- ■ • ’ I • .. • — . - V t * ST*? r*. • d - I' ’ n w 4 X’i I ! i í LS*S‘ Sì ✓ ASHLAND Rtf » 1 •"3 T ’ ASHLAND TIDINGS. TIDINGS ASHLAND ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING W. H. LEEDS. Â ii Editor and Publisher, TIDINGS TertM of Advertising: One square, first iMertioo......... Each Additional insertion ertion ........... LOCAL. r Terms of Subscription: $ due copy, one year........................... “ six mouths........................ “ '* three months................. Jlub Kates, six copies for............... Terms in advance. ♦ 3 50 . 1 50 75 . 13 50 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 25, 188G VOL. XI J PBOFE88IONAL CARDS. MERCANTILE AND AS OTHERS SEE I s. M ANUFACfURlNG. I CLAYTON & GORE z£ H. C. MESSENGER, i J Manufacturer and Wood-Worker. » Gkranite Sti*ec‘t, Ashland, Oregon. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets. Etc. i AT LOWEST PRICES. ORNAMENTAL SAWING TURNING and J.M. M’CALL /• NO. 2. •• OREGON AS IT IS. Local Notioea, per line_____ Us Regular advertisements inserted upoa liberal terms. Jeb Printing Of all descriptions done on short notice Legal Blanks, Circulars, Business Cards Billheads, Letterheads, Posters, eta., got ten up in good style at living prices. RANDOM NOTES ON LIVESTOCK. THE NEXT LEGISLATURE. (London dispatch J udc 17. | Gladstone started this nioining for hts Scotch campaign. He was ace m- |HtUled by Mis. Gladstone. Tliousai da of people congiegated at the railway *ta- ti _.... seat hi the apeciRl coach aaaignrd for liis con­ veyance. The window at Ins seat «at> ’ ■ pen, and when the crowd saw hint through the window it set up another cheer, which was several times with «tithusiaMn. The |reopie seemed deaiiioua of hav­ ing the premier addiess them with soui< pnrupg, Word la-fore going away on In« «rájase errand. H 1« arose and s|>- ke ffáii . tit« ____ ctsch _______ urn _riidow.’ He tliaiAecT the |wople for the honor of their extra- rdinary demonstration. He abjured them to allow nothing to huh- from iliem the bare question of the hour. “At­ tempts have been made,” the venerable orator exclaimed, “and will be made to direit yoiir attenti--n from the leal ques­ tion at issue. This que-ti'-n is so|.-ly whether Iielaml shall l>e misled to man­ age tier own afians. Tlmse who deny Iieland tliHt light admit that Canada and other British colonies ei joy such rights. Aie we to trust our fed w-sul - jec's in lielaud .«id govern by love, or are we to adopt a policy of government hy force?’’ Gl.-dstone then hade his hearers go. d- bye and tile train moved away. Entl u slastic and prolonged cheering accompan­ ied its departme, and Immlreds "f p,-.- pie. waving liaiidkeicliieves mid bats, ami Goll spelling the premier, lati along the platform beside his coach until the tram < uts)>ed them. Gladstone drove to the railway station. The carriage was diawn by a pair of horses. It is estimated that fuiiy 10,- 000 persons weie in the crowii that awaited him. The people liiadu most frantic > Holts to see the pit liner, ami broke down b.nriers which had been pio- vided to keep them back. A gieat many men climbed to thet"p of lailway car­ riages standing in the station, and from that elevation cheered G-mlstoiie as he passed them. Gladstone only 1’cnclieil his coach with the greatest difficulty. A squad of police suiioiindm Grant’s Pass to A»h the fifth ediiion of 10.090 each of “Ore­ have been stated to l>u the Walking ami ■ «publicans 32. In the Mita>e th« dem-»- ASHLAND, OREGON. land last week, and thus lulls his leaders gon As It Is,” a pamphlet issued by the the imilling gait. Why this should have ciats have 11 and lhe republicans 19. Will alter'd to cases in the courts of Oregon, about what ho saw of «>ur t- wu: commissioners for die dissemination of been so stated it is d'tbcult to any, ex­ Holdover senators are 8 republicans and render advice and prepare papers In the set­ It was broad day light when the train tlement of estates, make applications for reliable and every nay trustworthy infor cept that it seems to have been applied to 7 democrats. Holdovers marked with a *. patents under the V. 8. mining laws, and arrived at Ashland. Stepping out upon niaiion of this state in the interest of im SENATORS. English thoroughbred horses of fifty ■ lay be consulted on all matters pertaining tho platform several hotel runuers sung to Government lauds. School and 8“ amp migration veins ago. Even the thoroughbred hoist Baker — Ge«> Chamller, D.* o ut “free hacks" for their res|>ective lands, and claims against the U.S. for ser­ '1 he book is issued from the press of really has another gait—the trot—and Benton—Tims E C tuihorn, D*. vices or losses. houses, etc. When it came t<> loading the Lewis A Dryden coni|>any, and is fully as inucli s*> as the walk or gallop, OFFICE—Main street. (10-39 Clackamas—C O T William, R; L T us on, we noticed there was but one hack handsome ill mechanical features. Not and the trot is us constantly used as eith­ Barin, R*. Township plats on file in the office for all the houses, which went around all only has there been unusual care taken in er of the others. Ail other horses hav« Coos and Curry—J M Siglin, D. • ■ ver town, unloading in a manner that the | re| aration of this edition, imt it the trotting gait as the most used except Donglas—John Eiuuittt, R; J H J. T. Bowditch, reminded one that Ashland was idway* contains everytliiug that is best in infor­ the walk. In trotting-brcd animals ii S«>upu, R. one of the fraternal s|M«ts <>f this green Attorney and Counsellor at Law mation as the daily contact with the per­ in glit with the same propriety be said Grant—Hamilton, D*. eaith. Ashland is tiuly a metnipoiitnu sonal or written inquiries of intending that they have but two gaits—the walk ASHLAND, OREGON. Jackson—A C Stanley, D*. city in that portion <>[ Oregon south of We have just received, direct from Yokohama, Japan, settlers have shown it during the exist and the trot—trotting being their l>est Will practice 11 all court* of the State. sluMt* phine—H B Miller. R Roseburg, and for beauty <>f improve­ elice of the board Halt a dozen ili- gait as running is with the thoroughbied. Collections promptly made and remitted. Lane—E P Coleman, D; Veach, D*. an invoice of Pure Uucolored and Breakfast Teas, which ments and sceneiy presents a very flatter 9-4 quiiit s about any certain feature of the To apply common seuse to ail this, tin- Linn —Jas K Weatherfold, D; Daw­ mg picture. In the distance and at the state has led the secretary to make it a atntii.il must l>e train« 1 directly for tin son, R*; Irvine, D*. are offering to the Public at the Lowest Living rates. we head of Ashland creek, Ashland Peak T. B. Kent, subject of explanation in the book. In woik lie is to do. In all horses of labm Marion—M L Chamberlain, R; J B cans its bead against the skies in ma tins way “Oregon As It la" has become the walk is the most valuable gait. In .. ....... Attorney and Counsellor at Law. R*; J B Dimick. R*. Ask for PURITY TEA, and take no other. jestic silence. A fresh coatinj tii.2 <.f sn.wr, full of “meat," practical, useable infor­ training, the young animal should nevei JACKSONVILLE, OR. Multnomah—Joseph Siumu, R; J 0 <11 ««ver it which fell <>n ! Friday night mation. -J «’ . - • _______ be ... allowed gall except eXCe Will pructice in all the courts of Oregon. 2- -f. to Use - any ___ « other _______ gait Carson, R; Geo A Steel, R*. . I “told the tale." Fr«»m this [asak the Office in the court house. 110-3 The «eather bulletin or Oregon climate, the ‘ ic wmk until Tie lie has become i thoroughly Polk and Bettt<.n-^|<« D. Lee, ft. water that supplies Ashland flows, and by comparison, is one of the new and ad used thereto, and he should be trained to Polk—John C. Allen, R. •utter water could not be found. Water mir.tble features of this edi'ion. Nearly exert every» impulse to walk at the fast Albert Saauaonà, Uniou—L B Rinehart, D. jet», fountains, ditches, lawns, vines and four pages are devoted to this feature and eat possible speed. The time spent in Wasco, Crook, Klamath and Lake—0 ' CIVIL ENGINEER and SUBVEYOB. i uits bedeck every inclosure in the town, the rainfall, 'lhe figures are flirt ished acquiring ail tins may seeiu tedious, but M Cartwright, R. ASHLAND, OREGON. givitig it the most of ita real s<>ul. by the United States signal office, and it must be remembered that a horse will Waaliingh-ti—W D Hare, R. Will attend promptly«» any business in the Among the trees noticed are the f«ints in wa.kiug gait, dtawing a load half the Watts, R*. and evervthing pertaining to civil engineer­ walnut, butternut, hickory, white thorn, ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. these states. time, as by any other, and when trained Umatilla— J P Wager, D*. office at the postofficc. 10-12 trickly ash, persimmon, wahoo, bass­ Under “What Can I D<>?” the secre­ to walk fast will perform a day’s journey THE ROUSE. wood, beech, Iowa maple, elm, Monte- tary has answered hundieds of letters, as quickly as when flatting half the ey cypress, poplar, box elder, cedar, Grant — J B Johnson, R. J. 3. Howard, written to know «hat the sender c>ti do time. The average gait of an untrained v, eping willow, and ninny other varieties Baker — L.*ckett and Elms, D. with ibis or that much capital, with the horse with a moderate load is two and s Notary Public and Conveyancer Would annontv e to the public that be ha» purchased thu Marsh planing mill oo numerous to mention. Ashland has Benton—C L Shaw, D; B T Harris, or>e trained to walk < ff four miles an houi attention, and Information furnished con- »lasonic block; three stores, hall ami eeruiug property in the new town. immigration of ativ more mechanics, la­ with any load he can fairly handle. Ex­ L Mayer, D; Noyer, D. And ia prepared to do promptly all work in the line of planing, moulding, and ffices; McCall s block, 2 stores; John Clatsop and Tillamook—Dickinson, D. borers or ¡•nifessimial men, uniess in 'he ceptional horses may be tiained to walk general wood working. ->•n's block, four stores; I. (). O. F. blink, C«»os—J H R >berta, R. Dr. John 3. Parson, first case they have money with which to five miles nn hour. Any well bred horse, liiee stores, hall and « ffices; Butler & Coos and Curry—A H Crook, R. PHYSICKN AND SURGEON make opportunities or live comfortably • •f Percheroii, g-s>d trotting blood, or Will keep on hand a good stock of .fillings b.ock, four stores. Beside* Columbia—M Poiueroy, R. until they get a fi*oth walk four A shland , O rbgon . hvsu Mrs. Houck has in contemplation a D<>uglas—P P Palmer, R; W F Ben­ Case, they are fitted for top places. Far­ miles an hour on a gmal road with a full ji#“Office for the present at Chitwood s nge brick on Mam street, for stores also. mers, practical farmers, with a little or a load. Exceptionally good horses may be jamin, R; James Blundell, R; J W ding store. (6-4. >f church buildings, she lias four—the Krewson, R. garni deal of capital, are urged to come made to walk up to tive miles an hour. Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, ami Jackson—Miller, D: Bowditch, D. to one of the best agricultural states in Junkard or German Baptist. Of schools Josephine—8 ü Mitchell, D. C. J Sochrist, M. D., the union. Dehorning Cattle. Will fnmi'-h lumber of all kiud ■ . either rough <4t drewbi d. in quantities to suit he has two tine large buildings, beside* Klamath and Lake—McLean, R. Considerable space has been given to purchaser». PHŒNIX, OREGON. The horn of a c<>w is an appendage not be college. She has tive hotels, an«l Lane—Stafford, R; Bilyeu, D; Halo, the commercial interest, facts anil figures, of the skull but of the skin. In the ight restaurants, w«a>len factory, and D; Thompson, D. OAce for th? present. »:t Dr. Kahler s drug showing the industrial and mercantile calf the horn is loose on the head and store. 10-40 louring mill, the latter bmlt in 1854. Linn—W Richardson, R; Bierins, D; features fully. may be I emoved with a section of the Henry, D; Mansard, D; Swank, D; Following are cashpsices for work: Pinning. ’• p r M.t 1’lauiug and matching, natble works, cabinet shops and othei In tbe treatment of the counties, the ¿4.50 ;n-r M.; Moulding. It ci-tit per inch, per ft. skin. The horn is fed by thu akin, as is udustries and business houses too nu descriptive articles were invited from also the hair, and as the removal of the Miller, D. Dr. D. B. Bice. [10 14 Xshlaud, Oiegon, April 16, 1886 net«.us to mention. Among the most Marion—D J Pendleton, R; C F prominent alid old-time residents. Ill skin on any pottiott of the body leaves a PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, mted attractions is the White Sulpliui H cks, R; W B Culver. R; 8 Layman, many cases there «ere hearty responses, A shland , O kbgo . n . scar winch will Hot hair over, so the re­ »prings house, kept near the depot l>y and the articles as good as could be de­ moval if the skin with the rudiiueiitaiy R; A M Lafolett, R; J T Grogg, K. Odice at the i lly Drug Store: residence near fit. T. W. Price. We would respectfu - Multnomah—Johu Wilson, R;U8um- sired. the woolen factory. . lion, leaves a scar that cannot produce a y refer the invalid to this house, where In others no interest was manifested, m*w horn. It is claimed there is u<> bet­ meis, R, D Mackay, R; R Harrington, Special attention given to diseases of wo­ hey will find a most pleasant'place, very and the secretary has made the descrip­ ter lime t' peif.irm the operation than R; W Munger, R; Hants, R; Douglas men. easonable charges and no doubt bene- tion as accurate as possible, writing from when the calf is two weeks old. The Taylor, 0. it t<> their health. P..ik — A M Hohnes, D; P W Haley, a pei'soiial knowledge and from all im­ hotn at this age is merely a section of Miss AI uxa Weber, Thy Tidings office up stairs over th« partial statnipoiiit. A ne»sj>a|er direc­ soft, hairless akin called the matrix, <>r D; John J D dry, D. leather of musk- at Ashland College, will give Muik/is a complete outfit for thu dissenii- Umatilla—Crockett, D. Instructions in tory completes the book of about seventy ! uiolher of tlie future horn. In ieim>v Wasco, Ci««.k »nd Gilliam—Wilcox, mtion of the news <>f its section. Mr [Mges.—[Ex. PIANO, ORGAN and GUITAR log it is only m-ceasaty to make clean D; McDonald. D. uceds has taken “time by the forelock" To a limited number of pupils outside her wmk of it, taking a mu of the skin an >y attaching a pulley to a flutter wheel Wasiiingtou—Paukeen, R; Smith, P; coliege class. The President's Sew Home. eighth of an inch wide surrounding ma­ Gubser. R. ii the factory race, running all his ma- Residence st Mr. A. G. Roekfel!ow'sonCh"rch I Washington Corr Cleveland Leader.] Innumerable Cigarette*. trix. It can be d-me with one sweep of street. Yamhill—R R L lUghlin, R; F N Lit­ hinery by water—g.«>d plan and cheap, . [Bill Arp. in Atlanta Constitution.| The Presideiit's new home is called the knife, the calf being laid mi its aide tle, R; C Lifoilett. K. i'he |>a|>er is a lever the town could not There are now in Durhim 10,060,000 “Pretty Prospect,” ami it will, when he mid the bead firmly held to the ground ffoid to dispense with. While in Asli- MotTow—Gay, R. Z T. Bartlett, pounds of leaf tobacco awaiting uiatiitfac- i has improved it, be one of the pleasantest under tile knee of the operator. Noone md we met many old friends among CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, ture, and it comes in every day by the country seats in the United States. who has observed the feeling of security Sunday School Co« vent io*. vhoiu we might name, Capt. J. M. Me A shland , O regon . 'all, James Thornton, R. M. Garrett, train loads from all the surrounding Cleveland lamght it ot A. R. Green, in mid the go u teui|>er manifested by a A Mass Meeting of tbe Suuday School Will furnish estimates and take contracts fur Henry Judge, A. P. Hammond, Capt. couutry. '1 he tobacco manufacturers <>. «hose family it has been owned for the herd of polled cattle Confined in a shed wmkera of Oregon will be held at tho Buildings of all kinds. ihos. Smith, Geo. Stepheii«»», J. O. C. Durham pay to the railroads over 81,- last hundred years. Green's grandfather >>r small yard cou d ever wish t*> set* the Gospel Ta-eruacle, Portland, comtneuc- A share of patronage solicited. [S-35 •Vimer, A. 8. Jacobs, Dave Hopkins, O. 000,000 a year for incoming freights. ! was Uriah Furrest, who was on Washing­ horns restored U| hui such a herd. Many mg Sunday evening, July 11th, and Slop located jeut below tee I'tcrg stable. They have over two thousand tqterauves, ton's staff during the revolution, and valuable lives are yearly sacrificed Joolidgu, Jaa. Bowditch and otlnua. n t‘ir .t-,11 th« Koriug of Ivrus upon vicious cmeing Ju.y 13th. B. F. Jaooba, «f I sav. ufMl at. Ibe Ci.-ac *ef thu r.... The growth of Ashland ia truly w«>n- more than ¡«ail of whom are Chicnif.., On ai rw»*»» -«4 sb» lasaeMetiuMl lerful, and it is owing, in most part t>> 500 girls in «»tie factory. They were sit­ large fortune by acting as a commission • •r p'-ayful atiiiual . Our present civiliza­ Sunday 8 c I i > h >I Executive Committee,oo« A. L. WilUy, merchant for the Maryland tobacco plan tion has no call for Buch weapons. — [N. ting at dltlu desks making cigarettes, he harmony end unity of its citizens of thu leading Sunday 8cho*4 Workers of i hey always pull together; by so doing and they were singing one of Sankey's tern in England. He was probably a Y. Herald. the age, «cc..ui|ainied hy several other millionaire during the revolutionary days, lu-y have kept vice, laziness and misery songs when we entered. Cotton factory eminent workers fr*>m the East, will be Breeding Nales. A shland , O regon . roin their midst. Taking the train at girls look pale and measley, for they have and among his s|«cttlatioiis were a large in attendance at ihrs c>>uveuti>«t>. This amount of property in Washington aud !• prepared to give estimate,, to furnish mate­ to stand all day and they look careworn, It has always been one of the most w ill affi.id a rate >>pp.>rtuiii>y for the Sun­ 1:3 if M., wu were soon meandering the rial,and complete all kinds of building« >anks of the Bearcreek. Passing Phoe- and weary. They can't sing for the a great deal of land surrounding that profitable of farm occiqtations to breed day School winkers <>f Oregon to meet IN OK OUT OF TOWN THESE GOO US ARE >ix and Medfotd, where we intended t<> sound of the machinery; but these girls now owned by the president. After For­ mules. The demand f*>r them on South­ with some of those who stand at the on reasonable terms. All work warranted to •top, but were prevented, we were soon look rosy ami lie it and were as merry as rest came back irom England he la*cime ern plantations, where thuy meet their head of the International Sunday School give satisfaction. SHOP—on Mechanic street, over Youlc A Gil­ >n the banks of the great Rogue river, larks. The doctors say that the tobacco interested «vh Robert Morris, the great congenial companion, the negro, his al­ work, ami who havn beeu a (MiWrr iu the roy's store-house and office. [10-40 •lie many rapids <>f which were plaiuly business is the healthiest in the world, financier, and «heli Morris failed For­ ways been steady mid remunerative. At land hi arousing and maintaining an in­ risible t<- our optical sense. We are now and that these girls are never sick. rest lost all his property except that the North there are large numbers of terest iu this great cause. It is the pur­ In Chicago, San Francisco and Portland, ami I am consequently prepared to giv. A ni'iles worked in mines, on street car M. L. M ’ CALL. They ail work by theq»iece, an«l many of which the president has bought A. P. HAMMOND, ii the shades of the over-hanging Table pose to reorganize the State Sunday bargains Rock. Looking up s peqiendiculat them make 82 every day. Most of them large part of the rest went to Barton lines, and as factory teams. The mines School Association at this time, and per­ SammonA & McCall, •idea, the faces of thu <>ld chiefs, Joe, make 81.50, and even the little liny chaps Key, lhe father <>t the young nun whom generally require small mules, plantation fect arrangements for ca-rying on tho make from 75 cents to 81. l he gins Can Sickles shot for flirting with his wife. and car lines medium, and for city draft, work that is to be accomplished through lohn and Sam, loomed up in our imagin REAL - ESTATE - AGENTS can beat the boys at this business, for This mail Key was very rich, and he the largest size. In breeding, the size such an organization. It ia therefore a .tion. Turning to Col. Ross, wh<> occu built a big house right near this property of the mule, in a great measure, is regu­ their fingers are more delicate «nd nimble pied a seat in the car, we queried: “ Can matter of great importance that all those -AND— about eighty years ago, which, it is said, lated by the size of the Jack; though of They make 750,000 cigarettes i day in ,«>u tell us Col. what chief it was wh«> interested in tins wmk should attend and cost him about 8100,000. This house course the size of the mare has much to [«rticipate in this convention. • >ught the battle on Table Rock?" The one factory. Just think of it! Nearly CONVEYANCERS, Joi. laughed heartilv, saying: “There 1,000,000! And all to be burned up still stands. The house in which the do with the form and weight of the colt; While this will be a inass convention, ■ uesident will live was built about ten or and sjze alone regulates the price of the Ashland, Oregon. »as never a battle fought on Table Rock, into smoke and ashes. I casually in and all interested will be ».titled to par­ quired where all these cigerettes and all twelve years ago, ami there is nothing animal, it is best to procure the service ticipate in its deliberations, yet to in­ t hat's all in the eye." «hts smoking tobacco went to, and the about it that is striking either in archi­ of the largest Jack that can be obt.ined, sure a representation all Sunday Schools Loans negotiated. Property bought and sold collection« attended to; Abstracts of title fur- general manager handed me a lot of bills tecture or interior arrangement. Very and use large, robust mares. Mules do throughout the S'a'e are requested to State Pioneer Reunion. nisbed. of lading that had been shippe«! that near the property there aie sixteen acres not vary greatly in form, and color does elect two or more delegatus, pledged to About two thousand persons were at niorning. 'I hey went to £^^Surveylng of all kinds satisfactorily an.i Hamburg, of ground which belongs to young Prince not affect their value. They have no attend. beg.>11 City last Wednesday, <>n the oc­ Honolulu, 8ingap«)re, Mndnis. Antwerp, Imrbide and liis moiher, who is now liv­ promptly done. style, and are not rivals of the horres in The friends <>f the cause in Portland casion of the Pioneers’ reunion. The Rotterdam, Mobile, Auckland and S«>ura- ing in Mexico. Not far from it is Whit the love an1. W. L. White, and a baud of music die road between it and Georgetown. [American Agriculturist. very desirable town lots, improved an»’ un­ send their names t<> J. E. Hswltine, uoved from Main street t<> the putk. improved; and farming lands and stock When the president lives in it wiih Mrs Conreilerate Bonds. Chairman of Committee mi Entertain­ ranches in sixes to suit purchasers, up t<- The following programme was carried Frankie Folsom Cleveland as its h<>s ess. Diilu't Kuow “Lame Johnson.*' ment. so that places may bu assigned tXXJU acres: also. ut at Falls City Paik: Music by the A measure introduce«! in congress by a it will l>e one of the sights of the capital, them before their arrival. [Sacramento Bee.] ari the •and; prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. sensational mem »er for tile payment of and the ave’itie leading to it will be A G ood S t » s R asch , 960 acres, six mile* Delegates laying full fare cmning will East of Ashland—good for snmmer or win »V. ¡Sellwood; addiess of welcome by the the rebel war debt has caused c«>tisit, their best, tewer tunes than any mixer of cocktails Artaiigeinents are ex;«ected to be made Prices W m . v Down iov (lie SeiiHon oí ’MO L. F. Mosier, under the auspices of the this government than there is of the debt to make it lovely, and when Cleveland hi die city But to-day he was out-wit- for a reduction in rates over the other MUCIKT1LÔ Veteian Volunteer Association; benedic- <>r England being ¡mid by the United gels through with it it will be worth ted. A man who was neatly die«wed trenspurtatiun hues leading into Port­ land. lotl. States. A Washington dispatch of the ow tiing. naunteie*I into the bar room from the of E. W. A llen , Masonic Directory, Ashland The barbecue of meats followed, which 17th says’. “Talk with members and five, talked lelsure'y about the climate, W 8. H olt , was a treat greatly enjoyed by all pres- persons who have tested the feelings <>i The President's Financial Standing. and expressed pleasme that he lord Bill- J. K. G ill , SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NX 21. R. A M. I lit. Congress upon the subject <>f paying C<>n The Sunday Capital says: The presi­ ioi ated from the East. Then thrustinu his Com. on Ariaiigeumuta. ¡tegular convocations on the Thursday next Following are the officers elected foi federate bonds, has ed the f.«ct hand deep into h s {i -cket, lie asked fne point,’ says an acute his predecessois have «lone, keeps a pri “Well as this is the first to-day, and ASHLAND LODGE No. S, A. F. A A. M. |Willamette Fanner.) •I Multnomah, Secretary; .1. M. Bacon, «•hgerver of political events in Washing­ my l>|oial is sluggish, I guess I'll take a vale bank accotl .t «ith ltlggs A Co., and Stated communication on the Thursday of •f Oregon City, Treasurer; Directors for ton, ‘ ihat must have i.eeti overlooked by iHtf drink, ” he said. Newspa|>erB all unite t<> claim that we ur before the full moon. ... ,, makes a deposit the first of every month, H. C. H ill , W. M. lie year—Clark, Hay, of Multnomah; F. tbe gentleman wlm propsed the scheme, Then lie tilled up the glass and drank are on iht eve of better timet and inora reserving enough from his salary to pay A. E. llammourt, aeerelary. ______ X. Matthiru, of Marion; Joseph Walt, and that is, even if Congress should ab­ current expenses, and setting a good ex­ die c •ntenis like a veteran. While assured pro«|>erity. The trade <>f Port­ ALPHA CHAPTER NO. t. O. E. S. f Yamhill. sent to a proposition ot this kind, the ample by putting the lest aside for a fumbling in Ins pockets, as if serrehing land is an indication of such improv«, In the evening there was a display of bonds cottnl never be paid except by con stated meetings on 1st aud 3d Tuesday in rainy day. His account Ins shown a l>al- for a bit, the custouiei said that when he meiit and ail over the Pac tic Northweat each month. ... ireworksat thu palk, a camp-tile and a sent of three-fourths <>f the States. The ai.ee as large as 83500. as he has an in­ came to Sacramento he knew hut one we see and hear of matters returning to Ms.». A nsa C arter , W. M. f •all. Addresses were made by Mr. fourteenth amendment to the constitu­ come aside from hisoffi ’id salary. While iiers-'ii, and that was “lame Johnson.’ the old-time prosperity. We have learned Miss Auua Andersuu. Secretary. Joseph W’att am) others and a very eh- tion provides that the United States nor “I never Ii ard of him,” said Sc -tty. a lesson that does mil coure with regular­ lie has never been a money getter, and j >yable time was had by all. The exer­ any State shall assume <>r pay any debt “Wlia'f You don't know lame John­ ity but has to be learned well before any Ashland. Lodgo No. 45, JAMES THORNTON, E. K. ANDERSON cises ended at 10.30. At 11 the .Mult- or obligation incurre«! in aid of the in­ I has earned in his profession all he has son?’ ipicriel the fell -w. “lame John­ cu'itry or community can be called pr«a- ever made, the president his ail econo Vice President. President. ..oniah left, for Portland, arriving there surrection of the rebellion against the I. O. O. F.. son. who walks this way?” perops. We enjoyed, for many years, inical disposi ioa, and i.o luxurious tastes, Hold regular meetings every Saturday even- ---- ■ 11 it midnight. United States, ami all such debts, obliga­ like his immediate pre«lecess<>r. Before Stiffening In* right leg and pushing his tietier times ami more satisfactory pros­ .ng at their hall hi Ashland Brethren In good tions and claims shall be hehl illegal and he entered public li.e, when he was mak­ hand deeper into liis pocket, he liui|ied perity than fell t<> any State in the «landing are cordially invited to attend. Not Through the baloou. H. T. I slow . N. 0 void. 'Ihat woiihl forever settle the ing from 810,000 to 81.J.000 a year by across the h:ii-r>s,iii, suddenly stitick Union. The terrible collapse of 1883 J. D. Fountain, Secretary. question, for you will never see three- his praC'ice, and could have lived like a the swinging door with hi* hand, darted left us all floored and, as if the breaking [Harper’s Weekly.] <>nt ami ran away at fu'l *|>eed. The down of Villard's schemes was not PILOT ROt K ENCAMPMENT NO 16, IOO F. When so staunch a republican and tern- lotirth of the States of the Union consent lord, his expenses were t.ever mote than Meets in Odd Fellows’s llall every 2d and 4th irraiice num as thu Rev. Dr. C'uyler says to this proposition, or auy tiling like it.” 82500 a y«ar. and lie enjoyed life ;>s oeaten hai kee;>er rushed to the d-»>r, enough to cieate bad times there came Monday in each month. Members in good much as most men do. His frugal habits and gazed down the street and philo­ also the fall ill wheat and wool aud the ihat he is waiting to see whether the par atandiug cordially invited to attend. State Temperance Alliance. general decline <>f products of the suit •y has been taught by adveisity; when were acquire ! in youth, for lie was not sophically said: E. J. F arlow , €. P. “Well, I guess that fell >w earned that that we have experienced. R<>ol. Taylir. Scribe. republican Rhode Island votes f«>ryr«>hi- The State Temperance Alliance met at born wiih a golden or even a silver sjxa.n The lesson of economy and practical ntion, and democratic rural districts ill Salem <>n the 17th and elected the follow­ in his mouth. He has always found drink, Imt I woiihl like to black tits eye.' HOPE RKBI’.I CA DE'; REE I ODGF NO. 14. management has be«ii well learned by .Kentucky and Sout hern democratic states ing officers: G. M. Miller, of Philo pleasure in hard work. The president's Immlgratioft Data. Vivete ot. the ;.l and I’h Tue*-lay in each farmeis as a c!a*s ami they hare met the Bnlialo friends estimate that he was io the same; when republican comiuit- intih, president; T. J. Nelson, of Hal month in labi fellow«’s Hali. Ashland. After an examin vtion of the public rec situation far lustier than would have been ees in New Jersey declare that the party *ey, Mrs. Dr. B. A. Owens Adair, of wor h from 860,000 to 87-’,000 when be Ml’.«. M. F. t’.KEY. N. G J. K. Hv’.mau, sec'y. dmuld show itself unconditionally hostile Portland, and G. G. Rigdon, of Baker was elected, ami has already i .creased ords the lood immigration a^etit in orins eX|>ected. N->w we have to go on in th« • > the organized liquor interest—is it not City, Vice Presidents; .1 E. Houston, of that amount co si«leral»lv by profitable in­ ihe state b<».ir immigrants h vve ; routine of industry aud economy aud ■ videiit tiiat the republican machine in Ashland, secretary; J- H. Lambert, of vestments ami by the surplus of his sal­ loc<*.ed in Kl-mnth county since January. | make haste slowly to become rich by the 188» They have bought anti taken up fruits of farm labor. There is not much rew Ymk misconceives th« situation, and Milwaukee, treasuier; Pref. ’Ihos. A mi- ary. DtPARTMtNT OF ORECON alanit 50)0 acres of Lind. One h>tndre«l h<>|>e that »ur fanners can become rich hat the return of thu republican patty Scoy, of Salem, corresponding secretary. All members of tho G. A. R. in good and eighty of these new comers porch «sed in the full acceptance of th« term, but What a Wife Said. • • the confidence of the country does not Executive committee. G. M. Miller. J. -.lauding am cordially invited to visit Burn­ 3000 acres at an average price of 812 per thry can acquit« enough of worldly gnoda lie through the saloon? E. Houston, J. H. Lmnliert. Wallis side Poet, which meet* in the Masonic hall, acre. It is es.i >>ated that the*«! immi­ to make life wot th the living and we Simply this and nothing more: Nash and J. W’. Webb; finance commit Ashland, every 2d and 4th WedneMay in It came from T. K. Bolton's store; grants rnlded 8275.000 to the m mey cir I h> pe that Oregon will snstaiu ita well •jach month. J. M. M c C all . tee, G. W. Dimick, J E. Knox and E E. Probably a Meteor. as proved to be a ;>erfect cure, . Commander. eolation <>f wedth t«> that country. A ' earned reputation aa a land of good Pieaiant tasting, safe and sure. McMinnville pat er: About 9 o’clock McKinney, lhe alliance then decided gtaal many of them bought state lands, homes and g>>od living. The farmer, to hold its next session in this city on the That Gum Tree ( EncaJyptuR) cough Syrup. A. M.. June 4th the residents of Tilla­ Ashland Lodge, A. O.U.W which accounts for the low average per after all that can be said, makes the third Wednesday iu February, and T K Bo:t»u A co would call the atten­ mook were startled by a noise similar to ylvtts in lodge roota ia O<1«1 Fellow’* Hall wealth of the nation and his prosperity jotirned. tion of their friends and the public to thia acre. xxery nr.'T amt Tlttui» Weduewtay i> eavh i heavy blast. It was heard at many The local agent at Eugene City informs is the “half-buslml" in which all th« . exoellent pr. p ira.i»n, made in Auatralia month. Proent hour m’ mictiug ■ > ■ . m . jioints on Trask river, fourteen mile6 nd Sau rrauciHce. California, from the thu state botrd tint immigration has in­ wealth of the world is measured. til Brethren in g«>o'l “landing are vonlially Btit’kleu’s Arnica Salve. .roni Tillamook: on the Nestucca and iuvite«! to attend. teavea of a peculiar virietv of the Euca­ creased the vote of that place 70 polls, J. W. A lni « t . M. W. Keynote to Health. Vilson rivers, and at the mouth of the The The beat Salve in the world for cuts, lyptus or blue gum tree of Australia. It representing about 350 |>ersons A. L amb . Recorder. ■ •ay. It was in the west, and seems to bruiaea. sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ; has ui> sickening projierty to disturb the vote «>f the county indicates an increase Health is wealth. Wealth means inde­ nave been many miles at sea. It is be- sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. . stomach, and is most reliable for curing of about 300 votes wi'hin the past year. pendence. 1'he keynote is Dr. Boeanko’s Ashland. W- C. T. U couvbs, colds sore throat, whooping cough. ieved to have been either a meteor or c*»rus. and all skin eiuptiona. aud [Krailive­ I bronchit s. croup and any tendency to con­ It is estimated th it immigration for 1885 Cough au4 Lung Syrup, the best ouugh syrup in the world. Cures ooughs, oolas, ly cures piles, or no pay required. Il ia •oiler explosion, and was accompanied lbc Ashland Woman's Christian Tem­ sumption. Sold by T K B, lt > n . and 1886 h >s added a round million to pains in the cheat, bronchit s and primary guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or perance Union meets every Tueaday after­ City Drug store, agent for Ash anti. •y a hissing sound. It was probably a money refunded. Price it cents per box. the wealth of Lane county. consumption. One dose gives relief in OVER and UNDERWEAR. - CLOTHING MADE to ORDER. noon at 3 o'clock in the Reading Room. All ueteor. every case. Take no other. Price BO cents For sale by J. H. Chilwood