PERSONAL. HERE AND THERE. Mrs. Helen M. Barker, president of the Dakota W. C. T. U.. is expected in L 1). Fuller ie at Seattle again on Fresh compress«! yeast for sale at Ashland the first week in May. She The Ashland B>mrd of Trade has 50 has | been spending some tune in Mon­ the U. S. Bakery. a business visit. APRIL ■>. W FRIDAY. memliers already. | tana and Washington Territory, nud Mrs. Jack Frizzell returned to Duns­ Choice tea at Van Sant’s grocery full houses greet her at every point. store Elegant embroider«! suits at cost 1 at 30 cts. per. lb. muir yesterday. I will sell my entire stock of Fancy Gixxls at auction to highest bidder. Big Itrivr in Real Estate. The date she gives Ashland will lx* at M. L Alford's. * Judge G. W. Smith, of Linkville, is There are eighty granges in Oregon i EVERYTHING MUST CO. announced later. S'Veral big bargains in otltsi le lands Immense sto«*k of clothing at cost at in San Francisco. witli a membership of 3200. Corus one and till. Sale will commence at 2 p. m. sharp at Hunsaker’s forth.« next thirty «lays. Apply at A little daughter of Cottrell, the bur ­ O. H. Blount's. * | music room. once lo A. T. Kyle. Ira Phelps, of Medford, was visiting Alvin W. Wright lias been appoint«! lier, only 17 months old, swallow«! Sunday School every Sunday now at i nearly a whole bottleful of "bile beaus” postmaster at Glendale, vice J. M. Ashland Wednesday. .titetbin! Aii«*tn«n ! the Nell schixil house. Wednesday. ami it was feared for a Singleton, resign«!. Dr. J. S. Walter is at Medford this 1 Ou Saturday afternoon April 27. I tun** could not live. The heavy People from the East sav the vegeta­ week again, on dental business. lg«t»*st shades in Henrietta cloth at d.ise, she will aell my entire stock of fancy gtxxls however, act«I an ail emetic lie- tion in Oregon is a month ahead of at auction to highest bi liier. Ecery- cixrt at M. L Alford’s. Mr. J. H. Griffis, of Gold Hill, was fore it was discover«! what had caused that iu New York aud Ohio. thi> tuitxf tne one ami till. iu Ashland a day or two thia week. Planet Jr., cultivator and garden her illness, aud the expulsion HHV«l Sale n ill commence at 2 p. tn. sharp, tixilx. al Ashland Mills. The Roseburg Junior Band will lie her life. Mrs. Davis, mother of Mrs. C. H. at Hunsaker's music room. on hand to outer the baud contest at Luderman, came out from Albany this of the A uew industry for this part Los Wimer is buildiug a dwelling Miss K. P. C alvin *. Jacksonville ou the 13th of May. week, for a visit in Ashland. for himself on tith street. i country is the making of razor hones. raint A»ur Buildings. The contract price for the construc­ In tlie r«x*k cut on the railroail at Willard L. Cole, who has lieen at Boston brown bread at the U. S. White Point, just over th«* Siskiyou tion of the first mile of Albany's street Nothing els» of the same «»st mils Bakery fresh every day. * ( summit, is found a stone which is said railway, including all material, is $42. Colestin for two or three months, left so much to theattraetiveneesof a town, last week for Tulare City, Cal. P. Grady is paiu'ing the fine new to lx* well adapt«l to this purpose. nothing else giv>* so much an air of Jackson, the colored pugilist from Mr. B. A. Peckham and wife, of Sau Some men are now at work cutting out cottage of (). Gauiard oil First Avenue. pro t>»rity and thrift, of «»mfort ami Australia, and Patsy Cardiff, of Min­ the rock and shipping it away for razor neapolis, are to tight at Sau Francisco Mateo, Cal., are visiting Ashland this «»ntent, as the g«xxl repair and neat Everything at <*ost at M. L. Alford's. h« >m*s. week, stopping at The Oregon. ap)x>arance of buildings and fences At Alfonl’s this means exactly what it tonight. E. Youmans and family have moved As'ilnmi «»inparee well in this resp«>et says. 1« was reixirt«! the other day that * Seventy-five families are rejiorted ou with other towns of its size in th«« state, Bill Nye is dangerously sick, ami his their way to this county, with a view up to the Greeu Spring ranch on the Grain hay for sal** at F.igl« Mills. Pacific ««oast tour has lieen (»ostpon«!. Linkville road. but «» vast improvement might be made here. A few «lollars spent for the ap­ Delivered anywhere in Ahl mil at $10 When Bill r«*overs we may ex|««*et a to permanently locate ainoug us. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mundy came I Linkville Star. * plication of cheap weather paint here per ton. very s.*rious account of his relations out from Portland recently, to spend an I there, ii|>on fences, stables ami The newspaper meu continue to lie the summer near Phoenix. I’m happy. Why of «mrse am with «s*ts to take the drivers on the Ashland Linkville of t It«* city. Dr. Lappeus, of Central Point, was Alto shipped from Stanfords Palo down to San l ’ r.iut is«> for exhibition stage line. a» tb«« anumil m**etuig-»f the Pacific ranch in California to New York last visiting relatives, the family of Mr. S. The tannery Jackson «mnty has paid $2t»5 Ixiun- Kennel Club which will lx* held th«» week, to lie sold at auction on May Nth. Cowles, in town last Sunday. G.'tehell A Miller have not yet ar- ty on «>y*ite scalps during the pas' latter part of uext month, twenty-live George Brown, the prosperous Eagle l-'ull lint* or Spring and Summer Dress Gootk. I’arasols. The s«*retary of the interior has ap­ rived here to make preparations for six mouths. pairs of fauey pigeons from iiis yarilsin point«! T. L. Roe of this state as ni­ Point merchant, was in Ashland again the cannery business, but say they will Latlies' and Gentlemen’« Fine Shoesand Boots. The eagle on your $ screams lo be A-hlan Clothing direct from the East. Ail place of Colonel Elliott who has re­ have lieeu inipiiring aliout the opening, Mr. ami Mrs. John Van Horn are tim* birdsiu (»regen us <*ls«*wh«*ie. uni intimate that they would like to $3 calf sew‘«l shix'S. sign« I. now at Cloverdale, Cal., where the lat­ at prices that defy competition. The advertisement of the hotel and o|H'l> business her»* with a large can­ E. E. Miuer has had on** of the new Milhous of brown and red butter- ter is under treatment for cancer. nery. Our citizens cannot afford to stone walks laid in the front yard of camping groumls at Cole's sixla springs tbes, 1 which stopped iu their flight ap­ T’lios. Harlan, editor of the Medford wait any longer without positive assnr- bis handsome residence on Mauistr«*t. in the Siskiyou m«>untait«s iColestin, parently to deposit eggs ou apple blos­ Midi, was visiting Ashland last Satur­ an«* from the former party that they appears in this issue of the T idimus . soms, pass«! over tlie Sonoma valley, Many farmers in the valley are irri ­ will not fail to have the cannery ready day, ami made the T id ' noh a fraternal This pleasaut summer r«*ort am! for the season's crop. An acre lot ad­ gating their first crop of alfalfa this bealtli-givitig spring enjoyed the pat- Cal., last week, moving westward. <*all. jacent to the railroad on tlie Helman season something nnn«*essary in or­ rotiage of a large numlx«r of guests The railroad meu say there are lie- Mrs. U. M. Hartwell will leave with­ tract has l»*eu s«*'.ir«l for Getchell A* dinary seasons. last summer, ami the ae«»mmodations twi*en 2D00 and 30110 tramps of the in week or two for Minneapolis, for a Miller, as the location for the cannery, most desperate order along the line of ('apt. Willxitirne A Co. are talking of the hotel will umloubte«llv be tax«xi visit at her old home iu that city till aud the IsillUH offer«! Will lie ready as of building a quartz mill to crush nx*k to the full again the coming season. railroad lietweeu Ogden and Reno. Se| item her. proinis«!. Of this numlier, one town is cr«ht«l from their l«lge near Anderson on the The old unused spur of track of th«» Mr. aud Mrs. D. Wilson went over to Klamath river. t-hlunii Srhswl (‘III hirer. S. P. R. IL from th«* main line to near with 150. Cole’s Wednesday morning, to try the L. J. Mills, of Arkansas, has lieen th«« Devlin place will lx* taken up mhui A spur track is to be put iu for the Ashland's proportion of the public benefit of the miueral water upon Mr. « l: »il money at this the April distn- Dollarhlde saw mill on the south side after the report of th«» commissiom*r's awarded the contract for carrying malls Wilson's health. on the route lietween Prineville and ■ >n the new track is acted U|s>n favora ­ biltlon is $1534, the largest sum ever of th«- Siskiyou, and engiu«*r Graham John F. Swift, the new U. 8. misister bly at Washington. This is th«« part Silver Lake. Or. This distance is 102 r«s*»*iv«sl from that sour«* at one time set the stakes for it y»*st**rday. of the track limit upon the old Hurl­ miles, weekly trips, and the contract to Japan, sailed for that country ou by the district. Ashland has 712 J. B. Hutch, the Grant’s Pass hotel the steamer Oceanic from San Fran­ ehihlren of selxxil age more than man. who has sold out at that place, burt survey which was abamlom««l price $1300 |ier annum. cisco Tuesday. twice as many as any other scluxil n which the Willamette towns are go into bumuosa. Oliver Shead. of Seat««. W. T.. who head of cattle for a Montana firm. mother at tier home near Phoenix «lur­ figuring, this gives us a population of was brought to Ashland lust Thursday The pnees were $11 for y earlings. $lf» ing the past winter, will leave s«x>n for G«i. 11. Cirrry has sold his interest by his wife ami physician, died on Sat- for two-year-olds, aud $22.50 for three Ins ranch iu Grant «»unty. 37111. W«> are willing to admit, how­ in the billiard hall and variety busi ­ ever. that Ashlnu«! has a larger num unlay aftermxm at the Whit«* Sulphur and fonr-year-olds, deliver«!. Mr. ami Mrs. IL L. Andrus left Fri­ lu*r of cilildreu bright, healthy child­ ness of Paulson A Ctirrey to M. N. Springs Hotel. He was dying when Says a California exchange: Two day morning, ami Rev. ami Mrs. F. W. ren tbau any other town of its size Lmg, and after May 1st tin* firm will he arrived, but had taken th«« notion ago Mr. Sisson put several carp (iookin left Saturday morning last, ou in the state, and this is worth u.entiou- lx* Paulson A Ling. that the cluing«* might benefit him, years in a large pond near bis place in Shasta their journey across the continent. :ng as un*pl>*tloiribl«> evid«n««of the ami it was thought best to humor bis The Ashland company of militia county. They increased so rapidly healt hfulm*ss of our «immunity. J. «1. Strait, of the Ashland House, would probably attend th«* Washington whim. Thelxxly was taken northward that he had to draw the water off last is laiti up with rheumatism. Del cent« nnial celebration m Portland if bv the bereavtsl widow Sunday even- week aud kill several thousand tish. (»range HI osmiuis . Graham has been disabled, also, for they were provi«l«i with uniforms, but, ling. (»u W«lnes«lav evening last, at as it is, they will not go. A law pass«! by the last legislature some weeks with the sameailtneut. H. IL B «yntoii. of Minnenpolia, a tin* lioinc of the brale's parents requires tliHt all physicians register in Mrs. M. L. Gillette went over to A young p«tple's floral social will I* frieml of Geo. C. F. 1 lings, oi tills place, the county clerk's office of the county <»n Granite street. Mess»» Houck, Tuesday, to visit with her lias s|x«ut considerable time iu study ­ elderd. son of th«« late .1 as per given at the Congregational church, in in which they practice. List Satur­ Sisson Mrs. L. L. Merrick, who lias Houck, was nuiUsl in marriage with Ashland, on the evening of May 14th. ing the Pacific coast country, from day. April 20th. was the day set by the «laughter, 'lisn Katie Hand, «laughter of Mrs. This will lx* something novel, and will north to south, from tlie point of view law by which nil physicians in prac­ lieen ill, but is convalescent. of a home seeker, ami gives it as Ins tice must lie registered. Abr. m Bish. Tin* wedding company be awaited with interest. Hon. IL P. Earhart, and daughter, verdict that there is no town on the was «mipotted only of the near rela­ Miss Aggie, were on Wedneetlay even­ Mr. I*. Powell, of Emigrant ereek. «»ast which puss«-ss.*s so many of the The authorities of Alam«la and ing's north bound train on the way tives ami a few friends of the brill«« l<*t a valuable two-year-ol 1 Gamlietta and groom, and Rev. F. G. Strange of filly Tm-sday one which he would not essential features for a pleasant and Contra Costa counties. Cal., have held home to Portland from San Franeisoo. liotm* as Ashland. Many a “squirrel convention” aud a com­ the I’resl y N nan church offi<*iat«l. The have sold for less tlinn $2'HI. It died «»mfortable others who have lx«eti «iver th«« e«»ast mittee is at work on an ordinance T. P. Boyd, Jr., has been taking parlors were fittingly prepare«! and from th«* < ff«*ets of of a kick. from Canada to Mexi«> agree with bun which lx»th counties will probably head-miller Isliell's pla«» at the Ash­ tlaeorat«! for the interesting *. The happy couple had intended day? R. E. man (thinking of family ing capital of the world’s metropolis The Colton Soap Company is put­ Oliver Magee and family came in leaving Ashland to resale elsewhere, matters). 1'iiose Bradley A Metcalf lueut in mines, have ting up a natural soap made from a from Klamath county Monday, and but will remain lien* for the present. scliool sh«x*s at D. IL A E. \. .Mills’. * b.-eu at («old Hill for some time past, clay taken from a mountain near San went down to Medford, to move upon The Tll'isos aeknow lislges rweipt of J. J. Fryer lias sold his Hue place examining the Swimleu mines, now Jacinto. Cal. The clay is first ground a farm they have Ixiught near that compliments, and joins their many near Eagle Point to Ins son-in-law, owutsl by Dr. James Braden. Tin* into a tine powder and then mix«l place. f:'lends in th«* best wishes for a bright George Gr»x*n, now in California, it is price ask«! by Dr. Baden for the prop­ «uh of her ingredients and forin«l in­ J. T. Gregg, of Salem, secretary of and happy future for them. report«L The pla.x* comprises alxiut erty. which includes tieveral l«*«lg«s, a to cakes the shape and size de6ir«l. the Republican ««entral committee ami .'inn acres of line land. ainl the price is quartz mill, water ditches and a con­ Among the new incorporations which speaker of th«* House of representatives siderable tract of laud, is Dr. I Hand-ome >*!«* of Oregon Furniture. about $7,500. Braden went to Portland with the gen­ have r«*enily tiled articles at Salem is two years ago. speut Sunday in Ash­ One of the finest pi«*es of furniture Smith A D«lge have just received a tlemen the first of th«* w«'k, ami Gohl the Eagle Wixileu Mills company, of laud. ever mauufactur«l in Oregon is the tine line of children's carriages. Pri«*ea Hill (xsiple thought when they left that North Brownville, Oregon; citizens of Jno. W. McWilliams and wife, from circular counter jmt up yesterday lu and styles to suit everylxxly. Alsothe the sale of th«* property would be cou- Linn county, incorporators; capital are spending a few «lays in the m w hotel. The Oregon, by the largest and beet selected stock of wall Biimnnit«l this week. stock $75.000, with the privilege of in­ N'«vada. stopping at The Oregon, ami builder. A. W. Scott. It is made paper, Ixirder and decoratiuns ever creasing the same to a sum not to ex- Ashland, may conclude to remain hen* jierma- One of the prettiest «ittages in Ash ­ wholly of < Oregon woods oak, yellow shown iu Asblau«!. <*•*«1 $150.000. * neutly. land has just Ix-en finish«*«! for David pine, birdseye pine, laurel, mauzauita The <)r> 'I'liiiiin introduces a leading Nutley A Son Ixiught 2*i head of fine F. Fox on the elevatetl site on the and yew and is the work of the Sugar Mrs. A. Miller, widow of tlie late Pine IL air and Lumlier Company, of cattle at the ranch of (>. (laniard on south si«ie of Hargailine str«s>t next editorial upon a Taeofiia paper’s ex­ Rev. A. Miller, of Antelope, who had travagant misstatements with the fol ­ Rogue river last w«-k, for their ranch door to the residence of H. Jmlg««. It Grant’s Pass. It was? designed by H. lieen in California for several months, C. Kinney, secretary of the company, in the mountains east of .Ashland. i- almost a duplicate of that of S. F. lowing neat play upon words: “If ‘all returned to this «»unty last week, and gall ’ is still divided iuto three parts, as They are improving steadily both their and all of tlie work was done by the Morine, ou Oak street, but is si t higher is staying with her daughter. Mrs. A. S. P. D .v L. Company's m«*hanics place iuiarance of th«* B«mlevar«l at in which the «intract has lx*»*ii ful­ some and spacious new Horubnxik three months. He graduated with fil)«!. In work and finishings it ex­ hotel of that place, owu«l and kept by high honors. can lx* given this week, and it will lie that point. ceeds his expectations. Mrs. M. 11. David Horn, one of the most genial post pon«i till next issue. W. T. Hume, of Portland. Grand New spring truck ree«*iv«l last week Vining bi« leased th«* house for a year, mon in the country for a pleasing and Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias Of Jai'ksou County, Show ine Financial Con­ by J. H. McBride, the dray mail not and lias already mov«*d into it. An Ohl Ijtnilninrk popular landlord. | Yreka Journal. of Oregon, paid Granik* lodge of that green peas and asparagus and celery, dition from Oct. 1st, 1888, to March The old Ashland House, now iieing lint a fin«* new wagon for hauling B. F. Dowell in Ins letter to the order nt this pla«« an official visit last I nflnisli«! Biisln«*ss. inoved from its site to make room for freight. Mae drives to it alternately Gold Beach (htzefte has this item. Friday night. He returned to Port­ 31st. 1889, inclusive. a l>rii*k st met lire is one of t lie ol«l pio- the big horses he Ixmght of G«i. B. Some months ago, the county court. “McLean of Grant's Pass, is an appli­ land by Saturday evening's train. ii . st bin!« lingsof the town. It wasbuilt Landers recently. u|"«n representation of the Ashland cant for Minister to Bagoto, South RE< El PTS. County Judge W.S. Moore, of Klam­ by F.lx*r Emery, fatberof H. S. Emery, street commissioner that the bridge America. He made a good canvass at ath, came in from Linkville Sunday, To eash in Treasury | 4,:M7.*‘2 Street Commissioner Patterson has in 185!», and Mr. Emery kept the hotel 33,826. for taxes. u(H»n the county r«>ad a«*r«»ss Wrijrht the last el«*tion. He is a good Span­ en route for Portland. He remained lx*en grading and improving Woolen 450.00 •• ” liquor liceUM* until 1872. when he sold the property cre«*k north of Ashiaml was unsafe. ish scholar, and is well acquainted with in Ashland over Monday, aud was l/iO '• peddler “ street in the western part of town. to Jasper Houck, now d«*eas«l. Mr. ordere«l a new briilge built. The plan the Spanish character, so I think In* much pleas«l with the improvement JO 00 •• tern certificate Houck nns«l ami enlarge«! the back The projectors of ths proposed avenue rec unruenileil l»y street connnissioner stands a good chance for tlie position.” the town has made sitice his last visit. ’.SEMKNTs D1BBVRI part of th«* buildiug. but the front part arounil the hill from Wixilen street Patterson was the th«* buililini.' building of - an ' By state taxe< pai'i state Says the Yreka .loiiriod of Wmlnes- was just as Mr. Emery built it. Mr. southward have as yet done nothing arched stone culvert, which if once 112.060 o*.( Jai'ob Mayer, of Portland, memlx»r treas f of th«* brightest blue. vertical stout w.dls I'A/lt. each but 21 from a three month’s stay in San Fran­ I tidebtedne«« of county Octotwr 1. X7.9ÜO t»4 Towns«*mi’s house now stands. For The blue rr maktsan attractive com­ feet long mill 11 feet high. aBive tlie Experts from lielow call it $12 rock, cis« >. 188M. a* per last report though in smelting the rock it will Warrants drawn tlie last 6 months theee four lots Mr. Emery paid the ex­ bination with the co ,im ««lor which is water, with wings «rich side (> feet Giles Wells. Sr., celebrated bis Hist as follow - travagant prt«*e of $5»), The Ashland the I hh I v painting of the house. high. Tin* county was to pay the ex­ probably run much higher.” Sheriff, jailor fees and House has mtv «1 the public as a Richard Thomas, the well-known bi**.hday ^anniversary last Saturday. pense of this ~tone work.ami Ashiaml lM»arding prisoners.......... fl. 14.» *0 The first loans of th«* Ashland Build­ road district war to build the required hotel man of Oakland. Or., di«l on He is as active ns most men twenty-five County Clerk’s fees 1,061.9t» hostelry for many years, and travelers 400.00 in th«*o!il stage «lays nseil to say they ing ami Lmu Assi».*iatiou w re sold at plank bridge ami make the heavy tills Sunday the 21st. Dick, as he was fa­ years younger, and is now building Salary County Judge 30(1 uu • • * •• School Supt fouml there the best meals served lx*- t be adjourn«! in. e’ ing on Friday even­ each sale m*<*es.-,aiy for tin* approach­ miliarly known, has run the depot ho­ fence and setting out II young orchard 2TiO 00 •• •• Treasurer tw«*en Sacramento ami l’ortlaml. It ing last $701) Ix'ing knocked off at 3C> es. As soon as the filling was liegun tel at Oakland ever sin«» the “new- at his farm south of Ashland. H«> 50.00 »» •• stock lnsp 166.10 now steps back to give room for a months advanced interest to Mr. Son- tlie plan of the briiigewas found to be town” was started alxiut 1872, aud was thinks he will make money in this fruit District Attorney s fees 143.20 County Commissioners nuxlern brick bouse, which will lx* a nieliH« u. and $2t>0 at live month's ad- a complete failure. The walls are so known by every man, woman and child business yet. 1.050.45 Road Supervisors vast improvem«*nt to tlie street at that vam*«l interest to T. W. Lynch. I.'- J short for th« ir height, that the fill «-an in Southern Oregon. (Statesman. Messrs. G«s>. C. Eddings ami H. IL < ircuit Court 473 87 Justice Court |s*int. The case of John Sisemore, appel­ not lx* made to h«d«l up a ioa«l I*«*«! at Boynton, mad«« a trip out to Butte 199.00 County printing Lord, the “amateur" north lant, vs. Mary Sisemore, respf Fether B»*«*s»n. 1,268 07 appenhsl from Juckson county, was ar­ withont supixirtiug walls of stone or fuesday from Alaska. He didn't tiud San Francisco recently, aud spent a Countv hospital 80 70 Furnishing court house John Beesoii died at the holm* of his gil«! and snbmitt«! tn the supreme timber; but jpiotlu r fatal weakness 5.'.M4 76 the pole, and says now he was not week in that region, returning to Ash­ Roads atin bridges son. Wellxirn B«u son. near Talent, last court last Monday; H. K. Hanna, at­ caused the simp« nxion of the filling land Tuesday evening. Mr. Boynton, Books and stationery *73»K) Sunday morning from the effects of a torney !<»r ap|x*ilaut; C. W. Kahler ami the weight of th«' earth against the hunting for it; that bis object was to who came out from Slinneajxilis a few Examination teachers explore the islands iu the Arctic ocean w«*ks ago, will return to Minnesota Fire wood 168.25 heavy «>1<1 settling u|»«n his lungs. Richard Williams for respondent. stone walls soon began to press them and study the birds and animals found 592.10 Expenses election His funeral rn at Stoke walls down. 'Theslreet commissioner for eight years for participation in a R«x*hfor«l. N 'ttinghanishire, England, ing, paper hanging, interior decora­ called the attention of the county stage robbery near («rant's Pass, was stock interests in theChewaucnn coun­ By warrants < ancellvd nud paid ’35.76 try, will move to Rogue River Valley to tions. etc. S. ptemixT, 15th. 18o.‘>. Ix*iiigthe tenth court to the unfortunate situation pardoned this week by Governor Pen- reside, and Mrs. Avery and children ar­ from <>et. 1st to March 31, tv**»’ H. S. E vans , Ashland, Or. of a family of sixteen children. He noyer, upon recommendation of the 1101.081.18 mor«* than a month ago. ami it was rived in Ashland last Saturday. They learned th«* trail«* • »f confectioner ami Railrisid advertisements, painting uml«*rst«x.d that the stone work was to jury which convicted him. Three other SIMM ARY. baker, and in ls2»’> married Ann Wel- Oklahoma in glowing terms, have been be strength« ne«l amt improve«! by ad prisoners were let out the same day have rented a house near the normal Total receipt» «lunng »lx inootl«» I 34,645.97 l»>rn with whom he emigrated in ist> scattered over the country, Ashland ditions. Nothing has yet been done, upon shortening of their terms by the school, and Mr. Avery is expect«! in CONTRA. as soon as he can settle his affairs in to New York, when* he dul a gixxl lx*ing favored, as wi ll as other places, ami travel still continues over the old (lovemor. Total disbursements dur Lake county. Imsincs- in his trail«*. In ISE! he ami but very few pilgrims from this neigh­ bridge, which is really unsafe. This ing six months I 19,b5.62 19,470.3»*» 38,»X5 97 his wife moved to La Salle cmnty. borhood will lx> found anioinj“ the briilge is probably used as much or Dr. B. M. Gill, of Jacksonville, has Cash iu treasury Fell Off a Train. SUMMARY. 111., ami in 1853 they ami their one son crowd in that lung-proiniwd land this more than any other in the county, decided to move to Klamath City, and Last Sunday as the nortb-lxuind ux- Oct. 1.1M8.407,900.64 cam«* across tin- plains to Rogue River week. but it is so far from the county seat presa was .speeding along through will bo there ready for business some Indebtedness WarrAnts issued during vallev in Southern Oregon. time next week. Dr. Gill has lx»en a that it doesn't seem to lx* «»nsidered six mouths 18,916.32 106.816 96 A meeting will I h * held at O.ld Fel­ valley at the rate of utaiut forty successful practitioner for many years, Father Beeson was in many r«*s[x*cts low a very important affair. Th«« new Shasta ’ s hall next Thursday evening. May CONTRA. miles an hour, a man alxiut sixty years a exceptional character. He pos-.,--s<*een a resident of this county Warrants paid during the w of age, who was standing on a car ami remarkable mental activity, ami had brotherh'xi.l in Ashlaud. Theee asso­ once. for the past six years. His establish«! six months I 5,<35.<8 platform, was thrown off by a sudden the teni|x*rameiit of the mental pio ciations. for the interest ami Indebtedness of county reputation here will insure him a good Hoard nf Traile. lurch of the car at a sharp curve. The recept ion and a good practice at his April 1st 101,081 1.8 106,^16.96 m*er am! reformer. II«* was first n Ixmetlt of the knights of the hammer The foregoing in a correct showing of the Methodist, then a I’a i versa list, and and plane. s»*em to lx* popular in many The Ashland Hoard of Trade held a train was stopped and backed to the new location. Fiuan< ial condition of jackwon County on then a Spiritualist. He was well in- places. s|iecial meeting at the city council scene of ths accident, when, instea I of .March Hist, 1H89, exclusive of Interest on out finding a mangled corpse as they ex ­ Mr. D. F. Fox, of Virginia City, standing warrants and the amouut due to the form«*4 in general history and th«>lo- chamls'r Tuesday evening. President School fund, and due on delinquent taxes fur On the first page of the Tll>tN<»s Nav., who has lieen in Ashland during pected, the tram men discovered that gy; had great moral courage and fol- Met 'all ill the chair. 1H88. 127,791.31 and on delinauent taxes for lo\* »«1 his convict a »ris conscientiously, this week will !>.* foun 1 an ably written Secretary G. F. Killings read the the old gentleman was alive, and soon the past three months, kxiking after lax?. |>4)3. <6 uncollected this 31st day of nrtiele on tin* Rogue river valley taken after be was taken aboard, it was seen t ho building of his «ittage, and im ­ even, a was oft«*n the case, when they minutes of first m« tmgof the laiard. March, 1S89 M a X M i i . i . er . County Clerk. led lira into antagonism with the vast from the Portland H'or/d of a w«*k or nn.I annoiiue«! that fifty members had that he had suffered no serious injury proving his lots on Hargailine street, twong.i. The writer. F. Iw. A. Swope, whatever. l>r. Beetle. company sur ­ left for Virginia City Tuesday morning. signed the roll. majo’ity of his frieml» and the public generally He conceived the opinion is well n«|uaiut«l with Sontbern Ore­ The president announced that sev­ geon. was wired to meet the train here Mr. Fox is much pleas«l with Ashland that the Indians in Southern Oregon gon anil speaks from thorough knowl- eral matters of public iin|>ortane<> de­ and give him attention, but couldn't and it is the iutention of himself and w«*re not treated justly by the pio­ edg»» of the country. mand«! the attention of the Hoard, even find the man when ths train wife to make this place their home as soon as they can cut loose from the chief among them Is-ing th * necessity reach«! Ashland. neers. and umlert«Hik to right flit* Th«* Young IVople’s Allinn<*e will great mining town of the Comstock. wrongs in a way which aroused tin* meet Friday evening April 27. The of preparing for some advertisement of Mr. Fox will l»e wolcom«! here as a Will l»e open May 1’1. for the »« commo«!. ;s. 0. 11. II hostility of nearly, if not quite, every program will lx* as follows: Singing; the city abroad. Remarks u|a>n this citizen, for he has shown himself enter­ tion of a limit.«! number of fuest». other sett l**r <«f the region. Ever since r»x*itat ion. Miss Watts; essav. Mr. \\ als- topic were made by Messrs, Galey. A sp«*ial meeting of the Society of prising and progressive, and has al­ Boar«! ami lodging, per week »10 00 then he has lx*en writing ami lectur wortb; solo. Mr. Boyd: oration. Mr. Reels* and Walter, aud on motion of Bargain Hunters to-morrow at 1). IL •• •• «lay. 1 «0 ing ii|«>n the wrongs of the Indians, Hawkins; duet. Miss Thornton an I Dr. Revlie, the chair ap|K>int«l a com­ A E. V. Mills, Tlie important busi- ready induced several friends to lx»- per day 1 and several times in years past has Mr. W.dswurtli; sol«*t reading. Miss mittee of three Beelie, Galey and news is to take advantage of their low «>me interested in Ashland and her Single meal» future. L-en in council w ith prominent philan­ Ida Lane: song by society. Kyle to submit at next m«*tmg pl,ms prices on shoes. Open meeting. Camping privilege» will be 50 cent» ]x*r thropists amt with uiemlx-rs of the In for advertising. On Motion of Galey, Hon. J. D. Whitman, of M«lford. week for each individual. The elocutionary entertainment by dian bureau at Washington. For the president and secretary were also the Southern Oregon member of the BYRON COLE, PERSONAL some time, a- his miml lost its vigor Miss Hinds at the M. E. church last made members of the committee. state horticultural «»mmission, was from age. this subject of the Indian Friday evening was one of tlie lx*) 4« | Proprietor. A proposition by Dr. B«*l>e for the visiting Ashland last Saturday, to in- Mrs. M V Ling is at Grant's Paes, s[x*<*t the orchards here and learn qu*‘sliou has been a harmless mania ever given in Ashland, and was by no circulation of advertising matter was visitiug friends. of his, and he has lieen thinking, talk means as well attend«l as it should favorably received. whether fruit peats are here and have FINAL • PROOF NOTICE ing ami writing upon that subject have >x*en. The young lady lias talent W. H. Atkinson called attention to Dr. A. <’. Helm reach«! home Sat-, made any headway yet. Mr. Whitman and culture and cam«» highly recom- constantly. Father Bc«*son was ur the desirability of Ashland lieing made nrday from Sau Francisco. I’NlTEI' STATXs I.AMi <>»■«« R. • ! 1 says he will make a thorough exami­ gent ill presenting his views to the mended, ami ilrserv«! a crowd«! holts«*. an excursion point, or stop-over point RohEX«.'.«’, Oregon April 23, l*w** » nation of the orchards in all parte of Max Pra<*lit is expect«! home from \.>ti«*e i- beret«» given that the following public, ami. us stated, often ran coun­ Jackson Hanby. a young man who on the S. P. route, and on motion of the valley during this spring and sum­ named «settler hx-tiled notice of his inten- ' ! ter to public opinion, but lie will lx* arrived here from Kansas altont six Galey, Atkinson was appoint«! a com­ \\ ashington ou this evening's train. mer, to ascertain just what tree pests tion to niHke final pr«x,f in »upport of hi. rem«‘iul»'ie«l l>y all who knew him as w« ks ago. and has been pre.-.ching at mittee of oi?‘ to prepare a memorial to Mrs. S. .1. Lyon and little sou, of have lx»en introdne«! in our valley, claim, amt that »al«l pr«a«f will lx* made be i fore the jndge. or in hi* abaence. before the one win» trust to live by th«* -*Gojd«*n Central Point, Eagle Point ami else­ the S. P. officials. Central Point, were in Ashland Mon­ ami what «indition the orchards are clerk of the < ouutv court of jh < k«*on county, Rule." ami who was alway-quick to where in the valley, reported Monday On motion the secretary wasdir«*t»*d day. in. Trees brought into the valley sev­ Or . at Ja« k»onville, Or., ou Saturday. June resjKual to tin* ap|x*ids of tlie unfor rmtrning that he was rolilxsl the night to prisve l in the matter of attempting xttu Whs, viz I.udwig Tonn. Home«»tea«i en- Mrs. .lotiu Pennington and daugh­ eral years ago have introduced the Xo. 4'200. (orttie lot- I an«l 2. and S‘, of X innate or tlit* afflict«<1. lx-fore by two mask>xl men. who re- to have better mail facilities offer«! ter. arrived Tuesiiay morning from San Jose scale, he says, but only in a trv E i s«*e 4. Tp 37, r* R 2 ea»t. W M lieved him of $»'.i»l in gris-nbaeks. H«* between Ashland and Ken«». few localities does it s«*m to have made lie name- rhe follow ing w itne««.« to lirove Tacoma. The Helman farm i i th«* city of Ash­ Las lx*«*n lodging alone at the house «>f hi- continuon» rcirteue« ur»«n ami cultiva On motion of Geo. B. Lauders, a much headway. He has a spraying H. C. Messenger left for Portland of. -ai«! land, viz Hermann Myers. iaml has lx«en sulstlivul«! au«l is now John Vau Horn during the al>s«*m*e of permanent committee on roads was ap­ remedy which (applied in winter) is tion Henry Peck. Frederick Downing. Joseph <>ffer«i hi small tracts at very retisona- Mr. \ .n Horn and wife, l'lu* house is pointed bv the chair, cotisis'ing of Lau­ \\ «iue«iay eveinug. to lie gone a w«*k certain destruction to this scale, he Randle», all of I-ake creek. Ja< kson county. or two. ble prie«*. If you want a pleasant just ov«*r the hill west of town, and ders, Hosiey and Kyle. says, and it is his purpose to have a Oregon. Any person whode.ires to proteat aKainst lioiue or a g«xsl investment in a g*««*l the neighlx>rs are not very near. Alxiut Miss Mamie Judge return«! to general «»tnbination of fruit growers After discussion of other matters, allow ance of »tK h proof, or who know, part of Ashland, «l«*n't fail to see tins 11 o'eliH*k lie went to th«* bollM* ami the Board adjourn«! to meet tiemor­ Chico Wednesday, after a two weeks’ for the thorongh application of the the of anv «ub-tantial reason, under the law aud tract. For sale by G. F. Bilhngsor A. win n a!>out to enter was confrouttsl by row (Saturday) evening at 7 o'clock, visit at home. til. regulation»of the Interior Department, - rem«ly, toch«*k the progress and pre­ why such proof should not lx* allowed, will I D. Helman. two imu-k«l m« n each with a hnmlker- same place. vent the spread of the scale. Our tw Geo. Barron is out east of the moun ­ given an opportunity at the at«ove meo I J..M. M c C ai . t .. ehief over his face and a revolver in It.Hiai' !» Iteli! tains ami will remain for two or three climate seems to be much less favora­ tionad time ana place to cross-examine the i’reeiilent. his hand. They demand«! his money. ble for the growth of this p«»st than w itnesses of said claimant, and to otTPr evi months probably. In rebuttal of that submitted by < latm Ih ree gia*l lodging rooms to reni in He po]it«*ly liaude.l them bis ¡xx*ket that of Southern California, but our deuce t C has W. J ohxstox . tue Myer house on Hslmr.n Street, <>,«• Ixxik and they quietly «1« parted. He Messrs. C. B. Watson and A. S. p«»ple should unite to prevent it ever B11 „.-st Register. issate thè Woolen nuli. Impure at went into the house ami told no <>m* of Frenli gunleli hc «I h at half price. at Hammond have lieen at Jacksorville b»»«iming the nuisance here that it is on law business this week. his loss till late next morning. Closing ont ut «mt nt < >. II Blonn t’«.* premia»*. in many places in California. the lUsi Hotiat*. ASHLAND TIDINGS. BREVITIES. AUCTION! AUCTION! On Saturday Afternoon, Apr. 27, MAX PRACHT, OREGON, ASHLAND, OFFERS FOR MISS K. P. CALVIN. J. M. McCALL’S ANNOUNCEMENT ! SALE 25 LEASE THAT MOST DESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY FRONTING ON MAIN ST. & HARGADINE AVE. THE MOST CENTRAL Location in Ashland. THREE LOTS EACH 22 FT. FRONT BY I 20 FT. 4 IN. DEEP. These lots are located diagonally opposite the new H otel < I regon , on the south side of Main st., corner of Hargadine Avenue, and for a first class business invest­ ment have no equal in the city, (’all on or address NO LADY Is Stylishly dressed until she has a pair of neat fitting Shoes. Fit like Laird, Scliober Bradley Metcalf’s. Mitchell’s, and MAX PRACHT, Ashland, Or. BUY A LOT IN SAXMAN’S PENNSYLVANIA ADDITION! TO THE CITY OF ASHLAND! NOW ON SALE THE CHOICEST LOTS, In these goods is now complete in all THE FINEST VIEW, sizes and widths B to EE. THE LOWEST PRICE. OUR PRICES Are marked in plain figures. You can buy as cheap as your neighbor. D. R. & E. V. MILLS. THE EASIEST GRADE. Every Lot is covered with the very best grades of budded Peach, Apple, Pear. Prune and Plum and Cherry trees. Lots Enclosed, and Sireets Graded. M ax P racht , SOLE AGENT, ASHLAND, OREGON A I h - xt'X YOU CAN SAVE MONEY bv Purchasing from MORAL BROS. Main St., opp. Postoffice, Ashland, Oregon. Our stock having been replenished with all seasonable goods, it is complete in all its branches. Dry and Fancy Goods, Ladies’ and Children’s Straw Hats, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets & Window Shades. Colestin Soda Springs HOTEL Being connected with a large store in California, we get all goods from first hands and can save you from 15 to 20 per cent on all your purchases. We are constantly receiving new goods and can fill any order promptly. Keniember tl ie J dace, MORAL BROS, Main Street, 7XSTILA.N 1), Opposite the Postoffice. OREGON. SAMPLES Sent 00 Application. COUNTRY ORDERS Promptly Attended to.