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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1889)
r TIDING ASHLAND ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. AV. II. LEEDS Publisher. Terms ot Subscription: tine copy, one year........................ $ '• " six months..................... Ì " " three mouths................. I'!ub Rates, six copies for........... 12 terms, in advance. TV x 2341 ASHLAND TIDINGS ASKLAND TIDINGS Editor und r Fisher iiO 50 ,5 M FRIDAY. MAY VOL. XIII rn rii i DIRECTORY I VALUABLE STAT»: <>K OKEOON. bi «'111 ; Senator. Riuevr Hermann ConKre««man Sylvester Governor «.u »r4. XV M. Brido Secretary of Mate G. A Webb tale Tre»«urvr E B. M« Elrov Supcrii’tvmient In«truuti«»u I < i nk State Printer K * -trai an z William P. L .rd / Suprrm»* Judtfe« W. W Thayer > F1K-I JI I>b i %i. t»i*ri:i4 T. I i: XV h-ter. Cir. uit Judge W M • »hi2’ Distrh t Attorney L.»r Ja< K- >u. Jo*cphin«*, Lake and Klamath eoiuiliv«. I l. K-«»N t‘»| N I Y. Senator A. r. sr»nh‘jr J. T. B.....lih h * K.-po-viifalhe- K. A. Milter \V IL Price Cnuufy Judge J. K Seil. W iiliaiM Km * tvimni-M.-nvr» I u T»vlor Countv Clerk M»v Mulier Sheri fi’ J G Kii.i«cv Treaaurcr K 11. M kmnv A « m ** mjt J M rhildvr« * bool Mipcnntendent II H Mitchell surveyor J. «s. IL. a »rd C»>ruuer i»r. K Pryee J a M! INK ’ ‘»I NTY. .Ii.inf "t Drttor. W ' I laii . Ke|»re»ciit«tiye. < . I < o.inty Judge, V. <’<4vig; < ..;.tiiH”b»iier,*., J HaiiTth Mini P. liMH-eti; k. « K <’lo . SheritT, M M4»««; 1 i 'irvr. J. A. Jeuiiing'. A*M?MM»r, I*. - U4H.1 >ui»eriutendent, W. A. Mnsjde; e).K, XV \ .indvr«; <*ur»>librt Dr. y ?» h » xmii . »LAM1TU colNTX. 1 Lr Scuator, <* A. i’»»g'’wvll, of Lak»*; s. P 4»f Lake I'ounty ; ’* w ” Mt»**; <*4.muii'- iouvr«. XX • At- I a i<i I »'• Ke*ter; clerk. A. L. Lvnv i.’ st..* lit. M I t hibi -r*; Trv»Mtirei, Ch««. « h :\ c > \ --«»r. Job n MHM’t. *• Ibn»! >uper- i■> ■ »I, p. i\»u!i »iii; SiirvvYor, J. B Grlf- • • «» »ner, J Siemen-, I.A kF. < .»I NTV. J • ; ■ *« nat.»r C V < i»u-wuil. »»f Lake; I; ... »in .v e. < P M..-' < »»unt) Ju<Ue. X\ \ XXii'iiiru. ♦ ■..iniui'-'btncr«, H L. Sherhiek >*;i<i Wiliam Battle): ’ lerk, XX I . B«»yd; - .• nt!, XVii;«.4in ’ aril. I rea-urvr, A MuCal *< i.ool Mipertntendenf, A H. Ei-her. ÎF FROM $225 TO $1000. \\ I I i Gambetta and Hector. near town. .100.00* < H er Two Acres near town. 550.< io. W. C. M yer . April I th. ISS’.E MEETIN«. UF COI RT*, KT« . The Bank of Ashland G. F. BILLINGS. ASHLAND OGN Paid Up Capital, $50,000.00 Job Printing Of al! descriptions done on short no tioe. Legal Blanks, Circulars, Busi uess Cards Billheads, Letterbeads, l’oet lent, etc., gotten up in good style at ilving prices. OX SCRIP BOOKS- REDEEMING AKIO LAXOS. The Reward of Genius. The New Jersey man who bit upon IS. F. I'hrouhle.i Following is the poem by John G. Bill Aye Itelates III* Fxperl.iice for a the idea of attaching a rubber erasing Kxmler's Rrnefff. Whittier, read at the Washington cen- Senator Stewart made a very strong tip to tbeeml of a lead pencil is worth tennial celebration in New York: A <• »i reap >n lent writes from Pensa point in favor of the redemption by $2o0,o00. The miner who invented a The sword was sheathed; in April'« sun cola, I'la.. asking uhat is perfection or the government of and lands, in reply metal rivet or eyelet at each end of Lay green the fields« by Frrr<i<»m won; the nearest perfection iu a scrap book, to a question asked him by Senator the month of coat and trousers pock Ami severed section«, weary of debates. Joined hand« at iaM und were I’nitcd State* also «¡esiiiug to know my own exper Stanford. The question was in refer ets to resist, the strain caused by the ience ill scr ip Ixioks, if 1 ever had any. ence to the relative cost of clearing carriage of pieces of ore aud heavy O City sitting by the Sea’ A Fcrcp b‘H>l; get ••rally is like a di ami irrigating lands, and .Senator Stew tools, has made more money from his Ho\v uroiid the day that dawned on the* ,. ary; you Begin to keep it with extreme art stud that he was told in Wash letter patent than he would have made lieu the new era. long deaked. liegan, And. in its need, the hour bad found Um t’xulx r.tuee, aud you gradually tlag ington Territory that it always Cost as bad he "struck” a gold vein of gold- ìqau ! i.i-<1 dicker out aud llutumix, as one much as $10o an acre to clear timber bearing quartz. Everyone has seen One thought the cannon salvos «¡»okc uiixbl say. land there, xvhereas a fair estimate of the metal plates that are used to pro The reaonaiit I>cli tower'« vibrant str«>kv, 1 liegau simply by orderiug from my the cost of reclaiming desert lauds tect the heels nn<l sole of rough sboee, Tiie koiteful streets, the plaudit-echoing congressman an edition de luxe of the would lie from S3 to $10 au acre, Iu but everyone doesn't know that with- halls. And prayer« and hvmns born heavenward rrjuitiJliir commissioner of educa addition, be Baid that an acre of ir- in-ten years the man who hit upon from rit. Paul's! tion. bound in plain muslin aud IxHirds. rigated laud is worth double what an the idea has made $250,000. As large How felt the lami in every part Taking u volume of this kind to my acre is worth that has to depend OU a sum as was ever obtained from any The strong throb of a nation's heart, airy suit of It ill bedroom au I wo xlbox raiufall. invention was enjoyed by the Yankee As the great leader gave, with reverent aue, of the Blue Figs of His pledge to I'niou. Liberty and Law? with the keen blade of a butcher knife Let us take these figures aud see to who invented the inverted glass bell ive and nutritious, That pledge the heaven« above him heard. I cut out tun leaves and left a third what they lead. Suppose there are to hung over gas jets to prevent ceil virtues of plants That vow theslwii of centurie« atirred; all the way through without marring 20.000,000 acres of Government laud ings from being blickeued by smoke. In world-wide wonder listening people« I» -n the general of the book. This > that could lx; made valuable and salea A simple thing. Yes, very. Frequent Their gaze «ni Freedom’s great experiment. i ««ive room for [lasting excerpts aud ble by irrigation. This would cost ly time and circumstances are wanted ■ other literary g»-ms. most of which re $*200,000,000, and the first cost would la-fore an invention is appreciated, but Could it succeed? Of honor sold And I d >pes deceived all, history told. ferred to myself, aud prevented that have to be Ixirtte by the National Gov patiegee is frequently rewarded, aud A took v I hu- wrecks that strewed the mourn general fullness which would have re- ernment, as no association of individu richly rewarded, too, for the inventor ful past. std’ed liad I not done so. Was the long dream of atre* true at last als and no state could dare to under of the roller skate has made $1.000.- Whenever a paper referred to me I take it. But when the work is com 00*». notwithstanding the fact that bis —*i Thank (iod! the |»eople's choice was Ju«t, i bought Some copies, aud, having sent plete the laud which was worth noth patent had nearly expired before ths The one man equal to his trust, Wi>e beyond lore, aud without weakness , one to toy «liar one, 1 carefully cut out in its natural state becomes worth fnan value of it was ascertained in the craze go >< 1, _ — C*1 w $100 lw per ucre, and is readily for roller skating tliat spread over the w> - 4AT- < alm in the strength of flawless I the excerpt from nuolber copy and $20 to pasted it, by lueirns ot aorne loud and marketable for in very many of the country several year» ago. The gna- PURE bloqt ;,' ' .V --------marketable, His rule of juatif’«. order, j»ea<re. i REFRESl ¿K *. «LEEP, M ajU pilule ihoaru-M'* relsawa. g. _ 18X1,1 ------------ ------------- aite is'all m F all let pointed screw has produced more <iwtrteur ’rtff’BHmtfte TnttCnt prime end st-rf ttint power b but ft a ll 3 b Itmte fir ’ thnf hn A ao ILA nn.7 tm tempta- wotOfb that cnnl.l could be desired and I the wealth H.*w> than -...,1 most cilv.,r silver I..:,,Aa mines, ,.,..1 and HEALTH and STRENGTH trust. lb'j report b of Ibe eommisisionerof ed- tion to buy would lie very great. the Connecticut man who first thought rule alone which serves the ruled i- iieation v,r li paiagr.ipbs in which it Naturally follow. Every one is using it And just; The effect of this• scheme would lie of putting copjier tips on the toes of ami all are debghte I with it. Ask your was stabs! with more or less typo not only to virtually create new land, children's shoes is as well off as if be Freeilmn generous is. l»ut strong nq* 1 i*.r SY RUF OF FIGS. Manu- That graphical iliacnirci-y that 1 was "in la but« of fraud and svlti-h wrong also to remove the pressure from bad inherited. $1,000,0110, for that is f. uted only by the town un i quartered i? Riley’s hotel,” blit 1‘retens«. that turns her holy truths to li< - the timber lamls of the Government the amount his idea has realized for lawless lieeuse masking in her gills«* urtiiat 1 was "on our streets,” or that aud make the preservation of our for him iu eold, clammy corn The com CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. And I "shook I. mis with fri'-n I ’i-re yes- ests a much easier matter than at pres mon needle-threader which everyone l.ittul of hi- love' with one glail voice lx-t thy great si-’« rhood rejoice; t.erday,” or that I w.ts "attomling’tii • f. ••• * w. K . A « entui >suu o’> r the«* has risen and set quarterly conference in town,” and ent. A settler would not hesitate has seen for sale, and winch every wo And. Go«l la- prai-ed. we are one nation yet. long la-tween irrigated land at $20 or man owns, was a boon to neeiUe-ust-ra. many otuer huileiueuts that would lie even $30 an acre, which was ready for It is not at all intricate and any fif Aud -till, we trust, the years to he invaluable as i ‘ Lieiic,-., in future -I all prioe his hope a a.- destinv. cultivation, and tunlier land which teen year old l*>y might have thought years. I also bad a n.i: L larg r book I.«*avtng our flag with all its added star« would cost him $1(10 an acre to clear, of it. but he didn't. The man who in Uiirent by faction mid unstained t.« wars' in which I kept the adverse criticisms iu addition to the first cost of his land. vented it has au income of $10,000 a of the press, paragraphs in winch I I.*.' where with patient toil lie uur.-eil Should the plan of redeeming arid year from ins invention. Few inven A u<l trained the new -et plant at first. was alluded to as “the intelectual lands be taken up by the Government tions pay better than popular patented I h>* w idenlng branches of a stately tree wart on the editorial page ef tbe.Smwi- A minister made $.' h ».‘HIO over Rare Business Opening. Stretched front the sunrise to the s’ln-et sea fiasK t 'onunuiurealth," and “the ilea aud carried into effect, it would not be toys. uwessary to expend the $200,000,000, iu England by inventing au odd little And iu it- tiniad and sheltering shade, bitteu fugitive from justice who edits all at once. The work would neces toy that danced by wiudiug it with a sittiuu* with lniiir to taake ufia.d. Were we now silent, through each tnigbrv the porous plaster across the street.” sarily be slow, aud might properly ex string as a boy winds a top. The man »Moll. Whenever my feeliugs were wounded tend over a period of years, so that its who “invented" the return ball, an or Ihe wTtxlof heiiten would sing the oral-e* I put the item in the large book and cost would not lie burdensome u[x>u dinary wooden bi ll with a rubber of hint. kept it where my children could the nation. The probability is that it string attached to pull it back, made < Htr lir-t au<t la*st —his ashes lie eee it vvbeu 1 should rest from my la would liecome self-sup|s>rtnig. for the $1,000.1*Ml from it. The jwrson who Beneath his owit Virginia -ky. Forgive, forgi't. o tru>* ami ju-’t ami brave. bors forever. 1 thought it would teach earlier sections completed would at invented tiie most recent popular toy, 1 Iu* storm that swe« abate thv -acred them humility and really do them onoe began paying for themselves, and "Pigs in Clover,” will lie rich before grat>*. ' ‘ good. The other Ixxik I used to keep more too, and the surplus could lie ap the leaves turn this autumu, for there on the center table fur the use of visi plied to carrying on the unfinished is an unprecedented demand for it, For, ever in the awful strife Ami dark hour- of tin* nation's life. tors. If I had a visitor who had the and stationers cannot supply the de Through the lierec tumult pierce hi- warn habit of putting in a day or two at part of the work. ing word-. If the Government price for re mand. A half-dozen factories in the a time conversing with me about my Their father'- voice his erring cliiliireu deemed lain) should be fixed as high east are turning them out by the tens heard' self 1 generally asked him to glance as $20 or $i!»l an acre, it would proba of thousands, but the public wants 5 i he i hange for w hi> h he pnived und over this scrap b<x>k. and while he was bly be necessary to allow the land to more than the factories can make, aud -ought doing so I would slip out and take a be purchased on long time; but that the American News Company, which Ju that sitaqi agony was w rongtit; tram for some other point. It is a would be uo obstacle in the way of the handles the toy. is about a mouth l»e- No pm; ml interest draw s its alien line Iwixt North ami -outll. the . vpr.-~ und good plan. system, as the laud would be ample hiud in its orders. The toy is simple. the pine! .lust ki>ep an egotistical scrap bixik. security for the deferred payments. Any one might have hit on the idea; using the sourest paste von can pro <»ue people now. all <i«>ubt beyond. It is not worth while to try to work but none did save the inventor. Hi- tianie -hall be our I nion bond; cure, ami vvbeu a man insists on giv out all the details of the system, but We lift our liiimi- to lieaveu, ami here ami ing you large bales and mowsful of now t be general subject of redeeming arid information alxint himself when you lands is one of vast inportance to the The New Hatchery at SI ssm . Take on our lips the old Centennial vow. would rather converse alxmt yourself, - and — great west aud to the Pacific coast, For rule am! trust must need be ours: The salmon hatchery at Sisson is hand him this lnx>k to entertain him * b*wi-er ami eho-en l-ith ar« powers the more it is discussed and cou-' described by Mr. Woxibury as one of self with and then you can gently ooze and Equal ill Hen ice as iu right-: the claim sidered the better it will be. It will ' if duty rests on each aud all the same. out the side door aud go the remotest probably take that faith which can the largest in the United States, hav ing a capacity of forty-four troughs parts of the earth. Then let tile sovereign millions, where Will be our Specialties. move mountains to get our Eastern Our banner floats iu suit and air. Finally 1 heard of a new patent bretherd to help us in this matter, but sixteen feet long and sixteen inches I rom tin- warm palm lands to Ala-ka's eold scrap book with ready gummed pages, the only way to accomplish it is to try wide. The water for hatching is tak Ke)x*nt with us the pledges century old’ en from Big Springs creek, which af and I bought one. The price was big and keep trying. fords an abundaut supply. The tem enough for a set of Dickens, but 1 had Practical Arithmetic. perature is 4G at the spring, and heard that it was a gixxl thing, and so The endorsement of German Syrup is which rises at the hatchery ialxmt one Reduce seven jacks to jills. 1 get it. Then a period of humidity We will publish 10<M) testi mile ami a half from the spring) in How many degrees iu a college? came along and that Lxxik closed for unparalleled. received Juriug the Inst six the warmest weather only to about 53 How many sins make one scruple? ever. It wonld’nt open any more monials months. Read them. May save your or so. It never freezes iu coldest How many perfumes make a scent? than a marble slab. life. weather. The water is as clear as How many pounds make a prize I waited till autumn and then got B cklingham . N. Y., May 31. '86. G. G. G hekn . Dear Sir:—I am fre crystal and sweet of draught, as any another one. My wife filled it full of The bL-ick<niith shop on )» street, be tight? R since three gallons of whiskey to autumn leave«. There were not fully quently troubled with severe colds, and in the state. The spring furnishes tween 4th <V 5th, in Kailnmd addition to drunks. dry. She then put a heavy weight oil the only remedy that will relieve me of enough water to run a sawmill, aud How many seconds are there in a the top. We still have the scrap bixik them is your Boschee's German Syrup. it uever perceptibly increases or di 1 have used it for more than twelve years. duel? and the leaves, but the laxik opens It is a constant household companion minishes. The hatchery is builton two of the How many feet make a book agent with a time lix'k. and the time set for with me. Our merchant here procured tired? it to open is a profound secret between it first at my solicitation, and says he surveyed town lots m th* field back of How many minutes in a previous Gabriel aud his wife. has sold a great many bottle». It is a J. 11. Sissou’s barn, it is a half mile meeting? eery popular remedy in this section. or so from the railroad depot in the Ixilely I have adopted the plan of Every Branch of the Business. How many barrels in a political purchasing several thousand mamila Every person who has used it speaks ill , town. It is situated on u command- the highest terms of its merits. 1 do , ing site and sheltered from the wimis Satisfaction insured in all work done. campaign? euveiopes.Jputtingeach newspaper dip not know of a single case it has not by the forest near by. .Mr. Nissou him Add one oyster to each plate of soup ping into one of these envelops, aud cured. I first used it in Vermont, where in a church festival, and determine theu writing the title on the outside. 1 lived before coming here. I advise given a paper placing the nmt of the Horse Shoeing a Specialty. laud at $1 per xear, until it comes iuto the rise in price i>er plate. I then lure a house, and, by using the everyone to use it. as it certainly is the the market, with the option of moxiug 45 J E. R. E. If a man spends three quarters of gummed Maps of the envelops, fasten best cough medicine I have ever known. buddings or buying the land at au hour trying to unlock the front them iu rows tastefully on the inner 1 have tried nearly.all of them at differ the market price. He has also guaranteed door with a button hook, how much walls of the house, marking a general _ ent times. privileges for all the waterthe hatchery Yours respectfully. MOSES GRAY. did he spend at the club dunug the heading over each row by means of Proprietor Grist Mill needs. ’I his place is on the head evening? red chalk. This gives the room a waters of the Uj»|»i-r 8 leramento river, A man pnts $50<M» in the bauds of a cheery apjiearauce. adds to the acous and has the best railway aud wagon Wall street broker, with instructions tics of the house and is certainly very A number of public spirited ladies facilities for «hipping young salmon I to invest the same in wheat. How convenient. By means of a step ladder in Tenuenee are trying to raise suffi anil trout for distribution. The loug. much iloes he lose by the transaction? I am enabled to select anything 1 de cient funds to purchase the property stretches of the river afford abundant Answer- $5nh). sire readily, ami the space usually hi the immediate vicinity of "The Her for misery and feeding grounds. A man fails in busiuess for $20,000. fixiled away aud covered by expensive mitage,” Andrew Jackson’s old home. space Ail these waters of the UpjM«r 8acra- His creditors levy upon his assets and but nou-reuiunerutive pictures is made It appears that the state of Tentit«ee uiento are abundautlyst<xik>xl with in obtain $7lMM> in settlement of their highly useful. has taken little or no interest in the sects f<xxl most suitable for xouug claims. How much does his wife Sometimes I have to hire an amau- preservation of the old mansion and salmon aud trout, j Bulletin. make by the transaction? Answer uensis to do this work, and it is not the relies of “Old Hickory," aud these $13,000. done the same way I would doit my laches propose to make up for its re- A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life self. Last year I went away for a missness. They have secured the pas lCii|M*psy. It was just an orjinarv scrap of wrap few months to give some readings in sage of an act by the Legislature, au This is what you ought to have, in fact, aid of a few poor children for whom I thorizing them to purchusc1 the man ping paper, but it saved li>r ltf«-. She you must have it. to fully enjoy life. feel myself responsible, and while ab sion and 25 acres of land immediately was in the last stages of con-.niption, Thousands are searching for it daily, and sent, 1 had a young man named Pulas surrounding and to maintain the same. told bv physicians tlint she was incura mourning because they find it not. ki Murkley attend to this. He was They propose to raise a fund for this ble and could live only a short lime: she Thousands upon thousands of dollars very metbixlical and wrote a gmid purpose by soliciting contributions weigh« <1 les« than xeventv pouudx. On are spent annually by our people ill tile baud, as I afterwards learned by com and by organizing a lecture season, etc. a piece of wrapping paper she read of l)r. King's New Dw >«« rv. mid got a hope that they may attain this lioon. And yet it may lie had l>v all. We guar paring some of my own signatures at They have sent a circular letter to the sample bottle: it helped her. she ltought antee that Electric Bitters, if used ac the bank with some studies which he chief newspapers of the country ask a large Ixittle. it helped her more. Isinght cording to directions and the use per ' had made of the same subject. They ing them to give publicity to their another and grew better fast, continued sisted in. will bring you good digestion were better, if any tiling, than my own. aims, und to commend the project to its use and i» now strong, lieaithv . r>si, and oust tile demon Dyspepsia and in I must admit, and t he cashier at the their readers. The appeal ought to plump, weighing 140 pounds. Fot fuller Iiarticulars send stamp to \\ IL ('ole. stall instead Etqspsv. We recommend bank agreed with me about it. . meet with a ready response from all )ruggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of Electric Bitters tor Dyspepsia and all But he was very methodical, indeed, classes of Americans, because Jackson this wonderful Discovery free at Chit diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle by Chit aud kept my scrap liook carefully, ac was alxive all things an American. wood Bros.' drug store. cording to his own ideas. He came His services to the country deserve our wood Bros.. Druggists. Over the Falls, from a summer resort called Chisel- grateful remembranoe, and it would lx> Oregon City, May K. Robert Stew Heretofore the practice has lieen tol el-'em-out-of -their-eye-teeth -burst-by- little short of a crime to [lermit the erated to file homestead claims and the-nea. His father risuded at Up-six- "Hermitage" to fall iuto decay, and art tried to croee the Willamette river simulating settling upon them by the Ilight-of-stairs-ou-the-H iulson and us the Jacksonian relics to be scattered. above the falls here to-day. in a row- merest pretense; and tn due time ac ually spent his summers at About-’, wo- We are sure that there are many pa lx«at, against the warning of a number quire a patent from the U. S. land of miles-lwlnnd-Burdick's -lathe- luinber- triotic citizens in San Francisco who, of men on shore. The current rapidly fice "on general principles." Our city and-shingle- null-cash- [mid- for- hides- when they learn the facts recited sucked him down aud he was seen to residents have obtbined many such uudertakmg - embalming - aud - ice- alxive, will remit contributions to the push the oars down as if trying to secretary of the Hennitage Ladies' reach bottom. Apparently realizing titles in this vicinity during the past; i cream-by-tlie-sea. People who come from there always Association, Hermitage P. O., David that it was useless, hedrew his oars in, to but it seems that the Government has put au end to such practice hereafter. thinkthey know all about everything, son county, Tenn., as requested. went to the stern of the Isiat. got down By the recent aid of Congress, settlers aud so I allowed him to run my scrap I In the bottom, clutching the sides with book. are compelled to Innin fide live upon lioth bauds. The boat wan now drift Advice to Mothers. Last fall I had occasion to look for their claims, and not to leave the prem ing stern down and bad reached the to Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, fu brink of the falls, near the middle of ises except by obtaining written per an article on the English colliery. mission from the U. 8. register and re For a week or t wo I could no find it children teething, is the precriptiun o the river. It was seen for a moment ceiver at the office where there home and probably would never have run one of the best female nurses and phy in this position, then took its last in the United States, and has plunge to the seething water below. stead is filed, which may be extended across it if I hadn't happened to l<x>k sicinns day under the Leading of epi been uwd for forty years with never The boat waa recovered a short time At cost. for a year if within the purview of one failing success by millions of mothers certain defined causee. This I hw will demics. for thiir children. During the process afterward, bottom side up, but slightly How few people, even if well paid, tend to surprise and embarass thou of teething its v»lu« is incalculable. It damaged, with one oar still iu place. sands who are homesteaders, and can do a thing just exactly as we relieves the child from pain, cures dys Stewart was a stranger here. No one entery and diarrhoea, griping in the seems to know who he was or where expecting to perfect title in “the ' would do it ourselves. cost. are Ixiweis. and wind-colic. By giving health be came from. gixxl old way."—| Welcome. to the child it rests the mother. Price Expand The Mind The recovery of the body is very 25c a bottle. doubtful, it is useless U> think of The Pride of Women. By seeing as much as you can of the looking in such a place. He might at world. But ere von set out either as a A clear | early traimpiireiit «kin is al Alxmt half a century ago there was any time before striking the middle of commercial traveler or emigrant cost. ways a sign of pure blixxl, nnd all per tourist, —whether you go by rail, steamship or an act of courteous devotion per sons troubled with dark greasy, yellow steamboat, provide yourself with Hos formed toward the memory of the the river easily have saved himself. It or blotched skin can rest assured that tetter's Stomach Bitters, which the trav “father of his country” that was much can only la- concluded that he either did not realize his danger or else re their blood is >ut of order A lew doses eling publio recognizes ns the finest of Beggs' Blixid Purifier <V Blixxl Maker medical safeguard and preventive of sea noticed by the press of that jieriixl. alized it and entirely lost his self-con which appears to have passml out of will remove the cause and the skin will with which anv one journeying memory, as it has not Ixien referred to trol and presence of mind, so rushed become clear and transparent. Try it, sickness on to hiH fate. by land or can lie provided. It and if satisfaction is not given it will furnishes to water the western pioneer ade in any centennial references so far as cost you nothing. It is fully warranted. quate protection against malaria, rheu yet Ix'fore public attention. At the Wisdom's Robertine, Chitwood Bros, druggist. matism. and those disorders of the time referred to, there was residing at Ix Hiiing ladies of society and promi bowels which miasma tainted water be Philadelphia a Scotch marble cutter Cost of Nickels. gets. Its sedative effect U|>on a stomach named Stuurt, who having occasion to nent professional stars have testified to bv the rocking of a ship is visit Washington City on busineM, it« excellency in the mo«t emphatic A recent circular issued by the treas perturbed truly magical, and it is a capital appe went to Mount Vernon to pay his re terms. Gnarxnteed hannh ss and match ury department, proposing to ship free tizer and nerve invigorator. Excellent less. Chitwood Bros., druggists, Ash of charge to persons desiring them, is it for biliousness and kidney inaction, spects to Washington’s tomb. His ar fund. Or., si ll it at IK) cts. [>er Ixittle and nickels and pennies iu certain quanti and it counteracts 111 a remarkable de tistic eye decided that the caskets give a lieautiful card to every purchaser. ties. on receipt of their face value, has gree, the effects of fatigue, physical or which contained the ashes of the < Gen suggested some inquiries in regard to mental. After wetting and exposure in eral aud bis oonsort were not of ma You Cannot Afford weather, it should be used as terial worthy of the pair in respect to the cost of these coins to the United inclement At t ’ irt of the year to be with preventive. perpetuity of their remains. He felt out a g<xxi season States, and bow it is that the govern a reliable diarrhoea ba'wam in induced to interview the Washington ment cun afford to ship them at par the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea A Saw Way to Salt a Calf. relatives then residing at Mount Ver aud all mfianiation of the stomach and value, paying express charges upon non, and proposed to make and do bowels are exceedingly dangerous if not them. The result of these inquiries Al. Johnson. the enterprising Lewis has ia-en the discovery that the nickel anil Clarke county rancher, lured a nate a casket marble shnne for each, attended to at once. One bottle of Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam will do more costs at the mint less than three-quar very inexperienced boy to help him worthy of the illustrious pair. His good in case of tbit kind, than any ters of a cent, while it is put into cir alsiut the farm. One morning not proffer was accepted by the relatives, other medicine on earth. We guarantee culation at a value of five cents, long since Al told the lad to take some and the donor returned home to Phila it. Chitwood Bros, druggist. salt ami salt the calf over in the past delphia aud designed the shrines, It Is All Right. ure. The lx»y took a quantity of salt which were completed at his establish An Expression of Delight. and rubbed it over the calf, working ment with projier dispatch aud artis “About a week ago,” «ays a Los An "It is all right:” Is what Mr. Geo. C. tic perfection. Mr. Stuart took charge geles, t’ala., druggist, a Chinaman came Henry, a Burlington, Iowa, druggist says it well into the hair. A gang of colts of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. in the pasture scented the salt aud got and accompanied the shrines to Mount in with a lame shouldi r. I Mild him a Henry ought to know, as he has sold after the calf. They licked the salt Vernon, to which he devotedly trans bottle of Chniulx-rlain's I’aiu Balm nnd over ÁX) of the remedy during the past all off the calf's hi de and tried to lick ferred the General and his consort, guaranteed that it would cure bun. He winter. Coughs, colds, croup and whisip- the hide off too. Al tried to catch the where it is the patriotic hope that came in again last night, and as soou as begot imide the door, began to swing ing congh are speedily cured by it. For I calf to wash it, but the creature think they shall remain undisturbed until his arms over his head like an Indian sale by 1. K. Bolton. “ time shall be no more. ” ing he wanted to lick too kept out of club swinger. 1 thought the blamed fool his reach. The boy, the calf and the had a tit, but he finally stopped long What Is It ? enough to say: ‘ Medicine velly fine, farmer are all unhappy. The colts Buck leu’s Arnica Salve. velly tine; alle same make me feel plenty Thiit produces That produce« that beautifully soft are the only ones that got any fun out The best salve in the world for cats, good.” Chamberlain'« Fain Balm is complexion and leavta neither truces of of it. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever without au equal for sprains, rheuma its application nor injurious effects? The sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, tism, ache«, pains or lame back. Fur I’lmpl»-« o» 111«' Fa« e answer. Wisdom’s Robertine accom plishes all this, and is prouounced by Denote an impure state of the blood corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi sale by T. K. Bolton. ladies of taste and refill nient to be the and are looked uiion by many with sus tively cure.« piles, or 110 pHy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac Nice fresh gri series aud lots of most delightfnl toilet article ever pro Acker's Blued Elixir will remove tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents them at the Rd House. duced. Warranted hariiilesx and mateb- picion. all impurities and leave the complexion nsr box. For sale by Chitwood Bros. less. Sold bv ChitwixHl Bro«.. Ashland smooth and clear. There is nothing that will so thoroughly build up the constitu tion purify and strengthen the whole system, bold and guaranteed by Cbit- , wood Bros. I !«em Effectually, Cleanse the Syii KING COLE- II. “ ip’■ in« < of hirrNut hu.i. regular leriib coin tumuline on tile first Momia in March ami O; toin-r. I’. » ;’.uit ’’oiirt fur the .Imli« ial I» «it!« ’ M-1« in .la» uounty on fir-t Mon .•tv-vii Vpril. .-t ptemlnt ami i’vuumbcr. In K’.iina i u.onitk on *«-uomt Momia, in June . i<i nr*t Momias in November. In l ake «o mix on the third Monday in May nml the -♦ .luì M »miav in (»rtoln-r. In Josephine . otiutj ..ii tir«l Momias > in Maruh ami Au g-iKt. F.» lu k-oti «onuty the < o’.ml >. ¡‘roba!.» ami < .»inini**'ioner*’ « ouït« meut ever) month. < »uim» luiii" with the fir»t Momia) . .r J o J him count), the fir*r Monday in .i.i’t-.»ikpril. July and Septeml«’r; for I hr .’ t ,.nn? *, cry aiu mate month, coin ... MÜ14 th tir-t Monday in January; for c . .4 i 'HUty. til«’ Î1 •’M W » m | 11 U*<in ) ill M n < ¡i. J me. “. ¡.tuinbc r nml November. |2 00 . 1 60 AND BOWELS Two of the best Perr4#yo!i stallions, anil The best Shetland on the coast, are at your service. (Janibetta will heat M.'d- ford on Tuesdays an<l Wed nesdays of each week, the balance of the time with the other horses at my place one mile north of Ashland. Y.Borr.. — One square, first insertion Each Additional insertion. 1889 THE VOW OF WASHINGTON. OFFICIAL Terms of Advertising: OREGON. ASHLAND ,1 A 31 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Austin S. Hammond, ATTORNEY AT LAW Su^ar Pine Ceiling and Rustic Yellow Pine Flooring, - -ry- L .t-i- J. T. Bowditch, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Does a General Banking Business 'olleetioUB made at all accessible points *ui favorable terms Sight exchange ar.*l tel- graphic transfers Portland. San Francisco ami New York. ASHLAND, OREGON. •A il ; r*i lit ,- ii »1! courts of the State. «..;:, 'tions promptly made and remilted. IM 7oZ,/ BLACKSMITHING dint luiibjht nt utandiird itrieri. Monis M. Haxknoss, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR, G rant s P ass , O kf . uo N. »til's* iti Ahi! Building, Krollt street. J. S. Howard., Notary Public and Conveyancer MEDFoRD, OREGON. BAD TITLES ! One third of the real ♦—tate in .Ta- k«<m county i> hei«t under i » efe < ti \ f . title. Get »n abstract to the til <»f \»mr pr,,|wrtv and MX- *f You a-e all ri^ht The om > reliable Abstracts made in Jauk-4»n county come from Au*tiu s. Hammond’* and Ab" «tract Office. Ashland, Oregon. 1 1:52.3 i All ki sis of real e-tate’sgiven enre- iul attention, ami information furnished ,-u< rninz property in the new town. Fresh Wisconsin Cheese 2’t cents per lb. nt Minkler A Suu. Dr. J. S. Parson. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A shlash , O keoon . ul., , .it ri.iili-niT on Mnin street, next I or to Presbyterian ehureh. ¡11 12 WHITE & COLORED BLANKETS, Plain Ss Fancy Cassimeres,Flannels, Hosiery, Etc OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING made to ORDER. Otiice and Sales Rooms in Masonic Building, VV . II A T K I K -l>\. «i»»tr»*(ii r\ an«l Closing Out at cost I Closing Out at COST Chas. E. Beobe, M. D. I’HVSb'iAN AND SURGEON. ASHLANI». OKKiaiN. ■"lx < nd Ath'iiiion given to the trvatmen? of < hr»H’,»r frinaie <iiM-ast-'». oi»! . ! ..usuitatiou (rev where pr<»fr"*ion- ul *» rvic' ' are n<»t rcqiiir» »!. oGic in MrtxGih Blot k. over Chitwood * drug st«-.» r«‘"iden« v on <>ak street. n 2-» v 12 Dr. W. Staaficld, ECLECTIC FH YSIU1AN. Contemplatif) i channe in my business at an early riod, I will offer mv entire stoel < at cost until the same is closed out 1 M <■< »st. suit. ASHLAND Mens Mr3. T. M. Wcbstor, M D., PHYSICIAN, HOMEOPATHIC VSflt.ANO, OKF.GON. •tS. suit. Men 5 cost. J. S. Walter, M. D. S., All ct »st. A ill practice his profession if Dentistry — AT — Otlh >■ it residence at cost. ii-> A. C. Caliwoll, < 'utawav Suits. All at c< »st. Men’ Mechanical and Operative Dentist. ASHLAND. OREGON. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for III-- p unless t xtraction of teeth. ; » t »tlice over the Bank.— [12 33] Gaaiard’s Orchestra, Of Or.-goii. l»te of I’al Are :>"'i pr. par. ■! to furni-l. the be»t of .u-i<- for ).ubl|e or private Parti«-.. Ball», p, mi - . al any pi>:ut mi the < <>a»t 111 the n-"v jhq.ular mini«- 1» played hy ;hi. i >ri-li« »tru. |I„, .■,,q !ov<-4 a larg. limn»« r of mu q ian-. oe are able to furnish any number ,,r ... Anv instrument or aeallerfur- « nth-'| ban i- All or b ra by mail ,r :«•!>■ i:i|>h prm:i|«tly a’temie 1 t«>. Ivrm» . r- .*.•!...»■ I.-. Aiblreax ! ; . M.-n'- Melù Asm.vNii, Onr.oov. at Mins cost. All at <•< )>t. cost. CLOTHES AT cosi or a Prof. Ganlaril, Ashland, Or. M B. Mooro, 1 ap«r Hanging and Decorating, House Painting Etc. or l.-r- to »•>■ left at B F. Reeser'» bard ya ;’, '.jo-, w i L din* in Re«-M» rs • o»u» r I tit-> d uiui b »irvicw street». 41 P. CRADY, 1" A 1 X rl E LI. Paper-hanging, Glazing, Kalsontining, Wall-tinting, Etc. >H<>P t»i < A, Maiin »nd HMnjHdineMrwt«. ill rear u Ayer»* «•rticv, 44 Axhlund, Oregon. ? lohnson Block, Ashland, Oi Clothier and Hatter. CbilärenCryferPitcher’sCastoria CbiMrenCryfa-Pitclier’sCastoria Children Cry ferPitclier’s Castoria