What is this Disease that is ASHLAND TIDINGS Coming Upon Us? . JUNE ISS.« FRIDAY ASHLAND MILLS COLUMN. Pauper Immigration. Whether the character of the pres­ I ent immigration in the United States is equal to that of a decade ago, is a matter of immense importance. In Like a thief at night it steals the state of New York the present pro­ The Oregon Prophecy. in upon us unawares. The pa­ portion of native lx>rn paupers cared tPhiliidel)dii>i Pre«.«, Julie I’».] for iu almshouses is one to every 168. tients have pains about tin- chest The Democrats are exhorted by the outdoor paupers the proportion of ami sides, and sometimes in the New Y’ork .S’rtM to accept the result in Of foreigners is far greater. Of the in­ back. They feel dull ami Oregon not as a aouree of discour- | sane iu asylums the ratio is 42 per j sleepy; ; the mouth has a bad agement but as a valuable lesson mid i cent, greater of foreign born. Of con­ warning. The recent campaign tn I , victs committed for all grades of of­ I taste, especially in the morning. that state was fought directly on the . fenses, there were in 18HC> three times A sm t ol sticky slime collects President’s Free-trade message as an ' as many of foreign birth as there were The ’Democratic State Con- I native born. This certainly goes to about the teeth. The appetite issue. vention endorsed it, ¡mil the people of show that in spite of all precautions is poor. There is a feeling like Oregon repudiated it by a majority a large number of criminals are crowd­ ’’CMtoria iz n well adapted to ehlldran that I Caatoria cure« Colle, CoMtlpation, recommend it as superior to any prescription I 8oar Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructauon. a heavy load on the stomach; which is as great in proportion to pop- ! ed in npou us. It is not improbablo I known gives sleep, and promotes di­ to me.” IL X. O k - bzk , H D., I Kills v . k . Worms, w illation as a majority of 170.000 would that European governments will wink resti on. U1 So*. Oxiord St., Brooklyn, N.Y. | Without injurious medicatila. sometimes a faint, all gone sen­ bo in Pennsylvania. Says Mr. dear- . at such transactions as far as ¡mssiblc. sation at the pit of the stomach mg. the defeated candidate for Con­ It seems to be impossible to thorough­ T he C entals C ompany , 77 Murray Street, N. Y which fooil does not satisfy. gress, "the result of tho election shows , ly sift out at this end of the route. that Oregon does not want Free The eyes are sunken, the hands Trade.” CONVINCING GUARANTEEs5| Though this awful wanting came to ami feet become cold and clam­ the Democrats in the early Summer my. Aller a while a cough si ts and modified somewhat the utterance in. at first dry, but after a few of the St. Louis Convention, it comes : Which are Juatifled by a World- Wide Experience, months it is attended with a too Jate to lie a warning nnd a lesson for the present campaign. It is a proph­ greenish-colored expectoration, ecy, rather, of what may bo expected k'he patient feels tired all the next November. The President’s Free- TO.THE PUBLIC: Ilavipg branch houses and labora- while, and sleep does not set in I , trade message and the Mills bill, Ix.tli Íolries in seven different quarte?s¡ aña of which received the endorsement of to afford any rest. Alter a time the St. Loins Convention, will Im the Herelore having a world-wide ex­ we. 11. II. Warner A Co., I he becomes nervous, irritable ( . issue in N*-‘w York, Connecticut and perience, justify ourselves in making tlio fol­ New Jersey, as they were in Oregon. and gloomy, and has evil fore­ lowing statements: No inau can deceive the workingmen Fir»t.— For the past decade we bodings. There is a giddiness, of these stales into believing, as many held that 93 j>er cent, of dis­ ¡i sort of whirling sensation in of them were made to lielievo four have ago, that Cleveland stands for I eases originate in the kidneys, which the head when rising up sud­ j years Protection to American industry. Ho introduce uric acid into the system, a denly. 'Flu* bowels become cos­ has placed himself on record as op­ poison that is injurious to every or­ attacking and destroying first tive; the skin is dry and hot at posed to Protection and litm exerted gan, tiie organs which are the weakest. ¡ill his iniluence to break down the times; the blood becomes thick tariff. Whether or not the people XVe have also lield that if the liilneys and stagnant: the whites of the of the United States share President are kept in perfect health inott of the or- ailments will he prerented, or. eves become tinged with yel­ Cleveland’s hostility to American in- I dinary is the issue in this campaign, If contracted, cured. Other practi­ low; tin* urii ? is scanty ami I ihistry and it is too late for the Situ to get tioners have held that extreme kid­ ney disease is incurable. We have high-colored, depositing a sedi­ : its party away from it.. to the contrary, however, in There is a very pleasing prospect proof ment after standing. There is hundreds of thousands of cases in that about the 7th of next Novenilter frequently a spitting up of the President Cleveland will bo capping every section of the globe. * Second.— The kidneys being the food, sometimes with a sour I Mr. Gearin'« philosophic conclusion sewers of the human system, it is irn- i as to Oregon by adding that "the re ­ taste and sometimes with a of the election shows that Ila* |K>ssible to keep the entire system in Succossor to Hunsaker & Dodge, sweetish taste; this is frequent­ ! sult I iiitud States does not want Free good working order unless these or­ gans are doing their full duty. Most ly attended with palpitation ot ; ’¡'rude.” DEALER IN— people do not believe their kidneys the heart; the vision becomes are out of order because they never Keep constantly on hand a full Oregon lleiiuty. give them any pain. It is a peculiar­ impaired, with spots belore the supply oí Muiiy pcoplii in Oregon, and vHpis-i- ity of kidney disease that it may long eyes; there is a h eling of great in Linn uixl Marion counties, exist without the knoirh doe of the patient prostration and weakness. All ally w ill rememtu r the beautiful chest nut or of the practitioner. It may be bus - of these symptoms are* in turn bay mare with tlio long mane and pected if there is any gradual depar­ from ordinary health, which de­ present. It is thought that tail owned by Mr. O. P. Adams, of ture Millers, in lJnn county, and which he parture increases as age comes on. FLOUR, - nearly one-third ol our popula­ sold to M, D. Heed, of Sail I-'raucisco. Third.— We do not cure every i tion has this disease in some of ’l'o sill'll I lie following dispatch from known disease from one bottle. This GRAHAM FLOUR. Buvs for cash and sells strictly T A Cj Ilf f«»r cash. ViYni.I I New York to the F.xaininer wdl lie of is an impossibility. its varied forms. CRACKED WHEAT, Fourth. — Warner ’ s Safe Remedies regretful interest: "The Oregon Beau­ It has been tound licit phy­ ty, or long mauexl horse, winch was have been recognized by the doctors CORN MEAL, the ;>eople all over the globe as sicians have mistaken the causes valued at 82 >.OOO, was suffocated by and ROLLED BARLEY, standards of the highest excellence. tire at Brighton Beach last night. of this disease. Some have I’lie horse had I h * oii al the lx>ach two Fifth.— We make the following un­ RAN, treated it tor a liver complaint, days. It had lx*eu on exhibition qualified guarantees: MILL FEED, G u arantee 1.—-That Warner's Safe others lor kidnev diseases, etc., throughi.iit the west for sometime MIDDLINGS. but none of these I,intis of previous and was brought from Cali- Remedies are pure aud harmless. G uarantee 2.— That the testimonials lornia by M. D Reed last week. The treatment have been attended horse was u beautiful ehestuut. with a used by us are genuine, and so far as we kiiow, absolutely true. We will with success; tor it is really white mane aud tail the former lieiiig forfeit |5,000 for proof to the contrary. nine feet long and tin* tail sweeping G uarantee 3.—Warner’s Safe Rem­ constipation and dispepsia. It the ground. Th.* foretop was four have periiiiinently cured many is also found that Shaker Ex­ feet long. The “Beauty" was eight edies I millions of people whom the doctors Manufacflirer of the years old, welglii*d 12.'*t pounds and tract ol Roots, or Mother Sei­ stood sixteeli bauds high. The fire have pronounced incurable. Perman­ T gel’s Curative Syrup, when was caused by lightning, and started ent cures are always convincing i proofs of merit. properly prepared will remove in the lolts of the stable, but was soou I .’Ji.rth.— Ask your friends and neigh­ extinguished. The Oregon Beauty this diseas.* in all its stages. bors what they think of Warner’s was then found dead, although in the Safo Cure. Care must he taken, however, next stall a worthless "plug” stood un­ REV. J. P. Arnold, Camden,Tenn., had injured. to secure tin- genuine article. fearful alnceeses caused by kidney >»b(i Cbvsley, Peterson, (’lay LOTION. 1888 reported hlniself sound and well, cuiintv. L>xva. tells the following remark­ Mr. John C. Ilemptinstall, oi able story, tiie truth of which is vouched „and he la orar 70 years old. Five OotiDle Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire, f«»r l>y tin» residents of tiie t«»wn: “Il MRS. ANNIE .TENNESS-M1LLF.R, C'hnlafirmi*<*, Clelmrn Co., Ala. am the wire firmly twisted between pickets. 73 years old, have been troubled with t vditreaa of Dress, 253 Fifth avenue. New eight years ago was cured of ner- writes: ‘•My wife lias been so kiduey complnint and laincmss for f ; York, vou»;fYi»ti,ation, when the best New many years; could not dress myself much bem-litti'il by Shaker Ex­ without help. Now L am free from ail - England physicians could do her no good. She'cured herself with Warner's tract of Roots or Seigel’s Syrup pam and soreness, and am able to do Safe Cure, and writes iu 188": “To-day in connection with the mining busi all my oxvn housework. 1 owe my nes, I *have on band n large stock m that she says she wouid rather thanks to Electric Bitters for having re­ I, 1 am a ;>erfectly well woman. It is the I ever take.” In* without part of her food than newed my youth, and removed complete­ ■* L. ODly.tnedicine B. PRICE, M D., a gentleman and ly all disc.iso and pain." Try a bottlr. without the medicine. It has Stic, ami .$1. at ('hitwood Bros', drug physician of . the highest standing of Mftfiover, C. II., Va-, four year« ago, done her more good than t lu- store. after ■ trying every other remedy for bright's disease, including famous min doctors anil all other medicines 1 he President removeti tho postmis­ 1 eral waters, cured himself by Warner s tress at West Point, N. Y., to make put together. I would ride i Safe Cure, and March 24, 1888, wrote: room fora IJemocrntie apoilsman, but “I have never had the slightest symp- twenty miles to get it into the the patrons of the ntlhv raised such a toms of my old and fearful trouble." hands ot any sufferer if lie can storm that th«» order of removal has HERMAN URBAN, of MacNeale A Urban, safe-makers, Cincinnati, 0„ get it in no other way. I l.e- lieen revoketl and tho woman reinstat* was broken down by excessive business Evidently the big man in the lieve it will soon sell in I t his etl|>s, over half the cases are), by Warner’s Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. shades of private life. Safe Cure. pietnren of children,etc.,¡ire far superior to tlio old so called "wet plate” pr.iees«. J. J. McGuire, merchant, of the We could give many thousands of Bticklen's Arnica Salve. similar testimonials. Warner’s Safe same place, who sold Mrs. Bart­ I ho best salve in the world for cntH, Cure does exactly as represented. on the medicine, says lie has sold Seventh.— Warner’s Safe Remedies bruises, sort's, ulcers, salt rheum, fever examine work made exclusively liv the new prooeiM. Photographs made it tor tour years and never knew sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain*, were put onYlie market in obedience by And tlio leading artists of the coast on exhibition for comparison. |s 44 corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ to a vow made by II. II. Warner it to fail. tively cures piles, or no pay required. It that, if the remedy now known as is Ruaranteed to tiive perfect satisfac­ Warner's safe cure, restored him to SIIE WAS ALMOST HEAD. tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents health he would spread its merits lie- I was so low with dyspepsi;i per box. For sale by Chitwood Bros. foro’the entire world. Inten years that there w;ts not it physician the demand has grown so that labor­ I j E( JAL AI > V E1 IT IS E M E N TS. atories have been established in to be found who could do any­ seven quarters of the globe*. War­ In Large or Small lots thing with me. 1 had flutter­ ner’s Safe Cure is a scientific H)>ecific Timber Land Notice, —it cures when all the doctors fail, ing of the heart and swimming I’MThh S tates L anin of ei __ « ... / thousands of the lf California, Ore you afford longer to ignore its extra­ scribed my disease better than I g«m, Neva«la ami Washington Territory,” ordinary power? Now, in the spring This hotel, having been thoroughly re­ Hvtity l‘. c»M>k, of White Point, county of could myself. I tried the Shak­ Ja<*k.s«»ii, paired and nexx'lv furnished, ranks among of the year, a few bottles will tone State «>f Oregon, has this «lay tiled ihe best hotels of Oregon or California. 'I he this offiev his sworn statement for the you up an*l cure all those ill feelings Inquire of er Extract of Roots and kept on in proprietor is an experienced lnudl«»roison in the MERRILL & BAKER, proof t<* sh«*n that th«» land -»ought The Beds are New and Clean, and got id health, Mrs. M. E. Tins- i* more \aluabl«* f«»r its tindn-r or stom- than blood, which will surely end fatally, the Table for agricultural piirp<«scs, an«i to establish Medford, Jackson Co.. Or. if not at once removed. For this no ley, Bevier, Muhlenburg (Jo., his claim 1«» said lnmt l*ef«»re the Register am! other specific is known. In fiiruiahod with everything the market Receiver of thisottlce al Roseburg, Or., on CASTORIA ASHLAND CITY for Infants and Children. & ('Oft: ROLLER FLOURING MILLS! School Books and Stationery A. II. CARSON. ASHLAND DRUG STORE! MAsonic Block. LARGEST stock of DRUGS,' Groceries & Provisions School Books and Stationci»\ ! Artists’ Materials, Lamps and l~mp.Stock. -------- GonmRtinR ol------- J. H CHITWOOD & SON Shade and Ornamental Trees, (ini|H* X’ine, Currant«, Gtsotelterries, Blacklierrit«, Rnsttberrie»*, Strawlierri«*, rig«, Etr., Etc. ASHLAND PLANING MILLS Messenger & Smith, Proprietors. M nnnfactiire Rustic, Beveled Siding, Flooring and Ceiling, All Kinds of Moulding, Bracked, and Builders’ Material. JOB WORK SOLICITED I PRICES RASONABLE ! WORKS! 1 ill'll "RABBIT AND The West Side Wall Paper, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting* FEED STABLE 'West i»n«i of bridge) Mirrors, Frames, Mouldings, Pictures. MADE ! FENCE Continuous Twist of the Wire. ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS! Cheaper than a Rail Fence, More durable than a Board Fence, Stronger than a Barb Wire Fence. CHAMPION 8HERM. STANLEY, Prop. lhe finest hue of Bed room Suites, Parlor Suite* and Lounges to be found iu Southern Oregou Kee|>s ooliHtaiit'y on hand the Itest of COME AND SEE US. HAY AM) GRAIN. MESSENGER & SMITH, Ashland, Oregon. Horses left iu luv care will Is* properly cor<*d for. Keinenilier the place: west end of the bridge. I3f“ Stable open night auel day. y Finding their business increasing, have just lx*en receiving heavy invoices, and now have their Shelves Full of New Goods. Call at Looan’s Gallery, on the hill, BAIN t We aim to keep always in stock, the choicest staple brands of the - .BlGST — RICKHEADACHE Anil to make it to the interest of people to deal wity them. -V- TRY THEM. ALL SIZES, COMPRESSED Bales. Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, .1. A. White, Limited, 54 Wnrren St., New York. BLACKSMITHING MACHINIST WORK. Highest Market price paid for all kinds of grain at all times—-in cash. Th«» undersigned ha* re opened the black smith shop at th«» comer of Spring street am! Fifth avenue, near the «t»»p«-t. % m H LA NO, «»ICIt.ON, Ami is prepare«! to do bla< ksmilhing in all it* branches, as xvell as tin«- mauhiue work Farm«»r's xvork a S| hh ialty. 12-411 .J. 11. M< I ntosii . CENTRAL HOUSE. E K. Bñghtxnan, ASHLAND. ASHLAND CITY ROLLER FLOURING MILLS. Golden Eagle Hotel. Saturday, th«- 21st «lay of July, I nns . He names as witnesses: W R Boyd, Rola-rt open, J W Blackburn, Frank Aitcli, <>f White Point, Jackson county. Or. Any and all persons elaiming adversely the alsixe «lesi ritM-«! lands are re«|iiestrd to tile their claims in this office on or Is-fore *-aid .’l‘t day of July , I nks . 4i» low| C has . w. J ohnston , Register. F nitei » Sr xiex I. ini * offi « e j Ro*vburg, Or., May 22, I snn . t N«*liee i* hereby given that in compliance xx ith the tlie provision* oi the act of Con grv-x of June 3, K.*, entitled An act for the Mil«» of timlH'r lands in the States of Califor nia, oreg«»n, Nevada, and Washington terri torx,” Byron Cole, of White Point, county of Ja< k<«m, state of Oregon, I.as thisday file«! in this oftico his sxvorn statement f«»r the pur < hasv«»f tiieS W‘* of N W‘, and N W ^ofs W of mm -. No. 30, in tow nsliip No. iu, range No 2 E, and xx ill offer proof to shoxr that th«» land nought is more x aluable for its timber or >toi»e than fur agricultural purposes, and to ♦»-stablish his claim tosaid land l*efore tiie reg i«trr anti rt^eiverof this office at R«wburg, Or., on Thursday, tin» »Jtli day of August, I nns He names as xx ituessex W R Boyd, Rola-rt (»gen, M Hurshbcrger. J F Cole, all of Whit«- Point, JackMiii county, or. Any and all persons eiaiining inlxcrsely the' m I myx v des«-rilM»d lands are requested to Ide their claims in tins ottic«* on «»r before sai«i '.»th da) <»f August. I nnn . .i < »IAS. W. J ohnston , Register. F'inal Proof Notice. ntrorts received nt Messenger A- Smith’s this week over 2,000 yards in stock. x 12 21 Masonic Directory, Ashland. SISKIYOI’ CHAPTER, N ». 21. K. A NEW TIN SHOP M. Regular c«»nvorations on the Thwrsilay next after the full n,<*on. W. H. A tkinson , 11 P. E P. Myer, Sec’y. [9-36 ASHLAND LODGE No. 23. A. F. ,t A M. Stated eomiuiinleation on the Thursday of or before the full moon. E. V CARTER, W. M. Win R L* iwm » ii . Herretary. ALPHA CHAl-TEK NO. 1. O. U.S. Stateil meetings <>n 1st nml 3d Tuesday in each month. M rs . M E M< C all , W M. Mrs J D Crock?!, Secretary. in iiopHer'fl Block, Aahland, Or., F.t k L on hand and made to order. Particular Attention to Job Work. rf Which will l»c done in a workmanlike man net ami at Prices That Defy competition. M. L. ALFORD, ------- O Hohl regular meeting* every Saturday 1.AND OFFICE AT R om ERUIU ì . OR. ( evening at their Hall in A m I i I hiki . Brethren May, 2t>. I nks , x in goiMi standing are cordially invited to Notice is hereby given that the following atteml. M N N. G. itameli settler has hied notiu«» of his inten H (' Myer, Secretary. timi to make tinal proof in support of Ills claim, and thut said pr«a»f will tn* made be PILOT K im K ENCAMPMENT NO 1»..l o O F fore the Clerk <»f the County Court of .lack Tho BUYERS’GUIDE ir *«>n county, <»regoli, nt Jiicksomillc, <»regon, Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2«1 ami issued March and-Sept., on Monday. August 6th. 1* sm . viz: <». \V I 4th Monday in each month. Menilivrs in eacn year. It is an ency, Barron. Pre empì ioti. D H No.*d»’4, for the E good standing cordially inxitet! to attend. A. B ish , c . p. clopedia of useful infor­ 1.. of N U ‘ 4. N E 1 * «»f S W • 4. A N W • 4 .»f S E M N Ix)ng. Scribe. mation for all who pur­ ‘4. Sec 4. Tp 13, S It 2 E. He names th«\ following av it tiesse* to prove chase the luxuries or tho his vontinm**s residence upon, nini ciiltixa necessities of lite. We tion of, >aid lami, viz !■ W Smith. \ D can clothe you and turnish Heald. you .1 with II Cook. .1 M Taylor, nil of Ashland, all the necessary and unnecessary Jackson county, Oregon. appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, 51] 1 HAS. W JOHNSTON. Reglatei. Northern Grown, ¿1^“ A gixol sample room for cuiunu-r cialTraveler* ha* been lifted up in connec­ tion xvilli tiie hotel. O MONTGOMERY WARD A*C0. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IU Dissolution of Copartnership. Ashland. Lodge, A. 0 .U. W. Met» in lodge room In * ..1*1 Feijoa'** Hall every hk » t nini T iiihd W edm «.lay in each inoiith. Present hmtr ol meeting 7:uil e. M. All Brethren la giM«l «luti.ling «re l orilially ¡uvlleil to attend. T. i> Asimin-. M. W W « PiTTLR-oS Recorder. iFW FROM ACCLIMATED STOCKS, ----- on my own grounds.----- -----o----- ci\ REWARD haxc now on hand THE FINEST UT J I CEO, STARRETT, Walla Walla, W.T. 1 ASHLAND, OREGON. Illtixtrated CatalogiiK of Full supply of coffins, caskets, SHEDS and TRHHS robes of all sizes, gloves, Free on application. trapes, etc., etc. office and nareroom? at railroad crossing of Helman street. TRUMBULL (anti la the Head whirl» INE OF n I they cannot cure. I To be found in th s city. 3>o: Also l ull Line STAPLE and FANCY GOODS, GENT’S - FURNISHING-GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS. ETC., ETC., fcYWPTMft Or CATABM.-Dull. hmry headache, obstruction of the nans I paMaKen, diNchanpa falling from the head taito the threat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, al other*, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid: the eye* are weak and watery; there ii a ringing in the ears, deafbesa, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration ot offensive matter, together with acabe from ul­ cers; the Voice Ls changed and has a ‘»nasal twang”; the breath ls offensive; smell and taste are impaired; there Is a sensation of dUti- ness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and general debility. Only a few of the above- nam«*d symptoms are likely to be present in any one cam*. Thousands of cas«*8 annually, without manifesting half of the above symp­ toms, result iu consumption and end in the crave. No disease is so common, more decep­ tive and dangerous, or less understood by phy- «iciaus. Ry its miid. soothing and healing properties. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy cures the worst -asea of Catarrh, la the Brad Carysa, nnd < alarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cent*. Ml atald Assay from Catarrh * I»rot W. narsNkB, the famous mesmerist. f>f Ithaca, N. V., writes: Home ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic nasal ca­ tarrh. My ftunUy physician gave me up as incurable, and said I mu*t die. My case wa*. m icb a bad one, that every day, towards sunset, my voice would become s<» hoarse 1 could barely speak above a whisper. In tbeinornlug my coughing and clearing of my throat would a most strangle mo. By tho use of Dr. Sage's CUarrh Remedy, in three months, I wanaweU n an, and the cute lias beeu |H.*ruiaueDL'* Cohstahlly Haw king and hplulag " . ,*t •»*,:-*-* . \ i I’r..* tically lii*li*>.lru Wo. * to >hr{ ik break dueay or »ear out. At I h J‘» ci « •,«« to bvtcrr.e Itvse or r^1!K 4 ». o *na«i< l Hi.rfly of U« l I, (i«eied togilhai, cin* ' • to Ken. »ill Iasi forever. MANUFACTURED RY H!i ¿MOTT BUGGY CO.. CHICAGO. T homas J. Hrs hi no . Esq., 2902 Pine Rtreet, Rt. Louis, Mo., writes: I was a great sufft n-r fr »in catarrh for three years. At times I could btrdly breathe, and was hawk I lk I ar d spitting, and for the last constantly eight months could n« t breathe through the nostrils. I thought n< thing could be done for mo. Lucidly I was a«»vise«! to try I>r. Hage*n Catarrh HeasMY.aod 1 im now a well man. I believe It to be th« only sure remedy fur catarrh now mamifac turud, and one has only to give it a fhlr trial to ex «erlence astounding results and a jiermaueui cure.” A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valu- ahle hints as to clothing, diet and other matters of imi»orttuwv. will t»e mailed, post-paid to any adflrrws. on ns-Hpt of a two-cent postage stamp. A IdroiM, World’. Db.peB.sry led leal Umetetteh, H. C. MYER, — DEALEKN JN — Hardware, Stoves, & Tinw ¿are, ASHLAND, OREGON CURE Malaria, Fever and Ague, Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, etc. They prodace regular, natural evac- iiaiiona, never gripe or interfere with .tolly l.u.lne««. A« a family medielne, they .hould h^ve a place In every houaehold. Price, 2.5 cent, per boa. THE BEEHIVE! J * D. F OUNTAIN Office, 44 Murray Nt„ N. Y. Haa Hgain aasuined the «ole proprietorship of this old eatabli>hed bouae, having bought the interest of W G Holme» in the firm of Fountain A Holme«, LIVERY AND FEED Consisting of fine custom and ready-made Clothing, Staple and Fan cy Dry Goods. Fine Cloaks, etc.; Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Canned Goods, Cigars, Tobacco, etc., etc., etc. FINE MILLINEBY a specialty. ASHLAND OREGON Sold Everywhere. THE ASHLAND ST A B.LKS 1 he old btHhles on Main stieet near the bridge, and the new RtHblew on Oak wtreet, are now under the pioprietondiip and luniiftgement of GEO. W. STEPHENSON. Who is now prepared to offer the public t>ettor acoommialntionH than ever before afforded in Southern Oregon in the liv­ ery bnaineaa. Horses Boarded and Fed. l-tr~ If your Merchant does not keep them, send for catalogues. Address H. S. EMERY, in it ihiiept Fteree’a Heaaaat rarxatlve explanation of the remedial power of the*. Pellets over ao great a variety of dlaeaeea, I. may truthfully t>e sold that their action upon the syatem Is universal, not a (land ortteu. Mcapinc their ««native Influence. Boid by <1 rugKtsts, for IS cents a vial. Manutoctured at the chemical laboratory of Wo«Lp*a Durxr Mtuv Mroi. a A s «< x . tatiom , N o . AM Mam Kt . BuOulo, N. V. — :«»<»:— GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ASHLAND LODGE N o | I. O. O. F., Notice is hereto given that the copartner­ ship of W N. l.iickey. J. T. R«»ger* and Fred Hansen, doing business in Ashland ami ( on trai Pohif. Oregoq, under th«» firm named of Lm kev A Co. has )>een this «lay • Il -<«>l \ • I. Fred II:ins«tn uihdrauing fr« »in the firm Faci» H an o n Ashland, Or.. Mav ?4, l'sXS. DAVID HORN. I’osloffice. Henley, < 'nlifornia. Range. Klamath river, between Jen­ ny creek ami Cot­ tonwood. Murks, square crop oft left ear, dewlap cut down. Cattle branded on left hip; horses, right shoulder. information so- lieited when stork arc found nil* pro­ per range. relieved and permanently cured by the uae of Dr O dd F ellow ’ s B lock . And continue to keep >n hand a large and well selected stock of NEWLY FURNISHED. Mt, Hsh, hunt, work, go to church, or slay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just tlgure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYEBB’ I GUIDE,^which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, P hillips , Trop. Bllleaa Meaffaebe, Dlx tarka. aad all deraas- aaeata at the aloaxark and bowel», are promptly Linkville’s New Strike. DOOS Beware of Imitation», contalnln* Polauuou, Mineral». Alwaya uk for Ur. PtoreWa PslUta which «re lltlla Bugar-cooted PlUa, or Anu lOllona uranulre ItoiB» Parely VwtiMr, Dr. PlmVa Pvi let» operate without disturbance to th<* «y«teu diet, or oocupation. Put up In Rlwa viaU, her m.tkwlly ae*J«l. Always frush su.l reliable They «re a gentle laxative, or an active mp »stive, «ccordln» to atie ot doae. HAY FOR SALE WAGONS ft m&r vuxxuu i mnonr ioxubi ' STiAVffliFMr -* SMAU.MT, C heapest . E asicct to T ake . PHOTOGRAPHS! Mowers .S herman H tani . et . 12-9( Binders, Reapers and Linkville, Oregon. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, N BRUSHES. i'Illï, CHICKEN A. H. CARSON & SON. FURNITURE ! II. IB. KHfcCIJ, Proprietor. hili Our tree« are grown without irrigation on Keil hill lund, and all of known va- rieliea that Hucceed in Southern Oregon. TI iom * conU'iupInting tree planting u ill do well to visit our orchard and nur nery. or write us for price list. Poatoflkm -Murphy, Joaeubiuecounty, Oregon. R. It. station. Grant'« Puss ------ Dealer« in------- CASI I ! FENCE s in S L’K! » APPLE, PEAK PEACH. PLUM, PRUNE, CHERRY, APRICOT, NECTARINE, ALMOND, WALNUT, aud TABLE WARE AND CROCKERY. ASHLAND Hix miles South of Grant's Paas. Jerne- ph ine county, Oregon. Patent Medicines, Druggist’s Sundries, G II O CK R I ES I MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. At reasonable ratea. The Herefords lire becoming the favorites among cattlemen everywliere, I h 4.I i for range and enclosed pant ¡1res. Persons in this valley wishing to breed to inqiorted representative« of the favi families of Herefords iu Illi­ nois can do so at the farm of E. K. Anderson on Waguer creek. New and handnotno turnouts, reliable and Hafi* buggy t-aum, and good «addle boiww HlwnyH to be bad at these «tablea. Will Buy and Sell horses I »-42 GEO. W. STEPHENSON. Meu’a fine shirts at O. H. Blount’» reduced from 81 to 5Ucta., in order to reduce stock. »