ASHMAN© MILLS COLUMN. HOW 00 WE DIG OUR G AVE? ASHLAND We must cat or we cannot live. This we all know. But do we all know that we die by eating It is said we dig our graves with our teeth. How foolish this sounds. Yet it is fearfully true. We are terrified at the approach of the cholera and yel­ low fever, yet there is a disease con­ stantly at our doors and in our houses far more dangerous and destructive Most people have in their own stom­ achs a poison, more slow, but quite as fatal as the germs of those maladies which sweep men into eternity by thousands without warning in the times of great epidemics. But it is a mercy that, if we are watchful, we can tell when we are threat« ned. The following are among the symptoms, yet they do not always necessarily ap­ pear in the same order, nor are they always the same in different cases. There is a dull and sleepy feeling; a bad taste in the mouth, especially in ' the morning; tho appetite is change- ' able, sometimes poor and again it ' seems as though the patient could not eat enough, and occasionally no appe­ tite at al); dullness and sluggishness of the mind; no ambition to study or work; more or less headache ami heav­ iness in the head; dizziness on rising tn the feet or moving suddenly; furred and coated tongue; a sense of a load on the stomach that nothing removes; hot and dry skin at times; yellow tinge in the eyes; scanty ami high- colored urine; sour taste in the mouth, frequently attended by palpitation of the heart; impaired vision, with spots that seem to be swimming in the air before the eyes; a cough, with a greenish-colored expectoration; poor nights' rest; a sticky slime about the teeth and gums; hands and feet cold and clammy; irritable temper and bowels bound up and costive. This disease has puzzled the physicians and still puzzles them. It is the common­ est of ailments and yet the most com­ plicated and mysterious. Sometimes it Keep conetantiy on hand a full is treated as consumption, sometimes »apply of as liver complaint, and then again as malaria and even heart disease. But FLOUR, its real nature is that ol constipation GRAHAM FLOUR. and dyspepsia. It arises in the diges­ •RACKED WHEAT, tive organs and soon affects all the others through the corrupted and pois­ •8RN MEAL, oned blood. Often the whole body— ROLLED BARLEY, including the nervous system—is liter­ ally started, even when there is no RAN, emaciation to tell the sad story. MILL FEED, Experience has shown that there is MIDDLINGS. but one remedy that can certainly cure this disease in all its stages, namely, Shaker Extract of Roots or Mother Seigel’s Curative Syrup. It never fails but, nevertheless, no time should be lost in trying other so-called remedies, for they will do no good. Get this great vegetable preparation, (discovered by a venerable nurse whose name is a house-hold word in tier- many) and be sure to get the genuine article. ASHLAND CITY ROLLER FLOORING MILLS! GIVES UP BY SÇVEX DOCTORS, 88T" tn enoncctton with the milling iiea, I have on hand a large stoCk of bnsi- 3 CHAMPION Binders, Reapers and Mowers. Shaker Extract of Roots or Seigel’s Syrup has raised me to good health after seven doctors ha«l given me up to die with consumption.—So vrites R. F. Grace, Kirkmanville, Todd Co., Ky. HE HEARD OF IT JUST IN TIME. “1 had been about given up to die with dyspepsia when I first saw the advertisement of Shaker Extract of Roots or Seigel’s Syrup. After using four bottles I was able to atternl to my business as well as ever. I know of several cases of chills and fever that have been cured by it.”—So writes Mr. Thos. Pullman, of Taylor, Geneva Co., Ala. WORTH TEN DOLLARS A BOTTLE. Mr. Thomas P. Evans, of the firm of Evans «fc Bro., Merchants, Horn­ town, Accomach Co., Va., writes that he had been sick with digestive disor­ ders for many years and had tried many physicians and medicines with­ out benefit. He began to use Shaker Extract of Roots or Seigel’s Syrup about the first of Jan. 1887, and was so much better in three weeks that he considered himself practically a well man. He adds: “I have at this time one bottle on hand, and if 1 could not get any more I would not take a ten dollar bill for it." All druggists, or Address A. J. White, Limited, 54 Wai re n St., N. Y. SOCIETIES. BAIN ^WAGONS b- ALL SIZES, Masonic Directory, Ashland. BISKIYOU CHAPTER, No. 21. K. A M. Regular convocations on the Thursday next after the full moon. W. il. A tkinson , Il P. E B Myer. Sec’y. (9-36 ASHLAND LODGE NO. 23, A. F. A A. M. Stated communication on the Thursday of or before the full moon. E. V. C arter , W. M. Wm R Lawson, Secretary. ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. S. Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesday in each month. M rs . M E M c C all , W. M Mr« J D Crocker, Secretary. ASHLAND LODGE N<>. 1». For Sale Cheap :o: I. O. O. F., nold regular meeting. every Saturday evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren In good standing are cordially invited to attend. M N LONG, N. G. H C Myer, Secretary. PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT NO 16,1 O O F Meets In Odd Fellows’s Hull every 2d and 4th Monday In each month Members in good standing cordially invited to attend. A. B ish , C. P. M X Long, Scribe. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE NO. 11. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each month in Odd Fellows's Hall. Ashland. M rs C E M ay . N. G. John May, See'y. .Ashland. Lodge, A. 0 .U. W. Meets in lodge room in Odd Fellow s Hall every riarT and T hiru Wednesday in Highest Market price paid each month. Present hour of meeting 7:00 for all kinds of grain at all F. M. All Brethren in good standing are eordially invited to attend. times—ia cash. T. O. A ndrews , M. W. W m . P atterson . Recorder. HAY FOR SALE. ---- In Large or Small lots---- LOOS E TIDINGS. ANTI POVERTY. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. LIVERY AND FEED APRII. 6. I** L. W. ( ABSON. A. 11. CAUSON. STABLES’ Six miles of Grant’s Pass, Jose­ phine county, Oregon. JOCOB THOMPSON, Will Buy and Sell horses A H. CARSON & SON, Prop’s. -------- Consisting of THE BEST SHOES! AND CHEAPEST. Hie West Side FEED STABLE JACOB WAGNER, Proprietor. The Mineral Spring Linkville’s New Strike. Golden Eagle Hotel, Feed and Livery Stable, B. F. Reeser’s NEW TIN SHOP H. C. MYER, Hardware, Stoves, & Tinware Numerous applications are now lin­ KN) choice brands of tobacco to 80- ing received at th«- office «>f Secretary lect from at O. II. Blount's. X Struble, of the state board of immi­ Yon can buy men's w«x»I lined «luck gration. says the Telegram, from many railroads in the east which have con­ ulsters of O. ¡1. Blount for 83.00. . X nection with tbe great transcontinental Onion sets at Nutley's produce and lines, asking for books and pamphlets Inquire of regarding the resources of Oregon. commission store. This insures for this class of printed MERRILL* BAKER, information a more wide distribution Medford, Jackson Co.. Or. than it could receive in any other way. It is to the interests of these roads to circulate these Ixxiks anti pamphlets ami particularly to place them in sec­ tions where they are likely to create a desire in tbe minds of the stable class of hard working prosperous people to seek a more genial climate and U tter S- E. Brightmm, adnantages for themselves and their ASHLAND, - - OREGON. children. These roads, while benefitt- ing themselves, benefit the state of Renovated throughout, and Oregon by increasing its ¡xipulation. NEWLY FURNISHED. an«l their offered aid in the distribution of information would lx< willingly ac­ K5W* A good sample room for commer­ ceptai if the luniks were on hand. cial travelers has been fitted up in connec­ The Canadian Pacific is one of the tion with the hotel. largest corporations desiring to handle the board’s pamphlets. The state Hides anti Furs Bought. should provide a liberal supply of Full supply of coffins, caskets, such books to lie scattenxl throughout robes of all sizes, gloves, Th« undersigned will pay the highest mai- the east. price for hides, skins and furs of all crapes, etc., etc. from this date until further notice. For bargains unprecedented « all on J. B. R. UVTCHINOS. Oftlee uml uitrerooins at railroad crossing Ashland, Or.. May 21. lsaB Blount for the next 30 «Lays. x of Helman street. COMPRESSED Bales. ASHLAND, OREGON. For School Children and Everybody Else. For sale only at McCa,rs Store. [jgrCALL AND EXAMINE THEM. ASHLAND DRUG STORE! M Asonic Block. ASHLAND, OREGON Patent Medicines, Druggist’s Sundries, School Books and Stationery ! Artists' Materials, Lamps and Lamp Stock. Special Attention Paid to the Prescription Department. H CHITWOOD & SON. And examine work made exclusively by the new process. Photographs made by the leading artists of the coast on exhibition for comparison. |8 44 The Herefords are becoming tlie favorites among cattlemen everywhere, both for range and enclosed pastures. Persons in this valley wishing to breed to importc«l representatives of the best faniilitxt of Herefords in Illi­ nois can do so at the farm of E. K. Anderson on Wagner creek. - Lore Maiti telreel, - Oregon, LEADING I’.AKEKY OF KOFTUEKN • OBEGON. The proprietor, W m . MILLS, is now selliDi' hi« PREMIUM BREAD! 5 <*U per loaf, or 6 loaves h r 2'» cl«: 2» loav<*h for fl. Wheat, Grnhiinj, Boston Brown l;.*t - i and and Rye bread constantly on hand; pies, cakes and buns. ICE CREAM IN CEACCN ALSO SWEET CICER All < ««ntUR.T-. fl J’! 1*t" . • promptly filled. Give i . a * a < nil. 11.12 Terms fetrictlv < ash. Wm. MILLS. J. W. 0. GREGORY, ASHLAND PLANING MILLS —TRANSFER.— Messenger & Smith, Proprietors. Passenger Coach Every Train Freight io»«\« town at rales Manufacture Rustic, Beveled Siding, Flooring and Ceiling, All Kinds of Moulding, Brackets». and Builders’ Material. JOB WORK SOLICITED ! .m,- whtb t Lower Than Anyone Else. _ A ------ Dealers in------- mXL7 VÏ3ÎTAEL: ! FURNITURE! w Tha Original s little __ asavit LIVER evtexs PILLS. PRICES REASONABLE I »«regni t ueqnnled a. a I IVr:« ril.l. !»«.<■> n.l arl|M OM. rLLLI.T A l»o>l. Wall Paper, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting, Mirrors, Frames, Mouldings, Pictures. GLASS, FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, & BRUSHES. The finest line of Bed-room Suites, Parlor .Suites ami Lounges to be found in Southern Oregon. S mallest . C heapest . E asiest to T ake . Beware of Imitation., contulrdnc Puinonnnx Minerals. alw«y. ask f .r lir. I'ieree'b J’. .1.4«, which are Utile 8u^ar-cuaU l lhlla, ur Aim- bilious Granules. Brins Purely Vrcrtablr, Dr. Pierre’« Pel­ lets o|x rale without dUturtaunce to the svM. ni, dii t, or occupation. Put up in Klam vial«<, her­ metically analed. Always frrih and relial I«’ i hey ure a genUe Inxntlvr. <>r un artiv. <»ur- Bullvr, i ccurding to shu- of■. (O)!i: AND SEE US. MESSENGER & SMITH, Ashland, Oregon. Billons xlnchs, STILL DOING BUSINESS lark«, mcntu rih I bawrls, are relieved and rured by the use Pirrrr’s Pleasant Pnrgaliar In explanation of the rvmfliul power ____ thf^«» Pellets over ro great a variety of diseas **, it may truthfully be said that their action up n the • vsteru is universal, not a gland or tissue frscapinz their sana’ivr Infiamcr. h».|rntion <4 offensive matter, together with s« abs fr< in ul­ cers; the voice is changed and has a “nasal twang"; the breath is offensive; smell aril taste are lmptdre«l, th»re Isa sermti iof dizzi­ ness, with mental depr<*ssion, a ha« king e u h and general debility. Or ly u few < f t h«« al»ox e- nam<*d symptoms uro likely to bo pr«-nt in any one case. Thousands of cas.> « aual:y, without maniftesting half of tbe ab< vcsyi e toms, result in consumption and en«i In tbe grave. No disease is so common, morodocei»- live and dangerous, or less uuderslovd by phy­ sicians. By its mild, soothing and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Jleim-dy cur«-s th«» wor*t •uses of Catarrh. ’Col«! in the Head < orjza, and < alarrhal Headache. ASHLAND FENCE WORKS ! H. B. REED, Proprietor. Manufacturer of the The Best STOCK, RABBIT AND CHICKEN FENCE MADE ! Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire, the wire firmly twisted between pickets. ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS! Cheaper than a Rail Fence, More durable than a Board Fence, Stronger than a Barb Wire Fence. IIIÎ PROCESS Call at Logan’s Gallery; on the hill, STAR E .KERY Between l’ione« « lid Lc>- ------ CITY------- Made by the Gelatino-Bromide, or Are now taken by tbe Leading Photographers in all the Cities, and for Groujts, pictures of children,etc.,are far superior to the old so-called "wet-plate” process. Grape Vine, t'urr..:it-. <« •“■ i f knowu va­ rieties that succ«‘«-d in Southern * hegon. Those contemplating tr.-e planting «ill do well to vi-it our orchard and nur­ sery. or write ns for price list. Postoffice—Murphy. Josephinec .unty, Oregon. It. R. station. Graut*a Pasa. A. H. CARSON & SON. Passenger and Freight PHOTOGRAPHS! Dit Y PLATE Shade ¿HiJ Ornamental Tress. Ashland, LARGEST stock of DRUGS, J. APPLE, PEAK. PEACH. PLUM. PRUNE, CHEHRY, APRICOT, NECTARINE. ALMOND, WALNUT. KHll’s piloto gill; Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Paints, Oils, Glass, NEW BLACKSMITH Putty, Varnishes, SHOP ! Prices That Defy competition. CENTRAL HOUSE. ROLLER FLOURING MILLS. THE ASHLAND X ’ • V ERTI s EM ENTS. I’liil.i'h-lpliia Letter: The other day I asked the miTliouaire senator from California, "llow would you abolish Xu the county ry up tho sourer -abolish the con­ In garet Matilda Dwigana, Freu B Dwig- l'ho old stables on Main sheet near St. I‘xul Globe. ditions that make beggars. To try to ans and George llwigans, minor heirs the bridge, anil the new stables on Oak "I’ll tell you a story of John L. Sul­ «•uro ixiverty by street charity is like of Robert J Dwigans, deceased. street, are now under the pioprietorsliip Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and iiiauageinent of livan that lias never lieen published,” trying to stop a boh» in your roof by remarked a well-known sporting man mopping up th«» pnildk« that gather of and in pursuance of an order of sale ma-‘e in said matter by the said county in the presence of a (llobe reporter the oti your tl.ior.” Ii.skod him if h«' would specify the Court of Jackson county, state of Ore­ other night. "I know it's true, lie­ gon, <>n the 7ih day of February, 1888. conditions. cause I hapi>eti<»0tli day <>; Who are prepared to offer the public of th«» transaction myself When th«» "Y oh ,” h<* saiiL "I can vaguely in- April, 1888, at 2 o'clock p M of said da,. better accoiuiuodations than ever before big slugger was in St. Paul recent Iv, eate tin in. Ijct me sav in the first a*, the front d«x>r of the court hotuc, in affordi'd in Southern Oregon in the liv­ on th«* exhibition t >ur. he carried a plac«' that it is not iniliiomiireH that the town of Jackaouville, offer for sale ery huaiiK'ss. load of wine most of the time ami cause poicrtv. Nolxxly is worst' off at public auction, all th«* right, title, ami showed his ugly disposition on all bt'canso tho Vamlerbilits art» worth interest of the said Matilda Dwigans. i occasions. But he got the worst of it 82 New and handsome turnouts, reliable this city, to procure transportation to ask what are the causes of poverty?” chains north and thirty hundredths and safe buggy tsarns, mid good saddle (MX 100) chains west of tlie southeast "First, ignorance of how to save ' Milwaukee for the Sullivan combina­ horses always to be had at these stables. money. I found beggars in California corner of lot No 4, ill section No5, town­ tion. ship No 3 ‘ J south, of range one (ll east “John L. brought his list down on in 1850, when any man could go out ; of the Williimette Meridian. Ore­ the counter with terrible force, and with a tin pan and earn 85 before gon, ami running thence west seven and leering at the ahlermanie ticket-seller, breakfast. When by working three eighty live hundredths <7 85-100) chains, blurted: *My name is Sullivan John hours a day a man could earn his thence north one and seventy-hun­ L Sullivan. I got my combination IxMiril ami elothos there w« re always dredths (1 70-10*11 chains to south line of here, an’ want to go to Chicago an’ shiftless creatur«»» around whom the alley, thence east along said south line stop off at Eau Claire. Gimme tickets, rest had to support. Il is tbe same of alley seven and ninety hun­ theatrical rates.’ Saying this the way now. Th«' soil is wonderfully dredths (7 ‘.W-lOOi. thence south one and <1 70-100) chains to champion pugilist slammed n roll of fruitful there. Merely 20,000men pro­ seventy-hundredths place of beginning, containing one uml bills down in front of him ami l«x>ke«l duce all of the wheat of the thirty-four hundredths (1 34-100) acres. tirtsl as if the length of the siiceeh hail State ami export 1,000,000 tons of it Terms of sale to be cash in haml. every year, and yet there are beggars. wearied him. E liza merit A nn S cott . " The aiderman replied, politely, *1 We cau cut, thresh ami sack wheat at Guardian of the above named minor; heirs of the estate of Rolwrt J Dwig i don t think I am autboriz«.»d to sell you an expenseof 1 * cents per 100 pounds; ans, deceased. [42-4w. tickets at theatrical rates, sir, unless potatoes cost only half a cent a pound you get tin order from th«» general pas­ ami Hour is only 81 a barrel, and yet senger agent.’ there is want. An important cause is Administrator’s Sale of Kcal SHERM. STANLEY, Prop. “The prize-fighter growled, ‘Say, do untlirift. People do uot understand Estate. you know who I am ? Gimme tickets economy ami practice it as almost Keeps constantly on hand the best of at theatrical rates, now, an’ no more every rich num has to some time in his f In the county court of the state of Ore­ HAY AND GRAIN. monkey business.’ gon, for the county of Jncksoti, sitting life. I really believe that there would in probate. Horse« left in my care will be properly “ ‘Yes. I know who you are. You lx» beggars in the world before night if just told me your name was Sullivan. 820 gold pieces were sown broadcast In the matter of the estate of F. Me const for. Heineiuber the place; west Hatton, deceased. end of the bridge. But it «lou’t make any «lifferenee who every morning, and so distributed that In pursuance of an order of the coun­ Stable open night and day. you are; I can’t sell you tickets al every num, woman and child were cer­ ty court, made the 6th day of March. theatrical rates without ail order from tain to get some. 1888. the undersigned, administrator of 12-9| S herman S tanley . the general passenger agent,’ replie«l "Second, th«» sale and use of liquor. the aforesaid estate, will offer for sale to tin» alderman, a little nettled by Sulli­ As long as there are ten times as many the highest bidder, at the principal tract van’s furious tones. sahxins iu this country as there are of of realty hereinafter «lescrilx'd on Gran­ "Sullivan «lid not reply, but quick as Ixith churches and seluxils, and they ite street, Ashland. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8tb day of May, 1888, a Hash he drew his arm up ami trie«l to mainly supported by the very poor, catch tho alderman back of th«» bead, the sonrees of a great deal of misery At one o’clock r m . all the right, title mid interest of tlie said F. McHattan at intending to biunp bis uos«> on th«» are pretty obvious. "Third, a lack of manual training. the time of his death in nnd to the fol­ counter. The aiderman was too quick for him. he sprang nimbly out of the This last need is most serious. If so lowing described real property: A parcel of land commencing at the way. His alueriuanic blood was up. ; many people could lx> taught trades northwest cornerof the parcel of ground HoTEI.. which has I., ii for many Before his movements were underst.xxl that the entire product of this country purchased by Isaac Miller of Wagner, r I 8HIS years a favorite place of bummer re- he walktxl back to the safe, ojiened the were doubled next year the wages McCall and Rocklellow, said N W cor­ sort for persons arekiin; health and recrea door, and pulle.1 out a big six-sli«Kiter. would lx* doubled, either in increase of ner being on the south side of tlie alley tioi.. has recently been greatly improved With the weapon in his hand, he money received or in th<> smaller cost between C K Klum and Isaac Miller, and by the present proprietor, who has done mm Ii to make il pleasant and altra« tive turned l>ack to Sullivan anil remark«'«! of life to be bought, More capable nearly opposite (across Granite street) to guests. in.lifferently, 'That kind of business skilkxl hands that is oue of our the northeast cornerof lot three (31, block (81. in the town of Ashland: thence don’t go here. Mr. Sullivan. You take greatest needs. My greatest hope is in eight along the line of said alley in an east­ a walk.’ my university, which I wish to build erly direction eighty-four (84 1 f«-.; "Sullivan was speechless, but he had so tall and deep and broad that the thence along a line*parallel with Granite caution enough to back away a few : rmlini« nts of every useful trade and street in n southerly direction forty-four Is the most noted of Southern Oregon, steps, and Steve Taylor t«x>k him by ; lion may lx» taught. When 144 > feet: thence along a line parallel and its medicinal properties have been proven to beof great value and benefit as a tbe arm and piilltHl him towaril th«> 1 everybody knows how t<> do some with said alley in a westerly direction tonic and aid to digestion and as a remedy door. ‘Come out o’ here. John,’ lie difficult uml useful thing, poverty will eighty-four 184) feet to the east side of or relief in nearly all cases of kidney Granite street; thence in a northerly di trouble ami kindred ail ments. Following saiil. ‘You don’t want to have any rapidly diminish. reetion along the south side of Granite is the report of the analysis; One standard trouble here.’ Sullivan backed out, streetforty-four ' 44 1 feet to t lie place of : gallon ol the water contains: and when he got | retty near the «l«x«r, A Neglected Fruit. txi-giuniiig. situated in the town of Ash- : Alumina............... 9204 grains. th«» alderman laid the revolver down land. County of Jackson, State of Boraeic acid................................ 9175 Tbe California market, says tho under the counter ami nonchalantly Oregon. Salcium carbonate................ 21.12*1 “ Also, one share In West Ashland Ditch Sodium chloride................... 80 6805 picked tip a newspa|>er. Sullivan saw Marysville Aprieal, is p«jorly supplied jCo. No. 2. with apples. The fruit is scarce ami arbon ate of iron ................ . 2 .7 “ this, and suddenly breaking away from Also one building lot in tlie town of silicic acid................................. 3.9471 “ Taylor, «lashed toward the gate leading high in price, ami the quality of such Jefferson. Oregon. Titanic acid ........................ M43 arhona tc magnesia.... 7^'-7.s8 inside the counter. But the plucky as can now lx* bad is decidedly inferior. Terms of sale, cash in band. Bicarbonate soda................... 24.684 “ alderman was just a little too smart for Ami yet some tine apples are produced If. O. H ill , Lithium carbonate, potassium carbonate, him. In an instant the gun was in his ill this State. Those grown in tho Administrator of the estate of F. Me- ioed short, trembling with anywhere else. Apples are now quote«! Dissolution ol* Copartnership, ami combined, equals 5M7SS grains per gal­ lon. in the San Francisco market at "81 25 fear and rage. Notice is hereby given that the firm ol ^l^^Speeial attention paid to the eomfor “ ‘D—n you, sir; you make another to 81 75 for gcxxl to choice,” ami the real estate dealers Heretofore doing busi­ and needs of invalids. move this way ami I’ll blow a hole market reports mention that it “is al­ ness at Ashland, Medford and Central Point the improvements of the hotel are through your careass, you dirty cur. most useless" to look for first class ap­ in Jackson county, Oregon, under the firm Among the baths, fitted with all modern con­ of Douglas San Francisco market, this is by right shoiihler. no means improbable. The California C. E. PHILLIPS, Prop’r. dog trot. Infortnation so­ markets alone would tak«» for home licited when stock "It was on the same trip that Sulli­ This hotel, having been thoroughly re­ are found off pro­ paired anti newly furnished, ranks among van ami Sbeedv, his manager, had a consumption th«» fruit of thousands of per range. acres in apple trees. The demand for the best hotels of Oregon or California. The little scene down in the corridor of th«» proprietor is tin experienced landlord, well the fruit would increase enormously Merchant's hotel. It is a well-known known in the west fact that Sullivan was afraid of Sheedy, were the market supplied with desir­ The Beds are New and Clean, and and although he threatened many able apples at moderate prices. the Table times to do up l’at. he always con­ Dontlie f.Mtlish enough to buy any­ — FOR THE BWT — Is furnished with everything the market cluded to wait. His discretion prob­ atlonis Guests may rest assured that noth­ ably saved him liis life. On tbe occa­ thing liefore you have examined the ing will be left undone that will add to sion in question, Sullivan approached stock at th«» Beo-hive. Satisfaction Tin, Sheet-Iron and CooDerware, their comfort while stopping at this hotel. Sheedy ami complained that th«» re­ guarantee«!. No trouble to show In connectiouwith the hotel is a first-class ♦ Call at ceipts of the night before hail been goixls. tam|>erek here. John,’ replied Sheedy, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, In Keesor’a Block, Ashland. Or., Ftil stock on hand and made to order. motioning the onhxikers to stand back, yellow skill? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is a •yon know your G«xl too well to make positive cure. Ami offered for sale bv a break at me. The first time will lie r. K. Bolton. Particular Attention to Job Work. I Water street, below livery stable. your last time, for I'll put daylight Driinkeiineax, or tl«<- Liquor Habit through your «1 n fool head ill a Which w ill be done In a workmanlike man Ashland, - - - Oregon l'o.¡lively Cured by a.liiiiniaterlug minute.' lx r ami nt l>r. lLiine'a (.olden Specific. "John L. put out his open haml. Note these prices: ‘You know I.don’t mean it. Sheedy. It can be given in a cup of coffee or Horse Shoeing...................................... f 1 •*>€ tea without the knowledge «if th«* person What's the use of us quarrelling ’?’ Sharpening I’low................................. is "And in ¡mother minute they were taking it: is absolutely harmless and New Plowshare.................................... r .• < will effect a permanent and speedy cooing together liken pair of «loves.” Give my work a trial and you will be cure, whether the patient is a mod­ <*.None but the best nini, rial used. satisfit/ii. [11-27 erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Hat Creek vs. Poinsett. 10-7] Thousands of drunkards have been Ceorge Markle. The question of changing Hat Creek made temperate men who have taken the to Poinsett river still continues to Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they agitate the people of Cassel and vicin­ ?uit drinking of their own free will. ity. It is said that in 1X152, when that T N evus F ails . The system once im­ part of the country was being surveyed pregnated with tho Specific it becomes by on«» Lieutenant Haversham, their an utter impossibility for the liqtior ap­ townsnip line brought them to Pit petite to exist. For full particulars, ad­ river, just below the mouth of Hat dress G olden S pecific C o ., 185 Racine Creek. At that point lived a French street, Cincinnati, Ohio. half-breed named Louis Poinsett. The One of the few choice residence lots officer asked: “What river is that ?” "That," answered the man of mixed in the best part of tbe city, adjacent to bl«xxl, “is my river; all ’e same my the business center can lie purchased name.” “ What is your name ?" asked at a bargain. Apply to Q. F. Billings. Ko Wood to sh'lak. break, decs» or wear out. Haversham. "Louis Poinsett,” and so Ko belts cr dios to bocome teosa or rattK Two shares and a fraction in the the stream was named. But twenty East Ashland Waler Ditch will be * gear made entirely of steel, riveted together, Ct» nol Lt broken, will last forever. years before it had been called Hat sold at a fair price. Apply to E. De- Creek because of a ]>ros[»ector lost on Peatt. MANUFACTURED 9Y x the l^adwaters, nothing was found ?77£ ABBOTT BUGGY CO.. CHICAGO. but a hat. Tho stream, though, is Jack for Sale. more like a river than a creek, and one The undersigncl have for sale a fine, stream flowing into it is called Rising which can be had river, so that if a majority favor a large altese Jack. change it should lie made. One name at a bargain for cash. The animal can —DEALERS IN— will not convey more meaning than be teen at their livery stables in Ash­ another, and certainly will not convey land; and is guaranteed to lie a sure to future generations any more of the foal getter. He will be sold low to any­ I early history of tbe country.—¡Fall one who will apply soon, as we have do use for him. River Mail. T hompson 4 S tephenson . Ashland, Or.. Jan. 13,1888. Willing to Boom Oregon. FRIDAY ------ Or in------- ASHLAND CITY LEG AL THE BEEHIVE! J. D. F ountain Has again assumed the sole proprietorship of this old established Louse, having bought the interest of W G Holmes in the firm of Fountain & Holmes. And continue to keep jn hand a large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of fine custom and ready-made Clothing, Staple and F; an cy Dry Goods. Fine Cloaks, etc.; Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Canned Goods, Cigars, Tobacco, etc., etc., etc. FINE MXLLXNEBY a specialty. ASHLAND, OREGON. Bold by druggists everywhere; 60 cents. 'Tulold Agony from Catarrh Prof. W. nsrsVER, the famous mesmrrbt, of Ithaca, N. Y., writes: Some t<«n years n^-o I suffered unto)«! au’ony from chronic nasal ca­ tarrh. My family physician gave me up u« lucurable, and nul l 1 must die. My «’as., was each a had one, that everyday, t«4warCs sunset, my voice wonhl beromo h > hoarxo 1 <•>■..kJ barely «¡»eak above a whisper. In ttie morning mv couching an«l clearmg of my throat wuu! i almost strangl«» m««. By the u -«» < f hr. Sa. « > Catarrh Remedy, in three months, 1 was a well man, and the cute lias been pcrmanunN" “Cou'lantly Llawkiug and **plttlug T homas J. Rrsnixo. Esq., 2W2 Pine Stre.-t, St. Louis, Mo., w’riles : “ 1 was a t :reat suffer« r from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking an«! spitting, ana fnr tbe last ebcht juontbscouM not breathe through the nostrils. J thought nothing could be done f >r tn«». Luckily. 1 was ad vise« i to tr j’ Dr. Sage’s Ca’.arrh lu»mvdy, and I am now a well man. I believe it t«>betne only sure remedy f r catarrh now manufac­ tured, and one hM only to give it a fair trial to PX]M»rieDCv astouruling results and a ¡«erzuanent cure." A c «mi lete Treatise on f atarrh, giving rahi- ■ <«f imp »rt.inro, will is» mailed, post-jxald t »any addre ;, • « r. ■ in« fa two-cent potage •»•«■mp. Ad ir ■ -, World'» Dln.»aisry îh'.l'ril IwxteHaa, No. C03 lîu 1 nireet, EUrPADO. N.X. Malaria, Fever and Ague, Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, etc. They produce regular, natural evac­ uations, never gripe <»r interfere with <1aily business. As a family inedicfne, they should have u pla<-c in e%ery household. Price, 23 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Ofli«‘e, 44 .Murray St., N. Y. Tin« IH OJIS' GV1DK II issued J m pt. end March, each j f ar. ¡io ’ 312 pa^r», 8^*11’2 inches,with ov< i 3,500 illustrations a Whole Picture taallrry. © Wholesale Fib* I on all good*» f<>> |M-ntonnl or family use. Tells how t urticr, and gives * xact cost of every­ thing you use, cat, drink, wear, oi have fun with. These IX'VALVABlafe BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. W« will mail a copy FHKK to auy a l- dre.iM upon receipt of lOcti. to defray expense of mailing. I^et us hear from yon. licspectfully, 'lirert tn cftnsuHi^m MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. «*7 dk ZZU Wafcaab Axeaae, C'Uea«