ASHLAND TIDINGS. x<>\ i : m bi i: t> lx«*. FRIDAY i Mli-t be BREVITIES. Boy’s underwear at Blount’s * Still the farmers haven't rain enough. Thanksgiving one week from yesterday. Slutting match next Tuesday and \\ «'«Ines«lay. I hie n« >t te«* i hi'ri'l»» gi». n thaï ail ac­ counts an i note» due te* umlersigni'd must I»' paid l»*forc Jan. 1st. Iss7; or • at Piiiit»xl stationery at lowest rates at that tini«' th«*.» will lx* pl <■>*<1 in t lie ban«ls tin* l'l 1>IN»1S offii*«». »>f an attorney for inim«*« diate <*olleetion. , Magnetic soap tak«« the lea«l ( reo. H. I must liave th«' mon«*» du« m«*, and can ♦ Currey, sole agent. I m ' oii \V*«; m : k . wait no longer. Ashland. Or.. Nov. 1!». K^’,. Mrs. J. I). Cnx'ker is teaching a privat« school at the college building. Turkey» lor Thank-giving. All kinds of lumber for side at Ixrttom Gillette A l’ayne will have a turkey prices. W. G. T anner , Ashlantl. X nh's.ting match on 1’iiewday ami W»xln«*s- »iay next, Nov. 23 < and 24. 21. Sh«x>t to take 1 he new Baptist church on Antelope place «m IL .R. JL grounds groiimls near the dejiot, creek was dedicattxl last Sunday. Ashland. Ill ......................... .. rest, o|>en Id.-'. I11 rods with Winninger in again in charge of sights. !> inch i circle; 1m y:arils off hand. open sight- •I im h circle; 22 cal. rifles to th»* I niou Hotel, near th«* depot. te* ’> * e JM-ep or glolie sights at F rush and <*oniplete st«x*k of staple and long rang»* fancy grix*eries at the Rtxl House. ♦ Just rce<'iv«*«l at (). H. Blount's, ldiloz fancy n».»*k scarfs. 50 cts. to 81.00. Old pajx'rs for sale at this office 50 cts. per hundred. Th»* cash purchaser of one dollar's Worth of gmsis at the R»*d Hotts»« gets An elegant, emlxxwixl chromo, 6xNinches. * i For Rent \ g.Mal dwelling house near flu Whit»* Sulphur Springs Hotel, For further particulars apply to W. H. Atkinson. The old favorite Morrison plow I the New Home sewing machine for at lowest figures for cash at R»xi I hardware store. A full stix'k of new gisxls jnst arrived at Fountaiu «<• Holmes’, consisting of tlress goods, ladies underwear, w»x>len hosiery .and staple dry gixxls too numer­ ous to mention. * U. S. Marshal F’rtish went out toKl/im- ath county Weiinesiiay to arrest *Den»*d by Mrs. J. D. ('roi'Ker. a com­ petent and thorough teacher. Ex-Sheriff A. S. Jacobs has bought of Thomas Sly the latter’s farm of l»5t) acres on Sticky; consideration. 8'2.s than when purchases were made in lesser quantities and were subj»x*t to heavier freights. HERE AND THERE. They have hail skating already out in Union county. It M. Sliely, the marble cutter, has re- sunitHl business at Mixlforil Miss Bertha Colton is teaching the pri­ vate sch(x»l at Rufus Cole’s station. A large uumlierof lx*ef cattle in Goose L'-tke valley remain unsold yet this fall. F. G. Burns, of Jixiephine county, will make 1,000 gallons of sorghum svruii this fall. ’ PERSONAL. CITY COUNCIL IIKM EEIJINGS. At Hti adjourned m«'eting of the Coun­ Isaac Woolf, of Aleslford. was in town ! cil of the City Of Ashland, count v of Yesterday. •te' kson. State of Oregon, held in hall on Henry Vinson came m from Bonanza ; th«* lath day of Novemlx'r. 1HS6 I again last week. Present, J. M. MoOall, Mayor; Abram (leu. Tolman has gone up to the Pino [ Bish. Dennis P»ut«-r, James Thornton. I Henry Judge, Councilmen. Creek mines again. I lie minutes of last preeixxliug mi'etmg Uapt. J. 1). Ferree returned to Klam­ wet" read ami approved. ath county this week. The Mayor submitted his annual mes­ H. J. O’Brien, of Dairy, was in after sage giving a statement of the financial I condition of the city ami recommending I Hour this week again. ! measures favorable to a sy stem of city J. B. R. Hutchings has returned from water-works for protection against fire his trip to Lake county. and such other measure« as would lx> J. A. Crawford, of Tule ___ _____ Lake, ____ has I to the city, after which he ap­ pointed the following stamling commit­ i lieen in the valley this week. tees for the ensuing year; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fountain returned I On Finance Bish and Porter. from Linkville last Friday. Sanitary Judge, Thornton anil Dr. J. Miss Amanda Goodyear is teaching H. Chitw«xxL Street and sitie walks -Porter and school at the Siskiyou toll house. Th» >rnt< >n. Miss Anna Anderson has returned Fire Com. Bish and Thornton, from her visit to Fort Jones and Yreka. On motion. ordered that a com _______ miti ee F. W. F .gelus. the painter, returned consisting of three members of the city yesterday from a trip down tw Redding. council and three citizens of the city lie appointed by the Mayor to examine into Dr. C. K. Smith, the physician at Klam­ ath Agency, was in Ashland bn a brief and report the best, ,*heapest and most feasible plan of const nn tiug a system »>f visit last week. water-works for protection against tire, Thos. Gravenor, resident agent of the etc., anil in acconiance with said motion Western Stage Co., started East last week th»' following were apj>ointe«l as such committee: to be gone about a month. A. Bish, J. Thornton, H. Judge. F. Ex-Congrossuiau Richard Williams cel­ Roper, A. Johnson, W. H. Atkinson. ebrated his .kith birthday anniversary at City Onlinance No. 31, to provide for hts home in Portland last Monday. the ordinary expenses of the city govern­ Marion Long, who arrived hero from ment for tin* v«*ar commencing Nov. 2d. Klamath county several wi-eks ago ill lbsi;, was reail and on motion lulopted. The report of the s‘r«s*t commissioner with fever, is convalescent, and able to was rea»l, adopted and placed on tile. I k » out. l'he official bomls of the recordiT, 1 Charley liarley Veghte Xeglitewho who has Ins his sheep sh»*ep in marshal and street commissioner wen* two htuiils on the Klauiath river range, read ami on motion approved and jilacixl makes ins head quarters at the Anderson on file. ferry. On motion ordered that the city treas­ Mrs. Albert Walker and children who urer be required to tile his official boml to have las'll in the valley for a month past, the amount of ten thousand dollars. The following lulls were read and on returned to Sprague river this week with motion referred to the finance com mitt««: Mr. W. B. R. Willits,clerk of electiou.... .$ 3 00 Charley Howard, who had lieen in Ne­ C. H. Gillette, " 3 00 vada since last winter, refiched home last John May, judge of eketion........ 3 (HI Saturday, and will spend the winter in M. L. Alford, treasurer.................. 1 3!) this valley. 2 00 i \\ m. Mayfield. sp«x*i;il police....... W. W. Nickerson and wife, who have E. Del’eatt, for legal opinion. ... 10 00 been in Ashland precinct for several W. G. Tanner, for lumljer. .. . . . 30 64 months, intend to start this week for San Total bills referred...................... .$53 03 Bernardino county, Cal. On motion ordered that the regular Wm. Taylor is laid up with au attack meetings of theboard of eoiincilmen lie of partial paralysis of the lower limbs, an ulllictioii which 1»« h is suffered occasion­ held on the first Monday of each month at 7 o’clock p, M. in McCall's Hall. ally for several years past. On motion adjourned to meet subject F. D. Cronemiller, who has 1 k * ou in to call of the Mayor. J. S. E ubank «, Union county for several months, re­ Citv Recorder. turned to this valley this week. I lie is now canvassing for the ll'cxf Short'. Excitement in Texas. WEATHER REPORT. Th»' following is the w«*ather report for th«* week ««nding Nov. 1H. 18S6. ¡is r«*j>ort- ed l>y F. Newman, of the U. S. Signal | Service, Ashland: Day of month 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tetnix'ratnre. Max. Minn. 62 57 51 45 55 52 43 .33 42 39 18 25 31 29 ' Rain fall Inch« -. .00 .Ho .00 .19 .no .00 ,02 The stix'k in Caro Bros.’s store at Rose­ burg is now living sold by the assignee, John Lane. A Good Beginning, The bam of «1. C. Gibbs, near Canyon­ ville. was destroy ed by fire alxiut ten days During the week we met J. H. Stewart, ago. children having set it afire. of Medford, Oregon. Two years ago Mr. S. came out from Illinois, and in elect­ H. J. O'Brien has hauled some 5O.tMM> ing a home visited about every section of lbs. of (lour into Klamath county from the Pacific. He determined to settle in Ashland and Pin»* Creek this season. Southern (Iregou, and among other things that he has done lie has now 1(1,000 fruit Th»> little town of Oakland has a little trees out. and will soon have out 5.000 paper, the Hutt rprixr, making four news­ more. But for som*> of the other things: papers m Douglas county as many as Hiis season he raised six watermelons .Jackson county has. R.'member the sh«x«ting match near the that aggregated l'.H! pounds. He on «1« pot luesday and M «xlnestlay. I'lit' S. P. D. .V L. Co., of Grant’s Pass, exhibition in the office of the Bo-.rd of uses a business card printed on a thin My«*r Bros, can show you th«* "boss” Immigration 12 ears of corn that weigh jii»*ce of native pine lumber, ent card size. squirrel ami gopher exterminator. 1« pounds. Two ears of corn raised by Au < r I i I and attr;u*tive advertisement. him weighiul 33.| pounibs, which knocks This powder n< i» r wart»*« A marvel of A large invoi»*e of te>ots and slax« r»*- out the Illinois record. Mr. Stewart is purity. MK'mtth ami wholesomene»«. More Says the Grant's Pass ( 'ourirr: "Last «'♦•iveil at t h«' 1 ’ioii«*er store this week. * econoinii'Hl than tin- ordinary kinds, nml can­ pleased with Oregon, ami lielieves his week t he Commercial Hotel caught fire, not In sold in i oiiipetition »»ith the multitude section will be the finest fruit country in and this we»*k a package of matches ig­ of In« te*-t *-liort «»¡L’ht alum or phosphate Peter Britt has sold the Tice farm near time, on the coast. \Jiurul Spirit. powders. Sold only in cans. K oval B a KINO nited on a shelf at Sherer «V Judson’s .Medford to (>. Harbough for P ow iieh C o ., ail street, N Y. Emery’s R«*iii<>val. almost a fir«'." Just What TIieA All S mj . Supervisor Devlin is improving the Dr. James Spenc»*, of Sucker creek, Emery, th«' pi«>u«s*r furniture roads in his district south of Ashland. Hmi. I>. I). Haynie of Salem. III--., say« says i.i- remov«xl his large stix'k to Ins Josephine county, has a carp pond on his lie uses Dr. Bosankos ( ough ami Lung place. If th»' fish do well the name of re r«»«m ou the northeast si«!«* of M'*mte-rs of the musical society ar»' re- Syrup in his family with the most satis­ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla works directly and the <*rlds —AM»— promptly, to purify and enrich th»> blood, to Carp creek. ¡'l.-n-.-d tu meet nil old and new and croup, and recommends it in particu­ l'he mercury was down to 2t) alxive improve the appetit»', and strengthen the ■■- in I show th«*tn his tim* assort- lar for the little ones. Sample bottle 5 cts W. S. Ladd nxtivered $ ho <) and costs at Chitwood . A C. R. R. in the U. S. court in the truest sense, an alterative nuiii- ing. I important ndditioiis to his stix'k Tin* iitiiiersi-’iieil having bought tin- bla<*k- at Portland this week for the killing of a «niitti -hop iiik I btiMiie-s of Covati High furniture and wall papers, and i 'l’lu-re will be a magnificent display of cine. Every invalid should give it a valuable Jersey »»w on th«' track mor»' ! trial. • i>. ■ r a-ortmeiit of g»xxi carp«*ts holiday g- .re all old and new <*u»toiner“ When »lie w.-w a Child, she cried fur Caatoria, Ashland will have the first roller mill many farmers in the valley about that birth of a baby iu that city which that I«' u ill -pare no i.aiu- to giv<* entire *atix- in Southern Oregon. Ashland is always place are still holding this year’s crop weiglaxl twenty-one pounds, and claims When »he Iwcaine Mie. »he clnnj to Caatona, faction in all kin!<»»! . Ashland, has been uppointeil a notary months, probably. heir r leluible to registeriof W. C. Th»' ltilxir organizations of Multnomah I public. alioiit a ye.d ago, "Jsiaomi's Brule th If jxuple trouble«! with colds, would county have nominated J. J. Kelley for mow p.i t..ofi»hs old, with which TI« uinter«igiieil will continu«* the tiUniiiers Ladies and gent’s rubbers and over- take Ayer's Cherry P»x*toral liefore going representative in the legislature, to till more th in pleas'd. A letter r»«*eiv of making xn.i repuiring wagon*, tntgric'., cte.. REI.K.IOI s NOTICKS. sli'H's at Hatfield A Herrin's boot and to church or places of entertainment, th»> vacancy caused by the resignation of iu th»* wagon shop connwte«! with the black­ Mr. Myer ftoin Mr. Miller this wis k they would avoid coughing, greatly to Surveyor General Taylor. shoe store. 1*1*. Esin tei . I an ! 'lie mil —I'riaihi tig morn­ smith shop. an.I will endeavor to give satisfa« •’Naomi i| doing nicely in furui the comfort ofspeakersand hearers. The Mr. F. M. Nickerson of (»rant ’ s Pass, ing iind evening i't the usual time. Sunday tion to all patrons as heretofore. For variety, quality and low pri«*es in Pectoral wonderfully increases the jiower us butter. We make from her a School at ». M W. W. KKN’TNOR deputy (¡rand Master, A. (). U. W., went ladies and childrens shoes, see Talent, and flexibility of the voice. butter we use, while licfore this, wit Ke» J. V. Milligan, pastor. out to Linkvill»' last Saturday to organ ­ Hopkins A C". ♦ fresh cows, we never made one-qi B aitisi cucili II. — Ite». Hr. Buker «il Engineer McCarthy, Conductor Kear­ I ize an A. (). U. W. ltxlge there, ami will the butter for our own family. AV preach at the Ashland Baptist chun h next People on Emigrant creek had a pleas­ ney. station agent Kano and Wallace go thence to Lakeview to institute a Sunday, morning mid evening more than pleased with the Jers.ys. ant dancing party at Andrew Dozier’s Rodgers, who formerly drove th»' buss, ! lodge there also. I h Na ai : i > t ai Ki'ii.—I’n-aehing on < \«ry 3ee, an old resident of L iberal H all . T alent -Lilaral Sunday The total taxable property of the Mate School meet«- for Bible study and discussion Portland Tuesiiay, H. It. Willits ix act­ southern Oregon, came in from Grant sence of county, Weilnesday, and left for the Messrs. W. A. <)wen and W. C. Lever, Great excitement has !«een cansed m the cv< ryone ri>ll for !>M! , §73.122?.»73. an m<:.**ti j * of at llDiNtiS office Rixlgers. of Central Point w< re in town last Fri ­ Yaiuax reservation Friday, where hi» vicinitv of Pans, Tex.. !>v tin* remarkable *»"..:»17.i)-jl <.»»r tin* ar~'s.-!iii*ht of iss.5. The te'st assortnii'nt of ladies dress There are fifteen dwelling houses to i» of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so Marshal Taylor says there was an error goes to prove his claim against the govern­ day. They report their place as showing r««co\« Multnoinih unty returns Sl^o’il.CdO. goods mid trimmings in the city at the li. li'les-, lie could not turn in bed. or raise go up in Charlton's addition to Lake­ a steady improvement ilc,ring l|,i< past ment for losses sustained by him duriug mid Iann'-iinit» com tie .t w ith $5.2:15.- 1’ioiKsT store. in the report of «log tax »•olh'cbxl during ♦ ins head; evervliody snd In- was dying of view yet this winter if lumlier can lie year. K*.f the past year that it should have lieen the bliNxIv M« h 1 o »* war. M .non county is thud ou the list. consumption. A tri d bottle of Dr. King's pnxuireiL | in i ner. It is within th»* probabilities that Ash ­ 820, instead of ten. This is lx*tter, but with $L'»'i 7,:»9.i, ami Umatill.-i county has Mi. A. ri. Peirson. of Bonanza, who has N.- a Discovery whs s« nt him. Eluding re Frank (,’. Hammond, of Portlam), ¡;aa land vili be lightcxi with electricity with ­ there are certainh more than twenty shipped 13.tHt(t bushels of applet p, (’,»1- been taking a trip through the northern lief. In iHitiL'ilt a InrL'i* l>ot e and a LoX of "W»ler Buffi. Roach«*»." al*ont a h. ilf million less. Jacks«.ti c:iiiii- "Rough on lint«." clears them out. also beet­ t» reti dogs in town subject to tax. Th»* tax ifornia and MuVteun ft'<*m Yamhill coun­ and western part of *. wasin town Dr. Kin i s Life Pills; L\ ii,«* time lie had 2.211.316, 865.S..7 less than in a few mi >nt iis. tak. 11 *.«o box« - 2l, Memliers of Alpha Chapter, O. E. S, should be collected, or the onlinance re- ty, this slate, inis fall. The apples were yesl«rd..y on hm return to Kl unatli till* Disi*,veiv. lie was well anil had galle d an iii' '•! $»'5,295 over last year. had a pleasant s»x*ial at Masonic Hall jiealed. county. purchased on th«t tr»x*s at 2(k* to 2«*x* a ! in ih-sli tmr v su | minds. Trial bottles of >v»> s.oti.gjf, $7V Sou's JUST RECEIVED ing We give the following from fill old L. L. Jacobs has been in charge ..f the S2 m 4 tli.m last y»'ar. store of Can. Bros, at Phoenix since timer: "In 1S62 we had no rains, or at of fruit shipping in this stat«*, an»l pro­ TsiLbit.s i< inter t<*d «ith Dr. Warn n. Th«* following quotations are as n«*arly Ami offertxl for salo at ¡..uml (Uiilly. least not enough to start th»* mountain poses to form a stock conipa«’’ u»*x* year of Illinois, in soiii». of the Oregon mail ikeir assignment. correct as it is practicable to give tor a II.I fli to b- Fini«l« ir ’ a s on hi-, pl.ic«*. find plastering l lis tex'll let to C. B. Stone, Go ♦«. Fi.Uwtiuu liai«* it »'ompleUxl by the 15th | styles iu dress giHids, also for Mikado and ple witnessixl it, tl»»» receipts for adtuis- ty of hay, I lean r<*si ies ut \\ ihlerv ile, Josejibine Rolx*rt Wood, of Sam ’ s valley, met I f l««. Ryan was no «•«unity, lb' is a S’lnxil teacher and a lertainments. A c<*nq>l«*te set of hand- * E. K. Anlets..ti was eall«d over to sort oi immigration board on a small Flour, per cwt. in sacks,.......... § 2 out hunting on Monday ami »»» climbing match for Sullivan, but sustain«*«! his rep­ Geo. II. Currey lias jnst receive«! direct Raney “ •• ............................ 1 Selli«« an i appropriate stag«* scenery will , Klamath ferry again 1 is! Monday by the utation for pluck and grit. II«* r»xx*ive«l Winchester scale. It. mx *ms that he advertise»! in ■» the Laupnei' , x of his • * v * v 1 ’• “ “ ground ............ lx* oxs ived from Chicago by the tini«* th«* from the East a large shipment of glass­ , a f»T,ee «117 illness of his broth r. but found him Bet ­ some heavy blows, but wax able to l>e on E istern papers that he would answer Bran per ton,.............................. 15 * I ritie caught and ilischarged the gun, th«' pla.-tcri’ g is «Ion«*, and th»‘U Ashland will I ware and cnx*kery ter on arrival th r«. an . left him still im ­ i bull« t entering his lx*ly near the pit of the xtreetH th«« n«xt »lay. ami no »loubt communications making inquiries as to Middlings per ton 2t> f,a»u a- I a l»ali a.i I li**»e u, it, t l»e Hiate ! 1 Le;e will lie at least two »ifamatjc en­ H. I. SONNT« HHEN. ». S. GKAVL.S. felt pretty well paid for his punishment proving Wtxltiesd.iy morning. i th ni’i’rul resources of this state, the Wheat per bushel...................... ,,ti’-tde of !’< rt] it.d ai.d Salem, and th»' ’ tertainments by lu»val talent in Ashland I th<> stniuaeh and hxlgiug under th»' left with his one-third share of th»' gate should -r blad«'. He livixl just a week uov; iit.iges it offered to «'migrants, etc. J. W. Cirikley. wh > his ii id Wells ’ s Outs “ “ ..................... •ta_*e is mu i» l.irgi-r, and »»«ore couve- , during the holidays. afterwards, »lying on Monday, the Sth money. hand of sheep in Kim; tl» eouuiy H« rixx'ived many lettoni, sometim«« 10 > Beef jn'i lb on the block 8’^c to nieiitly arranged than th it of the Salem UÍ 3 oliera li «uso. Th«* m ■inlx'rs of Granite i ’L’he Ansonia lamp is the best and inst. A Portland exchange has the following: during th« siimn. r, «ir««»«» ih 'in over the to 15»t |H«r day. t hese left ra contain xi Cluckenf. |x»r dozen ................ Ui«.'Uid qiis about two «.;“.ks ago. «n 1 now stamps for the reply. When Dean was ! Cheese per lb............ ............. 16c to Some days ago a general purchasing Hall A--«, •1 lytton deserve great cre»lit for . cheapest oil lamp inaile, For sale only ,it At th«' meeting calleil to organize a ♦ ! \\rGt l.D INFORM THE t’t'BI.i»' THAT at Clay ton A (»ore’s their ent rj ï st«x*k protective association at Neil sch«x>l agent in this city receive»! ap oplet from 1» ti ihem on th** winter rang« ou Dead d« tix*t lo ! h al marks on them as if »bey invi bxn I Eggs per dozen ... In iifin ro id. urry on the bi:siu«—* <•( making and r< pairing 'I’lie Ashland Mills aro shipping . . _ from house lust F’ridav ev«*ning C. I>. Ki’hfs- Josephintt cqinity T»»i a iwur«l of pack«sl c uieei«*d. he «.i»;;», xt vii ,» hvija«J received I Sur» O..t meal, per lb Central Point 2'MM) bushels of wheat bury was chosen chair'hnq ai^«! .V M, liUrtei, Ax J.isephim« county lies in one En,’.n'«r D. McCarthy wife an i son th 'tu C ih.s way. B..» “ a Corn, per Ik................................ WagL,e. ■",« liny. A <'i«uimiitee was ap- 1 of the liest gras« r«*i»ions in th« stn’e, and rea -li «I bom.■ I : t Fri 1 y uiornin ' te'tight of 1‘ Beali «u ;* Dm**- * old him th t he knew of L;ir-I, ’• *b !>ointe»l t<> draft a constitution ami by­ ! is known to bo rich in cnttl*', th»' agent th* irr« linn ¡iom Ne«v D '■ m lie*.. Mae. i R»xt " .. •** * i >i "• A liitge h , v «. h c «. i ¡adíe»» and childrens laws to te* subinitttxl at a meeting to be was greatly surprwxl. II»» set out to Inun st in;>s B eon. •• HEj to .................. ...iy oi r. iiiovi , the • ■r shoes just received at Talent, Hopkins A held to-morrow (Saturday) evening, whim II make the purchase however, and again was serviti.’ t«- lu ...ii tut ihren '.n.| . ill jur.rsnti e-.itisf.e timi to aironi iu h- J ‘I Svt'oU.i tbU ‘. Uoffe. p. 1 lb ........... 14’^c to so ; n t th y colli cot I i>‘‘ r«:. ..- i.u.l »> c |t; •. uai' ,4ll k'.'.d, ■■ 'k Co.'s Call and see them. x was siirpris«'»! to find th iy «le à tUcin .tt r. Sc. . • r. tii v rio'tsgrul»*6,g«'to it is exp«x*te*l a permanent organization I 1 ills ' - .VII pl'l ih a sin 4«* barrel of pa«*kf I ’ . •«»»••i io; i OW miu- i .......... ,'rotn 50 • to will te> « ffis'ted. J r r> T Just arrived at Fountain A Holmes' ,o tii« jury -v i ! • ’ . o. l»o otl V rirl / in eo.«. .HI ttl^h »» H .... Sil to W - th ■ Ii..n Isomest lino o’ la»ii *s dross gixxls bi at .’i i t i y , n i I i pi salit t !’.,> t. I u * n ■ a * s'ir- The win s on th<> new postal *«’« gta«’»» st’ite'df rttbisuj, ; > . $9 • ever brought to Asili m 1. Pi • b’ 1 - !, t III* Isilltl- »4 vi 1 witli ! ti’. «’ n ' • line h ive tex'»' i»(, lul«» Vh'V'Swi- I I b . .i- Ln.>1 r j r - a « »*!Huon . . 1 1 » i .t ». ii>' lit li A V th th«* treaty of in ; The ol 1 favorite Morrison plow still k.j« i»r. amt the work r« C * ” ci r2 else.. Fi' -.i Y. W ii:> >1 •• t i y o: u >t h .-i” t‘1 U i.X tn si' iis Illi lit i'll s .ils >ut forty-two »ua «w ***• *“ “ ■ i,..:at u.«u, i*u«i i»as iia v.nF* a sfili* as I pm*b.*«l soiitliwapl .. »sis Angtdos dispatch of Nov. 12th h is a boni • in Al ■1 low “ « 1st HI >1 tu . *i * ) • *r. »r •> » J i a.i Veo*d ever. I 10.4h h s«4UU di*«" U M|Uy ls For sale at neeser's An agreement to convey the L. J. h s Ion ■ «'onsi i r »!>!»> t I savs: Sliin ’l‘*s p r M......................... ♦ I». » mug. an 1 is to bi* i » i It *” ._.,»».y about right of way Rose «lorn a in t»» J. H. Pnl'stoii, of Lon­ A-lil n 1. i- n >w employ« (l t«. th«' nl, ‘ <|llU^ u»a^'h ue*r I •mm titsevery i . i T tei : I.l'l. don. England, for S1,O37,5(M) was tiled for X tali ue- ... .-o n«' places north, the trouble lx*ing record to-dav. Th»> property includes A Dryd«-n Print in * <’«..< «• AiJ.u , to lie ¡el IU line pot ip«xl Im— i~- — ’ traceabk' in most instances to mterfer- a Hat of iim-iilleil- is eiig.ig«'.! in m llS .hi.’’ C' ■ ! o uol I« » iXil» ... » vvediiestlav and enix; by agents of the W«*stern Union, to th«> Sunny Slope vineyard anil oran/o bridge at S h'in C»«»-. t ■' lut) ....... th. „ . .» itirk.-y for Thanksgiving. grove, consisting »>f 1950 acres, ami all 125 lbs. for $1. delay completion of th« new line as issiK'd by tli • .s7«' made holl-la's. i J. M. McCall has a new a«l. in this is- or lord M •|>>.»e«l io turn in shares of a joint st<> *k company, to r»e Vti your > n r. fu-e gri :».<•. eu*. »nd Green- !’iitt»*r»<>n T " sii«. t.'lhn.’ of th»' bargains that maybe eltx‘te»l president of th«' Postal Teh'graph entitled the L. J. Ros»* Land company, j the amount oi basks l*«>wd." *1 ' .i a Mie s..«»» No special ajy - ani. y Harv. y Co., at a »lirectors imx'ting hi'lil in New ha»! at Ins store by cash purchasers. | ’ «i!l»*«l Ingii* lai th*. pariHu* t.o ri'-n. <■. no fuel, and otilv lj -2 »1 arr«li Mr> A s limited, with a capital stock of 83.001 i.- York a »lay or two ago. minute- time i,< «-d»d. -• nt ami shoe store. Tl ITION vacie» acc »rding t<> st udies sioner of the g. m rai laml office Says the Grant’s Pass (Joiiricr; Pack riety of cattle, bekillglllg to Georg«' H. trial in Judge Deadv’s court at Portland g i«r tlie h I iov «* I.-tt«r- «ill lowing o»x*ure: pu I’S tied. For further p»rtic ilar< A n w lot of stationery just receiveil this w«x*k. Rolx*rts was traveling over- ■ trains are running in and out of Waldo. B V * v of South l'ork. passed through •rt'«« d." ICough mi Itch. Au »■x.itiuii iitioiiofthe survey in On- at the F ikinos office. Latest styles in ' land from Portland to San Framnsco. ! Ptaiple who never saw a pa«*k train would Sus..n\ille last Friday, eu rout«' from A 1'. ll '.'tMoNt'. I' M •Rough .•li Itch” curen humora, eruption* Apply to gon. return I itndei contract’ No. 51: , w«-l.ling and visitiug »’arils. Prie«« very He was left by th»' train at Grant’s Pass, be astonislie»! at the loads the mitl«s i Mary-vili«'. T la'sc cattle were import«'«! ! r ng worm tetter, salt rhetiin. fronted feet, chili I «bow«-1 tn«' - • d"l* to I f. '!agr,|| t|v im*f,.-- low. blaln*. • te'tng off th«' train and not no* icing when carry on a pack-saddle or apartraho. from KentiU'ky. at a cost of ."?4.«»> wieh. SiiiHUtng Score. I MRS. J. D. CROCKER, Prin. Rough on Catarrh, .«x*» at d ;L u • lace* held liol**s were re- it st.irtixl. He had a limited ticket and Stoves, wagons, hyalrauli*1 giants ten f«s't Mr. Bayley is . 'u of the most extensive Cat.irrl» is a constitutional disease. F'ollow ing is the score at the last pigeon Complete fnrmxl. n v 11-23 C«irrect« offensive .................... odors . at once. ____ stix ’ k raiser« of th»' north, ami as this also shown that in other or more long of great weight are conveyetl [ the coudiu'tor on the next attempt- un of woi>t i lironic «-ascH. also unequal««! •• purveys the « d p |1y had eXactol money Hixxl’s Sarsaparilla is a constitutional » ixl to colkx't fare from Grant's Pass to , in this manner, and hydraulic pipein sw- v.iri. ty is one of the test known, he will sin Hit of the Ashland dub: s»rtrh* for «liplillier a. sore throat, tout breath, 10 10 10 30 fp :tl s1 it;. .,- ;qi a l-litlo!» to ills Com- retmxly. It cures catarrh. Give it a Ashland. Ho refuseil to pay and hail a i tions 20 11*01 long is transported over iu a iew years be rep iiii t< n-fokl. I his ioe. shots, shots, shot! * Total. TUE I ATCCT Lad!«-- if y«u want •« keep “Roucli on Rat».” pn.s.ition ¡rom it ■ .i tn tin* Unitixl States, a r- trial. is struggle with some of the railroail em- mountains very steep to mining claims. l>rec«l is yet rar«* in Ana*ri«*a, though in Curler ......... InC LR I Cd I up with the tim« - it th« 5 8 Clear» out rats, mice, roache», file», ant», rupt pr.i.'ti. «' iH'livv.d to h,»v«. I>«‘eu l irgly Flic 1'ibiN ¡-Iacknowltxlges receipt of a 1 ploy«« over bis baggage, which they held Tn fact any article not weighing over Scotland they are much thought oi and 17 faJiionabie world y«»u should by all mean» bed-bugs. 1 4 get a i-upply « E‘lg«* vi«iti"c ‘ i«rx of choh'e wediiing cake with compli- for Ins fare. He sti « the company for f... five hundred poun Is, can lx* packed on are quite numerous. I hey ar«* honik'ss Heart Pall a 20 ha- jii»* l«eeli H 1H-W lot of Will, h ÇTV1 C and the greater part of them are black. mules in this manner, on matter how o«ld Ihe surveys in the Kl.mrith Indian muts of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Webb, oi ilam.iges for the delay, etc. 9 Palpitation. «!rop»i«*al -wel'.inire, dizzIneM. .................... . _____ ING* "d1* * received at th« Iti« _ òli LC th«y ar«' very doeil»' and easily kept, and M'servation iv. r«* found so debx'tive that Medlord. its shaj»e. 16 sa wi «lding »ar«ls after tin »tone styl«' If you indi-’. '-ti*’ti. h*'a‘l»< b«'. «l«-i-p!e»st»es» cured by >•» ar. ’mnch finer in th« ir make up than the / want anything iti ila way of wedding ■ "Wells’ lb altti R. ivwer " an allotui *iil to the In.hubs could not lx* Re.1 Th«' Courier is responsible for th« fol ­ M«'s.-rs. Clark Taylor ami Geo. Mathes, Choice extracted honey at the ■'Buchii-I’alba.” iiivitati''iis, y««u will fimi (tie IM riJUfiv (railowavs, of which tlmy are near r«‘l, and a re-survey ♦ ni« est avortaient ut tiih;» , ¡»t-timc n -■«•ssary. which of M liciti HI». I and urinaty di-« »»«" *» aiding, Irritation, stone, "During the eh'ction last summer John Ashland pixiple with choice spare ribs has, wiin y<> ir approval, i en ordered. Choice comb lioney at Clayton & (»«xxlell an«l John Hannum mause. was to marry Hannum fre»' nt any time warmer latitu.l«' they d«*geuerate. 1 heir McOKE—CROSBY—In Medford prCeinct. «let. on rats." 15c. Business Notice. ot furniture, carpets ami wall paj>er at ,n-i n-, R. v V M Williams, s. H. Mi-Gee rem<»l< It .l«*ll flesh lor meat is saiil to te* siljx'rior to Ins uew quarters. b»n n torn out, .»ivi m it.s pia«**.* is l>eing ’•Wells' Health Reucwer” restores health and Having sold »n intcr»'«t in my merchandi«»- any other. As <1. iry cows, they fall short * put up a complete set of .uaehin.T» for vigor, eures «yspepsia. impotence, sexual de­ as a mere joke but Mr. Hannum was of other variety's, and are raisesl plin- If you want any kind of a lxx>t or shoe Red House. buiiiK's*-. I moat r« sp« « tfully request »11 per- BORX. bility. fl. the mandi.u t uri of tlotir by the most ap- or want to sell any »l«x r skins or sheep soiih ow ing on note» or ■< i''>unt« to s.ttl« th« Men’s heavy c<*»ssimere pants, $2.5<>. at more Herious ami on last Sunday calk'd «•ipally for their fi -sli. Th« Angus cuttie name iiann .iiutely. Ae.ouut« not |* »».i by •■Rough on Pain.” pn>v«xi roller pro.s-ss. Tl i [«.•it», call at Hatfield A Herrin s te>«>t upon Mr. (¡«xxleli to' his are oitou mistaken for the Galloways, but O. H. Blount’s. * i November l'>th, must be put into not« • will' Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrh®», of Tollers, complet«* .-et promise which that gentleman di«l accord­ a g«x>.i jrulge, however, wouhl readily ami sins' store. * approved se. urity. Th»* u ’ d books mu-t lx ach« s. pains, sprains, bead»« he, neuralgia, Two lbs. best gloss sUireh at the Red separator-, mi liiungs ¡mri <1 om '«| without delay. .1 D. F oentain . ing to contract. rbeninatism. 2»X’. Rough on pain plasters, 15c. perceive timt 111« y ar« larger, soim wlmt Ashland, or., O< t. 2Mh. isso. Tl.'mipson .V Stephenson, of the Ash­ House for 25c. mg an I - ' longer in the leg, thinner in the shoulder, A new locomotive belonging to the Mother». i land Livery StablvH. have the lx*st lot of thing « is.- ol,', .. New line hats, light and dark colors, to Northern Pacific railroad, l»*ft Sprague and Hatter in the sides tu.»n the Gallo­ If you are failing, broken, worn out and ner­ horst s to be found at any livery stables jnst rei’eiveil at Blounts. pro.sis- pernvt. Settle and Pay Up vous. u«« Wells lli alth Renewer." 41. Drug- one day last week for the front. Ordi­ ways. in the «•ountry. m.ike in - i i:r> Egg«:kt<*t . per iloztn fs rather high for cl at the Red Hous»1. to forty tons, yet this on»' u» ighs seventy ­ Ill»* I ’ itu* Creek Mino. ri ’ qui'iti-ii to muke prompt »**ttii*uii-ut of their If you are losing your grip on life, try good lh-»t for t tiis country. If lieet keeps on lower­ "Wells' ll«*alth R. newer.'' Goes direct to ni'i'oiintH. We mint h«v< money to r :i th« eight tons. Orders have b«-«*n issued to it will gi., i bn-in.••• » «ont io the «>«<• i» »'itti* ien< •veal spot**. The followin « from a B iker City paper Boy's wixilen shirts, double breasted run it at a speed not to exc**ed two miles ing l>eef st ak will soon be almost as VV V 1 >1 — N. i . 1: ’ «w i >*l»*«r. > .ell No» 1 -i B *.»;• . * Hour at 1 •; Pear r ii.liT. if » ou iire on»1 of i iio*.»* r» -f» : i »■w >w prospecting is c,.i'- ••Rough on Pile».” or la<*«‘ front, at O. 11. Blount’s. « ..f i:«l..rt and tin Wad«-; iged cheap fo 11 as boiled eggs. p»T hour over all trestles and bridges, m» a», ink» iii/tli'c urn’. t ai 'online f. th«* unii . who have ph nty of ri«'d on by inim rs ni.i. lUOUtil' J. M. Mu all Cures pile« *«r hemorrhoids, itching, protmd* Climax tobacco 12 oz. plugs 35 cents »»hilt* the division superintendent »nil capital: "Last iuesdiiy Mr. C. C. Da »'ni­ fountain A Holmes are selling I»ool8 burr« '.:t ;.. ing. l.lee'litig. internal or other. Internal and Abhland. < Ir personally accompany it. An engineer , at th»* Bed House or 3 tor $1 an I sti >'s at nsl i *ed prices. Their stock •xt* rnnl r. in. ly in «-a« h package. Sure cure, ami ’ he a nes. w ith > be ex- will also take note of the defl«x*tion of all i son purchase«! all tin m Bon.mza basin, or L»ri:.'gi-t“ is eo.npi. t • and xitisiaetioti guarantee»!. »»»'SS 111'1C 1 « n Hide» and Em s Bonghi Fin»* white shirts, 75 cts. up. at O. H. briilges cross»'«! by it. The ‘‘machine * ’ ” is I v^ptiou two. in 1 tire Pretty Won»*«. Call <»n i examine their gooiis. ol ColTlll'*Opla. I progr. «.s a about two nnles Blount’s; five «iozen received this week. ii veritable monster and will lx* used on ' I'hey were th«« Red B, y. Mountain ULiief, • wliowoull r-. tciu fri'shne«« and vi­ 1 he urid< rsigned « ili p»y thè highc-t mn-ki t au i vaile» per. t fall to try ■Wells' Health Re* Jacob Wagner gives notice that notes Lnmlmr to exchange for bacon and the mountain division. pini* fui Ili.ics. skins limi fur» of all k itids f* a constitutional disease, caused bv scrofi> Gfixn Horn. Stell i, Alii«* Walker, Queen and aeeouuts due him and remaining un­ Hour. Apply to M from this dille unti! furili' r notil e .............. l ’ anner. Reeser's . G. •■Rough on < rims.” Or. g«» i Vpp »|| pped. The secretary of the interior has re­ oi the West an 1 ( »olden Cliesl; considera­ lotis taint in tl.e bico t. Hom's Sarsaj anllt, .1 H R. Urti iiixg ». paid by Jan. 1st next will be placeil in bbx'k. x Rough on eoru».' 15 cents Veiiig a eotistituiloral renictiy. punlies the ferred to th»* attorney general a communi­ tion SliiO.lXD. Mr. Duvi.lsoti leit this A*k f. r‘V. :,s Aslilati'l. Or.. May 21. i** Say s a Port Laid 1 the hands of an attorney for collection. paj«er oi last Monday: Hard or soft eoru», fili, k eomp!«*te c'irc The highest market price paid for but­ cation from the commissioner of th«' gen­ city Friilay lor !>■ nv»*r. Colorado, where blci d, builds Up til whole system, ai d | er- Eight car e a is ot .qijdes were slnp|>«sl « ar'«. »il.««l*.:l* M essrs. David Horn and Silas Shat­ ter ami egg's at Talent. Hopkins A eral laud ofii«*e relative to the pre-emption ie go»*s to secure two Bin h igh drills and manently cures catarrh. Thousands of | eople A <»» hm I IJnxincs!» for Sale, on S.itiirvl.i» by H. r.. Buttin A Civ., th«' who sutiered severely with this disagreeable tuck. oi Henley, who are now in the east, cash entry of Charles (». Alexander, for ther machinery to i»> uh « x 1 iu pi*'rciug A g»xxl bnsinesE in Ashland nspiinn Co.’s x welt-Kuown Kommiss ion merchants at No. Order blanks for Eagle Mills at Clay­ disease, testily w.tb ¡deasute that catarrh will probably tiring back some tine stock the east half of the southwest quarter of the mo mta:u ami r .ss- uttiug ail tii but a small capit J. and bringing in fnm 13»» t rout -treet. 1 tils IS tue largest with them when they return next spring. in k Gore's. or at the office of O. F. Bil­ Talent. Hopkins A Co., have a com­ section 8, township 36 south rang«' 25 .ugh m th**t>i:siii. 11’ mill sit» loimerly §5 to 87 |>er dav, for sale. Apply shipm.'iit » v.-r m » fe ir,an tin- i-ity. S» v- im’s. Orders l«ft .-t these places will re­ plete stock of grix-eries, ami will not te' east. Lakeview, Oregon, district, for which own-d by Mr. • ». »V. Wnson, w »s ais<> ni- I I II. Wickham. Oct. 2. en ol th X’ ■ « -iL. are I tor Montan i. The Timex says M. Mensor will toon t nndereol«!. Try them. ive prompt attention. E ager M ilia 1 y a patent has issued in the mime of said eludixl in th-* purciias . Mr. D. iut«iels nr.»l vigili i .«I Sali ta, Colorado. Fills is begin suit against the insurance com pa- Alexander, the com mitt «»e r«*«*omim*u.v a »ore A Etre Rnrgnlu. enred by tikin? Ho d's Sarsaparilla. Mr». the til's! sm pm «lit of Oregon appl.*s t«> nv « in which he holils policies,to rwover A handsome 10x13 inch chrotno given Alfred Cutr.iugham, Fallon Avenue, Pi« vi- Color j I *. Two acres of land od Granit » u« firm of il. E. Battm A for «lamages by the fire in his store eotne- away with «'very lx»x oi soap at the lwxl that suit lx* instituted to s«*t aside sai«! oi m«*u at work u> king a g«*>l wiuU i patent for th« reason that Alexamler is road ioni v'-ornu ■ «pia to the miu -s. Au* deare, R. I. say»: “I have suffered «itb ('»>., coni,»»- •io. Mr. H. E. Battm and t in .» v;.ri' ty o th b st fruit ti House, (.’all ami «<*' them. tim»* ago. eh.»rg»st with having previously made en­ .alare prospi-i ily o I'm*.* Cr«s k is .'ssttr ,»•>. n*«i e.-.t. rrli in my l ead for years, and p. id < ut Mr. J. \V. Wn.Ut, hav«- «XM-rgeticaliy I try for th« southw« st quarter of s«s*tioi! beyond .» iio loi, a : 1» ,i spi mg .vi.1 la Mrs. \V. F. Ingham, 472 W. Madison hundred« of «‘oP.m for med ' *s. lmt I. ve pu-bisl < >r**, gou »nut a . tv-,er t'lier«' was How to Secure Hosltli. ! 1 L township 9 south, range 13e>ist. St«x*k- .1.. ly times tu t i i . ’luti V. il »UT ai. hirctofore r«-«ived on'y tempei ry relief. 1 a hop.* o. a :i >r»v ’ .»¡»a u ivc bunt up an str.-vt. Chicago, Ill., recommends Red S covlli .’ h S arsaparilla ani > S tii . lin - ton, California. Th«' s»x*retary recotn- ti* (Ji Uhi t A corre spoil .. ut be: .n to Ilo- d's S. ;sapai uia, ar.d now exteusiv» • : : ; -s ,.ud .-»'cured a large Star Cougn Cure, a few «lost's of which iii lu t diSt.i catarrh is nc.nly curnt, tlio weakn* -s of share »•. n • ti lde u t v«x-n li. r<* and the gave her entire relief from a violent colil oia or B l » hu > ano L iver S yrup will re- : the «listnet attorn, y be in­ •’.'liât 1 mJ < Ire ,'oU . i *1 olili li. ion store perftx't health to tbe physical or- structed to investigate the matter, an I ire »Ium . as Hi e . s ybodyt* : !1 f <>t.e. my appetite isy . d —in Mi-Slssl pi ri. -r. In - Irani alx>ve men- Price, 25 cents. 1 h > A ni o;) r u tion«*d w - p«i ''..«„’r.ipb ■ i i>. lore 1 aving. (a; : . 1 fed like am her p rson. Hod's S ir- S. I,. Daniels drove tift»>en or twenty gainzatiou. It is. ind.x'd, a streugthiD- begin suit if he timIs th«* facts .li«g»*i! to A -O.. >1 .i’i a .mi I.- lx* true. mg svnip, phxisant to tak«*. and has oiten ( liiey 51 . S' ’ r"’i!a 1» the bv t m‘'i'.clre I have « »er On eji'ii « «r is a larg -igu whicli will a«l- In* id «>: miii- x and horses from Ashland L i Í * ’ vertisc Or-g.'.i ani tu« cn*rgetie timi l.i-t i'nday lor Chico. At Klamath ferry pr»»ven itself to te* the te«t BI. hx I Pun- j tak •t>. a ,d the only«r.e wlii :> did i .e | ero.a» San Francisco has just had a eoute t • n i >'d u ..i y ili > 1 i: U li"< tu ' . Pi Ü . ‘ t»’.l • ally ieei'miiivnd it." A pc • »•». 1 co making in • -nip.n -nt, until t ; > apples in met a siu ill band which he had lx>nght tier ever »liscoverwl. effectually curing . Ix’tween a mob and its officials in whi 1« • a ! I scrofula, syphihtii’ »iisorders. weakness of I the latter carri«xl the «lay. A young m n .n tr.s J I gClilaUUlaUX in V vicester, Mass., who WM reach tu-'.r desilo .tion. in Klamath county. th« kidneVH, ervsijH'las. malaria, all ner- | I ' À;li . . > ’» ¿ Die t ixable property in Ashland school vous disoniers an 1 delulity. bilious com- i age! >*» a s.nci ills Lit'«*, district a. just assessed by sch.x»l clerk plaints, and all »lisjases in tn'ating an ini- , 14-year-old schl girl, sir «otin, u . a- sh« was tripping along the str«« t. Tu Mr. D L. .«Aiti ot li -sc Cave. Kv, Clayton aggr.-gates alxuit SltiO.IMM. and pun' condition oi tli<‘ blood, liver, kid- ! only imaginable in»N*ntive to the d«'e»l w. s Of rvtarrti Ty !1.*od s Sirxa1 :'-tll«. e-y* : “1 say« he wa- . «. o. >vy. v»..r,. bully tu tivc-mill tax will therefore bring some­ n. vs, stomach, «to. It Oornx-ts lmhges- jealousy. The mnr«l» r <*ans«*»l the most ..A wou.4 not take at y m«'< y <1 con«i tii.- pains thing lcf-s than SltW. tion, espeeiully when the complaint is of < intense excitement, and over seven thou­ U1O .1 IU. for th" good one lottie did me.' If you .'.re were dim*- mie.imi'.'<:‘>.e ixidwo'a «1 sotne- au exhaustive nature, having ’ a tendency ' Ana-sth ti.w •i.lty. i ll.? stat.* tax this year is two and <«ne- sand people colle»'t«xl in front of the nm s aiiuo-t tu; >.v iimi m o «•ouvul-iotis a sufferer, do not ¡ut eft taking a s*mj Is to k'S8» n tlio vigor of the br.iin and ner- . jail where the murderer was eonfincxL i >r the painkaa extraction of toelli. He tried r..i*eliic i-it. rs ami got re ivf twentietli mills, aiwmtone-third less than remedy t.’.l your br< nchlal tubes or li ngs are A w . k I- i I. from tir-l i> .t;.«• ami ai;« r i. kiug -it l»>:- La-’ y ear. 1 his will leave Jackson county vuus system. Most of the crow»! was no doubt attracted I affected, and consun pta n has gained a l.old tles. enille'y cai'ed. ami has gained ill a little more th in usual of its twenty­ bv curiosity, but some were dttemiined i "I was so sick an 1 low spirited I would upon you. Be wise In time ! That ft w fr» m Agt¡cultural Paper. flesh eigiltc. a I»*’« mils. .Xiys he posi iv. ly Piano Tuning« mill tax to ptiy interest on the county ilebt. to lynch the fiend. The authorities how­ h . ve gi »eu any t mug to get well; an i n the nose, ringing noise in the ears, pain l:i the \7 telh-v. . he w 'dill P. ve it- d. h id it n 't To subscribers who pay up arn-.irage< Paul S hoen. of San Francis»», the ever. bail barrieaded the jail uml tilksl it any on ■ had ensured me the good health head, infi. mmation of tl.e throat, cough, and an.1 one year's subscription to the Tin- l>«*eil lor a,- ».'.ui -if - d .1 >V H«*ctra' l»it- Mr. A. I’u. gi'r. tk>6 Walnut street, St. tt-rs. S ».d a. lit.»'C a - •.' "tie by Cail- I? iis, Mo., suffered for two years with efficient and reliable piano tuner who has with armed men. ami the crowd concluded produced by using Simmons Liver Regu­ nervous prostration will be cured If you taka enoh in advance, we will send fre«' for on* wix.d A Sun. •• luuiigigo, and was confined to his lied for made regular trips up tins way for many I n< >t to make tin attack. Every lx >« ly agnx-s lator. and eh.irgeii me a thotis.ind dollars, year the American Farmer. an ♦•\]lent Hood’s Sarsaparilla several months. He was entirely cured years past, will lx» in Ashland about the that the murderer should swing, ami a I would willingly lmve p ud it —m fact, 'monthly agricultural journal. Will alm Bold by a l d-uggl»t». fl; «lx for fS Prepared SHMkk) would be less to me than what It ’tiiæut < »l ^fuisswiir« «itili filial of nearly 8HHKM) has been S ’ . lle first of Novenjber. Orders left at the by the its.* of St. Jacobs Oil. which he s nd the paper free to new aubscriberr bp C I HOOD & CO , ApotbecariM, L uwh U. Mata. b s done tor me. — G eo . F. B akkeit , Ma ­ scribed to assist in his pri>secutioD. His it y 13 to t>e found at says is iiso the beet ».ure for sprains and Ashland House xvill receive Ins careful who pay tu advance. con, Ga»,’ only possible pk*a is insanity. attention. | other pxas. 100 O oms One Dollar POWDER Absolutely Pure. BLACKSMITHING! Wagon-Making. WAGON WORK. A FINE LOT OF Ladies’ Cloaks, Walking Jackets, Gossamers and Ulsters J. M. McCALL’S 330TS AND SHOES Ne»v W >rk D c.i h R ASHLAND COLLEGE. Style. PUKE riOA.P! Reopened Nov. 15, iXSif Catarrh Can bo Cured 4 Burckhaltei & Hasty’s