ASHLAND THE FRH»AV Ì TIDING JUNE It. 1« BREVITIES. Haying is in full blast. The ice cream season h is opened. Class In Book-keeping. At the leqiiest uf a number of young people in to m. Prof M G. Royal is giv­ ing instruction in I m > o ! i keeping atri pen- m.tnship to a class which meets at the col­ lege every tuoniti g except Saturday and Sunday. Hours of instruction, from 9 o'clock to 12. Anyone wauling to study double entry book keeping should join the class at once. Arm Broken. Last Monday B. W. R’ggs, Chas. Tay­ lor and T. Y. Dean undertook t<> jump fiom a freight train as it passed the Grant's Pass m were badly shaken up. Mr. Dean re­ ceived a fracture of one bone of the right atm Inflow the elbow. The wonder is that they were not killed, as the train was moving at a rapid rate.—[Courier. Historical Hack. Have you seen the handsome Hereford cat tie yet? I Ice for sale in large nr small quantities at the Red House. Men's summer pnnta, neat cuts, $1.50 per pair at Blount's. x Fresh candies received this week at Burckhalter .k Hasry’s. * A state election fails tn bring out the full vote uf Ashland precinct. Ca I ami see our new inv >ice of China and glass waru. Hunsaker & Dodge, x Thu letteis not called for at thu p-'St- officu will tie advertised every week here­ after. Mrs. W. G. TVault, widow of the I founder of the “Sentinel,” died at her The Bouloii A McGinley Comedy Co i Home tn Jacksonville last Friday morn- h ul a good house at Granite hill last i mg. Wellies lay evenin', ami without doubt Some of the pupils and teachers of a larger audience <>n the second appear­ the Ashland public schools had a picnic ance (list evening.) Their entertain­ at the *-da springs on Carter creek lust ment is an excellent one, and gave great Saturday. a.Utaf ictioti >o ail present. Everyone All the four counties of the 1st j nil- pr-iMM Bonlui:. by all odds the finest violinist who h.«s ever delighted an Ash­ cial district in S'Uthurn O.egoii aie land audience. His violin solos were a shown to be Democratic mi a strict party surprise and a revelation, and the double vote. playing of Botilon and McGinley was Byars & Guerin are plastering the l ist not less entertaining. The ladies of the two stores in Johns-m'a block, and will compiny all did well, also, in thu ch-ir- so.>n have them finished and ready for ^adtar sketches and f.irees th it varied the occupancy. . programme of the evening. The com­ Arrangements concerning the celebra­ pany :a <>ne of the l»**t in its a¡>ecidiiies that ever traveled through here, ami tion of Independence Day will he made in deserves the liberal patronage every­ «1 ne f<>r announcement in next issue uf thu T idings . where given it. G. 8. Butler is in Klamath county this week. Wool is quoted nt 15<&'18c per lb. at Portland, Wm. Taylor returned, Sprague river last Sunday. home from Flour sells at $3 per hundred lbs. at Linkville. Virgil Conn, of Conn Bros., Paisley, passed through Ashland this week. Hans. Weaver, of Myrtle creek, died on May 24'h, of consumption. The earth seem* to turn upon it* axis just about a* smoothly and the sun shine a* brightly as it did Lefors election, but the world look* rather somber and gloomy to some of the late candidates. Miss Belle Spencer, of Klamath Coun ty, has Been visiting friends iu Aahlmid. Cha*. Fi>|>erty and pay­ ing for this advertisement. The Examiner says Lake county will pay about $3000 wages to the sheep shearers this season. The recent change ill the location of the Second U. S. Infantry will take Lieutenant Augustus R. Egh rt in com­ mand of Coiupaiiy I, from Fort Klam­ ath, Or., to Fort Robinson, Neb. Grand F'Urth of Jn'y ball at Granite hall, in Ashland. Fud announcement next week. Boulon Ac Meliinley. BERE AND THERE. Beginning yesterday, the passenger train.* on the California & Oregon rail­ road run seven miles north of. Delta, which cuts off a piece <>f rough wagon road for staging and freighting. M ore solid, handsome improvements for the business part uf Ashland are talk­ ed of. Rog i to River Courier: James W. Wt- mer now owiis the hack in which Major The sheriff and cleik >>n the Demo- E. K. 8. Canby was conveyed cra'ic ticket had about as close a i uti as from the scene nt his murder on the il<>- is cuiiifurtablu. doch.ttle fields t<> Yreka. Mr. Colver, In Medford precinct Barkdell WHS of Phoenix, owned the hick, and if we mistake not he was <>|a;r.itii>z ic at the e'ected justice of the peace, and time between thu lava >a-t shows two bullet holes tinongh Columbus Loftus i* one of the com- one eml «> it, which were fired from am­ niisaioners of Lake, and John W elis, of bush at the driver, but were four iuches Klamath county. too low to hit their in irk. The su!phur springs baths are more popular with Ashlnud people this year Uuion Camp Mfetiag. than ever before. The two branchi*« of the M. E. Church Mr. Stacy sold another fine Hereford will unite in h<4ding a camp meeting near the idd ford on Rogue river, be­ heifer last week, to a gentleman from the tween Gohl Hill and the Bybee bridge, Willamette valley. » June 17th, to which preachers Ashland is showing more solid, credita­ ami i «-ople <>f all denominations are cur­ ble improvement, than any other town di dly invited! in Southern Oregon. Let everyl»ody come and camp and all Supt. Brandt, <-f the O. & C. R. R., who can't c imp come pre[Kireect the minus. meeting. G. A. Hubbell is elected justice of the No huckstering allowed. [mace and Frank K issliafer, constable m J. K R oberts , Jacksonville precinct. W. P. W illiams . Ice retails at three cents tier ft. ill Ashland, and it doesn't have to be Hotel Property Sold. hauled as far as salt either. The well known Ashland House hotel The swamp laud question still turns pr doubt about what Mose's for the whole property, but reserved the own neigti'Hiis think of In* qualifications corner lot (one of the most valuable bttsi for the office of entnty clerk. nt-M lots in town, valued at 81500) and The Wagner creek saw mill is turning was |wii l her price for the remainder of the property, which includes the hotel “Ut from 5)00 to 7000 feet of lumber per day under the new management. buildings, furniture and everything per­ taining to the business. The new pro­ S one of the apple and pear trees »i> prietors will take po.-isessioli in four weeks which the blooms were killed by the from this time, and intend soon to re April frosts are m>w blooming again. model, raise and improve the building. The liveiy horses in Ashland, Jackson­ Mrs H- nick will at once have a h mdsome I ville ami Me.if.itd were nearly run to two story brick building erected on the death m thu last week before election. corner lot, io cover the whole ground, The first strawberry and ice cream fes­ with two stores, probably, in the lower part. And thus Ashland continues tn tival of the season was given by the 1. improve. O. G. T. of Ashland Wednesday evening. PERSONAL, Mr. Bucher, of M<. C. Wimer, ha« Iteen vis­ iting his relative* here and in Josephine county. Win Patterson and G. L. Dean have thu c >ntract for building the new wo.aleu bri.lgj for the county across the True gulch s-mth of Ariilaud. and will begin work next week. If awnings of iron and light canvas weie put up in place of the string of wooden sheds along in front of the busi­ ness h"u»us in town, it would reduce the lire insurance rate* to some extent. Su n. M’K'nzer, <>f tlm R. R repair shop at Grant s Pars came up over the line with a force of men ami an extra engine last Saturday tilling the water barrel* on all the bridges on the way. Strangers are coming to Jackson coun­ ty t<> investigate the qnaitz iiiining pros- pects here, and mining capital will un­ doubtedly be attracted in this direction more strongly this year than ever be­ fore. A force <>f soldiers tinder command <>f Lieut. Poindexter from F.rt Klamath have been engaged in repairing the mili­ tary telegraph line between this place and Linkville during the past ten days or more. Th.! Klamath County last Saturday with a new dress of body type and seven-column folio Bize. provemeut continue and reward. Star appeared heading, a new enlarged to a May ita im- meet with due The “Rogue River Courier’ is the heading now displayed by the enterpris­ ing newspaper of Josephine county. Tne C >uriur is now prmtad all at home and is a credit t<> the town and county in which it is published. I Grant Helman is preparing a swim­ ming p>r ladies and gentlemen. Thu contest between McLean and Miller f<>r j<>ii^, representative of Lake I and K.aniaiti I* very close, and it will re­ quire the official cunt t<> decide it. At latest report McLean «eemed to have two <>r three majority in the two counties. G. L. Duan, who made a trip to Jack­ sonville yesterday, report* that the wheal in many <f the eastern states. Consid­ eration, 8950. No news yet from the contractor who agreed to carry thu mills bel ween Ash land and Linkville six times per week each way for 83500 per annum. U he fad* to come to time, thu service will be let tenqHiiardy until his bondsmeu can be heard fi oui. Albert Isaacs was hanged at Alturas May 28th for the munier of John Sher­ man near the lava beds about two years ago. Wm. Thomas, of Yreka, at one time editor of the Union, passed through Ashland Tuesday on lit* way to Washing t>ui Territory. Mrs. Ha*kell Amy and family, of Cen­ tral Point., started List Tuesday for L >s Angeles, Cal., for r visit there of several months' duration. Sam. Brown, of Pioneer, who had a severe attack of fever recently, ha.* re- cover- d sufficiently to make a trip to town with Ilia wife this week. Mr. J. A. Houston and family have moved .mt to Linkville, where Mr. Houston will take charge of the butcher­ ing business of Judge Smith. Enoch Loper, of Go<«e Lake valley, came in last week aftor his daughter, Mias Mary, who has been attending school m Ashland since last fall. Mr. Davis, of Yamhill county, father of Mrs. Jas. Porter, stopped in Ashland several days this week on his return home frotu a visit to the Eastern states. Miss Lizzie Murphy, Klamath county and iii ley, Siskiyou Co., since to this valley last week who has been in Butte cieek val­ last fad, returned for a short visit. Judge Webster, Dist. Attorney Kent aud Judge Prim went out to Linkville on to-day’s stage. The Judge will open circuit court for Klamath county next Monday. The sure effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla are thorough and permanent. If there is a lurking taint of scrofula about you, Ayer's Sarsaparilla will dislodge it, ami ex;>el it from your system. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Lewis came iu from K.aiiiath county yesterday and Mr*. Lewi» took the tram for Willamette val- for a visit of a month or more with.rela- tives in that part of the 6tutu. Agent Emery, of the Klamath reserva tioii, has been visiting the U. S. Iitdian training school near Salem, and making observations which may he of service to the schools at Klamath Agency amt Yain.ix. Civil Engineer C. W. Root started last Sunday evening for Washington Terri­ tory, to lake a position on thu Cascade bratich of tn« N. P. R. R., now in course ■ >f construction. Mrs. R K>t ruiu.tius at their home here. Uncle Jesse Applegate is in town this week, on Inn return to Yoncalla from Kiamath county, H s liealtn i» veiy poor, and disease has to somu ex­ tent affected his mental faculties, whether more than temporarily is not known. George T. Baldwin, of the firm of Baldwin A Forbes, the treasurer-elect • >f Klamath county, came in from Link- viile on Tuesday's stage .«nd h i* gone to Portland on a nusiuess trip, intending to be absent from home some two weeks <>r more. Wm. Card and family were in town Sunday o'u the way from Canyonville to Lakeview. Mr. CarB, who has the mail contract between Linkville and Like- view and between Likeviuw and Sum mer Lake, took a baud of good horse» out with him to stock the lilies. Heavy cloud-bursts have occurred in Siskiyou and Shasta counties, Cal., with­ in the past week. A large number of teachurs have been in attendance at tlie Siskiyou Countv institute at Yreka. Coyotes killed eleven head of sheep in Philip C. Miller's band, on Antelope, cue night recently. The Oregon state teachers’ association will he held at Salem on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9ih of July. The hoys who killed the big grizz’y this side <>f the K^matli river estimate that his weight was over 1200 ft*. R .ad tax receipts with stul>*. b mud in books of 50 each, for use of super­ visors, for sale at the T idinos office. Ex Piesident IlHye*and General Shul­ man will be Hinoug the iiii|Hrted Hmong families along the Sacramento river, whom the entile failure of the «almon run has left without means of support. Ft om »lie present rapid progress in the work on the railroad the Snn Fr.uci»co Argonaut s»ys: “ Befote the apricot trees blossom in 1887 this city will he connected with Portland by an all-rail route.'’ • James Biymt, <>no ainong the wealth­ iest and most practical farmers of Scott valley, Cal., has purchased a tine ranch in Langell valley, Klamath county, an t will sooii establish In* eldest son theieon with a Urge baud of cattle. Following is a list of uncalled-for letter* re­ A c«uie*pondent at the front sent the following to tile Red.ling Press ln*t Week: maining in the Post Office at Ashland, Oregon, This load will now be pu«hed. The June 10. 1886.: E E Mooney John fotces «re dally being increased, hut 1 Bassett Barnett Mrs Sarah Mayne Joseph F—2 uni sorry »hat my anticipated 500 white Bmh J L Gysterstof-k Charley Crooks M 8 I*h< )>in John men have turned out to be Celestial* <-f Hamlin Mis* Euiir.n Whitney Ned the titst water. The company is m>w ex­ Holme* Bros periencing some trouble about getting Persons calling for the above letters good white men. Tne meager pay I* please sajr “advertised.” not sufficient, besides harvest in the a . P. B anuosd . P. valley offers butter inducements. I I'ndigebted Food The budge at the 9th crossing is all hut completed. Col. Scobie ha* finished In the stomach develops an acid which the piers at the 10th crossing and will stings the upper part of the throat and have the Uth done in a few days. He palate, causing “heartburn ” It also Im* a division at the 12th, and Captain evolves a gas which produces "wind on the Sai toi l is moving his culvert brigade on stomach,’’ and a feeling aud appearance of distention in that organ after eating. For Sweetbrier. both this acidity and swelling Hostetter's It seem* to be a fixed fact that ths Stomach Bitters is a much better remedy - .......... f will hand-e passengers and I than alka ine «aita, like hartshorn and car­ company bonate of soda. A wineglassful of the freight from H .zle cieek. ami town lots Bitters, after or before dinner, will be found have ailvnticed an hundred per cent. to act as a reliable carminative or prevent­ The colonel is in ecstacy, and Uncle Sim ive. This fine specific for dyspepsia, both wears a I i « itz >nUl smile that w<>u d do in its acute and chronic form, also prevents yoitr heart good to look at. Andy Town­ and cores malarial fever, constipation, liver complaint, kidney tronb es, nervousness send and Ilia men have been brushing and debility. Persons who observe in them­ out a road to the new station during the selves a decline of vigor should use this A'molutdy past week. It connects with the toll flue tonic without delay. frem Op¡a¿» t't jEmeticB ande road n few rods south of Mears creek. It is undoubtedly the intention of the Woodbury jars. Call and see the company to reach Bailey’s before winter Woodbury fruit jars, the latest, and best. sets in, so as to make the distance about —Clayton & Gore’s. 100 miles between the terminus of each A t Duf’UuMiTd ANi» I>EAI,Kltb. ______ THE I M IItllJ» A. V KILK* CO.. BILTIBOM, road. From present indications work New Hay for Sale. will no doubt be continued right along to the Oregon boundary, and the One hundred tons of grain hay (wheat and Bucklen’ti Arnica Salve. of way force may probably reach Siski­ oats. for sale now in shock in field 2‘2 miles north of Ashland, for six dollars per toil cash, you before the 4th of July, to be closely The best 8alve in the world for cuts, I followed by Scobie's force of stone ma­ in quantities to suit, if applied for immediate­ ly. Inquire of P. LVTTLETOS. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt riieotn, fsver Ashland, Juue2d, 1886. sons and helpers. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, +---------------- corns, and all skin eiaptiun*, and positive­ ly cures piles, or no pay reqoirsd. It is Eminent Men Notice. guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or That have endorsed Simmons Liver Having given sutBcient lime. etc., we now money refunded. Price 25 cent* per box. give poKitlve notice that all accollili» not paid For mle by J. H. Chiiwood A Son’s. Regulator after personal use: within the next THIRTY day* will be collected Hou. Alexander H. Stephens. with costs added. Mil.LEE |>erties, can be ator. given to the weakest constitution with­ Hide» and F ihh Bought I Ion. Jno. Gill Shorter, ex Governor out danger, ia palatable and easily ad- <>f Alabama. ministered t<> children, is mild in opera­ The undersigned will pay the highest market Rev. David Wills, D. D., President fit ice for hides, skins anil furs of all kinds, tion. and never fails to effect a cure. rom this date until further notice. Oglethorpe College. Price 25 cents. Sold by Chitwood f M. E. Church South. Son. Ashland. Or., May 21, 1886. Judge Jas. Jackson, Supreme C>>uit, Georgia. Safe insurance <>f all kinds at lowest “Itougli nn Kat«.“ We could fill a volume with the high­ Clear* out rat*, mice, roi rhe*, fllc-s, aut*. rates. G. F. Billings. est testimonials. bed-bugs. One eighth, <>r 10 ft., box crackers 65c. George Edward*, who was arrested ami tried in tin* county for prize fighting, has been arrested iii Poitland for attempting to bribe voters on election «l»y. He was held in $1000 bail to ap­ pear before the next U. 8. grand jury. The most severe cough can be removed f»y R rd Star Cough Cure. “Give it to your children by all mean«,” says Prof. Williams, ex-State Chemist of Delaware, wlm found it woiideifully efficacious. Price, only twenty-five cents a bottle. .The Indian children at the Yninax school; had a regular commencement programme recently, “all same B .stuns,'* and a visitor writing t<> the Star compli­ ments Prof. Leeke ami wife upon the evidence* given l>y the pupils of caretui and succes.'ful training and education. Grant’s Pass exchange: ‘‘Thu lateness ■ >f crops this year is a matter of much comment. Tney are at least two week.* later than is common in Southern Oregon. Fruits are al«o late. Iu some instance» when frosts killed tlie first bloom the crops now growing are thu product of the second bloom.” I I SAFE» SURE. PROMPT. Heart Pali w Now is the time to procure bargains in men's ami boy's clothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps, Loots, shoes. tohacC", notions, etc , at O. H. Blount’s, as lie de­ sires to reduce stock, before moving in­ to hia new quirti-rs. which will be one of those elegant stores just neing finished in Johnson's new block. x L H. Adams, who has charge of Midei & Co's waielmnse in this place, is agent for the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber C<< , of Giant's Pass, and nil or­ ders for lumber of any kind will lie promptly filled by him. [40 A nasal injector free with each bottle uf Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale at Chitwood’s. BORN BOSLEY—In Ashland, May 31.1886, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Hosley. u son. TERRY—In Ashland. June 7, 18*6. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terry, a son. WILKINSON—In Linkville, May 29,1886, to the wife of 11. E. Wilkinson, a daughter. 1 at the Red House. Palpitation, dropsical swelling«, dtzzine««. indigestion, headache, sleeplessness cured by "Wells' Health Renewer." Ask for'Veils' “Rough on corns.’ 15 cents Quick, complete cure. Hard or soft corn*, warts, bunions. Hackmetack—a lasting and fragrant perfume. Prince 25 and 50 cents. For sale by J. H. Chitwood A: Sou. ••Buchu-Palba.” Qrick. complete cure, all kidney, bladder and urinary disease*, scalding, irritation, stone, gravel, catarrh of the bladder. «1, druggists. Bed-bugs. Flies. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by “Rough ou rata.’’ 15c. Thin People. Hot and cold baths in the famous “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence, rexual de­ white.sulphur springs water at the White bility. «1. Sulphur Springs Hotel. x “Rough on Pain.“ Cutes cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. 20c. Rough on pain plasters, 15c. Fine all wool light colored suits for 812 at O. H. Blount's. These are the best bargains ever offered in Ashland, Mothers. If you arc failing, broken, worn out and ner­ and will be in stock bat a short time, x vous’. use "Wells’ Jfealth Renewer.” <1- Drug­ gist*. “King of Soaps," the boss of all soaps. Washes without rubbing! Fur sale only “Water Bng>. Roache«.“ x “Rough on Rata” clears them out, also beet­ by Huusaktr >ur lives t<> Shiloh's Consumption Cute.” Fur sale at J H Chitwood A Son's. Cure* pile* or hemorrhoids, itching, protrud­ ing, bleeding, Internal or other. Internal and external remedy to each package. Sure cure, 50c. Druggist*. MARRIED. X Mineral water from the Soda Springs at H UHSaker <& Dodge's. “Itough on Corn«.” DIED. — BECKER. — At the M. R. Says the Star of last Saturday; Jesse CUNNINGHAM church in Jacksonville, May 27. 1*»6. by Rev. D. Cai«’* foreman, Al Wutherell, met W. P. Williams. W. J. Cutin.ngham of Grant's Pass and Elsie D. Becker, of Ashland. with a serious ami probably fatal acci­ dent a few days ago at I lie Carr ranch on Proper Treatment for Cough». Clear lake, by the fall of a horse he whs That the reader may fully underataud riding. The horse fell upon him, mash­ what constitutes a good cough and lung ing him in a terrible manner, ami at last syrup, we will say that Tar and Wild Cherry accounts he was hardly expected to re­ is the basts of the best remedies yet discov­ ered. These ingredients with several oth­ cover from his injuries. ers equally as efficacious, enter largely in­ The house committee on territories to Dr. Boaanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup, last Wed lies, lay agreed to report the bill thus making it one of the most reliable extending the operations of the general now on the market. Price 5u cents and $1. Sunpiea free. Sold by J H Chitwood & I homestead laws over Alaska. A favora- S-'ti. I hie report was also directed on the bill authorizing the expenditure of $50,00!) Rockford Hosiery. in sinking artesian wells for irrigation The best c<>tt<>n and woolen hosiery to purposes iu the territory uf Montana. bo had for the money is that in-ide at A recent San Francisco dispatch say*: R ckford, III.—for ladies, children and Overland passenger rates are again tend­ men. Full line just received at Mc­ ing toward demoralizitioti. The agree­ Call’s. [48. ment by transcontinental lines to main­ tain the tariff was broken by mure than Ha no for Sale. one <>f the road* in a genetai return to A fine upright piano, nearly new the practice of having «treet commis­ Enquire at office of G. F. B illings . sion*. Yesterday the New Y.nk rates Ashland, Maj- 7, 1886. ranged from $5 to $8 below thu tariff re­ cently restored. Deviled ham, turkey, chicken and The Pioneer association of Oregon tongue al B. A Hasty’s. t meets at Oiegon City June 15, 1886 A new lot of tin and granite ware at ! Exerci3«s on the occasion will be the * usual addresses l.y members of the asso­ Reeser's. ciation, music, etc., with a grand barbe­ Gingham, alpAcca and seersucker coats cue in the afternoon. Tlie Indian war at 0 H. Blount's. x veterans will also meet with the pioneets. Go t<> the White Sulphur Springs Ho­ The addiesses will be deliveref the week. The Yrek« Journal i f the 5th says: T. W. P rice , Manager. The second mortgage oil the land* of the Nature's own remedy, Oregon Kidney rainoad company for $10,003,003 lias been tiled at cletk's office in this county, Tea. and in all the c'Unties <>n the route. The Nature a own remedy, Oregon Kidney mortgage runs for 30 years, at 6 per cent Twi. • per annum, a* security for hornl* of For a good square meal go to the $1000 each, issued, which will b« ac:ept- "bite ''lute Sulphur Springs Hotel. T. W. ed lupany in payment f >r any lands x sold, the same as coin or any p«[>er of Price,. Manager. credit. In coffee* and teas we can pleasyyou. A gang of 60 Chinamen, who had been A large a«sortiiient of all grades just in. x at work in shoe shops and tobacco facto- — Hunsaker A Dodge. rie«, ill San Francisco, but supplanted by Twenty.five cents buys two boxes best whito labor, were hired by the C. & O. gloss staich at thu Red House. R. R. company, and sent t<> work <>u the Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy—a positive track under thu former Assistant Supt. cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker Thus O'Neal. When the warm weather I came on a few days ago the whole gang i mouth. For sale by J H Chitwood & of Celestials to a man “struck" for the Soli. For dyspepsia and liver complaint, brush m>r would they c<od nal. Surveyor General Tolman sent in his resignation about two week* ago, t<> take effect <>u tne last day of tins month. Mr. W. J. Cunningham and Mrs. He knew, of course, that a successor E'siu D. Becker, both former residents w.>uid be appointed without hl* resigna- ot Ashland, were joined in marriage re­ I lion, but wants to get out promptly on cently at Jacksonville. They have since Thu machinery of the new quartz mill ' the last day of ins term. Preparing to Celebrate. returned to Grant's Pass, their present ivoiks satisfactorily, and it will be set nt home. Thu T idings joins their many The T idings will begin a now volume Puraii-int to c ill a meeting nf citizen* work upon a regular run of ore to-day ■ next week, entering upon the eleventh friends here in Congratulations aud good of Ashland was held a McCall's hall, i or to-morrow. wishes. year of its publication. It is more pros 1 hiiraday aftern.Hin, June 10th. to con­ i Granite H ill Associtimi will give a I«». <>u* ami lias a larger circulation than sider i he propriety of celebrating the A brother of Dr. A. Helm arrived 100 h atiiiivers.iry of American Imlejien- grand independence >>all at their new ever before—has kept up a steady im­ in Ashland a short time ago from East­ h ill in A*hland on the evening of Mon- provement and within a tew weeks will d elice. ern Oregon and he and the Doctor have ’ fie atm further improved. On motion, Gen. J. M. McCall was d iy, Ju y 5th. gone "Ut across the mountain* to look chosen eli arm m and J. S. Sweet, secre The Su-iday school of the Ashland By improvements in the tubing of through Klamath and Lake counties and Ury. Baptist Chinch will celebrate Bible D y the new turbine wheel, thu Ashland •eu what pr*os[>ects can tie found f<>r mov­ The object of the meeting being st ited. i t>y appropriate exercises at the church Woolen Mills are enabled to run with a ing their stock business to Southern remark* were made by J. D. Fountain. next Sunday evening. j Coiisideiao|y smaller head of water than Oregon from Washington Teiritory. Geo. Engle. H. S Emery, W. H. Wick­ A lunch basket, table clo'h, etc., were | last year, which will piobably save the ham. Gen McCall and others, ami on Col. Richard M. Hoe, the printing ; loss of tivquent delays in thu low water motion it was resolved t<> celebrate in found in the road south of Ashland, and months of August and September. press inventor and manufacturer, died await the claim of the owner at the resi­ Ashland <>ii Saturday, July 3 I. of heart disease at Florence, Italy, last Tlie iron-frame, canvas awning* in Munday. On motion an executive committee of dence of E. V. Carter. five were appointed by the chair, with The City Council met on Monday night front of the Johnson block are a great A whisker dye must be convenient tn power toap|e.iiit all «>ther necessary com- in regular sesshiti, but adj >urned with­ improvement upon the wooden file tra|>s which have been built along upon must use, easy to apply, impossible to rubotf, mitees and office is ami make all needed out transacting any business till to-m<>r ut the bu.iuess houses in town. They elegant in ap|>earunce, and cheap in arrange-iient* for the celebration. 'I he r>>w evening, June 12-II. are nicer, handier and far safer, and price. Buckingham's Dye for the Whis­ following innieil gentlemen were ap­ The T idings will soon be printed in should supersede thu wooden ones. kers unites in itself all these merit*. pointed on the committee: Geo. Engle, Try it. a new type <>t clearer and plainer face J. D. Fountain, Prof. Sweet, I. W. Bur- Mr. W. C. Johnson, the recently ap- than that now in use. The ty|>e is now ilss and Frank Hasty ' poinied Register of thu Land Office, vice mi the way hither from the E ist. Ditch Cleaning. Adjournnl. J. M. M c C all . Ch’n. I W. F. Benjamin, took p.issussiou of the An agent of H-'taling C»., the Port­ 1 office on the first of the month and Mr. J. S S weet , Sec. Notice is hereby given th it the West land liquor dealers, was in J icksoliville Buiij tmin retires, with thu good wishes Ashland Ditch (No. 1) will be cleaned on election day, working hard to m ike votes <>f everybody who has ever transacted Saturday. June 12, uiie week from to­ Med Turd Races. for Strahan for Supreme Judge. any bu»ineas with him.—[ Plaiudealur. morrow, and the water will be turned off Fallowing is a rt of the races at ’ the evening before. Persons de|»end- Mt*on L'ttle Dick. Que­ We have received a Copy of the annual a few days. If you have work in that A Rare Bargain. bec won, time given at 33A. catalogue ami aniioun ement of the Wil­ hue call on him or leave orders with H. Two acres of land on Granite street, Second day, Friday, I unning race half lamette University, which institution ap­ 8. Emery at once, f«r he will be here set in a variety of the beet fruit trees and but a short time now. mile aixl repeat; pulse $75, twenty per pears to be in a flourishing condition. berries. Place will produce enough fruit cent entrance added. Bingo enteieH by The boats to be used by the U- S. geo- for several families. Gmal house and The “ immensity ” wasn’t quite ini Stover. Mose by Ralph Dean, Little Dick logical survey in exploring Ciater l.>ke I ! out buildings. A good home for smne- by Dave Pqyne, Dollie C by Tom Miles. inensv etv-ugli to reach the state treasury aie beiim built in Portland. One from one. Apply to G. F. B ilungs . Bmgo to. k both heals iii 23 ami 24j re- this trip, and will have to de|>end upon winch the soundings will bo imide is the county still for its choice pickings. sneclivviy | Most* was »11 ut out and L ttle To the Ladle*! I twuiiiy-six feet long, two feet deep and Dick was srithdrawn. The successful candidates in Klamath five and one-half feet broad. The others Coma and see <>ur stock of ladies un­ Third day, Satunlay, runnihg race, county gave a grand hall at Linkville are »kiff< about 15 ft long. They will be derwear, infant’s robes and cloaks; also »ingle dash of a mile. Stover entered Wednesday evening, which was large.y completed in about two weeks. velvets, emb. felt, chenilles, araseuea Quebec and Fitten Bingo. The fir«t- attended and was made a general jubilee. f The Yreka Journal of the 5th says: named came in ahead, time given at 1:53. The boys of the Jacksonville Turn- and emb. silk. And don’t forget our “ We near a rqui<>r that a Chinaman, i Amador Andrews, route agent of largu stuck of hosiery always on hand. The next race was a match lace, quar­ vureiu came up to give an exhibition here aged i;t»"Ut 60, engaged with another C >., «Hit inspecting last Tuesday evening, but as they hud in­ G illette S isters . ter mde dash for $100 a side, la-tween Wells Fargo Chinaman still older, tn mining o|i t|ie Dave Payne’s Little D ck and “the Kan­ the offices along the line of the O. & C. advertently neglected to make announce- : N>>rth Fork of Salmon in this county Pasture to Let. sas horse," entered by some Butte crv» k R. R. last week, and was in Ashland ment of the fact nobody knew of their four miles ah<>ve Bent.eft's, was mur- M nday. Good pasture to kt on the Bauera pal ties. I lie latter came out a good dis­ intention, and consequently they had no ; dured and thrown into that stream, and place at the bait of Oak street, Ashland. I tance ahead; n>> time announced. audience. They iuu*v learn that it take* i The ladies <>f the W. C. T. U realized tiis |Mi'tnet is also iiii«*ing, supposed to Apply to the undersigned, Besides these there were a number nearly fifty dollars from their dinner mi advertising to make the show busiliens a 1 have been murdered. Tlie body of the J ohn R eal . known as “scrub races' each day. The election <| f the extension ' Pasture to let <>n the Hargadino ranch A Cure of Piteutn ilia. Thursday evening was well attended, southw.od from R.'sebmg to tin* place, was taken in charge l>y thu Chines« resi­ at $1 |>er head per month. Apply to A. dents of the river.” made a tup to San Francisco receutly on ; Mr. D. H. Barnaby, of Owego, N. Y.. and a pleasant affair. The hail will be I T. Kyle, Jr., or George Hargaditie. I say* that Ins daughter was taken with a the favorite dancing hall uf this fmrt of busines*, and the wide-awaku [»eoplu who ' Ashland, Or., April 16, 1886. are watching railroad ni>>veiiiuut* care ­ Violent c-dd winch termin iteil with Pneu­ the country. A Captain’s Fortunate Discovery. fully suspect that lie c >uld tell whether monia, ami all the best physician* gave ¡aalt! (Mt) A postoffice ia wanted at Sods Springs or not there is to be any work done bn 1 apt Coleman, achr Weymouth, ply ng the case up ami said she c ul«l n<>t live <>n the Linkvilie road, mid it would ac- Just received a ear load of fine Liver­ between Kt.antic city And New Yura, had but a few hour* at m--st. Shu was in conio-lHte a number of families who now tlie O. «V C. this suinmer. He Lasu't I pool and ground rock salt—and f<>r sale been troubled with a cough so that he was told ÿet, however. this emidlli* ii when a friend rec-mmeml- ; d»-|K-nd tljMOi. voluntary mail service ol nnab e to sleep, and was iuduced to try cheap for cash at McCall’s. May 27. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. ed D r . W m H all ' s B alsam for the their neighbora Frank (Posey) Biker, tne telegraph It no» oqly gave him ins ant relief, but al­ L wgs , and advised iier to try it. ' Sheac- repan er and operator stationed at Link- • All good* sold strictly for cash at 0, layed the extreme soreness m his breast. Mr J E H< ■nstoii will start to-day cvptedjil as a last resort, ami was sur­ ville, had tne misfortune to break his leg H. Blount's, and no money h-aned. This H ia children were similarly affected and a prised X** find that it produced a marked to-morrow for the Willamette valley, to in a fall from a tree List Thursday. He s'-count^ for bis low price*, which never single done had the same happy effect. Dr. King’s New Discovery is now the standard changel for the better, and by |f remedy iu the Coleman household and on ilig in its use a cure was effected. «if his' climbers broke, Gram) secretary. Order blanks for Eagle D[ills at Clay­ board the schooner. Free trial bottles of and lie fell about fifteeii feet, tract nr lug thia standard remedy at J H Chitwood A ton A Gore’s, Hunsaker $ Dodge's, or at j Hon’s drag store. iif potatoes one of the txmes of his left leg u«>ar the ni.'t. n Territory paid iwulvy thousand raised in tfie valley this year, ami it is ankle. Dr. Songer went out from Ash­ the office of G. F. Billings. Orders left d-'ll .l* t.> the uiilow* ami families «»f *t likely that hundreds of tons will be land to Parker’s t<> sttçml him Inst Satur­ at these places will receive prompt atten­ The ladies of the W.\j. T. (J. tender tion. E agle M ills . oec.'aae.l Hieuilarr* in the immlh of May. shipped mt" the c<ii«gM- in charge of both the engineering and D. 8. Ljvesay lias sold his live acre in this »tale. The death assessments for tain’s. x Sonic dishes which were not maiked tract of land with improvements, south construct! n work of the Siskiyou divis­ the year eliding Jniy 1st next atm.tiut to were left nt Mrs. Thornton’s millinery ion of thu O. «£ C. R. R. , came up frmu of town, t<> Mr. R. R. Sutton for $6t. C. A. D u:nii, <>f L**ui*vill«, Those new sleeve buttons, collar but­ I Climax tobacco 12 <>z. plugs 35 cents with <* straws bldfc'iiig in the same cents at the Red H<>u«e. Ky . in II) ing t . get rid of his rhe ima- ton«, studs, scarf pins, watch chains, nt the Re I House or 3 for 81. looks as if there W< uld be I dli'èétloii, tisni, • ut lie toiiud i„> rel . f until at last A fine liue of Rogers Bros’. A 1 cut­ •rtC-» just iq^uyd by O H. Bmunt, ate be used St. Jacobs Oil, which speedily , B<>y • straw bats fur 10c. at 0. H. some rauroal work duuu near Asblaud lery to t>e sold without reserve at Caro go.<0s winch ' ’i cannot fail to please the curedf him this luuinw. Blount's. x fastidious. X most faaudiu Brua., Reeser’« block, Akhlapd, Or. s They will ap¡tear at Medford thiseven- How about the 4th <>f July, anyhoa? ing, June llrh, at Jacksonville on the Is there any hope of Ashland recovering 12th. at Medford again <>n the 15th and from the effects of the eiecti n in time at Eagle Point on the 16,h. I to ceieliiate? LETTER LIST. The C A 0 R R Extension. Pretty W’omen. UPHOLSTERING! The undersigned will be prepared to do all work in the line of Ladles who woull retain freshness and vi­ vacity. Don't fail to try “Well«’ Health Re- newer.” Upholstering and Repairing Rough on Itch. of upholstered furniture. “Rough on Itch” «'urea humors, eruptions ringworm, tetter, sail rheum, froeted feet, chill blalus. Apply to H. 8. EMERY, Or to the undersigned. Rough on Catarrh, Corrects offenelve odor* st once. Complete cure of worst chronic cases, also unequslcd as gargle (or dtphthera, «ore throat, foul breath. C. H. TYLKR. Ashland. Oregon, June 10, 1886. IVi'l be here but a few dayit. REMOVAL NOTICE! « Cash buyers will now find O. H. BLOUNT Nicely located in John­ son’s new block, where he will be able to serve his customers to a better ad­ vantage than at any time since he has been in Ash­ land, in CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, FURNISHING GOODS, Notions, Tobaccos, Cigars, &c., &c. OOO' The stock is much more complete than it has been on any previous oc- casion. CASH BUYERS will be shown through the entire stock with pleasure, and no one ex­ pected to buy unless perfectly satisfied. Yours Respectfully, O.H. BLOUNT, Johnson’s New Block. I I