I THE ASHLAND FRIDAY STATE AVI» COAST. J INE 25, 18.-6. Grasshoppers have mail«" their ap­ peal slice in Harney va’.ley, Grain c<«iitlty. Bargains ! Bll*g« I' Herinanll I* the filS' lilx'iiber elect of the lower ItoUse «*f the fiftieth j Hotv To Build Up Your Town. D*«««’t Let. Talk at««*iit it. Speak Well about it. Beautify the streets. Patronize t lie uieichnnta. Be friei.dly t«« evetyboily. , Advert *e in it* new spit,>«-r. The contract to make tl.e steel dome fol tile Lick ol»servatorv lias been let to th«- Union Iron Woiks, Sm Franct«e-« It Will be 76 fret in di..meter. Weighs 127 tons and Cost $56,850, tile largest in the world. GERMutaHEOf I A I II For III Pain 1 Read ’hese facts—T*. mnv sa .«-y «ur life— Gilmo e's Aron atic Wine cures supj>r«-Med menstruation and pam ful monthly sickness. I Till: •di'v relieve and utr- r« m H tile Vr.rioUa a:til­ ín;’ from n disordered ("!o«e eonnci'tion* mnde at A*I i I hii ♦ kjiut’4* uo- ui.< by al. drug- .Mail 1 rain. AF.KIVE. LEAVE. Portland .. ' •« A. M. A«lilan<»Z MARK. nd Kidneys DAILY EXUEI1 eUNDAY: Last bide IHvi*i*«n. Who offers at Bottom Prices a large and varied assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fine Cloaks, etc West shir Division. PUSHWRE HnieHct ’*’<<■ / jof .' Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oilcloths BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Cigars and Tobacco, etc., etc., etc. ’ROMPI If you want fair dealing and good bargains, call and see us. r I' h : «'«a:-.• r AN»» Di A. » M.ILSB CO.. BALTIMORE, J. D. FOUNTAIN. 8-30] BURNITURE! The largest and Finest stock of furniture iu Ashland at Ashland Grocery Store G20. A. MACBETH &C0. Window Shades, Samples of Carjiets, Baby Carriages, Boys’ Wagons, etc. \ml if you cau l fimi what you want I will manu facture or order it for you. Also: GENERAL UNDERTAKER srroi{ j ihe old stables on Main street near th« bridge, and the new atab.es on Oak street, «re now under the ptoprietorauip and inan- igeuient of THOMPSON & STEPHENSON Violin Strings, Drugs. Medicines ASHLAND DRUG STORE Toilet Soaps ami Perfumery. Watches, clocks ami jewelry repaired, »cwingr .Machine Nmlk« and Oil. M asoiiìc Block. <;*'|>rv3cnptior s carefully compounded. T. K. BOLTON A CO. HENRY J EDGE, I Guarantee a good hatch, «and perfect satis faction Saddle and Harness, 1 Artists' Materials, lamps and lamp Stock. ti.itisio l'ot«-«l <.r<«v«-. Ona N. B.—Well«. Fargo A < ■«. » Express special lov. lutes to all my customers Math street, opposite Houck’s Hotel, .... ASHLAND Special Attentioa Paiö to the Prescription Department •f. «.’ll lo prone Hi JL-* loan, urs H CHITWOOD & SON ALL If r*T fa tin II kc th-. I Mo R tit rt/rr. I m'v-t who *’ ITet G m caused b> a n-1 ■ 'n!*h the sufferer. » tmetite.rn! taose th* ti, t ibo • > -tf tn It <• Tonle Action cn ItmiilBr niools.rs > M nrmy ••»..SI.V. K M <• Ml 1.1 r DYE. Wooden Water Pipe ! changed to f. *c ri«plication of nutuial color.acts 1 by Brnggisu, or ’iptof Al. kk OKI-GOX. AM1LI\I>, ray St , New York. t \\Till furnish aii’l luj uiili'-r r«»un«l or W sq’iare limber l.»gs nt (he havt st prices, ind in h nmniivr tfiiarRHlevd (ogive perniunciii iiti>frt<’(ion II h * had long experience in tli< •indite**, and laid the pipe* for the O. A. <’• K »vtween Kos«’burg and Ashland SIR WALTER. JR Headquat*.8rs, Youle fit Gilroy's Planing Mill lX^.R«r- lenee m-nr the town puinp on < >ak «t. - also CONT ACTOR AND BUILDER. 10 ib We al»o keep a full supply of SUPERIOR strings for the Violin. Banjo, and Guitar. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordéons, Flutes, Flageolets, Music Books, SheeJ Music, Music Rolls and Folios, Always on hand, in fact, anything in the usic Une can be furnished on -hort N< tic ' live us a call and be convinced. Al! orders by mall promptly attende«! to Description and Pegged C. W. AYERS, Sir W alter. .Ir.. is 5 a < ;ir- old. <■<•«! form. g<»od dand a >pl< r.di 1 id « hi half in I m 17 hands <»n weigh1* 14’Mi jHtiiirtii Sir Walter. Jr u.issirt by Maitibrin«» < hfef. he b ter, he b\ Marnhrim». he I ger. Hifdam ua*a mare sh»* being *ircd by drew .aekson. airr <»f II« of the < lay ianiilv of trot sallic Mill« r. bv Mambri Me-*« ng‘ r. Andrew Ja« k and he i»v Iniported Bash Sir Walter. Jr.’s dam i* Clydesdale draft horM, . \rchiiect and Builder. MANUFACTURER AND WJOD WJRKER Respectfully, HUNSAKER & DODGE. W m . GEORGE E. YOU LE, M. GILROY YOULE & GILROY. Shop on First Avenue, near Main St. Will make estimates and bids on nil '«millings, public or private, and furnish ill materia . plans and specifications for the construction of the wnne. *^?“Sasli. Doors and Mouldings <«n hand «nd fur sale at lowest rates. IHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale a No. 1 grain farm, containing 204 I acres of tillable land situated on the stage Would lufot tn the ntiblh' that he hag again es­ road, six mites east of Jacksonville. Place tablished himself in is well improved; good well of water for house n*e snd living stream for stock. Also 215 acres lying within half a mile of Ph'Bntx, nil under fence, oonnty road on two sides: can al small ex]«ense be put in cultivation. For particulars call on or ad­ dress «tn niv 201 acre farm there i, one hundred Next to Ute N. tley -hoe shop on Main street, ami ha* for sale a wed chosen stock oi I aere* <>l grain an«l hay growing, that I will I sell with «he fiinn. If desired, can give pos- xc:-*lon at any time. Cloths anil Cassimvrrs JOHN 8. HERRIN. Ashland. Or. From which to make tip suit* to order. A'so a fine Hue of ih." Tailoring Business IN ASHLAND, Men’s Furnishing Good», Farm For Sale. Consistinir of Fine Shirt.«. I'nderwearof every sort, etc.: all for »ale at lowest living prices'. A nice home on Bear creek 2’i tulles north of the town of Ashland, containing 109 seres of goto I laud. all under cultivation and well fenced; anew honse of three rooms an«l sum­ mer kitchen; a never failing spring at the door. barn, aud young orchard. For particu­ lars apply to r L yttlltos -, Ashland, Or. SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, Lumber, Mouldings. Brackets ! BAKERY Bvtwevn Logan’s Photograph Gallery, and Pioneer store. Dealers in— ASHLAND. - - - • Planing, Matching and Sawing done to order. Water Pipe made to order. Would M I E I. S The proprietor, ha- b ased the above building from • years, where lie wilt •«• pleased t«« sc«- his ol*l customers and friend«, le is n<«w baking Wooder tag“ Proprietors of the Tozer & Emery Planing Mill, NEAR R R TRACK, MECHANIC St., ASHLAND. •- t.. th«- imi.! «i|H-ii ■uf. Vak«-s. pi«-s, buns and all kill«!« of era. kers. Hot coffee and oyster slew«. ROOMS TO RENT- Give hie a «."all. SHOP Oregon, Where he !• y.r. p r >1 i<, .1«, a!) work ii. h,.- Ii,, nt «hurt nolle« and in the i«< < tunuimr. REPAIRING PONE at Short Notice. I FOR < t ill FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY Wm. MILLS. PAINTING! JOHN RALPH OREGON. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, CLASS LATH and SHINGLES. p D a CO. •li Single service $* •«•. pay «bi vice; «eason.Si2.Ul. |«ayal«i ¡V ii1 iiisnrun«'«'. »1 >«•*. pm.ihi' « i* know ii t«« Is- w ith fi*al. r •it lug of hi* mar«- «luring th« remember Hui! nn-ncy is tl Se»s >n c«'«io:u ii«-ing Ani I !■" July 1st. Th«' •>«-t <>f ear« wfl! 1 t.-F prevent m .-.- s «»- in■*. but will . tor any th at may <*■« ur. i> R. win 11: I’r. I sa »« WO'. i . f A;'. :n«li: g <«r"*"tn lh-47. X-tf'AlT^ork guaranteed to be first clans, «nd of latest designs. STAR MONTGOMERY W 227 A. 22U W ut«a*U Avenue, (it I rugo, III. Terms ^'General shop work done in -Itort >rder. —anuiaelurers oí- i I » r..*' Gl 1L»H 1. .1 Jlart h aril Sept., ea.hyear. page«, s X 11 - _. Incile*,with over 3,1.0 3 illuatration. — a whole Pie-ture Gallery. GIVK8 Whole.ale Prive* rllrrrf tn enn-n » , i on all gooAa for personal or family ue. lilts how to cr.ler. amt Rive* exn.t rest of every • lito>g yon tl». ci", I'r'nU. wear, « r have f n ,vi «i. T!>> c I a VALI AIII BOOKS «onto n information Rlrancii from tlie mortiti* of tiie world. We Mill mall a «opy FRKlà to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of luaiitug. Tx-t iu hear trout yon. Respectfully, T! •jsjT’Stair building a specialty. Choice Farms For Sale, CONSTIPATION. M.inufactur.-r <>f ORGANS Decker Bros, Behr Bros, J. -s. g . F. P esnebaker . Tn’etit. Oregon. Feb. 5, 188C. It Agency lor Southern Oregon and Northern California for the follow ing Instruments : PIANOS i .in Le :d, with n dull scusatioQ fl the back part, »’am under tho shoulder« Iliad.-, I uttnc"« alt- r eating, with adls- ii «< 'ticearto * ".ci'tion . !8»G. 49 A TORPID LIVER. ,<>.«e.l ur;«etitn. Butvclscostive, 1‘uin la Mb-' one but the I rsi material used. HUNSAKER & DODGE, USE. .1 Triumph cf the Age! SYMPTOMS OF z.te.E,e. Ft«". MILL FOR SALE A FINE ‘'t«X"k Ranch of 200 acres, situat­ ed 1 mile N. E. of Fluenix; all under fence and all set in clover; no rough or broken land • n the place. Good house and barn, o.'chanl. go«>d spring ami water. Tenn-»:— Fart c ish, balance on time. Price, $22J>0 per acre. W. H. W ickham . FORTY Acres of choice fruit land, situ­ ated within "X nnle of poetoffice; 2J acres under plow; go xi house of five rooms, large barn, living water; some fruit now growing <>n the place and wood enough on the re­ mainder to p iv for clearing. Brice, $35.00 per acre. Term», p.trt cash, balance on time. Enquire of W. H. W ickham . The Greatest K Who will enll on you for y delivery. ’n Reeser's B'ock. Ashland. Or.. Fall stoc! on hand ¡.nd made to order. Vhich will be done in u workmanlike manner am! nt For Salt YEARS IN C. S. ENGER Particular Attention paid to Job Work. 1 r>i:r >r. TIN, SHEET-IRON à COPPERWARE HAGANS r * TVUkiiaAvA' ..t< -1 he D :w . purific« till vcctsTev« rs. An Invulnabl' iriCOU'.p! •tu!''. licgui f*. 7 MANI FACTl KER. Horses Boarded and Fed. Valuable Property Rogue River. L a . 7 My fix Wyandotte hens inade a r«’< <»rd la* Reason of one hi ndrei » and tu i KT Y-M.1 each , in six month*, from January 1 th I 15th. Aside from th« ir r tilitv. th vor hand hjinds.omest fowls 1 huv EGf>S—i >i MtttllgK fV M y P lym f<»r vrai honors w h« E ggs —< t th rev sit lit each Singh My Merk of rvllvd ill this» ih a dirert uro Bonnvx of Mi noii». EGGS-one thrv *tttinu*. lor ka I v at *4 and £». All my birds havt hi alihy Hii-I tin* ly mark«*«! IVill be made so ns to give entire satisfaction A trv.i". I KE El’ NO OTIIEI FARLOW 6 MILLER Who are prepared to offer the public bettei iccotuiuodations than ever before affordeu iu Southern Oregon in the livery business FOR SALzl BY DEALERS. THE THREE LEADING VARIETIES. tn be found it full line of 10-13 Patent Medicines, Druggist’s Sundries, School Books and Stationery KhcL Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leghorns. THE ASHLAND s TA BLES Pittsburgh I.ead Glaau Work» Fit« » 9 41 j LIVERY AND FEED cd or EGGS FDR HATCHING! Tobacco anil Cigars, Cartridjes, Animaiiitioii. etc. Ware rooms at R. R. Bridge, near Youle & Gilroy'». planiuginill. portant cigar tnerous c.’.lra; I?.. EA!«<• C h v hist week. Rev. (f H Atkin »••ii, D. D . «lelivered tlie 1« icca ail"«-at" sermon. < tn ’I i|es«l iv Pr f«-i«o|- J \\ . Merritt :t"l«liessed the literary societies, ami Hon. M. P Deady «lelivered an oration before the University. On Wed nesd-iy the class tree was planted, an on Thursday the graduating exercises w«-re liehl. f?«e)7x unit «.//«er hibri' S on hantf. Made only of the finest and beatqonl. i.y of A. la«, ; lor wilhstaudiu^ heat. ight will not lie rvi’vlve 1 f<»r shipment uf- o'<-fiH-k !’. M. oil either tlif Ea-t or West l«ivi-ion». r. r. iiO«..Eks. KOEIfl.KK. •j. F. A I’:!'.. Agent. Manager. AT (TH ------- AT THE PIONEER FURNITURE STORE itoo’tn Fr< ter '• I Si«1e R. NEW FIRM! NEW FIRM I H. S. EMERY’S INVIGORÄTOR Cor. F and Front Sts., Portlnd, Or. E. M MILLER E. J. FARLOW, ARRIVE. Portland...... '.i.OO A. M .( orvaiHs......... 4::w» P. (’orvallia b:30 A. M. I Portland .....3:20 P. Kxpr«**M Train arrive . LEAVE. Portland .5:00 P. M , MuMinnv illc..*':00 P. MuMinnvillv.o:45 A. M. Portlan«!........s:30 A. M. 1 ak * h I tiukt t* forsnir and baggage cheeked al company s up-iou n office, cor Stark and Scconn State Un ver tty, an«l »•ate se loo a«, cam* • |.-wi< fi -m E'l-.'ene last Week, and pissed through t«« Cur«V c «tnity. H-" |«i to make ¡1 careful in«neetioii «-f the South ern Oi'« u,,n c ast. w'li’eh he has never be­ fore visited.—[Coast M «il. batisfaction guaranteed n rimedy— ----- TIME 21 DAYS.— j. D. fountain , pKÏ<*E.' f Í ft VTK ntm . AT DRluìmm AW DKÀI.EBS. II «RLt.S ». VOi.rl IB CO..BALTIBOBB. BB. Ul I UHI 3 TI ie Oregon Xri«lettp <-f a late issue say« it is iimle|-'»t<"o"<*ler in the N .rtli Sib-iii M II* will shortly visit Sa'eni ami look carefn'lv into th«" m • f til" |.rn<*tic«t"il ty «'f tu« ning mili B ii«t*> a W- olrll factory. t'l > Huenf .r nifties •>/' Ailif'iii'f ETC. Oregon Kidney Tea! Oregon 4 California R. R. and Connections. Which with its large and complete stock of General Merchandise is now con­ ducted under the management of IP n ■ Cure« Rhei>m»ti»m. Hecnilff«, i AM II fk « M |l.«k*«.. II«1S.<*«. T**lta*k«. The gr.-md' bulge of G ••««! Templer« elected the following officers for the cur The house con.mittee on Indian aff-iits rent year: Z T. Wright, G«a««*ig. agreed to report favorably Delegate Hai­ ; Giaiul C-'iilieilot ; Mrs. E M. v illitlri ley's I'ill antliot izi««g the anpointiiwiit of Vei t, ff S (11Vice-Templei; .1. a board of <-ommi*si««neis •<> « x mime, E H (¡ imik I Secret a n; J. II adjust nn.| report in all claim* gi .«wing L unLf-ri; TieiiHiirrr; «Line E \V< e-lei». out <>f Indian depredations ami tiealles. S«ij»eri:;i»inlent «>f «Juvenile TeiiiplMr'; The press gang, having gone through J W ebb. \\ S. .1 mie*, Rfpi’esent.i- Cleveland's wardr«‘|«e. are now exploring fivrtl t’> the R'*jht W-iithy (vtaml LtHlLf»*. * his pocket book. Tli«- tesu'it of their «lis- r«» be held a» Spiini»*, N. ; cvvry is given to the arotl«l, and the .1. E H un tiiaml <>n.aiil, Ella Field*; Grand Sett- tiie 30 mg tile* KUuiuier is slioirti by a I ator Slivi m-m’s rrmatks at tin- Bm-ki-y« By the recent cute« prise tn Nevada. dinner in N--w Y">rk that Ohl«« li.-ul ne«'«-r co..»!i n.-ti - ii of a «lam iici "*s a nai t'.>w h;t«l lier fair share «4 ««ttn-rs. was the c.inyoii in E k«> anility, a leservnir 2090 prize j «l;e of the evening. O ln-r gen ; ii : i «- m ill extent has been ma le, which i tlemeii who had tntcinled t<> c ni|M*te f -r wl.eli ti led !*> a d.-ptli <•( but thirteen the medal fol felted their entrance in>«i««-y feet c. iiinin.« t> ."»OO.UOO.OOO gnib'iis of and dropped out of the Contest >«s soon Twenty-eight niilrs of litigating water. as Uncle Sherman got his sample into dltclll‘8 have b«-«-n built and enough p -il«i>lit'*ci* *'f l- CiiGties where the c«*n- sent ate a iinml«er of n'nty feet le gtlis siniction «.f storage teservoir.* is pelf, ct 14x14 tn width. Few of tiie long piece« ly ft .isi d'l** at a small «unlay, ;in>l that les in >« lalge me.snie the final Solution were w ithout knot or blemish. < hify four wrre allowed Io a load, and each of tjie wetei ditticu iy. price tali I hr full length of tlirr«« cats. Tim «"lily timber rxceetliHg these in siz • Natures own remedy, Otegon Kidney and quality were tlmse nnilrr the lr>ilris Tea. uf ill«* huge ferry l»«at S «lam«, which CI KK Foil I'll.EH. were 110 feet. Pile* are freqneiitlv uroc-di d bv a muim * Gm. L "gan. while am<>ng a party • f of wetvht in the back, loin* and lower part frivml« at Washington >1.«" ««thei «lay. of the abdomen, causing the patient to made the following it-mark: “Y"ii hi y suj>;»o*e lie lias some affection o' tiie kid­ I ney* or neii_hl«orat" or_an*. Al time*, talk as you please :ibo«it |«olili«'S, ami tun svmptonis of iinlige*ti<>ii are pns.-nt. tlatii- all kinds >"f lliimga a!«"-ut me, y>*u can, lencv, uncasitie** of the stomach, etc. A blit it seem* that I no l.mgi-r c*-ilnt as a moisture, like perspiration, producing a fig'ire tri jeJitics. Thete is toil one p..|i- very disagreeable tt<"*bing, after getting warm. 1* a common atteadant. Blind, ticiati in the c«'ttntry.aml he M*emst<>km>u all about it, and is tunning tilings to suit bietling. and itching piles yield at once V> tin- application of Dr. >ios:inko’s Pile himself One «-f tl.e party venture«! t>> Keruedv, which act * directly upon the part* inquire for in* re s|«ecifie inf.-rmati««n. affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying when the general replied: ‘•Cettainlv; 1 the intense itching, and effecting a periua- Price .-*• cents. Addres.s, the rrfer to Mr. Blaine. Isn’t lie running II -ut cure Dr. Bosanko htedicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold the politics of this country jest now! bv -I ti t'liitwood A" Son. I England , too, f..r that matter. I «Ion t see that we have anything to d"". It is iinfortnnate that a very consider­ able portion <>f the w-okiiig class «*f Chi­ cago is composed of men wh*>ciimot talk English and wh«"S« language is iinfamlli ir to their en>p1«*yeta. This lingmsti- estrangement puts a harrier l«etwrrn the classes, cons«mites, in fact, a wall of caste. This is a dltticu'ty |«rcu'iar to America, ami most felt in Clucag««. It is a facti-r which must l«e given some place ill all iinlnsti ial ealcnlatmna. giving, as it «lors, the ai>a«chist who las ««c qnired a«>me knowledge of the English language a trenmndoita advantage «.v«-r Ins fellows in inciting them to riot. nb«->. lately without cause <>r knowledge <*f ef­ fects. läMUNn Yfrom AKKOYAKCS — VIA — THE FARMERS STORE. Gen. Butler is re|x>ited as still having Tiie Masonic grnhd bulge «*f Or""g<>«> n«>ltI leal Hapiratinlis and will pr«>l«ably met at Poitlaud on Weilnestlay. the lfitli. run f««r governor <«f Massachusetts again. | i and elec a tree and hacked him to pieces witli Marshfield, D G. M : 15 V i « i D «sen. knives. of A«t«-ri «. S G W ’ ; J F R >liiiii"iii. Tile c«*ngress t«> l«e chosen next fall Eugeni". J. G W : D. C M«"K «-relier. will lie the fiftieth, and will complete the P Kland, G. Ti e •». ; F. J. B.«bc«>ck G. See. ceutiny under the pieseiit cmiMitiitioii. The fitst congress convened Much 4, At the tenth annual ci mmenceinent 1789. ex«"ici.«es of tile University of O egoil If The Call prints a statement of a prom­ inent leftid.Tit <>f the Suidwich Islands, tn which the gentleman say* the native legislators have formulated a gigantic scheme to dispose «»f tile Islands. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. MEDICINES, To * V.X FRANCISf O 132; to ftACRAMEMu »30 Elect good men t«« all the offices. D* li t gtumble ai>o«it hard limes. I Keep y> nr side walk* in good «epair. S'lipe* A" l-eef cattle Avoid gossip aleut your iteighl«« is. Do your trading wiili y> tn ln>ine luer- U"ii*i«lei>iit"ti n interest. Be ci.nrteoU« to strangers that The Giaiul Aimv Committee in Salt among y""ii, *u that they may i,«« Fran«-i-c<« have succeed«*! in seeuiiug iKlth g«a«d impressions. S55.900. the amount ii« ces«*ir\ to defray | Always cheer <>n the men who «lie expenses «-f the Gt «ml Encampment. for improvements, yoitr poitl"-n <>! the S hi Fl Ii*ci*«"«*'s tiew «li«ectoiy. which Cost will be liotlitng ••»•ly what I* j-i*t. i« just issued, contains 120.900 name* I D'ti't L li k at at')' pr«>p«i»etl incessa«} Taking th«* C'tieago rail«« tin* woiibl iutpioveuielit l>vc.;iise II is not at }’■ in g vi" the city 400.000 i> ■pu,:iri«>n, but the [>wi> «loot or f>-r feat that your Bid «-tin «'lily claims 285.000. be •ai»«-«l fifty cents. y..»r let ­ Don't «tse rublief stamp? on T»«ker City, which i* somewhat eleva’- 1er heads, that is a dead ulve ali ¡«y oll .-il nl.ove tl.e level of the sea, indu’ge ' y«.ui l»usti>eM, « n 1 he t«’Wn mid lie»» m a snow stoi m on Saturday, thebeait'i- pa|«er pu* li»l«»-«l in it. Get y« ui- ur tette« fnl fa'lii'g to the depth of two indies beati«, envelop«**, bu»iiie*s cards, etc., It remained, hi'Wever, hut a short time. printe«l at the printing otfiw. Watet i* getting so low in nuper Wil- Never contienili the I- cal paper unless it has unfairly misu-ed }■ u. If it I.as J ’amette that an <>id liver captain R IVH dell with y«'ii unj*i*liy write to it or g«« that on some of the bats there is nothing bitt a heavy dew. The Oteg"«ll Pac-fi- jtnto the tittice and t« II the editor ab«>u< will soon have a light draught steamer y olir case; it he is nr««l«g lie wiil ioi.se n<> running, time in telling « he pllbtie ilt>ollt It. R-meiiiber that lio itimi «l-*«-a ita lunch Some i lea of the gr-'Wth of L ■* An- for your t"»n as thè l>«cal new*p.-iper. i geles inav I««’ had i«i the .i**«-ssinetit r «11* Eveiy paper sent olii I.* all udvrrtlMr- i The A**seSSi«r, wim ha* j «st C">nplete ■ :«d wdl • xcee«l that .«f the year pteV'-u- get a Infitei id«-m««f il frolli lite locai |>a , «ib..ut $9.000,000. per tlt.iii from ai«y olimi* »• ilice. If y«m A con e*p •ni’ent writing from Union want t<> «iraw p«-op'e to y«"Ur *«cti««n ■ t C"llnty ««iv«: Wilt at (10 <"."'ts per bushel: tlie C lllitiy «vini lliein y> ni h<>nie p«q«er. Inmbei ’hete a«e 93.350 acte* iimlei >i<*t **111* <>r two wtray iiuiiii*els but a full i-ullivat 'on ; pop«i|;,t ¡on 10,000, the a««es* K'ear’.» subsc tptloli. After ilny liav«' men« roll *h«'W* m-opertV Worth 82,61X1.- Jreail tlie pa|«er f««r *ix imuith thè western 000 that i* taxable. »fever wtll set in ami no power «m eartli witl keup thelli frolli V’inli'g. A poo) of wool containing nearly 13, 000 poiiieis. made no l-v fatiue s a>!ji The Pension Office Strikes Baek. cent t«« Albany ill • In* Fii'iiinn ami Ft v The Pension Office lias commenced to to iohboihoml. wa* s-ild <'H ThlltsiLty at strike back at the newapo|>er* which li.«ve 1 21 J cents jht pound, cmisiileiaide uf an Iweii expoaiug Gvnelal Black's violation advance upon the matket price. of the civil service law and hi- general Al. Ri’ter. a farmer living twenty bad management. A cluik, win« was in­ cidental y mentioned in the Cincinnali I miles n ith <*f Askima, wa* extila-nini* tin- W"«ik¡lig­ ■ f a hreeclt-l>>a>ling rifle t«. C««ininficiai Gazette f««i having u«««l hi suiting language t<> s««me ladies uialei Ins hts wile last week. when the cartridge charge, has been put forwaid to «lutile exi>io«le«l an«l the ball pa**ed throitgf- fighting He has sworn «>ut a warrant the l.o.ly i*f Ritter’s sleeping child, kill against C>>l. F. D. Mms«y, one <>f the ieg it instantly. Secretary Manning is rapidly improv­ ing, and it is state«! that he wiil lesume hi« positlim in the fall. MISCELLANEOUS. - AT — The republican convention fur Wash­ ington territory has been called to meet «it Tacoma, on Wednesday, September 8. NEWS. ENT MISCELLANEOUS. PAKK FKOM roKTLAXL« The Nebraska e«lit«>ral association is Coming «>ut to Oregon this summer. T’hey will probably g«> to A’ictora. Commercial Gazett« s c<«rie-|> «talents, f««i criminal litici. alni lie has also brought suit against that piipei f««r $l00,t)00 d.un ages. The Pension Ottici" will now re­ ceive more particu ar attention than ev« i, not withstanding this move, which cannot result in anything serious for tin.* pap.i or its C<«l les|M>lidellt. Bargains ! Bargains ! congress r Write ab.’iit it. GEAERAL MERC XNTILE -MANUFACTURING —MISCELE \ NE< »US. MISCELLANEOUS. TIDINGS [W-uOj and Beast. Mtislnn*’ moM men, more every year. older than more and