ASHLAND TIDINGS TIDING . 1» iaa» ASHLAND, OREGON, FRI JANUARY 6, 1888. I miscellaneous . rer/ns of Adrortieing: LBGAL. vne square, first inaertioa.... Each Additional insertion....... $S 00 . 1 M LOCAL. NO. 30 Local Notices, per line......................... lbc Regular advertisements inserted upon liberal terms. Job Printing Of all descriptions done on short no tioe. Legal Blanks, Ci B um neas Cards Billheads, Let~._. pM. ters, eta., gotten up in good living prioes. SPECIAL P10FE88I0IAL 0AXD8. GEO. C. EDDINGS, TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. To rent of dress suit for the pur­ TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE. pose of seeing life in Washing­ According to the appointment of ton in the interest of paper....$ 4.50 [San Francisco Chronicle.] County Superintendent N. A. Jacobs, He Write» to the “World" Cashier to Ex- To chargee for dispersing turtle In New York the largest, best soup from lap of same......... 1.00 the teachers’ institute for Jackson plain Some Things. county met at the school house in equipped, and most elaborate electrical To getting fur collar pnt on overcoat, in interest of paper. 9.00 Jacksonville, Dec. 28th, and was called switchboard in the world is just being [Personal. I to order by the superintendent. The completed in the building of -the Met­ To amount loaned a gentleman W ashington , D. C., ) attendance was good, being composed ropolitan Telephone Company. The who had lived in Washington Along Towards Morning, 1887. ] of most of the leading educators of new switchboard will accommodate a long time and could make me 6000 wires, with a capacity for increas­ Caohier World Office, New York— the county. a social pet (I will returu same ing to 10,000 when wanted. To make Is the Orientât n tation, M t D ear S ir : Y ou will doubtless be The exercises of the institute were to you in case he pays it be­ the connections in the office over 1.- surprised to hear from me so soon, as knowing that $ health fore I oome back). ............. 5.00 o[»ened by J. N. Hall, of Central Point, 000,000 joints had to be soldered, and I did not promise when I left New with a «iiscussion of the subject of To lodgings, two nights, at 25c. .50 cannot exist /«thout a 300 miles of wire used. York that I would write you at all Six meals at 15 cents....... ......... Mental Arithmetic. The substance of .90 This is only one of the innumerable healthy Liver, hen the when here. But I now take pen in Pen and ink................................ .20 his remarks was: teaeh the signs of hand to say that the Senate and House Postage on this letter................ Liver is torpid Bow­ .08 the primary operations of arithmetic things which indicate the remarkable of Representatives are having a good Bronchial troches, in interest of first, teach lieginners by use of objects, growth of the telephone in the United els are con- deal of fun with me, and hope yon are paper. ....................................... drill extensively, assign practical ex­ States; and its progress is fairly par­ .20 stipateci, ho od lies alleled by that of its cogen. the tele­ enjoying the same great bl««8ing. You Car fare....................................... .60 ample« for competitive drill to secure graph. It is not possible to get the will wonder at first why I send you my Laundry work done in interest in the s ’n. l undi­ rapidity in calculation. His method of exact statistics of the telephone, but it expense accounts before I send in any ­ of paper. .................................. teaching advanced mental arithmetic .30 Esst-ed, po>- ng the is known that the number of exchange thing for the paper, but I will explain Carriage hire iu getting from was then illustrated. ood; ache. connections, which were 251.267,760 for that to you when I get back. At first humble home of a Senator to Miss Hattie Newbury, of Jackson­ enano»• ¿ «I the year 1884, rose to 312,605,710 in I thought I would not bother with the ’’f lassi- my own voluptuous lodgings. ville, introduced teaching primary 2.00 ' — - - J reading. She illustrated her method 1886, and that every day sees new tele­ ><_ arlKl f expense aooount till I got to your of- To expenses of embalming a man fioe, bw I Xu uyv see that it going ^Mho ™>m e in m e > and wanted of teaching, which is the word method phonic connections and an increased nervousness indioie how of buanees. to worry me to get there unless I hear 'Wmc to nsfMK infhwnje jp r . j/hooio method. volume Great Britain scaroely knows the whole system is de­ from you favorably by return mail. changing _ v policy . licy < of paper.... 11IQM0 When I came here I fell into the To fine naid paid for aaa assault and bat­ ranged. Simmons Liver mad whirl of society, and attracted a „ 1 tery in aDd upon a gentleman Regulator has been the in the w u> good deal of attention by my cultivated who said he wanted my in­ an extensive discnssioB, the institute •laoee >e most useful, arc so man) local means of restoring more ways and Jeffersonian method of sleep­ fluence, but really was already adjourned to meet at one o’doek p. M. restrictions ujxjn its introduction, and ing with a different memlier of Con­ people to health and tinder other influence,and who Teaching Geography was introduced much expense attached to licenses gress every night. stepped on my stomach twice and discussed by l’rof. G. H. Watt, of so happiness by giving them for its use and in other ways that it I have not written anything for pub­ without offering to apologize. 19.00 Jacksonville. His object as stated was has been found impracticable to put it a healthy Liver than any beation yet, but I am getting material Paid janitor in jail next a . m ... 1.00 to show how to take a continent and into general o)*eration. Thia will prolx together that will make people through- Paid for breaking window of agency known on earth. learn all about it. To illustrate his ably be changed some time, but at oit our broad hind open their eyes in my cell..................................... .50 method he took South America, drew present the telephone is scarcely worth It acts with extraor­ astonishment. I shall deal fairly and Paid damage for writing humor­ an outliue map on the board and built mentioning so far as its use in the dinary power and efficacy. openly with these great national ques­ ous poetry on wall of cell so the continent of sand. This is a sim­ United Kingdom is concerned. tions and frankly hew to the line, let NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. that it could not be erase«!... 2.00 ple piece of work and one well worth With the telegraph it is very differ­ As a general family remedy for DyapepMa, the chips fall where they may, as I the consideration of teachers. After ent. England Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I hardly heard a man say to-day on the floor of the telegraph very Total..................................... 8226.78 having the continent built of Baud, with freely under its uses ever use anything else, and have never the House the Willard House, I [xvital telegraph sys­ been disappointed tn the effect. produced its snow capped mountains, its rivers I will probably remain here until I mean But 11 »elieve in handling great it seetns to I m * almost a perfect cure for al an«l towns, and the outline map before tem, and the numlx>r of messages in diseases of the stomach a nd Bowels. .. politiral matters without gloves, as hear from you favorably. I have met the class, proce«e at a time, but unless you can modating forty-eight ¡»ersons, there l»e- are calculated to make accurate writ­ lamps under pink shades. The silver ment for »1; seut by mail for 11.10. For honor ths inclosed waybill I shall lie ing twelve double berths on each side. ers, and render composition writing in chandelabra were filled with chandies sale by (11-27 forced to go over to the House to-mor­ school a pleasant and profitable study. The upper berth is a swinging one, Chitwood & Son, Ashland. row and write something for the pa]>er. while the lower is made by placing I Prof. C. F. Nesse of Ashland gave under shades of the same color. The menu was printed on a brohd piece of Since I have Ixjen writing this I have method of teaching penmanship. pink satin ribbon, fringed at either been led to inquire whether it would lie mattresses on the seats. Every ar­ his teaches a combined movement, end, and bearing on the left-hand cor­ advisable for me to remain here through rangement for comfort is complete. He which is a harmonious movement of ner at the top the name of the guest Each set of berths can be separated by the entire session or not. It willbeun- wooden partition, which ih slid to the arm, hand and fingers. He teach«« for whom it was intended. The rolls usually long, lasting perhaps clear in­ a and back of the seats, while cur­ movement exercises extensively, so as at each plate, cheese-sticks and wafers, to July, and I find that the stenog­ tains fro will screen t he occupants of the to secure a rapid anil easy movement were tied up in small bundles with a raphers as a general thing get a pretty from those passing through the of the pen; ilex’s not say much about tiny pink riblxHi, while the iciug of the accurate and spicy account of the pro­ bunks principles, as too much attention to small cakes, confections, and ice cream car. ceedings, much more so than I can, At each end of the car is a large principles, with an over dose of anal­ were all of the same color. The indi­ and as yon will see by inclosed state­ ysis, tends to develope a sluggish finger ment, it is going to cost more to keep stove for heating and cooking purpoe««. movement, which should be avoidetL vidual salt cellars and punch-glasses Between each seat is a neat little table, were also pink. A lxiutonniere of a me here than I figured on. to lie used for eating upon or indulg­ His suggestions to teachers were to the carnation, or pink rosebud, lay at each My idea was that board and lodg ­ C. E. PHILLIPS, Prop’r. point mid well taken. plate. On the mantels were large ing would be the main items of expense, ing in cards. The table works on a Mr. Jno. P. Farley, of Applegate, de- vases of white chrysanthemums. This hotel, having been thoroughly re­ and I struck a low priced place, where, hinge, aud when not required is folded paired and newly furnished, ranks among up against the wall. There are sta­ livered an oration on arithmetic. His the best hotels of Oregon or California. The by clubbing together with some plain tionary washbasins, sinks, etc., aud all remarks were brief and well delivere«l, Death in tlic Pillow. proprietor is an experienced landlord, well gentlemen from a distance, who have but as his class was not able to bp pres­ London Daily News. known in the west. been waiting here three years for politi­ the accessories of the toilet placed at ent, his manner of teaching was not Another note of domestic alarm is The Beds are New and Clean, and cal recognition, and who do not feel each end of the sleeper—one for women illustrated sounded this week by a correspondent like surrounding themselves with a and the other for men. The accommo­ the Table Language lessons was introduced by of a medical journ.d who bills us take dations are complete, and anyone trav­ hotel, we got a plain room with six Is furnished with everything the market eling in these sleejiers can be assured W. OL lh>lx*rts. of Ashland His re­ affords. Guests may rest assured that noth­ lieds in it. The room overlooks the of experiencing every comfort. They marks were intended to impress the ne­ note of the fact that disease and death lurk in the very pillows aud lielsteni ing will be left undone that will add to District of Columbia, and the first their comfort while stopping at this hotel. man in has the choice of beds, with are better cars than the Pullman Com­ cessity of extensive practical drill on on which we lay our heads at night. In conneetionwith the notel is a first-class the privilege of inviting friends to a pany run during the first few years of language before beginning the study It is easy to talk of down and feathers; of grammar as presented by our text but, as a fact, if they were cat open limited number. We lunch plainly in their existence.—{Oregonian. book on the subject, and, also, to begin these articlt« would be often found to the lower part of the building in a the first lessons in grammar with oral be more or less stnfftxl with the most Where travelers and patrons can have their standing position without restraint or A Twenty-Acre Orchard. teams provided with the best of hay and instruction. heterogeneous materials. Pillows, bol­ fingerbowls. So board is not the grain. Courteous attendance guaranteed, As ar illustration of how profitable The afternoon session was opened sters aud beds have Ixien examined and baddie horses, teamsand vehicles of every principal item of expense, though, of a small orchard can lieoome, we give number work by J. T. Hover, of found to eoutain portions of filty coarse description to be had at all times. course, I do not wish to put up at a the profits according to Charlew Strabe with The objects to be obtained black serge, apparently parts of, sol­ 12 21] C. E. P hillips , Prop. place where I will lie a disgrace to the up to date this year. He has lees than Phoenix. were well stated, and hiB method of in­ diers’ ol«l coat-sl«M‘vee, pieces of dl.rt y paper. twenty acres of bearing tree«: struction was clearly presented and I wish that you would, when you 5,000 lbs dried apricots at 17c. $850.00 illustrated He usee the “Grulie meth­ greasy silk dresses, old worsted braid send my check, write me frankly 3,000 11« dried prunes at 12V£c. 375.00 od” which has been extensively used from the borders of Women’s gowns, whether you think I had better re­ 500 lbs S Benito pr’ns at 121^c. 62.50 in the schools of England and Ger­ soiled linen rags and colored calioo, ana even nuts walnut shells and pieces of main here during the entire session or X) 11» dried cherries at 25c. 100.00 many, and by some of the schools of crinoline wire. The bedding in this not. I like the place first-rate, but my 41 lbs dried pears at 12l£c. 62.00 our country. case was bought new we are assured, a duties keep me up nights till a late 500 Prof. Sweet led a discussion on 100 lbs dried egg plums at 12‘^c. 12.50 hour, and I cannot sleep during the 3,000 lbs dried apples at 1214c. 275.00 school management. The secret of few years ago of an expensive and re­ (West end of bridge) day, because my room-mates annoy me 12,500 lbs green apples at lc. 125.00 success is to keep all busy. Whisper­ spectable upholsterer. Moreover, a woman who was employed to do the by doing their washing and cooking ing in school was extensively discussed unpicking work for the trade informed over the oil stove. Total.................................... $1,962.00 all agreeing that the less amount of the lady of the household that the I know by what several friends have SHERM. STANLEY, Prop. said to me that Congress would like to All this fruit was sold immediately whisperiug that a school has the more practice of stuffing Ixxlding with dirty successful will lie the government rubbish an«l rags was very general, and have me stay here all winter, but I as it was offered. In fact, it might Keeps constantly on hand the best of This ended the regular work of the that few ixxls or bolsters contain only have been sold before the crop was want to do what is beet for the paper. institute, and another spelling school the material of which they Rre sup­ HAY AND GRAIN. I saw Mr. Cleveland briefly last even­ half ripe. The expense of gathering was agreed upon for the evening. and drying the fruit did not exceed posed to consist. This is very terrible, ing at his home, but he was surround ­ Horses left in my care will be properly I Many other questions of interest, cared for. Remember the place, west end ed by a crowd of fawning sycophants, $300. which leaves a net profit of over were discussed, the question box tieing and the worst of it is that it is only the last, for the present, of a long list of of the bridge. so I did not get a chance to speak to $1600 for less than twenty acres, or a prominent feature. kindred discoveries which of late have him as I would like to, and don’t know over eighty dollars an acre. -{Hollister testable open night and day. The institute was characterized by contributed to give ironical force to the as he would have advanced the amount Free Lance. goixl attendance anti profound interest, question, “Is life worth living?” For­ 12 9] S herm . S tanley . to me, anyway. He is very firm and everyone being willing to do his part tunately, in this case, the remedy in­ stubborn.’I judged, and would yield A Valuable Remedy. W. C. R. volves nothing more difficult than rip­ very little, indeed, especially to yours A reliable farmer, writing to an agri­ ping a seam or two and stitching them truly, B ill N ye . What la It? cultural journal, says if von bore a up again as Boon as we have ocular Exhibit A. quarter of an inch hole into the heart The following bill looks large in the of a tree that is affecteal with insects i That produces that beautifully soft proof of the contents. Bedding, as all aggregate, but when yon come to ex­ and inject as much dry, common sul­ 1 complexion and leaves neither traces good housewives know, ought to be amine each item by itself there is really phur as possible, then insert a short ■ of its application nor injurious affects? opened periodically, so that its con­ nothing very startling alxiut it, and ping to keep the sulphur in place, it I The answer: Wisdom’s Robertine ac- tents may be I »eaten with sticks. In MANUFACTURER, when you remember that I have been will cure blight, make the tree strong I complishes all this, and is pronounced France lied-eleansing in this fashion is here now four days jind that this iB and healthy and in no way injure it. j by ladies of taste and refinenientto be followed as a regular trade. It is more the first bill I have sent to the office This is a very valuable boon to fruit­ ' the most delightful toilet article ever than protable that the negler t of such during that time, I know you will not growers, as the sulphur goes through produced. Warranted harmless and sanitary precautions is, as the Laucefo consider it out of the way, especially all the parts of the tree, being absorlxid matchless. Sold by J. II. Chitwood A correspondent suggests, the cause of * many of the mysterious outbreaks of as you are interested in seeing me make from the heart, and makes it a good Son. Ashland, Or. infectious disease in schools and Keeps eonstenU«- on hand a full a good paper of the World, no matter healthy color. The writer if this item supply of everything in abotfe what the expense is. "What are the people of Germany families. saw trees that were nearly dead from line, Which will In? sold at prices , We are having good open winter some kind of insect, that were living called?” asked the new teacher. as low as can be offered anywhere. Jumbo! Jumbo! weather and stock is looking well so and had a beautiful, thrifty, green ap­ “When?” asked the smart bad boy. far. “ Any time, ” said the teacher, “all the The original Abietene Ointment is pearance after lieiug treated as above. ALL ORDERED WORK I fear you will regard the item for This is one of the most valuable dis­ time." “Depends,” replied the s. b. b. only put up in two-ounce tin boxes, will be made to give entire satisfaction embalming as exhorbant, and it is so. coveries of the age to fruitgrowers, and “They’re called Germans before elec­ and is an absolute cure for old sores, a but I was oombelled to pay that price, we present it for the lienent of our tion and Dutch after it in this coun­ burns, wounds, chapped ha: and all Repairing Neatly Done as the man had to be shipped a long readers.—[Sliasta Courier. try.” And, as that boy’s father is a skin eruptions. Will postively cure distance, and I did not want to shock member of the Legislature, his word all kinds of piles. Ask for the original at low rate«, and all work dme promptly. his friends too much when they met $1500 worth men’s new hats on exhi­ has much greater weight with the pu­ Abietene Ointment. Sold by Chit him at the depot bition at Blount's. pils than the teacher’s.—{Burdette. wood A Son. [9-48 H. JUDGE. Your Pf otary Public JACKSONVILLE, OR «I Sa OIL ot O nt J-N«» m ’» fc TIN MKRfe GRXN1TB URNS PUMPS. BLACKSMITH COAL, Dr. J. 8. HM l PHYSICIAN AND SURGBON, A shland , O regon . H. B. REED, Proprietor. Office at residence on Main street, next dour to Presbyterian church. [11-42 Manufacturer of the Dr. 3. I. Songer, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ASHLAND, OREGON. Office one door south of Ashland House on Main street. • f 11-12 CR m . The Best STOCK S. Bwbe, Iff. D.. PHYSICIAN RABBIT AND SURGEON. Special attention given to the treatment of chronic female diseases. Office consultation free where profession­ al services are required. Office iu Masonic Block, over Chitwood's drug store. n25vl2 C. J. Sechrist, Iff. D., PHIENIX, OREGON. flee at residence—slate at Engle Bros.* drug store. [10-40 CHICKEN MADE ! FENCE Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire, the wire firmly twisted between pickets. ASHLAND. OREGON. | AND ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS ! Cheaper than a Rail Fence, More durable than a Board Fence, Stronger than a Barb Wire Fence J. S. Walter, Iff. D. S., A Will practice his profession of Dentistry —AT— A shland , O regon . READ this, EVERYBODY! 11-8 Office a reiidence. Ganiard’i Orchestra, Eagle Mills Ahead!! Of Ashland, Oregon, (late of Cal.) Arc now prepared to furnish the best of music for public or private Parties. Balls, Picnics, Ac., at any point on the coast. All the new popular music is played by this Orchestra. Having employed a large number of mu­ sicians. we arc able to furnish any number of bands. Any instrument or a caller fur­ nished to other bands. All orders bv mail er telegraph promptly attended to. Terms always reasonable. Address 12-J5) Prof. Gan I a rd, Ashland, Or, Having made additions and improvements in our Milling Machinery, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with FIOUX e^ual 0T superior to any in the market. Our Flour the last year has given universal satisfaction, as was evi­ denced by the unparalleled demand for it. But we are now making Flour ot a higher grade than ever before. Parties using it speak of it in the highest terms- L. Will»y, ONTRACTOR & BUILDER. A shland , O regon . Is prepared to give estimates, to furnish material, and complete all kinds of build­ ings IN OK OUT OF TOWN an reasonable terms. All work warranted to jive satisfaction. 9HOP—on Mechanic street, over Youle o: JOHN S. MILLER. ». H. ATKINSON, THE FINEST LINE OF ----------- :o:------------ F. II. CARTER K. V. CARTER Vice-Pres. We have opened a real-estate office in Cashier The Bankof Ashland MEDFORD AßHLAND, OGN. Paid p Capital, JOHN B. WRISLEY. 1 wish to announce to the public that 1 have now on hand I President. 12000 No. 87. IM acres. 1000 acres fenced and under cultivation and two good springs on the place. This is choice grain and fruit land and is situated five miles from Jacksonvile . 960 per acre. No. 38. 350 acres. This body of land adjoins Jacksonville and is level, rich grain, fruit and vineyard land, and is fenced in five fields. There is on the place a dwelling-house, spring­ house with fine spring, barn and outhouses, and a good orchard. Terms, half-cash, and the balance on two, three and five-year payments. «1500. No. 39. 160 acres. 40 acres under fence, with house, barn and small orchard. A stream of water run­ ning through the place, which can be util­ ized to irrigate fully one-half of the ranche if desired. SitUAfed in Table Rock pre­ cinct. »10.000. No. 40. .'W2 acres. 225 acres under cultivation and fenced into five fields which are level, rich, mead­ ow. grain and fruit land, and 40 acres in al­ falfa. There are on the place a large and thrifty orchard, two dwelling houses, two large barns and 5 12 of an irrigating ditch, carrying 300 inches of water. »1000. No. 41. 165 acres. This land is unimproved, though «0 acres of it is good fruit and alfalfa land and the balance fine timber land. There is a stream of water running through the place. Situ­ ated three miles from Jacksonville. »1100. No. 42. 200 acres. 200 acres of unimproved land, 30 acres of which is prairie land and the balance good timber land, all good fruit and grain land, with two living springs of water. Four miles from Jacksonville. »1500. Ns. 43. SO acres. 60 acres of choice grain and fruit laud un­ der fence, with new dwelling-house and barn, ami water for sKx-k. Situated one mile from Gold Hill depot. 1200. No. 44. lfiOucres. sixty acres fenced; soil sandy loam and hill house and barn; well ami running water. First-class grain and stock farm. 3600 No 59 200 acres A splendid farm llj miles from Wood­ ville; new two story dwelling and outbuild­ ings; excellent orchard of 750 trees; 150 acres fenced; a beautiful location and first class bargain. 800. No. 46. 1G0 acres. Unimproved; well watered, and first-class place to make a home. 3200. No. 49. 160 acres. Soil, dark loam; 160 acres fenced; 100 choice fruit trees; a commodious dwelling­ house, barn and out-houses; running water on the place: convenient to good school; eight miles east ot Central Point. 2500. so. 51. 320 acres. 60acres fenced; 10 acres meadow; large thrifty orchard, an itrigating ditch; lar^e commodious house and baru; a splendid stock farm. 2200. No, 52. 133 acres. Adjoining Jacksonville: all choice fruit and vineyard land; will be sold iu 20-acre lots if desired. No. 53. 160 acres. 500. Timber Ialiti li unimorovgf ; running water; jacLlonrüle. lOacrwaclt leirCd; 0 1000. ______ No. 54. , / 100 _____ acres Soil a rich dark loam: acres fenced and other improvements; 9 miles east of Cen­ tral Point. 4500. No. 55 . 400 acres. Improved, level rich grain and fruit laud; running water, title donation claim. A greut bargain; 7 miles east of Central Point. 3200. No. 56. 200 acres. 100 acres fenced in aud in cultivation; house, barn, smoke house and other out­ buildings; thrifty young orchard of a choice variety of fruit; one-half mile from postoffice and school; good roads; summer aud winter; in Table Rock, 9 miles from Gold Hill station, O & C R R. 2750 No. 57 57 acres Fenced, rich level fruit, garden and grain land; all in cultivation; large spring of pure water; every acre of it first class land; 3 miles from Central Point. I have Great Bargains to offer and it wfllpay you to keep a close watch 01. ;;.is space for the next six months for Special Bargains. If you have any property for sale, come and sec me and I will do my best for you. Office on California street, opposite Slover House. To be found in this city. $50,000.00 ----------- :o:------------ :oo: Should you desire to sell, you will do well to place your property in our huuds. Also Full Line STAPLE and FANCY GOODS, GENT'S ■ FURNISHING ■ GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS. ETC.,"ETC., WRISLEY & MILLER, NEW FIRM INSURANCE AMD E. K. ANDERSON JAMES THORNTON, Vice President. President. Ashland Woolen Mills, . ransacts a General Banking Business. Estate BUSINESS Anyone wishing to buy or sell property will do well to call on or’address DePEATT & KYLE, 'olfactions made at all accessible points ou favorable terms. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers Portland, San Francisco and Blew York. 7»>W dust bought at standard prices. Real Estate Brokere. Office in Odd Fellow’s Block, Ashland. ASHLAND STATE NORMAL :• SCHOOL. FACV1TT. J 8 SWEET, P resident . athematies. Psychology, School Economy. JULIA M GOODYEAR, English Grammar. Rhetoric and Latin. < F NE.-'E. Penmanship and Executive Work. MRS. G. C. EDDINGS. Instrumental Music. MRS. LOTTIE 1» WILLARD. Voice Culture. EMMA TOLMAN. Drawing and Painting. J A McCALL, Calisthenics. This Space Reser reel for M. L. McCALL, Estate Agent and Surveyoi A shland , - - O regon . For' dyspepsia and liver oomplaint, ; you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sals by T. K. Bolton. Linkvilles New Strike. Golden Eagle Hotel. 1’he West Side FEED STABLE Linkville, Oregon. K. JUDGE, Saddle and Harness AsMaafl & LinMle. MANVFACTI IJEKS OF WHITE & COLORED BLANKETS «y For information send for catalogue to J. 9. Sweet. Ashland, Oregon. Ill-« -------- 1---------- —------------------------------------- M Feed and Livery Stable, Medford, Oregon. General Real PHYSICIANS, Plain & Fancy Cassimeres, Flannels, Hosiery, Etc., OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING made to ORDER. Office and Sales Rooms in Masonic Building, W. H ATKINSON, SeeretncT Cenernl Stock Ranch for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his stock ranch of 500 acres situated on Tule lake. Klamath county. Or., an A 1 ranch for stock purposes. Will put up 150 tons of hay off BeV in Klamath county. Will sell stock And farming implements with the ranch, If desired. For further in­ formation apply to R. H utchison . Tule Lake, Or., Jan. 9, 1887. 0 • «• , f y ’ . \ f ? A • -1 \ ’ 4 r » A 1