TIDINGS ASHLAND ASHLAND ASHLAND ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING** W. H. LEEDS. Eriitor and Publi.Ii.r. TIDINGS Terms of Advertising: LJWAL. One nuuiiru, first insertion....................... uQ Each Addition««! insertion........................ Local Notices, per line.............................h>c Regular advertisements inserted 1 ¡lierai terms. Jn. copy, one year ........................... •* six months........................ “ “ three months.................... Club Kates, six oopi»« for............... Tertna. in advance. Change or Baseball Rules. MERCANTILE Geo. B. Currey, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ASHLAND, OREGON. Will »tier'll to Cit.«es in the court« of Oregon, render advice xml prepare papers in the set­ tlement nt estate». make applteation« for paten’» under the V. R. mining law», and may be consulted on all matters pertaining to «.overninent lauds. School and h* " aiup land» and claims against the f. S for scr- vice» or lo«»e.< OFFICE—Mam «tree». township plats on file in the office. The Royal Baking Powder Declared Superior to all Others. J. T. Bowiitch, Attorney and Counsellor at Law ASHLAND, OREGON. The lact that Royal Baking Powder is, in all respects, thp Lest baking powd« t olleietl to the public lias been established beyond question. Prof. H. A. Mott, when employed by the U. S. Govern­ ment to analyze the various baking powders of the market to determine which was the best and most economical, after an extended investigation, reported in favor of the Royal, and it was adopted for government use. Prof. Mott has continued his examinations of baking powders sold at the present day. and now affirms it as his deliberate judgment, arrived at aftermost thorough research and a careful examination of rhe principal brands of the market, that the Royal is undoubtedly th«- purest and most reliable baking powder ottered to the public. Prof. Mott, in his recent report, says : “The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I have so found it in many tests made both for that company and the U. S. Government. “I will go sti’l further amt state that, because of the facilities that company have lor obtainin'.'- perfectly pure cream ol tartar and for other r< a n» In Men’s and Boys’ Winter Clothing. PLANO, ORGAN and GUITAR 1 To a limited number of pupil» outaide her college class. Re» id. nce at Mr. A. G. Kockfellow ’» on Church street. I I'LRNISHIXG GOODS, HATS, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc., Etc. I A. L. Willey, Thet>e goods are all of the best quality and most desirable patterns, and CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. will be offered at astonishingly low prices for CASH ONLY- A shland , O regon . Young Men's Nobby Check Suits.............. .......... 318 00 “ “ “ Red Mixed Suits ... .......... 16 oo Men’s All Wool Plaid Suits................ .......... 14 oo “ Fine Black Diagonal Suits........ .......... 20 00 “ “ Cork Screw Cutaways. . . .......... 20 00 “ Silk-Lined Chinchilla coats and vests............ .......... 20 00 “ Heavy Brown Check Suits, new and stylish. ............ 12 00 Boys’ Suits, all kinds............................ 82 00 upward Fine Line Men's Light Weight Overcoats . Men’s All Wool Underwear, per suit . ... . 82 CM) to 4 00 Men’s KBit Underwear................................. .......... 50c to 1 (X) Boys’ Knit Underwear .............. . ................ .......... <50c to 75 Men’s and Boys’ Overshirts, all styles—cotton and woolen A Fine Line Navy Blue Overshirts, extra sizes................... o 50 Men s Joisey Overshirts—the boss for winter ... ............ Heavy Cotton Sr.......................................... 1 00 Fine White and Percale Shirts a s|»eci»ilty .............. Fancy Neckwear in ne a and novol patterns. .,50c to J 00 Boots, 12 cases received this week, per ¡»air............ ..83 00 up Boy»' Bouts............................................................................... . .82 .">0 up ?<«?• Don’t fail to examine our stock of Men s Shoes. * prepared to give estiniates. to fnrni*L mate­ rial. and complete all kind» ot building» IN OB OIT OF TOWN on reasonable terms. All work warranted to give »aUtfaction. ■HOP— on Mechanic street, over Youlu A. Gil­ roy'« store-boule and office. !l(M0 m . 1. m ' call . P. B AMMON D, Hammond & McCall, HEAL - ESTATE - AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, Ashland, Oregon. Loan« negotiate«!. Fn>p« rt> bought au«l >o!«l; collections atteu k«i t»> Abstracts of title fur­ nished. f^*Htirveylng of all kite!- «¡iti-fa« torily aud promptly done. YOURS TRULY. J We otfer for »ale the following de-» rit«c«i real property. FM&] The Hargadiue property, ooniusting of very desirable town lots, improved and un­ improved; and fanning lands and atock ranohes tn sizes to suit purchasers, np to tiOOO acres; h I ho , ohnson ’ s B lock , Ashland, Or. 0. H. BLOUNT, Clothier & Hatter. A Goon S tt ■ K ancr . OfiO acres, six miles East of Ashland—good for summer or win tar range. T wrnty ----------- DEALER C. W. AYERS, i wr Will make estimates and bids on all buildings, public or private, nnd furnish all material, plans and specidcations for the construction of the same. CASH ! CASH. ! Buv CASH BUYERS, Govern Yourselves Accordiuily. i-t?“General shop work done in short •rder. JAMES THORNTON, I-«F* III work gaaranteed to be first-class, nnd of Intent designs. AN tffECTUtt SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Conitipatlon. Hick Headache. Nan»ea, DvapepMla, Biliouttness, •Jaundice« _____ Colic, Mental Depre*«lon, Howel Complaint«, Etc., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the u^e of Million« of Bottles as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE 8AFE TO TAKE IN AN y ’ c ONDITION OF THE SYSTEM! J. H.ZEILIN & CO., raorxiBTOKs, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICE, SI.OO. E. V. CARTER Cashier The Bank of Ashland. WHITE and COLORED BLANKETS OREGON. M m Lil S for «nd IS A" pump on U.so--- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Io 16 JOHN RALPH ptiblic that he ha« hi« SHOP New the railroad depot iu Plain and Fancy Cassimei'es, Flannels, Hosiery, Etc Oregon, OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING MADE to ORDER. Where be is pre par to «io all work in hie line at short notive and in the best manner. H0-50J TIVER, I KIDNEYS, 1--------- and BOWELS. w. n atkin ' os President. Wooden Water Pipe ! REPAIRING DONE at Short Notice. £YMDTniMft> Bitter ur bad taste tn mouth; 01 Iflr I UIVIQa t«,ngue coated white or covered with a brown fur . pain in the back, sides, or i Mats—often mistaken f r Rheumatism; sour st«»mach; 1 o * n of appetite; sometimes nausea and waterbraNh, nr indigestion; flatulency and acid »•rnCi.it’.ons; bowels alternately costive and lax, heatiache; ’« ** of memory, with a j ainful scnNati n of having failed to do something which ought t» have been doiu . debility; low spirits ; a thick, yellow appearance cf the skin and eyes ; a dry cough ; fever ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty and high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. Vice President. President. Manufacturer of Ashland, LIVER tuwitiionrnicocc E. K. ANDERSON M c M1LIÆN. WAGON FOR iolx MTSt air building a specialty. Rv'ddunuu .cur ünfailuigSjecific For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. J^^Saah, Doors and Mouldings on baud and for sale at lowest rates. : • I HE GREAT It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the TABLE WARE AND CROCKERY. Shop on First Avenue, near Main St. ISHL.MND, -VuJta_ 1» generally used in lhe South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. in --------- Groceries and Provisions Architect and Builder 13. K Magnetic soap takes the lea«l Geo. H. Currey, sole agent. ♦ Fresh and complete st«x'k of staple and fancy groceries at the R«xl House. * (PURELY VEGETABLE) Successorio Hunsaker & Dodge, own. MANUFACTURER AHU WOOOWORttR. Printed stationery at lowest rates at the T idings office. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR AcUbn ot good w«H»d land near Office .«lid Sales Rooms in Masonic Building, | W. U AlKlNdl». Secretary and Genera) Manager r The committee appointe«! to revise the national rules of the baseball game met at Chicago last week and made the follow­ ing changes: The high ami low ball system of deliv­ ery has l>een abolished, any ball now be­ ing considered fair that passes th«' bat­ ter between his shoulder and knee, ami that ¡tasses over the plate. Bunting in future will not be allowed. Any obvious attempt to mak«' a foul hit will Lie scored I as a strike. Clulis will not toss for choice position in future, the right of choice resting in­ I variably with tlio home club. Five balls ami four strikes will lie al­ lowed. instead of six balls ami three strikes, as heretofore. When a batsman I takes liis base on balls he shall lx* credi- te«l with a base hit. Any motions what­ ever on the part of pitcher made to deceive t the batsman shall be considered a balk. If in running to a base the runner touches anti detaches a base bag, with­ out lieing touched by the baseman, he will be safe. Captains of clubs only can question an umpire’s «lecision. The old rule requiring a runner to re­ turn to his base on a run when a foul hit is made was rescinded. Hereafter a run­ ner can walk to liis base. No runner can have a substitute run for him in ease of injury, but must retire from the game. A batter is out on the fourth strike, under the new rule, whether the ball is dropped or passed by th«' catcher. The question of having two umpires ami a referee was dropped. The pitcher’s box was shorten« I to live and a half feet, and the pitcher will l>e required to keep his forward foot firmly on the ground when alwiut to deliver the ball. His rear foot must bo on the back line of the box, ami he will be allowed to take but one step when delivering the ball. The ball must be held in plain view of the umpire. The pitcher cannot deliver tlio ball to th«» batter after mak­ ing a feint to throw to first base, but must resume his position in his lx>x. Only two coaches will be permitted, and they shall have a right to talk to the base runner only. In scoring, when a batter is given a base on ealle«l balls, a hit is credited to the batter, and an error given to the pitcher in the summary only. All bat­ ting errors are charged in the Nummary, as are earned runs, home runs, two ami three base hits, double plays, base on balls, hit/Jby pitcher, passed balls, wild pitches, time of game, mid umpire. The pitcher will be given no credit for a strike out. In place of total bases a re- cord of stolen bases will be kept, Any attempt made by a player to steal a base must be credited, whether an error is made or not, if the runner is successful in reaching a base. The committee also passed a rule re- «¡luring each association to ap point a joint rule committee at each annual meet­ ing. to act for one year. All kinds of lumber for sale at bottom prices. W. G. T anner , Ashland. x upon Job Printing Of all de-jcriptions done on short notice Legal Blanks. Circulars, Businem Cards Billheads. Letterheads. Potters, etc., got ten up in g«x>d style at living prices. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 188G PKOFESSIONAL CABD8 AND 1 50 LOCAL. Terms ot Subscription: PHYSICIAN TIDINGS TRE IKOQLOl* CLIO, The Annual Bau<|u«*t— I rmulnt nl Democrats In tt tenda lice. i Chicago, Nov. 17. The fourth annual banquet of the Iroquis club occurretl to­ night at the Palmer house. Among the large number of «listinguished deni«x‘rats to whom invitations hail lieen sent the following are the mot>t widely known who tcceprixl and were presimt: Hon. John G. Carlisle, Hon. J. B. B« « k, Hon. Ed­ ward S. Bragg nnd Hon. «1. Sterling Morton. The following letter of regret was re­ ceived: E xecutive M ansion . i W ashington *. N ov . 12. 1886. \ Edward Forman, Esq.. Corresponding Secretary: .V// Dear Sir: I regret ex- ceedingly that official duties, just at this time unusually exacting and important, pK ont my acceptance of your invitation to attend the fourth annual banquet of the Iroquois club on the 17th inst. I am much impressed with the present import­ ance of a thorough and timely discus­ sion by the people of the various ques­ tions which arc related to the good gov­ ernment and prosperity of the country, and which, because they are so related, concern the welfare and s’tccess of the democratic party. In the work winch must be undertaken of presenting these questions to the judgment of our citizens in such a manner as to remove misappre­ hensions and aid a correct conclusion, I believe that the Iroquis club will prove a most effective instrumentality. Hoping that the approaching banquet will be the occasion of pleasure as well as interest and usefulness, I am yours sincerely, G koveb C leveland . Among other prominent persons who sent letters of regret are AbramS. Hewitt, S. S. Cox. Roswell P. Flower. William M Endicott, Perry Belmont, Governors D. H. Hill and Fitzhugh Lee, A. G. 'Thur­ man and Fitz-John Porter. After the banquet, nt which Itetween 200 and 250 guests and members of the club sat down, the following toasts were made and responded to as indicated: “Treasury Surplus and Tariff." Hon. J. B. Beck: “The Public Lands, the People’s Heritage for Homes," Hon. \V. A. J. Sparks; “The Great Republic.” Hon. W. W. Fuller; “The President of the United States,” Hon. Edward S. Bragg; "Mon­ opoly shall not Rule," Hou. J. Sterling Morton; Sanctity of the American Home, the Safeguard of American Liberty, ” Hon. Janies R. Doolittle; "Democratic Party,” L. J. Kinue; “Young Men in Polities," Hon. F. W. Lehman; "Ameri­ can Industries, their Growth and Pros­ perity cannot lie Promoted by Unneces­ sary or Unequal Taxation.” Hon. John G. Carlisle. CARLISLE ON TARIFF I to do that, and I am afraid it has not, rather than have the money locked up, the appropriations increased, or extrava­ gant premiums paid, I shall projxise, lx*- fore this congress adjourns, to loan the surplus at say 2 ¡>er cent, ¡»er annum to any one who will deposit th? outstanding 4’2 per cent, bonds of the United States as security, apportioning the amount loaned in the tiret instance among the states in proportion to the population, ami authorizing either party to cancel the transaction by giving the other six months’ notice. If the citizens of the several states do not take this proposi- tion, I would, after ninety days, make it free for all. Some lietter ¡»lan to get the money restored to circulation may lx* suggested. If any of you can do it 1 hope you will. I have no pur[x>se except to keep the surplus in uae till we can pay our debts ami avoid paymeot of exor- bitaut premiums, the making of extrava- gant appropriations, or worse thau all kx'king up in our vaults the people’s money. All we need is removal of un­ necessary and unjust burdens. The man- hotxl ami muscle of our people will soon secure our supremacy.” SI’AKKS ON THE PVBL1C DOMAIN. ; REFORM. John G. Carlisle of Kentucky. R|*eaker of the house of representatives, made the leading address of the evening. The toast to which he responded was “Ameri­ can Industries; their Growth and l’ros- lierity Cannot be Promoted by Unneces­ sary or Unequal Taxation.” Although the toast asserted a self-evident truth, began Carlisle, we cannot afford to ignore the fact that even in this age of philo- s >phic speculation and practical knowl­ edge there are men in the front ranks of literature, polities anil business, who se­ riously contend thai the government can make its citizens rich and prosperous by taxing them. All taxatiou, Carlisle de­ clared, no matter how it may be disguised or in what manner its payment may be enforced. is ultimately a charge upon labor. He emphatically stated that sub­ stantial equality in adjustment of rates of taxation, and uniformity in the desig­ nation of articles upon which it shall be imposed, are not only attainable but es­ sential. Under the present system of taxation for protective purposes, a few ; have become very rich, but many have become poor, and the gulf between lux­ ury and penury is growing wider and deeper day by day. But with the power 1 of taxatiou exercised only for the pur­ pose of raising revenue for the support | of the government, principles of sub- I stautial equality and uniformity can lx* I recognized and enforce«!. Carlisle conclude«! in the following I words: “No matter who may desert or , who may falter, the great fight for reform j will go on. This country does not belong to either mon®i»oly or communists, and the people will save it from Ixith. The people, in spite of all combinations and conspiracies, will ultimately see that true principles of justice and equality prevail in the legislation of the country. Even to prevent a continuance of long-prevail­ ing, existing and constantly increasing evils, they will not rush from one extreme to another, but will proceed carefully, de­ liberately and resolutely to correct in­ equalities and remove unnecessary bur­ dens ami open the paths that lead to peace and prosperity. While free trade is impracticable, industrial ami commer­ cial emancipation can and will be accom­ plished by wise and moderate measures of reform, without interfering with any private enterprise or injuring any public interest. To this some of ns at least are irrevocably ¡Hedged, not only by the tra­ ditions and declarations of the political party to which we belong, but by a sense of personal and official duty which can­ not be disregarded without betraying the confidence repost'd in us by the people. Whether in public or in private life I shall stand by that pledge, and to the ex­ tent of niv abilities ami opportunities contribute in every way to the early and complete triumph of revenue reform." W. A. J. Sparks, commissioner of the general land office, in speaking upon "The Public Lands, the People’s Heritage f«»r Homes,” gave his views upon the ,»r«q»er policy to be pursued by the govemment in regard to each class of public lands. He referred first to lands that ha«l been granted to railroads. He held that while the obligations of the government, as far as incurred, must be carried out, the ef­ fects of this doubtful and mistaken land grant legislation must not lie so magni­ fied that, while requiring of the govern­ ment a strict compliance with its part of the contract, the corporations shall be al­ lowed unlimited license to violate theirs. It was true that it takes two parties to tnak«? a bargain, and it was equally true that failure of one party to a contract is release of the obligations of the other. He was ¡»repared to say that in grants amounting to 110,000,000 acres there lias been no such com|»liance with the law by the companies as binds the government to any legal obligation in resp«>et to granted lands. By the Northern Pacific railroad alone nearly 40,000,000 acres ot the people's heritage for homes were lx*- ing unjustly withheld. An act should be passed declaring forfeiture of grants, it only to the extent of the portions of um constnicted roads at the time fixed by law for tlieir entire completion. Such an act, while a measure of partial justice only, would yet be of incalculable benefit by restoring to the p«x>plc for settlement an«l free homes not less than seventy millions of acres, and would leave th« companies, at the average price of lands, more than enough to meet the légitimât« cost of the entire construction of then roads. Great laml grants to private» individ­ uals, Commissioner Sparks said, wen nearly all made for colonization purposes, and are not binding unless the contlitions involved have been complied with. His characterization of these grants was al­ most equally sweeping as that of railroad lands. The manner in which existing laws operate in regard to swamp lands, pre-emption, homestead, timber culture and «lesert lanils. wa^insparinglv con­ demned by the speaker. Before resuming bis seat. Commissioner Sparks briefly re­ viewed his course in office, and «leclared that his office had been directed solely to the ¡»revention of illegal control oi lands, recovery of those fraudulently held to which title has not yet been passed, and to protection of lauds for actual set­ tlement an«l Ix'uefitof actual inhabitants. Mammoth Chee*«-. New York Timc‘ 'L’homas J. Lipton, of Glasgow , who is saiil to lx» the most extensive retail pro­ vision dealer in tlie worlil, lieing th«1 pro­ prietor of over thirty stores iu Great Britain, is awaiting a big consignment from New York in the shape of fifteen monster cheeses that are now on tlieir way over the respond to the momentous toast. the fellow who makes this king of all “The Treasury Surplus and the Tariff.” I the fruits f^arce this year. You may say He declare«! that needless taxation had what you please alx»nt oranges and other brought on our troubles. The surplus citrus fruits, but the apple is the stand­ revenues of the government were pro­ ard and the boss. And next year there duced by excessive taxation ami can only will lx« another apple scarcity and per­ lie stopped by reduction of taxes. “We haps famine if the codlin moth is not en­ cannot l«x'k up hundreds of millions in ergetically proceeded against this winter, the treasury without bankrupting the anil if the hostile work is not kept up un­ people by depriving them of their circn- til th«? blossom conies upon the trees in ASHLAND, OGN. ; lating medium. God knows our appro- the spring. And all must join in killing Transacts a General Banking Busine s i priations are extravagant enough now. th«' moth. A dozen neglected trees in a I ami surely we ought not to buy bom Is not bouse lot will keep the codlin moth alive, Interest allowed « n Time Deposits. due at any premium the holders may de- and from neglected trees the insect des­ Collections made at all accessible points "U fa­ | mand therefor. Nothing remains that I truction will spread to all orchards. vorable terms. Sight eXi'tiMUEv Htid telegraphic transfers sol«i can see except to reduce taxes to the There should be organizations, or at least oil Portland Frntn i«« o and New York. (¡•jld duit bvV'jht at standard prices. I point needed for the wants of thegovem- an understanding, in thi6 fight against | meat. If oetigrese U-ia not bcuae enough i the fnrilin moth- DEATH Ot ARTHUR. DOUBLE HOMICIDE. N ew Y ork . Nov. 18.—Ex-President Chester A. Arthur di«xl at his home in this city at 5 o’clex'k this morning. The news of his sudden death came as a gTeat surprise. Not witlislaniling the alarming rumors as to liis health during the Hum­ mer months, a sui»j»s«'d improve­ ment in his condition was noted during i his stay in New London, Conn., and the I apparent confidence expressed by friends | who remained close to him create«l the impression that liis health had been radi­ ■ cally improved, giving him promise of a new lease of life. His disease was olio af­ fecting his kidneys, ami those near him ha«l uo faith in his recovery; but his sud- d«-n demise was not spoken of. He l»egan : to sink shortly after midnight, and at 3 o'clock it was known that death was ap- | preaching. He passed away without ap- . parent pain. ! Arthur’s death was unexi>ected. it be- ing not suppose«l outbid«' of his house I that he was in any immediate danger. As s«xm as the news was ma«ie publi«* many flags on public and private build­ ings were plai.'ed at half-mast. Arthur hail lived at 123 Lexington avenue for twenty years or more. A stroke «»f cere­ bral apoplexy, sudden, but not wholly unexi>ected by the attending physicians, terminated his life. The 6troke came in liis sleep, between Tuesday night and We«lneeday morning, and he «lid not rally thereafter, liis death was painless, the slow going out of a burned ilown candle, and for hours before the end came he was unconscious to his surroundings. His son and daughter, his sister, his former partner. Sherman W. Kuevals, and his closest friend, were at his bedside. All reports to the contrary, notwithstand­ ing. Mr. Arthur’8 health was not improv­ ed during his stay in New London, an«l on his return, October 1st, he was no bet­ ter than when he left the city. As time pa**e«l there was no permanent improve- m«»nt and the physicians feared some such sudden stroke as the one to which lie succrtmbed. In his enfeebled condi­ tion even a light stroke of apoplexy would prove fatal to the once robust patient. But with the beginning of the present week a marked change for the l»etter set in. Tuesday theex-l’resideut felt better and stronger than at any time since his illness, and commented hopefully on the fact. It was near midnight when his attendant left him alone in his bedroom, an«l noth­ ing was heard from him during the early morning hours. He was not disturbed until his attendant entere«! his room at 8 o’ckx'k yesterday morning. He found Mr. Arthur lying on his side breathing heavily, and could not rouse him. The family answered hi» summons, but failed to elicit any sign of consciousness or recognition from the ex-I’reeident. In alarm they summoned his physician, Dr. Peters, who has been in attendance upon Air. Arthur throughout his illness, and who ree|x>n«led promptly and at once saw that he was suffering from a stroke of cerebral apoplexy. A Binall blood vessel in the brain had buret, and paralysis of the right side ensued. From the moment i the iliscovery was made, all hope was known to be in vain, but no efforts were spareil to bring the patient back to con­ sciousness. They were all alike failure«. Mr. Arthur lay motionless and speech­ less all day. He knew what was goiug I on about him, for he pressixl his doctor's hand and put out his tongue when asked to do so, but be never spoke or gave any other sign of sonsciousness. Last night at 6 o'cltx'k the enfeebled pulse, more dif­ ficult respiration and other signs of phys­ ical failure imlieated to the watchful eyes of his physicians that the end was draw­ ing near. A change of course came on I rajtiilly. and his sisters anil children 1 gathered at his Itedsiile. Dr. Wm. Valen­ tine. Dr. Peter’s partner anil .Surrogate Hollins stayed with him «luring the night. 4 People Who Live in Tree*. ¡New York Sun.] Dr. I jouih Wolf, who made the sensa­ tional discovery a while ago that the Sankuru river afforded a more direct and more easily navigated route to ceutral Africa than the Congo, made anot her dis­ covery in the course of the same journey which was quite as remarkable if not so important. Ou the banks of the Lonami river, far toward the center of the conti­ nent, he says he found whole villages that were built in the trees. The natives, partly to protect themselves from the river when in Hood, and partly to make it more difficult for their enemies to surprise them, build their huts on the limbs of the trees where the thick foliage almost completely hides the structures from view. The inmates possess almost the agility of monkeys, and they climb up in or descend from their little houses with astonishing ease. It is believed they are the only Africans yet known who live in trees. In Borneo some of the natives are said to live in trees, and Mr. Chal­ mers in his book on New Guinea, tells of of a number of tree houses that he visited on that Island. These huts, which are built near the top of very high trees, are used for lookout purposes, or as a place of refuge for women and children in case of attack. They are perfect little huts with sloping roofs and platforms in front, to which exten«L« the long ladder, by means of which the natives reach the huts. Mr. Gill desenbss one of these houses which was used as a residence. He says it was well built, but that it rocked uncomfortably in the wind. .GruulS l’a.b Courier, Nov. 19. On last Fritlay evening just before 10 P. m .. news reached this city of a battle unto death which «xvnrred at the ranch of ol«l Indian “Umpqua J«je," about six­ teen miles down the river, between Joe and a greaser named Albert Pico, the son- in-law of J«Ae. The coroner re«|ueHt«xl Justice of the l’eact« John Gixxlell to go to the scene of the conflict an«l holil an inquest. Accordingly he in conipanv with Dr. Vandyke. Prof. B cubou , Rubt. S. Smith ami others started alxmt 10 o’clixik for Joe’s ranch, which they reached about three o'clock in the morning. After they had shouted, Pico's wife, leaving her in- fant anti another small child with the two null, came to the river and ferrie«! them across. U|x>n their arrival at the ranch, they found lxjth men dead. Pico had just bought a new Marlin rifle and a go«xl supply of whisky had licen obtained, which we understand the Indians got from Lee.bu'k. a Chinaman of thisphuN*. Thus stoek«-d up with glory the two men went out in the aftem«x>n to slioot at tar- get, after which they returned to the cabin and played a few games of cards. Altoul this time I’ieo ap|»eare«l to be very gouty an«i inclined to lx? mean, and, noticing the dogs after a inttle, lie got his new gun and went for the dogs killing lstl.ii of them at three sh«Jta. About this time it seems that Joe suspicioned that Pico had made up his mind to kill everything ou th«1 ranch, so he shot a load «»f bird shot out of his old yager aiul load«* I it with buckshot, he then shut and fast«;n«Hi th«? tloor with a chain. I’ieo soon returned iu a perfect state of frenzy, apparently bent on the destruc­ tion of everything lx?fore him, and find­ ing the door locked against him, he at­ tempted to force it open, when Joe told him to not come in but to go away and let him alone, to which he replied by smashing the door ked hitu all over and said: “Mr. Benedict is too busy to see printers out of work to-day.” Kenna was trifle amused, bnt the watchman's manner annoyed him, bo he prtxluced a card liearing the name of “John E. Kenna. West Virginia.” and ordered Pat to take it to his chief. He mx>n returned with the information that Mr. Benedict was engaged and could not see hnn. By this time Mr. Kenna’s pa­ tience ha«l completely «»zed out. He told the watchman to return at once and tell Benedict that “Mr. Kenna. a Senator from West Virginia, wished to see the public Printer on a matter of busmeM." There was a transformation scene in a second. Murphy fairly flew upstairs with visions of “instant discharge” float­ ing in front of his eyes. He came back Tlie Differenc«' Bt-tiicen Cook xn«l Wife. before Mr. Kenna realized that be had ¡Tvxa« Hitting».! gone, and in his most obsequious mode During the alxuence of Mre. Yerger, the showed the senator to Mr. Benedict's of­ cookiDg of Matilda Snowball had not fice. Ix-on giving entire satisfaction. Colonel Startling But True. Yerger said to the cook: W ills P oint . Texas. Dec. 1, 1H85. “Look here, Matilda, this kiu.l of After snfff-rinu for more than three year« c«x»king just simply ain’t going to do. ’ with di&ense of the throat and lungs, 1 got so low last spring I w«s entirely unable to "What’s dat you say?" anything, and my coagh was so bad I “I say your cooking ain’t worth a con­ do scarcely slept any at night, lly druggist, tinental. I don’t propose to pay you 815 Mr. H. F. Gixxlnight, sent me a trial bottle of D r . B okanko ' h U ouoh and L ttio S yrvp . a month to burn up niv victuals." I found relief, and after using six $1 hot “And I want to tell you sumfin’. Yer ties, 1 who entirely cured. J M W eldks . muan’t talk ter dis colored lady in dat Sample bottle 5 cis at Chitwood A Son's, b tone ob voice. I want yer to onderetand Gilmore’» Neuralgin Cure is a positive dat yer mustn’t talk ter me as if yer was eure for Neuralgin in the the face, aide and atomatb. For aale at the City drug ptore. udkw ter yer wife." » i