h P Fi»her Box --Ml ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. W. H. LEEDS Editor and Publisher. Terms ot Subscription: One oopy, one year.............. " “ six months........... “ “ three months... Utah Rates, six copies for. Terms, tn advance. ASHLAND, DIRECTORY OFFICIAL STOVES and Ranges. Guaranteed for Ten Years. » ONSWW : EolxiM. < AL.. MnylldQ 1 11«..I BI TTE TINE in chro with great h ■nvllt Pii a «upl.lv to J " . Hain«'«. Geno», and ..bilge. Your« truly. ____ f . c >• r>o nt ,a»- AVIri*. X in the bead which doe* uot get better! Have yov H blown fn»m the uo«c or drop liehlnd the palate, or hawked or Hiiuth d backward to the thiont’ Are you troublcdby hawking. spittiDg, wjeak and inflamed eyca. frequent anr«- m ss of the threat ringing or roaring inf " ----- - — - - the ears, more or less impairment of the hearing, loss of smell, memory impaired, «inline** or dizziness of the head, tlryi.rss or heat of the nose! Have you lost all ns«- of smell? Have you a hackiug| (•('Ugh! Have you dyspepsia ? Is your] breath foul? I f so you have thf . ( a - iakrii . Some have nil these symptoms, others only a part. The h ading syrnp tom of ordinary catarrh is increased se­ cretion of mucus of yellow or greenish k the 0 NLY- A * colored matter. k Ç l '.^ a N teed Foul breath is eansed by the decompos­ ing secretions exuded from festering ul­ V.BÏ WCUH.E ror^ cers far Lack in the head; sometimes the £tyo Ç i ^CV l A i membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually q ----- ---- -------- . CAL • I. < ay. >>■< h cases are ind# ed objt*< ta of /ElETINE - ---- — ___ pity, as stench from corroding sores reveals the corruption within. As every breath drawn into the lungs must pass over and become polluted by th< se­ en tions in the nasal passages, it must necessarily follow that poisoning of the wh< h system gradually takes pin» »•. while the morbid matt»*r that is swallowe.l «luring deep passes into t he stomuch. enfeebles digest ion, and often produces dyspepsia, and filially great debnilv, nervousness an ! consumption. We have two car-loads ot these stoves, comprising a great variety of styles in Loth cooking anti heating, ami prices to suit. We claim these to he unequaled in ele­ gance of design and finish, and are placing them upon the market with the The Supreme Court of Oregou meets ut Sa­ lt ni. regular term* cummeucing oil the first Mondays in March aud o tuber. Tue Circuit Court fur the First Judicial District set* iu Jacksou county on tir*t Mun* davNiti April, SepreinlKU aud December. In Kiamaih county ou second Monda.» in June and hrs? Moirda- iu November. In Lake county on lb<* third Munday in Ma< and me second Mumia.- in October. In j«»sepuinc county ou lirsi Slonda * iu Ma:« lr and Au­ gust. For Jackson county the County. Probata ami Commisniuuers' courts meet « every m1’H( ld< If lillii’H HARDWARE. STOVES & TlXWARIi, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If vou have experience»! any of the above symptoms do not delay, but try i ’ ai . ifo sia C at I? < i el at once. We positively guarantee a f» w applications to r» li«-ve. and a t ior- ough treatiin nt to cure. Six months treatment, |1.00. By mail. $1 10. ''iinl* Xbie, < at-K-<'urv and Itutle-Tine, For Sale by CHITWOOD BROS., 1 It will pay all Farmers to call upon REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. W. AYERS, Austin S. HainxaoacL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ash land, For Sale The Finest Stock Ranch in Oregon. 3320 acres; 1 r. < > 1 •<_ »<_»•< » 1 1 lUno keeps constantly on band a full stock of A dulasi », O regon Compie e li-t « f \b*tiac:x uf Title- tu land« In Jackson colui; y. Tiile* e.xainin« d. Title* perfeciv»!. Ree ordj c-»rrecte '• iivy di*ra*»‘a. Liver t'onipiainls. Female I'iseasvs, *kc.. a specially, t onsul- lalion free. oilb v al result nee. Factory street. 12-14 WHITES COLORED BLANKETS, Plain Sc Fancy Cassimeres, Flannels, Hosiery, Etc., OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING made to ORDER. Office ami Sales R oohis in Masonic Building, Dr. J- B. Novman, Xi ♦ » \ r m V < o s t hree or four ( hoioe Building Lots in the liest residence p.rtion of the city Ashland will be exchanged for lvmekk Hui table for the construction of a tine house on lot adjacent to those offered. These lots are advancing in value every day. and you will find this merits inves­ tigation. For particulars address. B. F. K ekhkii , Postoffice box 77, Ashland, Or. ii A shland , [Late Surgeon in L. S. Army.] B. BEACH, nnd <3•»«••»rt» I CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. duo. II. Bentlev, Prcsbient. OREGON. lift re on Oak street (»ppositr new brick hotel. 13-3> Mrs. P. M. Wobst«, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC physician . ASIIL.XND, ORFAiON. Office L»r the presentai the Congregational Patton age (12-49 J. S. Walter, M. D. S., O r . Will furnish plans for any and all kinds of buildings and superintend the construction of the same when de* i red. Office on the west side of the pla/a with Luckey & Co. f 13-12 PHSK IAN A SURGEON - H. R. Barbour. R.T. Elviage Ayers, Barbour & Elviage, One-fourth down; balance within six. twelve ami eighteen months. See map at the RnP’«»ad Depot for graded prices, etc., or addrr** D H HASKELL. Town Site Agent C P. R. R. us will recciv«1 attention department. Loan* made on ai-provd security We make n «pt-ria’ ' of thi* J3-I7 A mhlanh , G keoon . Will give estimates to furnish all labor and material to construct all kinds of build­ ings. ut short notile. All work warranted to give satis­ faction. Place of residence, Hargadine street.back of South School House. ¡12-41 1 A. W. SCOTT, — General Dealers in — CONTRACTOR & BIT EDER, rinma, ASHLAND. OKEGON. ls preparv'l to give estimater and take contraets ou all cla«s« s <•»' Brick an l W'ood- ( ii Buildings in and adjacent to Ashland. » an b*- mund at New Hotel building P O. Box 14»» 13-10 U ill practice hisprofeaaion « >f Dentistry — AT — A shlxnd , O regon . Office a residence. 11-* A. C. Caldwell, Mechanical and Operative Dentist. ASHLAND. OREGON. Nitrous Oxide Gas ad ministered for the ixtinleSH extraction <>t teeth. J4ir Office over the Pauk.— ¡12-33] HAWKEYE GKI B AND *TIMP M a chine.' Make« a (lean sweep of two nt r* s at a sitting, works on either stani »- IN u timber or -rt mi - W ill pill! auy ordinary grub in l1., minutcR. A man. a boy anti a horse can operate it. No hea­ vy chain* or rods to han,lie The crop no n tew acres the firrk Gaaiard’s Orchestra, Of Aslilaii«!, Oregon, (late of Cal ' Ar«* now prepared to furnish the best ot uusic for public or privat«- Parties. Balls. Picnics, die., at any point <»u the coast. All th»- new popular music is played by this Orchestra. Having employed a large number of mil- d< ;nu>. we ar. al»’e to furnish any number of bauds. Any instrument or a caller fur­ nished to other bands. All <»r»fers by mail ;>r telegraph promptly attended to. Terms Always reasonable. Address 12-15| Prof, «¿milord, A «bland. Or. w-t-v 'A »..■>** i ABIE I INF. tOaomLE.CAk. MEXTINO or COURT«, ETC. P U Y s IC LA N - *? •*-. \ll of your remclivs are meet In quit k sales. I hr CAT-R-CURE lt_ unin-rsal >«tisfactin never have tn tie in style— l’u iiuMU* »ay a your Aruide, SANTA ABIE is deliviou« in fl a Cure for Coughs aud l>i«e ■ ■ .Throat and Lungs, aud the he } I inedb lne 1 ever handled. The 1 I i I RE is nil you claim for it—au r—< nrc. *’• E M a j ill Eaiirth St-, San traucisiM, JACKMO.N ( OCNT Y. AND TO A TRAMP. I am about out of bANTA ABIE like hot cakes, ami give* as good . tion a* any lung remedy that I ha let! in my twenty rive years’ ex in the drug buainesh; aud 1 can say the same of tl»e (J AT-R-CUR G eo C. T haxtkh , D Parson City. Nevada. A. C. Stanley .Senator J. T. B.vwdilch R. A. Miller Kupmoutatlve« W. H price ('uuuty Judge J. R. Nell. i C’«Hn i niv loner* William Ray c. W. lav lor County Clerk Max Muller Sheriff J <>. Bird.se« Ti vMMtirer K. H Minare J. M Cnildtra School >uj»eraiteuiiunt H. H Mi cheli Surveyor J. H. Howard. Coroner D.. K Pryce J oseph in a A?r- in'cad-a:, P. Fountain; Surveyor, J. B. Grif- tith; Coronet, J. Slernen*. L ake covwrY. Joint Senator. C. A. Cogswell, of lake; Rw;»rvs.»utame. S. P. M.»**; « ouun Judge, W. A. Wilshire; Commissioners, B. L. She lock aud William Bagley; Clerk, W. T. Boyd; Sheriff, William » aril; Treasurer, A. MeCal leu; School .■* iperiniendenL A. H. Fi*her; Assessor, J. E. McDonough; Stuck Inspector, D. R. Juuc*. FRID OREGON Ono square*, first insertion.............. $2 00 Each Additional insertion........ .. 1 BO A I » I FORK I AÍ U P K R I O R HTATE OF OREGON. J. N. Dolph j Senators J. H. Mitchell Congressman • Binger Hvrmaun Governor Sylvealur Peanoyer George W. MeBrid-» Secretary of Siale .date Treasurer G. W. Webb K. B. McElroy Suj erinteudent instruction Slate Printer F. C. Bake K. S. Strahan. William p Lord Supreme Judges W. W. rhayer. TIDINGS S. SHERMAN, TALENT, STOCK RANCHES I pi io rot ¡i{ Ai’iis And want them made at REASONABLE PRICES, CliildrenCryfarPitclier’sCastoria ------OPPOSITE THE POST OFF ICE.------- OR. ALSO. DEALER IS Farm Implements, - and - City Property. I f Y ou W ant F ine Public, I i SEEDS &. FRUITS. t:t-l tf) L ook OCT Fok MEDFORD. OREGON. iti« BAD TITLES! One third of the real e-tate in Jarksou county i- held unde- i>* fe «-¡ ve title. Get an abstract to Hie title t-f vour property and see if you are all righ?. The , nli reliable T!ie Iindvrdcned oflere. f.,r .ale 10 »err. of Abstracts mad«- in Jackson county come «l-iendid fruit laud .tt-ated to fin- of from Austin S. Hamn.-md'« Law and Ahs- A.hland, j i«t ..ut.i.'d the eit. limit. Elie Five straet Office. Ashland. Oieg*>n. | jg/X | •ere- of the land |.< leered, aii i.unde, fence, and marly four a. re. f. planted to , h.,lre fruit ai.p.e« and ]«» :>«.; ..mall huune ou premiM-s. ror term, and further i articular« call a. the rc'idenceof John Van Horn in ue.t A.hland. Ma« M .av F Ba.xs.jtn Aihland, Or.. Jan 31, i.v*«_ Land For Sale. CliildrenCryferPitclier’sCastoria id 1 m, tntnewhat sur i< a furti, d .ty. the te c.! went ■ u, ly. “it is mots- jy i us to bLo’.v no i .j iroit n .y •r,” lio I oil k. 4j.y : • ot 25 stood in s ha:. !.. :: Jy f I: r n is h e <1 drawing r<« InoneLmd bei 1 a bat tiat which I* 'S *>1 ull tb**i:i<*r * 1 y ti contrast « itti t!ie rich eurtrm ■: . . t«..ic'i it liru.-h.nl in the other be h I the i ■ .. ! white hand of agirl who n.i., i .!;n. • into I., eyes. There were two pairs if c . |«*r ing straight into each other. The girl was speaking "Mamma savs—that"---- Her voim blixl. “Well, whut docs she soy I" “She says that vou mustn't—you mu corno"---- "ib. ■;-.* was (.tore faltering. “That I mustn't <*6mo here uny im re?" -Y«." "Well, your mother is right in this, at b a-t forth« pr.v*:it VV!.at . !-odo , i.e-s-yr” “That I'm tint to—- tl. I cuu’t do it.” “Well, go on." "I’m nut lo corre..;, ii. I with you or hear from you. ever ever, ever." The last ti n** words vere i .- '.:cn m d «¡*.ur. crescendo intonr.tu n “Right a n:n Now vour mother's i nrposo io t ru r. you to a rich mm*. Si­ r tort in to tu* nd 1<*orious t' lx fore. He moved into the I k .’ho girl follow? ; him. Hocau;*.ht her in I is arms ano held her for a few itHsiiejiis, during v. seemed to the mother 1 1 I;. • ek Ise "m«> li< r as lie tut n Ilia head for the last tri. * «ns very «nd n:i 1 very earnest, but it was a res.-lute l «>k. ‘'I ca.i’t—I iT.n’t bear it. «lie said to her self mournfully, as lie ¡6 to present such a picture t ire Imrely Is. an 1 this was the first tronl.l'.* sae Hal ever lar aii Airs, (loviiiie V... Mi.i:,;; Ul U 1.1,'ll I I : .1 ehairof antique |iatl n She »a. kimting Fliero «as u ri -i.l look o i tier face, u «.pr:ire- ness about her moutu that m lii-ated a strong wilL ‘"Kittv." »be r;i! I. “« tien you como to I»* my age you «ill think me fir this." ••rerhiips oi. tneinma She was *um in n­ ing nil her own v i!l pov . r to keep iroi bursting into tear •’You 11 hl Mr fl. it m r !l I dir.. I yon t teU him*" asked the motli.r. stiil | * mg h lingers on li. r knitt.i:„ “Y’.s*. ni.,:unu> “That lie v.as u<>; to come hero any more “Yes. mamma ' “You «ill not communicate with him'' “Yea. mamma.” “What do you mean'’' demanded mother, fixing her eye seven ly upon daughter “I mean no, mamma ” Can I depend upon yc ttf “Y'-e-s, mamma. At least l think so. “You think so.” “1 will trv. mamma ” “Come here,” sold the mother. The daughter appn iiclted Mrs. Clover'i.- drew her down mi l iinprmtcd n kiss upon her check. The kiss was to gild the pill she v.;» forcing her daughter to s-vallow iC.ttr seemed to understand that i !iis w.:s to e.rl t interview She went out >t her - lately in..‘.b er's presence and upstairs to liei own room There she threw her ,i ...i the I* 1 .•■.nd t tears tliut tind been read, to conn* bur: t I rih in a torrent. Mrs. Cloverlie tone! d mt el.s-trie 1« . A servant with a mat «! -in r .ii i m".d ut ’he bottom and a Pre;» ;. * • red. -.Ian-." said the nn.stns . hereafter « heti • i.’ 1 couies you ore t *tr ing it dir.x’tly t 0:1 i. ù. U'.iv C V* s A. id 1 I..- . •I l.to lv U<* presidcijtqu» f!y “ k GU T ub Lat 1 j V.hi. ‘1 niu iu •i* do • in t. j s U hl. ir ; Gite certaixuy iru.u air runt, uu any better taste.1* Pure maiden dejpr» this morn to look On your despondent lover; Kv.’vut are Jo lua) the sb, Ltest smiles Tuat round your n d h’w hover. “That’s very nice. It's much better than talking about ‘gore.’ But 1 cuu’t look on Luu when ho isn’t hero.” On your blue eyes Fair heaven lies; Faint blushes spread In clouds of red ; Coming and going on your check divine, Eternal be our love, my Vai»?utine. “Isn’t that lovely I Mr. Flint never wrote the last part of it, I know. I w uh a valcn tine would come from Tom. Dear Tom,’ Lhe said dreamily. “What a beautiful valcn Uno he «mltLUxiU. if U> only But be -- wouldn't waste ids timu that way; he’s toe practical. ” bhe threw the valentine on a table cart' lesftly. and sitting down Ly a window took uj a Look, She Lad read half a doztm page* when somctLing seemed tu diug her right iu the center of the brain, She «prang to the valent me, seize*] it ear rly, read and rei'cad it, turn,xl it wrong t le foremost, upsidc duu n and cat-a-corner, d. Then she held it up to the window to i», through it After that sLe laid it on the table aud rubtxd L i Laud all over the suriaee, lx»tb the face and back. Presently her eye took m u w ord com posed of six first letters of as many lines—the word “letter ” That gave her the p0hite luokuig in at KittyV window remarked that Miss Cloveriie Lud gone stark mad. She was whining around the room holding a letter above Lor head, like a lunatic. “Is there anything for Kitty Cloverli asked a timid voice of a man stai. ¿L img I- i. a diminutive w indow at i.iv g ueral deuveiy of the post iiico. “V.'hat t: ;:. ef asked the man liru-qucly. “Kitty Cloverlie,” repeated the g.ibb!as ing. “Nothing fur Kitty Ci ver!” i.-ud th - man after looking over tlic 1- Iters in “C.” “Ciovcriie.” said Kilty nerv ,i- y. “Can't you speak louder, miss:' “Clovcrliu!” rep a!- 1 tho gill sr ar ly at tea whis|er, thou b she liiougi.t the vias shouting, aud m terror lest some oue except the delivery elc rk wcuid bear L* r. “ihere'« one for Mos Catlu riuo C.overlio," sai 1 tho man, tossing iar a note. Kitty seized it aud stuil'ed it tn her p.ekct. Then she went home, and lo< l.ed I.* i — a iu her room and road her letter lour tm.esuitli out intertill, i :t It was ir :n loni 11 i: and inf<. lined Ler of his g d 1.: u.:d ro- mim.ed Ler of her prviuise to go to i..: > «get. ever be should be able to take care <1 her Kitty lai 1 down her note-, and crii i a lit'J ■. and then laughed a little, aud then she t.io- it up ernd read it twice again. That evening Mrs. Clovcriio was sitting b tile lamp on tho table in tbe library rc.idin a magazine. Her daughter was on the loung prct«r.d :.g to ri .1 also. “Mamma,” shesai.lsu.ldciily, and evidently after u mo < Cort at plucking up < "Wliat is it.dear!” "Suppi ing,” an I Kit: i\.m rlmuld b- | r >.:. *: 1 a preat big salary, wouui jnl consent tu havon;e marry timi" ‘No,” said the mother peremptorily. “Why not. mamma”' a-1 1 her chi)*, pleadingly. t nur;I •‘Bccauie I don't wish it." a tras Mrs. Cloverlie na* one of tbos srotucu who ;i t tiC'U prefer bous, s and lauds or stoc ks and bonds to ali other considerations. :• furv in Mr Kitty said uo more aa 1 soon after went up stairs. —----- “Laws a mercy'" exclaimtd Jane, entering her ini cross' prt Mi s Kitty ain't tu her room, tho I I (.¡.ft lr«in si pt in. the things is all scattered i.i ot. aud she must a Itcen and pc no mid run awuy.’’ Mrs. t'k-verlte ku too tnueb s!..« ked to replv ut mi-... Presentir she (altered: “Ara you'sure. Jane!" “Cerium sure, m'm." replied Jano. Mi s Clovcriio got up and w< :;t up stain to her dat:gi.t< r'» r.xini to see for h.T«* lf note was piitnod to the curtain on tho dressing table in­ fix- it J forming the mother Le ¿i. huPfit. that Kitty had de­ termined to cast He sLmxl at her lot with Tom Ilorton and ho|«*d her dear mother wouldn't think too hardly c.f her, and forgive her. Mrs. Cl o veri ie returned to her i t to own room. Jane ttikjc followed her anx­ Warreu iously. “Jane!" said the mistress, “you Lavo per mitted her to get a letter.” > a tu. I rntL “I diilu't givo her no letter, m’m." “Bow else could he have opened communi n I k T ofo cation with beri You are discharge*L” There was no reply to lie made and would have tieeu considered. June r< iary ul drew. .1 your sal That afternoon Mrs. Cloverlie went through her departed daughters writing desk. There she found Ilio val utine. She tiling took it down stairs and gave it a thoron :t. dut-iv. examination. She puzzled over it for half un incut hour. Suddenly a light broke in upon her obtuseness, bice fell Imck in her chair with a uXil ga-’V- o. 1.1 Ii art. After she had liocorno moro compoeej slio . i t!.i pre» touched the electric Iteli. Jane entered. lary f “Jane, you may continue in your place." ■ you “Yes rn'in." Alt ir. Jane was about to w ithdraw. * : | :.l i.U'.h 111 tllUl i 1,000 to u 11 11 1 III “And, Jane," called t he mi-tress, “if ever a U i.in-of.” IKistmun brings aneti. : of those det< ..table “.'.rd you'resure of itvf valentines to the door of this house you are to "Ierf.ctly ” . ivc, i ut on her gloss. • ride out occat-i« »nally The la;I tline six» t■:. n:'m." un airing, it happened to be during ■ '■ •■ ! i ■ member in noc'jw tog:. ? any I •J-.r “I expi-ls its a waliii • inc.’’ sui I Jane, the second week in February The simp to Mi.*». Kitty.” TLe mixtresa did i; 1 r ; ly Yue ut itili. windows w< re filled w;:b mynau|xTbcriptioa. Then she read on a stool, and took up n bundle of paper., A l&i >n rebruuf-. cloud on tue head of each <4 which was priii' d IJ oo 1 h<- hk v i. .. « moni, I - Lire? wi.»» i • i is covered o’er, ’Da,.y Report.r Toni v.aj a clerk in 5 F. A. M itchel , Tue shrubs of itv.v« are abom. insurance office. “The president would “That's pretty likely.' ob^rvfd Kitty t To the l’rofe«slonal Humorist. herself, “if the tree : • covered vi ith L you,” said a boy. v. L<. When the billy p at and plumber. f email, bead into the c lu art 11 tliera can't very v.. . be av ., on the sfinii tramp an I drummer. k»iroj worked and witbdiw. Has su»l ! uly 1 think tbat's (ro-n ■ r : I.at. lie scribble. and dynamite 1 know Tom got down o.i L l » stool, changed L. Ire cream and vxula water. ‘TH be a ateter, daugh coat, and went to th»» presidents privto To he to It»-.- ter and the mother in law” bare faded out of light; Li.-.. aly office. 1 .......... 1. I ¡ov.il metil. When there I* nn embargo on all Joke« from “Mb Horten,’* said the president, “tlj All ai y I... -r r <■; ,i ke. Chicago; a hen the car wove and all other superuitenuent of th.* stale iu. i.iun* v d ;«,rt Throng» gore I d gladly wade. jokea in fine ment v,«Il come next uoek to cxauim~*mk) “What ii'iii-ensc!” exclaimed Kitty, “T* Have been duly retegnted to the pant, let ft »< our conditiou. I want you to figure the re­ stated, that I’U still remain your constant think of puttmg goiu iu a vaieuuuel It insurance fund ” valeutHM. Tgt braixo I' oct . ThMffiLssful time away you «hila Nur care tur time wr tide. With you ambition Ims no root, Atuf tvony hats no lied; You ti* vu: have a •«..1 (»»fooL— ù ou foot the earth tustoad. Tl’- t! -s wbi h liiU'l il» tn th.- oa' •I -I • r : ... I .■•;. i. Ar : let «itili: v. U ..an of uiirth. They 're u ■ made ut «uod. ¡i iwipkte nine»' Day ol old. Intimi by th** ; i is and boys of old England ai laud used to have a jolly time on St ■ s day A learned trav­ eler, nan»«! in the early fart of the last century rribed the custom: “An cqtn. her of maids and bachelors get 1 tb -r. each <*4 « rib « t ir true or some I n i i • *;f lots, the manís taking t til i s Lilli • and the men the tnaius, s.. i !: t < ■_ i c.f t >« young (mu light» upon a ho calis Lis «aientme, and ea i rf i - i.¡ .n a voting man that she cal. I : 1 :. - n. ni... i .i h lias two vol­ enti: -, I *;t t' ■ i. ;n « ,« fu*ter to the val- entinet!. t I s f.-db-ii t -him than the valen- leu I - rtuue bar­ ili ; 11.a- - i I I to o qiHiiy into so many ecu; 1 t! ■* . ".itm s in... (mils and treats to I1, ii h . tr. ■ , wear tin ir billete several dnvs i; it i I >■--*iis or slx>l boy and «..ik'd a I* .; I up y our p-uni.^ for some weeks I., fi i .* \ nb itine «lav to buy lair a bit of 1 «1 p r i i. : g a cr'ilond picture ami lieaniig n ; ! laotlo I'll warrant yr.u re- mem!» a ■ ; in s- if it were but y .-sterilay just wl tu.it tn tto was, and just how ait tie*etn. it m: I u-nt your first “dr"p I 1 qm in after years you came to I ..v 5 ■- v 1» tier, primps alia laughed i.i y r v...inline and ¡terbapa she never kn * .. . - • it. But it » y.mr lioy— not y ou «l.o m i is ltie lalenun« this year. A (Ouraueone Act« (Arkansaw Traveler.) •■t't-.irb- \. Dani marri»l when he was only r- m i _■ - .p ■ w<- x (■ >r library work," in l * apt. I.i ii | ng aside a lews;after whi- Ii co . t.n; 1 a; ur.* nnd b»>gra|>hical skeb hoftii. i.-at j-nmal “By Geoyga, I»* must have hr,l courage.” ■•■»..tn • ■rilv," re 1 I Mr Ralkina. “I wi.s never r.- a:d"*i a- u man of extraor Uinart - - in. . y et I man ie 1 when I only Lao al> ut m ni'..»*-y-uid n-, iii -ome at all." ■ 1 si . . r _ ir i that a very crth »ho.iA«». Ft. A'aleutln«'» tn 1154. A f -r- '.ol y( i:ng tui» in this year, or tbereab <■ ltrioutod a senes of esxavs, and in < n of I . tu she thus refers tu SL Va. atiue's day: • “Last Friday was Valentine's (lay, and the night 1« fore 1 .t (Ii e bay km ie aud pinned four of th- :i to the four corner» of my pillow and tlie I..th to the miibUe, and then if I drnur., 1 of my sweet lieart, Betty said we should be more i-d I «fore tho year was out. Hutto make it in-re sure I lioiled an egg hard, and look out tho yolk and GLlud it with salt; and wln n I «ent to bi«l ato it, sb*-U aud all. without spe-akiug or drmking after tt. Weals*, «rot- our lover’»_names iqion Lite ot paper and rob ■ I them up in clay and put them into «.iter, n: I the C: tliut rose up was to bo our valentine, Gould you think it! Mr Elo*sotn was mv num. I lay abed and shut my eyes all the morning till ua i - shm to our bouso, for I would not La- e .eon au- utbur timu before tmu for all tbu world."