Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 23, 1886, Image 3

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Ashland College will open Sep. 6th.
'Most everybody out in the mountain»».
Ashland College anti Normal School.
See that new sign at the Red House.
The Ashland College and Normal
Car load Halt just received at the Red
Mchool will open on Sep. 6th, next for the House.
school year of 18H6-7 under the continued
Early tomatoes are in tbe Portland
management of Prof. M. G. Royal, who
has been snocesBful in steadily increas­
(>ue-eighth or 10-11». box crackers at the
ing the patronage of the school since
first aauuming control. Young people Red House, 65c.
here and elsewhere who want to acquire a
Cooling showers in Ashland again yes­
normal, »x'adeniic or business training terday afternoon.
should correejxmd with or interview Prof.
Two ll»s. lx»t gloss starch at the Red
Royal before the sckxil year opens.
House for 25c.
♦ »
JULY 23,
Just received at Geo. H. Carrey’s a line
assortment of toilet soaps.
Don’t forget the place, Johnson's New
Brick next door to H. Judge’s harnewi
and saddle store. Clayton & Gore.
Tlie President of the Cambridge. Mass.,
Fire Ins. Co., reeomends Hixxi’s Sarsapa­
rilla as a building up and streugtliing
Hon. M. A. Fortnan, of Ohio, member
of the House of Representatives, writes
that St. Jacobs Oil relived him of acute
bodily pains.
Tt is reported that mountain tires are
threatening injury to some of the build­
ings of the Kean creek saw mill property,
and Thus. Chavner, the owner, sent a man
out Wednesday to protect them.
Frank Hasty, the accomplished artist,
lias taken some photopraphic views of
scenes up the Ashland canyon which
would lx* noticed as choice pieces in
the portfolio collection of any artist any­
A lady writes: “I have used Ayer’s
Sarsparilla in my family for many tears,
and could not keep house without it.
For the »‘lief of the pains consequent up­
on female weakness and irregularities, I
consider it without an equal.
Not a particle of calomel or any other
deleterious sul»stance enters into the com-
poaition of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. On the
contrary, those who have used calomel
and other mineral poisons, as medicine,
find Ayer’s 1*01» invaluable.
Editor Bowdoin. of Linkville, has l»een
trying to prevail ujxin the wholesale
lnereeants of Portland to contribute some
money toward the improvement of the
road between Ashland and Linkville.
What succ(«8s he has had, we do not know.
The retiring officers in Laue turn over
to their successors the county out of debt
and 812,549 in the treasury.
Charles Parton was sunstrack at Rose­
burg Saturday afternoon. The thermom­
eter was UK) degrees in The shade at the
A prairie chicken few through the
window of a Pendleton store the other
day and broke its neck The proprietor
dined on the bird.
Between the ‘20th of July and the 20th
of August, the O. R. & N. and Short Line
expect to bring 20,000 excursionists
through from Omaha to Portland.
The Infantry company which has been
stationed at Fort Bidwell, has been or­
dered to Arizona, and the Infantry quar­
ters at Bidwell are now deserted. How
long they will remain so is not known.
J. V. Bogue, engineer in charge of the
work on the Cascade division of the
Northern Pacific a few days since told a
Tacoma Ledger man that there was room
for 4,000 men on the work and it required
considerable effort to find men to fill the
The man arrested at Walla Walla as
Saunders, the convicted murderer who
escaped from the Linn county jail, turns
out to be another man who closely re­
sembles Saunders. He has been dis­
charged by the sheriff of Walla Walla,
after creating a genuine sensation.
From the Tacoma Ledger, which may
lx» considered as an authority, it is learned
that hops are now worth 25 cents, 200
lades having lieen purchased in the Puy­
allup valley on Friday at that figure. It
was reported in Tacoma that a large con­
tract hail been made on White river at 20
cents, but nothing definite was learned
about it.
A Portland machinist has invented a
new quartz crushing apparatus, which
may entirely revolutionize the business
milling valuable rock. After being
broken to the size of ¡»ebbles the quartz
is driven from a pipe by the force of
a high pressure of steam against a steel
disc, and the result is that the rock is re­
duced to flour as effectually as if pounded
under the heaviest stamps. The new in­
vention is viewed with much interest by
those interested in mining.
East Oregon iu n: Klickitat count y, W.
T„ is imposing a tax on all sheep brought
from Oregon for summer range. This
policy serves to keep the sheep from com­
ing back to Oregon in the fall, so that
the farmers north of the Columbia have
the pleasure of seeing the sheep feeding
on their biuicligrass during the winter in
consequence. The tax is levied for the
purpose of saving the feed for the stock
already there, and it doesn’t work worth
a cent.
A corresi»ondeut, writing from Albany,
says that work on the O. P. railroad 1>e-
tween Albany and Corvallis has started
up in full blast, and 400 men are now at
work on the road, and the company want
all the men they can get. Common
lalxirers get 82 |>er day, carpenters $3,
and teams 84 per day. The “Three Sis­
ters” is plying regular)- l»etween Albany
and Corvallis, making one trip each way
per day. The company has two new barges,
which will be used to carry freight for
the contraction of the Albany bridge.
A few days since, says the Salem States­
man, as Frank Robinson was digging a
well just liack of the depot building at
Jefferson, Marion county, for Mr. Barton,
he discovered a shining object, which
proved to be a gold nugget worth one
dollar. This rather surprised him, and
further investigation revealed the fact
that gold was all through the gravel
there. The matter was kept still until
after John Rowland and others had pur­
chased the adjoining lots. Considerable
excitement prevails there, and the new
gold field may prove very rich.
Last Sunday, as the ferry-boat, at
Shambrook’s ferry, al »out twelve miles
from Oakland, was crossing the Uni ¡»qua
river, the horses attached to the wagon,
on which were a man, his wife and four
children, became frightened and backed
off the boat, pushing a man on horse­
back off with them. The horse swam
ashore with his rider, but the man in the
wagon was I tadly injured in the fall and
was barely able to save himself. A boy
who was ninning the ferry saved the
children ami rescued the woman and in­
fant in her arms and swam to the shore.
The horses attached to the wagon were
Fine blackberries sell at 25c per gallon
iu Ashland.
Tbe rain <>f last Monday afternoon was
Removed to Johnson's block to-day. I
remarkably heavy in some parts of the
county, and some damage from the rut­ Clayton & Gore.
ting of soil in grain fields is reported.
Myer Bros, say they must have money
The gardens of T. O. Andrews on tbe from those owing them.
Clayton place were l»adl) damaged, and
C. A. Inlow gives notice of a stray
Wm. Taylor had Home fencing prostrated steer taken up at his place.
l»y the tlixxl of water that rushed down
New and fresh goods received by every
tbe gulch at his place.
train at the Red House.
In Siskiyou county (UaL) the stonna
See tlie new ad of the Chinese wash
were hearier than here. In Scott Valley
house on Water street.
the grain wan considerably damaged by
The street sprinkler has not I»een
Ixing tlirowu down. The Journal re-
much this week.
|x>rtH that a cloud-burst in Gixise Nest
Fresh and oomplete stock of staple and
mountain Hixxled Little Shasta and
«*auM«l great damage, and a “cyclone” at fancy groceries at the Red House.
Oak Bar upset buildings, snapped off
Several cases of diphtheria are re|x>rt-
trees and killed some livest«x-k.
ed in the lower end of the valley.
Something like a “eloud-burst"oeeurred
Ice cream was in demand last week
last Monday afteru<x»n over the gtdeh when there was no ice to freeze it with.
which nuts through Wm. Taylor’s farm
The mercury baa lM»eu over 102 in
a few miles siAith of Ashland. The grain
Yreka and 110 to 112 in the Sacramento
and timothy bn lus place was prostrated
and badly injured. He can ent most of
L. S. P. Marsh has the contract to
it with extra trouble, but his lose will lx»
the flouring mill for Conn Bros, at
Rev. Wallace Bruce, of California, is
The Oregon Militia.
Jacksonville people are still talking in Ashland for the purpose of intnxlucing
A prominent militia man says that at ■ seriously about their
branch railroad an improved patent gate, a sample of
the coming session of the legislature a i project.
which is now in use at the Ashland Mills,
bill will l»e introduced to place the militia
attracts considerable attention. It iB
The house and lot of J. W. Limine) iu
of this state on the same footing as those
an excellent gate. Take a
in other states. That is to say, an at­ Jacksonville is to lie sold at public auc­ look at it.
tempt will lie made to have a law [»assed tion to-morrow.
H. Scherrer has erecteti a wind mill on
Large quantities of 1 »lack!x'lries are lie­
clearly defining the duties of a militia­
machine shop uear the depot. It
man, officer or private, which cannot be big' Hent out to Klamath and Lake coun­
us<‘d for pumping water and for
evaded without the infliction of desig­ ties from Ashland.
the lathe in his shop when work­
nated penalties. The law in California is
W. J. Dean has lx-cn appointed admin­
jobs, wliiclt do not require
very strict, but ver)- effective, and a simi­ istrator of the estate of Thomas Morral
steam engine, thereby
lar one in this state woidd prove desir­ deceased. See hie notice elsewhere.
in fuel.
able. A militiaman in California is sub­
W. IL Andrews, formerly of Medford*
ject to the same severity of discipline and W. M. Coing. District Attorney,
The directors of the Jacksonville pub­
while on duty as is a soldier in the regu­ have formed a law partnership at Jack­ lic school have employed the following
lar army. The state annually ex|»ends sonville.
corjw of teachers for the ensuing year:
thousands in money to maintain a militia
Principal ami teacher of tlie first depart­
Geo. Cross of Phoenix lias taken tip a
force that can positively tie relied tqxmin
G. H. Watt: teacher of the second
claim in tbe Butte Creek valley in
any emergency. The militia hen*, how­
i depart men t. Win. Priest; third. Frank
Northern California, and intends locating
ever. has not yet reached that degree of
Huffer; fourth. Miss Hattie Newbury.
in that country.
¡»erfection winch the passage of an iron
A social hop will lx> given at Granite ■ Bishop Morris and the Rev. Mr. Pot­
Ixuind law would accomplish. [Ex.
Hall tomorrow (Saturday)evening. Good wine. of Pendleton, are exjxx'ted to arrive
Itailroad Item«.
music and a pleasant time assured. Cor­ in .Ashlandthis nx»ruiug with the follow­
ing appointments, for missionary services:
invitation to all.
The railroad workers are progressing
Sunday, July 25, Linkville; Sunday,
rapidly in building northward into this
The mail route l»etween Jacksonville
county, in fact all the railroad building and Willow Springs has lieen re-estal>- August 1. Fort Klamath; Tuesday, Aug­
from now on will be in Siskiyou, except lisht»d and N. Cooke appointed postmas­ ust 5, Bonanza; Sunday, August 8, Lake­
ballasting and finishing up for track lay­ ter at the latter place.
A traveler who stopjxxl at Sisson’s in
ing between Southern's and Bailey’s.
A petition for the pardon of Geo. IL
valley, Cal., week liefore last
Foulke, who supplies the railroad forces Justice, who was sent to the penitentiary
man tramping liis way south­
w ith beef, is now at the old Tannery, and in Novemlier last for manslaughter is be­
ward whom he thinks was Saunders, the
m a few days more all of Scobie’s men ing circulated in the valley.
escaped murderer, and has told the Port­
will have their headquarters near Uncle
A number of Italians have arrived in land pajxjrs about it. He is most likely
Dick's Soda Spiings,—[Yreka Journal.
Southern Oregon recently, direct from
“Nol Yen.” the Redding Free Preus Italy, with the purpose of engaging in mistaken. This man was without money,
he said, while Saunders is believed to
correspondent, says Larraliee's force of
the frail business here.
have lieen supplied with money enough
railroad workers, is one mile north of
Hunsaker A Dodge have sold a fine to pay his way anywhere.
Hanlon's in Siskiyou county, with Morri®
piano to C. C. Beekman of
and his force half a mile Iwshind him.
The T idings editor visited the well-
The instrument is now be­ known Wilhoit mineral springs in Clack­
The grade is all but complete to Big
Castle creek, and Richardson would have ing built at the factory.
amas county a few days ago, and discover­
Several homes are reixirted as having ed tlie water there, far inferior in taste to
the bridge at 13th crossing ready for the
locomotive by the 17th inst. Ooh Scobie died in the lower end of the valley hurt that of the wxla springs south of Ashland.
has some of his men in the canyon north week from the effects of the unusual hot It has about as much carbolic acid gas,
of Uncle Dick’s, but the main force is at weather during harvest work.
but is so heavily laden with common
Bailey’s. The cars will lie at Bailey’s by
Prof. Wm. Priest, the uew county salt as to lie unpleasant to the taste.
the middle of August. The pay wagon, school sujierintendent. gives notice that he There is no question that Southern Ore­
the long looked for wagon, ’’as come, and will l»e in his office in the court house gon has some of the finest mineral springs
the boys an* happy.
every Saturday.
in the world.
Tlie Wagner Creek Mining Co.’s mill is
At Crater Lake.
Granite Hall Association will be held still running steadily on rock from the
W. G. Steel write® from Crater Lake to
next Monday to elect a new board of di­ Pilgrim ledge. There has lieen no clean­
the Oregonian under date of Jtdv 15th.
rectors. See notice of the secretary.
up as yet, but it is believed that the rock
gttuiK report of the trip of the U. S.
Talent, Hopkins A Co. have just opened taken from the ledge will all pay well for
exploring party from this place. Follow-
a large new stock of general merchandise milling. The first ran is upon the least
, ing is an extract:
“We left Ashland about 1 o’clock Wed­ at their store in Reeser’s block, ami call promising rock taken out, but the next
nesday, the 7tb,nnd:is we drove out I could I attention to tlie fact in a half-column new will probably lie on richer rock. Devel­
opments of a character satisfactory and
not resist the temptation to make com- j qd. Read it.
pleasing to the owners continue as the
parisons. Last year our party consisted i
For th? lx'st fruit cans, fruit jars and
of four persons, two horses, a spring wag- jell) glasses at the lowest cash prices, call prospecting shaft progresses.
The supply of ice was exhausted in
■ >u. and a very light, somewhat ancient, at Myer B to .’ h hardware store. Full
canvas liottomed land, as we subsequently stock of goods in our line always on town Ixifore the hottest ]xirtion of last
week. Geo. Engle? who ships it up from
learned. leaky) canoe. This year one of hand.
Portland by the car load and supplies it
the finest scholars in the country is in
Capt. A. D. Helman. D. D. G. M., in­
charge, while CapL Geo. W. Davis and stalled the new officers of Jacksonville for this place and Jacksonville, supposed
ten soldiers are with us, making twenty Lodge, No. 10, L O. O. F„ ou last Satur­ he liad plenty on hand, but when he
iu all. Capts. Dutton and Davis led the day evening and the officers of the Re­ cante to find out, it liad all melted and
there was no ice to lx» liad until this
way. and are billowed by a four-unde bekahs on Monday evening.
week’s freight train arrived, except what
team bearing a first-class lap streak boat
Elijah Smith, of New York, President
Ashland seems dull now to tlie peof»le little was Hhipixxl up by express. Too
which in turn is followed by three double
of the O. R. A N, Co., came out over the
here, compared with what it is at times, liad there could not have lxien some ice
teams, horsemen and pack train.
O. A C. It R. from Portland on tbe train
but it is simply the truth that it presents put up in this county last winter.
The entire ilistance from Ashland -
which arrived here Sunday morning. He
a livelier appearance now than any other
ninety-seven miles was accomplished by
The weather during the dosing days of was accompanied by another geutleman
towu along the line of tlieO. A C. IL IL
slow isisv marches, every precaution l»e-
last week and until Sunday night of this from New York, also an officer of the O.
The Board of Trustees of Medford week was alxiut the hottest ever expe­ It & N. Co., and C. A. Dolph, Esq. of
ing taken to provide against a misliap,
and no incident occurred of special im­ have douated 8100 towards the starting rienced in this valley. In Ashland tlie Portland. His trip over the O. & C. oc­
portance. Soon Hfter reaching the foot­ of a brass I »and in their town. The Mon­ mercury was up to 11)0 on Sunday, and casioned some speculation in Portland
hills we encountered sidling places and itor is kicking and thinks they should ex­ at the other places in the valley it rose as to whether or not the O. It & N. might
short turns in the road The wagon con­ pend the money in road work or fire ap­ several degrees higher. There were cool­ not have some intention of attempting to
taining the Cleetwood was top heavy and paratus.
ing showers here however, which teni- gain control of this road in order to keep
coupled 20 feet long. Lt was impossible to
Tom Turner, of Jacksonville, has gone I»ered tlie air. and on Monday afternoon the C. P. R R out of Portland; but it is
turn on an ordinary curve, hence it be­ to Portland, to take a position as chief a heavy rain fell. The hot wave extend­ likely that he merely preferred to take the
came necessary at tinu«s to drive as far as night clerk iu the telegraph office there. ed nearly all over the United States, and overland route in going to San Francisco.
possible, t lieu let ten or fifteen men lift The telegraph office at Jacksonville has in California it was intense several fatal I
The C. P. R R exjiect to put sleeping
the hind end of the wagon around by been movtxl from the Scutinrl to the cases of sunstroke being reported.
cars on the C. & O. R. R. branch, from
main strength. When a sidling place Times office.
J. AV. Walsh has leased the Medford San Francisco, as soon as the track is
was reached the men would hang on the
mill and moved it to the Hope completed to Bailey’s, which will proba­
The County Court have authorized
upper side, ami thus prevent an upset.
Wagner creek, owned by him­ bly be soon after the first of August.
Arthur Wilson, road supervisor, to re­
We had expected to camp nt the foot of
Bragdon and others, and will Then when we have a sleeping attach­
move the stum]»s front the road between
the last grade Mondi) night, and would
upon rock from that ment added to the stage coaches trav­
Jacksonville and Medford. Several runa­
have done so liad it not lieen that eight
It is understixid elers will have to “take something” even-
ways have lieen caused by teams running
of our horses and mules were missing in into stumps on dark nights on that road. that Mr. Walsh will buy the mill if it is
few miles in order to keep awake and
the morning, and could not be found un­
found to ansiver his purpose. The Hope view the scenery.
Several of the taxpayers of Manzanita
til late in the evening. On Tuesday,
le»lge is unquestionably rich, and the
Ashland College aud Normal School is
however we succeeded, and on Wednesday sc hi x>l district have entered suit against result of the first mill ran of its rock will
advertised as the “only Oregon State
morning Ix-gan the ascent. Here was the the directors and clerk thereof to prevent lx» awaited with much public interest.
School,” as is the institution at
nib. The hill is al »out a mile and a half them from collecting the tax rwently Tlie mill is l<x*ated about three-fourths of
but it is just as much an
long, very sleep, sidling, rocky, and filled levied for the construction of a school a mile from that of the Wagner Creek
Normal School” as is the
with roots and stones, added to which
Mining Co.
who may be deceived by
were great banks of snow, ¡nicked solid
Loftus Brother» have reeentl) sold
Another letter from “Justice.” of Yreka, the charlatan advertising done by the
by constant thawing. Progress was slow fifty-five'bead of young mules from their
upon tlie trial of Allen at Yreka for the Monmouth school should be informed of
and tedii »us. a n Midway having to be cut ranch in Warner valley at an average
murder of Decker apix»ars upon the first this fact.
in places, while men with picks, axes and price of 8100 per head. They have built
page of the T idings this week. It was
The advertisement of the Western
shovels dug up rocks, cut down trees and up a fine stock businetts ¡tnd ltave bright
written in reply to an article which ap-
Stage Co., appears in this issue. This
shoveled snow, liesides building up or proeqxvts for the years ahead.
l»eared in the Yreka Union attacking
company has the mail route between Ash­
cutting down one side of the roadway.
Ashland merchants sell clothing, fur­ “Justice” for assertions made in his for­
land and Linkville and the accommoda­
At lt> o'clock on Wednesday, the 14th.
nishing gixxls. and every thing in that mer communication ujKin the subject. tions on their line of daily stages are
the boats were landed on the wall of the I
line. cheai»er than do the retail dealers in The publisher of this |>aper isnot inform­ first-class. New wagons, good horses and
lake, having traveled 440 miles from Port­
The high rents and other ed in regard to the case, except through careful attention to the traveler will make
land with seareel) a scratch to mar the
heavy ex|x'nses in the cities keep the correspondence as published, but know­ the trip as comfortable as possible.
ing the correspondent “Justice” to lie a
---------------------- ------------------------------
prices up.
C’iiillN aud Fever. Malaria.
The Terrble Drain
Ex-Commissioner C. H. Pickens, of reliable and res|x>nsil>le citizen of Klam-
"Many cases of fever and ague, dumb
Which aerofula has upon the system this «»ounty. is an applicant for the posi­ ath county had no hetntaney in giving
•oust lie arrested, and the blixxl purified. tion of agent at tbe Siletz reservation, his letters publication. In the letter ague and congestive chills, were prompt­
<>rxerii»ns eouseqneui-es will ensue. For the only Italian agency apjx»intment in published this week are a number of tv- ly arrested and entirely lianished by tbe
purifying and vitalizing effects. IL mh I’ s this state not yet disposed of by the ad­ ¡xigraphical errors which csea]x»d
I use of Simmons Liver Regulator.
tection in the hurried preparation of the don't say half enough in regard to the
Sarsaparilla has lieeti fouud superior to ministration.
any other preparation. It expels every
Tlie force at work getting out blue for outside pages during the absence of the efficacy of this valuable medicine in cases
trace of impurity
ipnnty irom
front the blood, and i»e-
lx*- fcl ..
, T .
o . editor. The most noticeable oue is the
of ague, intermittent fevers, etc. Every
and vigor
upon every tunc- *
«»rtland lame Company uear Kock
stows new life
lion of the body, enabling it to entirely Point will probably "be cut down. The sulistitution of the adjective “natural’ case has been arrested immediately. I
overcome disease.
shipping facilities and the eapiwity of for “material” in speaking of evidence was a sufferer for years with the liver
the company not lieing sufficient to dis- which the prosecution failed to produce. disease, and only found relief by using
Wheu doctors cannot help you, then take
New honey in comb, also in cans the Regulator.—Robert J. Weeks. Bata-
Gilmore’s Maguetie Elixir for your throat poee of the lime as hurt ns it is l»eing
and lungs. For sale at the City drug store. taken out at present.
strained or in the comb, just arrived. *
vis. Kane Co.. Ill."
ilea») Storms.
H. E. Spencer, of Klamath river, was in
town this week.
Mrs. D. O. Ghormly, of Eest Portland,
is visiting Ashland.
Newt Jacobs of Jacksonville was pay­
ing hie folks in Ashland a visit Sunday
W. Lair Hill and family passed through
town this week enroute from The Dalles
to San Francisco.
Jasper Cunningham and wife have re­
turned to Ashland from Grant’s Pass
where they have been residing sometime.
It A Payne and family have arrived
from Big Valley, Cal., and taken charge
of Mr. Atkinson's place above Ashland.
J. H. Stine, formerly editor and pul>-
lisher of the Grant’s Pass Courier, was in
town Wednesday, on his way to northern
Dr. E. V .Jones, of Portland one of
the leading physicians of the State, stop­
ped in Ashland Wednesday, on his way
to San Francisco.
Prof. LaDni Royal formerly of the
Ashland College, will retain the principal­
ship of the Oregon City public schools I
for another year.
L. G. Roes, formerly of Jacksonville, is
now a partner of Col. C. A. Cogswell at
Lakeview, and the firm advertise as Cogs­
well & Ross, land attorneys.
Will Wimer, son of J. O. C. Wimer of
this place, who has lieen in the Sacra­
mento valley for some time, has gone to
Corvallis, to work for his brother-in-law
at that place.
Mr. Price, of Stayton, Marion county,
who was in Ashland last spring trying
the benefits of the sulphur springs baths,
has returned here thia week. to remain
for some time.
C. B. Watson, Esq., has been appointed
deputy prosecuting attorney for the judi­
cial district including Clatsop county,
and has charge of all the cases for the
state at Astoria.
The wedding of Mr. N. H. Clayton, of
this city, and Miss Vina Gore, of Eden ,
precinct, took place at the home of the '
bride’s parents, two miles this side of
Medford, yesterday afternoon, July 22<l.
Rev. M. A; Williams officiated in the '
ceremony, following which the wedding
party and gueets partook of an elaborate
dinner. The bride and groom drove to
Ashland later iu the evening. There
home will be at Mr. Ciavton’s residence
property on the corner of Factor)' and
Helman streets as soon as improvements
now in progress there are completed. The
T idings joins the many friends of the
bride and groom in hearty congratula- i
A Wise Reform,
From the Star:
Moequitoe are thick here now.
Hay hands are reported as scarce.
It is reported that a post of the G. A.
R. is to lie organized here soon.
From the energy displayed in filling
all the barns with hay. one would think
the farmers were making preparations to
stand off a hard winter.
J. C. Sergent has taken a claim in
Butte creek country, and propose» to
vary the mercantile business with farm­
ing. He says Butte creek valley is fast
settling up.
The wall to surround the jail is well
under way, and when it is finished and
Judge Smith has an iron cell put in, it
will be an inqioesibility for a prisoner to
make his escape from our county jug.
Quite a number of our citizens will
visit Crater lake this season. Among
them we will notice Messrs. Johnson.
Redfield, Agers, and the photographer,
Davidson, who will take views of the
scenery. A very pleasant time is antici­
Sir Hesketli, a son-in-law of the kite
Senator Sharon, in company with F. G.
Newland, W. W. Davis, N. D. Walker
and P. Waldrogel, remained in town Wed­
nesday and Thursday departed for Silver
lake, where they have an interest with
the West Bros, in the cattle business.
Nothing Like It.
No medicine has ever lieen known so
effectual in the cure all those diseases
arising from an impure condition of the
as S covill ’ s S arsaparilla , or
B lood and L iver S yrup , the universal
I remedy for the cure of Scrofula, White
Swelling. Rheumatism, Pimples, Blotches,
Eruptions, Venereal Sores, and diseases.
There is no better means of securing a
beautiful complexion than by using
S covill ’ s S arsaparilla , or B lood A
L iver S yrup , which cleanses the blood
and gives permanent lieauty to tbs skin.
A bottle of Red Star Cough Cure made
and permanent cure of a cold
HODGE?—ANDERSON—In Eagle Point, July
11th, by A J Florey, J P, Marlon Hodges ana so severe that I could not talk, says Mr.
Mias Polly Anderson.
J. P. Roach, assistant superintendent
New York Central Sleeping Car Company.
“ltough on Rat*.“
ANDERSON—At Medford, July 10th, to Mr and
Clears out rats, mice, roaohes, flic*, ant.',
Mrs D W Anderson, a son.
Heart Pali a.
CI.OPTON—At Brownsborougli, July 1st, to Mr
and Mrs T J Clopton, a daughter.
Talpitatiou. dropsical swelling*, dizziness,
indicestion, headache, »-lecple*sne«s cured by
THROCKMORTON—On Forest creek. Julv :^i, "Wells
’ Health Rencwcr.”
to Mr and Mrs A Throckmorton, a daughter.
“Bough on Corns.“
Ask for Wells’ "Rough on corn«.* 15 cents
Quick, complete cure. Hard or aoft- corn»,
warts, bunions.
MUNRO—In Yreka, July 9th, C J Munro, a na
tive of Canada; aged .55 years, 5 mouths and
17 days.
Qrick, complete cure, all kidney, bladder
and urinary*diseases, scalding, irritation, stone,
catarrh of the bladder. 11, druggist-
ELDER—At Medford, July 10th, Mary, eldest
daughter of John E. Elder, a native of Jose­
Bed-bugs, File*.
phine county; aged about 21 years.
Flies, roacheR, ants, bed-bugs, rats. mice,
gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Rough
Important changes in the money order on rats.” 15c.
system go into effect next Monday. On
and after that date the fee for a money
order of $5 or less will be 5 cents; from
$5 to $10, 8 cents, l»eing a reduction, On
sums above $10 the present rates will
The habit of administering
adminiateflng quinine in
powerful doses, as an antidote to malarial
maladies, was once dangerously oommoii.
Happily this practice has undergone a wide
reform. Not only ths public, but profes­
sional men have adopted, not wholly, of
oourse, but largely. Hostetter's Stomach
Administrator’s Notice.
Bitters as a safe botanic substitute for the
pernicious alkaloid. The consequences of I Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
this ohanpe are most important. Now ! has been duly appointed by the county court
fever and ague sufferers are cured—former­ I of Jacksou county, Oregon, administrator of
ly their complaints were only for the time the estate of Thomas Morral, deceased. All
relieved, or half cured—the remedy event­ persons indebted to and those having claims
said estate are required to settle within
ually failing to produoe any appreciable against
six mouths from the first publication of this
effect, except the doses were increased. A notice, with the unilersigucd at his residence
course of the Bitters, persistently followed, at Talent, Oregon.
breaks up the worst attacks and prevents
W. J. D ean , Administrator.
their return. The evidence in favor of this
Talent, Or.. July 28,1886.
sterling specific and household medicine is
of no ambiguous character, but positive
Hides and Furs Bought.
and satisfactory, and the eources whence it
proceeds are very numerous.
The uuiler.-igtHil will pay the highest market
price for hides, skins and furs of all kiuds,
this dute until further notice.
Estray Notice,
J. B. R. Hmuiscs.
Ashlaud, Or., May 21, lbw>.
A stray steer, reddish brown color,
Thin Feoule.
“Wells' Health Renewer” restores health and
vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence, sexual de­
bility. |1.
“Rough on Fain.”
Cures cholera, colic, tramps, diarrhtva,
aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia,
rheumatism. 20c. Rough on pain plasters, lie.
if you are failing, broken, worn out and ner­
vous, use "Wells’ Health Renewer." 81 Drug­
“Water Bugs, Reaches."
"Rough ou Rats” clears them out, also beet­
les, ants.
Life Preserver.
. J: Jnu..src. ,osinB your grip on life, try
"Wells’ Health Renewer.’’ Goes direct to
weak spots.
“Rough an Piles.“
Cures piles or hemorrhoids, itching, protrud­
ing. bleeding, internal or other. Internal aud
external remedy in each package. Sure cure,
j O c . Druggists.
Pretty Women.
Ixlies who would retain freshness and vi­
vacity. Don't fail to try “Wells' Health Re­
Rough on Itch.
"Rough on Itch” cures humors, eruption*
ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chill
past two-years-old, marked with t an
_ nn-
derslope in the left, swallow fork in right
Fine all wool light colored suits for
Rough on Catarrh.
Branded D C on right hip, is at Inlow $12 at O. H. Blount’s. These are the Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete
Bro.’s place east of town. Owner may best bargains ever offered in Ashland, cure of worst chronic cases, also unequaled as
have the same tt[K»n proving projairty and and will be iu stock but a short time, x gargle for diphtheria, sore throqt, foul breath.
paying small sum for damages.
C. A. I nlow .
Asliland, July 21, 1886.
Stockholders Meeting.
gate as master in History, Literature and
Philosophy and the Sciences.
Subject for July 25th—The Christianiza­
tion of the aboriginal inhabitants of Cali­
fornia by the Fathers from the establish­
ment of their missions up to the accession
of the country to the United States.
James Sullivan of Salem, Oregon, says he
was cured of tbe asthma by Gilmore's Mag­
netic Elixir. For sale at the City drug
Bev. E. J. Whitney of Clarkson, N. Y.,
says Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine for Female
Weakness, stands without a rival.
Fresh candies received this week at
Burckhalter & Hasty’s.
Home Evidence
No other preparation lias won success at
homo equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. In
Lowell, Mass., where it is made, It is now,
as it has been for years, the leading medicine
for purifying the blood, and toning and
strengthening the system. This “ good name
at home” is “a tower of strength abroad.”
It would require a volume
People to print all Lowell people
havo said in favor of Hood's
Mr. Albert
Estes, living at 28 East Pine
Lowel I Street, Lowell, for 15 years
employed as boss carpenter by J. W. Bennett,
president of the Erie Telephone Company,
had a large running sore come on his leg,
which troubled him a year, when he began to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The soro soon grew
less in size, and in a short time disappeared.
Jos. Dunphy, 214 Cen­
tral Street, Lowell, had
swellings and lumps
on his face and neek,
which Hood's Sarsapa­ Sarsaparilla
rilla completely cured.
Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of the First As­
sistant Fire Engineer of Lowell, says that
for 16 years site was troubled with stomach
disorder and sick headache, which nothing
relieved. The attacks came on every fort­
night, when she was obliged to take her bed,
and was unable to endure any noise. She
took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after a time
the attacks ceased entirely.
Many more might be given had we room.
On the recommendation of people of Lowell,
who know us, we ask you to try
The annual meeting of the Granite
Hall Association for the election of Di­
rectors will lx> held at Hall on Monday,
Aug. 2 at 7:30 p. m .
A. J. Chapman, the late school sii|x*r-
G. F. M< •C onnell . Sec'y.
intendent-elect of Josephine county, was
a member of the A. O. U. W., and his
Money! Money!
heirs will receive $2000; the face of his
The undersigned are compelled to call
beneficiary policy.
upon all owing them either by note or
E. K. Anderson went over to Yreka account to come forward and make pay­
ment, if not in full at least in part. We
Sunday in answer to a telegram from need
money in our business, and would
his brother, Firm Anderson, at that place, not make this call if we did not mean
M yer B ros .
who has been very sick but is reported what we say.
Ashhind. July 20, 1886.
better at last account.
Mr. E. B. Hunsaker of the firm of Hun­
Stockholders' Meetiug.
saker & Dodge, and Prof. J. Ik Koine
meeting of the Ht<x*k-
started for Siskiyou county, Cal., last holders of the Ashland
Woolen Mills,
Sunday on a business trip in the interest for the election of Directors, will lie held
at the office of the company on Monday
of their musical instruments.
o’clock in m .
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Portland, who the 26th inst. at 2 W.
H. A tkinson . Sec.
have lieen at the Soda Springs hotel for
July 15, 1N86.
some time, came down to Ashland Wed­
nesday. Mr. Miller has been very ill,
Piano for Sale.
but is now improving rapidly.
A fine upright piano, nearly uc
G. F. B illings .
Lieut. Edward C. Brooks, sou of Maj. Enquire at office of
Q. A. Brooks, passed through town last
week on his way home from West Point.
Three lx»xes of blueing for 25ets. at tbe
He has been assigned to the 8th cavalry
* I
regiment, with headquarters at San An­ Red House.
tonio, Texas, where he will report* at the
Miller A- Co’s warehouse in tins place, is
termination of his leave of al»seuee.
agent for the Sugar Pine D<x>r and Lum-
l»er Co., of Grant’s Pass, and all orders
for lumber of any kind will lie promptly
filled by him.
Climax tobacco 12 oz. plugs 35 cents
From the Courier:
at the Red House or 3 for $1
Contract for building the vault in the
Mr. J. Hockersmith has an abundance of
new Court House was awarded to Messrs. blackberries for sale at his gardens in tbe I
northwestern part of town; price 25 cts.
Holt A Hardin.
¡»er gallon. He will take wheat in ex­
The Methodist Epiicopal church re­ change from fanners who have grain but
cently completed nt this place will lie not money.
Natural Soda Water at Engle's
dedicated on Bunilay, July 25th, by Rev.
L D. Driver.
Lumber to exchange for bacon and
The county court sold to Win. Niiucke. flour. Apply to W. G. Tanner, Reeser’s
all the county projierty in Kerby, the block.
proceeds to be applied to the Court House
¡»rices. W. G. T anner , Ashland.
at this place.
Ed. F. Hathaway was appointed school
and oild sujes made to order at short
superintendent of the county —vice Ar­ notice at H. C. Messenger's. Call and I
thur J. Chapman, deceased-l>y the get prices,
county court last week.
Men’s summer pants, neat cuts. 81.50
A 12-year old son of Mr. 8. Andrews, I>er pair at Blount's.
living on Jones creek alx»nt three miles
Boy’s straw hats for 10c. at O. H.
front town, was bitten by a rattle-snake Blount's.
Tuesday morning. The snake hung to
the boys hand while he was nutning and
M. E. CKi'Kt u.—Regular service* every Sun-
«lay. util a . m . anil 7 r. st. Sunday School
The court house is fast assuming pro­ ford ou tlie 3d Sunday iu eaeli mouth.
portions. Its size is, main building 35x
1’ kesbytf . kian C hurch .—Preaching morn­
ing ami evening st tlie u-ual time. Sunday
60, wing, 18x20; height 34, with trass School
at 9:30 a . m .
Rev. J. V. Milligan, pastor.
roof, one fourth pitch, with mansard an­
Preaching at Ashland
gles. A brick vault is ¡dso lx?ing built. morning and evening .— every
Sunday except tlie
at Medford on
The whole structure has a good brick
the first Sunday in each month.
Rev. A. M. Rusyjll, pastor.
L iberal H all , T alent .-Liberal Sunday-
M. McBrearty’s dwelling house near School
meets for Bible study and discussion
Waldo was burned to the ground on the every Sunday at 11 a m . Cordial invitation to
11th inst. They lost most of their house­ everyone.-------------- ---------------------- -
Secular Sunday School.
hold fixtures. This is a sad loss to Mr.
McB. as he is a one legged man and not
The Secular Sunday School will meet in
very able to lose so muck He will no Granite Hall every Sunday at 3:00 o'clock
P. M.
Every body invited—ladies and gen­
doubt receive the sympathies of his good tlemen. girls and boys, and “little child­
run.” Regular discourse by E. L. Apple­
Talent, Hopkins & Co.,
Hereby inform the public that they have just opened and are displaying
at their store in Reeser’s block a firrt-class stock of
Which they now offer at the very lowest living prices to cash customers
and they feci assured that all who favor them with their patron
age will be well satisfied with the prices and quality of
their goods ----- Their stock consists of
Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions,
Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats &
Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c.
And everything usually found in a first class General Merchandise store.
Cash buyers will find it to I xs to their interest to call and examine
Qttr goods and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Reeser’s Block,
Groceries and Provisions,
100 Dotes One Dollar
Champion Machines lake the Lead.
Ln tlie Market.
Prices Way Down loi- the Season oí’ ’8G
The Spirit of the Times is Progress and I am in the front
rank marching on to victory over all competitors.
Call and see my stock at the Ashland Mills
Manufacturer and Wood-Worker.
Would announce to the public that ho has purchased the Marsh planing mill
and sash and door factory on
Granite Street, Ashland, Oregon,
And ia prepared to do promptly all work in the line of planing, moulding, and
general wood-working.
Will keep
hand a good stock of
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc.,
Will furnish lumber of all kinds, either rough oi dreaqed. in quantities to suit
Hood’s Sarsaparilla ' ORNAMENTAL
SoldbyUldruggiiU. gl;»lxforW. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD * CO , Apotaecariet, LowaU, M m «.
Following are cash paices for work: Planing, $3 per M.; Planing and matching,
$4.50 per M.: Moulding, X cent per inch, per ft.
Ashland, Oregon. April 16, 188G.