<| Novel Eutertainmeut MARVELOUSLY EDUCATED < >n Sunday l ist. <_ people from Sun’s \ Hill, and also from Central eluding the brass band, me river ala>ve this town for a pie a good time was not enjoyed, ■ weather, the logition, and the g- surroundings were not at fault. Ve Have Seven Difani Lines o! UNPRECEDENTED SPECIAL FEATURES. Hur riaiiiv lk-l»>y ami Si-wart l; iv- r---i. -ved li the building formerly o-'eupi.sl by B «»hör an i Williams. 2 Other Shows Combined. Marricl l.'.’li At den.*e of the brid<-'s mother. 11V lè v. B. M -G-aii. Mr. C. O. Morgan and Mi Mattie Long, of M- rlin. I in- happy couple took th-- Monday ei- mug train for Port Townsend, where Mr. Morgou is in the real estate business. GoM Hill Notes. »it «i inni proudly pia» » 'I 1»vfor< the peo p.e b the apt cons<i|i<1ation of the rrlEHCMtUAl STACE SENSATIONS ANO Howard .V l.iyton’s new brick hard ware store 1« i>-ing pmii-’l ah- las rapidly as 1 ill. ENTERTAINMENTS! THE GREATEST CORP" OF A Mr. Laidlaw, an «»bt- roi Anz >n . basls-en in town for the past w,» I . looklug up the newsp iper interests of Ibi» pia«-»*. i’ll«* baisi laiys will give a stra ami ice-cr< am supper at Musi, May 25tb. If you don’t believe this read their posters see for yourselves. i Yreka. Friday, June 14 Eugene City, Monday, June 17 Red House Ashland