MBtM ASHLAND ISSU E TIDINGS ASHLAND ASHLAND iiatea. six «Mipies for term« tn advance. AND MANUFACTURING TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKES. Great Loss of Life anti Property at Charles­ ton, South Carolina. CLAYTON & CORE. GROCERY STORE ! Ashland, Oregon. I - I I I clothing and something fo eat. The ap­ proach of the quake was heralded by the usual rumbling sound, reeembtiug dis­ tant thunder, till it gradually approacheiL The earth qui.»ml and heaveil, ;m»l iu three st*co'i Is ii hail passe«!, the sound dying out in the dtetan«». This te the only wave t<-’t r trice 2:3»this morning, k was not »!• s'rnctive. ¡ill the df®tnieti»>n liaving lxx*n dt: ■ it (h‘,5 last night. Further d ip. '.cht-s read: Owing to tho demoralizevi »•: ’ lition of everything here it is impos- ibl;» fo give correct fuels, fur­ ther thiin this: The nnmlier of casu.d- ties has uot l«e»*n ascertained, probably from thirty to forty lulled und over one hundred iujurisl. The loss fo pro(»erty will probably re .ch fS,00 ,0 Oor810,00 000, Three- ot.rilw of the buildings in the city will h?' o fo lx* rebuilt. There was very litt;o.»hipping in port,and none of it wasinju , Tire diisturljanees have Th»-water in th«* tihrlxlr, al- though it i> known that all the slmcks came from an easterly direction, and I therefore from the sea. There are no signs of a ti lai wave as yet. The city is v. rappwl in glixim and busi­ ness is entirely suspemlfxl. People gen­ erally remain in the streets, in tents un­ der improvisiHl shelter, ;i®d will camp out to-night, fearing another shock. Th»» gas works are injured and probably the I city will be without light to-night. The dispatcher from Charleston Thurs­ day, Sept. 2d. "i'.x* it mor»' hopeful stilt«» of affuirs. The aggregate loss is now placed ¡it s-i.i iihi , >0 i. Wharves, ware­ houses. and busim’Ss facility's of the city generally were unaffected by th»' catas­ trophe. The oili •! il tol d of deaths is thirly- thre»>. Tli woun led will probibly num- l«*r 1IM). B tisuiess is still suspended, the whole attention oi the peoplebeing given to providing for refuge and making resi- denct's safe. Bricklayers have advanced th dr rates to $»’• a day. The city council will probably a. t to-morrow to provide m '.tsuri's for relieving the poor. Ex­ pressions of gratitude are hoard on ¡ill sides for as.-ist i:; ■• offered to Ch irleston, of which th" sui" ring (>eople will gladly avail them- ive- Confidence is gradu­ ally returning, but init -li appreli nsion still is felt. BLAINE OS ABOI T SHETLAND PUNIES. BOTS. THF API MIT. The following conceruiug the Sbi'tland Ilo Be«- Select u iiouie Ih-fon* S« araiinc ? was clippeil from ¡in eastern farm journal: ! Attorne7 aud Counsellor at Law. The Sbetliind Pony, like all the domes­ I The following report of the recent .!••«« Homestead.; • S., LA \ < »REG ii N. Mr. Binino spoke to a Chautauqua tic animals of Shetland, is said to I m * of earthquakes at Charleston. S. C., are W ¡'.I nttei-'l tn < i •»«••i ««••» in the coarts of Ort'gon, We have always regarded the state­ circle in Portland recently. He addressed Norwegian origin, and had Intn m»iin- ri li'I.-r « I» ic<- «n«.«•’«. exceptions may be taken is the long time some Spanish vessels, with the Adc iial s OFFlt E—Main »trect. [10-39 swept over Charleston last night short ly an I again might n,.t have a basis of ir.ct. employed. The admission to college is stud of thoroughbre»ls on board wen* Townahip plat« on öle in the office. after 10 o’clock, causing more l»»ss ami We bad an op|«'rtunity last wieektoeco now on the average at the same age at wrecked on that dangerous coiist, and at injury to property and far mor»* loss of for ourselves, or rather, to get our infor­ We keep c<»n tantly <»n h .nd a full assortment of staple and fancy goods, which students in the preceding genera­ least a part of the Spanish horses swam J. T. iowiitch, life than the cyclone of a year previously. mation from first hands aud under cir­ tion graduated. To a young man favored t»i shore, aud it is th ! cross which is said Attorney and Counsellor at Law Its wrecked streets are encumbere»l with cumstances tliiit left no oppoitaiiity for ...................................................... ï : ...................................................... with ample means the course runs thus: to have stam(»ed them with so much »SDL ND, OREGON. mistake. PLAIN AND DECOR \TED WA E, CoFFEES, ROAST AND GREEN. masses of fallen bricks and tangled tele- Admitted to college at eighteen; gradu­ fleetni'ss and endurance, as well as th • + • W ill |>ra< li> ■- n «11 court» of the State. graph an»l telephone wires, ami up to an On Munday of last wi-elu Mr. Vance, ates at twenty-two; completes his profes­ high spirit aud (»erfect docility for which »«•!leeti<>ii« promptly made and remitted IN GLASS AND STONE. TE\S, IN PAPERS, CANS & early hour it was almost impossible to the manager of our creamery farm, dis- i sion il studies at twenty-five; goes abroad 9-4 they are 6<> famous.” p:iss from on»* part of the city to ¡mother. ■ovensl Iwx® clustered under the window to hear lectures in a foreign university C< TLEin AND Sil. J i RS. SPICES A ALL It is curious that the “Sheltie,” as they The first shock was by far the most se­ and returns home at twenty-seven or I call him at home, should have kept liis sill of his lied room. There were but T. B. Beat, I vere. Most of the people, with their VERW a KE. KINDS OF twenty-eight. If he be heir to a great form so well through all these genera­ few of them, probably half a pint, an»l Attorney and Counsellor at Law. families, passed the night in the streets, fortune ajid intends to lead a life of mere tions of hanUhip sn.l toil, but it is well I they stM'Uied to go m ami out of a very JACKSONVILLE, OR. HANGING A STAND ♦ i- NNED GiioBK which even thftr morning ar» TFMrtW r f4311^ »• ill in nH the conrtfrflf Oretfbti. leisur ly elegance this form of prepara­ known that symmetry is more inherent in «mall crevice when* the w< ath»*rl»oardinv otto« in the court house. '-10-3 with people afraid to re-enter their tion is very well, but if he is compelled small animate than in large. Having hiul shrunk from the sill. fruits , meats , & o ., &C. homes. He concluded this must be the tradi- • ♦ • to depend ultimately on his own labor been bred reared ami trained for genera­ Albert Hammand, More than sixty (icrsons were killed ional committ«' of investigation ap- :: OILS. PAINTS AND BRUSHES. TIONERY, FENS AND PENT II for his bread he is sincerely to lx* pitied. tions under adverse circumstances, h.ts and wounded, chiefly colore«l. Among CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR, >ointed by whatever (xiwer rules in the He has contracted habits and tastes quite reduced his size, established his hardy ASHLAND. OREGON the whites the killed iind fatally wound­ l»ee hive, to find out whatever gi«l v. .-rything p rtaiuiug U» civil engineer­ The committee stay « m 1 all Sunday after­ tlie clients upon whose favor and confi­ known breeil. An auimal that hiul had ing Hall-fact ion guarantied. broke out in different parts of the city noon and spent the night and the next 10-12 Z4^“>'tt’- Mi »flier. dence he must dejiend for success. He to do his work and pick his living over immediately after th»* «»iirthqu.ike, and ifteml«*► of the known public buildings, including St. man would lie subjected in the learned shelter except that afford««] by som< (iiality nearer than nine miles to the C. J SochrUt, M. D., Michael’s church, are irreparably dam- I professions is vastly increased when he friendly rock, and never even a forkfull northwest. aged. Many people are seriously ir not Thi6 seems to us a demonstration that PHŒN1X, OREGON. i-nters upon a business career, a banker, a of fodder during the roughest weather. fatally injured. Broad street presents a lx*»*s select their homes. This committee merchant, a manufacturer, and iu either Hence the survival, only, of th«' fittest. t'li.i c tortliv pri sent, at Dr. Kahler's drug spectacle of the utmost horror. Ev« n had evidently rej»orted a land of promise ►tore. 111M0 case his fate i; not unlikely to lx* that of They are us»»f the illustrious Arnold of Rugby, them to, but use th»* spade instead, wi»*l swarm of Ixx® emna occupied at this time. People are camped on tlx* noon 11din and was came»! in a their life calling by twenty-one nr twenty- Miss Iona Weber, th»» uniform price is £16 or nearly .' ? •*' • off and leave. He followed them »lirectly Tettuiierui mi* i«’ at Ashland! «»liege, will give in open places. All stores are clostxl aud closely «>v»'i»'ii b:u'k to the store of Jun two years of age. Of course I shall not each, which is far more than double theii > instrurtions in to the s,K»t where th»» committee h..d all a scarcity of provisions is feareil, because Westfall, win re th" ceremony was to take I«* misunderstood as applying these re­ former price. To sum up, they hav» things in readiness. PLAN 3, ORGAN and GUITAR .^"We keep the Fr<-sh.-st mid Hot n •cent s in town, at the lowest figures. As we.btfy no one can lie got to go the stores to si ll (iltice. Th" coming of the bride was in Tks to any young man who is devoting spli-ndi»! constitutions, sound legs ami Iu a li’uileii iiu.uberol pupil» outbid«- hci Wliat now is the governing, supreme for cash , we can afford to seO cheap for cash. In addition to our full and'•••mplete them. gre»*ted by the popping of fir»'-eraekers himself to a purely literary life or to any colli gi- class. f«x't. are long lived, have no vin*, are K< -i.lrii.-e at Mr. A. <• Re Marshal I’ygall. Tw?> ing of the great mass of college gradu­ 3 Bartlatt, meut and pl«»asure to children t him any hive may be but an infant of a »lay. Nor them to the ground. bridesmaids a-.-i ted in taking the bride, ate® who are to be men of affairs, who other known animal. I CONTRACTOB and BUILDER, is it the dron»»s, who are lx»ru to serve a The shix-k was severe at Summerville »•lonely veiled, from the veliiele and eon- i depend u[x»n their earnings for their Goods delivered to ¡ill parts of town free of charge. Asiil.i.v I», • »KKGON. brief purpose anil then murdered. and ML Pleasant, and on Sullivan’s isl- ! din ting her int • the house. The cere- | bread. But even with literary men I 10-13 Viticultura!. Will furni-L • -aim« e« and take contract» for In the case mentioned there is a ««xirch and fissures are noticed front which sand, j mony was annouu -ed to take place in th»' think our New England history would FARLOW * MILLER. iKiildinKs of all k.nds. [N E. .Smith. Ionia, before Michigan Horticui- for a location, the communication of in­ ap[»arently from a great depth, exudes. evening at 9 o'clo *k. Before 5o’clock all bear out my assertions as strongly as A share of patrona^ ' solicited. ¡8-35 tural Socii'ty.J telligence to the parent hive, and uni­ Shoit lovib •/ ¡u-'it below I ,e I cert/ »taler. A sulphurous smell is very noticeable. the Chinanii n in town had gathered in with professional men. Longfellow grad­ As my vineyard is »ximpobed mostly of formity of action on the part of tho Three or four fires started in as many : adjoining rcxims to partake of th? feast uated at Bowdoin tiefore he was eighteen. • EORGE E. YOU LE, W m . M. GILROY sections with the first sh»x*k, anil very ‘ prepared in honor of the occasion. A George Bancroft had earned Harvard’s Concords, I will confine myself to this swarm. Now. who Hp)M»ints this com- A. I*. Willey, variety; and first let me give my opinion mitt«®, and in wliat way is their report s«x>n the town was illuminated with i Lcuili r reporter got admitted to the fes­ diploma at seventeen. Ralph Waldo Em­ that this is the lx*st graja.* that I am ac­ received ami unanimously adopted aud flanaes, thus leading all to believe that tivities. Ranged round tables loaded erson was under nineteen when he grad­ quainted with, for extensive cultivation acte»l upon? what was left by earthquake would be ! with chicken, rice, rats, and innumerable uated and Edward Everett but seventeen. «»MLA n A «’RKI.ON. in the interior of Michigan. devoured by fire. However, the fire de­ viands, were the happy revelers. A cur­ In professional and public life it is 1 pi'-p tre»l to give estimate, to furnish mate­ Despot of the White H oum -. It is the old reliable. Plant wide apart rial, and complete all kinds of buildings partment was so well “eop yo ya he,” and open­ years of age. But I do not mean to im­ the vine is very pliable. and mistress. The dog is master of the earthquake cannot be accurately esti- ! ing and closing the lingers. The game, ply that boys should be educated in refer­ M. L. M CALL. A. F. HAMMOND, I place them right and left, up and situation and is a confirmed de6|x>t- O dc mated, but can safely lx* (»laced ¡it 850 ,- evidently, was to make no mistake in ence to a particular profession. It is down, as the case may require, to till any of the colored attaches of the executive Hcuamond. & McCall, 0.>0. opening th right finger. When on»' difficult to tell at fifteen or sixteen years Dealers in— vacancy. mansion was assigned to the duty of As far as coultl be ascertained durin , made a mistake th»' penalty was for him of age what a boy may wish to do with I Each year I cut out all the old wood I waiting on the dog before the president REAL - ESTATE - AGENTS the night fifteen to twenty were killed to take a drink of li ¡nor out of a tiny cup himself at nineteen or twenty. The cur­ can, ami spread the vinos to eheck too left the city, and the curly-haired canine and a much greater number wounded in (I suppose tii<> hardship of the (« naltv I riculum is good for all alike and the reg­ rank growth, which tends to Lessen the sees that his servant carries out the in­ all sorts of ways. The loss of human hi»' lay in Hr small amount of liquor such a ular course of study will develop the quantity of fruit, and produces («Hirer structions given him. Hector is a very cunvl Y ncers , will be great and it will take a day to get cup would hold.) One fellow got “stuck” maturity which will enable a boy to wtxxl for next year’s fruits. intelligent dog and makes up for his ina­ Ort* (fun i «»III i nd, the accurate numlxir. Sh»x‘ks e»(itally so often as to lead to the sup(xxution that ehixise bis profession more easily. I Begin to thin and tie up in June, take bility to s[»eak by expressive actions. He aevere were felt at a tltetaneeof thirty-five he enjoy»*»! it. At the appoint»*d time, have serious doubts, therefore, as to the out all non-bearing shiwts, and where too is very fond of a 6troll around the Uians negotiated. Property bought and sold, miles, and have done inestimable ilainagt* the ceremony of the marriage began in mission of the electives courses now be­ thick to rijx'n well takeoff bearing canes. groun the »lour and which he may glean some information as is best to remove. \ (B«>i> Sr k Kvxcit. D60 acres, six mil«« I poodle knows that his command is to be L of Ashlaud—good for ►■.miner or wia city has there been such a deplorable : fannt'd hims< If. My vineyard has lieen 1 »earing eighteen I obeyed and his joy knows no bounds. ter range. Mail»' bv th»' Gelatino-Bromide, or This reporter, iu the forenoon, by mvi- to what goes on during hiB not unfte- years, and I have never failed of a fair state of affairs here. The city is literally The same attendant feeds the executive quent abscences from home. In several I’wgNTT \ca».s of good w»x»d land near in ruins, and the people are living in t ition went through the rooms which are of his rooms and in his office there is a crop, say, two or three tons to the acre. dog and finds hitn a hard master to own. But with this system of spreading the please. Bread and butter and the choicest squares and public parks. There is a to be the future home of the newly wed­ concealed apparatus in the walls, consist­ Are now taken by the LiuidiiiL* Photographers in aP the Cities, «md for Groups, pic great rush to the railroad depots to get ded pair. They were decorated with vas­ ing of a roll of Eastman paper »nd a train vines, I find one »lefect ; too many shoots meats, with small cakes for desert, arc al­ ures of children, etc., are far sapt nor to the old so-called “wet-plate ’ process. away, but owing to the earthquake® no es of artificial flowers, and images of lov­ oi clockwork. Every hour a shutter si- start out from the old wood that are ways demanded, and, as his high connec­ ers hanging out in various stag»® of I i trains are able to be dispatched from th»' “goneness.” The bed was enclosed with 1 ntly opened by the machinery, and an worthless. I get new wood enough to tions insure compliance with his de­ I i»e Obli I^eliable city. Telegraphic communication is also instantaneous photograph is taken of all get a g«x«l crop of luscious fruits each mands, he lives like an epicure. \nd examini- w->rk made - xolnsively oy the n«*\v prixx®-«. Photographs made by the cut off, save one wire of the Southern ■ white curl..ins ai. 1 a teester of linen ov- that is going on in the room. On the year. Perhaps the time may come when leading artists of th«' coast on exhibition for comparison. 18 44 Voteil fur Hlui'Clf. telegraph company, which is loaded with i erhead. Th" eov» rlid was finely emlxd- great man’s return he delights to develop I shall think best to cut back to the OF BLtMtMINGTON, ILL., It is said that soon after ¡Senator Bow­ i hshed, and Utokened the wealth and anxious private message®. A these pictures, and it is said that they stump, or plant new vines. This vine­ en came to Washington he was out one . 1 —Tf— \\ 1.--1 iu Illi« part *»f the country I ; social standing of the parties. It is impossible to depict the ruin and furnished some very strange infor­ yard has not been manured in ten years. I evening with a party of friends, and in E. K. ANDERSON desolation that prevails. Not a single The festivities ended with the firing of have JAMKS TIIOIJNTON, Plow first in the spring, then cultivate mation indeed. One clerk, who received Vice President. President. th»* course of conversation politics was lull, place of business in the city is open, save lsinibs and a Bweet serenade by the Cor- his dismissal somewhat unexpectedly, and thoroughly through the summer. alluded to. Among other things Senator y ir oniers for fall i vallis cornet band. It is sai»l the bride For ten years I have lieen troubled to a drug store, which is busy preparing pre­ boldly wanted to know the reason why, Bowen’s election to the Senate was men­ j cost her husband three hundred dollars, some extent with a black slug, the same scriptions for the wounded. It is inii«»s- was horrified when shown a photograph tioned. Some »me remnrkid that he had Hossian and Iron-clad Apples. sible also to give any correct estimate of i and she was only fifteen years old. The in which he was despicted lolling in an which attacks (»ear ami cherry trees. It a very narrow escape, as he was only h. I«> -l .tini iao»t u|>provvii varieties of the killed and wounded, as b»xbes it re | frolic must have c»»st that much more, easy chair, with his feet upon the office eats the leaves and destroys the fruits. elected by a majority of one. The Sena­ Peaches, Pears, Plups, Cherries, Apricots, constantly being disinterred from the i Thus ende»l the great»'st social event of desk, while the clock on the mantelpiece What shall be done to check them ? tor th»*n proceed»*»! to state that h»* was at I would say further that I trie»l tying Grapes and S nail Fruits, Nut-beaing Trees, debris of wrecked b»>us<®. One under­ th season. | Benton Leader. poiuto 1 to an hour at wliich he ought to t he time a member of the Colorado legis­ a.U .Lie, ttc. I to stakes, but soon abandoned it. 1 also taker was interviewed and stated that he I have been at his busiest. The servants' lature, and after several txtllots had boeu j tried the fan system, but »Rd uot. like Not Aiqiiainteil. had furnished eight coffins up to n<«m party in the best dining room furnished taken his name was brought forward. that. The Concord must be spread in ancltmati Enquirer today. Many of the dead are lying un­ another thrilling scene. Several ballots followed, until finally the this climate, most emphatic, dly. It must buried, these being »»f th«* [« joint classes Many men •e i > rushed ami driven by vote w.is a tie between Bowen and his have room in order to grow go»xl fruit Letter ' he»-t F.nvelo|>e. of c«>l»>rtd [ mm »pie, who await burial by business affairs that they often say, principal competitor. Up to this time the county. There are not a half a doz- -u l.iu ,'hingly, th ;t th y 1» tve no timo to TIN, SiEET-IRJN &COPPERWARE The P<®tm.ist»-r-Gvn<-ral is introducing that will ripen early and »11 well. Mr. Bowen had refrained from voting. i'his y»ar. Jam 1st, Moon ’s early and tents in the city, anil th«* worn n ,uid “get at*qu .mt >• with their families." I fo. -;de at the principid poefofiiet® wte.t He saw the United States Sen.itorship C òl at children are experiencing great privations The Boston Post tells au amusing itici- ■ i. t iill •! th»' “United Stat«® letter ►lus t Hartford were in blossom; June '.»th, within his reach, one vote being all that in consequence. As night approach» s •lent regardi i:g one of thes»' very busy I envelope," which is a unique device for I Coucvnls, Delawares and s« vend other was nmled to secure it. He had listened varieties were in bl to all the clever and complimentary re­ It is «»rds did not bloom till July 2d. struct tents out of b«d sheets, spare awn­ He» usually 1 ft home before Lis child­ i a combination in one of a leUer sheet, en- marks made about himself when he was ings and other material that comes to ren were up iu the morning, and «lid not 5 volope and the u»*w (xistage stamp of the early yet to predict the harvest, but the placed in nomin tion, so h»> sold at the rate of twenty-three place, so he ar»»se and cast the deciding FPliila lelphiu • «11., shix’k of »—“x'Uake. It is ealcul ,t i iirisen earii t th .u usual ami was playing ' dollar.-» ¡»er thous..nd, in any desired vote for ’•Bowen.” i i « -, i - ,. s . Or.. Full stock that at urtbs of the city will oil the si«!**w»»liM Inquisitive son Papa, what does the i quanUtieti, separately or in packages or Oil I . lei md .mue . • O.' «et. I pads of twenty-five, fifty- or one hundred word ' alleged" mean which I see tmed so have t«. • ebtult » irely, if the hoi: • s It Was Funny. •■(io into th house. are to bt inhabited, Th. litt! How refu-xxL His father each, or folded in ena -h. »®peci;dly adapted for use when A iii8(iat-h from Charleston, dated 1 1’. , iii.»i him .m I puiiishiii him. E«litor—Well, it meiins hem- “re­ Harry, agel 5, h id nover happened to i. .. hoed in a workmanlike manner M.. says at 8.45 tins morning anotner M4 I l'hc chil i .v< lit into the house- crying, traveling. This is a great improvem« nt ported," “pretendeil," "siipposixl to lie,” see the moon in the daytime. He came on the postal card as it affords privacy and the like. down to breakfast the other morning Plain x1 lauuei8, Hosiery, Etc, wave swept over the city, coming as the aud the mother asktxl: with equal handiness and convenience. “What's the matter?” Inquisitive son -But I don’t under­ shrieking with laughter. “Why, Harry, i other «.lid, from the southeast, and going in a northwest directitm. By this time It would seem as though the combined stand, pap.t Now, what is au alleged what's the matter?” iuquire»! bis mother, “Man hit me'" cried the child. OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING MADE to ORDER. I lotter sheet and envelope is destined to business man, for instance? ’ the people who had been out in the pub ­ “MTi-.t man? “Oh, mamma,” said he, as s»x»n as he could i < Hhce and Sales Rooms in Masonic Building, »ul the bvsthnat« rial used. become an immeiliate and lasting favorite lic parks and open places all night had “ Why. the man that stays here Sun- Editor An alleged business man. my s[x'ak. “I’ve got such a joke on the Lord; V W. H- ATKOsOS. secretary aadUuner«»! JI« Mag ar. I with the public. ventured into their houses to get thvir elqys.” lle’e fo^-'ot Uk the muou ixu” i eon. is a man who ilocsu't adv»»rtie»*. B F. KLEBER I 10-7 J Geo. B. Carrey, A ........................... I ii C inserted upon Ot all doscripti •ne on short notici I it cal Blanks, ( lars, Business F rds Billheads, Lette ds. Posters, etc., got- t-n up in good style at living prices. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY SI PTEMBER 10, 1886. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. <2 60 . 1 TO and Provisions TABLE WARE AND CROCKERY, CASH ! CASH ! NEW FIRM: NEW FIRM! B -lier be Engaged iu Life's Calling at an Early Age. Í « Ashland Grocery Store. FARLOW MILLER Tobacco and Cigars, Cartridges, Ammunition, etc. I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. YOULE & GILROY, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, Lumber, Mouldings, Brackets ! PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, CLASS LATH and SHINGLES. PHOTOGRAPHS I>ltv 1’1,-VrK VKOC’ESS, 1 Eistera Ft’tiil Trees iSHtajj Call at Logan’s Gallery, on the hill, Bl□□ min’ton,PHœnix, Nursery Co WHITE and COLORED BLANKETS, TIX N E A SHOP 4 H I Prins That Dafy competition. I p A I