Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, December 03, 1886, Image 1

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    - m » m « b
1 .ri0
three months.............. .. .
.. 12 .’>0
¿¿ali*' s six cd ’H u for..........
1 « am in adva nee.
Terms of Advertising
square, first insertion ..
Each iihlitjori 'l nisertmn.........
and Counsellor ut Law.
. ., I'i I '•
in the -et
,-i.v - nuke appli» niions for
• r th«' i * mining Ì uyvs . «nd
..••<1 <»11 all mutter' purt«ii!iin»4
hm»! ami >” hiii |>
J. T. Eowditch,
• V u..d Counsellor «n Law
Leading Clothier and Hatter, Ashland, Oregon
. a. , ■ all • ..urti of thè state.
f t.rui-.i V cavie und remitted.
•’ 1
Being overstocked with heavy winter Overcoats, and not desr ing to carry
them over, I will offer them for less than cost.
Albert Harimoui,
: Hfi
. i •
t'y ta any buMnr** in the
crying !<»< aliiig diluheM. etc.,
p rtniuin^ tt> ci\ 11 engiueer-
n guaranteed.
$6 oo
k *
5 oo
A *
Large Line of Men’s Light Weight Overcoats at Bottom Prices.
J. S. Howard.,
Boys’ Heavy Overcoats from $5.00 Up
• i» of real estit« Lusin»»« uiveo careni I
...... i|< i an»l «uforoiation fi mi iahe» 1 con-
propvrtJ m the u« w low n
Men’s and Bovs Nobby Suits in almost endless variety and new ones being received every week at 0. H. Blount’s
F. H. Toinj,
Speciilty: Diseases of
Odìce at Ashland House.
Another shipment of New and Stylish Hats just opened at 0. H. Blount’s. Boss for holidays,
lUotneu and
All kinds of heavy Woolen and Cotton Underwear at
Dr. S. T. Sczigor,
1 2 OO
Notary Public and Conveyancer
.Corretipondeucc of s. F. CiuoHicle
T ulk L ake , K lamath ootkty . O k ., i
November 8, 18813.
Fourteeen years ago. on the 29th of
this month, the Modoc War broke out on
this lake, which was attended with such
loss of life ami property that it lifted tin*
“evil” from the level of a p».*tty Iudian
' trouble tothe elevation of a national dis­
aster. The occurrences in this war were
fully detailed at that time by the
('Incniiclc correspondent, who followed
the movements of the inxips, ami so it is
unnecessary to enter upon its story b»--
youd refreshing the memory that ail the
ablelxxliod men among the settlers were
The l’r»qiose<i Withdrawal of Troop' from
Fort Klaiuntli.—-R»‘lurn or Murdrrou.'
tloduo from Indian Territory.
O. II. Blount’s.
L tr*xv Lilies ol OJd Coats, Odd Vests and Odd Pants at bargains at O. II. Blount’s,
;o different patterns in Fine Shirts, 75c to $1.50, at O. H.
\ f Off
Men s Boots and Shoes a specialty—any price you want—at 0. H. Blounts
C. <7 Sochrist, 2Æ. D.,
u L— »-lau- at Eu¿’e Dr -*
3000 Fine Cigars just received at O. II. Blount's.
, 10- 40
All kinds Smoking and Chewing Tobacco may be found at 0. H. Blount's,
J. S. Walter, M. D. S.,
Will prue* e» hi* pr»<teMÌ< n • f Dentistry
Elegant Line of Jewelry just opened at O. II. Blount’s.
- a r —
AsilLvM», Ul.EGO.X.
liKv Boarilin^ il»»n»c
11 8
We carry the largest assortment of Men’s and Boys’ Goods in
MÍ33 ¿.leaa Woher,
T< ?.rh- . < 1 iiiii'i.'at V'I i I. iik I < »ilk-ge. »111 give
1<> a lruit- I muni»» rot |>,»piU ullUKle hvr
, oil. g, cla!«'.
K ■!■!» :>' i*. Mr A I. Rock! Hua > '»u t'h'»r» h
All we ask is for you to call and see for yourself.
A. L. Willey,
No one asked to buy.
Respect fully,
T r
N. B. All sales strictly cash
AM1I.AM». <>RF.G»»V.
t- pr» p >n I tu 4i« » i 'tliiiat« '. tu furni-h male-
rial Kii’l < »».api t» ili kiii’ls <»! I»uil<ling3
1 S «Ut «>l r «»»■ TOVVN
>»u rt“a..»>ii»i»»Ie temi». All work warranted lo
BIVI- sati'iaetioli
'lpil*—"ii Me* baili«* Mr"»-t ovvr Youìt* A riti
MV » «t»>r«‘ house nild "ttiee.
M. !.. VI «.ILL
i r. iMMMONn.
Haianxond. & McCall,
The O. R. & N. Lease.
Paient, Hopkins & Co.,
A N O-
N C E R S,
Hereby inform the public that they have just opened and are displaying
at 'heir store in Reeser's block a first class stock of
ia< tonly
li -< rii •■! r» .il
[7~» >2.
Tiiu dar -tuliu»' projierty. cousmting ol
vcry d.-'iral.I»- town iota. ìiuproved un-1 un
tiupr >veii; auil fiiriuiug lamia nini n I ih -L
ranch» » m 'L ìcs to smt pureiiasers, np t»>
••OUU aerei: alno.
Oo:s> Sr. k lliscu. :s;0 .icr< M. sii iniln
Fa 'l of Xslil.' u.t—gvcd f.»r sauinier or wiu
ter rauge.
T wbj . rv Acx::s of o . hm I wood Innd neai
\ichitect anil Builder.
Which they no v offer at the very lowest living prices to cash customers
and they feel assured that all i*h<> favor them with their patron­
age will be well satisfied with the prices and quality of
their goods
------ Their stock consists of
Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions,
Ladies and Gents* Furnishing Goods. Hats &
Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c.
a F.isl Avenu»*, near Mam St.
n ke 1 'tini 11» ' nnd l.idw oli nli
P lì» ÌC <»r private, and fnrniHh
and 'p eiiicattoiis for
if tllv sanie.
imi Moualillg' < il limivi
And everything iHii.ilIy* found in a first class General Merchandise store.
Cash buyers will find it to be to their interest to call ami examine
our uoofls and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
rd tota th*' -class.
Vive President.
Presi* lent.
Ashland Woolen Mills,
Lht* &. Gil O'.
M.>! >
i'» in
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Flannels. Hosiery, Etc
Win'»' iie I» i»r« par d lo do all work in hi» line
.,i -hort iu*t *“c io '* in the fx-st manner.
REPAIRING LONE at Short Notice.
Ptowing by Susini.
[S F. Chronicle.j
There is at least one farmer m this
It is now definitely stated that the
Union Pacific has leased the property of State who is determined to keep on rais-
the Oregon Railway
Navigation Com- ing wheat upon a large scale, and at the
terms are not known in full, . same time to so
bo reduce the coat
cost of pro-
r pany.
__ __ The
___ _________
but it is understood t.i .t the lessee guar- duction as to have a good margin for [»ro­
antecs (> per cent, «lividends upon the fit even if the pres»“nt low pri«“es shouhl
st»x*k of the Oregon company. This; continue indefinitely. G. S. Berry, a
lease is important. It has long been Visalia rancher, has concluded to «lo
talked of. The Oregon company was a! away with the expense of hors«* or mui«“
few years ago pnslu>d eastward, and like-' power in putting in his grain, ami lie
ly to parallel the Oregon Short Line, ¡ successfully imikes use of the steam en-
which the Union Pacific was pushing | gines which run his threshers to «irag his
westward. Unnecessary building up- plows. A single engine has twenty ten-
peared imminent, both to the East and inch plows hitched to it, and an average
West of the point where it was finally of thirty-five acres a day is thus broken.
v*oncluded that the two liues should join. * The land being cultivated is heavy and
The junction of the two lines was made ■ uneven, but that presents no obsticle to
in due time, however, and further aggres- the plows, which ruu easily and do unieli
sive construction was stopped by mutual: better work than is possible in the old
agreement. Talk of a leas«» of th»* Ore- manner. The
Tho fuel used in the engine i-
gon company’s line by the Union Pacific th«* thr«*shed straw left from last season's
then sprang up. But th«* Northern Pa-’ crop, and so tho cost of that item cuts
cific had long ha«l its own plans regar«!-. no figure in the expense account. Five
ing the Oregon company’s lines. Villard men in all are required t > operate th»* tna-
and his Oregon Transcontinental Com-' chin«* at an outlay of 811.2»» all tohl daily,
pany were to arrange the absorption of Tins makes the plowing cost 32 cents an
the Oregon lines by the Northern Pacific, 1 acre, and in the single item of f«*ed for
but with Villard’s dethronement the stock alone wl.i -b would be nixvssary to
chuncos for the arrangement grew poor. do a like amount of work there is a daily
Since then negotiations have been in ‘ saving of $15. In this way th»* cost o.
active progress on the part of both the I putting in the crop will be reduce«! to a
Union Pacific and the North«*m Pacific ' minimum. Alrea ly. by the use of com-
interest. The former now appears to ' bined harvesters and separators run by
have secured the coveted road, ami if the ' steam power the expose of harvestiiu
Northern Pacific wants a joint lease, or has been lower«! to a figure beyond which
anything, it must deal with its southern it is hardly possibl • to go. In this case,
then, the result of th»“ Beason's operation?
will demonstrate what is the very smallest
outlay required to raise a crop of wheat
Buckle»’* Arnica Salve.
in this State.
In this connecti«>n it may lie of interest
The liest Salvo in the world for cut«,
bruises. wires, ulcers, salt rheum, fever to know that many of the 8tat“'iU “nt?
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, I made on the cost of wh« at growing an
cornu, and nil skin eiuptions. and positive­ not borne out by the facts. For instance,
ly cures piles, or no pay required. Il is the manager of an extensive Dakota grain
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. i farm, where a crop of 150,0 0 bushels o
wheat is annually raised, averagiu.
For sale by J. H. Chilw*Mxl A Sou’s.
¡twenty-five bushels to the acre, stab*
that t he coat from the time of seeding un-
i til etore»l in elevators, inclmliug interest
I on capital, wear of machinery, wages, etc.
' is a little less than 24 cents a bushel, o:
i about 40 cents a cental. So those wh<>
I think 81 20 n cental or there-abouts is u
! low price, may take heart ot grace, ami
not be utterly discourage»l from raising
another crop of wheat, for surely what
has b»>en done in Dakota can be utiplica-
T- the Oriental salutation,
! ted in California.
knowing that good health
[Chicago Railway Review.)
Office and Sales Rooms in Masonic Building,
W. H
ATKINSON, Secretary and General Manager
Your Liver?
cannot exist without a
healthy Liver. When tho
Liver is torpid the Bow­
ls are sluggish and con-
tipated, the food lii-a
in the -tomach undi-
poisoning th»:
il't M rjuent headache
ensues; a feeling of lassi­
tude, »lesjiondencv and
nervousness indicate how
tlie whole system is de­
ranged. Simmons Liver
Ib*giilator has lx*en the
f restoring more
to health and
iappui»-s by giving them
a liealtliy Liver than anv
agency known on earth.
It acts with extraor-
»11 narv j ower an» I • ‘fficaev.
A Scientific Suicide.
A very cleverly arranged eontrivane.
has lx*en discovert*»! in the w,xxls near
I St. George. N. B., by means of which an
old and eccentric resilient named Tucker
j intended ending his exi tence. It li:»<-
been notice»! that tin* old man spent th*
I greater part of his time in the woods,
ami a party followed him. He s oon Btop-
j ped beside an open grave which was
found to have lx-en constructed for soni'
I special purpose. A box had lx*en pl acc< I
i in it and springs arranged so that a man
| could lie down in the box and pull down
; a board, when the grave would till with
1 earth, and brushwixxl arranged for th*
; purpose would cover the mound. Th*
1 discovery was only made just in time to
I save the man's life, f<>r every detail had
1 be»-*D compl»'te»L
The territory of Allw-rta. in the Cana-
i dian north west, contains, it is coniput«*»!.
• 77^25 cattl»*, 10.(r25 horses and 21.3tm
1 sho«*p. Thue, at 81U per head. 83.'kVl.i tot i
, is invented in cattle. 8)101,500 in horses at
8C1O per head, an»l 8H5.2OO in sheep at 84
I per head. This is a very good beginning,
V - •« uenenil family remedy fur Iiy-tM-p' a.
Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I nardly i considering it is only three or four years
. v.'r us«» anything else, and have nev»"r since the first attempt was made to es-
ix“»'n »1 l«»ipi*»>int«xi in tlieetTeet prodii<re»l | tablish ranches in th«* territory .
it s»'«'ms to is* almost a perf«*ct cure f»»r a!
<| im ,'».'<?/ th'' stomach an»l Bowel«. •
Boy's underwear at Blount's
XV. J. M c E lroy , Mucuti. Ga.
whether Long Jim and young Scouchin,
sou of the most dreaded of their chiefs,
could take up tule land and annoy tb»>
settlers with their insolence. To thin let­
ter thh Chief of the Indian Bureau luu
[>aid no attention, though it is rumored
that some action is to b»> tak»‘n with re­
gard to th»* removal of Long Jim, a* his
threats have been numerous.
There is not a week that Indians <l<>
not leave the re.servation and wander
along the borders of the lake for the os­
tensible purpose of visiting their friends:
there ie not a man among them who has
not a firearm of some description; there
is not an Indian among them who does
not < omplain <>t the Indian Agent (J.
Emery ), threatening to take his life, The
.squaws of whit»* men have liiute»! that
consultations are Ix-ing held, and It ih
gem rally known that the Indians have
deti-rmined upon ImstilitieH should the
< ioii'ininetit decide to compel th«*se va­
grant Indians to live on the reservation.
rh<* position of the settler is not a pleas­
ant one. He lias to lx? civil and kind and
submit to insolence, however intentional
and pronounced, through fear that his
itnproieefed stock will Ixj killed through
spite, 'lhe Indian is shrewd and knows
each man’s brand as well as he knows his
own |x>ny or wigwam.
J. H. G.
.*:• oo
1 :*o
t.«x Ar.
Local Notices, jxt line....................... ..15c
Regular advertisements inaerted n|H>n
lil»ernI ferina.
Job Printing
Of all d--on pt ions «lout* on abort U*>ll»X'
Le*;nl Blanks. Circular«». Business Ci* rd «
liiiìlieads, ix'ttcrheada, IViRtcrs, «ito., •» J?«’
ti n tip in g»«»»i style m living prie»«.
six ,1.0111 hs. .... .................. ...»
\f« Way to Plant Corn.
T< xuf Live Stock Journal.
Some weeks ago the Stock Jommil
had an article on methods <>f corn raising
1 H|>ecially adapted to this climate,
ing that instead of planting on ridge's,
the com should la- plant«*<l in furrows.
This position was taken from a theory
that the sun was too strong, here, and
that the corn roots should be protected
by licing planted deep, which theory has
been proved correct by practical experi­
I ments. But the writer thereof tvas mis­
taken m the assumption that such culti­
vation was especially adapted to seini-
■ tropical Texas. He has since learned
i that it is now already much in practice
j in Kansas, Nebraska and neighboring
• states, which is constantly on the increase.
I As everything in that country ia done by
; machinery, some inventive genius has
studied out th»' implement for this mode
I of cultivation. It is known as the lister.
. Il is a double plow, having one point and
shave and mold-lKKirds mimin' right and
left, making a double plow at ’browing
the soil both ways, leaving a deep furrow.
Immediately behind the plow and at­
tached to it is a aub-soiler running from
two to four inches tielow the bottom of
f i the furrow,
and stirring up the sub-eoil.
No previous plowing is needed, and many
follow immediately behind with a drill
and plant tlie corn. When the com is
coming up it is harrowed nr brushed and
the young weeds killed. As the com
grows th»; cultivation l»etween the rows
is continued, always working the soil to
instead of from the plants until it is clean
and largo enough to lay by. ”1710 theory
and practice of »’ultivation by the lister
is identical with that «lescribed in th"
Stock Join nal. only by reason of the
mib-soiler more thorough. With the
lister do prep.iratory plowing is needed,
but a good team of at least three strong
horses must t>e used to the lister, and in
most soils in Texas it shouhl be run at
’ least six inches deep. The Kansas Fann
. er of Nov. 3 publishes a nuinlterof letters
■ from farmers in different sections of that
I state all of whom have used the hater,
and all are highly pleased with the re-
! suits-. The only objection to the lister in
! that state, is that it may plant too deep
1 early in th»* spring, and owing to the
‘ chillness of the soil rot tho com and
• cause a poor stand. That objection in
this warm climate would not amount to
■anything. The great advantage of lister
planting that it will stand long drouth“,
; and requires less labor, while a larger
crop is assured. It is estimated that,
there are now fully 50.000 listers in use in
Kansas. Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri,
and th»* number is rapidly on the in
crease. It is an implement badly needed
1 in Texas, and the sooner it is adopted
j the more corn will be rais»*d, aud at a
murdered, and that three Indians, with
Captain Jack, tin-ir leader, were liange»!
for the killing of the I’eaee ('ommis-ioii-
ers. General Camby and Dr. Thomas.and
a tew others traUB|N>rt«xl to Indian Ter­
ritory. Since then Klamath county lias
enjoyed prosperity, and tho hope of a
permanent peace have been based upon
t lie promise made the settlers by lhe
Government that th»* Indians would be
confined withiu t he limits of the Klam­
ath reservation, and there overawed by
the presence of th»* troops nt Fort Klam­
; iiulhssCr (<\iL) F Tt e l-uticu
At present wheat-growing an«l si«x*k-
It is the purpose of this letter to show
how this promise lias been kept, and the raisiug are the pnnmpalindustri«*sof this
county. WherejiH the time has l>«*«'n when
dangers which now environ tho settlers,
l«itti these industries yi"l<l<*<i profitable
and also their efforts toward securing for
rvturns, that time has gone by, «»specially
themeehes that protection of life ami
regards wheat-raising. Sto»‘k, catth*
property which h;is been endangered by
and horses, still continue to demand a
the threatened removal of tho troops
g«xxl price. But the lull land now de-
from Fort Klamath. The result of the
voteii t<* stock-raising d«*eH not 1?» ar a
proposed abandonment of the fort is a
heavy yield of fetid, and many »>f the old­
scare which has been shared by the peo­
ple from Dry Lake, Cal., to Jacksonville, est stockmen in th«“ <*ountycalculate only
on on»' hea«l of st«*ck to every ran acres,
.Jacksoil county, Or. It h;is call»xl forth
and this on land hel»l at from 82..5O to 810
public meetings, ami Senator Dolph and
and even 815 an ¡tore, so that « v»-u st»x“k
Represeubitive Hermann have been urged
raising, us compared with other indus­
to bring to the notice of tin* Government
tries in other portions of th«* country, is
the folly of the removal of the soldiers.
not as prontaule us tfit'y. The same is
On October 5th Representative Her­
ceitaimy true of tlie wheat industry,
mann sent a letter to the Secretary o.
r or plowing, seeding, cutting, threshing,
War prot» sting against the transfer o
sockb , naming and insurance the cost p» r
troops and deci.mug, from personal ob­
acre lor wueat-ruismg is at least 87.i»O.
servation, that the people were fearful o,
Au average yield vi vvneat is 1,'NMJpoiuuis
an Indian outbreak. This was borne out
lo the acre, lor which, at 81.20 to the
by tin? Indian agent himself, who in his
miudred, tue rancher receives at the rate
report of last Sept- uiber says that “pro­
ot '15 an acre, thereby giving him a
bably om-half of these Indians are !<• pt pruhl ol •''.10.;»v to the acre.
under proper restraint by force. Re­
Aow is tms prout satisfactory? Is
move the military and it becomeB a qui-fi-
51 o . j O per acre ml you, as an enterpris­
tion of grave doubt whether this class
ing, progressive rancher, want to get out
can lx* k»*pt in subjection with aid ouij
ui your itirm? Are you content to go
of Indian police.’’ ’ * *
Di-spit»‘ the fact that Ropresentativ, •mead ¡or mu next twenty years and raise
your tuuiiiy und meet ml your notes,
Herman’s letter was sent in the early
uuusehoid and farm exi*ensc8on a margin
part of October, there hiis been no as­
o. oiu-uu per «a-re t 1 uere are some pe<“-
surance giv. u the settler that the military
ple, oi course, who are perfectly 6atisued
will be retained, and consequently th»
attitude of the Indi.m has been mor< oo long us they have enough to eat, a de-
ce-ui cuat or dress lo wear and a little
pronouncedly hostile within the past few
money lo spend; but there are «jther peo­
weeks than it has been subsequent to
Not Affected by Age.
constituted diiiercutly, who waul to
the war.
go uhtaid in lhe world, and who are try­
epecimenB of Royal Baking
On the close of the Modoc war th»
ing in vain to do so by raising wheat at Powder that have been kept on the shelf
promise was made tho settler that the In­
©1.20 per hundred pouuds.
of a groct ry btore for ten years were re­
dians would be restricted to the Klam­
Compare Ims county with others that cent ly tested by I’rofesBor Scbedler of
ath reservation, and on tho strength ol
adjoin 1U Is it interior to any ol the.“«' New York, for the purpose of measuring
this promise whites again t»x>k up land,
in soil, climate or natural resources? Not the loss of strength they had undergone.
brought in their herds of horses and
al all. lie v.diey is every whit as fertile It was fount! that although the powder
cows, ami it is estimated that the assess­
.is mat in wlneu lies the city ot ban Jus«“, had been exposed to atmospheric change*
ments on Tule Lake now amount to
Stkj.tkkl, representing in the neighbor­ ns inuuntaiuH and looUuns are just as during all ihat time—for it was not in
v.du.iuie as muse that he to the north air-tight cans—its loss of raining power
hood ot d.OUi) horses, cattle and mules,
lo me suum of us, and which are held or strength was lees than one per cent,
and taking into consideration the houses
at so much higher pn«'ea jx-r acre tbun the [xjwder being practically as good ns
and various agricultural implements,
lb»- people are t-ixed to the tun»* of 5IIM,- uuiH. v\e cmi raise everyUuug here that the day it was put up.
This is a most valuable quality in a
il nl. I be ran -lies extend over thirty-two cmi be raised ubuui bun dose or Fr«»>'uo.
w e ure uueriur to these localities m no baking ]x>wder, one which few posseos.
miles, and the settlements are scattered
reep<x*t. let contrast the actual rot urns Most ixrwders if not used when first made
troiu one to three mil»*« apart, having a
of the above-named counties per acre are found to be ineffective. If kept even a
population of forty-seven men and forty-
with those of this county. Hun»tred8 of few weekw they lose their leavening power,
two women and children. Cattle raising
acres mere ure yielding from 8200 to 8400 become lumpy or caked, and valueless.
is the main occupation, and the exigencies
per acre net, each year. In San Benito This is parUclarly the case with ‘‘broad
of the cattle business require that the
county identically the same land is yield­ preparations" or baking powders made
uii'ii shall for the most part, of the time
ing but 810.60 per acre. How can this from phosphates.
lx* away from home. It is not uncom­
profit lx? lucreaetsl mid made to compare
Thin superior keeping quality in the
mon for the women and children to lx*
arises from the extraordinary-
left entirely alone for a week at a time.
To put. tho matter as plainly as possible, answer is, by doing as they did; by care in its manufacture, and scientific
the Government never kept faith with changing <>nr industries. Distend of rais­ principles eniploped in its combination
tho s»'ttl<*r, for the Indians never wen* re­ ing wh«*ut, barley or hay, engage in some The articles used in its composition are
other industry.
What the industry thoroughly dried by heat before being
st rioted to the reservation.
l he explanation of this is as follows: should be depends on circuinstiuiccp. compounded, and are bo prepared and
When the Modoc war was fiercest cer­ borne land is fit lor one thing, other land coated as to prevent the action of the
tain Indians tendered their services as lor something els«*. Some land will raise acid upon the alkali prematurely, or ex­
allies. Their offers were accepted. grapes txt ur than any thing else, other cept under the influence of heat or water
These worthless adherents were paid SI laud ptxwhes, other laud pears, other necessarily use»l in cooking or baking.
The Royal Baking Powder is now used
a day ami were siipplietl with arms and I apricots, mui so on. But of one thing
in Australia, Africa,and other
ammunition. When the ringleaders were
captured they made the taunt: “You ty can yiehi a far greater profit per acre low latitudes, where it has lxx*n fonud to
thought yourselves very clever, didn’t than it y ields at present, and th«* time is be th»' only baking powder that will with­
you. in getting Indians to fight its? soon at. band when this increased pro tit stand the hot. and moist atmosphere
Well, they gave us the arms with which will lx* obtain«*«!, au»l obtain«*»! bv n without deterioration.
you supplied them." Then it was rem­ change of industry.
embered that their allies were always be­ 1
''fair Normal School'.
ing pursued and had generally to throw
sate th»* railread
Mountain <, non!
away their weapons in order to save their
company has selected the very charming
lives. It, was these Indians that tho
In commenting on the question of spot of Northern California upon which
Government permitted to live on the Stat«* appropriations for th«* support of to build a town, and from present up-
reservation. Thus, under the very nos»' Normal S<“h«xjls the Or* ¡/«mm»» of the tith Iiearances it will he a thriving little place
«♦.' the s»'ttlers, adjacent to their pastures, instant saj s: “There are several reasons
noted for its surroundings and its en­
close to their dwelling-houses, have why th«* ;qipealH from Monmouth or other terprising people, and the institutions
sprung up the wigwams of the Indians, so-eallixl Normal Schools should lx* re- they propose to establish. Th»* new
whose audacity increases with th« ir num­ j«x“ted. First, th»* genera! primuple <»f
pliu*<* is call«*»! Sisson's, after on»* of the
bers; who hunt game in th»* grazing Stat«* support of Normal scluxils is w rong.
fields, and who, when weary with tin* It is no more the business of th»» State to earliest pioneers of Siskiyou county.
Work will lie commenced at once to
chase’ stalk into the houses and demand «*ducate teachers than to «“ducate lawyers
erect the buildings necessary for the
rather than ask for f<x»d. Th«* condi­ or d«x“tors. It is quite as important that
tion of affairs to-day is precisely the same our luxlies lx* well care«l for and that our town, w hich in to spring up in a short
time. Alrea»ly a turntable lias l»een con­
as when the Modoc war broke out on laws be wisely nuulo and administere»l as
November 29, 1872, with, perhaps, th«* that we be well taught. If Normal st ructed, a huge water tank is building,
and in a f<*w montliH the freight house
slight difference that the Indians of that Schools are n<xx»8ary for the produ<*tion
day were nomadic, while the Indians of of efficient teachers (a proposition which aiul depot, and a large two-story hotel
will be put up by the company. Grounds
t4*-«lay tiles a pre-emption or homestead, we ar«* inclined to doubt) tli«*y will «“real«*
have also lieen reserved for a public park.
raist's a wigwam, locates his ravenous ami sustain themselves, just as the schools Next
spring a large roundhouse and ma­
brood, mounts his pony, slings his rille of law and medicin«* do.”
chine shop will lie ere« “ted. It, will lie
across his back, starts out to kill a d«*eror I
The reasoning of tlie Oitgonion is fal­ necessary to have establishments of this
i white man’s cow, according to the tick­ lacious, and, if carried to an ultimatum
kind, in order that engines and cars may
ling of his palate. The Indians are en­ would argue that the public school bvb - lx* repaired, if they are damaged while
couraged in their vicious propensities by tem itself is a mistake. If it is no mon* the i
going over the numerous IsMivy grades
th it class of white m»*n who are generally duty of the State to educate teachers lM*tw»*een Bedding and the Oregon line.
Known as "squaw men,” renegades who than to educate lawyers, it is then no
Sisson's is a central [mint.
n ive forsaken their countrymen and have more duty of tlie State to educate its i
taken np with the Indi, ns to indulge to 1 youth, than to caro for its sick free of
Two Valuable Invention's
n unlicensed extent their bestial ap­ I eharg«“, or bear tlw* exp» nses of a client
(Yreka Journal.)
in paying his attorney. Teachers are the
As a further evidence of the manner in servants of tho State, and paid by the
Mr. Geo. H. Chick, of this city, has in­
which th»* Government has kept faith State, to conduct a system of schools un­ vented a silver plate for apron to battery
with thesettlers, it permitted four months der the direct control and care «if th«* of quartz mill, with me tall io chambers
igo seven Modoc Indians who took an State. If the wants of all the sick wore that causes tho plate to attract gold and
ictive part in the nmssacre of JNoveinlier. i attendtxl to at a public hospital Biistain«*«l silver, as a magnet will attract iron.
H72. to return here from th»* Indian Ter- ‘ at public ex[x»nse, it would then become Sulphurate and iron will pass over
ritory, an»l one of their number—tho no- , «xpially tho duty of tin* State to «“ducate the plate without adhering to it.
tortous Long Jim it is reported is using its pliysicians, and th«*reby niak«* them uh The metallic chamliers can be at­
his earnest endeavor to again stir up comp» t» nt and eflici«*nt as possible. As- tached to old plates with same result,
war. lb* has made frequent IxKists to Hiinxlly. an appropriation for maintenance and cause no loss to those having them.
the sett hrs that "I«ost river i« his conn- ! I of »me or mor»* Normal Sch<x»ls in th»* Below this plate are a set of silver plated
try. and that ho and his frieo»ls int m 1 Stat«*, would 1 h * much wiser and mor»* riffles, with pockets for quicksilver and
occupy it.” Gue of Long Jim’s first prodit» tive of good than the appropria- amalgam, which is kept in active motion
visits was to Mrs. Louisa B»xldv, vvlios»- t ions that have hitherto Ixt n made to t h«* by water passing through perforated
i hu.'ban»!, two sons an»l son-in-law were Manon county fair and other institutions pilH-s. Quicksilver or amalgam cannot
inur»l»T»'»l by Long Jim .' fnends in th»* «.“»pinlly reprehensible.
pass th»? riffles no matter bow great the
trouble, and <>n asking on»* «»f his fri»*nds
We sincerely hope that, iust»*a»l of fol­ pressure of water. This invention is also
if h»* had experion»-»*»! any difficulty m lowing the advice <»l the Orc'/oatan, the valuable tor placer mining as well as
g« tting away from the Indian Territory, legislature at its m*xt sessiou will estab­ quartz mining, and from an examination
* whither they had Ix-cn transported, “Ou lish a complete syst« tn of Nonnal Schools of Ixith inventions as shown us by the
, no." replied tho redectneil murderer; we and make ample appropriations for their miniature models, wo are inclined to the
1 na»l fnends in the Church.” The pardon support.
belief that they cannot fail to prove prac­
ofLougJim is a travesty of justice.
tical. The inventions will soon 1» placed
J Ixng Jim and eight rn»*u kill«*«! Hettiers
the market, and no charge will lie made,
A correspon<l»“iit at Malone, N. Y., says
1 nanusl Miller. Chris. William Brotherton
if they fail to perform the work claimed
I and his two boys, Rufus and William;
In- the inventor.
’ also one Alexander nnd John Sanver. proaching a stat«* of physical <*oUapse,
Th»'.vth»n attacked Brotherton's house, an<l it is nowon the lips of gossip that
What a Wife Said.
i md Mrs. Brotherton sustained a whole* i bis »lecline 1 i ; ih lx*“n h;ist«“ii«xl by the use
: lay ' h siege. He was recognized by Mrs. of opiat«“B taken to induce sleep. Tlie
Simply this and nothing more;
correspondent says details of the total
Brotherton an one of th»* most re»l-handed i <x»rresp«»n<lent
It came from T. K. Bolton’s store;
of the murderers, seeing him kill John i collapse of Wheelor are sad and painful
H as proved to be a perfect cure,
Sanver lx*fore her house. To tin* surprine
Pleasant tasting, safe and sure.
of every old settler Long Jim returned
That Gum Tree (Eucalyptus) cough Syrup.
last July, arrayed in »luilish clothes, su­ ’ mains that the once strong and aggressive
T K Bolton <t co would call the atten­
! percilious an»l insolent.
He visite«l the political leader is now a wreck of human­ tion of their friends and the public to this
country around, he call'll ou th»“ ranchers,
excellent preparation, made in AuHtraliu
an 1 if the farmers were at the table eat­ cian does not attend and assist the suffer­ and San Francisco, California, from the
leaves of a peculiar vinety of the Euca­
ing h<? seated himself ami called for a er t<> procure a semblance of sleep.
lyptus or blue gum tree of Australia. It
knife ami fork. If his visit was of a tem­
('all in an»l examine sample of maple Ims no sickening property to disturb the
porary nature lie lx*gge»l to lx? excused
stoiuacb. and is nioit reliable for curing
sy rup at Geo. H. Currey’s.
i in offering a gloved hand.
coughs, colds, «ore throat, whooping cough,
i'll»* re»“orils show that Long Jim was
King of Soaps at the Red House, per bronchitis, croup and any tendeucy to con­
one of the eight Modocs imlieted for box 8l.o<).
sumption. Sold by
T K B olton .
City Drug store, agent for Ashland
mur»ler by th»* Grand Jury of Jackson
— —
Choice comb honey at Clayton <k
county in 1872. Mrs. Louisa Bodily
by Billings. *
" rote to th»? Indian Bure«” and asketl