Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, December 03, 1886, Image 2

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............................ DECEMBER 3, IMN6
toiTOfiiAL mores »mo mews
O’Donovan Kossa has been expelled
from the Fenim brotherhood in New
York. Too treacherous.
► ♦ • ♦ <
The Chicago
hanged today,
obtaining a stay
preme court can
for a new trial.
---------- ——
anarchists were to lie
but have snweeded in
of execution till the su­
pass upon their motion
♦ • *•
The Union Iron Works of San Fran­
cis. "o wall probably obtain the contract
to build oue of the uew iron cruisers to
be built for the I’. S. navy. The price
will I ks over a million doll ira.
l'Le Seattle Daily P i ? m is .ictivelv
urging tue admission ♦<» Statehood of
Washington Territory, on the ground
that it now h is 210,10) people, and is
tir re’ore entitled to the blessings of local
--- ----
Carlisle is understiMxi to have a ma­
jority th it is safe enough, but neverthe-
leas tus seat is to lie coutastid by Tho- fte.
the laiior candidate who oppot**d him.
Much curiosity is expressed as to wh..t
effect the contest will have iifsm Lis
Chance for re-election to the speakership.
Friend» of Judge Walter (ireshr.m of
New \ork ar»» liooming him for the presi-
deui.ii» nouuDitmn on the Republican
ticket, and claim th <t he can carry New
Y«-rk in fa^e of old.-, tu it will defeat any
other Republican. Gnuham’s political
an 1 integrity have never been
A terrible colliery disaster occurred at
the Conyngh im shaft near Wilkewbarre,
Pa., last .’nday an explosion of
c i^ised by a miner stepping into an old
work-sl-out chamber with a lighted l imp.
Fo.-ty-two men were injured, twelve
fat illy, an 1 m my of the rest disfigured
or m limed for life.
\ design for the new tw<>-cent postage
t unp to bo put into circulation iu Janu­
ary next has been selected. It is said to
be on* of th*- h mdsomest sp«s-imens is­
sued by the department. Th»* design
represents th" h -ad of G.<org«' Washing­
ton. in profile, on a blue tinted back­
♦ •
---- —
k sensational press dispatch says John
W. Voting, son of Brigham, has origin-
wh'd a scheme to sell ail the Mormon
possess:.»ns in Utah and move his people
to Mexico, where they can found n new
st ite. It is reported that Young has
}>■ .-n in N"w York trying to induce some
on»' to f »rm a syn lie it • and buy Utah.
A ’.iceiis-’ has beeu issued at Chicago
for a Corporation to l»e known as the
Chicago Co-operative Packing and Pro-
vis, >n i ompuny. The incorporators are
all Knights of Lalx»r; and it is claimed
h is already been subscnb.sf,
with only a total of S51),IKII> uee<l«'«l. It
is expect“«! to employ twelve hundred
M my people in Umatilla county 'ire
anxiously ..waiting the sale of lands now
embraced in the Umatilla Indian reser-
v lion some <>f the tin«*t farming I md
in tiie stat«*. The Indiana h iving agreed
to ac«'»-pt an all>>tment of their laud in
severalty, th»' surplus will soon l>>* dis­
posed of by the <g«»v.‘inment to settlers,
it is snppos«sl.
• • •
The Henry George progressive I >em-
ocrati." partv is re»]Utring everyone that
joins the party at Boston imd New Haven
to in ike au iron cl.ul <«ath in snp|M»it of
th« organization, to assist in in inning
th" polls, use all legitim ite means to
.-«'cur»' voter». and report all treaeh«*ry in
th»' ranks. The same formula will b»>
iis«'.l in all cities wher«'the ¡«arty li :s an or­
♦ ♦
Blind Tom. th<- pbenom"n.'il musical
perform »r. lies been legally >k*elared o!
unsound mind and incapable of managing
his ctfai’-s The legal st -p was tak«'ll at
th'.* ixspnut of his mother, au-l its oliji'Ct
w,;; to pr. v< nt «¡"signing man igers from
m ikin ; a virtu.d elave oi To.n and en­
joying all the profit of his public perfor­
in me»*-. t will now look af­
ter Ins interest.-.
♦ • <►
Th-' H- rm'/, Gazette. in an exaustive
i.iii- i-' mi Russia’s financial »•on-lition.
com pans it to that of France la-fore th«
gr«-'i revolution. The Russian debt is
¿*».t!>to.t)t» 1,1 Kill roubles, and th" interest
ir«s risen in a liwade from KM.4tM.tfM to
2‘11,'G MUM. Its paper circulât i<.*u is 71E,-
c *.« M :i!'l'«. •>' winch only hi. ».IM MJ IM
i-. 11e , ri-1 by biiF roí,vertible into cur­
ren •>. Tin» f»<»-.effe warns Germans to
iivoia tu< new Russian loan.
CITY COI’-C L M :: i : tin ’ g .
A Queer l lieiu>ni,*iion.
tBrownsville, Or.. Informant ,
Mr. Amos B. Smith of Neva«la, who
passed through Brownsville during the
past week, on his way homo, related the
particulars of a queer phenomenon of
which he was an eye witness, «luring bis
trip through th»» southern portion of
Grant conntv, Oregon, with a dr >ve of
“Myself and hini.l man had Iss'ii doing
some har«l riding an«] were anxious to
make good time. Ou Saturday night we
arrived at a lake at the lioiul of a stream,
which I have since lss'n told, was called
th" Alvord, at which plats* w«> campeilfor
th«» night. The next morning, Sunday,
the hors»« a»*emed to lie pretty wall used
up. so wo coueludt'd t«> let them rest a
portion of th»' day. mid make up for lost
time by nding during th«* night. After
breakfast we vvan«ler<*«l aroun-l trying to
pass time, which was “kinder’’ slow bnsi-
ii"ss an«l 1 tiually went «k»wn and sat by
the side of th«' lake. I had bis-n th re
fol aonit' tim • alul was about hair asb'ep
wh -ri som 'tiiiii g woke in > tip. I didn't
know what it was at tirst and thought
Joe. my hire»] man. was shaking ui": but
when I l«b>k«“d around, lie was s’ui'iiug
twenty yi:r<Is away, watching th" horses
who were snorting and jumping, trying
to break the ropes with which they were
pickettsl o«it. As 1 st«».«.I tip I l"lt aa-
oth >r shake but it s«'» to
my feet, «and as I look»*«l i sav. that !1."
water in the lake was raising up and fall­
ing ba«'k. an i lo«,k«al som thing iik" wat'-r
d.s-s wh» n lioiling in a camp kettle; but
every tune it arose and went back it was
twaortbr.» fe?t lo v >r o:i th ' bin t. 1
don't know how long this lasted, an I felt
like leaving, but want«'«! to sc«' what it
woillil do. i'll»' Water s«-« fin .1 to I m ' sink­
ing out in th»' middle of the lake, an I it
couldn't have liven over a min'it- or two
iH*fore the lak»' was almost entirely «try.
1 could e»H* the bottom au«l lota of little
tisii Hopping about iu the mml. Joe got
seiire«] an«l sang out: ‘Look out. Ainos,
th<> bottom of this bl:itiH<d country is
failing out;’ and started on a run towards
the camp. Just as h" spok<* something
that looked like a big lot of steam came
pouriug back in «pii.-k time in the miildle
of th«' lake, ari l all the diff»-renee 1 eoiihl
t*«s- was. lots of fish were dea«l an I float­
ing around on top of the water. V»’«' sa«l-
died up our horses ami got out <>r tn it
place ns quick as we could, au 1 every lit­
tle noise made me jump for the next two
d«*y s.
According to this account given by Mr.
Smith, this quw'r phenomenon must have
hap|»en«-d on Sunday Nov. l*»th. Per­
haps some of our scientific men can ex­
plain its cause.
At a call«'«] m«?etiug of the city council
of Ashlanil held Monday evening, the f« 1-
lowing business was transact«-«!, full board
being present:
Minutes of last meeting read an«l ap­
The following bills were ordered paid:
B. R. Willits, clerk of city eleetion.-S 3JM ,
C. H. Gillette,
... 3JM ,
11. Willi uns, judge of city elwtion... 3JM
John May.
.... 3.1 M ■
Wm. M.iyrieLl. »qM-mal polle«
E. I *« l’« utt, fori-gal««piuion.
Railroad lleni-«.
'Yreka ’eiiriinl.|
Die committe«- s«-ut lielow to interview
the directors in regard to securing tlm
main road through t«»wn. report that it
will be lmpossibl«» to get th«) mam ha«'
through tow n for any consideration. To
run the line to Butcher Hill, a mile and
a half from town. walsoconsi«ler«-<!doubt-
ful. although Stanford has «»nlert'd a
survey to lie uia«le to that point, with a
strong desire to favor our citizens it pos­
sible, provi 1«*<1 the company e»«n «1«»
so without any great disadvantage in op­
erating 1 h" roiui. Chief EngintsT tloo.l
wants to run the line on a .»2-foot grad«-
to th«- mile through Sh.ista Valley, ami
says it will 1 h < easy enough to reach
Batcher Hill from I«- low on th ,t grade,
tint has great loubt alxait k«*eping th t
gra«le going northwt,r«l without taking a
!»en I eastward in dirts'tioil of Lit’it-
Shasta bri<lge. Probably a s:irv«'v m iv
develop«* tht< fciisibility of running til«'
line so its to cross ShAta river at or b«'-
low th«'stage r«' id crossing. Mr. H« hx 1
will get up !i new survey in ; party to >-om-
men «« work -ly on tins survey
to But 'her Hili, as the other parti«-s can­
not lietak -n away from work mi li-r way. bin lering the gr.ulers now fol­
io ving up so rapidly. I'bis imw parly
■ after surveying to But'd'. -r Hill, will Is-
i sent to Siskiyou mount i:i. wh« r a gre .t
amount of «-U'gine«'nng is required to m ip
out the easiest and shortest route to the
Oregon boun iary. 1’lie co npnuy int n I
1 to have i.-boiit th«- finest s« at ion of road
through 8h «st«! t all« y, on th«- who!«.- liue.
with heavy « u.giuew at Butteville to <d«l
tr ins below tii «1 point, over tli«' sum­
mit, .nd the same assist ,n »< iio doubt
from the Klamath river to th«' Oregon
lin '. on Siskiyou mountain.
Ii there :s n«»p.«ssiblechan et«»g«*t the
railroad t<> linteh> r Hill, til«' next ln.-t
thing will liea branch ro.ui or si«le tr :«-k.
to bring freight an 1 passmiger to this
pla.s'. th«* r..ilr«»a«l company 1» ing wbl-
in g to »'slablisli th«» st itiou «»:i m in Ini'
at su( h point as «'«-nu's-ti >u would I m .'
•esireil. and furnishing extra cars at any
time tiee-le«! for running over to town.
Several L.rg»' towns in Southeru Cali or-
nia «re thus accommodated, ami w might
i I m * h**ro, -vith great bi-nelit t«« «»th«'r places
i now making Yr ka their most e -ntr.A
■ ¡mint.
8 .y< a Portland exchange: Quite a
I iiip«j.i'i River Railroad
nil uber of papers ¡lie advocating th"
I'rxjl f Cil"
three vent rate per mile on r. ilroads. Ii
parties advocating this rat«' were
W. R. Whipple, «'ligineer in ch .rge of
-to« 1; holder.- i, railroads in Oregon, tle-y t he Ump>)ua River railroad, «ompl. t«-.l
woiili want to raise ’he rate. There i- j the field work last ui-ek ami hrs b«s n
not travel enough to pay at the present
rate. Be-LL's that it is more expensive 1 working ou th » profile and other papers
week. Th«» distance on th«* line to
to build railroads in Oregon than in mo»’ this
Elkton i.s sixtfs'n and a half ni'l«*; to
States F. .st. as th.«* face of the country is
ScottHburg. thirty-six and a quarter miles;
rough and gr.»«les heavy. An 1 on«'of out to Ohl Scottsburg, the terminus, thirty­
most important biles of railroad is now
eight ami a quarter miles. The el vatioti
in the h imls of a receiver.
at Drains alwoe tidewater is 2s I f-.-t.
The poll^l Aberdeen Angus and Here­ I I'liir is the lowest place on the G. a «'.
ford cattle are carrying off th-' blue rils 1 '««ad in Southern Oregon. The el'-v.itioa
bons.n the swecpst.ik»“» cont«*sts at th* i of Elkton is 11M• f«*et; the »'levation of
f it stock show- m the Mi<hlle-W»'sl tins the river at Elkton is sixty feet, m iki: g
season. At Kansas City a two-yeur-olil lhe fall ol th" riverfrom Elktoll toS«'«»tt.—
full-blood ] m »11 v «1 Augus bullock took th« : burg only 3.15 f«*et to the mile. Tli«>
grand sweepstakes prize; anti at Chicago roatllxtd does not reach a |K»int 1<M feet
au Angus-Hereford carried off the prize. . ibove the level of the creek or river any
In the latter case the winner was a black, | place on th»* line. There is no gr:*.d«> of
hornless bullock with a white fats«. its ! .iMire than one foot to a liunlr«sl,(fii ty-
sire having l»een a full-blotxl Aberdt'en ) two and eight-tenths f«*«-t t<» the mile.)
lhe tunnel at Elk ri«lge, the only
Angus awl its mother a fuH-bloo<:
on tho route, is. as now locat *d, 1IMM
i met long. Mr. Whipple is convincis!
A dchlteratc attempt was m:id>- last that by moving the tunnel a short dis-
Thursday night to assassinate Harry j t incedown th«' ri«lge. the distance through
Giltner, a witness win» gave evidence al i ’an lie shortened to NM feet. He has
th r«*ent trial of the anarchist directly I lM*en instruete«] t<» relocate it. The roa.l
can l»e built without th«' tunnel, but
implicating Spies and Schawab in th
throwing of the Haymarket Ixiinb. Gil­ would he nearly six mil«-s longer. The
*ngint>er expresses th«' opinion that the
mer was shot at while on the threshol-
of his home, and th«* bullet passed lx - ■ ro ul would be a very easy one to build.
there will lie no heavy rock work except
tween his legs, lodging in the laittom o
the door. The shot was tire«] at a dis- ¡n the tunnel. The r«x k point this side
of Scottsburg di«l not present any s«-r-
tan •»> of less than ten feet from the livin
.ous obsticl«'.
target, and th»'assassin’s hast»* was th
Mr. Whipple estim ites the cost of
ouly thing that saved tlie citizen’s lib
¡»’lilding a broad gauge road over the
line, with st«s'l rails, at jH-’tfi.'AM. Tli.'
Th»' Uuiteil Stati's postal service wa
wlf sustaining until the letter po^t.ig- profile is now complete and any on« wish­
was r«'»liK-«'d to two cents per onn«*e iron ing to insjHM-t it tu ly have pleasur«-
three cents per half-ouue»'. Sine«' th«-i I >y «'ailing at the ofii-<-. \\ «• ar«' mi'ormeo
Congress has l»eon obliged to provide f«> • that it is th«- intention to extend the st«r-
a deti«'ieni-y, but the Postmaster General , v«-y eastward next spring, ov.-r the Ca*--
-<uie mountains, and westwar«l to Ganli-
in his annua) report, express»'« the «»pin
«••r. I’liis campany is y«»nng. bu’ im-au-
ion that •‘with a prosperous condition i>
usiness. Hurrrh for th»* Ump.pia Ifi’.ei
th«'business of the country to favorabl
intln«» th«* revenm's. au>l with con I railroad!
timii'd ever i<e of ear»- in regulating ex
Ireland is again in a state of d«*s|s*iai"
pinditures. the postal serv-uv will again
<>i ■;
at no distant time. Is-.•««me a self-support ■ -oh’ieal excitement iu eon- -p,«
| r« vital of the coercion policy «>n the part
ing lust it-it ion.”
: >! th«■ government. this m«'ans is
i”u«' Portland ?>■ «ex thinks a fruit »\»m : <>l«l a- tollous by a Loti l««ti corr.-p-on-
mission» r would do mor«' good for Or»*- i ¡--nt «»f the N« w \«iik / '».—£: lit-du--«-«!
g«»»i th in a i¡airy commissioner, inasmuch u> it- simplest form, the go,erument's
ar th« national law against Isigus buttei ; -ro-ssliire. which is precisely that which
»as formerly taken agaiust Healy ami
t,taken the matter «»«it of tin* hands o
. t.iviit. ainounts to offering Dillon th«'
•I m - st.-«:»- poli>«-.i Th»' fruit interests »•
ib'ieeo! holiimg his tongue or going to
< lo gon ar«» undoiibt, <lly aesumiu" a j <*
»risou. He will, of ct»urse. promptiv ac-
s*ti«»n of gnat importance, and th
■«•i't th" latter alternative. Then O’Brien
dangers fiom tr■■»• pests hitherto uuknowi
vill «l-.'tioiince the governim-nt in
m the state now thr«'.-i’eni i the orehanl-
may well l»e d«-em*si a ni itterof sufti.-ien* ; /rr/«rM</, which will la* su|»pressed. Bv
public weight to «1. in md careful inves | «his time I’aria'll will l»e comp ll« «i t >
tigation by the stat«' through suin' i.g.-ir ’ tppear upon tti»' s;-,-n>' in defense of his
j 'leiiteu nt, ami tai,, tin* leadei-hip of th.-
quailfasl to nn-lert ike th" work.
I trugglc. If the goveniim-nt ventures t >
-- —---
I.«.. —
;r> st him there will lx- war. In le. -i, it
Th«' Executive Committeeoi the Am« r
lean Protective Tariff Leagll«' has «k'cidi ■ ■ >s difilt'iilt to se«> how they «an ¡.void it.
to offer to »tinh'Uts th«' senior class«'.- ii . Such is the generally accept«'«! forecast.
----- ► ♦ * •
all American «•olleges a aeri«*s of priz-:
fornpproved essays on the snbj»>ct. "Ad
Captain Mitchell, of th«- bark Antoiu >
v ant ages of th«* Protective Tariff to th«' La- i Sala. New York ami Havana trade, came
:M«r and Industries of United States.” encl , aome in May. entirely helpless with rheu-
natism. He weut toth«- mountains, but
essay not to exceevl ten thousand word-
received nolienefit. at his wife’s requ.-t
ami t«» be sent to th«'ollie«* of th«' Eeagn
H'gan taking Hood’« Sarsaparilla. He
<«u or l«efore May 1, ]XS7. I’ll«« award*
ire to Be June lo, ltWti, as follows: Foi immediately liegan to improve: in two
’«est essay,
for scoon«! lust SUM; months his rheumatism was all gone, and
.’or the thin! Iiest. Sori; anil for other es­ he saik«d in commaml of his ves.-el a well
says d«'eiiaxl eip<'ci illy meritorious hand- ; man. H imh I’ s Sarsaparilla will help you.
Sol«i by all druggists.
»ome silver inetlaL
Fot al
......... ..S24JM
Gì.». Engle, ex-Mayor. submitt«-d a re-
jiort slating that lie hold-; a «yertificate of (
depo->t of si'l>70, in the Bank of Ash­
land, the .- un«' K-longitig to the tu«' tumi i
of th. city, as proceeds <>f sale of city
bon Is. ami la'ing siibjtvt to th«' order of
the city councik
lhe «'ommittee on city water works
su!»mitt«'>l an exhaustive report, which ■
was r«wiv«'«l and pla«'«'«l oil til«'.
On motion it th«' head
works of>l city waler works I«'
constructed in Ashland creek at a point I
on T hornton’s land near th" old saw mill.
< >n in >tion it was <1 termin •• I th d the
m ib'i i il ns«-«1 for mains shall b • f»-in h
ca.-t iron pip«'.
(himotiou orden 1 th it fl:co ¡í.nitt i*
of comi du.« a on water works \ u.iin«'
mt » ami nieasur ■ the exact . ii-tan-v i«» b«-
tr.oe’s. «1 by ami iengthof mains r«-«piired
to curry w. t«-r from head works to the
points in th«» city «lesinsl; and also the
numiier of hydrmts ms-essarv: an«l r«'-
port al next m -e’ing. Monday, Dee. titli.
Olli -i .1 lio’i 1 of M. L. Al. »rd. city
treasurer, in the sum «jf $l<),it.M was ap­
proved an I <iec«'pt«»d.
On motion it was ordcre«l that all
owners ol property fronting on south
si.l« of Main sirvet from the St ir Btkerv
to Fork street I m * notifitsi to buil>l a plank
si It'walK in trout of said property within
thirty days from date.
-I. M. Mt C all , M ayor.
J. S. Eubjuks. Ri’i'order.
~~ — ——
$200 GIVEN m
---- IN----
—AT THE-----
Jan. i, 1887.
Wc ^ish to anaouacs to oar frisate aai pitroas
that aot haviag boca able to satisfatto: ily dispose
of oar rexaaaat cf aeroh&adiso aovz ca haad. wc
have coaolv.ted to coatiaae ia busiaeos aacl ia a
few days will open v.p the
host aad. most
complete liao of faacy aai staple ¿ry goote, boots
aad. shoes, teraishiar rpcte ani hits over brcv.pht
to Ashlaaa which, vzo will ofror at rhe lowest cash
prices, Terns strictly cash. Thaakiag our
friead.s for their liberal patroaajo ia the past we
hope by strict attmtioa to basiaess aad. fair teal-
iag to xaerit a coaiiaaaaoe of tho sane.
A Good Ffriin near town.
A Large Lot and comfortable
Dwelling House in Askland.
c »
Wark on tl«<* California A. Oregon.
S-iy-ii San Fran úsco dispatch of Nov.
27th: Th«' California ,V < )regon extension
of the Southern Pacilic is )>eing pushed
forwanl with th«' greatest energy. The
immens«' for?«' of m< n at work there. I»e-
sidcs vast quantities of m ichinery, et".,
en.ibles the railroad to I m * <'onRtru"te«i
with great rapidity. Ou the 5th of next
month th«'road will I m > opened to Edge­
wood. a small place about twenty miles
from the present terminus of the road.
The grade of th«- road from Dunsmuir to
Summit is very sttrep. Ix'ing s«'venty-fiv«'
fivt to th«' mile, whil" on the «town grade
to EdgewiMxl th" fall is lib fist to the
mile. I’rom 1-Mgwoo 1 to the bap«« of tli«>
Siskiyou mountains the eou-’rm-tiou of
the road will I h > plain sailing, but <>u
reaching that point it will be very diffi­
cult an«l costly. A force of men were
s«ut upto tli«* Siskiyou on Wetlntysday
last to «'ommenci' work on the large tun­
nel that has to b«' c«.mstrui-’e«i in the
range. ¡Up to «¡at' no such force of men
h is lieeu s«"-n in ’he Siskiyous. E l >.
T iiunos .|
A Railroad Weather S«'rvice.
Th«' Union I‘a«-ifie railroad has <’om-
pb-ted err.'iigem-nts to establish a Wi'ath-
•■r M-rvice over its entire system similar to
th it m use by th-' ftslcral government.
Th-r«-ar«* to I m -thirty-two st tions. Nin«*
will be first-class, tspiipped with a full
set of observing instrum«'nts. There v.ill
I m ' nin«' st'con-!-■-lass stations. Two ob­
servations w ill be made ea«'h «lay at 1 a .
m . an«l 4 p. vi.. and report«*«! to headquar­
ters at Omaha. Trains will be equipped
an 1 operate I a •■■or.hng b» the w.-ather
rejN'it. The-«' reports will aid materially
in s if,- shipiiH'tif of live stock and pt'rish-
abl" goods. Th«' officer to b<> put 111
eh'iri;«' is Lieut. Joseph S. 1’ovvll, of the
gov.-mm nt signal s> rvi«-e. whose salary
is to I.«- paid by the "oveni!ii»'iit. All
ot'mr • xp< ma s will be borin' l»y th«* rail-
re« id company. The Chica.'o A North­
western and th«' Central Pacific hive
b"cn invited toco-operate w it i» the Union
P iciti •. so as t«» tn ike a through railway
wc.-th r service betwe'en San Francisco
mil Chicago.
The Ki'li La tile (?)
A gcntb'in m just from Or.-goti (Tty in­
form- a r* poitT that sc’.r.'elv a hugeriii"
v«'“tige fell: .111- of the tisii l;«:!d rat th«'
falls wiii 'h was constru't ■ ! ova r a your
H;,’o at a m•♦«]« st cost of S’litJMd to the
gre "omm i’iwealth of Webloot. Pn-'e
by pi c«' the structure has been !»orne
away by th.' ruthl— waters until scarce­
ly i. fragile-tit remaius to b-Il the story of
Its exist« IPS'. Duly at the very lowest of wat"¡- can a portion of th»' foun­
dation i>' ■■« n. While* it is a solin'«' «>f
miieli «hssati-faction to taxpnya'rs. it is
jo: duly S. id to bl' a great «lis ippolllt-
nn nt lo tin- finny tiiln-s. that «b'sire to
p v mi visit to th« ir kimlred
el well ing i4»ng tin- Upp« r Willamette an 1
its tributaries. ['I'elf'i/rain.
< «eo. II. (’urn y carril s th«' finest assort
of stapfe ami fancy gro«-eries, and the
lai-gist assortment of glassware, China-
ware and crockery in Ashland.
1 Gent’s Gold Watcb..
1 lady's Gold Watch.
1 Elegantly
W I-dfiK
1 Ganuine Meerschaum
Men’s and Bovs
’ Winter Clothing o
1 Genuine Meerschaum
Cigar Holder.
Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc., Etc.
« A
e- >
f )
• ÍV
Í .1
f A
* A
One Ticket with each
Tlifsc gcxxl- .ir<- ail of th, bv-t e|im!it\ and most «h sirabl« patt.
and will be ottered at a-tori.-liiip'lv !.>w prims fe.r CASH (U LY.
Yoimg M«-ti.-« Xeililw ('li«i-k Sifiis .
S 8 Of)
Mixed Huits
H i 00
M.- iih All \V«..)| 1’1 .ill SmtH ....
14 <H)
“ l-ni" l«i.i--k Dii-em.! Suits
20 00
• • (’<>rk S I ■ " < ' I I .e I . s
20 00
•‘ Silk Llin-i! Chin« ini! i < ii its itnl vesis
20 OO
Heavy Brow li ('In-ek Sin», lew -liil -nli.-li
12 <M
Bui »' Suits, all kill s
82 Oft tipwai.l
Fine Line Me ti s I i_lit \\\ i-hi Oveieerits
Men b All Wiie.l I u.lerw»-.»r per c ut
82 «-<» to 4 00
Men’» Knit I mlei-weer.
. .
50c to 1 GO
Buys Knit I n.'erwt-ar ..........................................................
50c to
Mell'-s all'l B"'S I helxllil'ts. all style's CeitteUI ami wemletl
A Fine Line N ivy B ne (>v»'ishii is, extra siz«-s.
Men s .In sey O'er hil ls tin- fm- winter
........... 2 50
“ H«'avy C«nt<Hi S«>e-k . 2 pr............................................
“ H«-.ivv Wt.ofi-ii Sot-kg. 3 pr .. ................................
1 00
“ Fine White . ti I’.-ic h SI h . ts n speei ilty
. . .
“ F licy Nick"«'.rill lit- .«Il I li-.v«.’ ;-.-»t t.'i t:-»
i oO
“ Boots 12 cases leetiivetl tins week. | «'r |> ii
S3 <M)
.-••_• .-.11
1 \ s B-" ■ ■<
;f Don’t f.iii to examine our» o.-k of M«n - s’u ies.
worth of goods bought at
one time, for cash.
J ohnson ’ s
B lock ,
Ashland, Or.
Clothier & Hatter.
The Prizes
ffìF \ URGE L'tT <>F L\l)’l s <'LOA' S
quality an«l exipiisite ti' at r atly u uc- 'l ,
ALSO JUST RE( : eived ,
A Fine Ls’rtnient of laìies' Tre s Gañís of Latest Styles
aua\ i n
Fine Chance for Ters'ns of Limited Means to get a
Pleas nt Home and Productive Fruit Farm
\I.Si >.
Lumber, Mouldings,
Fhe undersign« d ha-- snt'diviele d hi- fin«* firm adi icent to the town ol
Talent on the O. & C. R R.. and will -<-11
Dvalei> in—
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Class,
Planing, Matching and Sawing done to order.
Wooden Water Pipe made to order.
For Old & Young.
“Proprietors of the Tozer <\ Emery Planing Mill,
The most complete stock ever
Friday, December 10, 1886.
The land to 1 e sold ennipri-es about 50 .: res cr black loam, fm- -oil,
lying we-t »>1 the state road, adjoining 1 a'ent on th« north
It is all first
class fruit land, also good g irden and grain lanel.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third cash: b ilatb <• ci|ti.:l p «vments tn
one and two years ami bearing ten pt 1 cent ini» ic-t
brought to Ashland.
At public auction to the highe-t bidtier on
Title Perfect.
Warranty Deed Given.
G E. PENNI BAKER. Talent, Or.
Removed to Brick Block, cor. Main and Cak Sts.,
Of catarrh by Hood s Sarsaparilla, «'v«: “1
would not take any money it consideration
for the' pood one I ottle diel me.” If you are
a sufferer, do m-t | ut eff takirg a sim¡ '.e
rem <!y t.l’i your bre nclilal tubes or It ngs are
affected, .')i;el consun p..<n has gaineel :t lu id
1’.¡ m ii you. I’.e Wise In t.liie ! fl. w fr< m
the i.i i.ii;--,g noise tn the cai >, pain i:i tlie
beai!. inti n.u: lion of tie throat, cotigh, and
U«.-m>n- ¡ , -tratioii will be cuieel If you take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Watches, Clocks, [cwelrv. Rings. Spectacles, C^iiartz
Glasses, Drawing Sets. Etc.
I'ru<-«-s. Shoifldei Br H-.-. P< iiunui .. I’oih-t Alta i«-:’ ,md every
thing u-u.iliv bntnd in a first class Drug Store.
Sol«! I .
; d u.’ifist« fl, six for j?’ F’pp.i’-ed
I Ih
A <’•» . A]>c.hccaTies, I owe ii.
IOO Doses One Dollar
I 1 !
fs a cor.-titutlonal itise.',«- catnrd bv .sfrnfo
Ians taint in ti e b’i’0 1. Bae «’ s Sai '.-i) anil i,
leing a vemsiitu'ioi'al remc«iy. purif.« s ti.o
biaeti. builds up tli - wlio’.e system, i er-
m.mentiy curesva'arrli. Thousands of | eop!e
wli«» sufferetl severely wliii this disagreeable
disease, Ustiiy pleasure that catarrh
etired by taking Bo d’s Sarsaparilla. Mrs.
A’fred Cunningham, Fal!on Avenue, Provi­
dence, It. 1., says: “I have suffered with
cat irrh in my I.cad for years, ami paid out
hundreds of dollars for m«-d. Ines, but li;.ve
hereteifore roe « ived on’y tem;»orary relief. I
began to Hood's S is.iparilla, ai d now
my c itarrh is ne.::ly cure el. tho weakness of
my body is al) gone, my appetite is good —in
fact. I feel like another person. He el's Sar­
saparilla is the best medicine I have ever
taken, anil tlie only < ne which did me i crn.a-
neat pood. 1 coiei'.ally recommend it.” A
geutleiuan iu Worcester, Mass., who was
A-HL as i O : e < os . N. iv - i m er 19. I "
•//. /z. •//. vr. 'ir. ' T. 'Jr. “Jj. 'jj. 'jj. 'fr. 'jj. 'jf. 'jf. 'jj. ' fj. 'fr, 'fh
All kinds .if lumlier for sal«' at bottom
pri«'«'s W. G. T anner . Ashland.
Can bo
Th<- H< 'refonls «ire lhs-«)in'i
ih • favorite® : nmng «•. ttL n
ev rvwh«'r<*. bolli for r: irz«' ; >
en loM'el p '(sturi h . P< r-««iis i
thi-valb'V wisliiug lo l-ni-.i ’
imp«rt« il reso »« ut; t ìv«'s < J ’i
li«'«} f-imiii« « «>f H« ri-foril- in LI-
Ile ih t'.-’Il ll-.iso ■ t Ih" furili of I
I'. .-\ml«-rson oli V.’u n«-r <-r« <1
orti : h" fnrm of W. H.Alkin-
f!e ('luvton pi;"'«'« s«>uth '
Prescriptions Carefuliy Compounded.
Hardware, Stoves. Tinware.
Made !«y the G< lafin-'-Bromiilc. «»:
-------- AT
CASI. 1 !
CASH BUYERS Govern Yourselves Accorilinily.
i*u< >< •!*:>;>».
Are now taken bv the Leatlinu l’hniographtrs in nit !• « r.i»--. ;ui<i ii«r «¡o.u.. ,.
pictures of children.etc.,are fa.-H-ip« rior o lhe o i - «-call« d •'w«-t plate” rr«K-«s».
Call at Logan’s Ca”cry. on the hil,
And « xnmine w• >*k rn.-u'e -xc'nsivelv t»v t'i-n«-w p->«-t- . Photograp'e mat»
by the leading iirti-asof th«- c auh I un exhibition tor co upa. son.
- 41