What is this Disease Fat is Coining Upon Us? 1‘reavhllig by Mgiis. Cliivago Nvws. Tlie Episcopal service is always im­ prest ive, im.lwbcn it lias the mantle of perfect silence thro-*u about it is par- tienlarly so. There are about fifty deaf mutes in Chicago, who worship once a mouth in St. Jamt-s’ chiin h, Cass aud Huron streets. The le v. A. W. Maru, Liima'if a d.-if mute. has Ihxn nearly twelve years in tl- ■ pulpit, is the rector, bi. 1.. 1.1 embia- - mg th - entire country bound, d by tl ■ All; gliair.on th'? • the Ohio rive:- etl th-south ..l.-l K .Ur.is on •: wfsL Of the IT.ikki ue ,f mutes m tl. i'ni ...1 St c.t s, 3.OU0 tie euiamtue.-. ■ ' • in the v; rims lii.Hvs. s -ibi. h th; tv . ] .-.'auu uuui-u is io. “»'ius>se ye this day whom ye will serve,” w;w I)r. ’.lauu’s text. There was prayer silent prayer offered by the linger, while the piano in the room below pealed forth a Sabbath school melody joined by a hundred voices, but the noise did not hurt the silent wor­ shipers. Then the litany was repeated, the congregation responding in panto­ mime concert no choir, no organ, no music to stir the soul to religions thoughts. And tln-n. when the rector bad fairly launch<*d out in his sermon and from appearances was growiug eloquent, the wife of Dr. Vibbert came into the room with her large bible class of young ladies, and the noise which usually attends such exercises was Iwgun. but the disi'ourse v.eut on unceasingly, the fingers of the Rev. l>r. Maun jerking aud jumping and clutch­ ing and gesticulating with almost lightning rapidity. His auditors watched their movements with the most iutense iutcrest, their faces some­ times clouded us if listening to the description of some horrible thing, and then again an expression of joy 'would seem to follow soma dexterous move­ ment of the silent preacher. When lie had delivered himself of some eloquent peroration the rector would stop a moment, presumably giving liis ob­ servers time to comprehend, and then he would beat the palm of his left hand with the clinched list of the right several times, and this he would follow by several rellective noils of the bead, as if signifying “yes, yes; that is it," or “that is true." ASHLAND CITY IOLLER FLIURING MILLS! Binder», Reapers and Mowers. BAIN MW AGONS r Wholesale Mnnlvr. Says an Eastern Oregon Exchange: Demand for Government Surveys, Some time in ISSii or the first part of The Oreijonian says: Surveyor-Gen­ 18S7 a gang of Chin,so went into eral Taylor is in constant receipt of pe­ Wallowa county. Oregon, and pitch, I titions from all parts of the state from their tent near the west batik of Snake jM-rsoiis who want surveys made. There river and began mining along the has been surveyed only a narrow strip banks < f the river. Il appears that along the coast, and people are s- tthng the men succeeded in prtx'uring con­ along the streams back up into the oid; : tblo gold dust, during the time Const range aud wish their claims sur­ they worked the mines. They laid tn a veyed. Some of the petitioners hav. large quantity of provisions to enable been settled on their claims ull the the miners to carry on the work during way from three tofifb <'ii years, ami the the summer of lv<7. About the 1st of work asked for should be done. How­ July, 1SS7, seven desperate characters ever, it cannot be done till an appropri­ of Wallowa county went to the camp ation is made and the government in­ armed with nfles and revolvers, where creases the rate per mile paid for the the Chinese were at work, and shot the work. No reliable man can be found last one dead; robbed them all of their to do the work for the pay allowed now. coin and gold dust, and threw the The government should not expect to bodies in the river. An eye-witness to get work done for less than private in­ the murder says that the gang of Chi­ dividuals can have it done for. Sur­ nese consisted of ten men, and all were veyor General Taylor lias forwarded a at work w hen the murderers o[iene;l petition signed by all the registers and tire on them, and nut one was left to receivers in the state asking that a lib­ tell thetale. The people of Wallowa eral appropriation lie made for surveys are greatly agitated over the occurrence in this state, and that th< pay per mile aud the officers will mas every means for surveying bo increased, and the to bring the guilty parties to justice. matter is now under consideration, and Some of the murderers are supposed a favorable result is hojied for. to be out of the state, mid others are thought to be in reach of the officers. Drunkenn«-.«, or the Liquor Habit This same lawless band has preyed l*o-itively < tired by adniltilwl.rlng upon the people of Wallowa county Hr. lialne’s Golden Specilie. for some years, stealing horses and It can be given in a -up of cuff--« or cattle, and no one knows really the tea without the knowleds.e of the person extent of the entnes that have lieen taking it: is absoluti ly harmless and committed ol late by this band will eflict a permanent ami speedy desperadoes. cure, whether the patient ia a mod­ erate dnnker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards Lave been Indian Doctor Killed. made temperate men who have taken the The life of the Indian doctors Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge,and to-day believe they “mcdiciuc men" is anything but en­ quit drinking of their own free will. joyable, aa the following Hom the Yak­ I t Nrm F ails . The system once im­ ima Signal will show: Dick Wyueco’s pregnated with th..-' Specific it becomes chi id was sick aud the Indian doctor, an utter impossibility for the liquor ap­ XVyloeks, was treating it iu the quaint petite to exist. For full particulars, ad- and horrible customs of the Indian die.is G olden S pecific C o ., W» Racine race. Several children have died street. Cincinnati, Ohio. lately, and Wyu- sco cants to the con­ clusion that the learned doctor was Oao of the few choice resilience lots the eauao <»f their taking away and as in the best part of the city, mljncf-ut to his child was growing worse each hour the business center can lx? purchased he decided to kill the doctor, and by at a bargaiu. Apply to G. F. Billings. so doing restore the little oue to health aud prevent the death of others, and Two shares and a fraction in the acting upon this decision be shot the East Ashland Water Ditch will Is- medicine man with a Winchester rille. soldat a fair price. Apply to E. De- Death was instantaueotts. The efforts I’eatt. ' x of Wyneco were of no avail aud the child died. The murderer is iu jail at Jack for Sale. Fort Simcoe. Tlio undtTsigik <1 have for sah» a fine, .. * ------- — lar^e altese Jack, which can be had llyilropliobta Among Cattle. at a bargain for cash. The animal can be teen at their livery stable« in Ash­ , ¡’»rkerslturg, W V.. , March :>1.1 III Jackson county an epidemic of land; and is guaranteed to l>e a sun» foal getter. Ho will besold low to any­ hydrophobia among cattle of all kinds one who will apply soon, as we have no has broki n out, and farmers have lost thousands of dollars' worth of fine use for him. stock. A dog went mad. and before T hompson A S tephenson . he v.i-s killed attacked a uutnlier of Ashland, Or., »Jan. 1.3,1SSM. dogs, cattle, shis-p. swme aud poultry 011 several farms. These bitten ani­ 100 choice brands of tobacco to 8e- mals nearly all went mad and have loi-t from tit O. II. Blount's. X since died. There is scarcely a farm You can buy men's wool lined .luck iu the upper part of the county upon ulsters of (>. II. Blount for $3.00. X which some animal has not been bit­ Shiloh’s congl ji mid consumption cure ten. More than fifty dogs have been in sold by ns ci a . guarantee, .____ . Il cures killed, but a numlier of rabid curs are cousumpti >n For Hale by T K Bolton. yet roaming alxiut the country. Iu Ravenswood. Jackson comity, the Mayor has ordensl every dog muzzled and much excitement exists. The deaths among cattle are increasing. IT WILL SELL BETTER THAN COTTON. Mr. John C. Ilemptinstall, of Chulafirmee, Cleburn Co., Al a. writes: uMy wife has been so much benefitted by Shaker Ex­ tract of Roots or Seigel’s Syrup that she says she would rather be without part of her food than without the medicine. It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together. 1 would ride twenty miles to get it into the hands of any sufferer if he can get it in no other way. I be­ lieve it will soon sell in this state better than cotton. TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS, Mrs. S. E. Barton, of Warner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she had been long afflicted with dys­ pepsia and diseases of the urin­ ary organs and was cnietT by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. J. J. McGuire, merchant, of the same “place, who sold Mrs. Bart­ on the medicine, says he has sold it for four years aud never knew it to fail. SHE WAS ALMOST BEAD. ALL SIZES, T For Sale Cheap Market price paid l»r an Ma 4« af frais at all I was so low with dyspepsia that there was not a physician to be found who could do any­ thing with me. I had flutter­ ing of the heart ami swimming of the head One day I read your pamphlet called “ Life Among the Shakers,” which de­ scribed my disease better than 1 could myself. I tried the Shak­ er Extract of Roots anti kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health, Mrs. M. E. Tins ley, Btvier, Muhlenburg Co. Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, J. A. White, Limited, 54 Warren St., New York. ASHLAND, OREGON. Full supply of coflins, caskets, robes of all sizes, gloves, crapes, etc., etc. Masonic Directory, Aslilaaû, Office and u are rooms at railroad er« ssing of Helman street. SISKIYOU CHAPTER, N->. 21. R A M. Regular convo'-atlmis on the Thursday next after tha fail rao>m. CENTRAL HOUSE. P F. B Myer. Sec'y. ASHLAND LODGE NO. 23. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication on the Thursday of er before the full moon. E. V. CAKi-Eli, W. M. Wm R Lawson. Secretary. ASHLAND CITY FLOURING MILLS. E Z. Brighine, ASHLAND, OREGON I ALTHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. F.. S. Stated meetii.g« Ull 1st ami ;i mouth * Mr.«. M E M< ( All, W. M. Mrs J DCroi-ker, s.<-ri tary. ASHLAND LODGE N«» I », I. O. O. I ., Hold regular meetings every »atiir.hu • veiling it their bull m V-libu:d. Ilr.-tl.r. In good »landing arc cordially iut i:< d to attend. M N Lost; N. G. M C Myer. Secretary. ROLLER A Man Willi f Septemlier, 187<>, ut the age of little more than 30, when, al­ ready distinguished for his personal valor and good generalship, ho de­ feated his rivals and stringently put. down all attempts at revolt. He is now 45 years of age, though his com­ manding figure would almost make one think him a great deal less, did not his face wear lines that show not only the steady approach of years, but also sure signs of pain and suffering. He poscsses G000 wives, whom he keeps in Fez, Morroceo and Methuos. Ho also has a traveling harem which constantly attends him. His life is simple, as is all life in Morroceo, but at the earn«* time, when occasion de­ mands, he can appear in such state as scarcely a court in Europe can rival. H. Ö. ZN5ERY SOCIETIES. A'. II. ATXIS.-oN, H At a meeting of tie C les of fighting fruit pests were dis- eu. s.d. From the report of the meet­ ing in the Cl.roniele Vue following is taken, as of interest to fruit growers iu Sontbern Oregon: XV. G. Klee. State Imq.color of fruit pests, ni? le a few pnictical remarks on : niiii;, and mnim i rctneilks f. r th-? re- Oiil.t i • •-S <.«nong young t.-iiit -. l Yr c.. Uiu tia.ih tli« most kuc - - ul rn: !;..! • ;;.:d. w-s arsenical ui'.tui;:. <>1 ¡he tl.r.e now iu :ise, I ::iis (< •; u. i.ouJ.on purple aud white -■ .-ni«-. the itvo moct oaning- 1: • i-.• tif-• f eiiT 'lH'o.''b'.r.hl lie giver: tv P-T» gr.en. “I Would ;•_:<:.ur.* *. Air. Kite, • ■bat .,:!j tic- uing ripples arid pears -oould i.e sprayed once with one pound of Parisgrecn to 180 gallons of water when just out of bloom. For fall and winter apples it. may be advisable to spray ten days later with an applica­ tion of one pound of Paris green to 180 gallons while the blossom ends of the apples are still turned upward. . The treat merits are safe on white winter I'.'.irmainn and yellow Nowto’.vu piji- pins, but UPS,de vii bclitiower.-’.” For mi < fficacious remedy for plum ¡lphi-i mid v.,H*>* M this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, 1 owever, to secure the genuine article. * CHAMPION H- W.HtF.UiE O.X I ltl'11' 1’i.sTS ASHLAND TIDINGS. PILOT HOCK ENCAMPMENT No la,I OO F Meet» in Odd Fellow«'» Hall every 2d and 4th Monday ill each month M< tnt.er- in good »landing cordm. v I to attend. A. B1«H. C. P. M N Long. Scribe. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE l.OIX.E NO. It Meet.« on the 2d and Ith Tuesday in each aionth in Odd Fellow. - Hull. A.shlan '. Mm c E M ay , N. G. John May. Sec y. Ashland. Lodjc, A. 0 .U. W. Meet* is lodfe room in Odd Fellow’s Hall »vary vimt aad T hird W< dn.- tay tn •aeb ■•mk Preaaet batir.>i meeuim 7'"J ». ■ All Bratkraa in ao.;d „madiu„- are •erdiallv ia riled ta attend T 0. A ndrews , M. W. W m . P atterson , Recorder. Eitt.ice Whit-* livelier, Henry Ward Beecher’s widow, has been writing to the Boston Journal on “The Follies of Fashion." She thinks the changes in fashion arc liecotuing constantly more frequent ami are both absurd and unnatural. “Were it not for the title, a fashion magazine might 'oe taken for 1‘tn.i l or the t of I an. ilhlvs and Kiirs Bought The ini-t. r-i/iu 1 »ill pay :he li'.Khext mai price for hides, skins nml furs of alt frmn lids date until further notici. J. It R. Hl'TCIIISUs. Ashland. Or.. May 21. ISV. For bargains unprecedented call on Blount for the next ;>> days. x HAY FOR SALE e Di.utix' foolish enough to buy any­ thing I’efuro you have examined the stock at the Boe-bivc. Satisfaction guaranteed. No trouble to show­ goods. * — In Large or Small lots----- L o o s h Fr< .-li Eastern oysters in any style at Niltlcy':-. next dooi to P. O. ' x -Or in------- COMPRESSED Bales. That hacking cough can lie so qnickly ciir.-il 1>.-Shiloh’s cure. e g:i irantee it. T K Bolton, druggist. Inquire of MERRILL& BAKSR, Medford, Jackson Co.. Or. I We can not tell you this issue who the next President will be. but we can ti 11 you that-Ge >. H. Curry carries the most complete stock of Groceries. Crockery and Glassware in Southern ~ » Oregon. LEGAL AI j VERTI THE ASHLAND ements . Guardian’s Sai-'. In the c uiu! v c >urt for Jiickson c ninty. etnte i t Oregon. Ill the luiitlcr of tiie guard-hip of Mar­ garet M.itiid : llwigana. Fred B !>wi. - am and Georg,: Dwigaua, m .nor heira of Bobert J Owigana, deceased. Notice is be:'-, by given, that by v»-: •■ of etid In p'trv,'.innci'of iia order of sab. kb <• in naid matter by ti e rai l co c t; .L.eks m eotinly. state of guu. ok 7th day of Feb.aary. fie ui..- apii-d will on til 3 ituil. April, . : y. .it ‘J o’clock c ot said d ;; a; the t'oiit d- or of tueoonrt h . ue. i:i the t.vvu of .Lie; -livid;-, oi.e/ for J • l| M: ; r.of the a nd Matilda D'.'. l.. Fii-d I: '.wi ;:-.ii-t ard George Dwigans, nab t i. lata U••!>.-r: -I Dwig- ili:s, dec used, in and to the following described land situa'.ed in the city of Ashhind, Jneksou county, state of Ore­ gon, viz: tteginniug at a point 12 It; chains north and thirty hundredths (:t<) 100) chains west of the southeast corner of lot No 1. ia section No,'., town­ ship No 3'.i south, of ranee one (1) east of the WillaiaeUc 11- -idian. Ore­ gon. and runnin : th. nc- we-f •eii a id eighty five hundre ’ths (7 K,-Iuu. chams. thei:c- north < :ie and »eveni >■ liu.i d.euth-i (i -.»-100) chainst > .o-.th ¡me of alley, thence e.i-: alu.'i ' . al south iin of alloy seven and Linety hun­ dredths i 7 00-100), thence south one and sevetity-hnndredths ’ 1 70-100) chains to place of liegirinitig. containing one and tliiity-four hundredths 11 34-100) acres. I’e.cinof sale to bo cash in hand, ill tziirzTit Ncorr. Guardian of the ab >ve named minor heirs of the estate of Robert .1 llwig ans, deceased. [42-4w. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. LIVERY AND FEED L. W. CAUSON. A. It. CAUSON. S I A BJLi :s ih<< old stables on Main stt.i t near the bridge, mid tb«> new stables on Oak : reef, are now under the p'oj-.ri. tor .ir m.d hi in ", aient of -s -id--. <- ■ ■ tue pi ex ;r before in tLv li v ’3® Horses Boarded and Fed. A t run unable rutes. New mid handsome turnouts, reliable and safe l.uggy t auiH, and good saddle horses always to lx: had ut these stables. Will Buy and Sell horses- ST SHOES ! (I : ,H- Vi .Ut. . . <ì - : - :i:,;:. Blu.- 1 erri s. R.:.-1 f < rei* a. Sti-wlx ri e-s. Figs, Ef., Et.-. CHEAPEST. I he West Side tlurtr.-- .’. v.tiiirig.-tion <>n li r write uh fo- pru e list. 1 o t -.(kc.— M l:l :.|iy. Jof.ephilte oounty, On-gmi. K. li. i taut. G.'.iut's Pass. A. H. CAPSON & SON. IVIcCa!"s Store V.\ st eiul of Bridge) Linkville, Oregon. {^CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. SHERM. STANLEY, Prop. K- -?ps constancy o:i hand ti; ■ b-.-st of In till Coiuitv court of the state of Ore- gon, fi>r the county of Jackson, sitting in prolmte. In the matter of the estate of F. e Hatton, deceased. In pursuance of ail order of the coun­ ty court, made the litli day of March. Trtftt*. the undersigned, administrator of the nfor; said estate, will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the principal tract of realty hereinafter described on Gran­ ite >»trcet. Ashland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Sth day of May, iSSS. At one o'clock n m . ail the right, title aud interest of the said F. Mcllattan at tiie time of his death in and to the fol­ lowing described real prop-rly: A parcel of land commencing at the northwest cornerof the parcel of ground purchased by Isaac Miller of Wagner, McCall aud Rocklellow, said N W cor­ ner lieing on the south side of the nllev between C K Klum arid Isaac Miller, and nearly opposite (across Granite street’ the north'. ;tst coruerof lot three block eight - s . in the town ef Ashland: thence along th - Imo of said alley in all east­ erly direction eighty-four ’ H41 feet: thence along u line parallel with Granite street in a southerly direction forty-four (4li fi t: thence along a !i:i" parallel with s.iid alley in a westerly direction eighty-four ’8-11 fert to the ea..t side of Gran:’- stre I: thence in a northerly di rection along the south side of Granite streetfortv-four (441 feet to the place of be-ginning. situated in the town of Ash­ land County of Jackson. Statu of Oregon. Also, one share la West Ashland Ditch Co. No. 2. Also one building lot in the town of Ji fferson, Oregon. Terms of Hale, cash in band. H.C. Hti.i.. Administrator of the estate of F. Mc­ Hatton. deceased. Notice is lierc-by given Hint tlic linn of real estate dealers heretofore doinff busi­ ness at Ashland, Medford and < » nir»d Point in .hiek'on county, Oregon, uiuk r the firm name f smnmvr re­ sort lor persons seeking health und reercu- t:oi , has recently be» n greatly improved by the present proprietor, who ha« done liiut h to make it pleasant and attractive to guest«. Which will be done in a workman’ike man Her and at Stationery Î <7 ICE CftEAM HI t 10-71 B- F- REESER. —TRANSFER.— Passenger Coach Every Train Messenger & Smith, Proprietors. Manufacture Lower Than Anyone Else. Rustic, Beveled Siding, riooring and Ceiling, All Kinds of Moulding. Brackets and Builders' Material. PRICES REASONABLE I JOD WORK SOLICITED I ------ Dialers in-------- FURNITURE ! Wall Paper, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting, Mirrors, Frames, Mouldings, Pictures. GLASS, PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, & BRUSHES. Thf liliert line "f Bed-loom Suite», Pallor Suites and Lounges to be f und in S. uthein Oregon COME AND SEE I S. The treutrr.mt or many tt.oio-.nd» < f , i r tlioso chr.'i-l : w.-.,- . , . , ’ ciUncnt» neciillir to f ... ■ . ] -, . 5 Hotel u:;d M.r ■ :; ) . .t , .. • j,, -, ' -, hasalTirded a va : i v;.- • ■ .. ni.. t',- a.':,,, t' 1 : a”-l Ile r ... - i .. : : ; . cure ot wutmui's ¡. a allai u«i»uu i MESSENGER & SMITH, Ashland, Oregon. STILL DOING BUSINESS :o: YUÜLE& GILROY ’•»a powerful. Invfcomfioz tanir it IXi’.rti» btrtnprth L> 1i.<- ’Alx-le sysi ri, ar,«! u the womb «nd i . rItlov<'^'<‘rkf*d, ••u rut..,” ••nm-down.” <1 »ilikdpd taarlier*, iriUhx th , dr.---tunuTs j, ,UfM,.k<, uur . in-j luotbers.and !. «•:»!.» women •ncullv, Dr. .1 1. re< H 1 ’.iVuritf» 1 r.-ss-rlj D u if tl... rit aDM earthly boon, Leintj uncju..L-»l as un ai'iiviiJKip coruad aud r.wtorative tunic. Lost their Planing Mill and contents by tire, but saved WARE-HOUSE FULL OF STUCK And arc now selling at bottom prices everything in the line of i << a »notiiins nml sfrrnflrtbmins m r 1 • V, r ;.t ‘‘ ‘;>■ L‘ in f l!.»» if,e 1 ’ ai;«i 1” »UP » «..•I ¡8 "i invi.1 nervous exctabillty, Irrital B»tv. vxhajsiu.n, pr«'**1 rution. hy terui, • .<; < lor t . • in.- . I: «.-j . . j uu.uo Cast^or 1« u.-urrb»:*, < » i\,. fl h F-’ jqti.tful mt-astrnation, u.r «dural HJppr*-sxb,n«, i>r< late «ns.f.r falling < f the Lark, •‘i.-ruuH wcJiiM-s,'* ani -vrrsi -n. rctr.(v« rMoii. I- aijnu- «lawn arnxati' n«*, ciir<»uiccon^.’xU »n. i:dlamma- ti nan-t ulc« n*n noftliew ...•».DdlunnuaDon. paui and tfn:< r of functional action, al tbut ciitit’ul |H*rio»l of chafiw from gtrlhocMl to wonutnho»'tl, “Favorite i’n^crip- ti »n” i«u iierfectly aaf«» r» nu dial nx»'nt, und «'an produce only good results. It L» <*qually »irbw < i >usun«l valuable In It « effects wb« n tak< :i for those rd»*rH and d. r.t . ¡n<«ou in- > Fur-div.. D.-ikts < l.tUe IJver PilDj. cx;rvs Ltor, Ki« i I > r< • I.L .o«| taints, and abolishes <'nnccrutt3 and ncrofuioiw humors from the uysU- u. •• Favorite Prrtrrlpf h»n ” Is th« only m« RABBIT MANUFACTURED BY THE ABBOTT BUGGY CO.. CHICAGO. AND FENCE CHICKEN MADE ! Five Douole Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire, the wire firmly twisted between pickets. H. C. MYER ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS! »cine for wonn-n, a li ly »irujrgbu. nndrr n rosIlKr cna autre tr ia tht* luanufa - ir. r>. . that it will give « I. r.< u »n in every cm «.»,r ru >ney will lx? r< liu.o I. ThU guarantee ha« »•«•♦•n print’s! on tiie 1» DU-wra, j vr, and Lulh- | fully carried out i >r many year«. Large Roll Jr» <1 SI.CO, rr Mk | bolilni for * I Women u«^» p- , | i.«r-« oy.ro«. j, r-viu t< u cents in staiaju. Addn* I/O;Ji’s Cis’r-?ry Epical Is'.yJiLcrt, «¡<. 1 Main hi. M1TV.4LO. V V Cheaper than a Rail Fence, More durable than a Board Fence, Stronger than a Barb Wire Fence. O k uú 0 ¿ PHOTOGRAPHS’ I Made by the Goliitino-Bronudo, or i»i,Arri: Are now taken by the Leading Photo r tobtrs in all the • :tiLv- 1 Ulan, mid arbpted t > v muif-x tl. i.eate < r- ^uni7ati >n. h ¡rnrely v.: ♦ tii!.; • tn U h '•>u»p .sition r.’-,'! rf« -Jy hanules* in its ■- i!i*cts n any «•onfLliun < f tie.- re gth . j or jaornhig «icKnesa, < r nausea, fr :i whotrvt r . .iu>e H . kv MILLS. ----- CIT Y------ And various builders' material. Ku Woo-l to shrink, break, decay or wear out. No bolts or clips to become loose or rattlA. > gear made enti. ely of steel, riveted together, cal» eoty.e broken, will last forever. Cti ALSO t SET CitCQ J. W. O. GREGORY, Note these price»: None but the best material used. -»a All • : prompiìy fi’!« ir relief in nvari) ail Ca‘> • of kidney (rouble ami kimirud ail-mt nts. Ftdlov. ing is the rep‘»rt of the unuly>i-: One >tan >n i te magnesia 24.601 “ Bicarbonate smla... Lithium carbonate, potassium earbnniite. i»Mi’ne and traces of nitric ar.<1 not estima­ ted. Total amount of carbonic ac id gas. fr< c and combined, eqnais •'>■'. 17 nn grains per gal­ lon. Special attention paid to the comfor and iii-vds »»I invali d.-. Among the improvement» of the hotel are tiie baths, iiiit d with all modern con- wnienues. SHOP ! < uh I r»'gon or (’alifornia. The proprietor is an experienced landlord, x\ ell know 11 in the west. The Beds are New and Clean, and the Table - Fell THE BEST - Is fnrui'i.cd with everything the market affords may rest a-surd that noth­ ing will be left uinbme that will add to Sheet-Iron and Coooerware, llieir comfort while .«eopping at tins hot»4. In connertionwiih tne hotel is a fir-t-class Call at B. F. Reeser’s F e S ì 1M ÀF\ ” :»n Li» ASHLAND DRUG STORE! HAY AS 1> GRAIN. Hors -s left in my care will l>e properly cored for. lteiileinlier the place; west end of tlia bridge. 31?' Stahle oj>cn ni .» I,}«- :■«, » • «!•« i . , they l.auhl !.;■•. r :* p1 .:■••• ti « x ry hotSM’hoki. Fsi-s-. \ ;• Sold Ever '"v/h r OzH '*?, ‘4 * •€».»% » • <-x u p*. and Marcfap az . A. j- pages, 5« 1 i: j *r V 3,603 illustrations — a v. buie Picture OaUery» GiVilS V. holerale P: k < < tHrrct fr> rGUsuin1 i s oil corni« f '1 jicrcoual <*r family iLs»e« *irix»»tion girai U f o.-i br xcaiVrti <>f tbc world. A-> wÀ:l tnuil a copy F K à >1 to aay dn j on receipt of J<> <•<'- dr«*« - y i of «nailing. Gout you. K V« a>*»h Aveuur, llucugo, Ui