THE ASHLAND G EAERA I, TIDINGS F riday Large numbers of Mormons are mov­ ing into MvXIC*<>. MAY 7, l«W. STATE AXD COAST. Dill <;s, M El« J A NTT LE—M A N U F ACT!" R1 NG—MISCELL A K Et »US. NEWS. I r X Henry Watterson, the brilliant editor of the Courier Journal, will sail for Eu­ rope about the first of May. ••Castori» « so well adapted tochlldren that Irecommcmlitassupcriortoan7prescr.puon known to me." II. A. Aacnna. M. D., Ill So. Oxford SU, DrooUyn, Y. The average assessment per acre of H. B. McD >well, son < t ; PLATE KSS Are now taken by the Leadin',' 1’lioto/raphers in ail the Citi« «, and for Groups, pic- ires of children, etc., aro far superior to the old so-called "wet-plate" procès». Call at Loran’s Gallery, on the bill. Photographs made by the ¡Liver and Kidneys This purely vf»gvtal»lr pre- f oration, now ecl brated as a amity Medicine, originated in the South in 182K. It acts gently on the B »well* and Kidnvyi* and mrrects the acti* n of the Liver, and is, there« fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick­ ness may prove to be In all common diseases it will, un- aH>*iHteblc to put up a vegetable compound that would, like -ns Liver Regu­ lator. promptly and effectively move the Liver to a ti n, and t the same time aid < instead of weak­ ening th d e t v .md ab‘ liiilati>re powers of ihc sy«t«m. L M H inton , M 1> .Washington, Ark. and can It IS {H f< • !y ban be giv< li I' tl It IUC’d <1. icr’e «o- For s it by al. drug- man or chi gist«. mieli. ISeitfehii A Y' ootlard. \\ hoiesiJe Agents. PORTLAND, OREGON. THE BRINKERHOFF SYSTEM RECTAL DISEASES. ♦» rears Piles, Rectal Ulcer, Fissures, Pruritus-Ani, Fistulas in Ano, Poi;pus Recti, Etc., l'i 1 k i ni; <‘ured u iti toll. -11:'.». et«»r of the ur» ni«» ai |»oiut<*'t ng < >r< gon. ui ber of «ui, operation« Rufer i»y I • lruggi«t. «» tier. ma< liilii«l iluirubiirx. a rw-w a I,.- .1» A »lit.i ml. » », „ flu y and th SEE THAT YOl GET THE GENVINE. rKEFAKtD BY Who offers at Bottom Prices a large and varied assortment of 1 propri- i m i;v- i-ll ap- uiu tur i mun­ ti ««-vere me barin, ili riunì, nk Cani- \ Kniupy. ut Mil. 1 month J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Fine Custom and Ready-made Clothing, 1 3 Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fine Cloaks, etc. Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oilcloths Groceries, Canned Goods, Crockery. Glassware A Full Line of Books and Stationery CL ji .’ î an Tobacco, etc., etc., etc. MYER BROS If you want fair dealing and good bargains, call and see us. J. D. FOUNTAIN. 8-30] Hardware, Stoves, & Tinware, E. M. MILLER E. J. FARLOW, NEW FIRM! NEW FIRM! ASHLAND, OREGON I AT THE — I FURNITURE I Ashland Grocery Store. J TIN. SHEET-IRON &COPPERWARE KA& MILLEK. The largest and Finest stock of furniture in Ashland at H.S. EMERY’S 1-tT'Ve keep the Freshest and Best groceries in town, nt the lowest tignres. As we bu for casH. we can afford to sell cheap for cash. In addition to our full and complet issorlmeut of groceries and provisions, we carry NEW MEER FURNITURE STORE Tobacco and Cigars, Cartridges, Ammunition, etc. Valnut Seta, Bed Ix'Uiigefl, Side Hoards, Burean«;, Center Tables, Mirrors. Pictures and Frames Goods delivered to all parts of town free of charge. . 10 13 FARLOW Call at MILLER Vindow Shades. Samples of Carpets. Baby Carriages, Boys' Wagons, etc. SHOP Organized with a full M.itT oi eighteen Experienced and Skillful I*hy»ieiau* and Surgeons for the treatment of all (¡ironic Diseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh. 1 hroat mid Lung DI»ea*CM, l.ivcr and Kidney UiscaacH, Uladdcr Diocaoc», IMacaae» Of Women. Blood DÌ» c ; t 9C» and Nierv- Olii Ai foci ioti», <•'. «1 ::•!«■ < r nt home, with or without si ■« iag th • put ‘«-nt. Cotnoaud aec us, or send t n <<;> m in stamp» tor our “rnvalid»’ Guide Efoclr,1’ which givtw all partieulufH. Nervo'!-: DcbiUty*. Im po­ tency, h'octuiiiai I.oatca, and ali Nloi-bi .l Condition» caused by I otiti» fui Eoi» He» and Pernicioua Soli­ tary PracticcB ni-e speedily an ! j : ncntlv « ..nd by our cpecialùia. Book, post-paid. Id t '-. in stamp». it up tu re, or Breach, radi­ cally cured without the knife, without trusses, without pain, and w.thovt 'lan- r. Cures Guarauteed. Book sent lor ten cents In stamps. • icnce <] F'Hy ¡part, and i PILE TUMUR» and STIcrCTt'REA '-.f T .< imaii'l* prore it» Ahrit. treated under giiaranti' < uro. Book • - BY AU. D”AT.Fr.S IN MEDtCIXES. sent forten cents in starni««. A i in-»s W oki . d ’ s FO* D ispensary M edical .A sàoclaiion , GG3 Main ; -» -in !on «•'—'I yenr a.ic in u workmanlike tnnnnci and .it I BUFFALO, 3NT- 'ST- Is jasi what its name imphej ; a I'ur;ly Vegetable Compound, that acts ¿ire ly upon th e W’’?r ; curing the many dre2 "csii idi j»o that im. pertant organ, and pl i'.iag the r.a- rise from its Eicrcus .-¿infills 1 deranged or tion, such ao Ilyspcj- , Biliousness, Cc:\\cr.r: \ ’¡aria, Sick-hcadache, Rkc ..’nr?(j\mf'etc. It is therefore f J ,tr “ To have Good Heall ths Liver most be kept ia order.” TH. EA3x0712 3 L’.V—It IL «TGGZA70R 1:"» tlic Livi r. He'tiluicsthe B >w el», f ’rcnatlieti*« the b slent. Purifies lb i B- :ol. V«i.«ts Digestion, Prevent«Fevirs Is a Household Need. An Invaluabl' .¡« : M'xlicino for commott coinofoinh . o”.m it . th izrvicoff.ToiL In RpPHor’s Block. Xshland, Or.. Full Ktock ou hand and made to order. ¡HAIRS, 50 DIFFERENT DESIGNS I TIN Imfalids’HßteliSurgißäl Institute INVIGORATOR — DEALERS IX— Prices That Defy competition. DR. PECUC’Ii’S Favorite Prescription .1 ’all ami Examine my Stock! ENERAL ï 5. i nn 0,1 qtti . es rnibc c >i.uu, ion G 5 t^o.oo. ddipc i lpaL0aL33lh,l333. Send ten cents tn stamps K t Dr. Pierre’» larg' Treat:...- ua D.«>cus<.s cf W’ ouk - u , illus­ trated. Hcadquai lars, Yotile i Gilroy's Planing Mill i'he old stables on Main stieet near the • ridge, and the new stables on Oak ¿freet. .e now under the pioprietoraaip ana inan- gement of GORI \ YTON corrhea, or •• v. hHe»,’’ excessive flowing, painful nieiiMrnation, uii - natural »upprcHiioit«, t>rolai»»u» or falliiiK of the u ter us, urak back, auto version, retroversion, bearing. down »ciiHalioiio, «-In onie coliRe»» tion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, infInnimaiion, pain and tendcrnc«4 in oniric», internal heat, and •«female ucakneu.’1 It promptly rcli--vcs and cuns Nansca and W’eakne«» of Stomach, Indifre»- tlo«i. Bloating, Ncrvou« l*i «>«tration, aud Slcepleaoue—, in cither sex. OREGON. AY1'ill hifiii-L apd lay miler round \ \ S'l ,.ir. li lib. r I ill il;r lowest priuf- and m a ma mi' r ^naraim t«»gi vv p«Tii»anvn *a(i>!.i<-! >'ii Ila* l:a------------ CONT ACTOR AND BUILDER. StCK-HcADACHE, 10 10 t i ASHLAND, OREGON. Are prepared to furnish PIANO' ntul ORGANS st PRICE-' that DEFY COMPETITION. Our terms arc as liberal as any house on the Coast. Bacon, Lard. Wheal □.its or Barley taken in payment for Instruments. Cash also, not rejected i ------- ORGANS TAKEN IN PART PAY FOR PIANOS. ------- I ORGANS Decker Bros. Behr Bros. J. &. C. Fisher, Emmerson, and Iyers & P nd. Mason & Hamlin. A. B. Chase. Great Western At the ol\ On if-ceipt cf .’-n < t«. wo will mail to any Ad­ dress, in the Funt’d Shite.* one packet cauh of I the following choice varicll< s vegetable ?ecds. Ear’.y Winning*' idt < aLb.’.gf. Half Long Scarlet < a 1 rot Eany Or< * n ( linder • u- cuinber, Salainandvr Lettuce, Bay View Mn-kmelon. I In* Bo*-- at»Tine’«»n. Xcw 1 Giaiit !.«><' it Onion. I'onhlc ( »irled Par«- lex. Long tri* t l:adi*h. Round Leaf Spin tch i’vri’ ft (>< "i couiodi Whit»- Egg Turnip ADIIKE-SS PLAIN AM) FANCY PAINTING! 1 lie i:nd« r»isnvn M ’ I • ’ iioutiiu the Plaza, mid will l eiitiuu ’.rdi-r» in til* line ut REASONABLE RATES. notion. R. J. TRUMBULL H a CO., 419 and 421 Santome St., San Francisco, Cal, I I Al«». Paper Hanging and Glazing, -»<>«. t.i if \|i l»on i«t th'- old -tand m ar tl..- Flouring Mill, where Im i- prepare«! tor all kinds of Russian and Iron-clad Apples. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY one but the b- -t mechanic« employed PRICE» FOR SHCEINC. Peaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Grapes and Small Fruits, N ut-teaing Trees, No.s I, 2, 3 aud 1 shoes, $2.50; 5 and 6, $3. G/re rre a call. 1 1 ■ FOX. o '» .,<■ ti; b • CaCtur; t» i».u« «.I <1 .Sept., ea< li yoir, *ZHQ pafte«, •»!x 111 j tncbr»,with over 3.tOO lllti»lrt»ll«»ns -a whole Picture Callery. GIVHS Whole: nle Price» dlrfft tn con«« >»< « « on all goods for p»-r*on»l or family use. TiJIthon to orilrr, an«! give. « co t of every­ thing yon use. «■•«’, «Irltik, wear, nr have f n with. Tit- e I.YVALf 1 IILK KOOKS coniatn information gleaned from the iun>krtn of the world. We will mail a copy I'ftt-’c; to tiny ad­ dress upon receipt cf 10«!«, to ( tlHsl’rr. Il ■'I.part» a in tiliii . eor.arti r.iSlsii’andi» lv. . < ei by Dr- -isi.-j, « rent bv on i' -cintef $1.’ CtTtcd. AA Mt rrffy M , / Ye.yc. MONTGOMERY 3C of «h vi: <>rd( r -lute w ill lie found at door HEATON FOX, TUTT’S HßiÜ. WS I 12 Packets Best Garden Seeds for 50 Cts. MILLS Wm» BlactailliiDi 1 Carriage Wort Etc, Eto. Etc. suor .xr.t'i the depot . r iet», lr.iin .Vi loan « t" l-BiO, att' U'lv« to promptly CAKSS. PIE’, AhO GUNS. 1 Pxinrd. #1 p' r v«ek. Meal« > <•< nts •'.ews 2> wilts Give ui'' a call. Who will call on you for your orders, for fall delivery. The latist mid most approved varictl.-s of H. SCHERRER. Boston Brown Bred, at 10 cts. per loaf. \T < TUTT’S I’lLl.Saro« ,p eciaily adapted to such easel, one d r effects such a ehang • nfle.-'i"'- ■ -tea- on¡«li ti e sufferer. 1 ta-, Ine» ease 11.--. t|>, J < xufc tin t dv t > Take o it i’te.ii <.'<• ► l-.'ni I, nourUhrd. l t y ! : '1 A ' lion < 3 th ■ Mieesli <• It- r r «-tool. ' ry frisili. I. I- . r 4r. t i Sj : r; «y "»..W.V. SAW CUMMINS A SPECIALTY. Is now -• lliir^ ìli* lTcmiuni Br< a«1 «‘iirlit loave* f«»r evii’v wl'.cat or graham. AI m », PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, CLASS Bloomington,Phtenix, Nursery Co Will be represented in this part of tin eounti v tlic coming season by CONSTIPATION 4// Kinds of Castings furnished at lowest rates- I KEEP NO OTHERS. Tne Ohl Reliable NEAR R R. TRACK, MECHANIC St., ASHLAND. cf ttc A«, 4>5Î SYMPTOMS OF A MACHINE SHOP - AM»- SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, Lumber, Mouldings, Brackets ! Eastern Fruit Trees, Slmtay. &c of the Tozer & Emery Planing Mill, Th? Groateit Medir al T BAKERY’ Machinerv of All Kinds .Made STAR Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks aud Brown Leghorns. Send stamp for hnn'lhomely illu«trat«-*! <■ logue. r* • special low rate.*, to all mx • -!i*«t'-rx Wooden UlaM Works ---- FROM I Guarantee a good hatch, and perfect satis­ faction. Did you IP« .2 25 YEARS J m USE. FOR SALL3 BY DEALERS. All Wotk Promptly Dono. HUNSAKER & DODGE. YOULE & GILROY, MACBETH & CO. Assured by the liberal patroiniR« of the pan Hint holiest work is tippr«'<-luted, he w ill vti deavor ncu.'ii t«, merit public favor. THOMPSON A STEPHENSON. cents a vial, by Druggist» Manufactured ONLY by G^il. fl. 1’itt .bn -g'l Wear Good BootslPay for Them. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Flutes, Flageolets, Music Books, Shee' Music, Music Rolls and Folios, ?laning, Matching and Sawing done to order. Water Pipe made to order. Hude oniv of the finest bMft|n«1- i.y of v. i.»r tvilbstuudlug b<*HU Has re-oyt-ned the At reasonable rates. My fix Wyandotte hen« made a recon! Inst season of ose hvnui :»: ii ami twintv - iv m .«.» : a < It. In six months, from .hinimry 1 th to .lull We also keep a full supply of Sl'PERIOR strings for the Violin. Banjo, and Guitar. ‘«th. Aside from th«-ir ntility, th' > m t iiindsoinest fowls I lmve « ver hnti'lh-d EGt.S— < me sitting, 11: tw o »¡it in■.•» >: tl t »ittititfs. fs Xo fowl« for- d< till fall. MV P i ymoitii Ro< ks . ................ 1 at tl“ <>r several years, always winuinc lie tii \lwiiyg <>n hand. Ir> f.-iv . nnvtliing in the .Music Hue < at. be furnished on short Notice. lonors w h. rcl er exhibited Give ii.s h call and be convinced. All orders by mail promptly nttended to. E ggs —: two «ining- lirec »ittingK, |fi. \ few Choice trio» .« Respectfully, uieh. Single birds from three to flve doll, My stock of Br.ow N I.n.not ns enntiot be ex- •elled in thin or nv other country. My »train :s n direct crons b«-twi-en fowl» i imported iron« Bonney <>f Massachusetts, ami Keefer < f Illi Uois. two sittings, ft IEORGE E. YOULE, WM. M. GILROY I EtiGS-fine sitting, tliror sitting«. J.- A lew extraclioicec promptly cured by Dr. Pierce’» l’le a* ant Purgative Pellet«. 2S ( ' . GEO. NUTLEY, Vho nre prepared to <>ff<-r th ■ public hi tter ecomuioilations than ever before iilTo.d. d a Southern Oregon in the lively business. Horses Boarded and Fed. HUNSAKER & DODGE, Dealers in— pose Mustang Liniment cnly good for horses? It is for inflamma­ tion of all flesh. For all Diseases of the H CHITWOOD & SOW nm Will sjH«diiv relieve and n«-r- manetitlv c ire all the v<«r. »us «1:10- ■ultivs arising from a disordered condition of th" Liver, Kidneys, Stcmich and Spleen. Made by the Gelatino-Bromkie, or —Manufacturer* oí— i 5 C? J knd examine work made exclu«ively by the n-.-.v procès». ending artists of the coast on exhibition for comj»a.i«oii. Still groceries left which will he sob' below first cost by Caro Bros., ill R'-es- er’s Block. X. Persons who may wish photograph« fro: negatives made by the undersigned while i' Ashland chu procure them by sending order to Grant's Pass, a« the negatives have all bed preserved E. F. Evrairr. Grant's Pass. Or.. Mav 29, lSs'>. ----- Nature's own renieùy----- PHOTOGRAPHS Which with its large and complete stork of General Merchandise is now con­ ducted under the management of The trial of Henry W. Jaehne, the New York Alderman accused of accept • mg a bribe "f 820,000 from “Jake-' Sharpe, is set for May 10th. Photographs. i THE FARMERS STORE. Stettin, Germany, has pleaded guilty to eleven indictments for violation of the liquor law in Illinois. s Bargains ! J — AT — That special delivery system i« forgotten in the Northwest, and seem« W. II Lee, of Fairfax, Vi., son <r thereabouts a citizens avoided taxation. pound for such stuff is rather high. A. F. Fay, nominated to he Consul t<> Members of the New York Legislature propose to provide revenue by a special The House committee on war denirt tax of one-fiftieth of 1 per cent upon the ment expenditures has exonerated Gen. gross Mies of co’ton, pork, gram, fl mr, Hazen from the charges of irregulaiity tea, coffee, spices or drug«, and of stocks [ in the accounts of the signal service and bonds, and <>f crude or refined j bm e m. petroleum over $100 worth. A suit has been begun tocmnpel Nor h The tax-roll of Multnomah county has C irolina tn pay interest on bi.tids giant« d been turned over to the county clerk, t>> unfinished railroads. The amount ot together with the list of delinquent tax­ the principal and interest involved l' payers. The statement of the treasurer §2 1,000,000. shows the amount of unpaid taxes to be I Wliat is said t<> be tho largest he.iv- r $17.249 14 The total amount collected I I ever caught in the northwest wastrappeii by the sheriff this year is $240,329 55. , last month near Point Arthur, Lake Su- A bill has been introduced in the New | permr. It weighed sixty p* unds ail" York Senate repealing the law under ! measured thirty-five mid ■ ■ne-h.df incite which the gas coiniMuies were c»ni >lidat- ; rr ui nose to the tail. ed. dissolving all the corporations formed The Northern Pacific ha« rpiMiied its under it, annulling all the charters or franchises acquired under it, and pro­ Oregon »ml Washington tariff fr«»m Sr. viding for the appointment of a receiver. j Paul westward. The only changes from ‘ the former issue are the insertion of ¡« Tuesday evening, says a Roseburg pa­ $1 10 rate t<> Pomeroy, Washington, a per, the dwelling house of R. B. Dixson, $1 28 rate to Ceutei ville, Oregon, and a on the North Uu>|iqiia, caught fire from | u riectinii in the rate on wag-ms, et •., to a defective stove pi|»e, and there bein'» ' Dayton, Pendleton, etc.. That rate i* only one man pi esent, the house quickly now $2.3J. burned tn the ground. The content« The London Standard, commenting on were mostly saved. The fire is a very rhe strikes in the United States, any­ serious loss to Mr. Dixson. thin they "will strain the resources <■( The Prineville News says the people American statesman as they have only of Cook county havesta»ten. H ■ promised from the east, the Pacific Coast says that he has not been to Washington steamship company will send steamers Í i in connection with his son's case, ami from Portland to Alaska every fifteen adds: ‘ I never spoke (■• the Presnlent days during M iy, June and July, and either before or after mv son’s uomina perhaps during August. The Idaho will tion, and never raise«! my finger t«» !.el| leave on the 30th inst., and about the him get the "flice. These charges at«- 1st of June and July. Either the Mex­ now four mouths old, ami he has refuted ico or the Ancon will be the intermediate them all.” steamer.—[Ex. April 28th. Senator Beck says that tho Platt re­ Last week a young gentleman of "this solution for the open consideration ■>( city paid a visit to a friend in Salem, ' nominations will he beaten three to on» who, among other amiable tastes, has a . when it cmnes to a vote Platt «ays that special fondness for fine-bred cattle. As Beck's view ««f the vote his resolution the two were driv ng in the Polk county will receive is quite a cuci-ssioii. ".A hills they came upon » girl who wis short time since,” he says, "Setiafoi leading a young ami handsome calf. The Beck thought the resolution would m-t Salem man reined in his team, ca'ìing I I get even a respectable vote.” Still the out, "say, my good girl, what kind of a strongest friends of the tesohitiou in calf is thatl" "Heifer, sir,” ìeplied the ' eluding Platt himself, hardly believe that girl, with the grace of rural innocence.— it will be adopted. [Oregonian. Dr. R amlall Coates, a well-known W. S. Ladd, the Portland banker, was physicia i. died at Camden N. Y., Ins’ recently solicited to make a donation for week. Dmmg a heated interview with the building of a new church not a great Piesident Jackson, he slapped the Presi­ way from that city, and a ter sub crib- dent in the f«ce. In D«cember, 1836, ing $1,000 urged t ie projector not to in­ 1 he accompanied the South Sea Expch volve the church in debt. The building , tin». He drafted the address of tin was to cost in the neighborhood of ; Native American party in 1811, and wa- $5,000, hnt failing to receive that 1 the author of many poems. Of la’» amount by abo it $3.800. it was erected i years he had been very eccentric an at a cost of a shade under Si.200. Mr. took much delight in attacking Wai' Ladd is said to appreciate the joke, if Whitman and other poets. He live joke it can b» called. I ab»ne and did his own coking in a dingy A Tacoma man had an exciting en­ . room in a remote part of the city. counter with an eagle mi the prairie a D r . K klmm . us W orm T ea m entirely day ur two since which is worthy of men­ tion. Driving along in a shower of rain free from all Mercurial properties, can • ho observed an eagle sitting on a fence, given t<> the weakest constitution W tib­ and thinking perhans to scire him. out dinger, ia palatable and easily a.l struck at him with hi« whip. The proud ministère.1 t<> children, is mild in ««perc­ emblem of independence went f.«r the tion. and never fails to effect a eur».. American freeman a la Young Dutchey. Puce 25 cents. Sold by Chitwood A >n. He struck st it again with his whip the la*h of which wound around the bird’« I neck, and thus it wav j-rked around Wliat a Wife Said. struggling until life was extinct. Simply this and nothing more: It nd San Francisco. California, from tli< of a peculiar v iriety of the Euc; tions of plasterers or carpenters, or leaves lyptus or blue guru tree of Australia. 1’ plumbers, or clerical unions, only make has no sickening property to disturb th< matters worse. Men have a right to band stomach, and is most reliable for curin together in the interests of their occupa­ oou'.’hs, colds, sore throat. wh<«iping cougli tion, and there is a legitimate and right­ bronclubs. croup and any tendency to con sumption. Sold by T K B olton . eous use of such organizations On the City Drug store, agent for Ashland. Castori» eitr-s Colle, Constipation, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Enictition, Kills Worms, (jived sloep, and promote» di­ gestion. Without injurious medication. I The bill providing for the payment of the indebtedness «>f the Pacific railroad» has been favorably reported to the House. i The Senate bill providing for thr> nil* mission of the southern half of Dakota will he unfavorably reported to tile House. Senator Dolph has proposed an amend­ ment to the bill making appropriations for the support <>f the army. He d«-sires t« provide for the appropriation nf $30,- 000 t« pay the expenses «»f military ex­ pedition for the exploration of Alaska. I I ! | Tira C kitacs C oupant , XS3 Fulton Street, N. T. John Kelley lias been again elected grand sachem of Tammany association. He is gradually recovering his health. An insane man named Isaac Burla Jumped into the Willamette river at Sa- •m, and bui for tituely assistance, would have drowned. He has been returned to th» asylum. A Patent Medicines, Druggist's Sundries, School Hooks and Static. )i icry Artists’ Materials, Lamps and Lamp Stock. Prescriptions a Specialty. for Infants and Children ETC. Oregon Kidney Tea! LIVER REGULATOR k Several sin ill vessels are said to be tit­ ling out at Victoria, B. C., for piracy ur chickens before they hatch."—[Albany Democrat. c y r A MEDICINES, I M asoitìc Block. The eat ¡mate coat of » bridge aerosa | The Prince of Wales has been re-elect­ the Willamette at Salem ia $45,000. ed Grand M ister of the Five Masons m It lonka as if Beecher would be oblige«! England. 50 and 60 cents lire paid for salmon on the Columbia. Thuse are just about bottom prices. PATENT MISCELLANEO!’S. ASHLAND DRUG STORE The case of Maxwell will crime up in St. L 'Uis oil May 10th. Deep »ca flailing ia proving a micce«» * The regular work of trying polygamists financially. still continues in Salt Lake City. tn retire from the Collectorahip at P. rt Townaend. Elf’. HARDWARE. ’D A. CO. í ..!r:i,o, HI. d-. ’•ri'I tcrntu<*l FRI’E •<>»" *pi • -’•ot' last »*ar «at »ul orj-. .-to; it- I'. dfr¿í.‘ - » fvi a1 .- i ll » \ . d VEGETAR’ » 1 LLOU I K M.t.UH, UVLUB. «tc Tn». all, esp ly tn JL’.’rfc- t (*i i .•errs. Seni f«x • D. M. F eh RY & CO., Detroit, M.cnl¿ * T » È t - - M *» 1: 1 1 A Clear Skin is I only ‘ a part of beauty; but - it is L c part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies.