> THE ASHLAND TIDINGS GENERAL Bargains ! Adams is to have a colt show on May 29th. There are ten candidates for chief of police <>f Tacoma. The cholera continues to spread in Italy. MISCELLANEOUS The World’s Washington correspon­ dence says: John Sherman and h s friends are preparing to boom Sherman and Levi P. Mort*>n for 188S. THE FARMERS STORE. Buildings to cost $100,000 in thu ag­ gregate are being constructed at Tacoma. Which with its large and complote stock of General Merchandise is now con­ ducted under the management of Wi-rk commenced bany extension of railroad last Monday at Corvallis. Some remarkable cures are alleged to I have been performed. Tl ic President sent the following nomi­ I nations to the Senate Mav 12: Frank I W. Osburn t<> be p* stmuster at Eugene City, Or.; James B Crossett to be post­ master at the Dalles, Oregon; John Preist to be collector of customs at ' Yaquina. Oregon. ! Rev. Haskell, a Walla Walla minister, • jumped a land claim shiiih time since and started a man to w**rk plowing it up, , hut the neighbors congregated one night ! last week, fenced the claim for the I original climant and placed the jumper’s plow outsi-le the fence. The Sheffield Telegraph says that Gen. Wolseley considers Gladstone a traitor, and refuses to have social intercourse wliatsover with him. The General will not even sit at the same table with Gladstone. The same paper also de­ clare« that English military circles sup port Lard Wolseley's views on Irish affairs. On Wednesday ni<_'ht of last week the mill of T. Perty at North Yamhill was consumed by fire, together with four warehouses, grain cleaner, etc. The loss is about $20.000, and but little was saved; insurance, $7.000. There were also several thousand bushels of wheat burned, which belonged t*> farmers. I I Au attempt will soon be made to take the steamer A A. McCully over the falls • >f the Cascades. It is proposed t*> at­ tach a hawser 360 fathoms in length to trees on an island in the upper »-iter, and then, by winding it around the steamer's capstan as it revolves, haul the steamer over the rapids. If this is successful the McCully will be the first steamer ever raised over the falls. LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the Loan«* negotiated, l’r< |< ri;. bought -nil collections nlteiitlcd to: Al«ini'-|. of till* uh lied. ^P^^.'urveying of all kind« «ati-hn u.rily and promptly done. D. FOUNTAIN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fine Cloaks, etc. Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oilcloths Groceries, Canned Goods, Crockery. Glassware full lint of ! ! GoUlfa, Silver and Plated Drugs. Medicines. Violin Strili*. A Full Line of Books and Stationery Toilet Soaps and Perfumery. Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired. Ci j 1T3 an Tobacco, etc., etc., etc. i*»-" Prescriptions carefully compounded. Srsing Machine N«*e«lle« and Oil 9 41] If you want fair dealing and good bargains, call and see us. E. J. FARLOW, I The largest and Finest itock of furniture in Ashland nt J. D. FOUNTAIN. H.S. EMERY’S E. M. MILLER. I T. K. BOLTON A CO. i HENRY JUDGE, NEW FIRM! NEW FIRM! PIONEER FURNITURE STORE Saddle and Harness, ! AT THE — Ashland Grocery Store. ’~A It i.» ja rfccilj Lnrmk-i.s and can given to the most delicate uo- u or child. For sale by nil drug- ts. sill'll. It* i(»ii(i A' \l ondai'*!. V holcsale Agents. PORTLAND, ORECON. I Invalids WellSurgical Institute BUFFALO, TT. 'V'- Orgnnizcd with u full Sin O’ ôf eighteen Experienced aud Skillful Physicians and Surgeons for the treatment of all Chronic lttM-ases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. HEE THAT YOV GET THE CEYULAE. FRErAKID DY I MANUFACTURER, Walnut Sets, Bed Lounges, Side Boards. Bureaus, Center Tables. Mirrors, Pictures and Frames Liver and Kidneys. This purely vegetable pre­ paration, now so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1828. It acts gently on the Bowel* and Kidneys and corrects the actiem of the Liver, and is, there­ fore. the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick­ ness may prove to be In all common diseases it will, un­ assisted by any other medi­ cine. effect a speedy cure. The Regulator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and under no circum­ stances rati it do harm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever­ age to lead to intemperance; will promote di­ gestion, dissipate headache, and gener­ ally tone up the system. The dos« is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted No loss of time, no inter­ ruption or stoppage of business while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, ur Sick Stomach, a tea>poonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa­ tients exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PUYBICIAVM Ol’IMON. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu­ lator. promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same t.me aid / instead ot weak­ ening the digestive and assimilative powers of (he system. L M. H inton , M. !>.,Washington, Ark textil- We offer for sale the follow ing *b «cribed real property. [7-52. ] The Hargadine property, consisting of very desirable town lots, improved am1, un­ improved; and farming lands and stock ranches in sizes to suit purchasers, up to 6000 acres; also, A G ood S tc k R anch , ‘JOO acres, six miles East of Ashland—pood for snnmier or win­ ter range. T wenty A cres of good wood land near ow n. Fine Custom and Ready-made Clothing 8-30] Will _ and uer- inauently cure till the various ditti- culti« s arising from a disordered condili'»! of tin- Liver, Kiineys, Stomach and Spleen. Who offers at Bottom Prices a large and varied assortment of At the American institute rink in The xenate rejected th« nomination of New York, on the 5th, was held an auc­ tion sale of Senator Stanford s California R. C. Pollard, of Indiana, to be a judge crilts. Forty-seven head brought $46,- i of the Montana supreme court. 35. ’ While playing ball with her children English journals comment on the re- I Mrs. Hatley, of Columbia county. W. T_, cent anarchist riots in this c**un’ry by | receive»! injuries from the ball from saying we should by this time have which she died. hnrned >'ur mistake in opening our door The managers of the Oregon Pacific to the worst clement of Eur*>|>ean life. railroad expect s**on to run daily trains The Imnse committee on p-'Stoftice« between Yaqaina and Corvallis, also a lias ordered a favorable report on a bill . daily sfativ line between the latter town to extend the free-delivery system t<> all and Albany. towns of 10,000 inhibitants where the A woman who publicly cures all sorts revenues were $10,000 or more the pre­ of diseases by the laying <>n of hands, is ceding year. the sensation of the day at L"s Angele». The St. Paul Pioneer-Press says: “Cabinet overwork, of which we hear so much, and whore eft'**cts are wretched realities, is but another name for the prostration which follows an attempt to redistribute peri' dically the spoils of a government which has grown to the size of ours.’’ Cincinnati is under martial rule and regiments are camped ready for duty The police having discovered that 600 socialists and anarchists are armed and have a manufactory of dynamite bombs, their measures have been taken. The bombs that proved so destructive in Chicago were made in Cincinnati. an remedy REAL - ESTATE - AGENTS All the sawmills on the Sound are run­ ning on three-fourths time J Chronic Na« a I Catarrh, Throat mid Lung DiscaseM, Liver and Kidney UiseaacM, Uladder Diseases, Diseases of Women, Uiood Diseasesand Ncrv» ous Affections, cured here or at home, with or without seeing the patient. Come and see us, or s^nd ton cents hi stamps for our “rnvalids’ Guide Book,” which gives all particulars. Ncrvons Debility, luipo- nrimiT. tency, Nocturnal Losses, UfeLluATE and all Morbid Conditions — caus d by X oiitliful Fol» J. H. Zeitin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. CHAIRS, 60 DIFFERENT DESIGNS * I» • Window Shades, Samples of Carpets, Baby Carriages, Boys’ Wagons, etc. ;ifWe keep the Freshest and Best groceries in town, at the lowest figures. As we buy for cash , we can afford to sell cheap for cash. In addition to our full and complete assortment of groceries aud provisions, we carry Call and Examine my J Stock! And if you can't find what you want I will manufacture or order it for yon. Abo: I Goods delivered to all parts of town free of charge. 10-13 FARLOW A- MILLER. CENERAL ALL ORDERED M asoiìic Block. Patent Medicines, Druggist’s Sundries, Si at ione ry Artists' Materials, Lamps and Lamp Stock. Prescriptions a Specialty. STABLES THOMPSON & STEPHENSON EGGS FOR HATCHING! MYER BROS, Hardware, Stoves, & Tinw TIN, SHEET-IRON à COPPERWARE Call at B. F- Reeser's NEW TIN Mason & Hamlin. A. B. Great Westen. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordéons, Flutes, Flageolets, Music Books, Shee* Music, Music Rolls and Folios, YOULE & GILROY. SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, Lumber. Mouldings, Brackets ! PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, CLASS LATH and SHINGLES. NEAR R R. TRACK, MECHANIC St- A8HLAND SHOP Particular Attention paid to Job Work. at the Invalids’ Hotel anj Sunrica! Institute, has af­ forded large exiMTience in adapting remedies for their cun-, and Dll. Favorite Prescription .4nr-,v''i>ace <"/ F>rty yearj, gnd Th' u. tani’s i'f T stiwnvils prove its lit fit. Foil f vi v. RY at . t , df . at . f . rs in medicines . For f J mform’-tpn »'•"'I ynnr address for 100 j,«-, r n’r *' e •• I . r and Ps «li-w-aaes." to W.«s for Dr. Picrc*>\ lari* Tr«jatisc on Diseases of Women, illu» trail'd IMMUNITY from ANNOYANCE B. F. REESER. 7] PIERCB’S is the result of thia vast experience. It is a powerful Hentoratlve Tonic and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength to the system, and cure«, as if by magic, Lui* corrlieu, or “whiten,’’ cxceasivc flowing, painful men»»ruction I, Ull* natural suppression*., prolapsi 'Mita or falling of the uterus, weak back, ___ — antéversion, retroversion, bearing. ------------- . —-------- — -..w* down sensationi, chronic conges­ tion, inflammation tion. Infiammatimi and ulceration of the womb, woiub, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovuries, internal heat, and “female weakness.’ ” ’ heal, I it promptly ' relieves and ¡'urea Nansen an! .. ; t ! Weakness weakness of Sloniaeli, Stomach, India*-*» Indi tion. »io«,, niu Blo'itinc, nine, Verton« .■»crv ou» i-rovirai Prostratioi' aud Sleeplessucst*, in cither sex. in. axiix’ORD’s livtr ihvxgorz . tor . Which will be done iu n workmanlike manner and at WOMEN WOMEii. DR. 8ANrORD’3 LIVLtf I3VIGOHATOA World’s Dispensary Medical Association, MrMlliLEN Main Street, BUFFALO, N.T. Manufacturer SICK-HEADACHE, Wooden Water Pipe ! \SllL»\l>, Rilionu Headache, ItizziucK., Constipa­ tion. Ind igestion, and Bilious Attack., promptly cured by Or. IHcrcr’s Pleasant Purgative Pellet.. tS cents a vial, by Druggist« OREGON. \\ *’lli furnish and lay either r**un*i V v square timber logs «it tin- lowest priei mu! in a manner guaranteed to give permanent satisfaction. Has had long experience tn the business, and laid the pipes for the O. a C. K. between Rotebiug (nJ .VhLud Headquarters, Youle 4 Gilroy’s Planing Mill R-''idencc near the town pump on :*is ii Irrilubilitv cf »cinpcr, i.oa eph ite, », iti; n feelingof!¿ri» lag neglc ted some aut», Weanuesn, DizxiueM, I lultcrlog uc tl»e> Ueart, l)o(« betöre »he eyeo, iteaJi be over ihr right eye, Bcatlcssaess, v. i.a Olful drenms, Higbly calcred 4 riuc, r •-. ! Ila : re-opened th« ASHLAND BOOT & SHOE Stori COMSTlPATjGN. Made onlvof Hie finest and best tjnal. ivy of Glass for Withstanding hen». TCXT S ril.I.S nre c-pe< taüyadai .1 to such ca-G-s, onn dose * tb.c'.s suco a cliutig - <*f fedi ig?» toa«'-mi «li t: -i* sufletet. Every good thing' is Counter­ feited. and consumers aro CAU- tion & u S tations of A»«ured by the liberal patronage of the pact these Cirimnoys made of VERY that hone’t work i.« appreciated, he will en­ POOR GLASS. Soo that the exact deavor again to merit public favor. label is on each chimney a a above. All Work Promptly Done. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. trf- Call and see Ute. (9-M Wear Good Boots! Pay for Them. The! lncreasethe A por lite,.!': 1 < -use t;.e b ir 1 » Tabe o» Fleali, ( . leu n-Uva i» nonrtshcd : a bvit • Toni- A<-«fou cn tL - llirulll'CUrukue.K. eob'.'Sinuln. - £r. lue.'.!. l'rt-'O U>*»c. -illHuira, «...V.t. TUTTS HñIR BYÍ GHAT Hua or n Ul'ikEàS chr*ng<*l lo n G losse B i . ac ' k bv a «inga- n|iplii*jt!icti «»» DTR. Il impari 'i « mi tarai <-olar. »«>.!» I this instar,faneou*.ly. Sold bv Druggtats, <>r pent bv exott - « o'i i * • cip.; o» . ;, Office, 44 Murroy St , Kew Y. a I -r««,- hi si. ks ' <.t»i*r. Manufactured ONLY by Bloomington,Phoenix, Nursery Co \rchitcci and Builder USE. Tbo Greifest Medicai Triumph of thè Age’ GEO. NUTLEY C. W. AYERS, Russian and Iron-clad Apples. DISEASES OF InvicorUes the Liver, Rcnlatcs the Bow els. Strengthens the System. Purifies th Bloon hand and made to order. Eastern Fruit Trees, SHery: &c ORCANS. Is just what its name implies ; a Turcly Vegetable Compound, lhr.t tmpot Dets directly upon the Durr ; curing the many diseases ii|ci^tyao that im- portant organ, and p tnerous ailments i.f arise from in ction, such nJ deranged or Dyspepsil e, Biliousness, Cos&’enesAliWiaria, Sick-hcadachr, Rhetrinajramretc. It is therefore r truismuh “To have Good Healt the Liver must be kept in order.” FOR THE BEST ASHLAND. OREGON HUNSAKER & DODGE, INVIGORATOR II. JUDGE. [9-48 H CHITWOOD & SON Will Buy and -Sell horses- and p •man in ly cured by our Speclall: at. Book, post-p in!, U cl . in stamps. Ktipture, or Breach, radi­ cally cured wilhoet the knff**, without trusses, without pain, and without dune. r. Cure« Guaranteed. I look sent lor ten cents in stamps. PIL.I1 TU1UOUS an.l STIflCTl'RF.S treated under .uaraiitce Io cure. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. Addrees U’ ohijj s D ispensary M edical . A ssociation , GGJ Nluiu Street, Buffalo, N. V. ■■■ Tiie treatment of many ninranra ar thousands of cases of those ¿«east's K-cullar to at low rates, and all work done promptly. ASHLAND DRUG STORE LIVERY AND FEED Grand Master Workman Powderly, it The Portland Board of Trade has seems, began his working life as a switch found out that certain iron goods are tender. Mr. H**xie, manager of the s<*ld cheaper tip the Willamette than they Gould .system of railroads in the south- I can be laid down in Portland, as freights I'he old stables on Main sheet near the bridge, and the new stables on Oak street, we«t, was at <>ne time hostler in a hot* 1 are lower to Eugene and other towns up arc now under the pioprietorehip and man­ near Des Moines. Afterward he became valley, than to Portland, coming via I agement of I chairman <»f the republican state central Yaqilina Bay to those places. Freights eoiuuiittee an*l United States marshal of t*> San Francisco being s-* low from the Iowa. Mr. Gould himself earned his East—goods reach the Willamette towns first money ax a map peddler. for less c«*st than they can be brought i t Who are prepared to offer the public better It is understood that Miss Cleveland, over the Northern lines. I who has thus far [»erforiiied the duties The Rig Bend tunnel, on tiie Feather accommodations than ever before afforded attendant upon her brother's position s*> river, in Butte cmintv. Cal., was com­ in Southern Oregon in the livery business. acceptably, is well ple.iseil with the pros pleted recently. The tunnel is 12.000 poets of his marriage, ami will l>e glad feet l<>ng. and was b-gnn two years ago, to be relieved from a mode of lite which and has coat over a million of dollars. It Horses Boarded and Fed. has not been thoroughly congenial to her. will take the water from thirteen miles The old farm house at Holland Patent is | of the river, which runs ar*>utnl a moun­ At reasonable rates. being remodeled for her future residence, tain, and it is estimated that $100.000,- New and liandsome turnouts, reliable aud and new furniture has been purchased 000 w >rth of gold will be taken from the safe buggy t.-ams, and good saddle horses for the guest chamber. always to be had at these stables. [9-42 bed of the river. It is the largest and Professor David Swing write»* of "The i I most expensive mining tunnel in tin* ideal Ciiurch" in the April number of world. The Scientific American fully il­ the F*>n»m He concludes that “the lustrates it. ideal church will be one in which pity THOMPSON A STEPHENSON. In Shasta e- unty Cal., the ordinary shall outrank doctrine; in which the word Ctirse of an estate left in the hands of of Christ shall outrank all the words of an executor has been completely re­ the law-giver, prophet and psalmists; in I versed. Fifteen years ago Larry Hughs which the spirit of Christ shall be the died having several ranches, valued at verwhelming pr **>f of the presence of $12.000, de' ised to his w;i'e and four ---- FROM ---- a Christain: in which the infinite variety children. The widow act&d as executrix, of th'-nght. interpietation, belief and and so excellent was her nianngenient Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks and dream shall'be forgotten by full tolera­ that in these years she has snpix.rted and tion and full friendship which shall make educated her family, has drawn $30,01)0 Brown Leghorns. a brotherhood out of sentiment, charac­ in income from the property, ami yet THE THREE LEADING VARIETIES. ter and du’v, rather than out of doc­ when the estate was pr**bate rei > vni * twenty - hix eggs the town red” has been dug out by Toni read of so frequently, in which tlm each , in i>ix months, from January l-*th to July Joiica, of the Harrisburg Telegraph. widow and children are left, after years loth. Aside from their utilitv. they are the He has discovered in the archives of the litigation with in.snlHcient means of sup handsomest fowls 1 have ever bandied EGGS—One sitting, f t; two sittings, (7; three ; ■state that William Penn gave fifty gal­ port, while a great estate is wasted in sittings, |9. No fowls for sale till full. lons of rum anil twenty-five pounds <-f fees of court an 1 c->unse’.—[Chronicle. I M y P lymouth R ocks have stood nt the front red paint to the Indians f*>r a certain for several years, always winning the highest The Limekiln Chib. honor« wherever exhibffeff track of land. Thereupon he comments: EGGS—One sitting. 12.50; two silliggs, $4: “Just imagine that tribe of Indians Colonel Erastus White of the commit­ three sittings, (0. A few choice trios at (10 each. Single birds from three to flu- dollars. tilling themselves up with that fifty gal­ tee on military aflaits reported that his My stock of B rown L eghorns cannot lie ex­ I lons of rnin and doing the great dec-rat­ committee had carefully investigated the celled in this or any other country. My -tnjin ing act with twenty-five pounds <*f red subject of our cast defences, is a direct cross between fowls 1 imported from paint. Why a cowboy too or a Sagwa (pined by a late resolution, >m Bonney of Massachusetts, ami Keefer of Illi­ nois. symposium are as nothing compared to reached the !■ Hawing conclusions: EGGS—One sitting. *2 50; two sitting«. 41; the way the aborigines carmined |he thre*- sittings, k’>. A few extra choice cockerels 1. lit ca«e <>f war lite enemy .« ileet for «ale at 44 ami $’>. village wherein dwelt Billy Penn.” could eas'ly bombard any city on the All my birds have had splendid range, are I coast. We would, therefore, suggest healthy aud fipejy inaiked Acc-nliug to the report of the Denver- mint, the output of mineral in Colorado, that all these cities be moved back fout- I Guarantee a good hatch, and perfect satis­ in 1885, was as follows: Gold, $5,0t>0,- teen miles. faction. 2. The enemy would have no trouble 000; silver, $13,500.060; copper, $1,700.- Send stamp for handsomely Illustrated cata­ 000; lead, $3,361,000, making a total of in landing troops on our shores. The logue. GASH Must Accompany All Orders, only tumble would be getting any of $22,561,000. Oregon is as rich in min­ Address J. M. GARRISON. ASHLAND, ..... OREGON. Forest Grove. Oregon. erals as Col'iraih», yet it only produced them off alive again. The only sugges­ I N. B.—Wells, l argo a ¿'o.’s Express gives last year $600,000, in gold and silver. tion we have to offer is that Ben Butler Arc prepared to l**riii«b PI ANO* :md ORGAN» al I'BH E« that lu i Y ( OI’F.TJ TION. special low rates to all my customers Wh en the people of Oregon take more lie notified to be oil hand early in the AH Insirunit nt* guaranteed a« represented or Money roiundtd. interest in the development of its great morning. 3. If a new Paradise hall be erected it resources, tliis State will make as good a Our terms are as liberal as any house on the Coast. Bacon, Lard, Wheat. showing annually as its younger and more slfnld be at least twelve miles from any Oats or Barley taken in payment for Instruments. Cash also, not rejected. energetic sister. If properly developed, spot accessible to the gunboats. I Tne Old Reliable ------ ORGANS TAKEN IN PART PAY FOR PIANOS. -------- 4. We tbm ’ l want war, but if one hap ­ the product of the mines c<>uld be made I to exceed the product of the fields, and pens to fail out of a tree and hit ns we Agency for Southern Oregon and Northern California for the following the pioduet of both would make a rich «han't t un away. Instruments: 5. It is better to apologize than to get OF BLOOMINGTON, ILL , and prosperous State.—[News. licked. This advice is for such nations Will be represented in this part of the country I as may fuel like knocking the chip off our the coming season by V Peculiar Discovery. shoulder. Decker Bros, C. S. ENGER, The work of clearing away obstructions The report was accepted and adopted, Behr Bros, on the beach preparatory to extending and all unfinished business being placed Who will call on you for your orders for fall delivery. J. & C. Fisher, the cribbing from the docks on down to- on it shelf t<> diy, the meeting adjourned. wirds Fo.-d's joint, was inaugurated yes­ —[Detroit Free Pri ‘S3. Emmerson, terday morning. In removing some of and The latest and most approved varieties of Fruit Crop. the large bouhlera torn from the bluff by Iyers each, where, twice every twenty-four anything about strawberries, further than has no sickening property to disturb the hours, they were submerged by thj tides st.on’nch, and is most reliable for curing that they area mouth behind, kll kinds coughs, cnbjs. sore throat, whooping cough, Now, the question to solve is, was the of vegetables are late, and the gr<-und is bronchitis, croup and tendency to con­ embryo oyster in the rock before thrown too cold to sustain life. Garden seeds * sumption. Sold by ’ T ri D olton , from its original home, or has it proj*a- are rotting in many places, will have to City Drugstore, agent for Ashland. - a il U facturer« oí- gated since that timel The indications be replanted." are that the oysters have taken their Photograph*. abode tn the rocks during the four years Grants Last Written Word. they have been exposed to the semi-daily I Persons who may wish (uui'-_;4).i.> fiotu In the first volume of Gen. Grant's Me­ negatives made by the uueritiit this 120,000,000 feet. An adequate concep­ — the sketch of this map was handed to tion of this order can be formed when it the general. Holding it in his feeble is known that the mill has never cut hands he studied it long and carefully. more than 30,000,000 in one year. It Then bec koning for a pencil, one was would accordingly take four years of brought to him by his son, and with it steady work to fill the Japanese order. far up in the right hand corner of the X Moreover, if ties can be procured here nta:*. he wro c the word "Sherman.” Wooden t more cheaply than at any other place the This indicated the position occupied by Planing, Matching and Sawing done to order. » i » « r. « ». ' It. ? ‘ ‘ same is true of large timbeis, and fur­ Gen Sherman's command when the bat­ Water Pipe made to order. k * !i Ircfbc ’-U (tii'-.! Balm DJi ther extensive orders may be expected. tle was fought, and was the last word If the good news brought by this tele­ written by Gen Grant in his book. His Proprietors of the Tozer & Emery Planing Mill, beautiiies. gram is confirmed, better times may be physical strength gave out then and he] expected on Puget sound f could work no more Í Repairing Neatly Done UNDERTAKER rooms nt R. R Bri'ig*-. ntur Voule & Gilroy's planingmill. WORK Will be made so as to give entire salisfi.* tion THE ASHLAND PIANOS. medicines , Hammond. & McCall, — A N Ü— In W ashington territory there are three I>evs*.ns that are a 100 years old, and they are females. I i Bargains I PATENT miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS- M. A. P. HAMMOND, -AT Washington territory has 16 national and 12 private banks. Nevada pays her male school teachers an average salary of $140 per month, her females $96. % General Butler lias requested an op­ portunity to be heard in opposition t<> the confirmation <>f General R<>s<*crans, and will charge him with having pub­ lished in a report to the house of repre­ sentatives false, mal'cious statements af­ fecting his (Butler's) honesty in connec­ tion with the management <*f funds of the soldiers' home. manufacturing - miscellaneous . Baker City is to have water works. NEWS. President Cleveland has vetoed sev* oral pension bills, for private parties, and shows that many bills thus passed have ne foundation tn justice. mercantile STATE AND COAST. ..MAY 21, 1S*6. FRIDAY - y— GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh Lead Uluss Work. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. MANUFACTURER ANO WOOD WORKER, MACHINE SHOP Shop on First Avenue, near Main St \$HL \ND, OREGON , »«“W ill make estimates and bids on all buildings, public or private, and furnish all material, plans and specifications for the construction of the same. *.«?“Sash, Doors and Mouldings on hand and for sale at lowest rates. y-ifGtueral shop work done in short order. J^’Stair building a specialty. fV”All work guaranteed to be first-etasi», and of latest designs. All Kintts of Castings furnished at lowest rafts I SAW CUKKftC A SPEC’UTY. O iaaur-cl March it rd 5M‘P»., rat l> year. <<-2X0 page«, j x 11'.; inch«,»» lilt ot er 3.500 illuatraHonn — a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices rlirftl to r.-nisito«*-rs on all goods iur ptrionrl or family use. Tells ho»« to order, and ((Ives exact cost of e»rry- (lilng you use, eat, drink, wear, or havef*n with. These INVAI.VABI.l-. BOOKS contain information ultaiteil from the market» of the »vorld. Wr will iiiati a copy l'RHK to any ad­ dress upon receipt of 10 cts. io defray expense of mulling. la t tut hear from you. Kc«pc«4fallyt MONTGOMERY W^RDACO. 227 A 229 ub’ish Avrn»:.?. < plcnt^o« III. H. SCHERRER *ll Egg Turnip. ADtiREXS Paper Hanging and Glazing. 645' Order slate will be found at door of «h o H. S. EVANS. •-K-J’ U R. J. TRUMBULL & CO .L, ’ ranrj 419 and 421 Sans«meSt., San Francisco, Cal. rtitg Mill .1. where he is p pared for al 11 kind.» of O. Ms FERRY & GO.. Detroit. Blacksmithintt 1 Carriage Won. I 1 I IN ASHLAND. HORSE SHOEINC A SPECIALTY ^^^Noiie but the l-C«t mechanics employ d. N*xt io a nd PRICES FOR SH0MNC. No.s 1. 2, 3 «nd 4 shoes, $2.50; 5 and 6, $3. i Give me a call. i i* F°X. John H. Yates, of Batavia. N. ¥.. say«. “I cheerf ally commend Your Aromatic Wine •1 It did new life and vigor send Through this weak frame of mine. It did for ail njv stomach ijis More than the doctor and his pi IM’’ For sale at the City store , o’ Tailoring Business llic Niitk> sin” «Iio|> on Main -'lr.i t has for «al * a w ell chosen stock *>i (’lotlis itiid Cnsslinercs which to make up suit« t*> order. \lso > ■ ........i / I gii ' s iiriiishin^ Go»»«l.s, «tina of Fine Khirt**. Vnderwearof ever • . etc.: all for -al* at lowest li- ine mó-,.. A i Did you Sup J ' f