TIDINGS. ASHLAND ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. W. II. ASHLAND ASHLAND Ì LEEDS TIDINGS Terms of Arfrertising I K UL. square, lira, insertion....... Each Additional insertion....... 50 50 75 50 ■1 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1886. VOL. XI. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MERCANTILE AND MANI FACTl RING. Not for Gideon. HAVE THE CHILDREN. .. 1 XI LOCAL. Terms nt Subscription: in» copy, one year................................ $ o *’ “ six months.................. 1 ” ** three months............. Club Kates, six copies for......... .. 12 Terms, in advance TIDINGS NO. 23. Local Notioes, per line...............................ltxs Regular advertisement« inserted upon liberal terme. Job Printing Of all descriptions done on abort notice Lege) Blanks. Circulars, BuaiBom Cards Billhead«. Letterheads, Posters, etc., got ten up in goud style at living prices. I OCR PRESIDENTS. THE BARTHOLDI STATUE. THF NEXT CONGRESS. New York, Nov. 4. To Grover Cleve­ land, President of the United States: Sir The newspapers state that you have designated me us a “commissioner to ex­ amine and to report upon 400 miles of railroad constructed by the Oregon A California Railroad Company" in South­ western < Fregón. No mu-h appointment has reached me. but as public announce­ ment was made at the White House by i your private secretary to newspaper re­ porters, I assume it to have been made or determined u|>on. By such inquiry as 1 have lx*en en- abled to make I learn that this commis- sionership is provided for in one of those laws by which corrupt congresses have, in late years, given away to railroad cap­ italists vast tracts of land belonging to the American people, subject to favorable | rejiorts, when made to the President by the commissioners named by him to ex­ amine completed roads. My training and avocations have not especially fitted me for sui'h examination, and it is doubtful whether my employment iu them would be beneficial or satisfactory to the public. But I have a further reason for declin­ ing the office. An examination of this kind I am told is treated as a costly en­ tertainment given to the commissioners by officials of the road subjected to ex­ amination. Free rides in a palace car, free quarters at hotels, and hospitality which is at the sanio time generous and selfish, are commonly extended. A fa­ vorable report, however justly, lies under imputations of having been purchased. On the other hand, a I'ommissioner who would refuse all favors cannot more than earn the expenses of ordinary travel. I am a jxxir man, depending upon my work for an income, and cannot afford to take this appointment. In accepting my de­ clination, please also accept my respect­ ful acknowledgment. G ideon J. T ucker . Detrimental food which, by reason of How They Look—Wealth of the Occupant« [S. F. Chronicle.] ' Pre«« digpatch Nov. 10.J Geo. B. Carrey, their superior strength, may not seriously of the Chair. The unveiling of the great statue of There is every indication of a feverish Attorney and Counsellor at Law. affect the health of adults, as is well Lilierty in the harbor of New York Thurs ­ and exciting ae»«i<»D of «ingress. In­ ASHLAND, OREGON. From a long article in the New Y’ork known, frequently acts upon the more day was an oceaaum for a legitimate out ­ deed. the result of the next presidential ! " ill attend to • ases in the courts »»; Oregon, render adrlce and prepare papers in the eet- delicate organs of the child to produce Suu on the peculiarities of the Presi­ i burst of enthusiasm. It was both n election may entirely dejwid ti|»ou tLe tlcinent of estate*. make applications for disorders of the most serious character., dents of the United States, the following crowning triumph of artistic skill and action of the house this winter regarding patents nibkr the I S mining Jaws, and may be consulted on all matt» r* pertaining The amount of laudanum or other poison 4 extracts are taken: Washington, Adams, tlie symbolizing of the modem fraternal certain contested election cusec. It is to Government land*. School and “ amp lands, an»1 claims agaii the 1 . s. for aer­ that would tk' harmless to au adult will Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams. Jack- idea of human freedom, which should not improbabl»' that the : ext presiden­ eices or lo«.»***. cause the death of an infant. This great son, A’an Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, render the friendship between nations of tial election may lx* thn'wn into con­ OFFICE-M .in street 10-39 Township plata o»i file in the office. difference between the vitality of adults Tay lor, Fillmore, Pierce. Buchanan and kindred interests and aspirations di*e[>er i gress. should there b«- lalx.r ticket in Hereby inform the public that they have just opened and are displaying and children is too generally overlooked Johnson wore no lieards. Lincoln was and more geuuine than the world Las 1 the field, when the h< -u>-< of repreaeiuu at »heir store in Reeser's block a fin't-claas sbx'k of I the fii •st, President who had whiskers. in the preparation of food. Because no J. T. Bowlitch, Grant, Garfield and Hayes had fall chin heretofore known. An example of this I tives would, under the .institution, bu harm immediately perceptible comes to Attorney and Counsellor at Law is the unflagging sympathy between the required to choose iiun.i>diately by ballot whiskers. the adult by the use of an article of food, ASHLAND. OREGON. Washington was a manly man, majestic United States and France during the ' a president. In making that choice. no thought is given to the effect it may Will practice it all court« of th»' State. greater part of a century, in spite of i votes shall be taken by states, the repr in proportions, and of dignified bearing. Collection* promptly made and remitted. have upon the mon- delicate organs of in­ many political events which have tended ' sentation from each state having ox-»' He was of the blonde ty pe. d-4 ferior age. to make occasional misnnderstandinga | vote; so that iu order to carry the »dec Jefferson was tall and elegant looking, Children diet largely upon cake and between their governments. Whatever tion one par'• or the other must control with sandy hair and fair ctanplexiou. T. B. Kent, bread, and these articles, if light, sweet Which they now offer at the very lowest living prices to cash customers His granddaughter, Mrs. Randolph Mel- the selfish and unscrupulous policy of the deleg;.;. i i from a majority i f th* Attorney and Counsellor at Law. lidars Las G>en, we may be sure that the sta’ef. and cor.£3sed of materials that are free and they feel assured that all who favor them with their ¡»atron- klxdiam. is wonderfully like lulu in ap­ JACKSONVILLE. OR. from injurious substances, are easily heart of France has ever Vx’Bf ti nrmlv Tl c < . e fMrty-eiah* •.tales, hut Nev pearance. pTri tice iu all th« evtiru of Oregon, ag* will be well satisfied with the prices and quality of digested, nutritious and wholesome. and loyally for the people of this coun­ Hug.r-Mtir® has a delegation equally dj. Office in the court house. 110-3 Madison was small and plain. He their goods ----- Their stock consists of There is a danger lo our children, how­ try, from the time that Franklin first en­ »idl'd p ditically. one republican and one looked like a well-to-do farmer. Mrs. ever, lurking iu their bread and cake listed their sympathy for our heroic re­ <*>• . rat. Hence the voice of that H’a'o Albert Hammond, Madison had a majestic and queenly air i which is too often lost sight of. These solve to be free and Lafayette set them woU 1 be silent in the choice of a pr»-»; CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR, and he appeared to disadvantage, phys­ articles are now leavened largely by bak­ an example of anl< i: and disint« rest’d .e of 111« rty. ried him she alluded to him to her friends I lih/-!» Island has elected one r. p.;l. . line of land sun ry lug. bx-kting ditche**, etc., some baking powders are used they make He would be, indeed, unworthy oL l ■■ •an, m.d in her other district there a md everything pertaining t«»riv;l engineer­ as the “little great Madison.” ing. Satisfaction guaranteed not only the most palatable food, but name of American who «hould deliberate vacancy, but the politics of th«- I Monroe was a g political genius of the French na­ Texas and West Virginia. But the con­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. was remarkable for size and plainness. disease with which our children are af­ tion. not even excepting the wonderfully stitution requi nxi that a majority of all OIBce one door south of Y-hiand Bon se on Polk was small and unattractive in per­ flicted. efficient civil organization of the empire the stat»*s shall lie n»’cesra y to a choice, Ma ■ street 111-12 For Suit*. son and manners. Taylor was a large Persons who have not strong’ constitu­ of Napoleon. Frenchmen have abundant Under this clause twen*. '.n will l»e A nice strong buggy for sale for cauli man of rough exterior, but a pleasant, tions, growing girls, young children and j reason to be proud of their position in necessary to elect a pre.' It*4 there C. J Sochrist, M. D., or approved produce. Enquire of genial person. I lllmore had a dignified nursing mothers arc particularly liable to the family of nations, a position that has are thirty-eight states. J. M. M c C all . ap|»ei>rance without elegance, but genteel P1HENIX, OREGON. We kv»ip constantly on hand a lull assortment of staple ami fancy goods. the evil effects produced by the introduc­ been gained under the most discouraging Should th»'house fiii. and agreeable, He was a largo man of t'rtti’c i-.t re»ld-tic, —s’atc at Epgie Bro».' drue tion of the adulter..nts named as found I financial burden that any people, beaten dent liefore the Ith de .1 Mnr.’h dcx 1 MISCELE \NE< >1 ’ S. More ! 1*1-40 good address, Pierce was a slight, hand- in theclieap bakin g powders. Heartburn but not broken, ever bore upon its should­ following, then the v • ’ ill* ' kJ . flirti, PLAIN AND DECORATED WAKE. COFFEES, ROAST AND GREEN. some man of delightful manners and and the prevalent forms of in ligostion ers. Their domestic difficulties have I act as president and tl. constitution de winning voice. Ben Perley Poore, in his J. S. Walter, M. D. 3., are often solely tr enable to the action of lieen rife, with greater jeapordv than any volves the duty of »•lcvliug a vice-presi­ IN GLASS AND STONE TEAS, IN PAPERS, CANS A recent "Reminiscences,” says that lie w:-« alum on the deltc te coats of the stom ­ obligation which the war left upon them. Will pr:ic»ice his profession < f Dentistry the most popular man personally that Treason, faction and dissention have lw«»n dent, in the event of failure by th*}xx»ple U.IARS. SP1CES&ALL CUTLERY AND «1L ach. l ’ rof. Willard Parker. U. S. Surgeon- — AT — to elect, upon the n. uate. A narrow i^ar ever occupied the Presidential chair. a.'tive and continuous iu their legislative AxHLVMI». UkF.ooN. General Hammond, Prof. Alonzo Clark, gin will divide the two parties in the X: r-er KINDS OF VER WARE most eminent physicians of New Y’ork, “No other President ever won the affec­ halls and executive otlices. Liberty was next senate. That Ixxly will stand th.* it-» .vitli scores of others, have written and tions of the people of Washington so calmly pressed forward, even when seem­ ty-seven d< uits to thirty-nir-e •< pul HANGING A STAND t C A NN ED GOODS. completely as did he." His snccessoi ing to walk upon the crust of a volcano, .«¡token mo«t earnt stlv o. the evils arising licans. Mr. Buchanan, was courtly in bearm, ind like the lienign mother that she is FRUITS, MEATS, AC. from p. rt.iking of such food. There LAMPS PU »OKS AND STA Miss Alena Weber, TL d» mucrata wouiJ have tiie advan and was a tine-looking man even in oh To« itcruf mu»L ut AthUndi «»lieg»* will give rgidnally subdued all to her sway. ng - <. * u fi.rt} majority iu the house, and should lw as mi1 'li earn m the choice o! hi*tnirtH»nii in age. He L td P }>enchant for white ui«'k Neither royalty nor imiierialism is strong : OILS. PAINTS AND BRUSHES noNERY. PENS AND PENCILS. a linking powder i.s in obtaining pun could >' is intimated, should parly oxi PIANO, ORGAN and GUITAR ;uy longer in the popularity of its prin­ g.n.c’<»unded from pure drugs and not from college < la«». Uukark*. llMUarke. TMtkuh., tee for yonrselres. ly, nevertheless had a pleasing face whet, rigue alone rather tn., to agit Aioli to o’ ;j^ating a republican and Beating - Raraiait, ßrulew*, etc., rtf- KciMenc«-at Mr •.. »5 »L ck Stell»>w »“Ut'h’is.-h jMlisOIlS. PM1CE, FIFTY < F..NTB. •irwl. engaged in conversation. Johnson wa<- fi.» it ;m opportijuty to distui > th- I f-’C'X-at in his place. A change of i •. I AT DRIGUISTS AMD DKAl EK* - i’lv n. lie/ 1« < >ii«> of the gr.'ati'st im- m« tris r m the Indiana delegal.i.u, f-.- TRI CRARLBS A. ViH.FLKR IQ . HAITI 1 OllF, «D oik of the old-time president« in the mat­ peace cf the republic. We are doubtful .jit. jQi.’w, and one in Michigan would g--, . portan>':\ iwirticuliiily to ,'.e rising gen­ A. L. Willey, eration, and while our conservative law ter of ¡KTBonal appearance. He invaria­ if that opportunity will ever come in the denx'-uu’s the twenty votee liwvFzary, bly wore black broadcloth and was seru- ■meh form that it esn result to the tra- n.i- rs are making iii> th ar ii imls as to and partiee, are sometime« ready to recn-rt COMKACTOR AM) BI LDER. pulonsly neat in dress. He was he;.*-» t<>rial advantage of either the Bourbons tile proper legislation to «top tli‘‘ sale of Successor to Hunsaker & Dodge, to extremes to ' in a pre.sidency. built, but not stout, somewhat under si: A n HLASD. »»KEI.ON. >r Bonapartists. the po.sonous cocqioiiTids. mother« will TRADE Vo/MARK (iE4I.hR IX Be Wanted a ■ountala. feet and had a head of benutifnl outiim . I« 1 rrj AH 'I t<> K'•-iini*ti - to fun.i«h rii.lv- Let n<» one kx>k upon the unveiling of lo well b: . Ubly it ea..rs and dark hair an< ’ TLs editor of th»' Pioneei-Kayte of on rea-onabl.' trrm» Ali work orranted to I more holiday show. It means much in i:i dbitardiug !t;e i::. ol th“ idultenitc l giva* sali»fa.tli<»n ■V.IR of medium size and weigM. Hewa» the history of the past hun lr»vl .»»•an3 JttisV^nor, Ga., Las K*eu offered a wind­ i'aking pc .iier. if sh luu been u. Ing it. 4HOF—on M.'4li*ui<' strvrt. over You!»* A »ill youngc.-t of ill.« presidents. Haye* • nd it is that meaning which it will cou- mill in puyn.etit for advertising, but he roy’s atorr-hoiiK and ofliec. ’10-40 ns the Royal Baking Po>’,|, r upon the the Garfield l<«>ked aiike l»oth lirgt vey *o the minds of enlightened |»>«terity. luin declined to take it unless it can be anil purity mid wholcsoiumes.« or w hich all Free from Opiaten, Emetics and foison tall, of llori i coniplexious mid go<»< mi I M. L. hl CALL. I. r. tHMMilMi, \s a wo.’i. too. combining the fin<-i and tise.1 to pump mouey frofh delinquent tiie Government il, inirts agree, is equally lking SAFE. looking. Garfield was the fin< the wuid- ’ll«' mechanical art. it is the greatest that «ubscritMTH. V\’e ar» glad to iCCt'Ssible; but .«la will need to exercise a Sammon! & McCall, of tlie two. mill man sniitdad. Any man who will SURE. the world has ever s.., BAl.TiaURT^ MD. >1 the crowning ceremony. too much brands fr >m er<‘< t iug into h. r kitchen — as r>— pre.«»'rved man of elegant appeanmc' . honor cou! 1 not l»e paid to BertboIJi upon very b.-rd The Mine editor «leo unawares. In tip* matt“r <>f dress ho ranked abov- who conceived and executed so noble e Ulis how he was offered a good u« —•«7 In what we hire felt it is our duty to conveyancers <.!1 hi.« prixlivesHore. basque pattern iu payment for a fix - project. «ay in reference t > the snb.eet of baking twhlaiid, Oregon. I’rcHidi nt (’level .nd i« the firet of th- muntlia “ad.” and how he (’tend? WrtVlxl powders there is no intention to dispar­ Tlie il!eli»*st tpipster. ¡’r«'«iil< u’s who has worn a nvnist.u h< the temptation . way from Lim. It m age the work of the pr.slucts of those i New York I »-tier. ’ only. He is large and strong, but g>xxi pl<«..-aut to know that the v^we of the who. with consci. ntiousness and liberali­ At foot of Cascade Mountains, The wealthiest unmarried lady iu thin I'res- cannot lx throttled by ’.Le bribe uf looking and is fast growing bald. ty, are servin ; th • public with pure and Of the earlier Presidents Washingtoi • ity is Mias Catherine L. Wolfe. , i very deuirublr t<»wu luta. unproved ant’, un­ improved; and farming lauds and stock lar letter to many army officers, inviting the management of his wife. Jefferson ■$5) 1,1 K)0 for a “clergy house," whi b has no “r” in the gulf; bu‘ even editore arc — OOOOUOOi M M— ranches iu sum to suit purchasers, up to was wealthy when he lieeatne President, just !»een erected at the corner of Ninth Luman, and our editor is not ashamed to 64XK) acres: also. r 1 inis HOTEL, which ha« been f«»r mnnv them to furnish suggestions for a chang»- 1 years» favorite place of summer resori of uniform and equipment, writes Ben but lost his property and died insolvent, avenue and Twentieth street, on the own that the proff. - of a good, respect A G ood S t « k R anch , !N10 ncres. six miles for ihu sons seeking health aiol recreatiot , has East of Ashland—good for summer or win recently been greatly improved by the present Perley Poore tn the Boston liudget. liis home was sold and his daughter was „•rounds of the General Theological seini- able, full grown mountain in North Caro who ha» done nitx-h to make il One of these invitations was sent to saved from want by the generosity <>‘ nary. I’ isa gothic structure oi brick, linn hits him wilt-re he is home. “W< ter range. \VE HAVE Secured the agency for “Far West ' Baking Powders and furnish proprietor, pleasant and attractive to guest-. with broken stone trimming«, comnio- always wanted a mountain.” he »-ays, Twas it Ac ass of good wood land near ’ ’ samples free, for trial, to all. Call and get a sample package. We guaran­ Lieutenant Deby a go » l draughtsman South Carolina, which gave her own. lions and most coinfortal le within. "and we arc going for it We want sotr.«-- tee it equal to any in the market. and a merry wag. ami who sent in re­ Congress bought his library and with tin Workmen are just completing tic inte thing tha- w.ll Lis1 eemething tha* w* proceeds his debts were paid. All of his sponse a proposition for having a two- rior, and it will be ready for a Cliri«tnu«s can hand down to our children, and w*' descendants are jxxir. Madison left i ; inch iron ring api^ndixl by a piece of (A saving of over 40 per cent in Baking Powders.) 1« the nio»t noted of southern Oregon, nn, »louse-warming. Its aui|»le fire-pla •nare fee! that a mountain will fill the bill.’ handsome property and was wealthy strong leather to tlie* scat of each enlisted -o<>(>oo<»----------- its medicinal properties have been proven t<> l>. specially adapted for yule logs. Miss To w.jnt n mountain and want it jwh when President. Congress lx»ught his of great value and benefit as a tonic and aid to ■ium’s trousers. Long and formal speci- CLIMAX.............................. 35 l ent, per Plug. digestion and a« a remedy or relief in nearli •• “ MAW Ml............................... 35 Wolfe ’ s latest benefaction is the purchase ci-ctbl; is much lietter than to want the manuscript papers, paying fiflO.IMO for nil ea«<-s of kidney trouble and kindr. d nil- li.’sitions demonst > it 1 the utility of this 35 •• •• PACK’« I’rhnl•• ••to«-k i« the report of the analysis incuts. Following I of the old St. Philip ’ s church, on Mul­ ea-tl. and the fullness thereof, hko some 35 •• •• them. Mrs. Madison's son, Payne Todd, F.Xl’LKT NTOCK . ring. MANUFACTURER AMD WJOD WORKER, one standard gallen of < the water contain» ■< >Ol MMX H »----- —------- — berry street, for the Italian Mission r.K n. We tender to the editor uf the squandered her property and in a few E.;ch officer was to carry, instead of a .92m grain- Shop <>n Fi.it Avenue, near M*iu St. FINE LINE OF NEW BRANDS OF TEAS — JUST ARRIVED----- ALSO I Ilumina..................... Biiraclc avid.............. 9175 «word, a Ion ; v.liitc-; sh pole with a hook years after her husband’s death she was church of San Salvatore. The wirdthy Pioneer-Eagle our most fraternal xv. -------------------------- ROASTED AND GREEN COFFEES--------------------------- ...21 12H1 < aleliim carbonate .. on one end. By hooking into the ring poor. His estate was valued at 82SIMMH colored congregation that owne I St. grat illations. ... :tn tlMln “ Sodium chloride....... 14?"'•Vili tuake estimate« tnd liida oli all I ----------- Full line of Crackers and Fancy Biscuits.------------ < arbonale of iron.... ... 2 5517 Philip’s for many yeara have moved up­ of i pnv. t<. h< coulo !»•• k pt in line of iu 1811». butldinus, pnl> ic or private, and fornisti A Hmart Dog. Silicle acid ............... ... :i'.H71 town into more aristocratic quarti r«. ami ■’ iu ’ Mon 'oe .’t-d insolvent. .. ...... Id al) imiten i , ¡»buia and «pi i'ificótiona for STAPLE '«»> FANCY GROCERIES 'ALL FRESH Titanic acid.............. 1 5tt:i b til • i h w.c- [Ix-wiHton Journal.; arlxmat.' tnagm -i . thè U'Hbiru.'li ii ■>; tii- HiittiS. tt'-r the d'‘:.th - his the n -ighborliood is virtu Jly an Italian ' • '-ini i ■ I ,t‘ - • /| I ■ Biearbot.ate KoUa....... ..24.0-1 Gr.itml.ited Sugar, 12 He for 81; Guillen C Sugar, 12 H-s for 81. A Lewiston attorney in backed up by J4*“S.i!»li. !>oor- an i dingH >n Land colony. The ¡»eople of the chut h of i, ;.*l di*iu iu a - ■»' li»rk. Lithium carbonate, potaiedum carbonate, io l’h<* rin , Won. i a Uwiston physician in his assertion and for h de it lowest rute-». d‘ne and trace« of nitric m id Hot vstimiitcd Cartridges, Ixummitioa, Etc. 'o-u 1 to John (liuni'y A l.i 111.« left S'Ml.iOO. His San Salvatore have been mini-t’ ht and Total amount of arl.onie acid gaa. free an«1 till tv s r.i>-“ for that the following dog story is alioohitely iterai HÌ;<>p Work done in allori • or, An Ir-’W J.«’;< >’i. was a neu for some years by Rev. Dr. IX C. S' id­ eomliined. t-qnai«5S.47Hs grains per gallon. ill, lb“ i'iivi'1 ’ L arder. t- true, the occurrence having come under ' y. The L t ip' or. foimerly a Roman Catholic lest. I I E. K. ANDEIWON to ol.i ! r- *- iti t .IAMI> TI1OKNTON, :ll- , -,|»t ''1 i I»» ■4?“ Si«. Lr building a «p» cialty. the observation of tb<* physician at Old Vice President. 1 1 • n 1 they number al»ont 1000 soul- Last /^^Sperirtl at! nti»»n j a;-1 ill ’ . IU and oi lalest ilesigllH. t mong tln> improv«*mcnts of the hotel an th attorney upon honor. An intelligent dog » .H i! 1 > « K. lol.. 1 ft »pen-d under its new auspices th- b'tild- baths tittu«l vn ith all inodrrn convenivo « • »rfHciilvd «»Pi • »'.. t lli¿i ; 111. lit1 was afflicted with ti- as. They clouded . IS 11 fòl i Uo mo.,ut ;.n ; i i - overflowed with men, worn n and ROOMS CLEAN, NEAT AND CCMFCR ABLE. «:Higglers .m i ;-r. in. 11, -m int.» tie (I ike Use «>; it. hi-, wido'.v h.'« 11. K MrMliJ.EN n s tlr* l tler L ing a coin , i tu »us his existence, if we may believe appear- Good Table Fare& Reasonable Prices. iragfx’U.« padlocked tu their «addii« alai oiticc his death. M vxl FA< H ULK • u e. Mi«« Wolfe paid fcUi.000 or the ati< i -3, since for four-fifths of the time tlie John Tyler was not a rich in n tbo'i .Mali t tn-r rtiileryub ii wah i' .nnun« ¡»rol ai.,« i s­ mireh it'iil ling. mJ has deede 1 i .1 he intelligent dog was tied up in a double ti «i to th- ir nu s, hauling huge pieve« i.e o.vii- .1 a till’.* farm >u \ ir.iii.i i an BOTTLED wat.-r fresh fr-m the sprin !iiitub -r o' slaves. Heh;-ia h»rg<* t ai.:l, I at Ger. Elicle s i.i \snixiid oi',-. regal ion. II»?r an •-etral'nmily «are I miw knot fighting the smaller and loss ii artillery up st“ep heights. illd Was so long "D public llie th t I ('»nions merchants in this city in lhetr int lligent but I ss nimble tiea. He has It was very luiii.y. ¡ml the clerks ili! went t.» the Wnite Hous.-poor. Wh it 1» 1;<\. < t'meof *vx<- «f them Knm vr.ie ’ rev- chewM the the hair from bis sides and -vee major 11» iti t :!:• \* ih . »xi», oiu : g «>\. .io War I>• partment enjoyed some h»ar- sav<*»i in office enaLitxi Ini it«» live in •< m F or the BEST - »hitionnry army m.d afterward« ni >vur <»f I his eye was Lickluetre. The mangy y laughs over it, but .vh-. ji it r< achei the fort tifi.*rwi;r L-. His se<'ond wife h.i a. an« an.I their eight children were w. i: ’n< wpvrivnf e i ^• h and spe-ci.b ¡.i um- to bo f thè i'd at nd a court martial 'organized to unvict, ’•«•t . ♦••• i R. *t hurx un i X-Iibii’«!. ; flea« tied before it as ever the wicked flee, In» projMTty, which was valued at sfiti.- great advertisers in o.ir city. 11 «peni »f (HM-rm1) was actually'»n’.ered. when it oOrt. i Soou after the dog was seen backing out Headq.iai t;-rs, Ymile A Gilroy's Planing Mdl his m.»n* y lil»erally on the new«iii>jxvr«i, •(ime lo the e¡:-s o' ttu.ernor Marcy, President Buchanan was worth 8'2">h.- into the water, a smile growing ov r his I ••I*»»»;»j»r th»» i >wn p lie-n :• •«•retary of Slat»*, who was lavel­ («»). which h » gave to hi« nephews and and was magnificently rewarded. The countenance as an idea took poRsession sons of Benjamin Wolfe were «ducated ------------ -- ALfcG — li ••..le.l. albi win» ad»’i«s'.i D.ivis to let the nice»-«. Abraham Lincoln', estate wa« v;d;. «l at lie University of \ irgima, ano while of him. He was next seen with a huge mat .er drop. . t 875.'It •nev wen- there Gen. lAfavetto went to wad of cotton in bis mouth. With this. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. He fidgbt have e>>nvietod iierl-y and Andrew Johnson had ft!5''."•*» w'i-n Monticello. n*>ar Char!»•• left the White IL. is-*. A part of_ tips j ti-as crowd*» 1 higher as the water rote* I woulu have i. * . iaughist at from o,æ amount was lost by tir.* failure of th* i Thomas Jefferson. Th» n’udents. who . alxait him. They oec mpiesl hi" Iwek and fic.vidi. military company un«I o'ei ut eo .ir.; >u s.-n -.. til I, l.fs'iDii» Li--nt< i;'nt-Geie rah H’s . they were by . oa water. Then at la«t, took th“ advice anil) >rby 's ■•.»ii.'gest unis” salary and the generous gifts of his ov »• to Mdticello to s *- the Frei.« b pa- Particular Attention paid to Job Work. are still to lie found on the files of the tri'-nds m ule lam a millionaire. A I oi td'-t. and were presented to him at a > as the dog’s head sank very slowly I k >- his property was hsit in the tir.i’.t 'A «rd g-.md suite dinner given in Lis honor. neath th * waves, the multitude vacated W 11 ! • ti a il’ i a -i..... in « w -k • aulik» 1 an ret War 1 >e;>artmeni. Dirle., wh-ise noia failure. His wile is imiep» ti c>nt again At the right hand of L (fayotte sat Thom­ i it. jumping to the wad of cotton that was Slid a de/llame w is "John Phienix,” after a through the sale of his lxx»k. as ■'effiTson. James Madison an'1 .(..mca : flouting just at the end of the dog's r. >se. h I 1« t»oi in Plain andFanoy Oassimeres, Flannels. Hosiery, Etc merry life, died just b fore the war. Hay »-« 1» very wealthy. I The guts to Mrs. Garfield made her Monro-i, thi'Hi men who had l«jen presi­ ; Tlie tieas flotued away forever on the His son gr.ulu ¡te.I at West Point, and is Ashland, Oregon, OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING MADE to ORDER. ' fickle wad of cotton, while the dog sv aui now in the army, and his daughter is a rich. Her husband left a small property, dent of th»* United S'ates in r.v< «¿ion. W 1-. r. he ¡« i>r.'p-«r -Ì to d.» all work in hi- line worth not more than S-KMKIt Mr. Wolfe used to sja-ak of this <-p;s«xle ashore to be forever «nibtdmed in histv.y •’ bort uuii'.e «11-! in th- '..•«( uianner. Washington lx lie. Office and Sales Rooms in Masonic Building, Ex-President Arthur is worth about in his student life aw every way memor­ by the story of the doctor and uiv L.- 81* ULI MM I. W. II ATKINSON. Secretary and General Manager REPAIRING DONE at Short Notice, j and newspaper. able. Cleveland Las about the same amount. Dry stove wood for sale by Billings. * 10-7] B. F. REESER. Talent, Hopkins & Co GENL MERCHANDISE, Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c. Reeser’s Block Ashland. TALENT, HOPKINS & CO. CLAYTON & CORE STORE '. In Johnson’s block. Ashland, Oregon. GE rmânreme OY For Pain Groceries and Provisions TABLE WARE AND CROCKERY. CASH ! , CASH ! CASH BUYERS, Gown Yoarselves Accordinaly. FARLOW & MILLER, The Grocers, ARE AHEAD AS USUAL. Baking Powder! C. W. AYERS, Architect and Builder. Baking Powder! J?i‘ice 35 cents per Pound Can, The Mineral Spring TOBACCOS: ’ÄS' Ashland Woolen Mills, Wooden Water Pipe! WHIT1 B. F. Reeser’s NEW TIN SHOP JOHN RALPH WAGON SHOP Prices That Defy competition. Liu—au] 1