Keno Whispers NEW THIS WEEK PERSONAL Jacksonville Brevities. HERE ANI» THERE. Woman'« most faithful friend is Ore­ gon Kidney Tea. It is specially adapt- Our citizens are lieginning to make ixl to coniplaintH peculiar to delicate Brother Bowdoin is a good logician C. B. Watsou has returned from Rememlicr the 19th. Men's Ixxits from S2.50 up at O. H. - garden. syatems, and works lik«- magic without mid well pleased with Keno's bright FRTDVV . FEBRUARY l\ IMP.» Astoria. Blount's. ’ SFRING MEDICINE YOU WANT Dant-»- at Stxla Springs to-night. leaving nny unpleasant after effects. Dr. Colvig was in town the first of prospects. W. H. Atkinson reached home from Oregon Kidney l'ea is purely v--g. ta- Sallee to Fruit Growers Ward Douglas, the insurance agent, C. B. Watson has beeu appointed a . the week. The first real vehement» of the Salem Tuesday moruiug. ble preparation and is nneqnaled in is working Umatilla county. A regular meeting of the Southern uotary public by Gov. Peunover. spring rush to this p«mit was notic«d Dr. J. W. Robinson lias beeu on the Kidney mid Uriuary complaints. H. J. Roberts aud wife returned Oregon fruit Growers' Association will last week in the activity with which a I? you want a sack of nice potatuee E. K. Bngbtmau is euclosing his Sold by T K. Bolton. sick list this week. lie held in Jacksonville on Saturday, railroad lots with a nice new fence. dozen bomeseeki-rs movud around town give your order to Bish, the milkman. from California hist week. i Feb. 23, ISs'J, f(,r the [mipo*« of elect­ Mr. ami Mrs. F. R. Neil have beeu C. W. Nelson who several months asking question«.. They are non abroad B. F. Reeeer was down to Grant'» Eugene Las a spook; also n variety L. E. Moe is putting up a dwelling ago o|x-ued up a general merchandise visiting Ashland the past week. ing officers for the ensuing year. over the great Klamath Basin, pre— Pass the first of the wv*ek. theatre Iwith very valuable additions in railroatl ad iitioti near 4th street. C. B. Miller. Sec. store at Central Point, has left that Edw. Brown, of Douglas, is . Mrs. Rowe, of Tolo, was in town d«>- pecting for homes. Tim time is nut to ti growing city. far distant when hind will be lughli The pay car was attached to Wed­ town without leaving Ins address. The iug some shopping on Tuesday. Full ml I lea 4 out at So«la Springs for bis health. valuable in this alluvial Basin. The Roseburg liceieir has liecu nesday evening’s north bound overland. fact tliat his gixnia were haule«l away from the store during th-- night, and changed to a s«mi-weekly to keep Services at the Presbyterian church James Lewis was found dead in bis Gen. Apjilegate is at Salem attend­ “Iu a cotlpl«» of years, perhaps lee-. Don’t lie foolish but wait for th« lat­ that lupriuentativcs of San Francisco al.risist of competition. cabin near Liukvill« list Monday ing to some of ill«* business of the third next Sunday moruing aud evening. aatil Uncle Sam Colver to Mr. Smith, est styles D. R. Mills is buying iu Chi ­ .mid I ’ ortcanil wholesale house« have morning, an empty whisky bottle by Marriage li-ense issued Feb. 12. IKS'.), “your fifty-barrel tr"ll will b« too Binali Mill City, a new town on the Oregon house. x la en at Central Point lkiug for X-! his sale. He was last seen alive Sat­ cago. to David Lyle Rice to Mary E. Dunn. for th«* increased acreage." Pacific railr< a I alxmt 35 miles east of Mrs. M. H. Vining will probably re ­ son during the week, show that some ­ Something near 5t»> invitaliotiH hate urday, and from appearances it is “But,” replied Mr. Smith. "1 si.«li Albany, already has over 3tM) inhabi­ turn to Ashland to reside within a There’s nothing hke it. A petitiou lias l»eu in circulation for Use It Now! thou .'lit he died Saturday night or Ix-eu issued for the grand K. »! P. Bail thing is wrong. Xclsoti did a good tants. short time. business at first, but neglected it for the pardon of Joseph Lonsignont, also Imild my null with a very op. n ey< Sun,lav morning. Excessive drinking on the 19th. future demand for extm-ion of e. Á : -. Ui'icli rmi ilown other things, with theii-nal result. “Having used j,,ur I’.U ik ' h I'llerv Corn Is s'lppo-efi to have been the cause of Frank Avery, of Tacoma, who was ■Iillins Goldsmith, the Medford gro­ one against it. city. I’ll take care of all the gram.' ' r-. l: Thtee R. R. lots for sale, will take pomi ’ ttil-, -pro. - 1. a - r-i'. : ms nd It his death. (. b ry * - . t IV. o l> I ties V- 11.'-prti. r.ul ¡ui 1 ■ ili suine lime An eminent pliysieimi says; A shot on the ears near Corvallis by u cery man, was in Ashland Tuesday for Miss Maggie Gallaher, of Pittsburg. team iu part payment. luqnire at Firn* spring weather, and [ low ing is T ri c r.i* 1 lunatic, has recover«! from his s short visit. n .r «S . 'in r.«l e ...I -,'m|. n ■ ’ll..lor. P susphm 1.1 nerve li i healthy liver secretes from two Pa., has located in Jacksonville where Bank. 2 w ('»«•»■ hit . ! 1.4. ifimv tool,', .iixl in *' (along tf 1 haw a ;i lu. ex new Rinivvtv B«»y Injtirrd. now going forwani by lake arid nv r. K“* n . litre« pounds of bile i-very twenty-four wounds. ' I ‘ ■ i ■ xi.i « »■ Dr. Flanagan, of Grant's Paas, was she will do dressmaking. in..11.“ tú £. K niiiih . Walcliow li . ki H x The plowboy whistles tn claims wnh l’lie probabilities ar- that th -re will hours mid dtsjx««s of this s-crelmn Prtif d E liT»ir (’Inles, a 15 year-old .-on of a <;. llur ir mu. V». Philip Ritz, the Walla Walla nur on Monday morning's train, going to Au epidemic of colds seems to have tbe meadow lark, water ihish,- tn 'm St.'O. At f'rmrg: 's. Grant's Paas m»*r« !>aii\ J. M. FLil k . lie a large crowd al the KnigiiU ball where it will do tile most gixid. Now scryi'.iati, died <>n Tuesday of last W i : i . is .K icii « kis . co . .l*rop. Berlin -non. Vt. San Fran«isi*o, struck our town and not to have a cold Sllliuy lalidscai-e aud ducks win r k*lvt«*rtiiiiiH«| to leave h«»ra.* List Sunday on the 19Ui. if the liver is out of order, the whole week. He Wii-; mis of the early < Ire- F through the air. B»*;:iitifnl i*thc|'i ! LACTATED FOOD ‘ 'rt, D ul ......... Indian, who had 1B to ,K’ 01,1 of lb“ fa®h'<»n. evening and I m »;ir.t» d th** north I mhhi I Mr. Hunt, . of <............. — ------------- Tickets lor the K. of I*. Bill on the system is in trouble, th« .-pints are de­ goti pioneers tire of blooming sward, tlaxliiiig v tei . p-iK8*-iigf»r after th** -.tyle of the tramp. l.t’.h will lx- soi l at ¿3 per couple, sup- pressed. the mind is not clear, and a been ff|»j the br ik *me!i; < vend |x-r ineliid,,!. person whose liver is not performing you county. Gal., are visiting their un­ inoiintmiis bailie«! in a vernal horizon. Johnston, of Roseburg, register of the 1 hid ’ s and I hey thought t|i**y were rid its duty is very s f '» Bamuel IL Tay lor, of this place. W. G. Tanner went over to Yesterday w..s S', Valentine’« Day, business. I»:. of biin. The boy had < hmL<*d to the Henl-y’s Dandelion office was destroyed by lire last Sunday morning and thought come of A can of the supply of '«liit« li-h Parties from a distance who often top of tin* fl*M‘|M*r. tboHxili, out of Mtfht ami it was ob»»ervse of boldt county, Cal., who arrived last Among th«' numi roii* \ ■ t- rs to Says tli« Yreka Journal of this week: Bouse and lot on Oak street for sale kinson’s home in Ashland. The Mon­ and Garin t ( biles for 4«» <*ents per lx ef cattie for Douglas county stock- wiH'k, has purcbast'd the Bilger place K«uo last week eaiii«- Mr. 1 Ileo I.«« J. Th.» force at work in clearing th« at $7H0 Will take team in part pay­ which he will take possession of at Smith, the Erosilo mill man. Mr. ground, and getting out ns k for «lain ment »ml give time on liaianoe. In­ golian pheasants are indeed Ix ail’Hui sack. The farmers will not haul pota­ men. birds mid it liardl toes nt th se rates, so there is nothing Smith is a young man wilhei« rgy and once with his family. in Klamath river, rnnr th« railroad quire at Bank. 2w th«y could be guilty of all the ii’"'nsa- doing in this "fruit-” A. H. Carson, proprietor of the Rtxi- capital, foresight and tiriu I. Ini in th« crossing, was discharg«*«! last w«a-k. l’etitio is are beiug circulated pray- bright future of K«uo. After taking iand Nurseries. Josephine county, was Th« TlldNiis was k< pt busy writing tions brought against them by the and nil work st q.peii for the present. ing the legislature to appropriate mon ­ It will be remembered tha* two Chi ­ \v•• have been uuable to learn flu* its Valetrtiue story Huger than was Willamette farmers who have been nese laundry man wire murdered at in Ashland \V forfeit as a gnarant«*« to b< „n tli-- project is to lx* nlsiudoned or not. this week with the paper Hl ColiHe- tecting tin sc lards. Smthern Oregon du« was found at the time lo the guilty Supt. A. F. George, accompanied by during the rainy season. no doubt will sixui lx- slocked with building the mill inside of nim ly . although we think work will prolmbly quen re. his wif«» and a la«iy friend, came up U> ones. A ( liin«^ jLt«*elive who has The ladies of tbe W. H. M. 8. pro­ and then went amoug the graiu-g««*- Engineer Melius is deploring the them. be reeumed at some future tune, be­ I hcu working il(il ill c;ise says lie has Ashlaud Mouday evening, returning pose giving an apron festival in con­ ers. Th«* utility of his visit may !• cause tbe conipany has secure«!consid­ loss of Ins family cow r a tine young C. T. Harris, who returned this week found out who th« murderers were. Tuesday. nection with a miscellaneous entor- partly measured by th« fact that «'.«ri erable timlter laud of no use without Jersey valti«*d at $75 a which choked to frwm a prospecting trip in California 11« claims that they tied to China, aud S. J. Seott returned hom-.i from Sis- tainment some time in the near future, graiu-grower 1 have net ha- d«ei l«.i saw mills to cut it lip into Inmlx-r. death on a potato one day last week. as lar ilowu ns Redding, reports there that as soon as lie gets his evidence in sou Monday evening and nqxirts Mr. ! so save part of your dimes and buy to exteud his gram acreage at once. In addition to tbe alxive a Heuley To turn gray hair to its natural color is geueral activity along th« line. Tbe pi' ’per shape he will have t li«m bn night aud Mrs. Merrick coaifortably settled your best girl an apron. correspondent says: Work has liven Editor Bowdoiu and wif« tirriv d and beauty, use Hall's Vegetable Si­ mills at Mott started up Monday but, in their new homo. temporarily stMpeiid«-«l at Klamath will probably shut down for n pails Mr. Jas. Scobie. master of const ruc­ Friday night and staved over th« cilian Umr renewer, the Imst and most Tlie notorious Shuck' Iford pre City. It is exptsfi'd that work will C. A. Nut ley went down to Grant's tion for the S. 1’. IL R. Co., who is sta­ Keno hot»! until Saturday evening. reliable preparation scieuce has given atsru preparatory to the general start­ tended to have taken |xiisoti while hi s«x>n lie resumed under diffi rent man­ up ou April 1st. Lumlier has b«i n Pass again Monday evening to snjier tioned at San Francisco, made our Of course lit* interri '.«d. "11.-a - us. He intend the packing of two more car town a visit last week. Mr. Scobie is iug of th«* greatness of Keno," he i aid, agenient, aud la* pushed witb a little advaneixl in prii-e 32 per thousand by th-* Salem jail th» oilier day. rolled his eya s anil pretended iincou- Two young men. (English), lately more vigor than has la-en the ease all the mill companies, which is judi­ loads of apples for L. Martin. much pleased with our town and prom­ "I have come to solicit ads. iro n yotu from the East, tire iqieu to contract for cation of a gixxl deman I for it. lb- seioiisiM‘ss and rigidity. Th«* doctor, hereto!« ire. ises to interest himself mm > u in a rail­ numerous mercliauts ¡'.ml. p rii ip-, lay E. Kane anil family leave Sunday laying out grounds, planting trees, says reports over there ar« that th« however, pierced Ins big toe with a road connecting us with Medford or the corner stom* of vour u«w mill. ditching, draining A -. Address. Smith Klamath City null company have harp iusli uiueiit. w hen Shack was on their «ixteuded trip. Lyle Rice will Ueutral Point. It Will be in the Inaugural Prix^xxlon. "How will you succeed, think you? I h * iu charge of the S. P. ticket oflioe A- Wadliam, Grant's.Pass, Or. suddenly restored, and assumed a thrown up their scheme ¡iltogether, “Well, 1 11 get tlx* ¡ids., as I can help The new silk tii-g. contributed by the in Ashland during Mr. Knue’s absence. silting (Hist ire. After this tin* doctor that way, beiug publisher of a good It is nndi-n>tixxl that th«» billiard owing to being unable to «.-cure title to citlZa-DB of Ashland, t«» Burnside Post Grants Pass and Josephine County. administered a «lo*« of ip. ea«. and he paper in a town on th« v< ry outskirts S V. V. Carter has gone to Butte No. 2it. G. A. K.. has arrivi I and is dis- and bar-rixirn of the new "Oregon” timlx-r lands they i xpect n. but that thi'ew up every thin« except his lxiots, creek valley to join Messrs. Godfrey, of your new city; but about the layil g played in Bnrcklrilter A- Hasty’s win­ hot- 1 has Ix-eti r«'tit«»-l by Clerk iiallen- report is probably a little premature. |Gitard. Mors« and Aling, who went out a short dow. Experts pronounce it to !«• sn- Ix-ck fot a fri.'u i of his, now m tbe S. P. D. At L. Co. will close their fac­ of the corner stone I bave some «ionia. The mail agents dmi’t have tiin« t ■ “Why should you doubt? In Oregon the following property is time ago to sp. nd a time on their land tory for repairs this week. l>erb in quality and exquisite n style. east, who will lx- out here sixm. take care of th ar in ill an 1 k- «pa ivatcii "Well. I am not used to laying, al­ ex-mpt. itom ex.s' Musical in- claims there. 1 l ice fi.-l’l volli lining 3s g,.| | s ar. Tli sc lots an- located diagonally opposite the new for tile small Isos that me liable to In ­ Hy is in one piece, th-’ red and wlii'« iii rly of Jacksonville, bi,-, am—pl« .| the in the way a- th.-y tin >w tin poach-s siriimehts, Ixxik:' and pi«!tir«s 375: M ssrp. G«o. T. Ib isbliergor, W. A. report, is on sick list this week. 11 ’ i i i. ( >i;i j ox, on the south side of Main st., corner of something and sort o| thin., i my m strip sar-- made of silk nblxiu woven invil itmn io d -liver tbv annual address on the depot ulrtorin Ix'forc I lie train holisciio'.I . tic's *-'*'¡1; (’lotiung Si’ll*', <).»«n, i’ogue ami others, of Central to exact width, and sewed together at th- forhe nr tig aunual reunion of the stops, and the afores small boy s had anil «1'a hit.g 1 > each inemWr of tin- l’itint. inve been at Salem «luring a Rummage and Burgess are at work a corner stone, 1'iit d*ai «\. . ’i.. kuo.v Hargadine Avenue, and for a first rtass business inv'“4- what it will lie." wit h invisible ru-.rus. The material is Oiegou I’luiH-i-r .\«s.>''i: t'on. | l iim s. better t.ake warni ’.r mid k««p it a :-..te family .*'■*« temi. t.K»l , iusi ruments in week or more past as members of th« pl intiug 5*K) apple trees lo-dny. ineiit ha\e no equal in the city. < 'all on or address Ameri-’iiu "” silk, woven in dis'mice. Wiaini sila, morning a little libraiy. or whatever is tn-eded in th« "third house.” The wickedness of si,night« rnigdm I A. A. Wimer of Murphy, left Mon­ Th»' weather turned eo-iler Wedn-8- fellow was standing tix> close to th - tr id« or proli'ssioii of debtor, s?|.h>: ten New Jersey, and t!i- flag was mudo by merely for spot 1 il-ics not s«- in to b E. L. fl.dlenlH*ck, a brother-in-law day for Coos county on business. J. M. Litciiti--|.i X Co. a linn of "Pro­ ilay evening, and the prayers of those e-lge i»f the form watching th- m- sl.««p, twoeow-.tive hogs,three month's native to tins Kialuatlie-.untry. >,««'- No exempti iu is gixxl of »V. G. Tanner, who came out here tected" merchant tailors in Hau Fran- whodid ii it get enough coasting may eoming train, win i: he was struck by prov»ml« r. Lumber is arriving for new hard­ iug contei ts ¡n»* popular, but « v«iy not Ion« ¡igo from New ork state, ■:g-nr. ' a claim for pnrcli iso money: cv-u’o. and it will lie cirriedin the in­ lie answereff yet. The p.*ople say th« th« mail sacks i> th«y wa r« thrown ware building of Layton and Howard. duck shot is dress'd ¡.nd coth- will lx* chief «l«rk of tbe new hotel, augural proi-ession in \V -shiugton, "i-ountry h *av«*«l" anyway by the from the ns»i ing car. and w,.s liiiiiiinal no homestead. Jh-u. E. W. Morrison left for Port­ "butter-ball” duck lx in« a v: ry fat ;m i " Tin* < Iregiai." Mareh lib, by Max Pracht, a “Protect­ change of weather. aroiiud over th-- platform mind tn«* rile "«• ograplncal social ' is the very laud on legal business Monday even­ delicious bird. Sius.ting let i: il i r. ly tai American citiz-u of German atite- Judge P. P. Prim, of Jacksonville, for fun is amiiM ti.i tfi at the «xp -i Poetm ister Farlow has a l«led alxmt mail sacks promiscuously for awhile. la st. d'lie g» nllemeii are given cards, e-i.-'its. tli« pr-a -nt eomui ui.ier of 150 new l.n-k and call lx>x--s to those Some hard bnmps. u Ifftl« -bark" on i-aeli of which are printed the nail)-' spent Monday in Ashland, h iving ac- ing. valuable lif»-, and it is t>> !• n ¡«'. « I Burnside Post. The cost of the flag is alretidy iti use in the office, making knock 'd off Ins ' aq.l .a thorough <4 some eoiiiily in tin* stat«*, while each companiisl his wife ami daughter thus Mr. I. G. Moon has a bouncing baby that in many ottici 1« -liti» - ich wai. $75. and the lettering ol >, making $S5 more than 3'10 in use altogether, so scare was tin» only d • douo. piai«. hi !y receives a card with a ixninty seat far on th«ir way to San Francisco for at his bouse. Mother and child doing ton «l«'st ruction shun! 1 tal lu all. well. that ther«- will probably be no further \\ ii• -11 1 li« !-<• 111 of -.i « 11- Awording to th Mail. Medford is to wiitte'i upon ti. 1 In* gentleman litiuts a slay of a fortnight. <>ur (aim luii. 1 iiHialr. scarcity of ls>xes for aw hile. The new shingle factory's machinery In-fore the Jii lziiuiit i«:it tl,« pre.- -- have a tlonrilig mil', th« same to Iw up tile county seat of his county to Ed. Thornton retnrned home Tiii-s- ta ,» to «upper .an 1 if the county seat day morning after an alisencc of sev­ arrived Mouday and will lie put up at cut iug angel uri ray: l.ei built by Mr. A. Davis, o' Aider; Miss H ririett i G. M«x>re. leettirvr of The fullowing story ih told of <1 is not known a fort “it of live cents is eral months. H«i was tiniek«*ep«*r on once. eometh :i Soul that b th * i ; y* ILii*' n«;«: Lea, Minn. Siyst ’ ■ U. I’^i'lro id for sonic time tint Mrs. Thos. Hoixl is reported some­ (aeator mini«* vain ¡bl« hvm_- creati «, . . - lat«lv lau^Ht-cti at Tacoma. amining (ns splendid sp-x-imeiis of vog- Pit sby terian < hiin-ii l ues lay evening, enterid into Iwtween Mr. Davis mid parties winim.g , Ex. what better to-day, which wearepleasutl merely to gratify tn«' fi. -:ri (iv« Kjj x«ir:’ etiil'h s and fruits, nnd t.s'omshed by and her talk is highly spoken of. She tli« town of Mi-.Iford t'« the etf-x't that Milo and ('. C. Walker returned to report. of th.* huinat:; «loti.«' it v. H;)I h >«i ' the c:'y giv.'« Mr. Davis th« right of was to s[x-.ik again l ist J ill tli«ir size, he n-'iiurked: i'll« la uni A icxgivv- the di'ii«n- I'm. lay morning from S«.itt!« where way and 4tX» iiiiners inches of water si .ti* of' wn log* reeeiff Iv ph >t«graph« 1 Mr. Harman of l'lireka, Nevada, has business when he ' cut f«. '1 “How canyon rai--' i-oiiitixs .-o mu.'li Tb< n (:i •'. I, . 1 g >m tor 1 lie treatruetit of tIn* mission of wanton bla i/ '• r. ' Burekhalter A Hasty k:-ep hi stock from Gritli.i ; r. • k tl in •. :ind li« s to arrived and Ins partner aud machinery larger thin wo do tn the - .-st wheu our oiihlie li»« ”f th.« North"rn I’acilic will tli« Jtldg«» say: "Mi 11 >: C-Ì ' ! L- 'll Harman’s pur«» rnbtier shield for jeii- erect a Ilmirin« mill, first-«I in <>li "t ra.lro i.i. wlr'ii »* ill give sour» idea of Í«: i: r'-as!lima. Milo Was beiiefitt«al is expected this week. soil app-ars sa, mm b more fertile?” much by the treal'm*Ut ami trip. art guilty of blasphemous lo. JC iib’f hold« rs arid pencils, It strengthen» its appointment-, and put Hi the 1 itest ■•('¡11. ile, sir. climate, sir ” promptly Mr. Robt. A. Booth will build a new bv' it Mii'ilt. the grip outlie penholder and eases improve«! patent . "’« r prix-ess m i th • siz • of W'-tern timli-'r. l'lie pic- Mr R ilieris, «langht»r of E. K. house ou North (ith street, on land re­ defiance of «leeent pul.i.« respolldasl Illa- dealer III dirt. "Albi tare shows t wo slant sei’t'.otis of log . Got thee b«yond th« er w: !‘s und th«- fingers froui cramp and fntigne clnnery with a cnpam'.y of titty t> rr. H Brigtii nan, re'iirm-d bom« Saturday the.-u iimgnincent apple«,’’ eoutinila'd iirnl protiate tbe ling« rs from the ink.* per ’lay. He also places tn sal 1 mill ote a red il; at' I the other a spruce, i ci from t’aliforma where she Ii is been for cently purchased from Mrs. Topping. shut th«* black gat« belim i b * ■ i. . the immigrant, “bow do you manage to a platform ear. !'li-*di"> « nmBofthe of < B'-arA of Directors of Grant’s Pass stay there three or lour e«in « pri.lih-e them? ’ "I'“, yen, sir. cli­ < lo to'-orner Main and Granite streets a 5(> hors«* |x>wer stemn engine mi l red lir I •«. wet -: I >i.meter'• ’.It ’inch, s, Hom>* time with her hu-J>. id. Mr, tunes!" double ¡sillers, to run iu <• :-«» of short ­ Opera House Co., held three meetings mate.” tor paints, oil.-, varnishes, brushes, or nearly eight Ie«:. Til« h»lg’ff. o' th*' Ro.x-rts wh " »'.• ¡xx-t-'1 here, to remain, ■ i last week, getting right down to busi­ Then thu blizzard exile had his at­ artists' materi Is. and w ill and build­ age of w.atir. 'Dus mill v.ill e «> fifty ti«« fre ii which it was «'it was 295.20 this week also. ness, X < !.;*.( lx iiled tention called to a bouse peri h“d ou ing papers. Estnn itee made on paint­ thousand dollars. f« years of growth t>7>3. Sprtlc« log; Hon Robt. M'L ail v.. « up ftom tin- very a|x-x of a pr»,-ij>it«»us hill over­ ing. paper hanging, interior tim-ora- D:ameter 3.19, or nearly «'Ight fe >! six Grant’s Pa- • Tn»- lay. Taylor A Taylor have canceled or­ Mr. M«L«an Another child killed by the i • looking the town. an,! very naturally ttons. etc. hi 'in's. Height of tr««. 19t!. ‘ t f«ut; PERSONAL. ami hi- entire family have lieen ales ders for four carloads of building lum­ at**« tfivun in the 1 ■'»> '?'■» •.: - ’»i .• iibpiira-d. with a view to changing tbe H. S. E vans , Ashland, Or. growth 277 years. la’-ly wilh malarial fever caused by ber this week, ano still all cry hard Why mothers y’i\> llai; « .1 • t. s c:. d« adly pois«»n is h..rpn-u:*4 D» n th« *. subject, "How in tile world do those d’*fe 't)s -wa-r ig •. but siu*e moving times. Max Jacoby was up from Gohl Hill 15. F. Ris-r's line new house in On H.e mort ing of \ptil 30'11.1*31. can relieve the child of its !»eeu’Mr people mau.ige to g«t up that hill?” tiieir ri'siili'tice are all on the i nprove. Monday. Quite a rush for building lots on troubled by tin* use oi Ac’<- r < H L- a' '.) n'el *ek. it lr> b. a arranged that "Climb it, my dear sir. climb it," Highland Park addition is up and pro- grisising well, but for delay in th« suje Dr. A. C. il !m, wif« 'ul littl«' s >ti, North (ith street this week, ami we lk Soother. It <• •ii b » ib o t <>r • II. li. Wolters was tip from Mi ¡ford ti.« cti.ircb bells all over tbe' was the nnv ry mg r,-|x»iise, aud the i’»i s. shall ring to e >l«*b: ato the « vent of 10t) H'ar’ixl f »r San Franeieoo Sun iny for another new brick building in the ¡»bine. Sold by ChiLv*: tenderfixat wilted, and pin 1 cash down ply of finishing lumber. Marble top Wednesday. years ago, wli«n th« church bells moruiug, win 1« ' I:« dix'tor gm'.- to l«x k near future. for sa>ni‘ very .la sirible city property wash stands, and other finishing ami Mrs. King left for Medical Like, W. tf roughoiit tli« thirteen stab's mug aft’rile fcrnislnug for “ I’ia- (>i««.>n." plumbing materials, arrived this week Worth '«’h< ir Wright in (iohl. seven Hilles «»lit ol town. The Western Union Telegraph re­ from the city. T., Tuesday evening. out to call th»- people together to pray E. L. II illenb-x'k. who will '-e "Th* pair gang is here with two sleeping Yebatine Bitters me • v » Itle«—Ililiui. 'Vae Journal s ivs tbit there has Chas. Brandon and wif • started for for tli» success and prosp-'iity of Gen­ < tregua s" chief clerk, went with them. cars and a tool car. re-setting | Miles ble. COlltHÍnir.o IO Ciloimil. II. mineral aba s. er. oil. or other eral Washington, that day inailgnrab-d LaGraml»* Wedm s l.«y where they will not ls>en a single tram rim over the G«o 1 Yoiil« w»»nt to 1‘ortlaud on an 1 fixing hues generally. At the n si l»n »» of the bride's par­ «»nous, «»r injari »us tnedicincs. ptc. id-uit iif the I nitial States. A call Sun lay ev-ning's train. From Port­ ent’s on Granite street at 3 o’cloek p. Yreka branch R. R that has not more reside. from _ n'unis alia herb a < aiifond is mafic from the comniltteo having Inti t Geo. *' ii I h« migli than p il 1 expenses. Business over eo East, or coverv. and an the b« ’ of in tn. on Wednesday of tins week was per­ Mrs. Carles Goddard and Miss char. of thi s-' arraug.-ineuts that in Central Point Items. stomach restor« rs, am! flu formed by It-v. !'. G. Strange, of the the roi l is so good that th- company Myra Wish« , of Medford, passed Sat- everv church in the land services lie Seattle, or way up to A'.,«k or lie sold on a positive j.'narante. might return to A fill..nd. It would Presbyterian church, the ceremony are negotiating for an >tli;»r p iaseng .-r nrduy in Ashland. h Id to implore a oontiniiance of the satisfuetion. or inoi-ev i Every L<>t is covered with the very best grades of Very flue weather. ♦ not siirpn.-v ics i-hiainl friends to sw* which united in marriage Mr. D. Lyle coach to add to their train. by mail 2.» nts a bo>. ol Miss Lynch, daughter of Ge*». II. f;.vor which has b< en shown this na- Inm b". *k t«*-n oriow. R>. e an.I Mi-s Ella M. Dunn, youngest C nitraetor Patterson has the greater Luddi d I' ’ii'h. Apple, !‘ear. Prune and rium and Cherry Health is very good. L’hitwood Bros.. »ohi.iiiLi II >n since its birth. [Ex. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Dunn. portion of the large iron pi;>e of tue Lynch. * i Wagner ereek, is seriously J. S. Sims, of Central I’oiut, was ill with lung fever. Our carpenters are kept busy. Owing to the illness of the bride, who Ashland Electric Light and Power trees. i’.O! X Some w-eks ago Dr. Spems* sold visiting Ashland Sunday. Sims A % had been suffering from a severe cold, company laid and expects to have the Dr. l’arson expecb-d to have tins Wm. Frakus a uumb-'r of carp, for the K«arney’s new hotel will Is» reaiiy to Miss Dolly French is quite ill. AMllU - In t. t the wedding was a very quiet one, the work completed by to-morrow evening. morning on his eastern trip. Max st »«.ring of a pond on Mr. ('as.-' ranch. r.-e- ivegue-ts after Ih« 221 inst. under au 1 M m It. I Ali i : Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Seott, a son. only ones present lieing tue niemls-rs A lot of large pulleys and other ma­ l’raciit will leave the middle of next D«er Creek. Tin* pond has a south th«- m:in.:««iiu‘iit of Clias. Savage, for­ 11-, of Ilia immediate family. The young chinery have arriveii since last issue. week. slop«* and fr»s* from sli id« a splendid merly of Jacksonville, win» will run th«» C. W. Nelson, of the “Red Front” TAYLOR In l-li’xii.l. f l couple start out upon life's broad sea ami Mr-. Hobt. I The comvrt at the M. E. Church J. W. < >. Gregory came in on yester­ lo'-ation, and on« in which the carp him- - iimicr th« name of Central Point store has lieen closed out. tinder most auspicious circumstances. :n« thriving. |t is th« habit of this Hotel. Wednesday evening, the program of day evening's train mi Ins return from Mr. Henry Wilson, of Grant ’ s Pars, The groom is a trusted employee of fish to d *!v« in th« m id during winter Mr. B-* i Young, a well known can- is building a neat store here. the S. P. Co. an 1 au exemplary and which was in las’ week’s T i I'I sgs . was Canada, where lie has been on a visit. mouths, but in this pond tln v have well attemiml, and those ill allendatu-e His sister accompanii-d turn from Can- promising young mail, while the bride been visible thus far this winter, while mtymeiiof the north coast was on Elder M. Peterson will preach here report a pleasant entertainment. Th«» ada for a visit here. is of one of the ohleel aud most re- in their old horn.* it was almost impos­ Tuesday ev. uing's north bound train, next Sunday. Ix>tli morning and even­ spected families of Southern Oregon. prix-emls go into th«- final for improving Ixinml for AsUuia and Alaska. Mr. Dr. Lewis, a well-known horseman sible (ng teli a glimpse of a fish. Mr. The Ttiusus adds its name to tin- long tin- inti rior of tin- church and quite an and veterinary surgeon, recently of Spence says his [Hind is a little shaded Young is inh ieste«! in Ashland ami ing. list of well wish« rs for the happiness a Idition made to it. Mrs. Dr. Hinkle and Miss Mary A. Los Angeles, arrived hi Ashland this but he nevertln*l»ss meets with gixxl the prospectof a fruit cannery here, of the newly married couple. and lias been thinking Rome of investi­ Mee have been visiting on Applegate St reel Commissioner Patterson com- week ready to take up his residence Bili-eess ill the «are of his liny tri'.x'. Mr. and Sirs. Rice expected to leave plnius that some |»s>ple when clearing here permanently, and with his wife Courier. gating the matter for himself. the past week. last evening on a short trip to Port­ up their yards and trimming their trees who aei-ompnm-'d him. are making their Chas. lli>agland and family are here, l’lie following from n correspondent W. E. I’rii'f* returned to Ashland lust land, when they uill return and oc­ throw the brush aud rubbish out into home 111 Mrs. Porter's tn-w cottage on of the Snl«m S’¡desman « x plains itself: week, after a w'k’s stay «town in the being calleil to see Mr. Hoagland in cupy th- Ri*e liom-'on Spring street. the streets, instead of burning it, ns 4th street. Dr. L -' i- is au ol I I WHOLE Portland wants 11 . millions free from central and sout hern part of California. his last illness. they should. This, be very properly of N. C. Boynton. H-- brought taxa'ion for a water system; Eugene Mt. Price traveled considerably in the The Coming Event. Dr. Whitney, of Eagle Point, has says, must lie stop(>ed, as it is an un­ Inin a roadster, n Cleveland B iv wants fifty thousand freefrom taxation Gol.ii*u Stale, IcH says lu* did not st*«* I m - coium a resident of our town and in­ Arrangements have been still fur- necessary mis’ise of the streets. ion nul uun of the prettiest for n s 'W’rag« system. Portland will any where any town of the size that tends building in the near future. tber peifecteil for the K. of P. buli, Shetlands ever seen in Asli! mil. Judge WebsU-r. who came up from n«* d another 11 • million to pi rfect her showed as much life and progress as i/' /SFAMLESS and everything portends a most euc- Jtu-ksouville last Saturday, made ar­ Dr. J. Hinkle lias successfully re­ Messrs. Mills an I Ilyin, the latter ««.vi i system; Eugene will want 321)0.- Ashland. cissful and enjoyable occasion at rangements while here with A. S. Ham­ moved a cancer from Mrs. Martin Pe­ of whom has bun liviim in Southern (HM) more »o |H*rfect her sewer system Granite Hall next Tuesday evening. mond and one or two others to have a D. S. K. Buick, of th« Roseburg terson’s eyelid and she is now as well California awhile, mdthv former but an 1 establish a water system. I liat The committees are doing their part tract of lull land tn tin- w.-stern part of recenHy from K.nroas. nrriv«*d in ?lsh- in iki s three millions for Portland and I’htoiih ah r. the champion real estate as usual. well and a large attendance will lie the town, owned by the several parties iu the first of the v.eek. for a stay of *4 million for Eitg’ene, all freefrom talker of southern < >r«goo, entertained SOLID HLLL Mr. Savage has rented Messrs. result. adjm-eut lots, cleans! and improved, a month or more a! this place. Mr. taxation. S d in must have the same his friends hi Ashland last week and Suns A Kearney’s large hotel and is (>n the night of the ball the front start'd "IT put«.! against G«n. Apple- an I laid out Bi streets. Ilyan w a brother of E. <’. 11»an, well as Eugene, nnd so nil lb« niuiiicip.ili- tilting it up. He will open Feb. 25th dixirs to Granite Hall will lie lucked Eggs for Hatching ti-s in Oregon, which will sum up not ga;« for an ¡di night's discussion of the < BRS t s People coming from Seattle say known lu re as eonne-*** i a .;1 i tlu I . I .,« than $2tI.I»td.O1 H). all of which will cosmos ami other little matters, ou for business. and ’h« side eiitraun- use«!, which will S. i»eoh>4i**.i! .surveys in S »ulhern Ore­ From W /i'iI'll/. ■‘"tl, ' lend tlie guests to the large retvptioii there are a large number of casrs of gon for several y oar* p.iM. Die latter b« fre from taxation. Sunday evening's traiu. Mr. Enoch Gale, who had his thigh Light Itriih iikix , /ki.s, 'i I S Verily, the VSOLC LE athe -5 au l cloak n»>tus in the rear of the s'li iilpox in that city thenunils-r had is so shattered by a tree falling on him. Couth Hftiftt I.i rtis. 117 «7, Henry < ¡cor«« theory is practically hi A-al n i h - hih * tine* n V Engim • rs Mel) imild ami Barnum stage, where everything will la- n ! rip are back at work <>n flic "«lock” broken limb. ;-L»- ri» «•- parati* >!is. ing nlxiiit it, and tbe ptsiple ther-- work. CELL BP / r< o H. W. Hoagland, au old and much breeds. Il'iam rs <>/f/ < ' dipt. il. I. r-M’l an I wife, who b.iv»* In ola- of tbe Amali r u >1 get ex­ One of the pluckiest fellows that of their big engines again. Engineer Inr-n enjoyinj' la.* balmy sun^lum* an t ever lived in Montana 1.» .John Myers. M.'lbis was running in M'Dimald’s res[iecte«l citizen, died the Hth inst. in ,1 nt rill the Ini i 'ixl i j . 'ot front *-(hi «•( ihn haii, til** (MHIHIlltt**** cite«! over t he fact. À?-S IT SHOWS HOW ALL bits an t*> bave «I pflf.-hlDeiit tropical climate of Sonliivrn C to. »¡n- i Ha is 2'I years old, and has just gone [Jac«* during the latter's nbseiise. Mr. He had l«et-n suffering from cancer for the jHint ehc ii i:eoes. ]’ I tip ird s Spix itic is tin absolnt« cure setting; two ’ for S ’ >. Si nd McDonald's family , w ho have Isen liv- several years. He leaves a large fam­ s!an4. uii«r*‘ Itoe wantu • »r th: >80 who for nevi ral mouths past. lotunuHi to through a terrible ex|n*rieix*e. 11« is a rABL!7r.L0 for all eiup'ivi-.tlseases of th«- skill, Catalogue. A I dr,-«» ltigat Hornbrook will remove to Asli- ily aud many sorrowing friends. «b-.Mir»» reir*i*b¡uorjts «inrin^ th vvvn- such as Stilt Rheum. Il.rix r:« Itch. Ashl m l on \V«--Inc Liy ev» nt’ix’s t rain, cowlxiy, aud wes hunting for liorscs land to r«si 1». .1, M. ( !.\l,l:i- IS SflV'-U. imr, lief«»re *»r after Mip|»**r pert-edv coiiD iii to hv* in S. (>., with a party on Silverwater river. II*' M vrti . f . Ring Worm. Scald Head and all itch­ l’ore-t Grove. 111 < go« will !»Ì‘ 6llppll*M. I’m- <' iptuin s \« tbat was missing recently, when th > others J. II. Ch illen and .1. B. Boynton, ing or i.iti.mi' d conditions of the skin, awtnl«1 timo duiih^ Ih«» projjrrAS <>( whether arising from disease or ex­ there is plontv of s»i:i>l”!u* an I sum­ . ....... ill. It Wils tie.light that he had uncle anil cousin resp«x'tivi'ly of G.TL t Talent Items. th** Dal! tbe 1 ai»ps will no tiirnvd down i from Minnei.polis posure. It is gu irautee 1 in every m**r weather <1 »w:i there ye\ lint that stopped at some "squaw m.m’s" house, Eddings, arrived Bore, Sunday lDtli inst., in Talent, ami a f»l:«‘t*»*.,raph »f thè < •* n * tak**n, the bottom has «bopped < hj ; i if every ■ mid no f«ar was felt for his safely. yesterday morning on a trip of iusp«*c- vl ARE '•as'. Sold by I'. K. Boltou. witb thè aiti of calcium I ìk !»*^. thiny ♦ De it. is the hardest place on Two «lays afterward the nieu in th«» tion o’ th« country. On the sum» train toljon. Drake aud wife, a son. r U - WORLD ICW 8S.3AD H' EL x L? 1 rxri-c-i MADE tX^XWJat'O fi is not unit i ll to see. o:i the over­ earth for a poor man to make a living I camp noticed a dark u!»j«et sliding and with them camo Mrs. T. E. Go«l-1 The engine for running the Talent load'rams pa- ¡ng through Ashland, and the easiest place on earth for a .down thesideof an opposite bluff. Il frey. Mr. Eddings’ sister, with her five planing mill has arrived and Is-en UoiHiil tip in a síihh . Ciuui io occupying places in the Pull­ rich man to spend h’.s money. was Myers, both of his legs were brok­ ehildn n, to join her hns'iatul, who pre- placed in position. .!■ Guijnh»n. a little Fr» n h N»y o! man • ara a lj .«.-til to thei'- anstix-r die en, and hi- head and fa«-« were terri­ e<"l«xl herself and family several months T. -t and land buyers come and go abati 13 years, u h<» lias bw*n e*mtd<»y» Í wiiffe bre’lueii. Tin re i- nothing to > bly lacerated. He was weak from 1»» City Council Proceedings. ta -b»->■! I j'»:>< r mnJ G lroy’s t I g'»>.| f r tite moueyd li .tiieu who Mr. \V. I. Vuwter. the cashier of tlio every day lixiking for places to make of blixxi and the exposure 11« had iiu- homes. All s«»eni well ph-ased withtiie inill f«»r s«> i timo mot wilh a caro not «or th ■ objection.« m.. lc to di rg 'U». dragging himself along for Jackson Comity Bank of Medford, was “lay of the laud.” February 11, l^O. frinii*bi! Ia4t 3 u>*stl,.v and th« in by tin» high-toned white folks Harried at lcig- neCily laHt Sunday to Council mat at 7:.;'¡ p. m. purmimt thirty hours in th« snow. Hi* lion» on • which 0.1110 mar r*>u!tui< in hi« w ,>o h iv« ti. trav.-l in ’lie same car. Mr. Order your fruit trees through S. t>) a ljoiirnui'ti*; ;>i nt. J. S. W.ù er, stumlilcd an t threw him on the neks Mi-- Etta Hill of that plac«. death. Joe haest and Of an < x|»-ri< lie "f (Hl, rn «> xr ai tl. I“*’’ a^tin I jv tli«* n* ’n ’•> the mil!, but »vis th" fro', -h.i.v «iiid-iw of V ,n Satit'x amid tbe eongr.itnl.itiiins of a host of bluff where feu lie'll side of a st, p cheapest. X ton. J. 1». Fountain. • lUi'il.iau. xn4 Organ trade and In :• . an Hi pus t’A • fellow ail ! wiml I |»ersi*t storage ro i.u u xt to his groci ry store in.trumental nim-i' II- wi’i i- ’ll The following n-a-iuli >n was pass.- 1: «•ouid walk. fT w is a wotiderfii) vvin- fit’'ids there aud arriV'sl at Sledford ru f hili;,’ with tho mivhimry wlp'ii Molidav night, l: -IU’ which wrr.. ms- o a Monday morning's train where they organ or plano VI.UY ’ ’ Hl. IP ■ .>■! liHlon of '«'i'.«. “That tile city o'.' Ashl md agrto I What Is It ? t;ioi> wa*. noon»* wafobni^ Inm. T u * m - pl i»ed a lot of canned go sis. A hole take np their future home. Th<* T'u>- Hi: tila- Asi.imi i Ele -tne Ligie lin ! 'I ii« La Grail 1« (ó':< /?« Iris th« fol- ixjoin* in congratillations and well 4 «y jusî h *î<»r« 4 nner be w.a* <1 »un in large enough to admit a mm’s 11«.id That produca* that beautifully soft Give Some Music Lessons Power Co. for tlie sena,' of - < nr- l">, to s vnf til'll li ime bllililing ti c mam shaft ro<»m alone, when th** ami arm w. s m ide and the '-urglar complexion and leaves neither traces of Wl-illllgs. elec'lie lights Tot the • a -tliag ’•> its application nor injurious effects? The In tlu-barg iin. bun t H :y men alMtve lie.ini a toiribl»* Hitimpiu/ h«lp«d bl .i-s'lf to things, taking almu' lx- p>l Ils b c : 'ci '.v th- i. ! io i . i .i~ ■ ■ 'iation. .'¡nd ¡1« working : Prof. ('. F. \’« *«. professor of pen- answer. Wisdom’s Rolx-rtme accom- n»’Cii hi in. ’Ii ■ I. « 'is-o.’i.i mi,- I', i. 4»»W ii > airs ala! rushed î<» c** * w a o. ’7.i ti cans of oysters and some e,m:nsl st ras-t CilUl'llii tas* alt t .1' S* iptll it- 1 . J th ' m » 1er. Tii- v found ihe b »v 'n d dleto'i an 1 La l ir.mdi each h is a II mi« m mslup in th» Norma) »»'I hhi I, left «>■ . plislii-a nil this, and is pronounced by tomatoes. of Í7 per i.onth p- r light.” ♦ oi^iit hi« arm 1:1 a h*it th ai T »'-•! as«o lation. l i.« home as-. finança' < - mi. Ix r 1'-»i. an i h is -to -k HU' S 'iilx» I in in jr-nm i.iship there for a term or i less. Sold by Chitwoixi Bros., Ashland On short Doth-«-. |>ri« c6 an.I w.-rk co. raii- It was ra-soha-d tha' the 'liitn;. tee*i resobitio i"a npnute, hi-*sta»*s am! tioi: m voe i! music here last summer. ihrc' sera-’, in it bug about 3 siuire « >t«. Prof. Ne*»« is a fin« penman nitt'••• b i istr.i • t ■ investis .ta o':, fi vali $li'.'),ir 11. Altiiough bu' «ti I I-: -rve- a gixxl «1 iss wherever lx* l'n-y ! e.uej m the real estate business Mo- km^ft a¡r< ( 'v weinutT Lis f.-et Hr h I sg has Does It Pay? tile oil liti, . ’ of tu - tira-C'i'iip itiy ’ ’ il Prof. N'es-« has sitice concluded little ■»'. er a year oil th- .'ioa the r ti»i I thn mmii' »n the th»or .is I:»» at .Inn-li ci City. L me county, winch nqxirt at th- ii"X' ne. taig of th- city n ■' to tak«» a d iss at Central Point, Three fourths of our people are wt: firrini i. Di»* Bdt was ent, pi . • ■ th y j i t i- 'ently left mid ju Ig- council"ver m-..stir -■ are u-' • ■<- Ii. h m irtg .g loans out-stau.lmg o' me» r A PIANO TRUCK .ib’iu' 1?.'».••’»». .m«l 1" is est inaiteli t ii .t and I ft y« er i..y morning for North- troubled with Dyspepsia or Liver t'oni- th » *1* i -hit.»*»•» sL»p.»** I and the !x>y ex- ing by the scorching tuev received by sary to Iwi l.ilten b> plae.- s lid lire com ­ plaint in some form or other, which by «: ihie and earn»* . a cories|xind. .it in a Portland paper, pany ou an ' tT-x'tik ' !•■ iting. nature« of tlie disease has a depressing n»en call lib. it < .-ii at r* «i'll'tli . ... nature ni -nts, the sii ir«s will m sure in ah m home. !>.s, > .*i_f-r and Newm m w»*re who handies the n without glove«, they The Albany //• nth! o- I « t week had infln«*™- . 7..... i e on the mind or body, prevent­ remili M'hool home <»-. »4'lr r lmorcss;oti with the people Building and Lo,m .. - x'iation ii«v- i«, ly l»ft list evening for Ashl iml. ly in miv matter of importance. Itidi- •v » ie»>’,.* , s nvk off i» r » «-ti the t>r Junction t'l’y. . SHEPHERD, Chance t«» larreas«* Y«»»ir Library. ing of tn -¡il: liable value to tl.« town, w:i-tc lx* w 11 o: «n a boot ami shoe. «estion, coming up of tbe food after eat ♦ |:»ow ,t,4 >h‘*»H ;• r Í i.d tía* ti >il t« rib Among th« arttel.s of iii-orpor.itioti Ashland, Or. Liy .1 • ,L ,l > it • v’ids «>r (he brf th» s.x'ritn.-y of I k - cu put up on the strength of t'm • . 1 « xperiem-e. having b«*en engaged th« stomach <> t any derangement of the !>*’»’ h rubli* !hr.*iu»h ibe .‘I *sh. liisiakeu ; i •)« ■ ,• f«»r •! j ■ » s » *3 ■*< »■ i a- I'l-th - ’ ■■ K ir-'tliosaof th« Ashland L’iie !• ’.s Lc, . from ins kinvs d-ovn ty for two v ry iht.*r«î4m^ . n i r«*ad.'m': m. J. S. ble b-> »ks, on«* . »i which. ’I’.' 1» i'T‘- also provi !«s a safe ¡m l prol'.’abb- in­ -fS. I. Young of 1 his city. His many action of our svstem depends) are speedily nnd effectually overcome by an * h • w.t« pretty Badly up all Walter, W. II. Alkl’isoli. Geo. F.'lgle. fu! Story.” inis a I rv i I b *en pretty vestment to imii borrower-, and ctmtile« fro i: I r h -r« will wish him Riicoeea in the use of Green's August Flower. The o\< r, tho i^’li n > mU*iual injuries have .1 M. McCall. W. 11. Lff-k O. II. well in* rodiUNhl m tins ♦•ul of th' tli'ise o' n> » l-rat»- means t > pr ,«- kc .- new b'i-m. ss. Fiauk Williamson, most, stubborn cases have yielded to iis «|evelo|M i| ;,S it w. -A tirsi feared. i be Blount, A. W. S-oU, L. M. M Gal!, county. influence, as thousands of letters re­ l’n*‘ other i.s ti»i famo’is botn-’s of tti- ir o'vn. of th:-i-ity. wifi be one of his clerks. Mnp: Rend: N otice. iiij’irvd n«»y w.ib >«»•!!»• l»ettn*i' yesterday H. B Carter,.I. M. Leiark, J.W. Hock- story <>f the “Wild \Wst” by Biff ilo ceived will testify. The immeuse sale This is Io certify that I am general ersiinth au I A. S. Hanim m i. m.'or|>o- E ! ’ . Avery, a pupil at th * B.«'i«d'C- of this medicine is another guarantee of With eh iip’t s of recovt'i v. Luther L. Holden, of B-mtou. in ana- en toihe lax-paver, of agent for the Nonpareil Photo Gotn- X..W-i- b-r-uv i .tors; pri>i«ip il offi -e, Asiilan I; capital Bill i Hou. \V. F. Cotly) wbi«»h is known fi ie monastery. M >un’ Angel, while g r of th » f.iu; >:is R 'm ind's vacation of its merits, (over a million and half i : Jx’ k«-m eouiiTi, • »re- pany, one uf t he largest and best firms fr »ui one end of tbc land to the other. •. h..., Ill-Ill. ■ X” x'k. $b»),tltli). bottles wold last year. > So we ask. will Portland, ( Ire-on. .Inly 31. 4 oil Ise. .lift, 1-ex, I* playinj b»s -¡»all several days sine«* was 1- '■>n. that the la I excnr-i'ins. was on Tuesday evening's .Mr. Jones is now *Join^ t he county ;?ml .Vie a’ the office of the of the kind in the U. S. Our best ! w c in t id.ou-'ok last win­ igw dm* a»id i /l Co. D. i ts rented of Mr. Rqiet the will !>* nn to Ashland to begin tile still k on til« iit-ad with a ball, which n irtii I: i.imi train, having corm West it pay tosuffer from any of the alxive r,;rn in 1 "44 Fell«,««’ bbick grade India ink. water color And ex­ < b‘"k, G' *■' ter I »a- tT.ct, d in my i>ai k and kid ol.I skating rink hall m the gr.iv« for a co ora 1 ■ h i I ii;itt-*d, with Mich f >r'*e to m ike arraugei.n'iits for tlx* ooming diseases wheu yon can have immediate n Main "KctT, .’ - iilauil.Oregon. Everjlxxl, celsior crayon ixirtrHits; we defy any Ileys hi it was alm >i-t impossible out» y«.ir, the annual rental to lx< 3121!. 4* HIV.ISS of this pia ’e la-fore the 1st of :is to retr! r him i i-ensibl«. He was seas-’n’s exi'iirsions. '1 he first Ray­ relief in the August FioWer. Three doses r I MIE t'M’l I’-' 'll' ■ '■ E« CXfM.t ! C‘f t«> Jrii.» th, ir tax a • -< i will prove its worth. It is sold by all bouse to bi-at tb«-m,both in quality and 1 m Ills old ' i-t' ’ .■ -■ .:. i t!. ' * a.-- to o u h P' r'.kmd. When 1 and will use it for their armory and .March. h|p a- thi* m >ne\ I, i.eeiied tota v on the ismveiel to bis r.; mi at the monastery mond's excursion will pass through druggists and general dealers in all gem rally, tian h,‘i- .tiixiu in tl. : price. Cull and se«* sample® of work, ■ i hool. By order « f Ibe B«.ard of I’i'cctor, got th< r. 1 «.is indu -- I to try tlie Ore. drill r.x»m. 1'tie c.imp-my will proba­ and his p ir-*nts. who resident Corvallis, Ashlnii'l going north on April 9th and parts of the world, iaii«lueM. an I 1* pri par--4 to attend I" ** ’ J. ii, M , V, fiStriet clerk. a 1<«>k at tiie new pifies and Take at C. A. N Utley’s store—next to the gon Kidney I', #. I drank at my m ■ Is. bly have an additio i pu on iu the near ••all.« promptly at telegraph d for, who found him suffer ­ lia'ed thia I ’ . th da , ,.f February, lacs will «x'e'.i I to Alaska. The second [«»st office. W. R. H atnes , tue U i lU.tile irwtli 11, cud it has effect­ future .and will fit the hall up for their handsome cigar .'.: *•** at Bar *khiL»r ing from an attack of brain fever, the will pars Friday April 12tb. the third Cha:ul«riain's Cough Remedy is fa- Hasty’s. LOWEST PRICES. 23] Agent. ed a radica! cure. I van highly rtcom- use as they are able. Gimlet«, gotitweezer«, pliera, result of th« injury to Ins heiul. They on May 21st and the 4th will consist tnous for its prompt and effectual I cures The regular '7 ■' ......... ” ■...... of coughs and colds. The most The severe m.‘ii i.flliet«»} as j m.-eting night of th-company will lie most severe pot» and kett lea. pans and friers. E igles do not c itch Hies but the new nurs«*’i him for several days and tbeti c ..fa Passenger« to and from escli train. special xestilmle tram and pass cold mav he loosened aud relieved bv a New lot men's oil clothing at O. H. Was. E. CuHX. All things for all sorts of buyers ou Monday of each week, and the first goods at 1>. IL ,v E. V. Mills will catch c.»nchid«sl to take turn Lome to Cor­ hero for the north W edneclay June IX few doses of thia valuable remedy. For i I At hardware «lore of II 0. Myer's.’ Blount's. Sold by r. K. Boltou. one in each mouth is for busineea. the people. x vallis. There will b« other« later in the season, 'sale by T. K. Bolton. 12-111 ASHLAND TIDINGS 77/£ Paine’s Celery Compound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. rrr?' MAX PRACHT, ASHLAND, OREGON, OFFERS FOR THAT MOST DESiRABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY FRONTING ON MAIN ST. & HARGADINE AVE. THE MOST CENTRAL Location in Ashland THREE LOTS EACH 22 FT. FRONT BY I 20 FT. 4 IN. DEEP MxlX PRACHT, Ashland, Or. AXMAN’S PENNSYLVANIA ADDITION! TO THE CITY OF ASHLAND! NOW ON SALE THE CHOICEST LOTS, THE FINEST ViEW, THE LOWEST PRICE Lots Enclosed, and Sireets Graded M ax P racht , SOLE AGENT, ASHLAND, OREGON ÇJCHOOL CUT SHOE WAVERLY % SCHOOL \ SHOES G F. SHEPHERD These Shoes have all stood the test ci Granite soil and are kept in all sizes and I). R. & E. V. MILLS 1 J. S. McBBIDE.