A DEPARTURE ! r¡ 11 ri i i ri i Y H J 1 ASHLAND TIDINGS Till: CAPITALS FRIDAY THE CHILDREN’S EGG ROLLING ON THE WHITE HOUSE GROUNDS. A Wont to Fruit Growrrs. •OO From and alter Mat ist. 1888, 1 propose to sell goods only tor Why the Young Ones ot Washington Horticultural Boeieties are Ix-inn formed throughout the valley counties, where fruit is abundant, and an m- creaHed interest is shown in fruit-cult- ure and horticulture generally. County societies should work in unison with the State Horticultural Society, which t o >tne a realize salislaetoiy prices. The State Horticultural Stx'iety needs the .-•> operation of all organizations of the kind and by timlual etTo.'t a great deal of goixl may result Fruit-growing is assuming importance of the first mag­ nitude and it will lassi co-ojx-ration and close study of opportunities, as well as a thorough understanding of friut-pnxiuetion and value of sods, lo­ cations and varieties, as well as bow to treat and manage orchards of different fruits to secure success. Probably no comtniiuity in Oregon takes more interest in horticulture and tries more earnestly to understand the questions involved, thnu the R,x-iety of fruit growers at The Dulles, that has Ixx-n for some tune organized. It re­ quires such faithful wa,rk as they lx*- stow to make suci-ess certain. Few crops are grown that require the same c ire and coudit i< ns as h uit-prt’ cordially solicit a continuance ot the same. I. M. McCALL, AT COST ! ir ir v nr *t a i. «IL 4L ui J r tilt’ lu'st I‘ft'elifl'oil stallions, ait'l A-.bland. Oregon. KING COLE- Tln’ l»fst Sltellan'l on tho coast. are al your service. I ¡amhetta will !<»• at Me. E. B. MYER Furnishing Goods and Hats I X I J<’( )!< I ) j I •«*<»■< > 1 1 Oregon, Ashland, Wyandottes. Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahmas, Brown Leghorns, Oregon, Ashland All kinds Repairing and New Work. tion gnat untevi! \. U Wind Mill* mm in furtiishv’l. SAW GUMMING A Specially. ' ‘ um enti, and H. SCHERRER. N. C ilie West Shi«. FEED STABLE \\ e« OPr'SSETTLER'S CUIDE, »?«":>. ,d of LrMgt 2Sc. (pos'ags «imp«; THE ASHLAND SHERM. STANLEY, Prop LIVERY AND FEED Kccirs constant1 y <»n hand the l*est <»f HAÏ AM» (¿KAIS'. Horses left in n y care will be properly cored for. Keinemlwr the place: weftt end of the bridge. S\able oprii nò/ht uml 12-91 Eggs for Hatching GEO. W. STEPHENSON. S hrkmyn S tanley . R. N. ANDERSON, Merchant Tailor, Who is now prepared t«» otter the public better accoinm« datums than ever In f-»re affor«ie«l in Southern Oregon in th* liv­ ery business. Horses Boarded and Fed. RECEIVED a • ..iiiph t«- 'Hx k <»f i and Iw»mv**th* <’» m »<1 s of th«* he «gréés to luak«* hih I at th«- nn»-t «■lass hou*»«* »»n if von w nt* lmmh B «nd fi r—t Y«»ur*, Triilv. \I»Ll:.-'»N. 1 rom II’//»/ iidotti x. / ’11/ mi ni t h Korl.x, Liijhl 11l'/fii iims, R<>*' timi Suii/h' B//- Coniti lììoim I a i I au hs . Il oiiibittes, l*m tritili» ('orlinix, unil Ixst lìlorK Mi'iiiurtis Am« rica - br«*cds. Il t a m rx of t hr liiijhrxt Ii on- i>rx ut ull thr luiijixt r.rhibtt nix ./<»/ .’•«.* » per thr inixt » li ri n fi» fii‘x. Egg setting; two’for .*$•">■ S«*ml *- •tump f»»r Calalogu«*. A«|tlr«*.-s .1. M. < 1 \ kuìm » x . l ’or» -t (in»ve, ( ^regoli. At reasonable rate- New and handsome turnouts, telnilde ana safe buggy t-aiiiH, and good saddle horses always to L<- had at these stables. Tin, Sheet-Iron and Coonerware, Will Buy and Sell horses STEPHENSON Cull at B. F. Reeser’s NEW rnN SHOP lïansfei In Koeser's Block, \xhland. Fu! stock on hand ami made to ord« i. Particular Attention to Job Work. EMERY ** i 1 E I N’BEKslGN El’ vs«»til<1 annouin «• his «•! J in « • 1 / children t,«»11« *w ing the s w ee t music of the Bird li’Hi of Hamelini Muititmliuous tot* |h>uring trum all tho 11« UM*** a u d streets ami t od dling with uncer lam slip but im mciuairible confi d« nee («»war ds the tin*'st pin’ ; ■ronn'l Tots :n Aim-ri-a m uh tue sia g»*s o’ wealth and p»M*l ty ami m ir<»«k- as various .a- th* cokirs ot birds m t ropi« a 1 < ■Inn»*- Daiuty fitti c tots. with fact» (hat Lav«* lx*en scrubbed into h shiny rvdne.ss. and in iiuniaculately whit«- hik I stiff piiiaton*^ that will I»* sadly discol «»red and luup tx.*f«>re the «lay is done Tot- in ¡•at«*he«l |*v|»*ug through then* shoes, but hupi>y *»s chipmunk- on an autumn day! Pickaninny tots, with faces as black as Michigan soil, hopping aud skipping with unrestiailiable gle«L Smutch tacud tots' Garb’rless l« ts, with storking? , banging down But nil of then» deliru»usly happy tots It is East« i* M«»n«lav m VVa-um.d«»»». ami , the children are «»n tb«*n « hv to th»- White H<>uso gruumU io s}<»iid lhe «lay The children of U a^hington have a mor« genuim*lv »*nj<»yab!e time on Eu»t«*r Monday than during all of tbo Christmas h»»l!«iays. They l«x»k forward to it as the greatest event of the year True, «hiring the Christina? seasou they are given any uui«»unt of plum pudding, min«*u pi-*, turkey and pink und yellow can«Iy*. but the «•!<>*) of thrirstivitb«*- Usually Hu«Is them in a condition of sMiated disgust ami they set ret I v wish the thing wen over Easter Momiav does not consist in tin munching of imhcestiLles. It i> simpiv a grand r«‘Hip on the undulating lawn- **ur rounding the mansion of the nation * presi dent. Washington is always tx^autiful in tie Easter sea-on. The rums of the early spriu; have tt*:is»si and tr«*e ami dower ha ve su«i deniy I* ir>t mi«» bloom The air i? filh-tl with the pi'rfume «»: the hyacinths that ar«* s« plentiful ii» the pai k*». and the lilacs, dandt* hoiis uh t sin»w i*aii- in>crt their rich cdmus i .» the most imlLiut spring kaid«Iosco)I«» '•« seen in the I'nited States Thu grounds sur rounding the White House are lieautitul in design nnd coloring and the s|»eet;u*le <»t thousands of childmi daiu-mg <>\<*i them ba«hv«l in the warm light <•! the spring suu. t one of ex«|Ui* i •»"«»v id's} u it h n t.tt h* tan<*v Li-', t ot vari »iisis <*olur**d «‘ggs. roil iheiudoan ill«, slap-.-ot i t * many mounds on the gwumis. aud wh»*:i th y ar«* broken they di&li ibu*« them im :« od la«* uuin**r«‘U.s rugg -d 1»>«»tbii»« k aud bom» !• - u* ” (•.»m-ol W.»sh ington's r«Hi rn siH.tsi, ami lx*fore the «lay e over tliuii Uh'thers ure talkiau ufi«knt.ally , together, c«»iup.ir«n'g tbu vai ion-* ¡M»mtb ol their progeny The lad , «>f the White 11 .ux» usually mm gl»'s With ’ he Children f’ v aa Lo;ir or so on Eastci Mond iy N«*lhe ki t .ur, the «laugh ter of th * lute ex Pr«*snieiiL Arthur, us « n I tc take p;u t in the egg rolling games her.-« It Mrs Clevel.m | alway s m id«* it a ¡»oint to I k among the « liihlren »n the Wuitu I. ’ on Easter Momiav, ami woiti.l amu.-<* t!.«*t»i mi l c«xldle an i »ax them \ :t > a skill that wa* the admiral ton of all the mv.^pa|«*i «*orii* spondent- m Washing’'11 The sjicctavie <»l ti most tieautiful ot carrying n little White House ni’str« s ragged girl «»n her shoulders, ur t akiug a bunch of violets from her «lre>. to givo to U •little t»ov w’h<> asked fur them, woi I make striking t'ii'»u h pu t'ir«*s t«» Lang op tm walls i of the executive !naii-m:i Wm-nt •en ‘«rant was president be use«I t<> stroll out to a tivneb in tht) White lx»r w here b«j would : sit, putting nt u cigar uad watching th«’ anti«*s<»i the children, The fun is kept up witiiout ecssa tion from «*ar v morning until «lurkness K* gins to fall when tin* children, thoroughly plaved out. but with a healthy glow in their cheeks, ar»* marched to homo and to bed It takes some «lays f the gar«’«•!!'*i*s ot th? White U oum « to ch tho grounds ot egg shells. It is uot in the VVl* Lot alone that th««*.’ Easter egg i • ‘liitigs take pia • . but in all of tie. larger|«ark* «»¡' diecity Iho spai'iou- grounds surr«»nn img th - Capitol umi ! to la* a gr nt place for the childr« ;i, but the great mar bl« terrace which is now Iteing *«»mpi<*t«si has Bpoil«! the hill for • -g■; r«dimg CLAItKNCE 1«. Ctt.U-x bl vinc L A < iiriouf* € «»nroction ot Pastry and Good Thiiig*«—Origin <»i th«« Name. A very curious old Easter custom in Shi\‘¡»shire ami Herelurdshire, England, is to make u rich and expensive cake «•idled a sim nel cake. The cakes are raised ai d tin* crust is made of line Hour ami water with saffron to give it a deep vellow <*o|c interior i- filb*d with mate: ial> < f a very rich plum cake, wiih plent y of candied Icmoupecl and other good things. 1'bcy are made up very stifT. tiv»l up in a < h»tb and boiled for severa'hum*4*, nfui w hi»*ii lbw are brushed over w itn egg tn i then bake«! When ready for sal«« the « rust i- a> bard a- if made of wo « m I, a circumstance wt i< L has given rise to various st« rir-«»t the uiannei in which they have at times been (reared by persons to whom they were ¡»ent a> |>r»*.-onts, and who had never seen one before, one ordering bis sininvl t" Iw lxjiL.lt.’ soften it. and a lady taking hers lor a foot>t.»ol. They art* made of ditTerent sizo. a- ma\ l«e Mip|M>ni*n, is nearly uuiform, will be best undvi-tocxl by the accompany ing en­ graving, representing the largo and small cakes. One of the mo.-t curious things about these cake- are tin tak« which have arisen to explain how they tirsi got their name. Some pretend that the faihi r of Lambert Simne.1, the well known pretender of the reign ol Henry VII. wasalsikei and the lirst maker of simnel-. and that in couse«|iien'-u of the celebrity he gained by me acts «»f bis s»>n his cakes hav». r»*taiii«i| hi- name. But a much more curi<»us storv i-one that is current tn Shrot»-'uire It seem« that long ago there live«I an lio-.est old couple, boast ing the n «m**s of Simeon «nd Nelly but their surnam«*- are n«*t known It was their cus­ tom at Easter l<> gath.-r m«*ir « hildn n alxait them ana thus meet togetuei on«*»* m year under the old homestead The tiLsting seasou of Lent was ju»t «tiding But th- y bad still left some of the titdeav ♦ *n»*«l dough w hich had been from time t<* time <-onverted into bread during th«* forty day> Nelly was a careful woman, atui it griev«*d her to wa.-te any­ thing, so she sugge-ted they use the remains of the lenten dough for the ImsLof a cake to regale th«'as*embl«*«l family Simeon readily' agreed to the pr«»|M>sal, and further reminded his partner that ther»sing to let her province in the household lx? thus int«*rf»*red with, jumped up an«l threw i h<* st4Hij she was sitting ou at Sim. who «m Ids part -*‘iz<-d a I m - jh and ap- plitxl it with right g<»«'d will to the bead and shoulders of his s | m . u - l ‘. She now scized tbo broom, and the battle N*came warm that it might liav«* bad a wry h * ti <» us result had uot Nell pro|M»M?d as a compromise that the cake should tn, tx»ih*«i first und after wards baked This Sim agr.txi tn, fur he lia«i no wish for further a<*quamtauce w itb th«» heavy end ot the br«x>ni \r«H‘infurnished fuel tortheoven Some eggs which bad I m *«‘I i broken in the scuffle were used to coat I he out-id«* of th«’ pudding when boiled which gav»* it the shining gloss it poss»-M‘s :i-a cake. This new and remark­ able pr^li.' ti’' i in the art of confect.ioiiery became know n as the cake of Simeou an«l Nelly, but MK'ii only th«' first halt ot each name was | i e-erv\ d and join«*! together, an«l it has ever since bt*vn known ns the cake of Sitnnel. vvorkmnnlik' J. H. McBRIDE IIEESEH 11. 11 LITTLE Ila« .»; wi ». m | a n , »»n Tbir.| Avenue* Near the Depot, Ashland, Saddle and Harness ASHLAND, OREGON Keep- constantly on hand a full supply of cvervthing in above line, which will he soul at prices h.« low as cun be ottered anywhere. ALL ORDERED w i hhh pepper THE WORK nittd«* to give entire •mtisfaetion Repairing Neatly Done • rk Except Sunday- l‘»»rt \lbn I i<<, l.v l.v Al. . . 4 »f*. M A r. I 11 ’H5 A. M l.v PULLMAN BUFFLT SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, I. ass pa - THAIS" F o « r rr\ ’gtilai trail oi F st.. I ti X<«*|»t ''• iih I hv Mail Train l>aily 7 :»u a m ■ Lv I’ortlH 12 »• vi I Ar. « «»rval Ar l.v At AlbHiiv and Corvi: liis < onn«' trains <»f urfg«»« Paejtlr Kailroad. l.\|»rt*R* 1 'miu Daily with f.\»< pt sondas Ar. I ‘J U" « M Pali I*, vi | l.v. Portlftiid, >1 in ville, l.v. I i I > A M s;»Ml I*, m . I Ar. M< NT Through Tickets to all poiutR South and East — VIA — CALIFORNIA. I For full iiiL’nnatiou regarding ra;«p niMp«, dr, apply to « «»hij'atiy s ag< ill at Ash land II KOEHI.E K. E P ROGERS, Asst G. F »V Pass Agent Mniiftgc r. 1 kJ I i: i: ASHLAND OREGON. W. halliard. Proprietor | Shor*». (’all at 1 ditlvimail’s ami m * v th«* Newhall’« Sons .V Co.’« solid school slu'cs. i hey ar»* ma«ie of solid le.it her thioiighout. stumbir &« »urces from which th«* tiau lie itt (*ui«l to txj «lo­ rived. It i> found ll! eiirh En^lcsb and also in French, and it appears m iiiedue- sinianellus val Latin under the t’orni of or siniinelius It is considered to be derived from the Isatin simila. fine Hour. ami is usually interpreted I os meaning the finest kin«l of white t urt-.id nia»lu m iigOL It ls evidently used, bow the middle ag«.*s. l - eviden' ever, by the tn«»«lia*vftl wrihTs to mean n cuke, which they «*alied in the Latin <*f that tunearto« opG w ilt, h isconstuntly t*xplain«! by simix’l in the Bitm Eup h-h vocabularies, certainly of very At any rate this cake uncient on jin. an«I it is a very curioiM custom winch has I kmmi band«* 1 down for so many genera* on-» Faster Emblem«. N qw the egg is glorified. And r«ica,,»e.s From a s.Tiuimied fate or fn.-l It appears » uthci -ha|»»s«; It is col-»risi »«very hue. Mad? of every substance too two sewing machim's,one new. !»<»th in good <•<»mlition otT«*r«xi at a great bargain if ¿¡ppli» tl for at once at rexi- deiMM of .1. i . Plum« rth on Spring St. Ml ! I N E—E, I Exc.mlv« w..-k : I» w h i ii’p \evv Uimd'. r O» c, nmu- Traini 'l ie re is a tin«* line of lend pencils at l'iir<*khalb*r A H.isty’s. im bbling Eagle Pencil (\).’ h coiortsi «TayoiiH hi differ­ ent tfhitdes tor archite«'t’- ns»*; Au‘o- matic «irop pemuls, A. W. i’ .bis tine grade pencils. Carpenter - c.»iir pen­ cils, ami a large assort in» nf of pencils f»>r sell« m »I use. A dollar saved is a «lodai m »«I»* Aoiir goods al the Bed House. Buy < » i • Ejr-t h*rm I h ’CÌUH Til il’ U 'll U«1 the Whin U. S. Sakery it. o I , F. llox « Itali V - b la ml. Wood Notice. I : I And the cards—new every year Who can tell The devices, si range and queer That as Easter emblems wll •— Sutiii. scented faintly tinged. Padded. putYr»L and silken fringed - Till one fears, with ail these thing*. W’e lose sight Of the thought that Easter brings Of it- re.d»n‘ss. sweet and bright For no emblem made by art Can vompire with a glad heart B cssm » Chandler in Harper h Baxar. There i- h well Mo. k« d wood v»«.d ba> k the NoVelr. block, corner Main a I ll;«“. 4 • iiiH- streottt l»r . ■» - ill- li -1O \. u - U.d an-; ali«! 20-inch h« i«trr v««»»»«i, «lclivcr«*d on -h«>rl notice any v\ her»* iti t«»wn N. 1*. All partie*« hauling wood t«» town <»r having huv w «•«>r *«!<• in Jttrev or «aitali lot*, will do well t«» call at th«* uflire of < W. Avera at the al»*«««* <*ornrr. ’.*« RUMMAGE. GILBERT & CO., Non hitvr lh»’ir n«*w mill, ntar Merlin, ili «»pe'Htioii. aud «re r< a«iv to till all ord«-rs for Fresh Bread and Pies Dail.y variety kept •Vi hi -tuntiv < a h ;•« Or h r*« f«»r parti* s pri»inpt!y €*x-.*cuted and sp«*«*ial prh'c»* mven AH kin«is <»f ornamenta! v <»rk n< ally «lone W«dding I 'nkex ii Fpifialty Bread Delivered Daily at Your Door. Prices LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, l.TJJ always reasonable JOHN WEXLER, r Sugar I’nic Ccilingand Rustic — and — Yellow Pine Flouring. Will be our Specialties. N lilSt »11; f AxHI.ANλ oRE«.G\ CHEAPEST PLACE In \-h* .-. I OR. l»r H.KK i X W hi* h h»* will **«11 in large «»r -mull «luanti- In. low TALENT, <'alif«»i*nlM I \prr-- I'rain- Kun 1’iilv 1 11«' liu. G axiakii . Ashland. < It.. Mar.*22. I—*.». Eggs and butt«*rfbcs and chirk*«. Even h»*ns, LamiM. and owls on tit tie stick ■». Things't would take a dozen p.*ns To describe—on every akle. Sea, they swell the Easter ti«k* M \M FACTI RER, With a »oinpl«*t»* *«!• « k of th«* >»«*st tin**** of Paints, Oils & Varnishes Public Notan Time liétuecn Ashland soil Sait Fraitrisco. 23 HOURS. Patroniz«» the «»nly w;igoti that <*oii- neclri with every train, lain <»r .-bine, ■iml earn«*« th«- I’. S. mail ami Wells, F.trgo A C«».’s «‘Xpress. Satisfaction guanmte«‘d. J ohn D yak . Driver. Aud th© little yellow cluck. In his shell. With a head that will not stick in the place ft ought to dwell. He has joined th*.* timLlcy crew. H»?s an r.iL-tcr vinhi<*ni t<»o’ S. SHERMAN F.'IrHi THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE ,lu.*ks«»iivill«* («» Mt*«lf«»rd. And the gaudy butterfly (Poor dear thing ) As the Easter time draw -. oigh It unfurls its colored w mg. And with weak. unsteady leg. See. it tries to draw an egg I Prices That Defy competition •ng*-r*< tn und fr«*in • ach train Full supplv of cofhns, caskets, rol>e> ol .ill sizt-s, gloves crapes, etc.. etc. Southern Paeific Company's Line. ¡Oregonian. \ RRTISTIC At the “Tidings” Job Office can be found a ^arge stock of station­ ery of the finest kinds which will be printed and furnished to busi­ ness men at prices lit­ tle higher than the re­ tail prices of the paper. 1 Send in an order. A full line of Real Es­ tate, Justices’, Notarial, Circuit Court and Mis­ cellaneous Blanks is al­ ways kept in stock at the “Tidings” Office and will be sold at lowest rates. Send for sam­ ples and prices. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Smith & Dodge « hit ) th<- laruest ftiid b«*>t «tel«*<*l«*