f THE ASHLAND TIDINGS MAY 21. PV5. rRIDAY I Star Herting. A special meeting <>f Alpha Cliapter N". 1, O. E. 8., ha» beeii c.iik-d for next Tuesday evening, and all members are requested t<» be present, a# business of ii>i|K»rtanev is to C"ine up l!v order <>f NN . P. A nna A nderson , Sec. li.-niiirial Day. Thu usual observance "f Memorial Day will t ke place <>li Monday. May 31st, uo- d •' the direction .-f Burnside Post, G. A R An invitation is extended by the Post t<> the people generally to take pait in the observances, and all «ho can c>>n- tnbii’e fl >*ers for the occasion are re­ spectful y i heited to do so. Full pio- gramme of the exercises will be published next week. BREVITIES. C>ti!y one blacksmith shop in imw. town New hay has been hauled into town this week. The de'iNiqueot tax list will foot up s >ir.e $I>O0<*. H F"X has a tlb..«‘.‘ owing him. notice of interest B -y's straw huts for 10c. at O. H. Blount's. x Only about two weeks -mure till elec­ tion is over. “Mose" is straightening himself out for a lively run. Five hundred head of cattle were ship­ ped from Medford for Montana yestet- day. I I A. L. NN’iliey has the con tract tn ¡mild the brick block on the corner of Ma n and Oak street for Messrs. Butler. TimtiipMin end Billings A. F. Snelling has been appointed registei of the land <>flice at Likctiew, vice Judge Truitt. He will make an ex­ cellent officer, and his appointment will suit the people of the district. In the entries for trotting races at the next state fair a number of Altamont c its aie named iy Jay Beach andi-thers, ami C. .1. Tolman s s. g. Quebec i« among the entiies fot running races. PERSONAL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. Mr. Murray, of Central Point, was in town yesterday. The class and commencement exercises of Ashland College at.d Normal School were held at M E. Church on Monday, I uesday and Wednesday evening of this week. On Monday evening the pupils of Mis» Alena NVebei s music class rendered a I pleasant programme iu the way of a class recital, in which nearly everyone could fairly be complimented for proficiency in the grade ami status represented. The church was beautifully decorated and prepared in excellent taste for the "Ccasimi, and the large audiences were ace.»ii.ni .dated to the lull capacity of the ouildiug each evening. On Tueaday evening the exercises con­ sisted >>f the Middle Class orutious. and the presentation of promotion certificates by the President, the orations being al­ ternated with selections of iustinnieiital ami vocal music by Miss Weber’s pupils. 1'he tneinhcrs of the Middle Class of the Normal Department were Misses Millie I Oiddtngs, Dotia Russell, Dora Andetsi'ii, Ella Dunn, Emma V ming aud Jessie Piumerth, amt Frank T. Howell. Ail of the speakers acquitted themselves well, and to the satisfaction and admiration of their friends. Tile themes treated, as well as the character of thu musical en­ tertainment are shown in tbe following lecord of the full programme of the evening: Inst. Duet ‘‘Rose Pompon’ l.-ybarh: Nli-ua Weber, Katie Chitwood. Oration, "l he Duties of Citizenship,’’ Frink T. Howell. Guitar Solo, “Whisperings of Love," Alta Naylor. Oration. “Litera­ ture, Its Benefits and Evils," Millie Gid­ dings. Inst. Duet, “La 1’raviat.i,” Anna Mayer Alena NVeber Oration, “Queen > EliA&btUh," Dotia Russell. Vocal bolo, “When the Violets Bloom Again,” Hat­ tie Thornton. Oration, ‘‘Under tho Shadows of the Siskiyous,” Ella Dunn. Inst. Solo, La Dame Blanche" .S'. Smith: Belle NVagner. Oration, “Popular Edu­ cation," Dora Anderson. Inst. Iflulo, “Flash and Crash, Snow; Mamie Judge. Class Promotion, By the President, lust. Solo, “Whispering NN ¿nd,” HoZ/tH- haujd: Anna Anderson. Benediction. On Wednesday evening the regular commencement exeicisesocuurred. There was one graduate from the Normal De­ partment, Eugene L. Freeland, who passed a very creditable examination ami carried <>tl 111» diploma with due honors, ills oration was of nimu than ordinary merit and gave evidence <-f much thought and careful preparation. Its theme was timely and interesting—not so thread- ••are as that of many a school and college essay read this uiot.th tn Oregon ami ■ ’tiler states—“The Relations of Capital uni L>bi>r." The rest of the programme of the evening was as follows, and was nuch enjoyed by tlie large audience, wlncii ctowded the church to discomfort: Inst. Duet, Serenade. J. Loir; A. K per, Anna Anders n. Salutatory and Oration, “¡Springs,’ Emma Vining. Inst. Selo, “The Mill, ./■».•.- /)»/; («race tlouck. A ocal Soio,“lhe NN. rkiugniaii's Child. Mamie Judge. Oration and N aledictory, “Labor ind Capital, ' Eu­ gene L. Freeland. Presentation <>f Di pl ma, By the President. Inst. S 1 , “Genevieve de Brabant," Kuw; Dra Anders n. President’s Address, Bene- •licti i>. H. E. Spencer was in from Klamath county this week. Dr. S. Haruiou, tbe ocuiibt, arrived iti town Tuesday evening from Linkville. J. N. Shook and bride started Sunday evening for their home in Klamath county. Miss Susie Hili, who has been teach­ ing at Cole'» station, has returned home for the .«tunmt—. Mr. C. Cunningham, of Fort Klamath, is tn the vahey this week, after a load ot supplies for In» cattle ranch. NEIGHBORING COUNTIES. NEW THIS WEEK. KLAMATH COUNTY. Following are from the Linkville Star of May 15th: Gen. John F. Miller has sold his tine stallion, Black Stranger, to Jas. Tobin. Cunsideiatmti, 8500. Dent Noel killed last Monday the largest pelican of the season. It measur­ ed eight feet seven inches from tip tc tip. GERM anse MEOT Sealed proposals for furnishiiig 100 barrels of flour to Fort Klmi.itli will be received at the quite -uasi-r’s depatt- meiit up to 12 o,clock tioon, on Friday, May 28, 1886. For Pain Cure* Rheumatism. Neuralgh, lUrkai hc, liradarÌMx. Twutkaeb«, Hprsiss Krtiwe«. rte. PKIf Oiegon, well known to nearly work w -rk on < mi Baldwin A Forbes Forbes' ’ new ware- Gun. F. McConnell who has been sick at O H. Blount s. x all early 8--ttiers. died last Monday at hi# for several weeks past, has gone up to house. McCulloch and party, the for­ Ex-Congress- Soda Spring» to recuperate and lest. Mnreta! water from the Soda Springs home m Ei«t Portland. mer contractors, will go to the Klamath I i m«n Richard Williams is his »on. at Hunsaker A Dodge’s. Agency to build a tesidence for the In­ J. P. NVi.odnon and wife came in from dian agent. Republicans in Klamath county will i Oculist and Optician, of Atlanta, Georgia. Early vegetables from California are Klamath county the first of the week, not yet agree with the estimates made for a stay of a tew days in the valley. in market here. ---- 1« stopping nt the----- H. L. NVebb has purchased of Bald ­ Grand Jury Report. by the Democrats of a patty majority of win A Forbes the corner lot on the west Sheep shearing is about over in this seventy-five for tha latter. They say, Jehu Roach started Tuesday evening ASHLAND HOUSE, Following is the report of the grand aide of the river and facing the bridge, part of the valley. for Missouit, to visit Ills former home, “wait till the votes are counted." jury einpat elled for the May term: formerly known as the Carrick property, 300m No. 5; will remain here for ten day», and expects to remain there through the • from Opiate», tnirticl and AHwn. “NVe have diligently enquired into all Men's siiinmc-r pants, neat cuts, $1.50 for the Consideration of six hundred dol duh ­ Mr. C. Cunningham, of the Mountain summer. cases that have come before us and re­ per pair at Blount's. x i lars. Park stock farm near Fort Klamath, ad ­ I ported on the same. We have also ex­ J. NV. Johnson intend« to make a trip NV. M. Colvig ha» been speaking in vertises for sale a number <>i eh »ice A new residence for the Indian agent amined the offices of the County Clerk, to Euglaud soon, to look after some stock cows and some young grade short­ Klauiath cout.ty this week. at the Klimatli reserva.il >n i will be nudi Sheriff and Treasurer, as well as the horns and Polled Angus cattle. See his prerty to which u title come« to linn during the summer. Professor Emery, A t DMI ««tfll»TS AMI 1>UA1 ik«. J. NV. Hamakar, of Linkville has been county hospital and j dl, all of which we by inheritance. TIIL had an equ d shale with men are as far north as tunnel 11, and • >pvn for thu accoinniudatiuti of the pub­ i d<»ti. A party of seven, composed <-f Flora NVuodson of this place, came up 1 10-49 (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. J. N. Summers has purchased from i the graders are close behind, (' imps arc­ lic. Ea»t Si<|e Division. Sam Daniels the noted stallion Emperor, High A Taylor, R. M. Gairett and from Portland the fiist of the week, for moving north every day........... There is Prospects are good for the largest others were the purchasers, at 8350. Bottom Knocked Out of of which so much mention has been a short visit with friends here. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ASHLAND. a re|»ort going the rounds of the camps giam crop raised in this valley for many I made in the California papers of late. Mail Train. Sewing Machines! Mr. Rosenthal, of Medford, macle a that the company is preparing to hire Vea i s. Says the Yreka Journal of last Satur­ LX AVE. I ____ ARRIVE. This is undoubtedly the best horse ever ! 4 An A. M I'ortiaud .. A. M.' Ashland trip up to Soda Springs last Sunday, in about 5(10 white men on the grade, It is ■ day: Messrs. B.ldeii ami Kerr, of the I brought to this county. Mr. Summers Ashland .7:i-5 >*. M.ll'ortluud.... 4 i> F. M Reduced rates nn clothing at O. H. | company with M. Regc-nsberger, the hoped that ibis report is true. I I uill «eli th- W-w York hewing Maritin- I . S. Geological and Topographical Sur ­ paid $2,000 for the horse, and considers III iiiiiit u tu mi nt fi>r Albany Express Train Blount's to make rt room for Fiifirtli fourth uf of .Tulv July ueii known commercial traveler. and the Canadian singer hewing Medline for I veyors. are in town making ariangements it a good investment. AERtVK. LEAVE. stock. x t The Oregon mid California Sale. t fl and fo|- a summer tour in Southern Oregon, t'urtlun.l. 1:00 1'. M. Lebanon ...9:20 P.M Jesse Parker ami family will move out J. T. Arrant, who left here last winter .10:0ù A. II LeLunon . 1:45 A.M. I’ortUnd .Oregonian.] The Siskiyou toll road, from Barron'» the remai’ider of the party to be here in to their ranch on Sprague river within a W. H. WICKHAM, Pullman Pulace Sleeping <'ar» dully ta tween on a visit to Florida, the land of flowers Eu-t side >>i Main street, next door to the Pon!a:id week or two. Daul. NValker will then Mr. K< hler, receiver of the Oregon A »»ver the suimuit, is in excellent condi­ a few days. and A-hlund. ’!h <>. «V C. R R. F*r and oranges, returned one day last week. gunsmith's. ,49 rj- niukes connection with all the regular train* California railroad, who returned last tion. Mr. J. E. Houston of Ashland has take pers-mal charge of his farm in tins He reports having hud a splendid time, on th" East Side Div. from foot of r 8t. week from New York, wan questioned by For Sale. II id no idea there were so many can i i been sutl’eimg from being poisoned from valley. but says that beautiful land is no coun­ Side Division an Dre.oiii.in reporter relative to the sta­ didates loose in Oregon as wc have %’en eating canned blackberries—[Eugene George Deal, of Henley, was in town try for him, and that the flowery de­ : A FINE ‘stock K iich of 200 acres, situat­ tus of the proposed sale of the Oregon A in the past week. Correspondent. Peiinoyer says h»* it and Cornelius has no reason to re­ ot mill stuff. He has lieen ai'litg fo. Mail Train. interested parties to advance some pri­ nud alt set in clover: no rough or broken O. H. Blount will move into ono of Mr. Koehler stated that he was not at Lt. air | akiu \ t . sort to such base methods to get the gov- sometime with heart disease, and is st Hi land < n tile place. Good house aud barn, I’ortUnd vate scheme. As hu was in nearly ..... SOO A. M ¡Corvallis....... r.to P. M liberty to say more th in this: Negotiations Johnson's new brick stores about the et-iii rship. — [Ex. orchard, good spring and water. Terms:— Corvallis under the care of his physicians. every portion of the state, if it was half S Kt A. M.lPortUnd ....... 9:30 P. M »»•e still in progress lietwcen the owners hint of June. Part cash, balance f cattle to Klamath : soiiville precinct, came up to Ashland Ins successor will not have a great deal last Sunday, ami Mrs. L 'fluid wil. spend ated within '7 mile of p »stofflee; 2J acres Mr Mlnnvllle..*>:4.,> A. M.lPortlund...... B:30 A. M LAKE COLNTY. day. county from thia valley. Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at • >f old business to commence with.—• a week or mote here with her patents, under plow: good house of five rooms, large company's up town office. eor Stark and Hecotid Following are from Lakeview Exam barn, living water: some fruit- now growing [Times. Oil, well, a man doesn ’ t de- Ben Beall has been appointed adminis­ Tickets for principal points In Califor Close of Public Schools, Mr. and Mrs Jesse Doll.irliide. iuer: on the place and wood eu >ugh on the re­ street-. nbt can oulv l.e procured and bnegiige ch.-ck'-d trator "f the estate uf his father, the »•rve much credit for being “gm-d !•• mainder to p iy for clearing. Price. $A5.00 Tiie cl sing exercises of the Ashland at company's office, J. B. Russell, wife and baby came “Doc' Snelling’s dwelling house in Inmself,” does he? late T. F. Beall. ix?r acre. Terms, part cash, balance on Pilbii • Schools will take place on Thuis- over frmn Yreka Monday, for a visit of Paisley was burned to the ground May time. Enquire of NV. H. W ickham . Cor. F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. The notice in the T idings concerning a few days nt Ashland. Miss Nellie Selin. ] houses and academies are be­ day. Friday and SatimLiy evenings of 4 th. Freight will not be received for sbipincut m next week at Myei g hall, n:> room in ginning t<> c’o*e their doors for the sum­ the meeting of the grand lodge of the 1. Kusseil and Iler sister. Mrs. J. S. Eu- Settlement Wanted. ter 5 o'clock P. M on either the East or West The Lakeview merchants have besn Side nivision«. I O. <>. F. at the Dalle» this week contain either of the school houses Evint 1 irge mer xaeati n. banks, Jr.. returned with them to Ash­ oul of kerosene the past few weeks, and R KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS. cd a typographical error, making the or­ land. 'I in- uii't> r?ign<.l. flavine n.bl out liis bl»< k- nough for the pur|M>ge. On Thuiaday Manager. G. F. A Pars. Agent. caudles arc in demand Till.' valley is lm>kit|g its prettiest der that of the I. O. G. T. The 1 O suiithiriK bu-iiK -s in Ashland, is <-oinpellebgist of upon nil iH.rsons oivina him to come for- now. The hills and mountain» never (4. T. grand lodge will meet in Portland Mr. B. B. Beekman and his sister, NN. I>. Arnett, one « f ur comity com- call «uni immediately and make settlement either exercise» by pupil» lepresentiug each wore a blighter green. An Enterprising Reliable House. Cairie, of Jacksonville, were tn town luissiouets, I.as sol.l his ranch iii Sum­ bv cm-h or note. Tuesday, Jniiu 15th. grade m schools. On Friday evening H eaton F ox . NVeduesday aud yesterday. I ne Misses mer Lake to the Foster ’ s. Ho claims J. H. Chitwood A Son can always be re­ In the case <>f Elsie Becker vs. A. NV. Ashland, Or.. May 21. ISsfl. 4V the regular commencement exercises will Heaton Fox has sold his blacksmith Linn have also spent several days here lied u]K»n. not only to carry in stock thu the range V ’O limited to run horses. take place, and <>n Saturday evening a Becker a decree of divmce was granted shop and outfit >>f tool» t»> G. High for I h - hi of everything, but to secure the Agen­ | within a week past. Hides and Furs Houglit concert will be given by the musical by the Circuit Court last week. A number < ( P.iskyitti. «Al start this cy for «neb articles aa have well-known 82500, taking in exchange as part pay week f t Sillet Creva t" make settle merit, and are popular with the people, society of the school». An invitation is Frank Hnffer, cf Jacksonville, will be B. F. Cn-uch is proprietor < f an addi­ the lot recently bought of H. B. Mdkr the atulfi-ii'in 4 «x111 pay the highe.-t inurk.-t thereby «ustnining the reputation of being meats while ..thers will extend their firice extended to the public to attend each tion t<> the town < f Linkville, and offers by Mr. High, at $1050. Mr. F'ox will tile valedictorian of the graduating class for hides, skii.s >mw to the sale cf at the statu university tins year. George a number < f building lots for sale. daving secured the ngency for the cele­ .1, B. K. Hn< H15O.«. .1. Bunyan! an I t.onoy, Miss Ada Witli- agricultural machinery. MEMORIAL Dunn of Ashland graduates tn the same brated I)r. King's New Discovery for Con Ashland. Or., May 21. 1SS6. No ice was put up in Jackson county eis. J. Hannan :-«id C. E Rindidl. Mountain Park Stock Farm. sumption, will sell it on a positive guarau class, and Frank Audersm will take the Jackson county Republicans are ex­ i '«st winter, ami the luxuty will have to tee. It will surely- cure any and every af­ N\ h :; ueas : “The Grim Monster’’ has in­ degree of B. A. at NViliainette unt- For Sale. JU--LI-HIN4. VuUNTY. Mr. C. Cunningham, of Wood liver be imported from the Portland factory. pectin'.; to see a gain for their party th’s ! fection of throat, lungs and chest, and to vaded our ranks and removed from onr vetsity. valley, Klamath cunty, is establishing From the Giant's Pass Courier of the A nice home on Bear creek 2l miles show onr confidence, we invite you to call year over the vote *»f two yeais ago, ow­ midst our worthy brother Framdin Mc- K Some l.md near Linkville that was ing to the immigration having been himself in the business <4 raising line north of the town of Ashland, contain­ and get a trial bottle free. Mr. A. I.■»tick, D. M. Osborne «fc <>».'» dattun across that river whither we ail lliii. we take the following: bought <>f the state a year ago at $1 25 must soon follow, and the truth is again cattle to help supply the increasing de­ chiefly from Republican states. Just general agent, is in town again this week, pressed upon onr miuds, that d ist we are Lumhcr for the budge across Rogue ing 108 acres of good land, all under Proper Treatment for Conglis. mand for improved stock in Southern pet acre, is now in demand at file dollars how great the gain will be, is an interest­ tie reports business excellent in his litre and river at this place is being put on the cultivation and well fenced; a new house to dust wo ui-ist again return: Let us That the reader may fully understand Oregon. Mr. Cunningham has had an acre. ing matter of speculation. this spring, and says tile farmers of Ore­ pause in our labors, let us drop a tear to ground, Construction will begin early "f three rooms and summer kitchen; a what constitutes a good cough and lung much experience in handling tine cattle never failing spring at the door, barn, Hyrup, we will gay that Tar and Wild Cherry gon have money t<> buy, and pay for, im­ ms memo y while we plant the sprig of in June. The Ashland Prohibition Chib will Baldness may be avoided by the nse of in the eastern state» and <>n the border­ meet at Myer’s hall Friday, May 2!»t, at and young orchard. For particulars ap­ is the basil! of the best remedies yet discov­ proved agricultural machinery, if times .vcacia, and accept the moral that but a (¡rant's Pass is to have a brewery. few more years we, too, shall lay down the ered. The-ae ingredients with several oth­ ing plains of the Mississippi valley, and 4 r m . All menibeis are asked to be Hills Hair Renewer, which prevents are hard. ply to P. L yttleton , "working tools" and go to our reward. Mr. Fred, (¡rob, of Jacksonville, is one rhe fulling <>ut of the hair, and stimulates er« etjually as efficacious, enter largely in­ understands tbe business well. He has present. Ashland, Oregon. Therefore, be it to Dr. Uosanko’s Cough aud Lung Byrup, of tho parties interested and has been it to renewed growth and luxuriance. Col. Cornelius, candidate for (lover a good place and will soon make his thus making it one of the most reliable Resolved, That by this dispensation of engaged this week in digging the cellar It restores faded or gray hair to its ori ­ nor, H. L. Marston, Aindtdate for State J. B R. Hutchings gives notice that M •untain P.uk Farm one of the finest in Croup, NN’hooping Cough and Bronchi­ now <>u the market. Price Ml cents and fl. Providence Ashland Lodge, No. 2J, A. F. A ginal dark color, and cures neatly every Treasurer, aud Frank C. Baker, candi ­ K atuath county. A held of tine full he is again prepared to buy liiJva and : The work of removing the wooden tis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Samples free. Sold by J H Chitwood A A. M., has lost one of its faithful and val­ date for State Printer, on the Republi­ ued members, a brother full of good words building of Messrs. J. NV. Howard A Co. Cure. For sale at Chitwood A Son’s. Sen. blood shortI iohif , and a large number of furs, aud will pay highest prices for the disease of the scalp. Farmer» and Mechanics. excellent half-bb«»! shorthorn slid Polled I same. NV. M. C<»lvig, Democratic candidate can ticket, arrived iu town on Wednes­ and works, and we remember him, with sor­ has commenced. The building will be That hacking cough can be so quickly day morning's train, and in the evening rowing hearts, as one who was an upright replaced by a large briek. Save money and doctor bills. Relieve Angus cattle are already on his ranch, All goods sold strictly for cash at 0. , for prosecuting attorney, and J T. B >w- started by carriage for Jacksonville. cured by Shiloh's Cure. NV ’ e guarantee and worthy member of oqr order, a loving your mothers, wives and Histers by a timely and he will »min add to the number of I H. Blount’s, ami no money h ailed. This ditch. candidate for t' e legislature, were husband and father, an honest, industrious NV. J. Rogers has commenced work it. J H Chitwood A' Son. purchase of Dr. Booanko's Cough and I full bloods. Ashland was full of Democratic candi­ and conscientious citizen. accounts for his low prices, which never ' antiotiuceil to speak at Myer's hall last on his new house opposite the county For lame Back, Side or Chest use Lung Syrup, best known remedy for coughs, Resolved, That we extend our deepest evvetiing. To-day at 1 r. M. they speak dates last Saturday evening: Sylvester fail t<> suit purchasers. x clerk’s office. NVe doubt not Mr. Rogers Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 2b cts. colds, croup and bronchinl affections. Re­ Sublimated Lail. at Phoenix, and this evening at 7:30 Pettnoyer, candidate for Governor; N. L. sympathy to the family of our deceased approves of getting the cage first. lieves children of croup in one night, may For sale by J H Chitwood A Son. The hot days of this week were sprung ■ in this, their great trial, and may save you hundreds of dollars. Price ND The Lakeview Examiner, in copying they will speak at NJedford. Butler, for Congress; Nickel), for State brother the "Grand Architect of the Universe" upon us so suddenly that everyone com­ The business manager of the Courier, Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for cents and tl. Samples free. Sold by J H the diipntch anpinipcing that Senator McConnell, who bought the Neal Printer; J. R. Neil, for District Judge; console them in their affliction, and may Mr. NV.J. NVnuer, has removed to Grant's Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness Chitwood & Son. Stanford had presented to the Senate af­ plained of the attendant oppression and > Brog. mining claim on Wagner creek, NV. H. Parker, for cunty clerk; NV. M. I we all be resigned to the will of Him who Pass and will hereafter be found in the and all other symptoms of Dyspepsia. careth fir all tuings. fidavits from “some of the best citizens discomfort. “Water Ba«*, Roarh«-«." washed out a 19-ounce nugget, worth C.Jvig, f..r District Attorney; J. T. B«»w- I Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle, bottle. For of Oregon" to the effect that the O. C. M. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu­ newspaper harness. Messrs. Buick A Hail drove a band of ! $304, one day this week, The gold was ditcli, for the state legislature; B. NV. Rouph on lints'* ileal's th'-tn out. aloo l>«<-t sale by J. H. Chitwood A Son. tions be presented to the family of our de­ les, ant«. wag-m road had been well built accord­ 200 beat! of cattle through town last Sat- , Robert Przy has sold his barber shop not far below- the small vein <>f the Dean, for Sheriff and Newman Fisher, ceased brother, and a copy published in Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and I.ife Preaerver ing to coutrict, and the land fairly earn­ unlay, on the nay from Douglas county for County Treasurer, w-re all with tis. and good will to NV. T. Coburn recently of Walsh A Bragilon mines, and carried the A shlaxo L idingj . and that these reso­ If you are tosing your grip on die, try Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is ed, comments as follows: Besides these were seen the faces of sev ­ to Silver Lake. Ashland. Mr Presley and Coburn have 'Wells' Health Reucwer. Goes direct to lutions bo inscribed n. toe minutes of this quattz of the same character as tlie ledge. guaranteed to cure you. For sale by weak spots. NN el* if this isn’t gall, there is no such eral wh<> were candidates before the coun­ Lodge. formed a ci>-parlner»hip. James M. Antrim, a book agent, was ■ J H Chitwood A Son. "Kougli ou Pile«." J. 11. C asuy , word. To think that this corporation Dr. Gross, physician at St. Vincent » ty convention met, but retired abutit ; drowned at the mouth of the Klamath | J Coni. The tax payers of Jacks f handsome tinted glass- from opiates, poisons, and other narc-’t- [Oregonian May 19th.1 l*a«tun- t« Let. Ladies uho won 11 retain freshness and vi­ J. 0. Gt ay, of Dadeville, Ala., writes over the same stream at Grant's Pad»— iLh handed lying. A large number of wain of new designs and delicate and ies. Qther professionals also enrse it C Good pasture to let on the Bauer» vacity. Don't tail to try -Wells' Health Re There is every iiuttcatimi indication <.r c.f great ac­ us: “1 have been using your D r . W m . which will be just as g"‘*>d can be built mere :s cmr best citizens have made aindavit« and I varied tints just received at Farlow A as prompt, safe and sure, Price 25 f .r only one-half that amount. Tis kind place at tlie foot of Oak street, Ashland. newer.” tivity tn railroad matters tire* present H all « B alsam tor the L ing «, and 1 were sworn before a pro: er officer, that Miller d. Call and see it. Hough on Itch. cents a bottjo. of queer ain ’ t it? Apply t<> tlie undersigned. seismi. Numerous parties well known I can say, of a tiuth, it is far superior t<> not only did the O. C. M. NV. R. Co. "Rough on Itch ” cures humors, eruptions ! A contract fur running a tunnel to tap ! Robert MoLein has been placed up-m t" ba connected with various railruad« » ■my ottier lung preparation in the world. J ohn R eal . rinzworm, tetter, salt rhtum, frosted feet, chili fail to make any road in eastern Oregon, SISKIYOU LOl NTY, CAI. the Johnson leuge will soon be let by C. the Republican ticket for j >iut. represen­ are seen around town, but they are very My mother was confined to her bed for blalns. Ashland, Or., July 30, 1885. but they (the settlers) swear on their Rough on Catarrh, From onr Yrekq exchanges: C. Beekman, the owner, so wc are in­ tative of Klamath and Luke counties, to reticent as to their intentions. It is un­ four weeks with a cough, and had every oath, that it is impossible, t ■ even find a Corrects offensive odors at once, (ompiele Pasture to Let. formed. — [ Sentinel. own A Chinese company at Scott Bar till the vacancy caused by tbe refusal of derstood that the Oregon Kliort Line is attention by a good physician, but he • uro of worst chronic case«, also tmcqiialed a- ■tmhvn of the ullruid ioml, without the aid a mine which pays $2000 a week. Jerome Knox to accept the nomination. u ’ lintle for diphtheria, «orc throat, foul breath. ireg-'ciating for grounds here fur depot Pasture to let on the Ilatgaditiv ranch Vic. failed tn effect a cure; and when 1 got nt a mtrvenor with field nofe.t. Go to the White Sulphur Springs Ho­ Mr McL can is a speaker of marked purposes. In fact, it was stated a few The fruit is all killed at Scott Bar. It« at 81 l»er head per month. Apply to A. • me bottle r hot and cold baths. Bath rooms '■Rough on Rata.** ability, and will nn doubt make an active days since that, the necessary grounds aam for THE L vsgs , she began t-> mend Scott valley there will be less than a haif T. Kyle, Jr., or George Hargadine. round sum to learn the names of the open every day of the week. Ci'-ars out rr.ts, mice, ronnhee, ¿its. ant- and open canvass <>f the counties. had been secured, but the statement ha« right away. 1 can say in tilltli that it crop and Shasta valley will fare but little Ashland, Or., April 16. 1886. bed-bugs. T. W. P rice , Manager. {Mrties that swore that the road in ques­ Heart 1’ali a tion w;is built. The Thu citizens would nn Bins will be received at thu county not been confirmed. TF.n great object was the means of saving her life. I better. Call and see the new stock rf stone T'lupitaiioii. drop-ieal eweUiugs, dizziness, A Rare llarguiu. <»f every transcontinental line seems t" know of five cates that D r . W m . H alls doubtedly make it ‘•hot" for them. The Klamath river miners are crowd­ iioUgeetiou, headache, slcei'lersu.-ef cured b; and glassware. Also examine the quali’y I clerk's office up to Wedn.sduy, June Qth, be to reach salt water. Parties in the B alsam has cured, and my mother is Two acres of laud on Granite street, "W ells’ Health Renewer.” ing along the work of wingdamining as for the contract t<’ furnish material and and price of groceries before pt;i chasing interest of the Short Line are looking Getter than she has been fur twenty rapidly as possible, but have some difli bangel I Valley Item--. set in a variety of the best fruit treesand "Rough on Corn».** I »■Ise where. j build a new bridge mi the county road for an outlet t<> the coast and it is ex­ C layton A G ore . : berries. Wl I It'S. X Place 4 LUU w Hi J produce enough fruit I Ask for XVella' ‘ Rough on corns.' L. cent* will years." cnlty getting lumber hauled fast enough across the True gulch south of Ashland, Following were received from out cor- complete cure. Hard or wit «■orn« Fine all wool light colored suits for I plat»», Npecifications ami strain diagrams pected that they will in a short time se­ to shit, in consequence of the stormy lf< >r several families. . Good house and quick, wart», bunion*. respondent under date of May 1.3th: School Re|s>rt. cure harbor liokllligs, possii'lyat Yaquiua. ------ .Sr>. A good home for some- weather making the roads heavy. < out buildings. " It iichii-I’itiba.’* Considerable rain has fallen within 812 at O. H. Blount's. The*e are the | must accompany the bids. Fqrther par­ The Northern will soon connect with the one. Apply 11 C. F. B illing «. . i«e*t bargains ever offered in Ashland, ticulars may bu had of the clerk. Mouthly report of tbe school taught in Qriek, complete cure, al! kidney, bladder At Oregon slough NNednesday a Chi ­ the pisl week, with slight frost, which shore at Tacoma. The O. R. & N. is Independence üiat.ict, No. 15: and -.l.ii.ary disease»'.scalding,irritation, stone, nese cook bit off the right index finger of has damaged the young grain somewhat, ■ nd w id be in stock but a short time, x A proii|in»mi butcher told a News re­ huihliiig thirty-one miles of toad. The gravel, catarrh of tlie bladder. »1, druggists. Number of pupils enrolled. 21; average I Notice. but the farmer« are busy m iking gardens, County Treasurer Fisher has called in porter the other day that Oregon would California road is rapidly advancing to daily attendance. 18. Foilowiug is the av­ C.arence Prather. The Mongol refused Bed-bugs, Flies Huiir.g cii vii •'.H'ii'iev.t time, etc , we now and all are loosing forward to good crop» for redemption a few more county war- ship 100,000 head of cattle to Montana erage standing of the pupils in the recita­ to obey orders and Mr. Prather was put­ give Elie«, roaches, ants, bed-bugs. rats. mice, the Oregon line ami the O. & C. must positive nott. c that all acci-nnts not paid this season. The frost did not kill the I I : rant«, those protested upto July 6, 1881. this year. The cause of this large de­ »'•on start out to meet it. The narrow tions of Spelling, Arithmetic, Geography ting him out of the house. Mr. Prather within the NF XT TUI LTV days will be collected gopher», chipmunks, cleared out by "Rotigh on rats. ” 15c. Mil I F.u d Co. apple blooms here, and we hoj»o to have About six years interest is due upon mand from Montana is the severe winter gauge will be into the city in a short and Grammar, reap«ctiveiv. on the basisof arrived tn the city yesterday fur medical Wi;h eos'.s added. HI as perfect: Jennie Mills, !>, 9; Effie Thin i’eople. Aihiaud, Or.. April29, ISM!. fruit in this country yet. them. which has just passed, and stock suffered tune. The Oregon Pacific lias parties in Mills, *J, 10. y, 10: Lulie Edsall, 9. 10, 9: treatment. " Wells’ Health Renewer’’rw-rcs health-rm. X ” < — (.rasa is good, and stock of all kinds li^or, cures dyspepsia, impotence, sexual d> Rockford Hosiery. Representatives of the Kansas City greatly. Consequently the stock of good the field away out near the Idaho line, Minnie Coleman, 10, 9, 10; Hertha Put din, Mockholders1 Meeting. doing well. Wo will soon have plenty 10, io. 9; Wiil Coleman, 9, 9. 10: Tcu Mill* I beef cattle is short and Oregon is called and are also getting ready to extend News, 8au F ihiicisco Examiner, S.m I "Rough on Pain.*' The best cotton and woolen hos>i< ry to 9, 9, it; Art a Anderson, 'J. (’: Naucv luggs, J’urllnud Telegram May 1’th., of beef in market. Cures cholera, colie, cratups, dtan has, their road tn Albany, All these things 8.*9, 9. ’J he following received 1Ô0 in De­ h in.cisco Chronicle, anil the Alta-Call- I upon to supply the deficiency. be had for the money is t,lu.t made at Immigrants from all parts of the world aches, pains, sprains. lieadMhe, neuralgia, Yvkteiday the adjourned annual meet­ f< rnia have been in Ashland within the The test recently made at the mil! here indicate that railroad building will be portment-. Jennie Mills. Lillie Edsall, Ef­ R ckford, Ill for Lwlica, childten ami rheumatism. CJC. Rough on pain plasters, I.».-. are arriving in Klamath county, and fie Mills. Lena Hamlin. Miuuie (lo vuum, ing of the Oregon A California Railroad Mother«. has proven conclusively that the quartz, m-'To active th>;n it Ins been tor tiro quite a number of them will locate ill pas’ week. Helle Mills, Berth i Purmtii, Olive Richnrd- eoiu|MUiy’a stockholders was held. No men. Full line just received at Mc­ _____ •• ' If you are iailiug. broken, worn out aud her [48. A big slock of velocipedes or tricycles, ledge in Willow Springs district owned #0H, Gkssiu l'urdin, NVill Uo'eiunn, Ten business whatever was transacted and a Call’». this valley. vous, use "Weils' Health Renewer." fl. Drug­ Milin, Area Anderson, NV ill MiliH, B in gist». Misses Sana ano Marvlii»' Fulkerson boy s wagons and baby coaches received by Swind*»n A Sons will pay to ivork. further adiouruiuent was taken until ('altie Drowned. Coleman, James Purdin, Percy Purdin. Fiano for Sale. taking music lesson» of Mrs C. H. this week nt H 8- Emery s and f'T sale lhe tiie stamp mill formerly owned by Tbe wife, mother and maid who suffer Eddie Ham iu, Fred Edsall, Fred Htimlin. Juno 14. The English stockholder!' do ! from femulu wenkuca». will find Gilmore’s A large shipment of your.” cattle which The following is tho standing in Vocal Mu­ all the business of the Oregon i|.uga>iitie, formerly of your place. at bottom prices. Call and take P'UI N Di-Laniatter has been purchased l>y A tine upright piano, nearly new Califor I L. D Brown of this place and it will be came in on the Oregon & C iliforui.i ro.id Aromatic Wine a positive enre. For sale I’!., voting wihl cat recently captured choice early. Enquire at office of G. F. B iiungn . sic: Miup e (Joleiu-in, 99: Jennie Mills, nt the City drug «tore. in position and ready for work at this yesterday 'Horning were being driven to *J.i: Belle Mills. 93; Lillie Edsall, 96: Effie ni t, and the Oregon stockholders ratify r.y Henry Vinson is doing well. It is Ashland. May 7, 1886. their actions to make it legal, as the com­ The court and att.-rrmy» made a trip J a rues Sullivan of Salem. Oregon., savs he now at the p->Bt office under the maturn-d up t<> the Lead of tile Tolman, Dunn and mine as Soon as it can be set up.—[Sett- Albina for reshipment over the North­ Milla. 9<: Bertha Purdin, 95; Nancy Riggs, pany is an Oregon organization. The 9J; Wiil Coleman, 93: Ten Mills. 98. was cured of tbea»thnia by G'Luiore’» Mag­ tinel. HFMGIOI.'S NOTICES. ern Pacific to Montana in the afternoon. care of a tame Tabby, who, having lost Houck ditch Wednesday, t<> make a Britishers have tr.msactud no buriuesL netic Elixir. For »ale at rhs City drug H. 1. C., T ea » her . her own offspring, on hearing the little « personal inspection of the uitcli an;l sur- Jacksonville Times: “The Post Office They ran in on the upjier floor of 8h tier's M. E. Cut Ei n - R< gular services every Sun­ »tore. lately, and contu ue..tly there was none day, at 11 a . m . and 7 r. m . Sunday ¿chiwl orphan’s cry, picked it up atul cart it d it Department has taken another penurious wharf, near the ferry landing. A num­ Anaon Hoai h. of Blackberry, Illa., aaya to :at:fy. loundmgs. 9: •' Rev. W. <«. Simpson will preach at Med ---------- -a, ------ - ert to her bed. and seems to think as lie owes faia life to Gilmore*» Magnetics freak ami this time discontinued Willow ber uf those in the lead were crowded off ford on the Ld Sunday in each ruontn. The frame of the new dwelling house Springs postoflice, which for a long time the wharf and falling about twen’y feet Horses, Cattle and Chickens. much of it as if it were her own. I’p.r.sHYTrniAN C iivrch . —I’rcaohing jacra- Elixir. Try it. For sala at the City drug t of I. A. Neil, south of Ashland, is up, iug and evening at the u-uul »line »unday store. Yours. M aria J a > e . lias been otie of the most important in r Gilmore's Neuralgia Cure is a positive A man who has practiced «iqce 1^70 auu the building will soon be well on the country. It is l-anlly possible that then into the river, drowned, vvtduutly ¡ Rev. J. V. Milligan, pastor. hide-bound, I give Siniiiions Liver Regu­ cure for Neuralgia in tho the face, side and aud has nu t w ith great success. My Fine Stock. hiving le able to swim. Four X visit List Mmntay to ti,e stock farti the contra't. tt-axpooiiful of the powder in a mash first In each month Preaching al Medford on Middle-aged men who lack vigor and vi­ I Oases that I cannot cure there will be i tin.cbineiit" doesn't suit the Times, it which plunged directly into the liver i tality can lie cured bv Gilreore’s Aromatic ‘ Ns. C. Nlyer, the well known itni.'>rtcr twice a day. Recmoueml it to every the first «undav in each mouth. The 1' l I ii : i .. ii p.«huc c .»I j i -' j '-. run Î i no charges. swaut . i nhere.--[Qi egonian May 18. Anyone suffering from sore liev. A. M. Russell, pastor. NVine. For sale st the City dmg store. ,n. f"i:nd the an i p.-rtland, having been again placed tribution »f its pipers plaints. In using it with chickens, for When doctors cannot help yon. then take School meets for Bible study and diacustion water or granulated lids, where the case Doable Funeral. t"ck in excellent condition and every­ on the In»«» between Albany and Port­ cli"lera and gapes, I mix it with the ev« ry Sunday at 11 a m Cerdiul luvltatlon to Gilmore’s Magnetic Elixir for your throat A lady who was . tie < t .t party of three is possible I guarantee a cure. and lungs. For aale at the City drug store. 'Courier. ( thing p|-"gru*ung promisingly, t>> the en­ land this W'ta k dough and feed it to them n i May Sth was the first ever known in A Call to Temperance Worker«. For aale at the City drag store. ci Its and fillies, are rapidly growing into U>n», studs, scarf pin», watch chains, the train between Portland and this ' that portion of the country, so we are in- Taylor, Agent for Granger^ cf Georgia. PELTOX—In bum's valley, .May 17, 1*10», to the etc., just Opel.cd by O H. IP'- ’ int. are wife of John Pelton, a ion. •‘l.-ig in*muy" for their owner, and sever Mr. A. Higgins, of Wyoming, v. Y., says place took considerable interest in per- ! formed. Having been appointed by the State Tctnror il Percheroti colts with a strain «.f the go- . d iu their veins in<>«t fasttdi-'iu. the placo was dead, etc., and recom­ i Tyler, wife cf Jas. It. White, ex-county auxiliary to the StateAlliar.ee. Tl crebi make free fi nil »ill Mercurial properties, can be I For salo at the City drug «tore. h'Ve to the size of the French breed given t<> tha woakeet constitution with ­ Mr. Funv. of Elen precinct, has rent­ mended that they go back d--wn the I commissioner and Dr. Jerome L. Sul- a cult 4 ot delegates i'r> meet in Ashlsnd in tlie The magical effect of St. .Lc'ibs Oil in added a marked degree of the beauty and ed a port phi of th« Minus NNalker place Willamette valley toward Bnptt-t Chun-ii at 2 P. M.. Saturday, May iSlh, out danger, is palatable and c-asily ad­ removing s> reties» and «tiftiieM makes it I Why will you suffer from ague and ma- Portland. ' livan. ! aria when Gilmore'« Aromatic Wine will ministered to children, is mild in opera- action of thu fam -js Oriental race. In <»f A NV. Bish, the present tenant, and Wim.ler if the 0. A C. R R. C for the purpose of effv-tlr.g »ueb organttation. Air-. V« i.>te w death was tho result of ■ invaluable at all times. Rheumatism ■ cure you? For sale at the City drug store. I”-8 Each teuipemm e society of any kind and tiou, and never fails to effect a cure. the i'ldgiiiuiit of S' me of the best '. title will pasture a large nun.ber of cattle these employe; e.(¡.t wn-j-cn to discottr- . typhoid fever in the worst form. Dr. and Neuralgia promptly yield to it. • in. icr in the cut ttv win are familiar there during the summer. ' Sullivan was attending Mrs. White at carb cblircn Slid eileh sabbath school in lhe Price 25 cents. Sold by Chilwuvd & CiUMih cured, health and sweet ago people from ritlmg ever the r»»adi ooanty is entitled to send one delegate to said Smi. , Illi the impoilatb n_ to till-, c< ast Mr. O. A. Huhbel) is the Democratic can- ' breath secured by Shiloh’« Catarrh Rem­ i the time ho was taken sjek. NV. H. Parker, ’lie present county Mr. O. Ganiarq has one -d r.is farms - • < — - — Myer has the finest herd of pure-bred didate for Justice of tlie peace in Jack­ edy. Price fifty cents. Nasal injector i From vihak ue can learu Mr. Sullivan meeting. It is hoped that as many temperance idip-rted Jerseys in Oreg >n. Tlu-y are along the R-'gue river b<»tt'-m almost en­ clerK. -«ays an injustice was done him by j was probably insane, as there is little workers as possible will be present and lend Still groceries left which will be sold sonville. and Frank Kass hater is <»n the free. J H Chitwood A Son. biautte» and have milking qu.ihtic-- that tirely in alfalfa, having seeded about 140 thu T? ii 1N< h in i ijt *,leek's issue, hy the ■ doubt that he committed suicide by Lik­ their aid to the work balow first cost by Caro Bros., in Rees­ ticket for constable. A M Kvf.sLl i. CLatnaau Order blanks for Eagle Milk at Clay­ i.oiii-i nearly drive a butter and cheese ice« tliii »iqing- It >«r •'li ’,cu 'mild i’-r ashertion that Nickell has full «wing for ing large doses of poisonous medicine». er's Block. x F<>r a good square meal go tn the ton A Gore’s, Hunsaker A Dodge's, or at Ashland, ur., May 19. lfeej. his scrip operations in tho clerk's office. ulmlia, aud will bring big crops. dairyman »¿Id will) -. .,.3 ! It tn.iy be that Mr. Parker has made . Chipped and corned beef, island nud White Sulphur Springs Hotel. T. W. the office of G. F. Billing». Order« left gap ail li-.'Ui tlie famous families that : i Dr. E. NN'.ulsW'.rth, of Yreka, died at Carolim rice, E»glu chocolate, and a Price, Manager. is the time to procure bargains at these places will receive prompt atten­ x Mrs. Emma H. Adams, of Cleveland. ■some effort to restrain N'ekvll within tha have carried "il the prizes ii: the big but­ Chi", »¡x-eial correspondent nf the Leatf «■ of that cHv. spent a good portion of I have noted the grip that the latter has good», hats, ca;>s, Inuits, shove, tobacco, ¡Chas. Beaudiiot, of Li’tle Sh-wta, ai.- etc. Gill and see; at Clayton i Gore's Hunsaker A. Dodge's. x aprir.g give evidence "f being equal, if i A new lot of tin and granite ware at winter in Ashland, and the Tll’lMGK up.-n the ennty scrip factory and scrip notions, etc., at O. H. Blount's, as he de- * other old resident of Siskiyou coOuty, I * Climax tobacco 12 oz., 40c. per plug, Reeser's. n -t an improvement upon them. A ni-in- I [di ed last S iturday. Safe insurance of all kinds at lowest sues to reduce stock, before moving in ­ papeis containing til possession ---- 1 “ of ‘ ............ . ............. market w<>u'd consider it a blessing if a at Hunsaker & Dodges. x ber of full-I'l-xsl and lialf-l'l"--'l 8 mt land« <>f her interest mg letters sent from I 1 c’t-rk «4 the opp..s:te political party, or to his new quarters, which will be one of Nice line of straw hats at your own Hot and cold baths in the iamous rates. G. F. Billing». will i'e ready ere long for sale in matched .»me .................... | those elegant stores just being finished Deviled ham, turkey, chicken and price—must be sold-»-at Caro Br-w., lere, extract» "f which will be given in I ‘ of some :»nti-Nickell faction of the Dem- For wool sacks aud twine, go to Wil* [ white sulphur springs water at the White teams or fur saddle animals for little X ; in Johnson's now blook. tongue al B.