fi ASHLAND TIDINGS 11 Ein: AND THEKE. PERSONAl County Court Pr-ocecdtn«s. janvaby ri;nu. CORHF.SpíMi DESCE spiritual Society A shland , Or.. Jun, 1- id . eoutitiiied until Sept. term. Ordered that Road District No. 29, A Mrs. Carroll, of Portland, organ­ after his illness. Mrs. Kamp is quite low withcon- embrace nil t he territory of District No. sumptii in. ized a “Christian science” «lassiit Rose­ Mrs. 8. A. Morton was visiting at 22. also that all territory ulniv«« Wright's burg this week. Phienix this week. Miss Tillie Noel, of Linkville. is vis­ foal shall I»' known as District No. 22. The Oregon State Temperance Alli­ Mr. 8. Shattuck, of Henley. InmI» h - u Ord«*red that Road Supervisors in iting friends here. ance will hold its next annual meet­ making their ntinnal report to the in town this week. Judge Crawford and wife were in ing at Albany on Feb. 2(Hh. Horace I’eltou. of Sam's Nalley, (‘oiinty Court will Im allowed the sum town Saturday. Salem's new street cars are carrying <>f two dollars a day for work reported A Dr. Max liustel d parted for Seattle. memliers of the legislature between the spent Tuesday in ton u. by them as having b«ien performed in Frank Vining ami wife, of Tue-mi i. At Cost ' K< ad lie Red House ad- state house aud Commercial street this their various districts, for every six W. T., last week. are happy parents of a two-weeks-old days work nod uo more, ami that said week. eitUH-melit. X Mrs. J. N. T. Miller returned lust son. reports shall lie fil«si with the County week from California. The U. S. Bakery will deliver bread, Lecture at Cong:- g itim «I church W. C. Daley, of Little Butte, is at Clerk on or before the 1st Mou«lay in pie» or cakes at your door every day if Lis evening. Mr. E. Schieffelin, a mining expert, you wisu. Leave orders nt the bakery Montagne this week, on a b«i«im • January.. Ord« rol that Chas. Nick« 11 was in our city recently. print fifty blank appointments of latest stvl- s in neckwear at O. ou Main street, opfiosite Odd Fellows visit. « Roa«l Siip<-rvmors. JrrM>iunt'H. Miss Maggie Manning, of Linkville. block. ♦ Rev. A. Brown, of Williams Creek, Ord«-r««l that ReainesA While fur- is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Ply mule. <»ur Winter. t . Meli's silk han-Kerchi« fs frotn 50 Charles Dudley Warner, the author, has been in Ashland during the past msh Mr:». N. Lousigtiont to the ♦ Rev. Thomas and Dr. Minnis, of one of the editors of Harper’s Maga­ week. inter iu R igii“ River lrcll/y ceuts nt> at <>. H. Blount's. amount of 81" a month. Medford, were on our s!reels Saturday in last 8unday nigfft by a Just opened. I'-.nstm - stock of zine, will make Pomona. Cal., his win­ Pete Windom, now of Grant's Pass, In the matter of n bridge across last. ter residencev He has twelve acres of spent a numlier of days iu town re- * light snow tapA iH winch imimtg cl to dolls, nt D. R. Jr E. V. Mills. Miller Creek, ordered continued un­ land there, which be will plant in receutly. wuitou t'u« groiin I Ashlaud, but Mr. Rowe, of the Tolo Milling Co., til Feb, ti-rin. Stacks of n. n's tine und -rwear just 'orange trees. m»t at planes further d«iwu the valley. rers-iv«.! whs in town Saturday on his way to at (1. I -ium's. -uni's. received O. il. 1 .J. H. McBride and little daughter Ordered that maps of tlio county lie Portland. Yester-lay moruiug alniut 2'^ inches It is stated here that Claus Speckels more fell, which had settled to an inch Men's iill wiK-1 r«-«l und- rwear frulli has so much faith in the beet, sugar have lamu spemliug a week with rela­ piin-)ms<-ii of Henry Kbppcl lot the M iss Olive Freeland, ol Ashland. h is tives in Portland. sum ol 8125. or less by evening. The coldest yet 81 to 81.50 at O. H. Blount's. i udustry tbiit he la preparing to form was 1** above z«ro, Wednesday morn­ Petition to vacate certain streets in been the guest of Mies Manne Pay Muster Builder,T. J. Davis, of th« 8 an incorporatiou with 3KMMX),(XX) capi ­ Brocade diagonal ami i lai-l drt’SH this week. ing. It was warmer again yes', rday. ta), to opperate in various parts of P.. came up t,i Ashland ng-iiti last 1 u- Talent, c. ii not l«e heard for Ih«- reason i hut tii«' court lias no jurisdiction in Rain or «nu« in tt « valley, ami enow goo-ls, 10 cts. js-r yard at M. L. Al- California. Landlord Simons, of Eagle Point, day for a brief visit. X tii-- premi.-eH. U-tivii i> m,.r and epnug, to Mr.s.'l. P. B-iy-1 b;-s open-da priv. <«• (Jr.lereil that the ( !> rk pio- uro re­ Ni 'hnls and Aslqaile. ! iruu.:- tin- tuu.i >vat r supply. scb(X«l in the dwelling house next door by Chas. L. Bush, were sold last Mon- ville and Mislfor.I again this week, ou cords of mining location - i.mi v- ater Mis- Stellu Jacolis. who has I h .tithe I. O. O. I ’ , business. n «■ i iu >ni«s. th-" mem- vimh I sleighs und emt- rs will be spin­ Messrs. David Payne and Fl 4M I nppK.v-si ami ordeosl i!.a|, <•« iiti.y pay read Mr. D. Rolxiam. Yyer’a Heir Vigor improve, tie l»ei of tii ' - il .pier ill I latlies, l<» tile ning alxuit Asiil.iu.l. beauty of the hair mid promotes its Clift ami their families were v :itiiur ■I. i ‘ Haney th« sum of •t25ils II«'-.• ••■1 Mrs. P. ,1. R vhu . who was culled to uunitH-r of .l»»nt ; i\ty were to «line ut growth. I’ prevents the accumulation ALdford th«» first of the week. J. H. Martin is having fifteen acres 111 ve w- IS repi-it, I I th-,. Ill«' io; -I lie Sau l-'ranei-«*i to sis* 1« r mother who. t'-i«-l--p «i h »* 'I, whi'rc ths order called of dandruff, cleanses the scalp, and re­ Mr. Howe, of Talent, is over in Si ■' i- opened, upon th«- | etitioncrs paying was seriously ill. has refurned horn«, for 50 to (it) cul ls at 81.00 each. of Ins laud just over the ridge west of stores a natural color to gray hair. accompanied by her mother, who Ims county this week, Imiking aft« i tin- sum <»l 85. i’be Xabi mil B in 1 w -« to I h - po sent, town cleared for planting trees. He Have you received Ayer’s Almanac for you ’ recovered. has a tin«« location for an orchard. sotiio mining interests he has there. Hospital report r s - tve-l un I ■ I u-e«t ami a gr in«! tin. ■ was aotieipate«L the new year? on file. Gisirge Brown, Jr., of Eagle Point, The fruit tree ha-l lx co swell- Mrs. B. S. < hdioru«' retirrmd to Ash­ Kiuii« c«ia;»-my Says the Yreka Journal of Wednes­ land last Sunday, after speiidiiig seve­ Ordered by the court that li tax I m * th« lad who shot himself fatally, while - ing «aiusideraliiy prior to the liegin- Soin, line.» an application, nn- umg of our cold snap last week, ami day: The little child, Hbont a year ral weeks »itii relatives m i’orlluii-1. levied on the u-s--vii.t-nt of 1888 us out limiting lust v.-ei k. was buried in follows: S- ,te 3 7-11) mills; maversi- the .la -ksnuville cem«t«ry Thursday, tie roil-1v Mgm-i, w .« «« nt from Ash­ or-.-tiar-hsts are giad to s-e them given ■ »id. of Mr. and Mrs. G--o. Kenyon, fell Mr. M. II. Drake arrivixl Tuesday ty. 1-10 mill«; military, I-"» mills; at. 2 p. m. Flic sorrowing friends have land lu il . • '»• « . Slgllu. U. N. G., » set-l»aek. last Tm-adHy. while trying to walk and • veiling from his Haruey valley cattle f r’I»« organiz-;i«iu of a compauy of school , 5 mills; conni v, limili., bnug- the sy mpathy of the entire community. had both bones ot right arm broken. ' City Recorder Berry i-es not- « in Oregon Ht ite Milili.i at tins place. i'll.- little child is uow getting uloug ranch, for n visit with the folks at in the aggregaU' 20 mills. Sheriff captured the man home. Tim Or'-yo«riiu of .Mon«lay h ih the ano;ti«r (ohiiiin of « -smti of tlieeitv comfortably. Wright aid Burris, of t - nt: I Point, »Im eommiiteii 111« a.-saiill with a club SiUu.'ll to be held as all equ «11Z itlou Mr. Oscar J o I hihou , brother of W. (■ Ito ring: !’r:_:.dit r-Gclieral J. M. When the eyes become week or the L. Johns ii arrived tins w.. k from petitiom-il for Ikplor license for one near Gold Hill some «lays ago, mid Siglni. O. N. <).. iia-1 i-unied un Older Kmrd. to examine the .¡s- es-sm«-nt now year. Ordered that said petition I»- after a preliminary hearing at Gold alaiut co nplettsL lids mtlami-d and sore, a disordered Willows, Cal. uiitbonziug tun fo- m. tion of a militia gianteil for one y- .ir from Jun -. 1SX9 1 lill at winch he was bound over, be I system or a scrofulous condition of the company at .V.-l m I an.I . Brophy, a son. 14, S.VS. 'Im-li. up in the null yard. and Mnx Pracbt have made within the tion of the city, streets are likewise i ter a visit with her parents here. Mr. Nick is happy. 15, G. N. W- h -I. v . NOW BEING PLATTED past month, more than a mile and ii The handsome private car “Sn-»qual- b ing graded and gravelisl. and the , i.ud Mrs. J. R. Casey. Mr. Moss, tho man elected to repre­ I«-. 1. M. Young. The religion reviva,, which wasooni- half of new atre<»ts in the southeastern mi«'.”of the Seattle L «k • Shore A E int­ present Board ot Truste« s are pushing sent L-'i.c timl Klamath counties, staid 17. Wm. Stanley. Geo. T1 Lynch, of Wagner Cr-'ek. part of to .u, eii l are grading in ern R. IL. went sirithw iid last S itnr- matters ahead in gmxl shape. | Herald. ovi-rat Ivcro on fits way to the State mi'lienl in the Baptist Church on Mon­ is. .1. fl Berry. I ns I hh - u sick for a liumln'r of wet'k- g«xxl sh qei. tf s..)ceh>d commercial and count- now improving steadily. grading of P. nnsylvania avenue. Liber­ gl«' question. Aft« r treating him to a land. is Ix'coming quite interesting, 21..Lf Wtmer. Wm. Sin-.-leton, f-n 'i : :i --f th«» re­ ing-iioiisi- pens, including Ester!inaik's ty and Coiigmity street«, making near­ cigar, imploring the landlord to give le vs. Strange, Satchwell mi l Webster Jack Tnie returned last Saturday to pair for-s- W. U. T-I., went down to falcon p-n, Esterbrook's engrossing ly a mi) • m ire of m>w .streets. Ins home in Shasta valley, ami Ins sis ­ him the best I h J in the Lous-- and Jo the preaching. tunnel 9 thit week, to put in a small pi-os, Blakeman A- Co.’s Sjienceriau There is a rumor ailual that the ter. Miss Julia, went with him. for a Hinging ti) <-n him a smile so sunny olli«« for use in cas«« of trouble from conn’ing hou«-' and commercial pens. Au Euterlainliig Book. visit in Siskiyou munty. tliHt he W: •moil his palms in it, 1 in- Roberts A O'Neil tract of land lying storm« through tue wii-t- r. Also Hewitt's patent ball pointed People who hingh«d over th ■ a-lvent- go. ('. S.--1 -usirick- r. quired thus: "ln your opinion. Mr. l>etwt-en the li 11. mid the state road * Wm. McNeal, the skating rink pro­ Th»- new planin'; mill at T-ilent is to pens. Il’eaof “.’.wb'h A l-u's Wife" at the Sb «SR, >. what will lie the n'ost impor- la soon to be platted and offered for 2 7, -I. W. 1 è »bins« -ii. <. have m Ptore be :j«)x>s), main building. Is «ides she I The case of .Mrs. Elva Christum, of prietor, left Wixlm's-lay morning for t int qnestion question liefore la-fore the ligislature eule in 5 and 10 acre hits. It contains 2 s . Chas. William-. Every Lot is covered with the very best grades of further ,-nj >y me i( iti the same line in additions. The pmprh-tors. Tak-nt, Eugene, against the Oregonian Rail­ Sisson, and will be in the employ of nt the coming sessio sessK-n?' “ I ho ques­ about lm> acres. A Iso Widow Colver's 29, Jacob Wagtu-r. a rr-vntiy published Ixxik entitled Drake ami R- nfrow, exjxvt to have it way Compiiuy for damages tor the kill­ Edson Bros, for some time. tion ut weighing all otla rs by several ranch lying adjaivnt tothealiove tract, » W. I . M ««. "Unclo B-:i Morgan on Shams anti ready for business by March 1st. ing of her husband. Win. Christian, by tons, ' be replied, hr lie blew a long cud between the R. li. mid wagon budded Peach. Apple, Pear. Prune and Plum trees. Mr. J. M. Lnark was expecting his ■">1, H.-nry Pech. Hypocrites ' p d.“>.'-il-cs an excursion the cars at Brownsville last winter, Stre un of smoke into my eves, "will lie road, is llkewine to lie simi-yeil aud sister. Mrs. Smith, to arrive yi'storday The fin«'three-storv hotel of B. F. trip of Uncle Ben . :id Clarissa, his M<( ' Siskiyou, is complete«! an-l was tri.d ill Portland liefore a jury last from Lnke|H»rl, Cal., with her cliil ln n. whether we xliall allow those infernal platted und offeiod for sale in small i.iidg«- lii-talliiliaii'. wife, from their horn* in New York to occtipie«!. and Mr. McCrary exjiects to week, and the jury returned a verdict io make Ashland their home. iiewspiq er men to bore ns to death be­ iize.l lots. This arrangement will < Hive Rebecca L-slge No. 28. !.<><) fore the close of the session:” Then 1 make nice -uluirlian homes for 150 to the P.teific const autl abounds in the make bis place a popular report for for the plaintiff for 31X100. C. W. lxvgan. of this place, waacom- absurd s'tnations. hr->ad humor ami mountain visitors next summer. F. of Medford.«ll---l Jan. 15, by 2oo families of the richest valley land to The case of the Boston Wool Co., pbmented by In-nig made the Demo­ Hel<‘ii L. H isliins. I >. D. G. M. Mrs. f. -lt like pumping no more. How can it? found anywhere. Imieivi it will lie incidental satire which characterize«! a news hnuter chum« fresh int«-Rig« m»e vs. a number of Douglas county farm ­ cratic caucus nomin«>e tor sergeant at Wm. Ablxitt has bought th«» general Kittle Webb. N. G; Mrs. S. I hil-l-'is. in an art fill way when he feels bash­ a rare opportunity for the poor as well Josiah Allen's Wife's story. Mr. C. D. R -r.l, th" '»muter, has taken tue con­ merchandise stix-k of A. P. 'Talent at ers to compel the latter to pay bonds arms of th« state senate last Monday. V. <»;’!. E li.iki-i. 8.1', (i. S. Webb. ful? 1 was blushing like a red steer us the rii'h to secure a home mid pay SOLE AGENT, ASHLAND, OREGON or notes made payable by the Flem tract to intro lit the new book in this Taleut, and Mr. Talent's half interest T. A. L rxtor . Mr. A. L. Barnes, of Grant's Pars, F. S: Llllti Kelli'V. Treu-. ('.,- i« 1’11- when Mr. Moss continued: "Tin- in installments. in the «tore buil-liug ami gr nn-is; amt Oweus failure, was on trial in the V. 8. was in Ashlnml last Friday, and made male, Cou«i: 8. R.i-enth-il. 1. G; J. \. most m- rcifnl bore of ye all is the edi­ c > court at Portland last wis-k, and the is now in charge of the business. Webb. K. 8. N. (i; T. W. Jo’-.m-.n, L. Kiumatb jury disagreed. Hnd were discharged .irranc-ementH to move to this place, S„ N. G; A. C'lnt-i-i'. R. S. \ . (i; Mrs. tor of th«' Milton I'.u-i!’. Our co ne toil, ire never trouble«! by Ins haste; for I- - having leased one of W. P. B- un's A Hat w) e-.-l on the m- il car delayed i?er being out fonrteen hours. Th« ■ -mpany <-f 1' ■■’ern capitalista H. E. B.,ker. L. 8. F. G M Ella i- in no hurry. By him o-i: brains are James heniy Kearney, one of the Moinlay’s soiith-l-omi 1 t-ain uearly un houses. A H niey correspondent of the Yreka •iev r - i’i--<'«1 iu the I-ililiy till the -rgi.î'.îz--I to l-’.iil 1 extensive saw-mills men employed here in the car repair­ hour at Ashland, hi I a half hour had Ab.Giddings came in from his KI - :i- (i-’rc, Ch.-iplaim ■■ . i >«.•■ : '-rua I cro- - Table Rin-k En- ìn-pm. 1«. j . -list glJt«rof --pii-nc«- is raise-I from ' er’s force, tiled nt his borne at the cor­ already been lost by a siigh’ acci«l«-nt J' ni i, il says: The Klamath river M. ath river ranch a few «lays ago for e Mi ville. lied J in. •'i.- .if-pth- ami the pump wLi-'L-s: •ig >.f i<: .1 - li r. <-r. in this c nnty. ner of Ph and Spring streets last to ou t of the digit- . 11 rtli of Grant's ■ in I 1. Co. expects number of work- short stay in town. He says tiiuln r O. O. F.. of J: N. for hi* ptimpR nothing out. He pump.- I id ve Ix-en a franchise of tw«-n- in« n' «m the t-n. t m a few days. Tie grabbers ar-' wonderfully active out in Nth by S. J. Day. D. I Tunrsday evening, Jan. 10th. from ty­ Pass. ■ yc ::rs tor the impr-'T- n ei.t of the Ehlei much in, Ly s:-n iing his paper to the Fisher, C. P; 8. j. D iv, rn.ui to take charge ot the logging Lis neighlxirhood. phoid fever, after an illness of 24 days. ver iu I lii-iiug dams and booms to A chariv. : i scr -nude of M r. nn-l Mis. camps came this week. As required Band, 8. W ; .1. A. Itoyc •: K. representatives im ntbs b- fore the ses- He was a native of Alleghany -.'entity. Dr. J. L York, th« “Liliernl" h-ctui- Knlili. Treas; L. !’■ ipovisb, J, 'A A. (1. :on. lie has tilled I its of us with a Ì »at aw logs from liea.l waters in Ore- Maryland, in hie 28th year, nil I 1 the a wife and two young chil Iren to triglit w.-- kept up i. ariy ti l dnyiight where the same compauy have exten­ er. was on last Ttiesd-iy evening's Colvin, l«t \V ; J- rea Lnv 2 i \V R. H. tlo-xl of wisdom. He bus convinced pi.tpve building an .is all that un! s; Um.i’.'';.i c - inly is- railroa- mourn his untimely death. The fiiDo- Bunday moruing, and w -s < nuis.-m-«- sive lumber enterprises, their sawyers train, nccompnuied by his wife, ci M-ior«, G; (. --. 11 ivss. I. 8. dam sbovo the il. R. route for Seattle, where they will re­ Jacksonville Lr !_m No. 10. 1 O.O. divricd. t he nob'« stat« of Ol« gon Will iuituen: ral waa ou Friday, R-v. l'ath-r Noel to all the people hv ng iu that p irt of and other skilled workmen. main several months. 1’.. im instali --l Jan. 12i.u by A. i >. Il«l- g. > to the bad. "How iu thunder «loes crossing, with a lar ;e gate in center, of the Catholic church at Jacksonville, town. Most of the hands employed iu bal­ ami two ether gate* on«- on each side ofli -inti ng. A. T. Kyle. Sr., of Leavenworth. m iu. D. D. G. M. E :!-■’■ B -mi. N. G I.« prove it?’ ’ We already see that of center. I’m-' tarn will form quite a Tiie Wells, Fargo v C->.. < xtiress rig lasting the track of tin- Yreka railroad division will bring a co’i'itv s .it to IteoMisvd eacie to Ashland nearly a isnowoneof the h.-ndsomest institu­ were diwharged lust Wednesday, ami Kan., arrived Wednesday morning, for will fatten tiie EtujU lake Tor hol-litig tli«> logs, ¡md -inri' year ago, aud hail gained the respect ot tions s«'en on the streets of Ashland. a small force will be kept nt work all a visit with his son. tin' real -■.-'ate John A. E■-y.-r. I’ S: K. K’ib- . I r«-.. -; Milton. Id hie neighbors and acquaintances as a Agent Ri.l suit re.-« the w -g.-u ami winter under the management of u agent of the same name h< ie. ami a o[»ciied G; A. II. .Ma.--.-ly, L S. N. G: N. I"sh- nlios« faint slirn ksaret li * only souti Is 1-t the w-t«-r «-scape. A oviiple •; worthy citizen an I nn honorable, in­ harness from San Fran -i».'«« last week. m .n named Wm. Evans, the assistant 1-H>k at Southern Oregon. < r. 1». S. V. (»: Gi-o. Neiil-«-r, L. S. \ . of true patrotism ill all Oregon. Tiie larg« wbis-1.--will also lie pl iced in 1-- dustrious man. N-icitvin Or«-g«»n or California I i - ir a under S im Horn, who superintended The mother of Fl. C. Bostwick, her I ■ ; I . I :... 'A ; A. I. •. U-n ,i i. < • i . ì . sounds -«f patrotism. emphiiHiz«d 91 r-v-r at the dam for ofH'rating elect . Mis. Andrew Taylor, who came in handsomer Wells. Fargo «¡-¡ivory rig the work up to that time. They were - aughter, Mrs. Cutiinions, ami linsbaml Ah-Ketize-, R. S. S. Wm. fq.h I., s. p- r --«-lit in tin-State legislature, would light dynamos, as tiie mills will : paid off last Thursday, and some of were on We-biesday evetiiuu s tr.-.:n. S: 1 i. C 1'1: ! pili, t ». ( i. recently from Sprague River valley, uow than Ashland. li-Ip make la tter lawmakers, and rural lo-pt rnuniiig «■«■ etantly. ami it is ■ died last Tuesday at the borne ot Johu J. II. Btorey has a hamis'.’n«' now them tested Yreka lienzine quite free­ coming from their hom- down in ( Ruth IL ih - a Degl«',» Lo-.)««, No. I. legislators would iiav«- more love of bibb'tliat the large mills may b«' i Taylor, on Emigrant creek, of puer­ express and delivery w n one made ly. to ascertain how it »impart'd with fornia for a visit with Mr. Bostwick. Li' <>.]', of J hi ' ì .< o > ivi IL« «i «oiiutry aud l«ss fomlnesa for plug to- by sti'am. with 111« smaller tor wo- i •- peral fever, and was I lined ou Wed­ er[«oeiHlly for bis purp - -, and gives the Montagne dynamite. |Journal. war« by water. Along the river m> - James D. Fay. son oftliew- ¡1 km .»n Jan. I tili liy Mrs. M«ry Miller. D. D. lisi-'-o ar i Sail in whisky. That's th«- tbedams. Ixiom« will I h - «-stabli.- -I. nesday nt tl»> Hid graveyard near notice that he will atleu I proiuptly to G. M. J-Jin A. Li .'er, N. G: Mrs. E. plum still«- of the matter, mid therefore At Albany a tramp vvas arrested for lawyer and politician of that n n - KiDgsnury’s. The little child she left ail busim-sR either tn th«« tin«' of ex­ lutm-r. V. G; Wm. D- m!’. S. c; Ire. Umatilla county should be divided." consisting of logs eliaine«! tog--;l>-r Diue days old yes’ rd ly, is doing well. press delivery, baubug <-f m H kiuds, or larceny, and on being searched was (now dei'eastsli has been iti th« vail«--, E. Luy, Trnre; .M«--..!. L. N. I «m il«. •ross tin« stream, with another <1 . a found to have in hi« possession a wnt« h this we««k. Il«> has Is-eu ran-hiug o .: Butte CPH-k, to the s-nth and east u Oi-gou near th«- Ixmmlary line, > carrying passenger-«. O.-l--s left at stnleu from Mr. Knight, of Canby, at Swan Lake for some time p:-«t. 1.8; Mr». M. Kraito. K. S. N.G; Mrs. Real E tatr Sales. Ix-b-.i ,t Smith’s will re: di him at once. while in the city; also a watch stolen Alice l lnch. I.. S. N. G; Mr-;. Amami» of Keno, in Siskiyou county, ii fast regulate the How of water. The com­ A. T. Kyle reports the following; Messrs. W. A. Ow«n and W. C. H< .-. I; S, \. « E 'I. -, M. Miller, L. mttlmgup at dfferent points. Who­ pany will I m - obligi'l to r«'8jHH-t all from the Cliff Hous«. He was ulso The anti-cow ordinance passed In S. V. G: r. Luy , W ; R. 11. Muore, ever wishes to eiiti-h a government private rights on tlie nver, ami are L. D. Fuller to Mrs. Jaue White-- the city council last klon-.Liy eve«nng fouu-l carrying h Isittl«'of chloroform L«H’ver. of Central Point, spent I claim tii -re would better rustle. Iti p« rmitt-d to ch-rp«- any other parties l<>r 9. block D, railroad addition; con­ will go into etT -ct Feb. 1st next, ft aud a mouth gag. He also stole a Friday in Ashland. Mr. Li-ever. who Comi: Ehler Barni, I. piis« will build lift nn «-x'- usive busi­ — lots 1) and 10, Saxman's Pennsylvania on the Hag pole am that tn nvovrr porting it said: “He is in jail, waiting Cress and Geo. Mathews, of Jackson­ against the outra««-ms ami birbarous U. S. Jots all tak-n. t! e creel,f«-ne«'d ness all along th«' Klamath river to addition to Ashland; consideration, the impoun i«>-i st-x th«' < -n«r stnill trial, fie seems to I h » a professioMl.” ville. made a trip over to the Klamatii custom of a uiiiiilx'r of our townsmen ini-mi Pilgrims'dogs Linking through tli«> In-ad waters at Klamath lake ami j Seems so. inileed. crossing of th«« railroad th«' forepart of leading in i-u-l etr-- ■ . gin« th- prac­ therailsat him. Hurry up. pay 31 per head for sheep or swine an-l 85(0. vicinity, ns th«' company own a large J. Norcross has sold to 1. M. Lnark 32 per hea-1 for all other stock. W. R. Oilby, the slate writing the week, to see what is Ix-ing -Ion«' at tice of making our nights hid -ms. ami 'Ir. John FaircliiLi. a big st x-kiiim area of timlmr laml ill tiiie State ami th«> site of “ Klamath City." disturbing tin1 p«-.: --- of:inhabitant.-, of tin But-<»r, • k country, in Siskiyou Oregon mljn«'««!'t to Klamath river his house and lot en Pine street; con­ A. F. Schultz, who h id a ■ to re'over S150,tXkl damages for Mr. Luark has sold to Mr. Norcross, for lieing put «»IT the cars Rcveral libel has tied from tho city. The al­ home last Monday, after their fort­ snggestivn of a of sir h «« s or dm IL' Ims ov«-r a thousand mi'.iie horsts. 10 acres of the Moore tract, south of months ng«» bv one eon I net or. l>. -an-« leged libellous article consisted of n night's hunting excursion along th« mons ami all for what? WLy, it is , n oci'iiu of fim- iaml nml :i cln-crful. City Council Proceedings. Ashland; consideration, 8800. his ticket had been taken up bv :«r-.Mi­ telegram from Chicago, in which it Klamath river. They- report «-xci-llciit tlc-ir way of i xtemliug < a welcome and home in which to read,love and Ashland City Council met Jan. I ltli, i come anion« up serenade to those who Abram Bish baa sold the house anti er conductor who shoiil.l u->t have was stated that Colby had at different sport, and say they- slew millions of , ;u-ly. T tie s’«M-k ilonann of Mr. Dor­ to live, having just ert«-r.-d up«»n n ris joins ttiat of Mr. Fairchild, an-l Mr. H8'J. at 7 p. m.. pursuant to adjourn­ lot ou Grauite street next to A. John­ taken it, has nettled th«« matter i-mii-a- p-Tiotls of his life lieen a I! iptist. min­ «lucks ami ge-H«-' an-l swans, Ac. married life. Cun at ,yom- give a g«xid Dorris is another stockman with a ment. Mayor Mills, and Couneilmen son’s residence, to Mrs, E. Million; bly and satisfactorily with the railroad ister. revivalist, spiritualist tnediun, C'oltou, Fountain and Thornton all Albert E. Hiunuion-1 arrived I . J Sun­ con., 81000. people, ami seems to have now a vast gambler, train robber ami dead tieat. day from Montana, for a few day’s vis­ reason for tolerating sn.-h an o-.itrage whole lot of worldly wealth nml home present. Why should one »• nnfort.-. in a civilized lard ' It is understood that the <7« roniefe ob ­ «leal of traveling to do up and down Felts A Johnson report: Geo.Crow- City ordinanc ■ Nor 5K. was passed tain.-d proof of sll th« allegations it here with bis parents and ohl friend « or two uuforltinate u non who have ini- son to B. Beach, bouse and lot on the road. by unanimous vol« of tlieCouni I pro­ He now holds an important position liilw'.l that which int ■;icat«'»until .......................... thev "(', 1 rrec. I said addressing made in the dispatch and Colliy fled Hargadino street; consideration, Sfi-M). in the civil «tigineei mg depart merit of beeoim- disturb« rs ol th - p ace. be that uncompromising 1, 'publican Sun­ viding for the session of the county as J. M. Garrison, of the I-'or«'-«i Grove Mrs. Gould to N. A. Jacoba, lots (xinltry yar-ls, has a te-w advertise­ to avoid prosecution for perjury. the Kockv Mountain division, N. 1’. R. locked up. tri««l and ti'ied. nod those day morning. “1 wrote last night to a city liourd of equalization. 8 and 9, block K, railroad addition; ment in this issue, informing the pub­ The committee appointed to draft who eng.'ge in the “charivari" go nn- the Yreka Jo'ii iuil, stating that the Says the S-dem Stutrsma» of Tues­ R. con., ?.'lu0. lic that h«is ren-iy to supply eggs from day : Hons. C. W. Fulton. Robert Mc­ pnmdr-d. snow storm of last night had with- tin ordinance for restraining domestic Mr. W. H. Cameron, superintendent fnll-bl. C„ of Oregon at the eledion in November, day or two at Ashland, en route for couple«, but in behalf of dll lovers of enow!” "Bountiful is tlio snow.” lie and pawl'd as City Ordinance No. fib. which reached here Wednesday morn­ last month nml came« off the best met as provided by law at the capitol the Sound, on business for the (7le practice. Wliilethose any thing on earth''' new cl., rler for the city of Ashland, who congregate alsmt the hom»-s of for president an 1 vice president of the J. C. Tolman. n man standing on the platform of the uneqtialek the plumage for duck epprov- I, and or i t.-1 sent to R«pre- lias been down in California for a year shots were fir«d, and one bullet struck agent at Central Point until the 1st of own office, which they accepted, aud or more with the S. P. R. It surveying ilens, fences and dwellings ami insult rbi-iting. But oi l “l-'lintlook" Mc­ fs-ntativ« J. T. Bowditcli with the re­ I h>-«H-eiipnii ’ s, demand to be treated there ri-coole-l Oregon's three votes him in the arm. one in the neck ami •lauuary. says a large amount of busi­ Cullum ba« lately knock«»«! out 10 quest that lie intro luce it tu the la'gis- forces on the new extensions, has re one just back of the shoulder. The ness has E'en -Ion'» at that mii'it since for Benjamin Harrison for president turn««! home for the winter all con­ with cake, I h er or money as a rewr.rd. «lucks with two cartridges! Th» first I nt u re. w«> think they should 1»« treated to a •m-l I,« vi I*. Morton for vice president. wounded man wan taken off the tram the opening of th« «L-pot. During th« struction work having txx-n suspended night’s l» S-iys a dispatch of Jan. 13th from Th«sweet spring will s«xin lx- here, .1. W. Ia'tner. nursing Kearney'» idea who shot him. or why he was shot. average«! more than SUillO a month; Anaheim, ('al.: At the meeting of cit- Dalit's, have come to make their home family.... $ and farmers will liegin to lay in the Sum-- of our F.x-,. He said a friend was traveling with and yet the company comp -l the Cen­ iz ns. hel to pay th.' salary of •iction in the matter of planting a suf­ location in the Pennsylvania A-l-lition. The t h-Ci/oiit'-m exhibited its usual W. O. Applegate " “ that the man who shot him jumped off th«' iigent, after having built tho d.-pot ficient acreage of lieets to insure the They express themselves ns lieing enterprise in a compr- lit-nsive review ami Boston lieiins. Our sti|ir«'tne hap­ t'layton A Gore, merchandise much pleased with our city nml the piness will 1 m < wanting till we have, while th» train was running at full at thi-ir own expense. (’. utral 1’oint erection of a sugar factory by Claus ami «-xp-i-'ition of til«' North«- -J in its speed. Some people on the train say is certainly warrant«! in «'ousidenng SpreckelR, to cost half a million and weather, nml though the latter has lx>cn New Year's -»lition. The .S7 /( iiam, as condiments. Iowa vinegar and T. J. l’nttersou. copying Charter draft Nebraska pickles. there were three “tough" characters itself unjustly discriminated again-: with a monthly pay roll of STO.ttiMt. "off” for a day or two since their arri­ Tinx'i If --at'i ..«<». 1 > .ila I' ,-i val. it is yet so much better than what traveliug from Seattle to San Francisco, now. drowned in Wm. Crane, who was i B ’ « s/ 8Ì 5-, R -.-ebtirg ¡ 'la , ¡..¡b , and Rcpr«s« ni itii!-s were present from Ful­ they left liehind them that comparison one of whom did the shooting. No Th« T iiiin -'S is nmi«r obligations to lerton. Fairview, Placentia, Santa Ana is out of the question. Anyone having Revieir all issucl vai labi« N. -v Year's Upper Klamath Like, vvas i au ludían arreits were made, and it is doubtful policeman of th? Klamath reservation, an.1 the entire valley. Great enthusi­ editions. that the mystery surrounding the ca.-x Mr. P. Littleton for a liberal -|U-nlny asm was manifested. It was decided desirable Asldnml city property to The daily Oregon .Si was H«' Jeav«M a wife an-l three litt!« ones. of dried fruits, enrol with the evapo ­ exi'hange for a farm ou H- k «1 river, will lie cleared unless th« wonuded rating machine d and built by­ to enter into communication with enlarged last. Sunday to a s- van-col- Now rustle, ye who have m«n should conclude to tell what he Mr. Littleton himself ,i full d« 'rip- Spreckels at once, ns 10,0(M acres can can get h big bargain by interviewing iimu f-'ilo 'iti evidence of - n- nn I Mr. Armor. and g«-t y-i ir E i«1ern pork .. .< 1 , ■ 1 iai.i'.Du■ 1 ¡ii. m »uftMng withdimanntism« ¡-i-in^A trout>l<-. In evidently doesn't want to. Hia wound» th- imi incr-iit-iiig prosperi’.»-. Tn -.S7«tfc.'- h 1-; o 1 «ntig <»:« y ■ -ir ho ir tiou of which was given in this paper I m - set out to beets in this vicinity ns 1 are not considered fatal. • M m ; di-'. . -< Paint ■» Olcry Compound wi I surely rftret a t are. and tin u ill nokwiger U .Messrs. J. AV. Williams mid Ivan C. nrtii m«w has a compr-i. -neive t«-le- last summer. No «•• li«r drie-1 fruit ev r . soon as satisfactory operations are iu- T«-rry. representing the American graplne news -.-rvic,. und i- a , i--;,t to for E intern viu.-gir im i pick!«*! « mpi 1 lliiudfrd 11« ’i:?/• .■' hk- the ’ d'«-v. any caust shown here can piit« e«p.i .1 this in all ;'.-d. Sew Buiidiug Firm. Building ami Loan Association, of Mrs. 31 is-«, vvl.-i ha • Ix-en ailing for th«» desirable qualities -ap|>earamv. -. i i- • i! d.ii’G' i i th >Tgr ind ol r' remedy, mv,*y 1 !*ain«-\ : ' ( < < b, «• n < < •«,- «1.1. : Says a s dem paper of last Saturday: Minneapolis, were tn town lb« for« «11« capital city. The Portland ihnl i .V«-i, stiRp'-nd- som.-i'.me p ct. is now cotival>'s--ing. Messrs. C. W. Ayers. Harry Barbour preservation of tiavor. etc. C> rta’nly [• v s r«- i .rk - I to a reporter vester- •leep more tL.m n «■ .» ji . ft.- ».i'irn/ , •* f ”. ■ u’erk> ¡«2 1 ■ ,r'uhi n«>t — «let p in« «1 • d. part of th«' we« k. 1-Miking up the pt--» and ho[x-s are on: . r ‘ aine-1 •il pn ii -a'U ’ U List S -i ì -v. I, ■ and R«»l>«rt Elvinge have formed a there would tx- no difficulty in fimliug : day by Mr. Giltner, aasistant iu th« ■ i-iip i: I a- -1 ■ l'h ■ v - iii Lu, inks are. • r«--ent)y, articles of which have lieen having b-v n Already liegun for tj-.e or­ creiit it ganization r- trr-nf treu! k 1« I V « nn <»N BEKRY. P a i ; ’.f'i- «-at’ ’ ■ . an i am glad to h-ar. up ami-loitig and all ber of years, has made a record for peaelb'R, white m-c’arin -s ami red nec- ■ tiled in that office, is unfailing evidence (Ttj R<-torder. ■ . « • . . < und. and I J often cont nud t-« 1 .' 1 d M •* e< i.- at ;i himself as an architect and builder tarines, Ctie’s Golden Drop plums, sil­ • of existing prosperity. Ami no doubt M»ieintiot> ill Ashland, they ennelml« ! ■ lid not cent-nun it till it wreck--«! upon right. .md ' v ■ a> very [^^¿9 which needs no commendation, as the ver prunes, Italian p un s, ami Bart­ • his reasoning iB correct. It shows that to defer active steps for a short to s. ■ the shoals «if bankruptcy. 1 |1O <>n- \ t t w--d nearly all medicines imaginable.I««nt 1!« advice.but to what will ) h < -Ion«» locally. On T-i--s- Scarcely any si -ii<«-«•» in towu. i : i i.H'ioi* VOTK i *. handsome cottages he has deaigued lett pears. there I-« more money for s;i«eulatiou -lay evening they-went down to M !- yonian - iys that, from fir-t to to--t. id antagc Having »ern Peine » < C elery < otnpound ikhrnix d. i pive it a !«'* i*)) tris le-eti lo-' -n th- l rrr.K tui : P « et . and built speak for him better than If anv on« :■> th«3-» progn-Rsive d.-ivs i ami that capital is less timid of iovest- <> d«-: ’ s« nt < tth ltd am j: pcrieUh <*ure will l>e the architect of the firm. Mr. of advertising, mi l th«» proper appU--a- . ure. showing the opening of new en- Loan Assoceation has madea phen im- that tino» 1 -Ué'» tuli a mi! . i Ims L< - n 11 •♦’<•! h . m Notice. Barbour has lieen foreman for Mr. tion of Printer’s Ink, tot him run afoul I terpnses aud establishment of new in- eual growth since its incorporatii-n. sunk in efforts to «■.-■ .. i.,« nr’- «-■»- >1 ’ > »Y baU.t.lTv >t\l» K/R «y I ’ V.I TrsT!M<»M M I ’ VIK •^57^ '1'11'1 - ill H- II. ASHLAND Ayers lu considerable work done here, of .Max Pracbt ami lie will speeiiiv • dustriea, paving th« way for the em­ April l ith 1887, ami is estal-lmhing pera in Poi . m L I will take legal proc.« -lings ;.g in«t J.gLa In-z'iiare. money. EUBLIUGTON. VERMONT its sur to an Er lumn folio,«-.:« of the «lays after tin« notice. No ex pti- .16 W «io. kll, est. Elviage is also a tirst-cl nw mechanic, ; scriptin'- u -ranttxl to cure iu short or­ largest semi-weekly p«;i--i - m tb • .-: Pt-. will I»' tm’-I«-. as 11,«' busim ss must tie I •HHl- VT« HVV ELL and has the advantage of a number of der. M - “A >. ' '- :il « xl ■' ent, eliailee for architect» use; Auto­ ■ ii w i.’ - i'lgton c->rrespoml«nt concerning mat­ G. F. Billings. All those knowing Uyltt /»cukirii«.«, lìo^r mal S, nyle * t Xshlaii'l. < »icjii.ii Kev. I. G St! a litre. the U. 8. Bakery. ters in R «««burg land diet net has beeu Comb ßroirii Lfrfb.irr. “ IVbitc »> gives them a grea’ advantage in con­ ’ mor.- I- ’ - : I. b-foi-' be can -'out matic drop pencils, A. W. I'alier'a fine 1:t»l«<7 ’*«?•!»«'}.-vrvit'vs Pre«'hin« morn themselves indebted to us. will pleas' r< -ived since last issue of the T idings : andotle». l'a> t> i'i'/r Cochin.*, TL ■ >11 ’ :,;g of ’ Ll -»t. • kL-u'i ’ Tb 0,1 rf tracts aud t bey make a strong team. • bis « ng e-»‘’uinii. >• nt’.1 ¡ r Go to Goldsmith. Meilfonl, for gro grade pencils. Carpenter’s cedar pen­ • -. • i en get into g<- k- call ami settle. C layton A G oke . of the Hoden Mill«* v»ill b» held in ti *. Young peopl«* « mcciinjrat ;; p. in. «ivi» Hluck .'Jinarca» - America’s le'st ♦he »’n« <.f .h»» c >m any on Mondar. L-m- Their headquarters, at the corner of ' ing or.. i <•-: - to properly n - --tbe cenew. * land contests decided . cils, and a large assortment of (>eix*ils breeds. »I'f« »ei» o///« i, Main and Hargadine avenue is as hand­ • tin- ' hitii' ’i;»rv *21*4. l-y*. b ■< .»rdintr to s«*< :j »11 16 of by. ♦ al pi « er incctiog Thiir.M>j»y c\rnfng for school use. • iv : < _• Ii-auties of a b.-.n Snpp«w aud Swiable. The names of successful parties are Men ’ s working Ixsit« for 82.50 at (» or* at all the lary< >t rl, ¡bit d-nji f.| ]-e| cm be found in the country. They ' t “if you h ive gn t prop :t v. .!--eir :ny Za <-hur< h «>( AdiUn-l. i:«-i ’« J. viel« UNITED STATES vs. Andrew J. ciables by the ladies of the Si. E. * <1 H. Blount's. Board by the week at the Euro|Hwm setting; twojfor 35. Semi - rtnnip for -'er. p«-tor. c-irner of Nfwlu -tr*-t mid begin this --w— business ----------- — - week with con- ; loca'e«l. and rri«‘ s 1.» ie «1 pnr- Al 'n. Church will lie given next week on Si«k>'->navena«- MorniiiRhour. I". U«. even- Iiestanrant. » Catalogii«-. Address If you want a set of books for the tracta for two bnij-iings, to be erected ehascra that mr-rit.aud a ivcrtieing will Uni'ed States vs. Noah Tripp et al. Friday evening. Jan. 25. tnr>i«>'ir. 7 .10; surada-, k -tua J. 1.« in prave' ,1. M. G ajousgs . *t once, to cost $44iM). Ignlies’ gold watches set with dis Dew year, buy them it the Red House meeting. Thunwln- 7 Al make'em go off .so quick its never wae." an I Henry Becklev, transfere«»s. tations, etc. nrdiallv iinímd tobe pr«r«ent Forest Grove, Oregon. momls at Chitwoods. Plaza corner. ♦- St cost. MAX PRACHT, King of S>ap, the Red House. x Men’s shoes, «l.'«0 p-r p ur, at O. H Painful AeexiecL Blount’s. * Enoch Gale, while clearing land on Men's Ixiots from 32 -"«e up at • >. H. his place at Gold Hill last turday. Blonnt's. was Rtrnc n falling tree, his th Cash paid for produce at < roldsmith’s broken, besides t-ss serious injuries. Medford. « it men's oil elolh'iig at O. H. FRIDAY JANUARY Is. IM-v BUSINESS PROPERTY MAIN ST. & HARGADINE AVE Location in Ashland MAX PRACHT, Ashland, Or LOOK eex FOR SAXMAN’S PENNSYLVANIA ADDITION! CITY OF ASHLAND! THE CHOICEST LOTS, THE FINEST VIEW, THE LOWEST PRICE. M ax P racht 1889 Per Cent, on Cloaks and Wraps 50 Per Ct. on Braid and Bead Sets H CD u O Ld I L l I Q OC Q. My Poor Back! i Children Cry fwPitciier’sCastoria