GIE ASHLAND BREVITIES. TIDINGS Wells. Fargo Ar Co.’s express service be­ tween Ashland and Linkville was discon­ tinued July ;>lst. Wells. Fargo t laxly for a two story building of stone, which Water is failing rapidly in tht small DISBlKbKXENTS. J. F. Kelley, of Grant’s Pass, has lieen is to have two store rooms facing Main Costs of circuit courts................ appears at Granite hall. Ashland, this streams. of frv.-h water on the Western continent SST“ 00 TO i 6.414 “ justice 11 .............................. 1.552 evening. Exchanges in Modoc county, Crater lake which is only 5xR miles in in town several days during the past street, one for Henry Kessler’s Drug at tlie Red Two 11 >s. I»eet gloss starch Clerk’s fee« for county business.......... 2.004 Cal., and Lake county. Or., speak favor- extent. For its size it is the deejieet week. “ 11 circuit courts.................. * 521 Store, the other for Henry Judge as a House for 25e. fees for promiscuous busi­ ably of the show. body of water on the globe, so far as Col. Rodney Smith, U. S. paymaster, harness shop. Dr. Hemenway is to occu­ sheriff's ness ......................................... .'.................... 2,196 70 f rents’ fine kangaroo shoes 84.50 at Hat. ; known. and Lis elerk returned on Monday’s stage py three rooms a« an office in the upper Sheriff, for boarding prisoners.............. Ml 02 “ jailor’s s lary..................... ........... 620 W field & Herrin’s. New (rtMxls. floor. Cost of keeping indigent« and salary On and after August 1st the mail route from the Fort. of agent for pour ....................................... 1,101 51 There is a large amount of travel on from Medfonl to Eagle Point will leave Just arrived al J. I>. Founiaui's, a tine Mr. A. W. Pickett, a mining man E. O. Heidrich has carpenters working Costs of roads and bridges.................... 3,180 81 stock of ladies' and men’s French kid the Linkville road. attorney’s fees....................... .. 922 20 out Cent nd Point, and include Smith’s, from San Francisco, has Is-eu stopping on timbers, preparing to erect a restaur­ District Bounties paid on scalps of wi d ani­ shoes. A large invoice of dry good», con- Sportsmen are still whipping I he brooks a new office lately established. Central here for several days. mals ............................................................... ant next to hie blacksmith shop. Janitor's salary............................................ sisting of Gingham, calicos, indigo-blues, for mountain trout. Point will receive its mail direct from ■ ounty commissioners' fees................... J. IL Little, of Jacksonville, has “ taken Road supervisor Hunsaker has had a etc. New gixxls, warranted first-class, 11 surveyor’s fees............................... ANI) ARE NOW MAKING A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF FLOUR. -®5; Men b summer pants, nwit cuts, 81.50 the trains. the road” as a commercial traveler for a large force at work during the past week “ printing and blanks .................. and at bed-rock prices. x inquests .................................... per pair at Blount’s. x Mr. L. A. Sackett has a fair crop of San Francisco house. blasting out the |>oiut of rucks in front Coroner's County judge a siilarv................................. peaches on the trees at his place on Wool ­ 11 school supt's sahury................ . The grocery store» are all »>n the west Removal. Mrs. W. llean. of Glendale, has lieen of Heidrich’s shop, mskiug the street 11 treasurer « salury......................... en street in the western part of town, and wider. side of Mam street now. Repairs on court house aud jail............ visiting relatives at the home of her Hunsaker A- Dodge have opened their J stationery and record b.x»ks................. $1.50 buy » lx»x of King of Soaps at the favored the T idings on Wednesday with father, ('. Neil, up the valley. music store in the large west room of the The stone wall around the jail is alxiut Telegraghing on criminal business... a treat of the finest Hale’s early’s that we Paid hospital contractor........................... Manufactured expressly fur Family. Bakers' and Export Trade, new corner brick block. anttom Rev. Mr. Ghormley and family, of East the «»ntractor, is doing a splendid job. goods for his new saddlery and harness a new stock of instruments and a tell River bridge. ....................... W. W. Smith, proprietor of the Link­ Rogue I Portland, are visiting Ashland, as the prices. W. G. T anner , Ashland. ,\ Right of way for same..................... . . store. Mr. Judge will open for ihe pres­ line of musical merchandise. Set of township maps ............................... ville meat market, startB for Oakland, ('ixqxT A" Mack's “big show” will ap­ ent in the large building of Judge Smith, guests of Rev and Mrs. J. V. Milligan. Paid Reames Bro.’s for suudiies for county........................................................... 27 50 Ilow tu Avelli Doetor»' Bill', pear at Granite Hall this evening. Jas. l’orter. fireman on the express Cal., in alxmt two weeks to attend the Paid adjacent to the hotel. 23 90 J Nuuau for sundries for county. military school at that place. To any part of the city. Miscellaneous expenses ......................... train lietween here and (Inuit ’ s Pass, had 99 11 "My wife suffered more than a year Fresh and complete stock of staple and Any one knowing the present address Mrs. H. M. Thatcher is confined to her a furlough and a trip to the city recently. front dispepsia, she consulted thè very fancy groceries at the Red Honse. < hdtr.s Jiott a di-duav rulidled and promptly filled at lewetl rate*. Total ain't of warrants audited .445.021 87 or wherealx»uts of one Henry Ryan will room, very ill, but at last accounts getting Interest paid on redeemed warrants.. 3,398 13 liest pbysicians in this city, and at last Address (11-7 Mr. Page, the Portland fruit dealer, better slowly. California grapes were sold in Ashland confer a favor on his aged mother if they trust that valuable medicine. ‘Siminons at 15 ets. par lb. the first of th«1 week. total ■ :.p>.nse- of county business. (48,120 00 write to Mrs. Annastasia Ryan, West stopped in Asliland a day or two this Regulator.’ Doctor» «ere of no The firm of More A- Clift, in the saloon PER CONTRA Infants' pebble goat tip button shoes Keokuk, Lee county, Iowa. Oregon and week, on his way home from San Fran­ business, dissolved partnership on July Ashland., Oregon. avail; but thè Regulator effected a per- a EC El PTS. cisco. Caifornia papers please copy. July 3, 1885.4 131 77 31st, Fred W. Clift retiring. < a-ii in treasury J-!. fect cure. Piena« forward per expresa a from 75 ets. tip at Hatfield A- Herrin's. M r. un< l M rs. W. H. Atkinson are Received from 1‘ P prim for A cloud burst at the bead of lattlu Ap­ Extra coaches come through from the hall doz*-n liottb ii . wife and two children. Jacksonville; and the best. For sale only at Clayton A recovering under Dr. Hemenway’s treat­ bail bonds............................... 200 00 Dr. F. W. VanDyke and son. Mr. Kinney $13,926.49. exclusive of interest on out­ Peter Britt and family,of Jacksonville, ment, but at his advanced age a complete Received from co-te in ciim Gore's. ¡ standing warrants, which amounts to have gone over to the Shovel creek inal suit«................................ 7o »0 iiiul wife and J. R. Jennings, of Grant’s i Received from sale of scat- cure is considered doubtful. Th«« catalogue issued by the public alxmt $5.500 more, making a total addi­ Pass; Sam. Lowenstein, of Portland; Mrs. fold lumber ............................. io eo springs. Miss Lizzie Murphy returned In the last issue of the T idings an ar­ Received from trial fees to We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of staple and fancy’ goods. O. Coolidge. Mrs. A. M. Russell, Mrs. H. schls is neatly printed, aud a credit to tion of $18Ji00 to the county's debt dur­ with them to Beswick. to countv................................. lai «» ticle appeared, stating that, what the Mil. Ree ; the schools. d from liquor licenses. ■. I SO 00 £.’. Hill, Miss Grace Hammond, Dr. J. S. ing the year. Benjamin H. Bristow, Grant's Secre­ Tel. Line lietween Ashland and Linkville Received from taxes for Postmaster Hammond is remodeling Walter and wife, Mrs. IL M. Garrett and county purpo« “ « ... 26.101 .V. The large reservoir or. A. L. Willey ’s tary of the treasury who made the famous needed was new poles. This of course Received from taxes Sher- PLAIN AND DECORATED WARE. ;j: COPIEES. ROAST AND GREEN ehildrt n, Sheridan Thornton and wife. and improving his dwelling house on place on the hill irrigate-1 all of Mr. Wil­ assault upon the liquor interest», is now ill's assessment ....................... 1,17'.» 96 would lx* a great help toward maintaining Itee <1 irom deliuquent taxes 359 67 IN GLASS AND STONE TEAS, IN PAPERS, CANS & Mrs. G«-o. Engle and two children, Henry Mechanic street. ley’s land, as well as that of some other visiting Portland and the Puget Sound it, but the great source of trouble is in Received from poll tax.......... 678 00 I Thornton, Ashland. GI 01 11 China (xills .. Jos. S. Satterfield will have his dwell­ people below him simply by the sipagc country. the mountains where campers build Deficit this year......................... 13,02»; 49 CUTLERY AND SIL- JARS. SPICES & ALL ing house on Granite street reumdek'dand irom the reservoir aud wing ditches ou ■ + • Ben Simpson, so long known in Ore­ fires, burning trees across the wire, or Sudden Death. 9 18.420 DO i greatly improved. the same level. This is much letter than gon as (xistal inspector of this depart­ [lenons maliciously felling them with VERWARE. ^¿i- KINDS OF Martin Hoover, well known in this RECAPITULATION. Do y ou want to secure some Ashland surface irrigation. the axe. Some one is sure to get within ment, is keeping a hotel at Selma, Ala­ Total receipts for county county, Having been a resident for over HANGING A STAND : + . CANNED GOODS. purposes........ ........ i peaches and plums ? Apply early at 135,393 51 The curative power of Ayer's Sarsparilla baina. and carrying on a plantation near the meshes of the law, and a won 1 Jp the • • 3t) years, ilied at the county hospital last Clayton A' Gore’s. Taxes collected, school pur- * wise should prove adequate. is too well known to require the specious that city. poses.................................... 8,436 6> LAMPS. BOOKS AND STA- :x: FRUITS, MEATS, AC., AC. Tuesday night aged nearly 80 years. On Taxes collected for state pur- County debt of Jackson county •*»''1.- aid of any exaggerated or fictions certifi­ Capt. Dutton, now sounding Crater po*>es .................................................... ÎL'J NO 22 luesday afternoon he in town dri*»s- Mrs. E. B. Hunsaker and Mrs. J. I*. TIONERY, PENS AND PENCILS. I; OILS, PAINTS AND BRUSHES. cate. M'itnesse« of its marvelous cure« •»I up in his l>est clothes and informed U b 1 •*)••. with somewhere from 810.oo,i to 1 52,si? : Total receipts........................... Dodge, and their children, who had lieen Lake, lias ascertained the water to l>e are to day living in everv city and hamlet $2»U**i interest to beadde«l. PER CONTI’. 1 L. that be eauie to get his picture taken so visiting friends in the Willamette valley | 1955 feet deej» in one place. All good* ht our line we will fur ninfa ut the lowett cat'll ratet. Call and ai rants redeemed and can- Why do you pay $3 for a lady.» ¡»ebble of the land. Write Dr. J. ('. Ayer A for a linmlier of weeks, returned to Asil­ Fanners are busy in the field, and re- W celled as to send it to his sister in the East but ................................... Lt»''-! twe for jfonrtelrct. ( ’ <>., Lowell. Ma-s.. for name». ! port lietter crops than at first anticipated. Interest paid on same .......... . 3.3‘.*b 13 he failed in this as Mr. Britt l- abs»-nt button »lux' when you can get (hem from land reeently. Paid for state taxes................. . 8,436 65 Tline tiiemlxT» of my family, »ays Mr, from town. He then went home, ate a 82 up at Hatfield A Herrin'». 8.989 22 Rogue river blackberries are selling Transferred to school fund. Mr. Cunningham, of Ked Bluff, Cash in Treasury................... 7.309 F a h*avy supper and then went tolled, and Th«- Seott \ alley Vics will siu-qieud James A. Samp!«. ('ash Ro<»n. >>fflay, and 18th. by Charles Bealntan, J I'. S T Garrison E. K. Anderson has a haiulsotne little cinct, now in possession of the latter, but university, occurred at the bride’s home regularly incorporated lrnard. Young of Grant's Pass and Mr« Amelia Yocum. then out south to Ashland and to the C. sorrel “Arabian Boy” filly, which he is men and women graduating from the in Eugene on the 29th irlt A O. terminus. They will spend about training for a single buggy horse for his Foudray has failed to answer, so the mat­ BOltN. Roliert A. Miller, one of this county’s Sunday School desiring to lx* mission­ ter stands the same as it was. The com­ two weeks in Oregon. [Oregonian. I aries either clerical, or medical, can draw daughters. munity is hoping to see the matter set­ representatives to the next legislature, YOCCM — In Willow Springs precinct. July 13. to Mr and Mrs Frank Yocum, a daughter.’ accompanied by Miss Annie Miller, his upon tins fund in order to attend the Screen doors and wiwdowa on hand tled one way or the other. Took In a Tramp. universities and colleges in qualifying LOVE —Near Jacksonville. July 29th, toMr and sister, and Miss Starkey, of Portland, and odd sizes made to order at short M rs Geo M Love, a daughter. 'Die following shows the nundier of Wednesday morning as the train WHS I notice at H. C. Messengers's. (’all and themselves for their work, Thus the spent last Saturday in Ashland. Miss school children in each of the counties al mut to poll out from Grant’s Pass for g -t prices. X Starkey is visiting Mies Miller at Jack­ young people in the Sunday Sela Mil to- The most deadly foe to all malaria dis­ of this district, and the amount due each sonville. Vshland, the engineer and fireman saw a day are laying by in store for their own eases is Ayer's Ague Cure, a combination Scrofula diseases manifests themselves on account of the distribution of the com­ man on the front end of the locomotive. education. Let our people patronize this of vegetable ingredients, of which the Gen. T. G. Reames. of Jacksonville, has ... Beg leave to inform the public that they are now nicely located in the store. in the warm weather. Hood's Sarsapar­ mon school fund interest, ordered by the They told him, “twas no use,’’ he’d have laudable work. Addresses by Prof. Royal most valuable are in no other preparat ion. illa cleanses the blood, and removes every State board of school land commissioners gone to San Francisco to purchase new ........................ room formerly occupied by Willard A Eubanks, in..................... to get off ; “they were onto bis racket,’1 and Mr. Simpson, the pastor, with a This remedy is an absolute specific, and goods, having determined to continue succeeds when other remedies fail. War ­ tint of scrofula. on July 20th; Jackson, 3,803 children, etc. He said he’d had a rough time “all choice program by the young i»eople. ranted. The half-mile running horse mentioned 84.442.70; Josephine, 1.094 children, $984.- the mercantile businee« at the county Sunday School 9:30 and 1st service 11 broke up” aud wanted to go up the road seat in partnership with Mr. White, who a little way, anyhow; but they said it was in last issue as advertised for constable’s 60; Klamath, 582 children. $523.80; Lake. a . m ., 2d service 8 p. m . 8. With a large assortment of A General Settlement Desired, l sale last Saturday was bid in by Geo. B. 57G children, 8518.40. The nite is 90 has lieen clerking in the store for a year ¡.gainst orders and the train men would or more. A Cure of Pneumonia. Tho»e havingclaims acainst the firm of Hun­ Hoots» find Shoes», Iaiitlies»* mill >lis»s»es»* Fino cents j>er child. Ixinnce him. anyhow. Then the tramp Landers at $80. saker A lloilge are requested to present the A party consisting of Misses Itella Mr. D. II. Barnaby of Oswego, N. Y., same for settlement. Likewise, parties know­ In every land and clime, the merits of -aid he guessed he’d ride in the cab, and l^reneh Kid«, Gents’ DrestH Shoes, Most of the visitors from the East at ing themaelve« indebted to ns are urgently re­ when the light struck his face lie was i St. Jacolis Oil a.» th«1 only conquerer «it San Francisco attending the G. A. R. re­ j Pennebaker, Julia Goodyear and Eugenia says that his daughter was taken with a quested to call «nd settle the same v. ithout de­ Slipper«, I£tr., Etc*., Etc. Very Truly, • found to be MelNmald. en^nueer of the pain, are being acknowleiUpd by the union carne out over the Central and Famham, of this place, and Miss Baker, violent cold which terminated with pneu­ lay. H vnsakf .11. A Imiur. Ashland, Or., August 5. 1886. .... In fact everything to be found in a first-class Boot and Shoe Store........ Albany express, who was having a little press and people. Southern Pacific, roads. Many of of Salem, and Messrs J. S. Sweet and monia, and all the liest physicians gave Clarence Farnham will start for Crater the case Up and baid she could live but a ....................... We are receiving new goods every week, and are selling at.............. . fun out of the boys. When they told The front of the new Butler. Thomp­ them will return over the Northern Lake next Tuesday, to bo gone a fort ­ Sheep for Sale. few hours at most. She was in this con ­ him that one tramp was shot for try ing son A Billings bhx-k is lieing painted a Pacific, a few of them, of course, making dition when a friend recommended D r . to ride the O. A C. out tins way a year or dark cream color something new here. the trip overland between San Francisco night or more. Five hundred (500) head of choice W m . H all ’ s B alsam for the L ungs , and Gen. Tolman arrived in town Tuesday so ago, he concluded he would play some i anil quite attractive. and Portland. If the railroad connection mutton sheep. J ohn 8. H errin . Call and examine our steck. No trouble to show goods... I evening from San Francisco; accompanied advised her to try it. She accepted it as other trick next time he came out. S-3w] It was reported last week that Gen. T. were completed nearly all would take the by his daughter Emma, who conies home a last resort, and was surprised to find G. Reams had lieen appointed postal in­ ears in preference to the sea voyage, and l arniers anil .Vtecliwnlcs. Crater Lak»-. fora month’s rest from her art studies in that it produced a marked change for the >ur pretty little valley would Is- brought spector of Oregon, but the report was de­ Save money and doctor bills. Believe lietter, and by persevering a permanent From the last letter of W. G. Steel in into notice in a way that could not but that city. The Judge was selecting ma­ your mothern, wives and sisters by a timely nied at Jacksonville. purchase of Dr. Bosanko’s Cough and chinery for reducing the ore at his mines cure was effected. the thcgoiiian we take the following: I be beneficial. Lung Syrup, best known remedy for coughs, Secretary of State R. 1*. Earhart Oregon Horses in New York. m Baker county. Crater lake has again sort of risen to the colds, croup and bronchial affections. Be­ The jolly people at Soda Springs hotel has lieen appointed Adjutant General oi [Oregonian, Aug. 8.’ «x-casion. as accurate tests will prove be- lieves children of croup in one night, may At the end of this month Rev. W. G. had another burlesque dramatic enter­ you hundreds of dollars. Price SO yond all question that but few bodies of the Oregon state milita. Generals are tainment last Saturday evening, which j Simpson goes to the Oregon Conference, The horses shipped to Ontario county. save cents and $1. Samples free. Sold by .J H getting thick in Oregon. New York, by Messrs. Hoxter & Newell, watt r in th«- world «-qual it in depth, ex­ Chitwood A Son. and it is not likely that be will return to J. S. Herrin offers fur sale head of was witnessed by as larg«> an audience bh ■ Ashland to continue his pastorate here. met with a ready sale, and Messrs. W. J. cept the ocean, and none whatever of an the hall would hold. Original rhymes by , Hoxter and Alliert Tozier, of Washington Lumlier to exchange for shakes and i-qual size, while in the western hetni- choice mutton sheep from his fine band. Mrs. Kinders, left-handed rendition of ; Mr. Siuqison has gained the esteem and county, have returned to this state to get shingles. Apply to W. G. Tanner, Ash­ Mr. Herrin has one of the liest bands o. sphere it will «tand absolutely unrivaled. choice morsels from Shakespeare, shallow ! resjiect of our jieople generally, and there another train load ready for shipment. land. x sheep in Southern Oregon. The shipment of these horses was a great Hi retofore Tahoe has lieen considered pantomines and other comic features kept ' will lie genuine regret at liis leaving, but undertaking for the owners, but success Vine-eighth or 10-lb. box crackers at the the «leepesl lake in America, lieing 1640 The Chick quartz null, which was til«? audience in roars of laughter, till . there is little doubt that he will lie has crowned them, and Oregon has lieen DURING THE SEASON OF 1886 I Red House, 65c. * feet, (hily preliminary soundings have moved over to Wagner creek from Med­ everyone suffered from a “stitch in the j preesed to accept a more responsible po­ well advertised. The horses have given I he following horses will be at my ranch one mile north of Ashland, Oregon: ^¿2 Three boxes of blueing fur 25cts. at the general satisfaction, and the inhabitants ¡»ven made as y et, and the figures obtained ford. began running Wednesilay morning ;ide.” An epilogue at th»1 conclusion by j sition iu the conference. of Ontario county, where the horses were Red House. * are sir! »jeet to blight change. The deei»eet ou rock from the Hojie ledge. Percheron-Nonnan stallion, combining size, »ne of the little folks intimated that the, Mr. C. A. McDonald, the engineer who sold, are favorably impressed with our water found so far is 1955 feet, being 315 action and kind disposition and whose colts are un­ The people of M«xlford are circulating returns at thedoor at the former entertain- ' has pulled the express between Albany st ite’s production in the line of horses. I L. H. Adams, who has charge of I Miller A Co’s warehouse in this place, is surpassed, if equaled, sn this coast. more than Tahoe. Active work will com- a petition to the county commissioner’s ment were large and satisfactory filling ¡uid Portland for the past eight years, Thousands of jieople visited the pasture agent for the Sugar Hue Door and Liuu- mear to-morrow, when two men will be ' court for the builibng of a county bridge where the stock was kept, it being the l»er Co., of Grant’s Pass, and all orders all the pin cushions of the company but made a trip out to Asldand Wednesday, largest liand of horae-tiesh ever brought *Arakian Tcrcheron) weight 1250 l|>s. combining st at | iuusl on th«1 cliff» with in»tniuientH. across Bear ereek at that place. as pins wouldn't buy candy, "lawful on business, returning Wednesday even­ to the state« and people gat hen’ll as if to for lumber of any kind will be promptly Style, action, endurance and good disposition, and prepared to take laqirings <>n each sonnd- filled by him. [40 For the best fruit cans, fruit jar» and money of the United State«” would be ing. Mr. McDonald is the inventor and a circus. The riding by the boys in whose colts make the finest carriage, road and ‘‘ all purpose " horses. ing. locating it exactly on the map. while jelly glasses at the lowest cash prices, call just as acceptable. The hat was then patentee of an automatic damper regula­ charge of the horses excited the wildest Climax tobacco 12 oz. plugs 35 cents they) •I will lie taken on a number of lines at Myer Bro.’s hardware » the u;uu'. time Sunday Lake, will leave stating that he was authorized by the : Hunsaker A lkxige call upon all having of the first sights that caught his eye was gineers, to the international convention there soon, and expect to arrive in Ash­ School at 9:30 a . :: Rev. J. V. Milligan, pastor. prevalent of th«1 line to offer reduce«! I claims against them to present them for an elderly, dark complexioned, stalwart I which meets in New York City in Octo- land about the 15th inst. Why they B ai rial C hvroh .—Preaching nt Ashland morning and evening every Sunday except the rat* i » for persous intending to visit this settlement, and all owing them to make gentleman, who was wheeling himself i tier. Mac. received the compliment of n come in so soon is not known here yet firn iu each month. Preaching at Medford on the first Sunday in each month. pin j v during the present season. To such payment promptly. See notice in another cheerfully alxmt the corridors in an in­ ' unanimous vote of the boys for the hon- Rev, A M. Russell, pastor. 4 Mystery. valid's chair. His feet were comfortably i or. mid as he will have a free pass across perK'iis the round trip from Ashland to column. L iberal H all , T alent .-Liberal Sunday Row thy human system ever recovers from the continent for himself and family, aud School meets for Bible study and discussion Ln kville will be 812. From Linkville Youle A Gilroy, of tnis place, receive«! encased iu red blankets. Oiis was J. G. the liad effects of the nauseous medicines every Sunday at 11 a X. Cordial invitation to to 'ort Klamath, forty miles, I am un- the coutract to furnish the sash and doors I Van Dy ke, of Phoenix, Jackson county, expenses paid, he has a pleasant treat in often literally poured into it for the sup­ everyone. Vi'„ulJ announce to the public that he has purchased the Marsh planing mill ---------------------------- —- and sash and door factory on abl t at present to sav, but at the fort a for the new Masonic hall at Grant's Pass. Or. "Several months since," he said. “I I anticipation. Conductor Kearney also positious relief of dyspepsia, liver com­ plaint, constipation, rb« nmatism and other Secular Sunday Scht^L team and driver, with accommodations They finished making and shipping them accidentally ran a knife in my thigh. TLe intends to make a trip to tris old home in ailments, is n mystery. The mischief done The Secular Sunuay School will meet in for four p;.srx1 nger», will Ix> provided for last week. physicians in the «jounty told me the the East next mouth. by bad medicines is scarcely less than that caused by disease. If they who are weak, Granite H:.ll uvety Sunday at 3:00 o'clock wound had assumed a cancerous form sin. and will remain at the lak«> one «lay Mr. Sam Lowenstein. President of the And is prepared to do promptly all work in the lino of planing, moulding, and V lawsuit in Justice Eubank.- court bilious, dyspeptic, constipated or rheumat­ 1. m . Every body invited—ladies and gen­ general wood-working. a»‘d a half, or th« » » dtsiring to remain a last Tuesday, in which Mr. Bucket sued and said they could do nothing for me. Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Com­ ic, would oftener be guided by the ex­ tlemen, girls and boys, and “little child­ ren. ” Ilegalar discourse by E. L. Apple ­ perience of invalids who have thoroughly longer time can make all necessary ar­ Mr. Dunlap for the recovery of about $35, I came into this hospital exj»eetlng to pany, who has visited all the most notec Will keep on hand a good stock of tested Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, they gate as master in History. Literature and rangements at a reasi’uable nite. On the resulted in a verdict of 846 and costs ! die. 1 secured Dr. Jones to attend to mineral springs of Europe and America, would in every instance obtain the »weediest Philosophy and the Sciences. my case, and h>- cut into the leg aud «ays he finds the use of i he water at Ash­ aid derivable from rational medication. I >reg«m A California railroad. I believe, against Bucket. Subject for next Sunday—Reflections medicine is a searching and at the upon the adventures of Jonah on his cele­ found an artery leaking into a cavity land soda springe mure beneficial to him This half rates will l»e given, or 813.68 from same time « thoroughly safe remedy, de brated sea voyage from Goppa. Dr. S. T. Songer has grown a munlx-r which coutain«d alxmt two quarts of pus Portland t«> Ashland and return. Persons than any other he has tried. He is rived from vegetable sources, and possess­ of while blackberries m town thi.» season and oldblomL lliere wa» n<> -tgu of a in consequence of its basis of pure contemplating such a trip should be well troubled with dysjiepsis, and has been ing, Pasture to Let. spirits, properties as a medicinal stimulant from canes brought out from Illiuois a cancer. The Dr. trained up the artery Will furni»h lumber of all kinds, either rough 01 dre»«ed, in quantities to suit using the liottled water from the spring not to be found in the fiery local bitters ■provided with blankets, provisions and in purchasers. Good pasture to let on the Bauer« year ago. They are handsome lierries, aud extracted the blood aud pus, and I at his Lome in Portland for a nundier of and stimulants often resorted to by the de­ place at the foot of Oak street, Ashland. f a t a general camping outfit, as there and of fine tlav< >r ORNAMENTAL SAWING and TURNING. am getting bettor. In a week or two I'll months past. Last Saturday he visitev bilitated, dyspeptic and languid. Apply to the undersigned. are al»soll|teL' no accommodations here J ohn R eal . The Ea>le Mill» having lieen remodeled go home a well man. This is much more the spring for the first time, and has been «-pt thifoe fiiruishisl by nature. There Mr. J. Hockersmith haa an abtuidanee of Following are cash psicea for work: Planing, $3 per M.; Planing and matching, $4.50 per M.; Moulding. cent per inch, per ft. plenty of good gra-.» for lioiws. aud^le and refitted with new machinery, the pro­ cheerful than being packed »mt of here spending the week there with a growing blackberries for sale at his gardens in the Ashland, Or., July 30, 1885. Ashland, Oregon, April 16, 1886. [10-44. good water m» the earth affords. Besides prietor comes to the front with a new ad.. in a vixxlen box. But I owe much to appetite and a faultless digestion. Mr. northwestern part of town; price 25 cte. per gallon. He will take wheat in ex­ Pasture tu Let. this, a better way is now provided to announcing that the mills are now mak­ the careful nursing of the good sisters. Lowenstein had just spent a week or two change from farmers who have grain but * Pasture to let er head per month. Apply to A. gix».l trail has lxen constructed down bakers’ and ex;x»rt trade, by the new pro­ wife did, who was with me during the Eugene, before coming out to Ashland. Lumber to exchange for bacon and T. Kyle, Jr., or George riargadine. ton A Gore's, or at the office of G. F. Bil- $12 at O. H. Blount’s. ’These are the Cleetw'ojd canyon by XIessrs. Howell, cess. No need to go hungry, or eat poor most trying time—before and after Dr. He will continue to use the bottled water Apply to W. G. Tanner, Reeser’s Ashland, Or., April 16, 1886 lings. Orders left at these places will re- best bargains ever offered in A «bland, ' Jones performed the operation ’’ bread, in Southern Oregon. from the Athlabd spring. block. x and will bo in stock but a short tim»- x 'Xildwell and Mayâeld, of our party. I oeive prompt attention. E j L ix M ill -. FRIDAY ................ AUGI »T 6. 1**. _ _ _____ _ l'OR I I.OUR THE EAGLE MILLS We have recently REMODELED and REFITTED our mill with 1 New and Improved Machinery Bran, Shorts, Feed, Chop Wheat and Barley DELIVER FREE OF CHARGE S. A. FARNHAM, CLAYTON & CORE GROCERY STORE ! In Johnson’s block. Ashland, Oregon. I Groceries and Provisions TABLE WARE AND CROCKERY. CuA.SH ! CASH BUYERS, Govern Yourselves AccorHinaly. NEW STORE!:: :: :::::: NEW GOODS ! PRICES!::.::::::::::::::::::: HATFIELD & HERRIN Ashland, Oregon, McCall’s Block, LOWEST CASH PRICES. “Cash Sales and Small Profits.” N GOOD HORSES Bring Good Prices. GOOD COLTS Soon Make Good Horses. Horses! Colts! Money! Money! Colts! Horses! RAMRFTTA UMIvIDt I I A AR ARI AN RAY MllnDIMIl DU I 0®"TERMS lower than ever. Special inducements to parties breeding five or more mares. Wu C. MYER, Ashland, Or. H. C. MESSENGER, Manufacturer and Wood-Worker. Granite Street, Ashland, Oregon, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., AT LOWEST PRICES.